OCR Interpretation

The Ohio Democrat and Dover advertiser. [volume] (Canal Dover, Ohio) 1839-1840, October 17, 1839, Image 2

Image and text provided by Ohio History Connection, Columbus, OH

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84028888/1839-10-17/ed-1/seq-2/

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rrom the Aft Knickerboder, for lug; purpose or conveying to him, an don's
, 'RESÜLTS OF COMMERCE.- I twions, those pioducts of Ettroptian,which
ill enlarge the , circle of -his com:
, We lay many portion, of the earth forts and hie pleasures, or s'eeke to gain
under tontributton, almost in every hour in exchange for them, the fish, or &eel',
- of our livee. ,Even in the simple bubic or skins, which the rude skill of the
nese 44. refrtiehing ourselves with a islander enables hirit to collect for bars
good breakiabt, we employ or consume tort the advantage to the savage is the
io's products of many , regions. The same.: Ho acquired 4he knoiledge of
tea we drink come from China, or per- those new and additional comforts, and
- taps it is Mocha coffee, from Arabia ; witb the knowledge comes the desire
the 'auger with which we sweeten it, for increased possessiom Ile has made
from .the West ludies ; our porcelain the firet btep towards eivilatien. ,
cups and aaucera were probably made When Cotain Cook was prosecuting
France ; the silver spoon with which hie.ivoyage or dietovery in the Pacific
- each is providedionce ley dark end deep; Ocean, he left at every island which he
in the mines of South America 1' the, visited, fowls. bheep, hogs, and -be
' table iteelf is mahogany, from Jamaica Seeds of vegetables ; and in so doing',.
or Horiduras ; the table-cloth was man- i he rendered a valuable service. to the
ufactured from vegetable production ignorant inhabitants. Blt the captain
le Ireland ; the tea-pot is probably al of the merchant ship renders a service
blOck tin and' the steel of i not less valuable, who now visits those
. which the, knives'sare,,wrought, may islandsoind exchanges with the inhab
, bave come front Uermanry or Sweden; ! tient European cloths, knives axes,
the bread is marbior wheat, raised prob.! spades, psoughs, and other useful im
ably in Michigan; and the butter; if par-t plements, for the beef and pork which
licularly good, must baSe come, a Phil-I they have learned to cure, and the veg
adelphian will say, from the neighbors, etable productions which their retitle
hood of his own oilp' we are in the,:soil yields in such rich abundance. In
habit of eatingletishps;ar;breakfast, ,fdeed, we may say, that of the two, his
-we discuss - perlaps kz beefsteak, from ' visit is the most beneficient, because,
Ohio, or piece of gawked salmon from , in the first place, he conies rii,ain and
Maine,' or , it "nay be a herring froin again, bringing always new supplies of
. Ecotland.,- Ot suppose,. we take so itseful articles Ira traffic ; whereat) the
-very useless a personage as one of the iscientific navigator had accomplished
toplings, whose greatest, pleasure is in his ubject when the island was once
tho. decoration of their persona, and visited, and came no more ; and in the
, whose, chief employment is to exhibit eccond place, because the trader, by
'themselves at Broadway, for the admis teaching the savages the value of their
ration of the ladiaaand see how many possessions and by means of them they
lands are called upon to furnitth the nice can obtain the objeet of their necessity
- equipments of his dait.ty person. His or desire, has given them motives for
heti, made of fur, brought thousands industry and economy, and so helped
-- of -mile& from the northwest coast tif them on still further in the road to im-America,'
et' from an island in the 'South prevenient, not only of their condition,
-Antarctic oceao ; hie fine linen is from but of themselvee.
Maine, or , it ,may be a herring from I i
, . Scollend. Or suppose, we take so I
-very useless a . personage as one of the I,
- loplings, whose greatest pleasure is in I
' ''' th3 decoration of their persons, and
',whose chief employment is to exhibit
. ,
themselves at Broadway, for the admi.
. - ration of the ladiesand see how many
lands are called upon to furnish the nice
equipments of his dait.ty person. His
hat is made of fur, brought thousands
. -- of miles ,from the northwest coast Of
-Ameriettioi from an island in the South
Antarctic (mesa ; his fine linen is from
- fireland, inwrough with cambric from
' British ludas ; in the bosom glitters a
diamond, from Brazil, or perhaps an
, opal from Hungary ; his coat is Saxony
3wool,made into cloth in Etigland, and
ilia hned with aillk from Hely : his whtie
waistcoat is of a fabric wrought in
France, the upper leathers of his me..
, o-rotco boots have come from Barbary,
and the soles are made of a hide from
' South America. His w bite hand, coy
- 'trod with kid leather from Switzerland,
. -jauntly bears a little cane, made of
- ,'-,, whalebone from the Pacific, the agate
- "head of which was brought from Ger
aniimy ; and limn his neck is suspended
: a verý unneceemary eye-glasa, the gel,.
- -den frame of limb is a mitive of Af
I rico., His liandkerchief is perfumed
. ','" with scents korn Perste, Kid the delta
..e, -cote moustache that ehades his upper
lip,has been nouriehed ey a fragrant oil
s ,
- from the distant East, or hy,the fat or o
' hear that once roamed for prey amid the'
,,, .
---I-,, wastes of Siberia ; while it8 Vibskoess
r,-,-; -----.-.Tswcr r you.,,7- -4------4..A .11 Id im a ii I liSita
' - - by the applicatton of the same Turkieh
dye that vet, its sable hoe to the map
, , 1 niticient beard of theSultort.
