i Olflrlal Paper C,'T nm , published In Joiltlieris llluinla. JjUNB.OBKI:LV. Kdluir and l'ubllibor TERMS OK THE UAU.V riri.Ll.TlN ! OMtufc by "tiler i vear bT carrier, in advance 10 W Oni y"f 3T csxrier It not piiJ In "dTince tmi month, fey mati . rtmtta.--... r. ... . aWmanthA. i'i 00 1 00 :l 00 ft 2S On yew. ........ 10 00 TUB DOLLAR WEEKLY llCLLKiTN .tnkn M. nhrrir has reduced the subscript in r nf ih Weekly Cairo Bcllxtih to One Dollar per annum, maUnR it the cheapest ppif puniistieu in souiuern miuui Bending matter wrrj ptitfe. Tnt railroad and warehouso commis sloners, now in session at Springfield, af' firm that thu Cbiceco and Altnn railway are disposed to act with moro fairness, in Its freight tariff, than any road in ttio tat, and that tho rate prepared by tu commissioners and those prepared by th ro4 will differ very sllphtly Duxtxo the month of June, there wero fifty-threo doatbs from cholera in Paducah and from the JlrU to tho oli;!ilh of .luly, there" wee twonty-tbren deaths. The 'Tobacco 1'lant Of Wednesday last says' The hoaith of ourcity Is much bottor tho heavy rutin and purer air having u desirable effect. Tho cholera tcaro is bating, and-the -business of the city Im proving. It Is confidently bolIevd that there will be no cholera hero n week from now. The Phlladelphlans havo tukon time by the foro lock In their preparations for the centennial colobration In 18TC. Thev bave made the formal dedication of the ground at Falrmount, where tbo exhibi tion Vuiidlnea are to bo built; tbo state and city have agreed to contribute, three millions of dollars of the nine or ten which it Ii supposed tbo exhibition will require; tho organization of tbo company who have taken tho business in hand is eomploto; a separate woman' committee has also gone to work, and much devotion has j own itself among all daises. In duo time, wo "have no doubt, tbo enthusiasm will spread Itself to other prts of the country, and it will plainly appear two years benco that thii internktionHl uxhihilion on tho armi rersary of American independence will be tberuoit rcmarknble Industrial orcnt, as that was most fniportant political event, that the world haa uvcr seen The figures below show the reduction in the tarifls of tho Western Union Tele graph Company that went in cd'oct July lit. On February J, JS"3, tbo highest rate between any two points wa' pmccd t 60, thus reducing the raf" from tho Jlid die and Eastern States to points on the Pacific coast, Texas, ttc, fully CO por cent The following list will show tbe old and new rates to eighteen points throughout country bj way of comparison, the nuw rates taking effect Julv 1, 167.1 , , . V'a L'atc, .New r.atc, From St. Louis to 'ieinvnnK T,:n words. ilnnlinmprt Al OI -.. .. . MontKomerr. Ala ?1 X1tUc- Kock. ArJ. bhre eport, J.a ... Oalvestoo, Tex SberuiaD, Tex ObirlstOD, S. C (Jnintia, .N'eb.. . . Denw, Col ICansas City. Jlo Lawrence, Kan Springfield, iDdiauapolii, 1ml Hamilton, Ohio Klchinond, Va Wllksbarre, Fa Augusta, ile ... Uover.A. U. -Mlltord, Del ...ft OH . 1 3.j i m . 2 IH . 1 (-11 . 1! Xi . 1 20 . ,'! 2U . I 10 . I 10 1 IV) , 1 '25 l m l ?'i l ) h I' uj . U 1 Oil '1 (l '1 fH) . 1 . 1 'St . 