1$ V ' -i "5- fer - - -j ,-?- KV-v, yWt,WiS,yMjWWg W.i.MT I I) VIi,t. y.frj i yyw-uiw , wy !.?$ n n-l Tf VI 1 1 niliilil iiii . i ti ,u , I. uniil l iiih' ml iiV r ' i '" T. i- ... yv r'.Pci'TfcgKcj; ggSSBBTFafl AJ ' VOL. VI. KO. 22. WICHITA, KANSAS, SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 12. 1886. WHOLE NO. SOI. vR 'z .bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbv S& J . .nBBBaan?7 faf SL iPtchtta MDNSON 123 and 125 Seed ties For How Handsome Thay Are. IPSilPVoo Lovely ,:k ' zkc$k "ne nnen noe paper envelopes and -&S regret cards, worth $2 at $1 each. lllfll plush mI hrnri7P ISPSeach at Opening of novelties for Evening and Wedding Costumes. High class novelties at the lowest prices ever known "We tiavo just visited tlis mariefc and. obtained bargains in ths33 goDds, which we ofi'er to you at a small advoace over cost. Come and see. Be sure and come whether you wish to "buy or not. A child in Fairyland or a re.iected'and despondent lov er in th? soft embraces of his relenting loved one neither could feel more delightfully dazed than the visitor who gazes for the first time upon this feast of splendor and maguificent glow of colorings for adorning the female form divine. Cok and m MDNSON & Philadelphia Store Corner Douglas av. and Market St. Four Special This Week One lot 42 pair ol full 12-4 all wool "White Blankets.for $5 a pair, fully worth $10. These are the largest size made and an extra quality. One lot 84 pair all wool 1 1-4 Scarlet Blankets which we will close out at $3.50 a pair. Never sold before under $6 00. One lot 10 pieces fast color Turkey Red Table Linen 25c a yard.. It cannot be du plicated at 50c. One lot 33 dozen Ladies and Childrens All Wool Red Mittens at 10c a pair, A. EA S. W, Corner Douglas MoMMARA Main Street. fa Plush Boxes full of $6 Mirrors, two feet high, 1 5 inches wide, beveled glass frames, mounted in nnrl cnlvpr wnrfh c no 2.50 each. See WE. MoNAMARA Bargains Ave. and Market St.! ffiNDOUS Representative Peters Procures the Passage by the House of the Bill Opening 2sTo Man's Land to Actual Settlers For Homesteading Purposes. Tlie House Also Passed a Bill Por- feitinjr Large Unearned Grants of Government Land. Tlie Sundry Civil Appropriation Bill was Discussed, as was the Silver Coinage Proposition. The Mississippi and Missouri River Commissions Submitted Their Annual Reports to the Secretary of War. CAPITAL BUDGET. A BOOX FOIt HOOMISUS. Hon. 3T. 31. HurdocI:. Wichita: Washington, D. C,. Dee. 11. Have just passed the bill through the house at taching Xo Man's Land to Kansas for ju dicial and land oilice purposes. S. K. Peters. PERSONAL TO THE PRESIDENT. The president, although still suffering from rheumatic pains in Ids knees, was able to resume ollicial routine today. He received an unusually large number of congressional visitors in the forenoon. About noon he repaired to the east room, shook hands with members of Gabriel K. Paul post, Xo. 101, Grand Arm- of the Republic, of New Jertey, now on a visit to the city. REPORTS ON RIVERS AND HARBORS. The annual report of the Mississippi river commission for the fiscal year ended June o0, 1826, was transmitted to the house of representatives today by the sec retaiy of war. The report shows that no field or survey work was done during the year beyond the care and preservation of property and small unnaiis. Xo construc tion work was doucWaow Cairo owin- to the failure of the appropriation. "The value of the government plant employed between the Des Moines river and the head of the passes is approximately stated at .