VOL. IX. PJjnHYSI3UIia, O., T.HXJBSDAY, SKPTJ:MJ31l 5, 1801. 3STO. 18 BUSINESS CARDS. JOURNAL PRINTING OFVICK. Hiring replenished our office with new typos throughout, we are now prepared to execute Job Work, such as Posters, Salo Bills, Programmes, Invitations, Cards, . Labels, Pamphlets, all kinds Blanks, sc. in the most satisfactory manner, -Orders filled at short notice, and on reasonable terms. Advertising, lw One square .50 lA column 2.50 ,yi column , . 4.50 , One column 41.60 1m 3m 6m 12m 1.25 2.7J 4.00 fl.OO 6.00 8.50 11.25 15.00 10.00 16.00 22.00 30.00 15.00 30.00 45.00 60.00 A deduction of 5 per cent, from tlio above rates will be mado for Cash. The space occupied by ten lines of the type com posing tne Doily or the advertisement will be a square. All Transient advertisements must be paid for in aavance m insure puoncation. Advertisements inserted witn the mark "tf," will be charged for until ordered out. When yearly advertisements are inserted four or more chances will be allowed. J. W. BAILEY, I'l'm-miiKR and Proprietor. i i; El g YLVA NUS JUl'l'UBSON, Attorney at Law. PKRRVsnritu, Omo. Office in bast end of llairrt House Building. Will attend promptly to all business entrusted to his care, tf D. W. H. BAT. T. W. niTCHINSOX. J. P. PILLARS. DAY, HUTCHINSON PILLARS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, . Collecting and Ileal Estate Agents. Will attend promptly to all business cntruitcd to their care. Office over W. .1. Hitchcock's store, Pcrrysburg, Wood County, Ohio. '61-40tf. JAKES MURRAY. P. S. SI.EVIN. MURRAY & SLRVIN, Attorneys at Law. Will attend promptly to all Legal business en trusted to their care in Wood county. Office in the I'errysburg Band Building, Pcrrysburg, Ohio, tf H. H. DOIMJB. j, R TYLER. DODGE & T Y L 13 R, Attorneys at Law, Porrvsburg. Ohio. Particular attention paid to Conveyancing and Notorial Business. Also, for sale, large quantities of Land in Wood and adjoining counties. 'C0-tf asuer cook. t. r. price. b. w. joiinson. COOK, PRICK & JOHNSON. Attorneys at Law, Pcrrysburg, Ohio. Will promptly attend to all Law Businxss entrus ted to their care. Have for sale large quantities of Land, including well improved farms, which will be Bold on easy terms. '60-ltf . 13 O R K STRAIN, Attorney At Law, Pcrrysburg, Ohio. Will attend to all business entrusted to bis care in the several Courts of Ohio. Office with John Bates, 2nd itrcct. '00-ltf T 13 T 13 K H 13 L L . -L Attorney at Law, and Notary Public. mil attend promptly to all business intrusted to his care, unice in the Court House with Cook, Price & younson. Kov. zy, lsoi) ly. D r'j JT . HO W ELLS. HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. itf Bowling Green, Ohio. DJl . J . I). SMITH, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, BOW UNO GllEEV. Wood (Vuintt- Oliin AH calls will be promptly attended to, both day uuu infill. OU-ltl B AIRl) HOUSE. C C. BA1R1). Propuietor. I-tf Pcrrysburg, Ohio. 1)ERRYS11URC PLANINCi MILL, and SASH FACTORY. DANIEL LINDSEY. Phofrietou. Manufactures to order, and keeps constantly ( hand, a general supply of Doors, Siisli, Blinds an 4 Window Shades; Pine, Wliitewooit and Ash Flooring; Pino and Whitewood Boors. All kinds of Planinq done to order. Orders promptly filled at Toledo prices, or, in some cases, uuiuw iuu m. uU-tl TJ-ATCHES, CLOCKS, and JEWEL Carefully repaired by W . F . P 0 M E R 44 fiSBYsnrxa Bank Biildino. O T '60-ltf o J. (COLLEGE OF TRADE COMMERCIAL INSTRUCTION. CII ARTERKP, MAY, 18G1. No. 170, Summit Street, Toledo, Ohio. For further particulars, address U.GREGORY, President. H HAJII) PHING OPENING! Is now recoivSw. W tf oti stock of SPRING GOODS wnicn werb bouout at panic prices 1 STYLES ARE NEW and beautiful, and will be sold at ASTONISHINGLY LOW PRICES I . CALL barlt. W.M. ROBERTSON. Maumoe City, O., May 8, 1801. DRUGS, MEDICI NI3S, PAINTS AND OILS. A. J. Gardner Co., Druggists. Uilead, Wood Co., Ohio. Have received a large stock direct from New York, consisting in part of Paints of all kinds, Linskku, Tannfhh, Macuikb and Coal Oils, Fra xitckk, Coaou, Dsn ah, and Japan Vahhisu. PAIST, V AKblHH, SA8U, WHITEWASH, SCRUBBING nd Lamp Bursa ks. Dyb Stckks, like Joseph's eont.of many colors. Glass of all Sizes, Putty, Sand and Eukky Paper, Turpentine, Alcohol, Castor and Swket Oils, English Currauts, Prunes, Tamarinds, and lUisens, Spice, Pepper, Cinnamon by the lb. or mat. Ginger, Cloves, Ground and Extract of Cott'oe, Chocolote and Cocoa. Starch by the tb. or box. A line assortment of Perfumery Soaps and flavoring extracts. ... . . , , ;. . A large assortment of Pubb Medicines and Chemicals, and Tildcn's celebrated Medicines for Physicians use, .. We are selling a fino article of Coal Oil, free from smoke or smell, at 75o per gallon. Lmnn from five shillings to two dollars. . We believe in the principles of Popular 8ov RSIomty and Pay as you oo, and shall hold our Stock strictly for Cash or Ready Pat, and will take all kinds of Grain nd Produce in exchange. Patent Medicines or every kind, Gilead, May , lSrtl tf. H 01 FARMERS, II O I The undersigned takes Dleaaure in announcing to the Fanners, and all Mowers of Grass, that he is the sole Agent for A NEW SCYTHE! which is now unsurpassed for durabilitv, and une qualled for easy work. It is tempered in a furnace, nd consequently there ore no hard or soft places in it, but uniform throughout ; the last half-inch is just as good as the first. : R is Uo kept In order much easier than any other scythe known, requir ing but a few moment at any time to put it in per fect order. In short it is the greaUsat Scythe of the age. Call and tee it at the Store of Prrborg, June 18th, JACI, ill in ..P to I in it Perrysburg Journal. The Union and the Constitution! Great Speech of D. S. Dickinson. NO COMPROMISE WITH TRAITORS. NO COMPROMISE WITH TRAITORS. The Rebellion Must be Put Down---Secession wholly Unjustifiable. On the 1 9th of August the freemen of Wy oming county, Pa, irrespective of party, held a tremendous meeting, which was ad dressed by the Hon. Daniel S. Dickinson, of New York gentleman who supported Breckinridge at the last election in a most powerful and convincing speech, which, not withstanding the great