OCR Interpretation

Arizona weekly journal-miner. [volume] (Prescott, Ariz.) 1885-1903, September 01, 1886, Image 4

Image and text provided by Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85032938/1886-09-01/ed-1/seq-4/

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taK V- -
; i
. C Martin, Editor,
News. Notes and Comments.
Servia has begun to place its army on
a war footing.
San Francisco had a 2,000,000
on Monday night.
Prince Alexnadria,
of Bulgaria, has
been deposed.
v-c colored man
ew .
has a mania for drinking coal oil. j
The Sultan of Turkey has bestod
the insignia of '-Chcfakaf on Mrs Oeve-
The deposition of Prin' Alexander
of Bulgaria promises a first class Euro
pean rumpus.
Tom Huxley, a Mollic Magmre, who
escaped the oncers of Pennsylvania,
died recently at Gunnison. Colorado.
It is generally rumored that Genera
Sedgwick his connMSS,t'n
successor to Minister Jackson.
The U.S. revenue cutter Corwin has
seized three Brinish schooners, for vio
lation of the seal fishery law. "eh"
rings Straits.
A colored woman living near Mont
gomery, Ala. gave birth to four children
recently. They -ere all tarns and
doing well at last accounts.
Cutting thanks the United States and
abuses Mexico. He had better reverse
... . 1 t as it was Mexico
las OiUCJ m ...--,- -
,,.-,. secured his release not the
a .w. hn been discovered
Columbu. the juice of which will insn.
ly arrest hemorrhage from wounds of the
most dangerous character. The pjnt is
called "Alixa" by the natives.
An exchange says, the average house
;u tA-p more pains to koep a
niw w-
sicklv. fifteen cent plant
througn four
.v. of ic;nt than she will to keep
butter on ice during the three months ct
solid hot weather in summer.
The liquor dealers charge that the
Prohibitionists in Hinds county, Miss
issippi, carried their point at the polls
by using ; shotguns, to keep the negroes
from voting.
The rising generation ot San Fran
cisco have got a new slang expression
which they use when they are tired of
hearing some one make a speech or tell
a funny, story viz: "Oh, go freeze your
teeth and give your tongue a sleighride.'
All the towns in Bulgaria
IViddcn are in a state of siege.
It is
rumored at Berlin that Alexander was
compelled to abdicate by threats
Getonimohas changed his mind and
. ,.,-w The Mexican een-
W1U 11UI JliliU""
eral who thought he had him surrounded
has also changed his mind about that as
the wily Apache has gone into business
again in Mexico.
An ex- Alderman offered to pay
n .1,- arV.UVv ir. iS vear old youth
could drink m a New York groggery.
The young man emptied twelve lull
glasses, staggered off a short distartcc
and dropped dead.
In Yavapai and Cochide counties the
local committees will appoint the dele
gates to the territorial Democratic con
venticn. This does no: exactly conform
with the Democraic idea of a fall
expression of the will cf the people, but
as it is not our pic, we will no: attempt
to cut it. Gazette.
Cutting hasbeenreleased by the Mev
icon poverament, not as an act 0: justice
but as an act of clemency. Old Mr.
Bayard will nodsubt breathe easier and
sleep sounder of nights, as it 00v1ar.es an
necessity of making any more demands
on the government of the Montezumas
for Cutting's release.
It is all verv well for Mexico to say
that the release of Cutting was an act of
clemency, but people on this of side of
the line will believe that it was all owing
to the elevation of the bristles along the
soincofour Secretary of State. Whe
his envoy, Col. Sedgwick, had returned
from his trip to Mexico we would have
seen the Mexican fur fly if Cutting had
not been released. Of course the release
settles the question of international law.
The action cf the democratic bosses in
fixing things up to suit themselves :s not
pleasing to the rankand file ot tne party.
Their first act was, for the county com
mittee to select delegates to theia
tMT?nrti! convention, a task usually
assigned to the county conventien.
Slate makine, to: delegates from this
precinct has also been placed under the
baa by a call for a mass meeting tn-s
The younger Lama ddy
has taken home to Washington a budget
of Apache .Indian lore that is remark
able for one so young and the brief space
time required tor him to absorb it. He
has discovered that theyare a "peaceable,
orderly, industrious, iawauoint:. peo-
Die." and savs they are nob'e-lookin'
men, and no: at al! the bloodthirst
demons the people of Arizona would
have the people believe. Citizen.
A 'Washington telegram says tha
there is no longer any reasonable doubt
bat tha: the governmtnt has fully
decided to permanently remote :rom
the territory o: Arizona those of the
Chiricah-a and V.rm Spring bands of
Apaches now on the San Carlos reser
vation. The only important question
no: ye: decided is said to be where shall
the) be located. This question, which
is regarded as important, has received
earnest and thoughtfu". consideration and
there now seems to be a inability
that they will be placed on n Trt
Marion military reservation a: S:.
of Trustee's Sale.
Whereas heretofore, to-wit: on th 19fc
dr of Tebrutrj- A. D. 1S5, one Willi-m L.
V.'illderman, of the county of Tavapai. in the
Territory of Arixona, beins iD-ebted to 00
Oeorire tall, of Albuquerque. In the Territory
New Mexico, la the torn of three thousand
one hundred and cichteen (SUtS; dollar iu
lawful money of the United Stales and asreed
to par the tame three months thereafter to
said Georjre Lail or hi order with Interest,
accordiEj; to the terns of a certain promls
tory cote of even de therewith, beinj Inter,
est thereon at the rale of one per cent, per
month from said date until pid: and.
