OCR Interpretation

Los Angeles daily herald. [volume] (Los Angeles [Calif.]) 1873-1876, November 29, 1873, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of California, Riverside; Riverside, CA

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lo'. J»tt§ftt« Jural!
SATURDAY, NOV. 29, l«7ft.
Houses Wanted
One of the most pressing demands
ofthe times In this city, Is for good
and comfortable dwellings, buildings
that while they are suitable for an or
dinary family, are yet of moderate
cost, and can be rented low. There
are a great many eastern people in
town and more are coming. If they
can he induced to stay here a few
months, many of them will remain
permanently. Rut they are accus
tomed to comfortable houses, and un
less such can be had nt reasonable
figures, they arc apt to drift nwny from
us before they have staid long enough
to fully appreciate the beauties of our
climate, and the peculiar excellencies
of Los Angeles as a place of residence.
Private capital and enterprise do not
seem adequate to supplying the de
mand and we suggest that the only
way to speedily solve the problem, is
to form a Ruilding Association with
-ufficieot capital w»f>ui up a numb*"
of neat and tasty cottages. If some of
our largest real estate owners Mould
make a move in this direction, we be
lieve they could enlist the aid of capi
tal, and in a very short time could
have fifty or n hundred buildintrs ready
for occupation, every one of which
.••mid be rented at onceat remunerative
rates, or sold at a handsome advance
upon cost. If such an enterprise were
once started wo have no doubt that
much of the stock would he taken by
our mechanics to bo paid ln labor, and
that many of them would in this way
secure n home and become permanent
ly identified with the place. Dealers
in lumber and other material- would
also be interested, and if our own citi
zens would take hold nnd show their
faith in the future of our city, eastern
capital could be secured to aid in ex
tending the enterprise. An energetic
move in this direction would very
shortly work a marked improvement
in the appearance of the place, and
while it would reduce the cost of living,
it would enhance the value of real estate
and increase our population. Wo hope
that those interested In the continued
prosperity of the town will give the
subject their earnest attention, and
cither in this manner, or by sonic
other means remove what is n very
serious obstacle to the progress of Los
Angeles. »
Horack A. Hiolf.v died in San
t raueiseo, on the 24th inst. I sroaaasn
was a native of Florida, and held the
position of Surveyor General of Cali
fornia, during the terms of Governors'
Wetter nnd Downey. When the reLel
lion broke out. General Higley joined
che south, and for several years served
ott the siaff of General Morgan. He
was captured during Morgan's celebra
ted raiu in Ohio, and sptMSt about a
\ car in the Ohio penitentiary. Gen
eral Higley was a genial gentleman,
and had hosts of friends wherever
The People's Convention.
Colonel Wanier called tin inciting
to order. General Houghton was
elected President ami Mr. Hrierly Sec
retary. General Houghton announ
ced the purposes of the meeting, and
on Mr. Doekweiler's motion the nomi
nation of candidates for Councilmen
was begun; aud on motion of Colo
nel Warner each Ward voted sepa
rately for its own candidates. The lol
lowtttg Is the vote as it was east:
Mr.Sabichi 16
Judge Thompson 17
vtr. McCarty 5
Ed. Huber." 15
Jesse Farrell •>
Mr. Robinson 20
Mr. feed 10
Andrew Warner
J. F. Oerkins
it will thus be seen that Messrs. Sa
bichi, Robinson, Warner and Gerkins,
are the proper candidates for Conncil
For School Trustees, the following
vote was cast:
H. D. Harrows 12
M. Krenmer 4,1
J. P. Wldney 36
W. D. Could 20
P.. L. Peel 10
Thus Messrs. Harrows, Kreamer, and
Widney, were nominated.
For City Assessor the following vote
was cast :
Wm. Derdson 20
Michael Madlgan 18
Vir. McMurray Ii
Ylr. Mondran 17
Thus Wm. Denison was nominated.
On mot ion the masting adjourned.
fni: Peoples' Convention-was a com
plete success last night. There is
jcntrely one name from the ticket
which we would have changed. They
are all honest men: yes, all of them;
men who would add new life to the
city government, and stir up the old
dry bones of the people of Ange
les, who live a decade In the past.
Wake up, realize it, work for ii—a city
of 20,000 inhabitants in a half dozen
yenrs. *J#4A4v aiACPlJrwi-
Attorney (funeral Williams has do
'•klefl In tne case of an ex-otncer in the
L'nited States Army who resigned to
join the rebellion ami who puts in a
.'lalm for back nay, said officer's dis
abilities having been removed by Con
gress, that the act of such removal re
lates exclusively to the right to hold
otiice, nnd that the joint resolution of
Congress making it un lawful to pay
any one* that existed prior ro April,
180*1, to any person sustaining therc
i*dltou, in full force, and as
the claim is ono of those described
therein it cannot, bo paid.
