OCR Interpretation

Fergus County argus. [volume] (Lewistown, Mont.) 1886-1946, October 03, 1889, Image 4

Image and text provided by Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84036228/1889-10-03/ed-1/seq-4/

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Th. Largest stamp Kint ise Weeli
The'-I'ar,e' goldi mine, or as it ill
,1llitl 1y -a llemi in .utmnesm. I eTreaci
ICllllu' iiiiineie.'l"v vsaluable. It
1- 1111 11,4 lyolonel .1. II. Frye. an
iiiIlioiiairm'. andt several other nabobs
411 theIa.4tljiorlia iietropolis. It has
1~4.11 operate,) oinly a few wears. 'the
Ialterg' .ttamill mill in time worll 1243
'.l:ilipe lias been erecteds on it. anld
pr~oi~ cmiii rills retuirmi as to
les tihe value of the mnile away. mp in
t1 he risl ferat i.' nteigiitmriiozel ~f $111,
'I' .' l',ri i entere at it onarrows
u11l4"11 ino le. Ilas,' of one of the rug'
nitee uliigitlliilcwhich snake map IoufJas
i'.iui1. Time vean of ore is 47 feet
11 use. andi hIa been followed down
wardl to At linpth of 280 feet without
ite botomon of thIee ors biei; foundl. lis
it anIC wonder that ('@1. Frye wetarsas
..,niling e"olntenamwt juliet ahov~e hmis
Thle ore is of a lo1w grade, yielding
from sitl to $12 per ton of quartz. but
the. inilileiise quantities of rock which
are Ittslelitl make the grosa product
inmmuewiely imrohitable., time cheap chlo.
rine pl ot-emloseeing used to extract the
eme.4al front thle ltulverissl mialS. As
1:111 stAminl) brinks two andl one-half
tone per' ,lay, and as the Paris hasc
2110 of these and steel umastacators,
4,4l. Frye can get away with 6lliS tons
of Ilon gls. island every day that his
milil reins at its fullispeed andcapacty.
Itonglhas island is six miles wide and
I wenut y umikes long. How mach of its
r«'-k is amiriferous nobody knows.
Plainbu hate been staked off in every
dir~etion. Aim Englishm company se
no0w erecIting At 120-t1'eAin mill on the
i-twaii djoimningt the -'Paris," and cx
INC-tN to trick goldeim egps out of thee
" Rear's Nest,' as its property is
tiitle't, cit hum a short time.'"
Uflnteliss eielis.
I .iclg t tavle 1042.15141 tmilee ises
im':nt limit ilmovesl 20541.154541 mmmiimm per
A almirem'tile' -omnt Ain 11401 acres.
Tfilp liet tetiel peim was imeissle in
A storim mlootel :01 mniles per homur.
A hurm'icane muoves 5441 tuilliesper hour.
hoel' wa-a disloverice in t'alifornia in
A hand~ horse' mncasurel is foumr
01154. wer' -el 111511sw ill England
Kerots'oe oil was lirslt mused ter light
inig pcurposes ini 10241.
The first newspaper was publishted
in England in M51S.
Measure 21101 feet oil au'll mide, snd
v'on will havte a awlimare acre within an
'Fhv first eomsem railroadl waes bulilt in
1 44.0-'27.
A man walks :1 mnilee per hour. or ill
feet per s5e'ondl.
A hlorse trots 7 imileta sxee hour, or
4 feet per second.
A horlle ruins 24)t niile's per hour.
A ride-ball moves 1 .11181 miiles per
1101r, or 1.40161 feet per secondl.
touind ntovees 748 milse per hour. or
1.141 feet lieer second.
itlow riv'ers flow :t umiles iear hoar:
rapid rivers 7 miles per hour.
O~ns acre contains 10141 sqeua~re rods,
4.1440 slttuare yards, or 4ll,.0 se~mtare
Well Is Rame.
""If you ever drop your watch his the
water," said a jeweler, '-haaten to,
throw it into a cup of alcohol or'
whisky. That will prevent the works
front rusting. Jfohn C'hurch and Mr.
111ll, one of his business associate..
were down South fishing, and by some,
naishap their hoat warn upset and they
were thrown into the water. Dot h
bad fine watches and both were for
ever ruined btecause they did not know
what to do to prevent the movements
from rusting. Just iserthat in min.''
-( 'inu~nnata Times-Star.
Mr. F. P'. Lsvejoy, a large desler is en"
eral omerchandise at Walnteks, No.,. says:
'"I have triedl tt. Patrick's Pill.. and cern
truthfully say they arc the best I have seer
takes or known used." As a pleasast
physic or for disorder of the flver they will
always give perfect salilsfetion. Fer salr
1,. W. W. lDe Witt.
Land (ifllre at Helena. Mont..
