OCR Interpretation

Holmes County Republican. [volume] (Millersburg, Holmes County, Ohio) 1856-1865, October 28, 1858, Image 2

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The Republican.
- Li Editor;
THURSDAY, ::::;:OCTQBER 286,58,
-The. following persons are authorised A
ctntsfor the Republican.
T TT Krorin: Nashville.
j.-HrSsraicKEfi; TEfnpton,
J. A.TiHcTCHixsox.HolnKaErillc, j,
Wst. Gctheie. FredericVlhurg; 1 ""
E. Hall, Berlin.
S.Tidball, and X. Edwards, Bloomfield.
The,iollovuig. shows the time ofcdepartnres
and arrivals orTtheCrZ.fc C.Il. Hi. at ilillere
bnrgand'Clerelnnd: ' ' "
JtaHxero .North. The Erprett leaves Mil
crsbarg at 6.30A. M., and arrives at Cleveland
at 10.43.
The Accommodation leaves Millersburg at i
P.. Ml, and arrives at Cleveland at' 950.
Russrrso South AeeommodaitotthaTcs Cleve
land at 5.15 'A. JI., and arrives at Millersburg
atiajJO. - .
Eiprtti leaves .Cleveland nl 4.15 T..Ji., and
arrives at llillerebunr at 8.40. .
MPFTlie Exvrtit train running North con
nects at Ormlfe -with the -East anil Wsi (frits
on the P. Ft. W; and C. RzR. '
gST Gov. Denver, of Kansas, arrived in
St. Louis on Saturday. He lias resigned
bis place as Governor of Kansas, ard will
not return to tb at Territory.
; ' f '
What NErrf-r-We und rstand that tbe
Republicans of Winesburgand vicinity bad
a Jubilee one evening of last week. The
end of tbe world roust certainly be near al
bands .
I3T The, President 3 reported to be
sick since be received tbe. news of tba elec
tion in Pennsylvania. The Union whim'
pers forth' excuses, and draws parallels be
tween this Democratic disaster 'and tbe
election of '54.
tST& letter- from "Jim Clay' Hon. J.
B. C, expressing a-strong desire for the
re-election, of Douglas' to the4 'Senate has
been printed in the Missouri Republican.
A letter from Senator .Crittenden, also .fa
voring the election of .Douglas, is announc
ed by tbo same paper.
Jr.Seuyler .Colfax, of the Ninth Indi
ana District, made no hundred and one
speeches' before bis constituents during the
latecanvass. The Democracy boasted that
they would beat him, but be is re-elected
by a;iriuraphnnt and increased majority.
In '50 ho was elected by 1096 majority.
Now bis majority is 1930.
pSTThe St. Louis, papers say that bun-,
dreds of Irish are being hired jn that city
to go to Illinois, ostensibly to work on
the Railroads, but in reality to vote at
the coming election. They aretd be dis
tributed through, the doubtful counties,
where. a'few voiles are considered necessary
to elect Douglas men' to IheLegisIature.
'$ST If the President proposes to reward
all the Lecpmpton and English Bill Con
gressmen who' have "gone under," with
foreign, missions, Onio and Indiana have
claims that-must not be overlooked. They
must have a share in the enterprise in this
missionary iield, Something should be
done for Gen. Burns.
JtSTBuBNS run3 hthind ilia Slate Tick-et-in
bis own county. No' fight was made
for the State Ticket, but a big one was
made for BuRks, iTryo-TBrjhxs rausli'bea,
very, popular man in his own county.
Per Contra. Helmick runs about threo
hundred :ahead of the' State'Ticket in bis
own county,- Eryo IIelmick's popularity
is. the kind that wins.
" But two Lecompton 'Democrats aro
re-elected to Congress froni Pennsylvania,
and one of these succeeded by the votes "of
tho Navy Yard, swarming 'with workmen,
vh'ose chief occupation -was to ' electioneer
and vole for, him, ,by notorious nnd.flagrant
frauds, and by the folly of tho Opposition
in running three candidates; and his seat
is to be contested.- Florence and Dimmiek
are the' "spread monuments."
JtST Tbo IMayor of Washington, a Bu
chanan flunkey, refused to allow tho Oppo
sition to fire one hundred guns within the
city limits over the defeat, of the Adminis
tration in Pennsylvania. 1? Buchanan's
friends liad carried the State, they might
have fired, guns at every street corner, and
the Mayor would havo applauded them for
so doing. The hundred guns were fired
just outside tbe city limits. Old Buck
beard them jar the marble walls of theWhite
" The Indianapolis Journal savs it
has seen a good deal of political enmity,
but "never anything approaching the in
vincible and intense spite of the Lecomp
ton men at Douglas and his friends. The
President has filled his followers, or rather
his purchases, with the feeling nE holds
towards Douglas, and that is tho most vin
dictive and unrelenting hate that ever cur
dled blood of an old man." This is out in
Indiana where Jesse, D. Bright gives to the
political elements the true Washington D.
C, flavor. In Ohio the President's pur
chases aro not plucky enough to eIioyv their
CST Tho. Douglas Democracy in this
county claim that tbo defeat of tbe "party
of permanency" originated in the Lecomp
ton policy of the President, and they swear
until their eyes stand out from their sock
ets, about the malice and folly of Buchan
an in making war upon Douglas. Now
bow will these fellows account for the fact
that in tho only Congressional District in
Indiana, in which tho Democrats gained on
tbe vote of '56, they n.n a regular full
blooded . Lecompton man ? .This was the
4tb District. Foley's majority .in '56 was
1,453. Holman's majority at this elec
tion, ia J,ffBl, esd Holman is "Lecpmp-
Elections in November.