-51,001,000, which is :i'cdu:-tion in value of $20,000 since the date of the last repoit, representing the deterioration duiing the period of disuse. The operations between the Des Moines river aud Cairo were confined to the con struction and repair of dams, revetment work and minor work of short protection betweeu the Illinois and Ohio rivers. Ow ing to luck of rands operations were con lined to such repairs as were necessary to prevent loss, and additions that seemed ad visable in view of the action of existing works. A minimum channel of eight feet has been maintained for twenty-two miles below St. Louis, while a least depth of five and one-half feet is reported in that paitof the river which has not been improved. The work in the Fourth district (harbors of Xatchez, Vidalia and Xew Orleans, mouth of Jtlie Red River and Chafalair harbor) was confined to the mouth of the Red river. X new leveo work was done during the vear. At the beginning of the fiscal year the J balance on hand was n.1,2i8 for surveys and sll."5,S71 for general improvement. It is estimated that for the next fiscal year an appropriation of $100,000 will bs required for survey work, $100,000 for expenses of the commission, $5,000,000 for continuing tlie improvement on the Mississippi river and 51,0fl."i.(00 for the improvement of the harbors of Columbus, Hickman, Memphis, Greenville and Xew Orleans. The report of the Missouri river com mission is also transmitted to congress to day. After detailing the work done dur ing the year the commission recommends that at least $100,000 be appropriated for continuing the improvement of the river in addition to any other sums which congress may see fit to devote to the work at special" locali ties. With a smaller sum than this it is said it will be many years before the work will cover a sufficient extent of river to en able the proper estimate to be formed as to its c(t and value to the country. Xo en gincerius: difficulty has as vet presented itself to suggest any doubt as to the possi bility of carrying the work to successful completion. ror surveys, examinations, salaries and expenses, the commission re commends an appropriation of $130,000. The estimate for the general improvement of the Missouri river from its mouth to Sioux City, la., is 100,000. On July IS'0. there was an available balance 10, on hand of .$90,300 THE DOI.PUIN AND HER ARMOR. Rear Admiral Jouett has returned to Washington. He inspected the guns of the Dolphin yesterday and report that thev proved highly satisfactory, particu larly the econdarv batterv; the Mx-inch gun diil not work a? well a it might. Al though the speed of the Dolphin was not tested, he reports that she readily made 13 knots with little motion, and gives promise of going OTer lo. While going at 13 knot the order to back was given aiul in 12 sec onds from the rinsing of the bell she was backing, not shoving more than a length ahead from headwav. MISCELLANEOUS MATTKK3. Iliram D. Kitt has been appointeel spe cial inspector of foreign steam vessels at Iran i-mncisco, vice .nartin Hull moved. The resignation of Geo. H. Hart, clerk to inspector of steam vessels at Portland, Oregon, has been accepted, but no appoint ment to till the vacancy will be made at present. 3Iaj. H. T. Stanton, of Kentucky, was today appointed a member of the commis sion to allot lond in severalty to the In dians on the Omulita reservation in Ore- rvin. 1 In the matter of the torfeiture to certain 1 i..Lrv.- j.i.ii,tvi iu mc -v, i.. 1 . ik. ik. w uuu as-cLs at nearly toe eaiEc 1 -""- c"j - - - - their restoration to the public domain by' Botok, Dec 11 V. Private meetin? of lilirille. Clajtoe. Giaiboro, Willfaua theact of July G. lG. the secretary of creditorpf A. B .Martin & Co wiiore!Ura Saiera and Wocdimry. wMch are the interior has approved the recommends-' tv ally failed wa held todav The fieare ' 0Oi 1sror'Ii0? under the regnlsiiofts of the tion of the commissioner of the genera! Uubn:i:;esl show liabilities at -3lC,6l,T KaiSfatB of 1-&br" land office, that so much of sakl litnds as ;ia,i Jts&eis aj 35 -,1 oyj ' ' ' i lies within the territonr of Xew Mexi ! - -J Coal .Miners Strike. should be at once opened to entry and set tlement, after due publication of notice. but holds thai as under siatiurv retrula mai as umier siatkry regula price of the lands must, be