OCR Interpretation

The Columbia Democrat. [volume] (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, June 15, 1844, Image 2

Image and text provided by Penn State University Libraries; University Park, PA

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c iroons of Ihc girrlson were b...y un
,unsl. Well, Uio Viscount supped
got .Mo bed, .eho;a ha Vchc..e
step R.lgand agamic wool, el, no
supper, buCncut to. . be.U a- before.-;
The Viscount, hdXvftvcr, li'l not cep
0 c.s.ljMlus "iBl'Ufor he HioiirW then
was something odd about his friend.-
So iflcr lying for about half an hour.hf
sjid , ,
" La Vaclirrir, arc you asleep ?
Not ycl,"irplicd'Li Vaclienr, 'but
I soon shall be.' .
" Wfll.l wantloank you somilning.
Mid lioulnyo, turning !iimclf sharp
Tou.nl, and a he did so, his hand cam.
;,inst Li Vachcit'd. It was like n
bit of ice !
" Why, how cold you arc," cried lhc
Viscount. .
And how can ynu expect tno to br
othcrwi.-e,'-" aKi.d Li '"
lerliblo voice, 'when you have left me
out there in the trenches through two
long January oifthU?' and that moment
he jumped out ofhcd, throw open the
window, and went off. Hw body was
found next morning where he lud been
killed two days before."
June 15, ISM.
The following resolutions were introdu
ced into the Baltimore Democratic Nation
al Convention, by Mr. Butler, of N. York,
chairman of the committco on resolutions,
anil unanimously adopted.
Resolved That the American Democra
cy placo their trust not in
u...;r mo stau.iiiy and permanency of sics, hoarl burning or reproach. Hie ban
tho Union, and ought not to bo cn.mienan- ncr inscribed with tho names of Jambs K.
red by any f.iend to our political iustitu I'm.K and Guonor. M. 5)aI.i.as, is i. Hug
li(in() which gathers every democrat beneath its
S. That the separation of the nloneys of folds, and enlists every energy. . .
iho government rrom banking insiiiuiniiis. But it is not as 'new men only in regard
is iml.spons-atiie for the safety of the fiin.ls to ihce nominations, Hint we rejoice in the
..rtlio mivcrniii'uiii, and the rights of the names oT Polk and Dallas. A largo share
pooplcT r ihc pleasure wiih 'dch tho selection
0. That iho liberal principle embodied bailed, arises from a firm and well founded
bv Jefferson in the declaration of iiiih pcud- belief in the popular mind that there aru no
ncn, and snnclinnud in the oonsiiiuli in, belter men none mnr l.uly democratic,
which makes ours the land of liberty, and hones; & courteous nono more free from
die n lum of the onpicsacd of everv nation "lain or more tinassaihblu by calumny.
linvi) ever been cardinal principle in thuiTho country has seen James K. Polli in
uie must irj ing mm uiuiuiin jiutiiiiuua, .nm
it has seen also that ho wns always found
demorraiiB faith; and every attempt to
abridge tho present privilege ol heco lg
citizens 'and tho owners of soil among us,
might lo bo resided with the samo spirit
that swept the Mien and sedition laws from
our statue hook.
Resolved That the proceeds of the pub
lie lands ought to bo sacredly applied to the
n.itional objects spccilieu in too coiisuiu.iun,
and that wo are opposed to tho Uw lately
ndnntnd. and to anv law for the distribution
of such proceeds among the Stales.as alike
inexpedient in policy, auu repugnant to tuc
llesolucd That wo nro decidedly oppos
cd to taking from the President tho qualili
cd veto power by which he is enabled, un
der restrictions anil responsibilities, amply
sufficient to guard tho public interest, to
mixiiniul tho nassaco of a bill, whoso tueriu
cannot secure the approval of two thirds of
the Senate and llouso ot ueprescniauves,
until the judgment of the people can bo ob
mitind thereon: and which has thrice sued
theAmcrtcan people from the corrupt and ly
rannical domination ol llie nan oi uib u.
Resolved That our title to the whole ol
tho Territory of Oregon is clear and unques
tionablc; that no -ponton of the samo ought
to bo ceded lo England or any other power;
and that the re-occupation of Oregon and
the rcannexalion of Texas al the earliest
praulieablo period nro grtat American msa-
1 i i .i .linn po inrnni(tnilk
ditrna tl'tllult 11111 ITII II V E 11 UUU l Wvliiuivnuc
lacutious ay.ir -----. r,IH rienuieracv ol
ln. . not in displays and appeals ...suiting au'1
the Union.
