OCR Interpretation

Abilene weekly reflector. [volume] (Abilene, Kan.) 1888-1935, May 03, 1888, Image 3

Image and text provided by Kansas State Historical Society; Topeka, KS

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XTiey Aw Admonished in Accordance WItll
the Deeroes or tlio Plenary Council.
Chicago. April 25. A docreo of preat
importance has boon published m the Cath
olic churches for the first tims, and one
that must hare great Influence in deciding
that portion of the saloon question wbicti
relates to Sunday observance. The de
crees ars based on the action of the Plenary
Cpcmcilt Baltimore, and that, portion of
them relating to the saloon question is as
follows: "Finally, wo warn Catholics en
gaged in the sale of Intoxicating drinks to
consider seriously by bow many and how
great dangers, by how many and
how great occasions of sin their
otMiness, though in itsolf not un
lawful, is surrounded. Let them, if
they can, choose a more bocoming way of
making a living. Let them, at any rate,
strive With all thoir might to remove occa
sions of sin as well from themselves as
from others. Thoy must not soil drink to
minors, that is to say to thoae who have
Lot come of age nor who theyforcseo will
abuse it. They must keep their saloons
closed on Epoday and never allow blas
pheming, cursing or obscene language.
8alonkecpers should know that if,
through- their culpable neglect or co-operation,
religion is brought into contempt or
men brought to ruin, thore is an avenger in
Heaves who will surely exact from them
the severest penalties."
The Provident Write a letter on the Em
ployment of Allen Klaherineu.
Bostok, April 25. A letter to United
(States District Attornoy Ualvin from
President Cleveland relative to the im
portation of foreigners is as follows: "In
formation has reached the Treasury De
triment that a large number of foreign
ers have been brought into Massachusetts
in violation of tho Contract Labor law for
tho purpose of manning American fishing
vessels sent out from the ports of Glou
cester, Boston and Bovcrly for tho purpose
of taking fish along the Canadian coast. It
seems to me quite certain that such for
jgners and aheus have boon brought in by
parties in direct violation of the statute
covering such caes and I believe the im
portation of such foreigners tends to the
displacement of American labor. I am
aware many of these persons have,
through the rare of the officials, boen re
turned to the country from which thoy
enmc. I therefore onjoin ou you the duty
of a prompt investigation of these cases
and request that you confer with the col
lectors of the ports of Boston and Glouces
ter that prompt and offective measures
may be taken. Tho department has ordered
that special agents be detailed who will
report directly to you. and if you require
nny further assistance it wll bo given you
upon application."
Sam Small's Conrentlon Meets at At
lanta. Atlaxta, Ga., April 25. Tho State Pro
hibition convontlon known as "Sam
Small's convention" mot In the capitol at
noon with fifty delegates present and or
ganized by the election of A. A. Murphy as
president. He made a long speech de
nouncing the Prohibitionists who did not
join in the third party movement and
declaring it to bo his purpose to vote
against both the old parties until prohibi
tion should triumph. Committoes wore
appointed and the convention adjourned
until 7:33, when tho platform was road.
It was the work of Sam Small and confined
entirely to the question of prohibition. A
delegation of twenty-four was appointed to
attend the Indianapolis convention and was
instructed to vote for Kisko and Bayne lor
President and Vicc-Prosidcnt respectively.
A large crowd attended the night session,
when speeches wero made by Sam Small
and other leaders.
TVAStnxoTON, April 25. Tho Senate ha;
confirmed the following nominations:
W. T. Walthall, or Mississippi, to bo Con
sul at Demcrara; James B. Couin, of East
Boston, to be Consul at St. Helena; James
B. Chess, of Indiana, to be Consul at Du
rango; EzekielE. Smith, of North Carolina,
to be Minister Resident and Consul-Gcncr-""al
at Liberia; L. A. Golgerich, to be collec
tor of internal revenue Third district ol
2fow York: Robert Calvert, of Wisconsin,
to bo surveyor of customs at tho port of
Lacrosse; J. H. Manchester to bo collector
of customs at Bristol and Warren, R. L; J.
H. Thomas, of Maryland, to bo collector of
customs ut Annapolis.
E. A. Howard, of Iowa, to be Indian
ngentofihe Kiowa, Wichita and Comaneuo
Indians, Indian Torntory; Claudo M. John
son, of Kentucky, agent for the Pima
agency, Arizona.
George J. Donnis, to be Unitod States
Attorney for the Southern d. strict of Cali
fornia. John Soulier, of Kansas, to bo receiver of
public moneys ut Wakcenoy Falls.
Tlio Immcdliito Transportation Act.
Wasuixgto.W April 20. Western im
porters are endeavoring to secure a movli
fication of the Immediate Transportation
net, which will facilitate inland linnnrta
tions. Olio of tho embarrassments wh ch
importers in interior cities now have is tho
provisions of the law contained in sections
Saw and --WO, Revised Statute, which
excludes from the benefits of Jhe Immedi
ate Transportation act any ir.ercliumli.sc
which shall remain in the bonded ware
house more than ten days. It is rften
found impracticable by the inland import
ers to secure their invoices ia time to com
ply with these provisions of tho law anil
the movement now is to amend the Revised
Statute so they shall have thirty days
vriuim which time to comply witti me ir
uiahties necessary to inland entry. This
movement is supported by tho lending
Western importers nud is Immediately ad
vocated by Marshall, Field & Co.
' Drowned In u Whirlpool.