Axed a: j than $2.50 jr acre the pric ! Id and even sections should be tions the price of the lands rati sot less of both odd nxetl at that sum. With respect to the for feited lands in California the secretary has concurred in the recommendations of the commisdoner. that the opening of said . lands to market shduld be deferred for the equable determination of the rights of the Southern Pacific railroad company to those lands lying north in the common limits of the two roads, the grant to the two com panies having been made by the same act. Comptroller Trenholm will appear before the -house committee on banking and cur rency next Wednesday by invitation to ex pound his views relating to the national banking system. Several members of the committee express a determination to se cure action if possible on some remedial measure touching the relations between the 1 national banks and the government. Mr. Samuel H. Walker, late major and superintendent of police, has written a long letter to the district commissioners asking that he be reinstated. In one of the open ing paragraphs he says: It is a self-evident proposition that no man can fearless ly execute the laws and give peace and se curity to the community, who is himself besmirched with crime, or who has any affiliation with those classes who are direct ly the subjects of the watchful care of the police department. He then goes on to say that his administration of "the depart ment was without fear and with out reproach; but notwithstanding all this the commissioners, after expressing entire confidence in him, asked his resignation on Xov. 2-i, without pre vious notice and without consideration of the evidence. Besides this, by persistent urging and with the assurance that their report would justify him, the commission ers induced him to date his resignation nine days back. Mr. Walker asserts that the commission ers did not fulfill their promise, and asks them to reconsider the whole case and re instate him. UNAVAILING PRESSURE. ' Mr. Trenholm, csmptroUcr of currency, received today three petitions from bank ers and merchants asking for the retention ot 3lr. fccnua as bank examiner at ow AorK. i ne comptroller m a lenjitny an swer to the petitioners tells them why he is unwilling to retain the examiner, and closes his communication as follows Pressure, with political, social or financial bearings, is a dangerous element to be in traduced into so dlicato an adjustment as that ot the relations between the comp trailer and the national bank examiner. PORTY-3TINTH CONGRESS. House. Washington, D. C. Dec. 11. On mo tion of Mr. Peters, of Kansas, a bill was passed extending the laws of the United States over certain unorganized territory south of Kansas known as the Public Strip, providing that this land be subject to entry under the homestead law. Mr. Randall, of Pennsylvania, moved that the house proceed to the consideration of the sundry civil appropriation bill, but the motion was lost yeas 119, nays 121. In the morning hour Mr. Payson, of Il linois, on behalf of the committee on pub lic lands, called up the bill declaring the forfeiture of the Ontonogau and Crule river land grant. In detailing the circum stances of tlie graut Mr. Payson declared that from the organization of the Ontono gan and Crule river company no steps has ever been taken by it which did not indi cate that the organization had been purely speculative aud effected for the purpose of getting land from the general government. It had been an attempt at barefaced rob bsry from its "commencement down to the present time. The bill was passed without division. It forfeits 3S4.G00 acres. The house t tia weat into the committee of the whole, Mr. Ihimmo&d, of Georgia, in the chair, on the .itindry civil appropria tion bill. In the course of the general debate Mr. Lanham, of Texas, made an appeal in fa vor of the redemption of the trade dollars, and alluding to the standard silver dollars he declared