OCR Interpretation

Vermont daily transcript. [volume] (St. Albans, Vt.) 1868-1870, November 02, 1868, Image 2

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v-rc-RMOTsrr daily toanscetpt, noyjtk o irgr
White lllly! Plucked with the dew of
Christ's heaven otill upon her, (lend,
wlille God's angels Btlll whisper in
(dumber, done, ere my young arms
had source learned to clasp her. My
llrst little liaby and 1 am left alone,
with only my cradle. God help me 1
Vermont Daily Transcript,
Monday, Novn.Mnr.it, 2 1808.
Republican Nominations
roil pubsident,
von vice piiksidbnt,
For Electors at Large- Or.ov.ar. W. Giianiif.y, ol
Vci-geniics; H. Faimiankp, of St. Jolm&lmry.
For Kkclur -Thud District -Gr.ouun Vil-
K1NH. (if StoWe.
To the Foils.
The result of the election to-morrow,
which, perhaps, is as important as any
that has ever taken place in the United
States, is looked forward to with the
jrrea test anxiety by the thousands upon
thousands of people throughout the civ
ilized world. The indications certainly
arc that the Republican standard bear
ers, Ulysses Grant and Schuyler Colfax,
will be triumphantly elected, and upon
their election depends the salvation of
our country. The October elections
have demoralized the Democrats, and
the struggle they have been making
since that time is only the struggle of
the drowning man. Mr. Seymour has
been making stump speeches at various
points, but it seems to be generally con
ceded that he has not helped the cause
which he espouses one particle.
It is expected that every Republican
will do his duty to-morrow. None
should stay at home unless compelled
by sickness. Every vote is important
and helps to swell the majority for the
Republican nominees. Republicans
should not only vote themselves, but
should see that their lukc warm neigh
bors, If they arc so unfortunate as to
hnve anj', are provided with the right
kind of votes. To the polls! E:ery
man to the polls !
The Star that Xeeee Sets.
In September, the Republicans of
Vermont gave their State ticket a ma
Jotity of about 30,000. We ought to do
even better than this to-moirow. We
ought to give Grant and Colfax a ma
jority of 40 thousand, and this can bo
done by a little effort. Shall this effort
not be made ? We hope the Republi
cans of St. Albans and Franklin Coun
ty will poll a full vote to-morrow. No
Republican should stay at homo. The
State is sure for the Republican nomi
inees, but this should keep no Republi
can from the polls. Let us suppose that
two hundred Republicans in St. Albans
should come to the conclusion that there
is no necessity for their voting, cs the
State is certain to go for Grant and Col
fax, is it not easy to see that our majori
ty would be unreasonably small. Fur
ther than this, our opponents would
proclaim that Republicanism is dying
out in St. Albans. The Democrats will
poll as large a vote as possible, and so
should the Republicans. Wc want to
have a good report from Franklin Coun
ty Republicans. Let uj not be disap
pointed. New York Correspondence.
New York, Oct. 29.
We have another sensation in journal
ism to record. " Brick" Pomcroy's
cheap evening paper the Democrat
after an existence as such of about two
months, has just been changed into a
morning paper name and price remain
ing the same is avowedly in opposi
tion to the World, which " Brick"
accuses of treachery to the Democratic
party, and of being the subsidized organ
of the bond holders, and consequently,
according to his view of the case, the
enemy of the laboring masses.
The Democrat assumes to be the true
representative organ of that party, and
has declared its purpose toward the
World to bo " war to the knife " with
the rank and file of the NewYork Dem
ocracy, recruited from the lowest ranks
of social life. Pomcroy's paper is im
mensely popular, for nothing could ex
ceed it in violence, bitterness, and gross
personalities, and for all these the great
unwashed have always and everywhere
a huge liking. The World, however,
shows no sign of trapi 'ation as yet. It
comes out Jay after day with triple sheet,
as varied, as lively, and as vigorous as
ever, and takes no notice whatever of
the Democrat which latter circumstance-
Is what, perhaps, more than any
thing else, 5alls Pomeroy, for, to a sen
sitive man, what Is more exasperating
than cool contempt?
Meanwhile, the Tribune Is chuckling
over the matter, and wishing success to
"Brick" in hl. new enterprise, on the
ground that he will do more than any
other man in New York to open peo
ple's eyes to the true character of Demo
cracy as it is. Of course, Pomeroy is
left to appreciate the compliment just
according to his own appreciation of its
tm ins. The Tribune certainly has a sly
way of lltting very hard.