Bismarck, Dak., April 25. A special
from Fort Benton reports the drowning in
the Missouri river or Engineer G. IL Hit
tenhouse and Will Buchanan. They were
iu a skiff containing Jivo other men. When
in the middle of tho stream they caino in
contact with a whirlpool and lost control
of the boat, which capsized. Four swam to
a flatboat and a half breed swam ashoie,
thus saving his life. The drowned men
became cramped while in the water, sink
ing almost immediately. Tho bodies were
ejji recovered.
Itoncl Otters.
WrAsnrxoTOX, April J5. To-dnv's bond
offerings aggregated 53.022,000 in lots as
follows. Four and a half per cents., rotri
tcrcfi, 52.000,0 X), at 107$; SISOOO. at l'tS
SSO,000, atlv-X; -IK Per ceuts. coupon, at
107J$; 4 per cents.. registoroJ, S30J,0.)0. at
120; .r),00J. at 125 J; 4 per cents., coupons,
810,000, at 125.
Indian Uprising retired.
St. Paul, April 25. Tho Winnipeg cor
respondent of the l'ioneer-rren reports re
newed apprehension in tho Saskatchewan
region of an Indian uprising north of the
Saskatchewan. It is feared that the Iudmns
in trie Saskatchewan valley would join any
outbreak that might be made.
Witness 1Vh!ppei.
Ci.nrroy, Miss.. April 25 Last Sunday
night about midnight eleven masked men
went to tho home of Ellis Young, a wit
ness for the defense ia the Hamilton-Gam-brclUcase,
called htm out; tied him with u
rope and jtbeo . severaiyaboatjhim. Ho wa-s
told" that Jie-Wiis. whipped for lying about
Roderick Gombrell.
J. 3
ThoTJoy Iturslnr Dead.
M"EgEHea4Ky&Bigkt -while -r.ttempting
.s . t" J7Z saw w .
lorfiKjUiKaa:. April 2& Lewis Adams.
.bovibUrriinwbo 'wassnotat Rilrot
A . ..,.
break into a store, died at tho county jail
Mlas Vif ,gbfcyaHaethrliveBwat Bridge?
port70.7aaaTias tieen notified of her son's
Debate on the Tariff Dill Continued In the
Washixotox, April 23. Yesterday de
bate continued on tho tariff. The House
went into Committee of tho Whole on tho
Tariff bill and Mr. J3yrram, of Indiana, said
the bill presented did not meet with his
unqualified approval. He believed that
duties on imports should be levied and
collected at all times to meet the current,
ordinary expenses of tho Government and
that any extraordinary expenses should be
met by a resort to Internal taxes. Believ
ing this to be correct ha would maintain
the present internal revenue system of
taxation until the last obligation of the
war was discharged. But, mindful of the
diversified interests of the country, ho was
willing to come to the consideration of the
bill in a spirit of concession and compromise
and join in the construction of a measure
which yielded something to the productions
of every locality. He advocated a reduc
tion of duties upon the materials upon
which tbe laborers of the country worked.
He advocated such a reduction as would
givo larger markets in which manufactur
ers could soil thoir products. He admitted
that wages bod inoreased under a protec
tive tariff, but denied that this was on ac
count of the tariff, because the same in
oreaBe had taken place in Great Britain
under free trade. The great trouble with
the country was the want of a market.
Tear down the wall that had been built
around tbe coast, givo American labor a
chanoe to compete with focoign labor and
it couia wise care ox itseii. it needed no
other protection.
The speaker controverted the claim that
a protective tariff was for the benefit of
American labor. It was said that the Amor
lean farmers should be protected in the
production of wooL Under the high pro
tection on wool the pnci had steadily fall
en. He did not assert that the tariff was
tho sole cause of the decline, but ha con
tended that it was an important factor.
Woo'l could not bo produced in tho Unitod
Stat3 for les3 than 40 conts a pound.
The people of tho country consumed 030,
000,000 pounds a year, which
cost them 340,000,000. Of this 000,000,000
pounds more than 300,000,000 had to be pur
chased abroad because the high tariff had
broken down all tho woolen Industries. In
conclusion, he said that the day bad passed
when the glory and triumph of men and
nations was In the invasion of a foreign
land and tho day bad arrived when that
glory and triumph consisted in bearing tho
National emblem into tho harbor of every
city of tho world, there to plant it In tho
grand temple dedicatod to commerco and
Mr. Browne, of Indiana, expressed him
self as not in tho least frightened at the
plethoric condition of the National treas
ury. This was not the first time that there
had beon a surplus in tho treasury, but
neither Johnson nor Grant nor Arthur had
made the condition of tho treasury a pre
tense for disturbing tho industrial polioy
of the Governmonfc. Tho country con
tinued to enjoy an unparalleled pros
perity. The accumulating revenue might
be made tho occasion for doing much
for the people's benefit. The Na
tional dobt might be gradually paid off. the
merchant mnrine might bo built up, harbor
and coast dofenses might be constructed, a
navy might bo provided commensurate
with America's glory and grandeur as a
nation, and a grateful people might tendor
to tho old soldiors who saved the country a
parting benediction. That a surplus existed
was an evidence of National pros
perity. That It had been gathered
into tho treasury without oppres
sion or complaint was an ovidence
that tho protective system was a just one.
If tho surplus wore under the control of a
wise statesmanship, it would bo n National
blessing, but as it was safer to reduce it
than to run tho hazard of Ill-advised ex
penditures ho was anxious to havo a re
vision of tho method of taxation so as to
reduce tho revenues to tho lowest limit of
National wants. Tho speaker argued that
the plan of reduction sketched by the
President in his annual message would re
sulted in disastor to American industries.