that its coinage would never be suspended, no matter who might recom mend to the contrary. Mr. Herbert, of Alabama, said that while the sundry civil bill appropriated less than the bill of lat 3'ear, the decrease was at tributable to the fact that the committee on appropriations had surrendered jurisdiction over the items for navy yards and the new naval obser vatory, maintaining that these items could be provided for in the regular naval appropriation bill. He contended on the contrary that the appropriations for the objects named should bo made in the sundry civil bill which would then instead of showing a decrease exceed in amount of appropriations the bill of last vear. Mr. Randall, of Pennsylvania, anrued that the naval committee had proper juris- j Dchiiv, John Dennv, GeorccSHvey, Frank diction over the subject of navy jards, , Wmrlit and K E. Denny." They will be but pointed out that even if they weie pro-! tried on a charge of interfering "with di vided for in the pending measure, the bill i tiers ujn government lauds in Douglas would still carry lest money than that of county. The affidavit of Caleb At- lat vear. Pending furthf r discussion the tee rose and the houc adjourned Cattle lien in Council. St. Louis, Dec, 11. Delegates from live stock exchanges of Chicago, Kanis City, Omaha and St. Louis met at the Southern hotel at 11:C0 this morning in re sponse to a call by the Chicago live stock exchange. II. L" Xewmau, of St. Louis, was elected chairman and A. P. Wood bury, of Kansas City, secretary. The res olution of the Chicaeo stock' exchange, under which ihc meeting was called, was read. The roil of delegate-, was then read, and on motion of T. T". D. Audrews. of Texa-. all prominent ranch owners were invited to sit in the convention. D. C. Wagner, of Chicago, addressni the meet- j ing on the subject of contagious disca-cs. He favored the adoption of a resolution callinsr upon congress to aonoim a Lniud StjitH-s mmmiv;ifmnr iv1i-icj. dull- ir -fwinVI i be to'look afu-r nil ca- of 'mntmrinn I containoD. Others addressed the meetins on the sub ject and a committee of five was appoin' d to draw up 6uch resolutions. D. C. War ner, of Chicago, then offertd tie follow ing resolution, which was adopted: p..,1t-, t'i..,. ., .-...... t r : each of the 'live stock exchanges here rep- mmee to report at thi meeting. The meeting then adjourned to 1 :30. Borne Down. Ci.vcii-KATi, Dec. 11. The busiaes? public was sartled todav bv the anaounc- ment of the failure of .John and t" V W biankeu Howe A Co., insnufacturr of un, ..... ..j ; : i Thev eHmate their liabiKtie i 1 000- Ah Sin Muit Go. ! Net ark. X.. J.. Dec. II. A move fei being mace bv Knichts of Labor to drive I ' Chinese lauoJrie from the city and com -. ty .if r Ca-cb-ilt, proprietor of the Belie- ville laaaeiry. has agreed to discharge the " beiac made bv KnichLs of Labor to ririv J - .- . several hundred Mongolians in his employ. 1 This is considered a rreai victory bv the S a great victory by the j the" first place" in the I Knights, as it was east where Chinese labor was employed. resented le apiointed to frame enable OTUUv "iw-i.-" - ,... o resolution looking to the formation of a arc bere l, defend the county property. Y.tinnoi i ,v.. .fi. i ..-, One hiiwlrcs'' zxim nohceraen have been 1 ,-Lti L-u k.Hti:iv i'.ALit.iiJ!'c. iijti i iiii- r Shrewd, Saucy Carrie Metz, a German Girl, on the "Witness Stand, Creates a Flutter of Excitement in the Court Room by Point ing Out A Number of Persons Implicated in tne Broadway Railroad Franchise, Whom She had Seen Enter McLaughlin's .Residence on the Night the Famous 'Combine' is Said to Have Been Consummated. The Plucky Little Teuton Stuck to Her Story Despite the Efforts of the Artful Attorney to Tau- tfle Her. The McQuade Trial. Xew York, Dec. 11. In the 3IcQuade trial this moruiui: the reudiug of documen tary evidence was continued. At the close Clerk Toomey was cross-examined by Mr. Xewcomb, but