J&?^^ VOL. 58. WOODSTOCK, VA?, WEDNESDAY, APRIL, 3 1878. NO. 20 SHEXAXDOAH HERALD I? rt'BLISHMi WBKBLV BT tHENANDOAH HERA?.D PUBLISHING CO IF" Siiii-n.Ti-.tmti, Tw> Dallar? per yearpayable i j ? W n?-e. If n ?t n ?i 1 in a Iva'uf, Two Dollar? ?nil ifty ?Vent? ?ill be chai?-oJ. All c ?ram tuiiti ?us >l a ariv.?:- uatjre will be Oaarged for as ? advertisiua. Job 1'riiitiiiK. All kiuil? of Job Work J'uo at afead uotice aud tbe ? '?t r?aainiabla ratee ?'ni utionui < ,inU. ?... WYXKOOP, A T T (> II .V /; Y AT I A W, vJfRoe on Main Street Opposite the Court Home woonsiMcK, va. Wi 1 practice a the e-nirt? if sbma'adoah and ad i .cent lii'linlHa t-aT* .?pocia: att.vit: ? i Ri\t-!i to t'i" Ca-.'ii.-vtion o! clal'u? aud a i legal bMlaaM eatroatad to bis care. Sept. ?ib-tt. WiiLBCiN \( r. lA..'ii*.?s oa Thurslay, Eridsy and Saturday, before the nd Tuesday of each mouth, at Dr. L II Jordan's Uruj ?store. M >??.? W>i.r.?s. M. L. Walton feJ|r.\LT01? .v. WALT .S. \1 T?BNEY8 AT '.AW Wti.l?SIU.'K. VA. ??VMO.-E? '? VI.I'.iX ?'.?., oi-actirfs:., t'.ic t-.-u i.iii.lnii-. lia? ill!? l'ia.i.i.,1 in t :?? ! ?latri.'l and ?'ircuit Ooarts ?' ' !? Cuite?! states,in Virginia. He I? preoar. . .-.? r.i ?aid I oirts.? iiivi.u ...e.-iai ?tteu ."i to caaea la Baakrai t?y. A L1.KN ? m Ma RUDER, ATTOKNLYS AT LAW, WOODSTOCK, SUENAN DO A H CUl'NTY, V.\ Ayril. 2?- t? ?-.11. Will.1AM?. .'. .1. .YU.I.IAM?-, WV!. 1. Wtl.ll v>l?. VfftU MV? '. BROTBCB, ATrOUXEV.-S AT LAW tV?OOI>?TOTK. V \. ractuv la tat aaadoah, Rockiai \'*i", ft- l-.r, ?:; a i I ?rreu > ??:?:: o? ? ?UM h ta ? .'-in? ot V;.;-..:- : Vlrgtnta and ni tbe 0, ?. 'ii?tri.t ?.' ?art. - II. Il RIDDLEBERUER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. WOODSTOCK. YA nrW?l pract.M in all ?be cmrt?.. January. 187??? v.??!?..! ?\ 1IRK !N.?t UANi'K AOEST?. WOODSTOCK, VA. W ?? ar- I'r.'par.-.l I ' - tbi V |r? KUia In? and Mariai IBT, und tue Lyuchbunt Banking aud Insarauce Company. Both are trat at '?!? GK UUi.K R CALVERT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Nlw MauEET, Va 11 prtwtit-a la the Circuit Court of ?:.?? - o? Buckingham and I'a_'f ? .unit;.-?. iv? made an arrangement arlth Mi-?r?. Walton A a,ton All rn.vs-.t-.aw, b) which any matte. a ?1 receive attention ?itb -it ai.y additional charge? to my clients. I bi - i.t with promi uent lawyer? lit K ?cklugbam and Pu? C .untiaa. o-lice? S ?-niier a Co'.-, it.?re. Juae IT. D' A MARTIN', MRGEOX 5gg? I'fcXTlST. ResrH'i'tliill.! ii,t>:ui- iln- public lliai he h i- resume i rhe pi .icti? >i?- ot 1*. J. Fra r*l, in VVtjodat?x?k. wiH r?e*eive pn m|>; atU'iitlon Ju?:.l !ih *t ? ? . i i? ?.?. I m Aiitci liancons < 'ante. (1 KEEK'S MVNsION 'I'tsr. 1 ALKXANDB1A, VA I.\Mi:s QREE?. I? a in j raapect. The i-::i ?Vaahlngion, ?ud traveler? ?oing North or Sonto, will hud tin? an agi ? on ta* ronte. ?sit doe? not ?? the ?arl> Ktart by ? everal bourn ?? froiu Wash ngtoa or Baltimore. Cir?aad ? ?? t I. roi Wash? inirtob and return every bout froai v M.to7\ 1-. M. Jau"--tf IM. I1IEY, -4a C A HIN Er M AK KL AM? l'ndertaker ?aah prie**, n'\.\in- E ul" EVEKV DEHCBIP rios I of Lounges, 1! ir.-:u?. Dl - Wa'd ? ?. Wsaastau 1-. iblea, W Peaks ?:. i ein titra; M Wc-Fillcd. ft' will l.r prorapt to fnmisb coffins ?t short notice. rt-~\ i von warranted t r a reaeonabl* t:me._igoj ni, 3>?tf tdlnl i , UNSMITHING ! T M. RIDDLKBAROKR. .* I HAVE rasura 1 my old nade tml on al?! frien I* ?EWGUN? ALWAi'S ON HAN AND I OR S A I. K. lli-|t lirin?? o?a''" and - .'i on \ i khi i- oi nuii-rial faraialied,eueh re!- ?l"i tinga, L?M-ks, Triggers, dkc ",^y~'-.-i nuil I'ril'.c- for work, M RIDDMCBARGE R in?r m is,II.?Is riLSOJTS HOTEL, M'OODHT-X K v?. w RnUtrgy. 1 'inn' Greatly Thiproval AMPLE ICfJOXMObATIOKfl rni ii?K In??rea*ie?l l>?'irt:tuil?i of I'ultlio PATRONAGE. Tlii? hotel lins been receatly improved by the er-ction of a brick addiM-m ta. the naia buildiag which trill give cone4 board.-tl or th*ir foe? per dictu, und their certificates a.-n in payment if desire I U ar^-s M*-aW**, A call rc-prctfu'lv oiuited. ROBLRT WILSON*. vit ?iv r. OR? ...\.\l. 1 I RI I ?sorweotan COD LIVER OIL This nil unlike othfi-H not the flsh? ram-in -ilbtaarasabit: ??aetling*i?l worse, ta?tin!* article, bat as u pare, blantl. Ire-boils without an y a L1VKR OIL in ikes it tnosi valuable for pettier ta oi invalid? rotrairi'ig the u-c "I COI? LIVKR ?Ml,. For-?:ib> i.v iBjy 10? If. B. iH H.MI IT. IhiisMTi? wITALiINF. y promrt md p-nitivo remedy in ?II chriuit disease, of the womb Hladdcr and Kidney. D. D. CARTER. Dec. 20?Mo. Nib- Act. Ltra . x- i a?, rrios??. iir?--? ('terme* tppir perter at Caiter'a Prag store. COUNTY r*.IRJEOTO"R*5r. COUNTY JUDGE. .?. U. ?.'.:'.?? it, ? - ? New Market V ..M M?N WEALTH'?* ATTORN KV U. I!. Riddl.berger, .... Wood, toci CLEKK OK THE COVBTS. Oaorg? W Jlde.i-, oodetoek Win II. Rice, New Mark?! liKl'l TIES. 'Mali Sti-klcy, ... - MraMiisrg. P H ?Uo'ir, ..... Woodsto? k. Oaa ?v.WtB I?-, .... rdinburg. ?.w.W'indl?. " T. J. Burke,.Sew Market. Irhn i'.Rice,. " D. r. Spikt-r,. s-aumsvillr, ,i:)'.ASI?;KR Geoig? W. k.x>nt.', ... MISS10XEI18 < C. II?mir?n. '..? .1. Uraud-taf?', Mtttcr, Woodstock. Woodstock. Edinburg lit. C?flOB. ?I-i:\ rv- B. . - Mt.