2 IH) , 2 () 1 2;. A SrErtAL Washington dispatch Rives th following ."pley account .if fi meeting UtweenOov. Davis of Texas and tho (Jul veston postmaiter both now in "Wu'hin!;. ton "The unpleasantness between prominent Texas politleiatis here vosterduv, whirh was said to have resulted In u mort to pistols, loems to Imve been overstated. i ne --parties were Gov. Davis and Un. Llarke, member of eouijrcu, who was r. lb0 lMl Jt nipears that lo. Davis became from time to time very much excited when charging fraud and dishonesty upon Clarke? Tho latter received tho charges without ro. tntment, aad Davis wa. provoked at the seeming iBdiilortnco of I'lnrkn to j these i;rve allegations Clarke proposed a postponement of tuir contruvprsy until ! anuther day. but C.v. ) is ihitf, "ISo ilr, we settle this now. to-night. Thwooin b no end to our controversy until vou go to the peitmwtcr general and inform him that yo. re thoroughly dishonest and cor rupt, and thit yon have been soiling uov emtntnt patronaeo. I have the nroof In :vr,0,,,!lon I tball not have donu ?uu ntll 1 have turned you out of C1"kc PUcldl' "P'W. "Ah. Iv J ,U" Sn n friends.-' .j. 'OT HEUK. ThoNstwYork Herald, in au editorial on tba march of tho cholera, -av "it has madeits wry up tbe Mississippi tu its junc- .iuu wuu mu umu ai uairo, trorn which point it iJai pursued the linu a the main stream tot. J,ouisand tho Ohio to l.-iuis. villa and Cincinnati and rumor says to Pittiburg." This Is a correct detail of tbe 'routoof tho'cholora sa far, we believe, i,m tba Impression apt to bo conveyed by It that 'Cairo has iiitforcd a visitation of the dis ease is wrong. There have bom In this city but two fatal cases of what basbton called by some physIeiHii chol era, by ntbois cholera morbus, which or! gloated In tbe city. One of thetn occurred Ujtween tvo and three weekf,iio the othor last week. There have been enses of chol ersVand fatal ones brought to unr jiort by steamers aud from across the river wbeu it broko out among tho railroad laborers, but until this time, Cairo has boon alogulirly sd considering her exposed ijtuttloo lwoit miraculously free from beWst pldomlcor any form, and no ffjjfo'itit existed biro at any time In ro to Its though a a mtasure of safety yj.U'rocautlpcs bate bepp ttkeu to ijMsistliut its spread ir. tbo ovout of lu ppsMTstnce. THE BULLETIN. a roT or GOLD, Wo Cnditho following account of the discovery ot a pot of gold-nut l lM0. r"01 of a rainbow," but turned up by tnearauo or afpiow In or.'o of our Southern Illinois oichan'go- About thoyoarlSlTorlSISa l)r Marsh 11 removed from Obi loOallalln county mi settled on Inrm in Cottonwool pre lnet. II was furmerly a surgeon in the liritish Navv. After hl arrival here he frequently Intorinttl thoio with whom lo neontne intlmai", oi ni iiavmg iiion,v that he Rot ft large sum of paper currency changed Into com, paying a considerable sum for that purpose. Tbo doctor was an eccentric person, ana tut neignojn m nuently cotloed trial ne carried a oag oi coin Into the field when he went to work. lie did not lire long in thl country till no took lck and diedj leaving a wife and child a linuu ooy. mnny ji'ar? ani death tho people of tbli f ectlon wero hor- rillert hv ticarini oi the atrociou murorr of Mri.'MnritiAll and child and tb burn- InK of thii romulm in tbo tiouic, ovidontiy fnr tho nurnoie of robbini: her. During - - - . m - - i . tbo excltumont ovoral ituplcioncd prtie were burn? up for tho ilrtnr. tlifltn , I''l'" w - i difcloic, but no cluo to the perpetrator ot the deed wni fjiind. Miortly alter tun a man by the name of Dryden, who born bad reputation among bis noii;bbor, and wa om oftboJUiplcioncd partiesromoved to Mlssour'., wborn he wa bun for tho murder of a man with whom be quarreled, nnd who it appes knew omcttimt; of tbo Mariball murder. Year have pMod nwav alnco these events, hut they are again brought to tho memory of our citizens by tho llndini; of a lir of