OCR Interpretation

The Anaconda standard. [volume] (Anaconda, Mont.) 1889-1970, October 16, 1889, Morning, Image 6

Image and text provided by Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84036012/1889-10-16/ed-1/seq-6/

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W SON be . u .
441101 No I at I way
for "am to dhimbX
amam andm w d u
ring Ph.Imciilmac. ON, add
m mmlýUmostaf !r gym"
Uw~~ ~ ~~ tw laeia hop twel
Moosu ofwhem clthorl aid l
we smictc40 clim
V=te rnImeh. am h. h
*rcwm likeI adol. ci aillui rou
XWaln e the kisomt tern di&4rao
1%t miWe up* 8mB' ariMW ohodamEWosl
Ciui9 W the 4h .os wiwn MkItr .
IN Use i-m to-mx1a.tan thhe- Cvl
Wme yd Siasrnklmcec topoin* etiom
INylshmoIberIae trerxna ci..
mm t a.wera tctihn
4k* a ind 4** haloy smie !
H-y KraiIcle!ai..a.) I..r tae.
Why )ew·ru nmsohs 14t~ IY·r.
Ion the Pon-it. so)*% wlw it rain
Mbe kim Ida) twre litte thnez
WVith va? folo th. Iew t termn else!O
.4JAIce t nIlhU crh U Some.
ukim' luive Ir I sam9 ~ido
.. " -y. ur n'louls! -alp- *we) ro tior
Why M r vork smi skew.* ** Kay% 1.
Warin fer the val too ofte! "L
Tme. Trea Ntry oof thea Captare . t*he Ca01
Ire*d«r e I'refoleMs.
Vremu ther Pt. ISIlut KRa-|lulsli,.
After $tie regular niee.tsge of ti* RasII
menl poas in tia-ir luall ine tlw. 4 kkl E.llows'
hullding last e*veailileg an eyesnl osiona fl
lowed to wrakh thl faInnlik i anil friesadls of
the naeFmlster uu l hI e iieavita-ll. TlwR'
wa a larige uttealuteie. aitul tie *excerl.'ise
ronslitini of nllelak ulsael auiklreduw were' of
neorr thain l lirisary iissalrst. ('eHIIIInanuer
Smnit P. Galt preskikkl. ald in his, adllt-im
gave a highly etiatertawsalsli acio.isti of the
visit of thai RIIHsonIII IP t ik'lgaitkil to
the Milwasuke Ires u uilea. The jwrinieliel fea
ture of th evenliscg's- ivers.ies, lanwever,
ras a t~r eenwntel umlad Irew l hy ('owl
redr T. . Pishoy., Junker nmntsher of
the law irms of Be.ltar y & Pealbnb, on
the capture of Jeftrsons Ikavis. Mr. P1-*=
body was the first aasu to UaukirrMe Mr.
lDavis its nuakhi lthe arrest. asull is a.
aousat of the aptlstlir. almout whicle tlters'
bas boren so nany false anid exaggaierate I
scrosantus, case he rveeeivtd as anattesatic
given hi ill :
O(ki d'oldkl.r will readily reeull that tsler
ing tihe aiKosthl of lMalu li. 0M., tlrre was
hrauisa a foirwarli iasarrl oif all tie tualioas
arnukw wsd furre., of trlw yet hiolhl aid de
lant <mfatelke*rn-y. Tih rikallet iaslul. (G a
rlal Grant. imow of Ia.ly IIsaesisry wUa
tiftlet-aiiag thie- grilp arei.isl laeiMiieil Iiel.l
naniced. Gesse*ral SIareamsaio. ill satusay elf
IuenLes'. ti. nwilet rilillnsat aerll eral of
oetar araiisM. wiuas .eiaissi Isi way lritla
warel after tIh "-arracel souirln toe tlif
.4U." " VicV'to4riu 'I|lPa" TlIeS9aai. IllO
with thiam wlam laclably elif.l, with Kesiatmieky.
e*e.alli,..e ienail ileortllc- i tr orgi all lai ,
.III II.sIma Iesat teo ltim cleihiletioun of Heieel'.
areaayat Naoliville. neusvl ahber .eneiseiateisGal
iauital fetr a gerir.nl Italililsa of thiiilg at
tim" froet. Wite all thiN. iear sole lIr,
lruave nteid grisi. tlirillehl witli feelisIg 1til
IetelmseeinealHe. s tlhat fimar losel ye'ir-. of te*r
riled renl nwar wisI lleairinic asn **eial. ateii
tluil IM*..e* waIs slia'ir ill tie' filatear.