WHY does the Postoffice spell Los
Angeled Los Angeles? shall owr
Postmaster go to school.
It is suggested that a large log horn
be placed oa tho top ol St. Paul's for
the guidance of Loudon pedestrians.
Late Telegrams.
New York, Nov. 28.—M. Quesada
and Carlos del CUatolatO publish a
card, stating that they are tho only
representative* of tlx. BenubUean
Government of Cuba abroad; that a
collection of fund* for sufiering < nibans
is without their authority and against
the commands of their Government,
and condemning nil attempts to eitlisl
men as beimr in direct violation of the i
laws of the land.
James H. lpgersoll, convicted on
Wednesday of forgery upon the county
during the ring rule, "was sentenced to
day to fi years in rlie Slate prison at
hard lalaor.
Jno. D< Farrington, Jr., ponvlctodof
the same offense, was sentence I to 18
months imprisonment. _
Sheriff Itrennan has rt col veil a let
ter from Attorney General Harlow,
earnestly temonstmtfng nuafusi the
indulgence shown Tweed in keeping
him at the Tombs, when, according tv
the requirement* of law, he should Ik*
sent to the penitentiary. Tweed ale a '
Thanksgiving dinner in the Tombs
with his fatuity.
General I'.utlor is the last person
whom rumor has added to Tweed's
It is said Judjco Kaneher has granted .
an t.r parte ortler to -how cause
whether tltere should not he v stay of j
proceedings in the eases of FngersoU
and Farrington, convicted of forgery.
In the ease of Wm. J. Hbarkey, con
demned for utnrder, who lately escaped
from the Tombs and who had been
grantedn new trial was called to-day
In the Supreme Court and an order en
tered of non-nppenranee.
It is rumored that Porter will com
mand the West India squadron. (irders
bnYd been issued to recruit the marine
corps to the full standard fixed by law.
The stnall-pox i« very severe at
ln that city, Alexander MacKenzie,
Premier, has been elected to repre
sent the county of Comhton.
The Wall street market is excited by
a reduction of Hank of England rates
to six per cent., on account of a gain of
£1,060,000 bullion by the bank, the ad
vance in five-twenties in London nnd
a decline in money 4.U.. 5 per cent, in
open market, and by the more peaec
; ful i'ej>orts of the .Spanish question.
All this causes a buoyant feeling on!
exchange. Prices have advanced in
leadingsharee one-half to three-quar- j
ter per cent., with large dealings in
the afternoon. The change was j
brought about by realizations in the;
Stock Exchange and vague rumor* |
ibotM Sickles leaving Madrid.
Washington, Nov. 28.—John Ale-
Morris, Executive Clerk of the United
States Senate, formerly editor of tho
Charleston Repeal anil of the Chroni
cle of this city, died nt his residence
last night.
Henry Young, alias Charles Wil
liams, a young colored man, convicted
of the murder of Frank Hahn, was ;
hanged to-day In the jail yard.
There is great actlvityin the Navy i
Department to-day. The Secretary
hap returned and had conference with j
several heads of bureaus. Large j
numbers of ottleers are being ordered i
to duty. There is great unwillingness
to give information, .nt the present
stage of negotiations, although it has
bean repeatedly denied that General
Sickles has left Madrid for Paris and
that the Virginius has been scuttled.
Reports are persistently Circulated to
day, and believed by many with re
luctance, t hut official conversation on
the subject is regarded as ealculntedto
lessen the hope lately entertained ot a
peaceful solution ofthe difficulty, but
at present nothing official has* been
made known to warrant a definite
statement concerning it.
Louisville, Nov. 28.—A fearful
tragedy occurred at Harrodhurg, yes
terday, a trial Suit in which P.* R.
Thompson Sr., was principal on one
side, and Theodore Davis Sr.. on the
other, was in progress, and each prin
cipal was attended during the whole
trial by his sons, fully armed. At tho •
conclusion of the testimony, and
while the lawyers were preparing in
structions preparatory to commencing
arguments, a son of Thompson and n
SOU of Davis moved towards the door,
followed by all the others, and in a mo
ment tiring commenced, by which
pafty it is not known. Many shots |
were tired. Davis Sr., and his son
Larry were instantly kilted. Theo
dore Davis Jr., was mortally wounded,
and has since died, P. R, Thompson
Sr., and his two sons, P. H. Jr., and J.
P... were slightly wounded,
Boston, Nov. 28.
The Fall River Manufacturers' Hoard
of Trade have decided from and after
December Ist to run tho mills eight
hours a day on five days, and seven
hours on Saturdays; hut should times
continue to improve as they have
done during the past two of three
weeks, it is believed all the mills will
be running on full time by January.