pressure upon our columns, we publisd in full: Mr. President and Ladies and Gentleman: Amid nil the diversity of sentiment in our land, thcro ib one subject upon which we can agree, and that is that our country is in a most lamentable, condition our Govern ment threatened with disruption, our Con stitution with supverBion, and our institu tions with overthrow. Wo are met here for the purpose of discussing the great in terests of a common country, and of determ ining what becomes us in an exigency so ferrful; I meetyou here not to discuss slavery or anti-Slavery. Though an old line Demo crat, brought up at the feet of Gamaliel, and adhering with tenacity to the principles of Democracy through an active life, yet I come not to speak to you upon political partisan subjects. I come to discuss a mat ter that concerns our Union, one that rises far above and shoots deeper than party inter ests or issues. Wo have a dutv. mv fel low citizens, far beyond that of the fathers ot tne devolution. lliey were oppressed t3' tyranny, and they sought to throw oil the shackles of a despotic monarch v. They hoped that a great and free Government would spring up from their patriotic efforts, but the most sanguine never imagined that a Government so replete with good would be the fruits of their beginning. What with them was hope, with us is fruition. They planted anil wc reaped. Their experiment has become a success, and we are enjoying, or might enjoy, such blessings as Heaven never before vouchsafed to mortal man. IJut a conspiracy has appeared; strife and divis ion are at our doors; and it becomes us now to see whether the fruits of this great and beneficent Union must be lost, or whether they can bo preserved. It were needless to go back and review dead and buried issues, There is a great fact staring us iu the face, ana witn that we havo to ileal. It matters not whether the origin of our difficulties was North or South, or East or West the question is. How shall it be dealt with and disposed of? In every Government, and especially m every free Government, politi cal parties will arise. And it is well that we have them. So far from being a curse, when restrained within legitimate bounds, they are a bffcing. 1 lie strife of political parties, like the agitation of the natural el ements, purifies the moral atmosphere and gives life, and vigor and freedom to our in stitutions. There are some questions too great, some too small, for the exercise of political parties; and e have many duties to dischargo in the various relations of life that do not appertain to political affairs, but which we should come together and dis charge, as American citizens, as brethren of one tie, and not inquiring whether we be long to this or that or tho other division of political parties. When wc assemble around the grave of a neighbor, and hear those words that have riven so many hearts. "Earth to earth, dust to dust, ashes to ashes," and hear tho creaking ot the chord as the remains are lowered to their final resting place, the strifes of passion arc hushed in the bosom, and wc remember only that we are men inquire not what were the politic al views of tho living or dead. At mid night you hear the cry of "lire !" You rtish into the street, and find j'our neigbor's dwel ling iu flames. It is found that in the terror of the moment a mother has left her infant in tho chamber. The flames hiss through every crevice, the ralters tumble, the cin ders crumble, and another and another marks the attempt, till at last one is lost in the flames ! Kvery eye-ball is strained, ev ery heart palpitates, every breath is hushed, every muscle stands out like whipcords, and all believe he is lost, but finally ho appears and restores tho loved and lost to its swoon ing mother, but no one inquires to what political party he belongs. When the cita del of our country is in flames, when tho edilico that Washington and Franklin and their associates erected, is in flames, it be comes us, whatever may have been our po litical proclivities Leiore, to rise far above other considerations, and to keep this citadel from destruction. Cheers. I can not afford to turn away from my duty be cause a political opponent is acting with me, nor stay back from a duty because a politi cal friend deserts me. No ; I must go on and discharge a great duty. I hold it to be the first duty of every citij-.cn, of every party, to aid in restoring, if restored it can bo.this great and good Government Cheers anil cries of " That 's truo doctrine." l're vious to tho last political election this coun try was at peace with the world, and it was tho enjoyment of greater privileges than any other Government on earth; there was no people so blessed in everv ramification .w,,. ; .. 'IM . r i iuv..ci. , iuu uiiiriiiv ecu oi nui'pv faces beforo mo testifies to the fact that they have been in the enjoyment of civil and religious freedom. And so it was from the North to the South, and from the East tho West, with over thirty millions of people, unoppre8scd by Government, but every ono enjoying tho fruit of his own in dustry, and literally none to molest or to make him afraid. Then what cause is there fur this great disturbance ? Why is it that one portion of this country is in arms against another ? Let us inquire the cause of the complaint first, and then soe if we can pre scribe a remedy afterward. We all agree that the grievance is most serious. But what is the truo way of putting down what shall term a rebellion ? And we can all agree in one thing that that rebellion is either right or wrong, justifiable or unjusti fiable; to be approved or condemned as a whole. If it is right for a portion of this country to take np arms against this Gov ernment, it is right to sustain such action, and if thy are wrong they should be put down by the power of the people. Ap plause. There is no half way house in this matter no tarrying place between sus taining the Government and attempting its overthrow. There is no pcacd proposition that will suit the case until the rebellion is first put down. Applause. And were I favcr, or disposed to tamper with this re bullion, or aid or countenance it, I would go and take up arras with