OCR Interpretation

Fergus County argus. [volume] (Lewistown, Mont.) 1886-1946, December 09, 1886, Image 2

Image and text provided by Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84036228/1886-12-09/ed-1/seq-2/

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&*eves Countu wLrns.
I.EWItrITl% THtIt.iAY. .Nc 9, b'aG
f U. i rMNM : IdI n ItlnpN'
The Hon. W. A. In.v, of Boertuau.
la. Iteen appointed rnjrier of thne
land ollut at that plat'.
The reenut great etorna on tie Likes
destroyed thirty-si x..-cnwln in which
forty-sevent lives wern lot.
comparedl with, Itr'4thIwotleiautl nest
iaM of Montauna's vote for I 8Mu
.hows ant iwrren'e of 5,2:3.
Monotane Ihns about - *4ElMStP,(Nt(
inrveuted in qatnrta nmnills, snmelters. intl
mlning mahlminery generally.-blitter
The Territorial Teacerst' asnsoin
ticn will gnKct at Butte Iatutnlwr 2$,
29 admi8. Railroads will live retnatucl
rates to teachers.
Theit Avant Courier haw entered upon
tlw sixteentl year of its existecrw.
It in one of Montana's wwniest aied
ablest weeklies, and in ekervinlg of
Mr. Theodore 1. Mixe, tile iemnlki,n
tial bookkeeper of the Chictago Miner
ali, ('oal and ('oke company. has gln lw
to ('lanla. Tie shortaµe in his aite
,outnts in saidt to be $l1004,(NM.
tietneral Masnter Workman Powderly
ihas ilmnet a icircular kleying anll alees
mewnt of tweety-live ents ulpou eaitch
lmertaber of the Knights of labor or
gaeniaation for the aid of those m hade
ieredy by lock-outs.
Tihe denip selerted for tile new two
-ent postage stamp is said to lte one
of the handsoment lisperimens inaledl by
the departnment. It represents the
head of Washinglon in Irofile on a
blue tinted lbakgrtonwal.
Major Maginnin has gotne to Wash
inmgton for tie winter, aend will assist
I+legte Toole to obtain tme Iammage
of another bill granting tiw right-af
way throtgh the northlert Indlin r'
erv.ation for the Manitohn rmoad
River Prens.
"Italy in trying to borrow :1,~l4eI,0ti
lirte." While the United State might
not we able to furnish no large it nunim
er,. it ouktl lend Italy one liar quite
equal to any three million and a half
that it could borrow eleewhelre.-(41i
rago Timesen. Granville. tuart eeni
to have time name implresion.
nevertcl of the count iet of Montanla
have gaine largely m voting popula.
tion during tle past two year". First
in Lewir anal tlarke. with aut imreaase
of 1,2MI6; DIer Iulgme.9tl; iilver Bow,
906; Jefferson, 710t; Minoeoula, 0t9;
LPermu, 817. Beaverheat, ('hoteat
: ",. e..
A frighitful acrlellt occurreel on the
Northern Pacific Itner Mueaodal, duler
ing the reent stornm. in whiclh the
the nail alget of the train lost his.
life, aml it numbelr of pIassenger quite
steverely iiuredal. The through Pa'itc"
exprees collidew with the Ial rgoiae'oml
modation. Tlhe naccidet was the
resullt of nestligewe on tihe Imrt of a
train dipatchelr. All the ntil for
points between Fargo and Portland
was destroyed, itchldeing registered
'lle total vote of C olornado for eon
greenhan this year in 51.,250, that of
Montana is 82.2(12. Colorado lhan
ieen a state for ten yearn sand Monta
na has teen a territory for more than
twenty-two years. In 11487 the popu
lation of Colorado was only 9,8644,
-very nearly the same as that of Mon
i. a in 1880. In tihe latter year the
poptlation of Colorado had insreanctl
to 194,u27. At the time of admission
its populationt could not lhavle excewed
I1) 00t1, acld that is not mieOre tItan
Montana can clainl to-day. If C'olor
4elo was enetitlcd to aehaiasion. Mon
tagn is as metwh entitlel to it on every
teoeriderationofequal justi'ce.--Herak.
