OCR Interpretation

The Anaconda standard. [volume] (Anaconda, Mont.) 1889-1970, June 11, 1890, Morning, Image 6

Image and text provided by Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84036012/1890-06-11/ed-1/seq-6/

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eM sOwrel Ebi hr.
A few first class quarts miners could
find splo ent in Itl vicinity ult at
this time.-- Vuiriaiu Citiy e lmdise a.
The Mvedisoias says parties hrom Sher
klan say that there is considerable actir
ity in the mines of that mection, and tiat
the leads are showing up in good sbape.
The placer mimes on Rivin. and Ram..
horn gulches ar' olerating with a full
four of men, and it is maid that the prea
perts look favorable for a good summer s
kwx' lWo..Iruff of Poln started to ship
ne from thie Golden ('hariot mine last
Mond.ay. Ther ar no flkes on this oe.
It is estimlated tha it will nun not less
than 1.44 per ton.
OHenry H.w-!tl aulil it. l'. 'Van Horne
have hwkated a depolst oIf I.lenitite iron
moutlh o.f thel Yellowstoie and within a
few mlilesl of Livingston. Assays show
the ore to consist of bl pier ient. of iron
and a trace of silver ansl gold.
In the Barker distrkict the May & Edna
uline still turns out her weekly qulta (if
ore; otlher lrumsip. ts in plroportionl. '1'T1*
Hopeful mine is Elo'king extra well. Evenl
Black Hawk stock is looking llup. The
Allis. Big Mike and other prop'rties arc
looking fine.
The englillne t of rol,. crusher and
jigs whkll were' reelvetl her' a few days
ago, for the lEmer and War (lance group.
is being erected on eIkr creek, and will.
therefore soon he at work on tIw large
dumps of second-class orew that havei a"
e.lmulated during thE past thlie year'. -
IIaley Tisers.
Notwithstanding tw lhealvy sinowl-fall ill
the mountain*l last winter. which gave
rise to the hope dtha tlhe woulkd he an
abundant supply of water in Alder gulch
to assure a pilsperisoum mining season,
the hadl of water in the gulch is light,
and fears are entertainedl that it will con
tinue so throughout tIe slnusuer. Madi
The Mountain View gold miine of Pine
Grove is developing into a fine property.
It shows an eight-foot ledge of fine grade
a . whicll is quite extensive. and keeps
one mill loing full tilne. It could keep
o0 stamps running for an indefinite
perod. D. B. Ethell and John Van
SehalcK are the owners, and their friends
helieve that they have a hotnansa.- Iailry
Most big mining strikes are the result
of patiently following up the indLeations
which experience has taught to he valu
able. SiystematW labor, work. nerve and
pnatent pereveveence alone can succeed.
If such success he luck, lhave it so. But
he certain that well-directed efforts in
mlining will he sucressful in nine cases
out of ten, which is nore than can he
said for haklling, merchandising or even
farming. All life is in lottery, only in
mining the prises are morl numerous and
nmow magnificent thllan any other plur
A tampuede is Prarpert.
By the standard's ·Wia*ci Wire.
It'"TTe:, June 1tl. A very large ripple of
etlcitemnut has h.ri lp.iNitu l il hwlcal
mnling cir.les by oaone eaceedingly rich
ldimoverie, said to have b~tea mnade nIear
Whitehall. ign(illens oif orw have bien
brought iI that are akeI to assay away up
in gold and silver. The diltrict in which
the repoteld disrovery I. located I. near
thie Hutte & Bowasean route and a number
of prominent mining men have made a.
rangenlelnts to a1 out to.morrs.w and ih
spoct the gIrUUlnl. S~mWc of the inone en
thusiastic predict that as moonl asm U trnth
is known a regular staislllle t.o tl.e nlew
dlistrict will thllow.
('.l for Idahe.