Aiepteeser 2a 151l.I
Notice Is hereby gven that the following.
usoiscl settler hee filed notice of his tnten
tion to muaks fnal proof In euppeet of his
clism, and that esid pofwill he mande he
fure Li. A. Nemerls, Prbte Judge of Ver
gte' county, at Lewistown. Mont.. on No.
vemeber 2, 15sle. via:
nslereas Les..
who made homestead applcslon No. 441.1,
for the SW* Nec'. ti. Tp.ll N.. U. tel E.
He namnes the following witnesses to
3.rove his cootinuouos residence upon sand
cultivation of said land, via: Charles W.
Ila)'lles, daneuel T. flislgrin amnd Horcer A.
Coillins of L'het. Mont., and ILouts W.
Ehldrider. of C'ottonuwood, Mont.
S. W. l.As..sosx. Rtegister.
1' C. I Axt tirraca AT HaLaseA, N. T.,
August 80, lels.
Notice is herebhe given that Aiwihil.
Falligati. of Stanford. F~ergus musty,
N. T.. has filed hotere of Intention us
make positf on leer desert land claim No.
015112 for the lots l1anal 4, Ni SW',. SKI..
ieu, lIts WJ SW}, Hec. 2i. Tp. Iii N.. rnge
13 east. before the Probate Judge of Fees
e.'..nty. Mont., at l.ewlssown, Mont., on
Wlednesday. the Mnhb day of October, ISIS.
Cihe nanm.s the following witneeses to
prove heli totuplate Irrigation and reslaena
mi,.n oft salI' land: Hoses L. Flahee. Wilt
is.. tiklton. John S. love and Allen
P'irr's,-all of Stanford. Mont.
IS. W. l.Avoue. a..c Register.
Notice of Final Proof.
Lawn wrricS at ftstsa, N. T..
bl4. lesSN. I
Notice is hereby given that the followlsg
nastmed settler has filed notice of his lutes.
lion to make final proof Ia support of hie
claim,, ands that said proof will bemsadle he
fore 1). A. Mebr k.~i flerk of the
Probhate t'otlrt o~f Fergus county. N. T.. at
L~ewlstowmm, Mont., on Ocrtobter 311. IMm,
V's..L Mk.
w It, turtie 1se'v-rtto1lutt demdsrauxy state
minent N.'..Iant, for the Ni SKI. tWiw SKI.f
tier. 11. NWIj ctw. irer IS. TI. 17 N., It. 13
He nan... its.. following witamwes to
prowe his continuous usaldaear upon sad
curltivation of said land. via: Janes 1.
t'rot, lianiet Thomas, John it. Love said
Lis ,.c wifwngley. tall of Stanford, Neal.
S. W. f.asnouossw Register.
Notie* of Final nU ly.
LA5'tt tire,, s. Nai~ass. N.T.
Noti.'e Is heeck9 glues that the lsilswiug-.stmsd
settler his sled sellee ef his lalsetba ts maes
5~aI pweas ia sspset f hie claim, sad taut
ae.wilb tiHert Fishor Jgsd of
h.crgoses.sasy. mesa..s. sa L~enwl.eIws.Motaaa.
.,. t "..tec 15. la., cIs:
cee'kesM W. Dayllwa,
lke stade haet~samd spplteMass~ N... Cal.I. h the
err .e' Noy' mKl. sac. M; OWt swt 4. s~e. v.
T. 1 If',a. isE.
lie sasms. the f.I1wla5 wituate Sa pests hi.
la. ucia:Seesi ?.e Isita. lieset A.l sMim
t Salle. !row-as sad Hesey llsewý. am el l'hnst
w. L~nswaoass Sqiteer.
Notice to Creditors
Esteale ott .eibtalele Is. 'raemStsrwax.
the nniese~iei'.igel. aelmnisiitrattr oftot b
agdate oft Josephm It. N ratisarwax. .iee'eaa..
ta th Sb..edeito er, ote anei all *a.rreeaea liar.
lnee e'aieasu agaiemel the said.le,.reateei
toa ezldilit thme,., willh 11w ImeersermaryM~h
eer". within fet. ite monthe after silia lIret guee
li-allan. oat thls notice..tee 11w said adlmein
istratear at his eekriti se i'llam. Nernista.a
or to Rudolsef neem Tuelel. Jr.. as Irewiataewn.
Moast.. len 1he eneeeityrtv ii erguse. Meati.
liagee at IA.Wittewtt. detgenmlmr Il. 151
la.. T. Wr~tromemw'el
Administratoar .of th.' IEtate oii Jneaeehel
It. lWatlwrwar. tie-areut.
Sept. 1-!
Notice of Dintal entry.
land Elomes at Heenaa. Mnett.,
deapesneher II. 1151.
Neetiem is hereby giver that the olohewling
naametl settler baa filedt notita..eaof Isit e
teatme. to make final proof In atuje.