The elections in Jfovember'Srill fix ,tbe
political character of the-'next House of
Representatives. On the lst tho State"
and Congressional "elections' will occn'r xk
Louisiana. On the1 2d, Newjork,?Nc
Jersey, Massachusetts, MicnTgrin- and Illi
nois are to elect State Officers and members
of the Thirty-Sixth Congress; on the 3d,
.Maryland votes; on tbe 4th, Wisconsin;
ana on tne 'Jin, jjeiaware.
Illinois elects 9, Massachusetts 1 1 , Michi
gan 4, New Jersey 5, and-New York 33
Members of Congress,. a total ofC2.-in.fi.ve
States. The delegation from, these States
in the present Congress stand Republicans
41, Buchanan 18. A Republican gain is
Pennsylvania Election—Official
The official tote ontho' State ticket in
Pennsylvania gives Read, for Supreme
Judge, a majority of 27,023 over' Porter;,
and Frazer for Canal Commissioner, a
majority of 25,284, over Frost. The vote
of the State in 1858 is 6,018 over the
vote, for Governor in 1857.. Such a victo
ry over the Democracy of Pennsylvania has
seldom been recorded.
On the question of Buchanan and Op
position, the Members of Congress elect
stand 23 to 2! Florence and Dimmiek are
the' only true' blue iBucks. Schwartz of
Berks, Hickman of Chester, and Montgome
ry of Washington, are Democrats but not
Buchanan men. It is said they will not
even voto for the Administration Speaker
of the House.
Pennsylvania Election—Official Great Republican Gains--The
Next House of Representatives.
The following is the result of tho elec
tion for members of the present United
States House of Representatives from tbe
States: which held their elections on Tues
day,1 October' 12th. "We'- also
classifications' for '1856 :( ,
. , OppT .Dem.
Opn. Dem
Fennsyvania 22
Ohio , 15
Indiana 8
Iowa 2'
Of tho Opposition Congressmen in Penn
sylvania, four are anti-Lecompton Demo-;
crals, and in Indiana, one.
In the present House of Beprescnta-
tives, as elected, the Democratic majority
over the combined opposition was twenty-
Minnesota Too.
From the-returns 'recive'd by the St. Paul
papers, there is but little doubt that' tho"
Republicans of Minnesota have elected a
mnjo-ity of the Legislature, 'thus insuring
a Republican U. S. Senator in the place 'of
Gen. Shields, Douglasite.
The St. Paul" Times of Tuesday, says:
"Our Republican friends in the Stales may
rest assured 'that -Minnesota is Republican.
One year, more will place her high and drv
on the Rock of Freedom, when she will
soon be able .to make her influence felt in
the councils of the nation."
Who Voted for Burns!
Burns would not feel much the better
of his defeat if ho knew how easy it set
on the, stomachs of his friends in Holmes
county, and a stranger, unacquainted with
the' facts, would judge from the almost
unanimous, expression of satisfaction at
Burns' defeat, that tbo Democracy as well
as. Republicans, of Millersburg, bad pretty
generally voted against him. In fact, the
question, "Who voted for Burns ?" is be
comming as difficult to answer, as that of
"Who struck Billy .Patterson ?"
Off With Their Heads!
The telegraph announces tho decapita
tion of thirteen Postmasters in Illinois, day
before yesterday, and that instructions were
sent out yesterday to defeat Douglas at
anv hazard. Tho malignance of tho Pres
ident is becoming intense.
i"Tho "Republican Jubilee," over the
defeat of .Burns, and the success of the
Republicans in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Indi
ana and Iowa, beld in Millersburg',' on the
evening of the 19tb did, not gp off to
please our neighbor-of tbe Farmer. We
are very sorry that he, could see nothing in
it to approve of. He styles it a "big drunk"
and indulges in some other very silly false
hoods in regard to it. Wo can assure our
neighbor that it was not gotten up to
please either him or some others of his par
ty who showed their teclh at, it, and that
if ho and they do not hereafter like to look
upon.such things they can turn their faces
in another direction. The day has gone
by in Millersburg, when the "big talk" of
certain members of that party, excites any
fear but in the minds of children. The Re
publicans had a perfect right to have a
"Jubilee," if they willed, and the opposite
party, with one or two exceptions, showed
their good sense, by doing nothing to in
terrupt the g00i fceiing tnftt prevailed on
that occasion. What drunkenness wo saw
on the occasion, and it was very little
was as chargeable upon the Democracy as
upon' their opponents.
Funny, ain't i7-Beforo the late election
you could not .find, a Democrat but denied
that Burks voted for Lecompton. Since
tbo election they all acknowledge that ho
did, and say it was these vctes that killed
him, and furthermore, that it served him
right. Call you that backing your friend ?
By the way, wo wisli, Burns would como
up here and find out, if ho can, who did
vote for him. At the rate things are
working now it won't be three months un
til tbe Republicans are charged with it.
We have come across but ono Democrat
since the election that would aknowledgo
having dono o. Funny, Ain't it
.ISTOnr political opponents are not with
out their subject for rejoicing. -They have
carried tbe entire Congressional Delegation
in Missouri, Arkansas, Florida "and South
Caroiinar For a Republican to offer him
self as a candrdate'in either of these Slates,
would cost h'ira his life. This is tiie kind
of Freedom tho Slave Democracy of the
South wish to establish, and it is about
all that their political supportersin thtf
North, will allow, for if one of their men
dare to bolt . any of their candidates, uo
odds how fog a 'drunkard, or unfit In
other respects' he is forrthe'office he-"ns-pires
to, be is bunted down and perse
cuted lo the extent of their power to per
secute. 'Victory.' Victory.' Bring out the
Rooster! South 'Carolina, All Hail!!