Tile Italhanmtitan juttpsn onto our
ccrrerulwmdent "Mont." with Iboth feet
in last week's jest.e. Thee arti'le, in
wh.ic1h fault was founlld with the lgov
trnment for permiittinlg caittlentalele to
drive their Inatnctds u tile Ienlian res
ervations, was itn.jient ,ed l Intalit'ious.
his pen was mo\vel by a. wairlwl con
mc.iemre catal Li digitation. Tile dry
aeil gr.anlea. rnstgen forltle dinater
to the cattlenmn and one. of our great.
eat industriets. Every manu. womtan
and child in Montana sholtdl rejoine
that tlhe great ealanity is partly
tverted. The hlrletn of taxation
would fall Ieavily ulmn those least
able to lwar it shoau alur-att-lt periIsh
on the rantes Think of w hat largely
constitutea the actenable wealth of
["ergll. countty. Thie movement ol
rattle to distant reiervatins is no
"priturose affair" Ibut atteldeel with
great losn and expense. There is notl
ing tIme permit that deba re the snmalle At
of our cattle owners hfone exer'iain
the privilege. There is notiing that
smancks of exclusive rights, and to
raise the imprezsion i Ibut the trick of
a demagouge who would appeal to
men with ears larg.r titan their intel
le.tn. It in eon'qe aleli th alw ale-ho.e
[neriattns who ketpl the reervnationle
c'l ' ~ i, ;°fwlinll. t th*' (:ittle
Ill'me. Ti'itirlmtmreltennt linstm.r to Ilr:..
owmers is tihe fiimst laerirnti.i i, etiem
that thle flture ll fel t of thei iliatlIe
businsmll lies in small imns:U., Inthlt caill
Ilw nIore neaily haillied anmi protc.'tmll'
agninst tmt rigurs of winter.
Hon. (tralmvmille' .Stuart has a reply,
to 'Monmt.' in this issume of tihe .Ram  .
."-litka Innut have Ilown from his Is,11
aIm lie followe tile Imnm'ws of his pain Ilr.
We tlakem only onle exceptiomiiln to Mr.
Stitunlrt's irraligImmnm'nt. 1Tlat is tiihe
"emsliorsemllentll of *Mont', ' m ilill.."
Hiiim. a publiletwr knows ti.' trime
mnamle of a correspol.menlt atlmilay, Ihe
mamy levemr enllorse or twlit've whatt Ii.
Msys. Tie failureto tmake issue wit ll
Ihills mmmmay resullt froml over-sight, press
mre of businessm, or It ideire to Ms
othler, Imore caimilmme, itlep into tihe
arenam. lHowever, we 'will demlalndi in
Sthe ft ure, that mparties attL(akinI illny
a mot'iatiomn, thromugh the .tmlumsm, ignI
their real nmale. T'his i m the mostm
homoralmle course to purlle. It m'lavmt
nmo idoumbt asm to tile authlor, aln Inot
mll'ih ai to hi. nmotivme ill maakimng tihe
attacks. It is wrong to exlm't tihe
publisher m to mhield their idlentity.
Oftemltimlne the origin of umhi letterm
are mrnalitll to tlleeditors of thelmIIer
inm wlhik'i titm.y appear. The attlack on
an iismsiMilltiOn is eulllivallent to tlhlat
mon m Ill tilvidumal, very often. I orisi
rmltiolns are imt anb anl 're"gtntiml of
il.l imimmliml. Not aill are I'lrtl'es' andm
e itnvim Imt'rr.ite C mrr lll r l''Ien. more' the
ilmerrier. BHt when mint halve im ha irget.
to make of se.riollius t ntire tilry shiouldmi
have tile elourage, anll mdl famitll ill their
utterancesm to attalt'im tlmeir nnlllme.
In time rermet diog pmoismmning contro
very, for intimne. it wool grlmwer is
held responsiblle for tlliheirst letter wh Io
lhad nlothilng to do with it. No. lll i
plumes ire well emtough inll lmost ilnstalln
mnem andl tsmu'elptalbl, Ibut whme you ltint
onl your "war palilnt" give yor advl\er
ma"ry an equal dclluwse ill mtanlIy I Imit tle.