()il tIea .-~l dclay of bl..nli. lFm1;, ti*t. .av
atlry corlw m of Ill seiliir" dclivisiose of thce
NSisni.. ila. iie-iniitlnelee lby injew (ie.l
**nensl % ilw.' e. elimelnaerialig .mOeic 12.i01
eal. liroke* enessiio at usel id urnmlel (Gravelly
Slarilear. Ala... srecr tliu T*I'caeseIsc e lile..
aedl. e.-miisagr tlee swael*.a Tilees.eseemdw river,
mtruek clst m'elthwllwel for S.Nlihiu, Ala.. sit.
uatedl oni tie' oaqrth (laieik itof ( Alalasliu
Afiter severail eb&%l9 sot ruaoic4InireLfl-he stet]
hearvy -kirnstoele. *,wi tltrecqagim Mostsi
eelln. InvoineIeavisus &Isia Hileak Warrigr
river sma4iaeie.is. unit 4pla ftal l ay .f April.
NIi.'k eier a feirer.. rn-44m1el Scillsa. whiiell Was
iaoilla 4ef4ialat1 i a)4 (tener..aI al c rrn,4t landl is
force. tbf ..op'ri·smlsres srnefe~eh·ratu . I ulca
each It. H. (I. Mliuty. cif tlhe coerth, fiehalgail
-avahlry, sf' wlhiel I wa's a amt-naema.r. was iii
i-cotanatoial lof tilt -sae,4iti ijividitiv ulntdher
acrclerac elf (.cmenr.sl jlecusem. (Coltmlatl Minmty
cliasmaeme~ata sio li 846' 0 fic lihvjseif~el. 4q),assiostiaagf
elf this Pcertla Mirehalgsaas casaviry. Sevensth
lictmetsaylviianss cavalry. Flciarth fb l~lii ar
airy. ia trs- foricache. &ascid 1olhlecta eW
,a:&s#rs. sl Iaeiaidh I Hrigiacic #of itmtlinie its
factry. &anti feearlikmmo thlre. iel lived-,
ehecerageel tlis tc- ahilawrks.. allot a sIoaprt heat
tarri ie lueittla eeeiaeeh. A trail4 tbf It-aelela
ImsHoits I's'arns liv.er tied- feortille-atictee's
fore"I tile e-ffe-d-tlva. .svea .-selantcr Simnen~cr
earbin... aamed rils,. Will winseh ls er alivis
isml cwebs cegia ail Movie'ss Sicuce. with nlit
ko fcst'ieadci,-ri. r s\ivoig hu..ll-. uriareucs.et.
34*] aimhies &esti as very vi taew'ive- zsrs.eumaei unsi
71K ll rimp.Io-r.. we-r . ptio-. Asasse agl tilct
pras'4,ttars. capture Iis.re w tt= Sauesmo-h Kerr
narcd. meeow eace tlf 4osear tesrveooosat vijtjgsaa.
aid14 tilt- weM."'ieiat sf time Arr-act 0-lHidwjtieltC.
Sa4Ih" wacas liat is thaubit isa *'rv-laci- aertil
ifery livsateimaa62at. acted1 tceressm1e.t nsaesi~bau
Sehisiseap leftccaalers. we. *aae-t
Iee illre me St. lab s we ree-vaeii teist .eiss
t tilt"c's. las. asad Willsim.. III@- -10 . ealllt als
Kray" feae-rosize asaml a;n- gLadI tilt- war is
civer adlgd its- re-ei hviicpw e-aieooedal in l'ac-ne.
4 hos ithe Qtis ef April %se Is-ft Setissi assete
vousie.ei oatrargit sa,tc ftw Mc Etr 'seisry.
Ala.. s'arosmu fassmr elayvs6 itanr-is former Se*.leau.
Mtoousstgasarta was- cvauetatei try thilt- * e lI
feorue femass witlseacat a lbutl.-. Heree
woe W.-l. in M si el4f ti. first callital
o lis. cemafemlb-racy isa wlsicle Mr. Ilavia
was imaesssaucrtatdc. a&taid fresees wialciao woist
clit to Gefalata. teo lhee- tltitaed State-... Best
b-a-twoelaa that lay siald thist day "f it's a-A,.
lIars ciii Ibow 'stik wa's steair widsols -traislely
ti a aria~go. uratc lea-tia. Vecry- muany
kv-solutli - ell-,usamoou wcoooeaee lijetee thei
aside.wavokas in Wetinleeeeie-ry lrat ed lsajerced
antl 'synqavithiular- wIth. cuar priscone-r~e tof
war. Inaaeay of witearn -e ualrobled hert-.