We hasten' to announce to our Democratic
friends that tbe battle is not all lost to
them South Carolina has just elected
the entire Democratic Ticket. Not a Re
publican was in . tbe field to contest their
right to. victory in the Palmetto fatate, and
the victory for our opponent 4 was complete.
Hereafter, for the record nf Democratic vic
tories, look to tho Slave States. The Free
States, aro joined lo their idol Freedom :.
let them alone.-.
J3T Somo of the Democracy here seem
to think that all a "Locofoco Dutchman,"
looks at before voting; is the heading on
his Ticket. If that reads "Democratic
Ticket," he is, content, but if the word
Democrat" i3 wanting, no force or per
suasion' can' get him to' vote it, even though
it is all right. We suppose that if you
were to place "Democratic Ticket," over
the picture of a horse, that.thcy-would vote
it, tnil 'and. hi I, and swear it was all Tight
provided they areas dumb as their politi
cal friends" in Millersburg try to make them
" . jtST-Tbo President seems to think it is
his duty to reward men whom the people
repudiate. What office is bo golng to give
Joseph Burns? Ohio State Journal.
None. Of what use- would Burns be
now to President- Buchanan's Admin
istration ? None. When a cast off poli
tician is to be rewarded he must bo one who
can aid in keeping together or building up
a party. Burns, can do neither. He's a
dead rooster in Ihe'pit.
JST" Tho expenses of the General Gov
ernment' Isst week were 8000,590 moro
more lhan the receipts. This is the way
that it goes all tio time. ,Tho, Adminis
tration is rnnning into .debt, at 'the rale of.
nearly a million per week: The only fi
nancial policy that the Secretary of the,
Treasury has developed, has been in the
way of borrowing money - to. pay current
From the Washington States, of Oct. 14.
How the News is Received in
"The Elections and their Lesson.
By this time, the defeat of the Democracy
has been telegraphed all over tho Union.
By this time tho Republic knows that
Pennsylvania, that elected "the Democratic
President, has given that Presiden't Ad
ministration the severest rebuke, visiting it
with a denunciation enough to chill the am
bition of any future Cabinet ,that attempts
to strengthen itself inoro by force than
faitli, nioro by tho fear of its officials than
the love of the people, more by- introduc
ing new issues and ' making prescriptive
tests against those who do not support
them, than by generous Democratic princi
ples. " While ihe result is to be deeply de
plored, there is no use attempting to smoth
er the' facts which produced it. The un
fortunate causes will, not bo kept down.
The" prescriptive tests based upon the is
sue of Lecomptonism, riso in judgment
against iuo Auunnisirnuon; nna wnen wiey
takesuch shapes as Pennsylvania conjures
them up in they are desperately effective,
and mark political epochs of momentous
" One of the most remarkable features
of effect produced in this;, city yesterday
by the news, was, that while the defeat of
the administration was the chief topic of
conversation . and comment on tho ' street
comers, and in saloons and hotel, lobbies,
we did not hear one single voice raised in
palliations of the causes, or' in denuncia
tion of the result. When we think that
it is a Democratic Administration that suf
fers this defeat a defeat not only spring
ing from political routine, but extending to
private and conscientous people who cheer
ed'Tls event it. is humiliating to contem
plate. It is humiliating, however necessa
sary tho ordeal. It proves that, after an
experiment of .eighty-twq years of tho in
dividual sovereign system, the American
Republic is satisfied with itj own Demo
cracy, and utterly and manfully opposed
to the introduction among us of those im
perial and monarchical prescriptive tests
and personal distinctions which, outside of
our our country, send noble heads 'to the
bjock, and noble, heads to penal servitude.
Accident to Mr. Reis Uallat Con
duct of Cait. Rummage We find tho
following In tho London Express of'a late
It was stated a few days ago in tlio Ex
press that an American vessel, the Harvest,
had arrived at Cowes, with a cargo of car
pet brooms walking sticks, fancy American
woods, consisting ot bird s eye maple, red
cedarj and walnut tree. The .woods aro
for veneering. The Harvest plies on the
North American lakes, and is a queer
looking craft. Sho is about 130 feet long
and 26 feet beam, is schooner-rigged and
her sails are whito cotton. Sho left Lake
Erie for England on tho 4th of August,
Quebec on the 21st, and reached Cowes on
the Oih instant. Her owner camo over
from America to England in the Ariel,
which went nshoro opposito Cowes on tho
18th ult. He had no idea that tho Har
vest harvest had arrived at Cowes, hut just
as he learned the fact on board tho Ariel ho
broke bis leg, and was obliged to bo taken
to Southampton Infirmary. A great ma
ny of the North American lake hhips now
cross tho Atlnntic, and prove admirable
Capt. Rummage, tho commander of tho
Harvest, gallantly jumped off tho Foun
tain Quay, at Cowes, last week, and saved
a hotel-keeper' child from bring drowned.
From the N. Y. Times.
Jenkins on Old Buck at Home
and at Church.