'liTe people of Mimmouri ' illey ihave
mmnmustwsmei the agitation of mounllt
division,. or ill other words, tile 'on
strtuction of whllat tlhey woutl delilght
to rall Valley 'otnty,by taking ia slice
off fromml Melxnlem r amnl Jeffer.on. It
im not at all likely that the higildtumre
IasI timh. lowe.r, munler the restriction
imit limi'iwe byv hlst 'congres'i, tio tn-il
lisi new .rounllits. It woulml ertainly
Ise t rn:pites of rlmeiatl Itgisln t ion of t lw
ranlllke kili. Neillter Jeltersemn tor
Me~helgimlr are abitle to mstand l mit'l tI
kllifeinllalt tllprl'entllt timlme. 'Tll' total
valuation of ameswhable prolwrty in
Meaglher county as. it now staLlnds is
lnot greatly ill itmese of that of l'ergmlms,
while tile populmtion i m anout equal.
To take from Meagplher the populous
Mimmouri valley ail tile wealtil fromm
Whlirli a m'w 'anllnty i in tne ltiln
taiilml woubll bea dlrain oni thel life
Iblou of tile Immotlher coullnty, which.'m
woul.d leave iher il love.rty adl miis
trei-with just llmiciemnt illansl to
mlmaintailmn .outy govmernmemnt, if that.
With a portion l f Je ermson, m y
county mighllt mallilntain existetwe, Imlmt
it would Imw pnrarious.
Tle Ireat ioll of Fetrgus " ',m llut y was
lUl allmmolute nmteitl y; ai piem' of mwie'
andmm just legislation, which niimpl' Ilomi to
time reimeson ailm jmilgnlt'nt of e''very
honoratble manimm in tihe last legislattmm'.
iergtul counllty is all elmpire imy itself,
dividetl fromll tile old countllty Iby mlmotun
taill rangesm anm miles of iunlinhll ited
territory. It was prelmrel for misel
rate gov'erntment by imi poIllitioill l an
wealtlh, and time distame from coulnty
iett hadl neverely triedl ti. patiewr of
its ipople, t'itizens of tlme Missouri
valley are in a damy' ride of the
'ollntv-mment. over tlw imemst mstage limle
in theterritory. Vatlleyeounty ounds
well, and will le a good mname for a
new county right or ten years fromll
now, ibut shoulll not hle monsidere'l at
present tby our letislators, evel tlough
tey lalmi tlhe power.
Ft. MAo1tcmae, M. T., Dec. 9, 18R64.
ElFsrma Fellar' (Co .IrY Aluis:
En:mloseml tild letter from (Git Brooke,
which explains it self. I wish you
would kindly publish it, w thatl the
Ieople of Fergtel c.ounty maiy know
that there are in'rwnoll livingi inl the
vicinity of Judith t:inp who virtually
nid and alet the Indians in their raids
on the npeople. by tconmmealing their
,pru-etine in the Iittle itnowy Imouni
tains, wheni it is known to them. I
anii loth to believe that it is so. lbut I
do not think ('apt. iWener would
make the stattnmentt if it was not twell
sthbstantittl. I trust in fiututrm. nany
one knowing the whernalmmlts of
raiding parties of Indian,. will make
it known ait onte. and as widely mas
poxnile,. so that they can ltm arrestwl
and the w ttlers v\ed great loss inl
stock. Very truly yours,
ltRlAitAu iNr I)ltermRT r M.srTtx ,
FVour S4ws, M. T.. Nov. 7, IA;N4.
Ms. t;ixnnrnt..rE SrlAS. P'rmkl.t., il.mn.
of lmrk C(ilonilt inemrs. F'rlt Mmgini .
K4ii:-ln reply to, youlr letter ot the 2*ith
illltim.o, I witld ay thalt the Indiams ire
fierred Cm are IwlM liri.' ns pfimonems insit
ing the orter'i tany IIIlriors.
Iwoli lhet. cll yiour il ttiii io to tl
,ollhwitig extract fromu tlhe r.llert ,('lp)t.