Whereas in order to secure the payment of
aid sum of money the said William L. Wil -dtnaan.
as party of the tlrst part, did there
after on the Wo day of JuDe. A. . lb-s, by a
certain deed of conveyance Marine date ou
that day duly convey unto John A. Rush, of
rre'COtt, Territory of Arizona and to Ins suc
cessors or asl:rns, a trustee for the benefit
an4 security of eaid George Lail, a a par y of
the third part, to said deed of conveyance, all
and sinrular, all the rlcht, title and interest
which the said party of the hrst part (said
William 1Villderman),had beiairan undivided
one-half interest, ot, in and to that particular
niinin- claim and mining lands known ana
called the "Etty-mir in c dim, beins fifteen
hundred feet In lenjrtn by i bu1!,,! fe,rt
wldr. situate. Ivinc and beini: in the Cherry
Creefc Minim; District in the Count v of law
Dai In the Territory o'. Arizona, and located
bv the party of the first part, to said deed, vi:
said William L. Willdennan. on the SHh day
of Februarv. 1SS0. and recorded at paees 1M
andlMlnbooVL 9.- of liecords of Mine,
in said countv or Yavapai, the said mm-in-
claim beinr situate about two and one
haU miles in a northeasterly dlrectloi
from tne (ioldcu Era nutrtz mill on Cherry
Creek in ald ditrlct and county at the time
of its location; tojetber with all and sm
ulr the tenements, hereditaments r.ud ap
Surtenances, dips, spur, ancles, roct. ores
and earth therein or in anywise appertaining
th.nta or in anvwif c belonzinz or connected
To have and to hold unto the said partv of 1
the second part in id deed the said John I
A Kush, his successors uu u,uu
trusts and conditions in said deed of convey
ance expressed; and amoae the conditions
and trusts expr.ssed in said deed or convey.
t..r u (hp .Tnrr'i condition that 1'
default thonld be made in the payment of said
sum of money, principal or intent so owinc
bv said William i- uiu.TBi&a,iu;iiu
Lall In the manner btipulaled in said prom
issory note then the said party of the second
liart to taia uccuu tuu.cj-un-
sors or assin ihall sell the above jrraatetl
premises or such part thereof as in his dis-
cretionhe shall ana 11 neccsparj iu?cii, m
ordr to accomplish th oejetts of said trust,
on the application cf the said party of tne
third part in said deed, ho l the said
Gcrse Lail or his assiens. that s-.id projwrty
salftsthe Interest of the pirties thereto
ml"ht seem t- ssid party of the becond part
best subserved, and that i' the said party of
the tecond part should fell at paKic sale he
shonld do s in the manner in which real
estate is sold uader execution as directed in
chapter 43 Compiled iai s ot Arizona s nd for
cash; and on paymtnt of the amount
for which the said properly is sold;
the said party of tne stcopc pari wbcuih
said property be sow at puuuc or pria.o
is required by the express terms of said trust,
to make, execut and deliver to the purchaser
or purchasers at said sale his
or their heirs or assigns a
sufficient deed or conveyance of said property ;
said deed ol conveyance lrom sam xuuaiu
Willderman to eaid John A. Rush is duly re
corded in the office of the County Recorder
of the said Countv or Yavapai, Territory of
Arizona in Hook SO of Deeds at paces 5iS to
534 inclusive and said deed and said record
hereof are hereby referred to and made part
hereof for a more perieci uescripuuii 'uwevi,
and of the powers thereby vcUd in the eaid
Trustee. John A. Kusb, the party ot 1 lie sec
ond part In ano ny saiu uecu.
Andhereas tne aidlWUllam I IVlllder
rnanfcavins maJe default In tne paymentof
said lamnf principal and merest mentioned
Knd acreed to be byhltn paid o trie sal
Ueorse Lail and hU alsn In and bysald
orlol conveyance and ite promissory now
therein re'erreu to ana overy piiiiutiruix";
bavins entirely railed to pay sdld nam cf
money, principal or Interest, or any par.
thereof, tne payment of which said trurt w.
rreatedto secure: and whereas ltie saldOJ.
note and said money a?reei to be paid to
him by saldWIIldennan and every part there
of to one FretJ v. 1 1 amm :
in th premiw.u" m " rr "
,h. .aidJonn A. f:ah.ta seillhe above afn-
tlocedand uescnVsd premlsj"!. or snch part
thereof fcs-ln my .llfcretion 1 shall find nee.
sary loneil.inonlerto accomplish tteoo-
'ealdJohaA. Kush.trut-- a.'oresald. hax.
ceroeilwlll bebetu&sened by ac.ivaU ai'
ofnald uroiwriy: Now, thereore; aoUO 1
VAi ,n,t I John A Koh the parly
oftbfeconii pa.t. aud thetrusto- named in
iald deed or nacjarc. up.u-..
mentioned, referted to and de-crbea. do. oy
Srtu" of the power and authority in and by
-laid Seed of cinvevanee. and the law In mo
vested, do hereby offer for sale a; private sale
vrricu. uu " , in and by
lCT3'eMrSi. .M mochtb reof
asshallKntcessaryto pay ihe e;peneeso,
said sale, tosether with the leasable Bx
n r; this irust. mludlnK coonsei fees of
iwC hundred dollars, and the amount Hue
and unpaid on said rromlory note wiui
whatever interest that shall have accrued
. ... . ih. time of kUh sale.
Any l erson or corporation dealrtas ' to pur-
and luake in offer for the mc at any time
on or before the hour or 'vSD?rfiZfd
f ,h lmhdav of .September, A. li.l56, ana
nrow-rty berebvoBered for sale a id pay ther-.
romriclent lawful money of tbeUnlteState
to Moomrtish the otyecU of ibis said trnai
will become the ucces-iful bidder lor the
Krae and utu t be JJ meat of the pnreha
rutmevherefor I will execute and deliver
deed of oonv eyanc to such purchaser of said
prrtyln accordance with Uic said powers
if-r. inr rutin nittT uv iuowp r"
-mint itan !
The ssle l" be maieonly forcash.pav au-C
oron at- I very of the deed.
r?d no bid will be considerc" unless tL
rt-itdVht iiieo.Tice of said rustee, h-relnbo-
bor In, U Pv the amount bid and receive
the'tlaed for the property.