them. Because, if is rigbt for them to take up arms, it is right for them to hav armed aid and assist 1 or so ed go all to to As off be ance. If they aro wronir. if thev are oruiltv of treason, and murder, and arson, then they should be overthrown bv the whole Power of tho Government applause, and cries of "goon j; ami put Uown so that no resurrec tion day shall ever hml rebellion again. fllericwed applause. Now I believe I am ono of those, who, in former years, thought that sectional discussions put in jeopardy the well being of the Union. I believe now, as then, that there never was a sectional controversy that justified this, or any armed rebellion. I believe this rebellion did not arise out of sectional agitation, but from a blind, wicked, reckless ambition. And I blieve it is tho duty of every man, woman and child to raise an arm against it to crush it. Our Constitution is never to bo put down. An indistinct voico in the crowd "Compromise." What does my friend say, "Compromise ?'' Well, I will get at "Com promise" before I get through. Laughter and chccrs.l I believe in tho integrity of the Union; I believe in tho integrity of the Constitution; I believe in sustaining both by tho power of tho Government. But they say, "You would not coerce a State ?' No; I would not coerce a State. 1 havo said I would not coerce a State first, because it is impracticable; because you cannot coerce a State. Second, because it would bo unjust to coerce a State in its domestic policy if it could bo done. But you may coerce rebel lion in a State until you give that Suite uu opportunity to act through its loyal citizens in its duties to the Union. And I would coerce rebellion wherever I could find it. Yon may not coerce a community, but you may coerce its thieves and murderers. You may coerce State criminals, and thus enable the State and its loyal citizens to ful fill ther relations in the Government of tho Union. If wo can sustain our Union, if wo can uphold our Constitution, ' it is not by compromising with rebellion it is by put ting down rebellion, ami making our com promise with liilelity. Applause, and a voice "There is your Democracy." And of all men living, a democrat is the last man who can take a stand against the Constitu tion of his country. ICheers.l A Democrat fives, moves, and has his being in the Con stitution. He cannot live outside of or in opposition to the Constitution, lie must Stand by tho Constitution in all its parts. It was that doctrine that gave the Democratic 1 tarty its power and ascendency in Iho times of Jefferson, of Madison, and of that old hero, Andrew Jackson. Just in proportion as tho IJeinocracy has wandered from the Constitution, just in tho same proportion nave tiicy gone down. Ana it tliey had been faithful, and stood fullv up to their own doctrines, all the Abolition parties of the earth, and all the Kcpublican parties ol the earth, and all tho combined powers of the earth could never have put down the I,,. .... . . oid I'cinoeraiie party. tries or " that is so," and cheers. 1 have ever believed in the justice of Democracy, and I believe in it to-day as much ns ever. And I believe it to bo my duty to stand upon the ramparts of the Constitution, and defend it from nil foes, whether they come from tho North, the South, the hast, or the West. Cheers. M3' fellow Democrats, supposing there ure anv scch in my hearing, I Cries, "There aro," 1 here are, suppose Hreckinridire had been elected. Sumner, and Garrison, and Wendell 1'hillips, nnd the Abolitionists of the New England States generally had start ed a rebellion against the authority of the tinted states, what would have been done ? would have clone as 1 am doinj: now. I would have t ried to animate my countrymen to put them down by force of arms. Cheers, and cries of "Good." Now, why not treat Southern rebellion just as 3-011 would have treated Northern rebellion Eastern rebel lion as you would Western rebellion and wherever rebellion comes from, put it down forever. Cheers. That is my doctrine. I have stood upon that doctrine iu olden times, and I will stand by it now, and if that doc trine coes down. I will so down with it. Thcro were causes of irritation between the sections I admit. I deprecated them, and labored long and earnestly to get rid of them. But it was not done. Those causes of irritation, although they may havo sug gested to Southern States to request becom ing guarantees, they never justified armed rebellion in. any shape or manner. And what were those causes of irritation ? The only real, practical cause of irritation was the non-execution of the fugitive slave law. But that did not alTect the Cotton States so called; but Missouri, Kentucky, Virginia, Maryland and Delaware, and perhaps one tu o other States were the only ones ever injured by it. The Cotton States so called. never lost a fugitive slave from the time of their existence to this day. To be sure thev had a question about Territories, but it was entirely ideal, a mere abstraction, and so practically not a real grievance. But it it. had been, they had the Supreme Court and both branches of Congress, and practically had control of the question. The fugitive slave question was the only practical ques tion therefore which annoyed them, and that question was not the cause of the rebellion. What State first seceded? South Carolina began to scrape lint before the votes were counted. Laughter. She had no practical grievance whatsoever. Look at Virginia. Though politicians cajoled, defeated and defrauded, and bullies held bowio knives at the throats of her citizens to coerce rebel lion, it was a long time before they could compel that State into anything like Seces sion. And when they did so nominally, tho State Government was revolutionized; ono art new away from the other, and organiz their government rather than allow it to into the bottomless pit of Secession. Maryland, when sho gets a chance, votes against it. Missouri her citizens are pour ing out their blood like water and their treasure without stint, rather than be drawn into Secession. Look at good old Kentucky, whore her Governor and Senators have labored to bring her out of the Union after attempts