OCR Interpretation

The Hartford herald. [volume] (Hartford, Ky.) 1875-1926, October 10, 1877, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84037890/1877-10-10/ed-1/seq-2/

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.jxo. i n.ns::riT. i:it:t.tr.
wriiN' s.-.;! . ;cr. !. i-:;."
Ill Wir olitorij.1 Lt' wo nntr.1
that "A. O. II ." i.:tid t- llu- tlitt-ati n
itii; Irllcr rtci'i.'c! liy,.0'n;ti Dtii'in :l
Mcllrmy inimn, irratil or '.""I Cr
'.iii'i.t Oi lt-r ot ; HilKTiiinn'," Wt
have learned Ijoni t-'toral "!' ntf
formerly ri"hli'tit of il.-' Kim-inM Sale,"
nKnl itio Amvont OnWr of llilwinimi :
ttolliii'j; wort" nr U-. iIihii a ln-iuro'enl
Hil l mtiiiml aid ivkIiIv. i.i .l sm in-tiiti-tioti
llint lias nolliiiiS to do will: lril.i-?
iiitiiniiWlt.Mi inoli. or n tliii'C of ilie
Kiifd. Wo gladly roalte tliln corrertioH,
as vc hove no l-re to itla.ee any f.irm
or orj!.in Milan m n hw HfUl. nm
flioiiU an lliing 'to imbliched from tlio
(.ml as e nn.lortool them at llic time.
wrong any one, or oolomns nrc open to
correct llie wrnns.
Jltiioitrl I.etlcr.
Altow Oslooh Co Vo .
October lit, 1S77. j
Having lrrn a reallent olOhin county.
Ke ninety. the priticij'il Vnxt of the time
mmcc the ."iffini ol ISfifi, until Mny IS i
MhI trine wrll awnre tlmt yon Iir
noiWnp from tlii rt of the world to
trip fill llie columns ol joir valuable
fiapcr I thought I would dot yon a feu
items wbich mny lie of Mint interest to
Rome of my friends or rchitionn.il none to
We are enjoyin; a fine rason of mi-.
rl.ine and aliowrrs, ami of eating fome
choice fruit
Health in onl tolernble good jiift now.
bb there are chills ami fever, and some
eaten of conWftivc fever ami other mcIc
nesa best known by the plivoicinna. 1
had ft lew Missouri chills, wltieli lacked
-.1bul little of giving mcthe Kentucky fever
a you might call it, which micht have
rc'tilted in my returning tofold Ohiocoun
ty ajain.
I leem it unneceffary for me to go into
the details of incidert that happened on
my journey from Kentucky, but will
ei k of one or to that occurred, which
inavcHtifte fonie friend to think how he
would have Ml in that condition. First.
While crown,: the Cumberland river on
an old fist boat with the wind against im,
about fl.OOO pounds on board, and the
water ponrinjj into the bottom like "snda
into a fink-hole "
Second. While traveling along, my little
half riister wna fo unfortunnte-ae-io get a
pin fwctinher throat, .which seemed to;
give her considerable pain.
I will now give you a brief htetory of
the part of Oregon county in which I
live. Land in very cheap, and wrac of it
is of the beet quality nlmost, while there
is pome that would scarcely rot flax,
there in so much rock among it, nny how,
I douVhelivve it would grow flax to do
much good
Tice is the best building timber we
Good water i tolerably ecarce; stock
water is plentiful nnd a good range; no
end to-1t hardly.
Churches of different denomination!:
common except Keformers. I havn'tgol
acquainted with many of this stripe yet.
tior Roman Catholica, either.
Societv very Rood. We don't have eo
many barbecues, picnics or drunk men
here aa you have there, yet our county
may be a rcmnrkablc one. It has fur
nikhcd two convicts for the Slate prison
since I have been here, one for stealing
bacon, for which he has a terra of three
years to fcrvc, and the other for raiting
an order a few dollars. More fortunate
than the other, he has only two years
and six months to serve.
Respectfully, IjOcisC. JonssTos.
Xotes from JrijMn Comity.
So little has been said of lale appcr
taicing to your neighboring county ol
Grayson, that I almoat considered the
; already over-crovdd'ucoliimn8 of the
Herald unfilled, without, at least, a pass
ing notice of events that are daily occur
ling in our midat.
The agricullrral interests of GraysoD
were never more satisfactory. Crops ol
all kind arc up to the most sanguine ex
pccUlion, and the farming comicunity
n-joicrs. Wheat, according to the best
authority, has averaged about eighteen
'bushels to the acre, while in some local
ities it has. aversged twcnty.five. Oats
were Cue, but not extra. Tobacco was
never better, while cutting and housing
is now the order of the day. A great
manyof our farmers are turning their at
tuition to the culture of small grain, and
the acreage contemplated for wheat this
fall bids fair to be one hundred per cnt
mora than formerly. Millet is grown
witli perfect success. The experiment
date back only a few years, but has full)
demonstrated that Grajson county can
produce tliii crcp in perfection, equal to
nnr countr in the State, lit. B. F.
