2 WEEKLY JOURNAL-MINER, WEDNESDAY MORNING, MAY 10, 191 1 E EVERY DEMOCRAT ON THE COMMITTEE OBJECTS TO RECALL TRY TO CALLED TO T PRESCOTT PEERLESS AS CONVENTION CITY ID JURYiLOVABLE WOMAN MOB HER 11 1 Many Organizations and Associations Arranging For Annual Meetings Here Coming Summer (From Saturday's Daily.) Prescott as a conTention city is fast assuming such favored regard as to give it preference over all other Arizona communities. Whether in mid-winter or the sultry glow of summer its climatic attractions arc pronounced ideal, while in accommo dations for the hundreds to view the fascinating scenery that no other sec tion of Arizona can claim are peer less. In harmony with its location and accomodations for any number of organized bodies, fraternal, poli tical or social this year will signalize the coming of the greatest number of people in the history of the city. Among the organizations coming are the Knights of Columbus, who will gather in state council on June 17 and IS. On this occasion it is expected that the minimum attend ance will reach close to one thousand people mainly those affiliated with the organization. During the same month, the Royal Arch Chapter of Masons of Arizona will meet and it is expected that many prominent Arizonans will attend. Beginning early in June the stu dents of the University of Arizona, estimated at twenty-five will arrive to take a course of practical instruct ion in the Summer Mining School. They will remain until August. Prof. Tolman, territorial geologist, and di rector of the mining department with Prof. Bice, mining instructor of the University and several friends will npfnmnanv the delpfratinn. ' J o Early i" the fall, possibly in Octo ber, th'e Territorial Goo4 Roads As sociation will meet here and there is every indication from the deep in terest throughout the territory on this movement a large number of representative men will be here. T. G. Xorris, president, is at present in the east and after his return to Prescott will begin the campaign in the. interest of tliij convention, At a date to be selected later, the "Prescott Auto Club will announce an entertainment program for all similiar organizations throughout the territory to participate in. when it i expected several hundred machines will be congregated to take trips to the Verde Valley, over the territorial highway to Humboldt, around the famous 45-mile loop and last, but not least a trip to the Grand Canyon over the new Ash Fork route. Reese M. Ling, the energetic presi dent of the University of Michigan Alumni Association of Arizona, yes terday stated that he is arranging to call that body together in this city during the summer, and from the large number of Arizona attorneys who, were graduated from the above institution the occasion promises to be a memorable one. President Ling will initiate the movement during the next few days and is confident of bringing together on the first occasion a large repre sentation. Possibly in August, the tri-county .The Swigert Bros. Optical Co. juzotAt tniiUTt opnaiis Urn il riiliiimj m tw rialac u4 Uuahmtac CUa SCUD US YOUR BROKEN IXHSCS TO mt KCMUIICO ON DUPLICATED NEXT TRIP IN JULY. E. E.BURLrNQAME & Co. ASSAY OFFICE tltiSZ? Established in Colorado, 1866. Samples b,j mail or express recerre prompt and carefm attention. Gold And Silver Bullion Refined. Melted and Assayed or Purchased Concentration Tests 100 lba. or Oat Load Lots. Write f or.Terrns. 16-1738 Lawrence St. DENVER. COLO WAIT FOR US dgfc. Dearer If Y-Jii Pboenix Col. VC5SJ VS? Aril. CORBIN & BORK Druggists SEND YOUR DRUG SUPPLIES BY MAIL OR EXPRESS, PROMPTLY Send Us Your Mail Orders! P. 0- Box 166 teachers institute of Northern Ari zona will meet . in Prescott, the, city being .selected at the last meeting held in Flagstaff. Over 150 edu cators will be in attendance at the lowest estimate. It is .practically assured from a re cent canvass made of all cities that the next convention of the Arizona Bankers Association will deliberate for three days in Prescott. Announce ment will hi made to this effect in the next few days when the execu tive committee meets to take defin ite action. Before the year passes it is said the Grand Lodge of Masons of Ari zona will be called to meet in this city. The beautiful temple of Aztlau lodge is admired among , the frater nity and many will come if for no other reason than to inspect the structure. Governor R. E. Sloau will probably move his executive offices to the city, his home, for at least three months this summer, advices to this effect being received a few days ago. Secretary Geo. U. Young a few days ago also stated that he will come to reside at his mining camp, in the Sierra Prietta moun tains, a few miles east of the city. The Summer Colony is now assured of harboring a great number of vis itors, in