coin a fow weoki inco on tho place formerly occupied by Ibt.vVan'ii'l family. I'ho 11 r, (11 tig ot tbo money wn kept n ccret for son.o time, but It finally leaked out. A small bov, by the namo of I'.ouyer, wai plowlnp In tho field for two men nam ed hut her, brolhor.", who bad tho frm rented, when his plow struck the jar, to which ho called tin. attention of his em ployers. They told tho boy to plow cn and" they would po wht was In it. Tho jar contained gold and sliver coin, but It Is not positively known now tnticn. j ney qnvo tho boy'S'iOO. It is thought thorn must Have been a considorauin sum So it appears that after tbo brutal mur. dor tun rouoors wero nnnoio 10 gci poci- slnn of tho money. OSETni'.M FOR TI1K 1'KESlDENOY. Tho intimation from "Washington thnt tho friends of Con. Grnnt arn laying tho plans for his socond re-election to the presidenrv, cslls forth a mcgestivn edi tlonal article in tho Now York 'Horald' concerning tho presidential ollico and Its rolatlon or non-rolation to Republican In stitutions. Tho ploa of tho Orantitos that Oen. Grant is the ablest, the best nnd the greatest man In America, nnd doserves a third tbrm of tho high office ho Is Ailing for the second term, has not been urged upon deaf oars. It Is truo that too many uf tho pooplo, immrred in business, nnd thoughtless from carolesnes., stupidity or design ns to the publio welfare, would boo tho second re-eleotion of Gen. Grant with little or no regret for tho weakening senti ment of respect nnd duvotlon fur republi can institutions which tho fact of lis uccomnlisbraont would provo too plainly. Hut large a this class may he, tho-o is another ono composed of good men and truo mon whose patriotism is not limited by party names, or evidenced only whon danger menaces the country in tbo form of wars and rumors of wars at homo or abroad; who ii ro (watchful in poacu ns well as In war, and while not found In a blind slavery to precedent, nro Jealous of any step wlilcUln fact, if not in name, would bo nil innovating one, and , tend to a waken ami destroy our InitltutionF. This Is tho cla-s whose oars have been startled by tho announcement flcn Grant for tho third term " it is tho class of whom tbo lamented Greeley was a type and of whom thero aro many lu lug repre sentative', and whoso belief that tho in cumbontottho presidential ollico should be restricted to ono term Is founded, not on selfish end narrow idca, but on tbo conviction that the safety of republican Institutions In America demand su;h h re striction. They foel and feel truly, that thore is no argument favorable to tho elec tion of any president for a third time, that may not he equally (is appllcalily urged for bu election the fourth timo nnd the fifth time and that when it is acquiesced in by tbo people that nny ouo man is so able and io wiso that his continuance in office ii n neco'slty to the country, tbe danger lo our institutions is not chimeric al, far off and imaginary, but palpable, threatening and not to bo ignored. Df- very from this ilang.ir is possible and easy, and lies not nocoHrily in the abol ishment of tbo nresidontial oflloo the gist of tho 'Herald' article above alluded ! tu but in the restriction by congress il i tbo prasidoncy to ono term for eaeh in- i cumbont STATE NEWS. Johnson county l aliout to urgnnuo n farmer's club. John G. Young, tho money order counterfeiter ol Chicago, is still nt large. Decitur built morn dwelling bou.ei laityear than in any previous ono of Its history, A tiro ut DaKulb on Thursday night destroyed live thou.and dollars worth