,, , 2''''-x,-;11 , Thus we find that every country hut,
, its peculiar products ; that tho posses
. .
., - A, pion und use of these are necessary; ot
,, at kaet desirable to the full enjoymeni
, , i-,:104, r
, --,,,?1 exietence, and that nien are stanu
I :',Z, 44 , 'ted'by the wish for that poeseesion, to
: ,: '',lt. :Iss loin climate to climate, and from
, s, , ,:,:-:,4:i4ontilregion, and thus establieh ini,,-'.,'',,
, , ,'. 4-,oee between all the nations of Om
ll,: .,:4 ,,, ..,;ters,14it the 'mere act of visiting d is.
..,,,,,..-, i -vominkal will not, stiffide -to gam
-, ,,,,. -.411;''',::,', r-01 the Lli"the thinga that are dee ,
' -.', 4 : , IllottOg ILA, generall either fibs.
A -;11'-',.: ,fliOn?.' ,1411 '''Jible ere )ared for ube,
' - ' ', .'ilausis, or anderr I
era', i fr ,:,- . , , -, itit bat bu. ' ,pntry to which
I.- :, , -.1,h -I b ' :actin is yel
, , ' ' " Ibil il - no CR4et their tram,
Il ,,, . ,, 3,eecuritir, wwl tatisaitt
' ,,;--,.,) .- , .., 4,;tive :amount,. net ilirl"e PeciPlo lc)
)r ,, '', , 4.1teikleisrec-heriltus who come le
!1-: ; 4. ,-,..ttiOrproduced :solV lgilh general
, ',--4,,' ' ,. J.,caficia soupthirlýsksillthere are but
. .10.900nartheiefllawch tranofer:
fared, paid the amees4e, tire other,
4mnd. -Heves atiohturchooge for
, ;ieer.. ';':''' : - ' "''''',asirable to
I -,,,:, .'' - , -. --Conairet erode
10 r "' 4 ''", ', ,t..... - 10-.
i. ', r.4,00K OUT FOR BREAKIt' r
. -- 7,rt.
Running a Rail Road through 8
granite mountain IImpractible as an
undertaking of this kind would seem.to
most 'people, such a one, nevertheless,
bids fair ere long to be accompliahed;
for Mr Volta, an Italian engineer is sta
ted by a late Swiss paper, to have con
ceived the herculean idea of running a
rail road ' fiom the Lake of Zurich, to
communicate with that of Milan to Co,-
mo, by cutting a gallery through part of
the Spgigen, aria itius of auperueding the
laborious task of passing over that
mountain. Mirolla is convinced that
a gallety may be pierced, and is of o
pinion that the granite, of which the
mountain ie composad, mill be found
hard enUugh to allow of its being used
aa rails in 'the line, instead of iri.o.
addect!ttiat the project is very favor
ably recdived in the Cantons touching
on the proposed line. Verily the peo
ple of did present age begin to exhibit
.4troly hitt et one that they will soon be
'sloe to ticeormilish works of as won
detail tutrgnitUde as did the ancient
tittynr.rtafis, in the palmy days of their
oewt,qAnd glory; rild, what is better,
'14e- n'tbqr,nrs aro mare it-11,1.0'17.111y int-.
Jued tirrivelt,Cri .411 weir, the
incients, 002 gewl wi7,07,1 hole-i,ireugh
i mountain, will. be of ido,2 i,or-vice
the dwelleia on tins mundatieephere,
than all the pyratnids Mioha aunntilit
tower above the cleada.(N. Era
Science. The power 01
Poetry and
the mind, in the fervour ofpoettent corn ,dtiei, are at thehidn'tnt of tl
eiori the mercantile interest
posill,,,, flown like 0 mountain to , . linstdey jilts !ice!' growing ul
rrcni, pie-fleaarty daring the last ye
varkiing, fGaQting, ttenctiful and gruild; 1t7coming lenelbees in pipit)
hut pas9ing priticTally oser !netts, anti h:ve been building splended
nourteltiniz only the solitary tree, or ti.t urge dividends,while the
iefr, commerce at the stone tin
the flowere of ite mossy borders. The ,,,.cliange, interest, and pritti
energy of the understandthg employee third ofthe merchants feel as
dpon the developernent of the truths of td the veriest !seances. I
P iltimore, they probably fin;
nature has II calm and quiet prouress;
n ite inotion it is like the navigabie
riser; it bears upcn it ships; it waters a III short, the COlifhiet 1;1. th
1!.S1 year is tnhltingi a siplend
tertile country; and what it wants irr ti,:nnt'aleuvildrytvAilltiPiriiii';1:js.11Y,Te.'
leanly it risesses in bentfit; what ib e;i0t bet a sixpence that the 1
deficient, in rapidity is supplied in !N Y'llk;
strength. (Davy, .' --...... k
-4 -4 , ,,i.,, - . -
!, .
which during the nigjit deseen(Tea . in, ,, a
'torrents.. Tile first piens of returning l'HE DE110CIIAT
day eeabled him le Jearn his position;
and when light came, by ascending a
five, he discovered 'the fur trope et THURSDAY, ocroBER 17: 1839-
South Hadley. .11e directed his eteps
We would remind our Teodoro the'
thitherward, and eller mine hours ot
the November term of the County court
wearied travel, reached a farni house,
oommences on monday nest.. ',.,
where he was--kindly ' entertained and
cheered. . tile situation, when be woe: HARD CURRENCY' .