*??k?on. ?i i'Knisrr.M'isr or roou. I. B. Rbeffler, ??ITF.BV1SORS. M?urfrf>?ru. la?. H. Sibert, I .-? >1 !l?Ia.. John ilauseufluik. R. M La-i'/, Uvi llinker, R. C. H.iMrniau, . Mt. Olive ,-. Y. Kagey, UBtl J h. T Kronk, I,.-.. A Hupp, 1' SV Maertider o. ?. \i. n tram loeepb Perry, Win. Tbdager, L. riplett, ?las. II. Sibert, Henry Ji nninKn, H iicy. Sea Market, LanUi Mill. Torn'? Brook' Stracborg yvooa.tock Mt. Jacks' !.. Mt. Jackson Mt. Olive Edinbuig. JUSTICES 01 Till". l'EACE. I i-.i. ntsT?Dr. O. V Ii ?rB, Oled Klink attdj Ido. 11. Suarr. Sr.isKWtLL.? J. II. Orutil!,|KIi IVflel', rtnowden jo-.-s-roN ?J II. Rodeffer, Martin ?trickier,] I.tvi n. Oilier . M.si-isii.N. ? Sainui-l ?'. lair.pbiil .Unies J. ; Coffmau, Sata-u? Riuki r. ttaax ?Sani. Hatnmaa, Samuel Klngree, Jacob It M. :??. L11.--SI. White W'illUinaea D. P. ?il?.,' dm M. ( (iN-TAUI.KS. util-, l>. H, ?O ?ICU'.-.I!-, V II. io:ini!rt?n, 1] -, i. Burke. Uli -hi Daus? raiau, Kirai . Oii? l.K'h. . I .llul.o^ New Markt-, . We d-tock ?I I-I.KINTI.NIOM or si II001.S. I II. Orate,:!, - ? - Wa odet' ck 8CIIO0I. Till "TEES. Davis,?O. A. Brown, Harri?on Whle.Jcr. II ?li.irr. I BALI..?JOB. Doll, D. 1*. .-piker, Jacob ?tpigb). -lotiN-r.N.--]?'. B. Shaver, Daniel Bowman, 811a? ?hin -h. Madpkb,?Jo* l'orner, Philip Bower?, Bataue1 del Buck? r. taaa*.?Joeeph Petty, A. J. Myers,!!, II. C? u. man. Lac?O. M. Tidier, J' H. Kagey, Mark rhoraaa. ko ad ? ?iM>n??i.?M i:?. ?i- H'-c-kmsn J? ?epli M?phi?, t.. uiatu ItMi Saml. ?'. ?mue. cr I**ac Bowman, Mark Thomas, .?ULNAS!? ?AH COUXTY liVNK '. ?'??bier. Ni'.vv ?.; vi:k? r :, v\u. Joha il. ?,'eem,.Pr?*?M???t. j David y. Ka,-.-;.,.f'a.Mor. ! COMMISSIONER* IN CHANCERY. :tC<.i1'.i. I*. ?V. Mag rader, E.E. ?tuk ! Icy, Oeo '?v Miiev. I COC5TV CoWstT.?P. ?. Magri'!'- 1 I ?it*? ? ley, !.. '1 rijilct;. Ir. ? O.MMIStsIoNKN OI ACCOtS 1 I P. W. Maa-ruder - - - V?."i-t'?.-k, \? Mt. Olive. K?umiviil . i ditb C' rambla i llallll'U I!. Forrat ville. 1 ?.'.??., Utementt. E.VI'RvL HOTEL N?W MARKET, VA. I tw. S. lI.u.TZMAV, l'rop i ii'tres. Bavlaj Lily refitted and repaired this w?*il known Hotel it is now open lor tb?. reception .?f id boarder?. Sew Ma k.-t in strriounded By a number of ex.elleut sp lugs??mong which are Sulphur. Chalybeate, Erce, Stone, Ac,? ea?y 1 ainid tb< m-.?t beautllu and pi.-turi-'i .??-ci nry.?I'e-Kous in the cities de? siring a few ?eel-? .1 e intry air, with quiet cm i-.r?, ?t rrunnabi? rate.?, will be accomintsdaUd. ! he table will be au especial care ; tbr liar ?up I a ? ta lie. Ii ??i i?, and the MtabU-s ptovided ???An ln-t of proven i. i. HAP.A1I HOI.TZMAN r.i?. ?-if 1825. 1878. OLD DRUG STORE, WOODSTOCK VA aed ?bout 18^.'i by Dr. John O. Schmitt B. SCHMITT. - - Proprietor. IDEALER IIM Drugs, Medicines Glass, PAIXTM. ?ILS, VarnislicR, DYE STIFF. PERFUMERY, BOAJPS, IIKUWISS, Fancy-Good?, Stationery, etc., etc. ALSO CAMJV, NtJItS, llllIT*?' Prices te?T As cheap a? the clrrar>e?tt. **Bt Purity tind piliaWiry at good? always ?narrante??} Pr-?crlptlon? care? fully compounded at all hour*. B.SHl'on 8 HAMILTON, Louisiana .s venu- Washing*?*, D. C . We neve couuected with our b-?le**l?? (Iroceri snd l.hinor llu-on-?? A 00MMIS8I0N DEPABTMEWT OBUKK IHL ?IAS U. Kit LSI OV A. E PHILLIPS, Sale of Klonr. Ortln, Hay, Lumber Egir?. , IMtt.r. Cheese, Potatoes, Poultry, is fact, ?llkind? of I'ountry Produce. ,1 cu?i?-iimeu*s will receive onrb.st sttenllou sit', prnupt return-mado for ?, e earn*. Mr. K. t ?NOX, fernierly of Alea, adria, Vs.. will gi.-" his perseas! atteiitlon to tbe Virginia aiid Mars lend trad*. Keapeellally, Apr. 11-lyr, ??KtfOtlaB nAMlbTyN PO E T I C A L. '?M?A HltTIIC." (An aged mau in au almshou*? was asked wl.at he was doing, lie replied, '-(July wailing. "] Only waiting till th? i-haduwa ?re ? little longer grown; Only walting*1ill the gliiumrr of the day'? last brain "is flown; Till the night of earth is faded fom the heart once full of day; Till ?be stars of heaven are breaking thr. ugh the twilight soft ?. dgray. Only waiting till the reapers have the last sheaf gathered home; For the summer time i? faded and the autumn winds hsv?; com., Quickly, le.psrs, gather quickly, the?.- last ripe hours of m? heart, l'or the blimp- of lile Is withered, and I b?steu to depart. On'y waiting till the angel? opeu ?vide the mystic gala. At wimse feet I long have lingered, weary, poor, ?uddf sollte. Even now I bear the footsteps, ?ud their voice? far ?way; If tln'-y el] me I am wailing, ouly waiting to obey. Only vailing till the shadows ?re a li'tle long?r grown; Only waiting till the glimmer of the day'? last beam. is flown; Then from out tl? gat acred darkues? holy, ileath 1?M .Urs i hall rise. By ?a*o?. ltKht my soul ?ha?l guv??/trssvl it?p?'.h. way to tbr ski??. ? it' . n i a?w 1 ?1Y8TEBI01S SAIL. A tropical night on tli?; Pacific ! The sky is studded with stars, which are mirrored in the vast deep beneath.? There is just enough air to keen the Dolphin moving at a quiet rate, and passengers are gathered on deck to en? joy the matchless evening. A ?hurt distance away stand two lovers?Edmund Prescott and Florence Harris- looking out upon the ocean and meditating and convening upon the ?cene. ?'How different tiiis sky from OU! Northern firmament ':" remark?