OCR Interpretation

The Kinsley graphic. [volume] (Kinsley, Kan.) 1890-1940, July 29, 1904, Image 8

Image and text provided by Kansas State Historical Society; Topeka, KS

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84029671/1904-07-29/ed-1/seq-8/

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Bet pre Items.
J. W. Pbaro went to Larned on
business Wednesday." ,
Mrs. Lulu Faulkner spent. Wednes
. day at Mackaville among: friends.
.Tucker Gilaon is cutting meat for
Ed Donavan since Tom Cooper left.
E. H. McKIbben and wife were tak
ing in the sights of Larned Monday.
Crispi's ice cream and fine ' ice
cream sodas at the Harrison Drug
Krnest McKibben started for Idaho
On a visit among relatives, last Fri
day. Messrs. Gallemore and White weie
over from Lewis Wednesday on busi
ness. -
Nic Berscheidt, of Ellinwood, visit
ed over Sunday with friends in our
- Two gentlemen from Stafford were
looking for land in this vicinity Wed
nesday. Ed Donavan, our enterprising
butcher, went to Larned on business
Monday. -Mr.
Sterling, who is staying at the
Miller hotel, has been quite sick the
past week.
. Bert Hager 6old his threshing ma
chine to some parties near Macka
ville this week.
Dr. O'Flyng reports that Mr. Un
zicker, of near Prattburg, as being
quite sick this week.
John Miller bought a One team of
mules of Tucker Gilson,this week for
which he paid $225.
Henry Laird caoe down from Kan
sas City this week to look after the
threshing of his wheat.
Miss Maggie Parker came up from
near Dodge City to work for Mrs.
Funkhouser for a few weeks.
Charlie Leshure and wife returned
from Spearville last Saturday and
are living at present with Lyman
Grain and Live Stock
Sole Agents for Canon City and Marceline
Fancy Lump Coal. " " '
Page Wire Fence, Barb-wire and Lincoln Paints.
We meet all competition on Lumber, Posts, Brick,
Stone, Etc. Highest market price paid for grain.
I A. .Hardy '& Son I
Dealers in Hardware, Harness, Imple- ,
j ments, Buggies, Machinery, Windmills, S
r$ Pumps, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, etc.
' r
. This is something new. Plate, Cup
and Saucer with every two pounds.
Call and examine these unusual bar- -gains.
They must be sold ; ' . .
Lewis. Kansas. i j: -
, ,. .
L v v v w
Williams. Mr. Leah ore will build on
his .property that be bought of E. D.
Devine aa soon as & carpenter can be
obtained. . -
MrsTi Wilmer Martin has been quite
sick for a few days. We are sorry to
hear that she is not improving more
Ed Devine and family started to
drive through to Alexander Wednes
day to visit Mrs. Devine'a parents,
Mr. and Mrs.' Walker. ,
Lunz Bros, threshed two thousand
bushels of wheat Wednesday. Dur
ing the first three days of this" week
they threshed 4700 bushels.
-Something should be done to stop
the boys and men around town from
crack-a-loo on the streets all day.
Men, as well as small boys, gather on
the side walks and Sip pennies for
hours at a ttme, crowding up .the
walks so that ladies can scarcely get
past. Men use profane language, re
gardless of the presence o'f ladies, and
snch things are a disgrace to the
town. The business men of the town
should immediately take measures to
put a stop, to such proceedings, as
they bring discredit upon the town.
Lewis Items
Mr. Randall has his house enclosed.
Insure your farm buildings with
W. H. Israel.
The Junior League had an outing
yesterday at Abrams' grove.
'Dr. E..E. Haynes, of Kinsley, will
move to our town in a few days.
W. W. McCune is. erecting a barn
on his lot on South Main street.
For harness repair and shoe work,
go to Mrs. Spence's store building.
E. C. Smith's daughter has beeu
visiting her grandparents this week.
C. P. Ketelson and daughter, of
Kinsley, were visiting with Harry
Angus last Monday.
M. F. Stewart left for his home in
Kansas City Wednesday. We wish
him success. He is employed by the
Cooper Commission Co. at the Stock
Exchange building.
A number of our young people went
to the picnic at the Terry Grove, near
Fellsburg, yesterday.
Clay Passwater gave a party to a
few of hU friends Tuesday evening.
All enjoyed themselves.
New and repair harness work new
stock everything guaranteed. Shoes
of all kinds made to order, fit guar
anteed. Benry Yuncker.
The farmers had another fire in
their coal bins last Monday morning.
This makes the second fire there. The
coal must-be good or it would not
burn spontaneously.
South Brown.
Prairie hay is making a fine crop.
Corn will make the best crop we
have had for years.
Friends from Lewis were visiting at
Abe Peters' last Sunday.
Rev. MacCartney preached at the