Four maor clsq'm nurinsl e-a'stwarcl. and
wIth asothar brwlliant fighlat. (Voleansheaus
Ga.. was cors.
iOd GteneraI ('oili esmnmatltal. the e.n
emy here, anli with his fotrew not cu
tared by us th rrtre.ted toward Mai-o.,
G., four da distant eautward. On the
2.tb day of April we reanwced MacIr. and
after a ebort parkrr the cxnfederate- army
ader CGenral Cobbh surrendered to the
"Ya.lka." All this fhur wetks we had slo
new trom our otler armiew. and knew
mnoteli of tbhr nacnsessratu events haMpen*
e1a lsewlew . KRnwemilMher this was tlw
of April, andtl on this day we firt
Imar.ed that "Hkhlainond" wam on the
2d evacuated; that Geimerar Lee & id his
armny had on tSl 9tah msurremerd ut (;irant
-ad Sheridan aMid that the Gra(. d Anny of
tbe Potuenua. wlieklh Ihad healped tio nake
tboe!) Jg mad oh! mal anid mwromwful to
Mrr AArseheruna IUn-roln-our anolle
.restlden bad tla*MI8 foully aussmimated on
e Mthd of April, ami Just wlhen tt stlln
ight of peaw had Itw.IN- to lift time c(lcmad
rom.a over our sorely dlltra.tc-d country.
Our cavalry eorpw wen in lt caump in
and around laoei. Ga.. aise in tihe early
prt of My It was larnmed that Jeffermase
Davi. prWsieat of the conf"Mtkratte tate,
ws - lna for Tems., to ioin Ge.neral
Klat th. -rme. to try alid reestabdlis
lth e oeftedurny. Orders were Ut on le- i9
on"d r GueQim Wilson tar hism eap-u.
The MFr W Meo s valcr wa s ende
oe- a . teM Mor lbac mt aU Mil
river and C olis Mimd r *ovd
el regdimet, e o Mi~A M r h .1 va.
yi dowa the snuith or owt at the
-Man river whi t mriructime oas M i
ad empm Mr. tS ato i thUe r w
hMm. At Abehrea vi, vy ws smit
at AOOtis was learned that Davis' so-*
I " I here breased tihe tere Iever
Ol ao. de mW wea ani smcth Um
ward. IrwUwd I . Ga.a. tI hae ben o
snd NO maU mouth of Maae. .u
(oloutae Pritchaurd. Ia remsm d at the
FPorth Mlehia cavalry. are.lId the
Ja thblirty rmdah mG»w Irii-w
vill lae la n thae . a ri~ued aorned
that he haeid ..W In t tMwohe Davis
.. h oate Crwnl- oat tae w10(h
_ofM he i Into the camp of the
"eeisu osftedatera" and Mr. Davis never
Joined Reyr Smnith in Tesas. Mway fale
and nonemlsieal stories have heen rlted
haout ts craptIre anrd differat regiment
give its crredit. Now these are the facts:
Jefferw. o Davis was aptured by the
FourtbMarbigan ravalry in tbe eariworm
Ina of May 1, 186&. at Irwineville In mouth.
ern Georgia. With him werw Mr. Reaan
of Texas his post nr.rr srgerrl. Captain
MoIaly o Mlissisppi. an old rnowlbbr of
the Davis family: Governor lAhbork of
Texas. Colonels Harrison and Johnson of
his staff. Mrs. Davis and her four chil
dresl. Magie. sonw. 10 years old. Jeff
ahuut M, Willik about F and a iArl haby.
a hrother and isatr of Mrst. Tavi.s a
whites and oaea. elordl w.rvalst wioman.
a suall fawre of .avralry, a few others
land a small trainl of Iorse . mules,
wagones ans amibulanetr . Anioui tie
hiormr were a silain of carriage lhorses
rmenwnted to Mrs. Davis hy the citinet of
Riehinosul dlaring the hbydke of the con
federae. also a splendki smakle horne. the
nrkte of the rx-pr-eklent hiimself. On the
Ilth of May, the next day after the cap
ture &and while on our way back to Macon
as offier of the gmard over the distin
uisrhedl prisnor, I rde hby the mkle of Mr.
Reaao now menator frons Tesxa. I
found hln a very nne gentleann. During
thiat dlay* tu narrl a urier romn Macon
mnotinle in priltel slips of the $100U.(D re
ward offerid for Mr. Davis' raptlre and
which sotice eaumnectel Davis with the s
ass-ination of Preskk*nt Lincoln. W'en
Mr. ReHlan read the notic he earnestly
protested that Mr. Davis had no connec
tion whatever with that sorrowful affair.
History haL shown that Ie bad none.
Bekides the snlit of nans's clothing worn i
y Mr. Davin. e had ons when captured
Mr. Davis* large waterproof drew or
rohe. thrown over his own nlne gray suit.
andi a blanket srawl thrown on over liis
head and shoulkk.r. This shawl and
rohe were* fisally deposited in the archI-rl
of the war department at Washington by
order of Secretary Stanton. The story of
tih "'lanp skirt, oln bonnet and calico
wrapper" lhad no existence. and was
started in the fertile brain of the rrpportern
and in the illustrated paper6s of that day.
There were manyl interesting inlwients
coSneserted with this etpturvll hut I have
not the tinme sow to relate themn. (If the
childlren of this n.oted couple Maggie
irrow sp. naarried asld is now livingi ill
('olorwadl. One of tlw hboyn diedl early.