Jenkins has recently been regaling us in,
the columns of the New-Yorkj Observer,
with an account of a visit be' paid 'lo thej
said Mr. Buchanan at Wheatland.. ' That
such stuff as it contains should find h
place in a journal-making more than ordi
nary pretensions to gravity, is of itself suf
ficient to suggest an inquiry" as to-what we
are coming to. The ! tier itself is a piece
of dull absurdity, and is only worthy of no
tice for the light in which the writer, and
'wedare.say, .many of, his readers no doubt
regaru me rresiueni oi me unueu otaies,
He throughout- treated asnn exact coun
terpart of European sovereigns, and broad
est surprise is expressed in every line at ins
not imitating; them.- The dullard who fa
vors us with his ex)erience, finding him
self in Lancaster, and finding Mr.- Buchan
an was "rusticaliug" at Wheatland, felt
himseif bound, as dullards generally do, to
limit the notoriety, and inflict a visit on
him an operation which these disgusting
bores always dignify with the. term Spay
ing their respects." Having brought the
gentleman Iq bay we are told jn a tone of
profound astonishment, that he came out
of his parlor, received Ins pursuers, in the
ball, invited litem to sit down and chatted
with them in his own house, with as much
ease and good humor as any other gentle
man would display under like circumstan
ces. Tho next incident is an emetic of the
most powerful kind :
"Nothing about this- truly great man is
more wonderful than the ease and simplici
ty of his manners in private life: He throws
off all reserve and makes Ins visitor teel
quite at home in his presence. While we
sat there, a rough, laboring man' walked in
without a coal, and saluted the President,
'Good morning, Sir,'and handed mm a bun
dle of newspapers, and more wonderful still,
think of the President saying "Thank you,"
and -"smiling calmly."
Wonext leam that tbe-Sundav follow
ing the above astounding circumstances,
the same great man, walked two 'miles. to
church. "His feet," when he got there,
savs' the veracious chronicler, ''were cover
ed with dust, and tbe'perspiration:stood on
his forehead " vf hink of ,tho audacitv of
tho dust in covering the feet, of our .Chief
.Magistrate, and ot tuq perspirauon. .in
standing oh fiis forehead! Moreover, when
ho entered the church .made no.slir" ; they
neither rose from their knees, nor bowed
to ,bim, nor cheered him, nor in any other
way made, tools . ot themselves, nor dese
crated tho buildini; "so our .traveler is as
tounded. "After church ,tho. President
' ,1 T .1 M , , .1 iV I
waiKea aeyouuy,; ne aaos, "ana entirely
unattended through .tne streets ot .Lancas
ter." We do not pretend to know what
sort ot a gait "a devout walk isr or what
sort of a train is expected to follow the
President of the United' States through
tho streets of a country town on Sunday,
but, wq do know that tho publication of
such rubbish as wo have quoted is calcula
ted to mako boib the, President and the
writers of lauchinfr stocks of the public.'-
There is just as much nunkyism,, snobbish
ness and "folly displayed in suc'lgossip as
this, ,as in, the most- arrant nonsense that
ever appeared. m any .Court Circular.- .Will
these roving, blockhea'ds who make .prac
tice ot cooking up descriptions of people a,
houses and reporting what great men .have
for dinner, ever be got, to, remember tliat'it
is almost, mexcusaoie, in a toreigner .even,
hot. to know that royalty comers, in .mon
archical countries, not only- official, but so
cial, superiority; whilst the Presidency of
uie unueu amies comers oniciai sup?norii
iy aione; iuai in, me exercise pi ins junc
tions, the President is .the first man in the
Union, but that as James Buchanan at
Wheatland he is, in, the eye of the law, the
equal of the coatless Irishman aye; een
the, equal of tbo Observer's ..correspondent
ana in, mo unurcn a woriiuess, deprav
ed sinner, whoso, best works are dirty
raffs i ,
From the Chicago Herald-Buchanan organ.
Ohio Waking up!
Wo are glad td learn, as we do from the
letter from an intelligent and reliably' Na
tional Democrat, which is published in an
other column, that the friends of the Ad
ministration in Northern Ohio are nt last
aroused to a sense of duty, and are about
to take active measures to redeem the State
from the demoralizations cf Doug!asism
Under the delusive hope that the Flam
Dealer junto could be forced intodecency,
they have waited too Ions: but now that
their eyes aro fully opened, so that the true
state oi things can be seen, they-are about
to establish a press that shall give the Ad
ministration an emcient and cordial sup
port.! Uur best, wishes are with them and
for them., Let there be no backing out.
The following extract is a fair specimen
. i i i i i'f.. i i. i
ot tne uieveiaua letter reierrea to by uie
Our' election is over, and you, no doubt
know the result., Wo lind a spiritless time
in our district,- and no doubl'but the re
mainder of tho State felt as was did. Our
particular trouble was that we had no can
didate for Congress, Unless by a powerful
enlargement of tbe imagination, ono J. W.
Gray could be regarded as sucb. One of
the smallest tricks that a set of men could
well be guilty of, was perpetrated a few
weeks ago, in tho shape of a so called Con
gressional Convention ; a half dozen men,
without authority, got together and nom
inated the editor of tho Plain Dealer for
Congress. The whole thing was so su
premely absurd, that no man in his right
mind has regarded such proceedings with a
decent respect. The secret of so mean a
transaction is simply this: the faint light
which Mr; Gray had- shed upon the Demo
cracy has expired ; it flickered, flashed, and
ultimately failed; he has a long career, al
ternately endeavoring to turn' the party
over to tho Abolitionists, then to hold it
steady ; next to divide it into parties to
suit his will j ln'3 last effort has been to
Douglasizo the whole West a task too
Herculean for his Lilipulian brain and
tho unfortunate man has been overthrown
in his reason, per consequence. He was
Postmaster and said good things for the
President, until ho lost his'hoad and his
senses; then, like a weathercock, he pours
hotshot into the Administration; but so
ineffectual aro his pellets, that scarco any
ono knows that he has aimed his blunder
buss in that direction; he has such poor
eyesight that it is dangerous for him to
handle such weapons.
jST The sway of fashion has no limits.
