OCR Interpretation

Wichita eagle. [volume] (Wichita, Kan.) 1886-1890, November 12, 1886, Image 1

Image and text provided by Kansas State Historical Society; Topeka, KS

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85032490/1886-11-12/ed-1/seq-1/

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Soak- ..
iWmM. II han wis
VCXL. V. KO. 152.
123 and 125
Nov. 12
00 Dozen Handkerchiefs!
Embroidered Edges and Initial Corners;
. also 50 doz Embroidered Edges and
Embroidered Corners, all
Our Annual Sale of
ine W
k Own all Our Goods
Main Street.
and 13
Cents Each
13 SE
and Sell Tlieni (tatos.
The Fatal Explosion of a Boiler
Occurs in a Cigar Box
Factory in
Philadelphia Yesterday After
noon, in Which a Large
ITnmher of
Men, Women and Children, Employes
of the Institution, TVere Seri
ously Injured and One
Killed Cause of the Explosion Beinj
the Filling of the Engine Eire
TjOk Avith Sawdust,
After "Which the Building Talcca Tire
and is Partially Burned A
List of the Victims.
A Boiler Bursts in a Cigar-Box Fac
tory One Missing and Several
"riLADKLPHiA, Nov. 11. An explosion
occurred iu the cigar-box manufacturing
company of Henry Sheph & Co., Nos. 124
and 12G Randolph street, this afternoon,
which blew out the rear wall, badly injur
ing a number of young men, women and
girls, and imperilling the lives of over 100
more. The manufactory h a three-story
brick structure with a depth of loO feet.
At the back are located a number of sheds
for storing lumber, used in the manufac
ture of cigar boxes. The.fir.st and second
floors are used as a planing mill and car
penter shop, and on the third iloor were
employed about twenty-live girls in pasting
paper linings iu the b;xe3. Just before
the explosion, the engineer started
.up the steam by throwing a large
amount of sawdust on the lire under the
boiler, from the sawdust bin, which was
located a short distance oil and. then started
to the Randolph street front of the build
iug. He states that he had been there but a
few minutes when he was startled by the
report of a ioud noise, which was followed
by the upper portion of the rear walls fall
ing out and screams of a woman in the
upper story. Bricks were flying in all di
rections and in less than a minute the
whole mill appeared to be in ilames.
The greatest excitement existed among
the hands and cmplo-cs employed in the
building, especially females. Some of
them ran to the stairway while others ran
to the windows and a few started to come
out, but they were prevented from jump
ing to the ground by their companions.
During all this tisiie the names were
spreading irom one noor to anoiner anu
tne crowds attracted bv the smoke and tne
screams of the women blocked the street,
but the excitement among them was so
great that they appeared" powerless for a
time to assist them" Finally several men
ran into the building and succeeded in get
ting them all out.
The excitement among the people was
increased when the girls and the young
women appeared in the street, some bleed
ing and others badly burned.
The fire burned stubbornly, despite the
efforts of the firemen to check the dames
and in a remarkably shore period, owing to
the inflamable character of its contents,
the two upper stories of the factory and the
shedding in the rear were ablaze.
One girl, Carrie Bruner, aged 18, is miss
ing. following is the IL-t of injured:
Eha Stacker, aged 21, badly injured
about face and hands.
Carrie Muller, aged 13, burned about the
Frnuvt Muikr, 10 years, burned about
the face.
Mary F. Kuecht, lyear, face and body
Amanda Cook, 19 years, burned abiut
lace, uacK and minus.
John Volbck, 17 year
head by falling bricks.
injured about
Joseph Ref Inner, livens, bauds burned.
Ira Klengethaffer, 21 years, head cut and
hands injured.
Geo. Kimball, 10 -ear-, head and face
Daniul Fries an old man, head and face
"burned and arm cut.
The lire was gotten under control after
having destroyed almost the entire build
ing. The livery -tables of J. M. Tally and
Ar C. Crewell adjoining the rear of the
cigar box factor were blown out by the
force of the explosion. In Tally's place,
ome lifty sleighs and carriages were crush
ed to atoms an I a number of carriage al-o
ruined in Crcswell's building.
