OCR Interpretation

Urbana union. [volume] (Urbana, Ohio) 1862-1872, September 10, 1862, Image 3

Image and text provided by Ohio History Connection, Columbus, OH

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85026309/1862-09-10/ed-1/seq-3/

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Urbana Union Directory.
Urbana Union Directory. The Markets.
GRAIN, &c.
Csmete Weekly kj J.ka El-kkl" I Macrewa
Flour, per bbl.... $-30 Oats, per bush . .
Flour, extra".... d. 00 Barley "
Wheat, pr bush . . Clover seed. . .
Rve " 43 Timothr"
liay, per ton 8.00 Flax ......
Com, per bushel, 88
. 2
CsmetW Weekly ? J. C. (xlm
Vreeer ua Pravlatoa Vealen .
BeeT, per pound,
Pork, '
Bacon, Ham.
Coffee, per B l?iff2S
sV 4
Molasses, N. O. W
Potatoes, or. bu. 40
Fire, pr- dot :.
Mackerel, 10
White Fish. bbl. 4.00
Lard, ' 5'i
' 10 I Dried Apples.tpS., 5ti
riour HlS(?4-3f
Wheat, 90,0.1.00
Corn, 82vS5
Barley, 60i70
Kje,.". WM
OaU, 81
Clover Seed, . .4.755.00
Whiskey, .... Itl3
Hoga, 5.75iV.O0
Lard, 6X&
Flour J5.0035.SO 1 Corn......
Wheat, 1.10 il.80 J Oats,
Rve Wajir8 I Whiskey,.
Barley, 80 a5 j Beet;
On aud after May 5, 1SC2, Trains will pass this
(Urbana) station, as follows :
ooreo SORTH.
Mall t-1M-
Night Express 10.20, p- M
Way do Mondays, Weds Fridays 5.40, a. M.
Through Freight, every day 1-00, "
oomo SOUTH.
Mail S'-"-
Moraine Express.... -'. M
Way do Tuesdays, Thurs Saturdays. .2.00, p. M.
Through Freight, every day 2.10, a. M.
United States Express Messentrer on the Mail
trains, only. JAS. P. PINDAR, Agent.
- . f 1 1 j .t-1 - - - - --' f-
t j-' '-;y .-r.-v-
On and after May 29, lSoi, Trains will leave Ur
bana, as fellows :
No 1, Express 8:40, A. M
No 8 " - 5:15, P.M.
eonto east.
Ko 8, Express, :35, A. M.
No, - . i.P- M.
JAS. H. BROWN, Agent
' 1st PnwBTTims Ciiuech. West Court St.
Rev. L. H. I-ons?. Pastor. Services every Sab
bath. Hour. : 1L, A. Jt, 7, r. H.
Sabbath School at 1.45, p. v.
Lecture and Social Prayer Meeting on Wednes
day evening, at 7 o'clock.
Ev. Lcthebak Chvrch. South-Eost corner
Coort and Walnut Street. Kev. J. . Severing
haua, Pastor. Services every other Sabbath.
Hours : 11. a. m., 3, p. m.
. feubbath School at 9, A. M.
1st Math. E. Church. South-West corner
Tinrch and North Main Streets. Rev. C. W
hears. Pastor. Servives every Sabbath. Hours :
. 11. A.M.. ".P.M.
Anhliatli School at 2. r. V.
General Cln Meetui;r, Monday evening, at 7
. o .lu c
Ketrubrr.-ayerMeatiujr, Wednesday evening.
. at 7 o'clock.
2d Mr.nl. K. Cum- H. East Water Street
, Kev. J. it' Kotiiicou, Puutor. Services every
1 Sabbath. Hours : 11. A. M. ; 7, p. M.
. , Sabbath School at 3, P. t.
General Class Meeting, Monday evening, at 7
'clock. - - ...
Baptist Chthcii. East Court Street Rev. J.
O. - Boahara, Pastor. Services every Sabbath.
. Hours, U, a CRM.
Sabbath School at , A. .
. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday evetlui;, 7 o dock.
Episoopai. Cdlhch. Corner Scioto and Ken
Ion Streets. Kev. Cummiugs, Pastor. Ser
vices every fourth Sabbath. Hours : 11, A. 3.
t. M. -
Nrw CHrRcn. North-west corner South Vain
and Reynolds streets. Kev. J. T. Eaton, Pastor.
Services every Sabbath. Honr : 11, a. u.
Catholic Cnmcu. John Street Kev.
Kearney, Priest Services every Sabbath.
Hours : 11. A. Jt.
Associate Reformed Chtrch. West Market
Official Directory.
Member of Congress, .
Common Pleas Judge,
Representative, .
Probate Judge, .
Clerk Common Pleas,
Prosecuting Attorney, .
Auditor, . . .
Treasurer, .
Coroner, . . .
8. ShelWbarger.
E. Parsons.
Samson Mason.
. A. P. Howard.
. A. F. Vance.
. John Russell.
. Levi Geiger.
Samson P. Taiuot.
Decatur Talbott
C. H. Ward.
David M. Fisher.
Jas. Q. u..ird.
GriU'uh Ellis.
. Thomas Chaace,
Samnel Williams, B
enjumin Davis.