The rlsht to reject any and all b'dt. for a less
mount thoa a nm auCcKiit to pay off the
lndebtduer. principal and intcre.x li.ienaea
191. L5r.r , il calti A,l of trut with the
of sale, including attotnev fee of
oo.oc. or for other k-o-d aa sura ifni rea-
-on " BereBV -'oils A.iitn.
antd lrere.
in ! mitter of the estate of J- S. Merrell
. .r
Notice "is herebv riven by the undersiirced.
,lm.TiUtr-it.:r of the estate of J. 6. Merrc.l,
deceased, to the creditors of. ai d all arsons
havi il' claims acalnet tne saiu eccc", i
-,l..!r ,i, .m with the necessary vouch
ers. within V n months from the first publica
tion of this aotue to the underMgnea, ai a.s
in ii... iinrr of t;os Eilis .xo.,on
Wi.Sin-tiin f'rttt. ;n tht city of Thtnix.
Tritor-if Arizona. JxittS M. it-LIS-
Prcott! Aui. 4th liSO. Administrator
$15 REWAB33.
The undersicned will py the above reward
f jr t ic rr'OV rv "I a tilsri sa-iur nunc
-.' ...i.'" tii t' it fs .: i c ltd and
,-tH whitt: stir 'i for. iei.d aid saddit
mark ou back. Add-e It SLACK.
A5tj PrfffOlt, Arizi-ra
Bank Of Prescolt,
First National Bank
J. Butler. 1 J. F. Meador
President. I Cashier.
A general hanlar g business 'lone
Electric Might BeH on Gurly St
0. S. Hutchinson.
Prescription Clerk in Attenciance Dav
lodclue the wme with m- at my orneonne
S ,i'e of Cortex street, ltween t.urlej
nd VTl'is strcea. in tbr City of Precott.
l otlnii of YavaoaU Tern ory of Ariz sna. a.
-nv nine on or before the said day aud uour
..ilrr .vpi'licHilim lor I uileJ Mlatea
ITnltvU Plat- Lane OOw, I
recoil. Arltori,. July ad. 1! ,.
Notice i hreby ulvn tht John Lwler
whoe potoCl.- addies it :,recott, Arlion
Territory. ba tbis day nU J nl aPP"'".1""
r..r n p.- teat for ten nundM-d and twfnty(IWJ)
il,-rx-n.Il-. lt:lt MewinliM:
teannc silver, sold and e.pMr lth u.race
Kronndair hundred (fioo) feet In I 'lb. idt
nall In the Eurefca Mlnlnit da,rctv?" "'5
or Yavapai, hnd tern.ory of ArUoaa j.nd
demcnaww by field no.e- an.l pmelaf platoip
aieinthuoracfl lot N.i. 41. .-aid lot o.
11 b-Mng aesrrlbed a follow, lo-wll. .
Beciunlne at inlual monument at middle
of rlslm wrier Is set volcanic ton raarted
Jt M I JI. C.! mlnera! niouum nU No. 1 1""
"i v iiu.f-t. thence l- iirr-i .
X nd i3lr nininira'!it:tOD 1 o.l,'3()
I f to w-r Is . vicanic rw,n mnifcca n
M No Tnence v U r. Hi' f-et IntrsctM
end line or Naiura- I'jlnt Mlnlmt Calm N
7S 50' r - t t from N end corner monument
(ktone N y No. 4. loaifrtt- where Ii e:vi'l
canlc rocfe .narked B M No. 3. Thence N
rs" V. a fe-t to no lb end cente' of clai
wh're B M No. 4 Is mamed on oictilc roct
la pIjwo. rneaef N i" K isame course WO
f-l to wherein set lime sti.ne umrle.i BM
" Thei"-c Id4 W IWU If t to where Is sl
lime stone marked 11M u a. TneM'e . W-E
S-ffeetto monument and A. JSillMNo. 1
place of beslnatns oa oat boundaries of
Msw'ne Ic vajlatlon It' 2a- East coutain
Ine 1S.T acre.
Tne location ot this mine U recorded in ths
Reeo.-dcr'ii offlcc of Yavapai county, territory
of vnzonaln xok 17ofmin-s.
Theadi-ilnlnc Jlalm Is th Natural I'olot
Minla Claim.
Anv and all penon clalniins dverely any
Dort.'on of 11 Black Mew mine orsarta.e
mrond are rebuild! io file fe!r atlvtr-e
claims with the Heclstrof the bitted Sta:-
Lnd Offlee, lTcseots. In the territory of Ari
xona. durlne the sixty d.ys period ol publl
caUon hetof or thoy will be barml by virtue
of tb provlMon.-.f the rtainlf.
Jul 2 od
.No. 171.
otic- of Appnc:ti,i liirt'.K I'atcft.
United M .t-s Land Oihco.
Frescott. Arizoua, JuiTed, lrf. i
Vutlce is herev civen that John l.awler
hose postofficeaddiess is Vrescott, Arizona
Territory, has this day n;ea uit apj.ucai-ou
for a patent for seven hundred and fifty (750)
linear feet of the B3fdad mine or vein beanui:
Cold. Ivcr and co -kt, wim s. u.i.
x hundred (fits) Meet :e Midth situaUd it; t io
Eureka Mining H.stri. t C.unU of Tavapil
and Territorv of Arizona aad desieaated by
the field notes aadorSHil plat oa file ia this
ofiKe a lot No. 43. Said lot No 42 Mag des
err d as follow-, to-wit;
Beffiunine u initial raonuineui a' num
ens ot claim wutb i rci a ,
marked DIM V. f. miieral monument No. 1.
bears S 60 30 UHO leei. meor-Bin "J
SO1) feet to m nere set id .ut siu
lava rock marked C No. 3. Tb-nce S-l'r E
750 feet to where U set 1 foot in srounaa
talc o-e rock mar i.ea B -o. iiieucc. n
E 300 feel to seni center oi ciwia acici
ttf Jim r-'one i io i i;rtuau au wwu -
Vn 5. Tlience 04" M t. tjrae course;
feet to talcofO rock set 1 foot in crojad and
marked B No. 6. Thence N 49-' V, 750 feet to
where B No. 7 is marked on Wface of ledfte
of slate. Thenee S CA" Zr V to monument
and stone B 1 M, plate of bei-lnnlnsr.