Ilesolvcd That this convention
... ,i... ;.tcrments and subversive of tho in
... ill" l"h . . . I -?
ulieel or tho people, but in a clear roanc f Umle(1 SlaU8
upon the intelligence, the patriotism, and Prni8 c J I Tennessee, as the
-l .liseiiminatmu nsitcc o( tho American JA,YV",Y;.! nnnv f.n the
masses. ... .. Lo-,,,, nr lppi,lent. and GEORGE M
7rWiKi-Thal wc regard this as a u.s nf penilBViVania. as tho candi
Uncuvu feature of our political crocu.wmc ...i. l1arly for ,ie office
wo are prouu to m n-. - - if Vc() VteBlABM 0f iho U.iitcU Stales
as the great moral element in a lorm ol go B,,n,..('n,a, .he convention he
vornmcnt, springing from anU upneiu oj estimation and regard their i
of this character, our purpose now is li
riiso to the mast head iho ll n of Poi.k am
I)ai.i.ai. Wlnlo It is 'siipaniiu o'er u,
tho Ifgions of iloinorracy will nsscnibh
with n tiuick and iovous step. No won'
of discord nap crnalo tlisconteiit or apathy
vlvania in November next will roll upon , ..,, ,,,,,. Who
Iho foo with the avalanche of one ot her oltl ?' . . , f ,
rasl.ioued n.ajor.MCs Tl,is Jacksoniat, Wore t iobC days, uvor hcatd or ..h con
spirit will bo up; for both Polk and Dallas dcsccusion as to give piece meal, the turn
in) tvorlhv followers of the patriot of the torv of ono nation to another ? Give the
Hermitage, and wo leel assured that the Qt0gnll aiul jh0y will next douiand tho val
yeomanry nf Ponnsj ivanin. will ho ro Icy of Mississippi; for England has just as
joiood lo greet them as such.-i'cHdSin . ' ,. ,. ,,,, ,
equal to the criis, wliaiuver it might be.
As Chain. .an of llio Committee of Ways
and Means during iho Memorable 'Panic
Session' of Concress, he born the brunt nf
that remorseless war in the House, which
Andrew Jackson confronted in tho execu
live chair, Bankism and federalism then
behoved Itself to be assured of a triumph
worn from tho terrors and sufferings of the
people. Its champions, flushrd with hope
anil regardless of all restraint, sliovo lo
liamplc thoso who dared In oppress them,
beneath their feet, and while their journals
prated of insurrection and civil war while
revolutions 'as yet bloodless' were pro
OVillIICU in llll- OCUHin, u uusjikimiu t iii;ii i ,l, ,(
was made in tho House of Representatives " 15 34 ",u '"V ,uu""
' i I. ...... 1 I i i
nd now i hJI Ibis nalion sit still ana givo buiiit ncr uonor io uo wouiiulni, novl
hfce hu i In'd ihousaml square mileB of ter deuce has placed in Iho hands of tho Uuilud
ntory to Great Bninin, bocatisc sbo has the States government tho means of extending1'
mdaclty to lay her blood slained hand up tho blessing ill a republican government
m it; and lllb't hand stained with tho blood over tin unbuuntlcil-o.xlenl, anil Hins spread
All nrn naii.licd. and wc think it may be four own brothers. 'Vhat give ui-gianu.tne iignt oi inieiugcnce wucro u never yei
oromiscd that when iIiiih called iporiiPonn- ,lf,'qtirrilnry of Oregon ? Who ever heard .has been. And is not the happiness of
millions an object worthy of the highest
consideration of a government liko ours.
I'hera is no iiMion under the sun, vhcro
the blessings of intelligence nro spread
among all classes of society as in this
Here all may obtain a full Knowledge of
the uaturo of the government under which
lie lives, can make himself acquainted with
tho constitution and laws of the land Here
ovcry act of the government is open for dW
m$sion. Here the press is uutrammclloJ
and free, and where a free and independent
press has been established and supported
by the intelligence of the land, there tho
people possess the means of happiness in
an eminent degree. Why not then at nnro
carry these beyond the Kocky mountains;
ml extend the influences nf a republican
government, with all its attendant benefits,
icross the whole width of this continent,
and not Icavo our brothcis to be butchered
by the lawless hand of usurpation, and thui
lessen the American name in tho eves of
II Ihc nations of the earth.