-il Flor once, alter a pause. 'I can hardly.re ; co_'ii v" my favorite constellation. Tin Southern Cross :? beautiful, but then 1 miss the other*. Ursa Major has en? tirely disappeared, and as for the Minoi Liar, scarce a ?tar of him is visible. At this observation, which was in tended for no particular ears, Adolpbui Fitzgibbon aroused himself. 'Aw?what's il.--,t. Miss Hani- ? aw ?Iiave you seen hears at sea:' ?Yes. and monkeys; too,' was the quick and good Matured reply. All of us laughed, while Fitzgibbon boked very silly, then grinned hugely, then seemed to meditate some ?catch? ing witticism, hut concluded ho would iiol. and stretched out upon his ?-icK? with his back towards the lover?, and pretended to or really did tail asleep ?v.thin the next fifteen minutes. I was rccliuing on the deck about a dozen feet Irotn where the lovers stood ??not svith any intention of listening to their words, but simply because, I had taken my position first, and was too ' languid to change it. I had been an luvaild for years, but ?sa?, now recover* ; tu-* from a severe spell of sickm ss, 1 ?vas lazily drawing at my Havana, putting the thin fragrant smoke from i my moutli without removing the cigar, and gaziug upward at tno iininani B?r as tiny ?i r.vlv Bailed overhead. 1 ?rai in that delicious..? ?beamy ?late, liai fesleep and half awake, hearing only tin murmur of the voices around me as out ; hears the faint souud of a a distant ?wa? terfall. I ?presume I had lain thus fo: I nearly an hour, and my cigar had hum ' uri almost to my mouth, while, the lou;, column of asliea was ?till unbrokeii when something ?truck my ear like tin sound of a bell It was not until I ha? ?heard it several tunes thai it leemei - r. ally to effect my senses. AH at one?' I nave a start, the ashei i dropped upon my bosom, and I anise tt ; a sitting |ia?ition and gazed around ni<\ 'Hark ?' saitll ; Midii'i you hear thai ; hell :-' ?Ju?t what I have been trying to make Edmund believe !' laughed Flort-nci Harris; 'he persisted in not bclieviui. it.' 'Listen !' sa'd I. raising my hand. And i m me. lia tel y there fell a ?Icnth : like silence. And while tlm? intently listening there came across the sea, faint but disliK't, the soft, distant sound ufa bell. We scarcely breathed for a minute, ami the strange, solemn ?ouud was re? peated al regular intervals. a9 if swung by the hand of some cxliaustcd sufferer, or tolled by the swell of the ocean. The Captain by this time had ap? proached and stood in the attitude of attention. ?We must be near the land . ' I ven? tured to say. rather in the form of an inquiry than that of an asscrtiou. 'lin, sir.' responded tlic Captain, 'the nearest island is a good 800 miles away, and this doesn't come from there, I should think.' 'What cao it ber' asked several in ihe same breath. 'The sound comes from that direc? tion,' said Florence Harris, pointing to? ward the equator. 'Perhaps il is on board a ship,' 1 !a:aiti ventured. ?Don't think it is ' replied the Can tain, with a shake of the head. 'What ?an it be ?' asked Florence. To this no one ventured to reply fot several moments. In the meantime, the Dd?ng of the bill had become quite distinct, and Adoiopus Fitzgibbon garc a yavn. a groan, a kick, and awoke. 'Aw?v?*?aw I was about to suggest ?aw- that the tea bell should ring? aw?aw ?' lie stammered, confusedly rising to his feel and pitching back ami forth. Then, seeing us all m attitude ot attention, lie askul. %W hat?aw?the ?loose is the matter ?' 'It's the hell of doom !' exclaimed Backstay Hub, a tall, seari'.-.l ?ador. I from his position at the weil. T?haw ! you're too childish,' replied I the enptain. 'Whatever it is we an rapidly appi??aching it, for notice how much louder it sounds.' Mi.h val the case. The bell was It.oW heard distinctly to the south aud ,va? approiuhiiig nearer at every mo I meut. Mioiilv after, the i. aplaiu took his night-glass, and gazed long and o? neatly in that direction. When lie lo1, ered it he ?aid : T can just discover u lar^e body ri ing and falling ou the waves. Lack lay Bob, you have got the best eyesig ot any one on board ; see what you c* make o? it.' Bob resigned his place at the whe to one of the men and came forward ai took the glass. He held it to his ej for several minutes without ?peakinj and to all appearance without eve breakint*. while we awaited his wot with the deepest interest. Finally 1 gave a gnat sigh and lowered it. ?Blow me, ?fit ain't Davy JoSM tiiloat.' 'How docs it look ?' several of us it quired in the same breath. ?I'll be hanged if I can tell. There' no bowsprit, and-' Here he lowered his voice agajn. or. ?ho.''.V-^tinued his obstipation?. 'There's bo sail, no nothing.' 'Aw?certainly?aw- something, cet tainly?aw if your vision?aw?is abl tu discern it;' ventured the gentl Adolphus Fitzgibbon. "Don't you see anything like a Fail I inquired the captain, 'Not a speck, nur any place to pu one. either. Hold a inmute.' exclaim ed Bakatay Bob, 'lve got her in rang now. She ain't got the least mite of i li'iiim. yard or anything like. Shu look like some great hulk of a lightboat. Hold on again ; I see the bell. They'v rtggi d It up to the masthead, so that i swings baek'anl? and for'.irds ever time the thing give? a lurch to lee? wards.1 'Can you see anything aboard ':" 'Not a cretur' livin' or dead.' 