Chicago, Nov. 28.
Ex-Governor and Ex-Senator Rich
ard Yates of Illinois died suddenly last
night at Harnum's Hotel, st. i'.ouis.
Coventor Yates was ,')."> years of age.
St. Joseph", Nov. 29.
Holders of first Mortgage bonds of
the St. Joseph and Denver Railroad
have instituted «uit for the purpose of
closing the mortgage on the road, and
selliitK the road and fti land. The
amount of February to Augnst interest
of 1873, due and unpaid, is $600,000;
the amount of bonds is fT,OOO|OOO.
I'abis. Nov. 26.—The flowing dis-!
patch J us*arrived in cipher from the
New York HcraUVt correspondent in
Madrid: The situation is a grave one.
On the lf>th inst. Gen dm) Sickles, by
onier <»f President Grant, delivered a
formal ultimatum to President Caste
lar demanding prompt and vigorous
reparation for insult to the United
(•States flag, restoration of the Virgin*
lux and release of surviving prisoners;
indemnity to families of the murder
ed, and punishment of the murderer**;
also guarantee against further out
luges id Culia. The demand whs
couebfd in ; « kind and sympathetic
tone, but no alternative given, and
General Sickles was also instructed to I
say that if Cai-t 'lar did not eomplv j
with the demand in a week he should !
ask for his passport, and leave .Madrid
with the Legation. The time expire*
to-day, and no answer has yet been re
ceived. Everything at the lunation
is packed up ready for immedinte de
parture. Hickles has no hope tliat the
ultimatum will be complied with, and
he-telegraphed to Pari?! yesterday to
have ill his official corresjsjudance
that mjirhi be there, kept for a few
days. General Sickles in conversa
tion said he did see how war could
be averted, as Castelar can give no as
surances thai his orders will he obeyed.
In Cuba public feeling is alsii op
posed to concessions. I'nless Castelar
responds this evening General Sickles
will have immediately. All the
American ships In the Mediterranean
have been ordered to Key West. In
the event of General Sickles leaving!
the British Minister will probably pro
tect the archives and American resi
dent-.. President Castelar is personal
ly anxious to accept the Rritish Min
ister's good offices to effect a compro
mise, but there is no hope to-night.
Madrid, Nov. 27. —Cartagena was
bombarded eight hours yesterday by
land batteries. The town and the men
of-war replied with vigor. The outly
ing fort, Don Juan, was silenced by tin
tire of the besiegers. It is reported
that its commandant and several other
officers were killed. The insurgent
lleet in the harbor got up steam to
day, for what purpose has not yet been
developed. The rebel bailers, through
Admirals of foreign squadrons, have
requested a truce of two hours, and it
is believed propositions for the surren
der of the city will soon be made.
Paris, Nov. 27.—The otHcial an
nouncement of the new Cabinet is
made to-day. The following is offi*
rial: Minister of Interior, Duke de
jlroglie; Minister of Foreign Affairs,
Duke do Cazes; Minister of Finance,
Magne; Minister of Justice, de Pierre;
Minister of War, General Duhanoril;
Minister of Marine, Admiral de Har
noy; Minister of Public Instruction
anil Worship, Founton; Minister of
PiiblicWorks.de Lnrcy: Minister of
Commerce and Agriculture, de Sel
Amsterdam Nov. 27.-The steam*
Kienig Wilhclm, from New York,
which arrived at .Southampton on the
24th inst., en route for Rremcn, has
gone ashore near Nieuve Diepp, on the
coast of Holland. The passengers are
safe. Two tugs are trying to haul her
off. It is expected she will have to be
unloaded before she can get afloat.
London, Nov. 28.—Bullion in the
Hank of England lias increased atl,
---065,000, The bank's rate of discount
is reduced to six per cent. The Roths
childs announce a Russian five per
cent, loan of 75,000,000 [francs?!.
Havana, Nov. 2s. — People hero
are unanimous against any reparation
and against giving up tlie Vlrgraltts
no matter what the Government of
Spain may do.
Inclusively to tbe Hern 1.1.
Sentence* of captain Clarke nil it Hie
Hates Trustee. Elected Nrnall-
P0.% Connubial Honds Nevered
1 Kufnan ami Justice Fire at
Hocklln Vallejo n County Meat
Kcgaltas unit Hncew Volcanic
San 1' it vNcisco, Nov. 2*.
Alter a very extended review of the
testimony In all cases of officers of the
ship Sunrise, the United States Circuit
Court to-day sentenced Captain Clarke
to the county jail 1! months and to
pay a fine ofSLQQQ, Harris, the first
mate was sentenced to the State prison
without hard labor for four years, and
the second mate, Moloney, to 60days
In the county jail.