Infirmary Directors,
Jonas Hedges, W
Auctioneer, . . .
John YY. liitt,
m. Sampson,
. Jacob Zombra
Trustee . . . ' . J. H. Patrick,
Wm. McDonald, Robt R. Colwell.
Treasurer, . . . Thus. H. Berry.
Clerk, .... JamcB G. Ogden.
J. P.' N. Rhodes, Wm. Patrick.
Constable, . . . . Jacob Zombro,
J. C. Jones, John Thomas, John C. Tabor.
Mavor . . . . William Patrick.
Council, . . Gorge B. Coulter, Griffith
EUis, James P. Pindar, George W. Collins,
Joseph C. Glenn.
Recorder, . - .. . John Russell.
Marshal, .... Jacob C. Jones.
Street Commissioner, . - . J. C. Jones.
Board of Education, . J. H. Young, Pres.
J. P. Pindar, W. T. Busser, E. B. Patrick, A. J.
Outhridge, John Russell, Secretary.
CITY. The Mails.
Souther Maii ria Cincinnati, Louisville, 8t
Louis, fcc Closes at 2:00,P. M.; arrives at 10:U),a.
sc., daily
All Letters. for Southern, 8outh-Eaetern
n 8outh-Weiteni Ohio, Southern Indiana and
Illinois, south-Western States, and the Territo
ries, with Letters (only) for California, &c, via O
veriand Konte, go in this mail.
Northers Mail via Toledo and Cleveland.
Closes at 10:15, A. M. ; arrives at 2.-f, P. M., daily.
All Letters, c, for Northern and North-West-frn
Ohio, North-Western States, New York, New
Jersev. the New Ene-land States. Canada, Ac,
foreign Countries, and California, &c, ria Pana
ma, go in mis mail.
Eastern MAn-eii Columbus. Closes at 6:30,
p. M.; arrives at 8:30, a. u. daily.
Letters for Central and Eastern Ohio, Pennsyl
vania, Maryland, Virginia, Washington, and the
Southern Atlantic States, go in this mail.
Western Maii. via Indianapolis. Closes at 6:
45. a. M. ; arrives at 8, p. M. daily.
Letters for Western Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Io
wa, &c, go in this inail.
- Mutual Mail -for Mutual, Rosedale and Dar
ly Plains (and Mcchauicsbnrg, on days mention
ed). Arrives Tuesdays; departs Mondays.
N. AMBROSE, Postmaster;
' ' , . , .Wm. Rhodes, Dt-puty.
Ji.tr a. uxrxoxr.
If job wish to
This Paper.
Tirs question has been asked, whetter
the Urbana Union 'will be a permanent
paper. We answer that it is no tempor
ary thing; it is meant to be permanent.
It makes, lio debts, bnt pays as it goes.
Those who wish to be subscribers must
pay iu advance else they cannot be sub
scribers. Customers for job work must
pay on delivery, or they cannot be cus
tomers. The publisher wishes to be ex- j
plicit the Urbana Union will do its
duty, and will keep good its word.
Wsst Liberty sent a full company to Cin
cinnati with Job Salkeld as Captain as brave
and bully a man as Logan county can boast
At.t the members of the 95th Regiment,
both paroled and otherwise, are ordered to
Camp Chase to be drilled into a state of ei
ficiencr, we suppose.
The Horse Fair, we are informed, was a
successful af-" fair." We had no reporter on
the ground, and regret that we cannot speak
more particularly of it
Nearly- every businesa house in Urbana
was represented in the "border'' company.
The response was general and hearty, " Our
Jim" went from the TJnion office, and, we
mppose, done terrible thing? as he is in the
habit of doing ' sicli." constantly.
TnsRi is an expectancy among many that
our three months boys, Capt. Mayse, will be
oome this week. This may be so, but we
think not Affairs look a little squally in the
vicinity of Clarksburg, and we believe our
men w ill be retained there for some time.
Get a Copy. We are indebted to Messrs
T. B. Peterson & Bros Philadelphia, for a
pamphlet copy of Train's great speech on the
Downfall of England, (in fuU) and ArchbL-hop
Hnchea' Sermon on the War. It is plainly
printed on thick paper and very cheap at the
price 10 cents. Send for it
For the present and " until further notice"
our readers must overlook any errors or defi
ciencies in our paper.. Three of ns (the edi
tor devoting, himself nearly entirely to tlie
composing room) are kept biipy day and a part
of the night in getting out the paper. Many
"matters" are neglected, of course, especially
in this department, but we expect to be u re
inforced" shortly when we will be all " right"
and sure to " go ahead," as we wish to.
M. E. CHrRcn. The Ciucinnati Conference
closed its sassion at Cincinnati this week. The
late Presiding Elder, Eev. David W amock,
has been appointed to the First M. E. Church
in this place, and Eev. J. M. Robinson re-appointed
to the Second charge. Rev. as. F.
Chalfant, formerly stationed here, is the new
Presiding Elder of th':s District. These ap
pointments will undoubtedly meet with the
entire approbation of both churches.
Ti have nothing late from the 6Gth Regi
ment It is with Banks' division (or rather
what was Banks' division be baa command
of the defences of Washington now). But a
half dozen effective officers are with tl e regi
ment The released officers have not been
exchanged yet, nor have the private soldiers
captured by the rebels been released.