'Keep her away a couple of points, cried the captain to the man at tin wheel. 'Ay. ay, sir !' And the ship's eeurse was altered, s? as to bring her rapidly near the myster : ions craft, toward which all eyes wen directed. Several of the company now opetd? remarked that there was something su? pernatural in the appearance of this , boat, with iti tolling bell. To all ol these Florence Harris and her husband : and lover replied lightly, neither oi ! them having the least faith in their , credulity. The captain listened impatiently, an said : 'You art all a set of coward?. N doubt ?ou imagine Old Sick is aboari w.in a crew of little imps, bound for th (?allapagos laica with a load of brims lone, If you'll content yourselves la half an hour longer I'll tell you lome thing about it, for 1 iuteud to btiard tha old lumbering bulk, even if it turn? ou to he llu riving Dutchman or D.iv Jones' flag ship, ana shall explore i from stem to ?tern.' To show that he meant what he -aid orders were giren to heave to and ge - oue of the boats in readiness. By thu time the nondescript ?rai plainly visi ble to a!!. It appeared to be an oil hull, with a single mast in the center.? The hell was suspended from the mast bead, anderer and anon ncnt forth it: ; solemn tolling as the hulk rose am sank with the heaving of the sea. Before the ship ?vas brought to, W? bad passed the hulk awme distance, s? that when we halted there were several hundred )*anb Intervening, and it wai only dimly ?hscernahle. The host was lowered, and the cap? tain, having selected a crew, pulled away toward the hulk. I asked per missioL to accompany it, but, on ac? count of a recent illness, was retusiil. Fortunate, indeed, for me that refusal. There was something SO extraordina? ry regarding the appearance and action ?of the hulk, that the curiosity of III all was so intente ai to be paiufal. We strained our gaze as the captain crew rapidly in and it. We saw the distance swiftly dccreaii between the ;wo boats, until the shad osvy forms nieiged into one. And tint following an impressive silence?sud denly broken by a bowl, a pistol sho and a ?cream. Ami as our hearts al most stopped beating, we saw- a mo ment later the boat put oil' from tin hu'k, and the men rowing with all theii might back to the ship. As they can? nearer we discerned that the captall was missing. Backstay Bob dashed toward tin boat, and shaking his list at the men, demanded furiously, 'YoU cowardly dogs ! Where is Captain Luster?' 'The devil ha? got him !' Absurd as the reply might have -i .til? ed at any other time, it was uttered in a solemn earnest as the ghastly faces of the crew attested. In reply to our eager question? they said the moment they came along the craft they heard a low, hollosv, uiierlhly sound, which caused them to hesitate. The captain climbed up the side of the vessel, de? scended the hub hssay and disappeared from view. He had hardiy got out o li'jht win n the noise tbcj had heard a first was repeated, far louder and fier? cer. The next moment the report o captain'? pisiol was heard, followed by a terrific ?brick, and then all Wftl still. Horror-struck, they called loudly ami repeatedly to their commander, but re? ceiving no answer, palled away from ' the ship. 'Y'ou're a puity set of cowardly : sneak?, ain't you, to go and d< sert your capt.vn thtit way, when, like ennusth, he U'-eded soil to save hi? life.' ex-.la in- rl Backstay Bob, forgetting in his tiny thai the first mate was aniong those svhuni he denounced. 'I'm going bark to fiat I old hulk, mid if I can't get al the ievkl in any other was, I'll put a keg ofpow :ler iu it and blow it to blaze? !' ?Bob i? right, if ni? excitement d. m ike him forget his manncis,' said th mite. 'It wax not my imenlion to tie ?en t ?plain Luster in trouble. The I men were so frightened that I thougl it best to tome back and get n nc set.' There was some trouble in prociiriu the requisite number, aud according! Prescott and myself were accepted. A the former went over the ship's sal Florence Harris said. 'Don't you corrn hack Edmund, until you heatd what ha become of Captain Lester.' lie give his promise, and a few min utes later the boat shoved off, and w? rapidly nearcd the hulk, which had ac? quired such a strange interest to m all. Prescott, in addition to bis revolver, I.ad a small Italian dagger, which I ob? served him haudle. as if to assure him? self that it was reliable. Then, as he replaced it. he remarked to me, 'There is no telling what is inside this mass of lumber, and this may be the weapon I r?ed after all!' Arriving at fhe craft, alter a short ?:uusuliation. it was agreed that the four oarsmen, the mate and myself should remain behind, while Backstay Bob and William Prescott siiouhl explore the hulk, ?is it was morally certain that some dreadful danger menaced all who entered the cabin, and as I was good for nothing, I needed no more urging than the mate to remain m my posl ion. Prescott went first, holding his pistol n one hand and a lantern in the other. while Bub closely followed with the cut la?s. We saw tlieiu descend the hatch ? ?way ; all was still, and then I heard the , siugle exclamation from Prescott, 'Oh. I my God!' Tbi? was followed by a terrible roar. ? a quick: succession of pistol shot?, a 1 three .