first seen, was unpleasant enough, hike-, Wood, Coal, and all kinds of coml.
mg exhausted himself with fatigue,. try produce', received at this ace for
worn out tha covering to his feet, and subscription, end other debts..
torn nis clothes sadly in his encountere
with the tangled forest, aside from the . All persons having Prospectuses of
chills and colds which he suffered trOM the Ohio Democrat, will please send
hie wet couch on the mountaio, (North them in. ,
ampton Courier. - ,. - i We would call the attention of tile Farmers
am' 'to the policy otraising stock, in place of raising
4,k '
. LA fr.--The' following beautiful euing.y
so large a quantity o(grein..there has' he'en an
'the law' is estractcg from article in the Solidi, - , - . -.
estimate made hy a person in the weatern pan
ern Literary Messenger. . '
'"14;,,,,,a,P!' '."--;th r New York, that the present crop would be
"The spirit of the law in all equity and kis, s - .
effluent to sepply the country for two pens.
tic. la a government based on true principle,
There is no doubt but the Agriculturist would
the law is the sole eovereign of a nation. h
watches over its subjects in their business, in realize a greater share of prefit, by turning his
their recreation and in their sleep. It gutted. attention to reiving stock, beef is now selling at
the fortames, their lives and honors. lit the
7 to 8 cents per pound butter 12 to 15. '-And the
broad noon day aod the dark midnight, it min
isters to their security. It accompanies them to prices for grain aro, wheat 62 to 7.5k,vorn 45 to
50, oats 18. Flour 4 50 to' 5 dollars per barrel,
the alter and the festal board. It watches over
-the ship of the merchant though a thousand it must be remember d, that of the article of
leagues intervene; over the seed of the husband- broad, the wheat grower id the producer ; and
! man. abandoned for a season to the earth ; over that no power on earth can compel Mel to grow
the studies of the student labors of the median, a bushel, unless it is for hie interest to do so.
iic, tile opinions of every man. None are high If the prices of wheat fall below the remuner-
enough to offend with impunity, none so low ateing point of the scale; or if they are forced
that it scorns to protect the n. It is throned down so much below their relative proportion
vvith the king, and sits in the seat of the repub- to Mater labor, and other things ; the farmer,
lican magistrate; it also beware over the couch it is clear he has the remedy in his own herds,
of the lovely, and stands aontinel at the prison, and the first result will be a restoration of pros
scrupnlously preserving to the felon whatever portion' by-diminished production. ,
rights lie has not forfeited. The light ofthe law ,
Mentes the palace and the hovel, aid surrounds "UNITED WE STAND, DIVIDED
the cradle and the pier. The strength of the WE FALL."This SWIMS 80 .tini.'
law laughs wickedness to scorns, and spurns vereally known, as the ensign of the
the intrancliments of iniquity. The power of American eagle appears of late, to have
been 'forgotten by , .
the Democratic par-,
the law crushes the povver of man, and wealth
of unrighteous immunitv. It is the thread of ty in this state. 1 he Whittle that ie
Dandslus to guide us thnugh the labyrinth ot contained in this brief sentence. as well
as the example it Bets forth, should Ten
cunning. It is the spear of Ithuriel. to detect'
der it a motto that ought to be treasured
falshood and deceit. It is the faith of the mar.
up in the bosom of every American.
tyr to shield us from the fires of persecution ; it, .,
x et sorry as we are to say it, this een
is the good man's reliance ; tile wicked one s
lance has not only been forgotten by the
dread ; the bulwark of piety; the upholder of Democra,s,
t but entirely reversed by the
morality, the guardian of right; the distributor by the Federal Batik Whigs of the
of justice. Its power is irresistable, its dentin- present day. They, ben on the,
ion indisputable, It is above us and around us,. decrease, and their name as well as
within uswe cannot fly from its protection.- ptinciples becoming more and more un
we cannot avert its vengeaace. . popular, have in the agony of despair,
"Such is the law in its essence; such it turned round this great motto of Wash
should be in its enactments; such too it would thorn's and now read it "divided we
be, ifnone aspired to its administration but those i8tand, united we fall."
with pure hems, enlarged.views and cultivated The Federalists perceiving the unity
minds." of the Democratic eartv.had long since
Ft Pal the N, Y. Herald, whig paper.
'IThe account received from Baltimore Tester.
day, giving an account of the total &ford of the
Whigs in that eityi has astounded-every politi
cian in thhilatitude. No body expectimtso suds
den and complete a revolution, and every one is
:tying to find out the reasons that liave' caused
such a change in public catiticielit. In the rmi
cent elections in the western Antes, it is goner-,
aledaell that the public land glic,tion and op
position to Gencral llarriqon caused the defeats
el the whigs in Indiana, Illinois, and 'Penal
But an such terISOOS ought to exist in Bahl-
inmo. What that is the eititS0 Or the change ?
Wo are very much disposed to believe that
calidu,t and policy of the hanks, in our large
arc at the bouout of dies() changes. As '
rimig the mercantile interest a strong
hostdry jilts !teen growing up against lie batiks,
pscrtricuittrly during the last year. M erchan ts are
bT, coming loonfocos opinion daily. The basks
ve been building splended palaces, and ickk
urge dividends,while they have been (mein,
ieT, commerce at the sante time by large ratcli of
it, change, interest, and profits. In tins eitv mt
third ofthe merchants feel as hostile to the ba
14 the veriest lecollicos. In Philadelphia no
P thimore, they probably fed alike hostile.
la short, the COOthiet Or the batiks during ill(
Inst year ie trn,king a bp!endid coanter404iw
ti.on, and will probably re-elect Mr. Vim Pu
ken in every Atlatitin state. In ftr;t, walld
e; lot bet a sixpence that the whigs vvould ettf;
IN. York;
, , ..J.111 ULM; 1,1) ,,
.--. From the Richmond Enquirer.