Crawford, of the Millwood district, rnieci
thirtyfivc tons from about twelve acres
of bottom land, some of the stalks mea;
nring seven feet, with heads from seven
and a half to eight and a half inches.
In the matter of imnrovemcnK Gray
son. Me her slrttr counties, lias been at
n stand. The hard times, just passed
through, had given her a backset, but at
life brightening up, her energy has again
returned, jind good Mibstaptial building
are springing up on every land. Tl
good crops and cheering signs give an
impetus to business of all kinds, and a
pliasani sjiile Irradiate the phyiio;nt
mr of our mrrchants ns thrv contemplate
the anticipated pl'cs of silver mmjfifa
which, ere long, will find its way Imp
. 1 1 Tl. - l . JtT
iiivir iiiuiir-tirunrrr. tuc uity ii
villages along the twenty-five miles ot
railroad, that runs through Graysoiikre-j
almost all eijoying prosperity. iJ'jjll
field, the county sent, has iinMHej".
innre una summer unci inn, niiiu in
rrs preceding. Ths pimiber of e
dwelling and businrss honsrs erected so
Inr has been eight, with several in pro
pective. ilillwoo.1 iVlC n cleniV-Jand
with the exception of some cnterprlHinj;
inhabilatits having fenre.1 up n goo.ll
portion nftl e villnge lor a inmlp jititcli
Camyville Ii.ih improu-! c-r- ahlerabfy.
i - 4 V fill ni' storoa and dwellings h.iini
bctii midiil Ciineyville m ronM.lcred
ill nut' lime M h:;ri piaco." hist shf hn
iioh rnliviiii il hrr.ell mo-t n.il.iy. (iuii t
u-.lordir pi avails, ::.d lur l.m -'abiding
-iiiz-.-ii t iildtl.i frcdit :o llic iihimi fn-liil'um-
I'liittun loitu f:i-t l the Alleglm
nics I'ul pcrlmjH the village that car
lietioll the ki1iii li.r ii'.erprise. industry,
mid iiii.rnv:iii:il, is Spriiii; U-i-k
Within the Inri i-iir.lio hi m-'re tltui
d..nl lrd her population, nnd increascil
lur eal.h trnl fohl. A st?am saw
and hiiiglo mill, a large Kleatii flpuring
mill the only one on the line of tailrtud
ll.roiifh liiU (uiiiiit'--tvith several t-untr
ai.d ilae'lii. h.itisi nre some of her
nth-lit; ta in llie line f improvement, and
i! thei-pitil f cnlerprife o.uitinueH.
:ll. c-e lung, livid the ni .t pro-perout
village aing the line ol th radueah A
Elixhbethtwvvii rnilrond I'iiii !, Sprini:
A few weeks cine; a farmer named
Jo.-eph Dewceoe, living clc to Caney
ville, died very s'lddcnly. It appcam
that some time bt fore his death, he placed
lour hundred dollars in tin liox, and to
make sure ol ita safety, buried it mime
where on the firm. iihout roveuling il
whereabouts even to hi wife. Now tin
widow, nilh the aid of fortune-tellers
nnd mineral witchf, is hunting hig'
nnd low for the buried treasure, but nitl
no brlter success so far than to believe
lit nil forlunc-tellers. and mineral
witches nre frauds of the first magnitude,
and if justice wa done, should be treated
o a lirst olmt dose of hickory oil.
J Caiuu
tlenver 3:ini Letter.
lUiysn Dam, Oct S.
IMitsrllcraM: . .
1 have been afraid to write for some
lime, for ear "Btttie"' would conclude
I had done, wrong and file another "bill
ol objection."
Mr. Ben Gray and Mian Kettle Taylor
were mnrried at the residence of the
bride's father September C5. . May sue
cess attend them through Jjfe."
Mihm-8 Annie OoV anil Inez Ualtzwcll
have opened a millinery More at the reai
lencc of Judce Ed Cooter. They will
do all kinds of work-'iu 3res8-making,
trimming hats, .t'c; i!f'-
Mcfra. F. M. Joplin fc Bro?f erect
ng a neat dwelling houbo for Mfesse
Mrs. John Foyner has been quite low
for several days.
Mr. Pamenis llocker has been yery ill
for some time.
Tom Stevens has his new house about
While in Hartford yesterday, I noticed
that Mr. L. J. Lyon had made several
improvements in his front room. Mr
Lyon is the kind of tntir that will sue
Mr. A. II. Knhn has moved from here
to Slaughtersville, Ky.
Some good dry goods merchant must
coruc here. One store in that line is not
enough for the jilacc.
Mr. I. P. Barnard has a large stock ol.
goods, in his line, oti IinriiT.
I would surgest that all men who
threshed wheat in this county this year,
report the amount threshed to the editor
of the ITerald, so that we can see th
number of bushels raised in the county
Messrs. Barnard and Stevens threshed
ten thousand bushels.