to seduce her from her fidelity the Constitution, sho gives more than sixty thousand majority for tho Union. Cheers. Now, I inquire of all citizens in the free States, especially my Democratic fellow citizens, whether they are troubled about the integrity of Kentucky whether they think it is nescessary to stay up the hands of rebcllion.so emphatically condemn ed there ? And now 1 repeat that the only practical cause of dissension was the fugi tive slavo question j and that appertained Slates that could only be drawn or dra gooned into tho folly of Secession. Gen. Butler has had this question on his hands. long as the Constitution was acknowl edged, all conservative citizens admitted that it was the duty of tho freo States to restore tho fugitive who was fleeing from the service of his master. Gen. Butler has found tho restoration of the fugitive imprac able in many cases. The master had thrown tho Constitution. What was tho result T He was obliged to receive hundreds of con trabands and retain them. I do not know what he is going to do with the question; but I suppose ho is going to do with them something as the Irishman was going to do with tho Widow Malone's pig. "Did you steal the Widow Malone's pig, Patrick ?" asked the priest. " That 1 did." "What made you? Think, when you will stand, you heretio, on the Great Day, when I shall there, and you will be there, and the Widow Malone will be there, and the pig If ed I ils of its a will bo there?" "And will your riverence be there ?" "Yes." "And the pig there ?" "Yes." "Well, I should say, Widow Malono, take your pig." Laughter. Now 1 do not know but Gen. Buller is going to tak'5 as long a credit as did the Irishman. But when we have a Constitution, and when they acknowledge its force, I have no doubt but every just citizen will be for seeing it it complied with. Now, 1 havo just ns much confidence in the masses of the South ern people as in tho masses of the Northern people. Both aro alike. The masses are honest. To be sure, their institutions, their means of communication, render them more excitable, more easily led, more relying up on their leaders for public information, and therefore more liable to be misled than the Northern people. Nevertheless, I have con fidence in tho Southern people ; and the rosult of the great conflict in Kentucky as sures 1110 that the Southern heart is with the people sound to the core. Though terrified into seeming Secession, with the exception of ono or two States in the South. 1 am well satisfied that tho question of Union or Disunion were submitted to the people to day, an overwhelming vote would be given for the Union and the Stars and Stripes. Applause. Every indication has shown that whenever there has been an election in any Southern State, and a fair opportunity given, you have seen that tho Union senti ment has prevailed. 1 on will nee that it is by military power, by threats, intimidation, destruction, murder and arson that they have succeeded in getting in advance the cause of Secession. Iu some States, ns for instance, Louisiana, thev never submitted the question to the people ut all. It is a base humbug of Davis, Cobb &. Co. to place themselves in power. The election of a po litical opponent is never a cause of Seces sion or for disturbance ; and if those Seces sion leaders had opposed Mr. Lincoln's election from the timo of the Charleston Convention with half tho pertinacity ami force that I did. ho never would have been elected. 1 charge in all my public speeches that they connived at that election ; and the same has been charged home upon them by their own people in the South. Their timo had come. It must go, or they would be ruined. They remind one of little boys who want to ride a horse. Those in the eitv iret them a hobby horse, and thev can ride that. Country boy get astride of a stick, and ride that. This knot of office seekers, fail ing to get a horse to ride, or even a hobbv have mounted this poor stick of a Southern Confederacy, and are riding that. It is just such ambition ascoused the angels in Heav en to rebel. It was not because we had not a good Government, but because they could not rule it. Call them Democrats, or entitled to the sympathy of Democrats, with arms in their hands against, their Government, and their hands red with the blood of our murdered citizens I They aro enemies of their country ; they are traitors against the Hag and tho Constitution, and as such I ar raign them in the name of the Consti tution and tho Union. I arraign them iu the name of civilization ; I arraign them in tho name of Christianity; I arraign them in the namo.of the fathers of tho Revolution, who poured out their blood to gain the Liberty transmitted to us; I arraign them in the name of the soldiers, who marched barefoot to secure our blood bought Liberty ; I arraign them in the name of the holy memories of tho women of the Revolution, whose pure and gentle hearts were crushed and broken. In the great day of Accounts, the savage Brant mid more savage Butler, that deluged the beautiful valley ol Wyoming with blood, will stand up and whiten their climes in comparison with tho perfidy of the men who now attempt to divide and destroy this Union. The ferocious instincts of the savage taught him ho might be doing a duty to his people; but these men were born in a land of civilization, and baptised in the name of the Trinity, and they should bo held to an account for the abuse of the trust which has been confided to them. Who arc these men in arms against tho Government in arms against the Union? They are men who have been educated at its expense been laden with its honor been pampered at its treas ury. If we perish wc may say with tho poet over the stricken eagle: Keen were his panes, ret keener far to feel. He nursed the pinion which impelled the steel, While OV same plumage,that had wnrmM his breabt, Drank the last life-drop of his bleeding heart. the Union is stung to tho heart, it must be a melancholy reflection that we have reared tho men to do it, and like the dement Lear, wo shall learn How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is, T" have a thankless child; that wo havo nourished and brought up