Onite grew to saniahoUd. mairried uand died
with yellow fever neiar Mlitnlisss sincne the
war. anid that "girl Ilalsy -rrw fip to
witonallhiexnl aulnd i s11ow i tIlentedl anld
heoaustiful- yessMir lady uldl klnowsl ass tlhe
"DItlaghltr stf t tH ('olfel-de~ray.'
My isind .ofteis rn·ve*rts to t li.w dlays of
tlH- war. audl I oftein thinik of tlhat *sne.r.
tand thIe nirancl i.ck from'e Irwinmvill.'.ia..
throulgh tier' woesI)r ,pilet WeastlM. swa.seIIp
alS i|plaitatie)ita o(f Witllliwrii Ge' orgia.
Tle-r.* its tlI, asu ulaltslm witlli lhi wif** asil
W~aily was Je.ffer-lml Ilauvi. ia irisonmir of
war. How we-ak amusl ~msiill ladel I..om.
0tlw htwald usnd froist of tusat |siwer againsit
whlii.hl ti1e' ies i its IDs* l. had Ie.ma so lhat
tli.ll. How has.l tle. niiligty fallim. !
4 **e.e.euolne otf Keel.iviel an A Sgeri-ea
Inles the 46Elesle n 4 hutr-h.
lri.esI thel IAsInIhrI Tinsr.
<Revel1nt (4 eylon iurTxN roe.stsiln. i.e.eIaesI.
of u renmarkable e*e.remall)y whiIch took
Ila.-- ree.'itly ils ('Clolmlato. This wAin thim
rei-leptisil of t (a lgeltlihsea friOs Anr'rieu.
whio lhtely urrivct l ill ('Cyllon. ilnito til
Hslkldditl i crLli.
TIh, tlrie.neoilsg. took pla.e alllder the
dlirecttion elof tli Buklldhiat hlifle plri.ent. a
imtemsl y 11 ye-lliow-ronlul nionlks. Thle
e.lnvemrt ki,.It hfo<»re thw' aemum-ahle-dl liriernt
a.il intionateiil lhi de.sire to hbe admitte.l ia
nie-mnir of tIw Beadll hist hallrreh. TIh.
hilil p|rkicet lthe, .altt..rilimeil hlinl aise thl,
Han.seallhlel iolllsakl matifl*ed tilllsesI m
thilt hi wIsI fittIIe to IN' I folleower of
Biklluts. TI. WPentlernniu.. whslm, asarIune
waus Powll, then I.M-r edl of tl0
higli prilt-t "to fivee hi Il the Palln
ail." whilch th hlatter liil. the cas.
lislati. rnemliatiing it ufter hiWll with the
alllls o l fir IIsusrlI n rouemght teo-thl, r i|p
liftedt. Havilng explalillsdl too t1.. clvert
tie- rn-emHenihle i lltie. of a B al(lhi.t theI
higlh IrieNK t gave lhill hij hlelH-ills. A
nimetisll wuas afterwurnl Iheld. at whiclh Sr.
I'aowell explaisiell hin rcasonell for having
*.nltracir l tluhltlltiien. asail ile.rilmI e l tl
iilllit"l |1ilrtu"En which lie hlail gi&io
thr!omalh le-for re li airriv.-dl lit time s-lonvi<
tisi of ite truth.
It apg.l.ar' th.at sIaIrly flrty) y)e'.;r it..
wiN'I hel wai'; a chilil. he astsri-e a-row a
I.sik iln hii fiatlhr'r liltirory. llm whili.s wm.
am laielitar. It was tihe 1twlire f Iltedlhia.
ihle~l iI tie ' sei .ve'tisill attittiele )l in
lo sll.. llll|>ireul hly ItI Ihr jereila of
l'aise*l' a.l leave' lon til fIta'. 4 r. IPo.wll
Iart iLntI tlhe halit of jbionj isa-rl. every
**v.erliag to i rolMel to iat its a Imimitiolm ani
alrmrly like it an- Itw m n.ihely **Mneall. "*( iI
t-kisli wiho or what pitareti it watn." Mr.
Plowsll i maid. "I was toldl that
it wais tlhe. pia-teri of a hle'-atie*n i.esl. Inut
its neneory . clllas tIo sae. aindl whtIl I
Ietred Ilat iam I nIever fiorot it. hint
tleamrnie later what tin naesilthl was anil its
m.neasitng." Being. a. Ia said. naturally
of a re-ligfiot turn of nindil. antld INh-ng in
te-nldl hyd hi fatlhr to I- a -le4ryinans
Mr. Powell wan well *ie.uate' Ins the ( hri
tilan ductrii>s-. " But I recsria-led and felt
that tiemre manit hI imeasIn law that I 'eo.alh
wtork out nyI'slf. aeil that if I 'ositrelled
any thod rht1s ay life assaslfifteef l asn oltiWi
e**nm to that power: bast It wal long hefore
I ronlMe that thin was the law of
rillt t lought." At one timne hie aleMars
to have mouglt a refuge il agcaimtii-ang.
hut moon after he ahandon.edl thin essental
attitudeo, and a perusal of " Timhe Light of
Asia" arnased in him the delkire to take
refaage- in the law of Lord Budtelala.