Msfraetic variation r- mi. vuiiuiuS
47 acre
ti. I.U..I11H n' tliU mine I recorded in the
Recorder's oafe of Yavapai County sad Tr
1LUI Ul .VI '- " - -
. r . n.rtm ' . IT,.,. 1 1.1. I ! 1 ' I r"
Any tnu ail per-i3 wjiiuiu. . . . . . --j ;
irtion of said Bidad mine or surf-ce
: a ar rmn wi to fi:e tne:r aae'-e
claims with the Register of the United Slate
i me... m Prwotf. In the Territory of
iub vw... , - . t..
Arizons duna? tne eixiy uay i-ciuu k....r
I cation hereBf or they will be barred by virtue
cPthe provisions of the statute.
2 CM
I a?eiia ten cents polate,nd we
I will m-ll you froe, a royat v.i-
i s uabie sample "i m r.""-'.
I I .ht w.il ul vou In the way
or maiine more money at once inan r
S? five ft homo nd worl: In spare tln.c. or
ail the tluie. CpiUii not reqnlrp. We will
art you.
start Kt.-nc.
J. I liCniwiy
t'ortiand. Maine.
. . ...... i n
lis S P r
LI S i U cc
f ts ponaie.and we will "".:
m r a rnvui. vaiuauieiu
i.!n iwit nr iru s that 11 . l it
.lavs than via ever tliooeni po e
at anv busine'. IVpItal not required. X iu
"fveat hume and wo :u 'Par, lime
iv, ;rali ine lw. " . il .. ,.!
' .i ffnl s..rent to ilel.il!
er..cti every eveumt. '' .r.Tj
fc ' r. . n cii ttm.. sr not wnll
unparai!leu ouer: in 4i v
tatis&ed we will send SI so pa
to wrttlns us. l-ul! pirtL-nla
aint tne. Immensely pny ab
un pa t - . --,, i h , ,n i,c
ars d!rtctl-n et-;..
ami irt. Immensely py ra?iw ."t.-"
i .h .trt at once. Uuu't aeiay.
ItiSsok A Co . l'nrlland. Main,..
I"vrATE or ISAAC UIMU-UA . uctv".
Notice is herebv Klven by the undr!ned.
hZriZe claim, ablest tie said deceased, to
ex'.iblitheni.witn tne necessary
ulililu len m n.u ..cr iiioui-.h --
.iinmtw. mine N&JU a.iuim.uu.". '
v-o-ri.va.r'nuntvortoJudje John Howard, at
,.!.! r.r rfici.iencc. ai .4..
Oatea u iudhs "ygnWAi E.
Admlnistr tor -t the Estate of Isaac
Bradshaw, D ceaea. )'
In presentsglien away
CUU us eve ceiiw, ji..
and lr mall you
I eet free a paclcaKf
of Goods o lirse value, that will Hart yon in
ftSiSrT'aa -ayth-nc Is, in America. All
.(X)-:' I; JJ v.v'in presriiis J .T,
.cen;sw.n t. nBliere o; tiiiin,c.u.
i.l,.,,, ;,; u tne time T spare time only.
v. r. . v i n nils
k a- iti.r lUUIIIUUf. t rfnnt
delay. !.. 11. t' 4 Co. Portlau i Jlalne.
A rubber stamp of your nsrec. or a two let
ter monosrara wiu mm noic ink aim
r n. linen, sieiionery. ck, wum "j
nt. lit. 2Kae. ?VJ iniiu 'it"i"i
I.uis. All tlie iaiesiruooer -ii"i- '
es a reduced price. Wiea remitting
amounts ie?s than tfl. enclose one ceni pov
tace s aror'-
.!, irs r.rr. bet tW wh VTtte to
fwe, fall infcmimt-oa fctool work wtuch
I ibet cn its. a4 lwt totD.tit wH tT
..-j..fjii.siif Fithrr t Tcarrof oii. l pni
art Ualatri i&rt of ilttJ fortasx. All to new.
KosvEZOtx St, near Gce-T.
fr"o TFS CENTS niiward. Bres-i
delivered to any pari of the city.
Palace Saloon,
Unntextuit St., nexftoSBones Spene
I n-lh to notify the public tharl hav
eopened tnis t-o polar place and will keepth
csl sioca. 01 uu iru mj.inL.u ...
Wines. Liquors & Cigsas
J. J. Gunn, Prop
And Lodging,
Primer' Ourlev and Granite street as
end of bridge "leading tc West
l'leaant. cocirortable Ko
sail UoodlKedn
Strangeu respectfully trea'.cc
S.'iidcentcr or claim nerr ' ?,..,.-.,.
r X Wn N face o! ouRrtz!tedlke;thenced
v sir YA fxn inter N -n.l ! ie f Naturl
'n..i.r hii . num. s 73" a i" WKOfeet r ra
Notice of Administratrix's Sale of
Real Estate.
Notice is hereby given, that in pursu
ance of the order of the Probate Court,
of the county of Yavapai, in the Terri
tory of Arizona, made on the fourteenth
day of August, A. I. ISSG.iti the matter
of the estate of Autlrew L. iloellcr,
deceased, the undersigned, administra
trix of said estate trill sell at public sale,
to the highest bidder for cash, in each of
the several parcel which are severally
hereinafter de.-enbed separately, and
tibject to continuation by said Probate
Court, on Thursday, the ..0th day of
Septcmlxir, A. I. 1SS0, at ten
o'clock a. in., of said day, in
front of the Court Komu door of said
Probate Court in Olliee How on the east
side of Cortez street Wtween Gurley and
Willis streets, in the city of Prescott,
County of Yavapai, Territory of Ari
zona; all the right, title and interest and
e-tate of the. said Andrew L. Moeller at
the time of his death, and all the right,
title and interest that the said estate has
by operation of law or otherwise ac
quired other than or in addition to that
of the said intestate, at the tune of his
death, of, in and to
All and sinsrular those certain lots, pl.ces
and parcels of land situate, lyini; and beini;
iu the County of Y'avapal, Territory of Ari
zona, and more particularly described as
follows, to-wit:
Lot number eii;ht (Sj in Section nnmtwr
thirty-three (33), and lots numbers nve loj, ;
six (0) and seven (7), in Section number thir
ty-four (34), Tuwuthip number fuurteen (U)
north, lUuce number two (i) west, Gila and
Salt Ilivcr Ilase aad Meridian, containlnc one
hundred and filty I.15J) acres more or le3.