fact, it is believed, from recent advices received from Phoe nix alone, the spacious retreat will be fully occupied. With private homes entertaining friends, the season promises to bo the most -auspicious in the history of this city. Already the exodus from the south lias started, and an other pleasing feature is that many euhter'l people are beginning to ar rive. MINING ACTIVE IN CHERRY CREEK DISTRICT. (From Friday's Daily.) Cherry Creek district, according to a statement made yesterday by J. R. Boyer, the mining man, is pass ing through a very active career in development at several camps. At the Climax works, L. X. Wombacher is sinking, and is reported to be matt ing splendid headway. He has re cently placed several men at work and the showing is better than ever before. The Arizona Gold company, under the superintendency of J. S. Sessions, is sinking below the oOO foot level, with machine drills. This method was recently introduced and the work is progerssing rapidly and satisfac torily. William Chrismnn is preparing to resume on the Buffalo Lime Cap group, one of the best looking gold .properties in the district. The Hillside Consolidated company will resume in a short time, under new management, which is due to the closing of negotiations for the taking over of the interests of J. H. Tribby, until recently general man ager. Mr. Tribby is in Cincinnati at present. Negotiations started some time ago for taking over the Etta mines, are reported to have been closed, and the new company is preparing to start work in a short time. Mr. Boyer states that a general movement is to be started to secure the Territorial highway through that district, the large mining interests and other pursuits asking for this recognition, which they claim is due them in preference to the Copper Canyon route, which has but few hab itations for over twentv-five miles. ROUND UP NOTICE. Perkins and King round up will start May 15tli at the Perkins River Ranch and work up the Verde River. M. A. PERKINS. Prescott, Ariz, Of WELL KNOWN PRESCOTT PEO PLE TO BE CALLED BEFORE LOCAL COURT. (From Saturdav's Daily.) "The whisper of a beautiful wo man can be heard farther than the loudest call of duty." Unreasonable as this mav seem it is nevertheless true. Ask any lawyer if it is possible to get a jury to convict a woman even though the evidence is all against her? And worse than that when the defendant is a beautiful woman the prosecuting attorney's life is in danger. A case of this sort has just come to light in Prescott and despite the strenuous efforts of the principals to keep the matter quiet the facts have leaked out. Owing to the social prominance and hitherto clean rec ords of the interested parties their names will be withheld. This is done at the request of the trial judge who fears that publicity will inter fere with the ends of justice. A well-known club man has been sued for breach of promise by one of this season's most charming de butantes. By the employment of "John Doe" proceedings the jury was impaneled and the case well on its way before the plaintiff entered the court room. It is useless to try and describe the exceptional beauty of the young lady all of us know, "that words only caricature a beautiful woman" and the effect of her charms upon the jury is the best endorsement of the oft repeated story, "that she is the most beautiful woman in the Southwest." When she was sworn bv the clerk she stood with her back to the jury box and it was only when she took her seat on the witness stand that the twelve had an opportunity to gaze on her fascinating features. The effect was wonderful every man put up his hand to re-arrange his neck tie, there was a concerted movement of them all as they straightened up in their chairs. Twelve hands shot up to ten heads of hair (numbers . and 11 were hopelessly bald) and hirsute adornment winch was of neg- ligible value a few moments before suddenly became more valuable than a diamond tiara. The judge rapped sharply for or der or according to the defendant's attorney to attract the attention of the smiling plaintiff to himself. Cries of "Ivnch him" echoed from the jury box; the audience became unmanageable and threw the bailiff out of the room, ad it not been for the efforts of the defendant's at torneys there is no question but that he would have been roughly bandied. (It is rumored that the cause of the defendant's refusal to marry the young woman is due to the fact that he already has a wife living in Bos ton). During this scene, which was most certainly a disgrace to our courts, his honor the judge proposed to the plaintiff and was, we believe, ac cepted. Just what fate is in store for the defendant will not be made public until Wednesday night when the Mu-. sic Section of the Monday Club will present the entire Operetta, "Trial