Mr. Dockory, of Missouri, said that tho
surplus was required in tho channels of
business and trade and commerce in order
that capital might employ labor, and that
the question presented was how that sur
plus was to bo disposed of. He warned
Congress that if it did not reduce taxation
it was by oxtravagances that the surplus
would bo got rid of. There wero on the
calendar of the Houso to-day hundrods of
measures which would never have been
heard of had it not been that there was a
surplus in the treasury. The Democratic
party had always boen tho friend of tho
laboring men, and if tho Republicans could
show that tho protcctivo system was benefi
cial to tho worklngmen of tho country he
was willing to waivo his objection to it.
But thoy could not do so. On the contrary
many unprotected industries paid thoir
employes highor wages than were paid to
laborers in protected establishments. He
had statistics to show the immense bonus
which tho protcctivo tariff put into the
pocket of the manufacturer, but which did
not go iuto the pockets of tho workingmen.
Mr. Kerr, of Iowa, inquired why the gen
tleman did not go out of the banking busi
ness and into tho manufacturing business,
if it was so profitable.
Mr. Dockery replied: "I remain in the
banking business for tho same reason thnt
tho manufacturer remains in his business,
because it pays; but I never went before a
legislative body nskiug aid for myseir and
masquerading behind the supposed inter
ests of the laboring men of tho country."
The protective system, he continued, had
built up an aristocracy of monopoly.
Tho speaker contrasted the iucreaso of
individual wealth in tho manufacturing
States of the East with the aecreaso in the
individual wealth of the agricultural
States of tho West, and said it was due to
the discrimination mado by the protective
tariff against the West. The Democratic
party proposed to favor a revenue system
which would give all the incidental
protection whicli the manufacturers
needed, but did not proposo, if it
could avoid it, to continue a system which
levied an enormous tribute on the agricult
ural Stales for the benefit of the mmiu
factunng States. In conclusing he said:
'Let us unhand and unshackle the genius
and enterprise of cur people and permit
them to cross the seas and repossess them
selves of the commercial advantages they
enjoyed when tho flag was a familiar sight
in all waters of the globo and in all the
harbors of tho world, f Applause.
Chance of Xume.
Kaxsas Citt, Ma, April 25. All the
papers in connection with the consolidation
of tho Kansas City, Fort Scott IS. Gulf and
the Kansas City, Springfield & Memphis
have been filed in the different States. The
Gulf road is now a thing of the past; hero
after it will be known as the Kansas City,
Fort Scott & Memphis. A new Uoard will
be elected about Mav 13.
Vrost In Virginia.
Ltxchbcro. Va., April 20. The weather
is very cold lor the season and there has
been heavy frost for tho past two nights.
Great anxiety is felt for the fruit and it is
thought to be ruined. Ice has formed in
exposed places.
Suicide, or a Stockman.
Kansas Citt, Mo., April 20. Frederick
Schumann committed suicide yesterday In
a room In tho Colorado House, corner of
Sixteenth and Bell streets. Deceased was
a stockman and apparently about forty
eight years of age., He left a widow and
eleven children, tho number born to him
within thirteen years. He was in -financial
difficulties, which, it was thought, unbal
anced his mind. )
WjnrsoTOjr, April S3. The President
to-day sent veto messaees to the Houso.ve-
toing bills granting pensions to Chios Qaig.
Tie. -trlilnn' nt Vhliin n..li tiruiir tt
Brummer and William P. Witt.
Conoensns of Their Opinions In Kejrard
to Threatened Papal Condemnation of
the "Plan of Campaign" and Boycotting
In Ireland They Take Bat Little Stock
la the Report.
Loxdoit, April 24. A number of Nation
alist members of Parliament were inter
viewed to-day regarding the report to the
effect that Pope Leo intends issuing a
condemnation of the plan of campaign,
and the practice of boycotting in Ireland,
and forbidding his people to fol
low the directions of the Na
tional League in these matters. All
the members seen expressed it as
their opinion that this report was simply
a revival of like statements made from
time to time by the Tory press for tho
purpose of influencing English votes, and,
if possible, to intimidate the Irish who
wore struggling hard against the govern
ment's measures in tho unequal fight for
liberty. "Why should the Pope do this"
asked one of the members. "It is far
more consistent to my mind to think that
the Pope is inclined to favor Ireland
rather than to array himself on England's
side. In the first place, con
rider the great number of Catholics
who are in Ireland, and who. in spite of
their poverty, givo not only faithfully but
very largely to the support of the church.
They constitute the truest of the dope's
pooplo to-day, and nowhere would His
Holinoss find a safer and better asylum
from possible persecution, or more de
voted defenders, than in Ireland. Besides
these considerations, the Pope would
hardly, for the sake of pleasing
England, proceed in a direction
contrary to that indicated in the
various reports he has hod from
different authorities on Ireland. Mgr.
Persico's report on Ireland was favorable
in most respects, and he most certainly
did not advise the Pope to interfere with
the legitimate means of warfare employed
by the people. Cardinals Newman and
Gibbons have both made favorable re
ports to the Pope iu regard to
Ireland, but perhaps tho strongest
and best of all was that of Cardinal
Manning, who told Pope Leo that if hr
were an Irishman, living in Ireland, he
would consider Himself justified in join
ing the plan of campaign and of doing just
what the people were doing there in de
fense of their rights. The idea that the
Duke of Norfolk went to Rome to influence
the Pope in these matters has no founda
tion in fact. He merely conveyed the
congratulations of Queen Victoria to His
Holiness on his first visit, and his sub
sequent visit was a personal one."