HlIW lllll. I wl I a
good a right todamand tho entire valley of
i , ,o Mississippi as sbo has to demand any
nmilnn nf l ie tcrritorv of Urreon. As
I ' " (
blood only Increases tho rago of iho linn, so
... i . i n
i .in Tin; nni.iiMBiA democrat. kouek inr to ureal urilam only iniumis
The Oregon ifcnesliou, her prido and encourages her unjust dc
This tcrritorv. which belongs to the Uni mands. Then lei her bo mot at once, anil
,,i ,.;, lino ni nf ilm Unckv Mbun- in that wav loo, that will savo tho clluston
VJIUIU J j liv-u j I
tains. It is bounded on tho north bv the of blood, and at thu samo lime prcscrvo the
Kussiau nosscssions and British America; honor of tho nation ; and that way is, by
on tho cast by tho Hocky MoiinlaiiiH; on immediately forminga icrntonal govcrnmeni
the smith bv Mexico: and on the west by In Oregon, and enconrago emigration
ihn Pnnlfin. Its south latitude or limit is and affording proloction lo laoso wining
ess were Pro' hho 12l ilecreo of north latitude, and its U emigrate
ocs leiato enori ..... . Pe , ,, ,
the popular will; and wo contrast it win, J. 4w cilizof Mafll Van Buren ol to do us service in llie l.igt.est station
This is the onlv honorable course that
... .:i..,n0 ,n,l . nvn,3,vn. Uv Pvrv varintv fortv nine minutes of north latitudo, and ll can bo adopted by this government, and ll
of intimidation, the friends of popular conlains on era of three hundred thousand John Bull chooses to cock Ins nose nt it, let
rights who had never enough lo faco the Sq,lar0 miles; This territory bolongs to him. The honor of the nation requires tha
storm and breast the torrent; It was a fear. ' . , u stipulations, and a territorial government should be immcdi
y ' I. an in.non.nt n.n of our territory. And a.ely established in Oregon. Many of our
tho catiso or democracy in greater danger notwithstanding the undisputed claims of kindred have gono there, and more are go
than at the memorable period, when we i,0 ijuiled States, wo hoar men gravely as ing yearly; lh"y want government prolco
scarcely knew whom to trust, or who next 3erlin tilal j, wouj uc unwiso and danger- lion, and as lung as this government suffers
would prove false to the confidence reposed ovcrnmBn, , attempt to csta the murderers of her citizens to remain in
iviiui " - i ... .
hits h a territorial Government m Urccon. quiet wituin ncr own termor), u 13 a bi.hu
" 1 . .
Why would such a measure bo unwise ? upon our national character, and a mark ol
Whv would it bo dangerous T What, uu a weak and timid spirit. I ho best way to
wise and dangerous for a man to i.nprovp meet a bragadocio, is to show that yon pos
his far 111 I What, unwise for a man to feed Ucss tho courage of an honorable man. !5o
clolb and cducato his children I What, un- iho best way lo meet the domineering spirit.
firmness and address thai no ona contributed wise for a grcal and powcrlul nation to cx of Great Britain is for this government to
more lhan he.liotli ir. llio uouse aim among 0I)(j tlc blessings or civilization and law lo show her nt once that wo arc not to lie in
the people, to sustain the democratic cause. w Ja undated by her insolence. There is not
and to cnablt it to surmount and to survive . t i .. , r',,! n :
die dangers by which it was encompassed, lect her citizens by establishing govern- the least possible danger that Great Briiain
It was then we fell that James 1C. Polk, of mcnt among the n 1 Wherein would ibis would think of going lo war with the Uui
Tennessee, was one upon whom tho jcpub ke unwise and dangerous? Wc arc told ted Stales about Oregon al this lime" But
lie should fix its eyo, as a man to be relied . ., tt.nilIli i.p .:, hnnnnsn ii would vi ' ,r tir can snnm us nut of Orprron she will
on in the hour of trial as ono combining , , ,.. ,.:.: .n,0. :, mu,.:. .i, i.na i.pr.n irv'mu
ri'lllOiate a WUUIV Willi uicai ijiiiuiui fc m i OU lltia 10 iiiui on" i.'w w--..
and would bo dangetous because it would bring these twenty five years, and now, since she
in him, But foremost among thoso
were prompt to meet and repel the enemy,
was James K. Polk. Peculiarly exposed
to their assaults by !us position as Chair
man of the Committee before alluded lo, he
contended day after day, week after week,
and month after month with tno minions
f Bankism, displaying so much ability,
the creed mid practice ol federalism, under ?. . ...' ..i.ptisl, the most crate e had a strong conviction that llie hour 0n a war with thai nation. There is no lus got a portion or tho State or Maine, she
whatever name or fomi, which seeks to i . b-, in senss of the ab.lity.integrity would eome in which he would thus ireaiy that it would violate. The treaty ol ,vij urge her demand, unjust as it is,
palsy the will of the cons itue.it, ami wiiisn f whcll ho discharged the called upon, it lias como-unexpecieo.y ,818 bcUvccn U8 and (3roat Britain allows the Oregon territory with grcaler vigor-
I . - ci . ..ii f Imdii nil n W' UC SUlUt UIJU suviibi nmn nimwi uwh . . I . I 1 . . ... 1. ... l I.
limes oi :uo ingu uu. ui - pnmin : ,,. ,i1B iSl) nrCeable them the privilege ol Hunting nnu traimg , 1(C1) i,IOn, tins govcrnmeni uui suuw uiai
. o I .. ... i . . ..,..,.ii . r
so long as mis 13 in earnest auoui mo esinuiisuiiiuiii ui u
lot them. Now territorial government in Oregon, and that
plain by sup only can bo done by immediate action, and
... .1 : Ui.ni C UIU U UI I GIIIICSBIiV. mm ill uitiv iiusii . r. 1 . , I ....... ! 1 1 I........