All yield to its influence. Some of tho re
fractory females in tho'Dublin poor house,
were latoly seen in tho full blow of tho
present mode. Inquiry was made, and it
was found thay had abstracted tho' wire
fence of tho garden and formed hoops,
which tboy nllached tb'theirdrea)csto ape
the mode which now rages.
Ohio Waking up! The Prize Fight.
Owinrf toihe failure our Buffalo papers
on thursdaydvening,. we were unable to
... i;n fit,
gie;any particulars 01 (iuo icmu".
in our yeste'rdayimoruihg's issue. The bat
tle was fongbt at Long Point some eighty
miles from-Briffalo, on theCanada shorc.
The steamers Kaloolafi, Globe and Galena
carried the combatants and their friends
from Buffalo, the Globe taking Heetiau's
and tbe Galena Morrissey's friends. The
steamers -reached the Point about four
o'clock Thursday morning, but it took a
long while to effect a landing, many hav
ing to wade to their' arm, pits in order to
reach the shore. 'The ring was funned
'Immediately 'below'the'Lighthou
the Express we lake some extracis in. re
gard, to the fight and matters' connected
therewith, It is staled by Heenau's sec
ond that the ground not being turf, it was
not according to agreement, but that the
spectators should not be disappointed in
seeing the fight. When all was ready for
"Mr. Varrell, and another gentleman,
who does uot wish Irs name mentioned,
were chosen judges, and at- 27 minutes, to
4 the fight begun, and .lasted 21 minutes.
In the .first round Heenan Jmd the advan
tage, gaiuing the, first blood'and the first
fall; having lasted 4 minutes. Bolh
came up weak for tho second. Very hard
hitting; Morrissey down, with cries of foul,
and Heenan over him.
Tho third light sparring, with a clinch.
In the fourth Morrissey got slightly the
advantage.. -
Filth Heenan hit with great vigor, hav
ing felled Morrissey with one tremendous
blow;, gaining tho first fall.
Sixth. The hitting was very hard Mor
rissey having got one terrific blow on Heo
nan's ribs,- under thu heart, which . shook
him violently, and fell heavily on hiin at
tbejclose. Heenan fainted on. liis, second's
knee, but came up to time.
J.11 the remaining four ruunds,..Morrissey
had it' completely his. own way!- Heenan
being evidently exhausted, and.jn.the elevs
enlh round, his second, Aaron Jones, threw
up his cap, and confessed the. defeatfof ,his
principal. ,
The first round ' was the( most) terrific
ever witnessed, in the, .annals of ,tho.ring. 1
Af ter ;spmo.,liltie( sparring-and, for full five
minutes Heenan continuedt lo ,ppur- upon
his adversary a perfect-avajancheof .blows,
which would have killed .any other, man in
the United States, xceptrMorrissey. J.t
was in fact twenty rounds condensed into
one, and ended, with tho totai exhaustion
of Morrissey, who. was. .finally ..brought to.
the ground ,in a conditipn.of perfect exhaus
tion. In this round also Heenan met-with
an accident which injijj.probabilily aided
much in determininjr the resulLof the fight,
In aiming a blow at bis adversary .with in;
left hand he missed Tiim and struck one of
tho stakes with mch force as to1 break the
bones of the middle rind third fingers; caus
ing intense pain, anil very much disabling
him. Notwithstanding this" he continued
16 use ,his hand with great vigor, and on
several occasions' knocked down his adver
sary with his disabled hand."
Throughput tho, fight ,iho roost terrific
blows were dealt out by Heenan upon Mor
rissey, who. received them .as -though his
head was made of iron. Heenan was in
no fit condition for the fight. Ho has for
some time been suffering friom a. sore, upon
his right leg which, on'bisnrriving at Buf
falo ho bad dressed by a physician! but at
the time of tho meeting, the whple of -hjs
leg, from the .knee down was a complete
sore, rendering it extremely painful for him
to rest his weisrht imon it.-" He was ernest.
ly advised by Jiis seconds anil friends to
pay the torleit and rufuso tohht'in such"
a condition, but he stoutly persisted in. ef
fecting the meeting. Heet an isr a jirian of
very, large frame, standing-6 .feet, in his
stockings and, although now very thin and
bony, weighs 215 pounds. Ho was ,22
years old last May. Where his muscles
and body fully developed he would be a
perfect giant. He bad never before ap
peared in tno ring and had,never even seen
a light, and entered the ring under 'many
heavy disadvantages., Morrissey on the
other had was in splendid condition. The
Express says "he presents one of the most
splended specimens of physical development
we ever witnessed, .every muscle down
to the end of his toes, has' been brought
out1 and hardened like' iron. ,His" fists are
as smooth as a woman's, while the muscles
of his arms and legs are like so' many' bun'
oies or iigninmg rods." nuenan was more
distinguished for'active and fearful blow:
and Morrissey for endurance. The latter
presented a much more "punished" ap
pearance after the fight than the former.
