174 THE PERRYSBURG JOURNAL. Horrible Tragedy—Five Men Killed and Hanged! We. take the following from the Parkville (Clay county, Mo.) Luminary of the 8th : Just as we were getting ready for press, the particulars of a most shocking affray and hanging have bien narrated to us. The occurrence was at Smithvillc, Clay county, on Monday afternoon. One man, John W. Douglas, was killed ; Win. Ross and Squire John Ross, fatter and son were dangerously stabbed not expected to recover; also Ira Tritt, badly stabbed. The perpetrators, Sam. Shackleford. Wm, Shackleford and John W. Callaway, have been hanged by the enraged citizens. The Shacklefords ate said to have been eonneoted with a faiiii of horse-thieves that were committing depredations in the neigh-) borhood ; and great indignation existed, so far as to pass resolutions ordering them to leave the place, whicli ttiey reluscd to uo. Trior to this, Douglas had been instrumen tal in tracing a mule to Sam. Shackleford, who consequently owed Douglas a grudge, and on Mondav last the two met and had an altercation at Smithvillc, which ended sol fatally. We understand that Douglas shot ai Shackleford, slightly wounding him, and that his brother William stabbed Douglas.! TI13 Rosses interfered, but were overpowered by the Shacklefords and Callaway, and cut down. They will not probably survive. Sam. Shackleford stabbed the man Tritt. Callaway and the Shacklefords subsequently took refuge in the neighboring houses. An immense crowd of citizens speedily collected at the place, surrounding the houses, and about dark, William Shackleford was brought out and forthwith hanged. Shortly afterwards Callaway was hanged beside him, having previously confessed his complicity with the others in horse stealing. Sam. Shackleford, who had been wounded by pistol shot, was said to be dangerously hurt; but this not baing true, about 11 o'clock at niajit he too was dragged out and hanged. On this (Tuesday) morning, the bodies wete cut down. The most intense, excitement prevails throughout the vicinity. In the meantime,, we abstain from comments, having simply stated the facts as they were given us. Arrival of the Asia. New York, Aug. 24. A dispatch from Bucharest reports that the Russian regiments are already Tetreating across the Pruth. The rear guard of the Russians, consisting of regiments of Hussars and Cossacks, were about 2 miles distant from Bucharest. About all that was expected of Austria was the occupation of the Principalities a neutral power. A perfect understanding exists between the western powers and Aus .. . ' .v,--t t r.r.'n tna regarding the guarantees which Russia concerning trie iuture peace shall give Lurope. The Turkish government is once more the market for a loan. There are 33,000 Turks and French in the Dobrudscha, but no English. The French will attack Galatz and the Turks Fultscha. Heavy guns and bombs have arrived Varna, for the expedition against Sevastopol. The cholera has disappeared at Constantino ple. China. There is a great disturbance the iiorth of China, and the insurrectionists threaten Canton with an attack. son New York, Aug. 2-1. The steamer George Law arrived this morning, with California mails, 300 passengers and over 81,000,000 Ihe Cahlornia dates are to the 1st. The democratic convention met at Sacra mento on the 15th ult., when scenes of row dyism were enacted which eclipsed all pre vious performances of the kind. Two chair men and two committees on credentials were appointed. The factionists were known electionists and anti-electionists. Two of candidates for congress were nominated. The whigs had their convention on 25ih. They are confident of carrying state, and the campaign will be one of most exciting ever witnessed. Several battles have been fought among the Chinepe, and several killed. The fjvas occasioned by on attempt to raise a to support the imperialists in the Chinese