W;a;ger. Irt t(avalry, whomi trn.op bha
tern .cotil: in the l irlilty of Jwilith trIp
rnently "I: . 'Ii rlltnliinl I wuill iay that
uo lrtiormatitl n lhoumt lhe iimvenliwnt iof
the Indlians u-kil hlw Ilhtlain.d bty the
trlops Irolm the m ttler., inor from a nllmn
tI r i oI m e -lh.ppmre st work in the
mIountainsn klling tinltkr. They give it ia
reason, tlat if tlhey would tll -oi tith In
diatn sen give m i a tll ay the troops,.
they fear that the Ithdiaulm ouki rl tihlate
om thei ailter tit Itruuiem have retu ij,,ml, tom
Itheir Is i It " ithii muttler.t u't tt"ll miit ml."
rlu] t i.? ,-'] . nI i-,Ift.." c .,"i..t.l ,! ..ul tiil
artim o t..fl m tr .lm. it e sill In ' i. t little
olpe m cmrisileg tm. rmaiderr it I*on wahich,
will it, h.atinguld ten.d to brnk pmll their
pr:ntinm. Y.,ou will re that theeffhlrtc oi
th. trool iof mnly comnlllllllmm have been
Iractimall lmralylsd where thil. 'vatnml of
assisting the ln.limaw hau prea/iet. ,tand
tny future un.uilting parties will. ncresma-I
rily., mn.ve blimndly thllrough thme regin ad
jl)ining Judith lip. and in any othellr port
,f the rountrv where the smttler l. do not
clme forwlard with lany informnltin they
mlly iaNm't whichl Imay aili tll rmtr pc.
I ni. Air, rm.lcttuRlly,
Jto, It. Hitmti',.
l.h. :e4.1 L tl lly, I ',mmmanlmmiig iliatrict.
A pip to SMi"'
'T. lA,.tNll.. . T.. Iem. it, 1I is .
E:ITrt:< V'ke illn It o TY .Aski l m:-l
rletlrntt.l trom th, enmt tl, :late to re
Itly in your ist, issut to tI e villtinotls
silmlm*r against tlh tMnttlen ,itof monll
titmi which ntiPia'ar.tl in your m laNme of
Nov. 2it Ii. I felt idiglllanlt andl hulrt
thimt moin slmhoul lmtihlilsh wme plinly
fills mtill aU liLc i lls an artil imlhfor inmt,'
one lnder nio noll mtm Il ou'll sinaituitre
withlout em n onew word of crn'ntitet or
I de.et4se of timhore wamlll ilm'tl thlerelly
aulinig it fortl to the world withll
lyour tr tdornlint. DIo lyoul ti ipiik t Isii
faiir or right?
I.',mt tlumna.' iing amit a distanmte
should ii w mniskl bty this mmaliiittsi
anld eniousl midiot, I will reply to hitm:
('mttltt.*i tid not own il ny mtlorel
hlaulm in Montmnl It t, o i'h 'nron thin
do thols itngnl'mie il farming, or itl
leepl rainiing, or lhorw' rmaising. No
Iat tletm'en own ltiy lrgll e imtliesm of
limmndi in t i' terriltory. Tlm ,"y havei,
iAlllways ihi the ,sttler, mitd havei
tnever I ried to pmrevetmt Mn t iet lement inll
Ithe publm lici Itmls. iandl t .lhe 'ro tr r -
they haio-ve ans.mlmi, the nmmorthern anil
tsternll parts lof Montan to setle l Iulp
immmci(h ftlmtr t mln wiould havl e lteii tihe
menll witl out il, atll i well known
Now. nos to thelir trying to ptrevent
the olw'ninlg tilp of tihe retmmrvtltions
landmi to gobblte mpil thle bimnd. So
far fron ti thi big the rame they
havie done nlmore thit all the rest nof
tihe itplte in trying for yearn to hinav
aill thes. inmlmenm  and worse thani
itelesslt rmeervm-tiommmns opened lip for
SWttletnilt. Tmly havl'e repeaitedly in
trolllcld l and heli pra iu nlemtorialsm
thirotugh the legislmature lltgg Ing 'oin
greaa to open tien too he tsettlter, all
it the very tim. this anonymous llt liar
was mmonemtmting his vitle faimehoods. I
was intrmolmit'ng the followitng retwnoli
tion ill the onvention of naI'ttlemenI
lately mi. iili in ( hiimigo. whichiim'oititined
delegatesmi fromill thirty stalmtes and ter
Whe Inmet.. the territmory of Montlan
more than tHt t tlmn r mmtmilet of lmtid is
int mnlart icl Indimanlrl tmera*ll ns, andtl
Where"ns, The grete'r portion of the said
innd lies alongl the Internlmtiil Imunmary
timtwm.e the United States and the lmatin
imn of m ianadt; amnd
WImherea . The Indiina in the western part
Itf the reservation are if the onmfimletmblommd
ald Ilpel k the imnle language il the tidji
i~ent trtie n the the anadan s; an they
lt bilmk alme fomrth at will, and wheln tUh
the htrew amlit kill the cattle of the settlers
il ihth amid oft tihe tullmtminry line; and
Whereln , This state io affair ie n never
tIe reimetiedl so king as there In an idian
reservatiomn along the It'anadian rditer,
lwhich aflorda a secure ansylum for thievet
and dtepemrete charaters, tmoth Inmldian and
[, , Hen. e ttuey t e emmstantl prey
ummbmn the settlements in every direction, to
tnleir gret detriaent and ntinual l ..