Patents Issued for Slethocla of Transrnlt
Ung Heat by Electricity A Xew Era
WAsntxcTOX, April 25. Five important
patents were yesterday issued to Elias A.
Rics. a Baltimore electrician, for methods
and apparatus for heating by electricity.
These inventions are based upon and era
body a radically new departure in the art
of converting electricity into heat, by
means of which the various losses attend
ing previous attempts in this direction
are entirely overcome. It is claimed that
by this system dwellings and other
places can be supplied with heat from
central generating stations by the same
conductors that now supply them with cur
rents for incandescent electric lights, and
at a cost considerably less than that for
which an equal nmount of heot can be
produced by the crude and wasteful
methods now in vogue. The success of
this system of electric heating is due t5
Mr. Reis' method of utilizing the current
expansively, so to speak, the heat being
produced by secondary or "transformed"
currents, having an extremely low elec
trical pressure, but possessing unusually
groat heating qualities. The system is
said to be absolutely safe, and the pat
ents referred to not only include inven
tions for private heating and heating from
central stations, but also speci.il methods
for heating and lighting railway cars by
Patents covering other important appli
cations, such as for various domestic and
Industrial operations, are still pending
before tho Patent Office. The uses to
which a practical and economical system
of electric heating, such as this appears
to bo, are applicable, are so many, and
tho field so vast, that if tho claims made
for this method are verified, it is possible
that thoso patents will prove to bo of far
greater value even than those granted on
tho electric light and the telephone.
Secrotary Falrchlld Presents Ills Views tc
the Senate Finance Committee In Oppo
sition to the Issue of Paper Fractional
Washington-, April 24. Secretary Fair
child appeared before the Senate finance
committee to-day, at the request of the
committee, to present his views on the
bill which has passed the House, provid
ing for the issue of
fractional currency.
The Secretary strong
ly opposed the bill.
He asserted that pre
vious issues of frac
tional currency had
cost, in the expense
of production and the
from destrue
ns much as the
value of th?
average circulation
maintained. He did
Secretary Fairchild. not believe that pub
lic convenience required a reissue, nor
that it would be popular. Frac
tional silver and the postal-note system
met all purposes which fractional notes
could servo except by a very large issue
extending to the most remote part of the
country, and requiring years in its prep
aration. The cost and great loss incident
al to such an issue and its manifest dis
advantages, which had led to its abandon
ment, were, to his mind conclusive rea
sons against a renewal of such circula
tion. The Comptroler of the Currency,
Mr. Trenholm, also appeared before the
committee to suggest some minor modifi
cations of the bill to reimburse depositors
in the Freedmen's Bank.
HngcUiff Interest.
"Washington-, April 24. Members of
the House committee on ways and means
arc not showing the interest in their
meetings that they have heretofore. There
wns not a quorum at the regular raeetinr
this morning and no business of conse
quence was done during the ten minutes
the members were together. No refer
ence was made to the principal question
pending the limitation of debate on
the main question of the Tariff bill be
fore the Honse. A favorable report was
ordered on ilr. Breckenridze's bill call
ing upon the Secretary of tho Treasury
for information concerning the importa
tion of foreign labor and its effect upon
American industries.
Another Indiana Township OClccr Troves
a Defaulter.
BtrFFTOX, Ind., April 21. J. T. Bont
well, treasurer of Orange township, Han
cock County, has been missing for several
days, and an investigation into his ac
counts reveals the fact that there is a
shortage of S,000. ilr. Boutwcll bore an
enviable reputation and the Surprise at
his disgrace is general.
Plro at Valentine, Nebraska.
Valentine, Neb., April 24. Fire last
night in a saloon destroyed about $2.000
worth of property, having communicated
to the Montgomery HoteL Sparks Brog.
store and" the Cherry County Bank.
m Jm
v yrjfs.
Nil ..s
Drug Stores In Germany,
The drug 6tores have a curious -way
here of shutting up Jnst about the time
you want them. And as soon as it be
gins to grow dark, down go the shut
ters, and if you need, any thing you go
to a little hell handle outside of one of
the iron shutters and ring it. Then
you hear some one at a crank insido,
the massive frame rolls up, and a head
looks out the window. Finally the
man or boy inside opens part of the
window and you talk through a pane of
glass,andyou mako known your wants.
Instead of showing anger at being
aroused, the man begs your pardon for
keeping you outside and says: "I
thank you for your order." If you
have not the exact change, and the
man inside is not in the samo predica
ment, he "will heg you most politely
and thank you to allow him to chango
it Having done so he will thank you
tor calling (evidently taking the visit
as a social one), bow, close his little
peep hole, bow again, and then smile
sweetly as he grinds down his iron
shutter and his smiling face is lost to
riew. How different from the druggists
in America! I remember I onoe woke
one up in tho States and ho came down
Starrs with a shotgun after me. But, as
I remarked before, they haTo a curious
way of doing things in Dresden.
Dresden Correspondence.
"Dunn has good ears for music,
hasn't heP" asked one member of a
choir of another. "Well," vras the
reply, "he has good ears, but I didn't
know they were for music; I thought
they were to brush the flies off the top
of his head with."
An Iowa genius holds the offices
of United States Signal Observer, city
clerk, township clerk, United States
Claim Agent, township treasurer and
Adjutant of a G. A. K. post.
KANSAS CITV, April 33.