I). L. McDonald, J. A. Priteltard, O.
A. Rognrt, T. J. Shneklcford and S. M.
Day have been elected Trustees of the
Kentucky Mining Company.
The Health officer reported I6cn*rß
of small pox In the city.
Henry Simpson, a gambler, paid a
tine of f 1,114 to-day.
Twelve divorces were granted by the
19th District Court to-day.
T. Moreno, one ofthe V&squex gang,
convicted at Salinas of murder in the
second degree, was sentenced to the
Slate prison for life.
A dispatch from Rocklin says the
round-house of the C. P. R. R., *U that
place, was burned this morning, with
nine locomotives and about thesarue
number of cars. The town narrowly
escaped destruction.
The election for the removal ofthe
county scat of Solano county to Val
lejo, \.a-decided \\\ favor of the latter
In the boat regatta to-day, the Riv
erside, of Sacramento, declined to
enter for the reason that the race with
the Pioneers did not come off.
In the rowing regatta to-day, Brown,
of this city, took one race, and Ste
phenson the other.
The four mile trotting race at Agri
cultural Park, between Cassius M.
ami Romeo, was won by the former.
The trotlliii" race between Sam
PurdyandSt. James was very exci
ting. Purdy took the first heat, and
St* James the second. In tho third
heat Si. James lost v shoe :,nd ran
idcar around the truck. The judges
nave the heat to Purdy 'nil declared
the bets "off."
A Volcano has broken out in Pluto
mountains ten miles east of Eureka
Nevada; a heavy black smoke is con
stantly Issuing from the crater. Sev
eral gentlemen visited the place and
brought back specimens of lava which
had been thrown out.
A lire occurred thi-* evening on
Stockton street, loss about * 1,000.
It is repotted that the friends of Cup
tain Clarke, and his first mate Harris,
a number of sea captains and mer
thanis will prepare a memorial to
President Grant asking for a remission
of the penalty pronounced In their
MSM by the United States Circuit
Court to-day.
William Gorber, a sailor, fell from
the malnyard of the bark Madeline, at
North Point, this afternoon and struck
on the deck, receiving injuries which
tho surgeon any* will probably prove
line Sheriff of Monterey county ar
rived in the city to-night withTeodore
Moreno, one of the Vasquez gang, en
route to (ho Siatc Prison.
Martin G lea son was arrested to
night for insanity.
There wern 13deaths from scarlatina
luring the month, but physicians any
tb* disease i« decreasing.
I v.H,.,, Trotting- Hm>f i Oliver I
Morwcw kttHJieil nnd Rule! Out.
Al the Garden race course in trotting
yesterday mile heats 3 in 5, there were
three onirics—Hazard, Culver nnd ;
Snowstorm. The rue:' was closely ''on- ,
tested, and considerable money staked.
Culver won the tlrst two heats wiien '
the hackers ot' Hazard demanded a
new driver, and the third and fourth!
heats w ere won by Hazard. Owing to j
the darkness, the race wan postponed
until to-day. This afternoon horses !
•rot the word. Culver was in the lead
ail around, hut was closely pressed on j
the home stretch by Hazard, when |
Snowstorm indulged in a run, passed
Hazard, running ovet Ids leg, and j
pocketing him, thus giving Culver the
heat. As Snowstorm passedthe judges' I
stand, his driver, Charley Wood, was!
greeted with curses and a shower of j
missiles, and the driver of Hazard, [
without dismounting from his sulkey, ;
commenced | vigorous chastisement J
with a horsewhip, Snowstorm was run
like a quarter horse to avoid this pun- ,
ishment, hut Hazard's driver followed ;
him to the quarter pole, [living the
whip over face, head and -boulders
without mercy, the crowd crying out
"Kill hind" "(Jive it to him: "etc.
The judge- gave the heat, race and |
money to Culver, and severely repri
maimed the driver of Snowstorm and
ruled him off the track for a y;>ar».
To b«- llMltK'e I Foil nd BmIII ♦ ot Mhu
Maktinkz, Nov. 2s.
In the Fifteenth District Court, to
day, the following proceedings w ere
had: .Marshall Martin was sentenced
to be hanged on Friday, January 23,
1ST"). The prisoner had been tried at
the April term, for die murder of
Valentine Eclder, committed in No
vemher, 1572, on Marsh Creek, and In*
dieted jointly with Elizabeth Echlcr,
wife of the victim, and who i e now in
the Insane Asylum. He was sen
tenced to be hanged on the 27th of
June, IST", but, his ease was taken to j
the Supreme Court, and after argu
ment, the judgment of the lower
court was sustained and sentence or
dered to be pronounced.