n-d dasunge: and,
I Whertn,s. These immense reIervlatimons
I contmainmmcolre than .3,tNt) 0 'ereo to eachi
imlrn woman and child mof thel trila fir
ihomt thiey are cet mallrt, saill of which
they makll e o use whatever, and tfrhIt
whih iunder the pre'sent system they rca
derivea no lInwelfit. Ttlerl f.re. lre it
Iamolve.li, That the lPresident, rmngress
and thie iproln'r dleparttents I., requestedti
ito remove' tire Ilnins from the great
inmrthern reservation allsim hdesrrilrel toi
mamme mltmre suitable locality, andm thereh.y
mpr'-vent iltmirnmntionail compliitcatiions whimli
will otherwie happlen  the near ittuIre;
andl iw it tfurthe
ltesmiedvl. That a change is imperatively
demandeaid in the Iesent system of Idlian
nimmtmgm'mnt: . whicm is mo ihnjurty t the In
miana, an ommmtrage tom the mit iaemcm mf the
great mmndi grimwitmg went. amid a disegrace to
the Natiuonal (iovernment; and he it
Reslve*l. That the proevle olution of
this quretion, and one directly in the inter.
est or all partles. I to give the Indians in
aeveralty a aufllrient qluntlity of land for
all his neIds. with title inallrenalle for flity
year,. throw ope 1allt the rest of these vet
reeervations to settlement, and with the
mory7 received frenms the actual settler for
these lands, ratal llh a fuml to aid the In
dian to )lhreo a sel n-ulpporting alnI rcw
p'etable eitie n.
tResolved. That the secretary of the ronl
venthen ia ieatructed to forward eepkie of
this resmluti, to the prieident, to the
presiding oltreers of I)th Jhouses or ln.
g~ream, and to the delegate ill congress frome
Montana territory.
Thles.e re.solutions rceeitve l the hea rt y
support of every e.att leeaen peresent
and pa1sedi l allllclilltoly, and at the
cut t lienw, ' c onvielt ions held in ('ii
ca tro and it Louise in the years 1M4IN
and 1t+n.1, I I4so introelerdl esimilar
reeiluet ions whihl, were calso lamrdl.
Does I his look like they were pire
ventintg tilie ola-lnii g of the res.erva
tinsll' .Andll i reat emanI y rattlie lilce
lhoght the land they now owni from
the ar.-t al settler it it very high price,
tlnd cinite Ilnill eher of cattrleman do
not 0onn all t'ere of land ct ell.
-leie ienvcioIus t r;luci'er is grievle to
thimnk thal theeitthlmentc. bIy use of
none'y and brains lave t' tilizel the
gr:ass whirCh for millions of years rot
tel or neteleurtetl mulls tfle lei:ini anad
foothlills, srid hl-ve 'o nvdertrel it into
millions of dohelare worth ,o Ilef, thusr
enrichingce thcnleme- , the -euoniii.i
,ios iii whichll the e li... and lh*e gen'rall
giov,-r.acinit. ciit all this wit lout in
jullry to anyi oitn. Aniid yet this anony-li .
luese ;italrehisi.t. who lInever e Iehad the1
onergvc'" oer elilterprie, to utilize allny of
inature.'a waiste protilu.cti, wouekl lhv:
othlerls preve.lintcl fre'In dsoiltil e o.