-truggle and all was still again. The next moment both Prescott and Backatay Bob enjergad to rlew, cover? ! edfroni liead to toot with blood. 'Come aboard,' laid they, 'the danger is over.' The next in*tant we were on deck. I rushed to the hole and gazed do?vu Merciful heaven ! what did 1 behold f By the dun light of the lantern w? ?aw Ute mangled body of Captain Lus? ter. Th.- head and one of his hiubt were gone, and there was .scarcely * s'-inblance of humanity in the retuaim before us. Near him ?vas the terribh form of a Bengal tiger, killed by the bulleU, cutlass and dagger of Pn and Backstay Bob. Tin- two latter, on entering the cabin Brat saw the mutilated jody ol Captain Luster. A !o?v growl warned them of danger, andas crottchingand in the very act of springing Dropping hi? lantern he firvd his r- volver, and as the terrible animal bore him to the door, he drew bit dagger and stabbed him again and again. Tin needle-pointed instrument reached his beait, tviocb unite.i with the slashing blows of Backstay Bob. settled his hash before he could do any mater? ial injurv. We now made a critical cxanunaUoi of the place. A number of humai bones-tic ?ved the floor, aud several ar tides of wearing apparel, which seeiiu-. to indicate that the place had been teil ' an'.eo by two human bciugs of the op posite sex. The orate bad been cou?ned to on? corner of the room by a delicate inn rui.,'. which bad bceu put there to bt broken. Over the center of the root* .?a? written mhii. tbing in an Indian din* 1. ? t, which was pronounced by the niati (who had ?pent several years in India' to read : "1 have sought?1 have found that which I sought?vengeance.' Carefully removing the body of the e.ip'ain to the little boat, we seuitlecl I the mysterious craft and saw it sink to the bottom of the oi?an. Shortly iftei llie captain was wrapped in hi? wind ing sheet and followed. The strange, awful tale regarding lli old craft we neyer learned. It ever re? mained t.. u? all an unveiled mystery ol iii?- ?. i. r'rrsli and Lit in? Truth. The gcapel is fresh. It i? the bread and water ol life and meets the Deeds of the soul. And it can never lose it fri-shucss. The more the hungry eat and drink of it, the more its rrifreshing power is appreciated. The very appe? tite grows by that it feeds on. Cbiis liana life is ?piritual development and growth in spiritual appreciation. Hungry souls sometimes try to satis? fy themselves With earthly fare. But ! like alone satisfies like : the spirit needs -?piritual food. Husks for swine, i the bread in the Father's house for ; children. To the soul the words cursed bv siu is a desert ; the gospel is tin oasis in this desert, with its pure, coo water, fresh bowers, and luscious fruits The world needs the living truth t? make it alive. Christiaus need it thai they may grow. In our pulpits an? papers we want kernels, not hulls, Whoever has living truth and . ominuni cites it in a living way will meet a .hep need of the heart and will be sue? cessful, We moye among tombs and among the unburied dead. Blessed is th' wise who hears and beeil? the living S.iv?"?' ; 'Lei the dead bury their ?lead ; bin go thou and prea- Ii the kingdom of God. A Mam.- schooner while Ils the banks of Ncsvfotimllnml. w. two bunercd fathoms of table out mid -ails clawed, was Maidenly found to bo under headway. It was toon discovered that ?i huge ?vhale of the thiebsi s. - liad gol bis tail entangled in the table and was hauling the crafi at thsrate of i tifie? n knots an hour, and growing ' more and more excited was keeping his ; course to tin- sea. Th* whale Snail* : tore assay by breaking the cable. The life ? f man is the mid-He he ' ween angd* and hea-ts ; if man takes i pleasure incarnai thing, he ?s compared j Pi beasts ; hut it he delight in npiritunl I ?hing*, he i? suited with angels. The Best Slerv that liexaodrr H. Metro Tells. A doctor named Roy-ton bad tori Peter Bennet for his bill, long over-due for attending the wife of the latter.? Ah x. II. Stevens was on the Benuel side, and R?ibertToombs. thou Rcnatoi of the United States, was for Dr. Hoys ton. The doctor proved his number ol visit?, their value according to custom and his own authority to do medical practice. Mr. Stevens f?ld his client that the physician had made out his case and as there was nothing wherewith to rebuto r offset the claim, the only thing left '.o do was to pay it. 'No.' said Peter, 'I hired you U* speak in my case, and now speak.' Mr. Stevens told him there was noth? ing to say; he bail looked on to see that it was out. ai.d it was. Peter was obstinat?, autJ at last Mr. St?: v. us told him to make a spoe.