Irving auu nouiy aruuuus uuiiiiium.,ui ,i,:ni, i.. ;,. nnnnrtuniiv f,,r nhPi. Psing a caso. suppose a man nas a large u.rcai urnam win soon nam m uui iuhub
that in llie memorauie siruggij- ' . " ' . Uation has served to increase and strength plantotion.and has it all enclosed in a fence, I Uui on the other band, let- England alone a
foil a marlyt to t ic grcaipnnwnit ' w""-" en ollr beief j,, i,l3 (llneas f0I any July that and a great part of it cleared and divided few years longer, and tho United Stales will
UU wu llie .......... .v.. ... Smil.l li rnnlil PI In III ill. ..ir C.l.l., ,,li'.,..,liMt, nn,l llm I ..,!, I,. nn.l ...ill olll.ar inuA In ntmn
WO ilcreUVr .,,, uui, nuiun, .iiiu tiiiuui i,iiiiiiuiiuii uui i.w iiiuu iiuuuiu, uuu ..in ..i.i "w'v
retirement. L ul t"!0iRaBt a"PHjf. wallas, one oi u,)icIi Iein.,jng j woo,!s ;s n.,0 divided ,0n the territory with dishonor to our flag,
seated coufi-a'"M " m " ntn lots. Well, ibis individual enters into a or have to contend fnr it bv an anneal to
ia Gcnri'iiiv nprf!XHiirv in miuci it. ins urn i i ...
liani talents, sound democratic principles, treaty wilb a neighbor lo let him have an urns. But wo are lold that this government
n n rt n 4
ing together in a spirit of concord, of devo
linn in the doctrines and latin ol a iree rop
retenlalivo government, and appealing lo
ihcir fellow citizens lor u.e "'jmuue o, m, (hal
their intentions, renew anil ro-assert oeiore . , . , , honorable
tne iieciaraiiun ui
-ilm American people,
nriiieinles avowed by them wheo, on a for
nier occasion, in general convention, Ihoy
presented their candidates for llie popular
the assurance of tho deeply
deuce, affection, and lcspect of the Amen
can democracy . I mil lnm, cnrviins on hehair of the cause. arc I imnnl nrivllcnn with liimscir. oT all thn de mnsi send her citixens in sccrctelv and si
t'.o,,.,.,) ' ' inl nn m i rnas to t ie neon e . . . . . . . I -," I o- - - '
JlLilll VVH " " I J IT . :i: ... IIw.-a 111 tin r. n liii ... f .1 I . II..
r ..... it..:. .i ... ...nmw. .,r Hi., r n. lamiuai 10 -u, ...m vnuic " (.,.. .,,, umlier. and llio range lor came, so i enllv. v Hal, a nation liKO
ii nit: uiiiiiivi jiiiii.ui v.i'' ..... , ..i.i i. ..i ...... .i ... i. ...... .. i.. i w . - -
or the
. i
1. That the federal government is one oi f , j t am, ()f ,,. wiuu nc .ruuiu m . c . " " 0l,g as ho shall not want it fin his own use; United Slates send her citizens into her own
Umiled powers derived sub, I, Jon, thr j, ,j ,, repre5 ,. o .Id no '" 1 1 JMs m wilhollt any Accoril , silcnlly ko lblef wou,(, cnlcr a
Si t SlfEiS '-ves, by ibis conven.iou, bo prepared b, 2SlZSLn': .5 T ingly they bnth cut wood.and let their stock house to rob it I Wh. ever beard of such
all the dcparimenls and agents of tho go the commituein resolutions, an o p wjn,0 received, wo are sure, wall univer rangCi p0n one of iheso lots Tor a number t way in improve ihc c.mdit'on of the set
vcrn-ncnl and that it is inexpedient and 18 ?' ,L.;tLi il,., nrnrnpilinirn nf thie sal approval. vcars. But after awhile, ihc owner tiers of a Stale? The government of the
In every respeel,
must obtain .he e,,S United State send her ci.izer.s into Ore
Tltol ihn nrnrppilinrra
lUnsPrniK In exerCIBC UOUDlIUl atlU C0D8UIU . . fc . i ... lla nat.nwa
. w w ... ip.nitvp.niioii iju oiniiuu u he i'i""u msiu
tional powers. nublialiud in iho dotnoitratie republican new8 ' . . . l1nmnrr xet n( iUn innn n.,( nnriv thus iointlv occunied. But another hron sccrctelv am! not tlarc to ncknow leJce
.i ',''.... imi.fi i ii tnn una nni rniiii!ri i .... . isiiuiiuii u mu uiihiuuiui-i j i i. wt.iwn, ..... .i----, j - . ir i
Z, i Mai uuu n.ii'ini"i. I .......... ..I llit I r.ltfi.I MCilca. I 1 1 ... . . . ... ..I . . .. . ... , , . I. .... ...it c
. l i ii, nniviip inir r - wRs in to trroal v inistaKen. inuecu. n -iiiii raises l ie o nce ion t iat it wouiu inter ner rm i to protect ineui i oun iose wie
llnOn lUU l!UIMIl EWH-llliuuin ...w ,.w .... , - - a .'.. .I I 1 ..