The casi> of Henry Ploegor, charged
with the murder of George Muth, at
San l'ahlo on the 10th of August last,
was submitted i" the Jurj after a very j
able charge by Judge Dwindle, who, .
after being out fifty minutes, returned
a verdict of manslaughter. The
prisoner was ably defended by Xli K.
Chase. Sentenced will lie pronounced
I r rest oil ins* Hnpe.
S \(.H VMIINTO, N<>\. 28.
Baieejio Fiugli, a native of and re
cently arrived from Italy, was arrested :
to-day on n charge of tape on U;e per
son of France>»ea lticheda, a Wild of
eight y»ars of ago* tha daughter of an
Italian violinist. Medical examination
has been mad. which proves the of
fense. FrugH will be examined iii thi
police Court to-morrow.
t.cnerHt Crook on h Tour tn Infec
tion .1 Hurler.
San DIKOA, Nov. 28.
The Tucson CitistMOt the 22d >ay>
General Crook, on a tour of inspect ion,
arrived at Tucson yesterday,
Toney Griswold shot nnd killed his
brother George with a Henry rifle at
Camp Grant, both under the influence
of liquor.
AccMOftt Miraculous Ksenp-?.
Goi.n Hii.t,, Nov. 28.
About oo'clock last night William
Grant, while waiting for the passenger
train, to go to Virginia City, acci
dentally stepped off the platform, fall-
Ing a distance of five feet, breaking his
About S o'clock this morning three
men, including the foreman of the
Silver Hill mm. . in i<ower Gold Hill,
met with a most miraculous escape
from death. They had barely stepped !
on the cage, at the top of the shaft, i
when they were precipitated with :
great rapidity to the water in the
sump at bottom, a distance of 330 feet.
Notwithstanding the iminent danger
in which the party were involved, .Mr. ,
Ford, loremnn, had sufficient presence
of mind to throw tip one side of the
cage, thereby preventing them from
being buried under 1,200 feet of wire
cable weighing at least « tpn. His
prompt action in the matter saved the
lives of the entire party. The men,
who were in the central compartment
of the shaft, escaped drowning by
crawling through into the pump com
partment, from whence they were
hoisted to the surface.
Calistcksa, Nov. 2S.
This morning was cool and cloudy
and it commenced to rain at noon.
Thermometer 51. Still raining; farm
ers rejoicing over it. They were anti
cipating a dry season.
Mendocino City, Nov. 28.
Kai'i commenced falling about 2
o'clock this morning and continued all
day; still raining hard; prospects pros
pects good for a freshet.
Schooner Light Wing is at ancho)
Point Akcna.s, Nov, 28.
Several hours' rain fell durihg thr
night,and it has continued during th'
day with a heavy sky. Wind south
east with a moderate breeze.
PORTI.ASt), Nov. 28.
Dr. Glass has been sentenced to five
years In the penitentiary, for man
slaughter, in causing the death of
Mary E. Hardmau by abortion.
S.in P. rnaMino wants m Arc en
Carey, <>i* Solano eouniy, i* import*
in<r Shetland ponies.
Mare Island is to be supplied wit )i
water from Vallejo by pipes under the
A survey is bolt)! made for a narrow -
gatlgi railroad from Palisade to
Eureka, Nev.
Tltc survey of the Stockton and lone
narrow-gauge tallroa I is completed
twenty-one miles east of Stockton on
an air line.
Oilroy is full of strangers, Acorn*
psny of twelve arrived last week di
rect from Kentucky fpr the purpose of
engaging in the cultivation of to
Grading on the IVxasnnd Pacific is
progressing quite briskiy at San
Diego, There bus been more work
done tins month titan ever before in
the same length of time.
Several persons in Santa Clara
county have engaged recently in the
business of silk culture. They have on
hand now large quantities of cocoons
and silkworm eggs, which are await
ing market.
The "Proper" wheat Is said to he
the best variety crown in California.
It came from chile, ii N remarkably
white in color, producing more wheat
and less offal Ihnu any other variety.
The last rain came down in such a
volume in the Cajon, -ays the San
Diego IPorW, that windmills were
swept away! One harrow was car
ried three miles. The Cajon will be
on its metal in ill'- wheal yield this
yea r.
The San Diego race* bid fair to be
exciting. Irene Harding who won the
two mile running race, ami Target
who won the mile race at Los Angeles
are entered. The Santa Barbara horse
Dirlgo (Harry Lazarus) will put in an
appearance and try for trotting hon
The San Diego and Arizona Mili
tary Telegraph has been down since
Sunday night- During (he last four
or five days some very violent sand
storms have occurred on the desert
and it is probable that the line is
either broken or burled up in the
The Stockton ll< raid contradicts the
killing of Everett Babbitt by an acci
dent on the Southern Pacific Railroad.