nothing new was developed. Carrie Metz, a servant, testified that in 188-i she was in service in the house adjoin ing that of Alderman McLaughlin in which t.ie alledged 'combine" of boodle aldermen was formed. She testified that in the month of June she was called the door by a riug of the bell. On the steps were live men who inquired for McLaughlin's house; the went into McLaughlin's house. A week later three men made the same inquiry; later iu the morning several more came. She saw them come out of McLaughlin's later in the evening. Witness was asked to look at the audience and see if she reognized anyone as one of the callers. The little German girl, after glancing around slowly, finally pointed with her linger saying: Yes, sir; that gentleman is one ot them. Every eye was centered upon Alderman Jno. "O'Neill. Is there anyone else in the room whom you recognize as one of the men you saw? There was another gaze about the room and then the finger pointed at the prisoner. Fulgratr was also identified. Then Mr. Xicull brought out the fact that he had called upon the witness and she had ideu titled in a group Fulgraff. Dempscy, O'Xeil, Reilley and McQuade; also that yesterday in the court room she had iden tified Fulgraff, Duffy and McQuade as vis itors whom she had seen at McLaughlin's. Mr. Xewcomb tried his misleading tac tics on her, but the witness was too sharp to be caught. Lawyer Xewcomb then addressed the jury. In openiug the case for tho de fense, after scoring Fulgraff and Duffy, the informer, he outlined the defense. He had an important witness who was out of town on the first trial on a hunting trip. This witness would swear that he entered the public door of the aldermanic chamber after 0 a. m. on August 30th, 18S0. Reporter Ker nan was mistaken; he would prove that Kernau never went into the cloak room nor tried thS public door, he would prove that Kernau heard the story in Morrow's barbershop and congratulated himself on having a "heat" on the reporter. That gentleman, she said. McQuade arose with his hand on his bosom and pointed to himself: Yes, look again; can you see any one elc? The witness half arose again in a moment her eye rested and her face brightened. There is one, she said, that gentleman. This time a big man near the rail "arose, but the witness was not positive, and all efforts to make her say different was futile. Another effort was made and she pointed to McLeary. When he stood up she said he was the man she meant. Rad Raid Kuobbers. FousYTiiE, Mo., Dec. 11. Seven mem bers of an organization known as "Bald Knobbers" have been arrested in Douglass county ad taken to Springfield, Mo., on affidavits mad by Caleb T. Atwood and Hujrh Rollief, homesteaders. Their names ' -irr JnrL- Silviv Sr .T.ir-L- Silwr .lr Fllinit wocu statts that lie iook ! homestead S'lairn and settled up a there. 'About 12 ex-lock one night j a crowd of men broke mt his cabin, I dragged him from I cd with a i'pc around 1 hi nrfk to a tree near the house, where they bound him anil kept him tied till he promised to leave the vicinity within thirty days or pay the m m Jack bilvey the cot of previous improvements upon the claim. Investigation proved that Silvey never set tled upon the claim. Atwood reported the facts to the authorities and Silvcy's arrest followed I Inch Rollief nfiidavit is sim ilar to that made by Atwood. He reeot- 1 nir.ed the Mrven inn mutionerf above a& I the crowd who ihreatentd hint. After ( they were all arrested the pri-oncrs gavr , bond each in tne sum of ?3K) for their ap- pearance before the United Suites commix siocer. Their trial- will besin tonight. .Mobocracv in Minnesota. St. Pacl, Minn.. Der. 11. A special recvivctl frum Brown' Valley. Minn., al midnight, said: "Report reach here this eve-niB"- tltnt a Wheatoa mob 400 stronff ars marching upon this place to take the countv record. While the report is not belu-ved. nrenarxtion are being made to n, J nK,b lhal ms.r xme- A .f lbe swora in to protect city property. Glacs Itlowers Troubles. Philadelphia, Dec. 31 The execu tive board ni the Green Glass 13lower, District .ataiblv Xo 140. was in rsioit . .... Ji ! .U ..,t. i. "re ye9erua. ui-lu-ikj; un: :nuu tu ewJ""-y "factnrits a reported brDb- tnci iair vi orKman Atr. ep Were tsen to aST1: " whole orce ot the i Sha305Cis. Pa.. Der II. A strike of miners employed at Bear Valley bbaft, 1 owned bv the Pbiladeipb and RiiBg . Ceel sad Iron coraoaar. waj iBacyaraiaJ 1 this morning in cvo--ecuence of a. redaction oi ten per eenl in waec. The Knigbu of Labor ordered ike miners to cursiimie wort pending arbitration, but the men refused pending arbitration, bui : obey. Six bendresi men and bav are idle. Weather Report. Washington, D. C, Dec 12, 1 a. m. The following are the indications for Mis souri: Rain, followed by fair, colder weather, with a cold wave; westerly winds. For Kansas and Nebraska: Fair weather, colder, westerly winds. California Excursion. Special Dbpawh to th Dally Eale. Kinslet, Kan., Dec. 11. The first of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe's cel ebrated excursions to California and Ore gon for this winter passed here this morn ing and stopped for breakfast. The trains consisted of about twenty Pullman palace cars with baggage cars, etc., crowded with excursionists from eastern points. Trades Congress. Columbus. Ohio, Dec. 11. The Feder ated trades met this inoruing and adjourned sine die after resolving to enter the new Federated Trades of Xorth America when the organization shall be completed. In the Trades conference, local trades unions were urgeti not to appropriate money except fnrtiuly authorized strikes. Office'rs will be elected aud final adjourn ment take place this afternoon. At the afternoon session of the new Trades Federation the resolution was adopted declaring that while they favored S-hours for a day's work and believed it would be ultimately adopted, it was first necessary to secure nine hours iu all branches now working ten hours, and in those trades working more hours to reduce still further. The "conference committee that met the K. of L. committee submittal a written report purporting to contain what was said aud done at Friday's session. It was said there had been no agreement, that me iv. 01 1 j. cuiBiniiicc "" 1 ei us ed to consider the trades com mittee and recommended the execu tive committee of the newly organized federation to issue an address to the public on the subject of differences between the organizations. The constitution adopted forms a new federation on a much similar basis to the Knights of Labor, placiug the power in the executive com mittee, consisting of five. Officers were elected as follows: Samuel Compers, of Xew York, pre-ident; Geo. Harris, of Pennsylvania, fir-t vice president; J. 31. Smith, of Springfield, Ills., second viee- president ; II. G. McGuire, of Philadelphia, fcecretarv. and G. E. Mon-ton, of ash ington, D. C, the next year. treasurer, v ho are to serve Great Fire iu St. Louis. St. Luis. Dec. 11. Firo broke out in the exteiibive establishment of the A. T. Shaplev and Cantwell Co., on the corner of Main and Vine streets, at 2:20 p. in. and has now obtained such headway that the entire concern will doubtless be destroyed. The roof has fallen in and most of the floors have already Iwen burned. It is re ported that some of the clerks were injured by falling lloors. "3:03 p.m. It is now definitely known that many jcrons were badly injured, 12 of whom 'tis expected will ie. The firm did a large business in fire arms and gunpowder, and had in .store a quan tity of dynamite. Some of the latter ex ploded "when the roof and lloors fell in. The names of the injured cannot yet be known owing to the great confusion which prevails in the vicinity of the fire, which is still burning liercely. another account. About half nasi 2 o'clock this afternoon upper tloor uJ'Jie A. F. Shaplev fc Cant well Hardware Cos. extensive establish meut, occupying stores numbering from 414 to 422, Xoith Main street, fell with a great enr-h. This floor was covered with heavy agricultural machinery, and its fall carried down the third tloor stacked with shelf goods, and the second tloor filled with sample jroods. In a moment or two the debris caught fire, presumably from over- lunieii movb.. or ,h,ssu,,. ..m. ....