Also the northeast one quarter (1--I) of Sec.
tion number tL'.rty-bree (33, Township
number fourteen (Hi north, Kani:e two (J)
nest, Gila aad Sal; Kivir Bite and Meridian,
conlaluinz fae hundred and si3ly (1C0J acres,
more or less.
Also all and slnirular the following describ
ed lots, pteces acd parcels of Uud situate,
lvlne and belnc in the ciiy of Prtscott, coun
tv of Yavapai, Tensor of Aniona, to-wit;
L Ixtts numbers one III, two IJ, three IdJ,
four ft live 5, six iOJ, seven 1J. eisnt tj.
uiue fuf. ten (10), eleven (11 1. twelve (12), sev-caK-eo
il"), eisjhti en (IS) aad uiaeteen 1 10,
on the nortu ide of Sneldan 'rcet, with the
Improvement thereon.
Also lot number twu -z, in moca uuiuuer
aint 9, witn the impiovemeuts thereon
Also lot number lour i, in oiock ui.inurr
nine U, with the improvements thereon.
Also lot number six 0. in t!ocK numtr
nlm. 9, with the improvements thereon.
Also lot number elgui-f, in ciucs cumrei
nine-9. . . ,
Also lot number twenty-four ia niocs.
number nine 9, with the Improvements
Also lot number four I, in blocs; number
thirty two :!i
Also lot number six Olu block number
thirty-two 32. . ,
Abo lot number seven T, In blocs nam-txTtweiity-ibree
AJs., Ioi number nine . In block number
twenty-thre 23. . ,
Ai.f iol number elesen II, In block num
ber twenty three -I. ,
Also lot nnmter th rteen 13. In block
nambrr t wriitj-three 23.
Alwilot iiemrr nfteen 15, In bloci num.
b-i twenty-three Si
Also lot number seventeen 1., In blork
number twenty-tarec 23.
Al-o ot numser nloeteea 1!. In black
nurubertweuly.thr e2i.
Also lot number twenty-one 21, In block
numcc.-twenty-ture. ,, .
Also lot number twenty-three23. Iu block
number twenty.three.23.
Also lot number foar4. In olock number
thlrtetn 13 with tne iinnrovemnts thereon.
Alsolo number fle .3, In block number
htrteenl3, with the liapmve " ents thereon.
Al-o Iol number slxt. In block number
thlrtecn-13, Willi the lmi-rovement tbercoa
Also lot number :ourteenH, In block
numbo thlrteenL1.
Also lot nuniber hfteen-lj, lnbla:knum
berthlr.een.13. a1o lot number twenty...?). In block num
ber mree3.
Also lot uuruber one 1, In block number
utneteen-.iv, wltn tne Implements there
on. Also lot number three 3. Iu block num.
ner nineteen 19, with tne improvements
Also lot number nine 9, In block num
ber nineteen 19. ,
Also lot numbere.even it. In block num-
Alo lut number thirteen. 13, In bloik
Alolotiiumberflrte"n13,ln blook number
fljteen 15, wftx tho Improvemen'sinereon.
Uolol number seveuuenlT, In block num
ber rifieen is. with the imyrovemenu
ANJlot number clnet eeulS, in block num.
ter.flcn li.
Als-ilot number twenty-one 21, In block
number nrtetn 13. . .
Iso lot number Ove a, iu block number
, . i.
ihu i number seven T, l" block number
afletn 15, with the Improvements thereon.
. Uoloi number nine ?. n block nnmber
CKecn. .. li. . , , . ,,
. i., .. nnmW .even 7. Iu block
aNo lot number n!ne9.1n block E, with
fl.aimnmrmnnU f nerpOll.
Also lot number eleven u, in uiock uuiuuvr
peenT, lln tne irupruTi-nieuw. im-i-iu.
Also the souln one-nan ojiiiitt aiuuner
.ln bIocknumberseen-.., n.iiie iu
provemi-'Uts thereon.
ir.r -ritli. and as tbev are delineated uiion,
11 nr klllll 1 1 1 1 Ja 1H-1I1. U IT B l i 1 UVU J LI v w
theorilclalmapor plat or saia city 01 .-rc-
Io an unciv'.ue" J- ur-uuus ii-.mi.-i
tereslof.innndtotbat ce tain mine sliuate
irict. Yavapai county. Arlioua Trrrnory,
I -1 r. r'. n . . Iin.n. 1 1 1 1 1 1 n illlC ilUL iil.ll... fcJ..
nownanaciiei me uiviue-u
- n.iiriitril on--half .1 Interest of.
In uud to lhtcifua mine Mtuaie, lyinsuna
belnctn tne liu i;as mm.ng uisirici, i-i
,i -rnniv. Arizona Terrl -rr. known and
It.. rh.'lmtsn.Tld.-Cte Mine.
Also an unoiyiucu oac-eijcuiu -, .;vii
. ,n ... ,n thu rer.uti, mine sltUHie. IlnK
aud belrtr In ihe Walker minim: I'lsir.ci,
Yavjipul rountv, Arizona Territory, known
and cailed the'Happy Jack. Mint.
Tr:itMsOr'sAl.E: Cash: ten per can', of
ths purha m jny to be paid to tha admin
i.iH.t.ir r.t iht rim-of .lr. tuLlancc on con
firmation ot stle by sa.dl'rob.ie Court; deeds
.....nini.dl r rliafcT.