AIkhiI two hoirs after the lire hal been
extinguished the body of Carrie Hruner,
aged SO, an employe, was found in the
third story of the factory b-iried under
steam pipes and heavy timbers, hrr
IxhIv- snd clothiug were but slightly
burned and her death was in allproboiiUi
ty caused by the heavy timbers falling
tipon her ivhcn the eploi .u occtinvu.
Fifteen persons uere more or Ls., serl .i-!y
injured. but it i- thought that noue of tlie
injuries -will prove fatal, with the probable
exception ot Annie Wolriner, aged 2o, who
received severe burns about The fare and
bod' anil aK sustained injuries Irom the
flying timbers, lhe injuries of th? other-
were burns ami brm-ca i
is-L-unftlin jump
3po: stone-. The
in or falling front the ur
correct list of tlie injured
Amanda Cook, Mary E. Knecht, Emma
Jike. Emma Midler and sister Carrie. Eila
Steekcr and si-ter Ora. Annie Wolfner.
Joha JGinriehafcr, Jacob Hoffman, George!
Kemble, "William Mttler, John Pollock
and James H. Khmer.
Tlie giris were all taken to their homes j
and uie ikm'U and ty; to hosuitaK A tew
of the latter were alrfe to go to their JioVne.
after Uieir :nj jris had been dressed.
The accrpteii Uieory of the origin f Uie
explosion is tirnt after the eniaeer had
bankcil up tar nrc
draft bad la
and co.umnnicateil
bin and the tLtioes
uiroush a tare dust nae wbscn was air
tight caused tiic explsitn. The !. is os- i
4 umated at t .;XJ; msored
An Old Unite.
PoBmnGcrw, K. H.. N. 11. Daniel
I Ctwaky wv arrested here toaizht. raarged
with assault tth muct to kiiL ft i-al-
ksti that Uv heat his -wife, an ased
j womsa. asd potrsd coal oil opo:. her
.!.;.. ..! . . .. : T-s...
; a, terribly buraewl and will protahtr ic
' Crowley denies setthn; her aart and" ay
fcfae wa homed by accident
the natm out. that they ! lies and advocated government cootrtl cf ' r-.n -vr-rr nolore u cover hk ruarairtv I
with tht sawdasl ia the . all railroads. The secretary " reivrt -ad tfcfe roie wffl aaohr to Use men aow at !
Opinion Delivered.
Cicesxatt, Nov. 11. The opinion of
the United States circuit court in the case
of the government against the American
Bell Telephone company was delivered
this morning by Judge Sage. It is very
volumninous and is 'in favor of the Amer
ican Bell Telephone company.
Taking up, first, defendant's action to
quash return, the court granted the action
on the ground that service, according to
Marshall's return, had been made upon
local corporations in Ohio, designated in
tire return as agents and" partners of the de
fendant. The court found that local
corporations were not such agents as are
contemplated by the Ohio statute deferring
the method of obtaining service upon foreign
corporations in Ohio aud taking up then,
the plea in abatement, which by election
government has been set down "for argu
ment instead of being put in issue and
thereby became entitled to by the court, as
if its statements had all been established by
proof. The court found proper elements
for giving tins couit jurisdiction namely:
Carrying"on business in Ohio; second, car
rying on business in Ohid through general
agent: third, local statute providing service
should be made on such general or manag
ing agent qui not exist.
The telephone "business in Ohio is
done " b? local companies who
have instruments from a patent
company; There is no general
or managing agent of a patent company in
Ohio. As to the claim of the government
dealing in the patent made the company
domestic in the entire territory of the
United States coexistent with the patent,
the court held tliat it could not be sus
tained. A grant to the patentee is a right
to exclude others from making or selling
his patent. His flight to sell is only a
common law right, and 13 not a franchise
from the government.
The bill was dismissed for the want of
jurisdiction, without prejudice to institut
ing suit elsewhere.
Grange Convention.
Philadelphia. Pa., Nov. 11. The Na
tional grange of the patrons of husbandry-
opened the morning's work of its second
day s session with the call of the roll of the
masters of state granges, who reported on
the condition of state bodies under their
supervision. The majority of the reports
showed the state bodies to be in a flourish
ing condition, some giving evidence of a
falling olf in the interest of the work. The
best report was presented by the
master granger of Maine, where
exists . the ltest organization and
the largest increase in membership, as
well as best methods of carrying on the
work of the order.