R. II. Stevens arid W. II. Murrell
have bought the county right for Dr
Hood's patent hoe. It is a good thing,
and parties would do well to buy districts
Apply at Beaver Dam for information.
P. S. Love to "Btttic." Tell him to
send us his picture and go to home.
Itoekport Letter.
Editor Ueraldi
Mr. Gus Benlly has moved to Green
But few went to the circus at Hart
ford from here on the 5th.
The colored people are building
church nnd school honsc here.
Where is Bolio 7 He has disnppcarc
from this place.
Mibs Sue Taylor and Miss Elliot, ol
Taylorlown, art here, visiting Mrs. Belli
Mrs. Anderson, of Ceralvo, was here
last week visiting her mother.
Miss Sluill acd Miss Gerly Houston
of Hartford, are here visiting Mrs. Tins
Mr. C. Duncan is a citizen or our
town ngam, installed Dehind Young'
counter. Mr. Toung is engaged in
building his store house. It turns out
'that it will be a wooden in stent! of
brick house, as stated in a former com
Mr. T."Bently ia just now openingtp
a new stock of goods at his old stand,
Mr. Henry Harrison, of Calhoon, Ky,
was here yesterday, and showed ine
watcli which hs been in the Ifarriso
family for nerly three hundred years. I
hat been in the hands of six generations
is yet running and is a good time keeper
It has an open face case, is solid gold ex
ce t the back which is covered with tor
toi'e shell, Listened ou with gold pins
In the center is a beautiful cngravin:
It was made by Jeny Bromley, in Lon
don. imrlnn-i. in the venr low, ana
numbered 910. eostins CO suineas. ($250)
Mr. Harrison has been oflcrcd $300 for
the watch, but says he would ot tak
1500. Tadouu.
Jtoalae Letter.
JtosiNe, Ky., Oct. 8.
KJitor UcraU:
Hosme has been extremely quiet th
pas.twck. The majority ol our peopl
have boen in Hartford attending court.
. Farmers are done cutting tobacco in
tlii rart of the county.
Misses Anniu Cook and Inez Ballz
'II movnl Irom our town to Beaver
Dam on last Thursday lo set up a' milli
ner rhop.
Martin Crahen. section foreman
this place, received n painful wound
few ln) 6 ago, by arcidcutly sticking
i.ieco of frlus in' his kiu Martin is
ctcu foreman, nnd we are sorry to lean
of Ins accident.
Hurry Bridge was in towu Saturday,
'aking orders far tlio firm ol Carson
Bowman & Co , l.ouisville. Harry is
iollv fellow and n cod salesman.
liev. .1. A Hnmiihrev will preach tl
I'niicriU of II 0 Autry.at Kosine, on th
first Sunihiy in J.oveinl rr.
Jit-rncctfu! y, I T. C.
tVn:Tiivisi I.eUer.
C:xii.aTiwN, Kv., Oct. '77.
IMitnr llnnM:
Wiro t r:id lor the t.iin.iloyou r.tl;?
Yf. for we needid it lor sowing wheat,
the acreage of which will he larger than
uti:i! when we nre ihntr. It ii thouchl
tilT in Illl nt'wui i iiv luiii'-r, vi'i i .
lubricro. 1 met n the'fr.-st. The air has
been smelling of it lor the p!t few diijs.
hinting lo ns gently that we mn?t chink
ami daub the open cracks in the kitchen
ml git wood lor one fireplace and ronl
for nnoilier Then theie are the p't:iloct
i dig nnd put ata, J.ogi lo futtr!i lor
er.t, crn t.i gather, aui' after awhile
ill come tobacco tripp:ug nnd iii.uij
other things to do. Yen, n.d there r.r
am sh'!s and stockings nnd uiilteiis to
nit for old and young, jcanu to mtikc up
for the "o'd man" and the !.os, Imsev
icca nn.I petti ; 1 ir.i m aprons no
lit V never make litem ol liury; well,
ist linsey drec lor ihe "'wotnciifjlks."
guess tlint'n all they need in tlmt line,
I'licn there nre boots, bhocs, huts, shawls
and gloves and many other things to buy
from the jfore. It seems liko a heavy
ask of work and n gnod deal of txpeme
to prepare lor winter; but it does not ap
pall us. for it it only a repetiuoo ol our
innual experience, and we have ns much
ability to work or to buy as wp usually
have. Wc have made very fair crops
nnd can perhaps aflord some luxuiics
riicre arc feu who could not spare
enough money, or sill something that
would bring enough money, to take the
Herald for six mouths or h ytar.
would rocommrnd it not only ns a luxury
hul also as a necessity. Quite n large
bundle comes to this ofiice every week,
ii ml it would be much larger if every body
would correctlr e-ttimntc its value. It is
the county pcr of our own county am:
one of the best in the Slate. Let us sus
tain il ns something that we can not well
-ilford to be without.
Miss Carrie Kowe and her mother, of
vour city, vibitcd relatives here during
tlio past week. Ladies please don't make
your visits so much like those of angels
Mr,. L. C. Morton, one of our enter
prising neighbors, is building n new dtl
ling house. Wheu completed, it will be
among the most desirable residences of
our neighborhood.