' " . I ..-.... 1 ES5TS5!i ll'i! " ' lil.n,. .1., iw.l anfi.rn mirk n Irimiin l In lllhl.. ...... .!..!! ....... i. I ... I,... I it..:. ...I c. !.,, 1. 1 .1.,, ,.,,t nf riri.nl llr.
CommClieO anU carrv OU a uuiiviai disiuui l'" m" .... Willi inu niiviifijua iji.iii.uu iu iiuihwui 1 j niuu oi.ni.3 siiiiiiiu uiiii.ui'. ui u..i. ....
of internal impiovcmenis. THE NOMINATIONS-POLK AND cause as will overwhelm opposition so com rjrj0 a8 by building ihcrcon you would tain the Island of Ireland, to which they
;t. i wax tuu tuiisiiiuiiuu uuua nut cuiiii.il DAI f AS. mmv-.wV r-
. . ...... i...i...i un iinrniniini i iiiinrn.
BUI lOrilV IIPOII UIU IBUa, BU.k......w..., "TV . . ... ...... ... I... .., ,l l. ...l : I. Kl,l l or.nl fnrl.
. . i.. ... ,i... . . .i. r MA..i;n.. nnn.n,.iin(n nn. rnntin.i.1 ii ia trim m iviini una nnnn nnnn ni ni irinni in nit: iiusaunniuu uuunuuuu.iu v uu iimi 11.111 11 1111 uiu laiu-iii. uu.. .....
llirCCtlV OT IllUlieCllV.-lO aobinin; iiiu uDuio, uu i;uiui.iii i;ijiif;iiiii..w uui ivih.i n..u ... - ... , . ,
of llio several Slates, contracted lor local upon llio happy result ol tno ueiiueiauoiit- uinore is not in accuruaucu wuu uib ux n'oulu commence a law sntr i uai mm anu trailing nouses, wuuiu nm tin , in
I'ould listen to such izcd nation on tho globe cry om against
that man let his farm such usurpation. And what would be
1 1
iris neighbor and dis ihnught of iho members of Parliament, if
commodo himself? No reasonable man they were to say to their government tliar n
would think of such a thing; nor would a would be unwise and dangeroua lo do oughi
reasonable person ask such a favor. And in dispossess the invaders of their territory
this is precisely llio situation of the That it would bo dangerous lo attempt
internal -improvements, or other State pin- 0r the Democratic National Convention ptesscd will or Pennsylvania, nor with the for a 8ino moment w
noses, nor would such assumption bejnsi a result as gratifying as it was unexpected, course which as journalists we havo here ' w d ,
and expediem and wl.ii.b, from iho enthusiasm of the tofore pursued as regards tho selection ol oolisl.nees i "ouiuu
'1. That justice and sound policy forbid response alrcnly given, affords a brilliant candulalet; but, on calm refloelion it ap lay to accommouato fit
llio federal covernincnt to roster ono nrancn promise lor tlie luliire. u is noi io uu no pears io us in m-iur mo j". " "
. . b . ... . e ... .. I : ., i. .. .: .Iwt....l.ln .1.... I.u l.t... l.l..l.nc, flrtiirfillf-in fnr llin rinrcmi'il mill
or industry to llio uetrinieiu oi anuiucr inieii, uiai iur a iiiuu mu iiuiii.iiiucs un, no- un. n,Kuu, u... ...... ......