by Jury" at the Elk's Theater. The cast has already appeared in these columns. In addition to the above tuneful Operetta, which is one of the best written by Gilbert and Sullivan, the authors of Pina fore, etc. the Lady of Shallot, by Wilfred Bendall, will be presented a't the same time and by the same or ganization. ANTI-GAMBLING- LAW ENFORCED IN SPOKANE. SPOKANE, Wash., May 3. Com missioner Hayden, head of the De partment of Public Safety, has served notice on the betting element in Spokane that any attempt to operate an open pool room or hand books here in connection with the new race track to be opened on the Idaho side, twenty-two miles east of this city, on August 20, for a thirty-five-day meeting, will run afoul the state law. He declares that the department will stop all forms of gambling, such as betting on ball games, races, cards, dice and other devices, adding that not only will the keepers ad players be ar rested, but also the owners or lessees of buildings in which gambling is permitted will be prosecuted under the anti-gambling law, which de fines betting as a misdemeanor, pun ishable by imprisonment in the state penitentiary for not more than live years. Frank W. Smith of Spokane, secretary of the racing association, says that while there are no laws in Idaho prohibiting pool selling, the organization will not be identified with books or pools either at the Post Falls track, Spokane or else--where. Details Of Breach Promise Suit Are Becoming Public MrsSerina Walker Dies Suddenly at Home In Humboldt REMAINS TO BE INTERRED BY SIDE OF HUSBAND IN COTTONWOOD. (From Saturday's Daily) Mrs. Serina Walker of Humboldt, was stricken by a sudden attack of apoplexy yesterday morning at 10:30 o'clock and passed away a few" minutes afterward The news of her death was a sad shock to her friends and acquaintances and oc curring while she was evidently en joying the best of health is all the more to be regretted, fane had been a resident of that place since the death of her husband which occurred just one year ago on the Upper "Verde, and was at the home of her son when the summons came. Mrs. Walker was a woman very much endeared to all. Her beautiful character and Christian life made her a favorite, and sorrow is ex pressed over her loss, fane leaves seven children, among whom are her sons, Thomas of Humboldt, Edward of Flagstaff, one at Winkleman and one at Jerome whose names were not learned. Mrs. Thomas Farley, a daughter, resides at Crown King, an other daughter resides at Globe and a third at Winkleman. All have been informed of their affliction, and are expected to arrive in this city in a few days. Mrs. Walker was 63 vears old and had been a resident of the Upper Verde for twenty-one years, arriving from lexas, where she was born. She will be laid away at Cottonwood beside the body of her husband at a date to be announced later. Lester Ruffner conducting the funeral. RILEY P ATT ON IS INTERRED WITH HONORS ( (From Thursday's Daily.) The remains of the late Riley Pat ton, who was accidentally electro cuted in the United Verde mine, Monday afternoon, were brought to the pity yesterday from Jerome, and interment was made in the Knights of Pythias cemetery. The respect ex tended the deceased in the funeral cortege to the depot at Jerome was a beautiful tribute to his memory, fully 1,000 people following the body to the train. It was one of the largest funerals ever held in that city. On the arrival of the train in this city, the body was taken to the cemetery for burial, the pallbearers, who came from Jerome, were L. .M. Coleman, C. E. Hughes, John Opman, John JCivokovich, Chas. P. Jolly and Ed. Kovacovich. The rites of the Knights of Pythias were extended over the grave, Chacellor Commander L. M. Coleman officiating, while the committal service was extended by Rev. O. M. Andrews of the Method-:s-t church of Jerome. Among the mourning relatives were his wife and three children, a brother, Joseph Patton, his wife and family, and Mr. and Mrs. George Pruett, the latter a sister. C. T. Lynch and J. W. Hubbard, with many others, were also of the funeral party. Mr. Patton met his death while walking along the 300 foot drift of the United Verde mine, his wet cloth ing coming in contact with the trol ley wire and the motor car at the same time. A current, estimated at 240 volts, passed through his should er, and death was instantaneous. Ef forts to resuscitate him proved hope less, and he never showed the slight est symptoms of recovering. Mr. Patton was formerly a resid dent of this city, and was well known to many as a splendid young man. Inj has home town he was admired and had not an enemy. His loss is deep ly deplored and his bereaved relatives have the sympathy of all. ROAD TO TUBBS SPRINGS TO BE REPAIRED (From Thursday's Daily.) At a special