...ill... ...w.a.....
Administratrix c.' the estate of Andrew
iloeiler, decided.
Prcscott, A.Uo-s. Ancst II ly6
Bridge Barber Shop
Bath House.
On the Granite ,Creex bridee, Guricy Slrcet
Reopened by
A first-class barber. Jlot and
cold baths, shaving, sham
pooing, etc.
Patronage Solicited.
W. H. Hatcher.
Pre cotu
A. C Trask
Ash -Fork
Forwarding and Com
mission Mer
chants. A full Hue of freighters' supplies always on
hind. ConMpucenis souciteu.
CrespciwZC8 Prcapilj Attoiti
Mark goods care ofT.JtH. Ash
Fork. tf.
Gotlieb Urfers
Saloon & Lodging House
Ccnez Street, Opposite Office Row.
Prescott, Arizona.
Wines, Liquors an d cigaisofagoo
quality always on hand. N eat ancclea
beds, well ventilated rooms.
Next Door to J. W. Wilson's.
Will Open on the 20th Inst
Will Keep the Tables Well Sup
plied with
The Market Affords.
Uiar, per week $7.00
Single Meals 50
floen Day and Night
Geo. H. Huber.
Practical Watchmaker and Jeweler
Has opened in Lincoln's
Drug Store,
whero he is
pared to do all work
in his line.
Watch Work a Specialty
F. H. Nichols,
Carpenter & Builder.
hop on Cortez Street, opposite
City Feed Yard.
Estimates and specifications given on
short notice.
All kindsof Job Work promptly
attended to.
Snilneera Supplies of Evary Dcserlplioi.,
Hstkiri Hta
and BoakI
Best oc the Pacifle
ajarnstfa Jack Head JSIntac Pa-Ba.
Brass Work ot all kinds. Importr ol
Pip and Malleable iron i liunca.
I- mnm rrsatlnM. SJal
Granite Street, Prescot,.
Run stages from Prescott
to Alexandria
and return twice a week, carryin
passengers and freight.
Will Leave Prescott
Even Mondav and Friday
Mornin? at 7 o clock, returning
ewry Tuesday and batur
day, Feed &&d Sals M&
Mrs. James Roach
has bought out the
and will keep the tahles supplied with
that the market affords.
all Kinds f Game In Season
Board per week
Hlngle Meat..
Nov. 2. Prescott.
City Feed Yard,
Prescotr, Arizona.
Liverv. Feed and Sale Stable
ml 1
The Poor ao.ommo dated Free
Come and see us before contract
Carpenters & Builders
Prescott, Arbonx
Man and Beast.
Mustang Liniment is older than
most men, and used more and
more every year.
18SO XSi
127 First St., San Francisco.
Builders of Mining Machinery.
Plants for cold and silver mills, em braelnc
ltia l-to.t and mo.t lmnroved machinery
nd crocesars lor base an.- free ores. Water
Jtu-ket Smeltlnx Knrnoce for S'lver, Lead
and Copper ores, wltn new -n-i itponncv
tn.nrfivpments. annerlor to any ther mat?.
IIolstlnK Works; Xumplne machines. Cnlor
ldtaing Furnacea, etc. We offer our cutom
ers Ihe test results or thirty years' e-pericme
In this special line of work, and ar prtpard
to furnl-hfroia San Francisco or Chicago the
icoul opprovea cnaraeter or siainj
duetlon maenlnery. superior In desltiu and
cvnstruellon to thai o' anv other make at tue
lowest possible prices. We iilso contrRCt to
deliver In complete rnnnl,'. Tier. Milis.
Furnaces, noisum; -rorn en ., u hoj oi n
Mining Stales and Territories. E Umates
Itu-oii appiicUIon. Send tor illustratei-
Xew Torfc offlce, US C road war.
HENRY B. MUKRAY. tanarer
Carrying 13. S. Mail and AV,F
& Uo s. Jiixpress
laTe rrrrott dnllr nt C:3 A. Ji
A ., . mt Phralx st l 0 A. a
a4 Viplmiui rat S 130 I. 3 1
(Vinneetinc wllh rj. P. R. R. trains East
anu eiu
etacea for the Norte.
Leaves Maricora oa arriral et Trains
from the West at , .15 A, l
An-we at riinilx daily nt 2A. 5
arrive rat HrrMrotl (talis at 0:1a I', n
Presoott and Piieni-3:,
vim Wlrkennnnrand Vulture.
Xeave Prescott, Monday, lhursaajs aip.m
nc si menu. . Ki 1. uu -
6 i m. maklntr connection with stigef.
Returnlnir, leave Phenii Monday and Thurs-
dav st3.3U P. M
Arrive at Prcscott Wednesday aad Saturday
6 a. ra.
Prescott and the A. & P.
Leave- I'rex-ntt dally ai. 6:00 A. 31
Hrrin. fi, A th Port at TlSO P M
Conneectlne with the AAP trains Kast and
T ..v. Ah Virt nnon arrival of train
dally at ,., BAM
Arrive at Prescott 7:30PM
Prltt. A.T.
Jamea Stewart. UupU. J. F. Me ad or
i'zescou. a. .-ncoii.
Ana oumpts m.cnn;
ocrrona dbllltj vexaUttir
elirmlc tvsw. y-trr. . j j
dec!lr ot jenny or c a r -rx-lUT-Iy
enrrd 7 lr
llorue". farai-u Uertre-Uu-rtl-
Ueit.. 11.
In ererr
ssuto la u-Ltuou h lie.