-b him? self, if he thought onr could be made. ?I will.' ?aid Peter Bennet, 'if Bobby Toombs won't be too hard on me*' Senator Toombs promised, and Pefr begani 'GtntUnnn of the Jury; You and I is plain farmers, and If we don't stick to? gether these'ere lawyers and doctors will get theadvanbue of us. I ail)I no lawyer or doctor, and I feint no objec tious to them in l'ieir proper place; bul they ain't farmer?. g?ullemen of the jury. 'Now the man BoystOO was a new doctor, ami I went for him to come an to doctor wife's sore leg. Aud.be come and put some salve truck onto it ami i some rags, but never done it to one bit , at good, gentlemen of the jury. I dont , believe he is no doctor, no way. There I is doctors as is doctors, sure enough, ' but this man don't earn hut money, and if you send for him, as Mrs. baral Smith did, for a negro boy as ?vas worth a $1,000. he just kills him and wanti pay for it.' ?I don't.' thuuden .1 the doctor. 'Didyou cure him?' askeal Peter.witl j the slosv BceenU of S judge svith tin black cap on. The doctor ?sa- ?ill m and Pi ceeded. A- I was n sayen'. gentlemen of the jury, we tanners, when we ?ell oui cotton, has gut to give valley tor the money we ask, and doctors aint none t.io good to be put on the same rule.? And I dont beli. ve this Sam Roy-ton is no doctor, nohow,' The physician again put in his oar. with, "L'-ok at my diploma, if you think I mu im doctor.' 'Ris diploma!' exclaimed the new* fledged orator, with great contempt. ?IL* diploma ! Gentlemen, that is a big i word for ?I printed ?I.....I-.-H., on.l it don't tiiiiKe no doctor ot the sheep a? first wore it, nor does it of the man as Dow carries it. A good newspaper has more m it. and I Dint out to ion that he feint no doctor at all. The man of medicine -.vas now in : fury, and screamed out: 'Ask my patient: ill am not a doctor!' 'I asked my wife.' retorted Peter 'an' the ?a.? s a? how slie thou.ht yoi wasn't.' 'Ask my other patients,' sad I>i Royston. This seemed t" be the itraw thai broke the camel's back, for Peter re* piled with a look and tone of unutterable -.??ine?-: 'That is a hard ?a;, in.' gentle* men of the jury, and one a? require* ' nit* to die or have power a? I have hearu tell ceased to exist since the Apostles. ! Joes he expect me to bring the Angel Gabriel down to toot his horn before hi? time and cry aloud : 'Awake, ye dead, and tell this court and Jury your opinion I of Boyston's practice r'Am I to goto the lonely churchyard and rap on the 1 silent tomb, aud say to uni as is at last at refet from physic and doctor's bills. I ?Git up here, am?state If you died a natural death, or was hurried up by i some doctors.' He inyi ask his patients and geiill-uien of the jury, they are all \deadt When is Mrs. Bi-azlec's man Sam? ??o ask the worms in the grave? yard where be lies. Mr. Peake'a svoinan Sarah, ?vas atteU'led by liini, and hertuneral was appointed and he had the corpse ready. Where is that likely Bill ?is belonged to Mr. Mitchell? I Now in glory a' expression' his opinion ofRoyatun'a dotrteron. Where la that baby gal of Harry Stephen's'. She are ! Where (lectors cease fr< :n troublin' and , infants an- at rest. Ueatlemen of the jury, he has eat enough chicken at my house to pay for i his salve, aud 1 furnished the rags, fend lundi don't suppose he charges foi I ?amUa* of her worse, and he don't pre? tend to charge for curin* ol her, and 1 : am Itaimbly thankful that he never a*rve ? l.?r notllill' f"f b.r inward, as be .lid bis Other patients for someihin' made urn ( all die mighty sudden ?' Here the applause made the speaker ! sit down In great conftwloo, and in spite ?of a logical re?t:iti ;..i l.t of the ca?c by Senator Tombs the doctor lost and ; Peter won. Jen my Taylor saya of m *If you are for pleasure, marry j if you ' prize your heiillh. marri ; if m n< y bo y.dir object, marry. A goo.' ven'? last best gift to man. hi- .i?? _: 1 and minister of graces innumerable, his gem of many rirtues, his casket of i oil..' Another escape ?r ?m l.un.il alive has oiviimdin Paris in the .ase of a lawyer named L lorn . n is s ?, inmmoned to hi?, dtallibi .I. toiiiid him. ?is it ?vas -ajp. poseil. dead, kissed iiis brow, and was j surprise?! al ils warmth. s..m,. bours lat? er he revived and said: '"Ah. doctor, ' those few- moments sleep base done me 'a ?voilai of good." The French laws require that interment shall follow death wit1 in at niosi thirty-six hour?, and tbiis ?t -?{lea happen* that burial talo s 1 place previou? to putrefaction. Life. We do not think the thonghl ol death is half so sail even to the mosl llfe-Iov log and death droadii - .. lb of passing out of the minds of men. and above all, out of the he-arts ui?. t >o, that a kind word or tone may con tain, when they are felt to be undeserv? ed:- The power of a reproving, ?depre clating glance, how like au arrow its poisoned fang seems to fester in the heart that refuses to forgive itself. though other-, have forgiven it. This teaches the worth ofklndocsi : the Very pain its absence cost?. We stand in t' ?': t:.d that lies between two vasl ... .?us of time. Wejthiuk, as we loak into the future, we hear the muttered threats of storms unborn, ofgriefs that are to try us. and of disappointments tliat arc to vex us. Through the cloudy mantle, however, we discern the hal?) of bright dreams, that o rhaps may be realized ; therefore, as we pass our feet upon the shores of that fuiuie we take delight in the beauty ?af the teener* around u? ami forget the sad expericiici s and warnings of bygone years, Pity it is so. What good d?x * il do us even though ire ar-- abb.