We n. . mlfornmed tlhat a .teiisanly of
Gklnn's Ferry artiers bars been fon.nd for
thie Iurl~xme of udevelotinll tIthe recent eonl
tdirn eery -o1 tIe l soutlh sikt of Slmnke
river, ihsa t eighI t Uaniles. east of Glenn's
Ferry. Exl.erieknenr coal maimers ay athat
the fIrmnatloln is* Ihe onatural Oner for coal.
T'l aoinpliany Ias gonel ham.k fIs'nl th.
water's edgle and sunlk ni miaft MIti feet to
tap the vein., but were l .smn gellekd to Iaun
dIon ili. work for i short time. unmtil tie.
river. which is very high, rae.ech.s. "l'l.re.
ia no, Invla on the mnis lh ide ft tihe river
nlar thin psIilnt. anlli tlhere(fore tilenr ih re.a
smin )i I sie.ve thalt riclh l€ol cdeg'mnits mnlly
exlit tIlmers. ThI'We lliillng of onal inl tIe
Snake Illver rvalhy would l* h .. IgIlws. o
to the Inople of Idaho, .'eeumrilng to tine.m
o'Iwsinsr fuenl and smnking it a "ertailuty
tllat .ill." Iew rnoadl Is.ssillg tllr.lntgh thi*
em.eInltry wsoltI ruml theIir line tlhrnghll til.
Ihlahls csnl liehlsn. Slhomld llthis dinseover
kiev'lop. ilto s a gos.I veinll f a.5li it will
-miAnlate prmLn I sIrity 'o the extent hlint aI
few yes.r' nlog inl've tluat 1Ilm1ns wis' mmsst
**llittsls wI*.l ImitinaI.' was fo(rkingIigI her
V.llt , .re' of fni·l folr fltirl * alanlsll pt ilsn.
...' ..t en IbI. .1l.mnu.
Tw, M.sorIta. a Mnwr Whoi Wieut h othI'hrtal.
In seanrh of Wives.
TI'e next Montana rminer wlho r'.giste..r.
at (Gore's li.tel will iet undel. r sllrv,'illlani.
frwmi tl.i tile . he lters lthe lotti llltiil lie
goes away. last TuIemlay afternoon two
plainly drt.lsad mt'Ii. with prulllnurled
western manners. re.gis.te.r( as "HI. lH.
Swan anid W. ( Iottol. Butte ( it'. Mont."
They were assigellal a gMIl illsii. rnlln,.
and stated that thwy would Iw. in the city
for a ,mlnthli at lteas. .a). tlHe (I'Ilag. T'e
"WeA airt. Itr li a powerfull iiimllrtant
errand. a uid Mr. l'otton. "and we clan't
tell ust wlien we call get away."
Thal afternioom Ili minerl stoiIend one
of the hall mIlUids ad askedl whel a "*en.
erlJ" employlilenl t al+ney ' oul ( hbe found.
After n few wotnil. r. ('ottoi e flkrdedl
lis errand i t this city to tih, girl, and in
that way descriled what ihe. nieiat lby a
" .neoral" ellloyntllilt agency.
1t is like this," he said. "Henry and I
have heen in tlwh rough west for nigh on
to 6 year-s. We've got a little money but
it don't do us an good so long as we are
loneusome. We live alone. ee"~'
The girl blushed and throwing down
ler broom told the stranger to go on with
lli tale of woe.
"You ain't Interested yourself,almyou"
asked Mr. ('otton. "I reckon not, but
you are just hearing ni as a part of your
work to nake the Lust feel at ho.ne.
Oh, this iniiot the frst tilne I've traveled.
Well, to go oni, Henry anId I have good
homes near Butte. We have a few thous.
and dollar and there is mnure cu.ltin.
Now, we miiade up our imlinds we would
conne to (Chiago. round up theseT employ
inmet aeneies that I Iheal wo mnuud of,
and each taring luinie a wife. If sle can't
love us at first. Iwrlihapl mlo can cook.