A resolution was submitted by a dele
gate from Illinois favoring the election of
United States senators by the people.
Upwards of live hundred delegates were
presented and nearly half ot them were
This afternoon Musical Fund hall was
crowded by the members of the state and
local grangers to participate in the exer
cises incident to the welcome extended on
the part of the state and the city to the
delegates. Fruits and flowersiconstituted the
decorations. ortny brand blaster Uardon
opened the proceedings by introducing
lion. Leonard li, Hone, worthy state mas
ter of the Pennsylvania state grange who
welcomed the "patrons" to the city of
Philadelphia, lion. B. C. Harrison, of
Alabama, worthy master of that state, re
sponded on behalf of the national grange.
Governor Pattison was next introduced and
was cordially greeted, the vast audience in
dulging in a louVSlappiug of hands. The
governor congratulated the memuers ot tne
grange upon the progress of husbandry.
Messenger Fotherlnifhani.
St. Louis, Nov. 11. Evidence in the
express robbery cae so far as made public
goes to prove that the messenger, David S.
Fotheringham, was an accessory, or at
least a willing victim in the affair. Dis
crepancies in nis statement to the detectives
indicate that he knows more of the manner
in which the robbery was planned'and ex
ecuted than he would like to have them
know, and an exnert penman who was be
fore the grand jury lat Saturday states"
that three letters signed Jim Cummmg3
were written by one and the same man,
and expresses his belief that that man was
Fv theringham and tliat he wrote them
before the ccuiniksiou of the rob
bery. It now transpires that the messengers
truuks, searched soon after the robbery,
that a number of sheets of paper were
found covered with copies of the signature
of Vi J. Barrett, manager of the express
company. It is supposed that the mes
senger became able to forge this signature
so that he might affix if to the orders
which the robber presented, and which
allowed him to make a trip with the mes
senger. Of course, if the mes.-enger was
not in the conspiracy, his accomplices
could have enteral the car anyway; but
the forged orders enabled the messenger to
give the excuse that he did. Altogether it
looks bad for Fotheringham.
The Broadway Bribery Case.
Nnw Yomc, Nov. 11. In obedience to
the summons " served on them yesterday,
Jake sharp, Jim Richmond. James W.
Forshay and Thomas B. Kerr, appeared in
court of general sessions today to phad to
the indietmeut-5 against them for bribery in
the Broadway railway matter. Their cases
were called, and, Sharp being firt, Albert
Stit kuey art to represent him and stated
ivithdraw thenleaand substitute anothei-i
The plci of not guilty then cnttred
7V Yi , ''.f, " , . "-"i.-
riuuuuatuiiawiaiue pitsi, iiu - "" - -
stipulations lore orsnar and fciractaan
enlere I the same plea and John U Bl
pei formed a like service in behalf ot Kerr,
Alliance Convention
f!ir r,n X- 11. The nnniial conven
tion of the Farcers National Alliance be- j
7 hn tryl.-iv Alv'it two hundred dele-f
ijatfc?, representing local assemblies from I
lifteea state-, were present.
V. J. streetcr, president of the alliance,
ina-ie a lengthy addrcrvs iu which he set
forth tfce?viK from which the fanners as
a cka-s are suffering and urged the ne- essity
ot organization against cncro-tchiog mon-
onoli. i declared that the evils were
izetl in lcO, hail now a total membership
of 00j3nd was in a rwxi nnancl coe
OElcial Rtnrna.