C'wl Iii r II.
The loam of roimslinln pin. says the- Al
uNaly Jemrnael. is a in'ymttry to railrlsul
nlew . Whe-re- tl-y all go to no ioneM- alu
pwarm to Irn- lile- to cl)4ijrc-tn. r. E.ve- its
yarenl wlMrr tilw *,nam- carM rlatl ,minw its
In ouct aglainiUklitiiml al *nupliing pillr are
ealluwl for t.onstantly. At tle- We-at Alimny
railnoml yard tlMw ('enltral HiNlason ralrmnol
almI a car ulmst of llnw 'eoupilain *iin a
llalllltl. It Is aifte tno way that 1.MUt.MNJl aIill
are- esiilplit-l tlf Wi.t Allhmuny yanr Ial a
Tim- Li-ages im fully awauke to tliw t-len
ditioll whil-h will mE.nI r4I-lntrot it. itanl sin
spite- o)f tlw i lel kiin tI-ilng alirtla ily thel
offtle-r of tithe Itrstiim.rhmenl. i sleinkilis
preparutiroil to nie-t tlhe talrr-autaesl.
r-vuollnatiomn otf its playe-r. It in workintg
mneuwhilat uldler e)ov-r, Iital tlh- r-iwellt of
ita l ilMprn vwill inaike tilr- brotll-lremaxl
plisay,-r il little werar wl-sen tl-y ur-ualle-Il
upon to fa.ti - tiM - ntnlluli.. .%Nr. l',,* PIrras.
hw see G"sgp e vhylbe a o Ar
Ina l I Setk my depauree Iemm Alva
asria. , La.. u seeem th emsteryl
th dLertioe at Lake Charde, as a U-U
_ Iemeek eesee.md at he .
M.D.ue .MI. Fer quMte a I IdiM.ae
r war l oe the elt rn ieead
In **tafroi * 0* wagglim o
t..e See masm seami sum a eemtrs
mmr hasr amy s*ued - - l the
I. the alftmern atthe ..sndayI wa.
overtakes by a high wilniluag,
Auhmil .sraim. As tho uaf eames down
iant a a tUs wind Lewrt wildly
throne.b dte bow ul oamb at the doans
fore-, my situatonmnem ai tsng hbut
pt.a . Addd tb ol .-ses-of M
Ue ihtain warn alnmoar esm-M and
erw and ano Its lurid reswtones be
seen astreamu g around he tall trunk of
oeao ret trw. leaMvin Ina te wake t ar
w, white rtreak wher It had tn off he
hark. ttill I rode o; I could do motlbin
-else. But while the storm still mr
srokd into a sauall opening. n am t u of
which stood a dswayingl hosem, with
lheds on either ide. Undert oe of three
shedl I took bselter, tbankful that I bhd
not been killed hy falling Ilimb or an
ekltrif shock.
W'lihe the storm subsided the omber
curtains of nihbt had fallen about me
and the small streans could be beard
minring the mungs of luillrace or broken
dals., so insh were they swollen by the
deajp rais fall. I knew it would he rash
n.,sr to attemnpt to proceed on my journey
with the expectation of reaching a tram
houme; eomaequeutly I resoluty deter
nained to remnuail where I was. there
fore took off mny saddle. put my hore in
as 4m rntort shlp a condition as po4sible
kindled a fire oul the old hearth and
qlietly lay 1down on a pallet I made of ny
saudke hblamkets asand coats.
Was I afraid'.' Well-no--buat I con es
I was affected with marked syomptila of
"St. Vitus' daicwe:" hut at this "dance" I
felt no ilnli.nation to try a walts. For I
had no moon.r roiled upo i my htel than
old stories of stMb dislial places came
narchiln its thirouglh the window of my
mesmory. redl I knew not at what momest
I should ar* themt. materialiaed, trooping
in through the doorway of the old hut.
Then I began to feel "somethimn kind o'
cokl" creeping along the entir length of
ny vertetral column.
Pr-ety noon a full regiment of large blue
rate nmarched its. aImI. after looking on in
evident amernsresn for a bort space of
time and l caclUding that there were no
cats "under the nwal." opened up a rTgu
lar circus. I riggel up a trap and for sa
hour or so amIssutaIe myself by captearin
rfdents and incar.crating them its an old
Finally I grew weary of m.y sport and
fell ashlep-albor t 10::U0 o'clock. I suppose.