rebellion. The 1'rometheus arrived this morning from San Juan, with 250 passengers and 8850,000 in specie. Affairs at Greytown unchanged. The Yew Tuek. Mrs. Stowe, in her uew book, gives the following description of the yew tree, of which we have read so much in English literature : Here in England, I think, they have vege table' creations made on purpose to go wit.li old, dusky buildings ; and this yew tree is one ot them. It has altogether u most goblin-like, bewitched air, with its dusky biack leaves und rugged branches, throwing them selves straight out with odd twists und an gular lines, and miglitput one in mina oi an old raven with some ot her leathers pulled lout, or a black cat with her hair stroked the wrong way, or uny uuier buau-u, unwiiui thine Ueside.s this, thev live almost l'or- a ever, for when they have grown so old that any respectable tree ought to tx; tninking or dying, they only take another twist and so live on another hundred years. I saw some in England seven hundred years old, and they had grown queerer every century. The Fremont Democrat reports the Seneca County Bank, at Tiilin, as being revived, in consequence of the late decision of the Su preme Court on the tax question. William II. Gibson, Esq., is President, and Charles L. Johnson, Esq., Cashier. DIED At Swanton, Lucas county, O., on the 7th instant, of consumption, Wil liam AI. Case, in the 30th year ot his age. Air. Case, was raised principally at Find- lay, where he learned the printing business. He subsequently published a paper m ler- rysburg; but when the Mexican war com menced, he relinquished his business at that place volunteered, and, we believe, served as a soldier durinz the whole war. in this campaign he contracted the chronic diar rhoea, which ultimately led to consumption. After his return from Mexico, Mr. C. was connected with this paper for a short time. As a boy in our midst, the subject of this tribute will be remembered by many as a sweet-tempered, mild, open-hearted compan ionable fellow, possessing many amiable qualities, while he was, like all living, not endowed with perfection. We sympathize with his friends. Hancock Courier. 7 as j?3J- To Persons out of Employ mtnt.g 500 to $ 1,000 a Year. A CHANCE TO MAKE MONEY L DO GOOD. B' scriber publishes a number of the most valuable Pictorial Books, very popular, and of such a moral and religious influence that while yood men mav ! safely engajre in their circulation, they w ill confer a for 1 public benent, and receive a fair compensation J their labor. 01 in at in in as the the the war tax To men of enterprise and tact, this business offers an opportunity for profitable employment seldom to he met w ith . Persons wishing to engage in their wile, will re ceive promptly by mail, a circular containing full particulars, with " Direction to persons disposed to act as agent," together with the terms on which they will be furnished, bv addressing the subscriber, post paid. UOBEKT SEAUS, publisher, 381 William Street, IVew York. ??In Tress, and ready for Agents by the 1st of October, 18."t. " Sears's Illustrated Description of the Kussian Empire." For further particulars, ad dress as above. DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP. The partnership heretofore existing between Could & O'Donald, in the Stove and Tinware busi ness, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. It. (.'. O'Donald will settle all claims in favor of or against said lirm. He will also continue the business at the oldbtand. D. VT. GOULD, It. C. O'DONALD. Perrvshurg, Aug. 22, 18.VI. 22tf ADMINISTHATOll'S NOTICE. The under signed hereby give notice that they been ap pointed and duly qualified ns administrators of the estate of Thomas Atkinson, deceased, late of "Wood county, Ohio. WILLIAM HOPKINS, ANN ATKINSON. August 2.'5, ISM.