-', ';'' ; l, I '-- , ' ' ta,t meda MO UNTAIA A dventure.Lem! Trta 2fith CONOReSS--The last N. Y. 'roes:
,s - -,' - t. . '' i" , 4 "' . ', t................ . ---, w a r ..,
t iy ednsday afternoon, a young
from New Yorli,by the name of Doduglaell,S1 (the Clurervative orgent) gives a much fairer
view ot tne state of,pertiee in the next Congress,
, , ' 2 .. -, , 0 , -,
. - ".' ' 4" ' ' '; ',LOOK OUT FOIL BREAEL4irt
than JICAit of its tribe. It gives the Adrninistra
born the Mansion Holm ot Min 113 members, and the Whigs 117leaving
.,. . . .,,,.- !I 'This 411 the taco. nic.caption of a tellatIL ALIF
'' - 4- .-- toe ed from ati intelligent andmincit esteemed t
for the summit M Mint 110 - tipt 8 tepresentatives of Alaryland, and 2 of NI is
41secd some time there,a d
-:' i,,. ' . i
t : If. ' rói . , issidingiir thsnortherkpart &Misstate.
itongef Br dark by a ShoW 'ir sissippi, to be elected next months. In making
','' Il )- '. ' -;s4le is decidedly of opiaien that orie-or the dor ,w .,I
,114;40 descend out, Mil tabfoler.etatentent, the Tones adopts the
principie o assigning to each party the members
i.'.1,..:,, ;;...':,, ',,loteã, het,i, relit OasioLawnl wfutilli oipttreatinalli late mitt L., , t. , .: S!arit ,ig ha have respectively received the certificates
'ssist.4-....t,t,,,Isstowealselte,w0444,-, . - 'a, , ,..,, you , a tu e pain Roo w :1- of election -thug, at one slap dash, it gives the
, .7, - 4.' -'1. '1 ' find d4;va the Democracy 'eflitieititm - 'in" ir bt4 southern aide of he Whigs the whole six Delegate from N. Jersey,
'trackless forest E it
I '9' ' ' ' 14 Nisi. I A, 4..?" 7Shal 1 a woWearned when it is notorinus that the 5 Repuhlicatt Re.
' ' '' t e - lbw is sacrificed Shall the triumphs 16"etitt,'Necho d. , ., .t
on ..e mi to not re urn; to
, ' pregentatives have, been set aside by s gross fraud
",- 'il : .-..,'' '' f ths last great tomtit he thutiredden dowel .4" r Rectifying this error, the vote would stand 116
of 0106d e alarm was felt, and for the Administration, and 112 for the Whigs.
'' '''s' '-',4ç(' 4.Who aSw sleePe Pon hia Pod What da"1" 104 itiiitne persons ascended the Allowing then that the 2 doubtful votes in Fenn
''' '''''',' ' barer. whescheart entanallmaanli!tad'i. fr'l" I 14 d f.tta stopptn lac f t "Omni& and 111
a es tfrotard-. irmi , when rectified by Con.'
' I, , m's hot), caaseleovhrietrpledgeus.registered toque 0. ...ii
sat ,or i . 3 but no ens)
1,3 his estuary and tte melit000ma. for vototii.,,,, , hors g ep w g -resit shall onset each other,' then the Adminie
4, , 4, , t . :.to sut - option would have a majority of 6. a.- On the
' ,, '''. . e',r; ,rwhoss pi' i les areheld too sacred for wanton ere lade
telit. is staked to stuasin
' ' ,,,,- ,' t .1.'elatiou, so whol.e . ded triellacept the dull echo of 'heer supposition, too, that the chances in Maryland
. , ,,, ,,,: s s.-Setd defend 8 n W6tAan slumber mewl Ill(
r ' I and Mississippi are equal,the friends of the Ad
t ,..,, . vir oat tiro tbe em me et Ghia, in the 1Down , oiri.,a. a rsnewed early, t, in ministration woutti still have a majority of 5.
- ' , -! li. '"'"' they defend. to awake from kora 10lio in i,lbe wanderer w .
heabove busin'estr Rock Farr '- But the Times errs in claiming for the white
',,t-' ,,,"1 ' the whole 9 votes ot Georgia. In thet state, It
' "s , 'i 1,- ', tistharti ano
' r ' 4r '''an" (If thedcainadgeitference.-Zet them remember ,IA
Theists-of die res "- '. comas without its host-3, if not 4, of het Re
' s' '' ' ' '- -' Ills 'mitts or t mosmismovs. 1 4ould reillne4loor'be that he fo .
l presentstives will probably cremperate with the
---,.''-t, ,,, ,,,,, br , arty in the- legislateremay hangripon . ,. , , .