... . ..u-Lti ilm iniciPHis of ono norliuii loUet iho Convention the doubt, iirsilaiion polilical character of Maktin Van BurtriN
,n ... - . . . .... .. .ll.. ii: ..e .i
.C I, ............. r.r nlir i-niiiin 111 I i.i.l .nnnrmil ir irrppnncl n ll fl IllVnlSIIV CI W 0 rOParil llim as Onu Ul IIIU3U SlUlUdlllUII
HID lllJHIJf ui numiiui 'n w. . , . .. .. I.: .... !... ... ...!, ........ Vet UllS IS OrCCISC
country, uuu every c,....u Uvu , ,i, ,,, ... . "T.:" :i,"r ",' " " u" i , m., r.n,r.mBnt in the Oroson ouest.on. Or nioleet her subiccts finm tliTS cold blooded
Uon of iho country l.us a rigni 10 uoma... s rongiy n.an.ie -. a i- . . , " " . Z" ,.ir "T . "... V. " " r .... t,:.....e -.1 '.... - .... n,. l.U. ..,r
i . nn...lift. ..I rlrrlila nfi.lliiltio.il XT n .nrti lipfifil nn llnn.l llin 111.(11 lin 11 I'M I r v Will Uu SUi:il ua illllulllull ll?uil III ll: 1 1 1 ( (7(111 la .1 IIQIl UI 1IIU U CU uiaiLDi uuu III' I III u I UC I a i:uill Ul 1 1 ui i.
.mil lllol?l Ullllll iill'uijuuin. . .. . ....w. .., . I - -, . f I .. . , .1 1 . . .... i, I
. . i I r . j- . r I . I.I... f I n Mn. n... tun ...licfinil llinl Ilia tinrl ! I . . .... , . . , . . 1 I... I r I. . . W I... t 1.
nrivi cccs, anil to complete an ampio pro-ioi me menus oi democracy, auu uiai a iuar ....... one iioituis our lino, it was outaiiicu uy pcrs oi ner icrniuiy. uui nuum u
1 b . . ... r .1.. li.. i : ic .1 I.i I. .. 1 1 a ,Vni full, ..nnrppinlpil na it ohnllld hi I . . . ..... . i.i
lection ,ol persons aim. property uum " -icgao iu bmcuu iiacn, mu, diHiuugu ii. 'v" J honorable trcaty.and it was an act ol magna liouglil ot sncn a coureo, not uy ureui un
To the ficmocrulic CiJizcns of Pa.
The Democratic National Convention
bold nt H.il I i more has closed its delibera
tions by the unanimous nomination of
Col. JAMES POI.K, of Tcnnesien, &
mocrallc candiilales foi the offices I'resi
ilenl and Vice President of the United
Smit's a glonotis remit, which lias fill-
I with joy the heail of cvoiy line de-
mncrat. and o! every liunest lover ot
Republican principles anil of tho happi-
ncss and welfare of our hulovetl country.
l'hcy arc our standard bearers in this
Hieat national conlpt lor liocrly ot
thought and action, and for the spread
four republican institutions over those
ast fertile territories belonging of right
to us, and pcoploil ry Amer ican citi
zens, who will never suffer tho Ameri
can flag lo t rail at Ihc feet of foreign de
pots who desire lo lako from us iho
urcat West, anil lo plant on or south
ern homers a nritisn colony inrougii
which in time of war lho; , liveried. . red
coats of England may securely attack
New Oilcans with" their old war cry of
' Uootv and Ukautv." 1 1 is in fact.
conlcst with England, with lirilish
gold anil Biitish influence, anil Michto
iho prophetic view taken by tho old
warrior slalcsman of Tennessee, who
has emphatically lold u.: "Tho present
golden moment lo oblain Texas must
not he Inst, or Texas must of necessity,
be thrown inlo the arms of Great Bri
tain, and be forever lost to the United
The serin aristocracy of America, aid
ed by the British stockjobbeis and H.il-
fh noblemen, anil hcaueU Dy HHiiMiY
CLAY, are deiertnincd to chain the
freemen of America, and to lay ihcm
bound al the fool of British power, by
anothrr Fifty Million Bank, spiinging
out of the ruins of the lale monster, and
again lo Usue from llie Maible Palace in
Chesnut street, Philadelphia, its panic
edicts to prostrate the liberties anil lo de
uroy the piosperily ol this gieaucpuo-lic.
Tim same tramo is lo be nlaveil that
was pirlially succepslul
t be raiie.l lhan is rcnuireJ to Unlraj uiou.