Taylor, schoolhouse last Sunday.
District No. 44 have engaged Mr.
Risley to teach their school the com
ing term.
Walter Moore sold his interest in
his wheat crop on the Howard ranch
and returned to Butler county, Kan
sas, this week.
Th weather continues warm and
showery and our local weather au
thorities have three more rains book
ed for the next ten days.
Much more ground is being plowed
for wheat this fall than usual. Our
farmers are beginning . to do better
work on their farms than they have
been doing in the past.
Lewis Charge Church Notices.
The following are the announce
ments of the Lewis charge of the Meth
odist Episcopal church:
Lewis. Sunday school at 10 a. m.,
J. B. Vosburg, superintendent; preach
ing at 11 a. m. and o p. m., class meet
ing after, the morning services; Ep
worth League Sunday evening at 7 p.
m., William Israel, president;. Junior
League Saturday afternoon at 3 p. m.,
Miss Emma Ostrander, president;
prayer meeting every Thursday even
ing. Samuel Yaggy, chorister; Alfred
Radcliffe, organist.
Belpre.--rSabbath school at 2 p. m.,
W. C. Blattner, superintendent, and
preaching at 3 p. m.
Come to all of these services'. It
will help the pastor, and do you good.
"I was glad when they said unto
me, let us go into the house of the
Lord . " Ps a I mist.
William T. Cummins, Pastor.
Belpre Citizens Excited.
We were in Belpre the first of this
week and found the citizens of that
thrffty burg considerably stirred up
over the question of . peddlers. Some
of that fraternity had been camping
near the town for several days. There
Is a very stringent state law against
these people operating in this state
without a license and it is the duty of
every good citizen to see that it is en
Heard Him Say It.
Messrs. Laird and Lantry, of Bel
pre, are authority for the statement
that E. H. McKibben told them that
he had threshed one field of wheat re
cently that made thirty bushels to the"
acre. They say they know the state
ment to be true for they saw Mr. Mc
Kibben when he. made it.
- Wants Land Plowed.
I will pay $1.25 per acre for the re
plowing of 160 acres of land on sec-?
tion 35-25-19. See J. G. Woodruff or
write to J. C. Soice, Stafford, Kans.,
Rural Route No. 1. -. . . 7-29
For Sale.
A- good seven-room house, barn and
outbuildings, all new, three lots, well
located, east side of railroad. In
quire of T. H. Evans & Co.
gives much pleasure to men
1 who know what good vehicles
are. They see in these car
riages perfect style, perfect
balance, perfect material and
perfect workmanship.
the vehicles shows are the lat
" - est and most approved type of
their class.
They represent the. highest
achievement in the art of car
riage making. Our prices will
please. -
Santa Fe Excursion Rates. -
Account' of National Encampment
of the Grand Army of the Republic at
Boston. Mass., August 15 to 20, 1904,
round trip tickets will be sold via
differential lines for $38.85, via stand
ard lines for $40.55; on sale August
11, 12 and 13. Tickets will be good
for return, leaving Boston not earlier
than August 16 nor later than August
20. Extension of limit can be secured.
Stop-overs will be allowed at various
points. Rates via New York and rail
or via New York and boa&are a little
higher than rates quoted.
Second class colonist rates to Cali
fornia, September 15 to October 15.
$25 to San Francisco, Los Angeles
and. various Other points in Cali
fornia; also to points on the S. T. P.
& P. Ry. Cheap second class colo
nist rates will also be on sale on
above dates to various points in
Arizona and Mexico and to certain
points in Montana, Utah, Washing
ton, Oregon, etc.
Chicago and return, $25.60r Santa
Fe. Via St. Louis with 10 days' stop
off at the World's Fair, either direc
tion. On sale June 1 to September 30;
return limit October 31.
The Santa Fe will sell round trip
tickets at rate of one fare plus fifty
cents to Pueblo, Colorado Springs
and Denver from June 1 to September
30; return limit October 31. Four
daily trains.
Homeseekers' Excursions. First
class, third Tuesdays, May to Decem
ber, 1904, inclusive. One fare plus
$2.00 to points in Arizona, points in
Colorado east of Rocky Ford, New
Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas and certain
points in Arkansas and Louisiana.
Limited to 21 days from date of sale.
Louisiana Purchase Exposition
World's Fair, St. Louis, Mo., April
30 to November 30, 1904. For the
above occasion tickets will be on sale
at Kinsley, to St. Louis and return,
as follows:
$26.50, on sale daily from April 15 to
November 15, inclusive. Final limit
December 15. $22.10, on sale daily