children, and they havo rebelled against tho institutions of their country. We have seen by tho action of tho Border Southern States that it is not their intention to permit this Government to be subverted. Every crime known iu tho catalogue of depravity from treason to larceny; has been committed in attempting to drive them into secession. How can these men be sustained by any one, with hands dripping with blood not only with the blood of Northern, but of Southern citizens; and why? Because a Northern candidate was elected, who had four years to serve, whoso election they connived at, they will hazard a whole etern ity, so far ns temporal existence is concern ed; to gratify present personal pique and feed a mean ambition. Whoever sustains them, I will not. Whoever cries peaco I will not. Whoever cries compromise with them, will not. Great cheering. I am for foace, but I am for making peace with the oyal citizens of the South tho loyal citi zens of Kentucky and Missouri too, who have sent that modern Nebuchadnezzar Clairborno F. Jackson, to grass. Great laughter. They ask in repetition can you coerce a State? I say no; you cannot. You might as well coerce the sun to shine or the stars to twinkle. Can you coerce a neigh bor to bo honest? No; but you may punish criminals. No ono can justify armed re bellion in opposition to tho Union and the Constitution of his country. But Mr. Lin coln it is said, forsooth, lias violated the Constitution in conducting his Administra tion! Very well; there is a day of reckon ing to como witli him and his advisers. But it is ono thing to violate tho Constitu tion in defense of your country, and quito another to violate it in endeavoring to sub vert it. When my Democratic or Republi can friends, "or any other man," are dispos ed to call tho President to account, and I am not his defender, I merely beg, when they get through with him, they will merely in quire whether Jetl'orson Davis & Co. have gone strictly according to the Constitution tho United States? Cheers and laugh ter. I havo tho impression that institut ing a pretended government within the boundaries of the United States; that steal ing the treasures of our Government, its ships; betraying its commands; firing upon fortifications; organizing pirucy upon the high seas, and a long list of other and kin dred acts I have the impression, I say, that these aro slight infringements upon the Con stitution, and may require examination. Laughter.J But I want to have my Con stitution friends como along with mo, and when they get tho Administration all regu lated and on the constitutional track, to look this matter little; for it seems to tne is it .1 a stition; indeed, for all tho purposes of re sisting the rebellion, I care not. It is duo to say, however, that he has seemed to bo In good faith in attempting to put down the rebellion. He has not done all things as I would have done them, because 1 would have multiplied his men bv about four, and where he has struck ono blow I would have struck a dozen. Laughter and cheering. Thereforo I do not agree with him in that respect. When the day comes we can have a fcetth ment with him, for he is to be held with all other officers, to a strict account.- But I would not do even that under tho smoke of the enemy's gun. lAt us see, first, that the rebellion is put down. Ami when that is done, I nm ready to seo how it has been done. I do not propose to yield tho Union or any part of it to the so-called Con federate Government that has been made up in the Southern States. It is no Govern ment, and there is nothing in tho shape of a Government under it, over it, or around it diagonally, horizontally, or perpendicular. Like u boys' training, it is nil otlicers. I l-nughter.J It is made up thus; You shall bo President of the Congress, and I will be President of the Confederacy; you shall be Minister of Foreign Affaire, and I will bo Secretary of the Treasury. Laughter. Doubtless, very well; satisfactory enough. If thev had kept it to themselves, no ono would havo objected to the strutting in their stolen plumage. But it is timo for the peo ple of the United States to put their hand upon it in earnest, ami to maintain the Gov eminent of the Constitution. The habeas corpus--a hard kind of a name for a writ, but one which a lawyer or a Dutchman funis a little difficulty in pronouncing it is said that tho habeas corpus has been suspended and abused, Well, 1 think it is bei nuse some have written so much about it,, while they know so little. It simply means to have the body. A prisoner is alleged to be improperly imprisoned; and, in order that tho ease may be inquired into, a petition is presented to a Judge, und then tho Judge allows the writ, and tho prisoner is brought up, and the person who holds him is bound to make a return. If the prisoner is illegal ly detained, the Judge orders him to be dis charged; ifrighlfully imprisonod.he remands him. That is nil there is about it. It is simply a civil writ. But there is an old maxim, as old as Julius Civsar would have been had he lived, inter anna silent lerrs, that is, the laws are silent in the mids'l ol anus. Here is the question: An individu al is imprisoned here; some friend gets a habeas corpus, and he is brought up nnd the ease is inquired into. And whoever in terferes with, or obstructs that writ, is guil ty of a great moral and legal wrong, and in curs a heavy penalty. In time of war it is a different matter. Here it is found that a man is fixing to blow up a fortress, or be tray an army to the enemy. The officer iu command has him arrested, and sends him to a fort, with orders that he shall be strong ly guarded, because he is known to bo a traitor, and iu the confidence of traitors and enemies. A lawyer issues out a writ of ha beas corpus. But what is the result? It cannot be served, and the prisoner cannot be procured they cannot see him unless the judge's tongue is longer than the soldier's bayonet. Would any one; if he was com manding at Fortress Monroe, Fort McIIen ry, or anywhere else, where ho was sur- I wl "il. A. 1 . louiuieu wuii treason nun traitors at every step, would he, because a judgo sent a writ of habeas corpus give up a