DKiVKK. Nov. 11. OmVJal retaras re-
chived from 27 counties ia the Kate to
etner -xn rvhsbfe esumatfti from the re-
f maising 13, iat Siramon
, iafriry for -eoacress at 700
ThT o-xer
li nt t .-- . . ,- ,.-.. t.
that he was prepared to enter a plea for the L SUnounwl tnat thf order wading the s"1 V!,e ? V- "".?
client, but. before doimr o. de-irel leave mn x. to work ill be issuel The eonunajwl were mattsriafl enppwtiw .r
tr withdraw the pica and enter another do- m;n will 0 batk on tIie packen'' terms, tfforts hT iho wfconbte fco vml at T.V
murrer to the indidtment or make a moti'in vjz. 1en yuri ,Kr fay military prison at rort lyrenvin
concerainsr ic case ana uesxrwi a reaon- yHiat proportion of the strikers will nnd ' abohk, ssm b ib- wn- . .. Ul
able lime to decide upon the step to be I cimlovment is rather doubtful frequently feil to pit W titfee r J- t
uiken. Recorder Smith, after some nrgu- j At ;-JJe eiw of Uje last g.rike c p f dys marching ca ua jJ j
men;, -'ave the d-feadant until Monday to l .,nnimrtl,i :jint non nf th n.iv tm . cared nihc war departaNSh tae fs"
in LIU? enmu? tL imCK uVu n .--.r-rf, nioartir.-. f - r-'r --'. uninnn. f ,l . ra.Aar Aa,mr.
sbooting enw?ivd 1 showed tlist the alliance, whicli to orrrn- vrrrk as wa a tira-e essased in tfe fa-
.oerAts, the-cnate IB Kepabiicans, aadfcbn deciaroJ o!I by the Enih;
j DemocraLs A Democratic aia of 10 in (of Labor was a raiitafce. " He
j hotiie and 5 la sezslz. I &oe not nndtrtake to explain
Txie Situation at Cnieago Stock:
"Sards is of a Very
Character The Strike Reported
to Have Been Declared
off By
Grand llastcr TTorkman Powderly
Yesterday, but Liter Reports, are
of a Different Character
iverythlngr Indicates Peace and Good
Order at the Stock; Yards and
Packing Houses
"Well Supplied with Men Strikers
arc Foil of Enthnsiasm and
Confident of Victory. J
The End of the Great Chicago Strike
Near at Hand.
Chicago, Nov. 11. The situation at the
stock yards shows improvement this morn
ing All the packers report that their
forces are increasing and among the appli
cants for woik today were many old em
ployes. Contrary to general expectation an army
of workmen which was engaged by Fowler
& Co. in New York last Monday arrived
at the j-ards and reached their employers'
establishment without any molestation.
Trouble wa3 expected when these three
hundred arrived and every precaution was
taken by the military to prevent it. Com
pany D. First regiment, marched to the
corner of Fifty-fifth and nalstead streets
shortly after 5 o'clock this morning. Soon
after that hour the Grand Trunk train
with the imported workmen arrived and
the men disembarked
Guarded by Company D they then had
to march two miles through the roughest
part of the stock yards district to the yards
proper, and although the streets were
crowded with strikers and their sympa
thizers not the slightest interference was
The New Yorkers are now safely housed
at Fowler's.
Reports to General Fitzsimmon at S
o clock from all parts of the yards, report
everything quiet.
The presence of the blue coats about is
the enly indication this morning of any
strike being in progress. Hundreds of meii
went to work. There seemed to be no lack
of business at the principal packing house1?.
Armour & Co., are running almost full
blast, having nearly 3,000 men at work.
The Chicago Packing and Provision
company received fifty men last night and
now have about COO at work.
Nelson Morris and Fowler Bros.,
each fully as many, and Swif: fe Co,
about 1.500.
No violence attemdtcd so far, as the blue
coated pickets line all approaches to the
yards and inspire due respect in the minds
of even the most pugnacious of strikers.
Indications this uftcrnoon are that the
great strike at the stock yards is drawing
to a close.
A. A. Carleton. of the Boston general
executive board, Knights of Labor, arrived
in the city tliis morning, and, after consult
ing one or two of the "old heals" of the
order, went out to the town of Lake.
When he arrived there he was met by
Barry, Marshal, Butler and other promi
nent knights.
The leaders of the strike, with Carleton
as the new angel of peace, repaired to the
transit house and held a long and secret
It was reported on the board of trade
today that the following dispatch was re
ceived by Barry this morning:
"Order the" men back. Eight hour
movement at this time considered impracti
cable. (Signed) Powdehlt.''
Barry refused to affirm or deny the
truth of the report, when interviewed, re
plying that he wa "busy."'