The outrages which arc being perpe
trated in some of the Southern States on
White Unionists and frccdmcn by the
KuKlux assassins and other despera
does are producing a very deep impres
sion on the minds of all right-thinking
men as to the indispensable necessity,
for the sake of great internal interests
now seriou-tly imperilled by reckless
men that Grant should be elected Presi
dent. With the ignorant and unthink
ing, the cry of "negro supremacy " kill
has a certain port of power, but recent
developments in the South arc fast pro
ducing the conviction, wherever there is
intelligence an 1 honesty, that the negro
could not, after the close of the war.havc
been safely left without the protection
of the ballot or protection of some other
kind. These have materially contribu
ted to the recent action of the War
Democrats in coming out boldly as a
body for Grant and Colfax, and they
will doubtless have the fleet of adding
greatly to the splendid majority the
swelling popular tide by which Grant
will be borne to the White House.
Sensible men of all shades of politic
here are now saying: "Such a state of
things must be put a stop to; society in
the South must be saved from the reign
of terror with which it is threatened ;
and Grant is the man to do the work,
place him by all means where he will be
in a position to do it effectually."
Tiles'; assassinations and murders, re
ports of which are daily brought to us
from the South, are producing the very
opposite effect to that intended or hoped
for by their dastardly perpetrators.
.To pass from politics one of the most
significant events of the week is the ac
tion of the Protestant Episcopal Con
vention now sitting in this cily, on the
question of divorce. This question was
brought up in the Convention last Sat
urday, and led to a very interesting dis
cussion, in which Dr. Clark, of Connec
ticut, remarked that, in his State one
tenth of the marriages have been divor
ced, and in some places in Massachu
setts and other States, he believed that
the case was even worse. Dr. Stubbs, of
New Jersey, said that he would rather
suffer imprisonment or degradation
than marry divorced persons.
Eventually the following resolutions,
as reported from the committee on can
ons, was agreed to yesterday : "That no
minister of this c'mrch shall solemnize
matrimony in any case where a previous
marriage of cither of the parties shall
have been dissolved for a cause arising
subsequent thereto ; provided that noth
ing herein shall apuly to the innocent
party in cases of divorce for adultery,
nor to any cause where the prior mar
riage i elation shall have terminated by
the deatli of the husband or wife."
The discussion was largely attended
by ladics.who appeared to take the deep
est interest in the proceedings.
During the past week, the greatest ex
citement has prevailed in Wall Street,
and the stock market was in u-state bor
dering on panic yesterday. Erie de
clined to 38, while other stocks showed
signs of the effect of the demoralization.
The proximate cause of this state of
things is a severe monetary stringency,
brought about by crafty speculators ; but
should the banks come to the rescue as
it is hoped they will the pressure will
soon bo removed and affairs speedily re
sume their normal state. Meanwhile
gold has fallen to 131, and there is no
apprehension of a decline in national se
curities whilo the prospects for " Grant
and Peace" continue ao good as they are
at present.
Mr.. Stanton. It is stated that Mr.
Stanton, after four or five year's service
in the War Department, retires from
oflice with his health seriously impair
ed, his pecuniary resources exhausted,
and his professional business broken up,
oven if his health would permit him to
attend to it. Few men ever connected
with our Government in any way have
wo.ked harder or rendered the country
more eminent and distinguished service
than Mr. Stantdn ; and it is by no means
satisfactory to reflect that this has been
done at the sacrifice of everything that
can make the remainder of his li fe com
fjrtable. Li'Uislcititi'e of Vermont 1 bus.
TnuiiSDAY, Oct, 20.
The Senate came into the Hall of the
House of Representatives, and u joint
assembly was formed to hear the report
of the committee to convass the votes for
Members of Congress.
Hon. Stephen Thomas, President of
the Senate, in tho chair; lion. George
Nichols, Secretary of State, clerk.
Tiie committee reported that they had
attended to the duties assigned them,
and had certilled to tho Governor that
the following nrmed persons had been
dully elected to represent this tetato in
the House of Representatives of the
Congress of the United States :
First District Charles W. Wil
lard. Second District Luke P. Poland.
Third District Worth 'nuton C.