There was no such accident, and Bab
bitt himself caused the item to gel in
to tiic panels to mislead his wife.
The work of grading the road-bed qf
the Benicia Narrow-Gauge is progress
ing more favorably, The grader- have
reached what i y known as the "long
bridge," four miles from Benicia.
They are on level ground now, and
they are expected to make much bet*
ter progress.
Messrs. Gage & Wight man deny
.Mr. Chamberlain's a-sertion to their
discredit, in toto, Mr. Chamberlain
ha-- left for tic east, a strange way of
hacking up his accusations. "True
Blue's" leg is «iill in a bad state, n
swelling have formed at the fetlock
which will probably burst in a few
days and the horse will then be re
The steamert lipsey, which has been
running between San Praneiseo.and
San Diego and way ports, carrying
combustibles, has been withdraw n
temporarily from the line. Such ma*
teriai will have to be transported In
schooners, as in days of yore. until the
steamer is put back on the line, When
that will ho we have I »een unable to
!»,88i) Fischer v.-. Bergni- On mo
tion of (llassell, altd filing <>i stipula
tion, submitted on briefs on file.
3,943 -Metslerv*. Child* —Haute.
3,946— Harris vs. Barns—Submitted
on briefs on tile.
3,833 —Daley v*s. Cox- -same.
3,935 —Meek vs. McClure Con
tinued; no appearance.
Pieo vs. Coleman—On motion of
Highton, placed :it the loot nf the
3,9BB—Fuller vs. Baker—Submitted
on briefs on tile.
3,935 —Wilbur vs. Washburn—On
motion of Howard, and stipulation on
Hie, cause submitted on hriefs on file,
I,o72—Hendley vs, .Johnston—On
motion of Dunlop, ana filing Clerk's
oertifioate, appeal dismissed.
Application of Stephen H. Phillip*—
On motion of Cobb ami produetlon of
license from the Supreme Court ofthe
United States, evideqce of good moral
character appearing, ordered that s.
11. Phillips bt> admitted to practice as
an attorney and counselor at law in
all the Courts of (his State.
3,930 -Romero vs. Coronel—Afgued
by Smith for appellant; Howard for
s,9Bl—Keller vs. Ocana—Argued by
Smith for" appellant (no appearance of
respondent;, and submitted.
3,932 —Moore vs. Los Angeles In,
flrmary—Arfuad by smith for appel
lant; Brunson for respondent and sub
Bgß96 —Uarasztby va. Horton—Ar*
gued by Ilighton for appellant; Dun
lap for respondent and submitted.
3,882 —Brunson vs. ('mother- — Sub
mit ted on briefs on die.
TheiVrsssays that Santa Barbara
soil "wilgrow tenpenny nails without
irrigation." A typographical error
doubtless, and .should read "toe" nails.
How these compositor-, do botch
A i.akv at Trenton. New Jersey,
viewing the falls in the Delaware
river near that place, enthusiastically
exclaimed, "Oh! isn't that dam
A Canadian Justice recently sen
tenced a man to two yean* imprison
ment for voting in a dead man's name.
Teh-graph postal cards are used in
England. They are deposited as let
ters and are collected hourly by car
A Connecticut girl has gone insane
from being kissed in the dark.
The Australian Parliament has
voted by |Q to .'53 to let female rate
payers vote.
Tl T KN KR- -In tills ftltr, November £'.th, to the
Wl(« .>:' Captain W. Turner, a clmitfhter.
ion «oi \«n.»i.%v
<:. k. in cj.n announce* utmaalf ;«»
j candidate nw ifouncllniHii from the Tliird
; Ward.
A. I. WTAIUiSK I* ft candidal* Inrmetnlior
1 oi'ihf> I'lininon <"ot|acil from the Pint Ward
: ut the rrutuifiif roun'ripal cdceUon.
Af the solicitation ot 'many friends, I hereby
announce rnyaelf an a candidate iter < 'ouueil-
Bianof die second Ward. Al. TKKU.
»-«>■! < ITV ANS|M4ftH.
.1. D. (HJKKRERO respectfully nnnoiinc s
; biuv-cli us a eaudidato i )r Clly As*o*BOf.
>V dor luqulrr m (P I IIADII Hf Pll "V
1,:,,, * ,r - N, - MM " il - y 9i UtUllll Qb vUi d
nrt main htbekt.
Rml W Ilia*, Liquor* Mri 4'iaarN. [nfl* j
E|3oM< > V A I A I |> j
•«•:■• r»i i,—
if to Kiuhr'- hrlrk Kußding nn Main
street, nexl deej in I'ixison'- Meal Market)
where we will alwajra keep en hand, a* tvi'ire,
Fresh and Cooking Butter, FALL & WINTER GOODS
l - rc*«h FtftT*.