Armour's manager said that he had
heard the same report from their manager
at the yards but they had no confirmation.
of the report, although they believed it.
So many new men have coine in from all
parts of the country that the packers re
port this afternoon that they need no
Cmcvno, III., Nov. 11. The strike at
tne stoc-K j-srns is at an en'i. imus mis ai-
ternoon 31 r. Barry, who has been on the
ground ever since wie stnKe, was maugur-
-PTicrnloTccntivccominiitiMiofthe K. of
.oujd lw ,iiarI to make room for
I those who left them, ami thev were anxious
1 to Htc the nt!W mta pennVjcnt npiov-
to give tne new men per:
,11 meet, but soon after the strike o?cr j r" "Z. T
:racfhan .1 . .. i-r. . .j- .h 1 turalion of the arrina. Vbr r? .
1 ment. but soon after the strike w.v over
, thcnew men left ia droves. thecxpfauM-
tion beinji given that Hmj okl men irmikl
makeitsbu nplc&sant for them that thcr
conWnotstavin Packingtoun. All the
the new comers. Wbetherlhis experience
will be repeated now or not is the qaesiion.
The packers say not and farJicr state tliat
thev have made arraoremnt to prevent k
and' all the hssrdiag hoiaes that liare been
-tartI for the new men will I main-
Vw lrf--ri tlt.rA -hIIt tX A.ffT I
t. j fnrfK-r- ,r,A.,nl tjit rhe ftefcktrs
1U rMtiri. of w,rr man ia Ihtar effioiov
j a written gjjaraatee that be will gv a
! arm three or focr dav's aoticc bifore k&v-
nt Tpili I rwmtnu f
i tare.
- i t'ir,rt 10 n oa. TW rxrt u3m-
i,.9kul frnan tk.m iA in I ka. rn(tar
that the rik" wa at an cad wm bmod
I noon direct informatiie from the packer.
. ! a . - z-e , .t i, - t- r,.
'At 10 p. ra infonnaUun is neeerrol from
- 1 the source that the report proves to bo
i withoi; lotMMiaisoa.
1 Tr T r Tlnr t TjvPiwr-rtf f h. ftT.
i ecolire board of the Packers aocktioii.
S. .1... .1 ..... . t. ...,. .ri. l.
how the mistake was made and can only j
sav-tftat shortly before 6 p.m. the packers
were in receipt of information, which
though not official, was consideied by thein :
to be"rehab!e.
Messrs. Barrv and Carlton of the K. of
I. general executive committee, denied to
the reporters shortly after 6 p. m. thai
there had been any'change whatever in the
status of the strike.
A meeting of strikers is in session to
night at the yards, which is being attended
by Messrs. Barry and Carlton.
"Before entering the hall at S p. m , Bar
ry and Carleton were seen and questioned
concerning reported collapse of the strike.
They denied emphatically that there was
any "truth whatever in the statement. Mr.
Carleton, who arrived tnis morning as a
representative of Mr. Powderly to favesti
gate the situation, said that so far from the
strikers having surrendered, they were full
of enthusiasm and confident of ultimate
victor. So far as he had been able to as
certain today there was little or no probn
bihtv of "the stnse ending until
the men had won their point, namely, that
the packers concede recognition of the
nrincinle of eight hours work for eight
hours pay, or at least allow the matter to
be arbitrated. The statement that Mr.
Powderly hud wired Mr. Carlton to order
the strike closed was a lie on its face Mr.
Carlton had only arrived in Chicago this
morning and it was absurd to suppose that
he would be pre-emptorily commanded to
end the strike without being given any time
to fulfill the mission which brought Lim
here. The news coqeeroing Mr. Powder
lv's sllcL-ul teleirram had been received in
0hicagTover speculators private wires, and
Mr. Carlton declared, without reserve, tne
belief that the report of saying the strike
was off, had been given out solely for stock
jobbing purposes.
Mr. Carleton said: Mr. Barry and my
self have been in consultation today aud
have been considering some plan which I
am not at liberty to divulge, that a certain
line of policy has been agreed on and we
will work hi that direction. None of the
; packers have been seen and we have no
engagements witu any oi mem lor au
future meeting. There is a general mis
understanding" about Mr. Powderiy's posi
tion iu this strike. He has ma'dc no state
ments about it to newspaper men and
knows but little about the subject.