Smith. I
till. l.j r il. . .1 .1. I
i iiu cum in ii nu uiiiiicr rcpoiien me
following details of the canvass :
Charles W. Wlllard
John Cain had
Scattering 20
Majority for C. W. Wlllard n.077
Lukc P. Poland had 15,107
Charles M. Chase had 5,ir2
Scattering 02
Maj. for L. P. Poland. 10.107)
Worthington C. Smith had 11,105
Waldo Brigham had -1,327
Scattering 17
Maj. for W. O. Smith
rou riltST TRUSTEE.
Senator Dewey nominated Charles
Reed, of Montpclier, and he was unani
mously elected by a viva voce vote.
roil SECOND Tltl'fcTEE.
Senator Burt nominated Lewis A.
Dunn of Fairfax, and lie was uuimous
ly nominate", by a viva voce vote.
Mr. Proctor of Rutland nominated
Hon. John Howe, of Brandon, and ho
was unanimously elected by a viva voce
The joint assembly was then dissolv
ed and' the Senate withdrew.
Mr. Baldwin of Ilinesburgh called up
the resolution for adjournment from
Saiurday afternoon next until Tuesday
afternoon next at 4 o'clock, which was
this morning laid on the table.
The question being on the adoption of
uiu resolution, u wasauupicu yeas iv-,
nays 41.
On motion of Mr. Jones of Bension,
FltlDAY, Oct. 30.
By Mr. Dewey, to amend an aclto in
corporate the Vcrniout Episcopal Insti
tute ; to committee on education.
From committee on claims, S. 40, to
pay jnouio ls. l lanaimn tne sum ttiercin
named filling tiie blank with tho sum
ot i)iu.U7j.
From general committee, S. 50, to in
corporate t lie State Fire Insurance Com
S . 33, to amend the act to incorporate
tne city oi Burlington.
On motion of Mr. Barlow, adjourned
By Mr. Brown, to incorporate the
Vermont hnatli Co.; to committee on
By Mr. Fish, to amend fccc. 1. chap.
50, general statutes ; to committee on
S. 57, to incorporate thc'State Fire In
surance Co.
H. 70. to iiniiex part of Colchester to
ah it on.
S. 45, to grant the right of ferry to A.
to. 1'iicips anil Jauez ilazen.
Providing for the joint committee on
retrenchment and expenses; adopted in
S. 30, concerning the education of
cniuiren between s aim 14 years ot age;
leported by committee oil education.
with amendments. Amendments order
ed to be printed, and bill to be made the
special order for Tliuiv-dav next at 2'.
o'clock p.m.
11, to incorporate Queen City Fire In
surance Company; t) general commit
tee. S. 13, to authorize certain towns to aid
in the construction of West River R. R.
Tiie Senate concurred in the House pro
posals oi amendment.
The committee on judicial v rcnorted
favorably on II. 43, relating to "Lew of
i: n;.. m -..!i.i . t. i
jjAL-t-uuuii, - wnn proposals oi amend
ment; ordered to lie, and made the spe
cial order for Thursday next, 21 o'clock
Mr. Green moved that when the Sen
ate adjourn, it adjourn till Saturday at 4
Mr. Simpson moved to adjourn.
Mr. Dyer demanded the veas and
nays. Yeas, S ; nays 0.
So tho Senate adjourned.
By Mr. Wood, of Fairliaveu, of the
owners of tho marble quarries at West
Rutland against the extension of the
Bennington and Rutland R. R. from
Rutland to West Rutland ; referred to
committee on railroads.
By Mr. Robertson, of Putnev, by re
quest, that it would he greatly for the
interests of tho State, pecuniurilv and
politically, to have the Senate so direct
ed fcr the election of Representatives as
to reduce the number one half.
On motion of Mr.Abell, of Westhaven,
ordered to lie on the table.
By Mr. Bcattie, of Brunswick, to lay
a tax on Essex Co.; to members from Es
sex Co.
By Mr. Waterman, of Wilmington,
relative to drains and common sewers;
to judiciary committee.
By Mr. Whcdoii, of Pawlet, relating
to jails (sheriffs may furnish employ
ment to persons confined therein): to
judiciary committee.
Mr. G rover, of Wells, by request,
moved that tho IIouso adjourn to enable
members to hear the arguments of coun
sel bo.oro the committee on railroads on
the questio i ot'oxtomliiur tho Uonniiur-
ton oi Rutland R.R. to Vest Rutland ;
ngrued to, and tho IIouso adjourned.