meeting of the Board of Supervisors yesterday, it was de cided to repair the road from Tubbs Springs, on the boundary line of Maricopa county, near Wickenburg, and to continue the work to the north. C. W. Piatt was placed in charge, appearing before the board to outline the work and to give def inite details on the cost and other information. The heaviest work will be located at the Yarncll hill, where the grade will be changed in sev eral places. The established route will then be followed through Peeples Valley until Kirkland Valley is reach ed. At this place two "roads are available, one through Skull Valley and the other through Copper Basin. Jt is probable that the auto road will go through Skull Valley, while other vehicles will traverse the Cop per Basin road. The Maricopa Supervisors are fin ishing road work to Tubbs Springs, and in a few days a good road will be open from Phoenix to Wickenburg. With the lavapai end repaired, as outlined, a fairly good roadway will be available between Prescott and Phoenix. The work authorized by the Yavapai Supervisors is expected to be completed early in July. (Special to the Journal Miner.) WASHINGTON, D. C, May 5. The ten Democrats of the hocxe com mittee on territories have agreed to submit to a vote of tie people the Recall of judges In the Arizona constitution. In New Mexico, the legisla ture may by a majority vote, submit the question of the easier amend ment of the constitution by tne people to a majority vote, to accept or reject. Six of the house republicans in. caucus today decided to vote to strike the "Recall of judges" from the Arizona constitution. The majority and minority reports on Arizona and New Mexico will go to the house on Monday or Tuesday of next week. The Statehood joint resolution will follow the bill for agricultural articles which is the bill now before the house) Geo. W. P. Hunt and Frank Avis returned home without carrying statehood in their satchels. Only Mark Smith and Brady O'Neill are on guard and they have no community of interests. Delegate Cameron secured from the treasury department the use of stone from Flagstaff for the federal building at Phoenix and also rec ommended as postmaster at Navajo, Mrs. Clara S. Frazer Brownell and for Pima; Mrs. A. C. Bromwell. PROFESSOR RICE OF UNIVERSITY ARIZONA. (From Friday a Daily) Prof. E. R. Rice, of the faculty of the University of Arizona, special instructor in the Mining Department, arrived in the city yesterday from Tucson, to perfect arrangements for establishing the Summer School of Mines, as announced would be car ried out, several weeks ago, by Dr. C. F. Tolman, when the latter de livered a series of lectures on min eralogy and other subjects, in this city. Prof. Rice will perfect all details for the school, which will be started on June 3rd and end on August 1st. The care and accommodation of about twenty students of the University, with the location of the seat of in struction, and other matters, will be considered, when Prof. Rice returns south. He will accompany the party from Tucson. As tentatively outlined, it is his intention to make an investigation of the camp of the Poland Mining company, to investigate accommoda tions and to ascertain the mining conditions. If that point is select ed, about three weeks will be devoted to imparting practical experience to the students of the University who will attend. The mining company has generously tendered the use of the mines and buildings for the lm portant work. Afterward it is the intention of Prof. Rice to bring the students to this city, and frequent trips will be made to the mines ad jacent. None will be admitted' to the research investigations but stu dents of the institution. The young men will probably be quartered in the Summer Colony tract. Prof. Rice left yesterday for Poland and will return today, when a definite decision of the site of the mining school will be announced. SUCCUMBS TO SKUNK BITE. (From Wednesday' Dally! While In the city yesterday from the Camp Verde Indian reservation. Tay lor P. Gabbard. agent In charge, stated that the Wallapal squaw, who was bitten by a hydrophobia skunk, last fall, succumbed to the deadly ven om a few months ago, while another squaw, who was taken to Los Angeles anil treated at the Pasteur Institute, had not suffered and Is In better health than before she was bitten. The one who died suffered excruici ating agonies, and was taken to a re mote place by her tribesmen and there left to end her days without any care or medical attention. The conclusion of Mr. Gabbart Is that the method of treatment of the bite of the hydro phobia skunki at the Institute is ef ficacious. The squaw who died could not be persuaded to submit to treat ment by the paleface. Both were bitten within a few min utes by the same animal. HOW ONE WOMAN