Tbere,l've told you wluat I icamne l·ere fIr.
Now, If you cail seldl ius to ani eniploy
ment ageny. or, lriter still, sculd ll twot
girl w l, are wailliing to try a go at imar
ri t, wlhyr I'll Istake lyou tl a l ile d.
o tinundIays."t
"I think I can Ihid two girl." an'werel
the ma, a she stooped to plek up the
"When ?" asked the we.rner.
"Te.ma.ww mang as10 o'cloek, in
th" parlor down stats."
The ha old miners felt chawned
the nat m g when they went the
bho telue, bu h thw bad emse too at, to
bImk *ut. T bead bee the room but
a few miutes when the maid to whom
one had talked the previous day and her
compan.io. uatered. Without a sIngL
line of poetry, the maid declared that .ds
and heb companon were willing to take a
new lease of life. The matebes were
made, and at 10:3O the girl.s wein Ithe
oMice asking for their time.
"Where are ro goin'.?" asked the
"We are enaged to go out weet."
"In a hotel .
"No; in a home of our own. We are to
he married at IMonI, and it is nearly 11
o'clock now, so good-bye."
The licenses were seeured, 1tw couples
were married, and Thursday night they
started for Montana. The affair has lit.
erally tawrn thle hotel upside down.
"iWhy." said Manager LaIghliun. last
night, "a man fron Montana ( amne Cll tliii
nonl, anld every girl In the house is try"inl
to waiit on him. Tile next ulnlmarrine
man lfrom Monltana will have to pay eight
dollars a second to stop lhre."
Tire Metal stlig PMlant Nald co (crow In
A frale.
Prnfessor cdlwlwisch. the well-known
naturalists of Bavarna, while traveling
with the Stanley expedition in time heart
of Afrka noti'cl a iplant with a peculiar
steel foliage, alld on examilation it was
fcndcl that the shrub, althouglh grow
ing like otlher pl)ants from tlw soil, was
practically comlallxui of ironl, nays the
Philadelphlia Timesn. TIe leaves, althoughl
very thin, were bent with great diffllculty
and the twigs and branclhew rsisted pres
sain. with a for'e e'quaml to the sameni
amount of iron, anii to ncure a leaf it
was naee-ar to separate it froIn tihe
ina with a file.
While Professor Schelwisch was clig
ging at the hble of this plant for the lulr
pose of making an exalninatkmn of the
roots, the natives crowded around him in
garet numbers. gesticulating in a soonac
inga nsner. The professor desisted fron
his work and the interpreter was sent for.
He explained that thsl was a holy tree
and worshipped by the natives in their
fetich religion as a God plant, and that to
dig one up would bring ruin and desola
tion upon the whole village and srround.
Prof. cu helwish offered to buy tmhe
plant, and, taking oult a handful of i-o
per coins, gave tlhel to the savages, who
gladly accepted the money and dlstribh
ted it among themselves. The profesnor
then returned to tihe work of digging iup
the unique plant, but had not made any
great progress when time natives again
set upIxn hinl. Throulh the interpreter
tihe professor informnle thelll that he had
legally lbught tihe plant and intended to
remove it. As soon as thil message was
aIlade' known to tie savages every one
who had repmilved a coin calne and
drpped it in time hole at the base of the
shrub. Prof. Schelwisch allowed the
coins to remain in thie hole an walked
away toward the inotain to hulnlt an
otlhr specimen.