Wo played that game of base ball wit!
ihe Ceralvo club lant Saturday. We had
t very interesting game, hut got beat a
little. 1 forget the exact score.
, Lnt.AND.
l'olnt I'lramul Lrtterw
Toixt ri.rc&SANT, Ky., )
October 8, 1877.
Kdilor Herald:
Believing a few items from this place
would be ol interest, I note the following
L M. Patterson is closing out his large
lock of dry goods by auction sales. II
has been selling thus far three days, an
yet the many articles sold can not b
missed. He will have another sale next
Patterson and Brother have begun tl
manufacture of tobacco at this place; an
doubtless they would give you, Mr. Edi
tor, ;v smoke for a pull'
A. L. Patterson lias a first class grocery
If the writer may judge, there areeom
as beautiful young ladies in this tow
as any where in the State. Hence you
sec that though this be a small Taint it is
a Pleasant place.
Dr. A. V. Tatum has an extensive prac
tice in this section; but has been aulpu
tating tobacco plants of late, ns the people
are distressingly healthy,
The school in charge of James Bisho
inakta promise of success.
S. W. Tichcnor has1rcorganizcd his
singing class at the Baptist church
Sweet music from the "Crystal Gems'
"nioy now be beard, which adds ft new
ftalufe to the Sabbath school here,
But few tefhS of joy or sorrow hav
been shed by this people for a time over
weddings or deaths. - But a change may
he expected when some of our$ bachelor
friends sing:
Teadd the move to joys of life.
That oft is lonely at the best.
We soon must have for us a wife,
Or wander lo the distant West.
Will not some ol your young ladies join
this choir, lest the departure of Our
friends be hasty and unexpected.
Most of thejarrbcraliave their tobacco
tafejjy hsViiftdiliaegun sowii
6For fear it is wrong to reveal secrcls,
will not tell youithat ami lord iicuenor
and other readers of the Herald will ably
compete for the premiums you' have of
fered on tobacco.
More anon. Law.
Exrosmo of 1870. WanJering
through Ihe United Stntcs eeclion or this
truly rroiiderlul Exhibiiion, hyperorna'
merited and over-displayed as the most o
it is, I came upon an elrnnt glufs case
vhose modes-ty wns the more cotinptcuous
irom its netghhor's finery, (urmoiitited hy
the motto Vhjnis Pracwu and diiplii) ii)g,
in iifct packages, the medical prepara
tions or the house or Dr. J, C. Aver & Co.,
it ir T r . I. I I
fm'jl, iuuns. x iiMunamui nit nvuu
le reputation of this eminent fir ml" for
I . t I " 1
ine cuuructer aim (iiniu oi ineir gooua
nnd remember well tlieir'ugenti in Lon
don, Messrs. Ncnhury, in St. Paul's
Clmrchvnrd. Having a leisure hour, I
determined to examine the contents o(
this case, myself, and I eras surprised to
-ce the delicate perfection to which they
have brought their household romedies.
I was chagrined at llic reflection tlmt,
while ve have nt home the most skillful
und, pre-eminently, the heet physicians
in the world, these Yankee doctors dis
tance. 'us eo far in the line of popular med
icines "for family use. They have the
sharpness to lake advantage of the high
scientific discoveries among us and make
pills and portions as palatable as they
nre salutary. I ivas told by a leading
drupgist in Philadelphia, that Dr. Ayer's
manufactory was the largest in America,
giving employment to hundreds. I must
go to Lowell nnd see it, on my way
home. Correspondence, of tlio London
(Eng ) Telegraph.
MessrvVea Edwards, W. II. Mauzy,
E. L. Wffe, L. J. Lyon and Dr. J. S.
Morion leave for Louisville to-day, being
witnesses in the United States Court.
T1 M r?
lisli 'Crown and Sir Archie.
I G uaranfceo Satisfaction on Examination to all Pvirclaasers. Price Hist
fcjenfc B'reo on jilpplication- -dxddi'ess
AND caLl on the
w mil, mm.
" mtfiMiif tiiSatmm mmw
Which they are now receiving and selling nt prices as low ns can bo found in
only ask a trial to convince you that
Hew Advertisoments.
Thoroughly Cures Disease of tha Skia,
BoautlUei the Coiaplexlon. I'revcntiand rcmo
diet RhenmatUni and Ouut. Ilcala Sores nuJ
Abrailona of tho Cuticla nnd Counteracts Con
Prices 2i Cunts per Caka ; Box ( 3 Cakci)
N. B. Sent by mall. Prepaid, on receipt of
price. C. N. ClUTTHNL'EN, 1'rop'r. 7th
Sixth Avenue, N. Y. n0-4w.