4. , : ... ,, tu lean P
' ' ' .' '' se.the thorw of a single- dye! . ..fi 1 , b b.. ,
, TftWeillag ik, , Inn 1111 ill me 'NO maY 15 the pati it friends of the Administration. The N. Jersey
'''' ..,' ',L.4-; ' i' gents ars abroadThe federal phalanx , .
are in sc. ei ty ee peressall W nkountal n vote ie very important. Tito Vt'higs say, that
i , , - .-- ,:' - We mum not cakulatempon too- I.,
y le abandon; sabimsell :he Democrats are trying to carry the majority of
3,- , ,,,tive,mottork,
i t'''' '''''" , 'I- sy a tempest ever Such att cdversery. . . . ie her I esislature in the Election or next months
1 uld then ' befall Mg and 1111 . , t, ' I
,. ,de - ',, ,,,,, lea
' ' ' ,, r., t,' wise isle ries tw fail Upon the reiamitelt. ;Otani-v.1s ..1.
ear ocean's& eillee '1.- ig with to hope of &waling ailli enublican Govern.
- ,, onunÏ,
A !, 't '.11 i ,,tithsrIVOT on 'which hunt, tti,!.,,.. !...rotImi, .!.. ,,,. ink,ohlarety wooi; kpep in r. or
.4,, ,,,,i ,v!, . , -14 Ilorse flesh, end ban sa''. ''''s 71 'bow' FIK.N.' 41'
" ir . '" I . ,tigitoll. A tremendous twill wit ma! e., has That 4A.
, e. , :- , Art rag4-
7,,e0,. , ,, haven c
e st the POLI ...Every doubtful thss, Idioal A with their. vote, to io wi grant a new cernfi.
in cafe of Election to the b Repubhcan Represen
our 00;rithiurttmnn .11.. tenses. At all events, the N. York Times says:
rie would ,he ohro, in s :tit a "We class the Whigs 811 being elected. W o
te 4...Several...Jolla
''' 0 ' ' rebid will bit putynd 1.r bibs . ..
. b do- in -atershadole,Abe . . pgpertunity in this instance of another
''''' ' ' . en , .., oacuit, scattering Aire ran ;
s,,,:,:- , taCooks aesdup ,, 1 - h ht. e i l'ik. There ran be no doubt orate
sot g se Mon
d" -among republisam" fruit 1,1 131,,sP.g ,In lik rriPO4 itt the . 1eY ". 1.
NslabrOftd,IIII. d ,
a rs ars Alte.11" ,' Pen the osill pranallt g,,i , snit ilia, 7, te other five ate conga-6nel
at., , ,, ..; , r . ; , .
Awake. frielli q , rfla e ,. . , , . , .,,1
I I v - l' r'f'2 1 I thererom Ito lure InIrt the seats, nnd how
- I FOP i ''-'1 ' ' '-'''' ; e tilts diamond of lightopo4 , ,
Mitica ,
- qi,,. r n.....o.virsout emitter' ikwit ' at box extuesea such eMitylins to be seem
- .. 4 r----
'"11110 t ,-- - , 1 1, ,,,0.,1,,.............................., . k., t, . IL....1,....3
'Wtt.. ''S, d, '''''";.-"'-.. "".".....'''''''".''''.7".7."."'"'' . 1
..,641601 1 A ik,
1114....1 .1 .t. L , .,)
. 1 '4 -4): . 4.4- ' d' t- '
1 ).. -)ty-,, -
- . ' ..' ' ; A
ME. - - - 111111POPINFEWNIMPIMint
otpected hour terminated his useful He and sal,.
- ' 13LACK LEAD. . - '
t , whim litimrii. ..-,
. AV() undersiend therehaS leen a sit. ,, ,, , , .
... .
f By thepnlitsoesi of G. W. Slingiufl; ,
uable vein cif Black Lead lately disci 4 post" -SUR IPT, .. ., ,
me have been favored with 'Ilie 13sIti. ' ,
ered on the premises of a Mr While
head in Coshocton connty. , ittrmi,tho,,
prointeas to be another jewel in Ghip't nOte Patriot ot the Iiiii of- October.; ' :-
diadem of minerale.' it has been es- rho N. Y. Courier of yesterday says('
mroined, (we are told,) and pronounced
qestionably been a failure, and the crep '
l'he harvest of Great Britain has un- .,,,
is estimated -to be at least 5,000,000, -1
id be of the fire' quality, ellen& get at
and of great quantity. Thus it is. as
the march of mind goes- forward, and
the wants , of man inecesse, ea the vast The bullion in the Bank of Bogland
quarters short.
is estimated at ,E 2,500,000, and a sue. ..
resources of the earth-are laid open to
pension of specie payment by that incl...
his inspection, and treasure after treas
ure brought to light. and by his ingenu
ity converterinto,useful pitrposes, tor .
turion, wait enufiderolv predicted.
There se ou panic about tnoney, nor
the welfare ot the'human race.. '
)4 it7 is a hide aurpriairig that this Bac sAny increased difficulty in that respect.
tion of0hio, has not received more no- '8 to our own banks, there ie. no excite- ,
ments Their business is going on with ,, .
lice from enterprising manufacturers. ,
The inexhaustable quantities of iron ore Per e
I ct quietness, and if your people es ' ,
. .4
pect seriously to see suspension here,
together with the coal hills, and It ater .
they will be disappionted. There will . ,'.
power, makes it a portion of the country
be no such thing either here or east of r
nnt surpassed for natural idvantages.
here. -I have seen one of the Rhode ,
All that is wanting, is genie' s and labor.
. Island Bank Commissioners, who says ,
America posesseit enough of both.
,,, the banks there will not atop while New .
'York stands firm. ' , .
In the last Advocate, we perceived . .