Next day, as tie party were reparilng
to continlme the march, the pofessor was
curious to know if time coins lead Irmsained
undisturbed during tim niglht bl the super
stitlioa natives, and on appeuachingr the
metal plant was astonished to fillnd that it
had changedl its color com(pletely. In
stead of Itlng a Ibeatiful steel color, tihe
stes, leaves alld what was exposllled of
the roots Ipre.nted tihe aplilearan.ce of
newly collatl d opwr 'nml. l and glitterePl
In thIe mornling sunlight like lxolisetl
gokld. I'pon exanlllilation it was a.rer
tamled that during time night the strange
plant hald alorh. d nearly all the. copewr
coins, with tie result olf compltely chlianp
il its color.
iWhat was left of the coins in tIht hole
showed tilat theey we.re Inure thaI half
eaten away or ahbortld by the roots of
time nItal plaet. Not only was ti.e color
clanged, hit the texture of tih plalt land
undemgonle a similar transfornatlon. It
was founId that tin tiny Ivy siaped leavesr
were now easily Iewil around tll e lingers,
would rctainl anly sluls. givenl thIn'la and
could ih readily cast with anoslrUinalry lair
of scissocs.
rm'ptitously rseuring neveral b.rancin of
this wolluln rfcul mniietal atinlg plant, aill
was alnc lsusnlsfuil 11 cltalliluinig it guall
plhotograpl h mof it. No fuirtiaer trae of dti
existrelc'u' olf tihe me'tal plant wlls foundLi
untilli tin ei'ellmU.ti rnh'aiclthe Un liamiessi
nualltr., when at thla Ia,. of ti. Nk.caa
hakcs mountaiin itl'f~rt forest of thu,
c'urious lunial was fcuicnd. ''his ,.einig all
uiiulhitl'ed re'gioi,. aci dilii'ity was . e.i
c'umsltlrlc c in securing ic sllag iilsci to take.
iacuk to iInglalld.
A Igr.iat finr was inuilt talnIIt ti.' trn.. Inll
it would not i rn tlr I lteast litthle lit.
NIag Is.allllhlr.
I sonce eltIanl a w'll-kLIowiwI Freulh
tnItic Nwa). writem I(l.oili VYokes in tihe New
Y.Lrk Eve.ninll .I,.l ,ul , inl ai*akilg of a
prnlltinent actrn.is: "S11e iu nolt llrtty,
ter formtt is ialgular and ungainly, and
ler work is linot always of the lhet, halt
hetr laugh well. I would rather hear
lilank laugh thluian wae tihe mIit beautiful
ulltl talented woinami aet." The stage
laugll ts Ise tharnalghly efcrutive mn11ust he
natural. A struistil. laulih i ait niiIel no.
ti.eable a lil greatly tkitracct. froam lan asir
tint's iwlplhlarity.
In colnlldy it i h tkesirable that a large
hart oif tle limnrrinellt shall comiie front
tlw front of the hourse that if the audi
tors, if plilael. shall wholly gie way to
their feelings, and ini this niltalner em*nelire
age the efftort of thosle lelind the footl
lightls. I dto not favor tle broad commedy
allsf tIhe horie laugh one that coun
plelly flllls tIw audlitorium it a lllrnmids
us of the circIus clowln.
Tomnty minid rippling silvery sounldsn. ris
Ilg slowly o a illoderate height, intter
iwreled here and there with the music
ome arc able to give thiemu, are far more
easintg. Thsl Il what I call the "brook
luh.' It canI only he reulnployel in
melm of the lightest vein welre fu.l is
the onit object to It attlained.
I have heard laughs whkih have run in
ny head long years after those who have
uttered thent wer dead. They were so
spotaneous, so thorouglly natural, anl.
above all, heart-whole, that I stored them
up in my menmoty a tihe nost pleasIng
part of indivkluals' ersonalityr.
I can elcuse an artist sinking on t of
tue but she shoulld never perulit her
lauling notes to becone faulty. In
fact, to my inlnd, there is more rhythmi
in a mnus.al and well modulated laugh
than Ill the best executelll aria.
Great distnctionl should Ie madUe lie
tween the laughl and the chuckle. TIw
latter is adaptable only to the melonra
matnk stage, and Iheli soluiald he the 4e
clusive proe-rty of tle Ieavy villain.