StTlre-t-ntijftll. r-td-o.K..lJ
tnn. Whole r-mllr en w-r same jwmi. f
KutraMHM trro vith mle b.-lu A-old wrTt.nJ lm
ttxtibn ua bous ewrp-ni. Elrrtrle TrniM fr
KiHvs TOO cai-U la'SS. Hrrvl u.mpfor Jr-p'
Bg.. J. UsaU, iKvtMTfi-, 131 KUZSH AV.. CH-
nit n V1ft' I'Mlnlrt mtarrh Hiwinr
dtroTStta LItIi-j; Prilt-i which cii UJdiitJL
fcq UaO -Jv .m.tT-1 mmm ss, m.tw
Tha Cnn la Pfrr-mcnt. as will be attested by
patleata treated four years a;a with no return of
disease. In CATARIUI of Sone aad Th ront
ninety per ceat. are cured with ens box of Ileaedy,
whether case be of one or forty rears rTacdm. Me.
bjBalI.Sl.00. If lone r -JTectteJ correii-nJafe
la drslrad. Tnatlui exp!itcl-ir lch-lstloa Cure for
stamp. IV. X. DAV I. 31. 1). prill
Cst IAJ1 A3SiEIE)i, (MccnrpcrJ
iHiiaUTejTcarcaiay tjlaj ct itr.
only one ia Uw wtrul trtr m':
ftortlTirvt Electric X ;n
vent fitcrihe. I'o-werTzA. I.-irvL--.
Lodging House.
Wits, Listn "ill
Corner Granite ami Goodwin
Streets. Prescott.
The public trill be welcome.
Ash Fork, A. T.f
Forwarding andCoimniioij
General MercBmrdisc
Sazerac Saloon
ind Billiard Hall.
Geo. W. Biaes.Pronrietor,
Ceatrortabl? Club Itonnin Attaehcl
Fine Billiard and Pool Tables, for the
Exclusive use and entertain
ment of patrons of the
a place.
Gurley Street, PrescotL
I 2 &
As e
rea-B-Fjc r--SB--r-
Cur. .eary aad If aaon a;
i for tbecur o' r sipeclul
i Complicated nd -olIdlD-
. curaule Chronic IHteases. 11
Uierjica uerman InTltorator
wmrn t nnrntee-t lo euf
enua, a.uu t Y .c-J Jilillll
Wekue.Lot Manhood, Vo,
oi cueij.. iiuKint: ana CIS'
nesa in tne jead, melaaebe
hopeless feellnc. and ail I
results of YoulhTul I mprodon
and execsea of mature yea
The Doctor, a regular col
physician, will agree to to,
U a thonand dollars tor a 1
O the Invigomlur will cr.t
-r- under special treatment
SI Tie reason why so many c
nrlf.tccred of wraknesa id
S netvedle-.-c.ls rwlnj U
21 a complication es.I.ed rw Ji
roKmiEA win-b require ca
z '-r i.'fiimfnu
? LMlgVIoTlgotklor ic.2 a
. -a'r 'or PnmUUintii-i.
iV'rfrsHoraior.l- P'r W.lf; fo' I'A
a . . ,.- .CT a.ldn a on ieciptof price or C.O.
.. P"f"-cV r.Hltaln-.i. Patients curvd
, J Liebi-'s Dispensary rn. an
ntedrnV.Vofcr? fa II. budding. Con.ultat.on
.ersonallT or by letter rree.
Anr recent cases ef special or prjatc dl
sMeSrS tor $10. .h?al?d7rluoi
cure will be lo'PHy"0.1?.1?,1!?
HEdsdlc- on receiptor $10. AH pac-.ag.
feco rely covered froniot-seiTatl-in.
Iuvigorator Samples Jbree.
. -.1 oraddres DK. UEBIO A.COjJ
u-.t street. Prlval entrance, St taon
La?wondeful Macnetle Healer, ft
self-Magnetlxers the Giateat Curative It.
vtntle of the age. Evt.y man or woman
nnow te their on ma netlo healer.
rd on the end of the end of tea
heaUr.cr.n.einenUy no bl fees to par
a mi) rubber. lTle 5. com !ete. Sld onlj
.tthi Dr. Ideblg Dispensary.
C;Z Kea rr.ySi. SanTnuieUco, Cat.
Tjrcosjoiurrrt ca'.rr ths U ci C-Ilforrja fen
lj spetdya-d ttc-atila enre cf PnraU. ,
2rT9-s. Wli-t. and C-rocie d-ra-KS.
VB. ATXKX Is a Efl-r Crtal Thji
Hn, edacsltd at Urloi Coarie soj
UtjTtrsUT of iliJJlsan. II uoeroiiuw.
mo rrffer trozi the eflecu of yt-.-ifnl f oOea.
ct exoaM la Ditartryeiri. rroi and 13
cal lability. Lcssof Eaergy and UemMy. Seia.
KUaryaad IKddr Di--.te..,Eaer
76ya co-iMnatlffli of "ttJil?Ti
EosrnAL xxmx&cz.
Dr. K2ea wis f or many- years Ctlef SaTTseala
Vjc lUUrm bo-p.---.--inch cl5er2.
too eS tie Uirr-ta-o-s, , ?
He wtobeslt d-ltoetr tr3ritoirf tast he Cotm
ncs, urq Inform rd ia hia spec-ay.
UrhonestontHio ittenla a3(riro-rert-
Sa r-rtee apwrtweewre la e-B a 1m-
. . . .nilUllMI 1 nffiMtfb,!
d coefl-ta. Crre -xW- 0?
Il9to3d--7.to8eicit far-D-ait
lzoaly. i-iiiTaoaiwe
i- c -. tvji4m nUL
HE. -uu a" "----
atrlrg nrnonai aiieauco.
and peraalWil Hj csKd.
Chronic, FriTate and Special
the same wonderful sueceaa u
t old.
The Great English Remedf
t. . nin. ratllnsr ral
for Nerro JMbin
Exhauited Vital I
Kuminsl Weakni
Hcerxnatarrhoca. IA
Manhood, Ixnpoten
l-aralysls, ana aii -terrible
effect of I
abuse, youthful foil
and excesses in mat
year such a loa
memory .loazltude.r
lurnal emission, we
s on society dlromness or Tision, noier
In the urine, at J many other diseases
a,l to Insanity acd death.