The 45th Regiment, Col. Ruukle, is at or
near Covington yet. A squad of it recently
captured some secesh horses, which were
brought to Camp Chase by a memler of the
Popclar Mcsic. In addition to that very
popular piece, 'COO.000 More," Messrs. Brain
ard & Co. of Cleveland, have issued " Advance
Guards' March," "Clara Bell, a ballad," and
" Col. Baker's Funeral March" -all of the fi
nest arrangement and com position the first
at 40 cents, the second, 35 and the last, 2o
This house is one of the most enterprising
muic establishments in the country, and de
serves a lanre Western patronace. Anv sheet
music, or musical instrument of the most ap
proved manufactuie. is furnished by Messrs.
Biainard & Co. at the lowest prices. Give
them your ordeis.
W delayed the publication of our paper
one day last week iu order to publish the list
of the kilted and wounded of Captains War
nock's and Cowgill'a companies in the 95th
Regiment Our anticipations were disap
pointed. No complete list has yet appeared,
and we shall wait another week.
Capt. Cowgill, Lieuts. Stansbury and Wal
ton, with a number of the men have arrived
home well and not much the worse in body
for their arduous service. These officers and
their men, as did all acquitted themselves
nobly on the field of battle. We trust that
they will meet with an early exchange, and
have many opportunities afforded them here
after to repay the rebels.
Sad Casualty. Among those who imme
diately responded to the call for the defence
the border was Daniel G. Coleman, of King-
eston. And with this response he gave his
As the cars were passing under a bridge
beyond Dayton, Mr. Coleman, who was stand
ing on top, in the dsrkness, was struck by
the timbers and instantly killed. His re
mains were brought home the same evening,
and buried the ensuing day.
Daniel G. Coleman was a young man high
ly respected a gentleman and a patriot
When the war broke out, he enlisted among
the first, and became 1st Lieutenant of Capt
Corwin's company. lie met his death as a
volunteer, although not on the field of battle.
Capt. S. L Hooe, of the 82d Regiment,
was severely wounded at the recent battle of
Bull Run. He has been brought home to his
family at the residence of hii father-in-law,
Wm. Runkle, Esq. near Mount Tabor, Salem
township, in this county. The Captain was
yesrs ago a resident of this place. Our citi
zens will remember his speech for recruiting,
delivered at Armstrong's cormer, a few woeks
ago. He was then on his way to tne army,
lie is an excellent officer.
The 82Dd is the bully Ilardin county regi
ment, and suffered severely in this battle. Its
Colonei, James Cantwell, a noble man and
brave soldier, wsa kilW'I at the h'-ad ot m
The Champaign County Mutual Lottery.
Will positively come off next week," com
mencing Tuesday. Full and complete ar
rangements have been made at the Courl
House, and Mr. Bryan, who is Manager, will
see that the drawing is conducted in the fair
est mautier. , ; : ' '
About every tenth ticket will draw valu
able prize, entitling the holder to a line fowl
ing piece,' a g.-imebag (sometimes called Knap
sack,) a pair of blankets, a full, new rail ;:'
clothes, and a due bill of the Frcprielor of
the Lottery, far nine monllis board (maybe
bored) ami wages. - . ! ; :
The Prcprietor hopes there will be no
grumbling or dissatisfaction by those who do
not diaw prize?; lie will distribute as many as
possible. He hopes to distribute a goodly
portion of the prizes to the Generals who
have hitherto remained at home. Each will
be assigned to service immediatley, and given
a command to "shoildcr arms'" He
hepe0, also, to afford gentlemen of leisure an
opportunity to travel for their health. A
prize ticket in this Lottery gives every holder
a sure and certain " leave ot absence" from
Thanking his friends in Chsmpaign for their
liberal "patronage" heretofore bestowed on
him in his great Threshing Machine, the "un
dersigned" remains.
Tour obedient servant, and
UNCLE SAM Proprietor.
The Downfall of England. We print on
our outside material portions of George Fran
cis Train's Eloquent speech Isetore the Broth
er-hood of St. Patrick in London, and for
which he was imprisoned. The speech and
the auspices under which it was delivered are
among the most significant things of the day.
' The life of America is the death of England."
At the conclusion of Mr. Train's speech the
following resolution was unanimously adopt
ed. . - '
" Retolvtd, That we, the Irish residents in
London in public meeting assembled, do here
by tender our sincere and heartfelt thanks to
the citizens ot the TJunited States for the gen
erous aid and sympathy they have always
displayed towards oppressed Ireland ; and beg
to compliment George Francis Train for his
manly and uncompromising conduct in the
support of the rights of the people during his
residence in this country."
Mr. Train has been released and arrived in
this country on the ifaccadorats, last week.
He will probably be given a command in the
army. He is one of our smartest talkers; he
might make one of our smartest command
ers. From the Second Ohio. We received a
letter last week, too late for publication in
that issue, from a friend in the 2nd. The regi
ment is still near the mouth of Battle Creek,
Tennessee, in camp very much discouraged
at not being afforded active service. -
The climate is oppressively hot there at
present As an instance our correspondent
says : " The boys of company H, beinga.-rfer
than the rest, say they can draw flour and
have warm biscuit every day; by making up
the dough and placing it on a sheet of writing
paper, " out-doors,'- it bakes by the heat of
the sun in 15 minutes."