of proirtv Uiere were fifty-four moro deaths in Chicago Ittft week than during tho pre vious ono. The Mcieman steel works, a corpora. tmn for tho maiiufaeture of steel rails, wa- licensed at Springfield on Saturday. Mr. (ieoruo Sineley ol Decatur, a il.oo doalor und manufacturer of that town, wat drowned near there on last Saturday even lug. Loar i: llrauo of .InekfonMlle have been Hwardud the contract for bulldlut; tno main structure of tho lllinuls institution for tho blind at that place. Aud still they comu; Mrs. Liuu I). Maxwell announctis herself as a ear.didato for superintendent of schools in Wabath county, and Mury P Leiuau is acaudiilato for tbe same ollico in Marlon county. The board of oducation of Chester, have reduced tho salary of the principal of the public schools irom ono hundred dollars a month to seventy-live. This ia a backward progression which does not ipeal: well lor Chester. Phillip Township, in White eouuty, bu a haunted bout troubled by spirits of a very uneasy fort Large stones drop THE CAIRO DAILY BULLETIN, Sl'NDAY, JULY through tho celling and lesvo no holo ; brickWs. ilv around in every direction , bed nro thrown out of doors by unseon band; nnd tables are overturned. The ' poopl'o in tbo vicinity r.ro much oxcited ' and opinion, vary b lh oauso of tb. ' opini disturbances. n.nU Vuli-nline. the lieavv wool buyer of Aurora, Illinois, who bus been ablrt to obtnlll ipocial rates with tno uu i cngo, Jlurlinj;ton Qulney railroad here- j tofore, for the shipment of his vfrtol, being unabl.t to makn any arrangement with tbe company under their new tariff of rate', ha eontrvled tn end his wool to .loliet, some twenty rnllcs, by team, and then past by tbe Michigan Central railroad. An amotlnf now on band, equal In bulk to four car-londs, will be shipped at once in UiU manner, tho Jlrst loads starting to day. Il this arrangement ho saves fif teen cents por hundred In shipping from Aurora to New York. Chicago HntM Reporter. lT.HSONAI.. Tho pope Is an aisurcd convalescent. .loo. .lefferson and fnm'ly havo gono to Europe. ItlsKnld that Laura Kecne I dj lug of consumption. Mrs. Abraham Lincoln pas.e thl Slimmer in Canada. Whllclaw Held will marry Miss Ida Greeley, says rumor. Henry Wnltorson says that London lj as wicked as Fans. Uev. M, Workman, whoso wife killed .Mrs. Hodges, is to have n church trial, Hon. Sidney i!reoe, now chief Jus- llcoof Illinois, is sevonty-threo years ol age. Mrs. lien ilutler, in her ante-marital days, was an actress and loading lady at tbo National theater in Now York. Mark Twain has been hanquottod in England, and made a speech "which drew forth laughter and applause from all around him." A young lady of l'ittsburg, la., has juf-t come into a fortune of nearly two millions jf dollars by the death of her father, Thomas Mckee, Esq. Ilenry Iloass and F. L. Xlelchnrlt liquor dealer and saloon-keeper, and Chris topher Spiles, blacksmith, all of Louis vllle,ownod the ono hundred thouand dol lar prize ticket. Tho ladies who wroto letters to Aloxts during his visit to America, will ho pleased or annoyo.1, according to circum stances, to hear that all such letters are be ing mado into a book. Mrs. 1,'tlo Ilrookor, a sister of Vic toria Voodbull,died of ijphol I pneumonia in Now York City on Fridav. .Mrs. ilroukcr had been an actress previous to her marriage. Ilor doath was induced partly by oxecsvoi drinking. UAHKH E NT E UPRISE SAVINGS (Ilurlnreit .TInrili HI. OFFICE OK CITY NATIONAL HANK, CAIRO OKS ICK118 : A. It. H AFFORD, Froiidonl; H. S. TAYLOR, Vlco-1'reHldfnf, 