Both were active the following day. ' Mor
rissey declares that "he has fought his last
battle while Heenan and his friends say
that he shall yet fight him. The cause of
the 'meeting is thus staled :
" This contest, which was forced upon
him, and which originally crew out of a
quarrel m Ualitorma with some of Morris
sey's friends, was in every respect a one
sided affair. Heenan, it seems', had offi-.nd-ed
some of Morrissey's partizaus, and be
ing unable to punish him themselves, they
had called into requisilion the services
of their chief, and by a systematic course
of persecution, commenced from .the time
of his first landing from California, sonic
two years since, up lo date, compelled him
to meet Morrissey in the ring. Tbe treat
ment from the first became obvious, and
after ono or two personal interviews, in
which attempts were made to settle it I't
et amies, Heenan resigned his situation as
Deputy Surveyor under U. S. Surveyor
Emanuel B. Hart, and prepared to answer
the numerous insinuations, placards and
open challenges of MorrisseyVfricnds."
The Buffalonians rejoice over-tho extra
ordinary quietness and .good order that
prevailed tborughout the ' city, notwith
standing the crowd of slioulder hitters and
hard cases who were in the plnco. Only
one case of disturbance occurred which
could be. traced to this source. Heenan
.challenges Morrissey to figlrt him agnin
ior?o,uuu or $tu,uuu; but Morrissey will
not accept. The spectators from New Or
leans and Havana now go homo to be the,
oracles in iheir ciicles of acquaintance, in
reference to this great tournament. May
it bo tho last, is tho wish of all lovers of
good order and respectability. Cleveland
JE3TTho London correspondent of tho
New York Express, says:
Looking into a Parish School tho other
day, curiosity led mo to take up tho geog
raphy tho pupils wero studying. Six or
eight pages only of a largo volume were
devoted to tho United States', and tho pop
ulation' was 'named at sevonteen millions!'
New York 300,000 1 Philadelphia 500,000
tioston 00,000111 is it surprising tho peo
ple are ignorant with such Rfrt of instruc
tion f
Death of a Desperado.
Tho, pacers hnve onven aa account f the
shooting of a deSnerado ;name'Le Bleui-
in the.parisbof"Calcassieb, afeTi? dsagij
but a Newrleans.coriesponSentlOf tbol
St. Louis RepubliianaWes srimtfrjrivate
parlicubjrs.whiehdd tnaferially to the iirj
teresl 01 me aumr. 11 appears that trora
early manhood he had been in the habit of
setting the laws at Uehance whenever they
conflicted with his own passions or desires,
and often did so out of pure wantouties-j or
togrnlify the devilish spirit which must
have been strong within him. Some lime
ago he murdered two lawyers in the streets
of "Lake Charles: and on one occasion he
coMUM-lled me oTfiis negroes" "to-seat- him
self by thu side of the District Judge while"
the cmirt was in session; in filet tlio deeds
of violence",- and bis utter "recklessness' and
lawlessness, had' made him a terror' to'tho
whole jiarish, and he; no doubt, had coined
to thiilk that the laws wero poweriesngnnrsi
him, and that he could comnrt'anv crime
with impunity. As' to 'the circumstances
which were the immediate cause of bis
death, they show him'to be something of
a "xnuiig hiochinvnr, and are. thus de
scribed by the writer:
Mr. Le Bleu took a fancy to the wife 'of
su man named Fox; liviiig in the pnrish,
and iproceededed in the most direct and
summary manner to gratify his passion
by g'etting np a sort or Sabine wedding.
He visited her house in the-husband's-absence;-
produced a pistol, and 'informed
Madame that his .horse would. cai'ry.dou
ble,"and that 'she must forthwith get up
behind. Whether she complied willingly
or not isa quesUon,-but she certainly went
with him, and ihey lived together up to the
time of liis death. Dnriiig'tlio recent term
of the District Court' in Lake' Charles, a
tragedy of some description was confident
ly evpected. ' Le BJeu had threatened the'
Judgo and several other persons, nnd In
fconsequence they and their friends p're
pared'theinselves for a despertae encounter;
the courtiroom and the hotel, it is said pre
sented something the-appearance of.a bad
ly. arrangediarsenal. One morningj bright
nud'early, Le Beu rode his mulei'ntoiowii;
dismounted; and pioceeded to the hotel',
with a-Iongrdragoon pistol .in each hand;
and a. belt- 'around his waist 'coti taming
revolver and a knige. He was 'evidently
hent on mischier, but his enemies' were on
the watch, and before he could set fool in
the, porch' he "was -saluted by a"charge""'of
buckshotitromca 'gmrm; tlie-rhaiKls-ofriMr.
Fox, whoso wife ho had stolen. Three"-or.
fourmore shotswere- then fired'bo-'oilier
persons, and L Bleu fell dead with' more
than fifty buckshot in different parts of his
body. ' -
The False and the True.