1eoet ofhlis laimo and that samid minuetf will
li nd ltiete slerk eaf she, liourtl
Judicial INetrlict t'oeart lee anad fer Vergeem
comnty. M. T., at Ilewiataawn. MI. ea..o
ee Jebr2i eeaa naew
wha tiaaai perre-empetioat delelarateery atate
wetas No,. 12j. fortetbe W I N F:}. N E'S N 1,I
desc. II; 4111 14111 trer. _o TI.. l: N., It. 11
He nastemt he lalls wlsg wltewsseeeetoetproe~
hia conetinuoseaa reieleieiwe esupte anal aultiva
tioge of maid laned. via: Jaune. Allen. John
Porter. 1111am Van Normaan anal t'harleetJ.
Kmnowlaes. all ee l ftanfewal. Meant.
P. W. L~an~aeoamr. Rtegister.
1'. i. LanaI e/iter. Hele.na, Mneat.,
dept. i. lanit.
Comuldalat having been enteredt at thim
.4.. he 1111 tiardapeagaigest Louase
ti liwbeil tsar abaaeieninmg blue hoe~estemad
rety Mna. *7.111 elata) Juy tI. IMtetis.
t lee 1S1:} NWI. 14 N 1t}, dSri. ii. $ Wj 1I
Itms'. a Tuawnahipe 131N, Range. 2I K.10 Fergeas
..eaaety. Montana, wIth a view its the ease
e-.Ilatlon of maid entry. the amid parties are
hearaby rutoneaeend to apepear at thim oiearu
eon the 2Nh day oaf Oeitoelar, 15141, at it)
.seclock A. M..I, toeajuenal and feernishlab st-l
:oe eatneewnlng said alleged abanltan
enadtestimny Ia lee taken before
UJohn Teateeseb Noatary Peelelic. lergesa
Iuesnnty. Meentmana, at lrewi-atew, Meontaana.
e le'te.ber Ill. Iola.
it. W. ls.anraseeami. Iegieser.
1'. it. lana[ E~lte. at He-leesa. N. T..
dteptenhebr 'de. I1411.
Notice- It hereby given that Johln
H ine.. of arta-on, Meagher countly. Montt..
baas tilmed notice of intention. tot naka Lats
en heis deaart lanai claims No. 1iL'el. fer the
ýit iWI, 41 $1%. tes'rI. 11,1 NE11. N~t
$14. fler. 15t, NWI.WI NF.}, NI dVj dee. I4,
4)~ ML' dee. tea Tpe 14 N.. It. 141.. lwtfare
sihe CI.A of the Feesrthe Jeudicial tist~rict
iloni. ini and tear Frga useaient3. at Irewin.
atown. Meant. ,n ai rielay, ther 15th1 elay .af
t Ittober, ow.
He naetesa the fetilowinag witnesteta tea
lIe-mve sthe seomplete irrigatioan aned re-ashem.
tion of said land: Johee I. Raw. Itielearel
Ilaw, Edwared I. Moeran. aeee Freil. shlall.,
tel l41elbreeeak. Mantaena.
lotion---TiMber Culture.
d~eptanehe 2. lose.
C'emplianst leavite beaet entereei at tile.
etthiw h}" Joaete Ni. yeeae againsrt Winfreel
ii. liavim. for failu~re tea s'oney withe law
am to tiember atelttere enatry No. lI11I4. elated
April Mli, 1111151 ts~en tlre 541 iWI, decetionm 1.
Tip. ii. N., I1. 14 I-.. fie Fergt~caetusety. Ma-mt..
with a view to the vianeeilaleae eaf saiti
entry: eonotatan alleging that the e~laimeemet
hotaahied to, ompetly with ther law mel any.
stNanner whatever reete- eetry.
Neaw, therefore. the salal lortiet are lsere-
ley umatestoneet tot appear at thets aiM.. atit
thne 23dd day of October, iltelt. at lto aa'i ea'k
a. ase.. to rameaseol aid fierihls teati meoniy
a'onmrruuing samid alleged failuere. said teati
imuoay tea be taken Lteare Alfreil J. ittep-le
ens. notary peeblic- at F11.4, Piti ilia- H1t. slay
ott Oe-tola~r. 10111.
P5. W. I lr5S"NK irti.4rr.
Nodose of FIn- &' ntry.
tesnl (Miferat Helesna, M. r..
Asagisil 211, ISP59.
NotIre is hserebsy given, that the foII..w iig
uessdsesltiler has fIlid sortice sst hsis infest.
Slots to snakb final proof it. osppssrt sit hi.
elalus. ead that said Prosif witl ie ms sade lhr
fare i). A. Meagther. Ea.Itlissis, Clerk o~f the
Iroatseteosurt ol Fergisa csnntt, Mon.st.. att
l.ewiltowss. Mont.. on ictoler III. lNstIS* via:
Kaeet A. noelines.
who moade *5f5!4nnl~lutIO srslaratosr ,.tattr
mueet No. 110207, 1.5r the WI itWhSi. P4 W},
XWj $Wj, Her. 17. Ti'. II northl, rang.'
He stem. the. lollowlssg wItnesses t
prove his Coni ntlsosun reelsisessce eos. Mudt.
cultivation of. said land. viz: S'hario..
W. Deaylesa. Henry A. Sltratton. Charles HI.
Itraser andi iamunel T. lUelgress. all w5 11*5r.