11. IIYMI.OF. Hecrotary anil 'I'roasilror tusstTORs! r. li. IltaOLAI, K. li. Hiik iritTil. Oiiss. OiiidMsa, 1'ai'L (I. Hoiim, K. II, OCNSisdiuu, J. M, l'nii.Mi's. I II. I , (I AI T, IlrpiialM ul tutr AaiotiiiS UecrlviMl Irom 'Sen (Vista t'liwnrda. rJJTF.KF.HT paid on deposits ai . rste ol an percent. pr annum, Maroh Island iptcm. ber 1st, Interest not withdrawn Is adclftl Imme diately lotr.o pnnoipnl of the deposits, thrrebs Rlrinc them compound Interest. MAKIIIKD WOMEN AND OlIILnnKK MAY nitrosiT Mutrcr '1 THAT NO USS SU1 CAS I.aAW IT. Open rerf lnulnnf i1t rrom J a.m. m a n.m.. asd tstunlar er,nH Inr HAVLN'1 DKPtcnt onlj, from t io 4 a clock. auinl W. IITHI.OP. Treasurer. THE CITY NATIONAL E3 A.XJ 'hZ. OA I HO, CAPITAL, ILLINOIS! sino.noo w. p. IIAI.I.IUAY, I'rojidt at, IIKNUI I.. IIALLIDAV, Vice-Presl.le nt A, H.HAFKOKI), Cssbleri WALTKR lirHl.OP, Sillti On.'.ier- Huaiii Tstwa, lloaiai II. CcsMsuutw llssiii L. Hauiuas, W. P. ilALMnar, i. so. I). Wiiiumsok, Htsrnsi lUav A. II. Hirroni,, t:xohitiiK, Volsi unci Unllcwt ninlea Honda nought aud Sold. li'.HO-flTH recelsod, and a unicrsl Unkind buslne. none. FIRST NATIONAL BANK j -or vaiuo. ' it. tt. Miller, President. .1. M. I'mtur. Ylce-I'resident. Cmah. Cu.si.M.NoiiA.M, Cashier. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY MADE. TlXOIIANriK, coin. l.snV notes and Under SU dtate teourllles bought ami sold. Inlereal Allowed on llnir nrinl. I.l'nilllll. I WIIITK COLLA H PLANING M ILL S UAIi r.ite), lTii.rleti.r, iistLsaia HARD and SOFT LUMBER AMU LATH, SHINOLKS, UKDAR POSTS i 1)00113, 8A8H, BLINDS 1 orders solicited. Stbamhoat Lumber, Furalsheil on ahartest notice, Couitnercial avoouo, between Tenth and Eleventh streets CAIIIO: Ids Homo Advcrtisoments. REAL WTATIt AGEHCTr J()lm Q niinnall Ctuw, Thrttiin it A TIM AN' V HO .10HJ, Q. IIAlWIAN A REAL ESTATE AGENTS COI.IiKOrOIt.H CONVKVA.NOlinn tirlli for. oltUli HI. atld tstslu IfM Caiko, Illinois. Offer lor sale at low figures and easy term Hi' lollowing real ciaie : So 1 An elegaut cottage, corner Twelfth and Locli't street', Is 27 and2Vj 1, third ail. Lots aboe grade, fi lots in Ii 4, In what l known as thi Kldgo lllock:" those lots run throilKbtue blocK irom riuecniii in mi. teenth street', and the bc't reldenee prop- prtv in the cliv auioimnz prnneny ins Ighly iinprovcu. in y Lots.", ami 4. b 4r. cltr. Washlneton avcnilf. between Thirteenth and Fourteenth I street', wct 'ble. Hood twn-'tory building ' on each I'd. . ..... NonAI'o. vacant lot. and 0. adjoining the above. Lot 14, I) 2.1, city, on siKtls ureet, outh side, betwccnCommcrclalatitt Vahlligtoli ac line, will bo -old In tracts to ult purehaer, ...n- ln- nnd oncasv lrrm. N'n I- Lots 7 and 8, h as. corner ot Four- , teentn aim rninur Miei'i", iruiu va i upnu ' street, ct siile, oppo'llc po.olllce block. iispicniitd nusinc's nuiuiiiur, resi dence in econd 'lory, 0 room, hall and front and rear 'lalrway. water on both lloor, In number one condition; Itustcd on north west corner ol Commercial avenue and T.vcHH. lreot. A Rival l.alffaln If s-olil soon. Ho R Lob I, 7 and t. b 22. city, on Couimcrcl il axeiiue. bew. 'li I'liurlh and Fifth streets Lots 20 and 21, li 23. city, on WiiMilnetou as en tic. between uttn ami Sixth stroetH. Term eapy, price low No 7 Lot II, In b IS. on Nineteenth street, between Commercial nscnuo and Poplar treet a great bargain. l.nt'J.., i ..... lt ail., on v aiiiiiginii aveinie. No ti Two M-r ileslrablo busincM hnuso ' and two lot, on hdMh (.trcrt between Com-1 mcrclal and Washington :ieiillcs, will be , sold at terms to pay purchaser rental of 2.'