Speaking of the composition of ihe Regi
ment he says : " The news from Champaign
in thi Regiment are as follows: Company
A all but 8 men are from Champaign ; D
20 ; E 10 or 12 ; H 15; 16 or 8 ; K 5.
Company A. has about 80 men. There is a
total of 130 men in this regiment, at present.
from Champaign county, besides a number
that are in the hospitals at Nashville, Mur
freesboro' and Huntsville. Now I would like
to know why they can't send some ofthen .'w
recruits to us. ' We are a good company
have the best of officers both company and
reciment8l. Col. Harris has been like a fath
er to us. He is now in command of the 9th
He gives 'he Aid Society a "hint," which
deserves to be heeded. The brave Berryhill
and his boys should not be forgotten : "The
Sanitary Committee of Urbana might send
some of their good tilings here. They would
taste as good to our sick as to those of other
regiments. We claim to be as deserving o!
those things as others. To be sure, we have
not been in any bloody fight but that is not
our fault We have almost run our legs off
after the enemy ever since we went into ser
vice, and have not got them to make a stand
Our correspondent says that Chaplain Gad
dis will visit Champaign on a recruiting tour,
when all the boys who- want to join a fine old
regiment can enlist in Berryhill's company.
We hope to hear from " Champaioker"
again and often.
The University School.
The Preparatory School at the Urbana
University opened on Wednesday last un
der the care of Mr. Charles Hardon and
Mrs. T. P. McNemar.
There seems to be a misapprehension
in the minds of some, as to the nature of
the School and they suppose that it is a
school for little children only. The
School is for both boys and girls, and is
both Primary and Preparatory. The
course of instruction here followed em
braces all the branches below the first
College class, and in this College the stu
dies of the Freshman Class are equal to
those of the Second Classes in other Col
leges as the Regular College Course is
embraced in three years instead of four
years, as usual elsewhere. . The course
of the Preparatory School for Language
and Elementary Mathematics is also em
braced in a like three years.
Os the 2d inst, at the residence of the
bride's father, Samuel Taylor, Efq;; in West
Liberty, by Rev. L. I. Drake, Mr. John Enoch,
jr. to Miss Amelia V. Taylor.' The affair, we
are assured, in its tout ensemble was one of the
largest and gayest in the history of our neigh
bor town. " Our" thanks, of course, for the
choice and bountiful "accompaniment."
Wc arc happy to know that tho Taylor has
made the " happiest" and most fortunate
" suit" of her life; and hope that John (and
his lady, also,) like Enoch of old, may be trans
lated into the seventh heaven ot connubial
felicity. ' ; ' ' .
" Happiest they the happiest of their kind.
Whose lives, shorn- fortune- aud whose spirits
Sunday Stealing.
A BRIOUT Iookiiii' bov was met on Sun-
day last by some people on their vsy ;
church with his arms filled with tLe ;
green fruit of (he Osage OranSo tree.: .J
vo:! K-nvt
l..av-y ' NY ' Wbvd J voutake them ? I
O, 1 il'J iwt-i!uuk: th.y -were -orth r.iy i
tiling? Ami so. they were not worth atji -
ui money, value, out tuejp ui wi"K r
fu! 'o !uok
aad n far rare here :
would Le beautiful for others to look at. but
he has destroyed their chance of p'easure iu
that way. He was a bright looking boy abd
answered with a manly readiness, wholly uh-con-cious
of. wrong. r Did his parents teach
liimlietter when he went home ? Doubtful
The town is iufested with thieves of a base
kind baser even thau ordinary thieves. The
Ladies of the Soldiers' Aid Society, whe' re
ceived their contributions and pack them tit j
the basement of the Presbyterian Church. 1
found yesterday that the apartment had been ,
entered, and some wine in bottles, left irom 1
a previous packing had been opened and
drank. Within a day or two before, a widow
lady had been preparing fruits in jars and cor
dial in bottles to be sent to the army ; her
teller was entered and the whole carried off. J
Stealing is the meanest of human crimes, but a '
man who steid the stores of sick and wound
ed soldiers, ought to be exposed iu a wire cage
with proper labels tor six woeks on the pub
lic square. . . ..v.-
You want to hear the news when battles
have been fought, go to the Station'about
train-time from Columbus and watch :
The newsboy will have papers to sell :
Twenty of yon go ; watch around ; sorne
one will buy a ptper (no 10 per ct man
does that, mind you); and when yon see
that some unthrifty man has. bought one,
call out for some man of voice to read
aloud. No need then of buying the boy's
papers; yon know what is in them, and,
besides, you have had the trouble of
walking down. . ...
No one buys a paper, break for Harry's
Store, and send to the Post Office for
Frank's paper. ITave it read aloud, and
then Frank's family can have it. Fol
low it up ; stick to it ; yon will get the
news cheap as dirt : and Albright will
have your anxious phizzes, beautifully
grouped, with the chop-fallen newsboy in
the background, looking very blank.
Tue Commercial's correspondent gives the
following account of our fellow townsman's
"go-ahead-itiveness" . of the rebels. It is
truthful ; and will save manv the trouble of
requesting the Lieut Colonel to furnish an
account of his own : "
A " RI!)E TO CEATn."