Fcr "Burns arid ScsMi, Bites
if Itiiocts, Poison by Ivy , i'roicn
Limbs & Part. Bischarulne
.uorci, Milk log, sore and weak eyes, Boilj, Car
bancles. Felons and Styos, Sore Nipples,
Broken Brcats.ErytipeIa, and Bleeding Piles,
Bleeding of tho Lung, Utorine Hemorrhage
and inflammations and Ulcerations peculiar tu
females is Banford's Exthact op Witch 11a
zpl. Ask fur It, becauso It U better, stronger
and cheaper than any iithor, and is warranto.l
by AVeeks A Potter, V.'lioleialo Druggiits, 3(10
Washington St., Boston, Mas. nlO-lff
Wilson Sewing Machine Co.
830 UroaUwHy. Wow York 'llyi
Clitcago, 111., Sew Orlrniw I.n.i
r San 1'riMiflico, nl.
L. 3J 33
lJigs for Wale, by the Imported I 'lize Hogs
ismi urn, im
they mean juat what they say.
They have a largo and varied Stock of Gooda of tho Latest Styles and now
C3t fashions, just from the Eastern market where they purchased for cash exclus
ively, at tlio very lowest price and they are determined to sell them the same.
Their prices are as lew for the same classes of goods, ns can bo found anywhere.
Their Mammoth Stock consists of n fine line of Ladies and Misses Shoes, Gen
tleuiens lino Boots, heavy Winter Boots, Mens Shoes, coarse ami fine. A full
assortment of Clothing of every kind, Ovcrercoats in flvery Style.
Dress goods to suit the mo3t fastidious tastes. Alpacas, Cashmeres,
r. - i i r 1 . i l -r.f i - i -. .
ouipie ami lauuy guuus in uuunuuucc. notions anu wuiio goods ill
nillcss varieties, rura to protect the fair ones from tlio chilling winds of winter
Ladies lints, new and nobby, a large lot of Jeans and Linseys, a nice lot of Car
pets, Mens Hats, Caps, and. Blankets.
oue stock: of gloves and eosieey
ir completed ;TAWbnd Valises, Queensware, Glassware, Cutlcrr. and manv
other articles too tedious to enumerate.
trado nnd wo can turuisli it
We only ask a trial and wo will provo
gootlswhether you purchaso or not.
Stand. linrtloru. Kv.
Those wlihing Relief and Cure for Rcftcbb
should consult Dr. J. A. till Kit MAN, US
Broadway, Now York.
Send lOcls. for his new book, with Phot
graphic likunessos of bad oases before and after
cure. Boivaro of cheats who pretend to furnlth
Dr. Sberinan's treatment.
One of theso. fellow, a gertnan elerk, now
calling himielf Dr. W. O. Cremplen, is indict
ed on complaint of Dr. S. and awaits trial for
forgory and erabcnlemont. n40 4w.
A Certain as! sure Cstl
Large Redaction In Prices. A trial bott'o free.
Mr. J. A. Deollimckr. LaPorte, Indiana.
Box 1033. (Formerly Mrs Dr. S. B. Collins.)
3Ej4 3 B a B-Look I startling 1 See 1 Or
guns. 12 stops $55 Pianos only $130. eo $850.
Cir. Free, Daniel F. Beatty, Washington, N.J.
lillJlC?1'"1 KeTOlvers. Illustrated Price
UUrcuLlst free.
irrm Otm
ll'ori. Pittsburg, Pa.
arvest for Aeents. Via send
our new 40 naze illustrated
lry and Watch catalojrae.wlth
instruction how to make money. Address
.11. CltONKGH & CO.. l'hila.. Pa., or
H ilwaukec. Wis. nlO-lw.
R. 13 3 I S3 R.
in mi, mmm
any retail houso in Kentucky.", They
" . v3u33tf
Call for anything you want in our lino of
our advertisement true. Cnll and see
Bemcmber tho place, J.-'W. Lewis' old
" t
II a re opened a Srst-ctay
Beaver Dam, Kentucky,
at th residence of
They will executs all kinds of work in their
line on short notice. Call and 149 them, for
mey win irrai you right. Their terms are
very reasonable. t3d40 8m
yjT" will -ns5.xisn
asd Tna
. .for ono year, both for 82 50, or the
n year, both for 88 70. This offer includes
postage on both papers, and all who wiih to
lecaro their home paper together with one of
tho best city papers in tho country eaa send tbo
mosey to as as above and receive both papers
utMxtt further trouble. The Lodisvills Cox
xtECAL I a Orst class journal, and will be ral.
obla and interesting to. men of all political
parties during the present national administra
tion. The Weekly Louisville Commereial,
I'acuns wua uo tieraia oniy ov.
iuu us iiiiu rani
Xmbrnrrx llieLenrt.'a IIlr.mnot:n
nuil JlitmiinrliirliiB tAlnbl.nl
iHsal In 2.oillt7lllf.
rp II. iHUrriihi: A CO. i ee-orto B.
JL . '. J1 A Ot., itjIer In Iron, Sl'tl,
mil, hurso sbiir. aaTilt xe, bult
tlilmVr tVkint sn.I prmjtj 309 AV. AUia St.
llJL Whr-lcials Jilr la Bootj n J Shoe-.
ie,.N,2ii niraj
Msiqftrel.blwta7and8. Ordrrs ollclted.