Kiowa County.
Special DUpatdJ to the DaUj Cask.
Gkeexsbukg, Kan., Nov. 11. Ofiicial
returns of this county give Martin 171
majority, Allen 1T(, Ilamiltou 17C, Mc
Carthy 310, Peters 1G2, C. "W. Ellis, judge
Twenty fourth judicial'district, 203; Milti
gan, Kepublican, for representative, 213.
The Republicans elected the entire cmity
ticket except register of deeds.
Weather Keuort
WASiiiNUToy, D.. C, Nov. 12, 1 a. m.
The following are the indications for Kan
sas: Fair weather, preceded by loral
raius in the eastern porriou, slightly warm
er, variable winds.
For Missouri, Local rains followed by
fair weather, slightly warmer wimla.
Washington, D. C. Nov. 11. The
annual report of the second auditor, Win.
A. Day, shows that during the last fiscal
year the sum of S17,G73,4U3 was drawn out
of the, treasury oa requisitions ismtd by
the secretary of war, and o,023,C53 on
those issued by the secretary of the inter
ior, oa acconnt of the Indian maintenance,
leavLig unexpended balances on the-e ac
counts of 443,53:.! and ?22l,b03 respec
tively. The auditor says that the accuracy and
perfection of the system of reconli by
which the public projcrty of the Indian
pervicc ii traced, is evidenced by tlic
fact that only three packages of the mnny
thousands carried under contracts of 1834
have failed to reach their pomts r-f destina
tion. It appears from the report that
while the clerical force of the office w re
duced from 191 to 131 during the year, the
amount of money involved in disbursing
the officers' accounts audited wa incrcawxl
from $20,097,330 in 135 to $39,963,108 in
ISstf. The auditor says that several new
ea.-es of claims have been presented rinricg
the year, the most important of which is
that of officers and ex-officers of the army
for a readjustment of their pay accounts
since 1S33, in which they shall be credited
with whatever time they may have served
as cadets or as enlisted men. As a leal
case to determine their validity is now
end;ng before the supreme court it is not
deemed proper to comment ou the sort of
claims further than to aj that 2,200 offi
cer or their representative an intrctd
asd that the cost of readjttslsiijr ihe ac
counts on tht b&is claimed U) be
proper bv the olllcers, woiihl nolbekxi
J than $1,300,000. The proarMtfcM of vbesc
claims cited as evidence of the occtsMiy
of n. JtaUste of limitatioc.
The residen;i u&m$R to coor w
j n,e nrtaettwi tofwc of mwseM ml wtMf
cabinet nwetmj?. .Searefawy Whiter wat
Hie onlv alwntpe.
. gssrai. u.
m h report on t:w Apuif BpijD
mc nniiBBj ptjj-h o.. ..
ral .Terry I-
the mrtier. awl the hoard wa dir m.
. '" !mrf t,TJlZ
P" b-K reertrcd at ikwr itopartm
" " 7-
' Sterling s wiir
i S7ERU.so hao ior. 11. Aa ct:r
n tfam arnredatewt ntm Usday f rra
Topeka foH of ptflta
baow cofsmenead UUtoc a i oiut ,.
J tfeee inches oa the gnwad aIn..'
I hard at S p. as.
i The Caked PrenbTwHBMi ooCc jrr
1 Ud ad about ?2.(l9 Wttrtfc of ,
Sofel m aeon.
j morrow
lw wax jw - -
Bond.-. VotcJ
KiSftii Crrr. Mo . . 11. A Jr
ar- Peroaa. Kjwa.. tr: 8oli to &
i wai of ZS&.WW wer 7 mm
i & CUT in a af or ajRjm W
- 1 tiSe TZteZOCl-
the Paroo ow'. raffle ray. .
of road aow ia operrirm hoi t
' sjmI f!flaT'-rilV
, ita.jjrue
sw.ooo IsTtoIm;.
K.CS5.45 Cm, Not. 11- Jotte
Idanwacs to theasaoMSl offlM!'