- to trace our paths back across the ocean of dass and hours be? longing to the past-. Docs the view of that deviating track ami the remem? brance ol the mad ?vinds und waves. make us more timid and prayerful. more aoxioUa for ?treugth higher than our own f We fear not. If we could but be induced to make steps of our p:i*t (alls, to lead up upward, how hap? py wuuld we ue. What is before Us. We know uoi; this we know: that tiiere will be the same need for courage and labor ; the same Dei 'I for faith and prayer; that the cardinal points of ev? ery year are precisely the saate ; that the needle always points toward ex? cellence, towards pt-rfectioo. Although we kuow not all the future ha? in re? serve for us, yet we knosv it has the a.........i, w ...-Kc uu us u,at the past lias made, and that we shall have uo time for idleness or any less lack of opportunity for the display of ambition. "Let us than be up tnd doing, ss lib a heart for any fats, Still achieving, ?till pursuing, f tata to labor and to wait,-' We know not how soon the ?and* of life shall run out; we knosv that are shall ever stand again upon the verge o? another year. The fancy that now pens lliese lines may be soaring in Mine I high scene of exlstcuce; and many an eye that will read them, may be viewing more glorious visions that the human imagination can bring forth, before this lime next year. Noue of us can read the closed page of the future, therefore we must do our best now. and leave all the rest with God; hanging with the faith of a little child upon our Father's love, kuowiugthat His ?promise will be lultilled. We trust we shall mount up with re? newed strength to do battle to our enciiiies. these passions of tur? that ?o clog at every step we take. The world tries to teach us a very Injurious ????-on. It is to be hoped none of us will learn to be selfish, utterly lost in self. We hope self-iuterest may never gaiu the supremacy over our love for "on? another.' Thk End of a Don's (?.laurel.? And English lady sends us the follow? ing storv : One ?lay a Newfoundland dog and a mastiff had a sharp quart? 1 ?over a bone. They were fighting on a bridge, and over they ?vent into the wa 1er. The hanks were so high that the) were forced to swim some distance he fore tiny came to a tending place. It was very easy for the Nesvfouudland ; lie was as much at home in the ?rateras a seal. But not so for poor Bruce ; he ?trugglcd ami did his best to swim, but ma?le little headway. The Newfound? land dog quickly reached the land, and then turned to look at his old enemy. He ?aw plainly that he was likely to drown. So. what dkl the noble fellow do but plunge in, seized him gently by the collar and keeping his no?.' above water, tow" him sa.ely into port ! I: was funny to see these dogs look at each other as they shook their coats. Their glance -aid a* plainly ;i? norde, We'll never quarrel again.' Two \i ars ago a ?Ir.ivt i started from California with 4,4)00 *-!i?'ep. lie bus ju?l arrived in Texas, havin?* driven the dock all tin- way, a?si?t.!i| by two well? trained ?logs. The sheep have increa? td in ntiinbt is. and frequent ?top* for pastura?.'- bare kept them in good ton d lion. ?1 com? to ask your han I,' said a b.v ? er to his St, I.otiis sweetheart. You :i?ka great deal,' sh * replied; and he thuoght so. too. when she finally suc? cumbed, and gently ?aid in Us a ne?t l.ng, soft, white paw. two like? larger than a goose. The English laiigua::?*: M inad?quat? : to express the torloru feelings of the bo.v i who thinks lie has ?tolen a dun" novel ; and find? it to be a cook book. Next to English sparrows there is mithin.' that increases ia?tcr that potato i Ms, unies? il is the iuterest on an un 1 paid note, ?HKNANDOAH HBltALD Advertising; Hatcsi A1?ertiecment? will be ineerted at One Dollar T tqusre of ten lines, or lee*, for th* Sr*t tusar 'ion, and -Vl cent* for c*ch lubseqaeut insertioa. I 'nless the number of insertions be marked up? a if manuscript, it will bo published until forbad ? id ch.-ged accordingly. Notices la the local column ?/U1 be lnaerted ? : u'ole the adsriiiaing rate*. Advertisement? for three nioutu? or longer wiU a in-ei-ta-dat l.)W?r-r?te* l ?et of I be Phon ?graph. 