JUnufnf turcri of llaj, Coal, Stock
l'Uit-iroi and evunicr scale. Unit o l iron
beam. Abo trucW. toio and nazen (kids. I
&e. ZBJ o.t iliD street.
-Xr T.l'Y.NK.
V . Millitriiiht and mill fn'niiher : all
kinds ot machinery ; porUblo criit and aw
mill, feed lull!, billing. At. A variety of ee- I
una nana macnincry. 4Z wetl .Main irct
J J, M. AnMSrilON'IJ JkPOX. "Tower
ralaea. i ta and ootj choirs Clolbiair. IT-
IcrUlock) No. 103 and 10 W. Jcftrton-St.
rl"T scoTTHLonn.
II , Dook-elUr and Stationer. General
Azeot Kt. Cab l)ilribut!on Co drawio:
JunaSOih. Tiket $10, baWcs $5, quarter
..3v. istnu tor circular.
Minulacturere and dealers In 7arni- I
f.rc. Vih.dj ry and UirMe; alio Carpels,
un-ciuui aou n uiiioir aoaucf. aoe.-iVandOi
'"I Market Street.
I A 1'OOL.lfcO.V,
Importer, and Dealer. In Italian Mar.
civ. and Scotch Oraulle Moninaata. et W. Jr. I
ferion St. SludU and Wuri-.hope al Carrara,
tf VS bolonle and retail dealer In rr.tn I
anj Dnmeilie Dr; OooJf, 104 Market Street, I
uei. orn an t Ma, l,uniTllI, Kj.
IMffi'fU2 ffi ,
uEraiiy adjtH 7 Dr. Emu.
eetaele, Ifecien
.finctre will do
li: bend Tor jiu hl.t wUiet will tell jou hoi
to get relief. 123 ilalu St.
-M-f A grrat eaver ot fuel and and a family
euiirenleuce. When tried, it ucr.ts an ie
kiioalojjjtd. It rstuliitioniiee eookiuj and
ncitiujf ia Lome. A. K. Snepard, 8 Vuurlb
i. nQu ior circular.
T Ml. E.-JILtat.NCEKt:
XJ Makes tbe treatment of the Ten TItoi
Bud ar a tpecialtj: Office, 2ZS W. Walant Si
m. Joxns x co..
Coiaxis-ion M.rehantt,
lealen in Provinont, Proiuoe, llay, Fbar and
iSrain, So. 144 H". Main aireet. toaisville,
XJ Manufactuieretjfbe allies Stauta Far i
turo, iXatr.s.e, JjJdiux aaj Caairi. OSce I
I and tVrcrcuaiStalbStet,bMiici!U Miaand
"ir -". BATLK33,
T Tha Fa.bion.kUFnrnl.ber.aad Man
ufacturer ur Une Liri Shin. St. JllikSL.
LouKvitlc. Headaaarters far Wklta T..U.
uooui lentoa approval.
1 X (Irocera and rmeliln Julin. So. 7:
tVest Market Su, betneen Seeood and Tklrd,
.omsvilla, Ky.
0 161 .MIn SU between Tlh and 8tb,
wholesale nanafaclarere of Sadillce, Harneee.
uouari sat uatbrtght i patent SaddUs and I " ,n" pi"""'" raenaerj. a.cwr
Harnee. CataloKCes ieatto dealer! ool. I eiQU3 euta aad dumCHtto llfo cl tb. Ceo-
V. Farie Millinery Hoaie, No'. US and
Fourth Avenar, teade Bonnets. Hati.Ilri-
r.iana Mreathl. ilouramj Banncta and
xc. .. u. V. oaast.rovat. sd for oir
I J. tl.ilOLK.
' No. IW
in at., near irnei,
. ....I. . '
Mnaiacturer cf Frtncr,
rrtnire. iaiie. ualtonv
;..id..Vc.,anddl.rla Z.pbjra, C-nta,, and
j r.nrs uiacuuni ia nercnmnia
i JLX Manafacturere of add! h.rneu, ovl-
.ri and eaidlery harilwar. Ileadcaaner
forllathrirht patent Morr .id, taAl. ana
JH, MATH KKS, Tower Falao. Carwr
.Heme. 150 Wen Market bet, 1 efcd sib.
lii.et earpot boa in Ibo world. Laigeit and
'hcapeatdoek cf goods.
II. RYAN A CO.. Shoo aad BadiN-
, Leatber, bace and Carrie Uoli. b st Ian
ner'e oil. No. 23$ t7et Jlain Street. Cuntr
onlers pruraptly attended to.
"VTADaM C. J. OLIVER, laipvrler and
vXdealer lu laces, embroideries, glosrs. Ac.
'.TeJdiDj tronsseaas and Etourtinj goods a
pecialty. Dress acd eleak making tu order,
JADEZ0. KIUtER nillwrighl, bailjs and
furntihrs a II and mill machinary. Eo
inc, ibaftloKS pallies vtcels io, for sale.
or tn west corner or lDth acd Main Streets.