Mr Everhard's-majority to be made I have also just been conversing with ,..,
one of the Most intelligent of the,Bos. ,
out 226 over Mr Brainard, meaning
ton Bank fresidents. He says no such
that the "Whig" -gain this year le 213.
thing as suepeneion will be thought of '
This we conaider a very unfair way of
there. With : very few exceptions our
stating facts. The truth is, (and the
nierchante are united with the banks in
opinion, of what'ought to..be land what
public know it,) there were two Candi
dates out as Democrats-, causing a di.
vision in the ticket; but taking both the will be.
The packet for.London did not sail to
candidates voteet! (allowing for all the
day. We have a host of arrivals to
whig votes Mr Mc Cue received,) there
as you will see by the ship news 1
is a majority of votes for this Dento- (ill.
send you, Cotton is quiet. Genneseee
crats of about 20 votes. This does
flour has sold pretty well this forenoon
does not look much like a wing gain.
at 86 37a6 59. Southern may ,he quo4
The Advocate in discovering the pc)... ted at 86 1286 25 for ail sorts. Corn
liticat creed of the persona taken up 721175 for Southern.' Rye has been sold
for robbery in Dover, turns them all at 77a178 cents. .
over to the Democrats, because they The New York Correspondent of ,
removed the deposites. We have made Philadelphia Herald says that U. S.
some inquiry, and found out that two of Bank stock was offered on Prides at
them are Whig Swartwouters, and al. $711, after the Stock Board has adjourn.
ways vote the whole whig ticket. More ed, but no buyers at that price.
over they don't believe in making Stock "There is one thing certain: the '
holders liable. notes of the i United States Bank ere no
longer receivechin preference to those of
SUSPENSION OF SPECIE PAYMENTS.-- any other of your banks, but are more
We copy from the Baltimore Patriot October, shunned than they were ever sought af. .
lOth, the statement of this important move.. tor, even by its warmest advocates.
"UNITED WE STAND, DIVIDED ... ...., .,F 1.,.. kJtJ1.11.,01 II 1101.1 ,!..112 mow,
The Advocate in discovering the pct. ted at 86 1286 25 for all sorts. Corn
WE ,FALL."--This sentence so .uni. litical creed of the persons taken up 721175 for Southern. Rye has been sold
vereally known, as the ensign of the for robbery in Dover, turns them all at 77a78 cents. .
American eagle appears of late, to have over to the Democrats, because they The New York Correspondent of
been forgotten by the Democratic par. removed the deposites, We have made Philadelphia Herald says that U. S.
ty in this state. The "volume that is some inquiry, and found out that two of Bank stock was offered on Pride) at
contained in this bnef eentence. as well them are Whig Swartwouters, and als 871, after the Stock Board has adjourn..
as the example it sets forth, should Ten- ways vote the whole whig ticket. More ed, but no buyers at that price.
der it a motto that ought to be treasured over they don't believe in making Stock "There is one thing certain: the .
up in the bosom of every American. holders liable. notes of the4United States Bank ere no
Yet sorry as we are to say it, this ben. longer receivediin preference to those of
any other of your banks, but are more
lance has not only been forgotten by the SUSPENSION OF SPECIE PAYMENTS...-
9 shUnned than they were ever eetight afs .
Democrats, but entirely reversed by the We copy from the Baltimore Patriot October
tor, even by its warmest advocates."
by the Federal Bank Whigs of the 10th, the statement of this important moves
prement day. They, being on the meld : ....-.......--, .
decrease, and their name as well as By tile railroad cars last night, from Philadel.. The Philadelphie Herald, of this
ptinciples becoming more and more un- phia, authentic information was received in this, morning, trays:-The Girard and United
popular, have in the agony of despair, cityof the;suspension ofspecie payments,yester. States Bank have discounted liberallYt
turned round this great motto of Wash- day, II the banks in Philadelphia. This deci. and there is much greater ease in the
tngton's and now read it "divided we
sive movement, in the commercial metropolis Troenaetylinteorkief10.utUth. Sp.013r acennkt.rpoestrt nNloontetbe .
istand, unitedwe fall."
of Pennsylvania, our nearest neighbor city to
The Federalists perceiving the unity ,
of the Democratic party,had long since the East, seemed to leave no alternative to the
banks in Baltimore, but imposed a necessity on
resolved-if posbible to divide and profs- t eir p y , Gov. PORTER, of Pennsylvania, bee
n artif the would be'true to the interests
trate them, then raise a fabric of their instructed the Attorney Generaltof the
of the tommunity in which they are located cs
own upon the ruins. And in some pia,. otate, and his deputies, to institute pro.-
ces eucceeded for a. while, and but a to adopt a similar course of action. A meeting ceedings against all persons or corpora
tiqns whatever, who shall issue any
while, fel no sooner would the divided of the officers and directors of the!several banks
substitue for money of a less denomina- .
party again become concious of their in Baltimore was accordingly held this morning,
lion than five dollare
power, and the feebleness of the chains .. .
at eight o'clock, when., on the annunciation of
that bound them; than they would start the foregoing facto' resolution to suspend specie .
forward with a tremenduous impulse
terday, says: As to the Banks in WaU street, .
payments in Baltimore, was offered, and uncut . N. Y. Banks.7The J. ACOMMeree, of yes- ,
and mounting the iscale of Public Opm., imously adopted.
we have just been to severe ofthem, and Willey
len, would weigh down all opposition. . 7'he measure thus adopted, was made known
There are few states in the Union, at the openiug of the banks this morning, antl, has been' ever so determined to suspend, it
you'd have been imposibie, for every thing is as
calm as a summer morning.
that htive not experienced these convul- so far as we bear, fully acquiesced in by the cont.
mons in some way or other; but in the mutiny, as one dictated by prudence, no,less
ond, wherever the dividing knife has than the necessity of the case. and by a jusr.re.
neen thread into the Democratic ranks, gard to the interestr dour citizens. . . ED.Stoppage of the United States Bank
Notice is hereby given that the notes of the U.