CATTLE Shipping fcteew.... -1 0J i 4 .0
Nativo cows s 8.) S 51
Untchcrbsteer3 ... 3 60 4i)i
HOGS Good to choice heuvy. 4 to & n -13
WHEAT No. 3 red Not quoted
No.i tott Wic3 61
CORN No.2 4G 4Ci
OATS No. sDviti SO
RYE No.'J IS t9
FLOUR Patents, per sack... 2 10 2 8J
HAY Baled 0 Oj a Hi
BUTTER Choice creamery... 21 V7
CHEESE Full creum 11 J-.'
EGGS Choice 10 I0y.
BACON Ham 30JJ llh
Shoulders 7 TS;
Sides fciiti U
LARD 7ia S
CATTLE Shipping fctoer 4 45 5 10
Butchers' steers.... 3 0J 5i0
HOGS Packing 5 23 u 5 60
SHEEP Fairto choice.- 4 V3 G CO
FLOUR Choice S 10 2 M)
WHEAT No.2 red M Q KS';
CORN No.2 51 tU4
OATS No.2 31iii S--
EYE No. Gl di,i
BUTTEK Creatnory . 2",
PORK 14 00 14 05
CATTLE Shipping steers 4 00 4 75
HOGS Packing ana shipping. 5 55 5 00
SHEEP Fairto choice 5l)i 7 00
FLOUR Winter wheat 8 CO 4 OJ
WHEAT No. -'red 81J43 Wl(
CORN No.-.! 641', MV
OATS No.2 32 &i.
RYE Nj.J G3i(fc C4
BUTTEK Creamery.."....-.... Si 25
PORK 13 40 13 50
CATTLE Common to prtrao.. 4 25 5 33
HOGS Good to choice 5 SO r. in
FLOUR Good to choice 5 70 5U
"WHEAT No. 2red !?.& &Hi
CORN No.2 Cs C34
OATS estern mixed i7. 39
BUTTER Creamery 27 8
PORK 1J.V) 15 25
The success of some of the agents em
ployed by B. P. Johnson & Co., Richmond,
Va., is truly marvellous. It is not an unusual
thinp for tneir agents to make as high as?30
and $30 a day, and sometimes their profits
run up as high as HO and 850 even more.
But we hesitate to tell you tho whole truth,
or you will scarcely behove wo are in
earnest. Write them ana see for yourself
what they will do for you.
A chess tournament la always played on
the square.
Ix another column of this issue will be
found an entirely new and novel specimen
of attractive advertising. It is one of the
neatest ever placed in our paper and wc
think our readers will be well repaid for
examining the supposed display letters in
the advertisement of Prickly Ash Bitters.
" Hamlet " is a plav for all time,
never give up the ghbst ruck.
It will
Cuke your cough with Halo's Honey of
Horehound and Tar.
Pike's Toothache Drops Cure in one minute.
At no other season docs tho hnmnn system so
much need the aid of a reliable medicine like
Hood's Sarsaparilla, as now. The impoverished
condition of tho blood, tho weakening effects of tbe
lone cold winter, the lost appetite, and that tired
feeling, all make a cood spring medicine absolutely
necessary. Hood's Sarsaparilla is peculiarly
adapted for this purpose, and increases in popu
larity every year.
Is carefully prepared from Sarsaparilla. Dande
lion. Mandrake, Dock. Pipsissewa. Juniper Uerries.''
and other well-known vegetable remedies, in sucha
peculiar manner as to derive the full medicinal
value of each. It will cure, when in tho power of
medicine, scrofula, salt rheum, sores, bolls, pim
ples, all humors, dyspepsia, biliousness, sick head
ache. Indigestion, general debility, catarrh, rheu
matism, kidney and llvr complaints.
Purifies .
the Blood
"We all like Hood's SarsapariIIa.lt Is so strength
ening." Lizzie Balfour, Auburn, R, L.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Sold by all druggists. II: six for $5. Prepared only
by C L HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell. Mass.
tOO Doses One Dollar
Stomach, Liver ,
Pruts. Sick HXXSACKX.UVZR CoxPLAcro.&oss
ByApprrjtx.BmouiTW.KgBTonBji aa.Jxca
Did. ETC nUCKMEecata. ,
Whicli are
Justified by a TTarld-'WId
2b the TvbUa
Having branch houses and laboratories In
seven different quarters, and therefore
having a -world-wide experience, tve, H. H.
"Warner & Co., justify ourselves in making
the following statement:
JFinLTor the past decade tve have held
that 93 per cent, of diseases originate in the
kidneys, which introduce uric acid into
the system, a poison that is injurious to
every organ, attacking and destroying first
the organs which are the weakest. "We
have also held that if the kidtieyt are kept in
perfect health most of the ordinary ailments
Kill be prevented, or, if contracted, cured.
Other practitioners havo held that extreme
kidney diseaso is incurable. "We have proof
to the contrary, however, in hundreds of
thousands of cases in every section of tho
Second. The kidneys being the sowers of
the human system, it is impossible to keep
the entire Bystem in good working order
unless these organs are doing their full duty.
Most people do not believe their kidneys
are out of order because they nover givo
thorn any pain. It is a peculiarity of kidney
disease that it may long exist tdlhout the
knowledge of the patient or of the practitioner.
It may be suspected if there is any gradual
departure from ordinary health, which de
parture increases as age comes on.
Third. Wo do not cure every known dis
ease from one bottle. This is an impossi
bility. Fourth. Warner's Safe Remedies have
been recognized by tho doctors and the peo
ple all over the globe as standards of the
highest excellence.
Fifth. "We mako the following unqualified
Gcabaktesb 1. That "Warner's Safe
Remedies are pure and harmless.