S. W. Listumoee. Itegslitr.
l.ti~t Ot~sUe AT lieLsoA M. T..
Augstga 29. l tit.
Notice is hereby glvean tbat the followissg
stautedsleltler ha. filed notil. of Isis intess
tIont to stake final proof Itn support of his
clales. and that maId proof will he nsala tae
foen Ir. A. Meegiser, Is-OA~clo tCleek of the
Probaset Obvert of reig'. sonoty, Mront.. at
L~ewistownt. Mont.. on Oitobser l1t, 1M14ts. via:
Theme.s Y. NeCaeut.
who made pre emptlon dleclaratsory slele
,sseet No. IGI15d. for the XSW& W Saw. 1e 2:
PSi NECl. NKI4 or*. Mer. :41, Tis. 1'1 N.. H.
He namese the foslloswitg witttaesses to
gtrove his cotntinoussss residlense ustnes, anti
ssullivaljont of taid lansd, via: Wil~lies
like. Jolt. Woolsey erns Emsttet MIercell leg.
oS C1het. Msrnt.. ansd fieorgs* M. Staffo.rd,. ol
l~ewistown. Moot.
P4Aý.W Wt. II.A554505P5.'F Register.
N oticse of Finala Natty.
l.rssp Ilerscu AT HELLaA, IU. T.,
Ausguat 23. hilt.
Notice Is hereby given that she follstwltsg
mtedassi mtler has filed notice ol his Intlen
tion to make fissal proof In essmltort of his.
clelsm. and that said prassf will he mtadee
beetore ii. A. Meegiser, exssofilrlo clerk tel
the Probinte Court. at L~ewisttwn. Nssnt..
on I setnlser :t, Bois. via:
Qeaege. A. crem.
who stad. pre-eptsl&ou declaratory) setae
tseest No. 964., for the SKIMW } lost 7'Sm.
ti, lot 1,Mec.T. Tp.14 N.. R. 14E..
He stases, the followissg witnssese. to
Itow. his contnunous reeidence. supso. and
cusltivationt of. maid laud, via: JosaephI
Achy. Walter S. fCorwin, William (tray ansI
'iaetesere M. (teodell. all oft Phsl~bnsok,
S. W. L.Atmsstaosvm Itegister.
Notioe of Final Proof
Landl s ilUce at Helessa, Momsi.
Auguset 211. liess.
Notic. is herebsy given that the fsslloswing
sianaed satlter haa led notir, of his lotait.
ties, So mtake fnal proomf it asuslsert of hsis
aleis, aned that ind pr issl h ade
hefm. shte Probsate Judge ssf Ferguss county.
at l.awlesown, Mont.. Is os Stissr 10, hulls.
O 4eeee U. leeme.,
who usatie lsstesetead appallcetiont Nss. :l1te
'for tine WI NE~l. Wi SVj, Sae. 2a, TI.. 14 N..
It. Ill IC.
He nausea the following wilneuse. tt
prove bila cosstlusous residenece uspost. ansd
cultivalionu of. maid lend,. via: Archie V.
Regers. Jamtes I. Weldstt. Encrmt''. Husch
'andrsandla lal of L ewldssown Mont.
W.k a Vt' ."aoests. Itegister.
Deceit mand Fin"l Proof.
. S. it. sasl 4Hire at Helessa. Monts.,
Auag"t 20t, Iales.
Notic Is hereby glvean that Josll's It.
Waite, o. t'tiee Ferguss cvousty, 3lont.,
bae filed notie. of lutention to snake l.rssss
on hi. demert :aad claist Nss. 1575. ait Sthe
MI NXl. NI sit . SKI SF4. MAft. :11. Tp. 54
X.. It. IS K., hefret the Probaste. Judge sti
ayes county. N. r.. as L~eeistown. M. I'..
on Thursdey. the 14gh slay ofh llobrtec. tuMIh.
He naesa the followittg witnesa.s tot
prove the complsete i on and reslassa.
thouof aidlan: FedeickWarren, Sitm.
eol X. McNair essd Lewis J. Howell. of
Ut ,Monst. and Frank I:. Wright. of
.W.Lassuau.s~.tc Register.
mnEliem FO PN ENTRY.
LamdiºHi Ella at Hrelma. 'aii,,i.. p
N.Iice it, hereby give.. that Iti,. ol.lowjiig
namedl olierr lIa.. liled oic ofIIN Id. l;jintr.,,.I
claini. andl that t.aIl ana.f will I.", ala' b." ,
(t.r, ip. ih 'rnail.st. Jatge ..f Fergsiaaaaaascu. at 1
1.,w. 11w N, Mont.. in, I4 14....: i. aaa .W't,i
Jowi s S.~.r. 'N. Lor. .
tt l o. 3rp ; . .1E.ile nausami.. th fidloi..a g a,, ,ea-.- Iii1
*w..ve hila i'.ttiniuaeum re..dllewa ,,wiait. di
.nilltvatkumn of, majidlanti. via: lt.-. a I..