. ! per cent on investment. 1 ci.. .... I.. .. nn l.t .l ltl..l. 1 i ji.v in ..... ii'n11 ground. T-'sieacii on cay jiayiuciiis. No Hi Lots I anil 2, in u It north corner ot Tenth and Lctcc street. Rest buslnes loca tion In the city terms easy. Lots'.! 1, 22 aud S3 In b 111, 1st ad., south corner ol Twentieth and Poplar streets. Also three lots in court house bioc, ironting on ropiar sirccr. No 11 A Hplendld two-story rcldence on north cast corner of Walnut and Ninth street", with two lot. very deirablc prop- trkJo 12-Lot.s 18 and 10, b 70 south side of Twcntv-first street, opposite "Convent lllock'"' very desirable tor residence pur pose, cheap. No lo A well Improved farm of 210 acres no acres under cultivation: houscsnnd barn irood orchard, bearing trees; running water through farm aboe ocrtlow. Ouo quarter mllo from station and depot of Cairo .V fet. Louis railroad. Will be .old on easy term: lorill'i por acre. Noll Ten ot tho choicest lots, In block Ti7, 1st addition, above crade, bcautllltl resi dence location, will be sold at a great bar gain. We call particular attention to thl property as It will be sold very low. A KINK CHANCK 1'Olt IN VKSTMKNT. In addition lo tho foregoing we oflcr for sale, or lease, a larcc number of vacant lots, In different part ot the city, ombraeing No 1 business and residence property. In unimproved lauds, we .iue for ale overS.'i.OOO acrus In Alexander and Fulaskl counties, at prices ranging from 92 to Sir. per acre, and are prepared to offer induce; ments to purchasers that cannot be equalled In Colorado, Texas or any other place or by "any other man.' A lanje amount ot land ol the very best quality, In Alexander and I'll laskl counties, belonging tn the Illinois Cen tral Railroad eompany, lor the. sale of which we ure the agent, will be sold very low mid on such easy term that a person ol Industri ous habits, with a Very small mm or ready inoriev. can In a few Yearn become the owner of a productive farm. Wo have plat.i aud description of all lands offered lor sale and will take nleasure In showlnir purchaser), the property. Titles to all landu oold by us guaranteed, and shown Irom the patentee when required by abstract!". Ap ply lo .IOHN . II A It MAN CO., Cor. Sixth and l,ece sts., ('alio, .Iitno 7. IS7I!. U. WINSTON A CO., REAL ESTATE AGENTS AUOTIOSKKRS, 74 (rKl'ONn FLOOR) OrtlO LKVKK, cairo, im-p,, Buy and Hill Heal Kntate, PAY TAXKS, r'DHNlSH AUSTRAOTS OK TITLE Anil pierare Oonsejanoaa of KlD'ls! i . " " - ' I01IIS11U! AMUrUatWABDIMU t. II. MATIIU8S.. 1 C VltL MATHUS3 Sc. UHL AMIS UKIfKHAL, i C 0 M M I 9 S I ON M R R C HAN TS HKALKK1 t.S I AY AND WKSTKRN PUODUCIO tllllO A.KVEK. JOHN II. P1ILLIS & SON, (Suocesaors lo John I). Chillis,) GENERAL COMMISSION ASH FORWARDING MERCHANTS AHD DKALKRS IN II AY, COKN, OATS, Flour, Meal, Bran, &c, Con. 1 ENTI1-ST. a.m. OHIO LEVK I1AIB0, I LLC. I.ST.BI.INIIl:i IH5.1. J. 0. MATIIKWSON, COMM ISSION M ERCHANT AndAi;ciit for Ha; i;u anu Dri'o.sr Powmcp. Co., AUGUSTA, OA. 7-5-tlui NTEAMBUATH. OAIRO AND PADUGAH All. BOAT. The aplaudld staasner Dick Fowlsb, Captain Leaves Cairo DAILY, (Sunday excepted) at P.io For frolght opu(ag apply on boat or u jAS.TsUtXORT, A't. 13, 1873. Our Home Advortisors. COMJII(SfIO!' MEWCHAJirn. HALLIDAY BROTHERS GENERAL AGENTS FOKWAKMNO and COMMIrfSIOK St K It ' II A a TSS. DEALERS LN FJOUH; n l Sc.sl of HIS IO KIVHU AMI KANAWHA SA.LT OOXPAK'T-ina. 70 Ohio Lrvkk, CaIUO, lLI-t.N0!n. MILLER k PARKER, GENERAL COMMISSION FOKAVAKDINO M KKCH A NTH, DEALERS IN FLOUR, CORN ( Oats, Hay, otc, AGENTS ioh FAIKBANK'8 80ALES i Ohio Levee. OA1KO. ILLLSOI3. COFFEY, PACE .V CO., ' O N W A II II I Ml A V II COMMISSION MEKCHANTS- iiavi.rr. lr hay. CORN. OATrf, MEAL, KLOIIR AND COUNTRY PRODUCE CAIRO, ILLINOIS. 