IV II cures sarin. snliats. eallons Iclft T Tt.H' A.liV 1u;..;fT
niiij iiicuici ia onnen wtioem ctlsier" n f .
. r . . . ... . - - "
3t!il a;nt.
IJ, J1S13 or-. liOOtsVI . KT wholrsila and I
fTulItl Cfiin Stlrer Tf&Snnuni. SA
w-vut. iv "UJ avuua (. vtj Vs HWJVlifc CHOI
inatlon befor raying. Seed for illustrated
...Sud ' iw. at,.PL";
.ni ire. Ull3 n..lULll. jtweltr.
T. . L T T . . N I . T-
r uuriu aicbh , iioaiiTiiie, Ay.
11 A speeuy, sale antt rtliable lemedj for
chills and l.vsr. ,
tiisini iu usisisj.
ritci, i rtc S0TTL8.
racrAUD ar
It. A. ROBINSON- s CO., Dn-rslsts.
Lootsvitis, Kt.
Sold by Drnggiits and Merchants generally.
WUKACU A SCUOLTZ. Wholesale fancy
grocers, confectioners aad fruiterers 115
W. MatkelSt. Anew firm established after
th recent withdrawal of J, B. Waraeh from
. urach X Bet-green.
T) F.F
X.172 Fourth Avenue. Ladles' furnlshiny;
gsaa., ius anu many ums goou, liOSpsra-
VY Avenu. Dealers ia Watch..-Clik,
Diamonds. Jewelry, Silverware. Tahla (?uil.r
Ao- Terms to suit tho Umes. Special altea -
Hon to orders.
" ' '
Vers ot Trunks, Valises, Traveling bait and
IlKuwitt Snlai vtnKt r If - tt n .
Tray Uins-e and Spring. iSt West Main 8S.
JOHN P. MORTO.Y A CO. .Booksellers,.
ff sianoners, primers ana Binders. JUxnk
ooo a manaiaeiurers, Aiouisviue, ixy. All or
ders carefully and promptly filled at lowest
rales nIO-3
CROOKED boots and shoes can bestraibt
ened as good as new, and new hoots en
bo kept straight, by nsiag th MHHifclsI
sllffener, which may be applied byAap'.1 oae.
Thooi of them earae Im habit uf fflsuilu
over tbe.ioot onhat tie hoel. Wofls'by
bui, women' and "aillJren. Price, per
gross, 141 palfS $15. Sample doxen pairs aa
sorted, ttftsift, $1 60, ampla pairs by mall
25 cts, AiWrtM erdera ta IN Q ALLS A CO
ManalaJtBroee and dealer ia Boots and Shoe
S7S'West Main SU Loulsvtll."Ky.
. WkaH.. dolors la boositsAd sla
tlonsry ; Mask hooks a'sfeeUUyie nd drag
label priaters. No." 91 W. Main streL. Sp.
cial Inducements, tocasbboyer.
LEWIS, UAOK A CO. Dealers In field and
garden seedj, farming implements, Avery
plows, BrinUy plow. Sola agents for the
celebrated Studebaker wagon and Oliver
chilled plow. j
r r . tj r'htf Lt -p t nr i. ? , I
W r i 7 u.!..T Hrait wrl, nndcr cn
r i viumiiu aiicu.uj. incuirerj isa i v. i-l.l ,,0 ,.;,t
,i,.i.r. in d.r-.iiu .tn. nnA.. .v. 1 aBove sty leil cause. Will
clears. Ho. 330 WMaln it: I flee in Hartford from the
3 , I
Mf.. . . , . . "ony 1,rT"' ceiveamt hear proor or claims against
.?tKMt.r"?,, ?te" TObb' ?od' said Decedent; and that all claims noi
8tZlfZ nenW to him and proven reqnireil
by law, within the tune specified above.
ITCH'S NEW Store. No's. 170 n.I I will be forever barrrd.
i.ouxsvu,m"" Aa-st'osnsri:
rp II. ifOBf.r&Og.-K Sonlit. dtalrf
X iln and 'fi ll'f Ojuri dI Fib.
roallry and e"Bj4 re rae will ivi'a
the hlbnt sarktt rier. Ailraoosj prompt'
ly reiaitttuL
BONDS iC. Si.: for pi i to Loaisvills
Slcmn LI:Lojrpliifis Co
Dealers in .
nnnnrn ! lonTnuir nnno
iiUvrLli LlUli I tllilU HUlJOr
nia Mr;:s.G. Ky.
All work warranted five veara.
Grand Display
mum & ggjs
(Cntwde-I nith paaplo AiJ and nigbt.)
They have the largest STOt'K iu the
Green River Country.
-hvcrybsily, go and see their large,
ti !i t- rtr mt n nnnHA
fill t O I Ul! Uf UUUUO.