- .m- nace in the basement, and with siarthng! rapidity the fiatnes shot up through the broken limb -rs in the roof. 1 There were fireballs between the differ- cnt store rooms, but all of them had o-)en, ! ings in them through which the fire madly , rushed and in a vc'r'y short time the entire 1 building was a muss of fiercely burn- ing Haines and every window and door wSsMching great cloud, of heavy block 1 smoke. Shortly after this the roof over . .no.. '1.1 J.x 11 .... v'i..,. ..,.. ,., fur- pled over, the interior floors following in rapid succession, and by 4 p. in. nothing wis left but wnlN and a great unwof burnt goods and twisted and destroyed ma- , iwuuuuif uuiui "' ""-. ""'-V "'' The-fire was confined to the Shapley building, and surrounding pro;Krty which j '"- "r"- ", "' '",' CT SZZl . , before tic walls and roofYell was In immi- ctar?1.U,Bl lf V, 1 UTZuVt nent danger, but was onlv sHghllr dam-1 ! bv o.n mm! puWte b wild , t age.3. Ai the time the cfd, ame er?JlW fiftv employes were twittered throughout . r'f ,b" affir lhflt "? T!i 1) r .1 - i..i.i.-' . t.... . f ... , ..?.. u- warn wad never urewod by bit bbad - f K for. and it h thought that those two will turn up later. Several of the men received SlljriH injuries 1 lW nv n uuinrawi vm, ,. ,. : . . .,. ..ri i .. 1. .-ia ..t.;K ..,,1 mm. sr: ri .t " v" zzw.zizj TCrep.i"tal n dynamite" crtridge Urtii no exploded steins U haw no JHind- tion. . . , 1 fie house cmmeti a mcrtt nun. st $Tij0.000, wbut jrt of tlti. if aor. is fvtfl is no; known, tmt um jprotA antics are it fe all rubied. The iommtur: auuuatt to 900.000, and fe divided among 100 companies, cbfetly eastern and foreign, ia Mima ranging from ?2.500 to fw.COO. A llnllroad Keooramend. St. Pall. Dec. 11. The ilinaesoia raiiroad comaife-iHer in their bieial re port made public lodfiT. ppw for co .Ieration of the legislation a kw cocOahv inc etecal elemenu of the Cnllotn bill introduced into the fi-aaie of the United States bv the conunittee on inter -J; enm- meree, -ith snch cbaajfe a are necceaaarr to the propd regnlaUon of the rnstroade or state anujoniy. the ea waa faeafn toiaf j Volnry Jk tfaamtwii ioe mft . IVoolen MIILj named. I U most. vxttmfr part pmrk'T Clitos, 3!kh.. Dec 11 The exit- ( They are rbarfed by Joes Y - Mve woolen mills of Uifc rUiage bwmed nJi nremiioj; tbc ae f L hi. mino ! 15B.MC A JWfciBrtBof I-iiKwia. (hubbrtuj .V jArr bii barbed, silliag one rooaa wkh sas. ridie Cc4alH5. a boofebin boy, west into the nam w X a ir at 9 , o'clock and the eiptedoo foHowrd. Tb j are spread rapidly over ta wttt. l53yi wu LeutdltrKL The bii vmtAtffxA j .3 itffofe- and rem t pro&abfe taatitmaas. . b'av!d HamUtoa. ,4 lUn, - nmprie- Keed, the I!cklea lUUrolcr. Boston "-ZJP: treawrer of the bowtli iMatoa raUfuad, -was rrafcra a nrt and pled gftoy to av till next week. Item! app-jartd vary ! oMe and broken in ?iriu. A SHIP SGI.1 Failing in its Efforts at Diplo macy and by Purchase Direct, The Santa Fe People Try a Little Game of Bluff Upon Their Dreaded Rival, the Rock Is land Company, in 11 Make-lleliero Move into Illinois Territory. The Reported Advance of East-Rouud Freight Rates Officially Denied by Central Traffic Commissioner. Dissatisfied Switchmen on the UUcn X. Detormined to Strike for an Advance in Rates of Wnj;es Denied Them. A Game of Rlnff. Pkoria, 111 , Dec. 11. Article's of in e'orporation of the Chicago, Santa F.e and California railroad company have been filed with the recorder. The capital htoe k is $3,000,000 The incorporators are Xorman Williams, John T. Thompvm, Charles