From committee on grand list, In fa
vor of H. 103, to legalize the grand list
of the town of Elmore for tho years ISO"
and 1S08 ; third reading ordered.
From count ittee on raihoads, in fa
vor of S. 54, to establish the corporation
of thcTohauntopoe Railroad Company;
From general committee, in fa v. r of
11. 115, to change the name of Edwin
O. Townscnd; third reading ordered.
Mr. Aboil, of West Haven, said he
thought wo had done businc-s enough
with the attendances theie was in the
Houe; and as there was evidently no
quorum, he moved that tho House" ad
journ; agreed to. and the House adjourn
ed. Special Notices
Tieentu-jire iears I'rartlee
In tho Treatment of Diseases incident to fe
males, has placed Dr. Dow at tho head of all the
physicians making mich practice a specialty, and
enables him to guarantee a speedy and perman
ent cure in the worst cases of Siiiirvsioii and
all other Ment-trual Dcraiigrtneiitu, from ulittt-t-rci-
cause. All letters tor-advice must, contain
St. Ollice, No. II Klidieott Stioet, Boston.
N. IS. Hoard furnished to those desiring to re
main under treatment.
Boston. Julv, ISM. 2'2(j lvnUw
rn ii H
L Dr. .1.
l'OUND. fares Sore 'throat Colds, 0)H;hs,
Diptheria, Bronchitis, Spitting of Blood,
and Pulmonary ilfeetiois generally.
It is a leinarliahlo lumedyfor Kid-'
ney Complainlp. Diabetes, Difll
culty of Voiding Urine,
Bleeding lroiu the
Kidneys and
Gravel and other Complaints.
Boston, Jan. '20, 1808.
Poland's Wiim: Pi.ni: Compound. Alter hav
ing given it a thoiough trial wo can confiden
tially recommend Poland's White Pine Com
pound as a very valuable article for the cure of
colds, coughs, and pulmonic complaints gen
eraly. In several eases wo haw known it to
give prompt relief when all other remedies
hud been tried and failed. It is an article,
which in a climate so promotive oi sudden and
seere colds as is that of New England, ought
to be in every family; and we aie sure that
those who once oblaiii it and give it a fair trial,
will not thereafter be willing to be without it.
Jloalon Journal.
A V.ua'AIii,'. 3Ir.wc.iNr.. Dr. Poland's AVhite
Pino Compound. advcitWcd in our columns, is a
siu'cesaful attempt to combine and apply the
medicinal virtues of the White Pine liarli. It
has been thoroughly tested by people in this
city and vicinity, and the piopiictor has testi
monials to its value from persons well known to
our citizens. Wo recommend its trial in all
thoe cases of disease to which it is adapted. It
isior sale by all our Druggists. X "V. Jnd't.
The White Pine Compound is now sold in
oery part of the UnitcdStates and British Prov.
iuees. Prepared at the New England Botanic
Dei'iot, Boston, Mass. 2:10-17
Just Published in a Sealed envelope. Price Gets.
4 LECTUBE nn tho Nature, Treatment and
XJL ltadieal Cure of Spermatorrhoea or Seminal
Weakness, Involuntary Emissions, Sexual Dc
lvlity, and Impediments to marriage generally;
Nervousness, Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fit's ;
Mental and Physical Incapacity, resulting from
M. D., Author of the " Green Book,"Ae.
The world renowned author, in this admirable
Lecture, clearly proves from his own experience
that tho awful 'consequence.'! of Self-Abuse may
be effectually removed without medicine, and
without dangerous MUgicul operations, bougies,
instruments, lings, or cc-rdiais, pointing out a
mode of cure at once certain and etl'eutual. by
which every sufferer, no matser what his con
dition may be, may cure himself cheaply, pii
vately ami radically. This Lecture will prove a
boon "to thousands'and thousands.
Sent under seal, to any address, in a plain,
sealed en elope on the i eeoipt of six cents, or
two postago stamps. Also, Dr. Culvci-well's
" Marriage Guide.' price 25c. Address the
127 Bowerv, New York,
Post Ollico Box -1.580.
PI. ). Try a box of l'o ami's Plantain
Ointment. Tho best i . vo in tho World.
Take no other, but insist o t having this. For
fale bv all Druggists and Jountrv Dealers.