'hough inflicting a aevere wound at the The specie of the country isnot in sufficient
time, yet it was Mit back with a Her- quantity to pay at once, in that znedium, the nited States Plink of Pennsytvania wit no ion ,
7ulean force that always brought the ger be received at the Bank of the United States
whole debt oNhe country at ho.rne and abroad.
in N. York."
)(renders to the ground. There stands This being conceded --for indeed, no proposi. ,
Penneylvania, now a bright and shining. tion can be more self.evident the questions
The popularity of the writinga of Bee, has
example to the world. A few
igo ehe wits selected as the victim of
Year's 'en COMO uptSliall we go on, shipping our
suggested to the manufacturers in England new
gold and silver to Europe, a million at a time by
.he Federalists; all their energies wert 1 names for their stuffssuch, for instance, twins .
every t muting steam ship, until the whole is
exerted to divide and concoct: supper
exhausted,and the basiness energies of the eoun vbels'itctkiala.:i.ck cassimete," and the "Mantalini
.ed as they ere hy a poweritil nioniet
try prostrated t Or, shall we mop short in 11 , , '
! inNi tuition, they triumphed for a time
A set of corrupt ;nen were placed te sourse that cannot be perservered in to the end: The N. Iftirald states tlie export ofspecie frorn ' ;
lie high ollicutithen. commenced a 'Ind, by a present and timely suspension or spe. that port to foreign places for the last three
,cerie of squandering unsurpuesed in tht 100'991.P27 dollars.
eie payments preserve the energies of the coml. montlisnl
'innate of our governmentbut it couto trY in a condition to take the rnost effectual men- Mr. Da's...,.Pkittl? M Mister at RUHilip) and film.
riot last, rime faction etalked through qtireS for an early edjustment of ALL its liabili-, ily Were at Paris, at the kst dates, we premiums'
Ihe CLpitolihen suddenly there was a ties, both at home and abroad I The SecOnð al. on their way home. ,
murmuring among the people; they hire tcrnative involved in thesequestions Wila adopt- .....---
,,een the dividitig knife thrust in upon ed as the proper one in Philadelphin. And be. According to'a late calculation, the
them, btrid made no resist; nee,but had ing adopted there, every consideration of prii. intesiost on the netional debt of Eng..
now ecome sensibfe of their error, and dence 3nd expedience, required the adoption ot land (which it; X850,000,000,) amounts ,
resolved to awake from the lethargy and the same course in Baltimore, as it will unques. to twenty nine milliene. seven hundred .
rise in their might to sweep front the tionahly be adopted in every section and state of ana filly thousand pounds sterling per
Old Keystone,' every vebtige of Feder the Union. annum, which if reduced to toinittee,
al corruption. 'Pennsylvania has pas. makes it 56 ebillings for every minute.
sed the ordeal, and now stands out a If the whole national debt were col-
DEATH OF GM IlAYNE, Of &Midi Carttlitlil,
leeted in XI, notes, they would cover '
bright star in the firmament of Dernoc- died ashort time since, of bilious fever. fle has
racy to guide her sister states onward. filled many important public officer!, and was n arca of 5,000 awe.
But we are afraid Ohio is not guided universally egteetned fur his amiability and great Allowing five hundred and twelvezne .
private wetth.
by her influence; she appears to have pound notes to a pound avoirdupois,
inhaled the effluvia of eelf-adulation, DEATH FRS 'I: . supposing thie debt were in sever- 1,
the whole weight would be 741 tont.
and relying son her strength, kept no s ' BUEL. It MS with
regret that we annouuced yesterday the death
. guards on the outward wane. Thus signs, and allowing 12 houra to a day,
. . , . of Judge Bud, of Abany. Ile died on Sunday
. giving tne r eaeralists an opportunit the time required for one man to count
, to make a thrum!, and they eMbraced it): ast, kat Danbur Ct. where he arr.ved ROM WO
.. . it would be 37 years. .,, .
The national debt in sovereigns !i .
wee s SIM, OYn'his. way to New ;raven, tor tlie
I Divisions were lately mada'hyithe Fed.
laid one on the other, wotild form a eyki .
purpose of dehvering an agricutture lecture.
. eralists and pressed open by the factious
' of our own party; In several Counties, The N. York Commerciat truty says : "In the
u4irrenc;:tlierse i9n,Ole9"Ggicha'-it's . to. car- .
' the chism has opened and ;did not deau o
' f Judge Buel the camtnunity nt arge has inclietrwoof
I sustained a loss of magnitude, and the agricuts ry this sum, allowing 2,000 pounds to
. close without engulphing semis of our
i mon in its vortex. tura interest partials as great a one as could,be each. Each cart twenty yards apart
' Democrats! A wakel Remember that inflicted by the death of any individua in the would form a procession 123 miles in
t length.
though the gulph is closed for the pres" """trY'"
1' . . ,
sent, it will reopen with fury, and en.. A correspondent of the Commercial at Dan. .
lees you show that foresight, prudence bury, gives the fotiowing partieuars of Judge YELLOW FEVER IN CANADA.
end watchtblness, you once posessed, Bud's illness The Kingston, (Upper Canada) Iler.