8-1'JtI u. olosi:, (IKNKRAI, COMMISSION MKItCIIANT And dealer In LiMK.'CtMK.ST, Pi.astick, Hair, Eic. Mu Otilo l.evee. KiTI will sell In car load lot at mtnulac liners' prices, adding Irclsht. i-'i-li E. .1. AVKIt S.I), avchh. AYKRS .V CO., FLOUR ANII- OKNKRAL COMMISSION MKHOIIANTS No. 78 Ohio J.xvxk, Caiko, III. l-7tt, PUT Jilt 0 IJ II Lxcluslse FLOUR MERCHANT AM MIL H'ruiS' A3-EKT, No, Ml OHIO I.LVEL, 3-'J0 tf. CAIRO, ILLINOIS. J. 31. PHILLIPS, Forwarding and Commiasion MERCHANT, AID WHARF-BOAT PROPRIETOR. prop ared lo forward all kinds of freights to all points. aDustotss attended to promptly; WOOD RITTKNHOW. A "RO FLOUR AHP GiUiral CommiMiou Mwbo 183 OHIO LBVXIr Homo Advertisements. IHlIluvi, W.M. taoms. " KnorTrtbllo. No.Pnh. aa.l tl.B. Ontn KIRK, 11UI.L.OAHOO, 1.1 VK STOCK ACOIDKNT, LIKE, LlTaTJEAWOB. ATNA, UAkTKOKIi, AM f,M,!tc4 0 . .NOH'IIJ AMERICA, 1'A., ets - 1.:SJ,m1 () HA H I FORI I, CONN., ts.sts ,.,.J,M4,2U 72 PHCr.NtX, IIAKtMIMH, m ll,?S1,t4S S' " intuhn'atidn!., s.t., tort u. .fl,.,'.S,si I'UT.NAJI.llAKTFOKI), i;i.s,n.t CI.KVKt.tND, CI.CVKI.AM), IM'i71 ' iiotm.coLu.Mntis, a..i ius,a- t AM KHIUAN CK-NTHSL, MO A. I'M. SM'.f.il I CtlNNF.CTIUUT MUTt'AI. LIFE, ' Afst si,M'e,(si(i '' 'IKAVK.1.F.K8, HAHTFOltD, I.IPK S.SI ACWtlK.Nr, . i!,.'ie.ei e ' KAII.WAT rAH-l!.M)):il- A'M'KA.NOK :o., itAirri oui', Ami , M,i.o. ill iNii(iasnr..vr. iioston, s..etp $SV,i.2 i' SA FFOKD, MOhTiIS ,t CA N l)KB, 71 Otitis l.nrr, FIRE AND MARINE " 1 1ST S TJ 2? A. WCB '1tlArtlKk. ! N1AQARA, N. Y., A""l- ..ll.4!r.,ii QXHMANIA, M. T., Assets - i,(Kyi,Tit n IIANOVBH, M. T., RKPUULIC, X. fi A-P.l..... nt s: to AstU 71 1, IS CO Comprising tbcL'nilsrwrilfrt'Asnar. VONKKIl, SC. T., AssH' - St ALJIANT CITT, Af'tl riuEUz.s'e ruMH, n. p., Aft... .,.. BRCUBITY, !. T. UARIKJC, Sl.Ms I.SSI.MO HtntAN Illlna Snraltnr.. Ilulla ftnl C.r goe'i insure ai raiM as lasnraui? aa onmi, prr ihidcdi ificurur win wswranu I rp:lfully ut of tho eltlssnsol C , sharrnf tboir palronacr. L ('.M.UCOUKN, TKUTON1A L I F K INSUHANCK OK OHICAQO, ILLINOIS. CesT'L.OrriCK, 1 7J VT ssniMriTON St. AOTIVA, 9650,000. This German Life Insurance Company guarantees riot only Paid-up I'olicles but also a Value In Cash nn the .Non-forfeiture plan JOHN A. HUCK, . - - Prosidont 0. KNOBEL9D0RP, - . - Hecrotary .IOIIN W. i'KIJfcH, Aent for Cairo nnd vicinity, iusmaTuTbunij. SECTION NO. 47. Association for promoting Life Inmrancc and Sick ltelicf by weekly due and mutual eoiperatlon In objeut ot public benetlt. The Lite Insurance Policies will be l-siled by the Teutonla Life Insurance Company. II. MEYERS, President. JOHN W. PRC ESS, Ao'T. rirCalriud VlelDlljr WIN KM AMIS IJUOtHSi. "r7"sm yth & co., I. WHOLE.SALK OROCERH, OHIO L K V X X I'AIKII, ILLIXIIIS, Also, keep constaatls on hand a rmt rnm Plate Mnck uf LIO.TJOEa i ROCiTltrt AVD IRI"U WIIICKIKS -O I N 3,- Port, Maduria, Sherry and Catawba Wines It. Smith t Co. am ulo ugrnt lot Mien, cer, McKay ACo.'s I'lttsbtuc ule.ol which larKe Htoi'k H Kejit enntnll mi hand at tbolrwhnlesiilc Mora. IIOTLI.N. r)A.nvEK,OTT HOUSE si UN 4'Kosisi strKRr.r. 3AR.M1, ILLINOIS. Good stablliiK connected with tho house, tnd cample room for commercial travelers Free omnibus to and Irom all train. -,U nt I .1 U I) Wl'l )V P'.pi-i.t i PAKKKH A ULAKK, " D liLaas la WALL PAPER, PAINTP, Putlf, Beiialne, linaullits, WIKEO-W C3-TJ.A.i!S. WINDOW fWADIH, Aud the eolehrated illumlnatln AURORA OIL. IIBOan' LCIILDINn OOP -1th BT. A 0011 MEBOMf V, Caiho (LLIIfOIH, CINCINNATI Industrial Exposition ! THK LEADING INDUSTRIAL Tho lourth exhibition will open Wednes day, Heptemberd, and coutfmie until Satur day, October 4. 1878, .Ooodireeelved froin Aujrutt i, to 110. Exhibitor should make lnuaeuute application lor space. 7-2A1&. Our Homo AdrortiserB. HOUI'si ANI ssllorsiT" ! ! H ' 1 1 attMs,sM., SAVE MONEY And biij your BOOTS yUTTD B II O Ea It. JONKS, dir. Tmsli alreet ami 4'iiiiii.iiii lul As I am now prepared to intnulnctutn u prlnj styles. uch a patent leuthi r, morrooo buck and call-skln boots. Shne. with , ioe. (orK aim pump sole, scotch bottom-, and bevel edfro or nny other tle you wih 1 am alo manufacturing nn'e.Ttra .piallt of ladles' Mioch. .ly material and worn maushlp are warranted to be ol the bet. am determined to not l umlrrsnlit lor tin ame finality ol goods, llepalrln ilnne ncalli and on short notice I'. .Ionksi. MIHSJI'.I.I.ANMII'N. HKMFS, IJItOWN .V CO.. BAG MANUFACTURERS A HUNTS IIOMF. (JOTTON Jf ,S Mi, Niuhln Lusce, dim. Ills 1 'tv.'in. WAltP ,v ROBERTS, PAINTERS Dr.t.pns ix Wiswjw Siiahls, W.M.t. I'At'nn, I'ur.s Witit. Lhap, I.ts.Nr.rri On AURORA OIL, Si'inira TurtrnsTLVR, (lit r Siikli.ac, Alcohol, Etc., KTf . Washington avenue and Eleventh ttcet. Caiiio, ... Illinoi (ARL PETER?, BLACKSMITH l or TlfTf nth isml t'.tpl sr 1lt luloims the public that bo baeuaieii tbe services of a Klrt-clas Waou makcrand al-o a Klrst-cla Ilore hhocr and Is ready to manufacture and epair all kinds of uora In thl trade with nptlr and dl.ulcli, S-H-llm. NEW LIVER Y " STABLE" TENTH STREET, fltTWKCV WASH X A VIM UK AND WALMU1 Ilr. H. T. riel.ls Informs tse puMio tl,.t he l. li.enei1 a , V K R )' Ji T A H I. K on tha norlhweit sel' uf Tenth treet aa tin alw.f e. His H'Mi wiU Ia fuiblstied with ooax bul II. BEST KTOIsLSES AND GOOD VEHlCLEtt. and the public may be accommodated at al hours of tbo ilay and night with ssfu team, on the lo-vot U'rm. Dr. Field asks a share of public patronaife. and will endc ivor to merit It by fair ileallui; and strict attention to biisli i WAOv. N MAN U FACTOR V For Rule at Wholesale or Retai1 COllNKK Ittl'.lTURKT ANH OHIO l,X K ! Cairn, Illinoi. : 1 Itit i '- J I'. UAMIII.K NKW YORK HTOitK, WHOLKSALi: AND HKTAIL. LAHDXST VAXIXTT STOCK IN TJIK flITt OOODS SOLD VKRY CLOSK. iirner of Nlnelextnf b atrrat asirl I'otit insirclstl Asreuns CAIRO, ILLINOIS. 0. () PATIKU niudiiEar. 1 M RS. MoGEK, On KlKtuti Street, hetween Commercial and Ws.li nxtnn Arenues, la ilallr receislnf NKW MILLINERY GOODS or Tiia LATKT "PI1IV0 ANU HUMM II STTLXa, rlesidos a lull line of BOISTZTBTB &c HATS ITrimmcsl and uptntnmed, FIlCMJil FLOWERS, RIBBONS, TBIMMIN08 of all kinds, I.iwerf, eto., ate, Mrs, McClee ha also a large assortment i Fnncy Aitlclte, tuob as SI!CK Ti.:H, OLLABfl, UNDEhHI.IEVEH, ItUFFB, HASHES, FANH, And all other articUs usually found in a FIRST-CLASS MILLINERY STORK Mm, McOeo, in addition to her stock of Kancy aud Millinery Goods, haa a tine aud Complete aiwortmcnt or Cincinnati Custom made Ladles' and Misses' Shoes and Chll tlrens' Hoots, Black and in Color". Thcao aroacknowledgod to bo tbo tliiost and best over In the market, and UiIh In tho only house the city that makes them a specialty COAL. OAIRO CITT COAL Is prepared to "l''' " i "i PITTSBURG AND ILLINOIS 'OOAL. s OW)KUS left J) .ifIJIJr . Ilroa. otllco, e omo iJiVsij ?I,Un?.c)l7r Yara.btlow the HL Cluiiei Bote!, wm receive proBrpt aUu Soil Th. TOO 'orrADx- siraVooal lonpld w Haian at any tour, r