--22w3 NOTICE. The undersigned have been appoint ed administrators on the estate of Nicholas Reiser, deceased, and qualified as such. All persons having claims against Raid dereaoeil will present them duly authenticated, and all indebted will make immediate pavinent. JOHN YEAGEll, JOHN AVEBB. Aug, 26, J85f -,-223 Health or Judge Swan. We ore happy to state that Judge J. 11. Swan has so far re covered from his attack as to be e ntirely out of danger. His numerous friends through out the state will read this Announcement with great satisfaction. O. State Journal. Roll of Honor. Roll of Honor. Receipts for Journal since No. 16. 1). C. Doail, E. Elliott, Jacob l'.herlv, Rev. A. T. l ay, A. Mooinficld, James Hal', 2.H A'. Minnrd. :t.0 I'.CO 1!. A. Paine. l.i'ii; 2.00 loiris Umxvn, l.i'l .1. S. A'oi-to!!, t.'iitj 1.00 Robert Crook, l. 1.(1(1 Ceo. Hopper, l.")i Perrysburg Prices Current. AVhe.it. I. -, l-l.-ur .n.I('!mmi; live, .in : Corn, ."ii )Ci '.':) : Oats L'.V.'U : ! axseed N7f" ? 1 .oh ; Tiinotliv, 1. 2.00; Clover i? l.U( (- I. "n t ; Pota- toes ('.;(? 7-'; Apples, reen, r,ou; s I .no, dried, S I.2- tol.;,0; iieaa, jf !..': i mr i.t.i-; to ''" : feathers. .M to I t to lo ; Iieesxvav, l-Vn.il, TV.rl.- .1 ti .! ' ; AI...;- do.. 10.O(l to 1 2. OO : Prime, Ss.oo: 'lIam-iMo: shoulders o to s; Sides I! to (i; Fish, pukcvi-1 Ni.oiiaT.on ; white bass ..-)..-! v.i:.ou; Shingles, white d - JI.oo, pine j;i..)Oi-i.uii; Mavcs, nour iiarru-i.- "io. l-rrro w .' i . tl liM (HI i is. (Tt'Pl nn.. rvMn TallowlO to 12: LanlSto'lo ; "Wood S 1 .'nn ..'o ; Onions 7"; Vn'onl'J'iOi'.i'f tts. llo-s l to 4.Jf. M to commence at in a C. PERRIN, ANlTACTl'KKli of all Mvlcs cf Carri-v-os il WairoiH, also, of llall & Pint's Cultivator, warratitnd to do double the amount ot' work ot" any ordinary cultivator. Shop on 1'ront strci f. oji)oMtc SpatTord's Hotel, renyslmn.', Ohio. -Iff TT7A(;XS FOR NAM. lhave on VV Five New LuuiIht N av-iH, vhicli 1 will !el! CHI- AP for cash or Produce at i.i.irkof pri.-.-s. Perrbiir'', O no. ( . Pl.KIvlN. . . "T)TIC'Jj, tluit ii sale of the jiersmail etVects li (Jeu. Sliuler, late of Perrvsluir. ileccased. will take place at auction, on Tuesdux. the 'J'.Hh day nl'j Au-rust, insr., eonsi.st.iii! m tiartof One Span i Horses, One AVairon and Harness, Com in tin-! irround. Plows and other Farming' IViimN. Sale M.. at the residence ot the deceased. A short credit xx ill he irivonoii sums over five dollars, if desired, and pmI H;urity Kivui and interest. JOHN x 1.1515, Adin r. Aug.i9.im-2iW2 "YTOTICK is hereby L'iven that the suhs riber has been appointed administrator on the estate Frederick Lucas, deceased, late of Wood county, All persons having claims against said estate are re- .piired to present t!KMn,le-allvprove!Ktoth(Miiplcr-i'7. signed for settlement, and ' ulf persons indebted x. ill make immediate tiavment. DAVID D()NAI.I)S(! Aug. 10, 14.--21xx;j AMINLSTIlATOKS' NOTICE. The under- signed have been duly appointed admini.-trators on tlie estate of .laeob 'illiam Lang, deceased, and (nullified as such. All persons haxinir claims n:rain.t said deceased will present them duly r.mhenticatcd, and all indebted w.ll n.aKC ,,,,i,,e,!,a;o j.avin,M,t. F. K.'mII.LEK.' Aug. 1. ll.Slw: PORTAGE, June 30, 1854. to previous - ers of the Perrysburg and Findlay Plank; Road Company met at tins place. The pre- sident being absent, on motion John Hales was appointed chairman of the meeting. Proceeded to the election of directors for the. ensuing year. The following persons: received the whole number of votes, n 11 were declared duly elected : D. J. Corv, Jus. Hood, J. A. Sargent, Samuel Lamb, and Aus-1 tin TvOgers. to report, that the following is, as near can ascertain, the amount of the trans-j actions of the year and the present affairs company : During the year ending June 30th, the fol-! lowing orders have been drawn on the trcas- The following annual report was then read! netore the. meeting : To the Stockholder of the, Pcrryxlvrg and Findlay Plank