So fatr foii ccit tllelltn ltilnig cin in
julry to thlt. territory tiery lire itis len
efactorl . ior thier.y (reatte vat w.eallth
I If.< : a r':,lte. out of wlhat wacs gonieg
to walste'. cael til which thley fImy vast
tvxes for lee le irlelit of thle rinllli
nict, and of auch unigra l-fcll ..-kink. na
'.loeIt ."
.ilt, t t . t wold wve-' lthit when
ever he feels called upon to publish
.malignant faleltooda, about a larpr
and publi-tt pirited portion of the
comanunity, Ihe Ishoul do as over his
own name, and not hide like a coward
aunda neak, behind an anonymous
sig 'nature. IItRANVlI.LIc Iyrrat.
PM tuinl W lml I UUUUS
Lawserowu, M. T.t Dec. 7, 1M45.
The hoard was called to order at miss
.' cylck. Peset, Was. Berkin. K. P.
S'handler and John P. Barnes, with W. H
Kelly, slerk.
It as moved d an carried theat Win. ir
kin be usese chairman of the bosrd.
The boned of eunty clerk sd ircsrde
was lresned to tohe heard snd tn s e beng
reat iy the shismana. was pslesI an Str.
The fllowing roel setittkm was amis
ered by theLe: A ruld from soae poiat o
stage riel fruon Ult to, 'nttos.wod, e.
tweesn tnregory' and Hays' ranchea. thense
ni itulasls creek to the dmswy mounaslis.
,not to easeed one mile altove the ma
eamnpia pgultd., and te foltowing viewers
we llstappotted: Jaenes laws d 'hllnsik,
Edwar Raesell of Uhlt. and Thomas Org-
ory o.f Iluelo Creek, sad telerk was in
strtrled to notify the said viewers to setet
at ,legory' anch.
The propositious of MDsan. Yell A Visa
msen to publish full proseedis of ihe
eotnIty co lission.ers a amse-half the ntt.
use nane was ealt and ordered placed on
msinutes and letter pIlwedl on itsb.
The tilrpssltki si( of 54.S ell. ldeptay
clerk ug ittsrit cmurs we d r and snit l .l
i ,aIedosI1 s anstus l letter ltedl for f"
sure cenkekrtioen.
Adjourned to I o'clock I,. m.
ArTeuns,.a susmse.
S oorst called to order at I o'clock p. n.
The board proceeded to re-ditlrkt the
countly as regards musienl al disriits asn
Judith Townalsil---eisinlig on cainty
line setwees Twin Itsttes ia BMlt range,
thesce between Twin buttes down thllaEl
creek to iLa*' York. thence down Its'
F ,rk to Jiulirhs river, mleean down Jadith
river to northerna b.inlary Itna of county.
these. west on sau k line to its innterasctsl
witt Arrow creek, tlience along county
i ie.. upAmrow ireek, to pilae ,f rbeglnning.
sidassn ToWneiiti-ls lf-nis ate the In
tersctliou of the notllrs hosndary iof the
coasty and the Judits river, theace up
the Judith river to mouth of lg rI g
c'rek, hn Ihe e lan easterly d:restl to the
;livide between Warns tdrlsg snd -ig
ySrulg creeks thence along the divide to
tise JditL notntalSns, thence aing the
lailn resge of the Judits soulntali. to Ith
iheed of Bsr creek, thence down Bear
creek to ~ls Ilder creek, theince downs Ito
Islder reelk to Mtsselesll river. thence
down the M3lssllsell river to tie north.
