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The Cairo bulletin. [volume] (Cairo, Ill.) 1872-1878, March 18, 1873, Image 1

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i,RK.SItYTKItIAN-7;.Eti Street.
1'rcachlng, HabbatNat 10 a.m. and 7i p. in
l'rayer meeting, Wednesday at"! p. in.
;ijb:illi Hchool, .1 p.m. .1. M. I, amnion, Su
perintendent. Hkv. II. Tiiaykii, Fastor
HETHODIST. Cor. Eighth and Walnut fit.
Preaching, Sabbath ut ID) a. in., and 7 p. in
Prayer meeting, WodilPday,7J p.m.
Sabbath School, a. p.m. I.. W. Htlllwcll,
Superintendent. Hkv. P. 1 1. TlloMl'HON,
Moriiliig prayer. Habbath 101 a.m.
Evening prayer. 71 p.i.
Habbath School,)) a.m.
Hkv. K. Coan, Rector.
bT. PATRICK'S CHURCH Ninth ht. and
Wamliigton Avenue.
Public M-rviiKi, .Sabbath 8:lll and 1U1 a.m.
i-p(ri 7 p.iii.
.sabbath lichool. i p.m.
ScrUre every day, H u.m.
ItKV. I. .1. U'llAl.WHIA.N, I'Hokt.
.ST. JOSEPH'S Olll'IM II. (Oilman,) .or
her of Walnut and Crnm Mrcrlf.
.Muw, Mrry Sabbath at II) (('clock a. in.
viper, V! p. in.
iliirlnjf week day, 8 o'clock n. m.
ItKV. t.. HofFStAN, 1'rlcM.
(il.ltMAN I.IJTIIKItANeill'RCll-mh
trctl between Vuhlngton Avenue and
Walnut street. , , ,
Preaching .Sunday morning at 10 o clock,
bahbath School at i oV.lock p.m.
JlKV. Uon'T. IlKUiNI, I'aHor.
meeting second Monday
iacli inontli at their room over Kockwcll
.V Co' book store, Commercial avenue.
eekly l'rayer meeting, Friday, 71 p.m. at
the 'oom.
L. V. Sth.LWKU.. Prcililcnt.
'HUHCIL Comer .Sycamore ami Forty-
lllt Mtrculs. Preaching .Sabbath at II
o'clock a. m. and ;i o'clock p. m.
.Sunday School I o'clock p. in.
Thu church l connected with the llllnoh
AfcMiclatiou, by th Klret JIIlouary llajc
tlt Church nl'Cairo.
Hi: v. Solomon I.koXahi, Pastor.
I ween Wuhuiluiul Cedar.
Scnlco, ftabhatb, It u.m.
.SaVbath .School. 1) p.m.
CIm meet at il p.m.
Itrenth Street., between Walnut and Cedar.
.Service .Sabbath. 1) and .') p. in.
ItKV. N. Iliqh'M, Pastor.
free wn.i. iiM-aav iiomk mission
ami Cedar Street".
Kabbalh School,!) a.m.
-Curry ' Barrack"
t-rxktrt Sabbath 11 a.m.. 3 p.m. &7)p.iu.
ItKV. Wm. KKI.LEV, Pastor.
-Cedar, bctwecn-Nlnth and Tenth St.
Preaching Sabbath, 10) a.m. and 74 p.m.
l'rayer meeting, W ednesday evening.
Preaching, Friday evening.
Sabbath hcliool, 1) p.m. .lohn Vanll.txtcr
aud Mary Stephen, Superintendent.
ItKV. T. J. Siiohks, FaMor.
Street, between Cedar und Walnut. The
only Jlaptift church recognized by the A-
Servlcis, Sabbath, 11 a.m. 3p.m. and 7 p.m.
Itrv.JACOii IIuaiii.kv. Kldcr.
AtiMiinbly at the AkylumMaronlc Hall, llrt
and third Moudaya in each month.
CAIHO COUNCIL, No.21. Uejrular Como-
cation at Maonle Hall, the cecoud Friday
In each month.
CAIHO CHAl'TKIl No. 71. Regular Con-
ocatlou at Maxoulc. Hall, on the third
Tuesday ol every mouth,
AIHO liODOK, S). 'ill V.ti. -r-K-
lar CominunlcatloiH at Mabonlc Hall, the
cecond and fourth Mondayn of each month.
AI.KXANDKR l.ODOK, 5K2)-MeeU In Odd-
Kellown Hall, In Arter'n building, every
Thurcday cen!ng at 8 o'clock.
(Joumor lllchanl .1. OgleM.y.
I.lcuteiiant-Oovcmor John 1.. Ilevcriilge.
Secretary of State (icorge II. Harlow.
Auditor of State C. K. I.lpplncott.
Stato TrcftMircr Capcr Uutz.
Attornev (icncral .Iame K. Kdall
Sujit. l'libllc Imitructlon-Newton Uatcman
Senator layman Tnimbull and John A.
!tepre9cntatlve for the Statc-at-I.arge S.
L. Kcvcridgc.
Kcprcitcuutive Thirteenth Ulstrict .lohn
M. Crcbii.
HoproK'iitatlvcH In the f0tli dlttrlct.
.lohn 11. Oberly, Wm. A. I.rmma and Matli
ew .1. Iii'core."
senator for the fiOth dUtrlct. .lece Ware.
Judge 1). J. llaker, of Alexander.
State' Attorney Patrick II. Pope.
Clerk R. S. Yocum.
ShertfT A. II. Irvln.
Win. Martin Ancssor and TrcaHurcr.
Judge V, HrosH.
AsoclatCh J, i:. McCrltc and S. Marchll-
:icrk Jacob G. Lynch.
Coroner .lohn 11. OonMiian.
Mayor John M. Latudcu.
Treasurer It. A. Cunningham.
Comptroller E. A. llurncit.
Clerk Michael llowlcy.
Mamhal Andiow Cain.
Atlonicy P. II. Pope.
Pollen Miigl.-trates V. llrons aud II. Kt.au
Chief of Police L. H. Mycrx,
Aiayor .lohn M. Lausdcii,
Flrit Ward-P. O. Schuh.
Second Ward 0. It. Woodward.
Th rd Ward no. voou,
Fourth Ward S. Staats Taylor.
-H. i'. jtauuiay
and I).
First Ward-Jiuues Rcardcn, A. II. Sar
lord, Isaac AValdcr-. . .
Second Ward-R. H. Cunningham, K. llu
iter. O. Stanccl, JaincH Swayne.
Third Ward AVm. Stratton, J. 11. Phlllls.
Fourth Ward Jno. II. Roblns-on, (I. n.
cuse, J, II, Metcalf.
U. WAUDN1211, M. 1).
Ollh'o anil Rft-ldencii 111 Commercial uv.
nut', (next door to tlio AtlioiiMiim).
PR. B. 0. TAHKIi,
Wilt resume the practice ol Ida profession
with especial rcl'erenco to the cloctrica
treatment ol diseases In all tho.now and Im
proved motuods of application.
Iu all cases of femalo complaints u lady
will he in attendance. , ,
Office, 128 Commercial vtnue, up stairs.
REHIDENOK No. ai Thirteenih strent, be.
tweoa WasluuKton arenueand Walnut street.
omoe-UJComiiiorcWUTCDur, up stairs.
0. W. DUNNING, M. D.
OKfllDENOK-cornerNlnlh aod Walnut sis,
rvotnee oorncr Hlitti street and Ohio leree,
Omoe hours from A a.m. to 12 m., and V p.ta
R. S. 1IRIOHAM, 31. D
Homoopatlilo Physician wid burgeon, Of
tlco 18(1 Cominerclal Avenue, Itcsldonco on
Tenth street, three doors west of 0. It.
Woo(hVttit), 2-ft-2md
Waiiiii.nuto.v, March 11, 1873.
The futtiro policy ot tho Domocratlc
party was not forobdpwcd during tho
last st'ilon. Thero lijno doubt, Imwovor
that heforo tho party onteri upon another
prcAldonllfil campaign a now platform, In
accordance wild tho cnntitut!on, but
mcellntf the imuui of the day will ho
ml opted to that tho people- will rally to its
Mipport. Tho tendency and tho character
of tho people, their habits and manners of
I iff, Imvo changed within tlw latt twenty
year; enormous riches havo accumulated,
in a fow hands, necQtiltating acorre'pond
Ing clinngo In tho notion of I bo party, hut
'vhlch hu not been made, thetcloro our
recent falluro in n merely
personal contest. Thu wholn world
is rapidly becoming more and moro tut
mopolitiiti ; stitlo boundiirlos and state
rlghu, unfortunately tiro less and I en re
garded while tho interests of the people
us n nationality aro moro clmrly recog
ni.od. This i no doubt, duo in n great
meiisuro to steam and telegraph by which
retnoto places aro brought closer together
than neighboring places formerly were.
Europe U nearer Now York to-day than
Huston wm olio hundred yearn ago.
Neither tho West nor .South can protpe
or oven maintain their present position
unless tho means of inlor-communicatlon
with thu eastern markets aro rnado moro
numerous and cheaper, and yot thu ten
dency Is not so much to decrease tho rates
at to Incrcatu them. This inter-communication
Inn credited vast corporations which
were unknown and even impossible in tho
days of our fathers, becauio the
necessity for them did not ex
ist. Thren or four great railroad corpo
rations and ono great telegraph company
now control all tho communication of pas
sengers, of merchandise, and of thought.
Shall these corporations bo mado Mibvir.
vlenl to tho interests of tlio people, or tho
pcoplo to tho interests of tho few stock,
holders, who own or control them, is the
question which tho Democratic party
must address itself. With this much on the
subject of railroads let us
turn to tho telegraph which
is of Jgroater Immediate importance,
of moro vital interest anil moro easily reg
ulated by law than railroads. Tho tule
graph rules tho press, control the markets
and has tho power of espionage over tho
most Important correspondent of tbo na
tion. All other correspondence passes
through tho post-oftce, transmitted be
tween otllccs by instrumentalities provided
by privato panic. As n result of this
system in proportion to our population,
sparsely distributed over n vast urea, and
tho facilities furnished, wo ba'vo th'o cheap
eat and best regnlated postal system in tho
world. Tho telegraph managed by a
n singlo private corporation furnishes the
fuweft facilities ut tho highest charges.
.Some plan similar to that proposed to
congress by Mr. (lardiner (i. Hubbard
and approved by standing committecj of
tho somite and houso and by many leading
members of both political parlies, for
making tho telegraph ono of tho postal
means of transmitting correspondence,
will bo Bdoptod If tho Democratic party
does not fall short of its high aim in seek
ing those things which benefit tho pcoplo
in opposition to tho interests of thu low,
Another subject as new us thu telegraph
and which directly interests a very largo
number, is that of lifo insuranco. Theio
associations, by which the many contrib
ute to a common fund, from which tho
means of support is drawn lor tho widow
aud children of those who aro taken
away, aro of so humano and christian a
character, .that it becomes all who
depend upon their own resources
and who havo wives and children, whom
ihey lovo to lecomu inombers thereof to
sco that thoy aro not loft dopondont upon
tho cold charities of tbo world or tbo
friendship of relations. Tho inagnitudo of
this interest is measured by millions of
dollars. Tho amounts assured equal tho
debt of our country nnd tho annual revo
nuci collected that receivod , from in
ternal taxes. Jlut those corporations, liko
all others, aro managed lor different ob
jects, soma for tho benefit of tbo insured,
othors fortlmt.of tho ollloers, nnd u third
for tho ngonts. It is thorforo of vital in
terest to all parties insurod or contem
plating insurance soo to it that they ob
tain that assurance for which thoy pay.
Tho means oi ascertaining tho standing of
tho various companies is cusior than
it might soon), as somo of tho
statos provido by law for returns
to bo made to an Insuranco commissioner,
whoso duty It is to Investigate tho standing
and position of such companios. In a Into
roport of tho Massachusetts commissioner
will bo found roturns of tho companies
doing business in that state Tho follow
ing statistics glvo n comparison of the host
and poorest undor dlfforont heads. Tho
Mutual Idfu of Now York Is tho largost,
with tho greatest amount of insuranco and
thu largest amount or assets. Tho dittor
once in tho caro with which risks hm se
lected is shown by tho fact that tho por
contaga of deaths upon tho mean amount
Insurod U hut 70 in this company, and 1D0
in tho poorest, whllo tho rates of oxponscs
to recolpU varies as $9 25 for tho Mutual
Lifo to $87 115 in tho government
Becurlty. Tho ono It a mutual
assurance company in reality, the
other only in naino. Ry an Inspection of
tbo report of tho best company, any ono
can dctorminofor himself, withoot the aid
or assistance of any agent, whore his in
terests will bo best regarded, for without
economy In the management, skill aud
caro in tho selection of lives, instead of
realizing a benefit life insurance will bo h
snaro and delusion.
adi)im:bs of the cuhan
New York, March 17. Tho Cuban
anti-slavery committer in this city publish
n address roviewing tbo Spanish question,
and expressing tbo belle! that thu Spanish
government Is not acting in good faith On
tho abolition question. An appeal Is made
for tbo recognition of tho boll Igorency of
Of this city, says that his resignation is
not duo to political causes, as ho was in
perfoct accord with tho president, but
aroso from a desiro to bo freed from the
responsibility to whirls he Is subjected by
defalcations among bis subordinates.
WASiimoToy, March 17. A cabinet
mooting was called by tho president this
morning to consider the nominations to
tho senate, tho president being desirous of
completing this business in order that tho
senato may adjourn sine die, at conveni
ence. All members excepting CrosWell
wern present.
The president has sent to the senate the
nomination of William A. Richardson as
secretary of tho troasury, together with
tho ret of the cabinet now In offlco.
Among tho nominations to-day were :
John 1. Lane, district attorney for Iowa;
.1.8. Uoreman, associate justice of Utah;
A. II. K. Safford, governor of Ari.ona;
Ooorgo Fish or, imveyor of customs at
Cairo, Illinois.
DE i.iimi,
Thu recall of Minister Do Long is in
sisted upon for tho reason that ho Is said
to have involved himself in difficulties ex
istini; between Japan and another nation,
contrary to diplomatic usages, and hi re
latlons with tho state department uro not
entirely satisfactory. This neutraliis tho
efforts of his Pacific coast friends in his
behalf. His integrity docs not seem to bo
in any way called in question.
"Wasiunoton, D. C. March 17. Tho
vlco president submitted tho papors and
documents, signed by members of tho
Missouri legislature, and others, alleging
that thero was corruption in tho olectlon
of Ilogy as senator. Referred to the com
mittoo on elections.
Tho Caldwell case was resumed, and
Sonator Saulsbury addressod tho sonate.
Wbilo ho maintained the pewer to expel,
which was absolutely controlled by a de
claration of tbo senate, and the powor to
declaro tho election by tho Kansas legisla
ture void, ho believed tho propor method
was expulsion, becauso tho senate was in
dissolubly connected with tho transaction
which tainted bis character.
At o'clock Uoutwoll came into
tho sonato chamber, accompanied by .Son
ator Sumner. The former took a seat
near tho lattor.
Sonator Sumner presontcd tho creden
tials of Rout well, which wero road.
Tho vico president rcqucstod Uoutwoll
to como forward, llo did so, escorted by
Sonator Sumner. Tho vlco presidont
then administered tlio oath, after which
tho vico president wolcomcd him by shak
ing hands with him, Uoutwoll took a va
cant soat on tho loft of tbo chair, whore ho
was congratulated by many senators.
Tho consideration ot the Caldwell caso
was resumod,
Sonator Pratt said ho should vote for
tho resolution of tho commlttoo, becauso
Caldwell was a party to acorrupt arrango
mont with Carney, and contributed
money to proouro his oloction. The con
fidence of tho country would bo shaken if
aonators allowed their sympathies to
control their convictions of duty. Cald
well was Immoral and corrupt, and im
paired tho froodom of elections.
On motion of Senator Conkllng, tho sen
ato wont into oxocutlve session.
When tho doors wero again openod,con
slderation of tbo Caldwoll caso was re
sumod. Sonator Bayard said tho senato could
ascertain only wholher tbo legislature bad
choson a senator, and boyond this tho sen
ato could not go, There was nothing in
tho ponding case whloh could justify the
passago of the resolution de
claring tho oloction Invalid, but
tho powor of expulsion wm
clear in vindication of the honor ot tbo
sonato. IIo had come to tho conclusion
that largo sums of money wore paid to se
cure votos for Caldwell, and that Caldwell
had a knowledge thereof, and so was Im.
plicated injtho transaction. A man who
committed such an offenso was unworthy
of a scat in tho sonato. Hit conduct de
manded his expulsion, with all otheri like
Senator Sherman submitted a motion
that tho subject before- thora bo dlsposod (
of before adjournment on Wednesday
evening. ,
Senator Conkllng did not understand
what the lenator from Ohio rnoant by dis
posing of the case, as thoro wae but ono
resolution before tbo tenalo, that of tbe
comrnltteo, while the othor submitted by
tbe sonator from Mississippi, (Alcorn),
for expulsion, was contingent.
Senator Thurman laid he tuougiii
almost everything that could be said had
boon said, but ho desired to give his rea
sons which would control his vote. He
auggestod that no senator would jump at
conclusions without hoarlng all the argu
ment. As to Ibe gravity or the question,
he could say with truth that tbo subject
had been thus far dlsctuscd in a spirit of
Proceedings then took place on the
ponding quostion, and th'o senate ad
Wasiiitoton, March 1 7.--l'roliabilities-For
Now England Tuosday rising barom
otor and generally clear weather, with
northwest winds backing to southwest.
For Middle states falling barometer, south
erly winds and rising temperature. For
Atlantic and Eastorn Oulf states falling
baromotor, oastorly winds 'and cloudy
weather. A storm centro will move east
ward over lako roglon, with south west
winds, cloudy, threatening and possibly
lightning over Ohio valley and Michigan.
Over Lako Superior and Forth west north
and weal winds and cloudy wcathea.
bt. Patrick's day in washinuton.
Washington, March 17. St. Patrick's
day was eelobrated by a largo procession
of tho benevolent societies attached to tho
ltoman Catholic churches, and a banquet
this evening. Many houses aro decorated
with flags and evergreens, including the
resldenco of Oen. Sherman, where a green
flsg is conspicuous among n profuse dis
play of American bunting.
Pittshckii, March 17. St. Patrick's
day was well observed by the Irish fellow
citizens. Tho Roman Calhotlic church
societies of Pittsburg, Allegheny and
surrounding boroughs, and loveral from
adjoining counties, took part in the pro-
ceision. It was tbo largest turnout of
the kind ever mado in this c'ty.
IN 110ST0N.
Hoston, March 1". Some fifteon Irish
societies are celebrating St. Patrick's an
niversary. Tbe procession is unusually
largo and imposing. Many buildings aro
decorated with flags and appropriate em
blotns. Tho procession was reviewed in
front ot the stato-houso by the governor,
and by the mayor at the city ball.
IN cnicAiio.
Cmicaoo, March 17. St. Patrick's day
was celebrated by an immense procession
of Irish societies and citizens. It is esti
mated that ftvo thousand peoplo wore in
line. A banquet will be given this eve
ning, with speeches by a number of citizens.
Milwaukee, March 17. Mann llrotb
ors manufacturing company, at Two
stivers, burnod last Wodnosday night.
Loss $00,000.
Oodensburo, N, Y, March 17; A flro
yesterday destroyed several fine bnildings.
Loss $200,000.
Nkw York, March 17. A tiro this
morning on Elem and Centro streets
burned the furnituro store, and packing
box factory, and other buildings Loss
Cincinnati, March 17. A dostructivo
fire at Lawroncoburg, Kentucky, Friday
morning destroyed four-fifths of tho town.
Many families rondercd homeless. Loss
over $200,000. Tho stato legislature is
taking steps towards aiding tho sufferers.
Citizens also coming to their assistance.
Norristown, Pa., March 17. Tho old
Catholic church and ten othor buildings
burnod to-day. Lose $30,000.
London, March 17. Gladstouo ro
turned. The 'Echo says bo has not with
drawn his resignation, and bolioves that
the formation of a ministry is still in tho
hands of tho conservative?.
Port au Prince, March 17. Quiet
prevails throughout Uaytl. It is roportod
that (lou. Luperon le on tho frontior pro
paring an expedition against Hal. Popo
Pius IX. has decorated Ualz with tho
grand cross of the order of tt. (Jrogory
Mauri ii, March 17. Tho government
has rocolved ofllcial information of tho
defeat near J'ampoluma of unitod Carlisle
bands lod by Olio Peruloa and Parragay
by force. Tho Spanish troops undor (Jon.
Castranla, Insurrectionist, woro com
pletely dispersed.
Nkw York, March 17. Tho dotallk of
forgeries In the stock of the Wabash and
Fort Wayne companies represent that tho
utmost of the forgeries l 8,000 shares
Wabash and 200 of Fort Wns, Lose of
the Continental bank will about $15,000.
Wbaen certificates were only bypotht
cated for loans.
Tondcr, White river; West Wind, Littlo
Hock; Utah, Arkansas river. Departed;
Hlchmond, Now Orleans; litsmarck,
City of Helena, Hello Memphis. St. Luke,
St. Louis, Mary Miller, .las Parko, Cincin
nati; Mary Houston, Xoulsvlllo.
Kvansyim.e, March 17. Clear and
pleasant; mercury .13 to CO. l'.ivcr toso 1ft
inches. Down: Messenger, Howling
(Ireon, Malllo Hagon, liermuda, Arkansas
Hollo, Mary Ament, Thos Sherlock. Up:
Liberty No 4, Alleghany Hello, Midnight,
Fayotto, Nick Longworth, Morning Star,
Kosollito. Dullness brisk.
burg: Potatoes, apples, etc, 00c, pork
$1; pound freights 30o por cut; hay
$!) per ton whiskey $1 40 per bbl.
TO MKMPHIH-Flour, etc 40c per I hi;
pound freights 'J 2 a per owl; bay C 00 per
ton whukeyj 80o per bbl; pork COe per
St. Louis, March 17. Flour littlo doing
except on special order.-. Wheat, spring
quiotand unchanged; No 2 soft SI 3; fail
dull, No 4 rod ?l AT,; No 3 51 C0l Co.
Corn easier, No 2 mixed 34j()3jc; No 2
whito mixed :535c, Oats hold firm,
No 2 mixed 27c. Harloy quiet: choico
scarce, llyo, dull saldi; prime GTc tucked.
Pork steady and firm $101C i!5. D. S.
meat firm; shoulders 5c; clear Bides 7c.
Hacon in good demand; shoulders 7r; clear
rib 8jc; clear sides 9c; bams 13((M4jc.
iiaru nominal, eoijojc. wmsKoy esc.
Chicago. Marcb 17. Flour nulct. un
changed. Wheat dull and declined, No 1
spring nominal No 2 SI 2001 20 regu
lar anu iresu casn; i ju; April; rso ;i
$1 08jfl 80. Corn dull and prices shade
lowor, No 2 mixed 31 Jc cash; 311c April.
Oats dull, lowor No '1 t!G2iilc. Hyo
quiet, No 2 05c. Harley uleady, No 2 fall
regular iWovOAc. fork quiet, rattior
easier, Bales April $11 7014 75; March
l 'JS(rt)ll); closing Willi sellers at outslilv.
Lard firm, shade better $7 80 cash; $7 90
April. Hulk moats llrm; shoulders &c
loose April; short rib middles looso April
7(c. ilacon quiet, unchanged. High
wines, buyers and sellers apart, PCJe bid,
87c asked.
Mkmi'iiib, March 17. Cotton Jail and
nominal; no sales; receipts 2,780; shiprnots
3,805; stock 47,280. Flour firm Sti 50(
10 50. Corn in fair demand, but at lowor
rates G0(3Clc. Oats dull and drooplnic 40
47c. Hran lower 20c. Hay quiet "$22
(a2i. Hulk meats quict,shoulders 0'Gk'
sides 8J8Jc. Hacon in fair demand,
shoulders 7c; sides sugar cured
hams 13c. Lard in demand at 810o.
Nkw York, March 17. Flour dull and
heavy; superfine S5 90(50 50; common to
good $d !O07 60; good to choico $7 55
8 35; wbita wheal extra S8 5010 50.
Whiskey (lrmerr, 92Je. Wheat very
quiet; holders asking full prices for prime
stock while wottorn $1 901 05. Hyo
and barley unchanged. Corn a slmdo
easier, new mixed western Ctj(a)0jlc; In
storo C51c, Oats, lowor for new; old
steady; choico old western mixed 53c;
white 4.fm51c. Coffee lower. Sugar
firmer. Molasses firm. Pork flrmor;
new mess $10 25; primo 1 1 io(rT15 2n
Ilejf unchanged; cut meats quiet: shnub
dcrs OJQO.'MO; long cut hams 12c; short
clear B.i-iiju)Sjc; long clear .o.iO07jc.
Lard, western steam 6?c; kettlo H?c.
New Orleans, March 17. Flour dull,
X.V fC DO7J; ... $7 9009; family
59 50010 50. Corn quiet, at 05c. OatB
43c. Hran dull, at 9501 01). Hav firm,
choico 30032c. Pork llrmpr, at 17J; dry
salt meat1! Cj080815j. Bacon quiot, at
7J(ft9l0j, Hams' scarce, at 15c. Lard
quiot; weak tiorce 8Jj, keg 9J0J. Su
gar dull, common 7J; good, to fully fair
8J0J. Molasses quiot, strictly primo 00c.
Whisky flrmor, Louisiana 90c; Cincinnati
78c. Coffeo,. 18020; sterling 14 J; sight J;
promuim gold 14. Cotton dull, sales
wero $2 50; good ordinary 15: low mid
ling 17;; mldllng Orleans 18jJ; rccoipts
$13 209; exports Liverpool $95 07; stock
$210 333.
Itise and Fall ol thn lllvers
For 24 hours ending :'. p. in., March 17, 1873.
Above C'hangcy.
low .
stations. water. Hlse.j Fall.
' ??
St. Paul I
Fort Ueiitin 2 7
Davenport S It
Kookuk 10 9 7
Cairo 21 in I
.St. Louis It ,s
PlttKburg 0 t
Cincinnati i() Hi
I.oulsvllln s n i; o
Memphis in ti l
Vickhburg :w I
Shruveport 15 10
Now OrleaiH :i 5 I
Littlo Hock
Fort Smith
lorgcd. lltMng.
whiten or Sis;. Ser. IJ. S. A.
Louisville, March 17. Hlver rising
slowly, 8 feet (1 inches in canal, 0 feet U
inches in chuto. "Weather clear and lino.
Frolght plenty; tonnago scarce. Arrived:
Charmer, Evansville; Haven and barges,
Pomoroy; Stolln, Pittsburg. Departed:
Charmer, Cincinnati; Haven, Pomoroy;
Stella, Pittsburg. Oakland, J II Higloy,
Ajitx and John A Wood will probably
get oil' south with tows uf coal to-morrow
ovoninjf .
Cincinnati, March 17. Hlvor wont to
22 feet this morning, und commancod fall
ing again this evening, and at U o'clock
stood 20 feot 8 inches. Arrived: Juniata,
from Pittsburg, with tows of coal, Tho
Hesoluto General Lyttle, Mount Clare,
Hongal Tiger, Sam Hoborts and Andy
Hanoi uro duu from Memphis. Passed
down: Havon and bargos, containing salt
for St. Louis; tho Hover with a tow has
arrived from St. Louis.
Naduvillk, March 17. Hlvor fulling
4 foot on Uurpeth shoals. Weather fair
and pleasant. Arrived: John Lumsdon
Cairo. Departed: John Lumsdon Cairo.
PiTTSiiURO, March 17. Hlvor receding
slowly, with 9 foot 4 inches water in tho
channol. Tho riso at Oil City has not
yot reached thli city. Probably that vol
umo of water will be Increased to-morrow.
No arrivals. Departed: Carrio Brooks.
Weather cloar and pleasnt.
Nkw Oklkakm, March 17. Arrlvod:
Thompson Doan, Cha liodmann, Cincin
nati. Departed: Uobert Mitchell, Cin
cinnati. Weather, cloudy all day and
raining now. Cant J K Ilydo an old
itoamboat nVan died this morning.
Viokbuuru, March 17, Down: Carrie
V. Kountjs, Garrett, and barges and Kel
logg and bargee. Up: Glencoc, Hello
Lee, Mary 1 Pc and Lady Lee. Weath
r oloudy and cool. River falling.
JHSSMrssiv, waruu si. niw
' Rlyer falling .ilowly, Arrived: Legal
M'lLVATNE, I). 1) , LL. D., EPIS
Price Current OrncK,
Cairo, Thursday, March 13, 1873.
Tho gcnoral market presents no new
fcaturo and tho prospect, if it Is possible,
is still moro discouraging. Tonnage lia
become scarcer and it i impossible to
mako shipments, even if priros below
would warrent it. Heports from Mem
phis and Now Orleans show dull mark
ets aud declining prices. Wo would rec
ommend correspondents to mako no moro
shipments of grain hay or meal, until wo
ran note a favorablo change In tbo mark
ets, as wbarfboats, warchoiuos and every
avallablo storo room Is literally over
flowing. Wo nolo a doclino of 5c on tho cut
to New Orleans: tho figures to-day being
30c and 00c.
Tho v.uathor Is warm and pleasant.
gb9Corrospondenls should boar in
tnind that our quotations represont prices
for round lots from first bandt, unless
othcrwiso stated, and that in filling small
orders higher prices must bo paid..jtT
FLOI'H Very dull; slocks large, no
demand nnd prices aro woak and declin
ing. Wo notu silos of 100 bbls various
grados $5 50010 and 200 bbls viirloiu
grades, on orders $." 50010 60. Sales by
Cairo City mills were: 150 bbls whito
whoat family $10 50; 200 bbls XXXX t;
250 bbls XXX $8 25; 125 bbls XX C 50.
It KAN' -Plenty in tho market nnd no.
demand; 1 car sold in sacks, del tit SI 5 per
HAY -No moro storage, und no demand.
Prices aro still going down on nil grades.
Sales comprise 1 car choico timothy sold
early on orders, $21 ; 2 cars primo timo
thy, del., $19 ; 3 cars choico mixed, del.,
4 curs do $18; 1 car choico timothy, del.,
$19, and 1 car good miioJ, del., $15.
COHN Stocks aro accumulating and
pricus are easier, closing to-day with
mixod in sacks, dob, 45c, and whito do
49c. Our report of sales embraces 400
sacks mixed, (lot., 'lOc; Gears do on orders
irt07n ; 2 cars di) do 47c ; 12carsdo4C3j
2 cars mixod iu.sacks, del., 45040c; 4 cars
do do 45c ; 2 cars white in bulk on track,
49c; 4 cats do sacked and delivered, 49c;
0 cars do do, 54c, and 3 cars do in sacks on
ordors, 50051c.
OATS Stocks aro very largo and in
creasing. Tho market is dull nnd thoy
are hurd to place at 34c, which is thu
ruling llguro to-day, dol in sacks on tho
levco or wharfboat. Sales comprise 300
sack mixed, dol 35c; 6 cars mixed, sacked
and del, 35c; 8 cars sacked and del 31c and
3 cars sacked nnd dolivorcd, on ordors 30c.
.MEAL Dull and lowor, ordinary meal
will not sell ut any prico, olforlngs of
choico moal on tho loveo to-day found no
buyors at $2 40. Our report of transac
tions consist of I) cars steam dried dol
$2 25; 100 bbls steam dried del $2 40;
400 bbls "Evening Star," city mills steam
dried $2 50 and 500 bbls "St. Charles"
steam dried dol $2 5002 CO.
HUTTEH O.uiot. Thero is consider
able inquiry for strictly choico with nana
in tho market. Tho so.no n for roll but
ter is nearly over. Wo nolo sales of 10
packages good at 25c.
EGGS HecelptH aro fulling oil' and
thoro is a bolter feeling in tho markot,
but no change to nolo. Sales wero 1400
do.on shipper' count at I2jc nnd 1000
dozon do 13c.
CHICKENS Very littlo doing, a low
dozen choico mixed sold at 5004.
FHUIT Tho market continues dull
und Inactive Wo noto sales of 50 bbls
winn sap apples at $30,33 50.
DHIED FHUIT Quiet und dull ut 5c
for peaches und apples.
HACON No supplys, mid demand
good, pricos firm und unchanged. 1500
pounds country cured sliouldors sold ut
Cj07c und 503 lbs cloar sides, country
cured, at 8Jc.
HAMS Market baro. 1000 lbs country
cured sold ut U12c, jilain sugar cured
commands higher llgtiros.
LAHD 5 tiurcos kettlo rondo red sold
ut 8c pur pound.
POTATOES Market glutted und no
demand for thorn at any price. Wo noto
sales of 200 bush choico Northern Poach
Itlows at 75c por bushol; 100 bbls North
ern 1'uach Hlows $2 25 per barrel mid 25
bbls Early Hisoseod potatoes at S3 50.
POItlC Mess firm at S15015 60 por
HAMS Sugar cured plain,' is soiling
in lots at 12013d.
HACON Clear tides 88c. Ilronk
fast bacon 11c.
SUGAH. Active and soiling I2Jo for
coffee A ; 14014Jo for crusbod, powdered
and granulated.
TEAS. Imperial, 751 25; Ounpow
dor, 7601 25 ; Oolong black, 76$ 1 ;
Young ilyson, $101 40.
CIIEESE.-Good demand; Now York
factory t 11) 10jl7e.
8Y HUPS. Tho demand is fair for
choico at O50$l $ gal und Now Or
leans at 05070c.
COFFEE Scarce. Java selling at
30032c ; Lacuayra 2425o ; Bio, prime
to choice 240250.
BHOOMa Dull; common houso sell
at $1 GO ; choice and extra choico $30
8 76 ; etesmboat $4 6005 00.
FREIGHT Cotton, compressed, to
New York, 85c; to Hoston, SI. Un
compressed, to New YoX, 11 Hi to Bee
ton 11.
RATES To Heir Utlmt and Vlckf
From tho Cincinnati Enquirer.
Wo record this morning thu end of nn
Illustrious lifo. On Thursday, nt Florence,
luly, tbo Higbt Hav. Episcopal Bishop oT
Ohio, Charles Pettlt Mellvalno, died at
tho ago of iiighty-tlvc. Ho was tho oldest
bishop of his church iu this country In
years, and was tho senior In rank, with
one exception, Hisbop Smith, of Ken
tucky. Tlio latter consecrated tho samo
day as HMiop Mcllvaino, and his episco
pacy was tlio older tty n tow minutes only.
unarles 1'ettll .Mcl lvalue. 1). 1)., 1.1..
D was born in Iturllngton, Now .lerjov.
January 18, 1798, and was a son of Joseph
Jlcllvaliie, n senator in luo congros ot
tho United States from that slate. IIo
grnduated at tho Now Jersey collvgo in
1HIO, nml on .luly -l, im-ju, was oruaincu
n dbacon. l'ruvluuslv. ut Vrlricalown.
lio had studied for thu Presbyloriati minis
try. In 1822, after having otllciated in
Christ church, Georgetown. Maryland, for
somo time, lio was oruaincu a priest.
From 1855 to 1857 ho was chap
lain and profe'ior of ethics at tho
Wost Point military academy,
and horo begun to dovclop qualities which
torcsuauoweU a remarkable career. Dur
ing thoso years, which wero tho ones dur
ing which JelT. Davis and other afterward
distinguished men wero ut tho ucadomy,
thoro was u remarkable religious revival at
tbo Point, a revival as eventually sent no
less than tho following officers of tho classes
of those years among whom il will bo
noticed was tho bravo Gen. Polk, Bishop
of Toxac to tho mlnistcry of tho Episco
pal church, viz: N. S. Harris, W. Bryant,
Gcorgo Woodbridge, Leonldas Polk,
Charles W. Hackoy, James Clark, Fran
cis Vinton, W. N. Pcndloton, Hoswell
At this time, In tho words of u recent
writer, Charles Mellvalno was "splendid
in faco nnd tall and graceful in uniform,
easy in mannorr, Uno and perfect In ges
ticulation, and poworfully melodious and
searching voice. Ho came in tho vigor
of manhood from Washington, when and
whore oratory was iu its primo, and was
mado a point und appreciated. It wa
tho days of Wobstor und Uayno, Uurgesi
and Calhoun. Mr. Mellvalno was un in
telligence himsolf, an adept in thu art
and in this school in thino time
ho mado himself tbo best." '
Subsequently lio accepted tho rectorshp
of St. Aune's church, Brookljn, and m
uototier ui, lot-, no was consecrated a
bishop. From 1832 to 1810 bo was prsi
dent of Kenyon college, at Gambir,
Ohio, and at tho timo of his death ss
president of tho Theological seminary f
Diocese of Ohio. Tho position of proe
dent ot Kenyon collegu wa, howev,
simply n nominal one, tbo uoajaicd Ipd
ing it ox-otllcio as bishop of tbo Dioo.
Ho rosidod at.Gamblor till tho year 112,
when ho removed to Cincinnati, and mco
that timo this city has boon bU homo
Bishop Mellvalno was tho mitbr of
many standard religious works, aiong
them boing "Lectures on tho Evidenss of
Christianity," written In 1831; "JusBlca
lion ofFaitb," in 1840; "Oxford Dlutity
Compared with that of tho Romish and
Anglican Churches,' In 1811, and 'The
Truth and the Life," 1815. Besides hoso,
ho compiled two volumes entitled ".elect
Family and Parish Sormons."
Bishop Mellvalno married Miss Cox,
tho daughter of n distinguished Olioan,
und had threo sons and four daujjiter.
Of these children tho following su'vive:
Hav. Charlos E. Mellvalno, Alloitown,
Pennsylvania; Mrs. Dubois, wife if thu
l'.ov. Charles Dubois, of Fittrbault, ilinn.;
Mrs. J. II. Howson, wife of a former Cln
cinuatlan, now of Now York; Mrs Mes
sor, whose husband Is In London, England,
and Miss Mellvalno, of Clifton. Oie son
died in boyhood nnd tho other In Wash
ington, wboro ho sorved in tho treasury de
partment, about two years ago.
Mrs. Mossor, whoso brilliant wedding
roceptlon at Probasco's, in Clifton, Is still
trosli in tho minds of our people, was with
her father at tho ond. .Falling 't-'lk
compelled him In May last to go abroad,
and Mrs. Mossor, fearing the worst, for the
splondid constitution had brokon nt last
under timo and labor, accompanied tho
venorablo prolato to Italy. Tho end,
which was not unexpected by thoso whoso
lovo nnd nnxiety followed tho gray-haired
priest ovor tho seas, was, it is believed,
hastened by vortlgo, to which ho was a
victim, or, perhaps, by apoploxy.
I.uto of St. Louis.
Cornor Tweltth Htrect and Commercial Ave
BLANK 1100K8 of every description done
with ncutncM und dispatch. All kinds of
ruling dono at i-hort notlco. lllhlex, Music.
Magazine aud 1'erfodlcaN bound neat aud
at the low est possible rotes.
County work, ucli us Records, Dockets,
Kee lluoks. Blanks, etc., mado a speciality,
Boxes, Pocket Books, Envelopes, etc.
mado to order 11-24 tf.
Br. H. K. Kiel J Inform In pullio that bt hat
0nad a
on trie north tt side of Tenth nml a
(Us Biablee will be ftirulshtd with oea but the
and the publla may be acoetBSBodated at a
hour of the day and night Witts aafe teatne
or. the lowert teres. ....
Dr. Fields asks) a (bars of nubile petrnnefw
sd will endeavor to merit U by fair detMel
Bd etrlct attention to buali t, -

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