Lieut. Col. Armstrong,' of the 95th Ohio,
after his release on parole performed what
may well be classed among the daring feats
of the battle, though but remotely connected
with it. After manfully and heroically per
forming .Lis duty in the three different en
gagement of the day, he was taken prisoner.
His capture occurred, tiiher late on Saturday
night or early Sunday morning. I have for
gotten which. He had a favorite and valua
ble horse, which was fortunate to escape un
hurt Desirous of retaining this animal
still further endeared to him by dangers safe
ly passed through he applied to General
Kirby Smith for permission to do so, and the
General, who is the most courteous of rebels,
granted his request.
Before the Ninety-fifth was ready to leave
Richmond, Oen. Smith had gone forward
and Gen. Heath was in command. The last
named individual countermanded the order
of Gen. Smith, and informed Col. Armstrong
that his horse was Confederate property. The
Colonel was of course highly displeased with
the fiat, ar.d soon njade op his mind to dis
obey it. Accordingly, he mounted his valued
charger fully caparisoned for the battle field
and riding througii town with an air of one
who has a right to do so he started on the
Lexington pike for Cincinnati and interme
diate points. It is worthy of statement that
Gen. Heath had issued an order that no parol
ed prisoner should be allowed to leave Rich
mond on horseback. But Col. Armstrong's
steed pranced through the streets with his
lawful owner in the saddle as if he was
"parikeps crimmu" to the violation of that
Reaching the pike the Colonel put spurs to
his horse, and away he dashed past rebel
guards and patrols. lie soon overtook his
homeward-bound regiment, stopped, dis
mounted, but was off again at full gallop in
a few minutes. About an hour after his de
parture a squad of rebel cavalry came along
in full pursuit of the fugitive federal. They
inquired if he had "passed that way," and
were informed that he had. Confederate
horseflesh never exerted itself to a greater
extent than the secession chasgers did when
their riders were told that Col. Armstrong
was a good distance ahead of them. They
continued the pursuit as far as the Kentucky
river, inquiring of every person they met on
the roadside 83 to the distance between them
and the object of their chase. -
About an hour after sunset I met the pur
suers on their ictreat, and Col. Armstrong
was not with them. They had not caught
him. The valiant Ohioan with his noble
steed had been too much for the rebellious
Tcxiaus with their ill id Rozinantes, aud I
suppose is now safely at home in Urbana.
Tart or ide CGth Sick and "Wousdio in
New York. The steamer transport Atlan-
sic, Capt. John Eldridge, from Alexandria,
Va., Sept. 3 with 870 sick and wounded
saldicrs to D. D. Tompkins. Assistant Quar
termaster-General at New York, arrived Fri
day morning'.'
The soldiers are in charge of acting Sur
geon Jos. n. Wythe. Dr. Foster Hooper,
Volunteer Surgeon, Fall River. Dr. O. E.
Brewster, Volunteer Surgeon, rittsCcid, Mass.
W. G. Bennett, Hospital Steward, Fall River.
The following are of the 66th Regiment:
"VVm Snyder, co K, J E Love, co I, Sergt
G W Jamison, co E, E Post Hospital Steward.
J GrooTe, co C, A Heminger; Co 'IT, "Geo
Campbell, Co B, T Wilkins, co D, J Baker,
i Pc ter, co E, A Tanmar, co I, W Thomp
son, co A, D McClullocb, co A, W H Fanl-.
nr. CO H, W Wiley, ro H, , tiliberrr, co fcl.
J M.Mi.tK co C, A HU.-. F. I) K'lv. -o .
The Last Chance!
t.u 'authority' by tho Government to rc
from t.ru;t tw0 companies of 'able-bodied' men
.n CLa- County J ; He wiU .enter
Captain John IT. Bryan has beeu giv-
- - - - -y-
1-nll ln .livrtv i - .--"
cuiV la be drafted ' -
Democratic Mass Meeting.
: Lowlushu-e. Clark Co., Sept 8,
Ties Democracy of the counties of Clark j
and Champaign, ofthe 1th and 7th' DLliicta
of "Congress.' met in council to-day, in .order!
to make arrangements preparatory toTioWing
a general Mass Meeting or Barbecue by . the
Democracy, at Bowlusv-lle, on the 2Tth
SeptlSCi;' . -. . . ' -
On motion Jas V. Balentine was appointed
Chairman and J. H. Blose, Secretary of the
meeting. . Upon the chairman's, calling the
house to order (lie following was adopted: -
-1. Resolved, That we appoint a committee
of three, from each county, Jo confer with
Messrs Cox & McKinney, in order thet their
assistance may be secured in procuring speak
ers for the occasion. -
Committee appointed as follows Clark
Capt. S. H. Boulus Maj. Hoff and Capt. J.
C. Dieter, Champaign Maj. Poffenbarger,
D. Snyder and D. Blose. . .
2. Resolved, That we appoint a committee
of arrangements of ten to make all necessary
preparations for procuring eatables, money
and other necessaries for the occasion.
Committer adopted for the purpose was as
follows; Clark Maj. Huff, Capt Dieter,
Capt. S. H. Bwolus. Esq Bechtle and Jno.