Viaher aimi Kphraim,, K. Kin~kade. oii viuat
ford. Mont., amid Joih, i'asii.la.ll slid Jaalatii
Itrailet,, of a4iltain. Monit.
"'. V,. i.a.\.niaiv... I1.,it-,"r
L~aiii,rai~rt.. IlI lEa*, fi. T..
N,,llve ia he.reiargive,. lirel ihe fllaiwitig
nauitel aattler f~ali..a M t ttllie iii lil i,t,cn
tl..n iio tnajie lmial I.raif Int .o.tiltir if ii..
ilalan. amid th~at vaidtl w.uii will I.. asail,
heforne 11. A. Meagiter. i.a-Eutl~iio Ihr t. .
iI,.. 'rnibate i'oumrt oif i'.rg,.i iint i mul. niaa,.,
at l.ewi~iiiwn,, Mons,l .o,, N ivr~ii ar 2. 145th,
Msaya. A. 'taillaa.
whot ,tMade piueaurngioin driaraliiry -late
mnenlf No. I11u1197. lior the VI NW',. S% %I
NK.NW', viKI. See. 17. 'rl.. I'! N.. it. Iii K. I'
Hri Ilanifa ihe foilloiwiig wiliwaira ito
prove lila iinimluin.ism rat.idemi.r ii-.,-.. a
cutitvatioan ii. .aial amud, vie: viaalaitiaism
1l11a, Ilmariva WA. Ilayllia and I ere, I.. Ilaa.
%aeli of Lial., Miami.. amil i.aii~ia. . l:ldrialg.
14. W. il~ila.i~tlia. itegi~lir.
Notice of Plual Xntty.
Laud 1101,., al Helena. Moo.i, I
Ilepleritiler _41. ltin. I
Nifblli. Ia lerniv givei that iiteiollotwirag
banked.Miler h; fileda ntiaaier ut hi.Ite
clalng, and thiat .aid ri oflill fo aud.
bfr .A.Meaghier. Kat-tlll1alaio Clerk lot
the I'riobate olorisi i.( Ferana .aiiiily. Mdiit..
at lwewialown. Mol..,. i, Nia o.iaaiar
ilaisl, viz:
iarry L.. ilamarll.
who. toad.. I.r-..maio .1.4ii unarantaarv -tlas..
,trill No. liil241. fair 11wlea I.o :1i, ir. . 'I'. 1II
9'.. 12N. It .: Kit V4'.1 ',N j .*
Ie. amate.. iha. fnlliiwlisg wliaiviaaa I.a
!"five himl ,.,sillumiiio re-io.leaia i U ii Awil
cuiltivationm otl. alil lanaI. via,: r'..aiil '1'.
IalagIrin., Ilarle.. W. itaylie. sald Iliiraia A
C'al iI.,. ,f Ital4. Mouit., arnd I.,,i '
so LA FIA e .I. 14. Land 41111,.. at Ilialtiaz i. 'ri.
vieiaiill.natr I.., 1vi...
N.iale i.. lierelay gavel, Ia la .O1'iaaaaI
Phl'lip~t.. af i..wl-itaawt. Mont,at a lii ed
.leasrn laid ilaitm Ni,. l.1*. lar thli K
NEi,. NI 14Kjl, vie'. :2 '1't". l., N.. it. F:
hdlaire 1t. A. Meaglor. l'raalaui .Pooigi ait
ierrgna r i.iiut. Molaai...a lat wiatait u, i t.
aig We.ln.i.aal', Iit" :14"l 'lay oftli I.~ r
la liala.- fle foalliw ing Wittia--,- t
iariie fle i.inil ilai,"irrigaliaaaiala r.l~a Ia-i
Ilit.. of .aidl ati: Iet~ra." Mi. 41il..ard,
Jobai'..a ,aiol... Williama Marvlirry a
lain '. .lark, all oii i..w~ialaawaa Mont.a
P. . i.aa..i.it a.aa. I1"l-al r
la.gal Lan i,,i.1. tlkI,-iiam Moiii
N.,tiaa-a I. herebay gi a:, iliai Mar.. r1irzall
lira)., ad lhiilhraaak. ia.rgaiaaaaaiota. tlaaaat
Pia- tlll ...Imilie oii iii~tiiillat, I i aak. lpriat
iii laihr aletart lanI Mala:,, Nao. I;:1I. f'r Ib.
lare the i'roIal." .laiag.-a oI F'.rgia-a-aa'aaaa
Modni,l at l~ewialaw a. Molat., an Thuir- laa
It.. it, dala atl l-ialaior. 1..!i'.
illi mianma. the, flaloiwinig wia ia--a.-t.
tio,,, ii maiaia lania: Walter 14. e aarwian. a .arg a
A. Crma,. 4I'arviie NiI. lCaaiaell in,
F.Ivcl. all ad I'i~lallraak. Mnai.
4.i. I.Ina\ I.,do.