Gcahaxtee 2. That the testimonials used
by us are genuine, and so far as we know,
absolutely true. We will forfeit i5,000 for
proof to the contrary.
Guarantee 3. "Warner's Safe Remedies
havo permanently cured many millions of
people whom the doctors have pronounced
incurable. Permanent cures arc always
convincing proofs of merit.
Stzlh. Ask your friends and neighbors
what they think of "Warner's Safe Cure.
Rev. J. P. AiUfOLD, Camden, Tenru bad fear
ful abscesses caused by Kidney disease. In
1878 and 1681, other running abscesses ap
peared. Ha was fully cured in 16&J by
Warner's Safo Cure and In 1S33 reported
himself sound and well, and be is over 70
years old.
Mrs. Annie Jenness-Millbr, editress of
Dress, 233 Fifth avenue, Now York, eigbt
years ago was cured of nervous prostration,
when tho best New England physicians could
do her no good. Sho cured berself with.
Warner Safo Cure, and writes In 1887 : " To
day I am a perfectly well woman. It is tbe
only medicino I over taUe."
. B. Price, M. D., a gentleman and physician
of tbe bigbest standing of Hanover C IL, Va.,
four years ago, after trying orery other reme
dy for brigbt's disease, including famous min
eral waters, cured himself by Warner's Safe
Cure, and March 24, 18S3. wrote: "I have nev
er had the slightest symptoms of my old and
fearful trouble."
Herman Urban, of MacKealo & Urban, safe
makers, Cincinnati, O., was broken down by
excosstvo business cares. He was fully re
stored to health four years ago by Warner's
Safe Cure and has since been In robust
Dr. Dio. Lewis wrote: "If I found myself af
flicted with a serious kidney disorder I would
use Warner's Safe Cure."
Mrs. E. J. Wolf, Gettysburg, Pa., S. C. Far
rington, Gotha, Fla., J. M. Long, 43 East 2d
street, Cincinnati, O., and the sister of J. W.
Westlake, Mt. Vernon, O., were cured of con
sumption, (caused by kidney acid in the blood,
as over half tho cases are,) by "Warner's Safe
. Cure.
"We could givo many thousands of simi
lar testimonials. "Warnor's Safo Cure does
exactly as represented.
Seventh. TVarncr's Safo Remedies wero
put on tho market in obedience to a vow
mado by H. H. "Warner that, if tho remedy
now known as "Warner's safo cure, restored
him to health, ho would spread its merits
before tho entire world. In ten years the
demand has grown so that laboratories havo
been establishod in seven quarters of tho
globe. "Warner's Safe Curo is a scientific
specific it cures when all the doctors fail, thou
sands of tho best physicians prescribe it
regularly, its power over disease is perma
nent and its reputation is of the most ex
alted character. Can you afford longer to
ignore its extraordinary power! Now, in
tho spring of tho year, a few bottles will
tone you up and cure all those ill feelings
which, unknown to you, are caused by tho
fatal kidnoy poison in tho blood, which will
surely end fatally, if not at once removed.
For this no other specific Is known.
Manx a man gobs a reputation for bclncr a
knowing man on account of his skill in be
coming an owing man. Siftlngs.
Twelve Good Slon and Trno
Constitute a petit jury. "Were a tithe of the
grateful testimony in favor of Hostetter's
Stomach Bittera presented to such a jury,
they would render a verdict in its favor
without leaving their seats. That very
grand jury, the American people, pro
nounced favorably upon it years ago, ex
perience having taught them its value in
lever and ague, dyspepsia, debility, liver
complaint, constipation, rheumatism, neu
ralgia and weakness of tho nerves.
Who wr.s Cain's wife? Adam's daughter-in-law,
of course.
Vi ul B .B vi FH
iHHii mum
1 ml WiXWM If.fUlUWI -B
To Housekeepers and
Farmers. It is Impor
tant that the Soda yon
nso should be 'White and
Pure same as all similar
.substances used for
food. To insure ob
taining only the "Arm &
Hammer" brand Sods,
boy it in "pound or
half pound" cartoons,
which bear our name
and trade-mark, as in
ferior goods are somc
timea substituted for the
"Ann & Hammer' brand
Then bought, la bulk.
Parties using living
Powder should remem
ber tbat its sole rising
property consists of bl-
limbs meak
WBCVinuteu 11
It prepared solely tor the
cure of complilnti which
aSUetsll wonanklnd. It
rtTes ton aad strength to
th tif.Hnii Arnnl. ind
corrects danjMroui durolacemeatt and UreguUrl
tle. ItlsofjtreatTslnelB change ofllfe. Theoseof
saner greatly relieves tbe pains of motherhood and
promotes speedy recovery. It aatlsu nature to
safely make the critical chanra from airlhood to
womanhood. Itlaplraaaattothetaiuandaayha
taxen at all times Kith perfect safety. Price, 91.
The best and surest Remedy for Care of
aQ diseases caused by any derangement of
the Liver, Kidneys, Stomach and Bowels.
Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Constipation,
Bilious Complaints and Malaria of all kinds
yield readily to the beneficent influence of
It Is pieasast to tho taste, tones up the
6vstem. restores and preserves health.
It Is purely Vegetable, and cannot fail to
prove bencnciai, Dotn to oiu ana young.
As a Blood Purifier It Is superior to all
others. Sold everywhere at 81.00 a bottle.
Neuralgia, Headache, Sore Throat, Sprains,
Bruises, Burns, Wounds, Lame Back,
And AH Pains Of An Inflammatory Nature.
Sold by Drncclits. COe. ud 81.00.