II. Blose ; Champaign Mnj. Poffenbarger,
D. Blose, D. Snyder, T. J. O'Roark and Park
er Bryan.
3. Resolved, That we appoint Capt J. C.
Dieter a committee of one, to make arrange
ments with Sup't Rice, to have extra trains
run at suitable hours from and to Sandusky
and Dayton in order to accommodate all who
may wish to come to our ineetiug who live
at a distance.
4. Resolved, That the proceedings of thi
meeting be published in the Clark County
Democrat and Urbana Union. On motion the
proceedings of this meeting were ratified
unanimously. ......
On motion the meeting adjourned.
. , Jas. V. Bale.tixe, Chairman.
Jno. H. Bi.os-e, Secreta-,
As we wrote last week Champaign sent a
large and excellent representation of her sous
to defend the border, if necessary. One hun
dred and forty -eight men from all parts of the
county (the majority, however, from Urbana,)
armed and equipped as best could be done on
the short notice, left for Cincinnati, Thurs
day afternoon, with Cant. J. Q. Baird, of the
65th, as Captain; Capt. Wm McAdams, of the
same Regiment, as 1st Lieut, and Judge
Vanco as 2nd Lieut The departure of the
company was witnessed by a large assem
blage.. Saturday morning Capts. BairJ and McAd
ams, with the 6Glh recruits, returned report
ing the company safely arrived and in good
quarters. Upon an election to fill the vacant
offices," Judge Yvica was elected Captain,
John Russell 1st Lieut, and Levi Geiger 2nd
Yesterday (Tuesday) morning the greater
part of the company returned dusty but
hearty. The men were marched to the Courl
House yard, where Capt. Vance thanked them
for their o bedience and good soldierly con
duct ; three cheers were given for the officers,
and the company " broke ranks" and march
ed home.
The men reported excellent treatment by
the citizens of Cincinnati. They were well
provided for, as all were. The Springfield
companies were sent down the river to North
Bend, but our's and those from Logan were
retained in the city. Newhcuse says this
was done because they could be relied upon.
A few of the boys Frank Glenn, Young
Busser, Ed. Jennings, Cj rus Gregg and a few
others accompanied Gen. Lewis Wallace to
Kentucky, as a party of his body guard.
They entered the service for 30 days.
Democratic County Convention.
The democracy of Champaign County and
all others lu favor of the Union as it was and
the Constitution as it is are respectfully re
quested to meet at the Court House in Ur
bana, on Saturday, Sept. 20th, 1SG2, for the
purpose of Dominating a candidate for each of
the following county offices :
Auditor and Sheriff; also the appointing of
a Central Committee for the coming year.
By order of the Democratic Central Com
mittee of Champaign County.
W. A. PURTLEBAUGH, Chairman.
The Urbana Union should be in the hands
of every family in Champaign connty.
Special Notices.
Thi time for Drafting in Champaign County having
been postponed by order of Governor Tod. until Tues
day the lttth day of September A, D. 1802, it will com
mence on that day at 9 o'clock A. M. at the Court
House in Urbana in said County; and will be conduct
ed in accordance with the following section of order
99 issued from the War department.
' 5. At the time fixed as hofore provided by the
Commissioner for making the draft, tne Sheriff of the
County, or in his absence, such person as the Commis
sioner may appoint, sitall in the presence of said Com
missioner, publicly place in a wheel or box. of a like
character to such as are u?ed for drawing jurors, sepa
rate folded ballots, containing the name of all persons
remaining on such enrollment lists not stricken olf as
before provided, and a proper person, appointed bv the
Commissioner and blindfolded, shall thereupon draw
from said box or wheel a numlier of ballots, equal to
the number cf drafted men fixed by the Governor of
uch State as the quota of such, count J.'.' .
By a subsequent order of the Governor of the State
of Ohio, the draft will be conducted by Townships.
JOHN H. BRYAN. Commissioner
of Champaign County Ohio.
Urbana, Sept. 9, lS6i.
The last Trill of Evans Glenn. Dec'd. has been
n pro
Ohio: veil in the Probate Court of Chamnainn county.
and the undersigned. Executor of said last will, ha6
given ootid in said Court, aim assumca the trust: all
persons having claims on said, estate will present the
same to the undersigned.
Urbana, Spt. 8, laoi Mart Tf. Glens, Exec'r.
hai ing been restored to health in a few weeks by a
very simple remedy, after haviugsuffered several years
with a severe lung affection; aud that dread disease.
Consumption is anxious to make known to his fel
low sufferers the means of cure.
To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the pre
scription used (free of charge,) with the directions for
preparing and using the same, which they w ill find a
Sltu: Curb Fob Consumption. AsTBXA.'BBoNtinria,
Ac. The oaly ohjc'M of the advertiser in sending the
Prescription is to benefit the ufflieti d, and spread in
formation which be conceives to be invaluable, and he
hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost
tkein nothing, and mnv prove a blessing.
: . ' , Willauisburgh, Kings County, New Vorlc.
T :
' ENT.
I have lent and forgot to whom. ItanletL's
' ing plans, specification and desiims for bnildinij. Tlie
' i.."-'in havint Tin pl"i'-o r- Tu.n if.
'sr.s. . mMt jojiv n. i vmfs.
Arclntccturn: 2 vols., n!u
morocco ha'-k. con:?!'