east aorner of t.i eounty. thence west
aloof the eoinsty list to tue placeof he
t t'et Townashlipl--leglnnsing on conlty
lins ketwren Twin Iattes in the Iiel range,
thence between Twin bluttes down Benak,
creek to tose' Yrk, thence down Itos'
Fork toTroutcreek,thece upTrut creek to
its head thescealsou thedivide bhtween the
watere of lIusau lo st tHck creeks to the
sui nulit of the usnowy anountatna. tlsten
est along ise asumnit of m the untanns to
the heed of t'aerosu creek. tbrhtce down
auissero creek the Mlseaelsell river,
theune up and along the county li Un to ther
pIlael ol biasntnlt.
l Mginnli Townlspll- lginnning t tLhe
held waesr of the Soulh York of Mlrcladd
reek se the gtnswy muotainsl, thesin
down McDonals creek to lbs Elder creek.
theece uyp bo Elder creek to Use mouth of
Iter mceek to Cone Uutte, thence along
the main divide of the Judith and euowy
Imountail to plac bei i nui t.
Flat Willow Townhips-Begtnninn at
thie Iseadwatere of the S h Fr ofMu
LDonid creek, theine down M.Do,w
creek to UIo Ihlene crer, thenle down
ioz t· W reek to the Mhwsatelil river.
theime up the Masselshel river to the
uouth of Csieron r reek, thnels up Ca
'r-s. creeu k to the sain divide of the Ibowy
mountains, thence along the nletn divid
to tihe ae oft hllailing.l
Sugri Twnoallp--telnittig at the
stogtb o tuig Sprisig creek, tises in ass
easterls direction to the divide betwsn
Wasrm i ll creek ansd sig Miring creek,
Stheuce the divide to the sall nit of
Ite Judith range to thl tlstersection of thI
atliden and aginsnis township line, tihec
,along the ulssln divide ul the Judiths asd
Inlowy uunnttain to the lhad of Camerii
creek, thence westerly along tie nusltnt o
tdI- Inowvy amountatus to thedivkte between
BUulleo and iock creeks, thseale alon
amiis divide to head o fruout creek, thence
tIown Trout creek to ross' Fork. thheruc
down Ros' Fork to the Judith river.,
theelw down the Judith river to the phis'
of " legitaiog.
Board edjurned Lo u olo Tuemidy.
Board called to order; lull board und
clerk priee. Minutes of rlint day raeed
nid aliiVoed.
The houd and oiclal oath of ILanirI A.
Meler. probwe e judge ire pre semtued mud
rlard adjourned to o'cluek p m.
Arrsamson seesto*.
ruom celled io o uad at o'clock p. .r
te bhardl ricdus!d bo dreuutmedr
the mflhool dl srkli o, em~nuolg with ri
prineT dlrict. which w r ie wu e mfro t,
No. I t o No. fr oe mI fo 3neiod. w14w
No. . aLden from 1 to 3o 1o9toid
orunom 1 a6tn, froini I to i, aLotiet
frim 21 too teStnfotord aintik), Boearer
('reek from 27 to n Un aI Trout creek
diminrkts h rinit n,o kfemrr fUlmner' were
ounuherm 19 mcd to reapectlvrlj.
It we nnoved ail n arrid ili m thcoully
i mllYulmteadmlmtl o ihooli be direrted to
imtlfj the clerk orf each hcl l ditrlt of
oth clhUne made.
The *imp inf eutt of ustices of time leace
for Ii a vaibm a mtinimlcapal tmwmamliltl. wee
omieidleed anmd the following m 4IoMirtWtO
were madr.
IIt mriamtl Township. lwaril Braoey
,tf heaver creek and John Toomutb of Lew
MaKianns. '. L. Caror. Maginiis.
i.ldeim. W. H. Peck k.ox Elder.
Judlit, John W. Wiltec. l'llhriook.
adljoui ed to 9 o'clock We.bls.ay.
Itreervl, fill hoard and ,.erk.
It wuas oved ani ee,mileul that the
pril.lsitl~k of John hO. ililke.rs tliW rent
liilisng to the ivulnty for m as u ,orlt
fr l marotlhe hie plaed iol tihe inllute.
fur lturueaosideratiu. lulord imu wileu.
to alept Ndr. Oilkermm l' Ipropositionl, land
hii, ltter was ormlre tilled.
Rees untll I o'clork p. mt.