1) J. W. I'OLAND,
" It "Works Like a Charm."
Have von Headache? Uhe Uenue's Magic Oil
Have you Toothache ? Uso Henno's Magic Oil
Have you Neuralgia? Uso Beune's Magic Oil
Have vott Uheuniatism ? Uso KenntMj Manic Oil
Have you Sore Throat? Uto Beano's Magic Oil
Have you Sciatica? Uso Itenne'a Magic Oil
nave you a Jiruiwo I Uso Jtenno a magic Uil
Have you Cramps? Use Bonne's Magic Oil
Have you Choi. .Morbus? Ui.e Benne's Magic Oi)
Have you Lameness ? Use Benne's Magic Oil
This in the b'-st family remedy, to euro all
kinds of nam, you ever tried.
It is clean, safe and delicious to use and if
vou uso it laithtnllv, it will do you good.
Directions on each bottle, liny it of the Drug
gist or Merchant where you trade. If they havo
not got u on nana tnoy win sonit lor it, at your
request, and fell you the genuine Benne's Pain
Killing .Magic Oil, at tho manufacturer'H lowest
price at retail.
WM. BEENE, Sole Proprietor and Manufac
turer, Piltslield, Mass.
Sold in St. Albans bv all Druggists, Weeks A
Beynolds, Grocers. In Swanton Falls by D. T
.uornll. lvti-ly-.iow
Dr. LUGOL, of Paris, one of tho most eminent
Chemists of Europe, said :
" Tho most astounding results may he antici
pated when Iodine can be dissolved in puro
Dr. It. ANimr.s, after llitoen years ofscientille
research and experiment, has succeeded in dis
solving ow and one quarter grains of Iodine to
each lluid ounce of water, and the most afloioal
big results hate folloiced its ti, particularly in
Scrofula and kindred diseases. Circulars freb.
Dr. H. Andors' Iodine Water is for sale bv J.
P. D1NSMOKE, 30 Dey Street, New York, and all
DB. I-'BED'K MOBIULL, Physician and Sur
geon, gives exclusive attention to Diseases
ot women. He has made diseases of woman his
study for tho past twenty years. His practice
has been ve.-y extonsivo both in Hospital and in
pnvato practice. His reputation has, vouchers
in all tho city papers, his patients, and tho medi
cal profession, both here and abroad, as being
tho moat Bkillt'ul specialist In re, and a thorough
master of ail sexual discasea.
Dr. Morrill in admitted by tho best medical
talent of the country to have no equal in the
treatment of Fenialo Complaints, audit is no un
usual occurrence for physicians in regular prac
tice, to recommend patients to him for treatment
when afllieted with diseases in his speciality.
Ladies will receive the most scieulitio atten
tion, both medically and surgically, with private
apartments during sickness, and with old and
experienced nurses, if they wish.
rue noor actviseu iree ot cnaro. rnysicians
or patients widiing his opinion or advico, by let
ter, and enclosing the usual fee, will bo answered
by return mail.
.Medicines tioni to an pans oi mo country.
Oliico, No, 49 HOWABD STBEET,
2U-U' Boston Mass.
l J-
J and important lclaltyns which they bus
lulu, their peculiar organization, and the ofllces
tlu-y iii'i-ronu, are .subject to many sufferings.
I ii i dinn finm tin se eolitl ibuto in no small de
gri e to their happim ss and welfare, for muie e.iii
be happy who are ill. Not only ho, hut no our
of these various female complaints call long le
suffered In run on without involving the general
health of the individual, and ere long producing
permanent fickliess and premature decline, Nor
is it pleasant to consult a phvsieian for the re
lief of these various delicate atlections. and only
upon the most urgent necessity will a true
woman so far saeiillce her greatest chaiin as to
do this. The uex wdl then thank us for placing
In their hands simple, specifics which will be
found etllcacious in relieving and curing almost
i-veiy one of those troublesome complaints pecu
liar to the Hex
llm.Mlioi.D's ExriiAcr or Biiciic. -Iluudieds
sillier on in sdence, and hundreds of otheis ap
ply ainly to diuggists and doctors, who either
nieiely tantalize them with the. hope of a euro or
applv remedies which make them worse. I would
not wish to asseit anything that would do i jus
tice to the afflicted, but 1 am obliged to say that
although it may be produced from excessive ex
haustion of tho powers of life, by laborious em
ployment, unwholesome air and food, profuo
menstruation, the use of tea and coffee, and fre
quent childbirth, it is far nl tenor caused by di-u-ct
irritation, applied to the niuenus membrane
of the vagina Itself.