Special Notices. Family Medicines.
y . j J! '- T RETAIL PUICLS. , -f r -J -
V. fctriWe Mis, pvr bat,,. '... ' v i
ir-i.-n Mimnt.iiu Oiutiueut, p-T bvl.
S:irnprill. per botu,
. hildreu's Kiiuice, perbothe,
Kyc LorioTi. pt-r botiW,,
Ker and Ai?u Remedy, por tie.
Health Bit!r, per pack.ur' ,
Dv-H-Tjterv vrup. per b.-tt'c.
c6nntiipf! sHum. vrr nntitw v-f tj
Mawhail's IH'-rtiw Giinailcon. p.-rldta: A i
Graet'enbcrir Pile Remedy, per bottle,
Uanu2l of flcalTh, per copy,
i io
For sale by the city drngisla; aleo by stents in the
principal to na in Ohio. .. -. ,-
Uartlord, Trumbull Co.. o., Itireh 7, IrT.
I horebv crr'HV that I have been rtemiiur in ihs Bra
efenten-g Medieiies for the vmt year, and van truly a
that 1 liave met Willi uie aeeiuca ap;romiii.n tl mi
people like these, pmtii-ularly lb pills nnd ratholi'.oa.
They nili redily perform ail and ti tii-m ipnBiia
fi.r Oicni. Ihve sold alvnt filv bodies of tlie carUo
licou the i-t ssnn, nod I hesf the bet results In ev
ery case, s.v H. C JOUJiUONV Jfodhati Agent.
Hed what Dr. Bnshnell favs of ihe Graefeiibrr
Medicines. Dr. B. is a physleiauofexlecMveprai tie
oue of tiie-iuost snuccesiul in tb jccnuty iTrum
bull! in n hii-ti be reaiden.
"Thin certifle that I uiive oH the Graefenbeir r-dli
and M.srshair Cailiolioon, aoid tere. by J. H. C. 5-hn-
sou, in my practice, 10 my emin: uu.-iin.. -j
are s;ood inedicinee. Dr. it, W. Bl
Hartford. Trumbull Co.. O.. March 7, 1SG7. .
Wert Bedford, Coshocton Co., Maye 14. '57.
Mr. H. B. Kinsley, Sir: 1 have been siting the
medicine of the Umefeuberg Company for the la-t ten
year, and havv invariably found them to give freat
"satisfaction: and the piils I have sold to a great many
families as recular as their tea and coffee, and with my
trade they have become a staple article. Marshall's
Uterine C'.iiholicon is a medicine that has done a jrrent
amount of good in female diseases. One lady I sold it
to told me that she had received more benefit from one
bottle than she did from a lonpr course of medical treat
ment by the most ikillful physicians. Yours truly.
Health of Amcricau Women.
Female IrreOTlaritiea, weakness, uterine dUplae
meut, and all focal uterine diiticuliies and constitution
al troubles of women are entirely cured by the Uruefcfi
berg Mai-shaU's Uterine Cuthulicon.
In this connection. Miss Beeeher. sister of the Rer.
Henry Ward Beechcr, in Letters to the People, page
129. says:
"I have nine Bisters and s1ter-in-law. and fourteen
female cousins, all married, and all delicate and ailing.
Amid the immense circle of my friends and acquain
tances, I caunot roeail ten married ladies born in
this century and conntry. who are perfectly healthy."
In cases, 'however, where thelraefenbiTic.'athiilicon
has been used, we must say that health has rapiillv u
kentheplace of disease, and ladies have betotnc robust,
strong, '-iorous. and healthy.
Mrs. Gkuson, of Elinira. says: "Beantlml. indeed. is
the confiding, trusting nature of woman, but how much
does it need to be protected by a watchfulness that will
lead her r
sorof sci
lead her in time of disease to anneal to a medical adi
sorof scientific edoamion, moral worth and purity of
All these may be secured by addressing the Graeien-
berg company.
I am a Methodist clereytpsn. My heart has fairiy
ached to witness the feeble health of woman as I have
traveled my circuit preaching the gospel. I thank God,
however, that I have seen all these disescs -five way to
he Graefenherg Mershall's Uterine Cathalinon, wher
ever It has been used. Rev. PKTEU SHARP, P.idg
way, Michigan. Formerly otWeteru Suu-k, Medina
Co., O. .
J. II. McfSTlHE. West Liberty.
F. s. CT.ASON. Bellefontaine.
A. WOLDKN, Spriughilla.
no 1-lT.
1 '3
Special Notices. Family Medicines. Medical.
11 :
A Benevolent Institution established by special E
dowment, for the Relief of the Sick and Diseased, af
fixed with Virnlent and Epidemic Diseases, and e-
pecially for the Cure of Diseases of the Sexual Or
Medical Advioe
given gratis, by the Acting Sunreon. to all who apply
by letter, with a description of their condition, (age.
ocenpation, habits of life. &c..l and in case of extreme
poverty. Medicines furnished free of charge
Valuable Reporta
on SpcrmatorrLffS, and otheT discrwes-of tlie Sexual
Organs, and on tlie NEW REMEDIES employed iu tin
Dispensary, sent to the affected, in sealed ejivebiite.
free of chnrgev Two or three Sumps for postage wil,
be acceptable.