While all tbo Lecompton members of
Congress irom Pennsylvania except FJorA
ence and Dimmiek, have been repudiated
by unprecedented majorities; while Phil
ips has been condemned by .over 3,000
maiormvUwen Jones by over 2.000. Lan
dy by 1,143, Allison White by 2,000, Rei-1
ly by several hundred; Dewart by several
thousand, Galhs by a decided vote;, and
even Glancy Jones condemnediby glorious
old perks the only two antt-Lecompton
Democrats old members of the Stale who
wore before the people, Montgomery and
Hickman, havo been gloriously sustained,
the former by; a majority of --3,000, in a
district where, he received, about 1,-lOQ two
years ago,, and U13 latter by about 1,700,:
in a district.whieh in 1856 gave, biin-a'ma-jority
of only a ;few hundred.. Philadel
phia Press.
jg",Tlio Adininistratuiuists at. Wash
ington are endeavoring la make, it appear
that Pennsylvania's tariff, whim caused the
recent overthrow ot the, friends of -Mr.,
Buchanan in that State. Col. Forney dis-,
poses of this clumsy story thus: ,j,
" The question of protection has, deeply-,
interested our, people,, and there is an earn
est feeling on the subject; but; how did.
that, of itself, defeat the Administration
candidates ? They were vociferous ihongli-:
out the whole convass m their expressions
of devotion to the dociripe ,qf protection,
and boldly claimed thai they yere the best
tariff candidates before the people that
they cculd and would obtain inqre desira
ble legislation for Pennsylvania jnlerests;
than their opponents. Nay more,; a lead
ing argnmeiit urged against. lhcPeople's
Party was based upon t)je false, assertion
that. their nominee, Mr. Read, bad.sign.ecl
a letter commending George M. Dallas .for
htj i-nfa in Tni-st. rf lit.. a!fV nf 'l Q.t'ft
in.; lutu 111 iii-i' j l tut? 1111 u,yi 1 UIVjjTT
So far as professions could (to, there nev
er were a. set of men more thoroughly
committed to the doctrine of protection.
than the Administration candidates..
Great Triumph for the Democracy.
We, see by the Cincinnati Enquirer that
the Administration has triumphed in one
whole State. It has elected all its candi
dates to Congress. That State is South
Carolina. The Enquirer says':
"In South Carolina the following gentle-.
men, itu ueiuuvnus, untu 01 course, oeen
re elected to Congress, astbere was n'6'reg-
uiar opposition 10 enner 01 mem :
John McQneen, W, Porcher Miller, Law
rence, M. iieitt, Milledge M. Bonhain, W,
W. Royce.
The Hon. James L. Orr, who represen
ted the Fifth District, declined to bo' a can
lidato tor re-election. He is succeeded by
j no., Lf. .fisiiraore, uemocrat. -
T . - A t V .Ml i.
we oeueve tnese men nre all sound on
the Slavery question. They will vote
squarely against any man who' favors tbo
extension of Freedom' and the limitation" of
Slavery. They all think tho Jeffersonian
prohibition of Slavery into the Territories
is little teas than treason.
From the Public Ledger of Sept. 25th.
A reliable Counterfeit Detector, prepar
ed exDrcssIv for Philadelphia, has long
since been needed, out especially within
i-.. 't... ' ......i
iiiu jusbj.eiir. -xtncrsuii a euiueijr stiff iica
this want, for it Fs accurate, honest and
thorough, being corrected and supervised
by Droxel & Co., the eminent Bankers of
this.citv, who buy all uncurrent money at
tho rates quoted therein. The October
number, just issued, contains a perfect list
of srxTT-EiGHT new counterfeits, a .listof
all tho broken banks', and rates of discount
on all bank notes. The objection brought
against many of the Counterfeit Detectors
is, that thoy jire merely vehicles .for levy
ing black-nmil, and cannot be urged against
this, for the character of the Publishers,
B. Peterson & Brothers, and of the Ed
itors, Droxel fe Co., aro above suspicion.
We would advise all persons, who want a
perfectly reliable Detector, to subscribe to
Peterson's at onco. The price is only ono
dollar a year. Remit theprico for a year's
subscription at once to T. B, Peterson ik
nromcrs, auo uuostnut street, rouadel
nbia, and you, will .then, i$ceiyo,.tbenura
Wn rogularly ftorwRrdR,A8vori Missud.
From the Public Ledger of Sept. 25th. Execution of a Woman.
To hang a mifl is revolting to hang' a
worniritjiorribte; Tb' latter scene was
'wit nicKiGA-, amlU ifAn f ho 091 IT. at
MrTwjjls, thelworbi 'executed, protest-"
ed her iuHocence down to; the very moment
wheaUba.-Jauldropfeirand she may have
lirtril imnivcui, tvi sucaggoCVlCieu V4f--
cutnstantial evidence alone, and circumstan
ces as well as living witnesses, often testify
falsely, imprisonment lor nte woald -have
been, more.itf keeping.witb; humanity and
right, than trie galloVs which had already
ended the life of one of "tbo-nlledged mar'
derers. The Bulletin's despatch" says J,
Mrs. Twigs' was convicted df 'thrmuribY-of'-Mrs.
Catharino-Ann.Clark, by poisoning
ber with nrsenic, Tho husband of "Mrs;
Clark was convicted of tbe same charge, and
wasiiung on the 20th of-last-months .The
crime rwa3" committed in the -spring of
1857. Mrs. Clafk'nad been on a visit to
Philadelphia, and returned to' her home in
bad health. The poison is supposed to' have
been administered in ber, medicine. Mrs.
Twiggs acted as nurse to Mrs, Glark,- and
was-the.oiily tone who Attended to Mrs,
Clark during Jier illness., aBqh were con
victed on the stfongest circumstantial evi
dence. A heWrial was applied fory aBcTJa
writ of error argued beforOi'the Supremo
Court, when the decision of tbc-lower tri
bunal was confirmed,' Everr 'effort 'was
made to obtain a pardon, for Mrs. Twiggs.
Petitions were extensively circulated and
signed, but Gov; Packer, -after a careful re
vfew of all the circumstances in 'connection
with the case, positively refused to'granl
the request. . . - - t ,
The condemned woman passed lait night
rather comfortably, sleeping'with her chil
dren in her nrms..-. She bada farewell to
her brother and children thi3'morning,and,
after devotiomd'exercises in her room, was
taken to the; scaffold'at-1 Oi olclock, .leaning
on the arm of her, spiritual .adviser-.j ?