traitor who was endangering the safety of his command and the interests of the country? Cries of "no, never." No man can pretend it for a sin gle moment. It is one of the terrible neces sities of war. And if 1 wore in command and had good reason to believe that I had possession ol a traitor, and no other remedy would arrest the treachery, I would suspend the writ and individual too. Cheers and cries of "Good," "That goes t ight to tho spot," "That is such Democracy us I like to sec." There is no other hero. Gen. Jack son had the hearts of the American people more than any man of modern times. Ami why? Because he met great necessities like u man. Ho didn't go, iu times of stirring necessity, to demonstrate problems from musty precedents, but when a man wanted hanging, ho hung him first and looked up the law afterward. Ijiughtcr. There arc times and occasions when this is tho only way to do iu dealing with treason. Tho civil laws allords no adequate remedy. While you aro discussing tho question the country may be ruined, the Capital inflames, tho archives destroyed. u lien tho war is over we may examine nnd seo if any ono has incurred a penalty for suspending the writ of habeas corpus. Gen. Jackson paid his fino, but not till after ho had put down both foreign foes and domestic traitors. So long as thcro is a citizen South that de mands the protection of Government, then it is our duty to protoct tho Government of the Union for his sako. "Sound," "That's tho talk," &c And when there is none, it is our duty to maintain it, for politically, geographically, socially, and commercially it is 0110 in every sense it is utterly impos sible for this Government to bo divided without its utter destruction to both sec tions. When you attempt to divide the North from tho South, you must do it East and West. Then all will go to pieces, and our country will be a Mexico worse than Mexico, because we havo ten times more material for mischief and destruction. A military despotism will bo inaugurated whenever you permit this rebellion to tri umph. But somo cry we are in favor of peace. Yes, we aro all for peace now. 1 was for negotiating a peaco until a fortification was fired upon by rebel artillery, and then I bade adieu to all expectations of peace until con quered over rebellion. Cheers. I say there is no peaco until you can put down n hellion by force of arms; and when every other man, woman and child in tho United States has aeknowlegei tho independence of tho revolted States, to those with arms in their hands I will still oppose it, and I will talk for my own gratification when no oth ers will hear tne. Laughter and cries of "good." We must stand by tho Union. Fellow citizens, the language of Andrew Jackson was, "Tho Union must and shall bo preserved." What would Gen. Jackson havo dono had ho been at the helm to-day? Ho would havo hung tho traitors higher than Hainan. You may inako peace with tho loyal men of the South, and there the place to mako it. But how will you do it with rebellion? Go with nu agree ment in one hand and a revolver in the oth er, and nsk the Confederacy to take its choice? If there is any you can deal with, is tho loyal citizens of tho South those that are persecuted for tho sako of their Government tho. 0 that love their Consti tution and aro willing to die in its defense, when they are restored to position by con quering rebellion. All should strive to gether for this good end men should bare their bosoms iu battle, women implore in the name of heaven that the blessings of tho Union should return, and children raise their little hands to curse this rebellion as a fero cious monster that has come hither to tor ment them beforo their time, and dim with blood and tears the lustre of their bright star. I believed wheu the eve of tho last Presidential election bad closed down, that mat it requires attention. I know not whether Mr. Lincoln has observed tho Con- " S it is of of to to as in I should claim exemption and an honorablo discharge from tho active discussions of the day. I congratulated myself that I should once more enjoy repose in tho quiet of my home and in the pursuit I loved. But this question of Government or anarchy lias aris en, nnd I find it my duty to raise my voico at the demands of my fellow citizens, until turbulence is hushed", or crowned with tri umph. Are you in favor of war? No; but 1 am in favor of putting down war by force of arms. I am opposed to war, and in favor of obtaining peace bv putting dowu the au thors of the war. 1 am iu favor of peace, but I am in favor of the only course that will insure it driving out armed rebellion, negotiating with lovality. When this couu try commences to die, i't will die rapidly. hen this nation is given up to disruption, it will go to swift destruction. Rome; to be sure, w us three hundred years dying; but then its physical powers were greater than ours, its moral force less, its nervous ener gy less acute than ours. When wo fall we shall go down iu blood and darkness; but not in tears, for tho dying never weep. Nero, the last and worst of the Cicsars, sung to this harp vhilo his capital was in flames; Tamerlane, to signalize his brutal ferocity, reared a monument of seventy thousand hu man skulls; Attila declared "that the grasn should never grow where the hoof of his war-horse trod. Ilyder Ali left tho Curnatie black with ashes and desolation; but ho who detroys the American Union will be a great er monster than all or either. And "the foe, the monster Brant," who fell upon and slaughtered the defenseles women and chil dren. of this valley, will bo more approved in history by men, and be an honcsler man in tho sight of God, than the despoiler of our late happy Union. Shall the fell de stroyers of this beautiful fabric be permitted to accomplish their infernal errand, and shall they bo aided in this work of evil by the cry of peace? Let none escape under this shallow pretention. Solomon, the wise King of Judea, spared not the murderous Joab, though he (led for refuge to the inclos ures of the Tabernacle, and clung for pro tection to tho horns of the altar, he slew him there. And a cry of peace to be nego tiated with armed traitors should