-the tuiceesjry expenses of the
0. That Congress has no,power
Nor are we satisfied that his wortM,,..., ,f,iH nilr r.iln. It was obiaincd bv nnrs of her territoiv. What would be
from do
mcstiu violence or roreign aggression. se.seil ol all tho ciemenu ot success, we e oe iciu, mu, mu, ,, lbkw.. u....au y . . fa , , . ,
C That-it is the duly of every branch of hIiouIiI fall asunder for want of a rallying which led to tho selection of another name mmlty on 1 10 part oi tue uinieii otaies i. am aionc, mn ..y oincr
(he uovernnie.it to er.fureo anil prat tiee the point, and suffer the enemy lo rido in ui than his in our rallying cry in the approach allowing Great Britain Iho pi.v.lcgo oi ivateliera of every motion w in interest
ihn r.Ln I nfli I .1... 1. ...',.1,!., .i.m nf lliinna wnilll lin llHlKrUl 111)1)11
most rigid oi onouty in ronuueung our puo' umpn iiiruugii our uiviueu raim, viciuriuuB, 111 kuuwbm v."...w. ., ..... ...... v. muiiing auu uiiuiuy mi mu nmimii imm jui.u , ........
lie affairs, and that no more revenue ought not 111 his own strengm, out irom our uisu ueep somen .iu uM mmmu. i.u,i, .1,, i,,. ,. But what has been tho policy ol is degrailing to tno nation uuu uuucrmg
. . If 'I A I.....I il.l ,1 i,i 111 ililnl 'innniilihin I111II1I I . . 1 t
All this, however is past, a gener .' "'"'...:"Z.. .... ' Rnnlnnd since this favor wa conferred un her richt of soil to bo violalcil, aim net suu
I - . . .1
she kent the trealy 1 No. ierls to be slatightorcil into snccp 111 tuc mar
t.eaii.r.ii.v .nnL'n nf Km nrn tint so in u c ii in Pennsylvania as 111 other When our citizens have attempted to reap uet. oucu is vu iaui;, ,.,i.Su...uu.. u. ...
"" lln.w... .-..-. m. ,vm.v -1. .. ... . ...... .'. .1. . . . ... ., ,. . ..l.!t.:.. . ll
1 . ... .1 . 1 . 1: ......1 1 1. .. r .1 1. ,1 , ..,i nA.i..nua lupriinriK ni inn r.ninn. in rrnciciicu m nit' i r .i.n nr n. ii.na. i A i...nt. i r. ..urn iviiirn iiiir rruvu iiiuiuiii VAinuna iu uu
insl'iluiion one of deadly hosulily lo the now joyfully grasp each oilier by llio band existing question to which we refer, w uiihcr directly or indirectly inhumanly talions, and they are watching with intense
best interests of tho country, dangerous.to and exchange cheering anticipations. such thai another course than 1 hat w Inch .... ,, flf n,p.. irllain. LlarCst, iho measures that this govcrnmoni
-our republican insliluiions and the liberties They cannot bul Tcel that whatever were lias hcen pursueu migni nave icu .0 uisor- imporlanl
of llie people, nd calculated to place the thoir original preferences-whatever may ganizalion and defeat; and, feeling this, wc and this course has been pursued until not -nay adi.pt will icgaru it . in is Vrim
. ... .. - ,1, . . . . - I..... .. .,!. .; ..... .. .. . nn.n.nl Inn fll.nl .11 CM nil n Giro It. 11 1 .1 I. T.... ...I ..T nit. li.nt 1 MllliRlin 1. I1LI1UVU 11. tllllu 10 11 II II 11 11, 1(1
lUUSllieiiS 01 llie cuuuiry wnuiu uiu cuuirui niavu uecu wiuir iiiiHuiiiiiini iu muinuuiiB, ? " . ' M"' . - n
wif a conccjttralcd nioney power, and above the courio pursued, in the emergency and Van Buren himscll would bo among lb' rUn havo been sacrificed by tho treachery with whom .oitber Great Brilaiiv
.iho laVs and tho will ofihe.nciiiilo, lit was an emeruency of iho most formula hrst to yield his 011 claims, Iur tho promo ,i1-lnnnrirl .niri, f,r.inlin Bull. And tho Unilud Stales havo intercourse), that is
I'l.ii r'n.wrr.Ku nn nnwcT. Mm pt I; nil u nt nncn I in ( Ic.taln o wisdom I on 01 IIIU comiuuu cuimu ui ut-iuuuiuiii ..
. w,..b.v . ... . il-
govern- .il shout of approbation goes upas Iho in his unvarying integrity; but wo cannot clos. ingianu stneo 1
telhgenco spreads iiseir over tho land, and our eyes lo lho fact that the state of opinion nn her. ilas s
to chu men who bul yesterday spoke or the pros not so much 111 Pennsylvania as in other When our citiz
I . .1 1 .
uiviOjU """"""TV : .v .. . :r ii.u ..nrnmnni . ni hot in ores ct in in ri qucflnou. u is inir
i . 1 1 I 1 f 11 .1 ... .' .1. n. nii, un nml ii 'iiirllir O Ills fl U f 1 'I f I Vl II r f I 11 U UIU lUllli lllill ll n uuiwii..""" v.-.w.
tlie ronsiiiunon, to intr.icro win. or con.ro. auu o policy . y me nominal nn which i-.m - . ,..,.,T.,.i., ,.;,,:.. llmi ihesc two nowers are the only 01m
the '.loiiH'Stic inslliiiliorts ot the several havo been made, oveiy one sacriliccs some muni iur mo euurui uluch,. n. ...u . .a ;,uy minK luwun.a ic.u, tt - - . .