ForLlrer, Bile, lndIpeotIon,ot. Frre from Mercury;
contains only Pure vegetable Inimtllenu. .Atnta
Ely's Cream Balm
Price 50 cents.
Than $500 In any
other way.
Apply Balm into each nostril.
ELY BROS..S5 Greenwich St. JC.Y.
An Illustrated copy of the
or the Years 1S. 1C3. 1705 and
t6. Mailed FREE. Of Interest
to nil nojr ralers. A1ilres
1'ostal to II. AV. IT IT. I. Az
1C4 West ilain Street.
Qinft In &3(inA UOSTn can bo made working
VIUU IU MUforus. Agents preferred who
can furnish their own horses and giro their whole time
to tho business. Spare moment may bo profitably cm
ployed alko. A few racnncles In towns and cities.
Il.F. JOH.VSO.VA.-CO., 101iat!a(jtril, ttltiaoni. Vs.
ML -k Ionic
fg ' ia ' ia, ' RHEUMATISM,
B; 1 rinrnrn mi fW W
ht's "OGW mmw
IvA Hl a Ti flw . j B fcB J9
carbonate of soda. One
teaspoon I ul of tbe "Ann
k Hammer" brand of
Soda mixed with sour
milk equals four tea
spoonfuls of tbe best
TSarlng Poirder. eaiing
twenty times its cost..
besides being much
healthier, because it
does not contain any
Injurious substances,
sucb as alum, terra alba,
etc, of which many Bak
ing Powders are made.
Dairymen and Farmers
should use only t'ne"J rzn
k Hammer" branu for
cleaning and keeping
MUi Pans Sweet and
Sift and Satin Ribbons FREE
X nncIA forth lidk. Sm
Baca nmy tod Man
ia rait .vttT wfflr
ue rrrrurr or Bar- ,
ra rtw uumanti or
ribbon, biadytorth
tutyaad astfal
pui pw for walca
mchcoods at
ntti.aBd wtdch
thrr, tba UdiM,
as ta rath iiJtm
tsro To pnnliuo
wait tewaatsd at
tbo Gjatt prleta
nth cooa ara
aoM tar, woalS,
create a lis bill
of xpna, and
tamioro deban a
grreat manynva
laJalstor Ihalr
tutt la this
dirtrtloa. Xeallr
,bc that thors
wero tto&a&adi
npon thoaaukls of
rrmnacu of rib
bonaamoat; tho
lata tmpoctter
boost of Aflorka
which therwoakl
b wfiEsttoettpoaeofln bant, ft a null ftorthm of th!r eott.
to any one capable of ponliastiic largtly, w Inttitotc anarch,
raaaltlar to oar obutahisT tho oniiro atock of 8tuki and
Satin KlbHwtaKcianaataor rrrralof thaUrtrttof
those hoaM,wbo Imported tho Sacot cooda. Tbcsr (tods nay
beopeald apoa as superior to anything to bo feeud, oxcopt
la tho rrtj lxt etorr of Aaxrloa. Tct they art rlTra away
fre-ei aochtocllaelt errr known. A grind btaeflt toe ail th
ladt baaatInd.chailt,cbolco poods etwolatity free. Wo
ban oxjwcidod thoosanda of dollars la this d!roctloa,aad eaa
ocTfCaarouDoasety, varied, and mostcoaBplotaasaortmoat of rib
boos, la oierytCTKYl table shado and width, and sH of tttaHoat
eaaBty, edarMDck-WTer,boonrt atrial hat titamlnra,
hows, scarfs, dross trimndars.aUkeriUwork.ct&.etc Soma
of three remoaata ranca throe yard aad apinuda la Inrlh.
Thonrh mnoaara,aUtho pattmaansowaBdlate stjlc,sad
The IrcUeal loaactce-cpr and Ladles
Fireside Companion, published monthly by us. Is ae
haowlcdcfd, by those competent to Jodie, to be the best prrU
edUal of the kind la the world. Very UT and handsomely U
butrated: rrfn!axprlce73eta.peTyr; acBdaSeontaandwa
wUl aradttsoyoa rora trial year, and wOl also send free a
box of the ribbons t S rnberrtptlcossndl boxes. t eta.;
sabeeripeioa aad4Uie,Sl. Ooo-reot postsc stamps may
boaeat for lee thsaSL Get a friends to Jayoa thereby ret
tlnr4sabscrlpelonad4 boxes fur only SI :caa do It In a few
xalnstes. ThesbarooCtt-Is based on this tact r-thceewhoread
the periodical referred to, for one year, want It thereafter, aad
pay as tbe faU rdco for It; It U la sfter ytsrs. and not now,
that we tsaxa money. We make thla ercat Oder In order t
at oooe aecare SCVI00 new anbscTibefs, who, not now, but nt
year. and lr years thereafter, shall reward as with a profit.be
eaase the majority of there, will wUh to renew their suhscrlp
Uocs, and win do so. Tbe money required is bat a msll traction
of the pries too would hsee to pay st any store lor amuca
arsallcr assortment of fsr Inferior nbfcoou Dest bsrtln reet
known t you will not folly appreciate it untfl after jo eeo all.
Sale deBrsry gnaranteed. Money refunded la any one not per
fectly satisfied- Better rot this out, or scad st oner, for piul.
ably It wont sppeararaln. Address,
H. HALLSrr A COrcaillirrognAD.sIalSt.
a- a Aiit this rxrm n u j nt.
Almost as Palatable as Milk.
Tho only preparation of COD I.IVEU OIL that
can be taken readily and tolerated for a lust; tlmo
by delicate stomachs.