Address. DR. J. SKIT-LIN noVOITTON. Acting
Surgeon, Howard Association. No. 'i South Niutli Sl
Philadelphia, Pa. Bv order of the Directors.
GEO. FAIRCHILD. Secretary.
nl-lv EZRA D. HEARTWE1.L. -Ident. ;
Special Notices. Family Medicines. Medical. Miscellaneous.
Nos. 221 East Twenty-third street and
173 and 175 Grand street & 215 Centre street,
Established 1S3S. NEW YORK. Established 1S38.
This Establishment has been in successful operation
24 years, and is the Larorst of the kind iu the United
States. We have on hand or manufacture to order ev
ery description of - -,'....''";
Looking Class, Plrtare Jt Portrait Franes,
Plain and Ornanmcntal Pier, Wall, Ot1 & Man
tel Glasses Connecting Cornices, Base &
. . Bracket Tables, with Marble .... - -glabs,
Toilet glas
ses, Ac
Moiuirsns roa Picture: Frames, in lensths suitable
for transportation, either Udt. Bailing, Uotncood. Oat,
Zebra, JitruUeie, Mahogany, A-c. Our new manufacto
ry and extensive facilities, enahle u.- to furnish any ar
ticle in our line as 'jood as the bat and as lAcap as the
Dealer are Invited to call
noon na vben they visit New York. We claim to be
able to snpply them with every article in our line w hich
they can possibly require, at prices lower tliau they can
purchase elsewhere - -
Orders hv mail attended to rri'ft nromntmss. Do not
fail to call when gov citit Seio York.
OfHce and Warerooms, No. 215 Centre street, N. Y.
Jouri Wit IT; Proprietor.
The "Hamilton" has been thoroughly refitted
for the accommodation of guests. W are confi
dent of rendering satUfactu n to all.
T 3 A '
C 1
5' e-
n o
era "
? r5
3 ? f:
o .
' r
E- 3
r 5
Clothing. Spalding's Column.
ort(,n t-or ,t ekgYUFX
fiThtNGt'lliX 'V0UR ' VOICE I
-'.-' cniumc enr roa
They rellere 1 Conga Instantly.
They clear the Throat.
They give strength and volume to the volc.
They Impart a delicious aroma to the breaia.
They are delightful to the taste.
They are made of simple herb and cannot harm lay
I advise every one who has a Cough or a flusky
Voice or a Bad Breath, or any diQIctrity-of the Throat
to get a package of my Throat Confections; they yrUl
relieve yon instantly, and you will agree with m
that "they go right to th spot." Yon will and them
very useful and pleasant while traveling or attending
public meetings for stilling your Cou,h or allayinf
yonr thirst. If yon try one package, I am safe in say
ing that yon will ever afterward consider them Indis
pensable. You will And them at the Druggists ar.fl
Dealers In 3Iediciucs.
My signature Is oa each package. Ail othsrr art
counterfeit. '
j A Package will be sent by maiL prepaid on rsceist
I of Thirty Centa. Address -
- cam " '
. -,t. , ,,; CCS S .
yBy the use of these Pills tho perir-dit atttck of
Nervous or Sick Headache may b prevented ; and If
taken at the commencement of an attack iramediat
relief from paia and sickness will be obtained.
They seldom fail in removing the Nausea and Head
ache to which femsles are so subject.
Tbey act gently upon the bowels remosring Costiro-ness.-
- .
For Literary Men, Students, Delicate Females, art
all persons of sedentary habits, tb-y ire valuable aa a
Laxative, improving the appetite, giving tone and t!
or to the digestive organs, and restoring their natural
elasticity and strength to the whole system.
The CEPHALIC PHILLS are the result of long la-
' vestigation and carefully conducted experiments.
having been In use many Years, during" which time
they have prevented and relieved a Tit amount of
pain and suffering from Headache, whether originat
ing in the nenoti system or a deranged ststa of it
They are entirely vegetable in their compositioa,
and may be taken at all times with perfect safety, with
out making any rhange of diet, and tba absence- cf
any disagreeable Uata lenders U easy to admlniswr
them to children.
tSThe genuine hove five signatures of ,
on each box.
Sold by Druggists and aU other dealers In Medicinsa.
A box will be sent by mall, prepaid, on receipt of tfc
lf ice, 25 Cents.
All orders should be addressed to
single bottle of
srffi save ten times Its cos
Spalding Prepared Glu
Spalding' Prepared Glu
Spalding's Prepared Glu
t?"A Stitch in Time saves MaNlJfJ
As accideuu will happen, even in well regulate
families, it is very desirable to have Bome cheap as4
convenient way for repairing Furniture, Toys, Crock
ery, 4c .
Jieesa all snch emerencfe-, and no household can af
ford to be without iu It U always ready and ts
the sticking point.
N. B. A Brush accompanies each bottle,
xrmii-xvx' o. xja.xxzxro-v
Ascertain uoprideipled persc-BS are attempting ffo
pjilm off on the unjnsperting public. Imitations of my
PKEPAKED GLUE, I would cautiuuall persons to ex
amiiie before purchacini. and that tl.e full nams
is on fbs o;it?;;!-.- i r.ii-;'-.- a I tr.b-rs hp- n-'Rtlli

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