1'..l lana' I lft1",, Illa.i . 'daat., I
Naatiia a.. hi-rely tiii- thi dat ''iijli~aa
liral. '. l'laillariaak. Moilaailai. lii lIa-I
ajatail titiitiiaii toagiale pr- f .iaahi. aa
elf lauai ilaiu ni N~aa lanilir the WI \%%1.
lamlaire I he P'raaliaia laage if F ergaa.aaiaa lvot.
at Iwl.a..wsat,,aMaoot.il on 1llaar.,.li alla. ii
lart ,a I hetalar. 1.I
li Iaa-. Ia liarth I.laawllawaa il 1iaai..i" a,
iraive the coampletie arrigai.alaaial and a-Iaaaaa
I ie.argi.iA.I'm-aa,o. I liram. '.iiiaaalm-l wll
a.ep .Iiiai..lcy, -illailtlaaiaia..,,akllaala
S. W. lai.\,iaamui I"ia-Ir.
Auigimtliw t H 0~n, n.
iv~e in wrm.4y givvmm I hat I hi lf.i lo.vit.:
imamned .matler iiimv jilei tiili" ie Iii ntn
glonto mae fla i ~ d i o t imi-i ilaism, anm. mlhit nail ~ro..il will
1mn. mail.. iwnrimm thu. I'rohat.. o.umlg,. oI t'."rgii
Jab" N. Manitall.
who immaule iiommmmivtma.i ap. S.Ii.,viinm Y.,I"i
211, re.. 14 N.. II. tv K.
lHe amoleth 1w ln~wimig witmi-w-i. to
emmitivalinl om i, Said Ia uid. Oz.: Lwis '.
Nyeti.iik andi W~illiagm fllii .onm. all n1 2'0
Itloiioi.., Mniat.
Nac of Pia Antra.
Av3.u.t :II. tail0.
Null,. i.. hereby givers that time iolliwiing
,iammu'l ti~ler ha. 111.+1 m...iie.r of ii.llicmm
tiunto imiiake fimal porinm iii ano 1.maii hii .
ilaielmi amid thsat ail .iriiid will iii. imail.
laiuitr time Pn'Mriht Jeim. oi F'itlrgii.o i..mm
M. TI.. at ij.w~ivitmwm, M. "I'., on s toi,.,
Ii1, 151stm, vix:
Jim... N. Wmendm.
for thme 1\I NW), NW) I4Wil, N..'. :: ,'Ii:1
4IR). Ser. 22. T1'. II N., It. I. i:.
lie nammimi time fomilowinM w~it nivil It,
linive hiup .viitiim~nua~ rm.,..lenmi ,. i.im, man
imillivatiiuimii, .a~idlamii viz: Iiimvrge' M.*
andi Frank hray, all 'it ii.winl..wii.N.n.i.
S. WA. I. i%.,iilimii K. Ihgistver.
Xotboo of Final Proof.
lanji I 1tflhe at IllIlena. Mou(.im ,
Siitlier in lierelyi)veim that miv toil~iwimiir
ltIon li imiake finial piruof Iii .uplnl~i
,loff Imremlmummi, aiml limit iamil pio.(i will
he timaiii bef.,re ii. A. Meagitur. lFx-mlilii,.
Cilerkimt the I .iliatmii',iiir iii liign.viiim ii,
Mn/tm.. at Lewi..t. n,wm M. Nu.. on i "ti,."l
:mi1, miai, vix:
Anna weli.,.
wi.. w~aite iwi.-e.mmmtidi. utecalrmi ivy 'lati
immemit No.. $5112m for mime Si NW).} N) S$W),
Mlee. 12. Tli. 17 N., 1. 12 Easi.
Siie miamir.. tIle Iillowing~ wimmme=.im.i ti,
lifove Isar Oihitimiiiiimii ri'vlrleii.w i1ilii11 andi
cultivatioun oii, paidm liii, vix: Jasper 'a.
Vaiali. Jolim immmenntt. Fredmimrick M. riaym-r
aiiil Ja miii ijvll.Iwhr. all sil Stamil.i.r, IiMi5.
S. Va. lI.avnmiiwv.. Regiirtr.
1 . >.laund 4 iii.-e at elelia. .'iliml
Ammgmmt I., Ivivi.
XN~iie i, hiereiiy give'm m hal l.meii-.da Ito'z
tatmi. of 8tatiiiol. Nmmi~t.. Itsa mleil~n muiiimmit
iiitcmmmiui t.. tmake 1.0~l.imm o u- tier'.I'mrt limll
claimi N.i.~i~. (. fuor time X61, NE',. it,.. 2i..
Tp. Inl\., 11. 11 B.. mmiii lom 1 .NI) N W1,.
hem'. ,mIi, Tii. hi N.. ii. 12 K., hlotii-lie fil-Pr.
hrate Jiidgei of Fergt"' outi-- y,. 'ai..t vit
Lewiirt.wmm Moium., im Thur-drly. iii, :11
day oifii..~tohtar, 1maz..