* hick.'!>•.. Om-kn.
l'iirK«',»s, tOiCftC,
rod nil kinds lid some.
i,os \\(*ii;i.r:s KoNkv,
in eomti i>r strained, In quantlUe*. to Milt, nml
vii Itiuda mt imn maim ve»«*tai»ieH.
co mmm* !• >n and wm prcix'i .j.'tior- Monday. Nov. 3, I 873,
«i itoutitry iir.vjii" poultry or tram* cleaned
anddiwmoo Hi order al » moment's notice,
and delivered to nay pnrt in the oltj'i free oi
C AfKr'ilw uh ... December win resolve, r °M'Ml!siN(i A most ski.kct stock OP
a> every nuvnliiK trails •» supply of freak*
hhtter and >'i.'c« front < lullailn aud Lot Nlotos. j
\\will t ■■> pi.--iM d Ui *cc our oil! cuidomers, I'HE LATEST STYLES OP
.'liirl solicit n v one-, and will alway* en- |
deavnr In i>.nee, Matlnrttetlon,
- OK-
books, stationery, etc. Fancy Goods*
A J" TH E NEW hOOK 8 T0 itE,
A. C. SHAW & CO., ni/ith.saav
Respectfully nnnonnec to the people of L « VlUiniilCi
Aoifelr* that the\ have lustreoelved n laruo or
Invoi il Miscl l.l,.\Ni:(H s. SCHOOL ar«(
til, '. NX BOOKS. STATIONERY of every de
scription, POCKET i » TLEItY, etc.. tvhb'h cojtstsfixa t\ paw oi
the;, will aellmr THIRTY DAYS,
AT COST POI! CAHHI o0 Pieces all Wool Strlpeu Poplin-,.
Th*public will dad It to their advantss* to \t-ocm tsuer v -<
call and, examine our ainek hotbre pnrchaalns nwparisrs;
> " •> bete. novJflnedlw
2. Ig _~ , v 2-* Pieces Scotch Plaids,
Railroad Excursion! vt^c,v M „ r vr 1;
I .-iitei'' n<- n't* nf t |tr
60 Pleoon Plain Satin de Chine,
---ra«M —
Wilmington to Los Angeles, 20 f " ec " atr, P* d Co,ored d °.
—- -T.i/.\tr. to- - -
LON iVIIGXOIifJIXATIOBI 10 Plooea Strlsied Blaok da.
At Cont'i pi r Vnrtt.
-OTjtna —
.X <* w I«:t i 1 i*«» it <t,
100 Pieces Aaaortod ail Wool Cm
Thursday, December 4. 1873. press Cloth, In dlflfcrentqualit!-*;
1 sTiuiou" 1 ' Tii ' u * t ' t miy '; 20 Pleoea all Wool Serge,
Th. lm AM.KI.KS brass RAND will Watur Proof. Redinizote Clotrt
a-wirapany the Rxeundoaand tomlnh matin, r """' Kwaingoia **iotn,
Orator ol tin- Pay, Jids;*- rHOMPHON, of
t<>- Arigele*. Draps d'Eta. Cto en
r...-* I*. C.TXINNER,of FiUrakaUrannre. 1 slvf0 '» lllc -
ExcurxioalAta a 111 fin rd»h the!: own
?.nit h>iii in th<
' i b< lotlit lea ,••>* Wllnilnaion ni % a. M., I.r-s
i Angeles ut lit.'tn \.,M.,and r*tnrn Itome in the
: in'tt-rnoon stth -' - lf> <■>>( the pxen'iiic*,
KOPR ORANO*;s, in mil u.vaiiu. will ac-
I eonipxtij this train, autl Matem Itrsttg-M •
ihp ptpuntednt I i.s Niftofl to participate in also. m.L liwbs as
! Ilia celebration. N
! Tlvkets (-un J..- Lrvl in tjai AngelM at nil the
! (tiMMfHtoroa himl at i\to followlne nlaees! .].{>. Black Alimms
'A. atanley*N odtae, No. '» T> riple Rloeki 't ™ lac, »
1 tlieoffli-i ot' tin- southern California Mutual
MM Aswelntion, No. It Templa Rlookial A.
c. citnt vln's Main Mr*->t, and al th«- sai-.«i# ~, —--
: inronii" pi«o mo.isi. Black Empress Cloth,
n.v order of tha Committee. nn37>U|
MOTSCE TO ALU Black Foulards,
1 SOLD mora than TWO fICNI»HKI>[»O]
Rhareaoflheatoaknftha Blaok Biarritz ClOth
Southern District Agricultural Society.