The general talk U tlut, they nro
than nnr cither slnrn in lho vrhntn
coHntrj-.'aild to he COnvineCll tLat
I., -
tn is true, you omy nave to
W. L. H AWKIXS. . . . rt Paiacinr,
Mta PHUlJlK BAIIID. Auutast.
rirt rorhia of See Mealhs eomaieneaa
Monday. Septtraber, 3, liTI.
Trltnary J';.arla-nl . . . 1. .... J3.I9
iHteriaxUate .............. Slt'l'J
llieber lr.no' ....... .... SIMiD
One f- nrlh f te tailkm f ij i b--;lon-
nitii;. 0-!mitfc at mehlla of iriB. Tb
rt at end f ichoul. Patfttsaza to.itiUd
T)e. .
PnTRTP?fln OTlf? Si'rrfan?)
Tttolm his frr.lcioaI scrvicra to tha
PP'' of Hockl.rt ami vlcinitv.
---n-0 ly
W A. . R n
Tor lb CoDeb'nfi.e. So-i1.!t IU-
IrateJ L'irT if ibt piernt ovuentua
lnisf(lo la lb Kait. lie accarai ifape.
l una ani? in nay elegant Fneravingi ai a,
peeul ftatnre. Ii -;. Qt.fi lliUi j f
I n"y. tlh ltrto aa 1 Pectittve
IioaUnt. ileecritu I ho
la l!t.!-4rin; lit- Frbtfal Tnili.h Arteclllaa
a other .im- ; Ike uprieiae of :b k.iu :
o lierzrgov ni.. It.e Ike Mirr;r; liau
lea fitinr lrfi.if ! ut lk w.r. au-I
alb bmI f iKMMbr aa 1 cacltioz work f
I ae agr, .jfou ara r- oi f retaj.i eaa
I .-ealT air. rrestei'iuj UmiU mow rv
Atf A5te nJeJ eo oar Oeaad Coaikl-
isalUn I rc?as rrrejonti1 2
150 -JDistinct BOOKS
. ti r . .....
U,0'"1 Jn:tr", - U.
er.p'i e.'eb !! k. Sj-i sro 1
!j A;rieal-
Hfioza avl
aad -
jki sro rates aat
JT''B ,,"J,r ,K
I "V
sales is.-w 4ru
alt liiglo Cvtiki fall.
With Invaluable Illu-tr.Hfd A1..'j and Scpoeb
I BisdiBj;, Nearly 100 style. fiojc-!er to
I all others acd iiHpsib!e to eio-y FuUy
JOUXK. rOTTfjfi CO., rulTaiert
jyjr-Qfiter .orumljtsioucr' i'oSleo.
Oliio Circuit Ccnrt.
I t
i 2kn;kinsfc
r t Tt.ir. fi-;T n.r-.T..
I Notice U hereby sjiven to the CrrJitora
of It. T. Ball deccate!. tlmt the ncdar
itrnpil PArtniii,i.-irif,i' nf lli I)Tisf Piri
cmt Conrt. unuer an Onler in the aboT
MtvIcJ Cat?, will MteUi! fit hill Off.C. IU
I V lltfiilslliK UMt UC1 TV (. U U k bM V .
I 1st day of .October, - 1S77, to receive tfteifek
henr prooP-.ofiXJafiii.- ncainst r-aid PecT'
l.- . , ," ,.i
I in the time upecifieil above, will be (or-
... .... ill uuni v . .-
I ever bnrrctl. '
, E. ilUUREIlL, JI. C. O. Ca
i July iBai.
",r as(cr CoSsniLuIoner's "olJeev
XTJL - r- ,
Oliio Circuit Coart.
W.II.iIcCoanelrn,Adm'r, Pla'ff
I It
W.II.ircConnsirs Heirs. Defta.
Notice ia hertby sivea to tha Creditors J
of W. IL McConnell deceased, that iTw .
upucKigiKu, iyomnii!9ioncr oiioeinwt
1 ! 1 r .1 .1 -Jl,l
Order ia Ul
attend at Via I
date hereof, un
til llie 1st Jay of October. 1S77, to xe-.
E. 11. MURRELL.1- C O. C. CL
I July 133m.
3Inu Unow TS cl f.
I Dr. "E R. FoaWs Ltai medical work 1
I .. . 7
I Lommon 9!j&K ,-f
lone of llie Lent msaflkVorktTcr pn-
I " A All'''
lisbed. Regular
uber't price ViMf
I Forsalc by V7.
rt'ffin, at the lraf
9,ore ,pr ,he sm
w J
. W.T.KDTG, Propr.
I have rented the above House .id am
furnishing it suitably and pror-rry so aa -to
enable, aic ib keep ailrst-ussa Hotel, '
which IsfiitKnea every elfort lodo. j
Nice Teems will bo t'urnijbfd Commetv?
clal men'in wiith.to Uisplsytheir aas.
plfP. ' 5y'
I will keep rayteble supplied with tV.
beat edibles I ca jet5 in thu market. .
A fiWtfilELV SfAMLv
ia connected wi.th&Howe. -The
patronstiie of the pe&lie k re9t i
mny suiiuiiu t :

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