She mmaumu. tisi lfullowimig witlu,.'vs tu,
tirove time iumllpicle i rrigaaiiimi andmii cilaiii-.
tiie mfaid laudi: Hut'ea I.. Fidsher. Jotit
8. Liuve, William. Skiltonm andi Allt-u i'iiiu'i
all .f ~itant'svi MNtii.
NuM uF nwin ENTRYI.
4 I..1555 1n.'al a lI'.'~I,sa 4,*,...
411g..I""rn ,:i . . -? 21 , . III" 1.-ts".wi
,N ..s...n .Iir 1..- n.4n'1 I,,4.slint,, II,t, i..44.,-w
i'.I. s- i%. , iii-i 4.n . .44 01 .l,. ..4 r o 4s I ls5 ,
I,,r I,.n~-,,,sisl i. lr ,~,41. n"
wI..... I." por.-'.n. i'l I.., l .alll. .T%-as,
I11". N.. i. is.:.. I' I: . ~L".,..;. Fp:. "12N..
IIX. Hal.. i i iF . !'i. . ,s i".~ 59 4l59-s'12-'NIl
11,' au,', th I'..l..w i, w l ,al..l.I
hay... 4, 1,."... 11..11,..s", titan., II..s 41r..n.
Notice of Final Proof.
\.t., .IAS"rsI ili~ir.11,1.i sa Il 4* 11.wit~
*1.~1., ,,.1 1. 1. 1 s..s.4s5'1 p.....I wila llow .191 ..-1
N., It a:; F,
Iir SIMaN's 449' Is.Is.w~i.,g wiili"s.w" .
ssuisivaisss,..I,. aid I mis, .iz. Wa~lter
14. 9%.rwm11, s.;,srg." A. ,'rats,, Il(ansi, I."r
Ii. l"1a d .1o ,p 55 14 .. .41%.:.4 11 o I1lil-i
Isrs..sL, NI.,sIs.
Notice of Final Entry.
I,, st,,,IllrnIl,,js 1v,4s, Th I.1.,s" 4olai
,i ,rd. I,,rr.v h, i,"l ,li" 44w hi, 6,Is,is,,
Ii,, ss ssnas lit1.4 prss.I in -iip ,r
4,I~~1- t15i5,a51. 154,,,1 -11111 srt..will 4I."ll I'd.
.4"ot"1 . %Is~,,4ý,."r, I-v-. 's1.1..i 94.-rhl .4
Sh," 1'r,, 4.355t I%.555 154. I' ,I , 5 t " 5.15 1 %,,~t\, 5I.,5t..
II I.s'wli.ts.si. 44,,.1. ,,s.sl.-s..I.s-r lt
flhIi..m1 Pi~k..
1,." 7 i. Ip 4 . I: if. 1
Iir I I~..*s'. 44,, It,34. .-. 14, il~ r.4 1,4,
44I"'-n l 1 ...,,i I ,- 'lt, s... i.r
.- i...'1 1115 I 1 ll .,I I ,."
,:.1 ''I.. . I.
r, , ,,' " . I : 44 4 n1,. 44~ 1..1.1" 4" MI:,
Is ,. I. 1.l . .s 5. 4I.,
1 I.\ýoll~r . 4,l n- ~ 11 ll, 1 I'.
N ,t..IIs" i` 4..-,,I.I ". , . I,,as 9m-a.",rg.
.4o,1 1 s . ,I 1'r.1 N 1. .1 ,\ .n 4l . 1,i.".4 l"
Nir . t ,4: . '.i ,14.,.1. , . .:Ir Ir,. ~ I
4.I1., ll ..I,.lfl ' ", -s1 h .,', 4.''-', I .,1,3 . "14 -
. .4.o,.r I i,! . :
ia, h44 4. h,,..A.
Minneapolis& St.L~ouis
t..pK : . ..F " ,.F w Through Trains Daily
Kx~ - I'\ I. 1\. II\\F\' .11.1
'aItI A I ..8,all,,"o.- 1.1,I .r
-ym si ,I~ l 'I'IfUE I'.I '1Il u %I: '.I\'
Minneapolis"1i St. Louis
.N III Awn ..1II' H1 Fi p
N~l\I I Kai *,ll : II. wI .1 w.1 \. 11
A 5lI," TI~ II t..I . I.I. oa~~'
in,,f wis t I. Ih I ..; l h. Ili. An~ AIt. l. slss..' "xk
I..xnt F.kx.iagt.i
..II.wlu r . Uin n ~ . HI, 'f £ IUI ,wi t
I... a~ll.,x1 1x1 I.l . N 1-4, N & IIIH .a.
Fort Eainnis. Montana.
1.l-mi.h... ..md high gr..d1. W..im f h..d f i14. %1ieiii.w. ...4 1'1111.. floor ../.
w1 ~ ~ l...ll -il...