S. Holt, A. I). Wheeler and Abram Pool, all of Chicago. It is pnv posed to build a line frour opposite Fori Madison, Indiana, to Streator, HI., another from opposite Keokuk, Iowa, to ?trimtor. and a third line from Pekiit to Rotk Island, all to connect with tho Chicago nm! St. Louis railroad. It is surmised to U' n part of the plan for the purchase of the Chicago and St. Louis railroad by the A. T. A: S. F. R. !!. comjHiny, 113 heretofore rumored. False Statement Corre oted. Chicaoo, Dec 11. Commissioner G. II. Hlauchard, of tho Central Trallle hsxh m tion, returned from Xew York today and corrected a stfltem'-nt published there an nouncing an advance in east bound freight nite-t on Wednesday, Dtxrcntlwr 20. Tho local committee took immediate action by adopting the following notice to shipper All property consigned from the west di reel to jtoints in the cast previous to I e cember 20, and upem which shipping direr tions have not been changed, will go f. -ward on rates in effect previous to Dec m ber 20. The Men 'ot Satisfied. L01 isvim.r, Kv., Dec. 11 It wtvs ru mored here tonight that freight bmkrnu 11 on the Louisville & NahviH road would go out on a strike to enforce their demand made some timo aqo for a rate of pay of two cents per mile run. Gould. rcrtt.ry of the hdgi of the Brake man's llrothrr hood, stated that tlicniii were not wUis:nd with the agreement made with the cum pany in October. He claimed that men would go out on several divisions to en foree their di'tUNud for two cents a mile' About ?'H) men concerned. General Manager Harmhan states that several division rijueU Irove been mad by freight brskvtncn for a tlxtd ntte of pay at 2 gee'iitn per mile: lhJs was not grunt d. but it waM plained thut the new rates .u put in eire't December 1. and lwsl on the trip, would be given .1 trial ai Xhmo raUs give an averager increase of abotit ten per 1 cent over former imy. 1 he comjuolor had made no reip;el and liter wm ai u;M tation among any cln of employe ''xcijt freight brakemeii. 1 Ic lied up U JO o'el k this morning received no advices f n strike Inring ordrm! to enforce the demand of hmkemen. T, Campbell uivoroo caao. ' I?ih.n. Dec . 1 1 -Lady Colin Cninp 1 r?m . lMr ' r af1'"" ir ly . ftlt U.nf CV,,n f '! Imvlng evor pok. n nC Ir . '"" tn ' IH'rsm juloptod to prevent rmleniltw " hnwtj id -WeW to rontiwue rJa tons uf h Lord C olio because of the pl,y J1 ' 'n?li m?(iru Sl T'?i Jcr- hhe UW Jxni CuMu if hr mr um.1 forec tu compel a roilfnuanc of the r i,j 1. ,l.iu,...l.,un ,... (,.l ! n " " " ' ng morning. J" h;n j hadsuffcred at hblu itueft hnd told I HlHJii9 J!U O WHHt Jlffl ; UUAH UI Hf ' wotihl tnnch nre-f r ml to Mttffortng he hud suffered at hi hnnd Witocm hnd told LordC'oHs frtbr that ! 'j'" preferred u lire apnrt frow '-r "" -r In lf3 On croflexatmaation aJw aaki 1 l 1 .J.ILJ'- the b.- k book jr WTOn uj ner wm n uf n , t,t'j K. tr-t ft..K,.v .. ,1 1 sne wouro rfwn'isn wnciw warn mur i i' f w -temped to 1. ottrapy fee M Mnmnmi ( bm- ,, Don ! phi Short O Ml r. Caxttxxqoha, Te , Dee. tl. J night a mob of BMflted mm rWtei OV ; in Kiofold, CnUem flotmty. Om., a!l ' ur orerpowerinf tie jaJkr. tok mt t prisoner oaraed Un h. Hank ami It ' roe Soahh. both bmitm, aftd tmkia ) 1 to a Jioiot near tire rtiUoad tootb of tr hsogf-d them to t tuna ute ar'-a nave been engaged in robbinf aad hwtr aooH!i in Korta Gverzi for anaae awaiitL. I and had own to be the terror of lb -r; mojtbr. Smith trmiomd mm eMH 1 whkJt' Um two ImmI tm s4Btjr. Utility, a Chanrol. Roro.-. Dec II. liar tofj m ib i-wtriim t-riorr tv m I Cxmke idgr tt)4tj broogit ta a rrsdlrt t f , -8tj. tl "ift . trr at m fcii; nito with tie crime rf ptrjsn I awa-ate; U th ponina . cosoa. -,.,. . a . m. , . ,, t. ufatr, AtXe. 3,. iHx. U.-TW Salw Jr Army plKM Uv teatf mim and n Hftejrf wwi?ffw2T jltoatetne My v narfcfrf wttfc JW j V MX- J sbtonxio ike Hfc ob.i. , J it j. ,... 1 2J w YoDae. H-X ' ar- d-tte a wmxmMor of At I -? peer P- - ',ife8aaj