I aml a finnl eliever that the laugh is a
Un.at tanacea for dysumleia. that is Il l
dlivilg the unfortunalite sufllerllg fro
that disease canl Ie inducledl to intdIulge ill
It. At any ratei. n olr cll tie stag., it
serves tI.e irlwase of dlrivinlg away care
and mnakiumglmtlitanI liatlli. for.et thme
rials a i isa i nhatmtent.lll . ist suile
jc.etl to.
SN T"o mTsT
2 Standard Publishing Co.,
On French Satecns, 2o and 25
Cents This Week.
Selling Wraps and Tea Gowns
at cost this week to close out
spring stock. One of the
very best bargains this week
is made in Silk-Finished Hen
rietta Cloths, in dress pattern
lengths, combined with nov
elties in Silks to match at
18.5o per pattern. They are
SIS values. We are making
low prices on Jerseys and
Blouses this week.
We lead in stock and prices,
and give wall paper away
with every carpet bought of
This stock must be reduced
one-half. Our prices will be
found from 20 to 40 per cent.
lower than elsewhere. Re
duced prices upon everything
from now until the first of
J. R. Boyce, Jr., & Co.
C.rnar Mal ud Broadway, litte oat
Formerly I'hi. Best Brewing Companv.
Celebrated Milulwakee laer, klie ad Bottle Beer
8, M ent Ir De. r Le me cum.
Keg and all kinds of Hottle Bccr kept constantly on hand.
4 For Family Use Especially. +
Remember that I sell the above world-renowned beer out of the
Refrigerator opposite Montana Union D)cpot. where there is 250 tons
of ice on top and beer comes out at frceiing point. Whatever you do,
call for Pabst licer. You always will get ice cool beer.
Give tie Bv a Clhari
We mean your Boy, the Little
Fellow you left at home this
morning when you started for the
Smelter, the Store or Office.
He has wants as real and tangible
to him as yours are to you.
He is no more a Born Saint than
you were, and if you
Just Reflect a Little !
You will be ashamed to think
how far from it you were. Don't
forget him as soon as his "Good
bye, Papa," fades away behind
you. Didn't he ask you for some
thing ? Perhaps
Probably he has seen all the
boys riding them over our nice
smooth streets. Now, don't de
lay, but come and leave your
order with us for one. We can
give them to you at any price.
AaonldaHaldware o.
Jerry Klagman, Chmist ,ad Assaer,
(Successor to J. T. Gore).
Special Attenton Given to all Classe of Chem.
Leal A tnaly .
Orders by Mall will Recelve Prompt Atte-atom.
.Mercantile Company.
Saturday, May I7, Commences our
Child's, Boys', and Youths' Clothing.
For Boys' two-piece goods, the following is a scale of prices for
your consideration:
$2.50 suits for........ zl.25 56.50 suits for....... ........4.oo
3.oo .. .. ........ .50& i.6 7.0o . .............. 435
3.50 ..75 & 200 7....... ..75& 2.oo 7.50 ............. 4.90
4.00oo .. ........ 2.35 8.00oo ............. 5.oo00
4.50 . " ........ 250 8o " " .............. 5.50
5.oo 00 ....... 3.00oo 9.00 ." .............. 5.So
.50-5 O ........ 3.50 9.50 " ............. 6.oo
6.00 " ........ 3.75 2.5o blue suits for......... .85
Commencing with this sale on Saturday the first TEN Ladies
buying a boy's suit, regardless of price, will be given a boy's coat.
Bring the boys and clothe them.
And get a bargain, as the prices will be certain to close out the entire
line in one day.
0-TH E--+
Tuttle . Manufacturing
Mining Supplies, Pumps, Electric Supplies, Etc.
Mining and Milling Machinery.
ie carry the largest stock of Supplies, and have the
Best Equipped Foundry and Machine Shops in Montana.
Being on the ground, we can execute your orders at
once, and save you money by saving you time.
The Tattle Manafactaring and Supply Co.,
ANACONDA, - - - - - - MONT.

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