WON Her Health and Strength Back Again by The Use of Cardui. Tampa, Fla. In a letter from this City, Mrs. E. C. Corum writes: "I was all weakened and worn out with wo manly troubles. My husband brought me some Cardui as a tonic, and, from the first day, It seemed to help. I had almost lost my reason, but, thanks to Cardui. I did not Soon, I felt and looked like a new woman. I ...... ..... T T ' thlnK tne remedy is wonueriui. i recommend it to my friends, for I have received great benefit from it." Cardui acts specifically on the weak ened womanly organs, strengthening the muscles and nerves, and building them up to health. It helps to refresh the worn-out ner vous system and relieves the effects of overwork, both mental and physical. Fifty years' successful use fully prove the merit of this purely vege table, tonic remedy for women. In every community, there live somt who have been benefited by Cardui. The beneficial effects of this time tested woman's remedy, soon show themselves in many different ways. Try it, N. B. Write to: UJIm" Advltory Dept.. Qutti oor M4lcln Co.. Outunoofi. Turn- for ijxetaJ Jnitnietionl. and 64-pare book. Home Trutaaol far Women." lent. In Uin wrctrl ruU COUNCIL AWARDS CONTRACT TO BOOKMARK. (From Wednesday's Daily.) At the regular monthly meeting of the City Council, on Monday evening, the question of grading South Monte zuma street. between Aubrey and' Walker, was taken up for considera tion and discussed. It was decided to establish a grade and file a pro file with the City Clerk, and the City Englneer was ordered to proceed with the survey. Bids for grading North Alarcon. street, from Gurley to the right-of-way of the S. F.. P. & P. railway, were opened, and the following con tractors submitted estimates: Robert Keating Grading, $3,675; curbs: and gutters, 94 cents per linear foot, buffers and arches, 63 cents per linear foot: drain boxes, $36.30 per 1.000 feet, of redwood in place. Creekmur & Breltbarth Curbs and. gutters of crushed stone. 92 cents per linear foot; curbs and gutters of screened gravel. SS cents per linear foot. George C. Iluffner Grading. $3,520; curbs and gutters, 90 cents per linear foot: buffer curbs. 43 cents per linear foot; drain boxes. $33 per 1.000 feet, redwood In place. Henry ltockmark Grading. $3,200: curbs and gutters 87 3-t cents per lin ear foot; buffers, 60 cents; boxes, $49 per 1.000 feet, redwood In place. The contract was unanimously award ed to Henry Rockmark, and the City Attorney ordered to draw up a con tract and bond in the sum of $1,000. and to bold out 23 per cent of the contract price until the work was completed. The Clerk was ordered to draw a warrant In the sum of $11,031.33 in pay ment of the semi-annual Interest due on the bonded Indebtedness of the city. The Itecorder reported that he had collected fines to the amount of $311- A petition for an electric light, to be placed In front of the Mercy hospital, was received. A delegation from the Chamber of Commerce, headed by President Fred ericks, made an appeal to the city to bear the expense of piping water to the Summer Colony. It was shown: that the membership of that body rep resented two-thirds of the taxable property of the city, and as the Sum mer Colony would Inure to the benefit of every property owner In Prescott. It was just that all should bear their proportion of the expense of this Im provement, especially the non-resident property owners. The matter was de ferred for action until the . following evening, a report of which appears elsewhere. HILLSIDE MINE IS REPORTED ACTIVE. (From Wednesday's Daily.) In the reviving of old and well known mineral producers that of the Hillside mine, in Eureka district,, owned by John Lawler, is among the most important of recent considera tion, which was given publicity yes terday by William Lawler, his brother, who arrived from the camp. He states that the mill has been re paired and will begin dropping stamps at once. For the 'present steam will be the propelling power,T but it is probable, in a short time, that water power will be substituted. A survey is being made for a pipe line to run to springs about eight miles distant, where the flow is suf ficient to handle all reduction facil ities and to generate electricity for the mine and camp. This water will be brought on a gravity basis, and is one of the greatest assets of the enterprise. The force was increased, recently, and the plan is to go ahead on a permanent basis. Large bodies of ore are available from develop ment in recent years. Mr. Lawler devoted several weeks dnring the earlier part of the year toward making investigations in Cali fornia mining camps to ascertain the most economical methods of reduc tion, and with the information ac quired resumes work on the prop erty, that is among the most famou in the county.