W'lieu reviewing the causes of these distres
sing complaints, it is most painful to contem
plate the attendant evils consequent upon them.
It is but simple justice to the nubjeet to enum
erate a few of the many additional causes which
so largely ail'eet the lite, health, and happiness
of woman in all classes of society, and which,
consequently, affect more or less direcMy, the
wellaru of the entire human family. The mania
that exists for precocious education ami mar
liage, eav.sea tho years that nature dcpigned for
corporeal development to be wasted and per
verted ir. the restraints of dress, the eaily con
tlucment of school, and especially in the un
healthy excitement of the ball-room. Thus,
with the body half-c'.othcd, and the mind unduly
excited b pleasure, perverting in midnight
level the hours designed by nature for sleep and
rest, the work of destruction is half accom
plished. In consequence of thi-J early strain upon her
system, unm-eei-saiy i mat is loquired by the
delicate votary to retain her situation in school
at a later day, toils aggravating the evil. When
one excitement is over, another in prospective
keeps the mind inoibiilly sensitive-to impression,
while the now constant' restraint of fashionable
dress, absolutely forbidding the exercise indis
pensable to the attainment and letwiition of or
ganic health and strength ; the exposure to
night air; the midden change of temperature;
the complete pioslratio'i produced by excessive
dancing, must, of necessity, produce" their legi
timate effect. At last, an early marriage cap
the climax of misery, and the unfortunate one,
hithei to so utterly rcgaidloso of the plain dic
tates and remonstrances of her delicate nature,
becomes an unwilling subject of medical treat
ment. This is but a trutiilul picture of the ex
p rienee of thousands of our young women.
Long beloro the ability to exercise the tunc
tions of tho geucraliv.- organs, they require an
education of their peculiar nervous syhtcni, com
posed of what is called the tissue.'which is, in
common witli th" female breast and hps, evid
ently under the control of mental enotions and
utisociatioiis at an early period of life; and, as
we shall subsequently see, these emotions, when
excessive lead, long before puberity. to habits
wnicn i.ap tne very lilc ol llieir victims ere na
turn lias self-completed their development.
For Female Weakness and Debility, WliiteH oi
Lcucorrho-a, Too Prol'iibo Menstruation, Ex
haiistion, Too Long Continued Periods, for Pro
lapsus and Bearing Down, or Prolapsus Uteri,
II'.... .1 . ! i , ... ii...
nc niiur inu iuosl (ii-uccL sptcioc Known ; 111:1.31
hold's CoMi-ofNi) ExTiiAcr of Bucnvr. Uilec
lions for use. diet, and advice, accompany.
Females in overy period of life, lroiu infancy
to extreme old age, will llnd it a remedy to aid
nature in tiiu discliargo ol nu lunctionu. strength
is tho glory of manhood and womanhood.
Hr.i.iiiiOLD'ii Ex-ntAOT Buouu is more Htrcnuth
oning than any of the preparations of Balk or
Iron, infinitely safer, and moro pleasant. 1Ii:i,m
iiold'b ExriiAcr Buciif, having received tho in
dorsement ol tne most prominent physicians in
mo united hiates, is now otierod to alllicted liu
inanity as a certain cure for tho following disca
ben and symptoms, from whatever cause origin
ating : (joner.u .Debility, -Mental and i'hvsical
Depression, Imbecility, Determination of Blood
to the Head.. Confused ideas, Hysteria, General
lrritanuity, l(eatlessnei:S and Hlecplcs.sness at
Night, Abncneo of Muscular Elliciency, Loss of
Appetite Dyspepsia, Emaciation, Low Spirits,
Disorganization or Paralysis of tho Organs of
Generation, Palpitation of tho Heart, and, m
fact, all the concomitants of a Nervous and Do
biliated state of the system. To insure tho
L'onuine. cut this out. Ask for Hkuiiioll's.
Take no other. Sold by Druggists and Dcaleia
everywhere. Price si. 23 per bottle, or six bot
tles for $0.50. Delivered to any address. Des
cribe symptoms in all communications. Address
n. x. lirjijjiiiuiju, urug and ciionncai ware
house, CD! Broadway, N.Y.