Somoetime thereafter I awoke to find tlw
old cabiine isl god repair and furnished
throusaghist. A blasiti fire- crackled in the
spaciouti tiIrplacue,. htfore which an elhkrly
gentlehman ·ot reading aloud from naFreis.h
atl.wspale.r. Inl tli. eorlntr oppolite my
:esallh iat a bLaultiful yon(.ll l1 ad driusi-Ue
it a tlowillal g'nwI of itllllleaculte wltite.
attelitivelyt itetaiIgI to tlie readillr. Her
Jetl-black lh-wk fell itl graceful rilngle.ts
uov.r whr slnitally Mloaldehr1. anld a liglit of
*tllw-ri.or itell-Iligey ire gleaills fr4irem her
,Lirk. liellll.i fawis-likL e'ye. Intdel. i.le
qw*lemedl a iuarawt op eit feiiiiliiue hlaestiy ailel
lovelineis. wlishil cliulleslredil nay ailllaira
tirell as well Uas iagut11rtetiiel illy lnaprcl ;al -
totiIlua emtl. «Ne-itlter fiathlr nor dalllsliter
* as I jiullged tlieir reliati.p elslii to lbe ilp
Iltlartul toe ltetile iy| IIrly r elel.l*
WlllSe w.. r'eatlisg ea*sieil. hl.thi laililhlhd.
(the" lasi gleter a. r -,.. ai|lroa<.'leel Ilh. futil -r.
_tTei*tieikiately I.rtsle.4hl hm-.k his tlt# l<N.-k
wtit heTr woft wisite. aiimi itled prr-esmel hlsr
r-nral liljs toe his forelt,-ail. She then
walkel .ts-ro... tlh. roisl to ii satiall blireai.
hu1t jls-t as ilira a.prCveaiieil it. p)I|n|. Oise
c'alhel a-1 lt ItI grte. TIe olld lgetttlemanl
walke-l too ti -. aloear asisel aidl .iakel- itl
KM.I r.libllih :
"Twpo l*r liatcl tnrvIl-ers waho holieit your
Ilumpitality." 4Iisal1. ill r*lmp|lMa>.t.
"Sllall we ci'ltrtain tirliin. Paullieu '.'"
tl fiatlner a.kedl.
"*VYen. fatls.-r." tihe yousgii lady replied.
"for it in a fearfiul saiglt for air> one to Ioe
"Very7 well. 'entlslnarn. c4<indl in." *aid
tiN gif-l old Iaiall.
Ili a few nainelltem thie truv.-lern wre
fw-ated It-fer- IllOw .lfortall fire, rhat
tilai witll tli-ir laOt alid himlt...i its quite a
w,*iaisilt Iiinailler e*xlshitiilg al nmarked*
deglre o-f itallltre asnd retlir-eii-nt. One
of tIle.w g.e-nt* waN low. vt-*r- toint. fair. novd
lrlle* brown oml * .* Ilooked Not froml hlbneath
Ir.avy. allllaot e|isaret blrobwn. TMl otiter
was a very M1arl. Iiaill. ratli-r dlark. witl
Nteel-blis,. r«.stl."- *.*yes'-.
Int tls. ljosutr- of tirlws amirtlillag was' said
;a*l#is t *anris. anld tle hiMt iilllseiliat.ely
prop.m.ed a a irs.ir, of poMker. TIl pIroio)i
tioln was e-igterly itee.ptel.d *l tile Iswrnts
used tihe trio were.- nEw*,n iseatelt iarfinid a
imlinsll tulle* IMettiig qulite lilr*rlily. Lucak
as .earsred to millile. iIoSll the* lsmts. tlh-rm
frct a liirag Iill. of gIod coirnl fson lay at
hiS, side.l wTiir, .lisl I but lately l'ldl dlowli
tlhew (.*r-ket of lIam gilstis'. It was evikle.lt
tliait tlhe Il...nT wern. Il.#frnliig v.a.ld snad
*.irl|ri.'l lat ilxssx.pI* d tt*ilmrfeat.illnd in thli
aslidsl o-.t ilaore Illjmldisritlcly tlliml INlforne.
T'I'lh Isut rmmiistilll illies*t uald Calin: ti0.
las|t.*|- lmook.-d it wtio inprf-qt istliffer
Pr'-.llletly ais naritaslilly largne svtake lay
. 11tlls tail Ul nd ailUill ti lio'.t woln. Thie
ton1ii fifain was. ol. I"i' f<e-t iln a "'eC-oudl.m.lnd
lrniwiuiag a Ilnam-.inrr'l.-l u pintl, mseeit a
I.iaden naii.il.- of d'atll ire tis- d iresetioin of
tile willsse*r. l.Ht tl. sii.'wlms.r nmiMedl
it missark and pliIaIngd d-tl... ilnto the throlb
ilif Irh.art of tlew yoauirl ldly. The blood
s.ilert-d frsoml tlnw wounild sl isa grert crils
cosli trelan. uleld *re insem Could writ. a
ninagle. weirld sItw S praig iups. mittered a
lh-artrending hlhrilek anld fell to the boor
Rist s-t I al serarrely fallrns when her
fatlH-r wans ls t deaLd by tie* dlark man.
