OCR Interpretation

The Cairo bulletin. [volume] (Cairo, Ill.) 1872-1878, September 30, 1873, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85033413/1873-09-30/ed-1/seq-3/

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OnSKHVJtlt'S omuK, CAIIIO, 1114.,
September If., 10; 1 1 p.m., ltd.
((urometer, .10.08 degree".
'I lieimonioter, CI degrees.
Wind south. Vr-loclly I mills pe
Wcalhor dear.
Maximum tptupcral nri- for l.it 21 lintir
"II degrees:
Minimum temperature loi'llii.'ln-t'JI hours,
id degree.
I'rovHllliitf wind fur last SI hours, south
Total number of miles traveled by wind
during InHUI hours, 11.1.
OhserverSlgn.il Service, II. H. A
John Q. Haruun. Chas. Thrttp
And l.ind Agent of Ihu I'llnols Central
mm minini'in arm Jimxouri Kalirouil com
North Cor. olillti at. itml Ulilu Ititre
Oaiho, Illinois.
Oiler for sale at low Ugtircs and easy tcnn
tlio following real cfctate :
No. I ft lot In the "Klilgo Itlock" run
liltig through tbo block Iruni KillceMli to
,-ixicenui Mreel, best rcnidcuco property
In Uie city. I.ui .'land I b 4f, cltt, Va.-li-
Higton at rime, between 'thirteenth and
rourtcoulh streets, west hide good two
wry iiwcinni; nouse on eucli lot. Lots .
arid ff, adjoining the lust before named
l.otu, b !, city, on Sixth street, houlh
Ude, between (XdiilnercUl and vViflilligtoli
No V. Lot 7 and 8. b :H. corner o! four
teciith and l'onlar street, front on l'oiilar
street, west side, opposite posl-olllce block.
.No.JJ Splendid bu.lneMi building, rest,
dence In second story, 0 room, hall and
front and rear stairway, water on both floors,
In number one condition: situated on north-
wel corner ol Commercial avenuu and
Twellth ttrcet. A treat bargain lr wild
. Ho t hot 4, b 21, Commercial avenue.
between Kourth and Kllth street. Lot ill,
o.i, uu t smiiiikioii avenue, between mm
and Sixth street.
No ft Six lots In b 23, lt ad. High
ground. '.W0 each on easy ti.iymetitH.
Sn i Lots 1 and a, Iribi north corner ol
Tenth and Levee street. Ucl burinc loca
tion in the city terms easy. I.otUl. W and
ill In b lit, lt ad., wjuth corner ol Twentieth
ami ropiarstrecls. Also three lot in court
houso block, fronting on 1'oplar street.
M) Lou la aud.lU, b 711 south side ol
rwenly-dnit street, opposite "Convent
iiiocK" very desirable lor residence pur
PO'CI. chciin.
.No 8 Ten ill the choicest lots. In hlocL-
f7, let addition, above grade, bcaiitllul resi
lience location, win bo mii ut a great bar
am. We call particular attention to thin
property an It will bo hold very low.
No 9 That tlecant rei-tdcncc on .Seventh
street, owned by Capt. Ilurd, Ironllng 7ft
icui on pvvenui street, anil running hack
iWI feet to Sixth. Till nroriertv U well
known tolhecIlUcnaor Cairo andvicinltv a
one ol the most complete and convenient
resiliences In th city. It has alt the con
venience appertaining to a Hrt-cU'i homo.
The grounds arc highly tnibellMicd with
elect thrubhvry and Irult in abundancu ;
carriage houac, -Utile and outbuilding tlrit
rla. Owing to tho removal ol Capt. Uurd
till property will be wild at a great harirain.
oiicmy termi. Al-o twoloUon coruerTliird
trcct and Mlnliltiril leveu. 'I'he l.uni
bllihllmr. formerlv occntiled liv Cant. Ilnnl.
In b 3, Ohio levee, "Sprlugllcld Itlock," lor
No 10 An elegant residence with four lot
In b U7. city lor aale very cheap II cold
oon. High ground, and prembes in a No.
1 condition.