A chapter-having, been read, and an im
pressive prayer offered np on the scaffold,
Mrs. Twiggsspoke foPsir or eightminu'les,
protesting1 hirfnttocVnce',JdecIaring- Eer-rea-diness
todie-'arid her'2trasfin just- Judge,
only regretting to leave behind 'her two'or
phant children. . , . - -.
She,, was much .affected throughout.
The ffoleitifiity of the scene was niade'ihore
impressive by her 'groa&'andP'sobs. Even
after the cap was drawa iiYef'ftef'fiiCehe
appealed to God in-ihft inost; earnest .man
ner, nud-sbe;asserled Jier innocence, -...AtjlOj-.o'clock
the,dropsfeJIj ,and,f. after
struggling for a few momeuts.the .wretch
ed woman hung lifeless.
From the Public Ledger of Sept. 25th. Execution of a Woman. Fiendish Murder in Cincinnati.
judging from the newspapers
in that city, is"a citjrof more crime than
any other of its population of -this; conti-
nent. 0n t'"?; Augustus Ward,-r
notorious criminal and ruffian who has
served a term in 1 he -Penitentiary, on slight
provocation stabbed a -quiet man named
John L. .Mortimer, in. the login the public
street, and as he. fell to the .pavement eti
his bands and knees, the fiend seized. :his
victim by the hair and struck his knife, into
his back, itulictingan armojt rnstantly"falalJ
blow. Mortimer naff a wife and. twos chiln
drcn. Ward was committed for. .the rauf
der, and narrovvjy escaped a' .Lynch execu
tion. He. bad just come out of drinking
hell, prepared to commit murder. . Tba,
Gazette', significantly" says;
The "Liberty hi, the cudgol"'Tins Hetn
endorsed by" theBdnch, etic&uraged by At
torneys, aiicf 'promulgated by ihe horde "of,
lawles character whVpr'ey' upon sociSty.'
The "liberty of the knife" is but a single
degree lemoved from such'-peniiciousidoc--trines,
and such results' "as" the murder-of
poor MSffimer naturaliyHoHow.
From the Public Ledger of Sept. 25th. Execution of a Woman. Fiendish Murder in Cincinnati. A Desperate Attempt to Commit Suicide.
iciDE. A German shoemaker" jn New Orleans,-
La., attempted' to -'commit suicide n
few days 'Ago, by cutlins' atremen'dolif
gash.injliis (hrdat i HLj however, firsxtdpk
the precaution to bar-the door to prevent
beincf disturbed, but the people" so6n sgot
winiliof It and crowded" a'rbun'd the'ddor.
After ke'had madethegaslrin his-tbroat;-he
look' a bottle of -wine, ami. plating the
mouth into the wound, let: Ihe wine. run in
nntil it bubbled up and ran over;rinixing
with the-., blood. To prevent ifaerowd
from advancing, lie kept throwing at. ihem.
boltles and. lasts. Ho; was however, final
ly overpowered .just as;he was commenc
ingto pourauother'.bottle-iof windown
his, artificial," throat, -.and taken to "the bos-'
pital,-where bis; wound,, an ugly'o'ue,;but
u5t fntal,.tas attended: to.-r bt
From the N. O. Delta, Oct. 11.
The Epidemic.
The following -table 'afibws the-'mbrtali'"
ty by yellow fever since"tbe' appearance-of
the disease: "' ' ' ' -' '"'
For the week ending" June "27..,Ii'i--'''5f
" " " July 4:...: ''8
" Ju'lv 21. -9
" " " July 28.-.-..: 20
t, u : :!-;jiy '25......
" Aug. 2
.-L'u 'iAlig." 8..'
" Aucr. 15,
Jt .
TA'ug.- 22V:.'- ..
'Aug 29 .V402
Septl--5 '449"
-'Sept.' 12. !- 472
Sepu 19v 460
Sept; 28..'.'.44'4
Octl " 3'. 380
Oct.'1 9i...-:.390
. '
.iM.r '
ii .
A'd'vebsising. "I have always consid
ered advertising liberally and long to bo
the great medium of success in buisaess.
and the prelude to wealth. I have mad
it an invariable rule, too, to advertise: in
the dullest times, a long experience having
taught me that money thus spent i well
laid out: as. by keeping m'y.buisness conlin--unlly
before the public, it has secured ma
mauv sales that I otherwise would have lost.
' Stephen GrRiRD."
"My motto through life has beenwork
and advertise. In- buisness, advertising,' is
the true philosopher's stone, that turns ev
erything it touches, into gold. ,1 hava ad
vertised much both in weekly as well as dai-
papcrs; nor havo 1 found that those of
e largost circulation of either class
benefitted me tho most. ,-, .
A Wholesale Dsntal, Ofxsatiox.
During tho thunder shower that, passed
over the town or, Petersham, Mais.Iast
week, a bolt of lightning passedown a
rod, attached "to, the residatiea of a, Mrs.
Pierce. The lady was aittincr nt'lta aim.
dow .immediately djiweot.'ho ,rod at, the
time, and was somawhat .stuiineS, .Bat,
curious to relate, she. was,greaUjt Mtooitfi-
w.uiiu, uu .uAiiuiiuaiiou, suiai. every ona
of her upper leefit Had.bWB.,extJBlif j
laying about loos on th floor.

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