None aro genuine unless done, up in btcel-
cngraved wrapper, with fae-smilo of inv Chenii-
i i i 1 i
Liu u ui i-jiuiiau, uno siuiieu
Autumn and Winter.
I HAVE now opened a new stock of the above
named goods, to which I respectlully invito
inonoiico oi tne i.aii'cs ot Kt. .iuans and vi
Beal Black Tlnead and Malta Laces.
Ileal Valenciennes and C'luny Laces.
Merino Undervcsts and D Mwcrs, Extra Qual
Merino Hosiery.
Gloves, Mittens, Scarfs, Ac.
Dress, Sacks, ,t Cloak Fringes and Gimps.
Small Wares, Ac, Ac.
Making a Speciality of this lino of Goods. I
shall endeavor to keep on hand a good, liberal
assortment, and snail not De undersold uy any
one. u. i: MJirxu.N.
Store next to L. L. Butcher , Hoiih. 10211'
TVJOTICF, is hereby given that the Contrre!:a
tional Church at Swanton Centre will bo
sol.d at Public Auction, on Saturday, the 7th day
of November next, at 1 o'clock p.m., at saiil
B..S. GUSH MAN, Committee.
Swanton, Oct. 21th. 210.3
O to WM. N. SMITH, A Co. for good bar-
n gums lii e.uiiiiii aim uais auu waps, aim
iivi-i- wiiug; in iueju one.
LACK Pants and Vests of all kinds just re
ceived at WM. N. SMITH. ,y.0O'.S.
Of all kinds, just receive J at
WM. N. SMITH, A 00.
NEW Supply of Drugs, Chemicals, Patent,
Medicines, Ac, just received at
No. I, La.'o Street.
Al'MUSl'HHlUG UDDltATOB, tho neatest
article over invented for Perfuming nick
Booms at GBEEN .t MCHOL.v.
No. 1, La.o Streot.
LL tho new styles of Furs and Scarfs non
opened at WM, N. SMITH, A- CO'S.
TUiAGG'S Instatant Belief and Sneer's Stan,
L dard Wiuo Bitlera at
No. I, La.-o Street
BOYS CLOTHING of all kinds just received
at Y1I, N. SMITH, .t CO'S.
WOOL SUABFS of every dcseiiption, just re
ceived at WM. N. SMITH, ,v- CO'S,
I 11111 Mill Willi 1 I MfTlTiTl Tin
Phoenix Mutual
juxx xj xi a u jk aim uj'j uumriiw
$3,000,00 O
ANNf At. lXCOMfi,
U ti . MM m-f I . V 'I' 11 I 1 IV1 II I m M
4 t X . a -1
All its Policies are Non Forfcltim.' 1 No
stilctionon Travel, Location or Employmcii
uiviiieiids upon the luu 1'reiiiinms naidon al
Tables I
V....... ..!.. . .1-.1....: l i-.... i . .. , . .i ... .
lor the llrst four years, and in case of death,
mey are paid i the Di uleiids and given
up and not deducted from the Policy,
Tho Full Amount of Iiihuraiit'c is I'ai
tl l. .-.1 1 .. ... 11 I, .,1 ... ,r .1.1
...... J...... ,1. iwn.-i. n km itn I niiuy uwiui'in hi
,.r-.iln ititi i i. 1 11 , .
during tiie 17 years of its existcuco. No
extra Pi euiiutns charged for insur
in;t. I.'m.i.i l.u. l.,:i,..,.,,l 1.',,,,. !.,.. Li
i ijiiiilii.l. i i.i 1 1 1 in ii i i .1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 v I i:. 1 1 1 ii-.iiii
A Policy in the Pmr.stx is pioperlv called
Whole World Policy. It permits tho insured
wunoui extra eliarge.
iMi-.iaum n. hkiviiinu i uim. Aden
Kir-I f Mil ii i n.iiiinA.i a
l.,i- iri 1,,1-lii, r;, Tut.. n,..i t :n.. ii
C. L. BABCOCK, State Aircut.
d2'2vw2'U.tf Illdlniwl VI
uj-i. .in vi;ciii iu malic u moron
.in i . . , . . .. .... . ..