Iard coled t, ordkr at I .,'clork p. ul.
lound of Iavid Cathreat,. co...unty suplw
htnmillemt of schools tirmiinted to beurd
i.l ,on motllo weeas aplrivd anmi orderel
Itind amd ealm of Pr:mnk 7. lmaIth,
otiuity attorney was lueienmel to board
amid mag usmmoh was maprmmved and ordered
Tie clerk was oenered to advertise bfr
pm.inlals for Inrnmiiaig aedi·al attend
mitr to l ins lt l prisoerl; pr,)*metal Lir
furnllsihug care aml m atuIrm He for coety
i.0r: tprop met or ftrnlllSiK twenpy
urulds if wood for nee at emusy jail and
...duty} ohiies; proiimin tobe opened the
lirnt Monitay ic Jianuary.
Thie bond of mnty mreurer wr Ied
at lnly thousand dmllare.
Huoe d aipnemeul cie dle.
We are prepaed ., negotlat long tini
loanaoa inmprovelfaltrm in Perum eomnty.
rur partimulars apply to
WCm.u.Ar, ermam s« Tmmnctruam,
IHelena, Montanua.
Sor. IRmai.r viro Tome.. Ja., Irwitown.
It.fer'mt- First National tIemnk. Ihlenla.
New Year' Eve Ball
Will e giver at tie rn tIle.C . of Mt. uatl
!JRS. J. . 1.. 'Lali -- ld ('arroll 'rweingt
rimy Iiening, Des. 81, '66.
Maaic ty
Lewistewn String Band
TICKETIt, (Including itupper ) $2.6O.
Bailey & Billing
Oorrsponde.n. Invited.
W. W. DeWitt,
Lewistown, - - Montana.
lisln olpened i att at le alwtra e a :a t
with a flme line of Dry tooda. Laces and
ind cietnul Fur0niblIg oodts. n its, t (ap..
ILanoa'. a$toec. Totacco and a iaers. Wall
3elt cinca. E a.
I would ttllle inspell tn of satack as to
prices and quality. Itaving autgaht may
ock at very tow igaures I s1U selling at
Cta r ,aondl y low pricea.
Main It., opposite Lewistown
H 544 .
r ii
"p i
I i
Montana's Leading Clothier.
The only CotJhinCg to1. l. Montana in 'Mi.1t the Prie* is Marked in l1'Iall Fingtrre'
ehue which ther is no LDgrlatioa.
ONE t .t
PIII'E. I)E.11. "
/t. Louis mlock, nIMI A,
Main Stret, Mont.
i -P.E I) FOR P1114'Et. MAl, RIiEItS $s ill 'lTEll.. '
Maiden Brewery,
LANDT & CO., Proprietors.
Our Brewery is now in perfect working order, and we are prelpred to
furnish any quantity-Bottle, Case or Keg -a Fiist-Clala. article of Ieer.
---- ***
In Connoctin we halve a
Where will be found all kinds of I.ihlu,,r, (,i.rs. tc, together with Sani
wiches and Cheese .Lunches.
lDropl illn tlltry" tn. Malidn I l'rw,.t thry Ik·. r.
Maiden, : M. T.
Lewistown, Montana.
DR. W. F. HANSON a 00., Proprietors.
We invite the attention of the pco Ile th i,,;h 'he I 1I)I'I'II I.\ tlN
to out new and complete stock of Lhuou and Cl'nnv, :"'. rc..t: ly I urclh:. ueI
in Boston, consisting of
Pure Roots,
Chemicals, Herbs.
Solid --Flowers,
Extracts, K' ,+ & ., &c.
- ANl) A 4 I) :.I. I FIiTEll) T lit'K tIFi
Patent Medicines and Fancy Goods.
Custer Forwarding
Custer Station, - Montana.
g ?iGood IReceived, Railroad Charges Advanmcd, aidl U'caignmentr s
Forwarded to all Points North and South, at Lowest l'oailr Itites, hy
Reeponsible Carrier..
Im.. 0ilnw ilimrkmgtl diItIIýr rU lOrna
IbtJ is. Tremmrl.,
ýha l088 f ALLIDIE
I NIseemse
Saik O.c.
W a. Wall $S4t
3ImW lo I lh-L " TU, . oIaaau . 423 Slake vaeb

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