Vt. Mlntle, wno Is a regular graduated
4leian.wlllgito fonei. Arc . hundred.
. m 11.1. bl,l tha V 'TOI k-ts-raV
tiv (under bl special adTlca aud tatI
will not c re, or for anythlns impure or r
r r... t Dr. Mlntle ireaia ail Df
-... n Mifniiv. without mercury. 3
oaltatlon trtn. A thorough exratnat4od
advice, l iClco'ns analysu of urine, li.
! Vital KestoraUT.$lboUl.orfour
lli quantity, 15; sent to any addreia np
celpt of price, or C. O. O-secure Ircrair
v-Jon. and In private name. If desire J
h. E. M IN TIE, it. D Xo. 11 Keamy
-an Francisco, California.
Irr. illctle's Kldn-y Kemedy, iiEPHTr
-UM.oure ail kindsof kidney and bit
Comptaints, Gonorrhoea, I.eaeorrboea
t ir sate by all dnuslsta; St a bottle. sl
rr'iiutla'a DANDELION l'lLLS "u
f a-ifi cheapt dyspepsia and b!llor
- market. Korsa.o by all druggist
E?r-8aiple bottle free, aent on app
; letter, staODirSTtuptoms.sex acd tsfta
. ip'-at rrs -trt'-Ut confidential
The Great English Reidy
and JferOl"
ileal expen
cures wilt, iin
-rtBintv v an
Phnelcet MlllJ
Seminal t"1
8p-rnitorr.I rus
lstnrrhoa, Hlona
Impotency, lusted
VI tallty. latum
ilurajies ana lost wasted MAS'lMa
k l Its coapllea.tte.ca and Jroroateve I
cause p'Oduced. It en'lches ani-s
destructive to mind and body. It Un H
lT.,lm'ir of all kIUN'EY A.VII VUt.M
COMPLAITS. Itcontalne no iu ln-
grcdicnie. To (Boar nnwertmm " i
evil ctrcctn oryontkrul lndlrfor
excesfceu. n r4pray. llierwnsn
manentCUKK 1 s17AKA3fTI lJc
lSO rer bottle, or nve doltlea 1. with
full directions and dvlce. gaecurt
from ohservatlon to any address nrecaip
of tirl. nr C.O.D. To b bOJT O
itn Krr ML. Has rraat. !
rrocnltntlnn rletirmnSdentlt 1
or at offlce. FREE. For tho cosnce ot
patients, and In order to Insure petfcjcey,
I have adopted a private address, n me
an pacsafes are rorwaraea.
SuSnentto how iu merit, will tnt to
oae anplyinc ly letter, statins cs
nd ate. Cotimnnlcatlon'l J
The undersigned
the above well knov
en- are prepares
! TV
Br tuj
RoMlir.tr Denat at TohKS saloon
Price List
Sis Bottles SI
One dozen bottles. $2
is a secret
Manv a lady
ness to it,vh
i!d rather
not tellj. and
irit telL
t Lessees.
J w.iKnn
f. -JrMggl
Ost a a Mwnana,-2c!i w2 to far-'i-r-l aa
Urge summit.
ovWmi'riy Done In Lh Latttt
Style tf tht Art.
Ice. lev ! Ice!
Delxreredto amy part
of town and
Depot at the Stockgrower'a
.feat Market
-fohn H. Smith.
31. M ill fflWM
One Change of Gars
San rancisco Los Alleles aoi
St. Louis, Io-
tn-- frdire HWr.ici Cars are saw r Jtf Dail
Mtirmi rruMeco. Calif ormia
Io li k ira .na o- oatk. ia. via XU
w!li tnr siiaiiite ud VsdOo to Aljqare. X.
y.., ttcfc! ,. Tcptk' ud Suta r to lliklelil
d.- o-bl L - vu Sia mneieeo Ssltvaj tc
t. I TM!i tioaltiT! tfc fci.lT rente nraaee
tluva tii--e ti.a.j to ft Lcr- Jy Utla
line ire is only two cni-i-.ul e-rs Mm tee re.
atel AtUatlc Rc-j. u.-itL' VsgaaaaA
lorau ijoaieena u r.nan cin oata
bojslr ac--t. TI !TtLST7U, Smm, aart lea
n.J U A -.). t "Oramt
TxpUKb Car llontw " l:e ran apaa ta
Ttc "tsngMrcHprcnlrA.
j-.ruai.t ax ifi'l" - AbJS rsitlm
tAl " 2. a. m.
6r.lUaagw, Qsm-lAcaat,
t.rHii,K. StiLeaii IU.
J. F. MEADOR, Aot,
At First Nati.EusI Bank. Pna-
cott, Arizonf-
Smelting & Lead Co
416 VoitQmery Street.
Sao Francisco,
- California
and Silrar Ores ud
Bullion Assayed.
Highest Prices Paid for Gold, Stiver and
Lead Ores and Sulpburets.
Manufacturers of Bluestone, alsa Lead
Pipe, Sheet Lead, Shot, Etc
This Company has the Best Faci liti
the coast for working
Prentiss Selbt, Supt.
Pioneer Shops.
At the OH Staid.
Carry a full Stock of all Kinda
of Blacksmith and Wagon
Material, and are pre
pared to do all
kinds of
Blacksmith and
On Short Notice.
Agents for theOsborne
iron mower.
dams' Self Regulating
Wind Mills.
Ttere are Imitations ot the celebrated and
old reliable
The genuine has the full naus.
J. B.
on the
tin tag.
Don't bt deceirec You are Ltnpojed
upoa if the initials
Are not on the tin tae.
.end six eea tor oostcc
kandrvcIeTe fm eoatlvhox
or foods wnteh will hlp ysa
to more rnoaer nirnt away
e-an anytclnc else In this worl . II or
either sea ncc-a rrora arst bour. Th broad
rsa-tc fortua opet hsfora t worker.
obolutsly sure. Atonca aidrtas Trua s to.
mimdwiy Auiusta -ialcs
t -
a.-' -

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