IIn~ ..1I It 1.11."r
I .rcr~l Ih
__uua stl n-AmkI wedw er u.'*1.
3103iL.. Y3AiLS"
3IIl lLIU3 .51:1t* .f 3".,
he Chicago Ctting kga. Co./.K
Monstutaon sad Ceanotrals
'1 1 I"
.ll" .,t .rI.HELENA 1115d BUTTE
Fort Maginnis,
Plaji brook,
`.n l . l.. 1 ,..1" ~gIi
0"1`lrtn l.n ~"..tF ln:L-II.
e..n l~ytN~nwnll. Il.. L. . ,..II.,.' ...
t.t~ . %IN ht. . ..1, 1 r n 4.- I
Fallflail .. P.I V.ýn~ .NILn . .II .
Billings, tGrt. Falls, Ubet and Maiden,
Thirty-Six Hours Bctwe. n Lewisti wn aid Benton, Con
necting with Manitoba ktailroad.
i~- ,.1 ..,ý,ýt ý..,. :ý t.. . T. J. VIVIAN, Agent.
%I:g.gnflI & hE~l\%ttY.
\ ,ýI. 5 ý. ý" 5.5. . .. 1 . -,.511.1
-I 1\1..9:l" ` '19.\I \ N\
...... it I.'s ...... 9..$ l 9¾,-9l~, 1,9 1 1n l.
11,i .. " " 1.. ' "N I. "9k 1.5. 11 5
. , . .1 ''9 `I 5 ".'q ."1. . .I.~ "1 1..."9.9 1.1.. .
\I." I. 5 . 91,, 9,. 1 ..1 1., i.'. 111 .1..11 , 15 1
\19..11 1.. ."1 \,'9,'I9.., 5'1 1:'.x1. 11.."99. .9911 9.1
. 51. , I.. 9,I, ".. 9999I.'- .Iw 1.1" I~ l
w .9. 51 1. I, 1" 9. .,.,,, -I . I 15:, 119 , 19, ..
11. \ I, , 19 ''g, 11.. .,9 551 I 9." \ .9 5 , '1, . ,5.1 9
I. . .15. 99 '1~9.. I.9 .99... 9',999I ...999 5999.1 '9999',
1 9,9, 9 , 9.. 9I . .99 99, I .. 111,1 l9 .- 9 ". rI n11 ..1
\I" "1. ". II ' 1 w, Il lw 9
.9995 .. ., . .9'.111 15" 9'9' .9 I~".9 .L
I.. , 1 ." Ir.. I.."5 '1,..1. I, .I 911. 1 1.9 5 99 l,, I1.
1-,` '5. 15 , 9'. 9911 .t9 995,51, l.9'9.9' 1,,
Cook, Heating and Camp Stoves and Trimmings. y
Hardware, Tin and Granite Ironware.
'oisplet K itarn,, ansd camp~q I tut lit r. Po.wder, Shto andl Loaded ilhsIIs,
I~e icram, Freeze'rs. ('usir.. M.ilk Ilan.. St rainers, Etc. Noail, Bolts.
S. *rcw,. Iling.',.. Bllo. us. .lk... Flu. Sh~ovels, Fork... Piksk..
" -Ti,, T I1oli,,gianul Sotmtin jiven spatial attentionl.
Rrepairing.o /.nw. $In~et Irvin an.! AStelVre on sand.
ýwýIe-Ij,sv, your orderr for tummy.r with ua and isave
Eltohell Farm and spring wagons. Read Carts.
Fg ii.I. P1'114 ES IAl' ~.%, THlE IA)WEMT..WS
~air kno.t, east of Drig.. I..wteOWU, m~at...
Teg s Cu ty'e Expon~ent ,of the (treat
is 1," 5 buy falte..r jst~thish,ls ill I'vrgssi (..sssy whichd gontaisus witbhis
sir tls,rdtrr. Ilse. Mot Fertite
inl. ni sut. 1i'hsn hind'S asrs ..ssjs'.I to restry under flse
* I -. :.1 ill-d Ii. igh kmh lndi msh. (111 ..s.'.eeiihsle of irrigatisn) j wsndr
0h," Ih bert land st t. 'I'hu~,s i+ iso pi rtiosso ithue Judsith, Basain. hit that
iaalbrI~ ;,i;;irssht ,r~sl 5.ssr..isi and5s Ier lare rn't1'wsatsiiai sf
cu.rs- of 4 , viii.is,.nt bnri awtait isg ..risis'issest Sand develosssssiss by
No. I,urtio.i ..f ithe Territory is. ta~ttr ,idapt.us l to. the, ,ssceigsfl
noin .f.
Sheep, Horses and Cattle,
and. inivitinig hieatijt. hi,.tt await tihe ..tti,,,eiut of inmmnigraints whos
dsi I.. ma:ke as htouine his, ih pr..v tr... "'steart, eossitry.
Fo r fultl ;ailI reliabl tic if, ristat ,. vithcrihse f.or thie
t tlize mi of F..rgisa 4 ..susty ,ri.ariouss sf the rapsid inettlonsesit of
Itt,' .1 s,.itls Btas.il'sho i~s)stI,css thes .4it~s.' to their nion-residenst relatives
woola friends.It witll si a~ve mon.sey and. timie is, writing.

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