Tlli bloMly deed m.em.lel a great suer
priNm , to tihe murdtrfro,. ervin-insg the fart
that tt.y Uad m tl nt at ien, nde. to murder
thoime w o lay d(iad at thewr feeIt. Betl the
deie war dior the; irrleveable decrree of
cleath had Inmae out froml trhir deadly
gurtn. HesIl've. after rosaeultation, it wa
ragraed tio tlthk the blo die its tie boeom of
old earth. In aelorldane witl this de
-cluion the remains w.sre* taken up and
e-arrihwd away.
In dlue timniw the murderersr returned. and
I ulderlmnrurl that the brale luad been
ltaried in a ravine a.out a half a mile
from the Ih.ums. Havlinecau-fally washed
tic blood ftrim the floor e moen ploereded
to rdl the l* IHins and depart. Their reced
iag ftootslteps had searerly reamed to he
hardl wrhen I omherved strelak of daylight
fallilcg tlarnnti tlr cracks of tlan old but,
nly ftirr bhald hi.rtd nit. antl I w a alons.
Jsirt as I rwas when I Luul falln l,, lep.
Stranige an it numy alspe*ar all ta I had
hIeardi ad anI 8Iud not frigrhtened or
.v**eal i-xcltid 1.me. asNIl Io our. had given
ils asny iorlrowU ttclntiorl than tLh planks in
thlw floor.
We.ll. I wan IuaurI in ti ai sadile pursuing
umiy JorInra-y. alid after traveliing four or
fiv.e ilie.h r-alahel fuarenl IhtMoa. where I
obtaitied rn.frlullhemsat feor iyaelIf and
Iaeor*. I ilnfrponllal Iniesae hIat w lier I had
Nialot tiw nalKlht dndl slUcId iilriry as to
t"', laiintry of tiw cold lHIOau. Tr okld
g.*lill..mlasha %look li laouad n i a nysterious
w.ay an hH- lnkcd at Ilai a-ged wife. Then
w. ro*pli. ed:
"Al! tluht in tih' IsIwe-tilln, r y frienld.
that lu.n pllaal..e us all fo.r Meiusly y.ars. In
61111111111111 poueb
P&OXaa hhie~ wa~s
alone W"t hitdtmte
**Yrn I maim- ^i~iuule ehild."nM Ist
«!Tumu!iA « eM lm~, .muE-wIi a geM
06-18. Owai od, e
"Them were not mmaiy of huere
&boui ~ ~ mush do "rosnt
0410" off that sa-M:" of u
lMhdso««ilo««E soar -- bee. miss
pfofU.i w hek. Well - bY . r^ln
noR~am o ali-, Weal~nd
foi " *cm one or» ftn was ammoo%
upim 11101,om Nw Urold ofwhoa
and hmis »ud made - -67gfm Oro as
hadilowed twrhe Seou and had lime
-ially washed oef Them, adetine
no nm h fwere ful nde
ren p or vw umaiw
Aon I he admii deep raileabu 7Oyad
upI frogNow Olas fee
large reward sand muawde diigei and tx!
tended search, yet nothing was found.
Finally be sold eveuvthlngand returned
to thi. city, ilejecilad and dimeeooslat..
TiMlme passed on and the cairunriaonee
was hmauray foroton, until last year.
when pyars of two hunion sk1leons were
foud i adeep ravine about M1i yard.s
freon the old honus where you spent the
nigit. Nothing was found by which the
relnallm rouyd he Identified; yet to muy
Mind the finding of the bones revealed
the last resting plate of our old neiyhbor
and Isis pretty daughter."
"ns the place hatepedi"' I ventured to
Again the old gentleman lookedi at his
wife and then hemitatIllgily ansaweredl:
..Well. they dIO sany it Im. But the fart is,
toine of us ever go about It after diark."
"%o. inadeced." put in the old lad?.f
Is cone lusion: Was I awake*.' Did I
dreami? Its either east- did I awe repro.
diaceed a real tragedly.
Stationers o Booksellers
PoS4Mee News mld.
Permranrntly located in
At MHotIUeait Cornr of Main and Broadway.
Private Entrance at a Broadway.
Medical and Surgical Institute.
Kansas City1 Mo tan Fnranime, Cal
aMI stiTE C(ITV. Montanr.