-. fou 'will have distientions and divisions DANBURY, Conn. Oct. 6, 1839. ald Melee, as among the bingularities of
continually in ,your ranks. Arouse Dlorl in this place, at the Mansion House Illos tha seasons tiav be mentioned, that last -
a ,
r from yohr apathy Democrats and pm,. tel, this afternoon, in the sixtyssecond yearrof week e decided' case of death by yeti,
B pare for the Presidential election; en-I iniratsfo,,etlitse ttiteoun. c.licenstse pet, foltilA0 .1), ani1)1. !.1; :: lever, occurred in the Artillery Itospi..
tor.!; j i r 1 . ffi e 1 or o t.; Itt tat, What place. The senior mediral , .
- dealer to heal up your sorea by that .
it . oflicer knows the disease. having been '
time. , . .
, . , 1 Judge Bud arrived here on Saturday, the 21st
r 4 Our frends in Tuscarawae, will we, ult. on his way to N. Haven, where he had been much of it in the West Indies, and he is
I' hope, judge of the future by the past, invited to deliver an address on the following convinced the Cabe was yellow fem..
- Our late feat was solely owing to re;inesday, bhefore Hite Agricultural Society. All the symptoms, and the post mortvm
''. the apethy we were in, while the divi- fandtalieleedvelantni ref:remit' los i rneeRdt et, ft haen ngeasrolynntuntrt examination -were . conclustee on the .,
..,,, ding knife wag making havoc among and before morning bad a violent attack of bilis' PcIint: , We had thought. that Canada ,.
,i1,:' $ove to vote for 111111-.
Minh nt it in the West. Indies, and he is
I Judge Sue! arrived here on Saturday, the 2Ist "-- "" " "' s""'"'"'s "'I y 114; '',''',
' ' ' - 'I'L" of Demworscp. guided tyk se box expleses such entionina to be seem
i , ,
. Our frende in Tuacarawaa, will we ' ult. on his way to N. Hoven, where he had been
t,, t 6 ' 17.- tali 1 , tro.),,lir 04:w Int6 forfeits.
pa, judge of the future by the past,
All the symptoms, and the I l
rrAtrromEctent str invited to deliver an address on the following
-1,a i , WO I preys,' -- ,- I ,-- ...4$ , ''' 'ijil evidence rf ho convinced the Cabe was yellow fervor.
- ,, k 0 , ,, , , 4,,,,,o,:-. 0. 4,,,o.. , It. 0 ,,c,, ,tog ,
to Wednesday, before the Agricultural tociely.
' ' - ., t.. ,' "- , .', t. ,, 'NI 415 -
' --Q.; ' A Girl to do Muse' Wv --4 Dor
1 Our late defeat was solely owing
,1,.i. 1 the apothy we were in, while the divi- lathe evening he complained aiming somewhat pos mor em
examination were conclustre on the .,
' ' ' J., .4""1 off D fatigued, and ret4ed to rest at an early hour
..o., l .. - , , , , , rioting . ice in ore
, I Wilyil goo- ding knife wap making havoc among and before morning bad a violent attack of bili! point. We had thought that Canada -
''" f ha nmv Utit It it. however a lessen for us. 'it will ouscholic. An experienced physician was cal. was far from the track of ouch a visitant
.: -',1,,111) t tut :
'rioting like In Dor. er. "P mug 1 dinihnife wea making havoc among .aTirt;'eio're.;70;;;;;ab-ad"rvni.ore'oTa.ti'ook of bili. Pcijnt , We had thought. diet Canada
, 'ways sup.
iftagrefermorral itohebetranctrkaolifesuicohi; evoisuirtadont.-
, : . ' 4" 1' the nOW US; It it, however a lesson for u, 'it will ouscholic. An experienceidonplbiyeeiscoiaonn osth.almaicnaeld.
' " in Oeto- brin back to our minds that long fop,. ledin, by whose prescript
- JOB 1 IIINI'ING wiwn g reIt4 and was regarded as envalescent ; but
at flue OFFICE...40h mi... gollettlðm,; to , mica we steno,. divuled b
e r
e le had regained sufficient strength to re. The Httight of Folly.--T 0 .1i5k '
According to'a late calculation, the
interest on the national debt of Eng,.
land (which it; .C850,000,000,) amounts ,
to twenty nine millions, seven hundred
ana filty thousand pounds sterling per ,,
annum, which if reduced to minutes,
makes it 56 ehillinge for every minute.
If the whole national debt were col-
leeted in .C1, notes, they would cover ' .;
n area of 5,000 awe.
Allowing five hundred and twelvezne
pound notes to a pound avoirdupose,
the whole weight would be 741 tont.
supposing this debt were in over-.
eigns, and allowing 12 hours to a day,
the time required for one man to count
it would be 37 years. ' r
The national debt in sovereigns if
laid one on the other, wotild form a cyk
inder of 475 miles in length,-: ,
It would require 9,096 carte to cer..
ry this awn, allowing 2,000 pounds to '
each. Each cart twenty verde apart -
would form a procession 123 miles in
nunao, atm mu Fues tutu irijaa 00E 1.
were conclusive on tho 7,4to
had thougbt that Canada
the track of such a visitant- ",
to be stymie its course.
zht of Folly.--T0' 5k a "
Hussy (these tinioto.
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