No II a No. 1 cottage on Kourth atroct,
between Wnhlngton avenuu and Walnut
trcet. Also two lot running from Kourth
to Kllth Hrcctn very desirable property.
No 1-2 New two-ttory dwelling In prime
order, on Lociiot street, hlghcut ground In
the city, two lot. 1'rlce it .Hji).
No 1,1 An elegant reiddctice with about
thrcoacrnof ground, covered with all Mods
of celcct Irult and shrubbery, in Santa Fe
tor .ilo cheap.
a n.NK cii.txcx Kou tNVKamxNT.
We have lor kiIu orlca vacant and Im
proved property in all portions of the
city. Ato over JS.OOO acres of unimproved
lands In Alcxanderanil Tulaskl counties at
extremely low figures, and in tract to Mill
purchasers. We are agents for thfc Illinois
Centnl railroad lamls In this and I'lita-kl
coiintlo. Itilinnd lamls not sold prior to
November next will pasi Into other hands.
Now I ti c time to purchase.
We are the agents of the lliirllngton and
Missouri lUilroad company, who otlur for
sale in mwa sun ,enraKa iiiiuinns ot acres
of tho best land on tho continent, on ten
year rrcdit. 0 per cent. Interest. .Maps,
pamphlets, circulars ami all neccs-ary infor
mation relative to those lands and now to
each them furnished upon application.
Call at oncn and rxamine for votirslves. Av-
piy io .,uu.- (. IIAIl.HA. 1,1),,
Cor. Sixth and Levee sts., Cairo, Ills
.lu-o 7. 1873.
Corner 10th street and Commercial avenu
next door to the llyland saloon,
KiaiiTn Stbmkt, Uktwikk WAsniMOTos
andComwiboixl Avxmuxb,
adJolBlssx Bltlessssassaa aaii Hatsny'a
Keep the best or Beet, Pork, Motion Veal.
I.smb, Sausac, tie., end are prepared 10 serve
tltisens In the most toceptahle manner,
(Successor to James Kynaston,)
UurunBB ind Dialbs ik all Kihdb or
Fbhsh Mxatb.
Iluya and slaughters only the best eattlc,
bogs atld sbeop, and U prepared to All any
Jomsid for fresh meata from one pound to
on thousand pounds.
viear cor. TweatlletB NlrMt Mad Com
morcial Atsisssi,
iiiivm ami alxuahtora onlr tho beat Cattle.
Lloifs and Shoep. and li prepared to Oil or-
Wo nro authorized to hbnoiincu that,
.Iacom (). Lv.nciI will bo n candldalo for
County Clork.
Minor, liut.i.s.rm 1'lei.io antiounco
my fiHtno its ni'audidato fur the olllco of
county i lurk. .Ioiin 0. Cnowi.KY
Wo nro uulhori.od to nnnOunco Josr.ru
T. Daviho.v ns a candidato for tho olllco
of county clerk, at tho ontulng November
elocllon, lubjoct to tlio doclsslon of tho
voters of Alexander county.
Yo nro authorized to announce .Ioii.n II,
(oaMA.v u cntididate for tho olllco of
county troaturer.
htiiToit or Tn Uui.lkti.v-You will
ploaso xnnounco my name at tlio nroplo'i
candidato lor county troMurur, ut tho on
suIfiK Novoinber election. Intending and
desiring to lervo tho pooplo, I hope to bo
elected by the pcoplo,
William .Mahtin.
Tllllrsav. Snileinlinr '. lhV.. nl M
Kfllngham county. Illinois, .Mr. I'..l. Thistle'-
Ltllngham county.
n ou. oi cairn. 10 .1 im ii:iiiii. ii'irm.i' ui
Ith this many Irlcmh of.Mr.Thlttlew'od
wu 'ongratulatc him on this occasion, and
wish the newly married pair all the bappl
net and prosperity that this world alfonls.
TitK I'ark fair manngcri will clear
fc'jjut SiOO a small turn tut much labc.
Phil. SaiI' rceoivod 2.600 pounds of
flno French cor.fectlom yesterday. Tliii
Is ono of the largest itocki that ever came
to this city.
Wk publish this morning .Mr. (Jaorgo
II. