OCR Interpretation

Clarksville weekly chronicle. [volume] (Clarksville, Tenn.) 1865-1867, July 12, 1867, Image 3

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J, A, OIlAHTy ..f Mrt.'
Ratm ar ADTmi!m, On Dollar pr
uare of LlMBa. i i ' " '
A CrOM Mark.Ia datura wt will makt
crest mark to, tbe .margin of our paper, u
notifloat'on to til anttoat wboat tima of
ubseripOo b Mfplrtd. Look oat forth
ctoh mirk and renew 'tout tuUcrlptlou m
Biwor QmT4iB will vltit tblt Pariah on
tb 27th and 28 lb Inst .
Ho. Baimb PrTTon wh nominated at
JJasbvllla but Saturday bjr tb OonierratiTM,
to ran against Cha Radical candidate Trip
Lie, fur Cong
Ptnto Srmiig.-Bar in mind tbat
Hon. Doasiv B. TaoHAi, Conservative can
didate for Cong-res, will apeak In tbli place
to-morrow, Ll all turn out U hear him.
Cuaxoi or Tim. Tb time for the arrU
f val and dr partura of Train U a followi :
Twin No. 1, Boutb, arrive at 8.45 a. m.,
; andlanvet at '8.48, a. tn. Expres No. 3,
' South, arrive at 1 1.37, p. ra t
Eipreaa Na 2, North, arrive 1.45, and
, Wave at 2.00. "p. m. Train No. 4, North,
' ' arrive at 4 00 o'clock, a. m.
Orr. Onr clever friend, R. II. Pickering
and Wm. D. Clardy, left but Monday morn
fug, for the Allegheny Spring, in Virginia.
11 health prompted the trip. We wlrb tbem
pleaiant joaroey and bop tbey mar re
turn restored to hoaltb. '
Fiora.-The Naebvilla paper report the
J.ric of extra family floor, of pew wheat, at
$13.00. Tb price here h $10.00.. On in
avengx our people pay dearer for vhtat cat
than tboee of other eectloot.
TcavtME Ripob. Tbi point on onr rail
road it now t freight Station, with Jaov: G
Faxop, Esq, a Agent. Jim baa the booor
now of holding two office ticket and ftelght
ageut, and PoaUnaatar.
Oca friend, 3. B. Stkwart, Drnggtst, tell
a that ha h just prepared and ba on
band, a fresh tupply of "Forwood't Cholera
Mixture." All wishing to obtain lhad
be iter cau ai once.
Naw Liobt. Call at B. O. Keese A Co.'
Hardware Store and examine a lamp burner
which require no cblmuey, and convert the
oil into gac It i a neat, thing and can be
. affixed to any coal -oil lamp, and ooat one
dollar.. It burp without rooke, and tares
all the tronlil of cleaning ineident to the
imo of a chiiunry.
m mm- i
1 EraciAb Norte. With tb present num
itcfi tb current subscriptions of moat of our
patrons will expire their time dating from
the 14th af July. . We will put the usual
rrout mark on the paper of all tboaa wbo
tune date from tbi time, and hope they will
. reuew their tubacrlpUona at one. . ,
, Thit number close th 2d volume of tb
new terlea of tb Chronicle or mora cor.
rectly, lb 3d volume line our resumption
or It publication alter the cessation ol hos
tilities. We are gratified to date that our
subscription list I (lowly but Handily in
creasing, bat wa.hav not booked tb num
tier of name we bad prior to the war. R't
are using au laudablt efforts to gain for our
paper a large circulation. It it our purpose
to make it a Conservative Sue Ihern Journal,
und we will fuinue. th course w have
marked out, regard leu of th dictation of
any oaa, " If onr 1yl doe not meet the ap
probation of tb Radical or th half and
half Southern Reader, they certainly have
the right to withhold their patronage for
, "(Ink or swim" we intend to (tend by onr
principle. W yield tb right to any and
ull to differ with nt, aa to the beat means to
(ecure Jfce desired end, and whilst w yield
' iuch to atbft w claim tb privilege ef
f usrcitpg our own right in our owa way
y ' wr"irnreervexiiyppnosQworpwniow'
sod I Wnlowltea, and In favor of Elheridge,
i (eat Jutloaal liberty and an narcstrrcled
1 unoi-bw.
" Tj tboat In arrears, we tay emphatically
but,f(ectfully, torn u and fork over, or
your name, without distinction, will be
. (triekea from onr book. To th kind pa
tron who (land by us politically and pecu
niarily, wa return our most profound thanks.
IIomb Mostulv. Tb July number of
.tbi excellent monthly published by A. B.
'Staik, Nashville, Tenn., is before us, gad tb
first thing that greet tb reader i a fine
: (ortrntt of Don. T. J. Jackson a nam der
to tUo memory of every SouUierner then
follow a cboio variety of original matter,
prose and peetry, from a corps of contribu
tors, some of whom are Vqowa and appreci
ated by our o.aa folks. Let th Uoipe
Monthly be well sustained. Terms, .00
per annum.
PoamAiT Paiwtino B.AjigeloCammac
Portrait Painter, ba located In our city, and
specimen of bis artistic skill may be seen at
the Galleries of Bell k Sheridan and V. H.
Armstrong. We do not profess to be con
nlwears In th On art, but think tb apao
, inMn( of bl wuik w have seen would do
j credit to almost any artist in tbi country.
lie also propose toskeh'b scenery, etu, color
olographs, or do any work in hi Ho of
. Order left at either of the above
trie will recclv bis prompt attention.
KrvK,i, Horn. iiipeJioat, T. D.Scott,
I reaovatlng ti National (torn cellar to
attic, W would b glad to tas turn allowed
the privilege of putting up a bhilding in
connection with tb prveent one, to from
on the square, a tb abrupt termination
of Pranktia street by th Hotel is such
aa to render It nearly impassable. Huih
an addition, with an arched pusway, would
answer sJl purpose .for passing, and at tb
sam time add much u th appearand of.
tli I'ablic Square.
DnATB. tm aext Wedneeday evening, at
8 P. M, a political disvussioa will be bad b
Iweea U. W. Wine, aad J. J. Buck, an in
no si, aad W. A. Nffe and Oea. W. A.
.Vjarte oa ttt otber, (Itaef at the Oourt
Mja e; 0.m'.m . .
Onr (alei t the' flv Wareboue lor, the
month Of Jone foot op f,8SO fcbda, diatrlb
nted aa follows t Said by M-v A. t. Smith
Ax Ca., 23i bbb.; bj Mrssrf. Harrlsoa k
Shelby, ITS bhd.t by MrMrSv Hutchings k
Grinter, 660 bbds.f by Messr. Erelib k
Tnrnley 258 bbds. i and by Jfesars. W. R.
Polndexter A Co, 53 hhd. " . '
Our market tbrougri tbe thorrffi war steady
and firm upon all grade, with, more uniform
ity In price than shown By any previous
Bwolb of tb season, -''
W qoou tb following as.tb average
laoge of price for rbe aiootb I
Trash, 2) to 8 Jo. j luge, 4 to Be. common
Ieef, ta 7c. J medium leaf, 8 to Jlc j fair
leaf, 1) to 14c fin leaf, 18 to ucj choice
elections, 18 to 20c.; fancy wrapper, 20 to
49 and 60.
Some week since, w (poke of a cboio
bbd. of shipping leaf, aold at B4 River
Warehouse, at 23 U, raised by S. Y. Moss,
and credited his residence to Christian county,
Ry., Instead of Montgomery county Tenpes
, which I V1 1 elaira. blm a on of
her best tobagco planters, ' We learn tbat
the lucky buyer obtained a premium for this
bbd. at tb recent Louisville, Tobacco Fair,
and It is now. on It way to France. '
Tb moqtb of July opened with light re
ceipts snd sales, partly owing to our planter
being engaged in preparing their wheat crop
for market, and partly tq th bulk of tb
crop being already forward. .
Owing to the light sales, and a disposition
on Ibe part of top) buyer to speculate upon
tbe prospect pf a abort crop, our market tine
tbe beginning of tbe mouth ba shown eg me
excitement, and all grades of sound leaf b
advanced fully U,
Th season has now to far progressed that
no mors tobacco wilt probably ba planted,
with even good rain. Tbe early planting,
w learn, it looking very fine, om of it be
ing "in top," bnt the remainder, from defic
iency of labor, is badly "in tb grass."
The receipt of tobaeco eontion large In
New York, and the condition of tbe market
Is not favorable to short-crop speculations.
The tale in New Orleans have been bilge
considering her stock, and atjrery full prices.
TiNxmaa Marcal, Lao Scbool. All
wbo may desire to aid tbe colored Tennessee
Manual Labor School will have an opportu
nity to do so, as subscription lists are in cir
culation. Klder Peter Lowry, wbo 1 at the
bead of tbe Institution, ba appointed Cha't
Beaumont and William Boyd, local agents,
for tbi county, wbo will wait upon those
wbo have not already contributed. We have
seen a list with tb name of (ixty, repre
senting tbe substantial men of tbe town
professional, mercantile and mechanic to
all of whom Elder Lowry returns bis thanks
for their ready sympathy and substantial
aid. Tbe enterprise I oqa that appeals
strongly for tfippjort, and we hope ib res
ponse will be lAtisfictory to it mpst san
guine friends.
"Oca Giaia' in Stiait. Some of our
tastrlooable belles, having grown tired of the
beat and dust of city life, accepted tbe kind
Invitation of one of the fair daughter of
Stewart, to spend a few week with her
among lha wild wood and romantic streams
of her beautiful home. They went, provi
drd with all tbe paraphernalia uf flublon
and exulting in tbe thought that they were
about entering upon a new field, where they
would undoubtedly be th "observed of oil
observer," th great desideratum of all
belle. Free, aa tb mountain maid, they
roamed untrammelled over bill and meadow,
and In their beautiful walking dresses ri
valled We "lair aymplu pr th woods." On
Sunday, they resolved to bear a good, old
fasbkmed, country sermon, and upon their
arrival at trie enured tbey round themselves,
aa anticipated, Ik "obaerjred" of all; but
we are sorry to say they found the "obser
vations" anything but flattering to their
vanity, eeiag taken for "show girl with
tbelr ac,tin' clothes on" i. a. short dresses.
We are ery much afreid all impressions of
tbe sermon were dispelled by these "after
meetiu" wbUpen; but old uncle H. enjoyed
tbe joke none the lea "for a tbat." In
their piscatorial effort they were Hulh.
lepaly "donetur" and otterwine SWK(e)ye
ted, alrewing a modern Fallstan to persuade
them that "gnuw" ami young "learca" were
"just as good bait" as any known to tbe
profession. With such bait to tempt ibe
finny tribe, It is not to be wondered at that
their half day's angling terminated with the
usjiaj ftsertuau'a luck.
A SfLMiuo Hoi it, roa 8AL.-Ua tbe
8lb day of August next, W. T. Shackelford,
clerk and master of the Chancery court, will
sell in tbi city, that splendid Hotel known
a "Moore' Uotel." Any person wishinir
to make a good and sale Investment, could
not do better than to attend tbi sale. For
urther particular, ae advertisement and
hand bills.
Dsaacroaa. J. f. Mouse, R. U. Williams,
T. W. King, M. 0. Pitman and W.T. Shack
elford, were elected Director of the Clarke
villa, Cumberland and Charlotte Turnpike1
Company, on the 6th Inst The (taction of
Preeiilent, Stcreiary and Treasurer, will take
plao ia a short time, when tb toad will be
put under ouiitratt
Ia this cooaection, wa would call upon
th business men of tb city to Und a help
ing band toward building this, to them,
imporuat iulel to Ibe oily, fcvery business
man Is deeply interested ia having good
road leading Into . th city, and for every
dollar iuveiied in that way, Jjiey get a re
turn by increased custom. Business men.
generaHy, will be called upon fur subscrip
tions, in a abort time, od we hop to bear
a good rxporl from them.
Ma. Enjroaot-Th people In this vicinity.
celebrated the 4th, at this place, with a pic.
nic aud dunce. Vhe crowd was not so large
as you hare seen mt such occasions, but lata
euuugh. The ladies were qb hand in goodly
uuiuiwrs, aua sucn an array of oeauty vou
will seldom sea. We aw asai.y (bank to
ine managers ror tne exertion used by ibe)
tut the plaasar and comfort of all. To Mr.
R. R. Marsh, th ladie are under Ustina
obligations, for bis polite and gentlemanly
(.port in meir oenair. me music was ex
cellent The dancing was enjoyed fiuely by
all tbat participated.
Tbe d lunar waa all that oaa eould wish
for, and the supply large eaoogh toe all.
Nothing occurred during the entire day cen
tra (oao marts. Tb 4th will long be re
saembvred by all preeeat
Your truly, T. W. W.
' Wood'awa, July ;n7.
Fcbmc spirited mea are tf enrs. Buck k
Dhk,aj any one will say, who' bat paid a
visit to their brick yard, and observer the
extensive preparation tbey' ar tanking to!
fill Clarksvill with tbat first request of a big
city plenty ol bouse, .trancing in their
vicinity, and observing 00 tbe premises Mr,
John Bradley, who it tapeVvitiag the eatab
lishment, wa Mopped, In order to exercise oar
tongue a poo a man wbo bat tvavar a word
to say. Having tired ft a poo him, w looked
aromtd at the yard. X kiln pf over 100,000
brick, ready for osa, w first Ipspected, and
wa aronouaoa it, without hesitation, the most
uniformly splendid lot of brick w ever new,
smooth a marble and bard aad compact a
ton. Tber wa about twice tblt amour t
preparing for tb kjlu, that if b.ifpt would
do fo exhibition at thj World' Fair. .W
say tblt; aot apoo Mr. Bradly't authority,
wbo it lha beat taaker of bricks, and slorie
in th world, but upon our own careful in
spection. Wcommnd Messr. Buck k Dick
not only as clever and enterprising gentle
men, bt)t as mnufe,ctnrer of most auperior
brick., , V "V
In this county ba? the 3d lnst, by R. P.
Ferguson, Esq, Mr OoTATica Born, to Mis
It. A. Suits, both of Christian oounty, Ky.
In this county, on tbe 6th Inst., of Hem
orhage, Mr. Joxr P. Liooa, In tha 61st
year of but age. , .
Tbna hath passed away ope of nature's
noblemen, A biographical sketch of the
life of tbi estimable gentleman I In prepa
ration, and will be published toon.
1 t-
Farmar, Rogert k Oo, will' bava an Auc
tion of Seasonable. Goods, of every descrip
tion, on next Thursday, Julr llh. Exclu
sively for tbe Ladias, All art iftvited to
.July 12th, 1867-lt
g, AN6EL0 CAMMACK Artist,
WOULD Inform the citixensof Clerksville
and vicinity, tbat ha baa located in tbelr
midst for tbe purpose of Painting Portraits,
Coloring Photograph, Sketching Scenery,
ka. Specimen aaa ba seen at the Gallery
of Bell k Sheridan, and W. H. Armstrong
Prompt attention given to all order.
A neat Cottage Residence containing four
rooms, with basement, kitchen, smokehouse,
a cistern of splendid water, garden, etc.-
Also some kitchen furniture for self . P.ofe
session given immediately,. . .
Apply at this oftypa.
July 12, '67-tf. . .
Sow Is tfefj time to buy Cheap Clo
thing, and tha bouse of T. k R. E. McCul-
locb )s the place to get it. july 5 1m
The largest and most complete stock of
Shoe of all kind, and a general assortment
of ladies' Dree Goods, and Notions has just
been received at farmer, Roger, k Co.',
and am be purchased at lea than Eaatern
coat . Save your matf and favor tb.em with
a call. ' -
June 28, '67-1 m.
If you want XlurAgninM,
buy Shirt, Drawers, Collar, Cravats, Hats,
Boots and Short at tbe Clothing Emporium
of T. k R. E. MuCULLOCH.
July 8, 1867.1m
and Punts, Skeleton Grenadine and Casal
mere Vests, for sale, at eery low figures, at
tbe Clplbiug Emporium of
July 5, 1 867-1 m
Are ftow telling black goods, of every ds
scriptton, cheaper thantbey be purchased In
the city of New York. Give tbem a call
and satisfy yourselves. july 6-lm
ASD BUGGIES, Sold and warranted, equal
to any liop-mde work, bare or t'lsewhere
all repairs dona free of charge for twelve
months, at manufactoyr' exnenae bf Baker
k Brother of tbi city, or the money refund
ed to th satisfaction of any reasonable man.
They warrant their work and ate responsi
ble. Refer to D. V. Kennedy. Examine
ibeir price list.
July 5, 1867 3m.
Of skeleton CassimeM Coats, at reaa tha
Eastern Cost ttbe Clothing Emporiam of
Messr. T. A R. E. McCullocb, Cl.vksville.
Suly 5, 1867-lm
Bblae Wine. Charles Scbliuh of tbe
Straw berry Saloon, has just received an Im
portatlon of Rhine Wine, from rbe Old
Country. Ho ofera it for sale by tba glaks,
boftle oT keg. Tboa wbo wUb a pur and
pleasant, and wholesome wine for tbe table
or for lb tick room, should call oa Mr
Scbllcfa, a be intend keeping up a tcoik of
this wine In future.
April 6, lMT.if.
Live aid Let Lira.
To th publt geaerally, aad Meat Eater
particularly, I would say that I can be fonnd
at tbe Market Houj avery market njorning,
ready to supply them with tb beat of Beef,
Park and Mutton. So come along with your
Greenback and get something good to aat
March 2, 18674s,
I IV QlCltS- Warranted tba best,
at Roger' Moos Furnishing Emporiam,
Franklin street, near tbe National Hoi,l,
April 8, '67,lf
VV. Be JlRnWUltWT, irH
Can be found at tha Book-atora of F, M.
Puxtuasarr, aa the Publio AtqAara.
OOMOVER. Order may ba Mt at Coaavar
Brosf. Music aad Bwk Store, oa Fraoklla
(treat, eiga of the gold pea.
Apr a ll, lT-m.
Ar la receipt df a new stock of Dry
Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoe etc Call and
examine them. .
April n, JM7-f
' WON tOttl CUAKD.' .
against th Imitations and counterfeit of
which tb riaATX who mak a Dntaoamaau
uvuid, are how endeavoring to flood. th
market . of this country. Whenever tbna
po'soR-H oxoait are dlaoorcred they are Im
mediately prosecuted by tb proprietor, who
expend thousands of dollar annually la trao
Ing them oqt had, bringing them to Justice.
Within I abort time injunctloot have been
obtained If, tba Oourtt of tha Pnited Slate
against a nnmber of Individual aad firms,
and tultt are now In prog res against ssvtral
other, all of wbo name will ba given to
the public. Bnt la spite of th utmost vlg
llano and aotirity of tbelr detective agents,
tba undersigned are of our qnahl ta pro,
tect the public entirely agninit piratical Imi
tations of a Standard National Tonta, amy?
where In request, and as readily convertible
into rath at Vailed States Bond or Treasury
Notes. They, therefore, at a paAtcaa or
raaoAimoa, direct attention to tba bet that
a finely engraved label, representing St
George and the Dragon, and a beautiful pro
prietary t tamp, bearing' tba official endorse
ment of tb Government, appear OY avery
bottle of tba genuine BITTERS. Tba arti
cle la further authenticated by a miniature
nple bf hand, with the signature of "Hostel
ler k Smith," to counterfeit which is a ttaU
pruoH arms. Tbe true BITTKKS are told t
boluu only, ana ntmr m Aim.
July 8, '6T Jm.
JTJLT m9: 1867 !
Hare lost received on oonaigpment, and for
salt cheap ror Uaso, .
- 60 Ream Letter, Can and Nqtp Paper.
8,000 Envelopes,
TO Bdl. Wrapping Paper,
20 Bbla. Sugar, Crushed, Grannlated, YU
low and Whit Refined, Coffoe, and New
30 Boiee Star Candles, In boxes, halve
and quarters. '
30 Boies 8oap, Washing and Toilet, ia
boxes to suit faroitiea or th trade.
' Just received another lot of Bone Dust, a
superior Fertilizer.
15 Sacks of Coffee, Rio, good, prime and
choice, a few Package of Government Java.
Fish, Herring and Oysters,
A lew Bbit $o. 3 Macberel.
30 Kits of No. 1, 2, and 3 Mackerel,
Half Bbl. Lake Herring.
20 Boies Scotch . do .
10 Casks Oysters, 1 and 2 )bs,
6 Kit pickrel.'
S White fish.
Baeon and Beef,
2 Tierces Superior Sugar-cured Hams,
2 ' Clear Sides.
2 ." Shoulders,
1 " Dried Beef intjda of the Hams.
) Uase fiologna saugage.
Starch, Blacking, &c.
6 Boxes Starch. 3 Oro. Blacking,
1 2 dot Brooms. 4 doa. Pepper Sauce
20 doz. Ky. Mustard. 6( dot. Lemon Sy rap
White Lead and Linseed Oil.
4 Bbls. and hair bbls. Linseed Oil,
70 Keg Whit Lead, (best)
40 Boxe Window Glass.
2 Bbl. Spirit Turpentine,
2 " Spanish Whjting,
8 " Coal Oil.
2 Lard Oil,
London Porter.
t dot. London Porter' pta. (genuine).'
4 bbls. and half bbl. Pure Cider Vinegar.
July 5. 1867-tf. .
All person haVlne claims against th ai
tale of W. L. Johnson, will present tbem
within the time required by law, and all psn
on indebted to tb same ar notified to
come forward and settle. .,
W. M. DANIEL, Adm'r.
July Bib, 7-4w.
ALL person are warned agalnat bnvina
or trading tor a stallion, (lea Ureatbitt, now
standing at tbe alafcla or A. Q. Wilcox,
Tait't Station, Tennessee, or a blooded filly,
3 years old, in possession of said Wilcox.
as tbey are both my property, and neither
title nor possession aaa been gtven np to
tbe tame, ana no consiaerauoo bat been re
ceived for toe tarn.
July S, 1867-tw .
WE TAKE PLEASURE In informing the
Ladie and Uentlemen or Clarksville and vl-
cinitv, that we have fitted up tbe room im.
mediately .oyer our store, In elegant atyle,
wber wo sxe prepared to fur nub tbem witb
Ice Cream, Bot.li Day kni Sight.
Entrance through our Storm. Familiea
supplied .on short notice.
Yery Respectfully,
May lt, lB6t.-t.
selected Stock for the
Cansittlag of
Silk Saqueft
Lawns, Embroidejr
Skirts, Mozambiiiiea,
Fancy Silks, French Pircal,
Hosiery, Gloves, Bareges,
Aonibaainess TaMo .
Linen, Towel,
and )Tap
And a large variety of Notions, New Patent
For which w are th only ageaU,
Great attuaUoa baa beea paid to tb d
Ready-Made Clothing-,
and Gent's Furniwunjj Goods,
Trunk, Shirt, etc onr atock of Gept's
iia beea purchased direct from th juaafao.
turar in Baatoa. ttjerebr aaviog 20 per
levnt, aiavtag tjoagatour aoada tor VASU
w nr lb aaclleue to offer great inauce
meal to our patrons, and will sell at prfce
wtxdi eoa4 mil to give aatlssaetma.
tbdl aad tea aa aa examiae tor vou.
aelvea. Our aatesru) ar:
W bay Oiaaeag, Beeswax, aad srthar
klada of couauy produce for CASH ar ia
si change fur good.
April J6, 189T-U
lt, ia, mi r.with c n. X
I Y. I. and P. witk C H T. :
. .. , i
Your 'Life
imciidc vniin i icc
And thu render jour families imperyipus (o
the opcraitoni of lb. . .
, Tbe Mala Cause of so manj
Fallnres In Life Is Man's prone
ness to believe tljat ylje present,
If Auspicious, will last always.
This error has cost the World
nearly as much as War,
riafovfb American
Life Iusurarlce Company
. IAS ASSETS OF $1,500,000
Iti OlQcert ays Met of iBtectity.
Ita Manbsement la Secood 5ope,
IU Principle are Safe,
Its Batet are Low.
Iti Plana Admlrabla,
Its prowptBtsi haslecBdnt)itrate4
Lire Insurance ia patron lied by the bast and
moat intelligent men ia th worl(J. No one
can afford to be without it
" '' ' V
Get Fire, Marine, Life, Accident
and "Lire Stock Insgrr
ance ftm tHe
' C- H. JONES.
TBE following First Class Insurance Com
penis axe represented, vizi
JEtaa Tin loturaqpe Company, of
Hoaia f asaraiee Co., oir New Haven
tenpei.sca Marine aaa fire Inspr
ance fpmpaoy, of Nashville.
' State )psarance Company, of Nash-
villa, -
North Aaterlta) UXe tnidraace Co4
of New York.
Traveler' Accident laiaraace cam.
pany, Of Hartford
Vatloaal Horae'lntiraaee foatp.
of Kentucky and Tennessee, (Iasura Hotiet
and Mulct agalntt Death and Theft.)
All PalronS of thli Agency will
hare no Occasion for Regret at
Besto'wal of Patronage
Equitably Adjusted
Caih Paital Beyrteentei
Jut T, !MT-ly.
a '
w a
Aro Cotnlnrj
We Respecjfullj Ask a Call
from the Trade Before Ppy-
Whererer there has been a
DECLINE In any .line of goods
(his season, we will cheerfnll
and faithful!- allow It on
COULTER & milU.ll,
eiifn DIO SIIO J2f
iwmxs ST.,
Mar. 15 lfiftT-if
lira, BEOS, t CO,
DSALtaa ia
Paints, Oils,
Window Glass,
Fancy Oopda,
Perfumerr. Soaps.
aT wm' 'm
ruanpa 01 au Kinas,
omeatio Iia aid Dves.
ure Wines.
Bourbon Whiskey ,
French Brandy,
And all articles neees
leary or useful in the Sick
Wa are recelvinc fresh asipollea. vvervi
weea, aaa prepared to turnlsn ear auaa
lUliei tb market may demand,
At test low rnicES.
Wa call the attention of Contractors.
Builders aud Painters, to our large Mock of
ad Window Glass, and all Article la Ud
way of fainter' material, whidj w arJ
aellinf at a mall advance on mauau-
lacturerr prices. Orders from phrsicianri
promptly ailed, at tba site of the "Rid
Uold fen," Krankllosl.CAttliSVJLl.B
aujruat jq, jaue-w.
llerohant Tailor.
(Staad rbrtaeriy ecupi4 by I. It. Fowlket.;
II f juit opened a krgt Mtd leg not Stock of
a Consisting In pet of
of th very beat material which tut If pre
pared to aat au maLa up
According to the Gtyltf,
fly tha as est aaaerieaead srorhmea of tbe
West. ai kP ounttaaUy an luvtd. also a
ooaapleU 8tck at
Which, ia retard both to prioa and Quality,
b ears no notaaetltiaa, tf you will
a-ould Aa plaated ta aaa alt friaada.
IU Havtef painkawd tba asasaaat tt
or i. ai. rowlaa
AarS Jl, UtTi.
. S 91erliTai Salo
; 'Vi. ' of. '.;
At ClarktoilU, Teams, tkt 6f A
';i . rf7 ofAstt, 1867. ':'
, BT vlrto of a venditioni txponaa, to at
direated, frosa tba Circuit Court at Clara.
vllle, Tennsaa. bsraed lib of June I8T, la
favor pf Carr A Boardmaa, v. 0. Orraln, 8.
ty. Robert, R. Kdmondson and Joha H. Bin.
ton. I will ainoee to aublin sal to tha-hlvh.
est bidder, for eb at tha CoorUbouaa, la
th City of CUrkvillteanese.on tb 6th
day of AutTitt, 186T, a tract of land as th
property of Robert EdmqadspA, la District
no. it, Moatgomery uouaty, c1
tract contains 300 acre more or leas, bound
eda follow i North by B. C. Fella, East
by William Corlew, South by Wm. U. Or.
Gin, Wast by A. at. Roger' heir land. Bald
id I on tb Clarktvil and CbarioiL road,
aooui a mue iroca viarasvtiia
T. RAMET, BberltT.
ply a, 'flT-dw-pra fee $6.
BT vlrlue of a venditioni f pona. to m
directed, from th Clrcalt Court, at Clarke,
vllle, Tenn- iatued Slh of June, 1B0T, In fa
ran of W. H. Jpne, for the as of Q. Or.
gain, vs. Jamea tt qnes. j will pos at
public sale to tb Irlgbatf pi4der, fpr tasb, tO
the tame time aad plaoe, 10 acres of land, la
District No. IT, on the water? pf Hnrrican
Creek, and bounded as follows: By tbe lands
of (?. A. Moore, incben Bnsppas and Thorn.
at uonevr.
. RAMET, Bberiff.
uly 5, 188t-4w-pr fee $. ; ;
By virtue of a venditioni exponas, to me
directed, from tha Clrcalt Court, at Clark s
ville, Tenn.. issued 5th of June, 188T, ia Iia.
ror of Q. W. Bryarly, va J. O. Bhacfaelford,
I will expos to public sale, to tb highest
bidder, tor cash, at tbe same time and place, J,
O. Shackelford' ondirldedhalf interest tn the
following tract of land belonging Jointly to
said Shackelford, and Q. A. Henry, lying In
District No. 18, commencing at aa Iron wood
stump, running South 9T polea to a stake In
Fraaier't line, thence East 180 polea to a slake
oa tba bank of Cumberland River, tbenoa
North 18 wast, 81 pole, North 8s West, 48
pole to a)lbery stump, thenca Wt 3
Dole to th beaibnlhat oontalnlna 180 1-4
acre. Levied upon aa ibe property of J. O.
Sbacbelford, on tba loth of March' 1868.
. x. KA.1HI, eoeriir.
July 8,1186t-4w-pr, tb M.
BT Virtu of a venditioni eirpoaat, to me
directed, from tba Circuit Court, at Clark.
vllle, Teaa., issued 5th of June, 1867, in fa
vor of P. D. Phillip, vs. R. M. Crocket, I
will etpose to publio sals, to tb hlgheat bid
der, for cash, at tba sam time and place, a
tract or land lying In District No. 18, or
Montgomery County, Tenn, bounded on the
North by C Crocket, on tbe South by Jerry
Bull, an tba Bast by T. C. McCurdy, oa tba
West by T. J. Bwift, Said tract contains by
eetimation, 150 acres, levied on as tba prop
erty or k. at. urooaei, on ua zm aa or
novemoer. iboo.
T. RAMET, 8brlff.
JulyH, 186T-4w-pr. tse $4.
BT virtu of four venditioni ezponu to
me directed, from the Circuit Court at Clark,
ville, Issued 8th of June, 1867, twk In favor
of Joha Young, v. Q. F. Tally aad Q. T.
Abernatby, one in favor of William Moore,
vs. O. F. tally and Q. T. Abanarthy, also one
la favor of J. C. Trotter, vs. 0. B. Plummer
and 0. Tlnsley, I will expoe to pablio tale,
tp th highest bidder, fbr Cash, at tba aame
time and place, all of tha undivided Interest,
right, title aad claim that Q. F. Tally aad
C. B. Plummer aaa la and to twa tracts of
land belonging to tba Mate of OUfbrd felly,
dee'd. On tract known, - at tba Bumper
treat, opotalaipg ail bund red acre. nouaVMd
North by tba lands of Jackson, MoKarnaa k
Co , South by tba Dickeoa county line, Bast
by tb Brldir tract. Watt by tba O. K.
Furnace land. Oaa other tract known as
tba Parsneoter tract, bounded North by tb
land of William Harvey, East by tb ta
of T. J. Swift, South by tbb land of A,
Tally' dower, Weat by ssme. Said tracts of
land are situated la District No. lt. Mont
gomery Oounty, Tenn. Levied apoa at tbt
property of U. r. Tally and O. B. Plummer,
T. It A MET, tiberUT.
Jaly 8, 6T-4w-prs. M 6. -
BT virtu of Bve venditioni upona to ma
directed, from tba circuit court at Ularksville,'
Tenn., issued 6th of June 18T,from it May
term, 1887, bur ia favor of O. D. Lockeri
vs. 0. L Mstcalf, and one la favor of Peter
Fartblag tor N. L. Tomer, va. 0. L Metcalf.
I ariU axpoae to pablie tal, to tba hlgnaft
bidder, for cash, at tha same (Im aad place,
150 acre of la ad mora at leas, en th waters
of Red River, ia Montgomery county, Tenn.,
about siz mile' east of Clarksvill, adjoining
tb land or jostan Uoskina oa tba soulb, al
o adjoining tha lead of Phillip OroUer aad
J. N. Travis oo tba Bootb, Tbomat Trigg,
oa tha east, O.-I. Metcalf tract oo tha north.
and O. Randal on tba west. Levied oa as
th property of C. I. Metcalf, oa tha 14tb
day i
or January,. iaT.
T. RAMET, Sheriff.
July 5, '6-4r-pr. fee 14.
BT virtue of two venditioni xnona. to m
directed, from tbe Circuit Court, at Clarke
villa. Tenn. issued Juns 6, 186T. one In fa
vor of B. W. Useery, vs. J. P. Daly, and one
i- a S U ............ A A u
KeaMmonWdec d,! wOJ ecao to publio tale.
to tbe biabeat bidder, for cash, 4 tba same
time aad place, a tract of laad In Monlejoa,
erv eonnly, Tenn,l)letrict No. 18, contain
log 507 acre, bounded aa tba Norto by tbe
lands or wm. Martin, aec o, aaa r. A. Ha
am. aa tb east bv J. P. William, oa tb
south by lb lands of Margaret Lyla oa tba
east rork or uadd creek, oa we weat by
tbe land of Mr Mockbe. dee'd. Tbi tract
of laad I levied npon a tb property of J
f. Daly. T. KAMICX, eifl.
July 5, 1887-aw-pw, fe 6!,
BT virtu of tjro venditioni txpenas, to
ma dlractea, troni ana Vlreult sjourt at
ClacksviUe, Tenn., Usned 6th of June, 1867,
both ia tavor or H. A. Currant, va. O. O,
Breed and C. O. Smith, I will expose to pub.
lie sale to tha blgbeat bidder, for cash, at th
same uraaand puce, an tae ngDV ius, claim
and inters that said O. C. Breed ha la and
to tba Oat Lot Mo. 1, a, , 30, It, II, IS,
J7, 38, 86, 84, H-tnd Out LoU 19, 80, 47,
48. 49. fl. aad alia tb plan M Robert
addition to tba town of ClariuvHi, ft being
tb name lauds coaveyed by I. P. Clark to
said 0. 0. Breed by sired registered In tbe
Krgistsr't VUnot or alontgomary couaty,
Tenn, Ib Book Vo 8, pig 146.
T. RAM Si, BUruT.
Julf I, '67-tWHlr. fa $4.
BT virtu of two venditioni arpona tp tae
directed, front tba Circuit Court, at Uarka
villa, Tennn issued 6tb of June, 1867, la fa
vor of a. i. Unseen, va. AHea Hemlea, I win
expos to pablio eale to tba blgbeat bidder,
lor ease, at the sam urn aaa piae. au ta
right, title, claim and latere tbat tb said
Ansa ilamlla hat in a certain nieea or mad,
bounded aa foflowt: North by R. 1. Dua.
caa, East by Mrs. Manner, Boatb ty W. F.
Aaatns, Wast by Wavnr und.
' t. txAaar, Doario.
July 6, '87-4 w-pra.lt 14.
BT virtu of a venditioni ataaaaa, to at
dlreeied, tapes tba elraalt aooit, at Oark
rill, Tea., isnaed Jao Uk, IMT, la tavor
of B. A. Mania, v. William L. Jobaaaa, I
wHI evpoaa ta aabUa sale to the biyhesl bid
der fur anab, at la eaxa Ubm aad plaaa, all
laid Wm. Jebim'a rurht, tiila, rkua aad
latareatia aaavtaia aaroal f tend, boonded
as tullowt; North ff Orey't, Eaat by Shel-
br't. South by WUaea aad Want ky Wlleoa
aad Terrell, iavied aa Jaaaar IT, 1887.
T. baxzt, etrrn.
,'iT-l-rrt.fie v ;
BT vlna of a writ ef vafihrat axpocaw
CUraavUlar Teaa, Issued Jaoa r 1867, l '
favor of Mrs. M,0. Allen, vat f re, A. D. .
WaedV J. W. Wright aaASaatatt F. Wright, t
I wiU tpaea I aUi tali, to ta htghaat
b klder, for aasb, at tb a ta Uoa aad plaev
tat iottreet which Mr. A. B. Weed baa lie
and t the fuUewiRg deetrlbed ttat aeaakv
baapded at folio we i Begltiabig at a. Bum
Elder on tb beak af Cumberlaad rirer, at
John Bieli h' i taraer, thenca p lb river wllbj ,
lu taeandee about 330 polea ta aa elntv
thence weat 10 aolea to a white ak, at A
McUorkla'a aarth-wtst aorarr, tum atiit .
110 pole to aa aim, thsaee sauth 20 aett
60 polea to a while aaa, rbeaaa west H
polea to S Red aaka la th arlgiaal line af .
Tatum't 640 acre survey, thenca aooth 109
palea to a poet oak at Jamea Baritb't eorner,
tbeaca with hit Una east 80 polea ta m wafer,
tbeac aoalh 84 pole ta a tpanlsh oanythian
south 80 cast 66 palea to a dogwood, aaeac
north 80 rest ta tha beglnnlag. being part of
aid Tatum't 4Q acre mot. eoamMa s
acre more or leas, registered ke tha ftoglstar'a
Offlc of Montgomery cnay, Tenn, ia booh
M. pag J? J. aVitd laud, " ort
lid of Cumberland river la crrB aHstrtet No,
8, aad h) th aame land which aeloaged to
W. B. Allen, ia bit lifetWn. Ha haviag dietl
wfthnat a will, tha land descended to bl(
brothera and sisters, aad said A. D. Wtid
being on of his sisters, tba levy was made
oa ber aadtvided luleve t fct said laad whk r
It said to ba oaa atveata part. January 85,
186T.- - T. RAMET, 8bCTift '
July 6, '6r-4w-prt, fee ft.
BT virta of a venditioni trporim, to tn
directed, from the Circuit court at Cfavkt.
vllle, Tena., issued Jun 6th, 168T, la favor of
J. 8. Heine, va. E.P. Hagood, I will expo
to public tale, to tba highest bidder, for cash,
at tba tame time aad place, all tba right, ti
tle apd interest the said K. P. EagooeVba ia
aad to a tract of land, which desoended to
him aa one nf tha haiie ef Joha Huml.
dee'd, In district No. 6, Mootgoraery eacaty
Tenn- beginning at a red oak ia George Ru
dolpb f south-east corner, running treat with)
Gamble's Hue a 7 polet to a black goat cor
ner, tbtnee north 164) pole to a post oak,
thrac east 97 pole to O. Rudolph t Uar
sob lb 164 polet to th beginning, beiag 109
acre more or less, leried oa a tba property
or S, f. Uaguod, on tb istb day ef rebru
ary, itsa. T. ttAxey, Bberlfr.
July A, 'aj-dw-prr. fee 4. , ' H'.
BT virtu of a venditioni expoaas, to t
directed, from tba Clrcait conrt at Clarksr'
villa, Tenn, iatued Juae BtU, 1867, la favor
of Alex. Bayaham, vs. Jeans Bumper. I will
expose to public sale, to the highest bidder,
for oatb, at tba tame time and place, tba aft
divided interest of Jets 8lamper, being oft
fourth ia a tract of land Ivlng p district N,
4, Montgomery county, pna, oa tba play
fork of rTsst Fork of Red River. Beulanlaer
at a black oak, Joseph ftaynham'a north cor
ner, tueuce toutb )16 polet to a Haw bus,
weat right over tbe priag to a blckory tat
pole to a black oak, thtnea north 118 note
to stake, tbeco east 101 polea to tbe be
gtanlng, containing by ttUmatlo 816 acre
mora or lam. Leried on at tb. property of
Jesse Stamper on the 9th day of May, 186T,
i. naasi, eaana.
July 5, ll7-tw-prs. fee 4. '
BT virtu of a venditioni expoaas, to ma
directed, from tha Circuit Court, at Clark.
villa, issued 5tb or June, 1867, la favpy f)f
Benlsmln Oolman, Ex'r af Jamea Col man.
vt. Wishhiiiton Barle. P. H. Duncan, and
O. O. W. Bartea, I wilt expose ta pnb.
lie tale to tba bighett bidder, for cash, at lha
time ana piece, isb acres or wad, tn
property (
South by
of Q. W. Bartea. bgjimUd en tha
tba lands of Tbomat Keata. oa th
Batt by th lends of Joha Bollock, aa tha
North by tha madt of Robert Darnell
aad 8. B. Nicbola, and on lha VFsat by tkf
lands of J. Bumpasa.
T. RAMET, Sheriff.
Jtly 5, ,67-4w-ptt, fee 4.
IIEl'l SPillllG GOODS!
J. r. HELMS.
HELMS k ;0S0N,
..... --
Cell aid tea tbalr ttock of .
Xliey are Klrarant I
Tbelr ttOtV of . ' r
ma im :
Tw Tltlt SMCK OF
i . i
Boots and SJisco
Tbey call yoar
A bug portloa of tbelr Shoes aro
Thy a slcndtd atari t .
Oil C!otiai9
to all mt wbkA tbay aaoat tetpeatfUl ill
lOrafr. B. Maavaas) Arnaa, G. W. Laraf.
Suua. Ckosw aad Davm Paata, ar .aUay
lj tbt ... x
Jftreb Jf, ttjt

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