from April 25 to November 20, inclus
ive. Final limit, tickets good to
leave St. Louis within 60 days from
date of sale, but not later than De
cember 15. $19.90, on sale daily from
April 27 to November 30, inclusive.
Final limit, tickets good to leave St.
within 15 days from date of sale, but
not later than December 5. Extension
of return limit can be secured. Apply
to agent for particulars.
C. W. Class, Agent,
Kinsley, Kas.
A False Report.
It was reported here the latter part
of last week that horse thieves had
made another raid, the fourth within
the past two or three years, on Mr.
Abraharason, near Garfield, and had
stolen two more horses from him.
Quite a lurid account accompanied the
story to the effect that Mr. Abraham
son had caught the thieves in the act
and had taken two shots at them with
K.a shotgun loaded with buckshot,
wounding one of the robbers, who es
caped in the darkness, however. The
robbers returned the fire, killing one
of Abrahamson's dogs, so the story
said. Later information obtained
from Mr. Abraharason by Sheriff Mc
Coy is to the effect that the horses
have since been located at the place
in Hedgeman county where they were
bought some time back. They had
evidently strayed away and gone back
to their old home, which leads to the
conclusion that, while Mr. Abraham
son has surely been having a tough
time with thieves lately, it does not
do to always believe all of the stories
which get into circulation about such
happenings. Larned Tiller and Toil
er, July 22.
Needs a P. O. Corner Boss.
Pawnee county seems to be a little
behind the times.' An investigation
shows that it is not due to lark of en
terprise among the citizens of that
county but is due to the fact that they
don't have the right kind of a politi
cal boss It takes a hustler, one who
Rtands right up close to the throne to
get things done for a community.
Lust week's Larned papers announce
that rural route number one had been
established in thatcounty. We have
had two rural routes operating from
Kinsley for years. We have a polit
ical boss who does things without
wailing to be asked.
Farm for Sale.
Section 23-25-17. 275 Jtcrs under
cultivation. Inquire at farm or write
to A. Sprpgue, Lewis, Kans. . 8-19
For Sale.
A second-hand Hodge header, all
ready to go to wH-k in the field; ufnl
terms. J. W. Pbaro, Belpre. Kans.
For ale or Trade.
A Percheron Stallion, a!?o a good
Jack. Cali on or ndtlre, Ni:k Graf.
Belpre. Kan.-. t t
For Sale.
A good half section of land 8 mile
southeast of Lewi- Well improved,
large houe and barn, 15(1 acre .f
wheat, one mile from school. Prw-;
$20 per acre. One-half ah: 3 or 5
years time on balance. Inquire of
- T. H. K VAX8 & CO.
Ain't it the truthand a good one ? .
We handle Domestic Drugs, Drug .
Sundries, Paints, Oilsr Wall Paper,
Notions, Etc. X X X X
Belpre Lumber Company
Has a Complete Assortment of
Lumber, Builders Hardware and
Fencing Material. Before buying
elsewhere get an estimate of
t. e. Hardy, manager.
Carry the largest stock of Lumber and Building
Material between Hutchinson and Dodge City. Our'
trade, which is constantly increasing, demands it.
Fe are always glad to see you whether you buy or
not. It costs nothing to get our figures, no matter
how small or how large the bill; write us a letter
and tell us what you want to build.
J. W. P.flARO
belpre, Kansas.
Dealer in Groceries and Dry Goods, Boots
and Shoes, Hats, Men's and Ladies' Under
wear, Carpets, Oilcloths.
A Full Line of Farm Machinery, Hodge
Headers, Hapgood Disc Plows, Buggies and
Surries, Wagons, Windmills, Shelf Hard
ware, Paints, Oils and Patent iledicines.
Edwards, Noble & Co
; A Good Line of Wall
j Paper; - Ready-Mixed
J Paints, Leacl, Oil,
.Turpentine, Varnish-
es. Stains, Brushes
J and Window Glass
i Always on' Hand.
CT The Outing Collar
I Hrm la new ahap atria I
1 brforv ttainJ in a ntrwlriowanli'ir. 11
1TV It U not low la appvaraaor. th ertj-naW Ii J
l outaido ban titting cl to tliuahirt Ml fffl
11 atna.B.4. Either at bnninmM or plJ aa X J
J -Outing" ia tlaa bevt Jet. 2 lor Lie tl
Lewis Meat Market!
Fresh and Salt Meats 5
-.- always on hand. Cash
paid for Hides.
J Shop opposite J. B.
a. tt .
4. v os du r s store. j
1 belpre. Kans.
Plans and Specification accur- O '
ately drawn. All work guarao- o
3d teed flrtitcla. - " ' o
2 Cal I and ?ee me.
0 Let me figure on your build ft
1 s
Town Lotv Ranch and Farm
Lands for Male.
Insurance written for Fire 4
Tornado, etc., U the Coot! i
cental Insurance Co. - ;
-r . . . .-. . ; . ... :
-. v . .-.-.-.-..,-.wvX'-.w

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