secure a city of refuge to none. I am pained to seo tho vast destruction of liili-iiy mm iihihi ioiiow; i regret to seo the prosperity of tho country blasted and destroyed; 1 regret to see tho great loss of human hie that must ensue. But if these events must come, they had better come with a country preserved, than come with a country divided and destroyed. We must light baltlcH, and bloody battles. We must call vast numbers of men into the field. Wo must not go as boys to a general training, with ladies, and idlers, ami members, of Congress to see tho show, but wo must go 111 earnest go prepared for action to light it as a battle, and not to fight it us a play spell. We must unite as a whole people, going shoulder to shoulder. And when wo do so we shall conquer. And why? Wo havo tho right, we have the prestige of Gov eminent, we have the sympathy of the dis interested world, we have the moral and and material elements to do it all, and to in sure victory. Rebellion has not tho finan cial ability to stand a long war, with all their gains from privateering and piracy, and is suing Confederates bonds made a lien upon the property ot people who were never con sulted us to their iNsuo, and who repudiate them worth as much as a June frost, a cold wolf track, which no financier lit to bo out side. of the lunatic asylum would give a shill ing a peck for. They next may harrass, they may destroy, they may commit piracy, but the reckoning is to como for all tin's. They will be brought to tho Judgment of tho American people of their own people. They will bo arraigned, and who is thcro will be ready to stand up as their defenders in the name of the Constitution? I tell thco Culloden's dread echoes shall rinfc With blood-hounds that bark fur thy fugitive king." What a glorious Constitution we shall have when it finds such glorious interpreters! How strong our institutions will bo anchor ed upon such foundations? Tho Constitu tion will then literary "Live through all time, extend through all extent Spread undivided, operate unspent." 1 know there are some who fear the way liko power of tho rebellious States. They had a great deal of power for good; but they havo a great deal less than they imagino or is generally imagied for evil. YVo ure a good deal slower in waking up, but when waked up we aro good heal more in earnest. Tho tono of the rebel press is exceedingly braggart in regard to its men and its victo ries. It reminds me, when I hear of their self lauuded prowess, of the showman who spoke of the great capacity of the animal he was exhibiting: "Ladies and gentlemen," said he, "this is tho Bengal tiger, measuring fourteen feet from tho tip of his nose to the tip of his tail, and fourteen more from the tip of his tail back to tho tip of his nose, making in all twenty eight feet." Laugh ter. Now I think their estimates about their forces and capacity, are just about as liberal. And they aro to bo looked at accordingly. Nevertheless, they have great elements of mischief. And if Satan himself had been sent on earth to scourgo mankind, and to cover tho laud with desolation, hcould not have performed his mission more successfully than by assuming tho 6hapo of a rebel de magogue, and preaching Secession. "Sound." Now, I havo a clear and well ofined nnd distinct theory, of what I would do with this matter to attain a peace. I do not know that this Government ever can be brought back to where it was before, in tho enjoyment of all its relations; but, I believo can be. In population, wavo succeeds wave in generations, as wavo succeeds wave upon the ocean, and the men of to-day pass away to morrow. I believe it can bo brought back, but not by fostering rebellion; but it by treating it as treason, robbery, and murder. Ami, if this Government ever can bo saved, it must bo by a summary chastisement and overthrow rebellion, 60 that the loyal people the Southern States can como forward and administer tho Government of these States as before. Who is tho missionary that is going with his peace propositions? What is ho going to say? What will ho say this party in rebellion? It Is a pretty thing to talk about and for tho designing to dupe tho North; it is a very awkard thing reduce to practice. If you drivo out re bellion, you will havo a loyal pooplo South well us North. Then they will all do what Virginia and Missouri, and Maryland aro trying to do, and what Ielawaro aud Kentucky aro doing. Are there any men hore w ho want this Union divided. "No." Then do not sympathize with treason in any form in gender, number, person, or case any of its ramifications. Hunt it like a ferocious moiibter whenever you find it. Is there any who wish this matter let alono to perfect the rebellion so causelessly commenc ed. Who would he a traitor knave? Who would fill a coward's grave ? Who so base as be a slaver I.ct him turn and flue. Who fur Union and for Law Freedom's sword will atrouelr draw. Freeman stand or freeuiaa fall, Let bim follow me. And that is, tight for tho Union, the whole Union, aud nothing but the Union. Let every American citizen, instead of crying, pen 00, peace, when their i bo peace, rally upon tho ramparts until Secession is silenced; until the roar of artillery has ceased. Then wo shall have peace, enduring perpetual peaco, and as monsters aro seldom born of tho same generation, we shall have no mors of their Secession in tho present century or the next. This Government is tho Govern ment of tho American people. It is ours to use, ours to on joy, but it is not ours to sub vert. We nro trustees. We are charged with sacred trusts. All we have to do is to bask in the sunshine of its blessings. But cursed be tho unholy ambition of him that at temps to destroy it, 1 regard him and treat him as a traitor to his kind. God will set a mark upon him too; tut it will not be liko tho mark set upon tho first murderer of umn ror that we set for safety but this will be set for destruction. And God grant that it may bo so. "Amen." It will be tima enough to struggle over who shall adminis tho Government when we aro sure wo huyo one to administer. Ho who is not for it is against it. I havo determined to filit this battle out, but on no political