CHILDREN It Is marreirora in Its irsalts. ""
Prescribed and endorsed by tho best rnyiiclans
in tbe countries of tho world.
Far Hals by all Drueclnta.
K7Snd for Pamphlet on Wasting Disease. Ad
dress. bCOTT & XIOW.NK. Sew ITork.
Highest Honors nt all Orrt World's Exhibition since
1867. 10O style. S22 to K. For Cash. Easy I'ayinents,
or lUnled. Catalogue, 40 pp., sto. Inc.
Mason & Hamlin do not hcrltato to mate tho extra
ordinary claim that their llano are superior to all
other. This they attribute solely to tho remarkable
Improvement introducer! by thein In 1RS2. now known
particulars by mall.
BOMOX, lt Tremeet St. IHIIa(.0. HI) YVahash Arc.
SETT TOHK, 46 East 14th St. (Calea Sonar.)
7-.-t.UIK THIS FarlS erfry Urn. yw .
This is the Best Shoe
made for boys or girls.
Warranted no Shoddy
and sold as follows:
Sizes 8 to VH
" 11 to 13a
si. as
Our name is on the hot-
of every shoe.
S3-51ME THIS PsPIR eTerjnmslearUe.
Wholly nnllUe artificial ayatcms.
t-ure oi niini tvnnucrinx.
Any liook. learned In one rentllnar.
Clnesof 108T at Baltimore. lOOS ut Detroit.
lfiOO at Philadelphia. 1 1 ISatWashlmrton.iaiO
at lloKton. large cla;e of Columbia Larr students,
at Yale. Wellesley, Oberlln University of l'enn..
Michigan lnivcrhy,ChautHujua,c&c. Endorsed
by KicuAltn I'ltocroK. the Scientist. Hon. W. W.
ASTOIU Ji'DAH P. IiEN'JAMl.v. .ludce GlDFON'.Dr.
BliiiWN. E. II.CtMinT. Principal X. Y.StntoXnrmal
College. .Vc Taucht by correspondence. Prospectus
post niEE from Pkok. Ixji8ETTr.33; Fifth Av., S.Y.
C3-XSUE THIS pAr-CK mtiwin ru.
Ie von
fires prompt sac poaltlie reiienn nary esse
and CUBES all CURABLE Casee. Pleasant
'andajrreeablatau. Eatahushed TWEjty
,TEAK.S.andasldhyalUraaUu. TKIAL
PACKAOE sn Psmphlet FKEC by
sUU. Seed for Free rscxsfc sad TKT IT.
U-3AXX TUIS PAPSB, .terj Cm jm wt.u.
WELLS, tco.
Send for our catalogue. Ac on "Well Ilort j
and C'oul Proapeetlnir Machine. tc.
LOOMIS &. NYN1AN, nras, omo.
mj-StML TUIS PAPIS eeerj toe joa rl
tnMPa nII9laVk rUit tMasis. riliau r I
B Sitala IJUnlSaW imii. KlitlailaieniuBl
aaananniaaaaBBkaaMaaBBBaB Lawi ae tL. Ba Um oaatfLSSsOT
ear. ISlMUamrionll b.l.fkr CUUrmr UwrtSmUl.ax;Ut
CK teM.s. .itl m for ia&ci.in. abnt Uafl r CatiU.aMl la a.1 et.t
a.4 Tf riwett. Bm4 10 Cnu ud rwtt tL. Uttif.l .cra.te(. a tVtttf.
splWiuil m-T. AltrmTIIX WL-TiaS baU.CUoo.liL
ajr S A3U THIS PAPZX erctT aa yes sraa.
Business, Shorthand and English Training
School, St. Louis, Mo. Send for circular.
If K disabled: par. etc.: De
serters relieved: Laws tree.
L. W. arCOnaiCE A SOSS. CUelaaatI, O., k Waihlartoa,D.C
O-SAXZ THIS FAPIX. rtny tzu jra writ.
i ciou Tri cnDanuvfiRR-An'bo1!",
kkJUTra I C CunMrni Good situation.
Chance erer offered. Ad. J. V. Bao ws. iUr-, ScdaUa. JIo.
TCVA I Afin 5.000.000 acres best agrlcol.
BCAAd LAliUtural and sraztap land torsale.
Addreas.GODLE V & POItTKIt,DalIas,Tex.
SaTXAUX TUIS MO. nmj Co. reaeiaa.
aytf UresthonwandinskernoresiOTeywOTkta-roTnsCiea
MWlUiatanTthfarelselnthewoeld. Either sex CotCootat
JxTomTrxxL Address, TWTIA Co,Anust.lIal.
ta-SAXX T"1 1TAPI& swrj ua7 x&.
Al TO S8ADAY, Samples -xorth $1.50
SUfl FRE&IJneanotundeTthehorae'sfeet. Write)
e9AXXTSarA?IZrer7 that yea nu.
-a. mv a Korrntsinn .
. avMlwtWri An BJuj
c. a. aowsa". auTsJt bam. wa.
In Ohio. Cheap. Good. Send for description
and once. H- X. BA'CBorr. Jefferson, O.
X1XX VU3 PATXa seary Ixaa m era.
A. X. . D.
Ko. 1185.
please say yoa saw the AdverUsemect la
tills paper.
And Hpophosphltes of Lime & Sooa
a ram's
CeJ wVfir. om
aaeST tVBJsr m am:, -v . ?A
aaaaaaaaaaaafasaaa'' ''tsWaxaaaw
ahksaaaaaaav bbJbb)tE
- ?
0-- r
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