Road Company. The directors of said company beg leave o ury : Aug. 1G, 1S53, in favor of Newton & Lamb, on contract, S-J.00 Sept. 26, to same for repairs on road, Oct. 20, ' toJas. McFadden.Esq. to satisfy a judgment in favor of James Bloom for services for Co., Nov. 15, 1853, to Newton & Lamb for repairs on road, Dec. 6, 1853, to Sam'l Lamb for ser vices as superiqtendeut, co.oq 15.21 100.00 Dec. 26, 1853, to Josiah Brown on log contract, 5.S5 Jan. G, 1851. to Abram Smith on log contract of 1850 or 1351, 13.5h Jan. 0, 1S51. to same for logs deliv ered in 1S51, 30.00 iFeb. G, 1851, to Newton & Lnmb on road contract, 100.1!'. March lb51. to Muhlmi Mocker on bond p;i id Norton in lle50. If".!)' March "t, 1851, Id Mahlon Meeker on log contract of 1851. ,V-.l'. April , 185 I, to Newton fcL-unb for balance on work for Co., LTlI. April 7, 185 1, to Sau'l L:tmb for pny- Lin7; , , t .r . . , April 8. IjI, to I etrr lerciot on log j contract ' I April 8. 185 ,, to Collider Haskins for I j(1s delivered in 151. .Ine 185 J. to Sam"! Lamb Cor v,- vice.-: and team work. Untie 17. 1S51, to I.. C. Lock for pay- I ing fur logs for Co., j t() ewtou cc Lamb for c!r:iw- .., . - 10.: 30.' I'-.i.' 1 10.1: p-oiiir.- June 30, 1851, 1'. t. Thomas fur saw ing by order of Spalfoid, fifv'O.T'J ; sawing since, !8'5.0!), Hi.G:. 18S'S Total amount of orders drawn, Lewis Mundy's account, Who',; amount, ''.ii7. 1- Mr. Mundv not hr-lng present on haii.lMay of set! lenient, could not ascertain i tin': r xact amount of tolls lollerted I , :lhh j uw )m a , . u ; 4 . , . , ascertain by papers on liand, t;iev ofjamouut to l?alance in treasury last year. Received cash on subscription, 8'j50.ui l'.'.'J1 50.(!" f i j lOl'.'J' winch leaves nai. m treasury oi JI.7.' Th.? follow in' oersons Lave ni.s..n t...! cmmts aml received ccriif.( at.s of stock ir .. r ,. . ... ii;. j. lit'i, Moifsiis iri.1! i ccuiM'ior, 1 !. las. Hood, ' of; John McCrorv, " ,; " j Sar"nf" 1 c",.,., -1 y"! , t! V t'r ' " " , Cu.nstrr lla&kms, ?'" rvice as treasurer, secretary, contract of I). j . Samuel Johnvon, Mrs. L. Clough on lo;: Clot'i-h (Uceascii, Total, S shares, or Onlv about on" and a quarter rr.ile road Lave ticu made, much of tie- time an- : Cf i. moneV having been expended in relaviiis an 1 olherwie repairing the road. The little that '''as 'Jt', n (UI1C during the pri-t year, was done under very embarrassing circumstances: t!i treasury tmpty, township bond.? exhausted, and stockholders generally discouraged. An clibrt was made, at th.' beginning '. the year to June .voni'; of the township- ngam take Mock ; a vote was taken, and lot. Our ambitious superintendent, failing in hi jclforts for the immediate romjuelinn of the j road, "Jln'rd ny'' rsign V. his ofiice, sued t,'i ! company lor Ins sen icrs, got n's pay an, ii ; loft. This, like all other over-done rfTom. ihad a tendency to retard the progress un.l interest of the road. And vet, we think thai some of the townships would again tak stock ; and others that have not yet takej.. would, were they assured that their subscrip tions would be expended in the township where subscribed. It has been proposed to .s.'cw the road n? I portion of the way, where the stone i they plenty, and give subscribers an opportunity of j to work out at least a part of their subscrip the 1 1 ions. That this road, when completed, will be a paying one, no cue can doubt. 15ut. j aside from this, the towns of Perrysburg and Findlay demand such a road, and the peopb all along the line of road demand it, and would be more than paid by the vse. of it, when completed, if they should in no other way get back the hig dollar they laid out in its construction. And it is to be hoped that, into whosever hands the future destiny of the road may come, some impetus may be. given to it, and that we may yet see its final completion. Kespectfully submitted, by order of direc SAMUEL JOHNSON, Sec'y.