Slates; and that slirh Stales aro the soo ami thing of bis previous wishes upon the altar more sincere iu his patriotism, or more lion government in Oregon, that England will upon iho stago; but tho actions 01 oacd arc
nroper judges of everything appertaining to ! the general good each man yieius a esv m mu uAprcBumu ui mo viuwo, .uu .u., .Jo - io yc (Jl a gufiinipn, catmi lr hvatceeu wuu an uyc m uuunnu uy .m u.i
ii.cirown affaiis. not nrohiliitod'by thocon liflo to liis nciulmor, and no ono cn say tuoso wno uiuer irom urn upon it u suojen i.t ii,n iinliml Hons. Tho tbcatro has a crowd in it, and
stiltition; thai all effort, or tho abolMonists, il.at ho alone lias been compelled to a of I exas w. acknow edge Uie dis.nteres, (hR , l(UVCV(,, rva
mr.othe.s, made to tn.l.ic cjngre8s .0 . banilun 1,1s pos...on;.or all ...... u.om.e vo. ..- ' ' . J ". , " , n.. ,,c .mnenr will remain unnoticed.
. m . ..'.I. 1 ir. nr r, ounfu t,r 1 1 t ni? 1. 1 ii 11 im nt niiiitiiin rnm 11 n v tvitifti lin (1 1 ii I h vu u 111 rrizuru id ill ft rui vui tin 11 u 11 h a 1 in iMiniMiiii tiiiiuii v uuu iui 1111 iiuiu wi vu-it 1 j -11
D,IVI " I . . . . I . . ..1. t I I .... ll r I .nn ..miiiMl nnrmn tir . 1 1. I . .1 . I. Xf - I ...I I1 It am nO ntin nt III fl f I fl I tt I fl 1 M I Q K T tl O
: 0.r.u iti if hi inn IMnri'lO. lire rn irnn VHPirPi . ' Ifi IKIIII fl'd 0 W C DM" 'UU mwt" i uivy loiiuui ..utu "I'll Aiv.iv Willi 8UC 1 tin ronncrV. imvr i nwm, wn m. " -
BilMUHOIV"' 'w "'-"" ' - i , i . i i """ I I . . . . . ....
culated to lead to the moot alarming -udiI been made, Is of now menof nun whoso him, tnoy must at east minor ...in, ar t0o lone already homo with the insolence .he United Slates is expccloil, by nil gihr
lightest ma... rum ...... .m . -i. . n " ...... gomo jllfitanrC(l spectators, to act her part with manly firm
I'liiiworoun coiisenue.iccs; and thai all Michlnaines had scarcely been in the slightest
efforts havo an inovitablo tenilency to union ilcgreo luingleU in tlie u.scussinu, t m iiy ii,ui. , , . .... ii!,..,tA,n...(. .,pb. i show her national dinnitv. ami no
i.h the hui.nineas of llio people, mid en .ckctine them, no ground is left for.jealou UUI Willi a gian?c ouiy at cousiucrauon nave suuminuu .u w 0ul,.l,.,uuo . .r w - -
. . t 111
in isiiu.
SEl'II MA RKLE lo revive I tie mi
ner SluU Bank of the United States,
.ml HENRY CLAY, by a touch ol ins
magic wand, is to change this British
heal into a new JVjlional paper manii-
faclory.which is lo drive gold and silver
Roin, tho only conslitullonal cuirenr.y,
from ciiciilalion, anil to substitute for it
rag " promises lo pay,' ol a banurupi
audi aro Ihc questions siiDmilieu
'he American people Shall ive give
up to England Oiiucjon and Tbxas?
Shall we have the dead monster gal
vanised? Our rallyinp cry, Iho sure
nrrcursor of a glorious victory, then if.'
.1011 N O. BU0II1JB, Chairman.
II. Bum..., sccrct(lric.i.
S. I). Patti:uson, 5
Ilarritburg Juno 0, IS 11,
Rochrsler contains twoniy nino
.'huichtfl, Iwenly five beinj; l'olcslanl.,
.nil (hocily it well supplied Willi neni'
mries and places of tiiluc.il ion. Il has
'vo f)ipliaii,i' Asylums, (ono Roman
Catholic) and five banking companies.
14 " 1 '

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