grounds. I stand upon tho Constitutional ground of my fathers. There 1 will stand, and animato my countrymen to stand w ith me, and when once we shall have peaco restored when wo shall have put down rebellion, when w o shall have encouraged fidelity, when pence and prosperty shall agaiu gieet us, then let us see if any part of any State is oppressed, if any individual is wronged, if any are de prived of their rights, Bee that equal and ex act justice is extended to all. This is a great crises, not only in our nffairs but in tho affairs of human liberty. Tho A ngcl of Freedom, ufter coursing over tho wide expanse of waters in the Old World, found no rest for tho solo of her foot until she hovered here. Here is her resting place. God of my fathers, 0 protect her. Let ua go toward to this great work of preservation not merely us members of political parties, but as American citizens, cheers, bound to carry out the work our fore fathers began, by the exercise of every energy, moral and material. Here is our glorious Ship of State with its ensigns streaming, its Stars and Stripes so redolent of hope, carrying gladness whenever seen by the true hearted, and we hail it as tho noblest emblem of earth, Heav en bloss that noble ship. "Wo know not what master laid thy keel T What workman wrought thy ribs of steel? Who made each must, and sail, and rope? What anvils rang, what hammers beat? In what a (urge and what a hcHt Wero shaped tho anchors of thy hope." Mr. Dickinson retired amid great cheering. In the evening the meeting was continued in front of tho Wall Hotel, and addresses wero delivered from tho balcony by tho lion. L. Elhanon Smith, tho Rev.'Thos. U. Ward, Geo. Landon, Esq., and Gov. Dickinson. Action of the Democratic State Action of the Democratic State Convention---A Partizan Campaign forced upon the People of Ohio. From the Fremont Democrat. A report of tho doings of tho Democratio State Convention will bo found on our first page. It will be seen that that body, ignor ing the great issue of the day, have put up a straight party ticket and platform. After a very liberal proposition mado by the Re publican Executive Committee for a union of all parties upon tho simple basis of main taining the government, thispartizan action of the Democratic Convention, although wo did not expect anything different, is really much to be regretted, on account of the encouraging effect it may have on tho rebel cause. An officer in our army, a democrat, remarked to its a few days ago, that tha moral effect of tho action of tho Columbua Convention would be equal to that produc ed by the addition of one hundred thousand men to the rebel ranks. This is perhaps an exaggeration,but the remark is significant aa showing tho opinion our gallant volunteers havo of tho partizan warthr which dema gogues are endeavoring to carry on against the Administration. Tho simple refusal to unito on the broad and patriotic basis proposed by our lato political opponents, is, of itself, an encourag ing token to the rebel government of Jeff. Davis. The latter will drnw from it the in ference that there is a Btrong party in Ohio opposed to the maintenance of the Federal government by force of arms. But this in- lerenco will ho changed to a firm belief in tho midst of the rebels when they come to read the fault-finding and denunciatory re solutions of tho Ohio Convention. Thoso resolutions aro framed with much cunning and adroitness ; they cover tip tho moat subtilo poison under a sugar coating; pro fessing lovality, they are not loyal, and all tho more "detestablo for their hypocrisy. They may deceive somo democrats in Ohio, but their truo character will not escape the scrutiny of the rebel leaders. They will understand that any political pction in ref erence to tho great und overshadowing issue of tho day, which does not give an un equivocal support to the National adminis tration, means friendship for them, under whatever disguise it may be hid. They will understand that thero con bo but two- parties in this emergency tho party against tho rebellion and the party 111 sympathy with it. Entertaining theso views, we must now do what wo havo never beforo done in tho whole course of our editorial career exhort our democratic friends to repudiate the ac tion of tho so-called Democratic State Con vention of tho 7th itist. Patriotism points. out no other course. Every voto cast for this partizan platform and ticket will be a word of encouragement to the rebels eve ry voto against it will bo a voice in favor of tho National Government as our lathers made it. Democrats of Sandusky county. can von hesitate to say on which side you win iio louna 1 1 ou aro now iuvitou 10 join a great national organization of the people which is being organized to meet the com mon danger. Tho platform of this organiz ation has no tricks or dodges it has noth ing to conceal it has but ono plank, which is broad enough to afford every man a solid footing who is in favor of tho unconditional maintenance of the Government, and too narrow to accommodate any others. Let the partizans who are endeavoring to divide the people and cripple their energies whilo a great danger menaces the life of the na tion who can see nothing higher nor holier nor more worthy of their regard than tha petty and ephemeral interests of party, whilo the very earth trembles beneath their feet under the throes of a national convuh sion while nioro than two hundred thou sand armed rebels are endeavoring, in tho expressive language of Douglas, "to blot out tho United States from the map of Christendom" let these partizans, we say, stand upon tho platform they havo budt, but let no one who prizes his own or hit country's welfaro get upon it. It is made of treacherous timber, and with the organiza tion that stands upon it will be scattered to tho winds by.tho uprising tempest of a peo ple's wrath. Neoro Wit. "Pompey, why is a journey round dis world like a cat's tail ?" "Well, I doesn't zactly see any senibhvnca 'twixt the cases," "Well, den, I suppose IU hab to tell yon. bekase it am fur to de end of it," "But suppose d cat's tail is singed?" said Pompey. "Oh i den In dat ease," said the ether, tea ' quite so