.1 .1 .....t Hi .-: nw tSRVKT CXaB-
, paay today. m&mtj,w S !t9f'
J the cantpasj hfe uoa nHtf t piscJg
j fender epen in cart
The Filibustering Expedition
Now a Settled Fact, and
Said to be Backed
By Prominent and"WealtiiyiIen
From Different Points
of the Country.
A "Will You Kindly Permit Mo" from
Io3 Elixabeth. In licjrsrd to
Tier Little M.ifraEine.
T. Stewart, tho "Western. Uaiou
Defaulter, Tried at Winnipeg
Verdict, 'ot Guilty.
A Band of VFlre CattCM Captured In
Texas By the State Ilanjrers,
Etc.. Etc., Etc.
The Filibuateva Expedition Proslnj
to Enter Mexico Not a Myth.
St. Lovia, Mo., Nov. 11. From a spec
ial from Dallas, Texas, it appears that a
filibustering expedition U proposed to In
vade Mexico and establish a ncwlrepublic,
to be composed of the present states of Chi
liunhua, Sonora and Durango nomy tb
Two emissaries of the movement arrived
in DMlas yesterday. One of tht'ra liu
given out some points as to the true in
wardness of the daring scheme II savs
this filibustering movement was on fix t Ix
fore the Cutting cn.e was heard of I t
Cutting is now one of the leaders.
The executive coaimUfcc con-iU f
twelve people, three located at El Pa-
two traveiine and working up tht schcir-
by secret agents, and of the rnia. K r
some are wealthy men in New York, I
cngo. Salt Jnke"CUy and tho City f M-
Three of the t-.ecutivn commits ,
Kaman Catholic priests. ihw ,.
Inner is now an his way to Rome l- c
with the pope. His hoHntne, it U m
long desired some convulsion In 51
which might give n opportunity f .
re-establishment of a state church .. ...I
esnspirator look with great on: !
him for aid.
t :
.? r
New York ami Cbicngo capital
the scheme for what they csn tnnLi'
have faith ia its sneeesa and pro
in on the ground floor of tfaf y
new government awl make a n
profit on its bond and gmntn of '
mining privileges.
The coosiraey has proipreeM
tliat the plan of tho new fjoveroa:
been formulated. It fa to be a
I i 1
s- r
icpublic hehl in check by a s;ror. v. is'arr
Great induce meat are to be off I n
employed workuiwen o tin I 1
States'to emigrate thither.
Cultiair, the only mia whor per rol 1
t3 publWy known'or Mspfitsi ia cnT
tion -.villi the auair, n receiving bu .- c 1
lettt-rs ocry day from all park ? '- ' -
try, and nearly all of tltes Iett r
t n;
personal service aim mnny or u
th:y can each rsic frnai tints tn in
pan;-s armed and i-fjulppcd. Th "i
Indian wL hare lor rive y.;rs j
at hay the military wer3of IKti
been appro3'4Kd to become hHv a
the moeni' nt and their chief an j
take part. Confidential ujpmU
appoia'td in the pri!tc!Ki) citfc'j i
sr.l tbronghmu the cocntry. T- '
4&l mn hate already l-etn pMfi '
lea'lcrs of the movcaienl say Ucy c
nuaEary. throw an army of J ' '
acrow the Hio Grande.
W. T. PtowartTril iud rtir. 1
frailty by n ralpi; Jot y.
Wrxsipcr,, Man . Hor. 11.
sl at Vf'ionip v Tnwrfay. W I
art. late nstmsT of t&e Wt: t .
tekraph ootspany at WkrW'j, K-
trkii f-tr eatbviulm u l. . ui
pany aerl briagff nt j ' :
whJcfc w a test caM !.- I x ft.
tereat. beiej rhe first f v . . d
here. Tbr . -y n-t'rr t i L:
tfutl., " nl t'p jrix ter i '
dlcv . s
Kkw Yok:, Xo. 11. Tt '
card to pB&dtfied:
Taha XtmeeoC lmTiA.
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alleoca.ifoa uUii iiih yt
wraMy fcwwi cvrt tto
eko ttwt ail 4h w?wr!l kt.
tiifpuafenttM uaocra. -
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a r.t' ' to tern? te ; V iwfc
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