11 - -. Bts*4aaaa*al?i ypiii For DUbli .? - W( ?hall have gall.i.e. there phonograph ihasts will be pre ?erved as photographs* aud books now are. The u'Uruacvs of grat ipeakers and fingen will there be kept for a thousand y? BIS. In the?e 'galleries spo? ken Languages will be preserved from century to o.i.tury.with all the peculiar? ities ?if prouuuciatiou,dialect, or brogue. A- we go now to see the ? .ereonticon, we shall go to public halls lo hear out these ti'iasureis of speech aud song brought un aim produced as loud, or louder, than wketi first spoken or sung by the truly great ones of earth. Cer? tainly, withiu a dozen years, some of the great ?ingers svill be iuducedto sing into the ears 01 the phoniigraph.aud the electrotyped cylinders thence obtained will be put into the haud-orgaus of the ttrceU. and wu nhaU hear tli? ?cutual voice of Christine Nilsson or Miss Cary ground out at every comer. In public exhibition, also, we shall have reproductions of the sound? of naturp, and of uoises familiar and unfamiliar. i Nothing will be easier than to catch the - sounds of th?! svaves ou the beach, the | roar of Niagara, the discord? ol the j streets, the noises of animals, the putt? ing and rush of the railroad train, the i rolling of thunder, or even the tumult of I a battle. When popular airs are sung into the phonograph, and the notes are then re ! produced iu revese order very curious aud beautiful musical effects are often limc produced, having no apparent re? semblance to those contained in their originals. The 'instrument may thus be u?ed as a Mart of mu?ical kaliedoscope, by means of which an infinite variety ; of m v?. combinat:, ns may be produced : from the luu-iial coinpositious now in I existence. TI:?' .pv..!.'.i:g phonograph will, doubt , li -?. be tpplled t?i l.cll-puimhcs, clocks. ; complaint box? s in public conveyances and to t? vsotall kinds. It will super ?ule the short-hand writer in taking let? ter? by dictation and the taking of testi? , mony before teferecs. Phonographic will be sen', by mail, the toil being wouud mi paper cylinders of the size of ? finger. It will recite poems in the voice of the author, and reproduce the speeches of the celebrated orators. Dia? m a? will i.i-iflii,-i. In tvreVii .ill tl?f> nur?. will be "well spoketi ?With good ac? cent, and goo?! dl?M?retioo;MR?e origina', mairicc being prepared on one machine provided with a rubber tube having ISV? eral mouthpieces;and Madame Tissaud's figures will hereafter tall". :?s well ? | look, like theirqreat pr?ito?\; -' Worldly nindidiir... What is ti- .. !-? .: max root-- -.u?--? j their shops better then their bents, and I sre acquainted with the temper of their '.ody mete than with the constitution cf their souls; that thoy are so ,ar>!ul and ?r-dustriou* in the prosecution ol their \ worldly designs, so negligent and remiss ? in hooking after heaven! What is. or ! can be. the reason of these things, but ? that inordinate love and affection they I have for money, or the thing? of this ! world, which makes thorn so eager in I the PursHitoftheiii.tbat they forjvt lltc-v have anything else to mind; an.i so much taken up with worldly busiiu??, that God and Chtist an I heaven and soul, ami all. must give way to it? (), the folly and ?nadnsse of sinful men! What a atrauge, corrupt and degenerate iliiug is the heart of man become, that we should be so foolish and unwise as to prefer our bodies before our souls, earth b.'.'o: e heaveii. tovs and trifles be? fore tl-.e eternal God, ami the worst of evils before the best of good?, even sin Itself, with all the miseries that atund it. before eternal happiness which is promised to if, and all for nothmg ?i-c in au the love ot a little pelf asd trash, which hath no other worth but what our own distracted fanci?s put upon it! Better Thlntrt le tame. "Let things go as U| ;i, arc can fear in this, wold if we aie sincere Christians there is a far bt its r state to come, to which sve shall be admitted when we are once OUt ol this tr?;ublesoii.e and siuful world. \>e arc assured thai we arc under the eoiistaiil care of Divine Prov? idence. The iiau.pnliiy of our mind? in ib.* wi rid dep? nds v-ry much upon the eeteem we have of Provnl? nee. and the trust sve repos, in (io<). We can notait i" the method? of Providence by ,?111 Mlidtode; Gcd will govt*ratbs weald I bj hit own measures and net by ours. j I he government is his, the duty of suh* i mission is ours. Let us not then be peevish anal ?plain. Lome a' what be jdoih; but make the best use of any ex? traordinary instance of his f?rov*df?S>t8 - which seeBU tat, mied for our goo?! nn 18 WO tura it another ?say. But it is : not enough to be purely contented with Providence; we ought to be active and ilaoful in own placea to promote me com? mon iii'.eics'.ainl not t<> repine and mur mur at what I? n c? ?.?ary for the sup port .?I it, --I.et u* not torment ?ur?ehc? with fears of what mav and what Mt] not happen; bullet m ??omanitetwtslves 11 God B well-tloing as to our Creator and pr?s?iv??i'. (.'apt. Itoyton reachetl l.i?hoi. ?as? month, ?ft. r a v?-ry long vorag?: on the Tagu?. Bctwe? n Toledo aud tin c;ipi? tal he ?hot thirty-cm? m t'i? nont.avigalde part of llic rive . The current carried him aMitn? ? in or I !':.n thirty mtb s an hour, lie nniv? ?1 in good health, and very little brui-e,!. Vassar college is a M | [l.e.c ? When the astronomical class play bil ' liards, the girls say. 'Now, I.o,u?i?. car? amel on ihe re?i pop-corn ball.' -Thord'e a kiss on the white.' 'Pocket Miry'b marsh mallow, Jennie.' Then they all go up on the observatory and aing, ?Trcaelo. treacle, little star."