I r. I|ehia & (Co. are regular graulates la med
irine and surgery and uwpidl prnatlitklinrs au
Ihoriued ,y thle state MiM isri (CalUfornia and
.M INTA A. to treart alU hrelnuk.,Nrvrouand Pri
valre diswI-a , whether (iusKd by Illaprudene*,
EKxIen, or ContagioLa, Meminal WeaknMw,
anight losies, "exual kIheUlty, 4IkmH of .xiad
Sowri Nervous lrbilllly, It kM of nerve
<r m. lslwu s of the bhNl, (Hyphills, (oaorr
hiira, i ;ilt and Ntrllture) 4urrd. Curable caes
gua.lraterd with life menmlewrshp. t'lurge. klw.
TIHMussds of 4wn *ured. AU luaeldk-ss re es
-re*all irejurmrel for eM-h ldlvldual cu a, at I.
Iooratory. No iujurious or puorinous tomnpuunds
uswd. - I
No time lost frog busansms. Patient at a dls
tan'e trcte-d by letter and exprsa. Medicine
sunt everywhere ftre from gaz or brea&kage.
In die-aseu of the Hknd. itrain. lleart and
Nervous system. as well ax Iver. kidney and
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all otliner 'Ihriollja di.ameas.
Write- for Illustrated jIapers on Itrtbwitrles
('I1i fre-t Curvature- of the- i nio, I'Mle# Tunmors,
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Irinity. Magnetism, Parlyyl. Kplrepuy. Kidney,
IllulAlrr. Eye. E-r. Nkin and iloud. an. all M1ur
Kieal I leraTt limn.
I ,i-ausr of WVnomen a LpeClalty. tmarate r r
lor% fbor lady alieniis.
The hr ly iRelallle Me"diral and iuriea lnoUi
Lute makinllg a t4m-ally of Irivater Iiluasm.
All blu.ad disr-as lsuer-fuilly treated. Iyph
Ilitis IPlon remove*l frnom (be Isytema witlsout
mercury. New Hfetonrtive Treatim at for Ims
of Vital Power. Ierans unable to viit us may
tie treated at bome by orreimrsadenre. All rom
munk-aatios conmlrlfda l. Mrdlrlae or Instru
meants nwa by mall or expr-a weearely pe.ked.
(lne permonal interview prfrrd. Cll and e.o.
suit us. or eed history of yr eane. and we will
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why tlhousands rannt be eared et t
perial ad NeTrvs sDisam. , Ieminal Wek
Dew. permatorraia. Impoimf. *ymUtt. Ueo
orrba. (Ilve. V.twrSe . .. -gcwe i
1r. Iebic & (*. are the oah QmUIed or e
aponmible OwIahUt left In a lace the
mew mEd law.
(Mee hours from 9 to adt to 9 p. m.; r by
appoitmenrt In oh-ure sad arunMt easer .
t N ewton mros. are agents ftr nle oa Dr.
b l'8 Ileratlor in Butte Caty. Montana.
The Most 8eteet tork in Aaaeod, go tO
---CH IOCOO--*
And Maehiuev fr the svemau c Res tim .1 O hr lv way-n...
ceitae nt. Smtelh antd Leahilg, sMalUder e the HMamake, "gam
he Meatlain, Druom Leumon, AnsmIaads, Ms" Dald. clatem an"d W
Metall C.pas.al. Reducesom Works.
Geared and Direct-Acting,
Prosperting and Development Hoists. Bulklers of
SWire Tramvrnays
True Vanning Machines and Eubrey Concentrator. Electric Light Plants.
Agents for Rand Rock Drills and Compressors, Otd Elevators, Knowl
Pumps Root Blowers, Kingland & Douglas Saw Mills. Pennaylvaaia
Diamond Drill and Mfg. Co. Baragwanath Heaters.
United States Electric Light Co. New Maven Machine Tools. iMass
Reducing Valves.
-o -
Sale WVst..rn Agents for
Tyler Wire Works Double Crimped Mining Cloth.
Bart & Packard and Laird, Schober & Mitchell's
Desiring to close out our entire stock of Clothing aud Furnishing
Goods and handle nothing but Boots and Shoes exclusively, we wil
continue our sale of Clothing at Actual Cost until every garnent is
sold. If you need a suit, a pair of pants, or an overcoat. Se *r
prices before you buy and save money.
.0. I. Re.rYSýH Lq G O CO 0..
Next Door to Bank. - - - Anaconda, Moo.
II i I I___ _______ ______
Having purcbheed the business fonerly conducted by J&ame McNulty Is now pe.
pared to furnish his customers with the inest brands of
Domestic, Imported and Key West Cigars
To be found In tbh elit. .
reub and eholoe. A well assortd sock of STATIONEIY.
JOS. F. MURRAY, - - Main Street. Anaconda.
At sam some. aL e.& .
Ml ore@&n ow,. Iea P.va L G"A&. ,"BalWa.
3. 7 rN DOLI.
xaeuilet Frew Frruit. ad Table Vegat
ri 0 su A-&oaem. IfT.

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