canvass i.-f I-rank in County in behalf
that old and leliablu Life IuHUi-.iitro Conin inv
tl. ni . . ni..i. i oil - ,o
i ni3 rncemx muiuai, ot naruo
v'wmi. iinl Ul if.illl.-3 III 4111 ill'lltl't UIK'JUC
T I1iitf.il t t.. !
man. Address. N.G.AXTELL,
Peru, Clinton Co.. N. X
r!..........i i. . .. v .... . t xt v...i. :...iv
... tik.ui .iiii. iui .iw, ,111., ii...;,, xilllVUUll
lnont. 207-t
f -( . ... .. . n s i . i c .
v. JT J c:L J L I LD V . ( ) 1 1 M,
i i umv.ui ni i n ti it nun in J i;iLt j i;u
iitai iuiil; uwvtn 111 iiiu in km '3 oj, ju hl tj;
tii..iii..iU....l.i uw.i. ),. ... i i :i
goou iniCHaim jiiantH at tiie following
Low Prices :
Standard Apple, 1-1 chsa, 1 to G teet, per 100
do Pear, do do do
do do extra size, each SI to SI
ilo do bearing hizo, do
do Fear do do do H to ifl
do do lt-t class do
elifiiTV fviiprt utniiilnvil in- ilivnvf 7
Plum trees, Bit class
Delaware, Concord, Diana, Hartford,
Prolific, Creueling, Bebecca, Allen's
llvltiul mill iiMini- iriwul rii'imu TO iw.i .1
AiuionoacK. ioiia. aim rsraeiia in ner i
Bogcr's Hybrids, Nos. 15, 19, 1, II, -111,
, cir. ...... .
lioi'crs i live m.-i nin . rum vn.ir i ro i
new Hybrid Diana, Hamburg, two years S3
Ornamental Trees,
Shrulm and Vine,
Housed: Beddiny limits,
i 1 Tit Wt
In tho abovo lino furnished at prices as low
tne mariiet auorus.
Please address, I'. O. Box 311.
Dealer in Fruit Trees,
238-1 Burlington, Vt.
"TTTP I'lIT T TVIUKXI Ii I riVUKlVlIM 1 1 vim i ,.
w V t rtLin. AVf.l.u n,.i t.t.. i. oi.n...L. n
pctingH, ShcciingH, Dry ami Fiuicy Goods, A
I....... .... 'lima... I .... r I. .. , i SI.... 11. II
sell tor One 1 Jo II in- l'.aeli.
ifv j.uuica .um ucmiciiiuii ivauieu as .ueii
... .. i . i. .. in -i i.. .i i . . .. ..
ed, and satisfaction guaranteed in all cases.
Mmittttietnrpvx1 Anviita
ui oi ut ii.oi'.iiai, ri-iMiiflis-j.',
203-ly Boston Mae
r-FAL LOTEllTA DF. T,A 1ST, A DP. flllllA
1 A) In tho drawings for lbU8 there will be 2
uuu TicKets.
$390,000 IN GOLD.
Vruien Once in Seventeen Dags.
Prizes paid in Gold. Prizes cashed andinfi
niaiion given uv
173-1 v (13 N. Main St.. l'l-oviilnnnp. II. T
"VTEW Style of Fall and Winter Caps just
XM ceived. at WM. N. SMITH, A Co't
tt mm nrum ii in, ha.hui t..i.;..i. ti.i
111 I j .1 1 ll l r I t . 111 f.- I rt . I .11 11111 H I I 11111
JlJIulim'-MMoat duiiohttul IVrhimt'H at
No. I, Lnko Stioet
"i t niAin xt t i mrt?m i 1 1 ii . -vt rn .i
J received at W'm. N. SMITH.
aim wmtor uiotinug.
M UjWJUl rtU. J LtJ i. 1 1 1 i. Jt . VJIjU J.
,m. i 1 r.i..i. sii .. . i. ... .. ti.i. i i
j-iiu iiuut-nb aiuL'ii ui vjiuloiul:. iiiliu aim ta
ana I'urniaiiing Goods over oucred tor sale
Vermont, is now opened at
13 ANTS AND VESTS, for Fall and Wint
. go to WM. N. SMl'iH, A CO'S.
rpHE best stock of Clothing in tho State ju
j. received at v ji. jn, hjiitu, iV UU H.
"V VEBCOATH of nil I.-IihIh
J at WM. N. SMITH .v CO'S.
'7'OUTH,S CLOTHING of all kinds cheap

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