Nearh TRBEK IiCMinKO have
Iteen taken, nninn whleh ther* hn*« been paid bioaL r, n _.u - .
•..a iir m pm' »it*ra on it aaaaoiinenta, oiaca rrenon merino
Tho ol>.k>ei r»f ihaaoelat) la the linproveraant
nf htooded (mil oilier ntoek, and / ha itdvance<
ment ofall ihe Intert-atK of Son* l.em cal I lor* _. , . _
Black Wool Delaine,
It lw ileniranle that the farmer*, manufactu
rers, Mock raisers, mercantile men, and other,
Kiioold ha'inenftiwM Of the -'satiety, BlQok BamhsilnA
;s fl n,e meroh m ihoreofeOMHaltj Invite sod wi/mii™*iuo,
r'i-)ti'"-t ell «uch tn purt'hnae nu>' <>i more
shures of sloe k al the ncent ial per nhare, no
intercxt itddml. tin- amount n( Rsneuinanti
already pa-td. Th« Secretary la authorized to DIHOK LBSnmereS.
i Isue uriad to .- ny and all WHO W'Uh to beeontS
More thai I the pi ice per stiare U r~f>r*-*.nted
l>> property., With a perf"i ! tiiie. AH owners >
of atock, even If only one share, are antitiad I ——
tn all Ihe r»rh ilesres m i i,e society; nuch ns h
voice in all It* cquucllh, allflblllty to offline,
and an entranc • bndice f. t hliuHali and fStntty
Into nil tho tair.t and other euteiftalansnu .
Riven. Peraonadeairini io do so, rosy pay j -ai.ko
-lan. and Kel a pnid-uo share.
The snctetjr nartieuiarly Invlta our ftratar* I ._.
tn oeeome inembeia, ' ~« " Oreateaf Nu,ei»> or Ibe H#h»»
Ry older of tin* Plnc.'et v.
uov-flml BKN'. f.'. TECMAN f aec. | tniporlml ea(tre*ial> lorllila market.
City and County Directory 100 Assorted New styles
yon 1871,
JL PARING for the publication of s IHree
to.-y of the city and eotinty of Lo* Angatet,
and be Blad to communicate with «ny sck« w** trt
uartleH who are able, to Impart Information— •*** c, i r -ic., «%ir,.
utatorical, descriptive or nUitiHtical--which
aill he of suffleienl lntere»t U» Incorporate In — _ _
tl>. work. relation early hlHlory AT Oil FAOHI
nf tha county: de»crlptlona of important oris* — ~ ■ *** ■ tunvfll
icrestioK loealitfes: and atallaUeii of the pro
ductinn* of particular neiyhborhoodii, ure ra*
upcetfullj vol letted.
Office, 11 tjtAnn Bttlldlnv,lioa Antales,
no\ STIT
"U A M 11- V CHARTERS COFFEE nnnm*y« I »di« i.*« c.»n,a Ma..
r \m. si :, c mills, Nn. wo i.os Angc MvJOoiM uoies Iron Frame Nott,
! yl ,!>••■..
Keen.-; constantly on hand ROAST ANL
OROI NlM'Oi-'PKK of all kinds, Pepper.Uln
kit. All*pk*e, Cayenne, cinnamon, Cloves,
Nutmeg*, innl Prash tiround e;alii'orniii Mv«-
lard, i 'ofkki: fresh ground every morn Ihk.
13 N. ROTH J>: fX).
a- • No. 4.t .MAIN STRKKT. _
Wholesale and n tall dealer*la At /O CCfltS 8 PBif.
Gents' Furnishing Goods.
Provisions, fine Wines, 1.10u0r% i Ucß.ru and _ , , . „
Whiskies. oelitf Sole tor Souihern CsUToriOa tha-
~~, n relehfaied
GAMBRINUS BREWERY, Prevllle I ano 2 Button Kid Slovet.
Fine Lager Beer for sale
..J?i'?d™JP L'^r^BKJ^_ Nplendid Assortiueni ot
rpi NKD, REPAIRED AND REO- ~ , m . Ai , .
l platp,d by j. ix Patrick. hAtite Mi Rove (.Inthmn
Mas lecommendntlons from prominent Man WllaO *» UUJO VlUllllllU,
Franoltoo plaooeniablUhmenta, Leavaordera
M ~r,,,,n- k • E»a, FURNISHING 6000 S. Etc.
OrfiHim uiul Meioueons Ad|u»ted. LAZARD JSk CO*
, H and as Mulu Ktre«*l, .
BavjcßßHCis—BtodrloaM Stow; Editor Hhh-
AUki Uoirtftp ' noi-lm LO*» ANOELKIc.

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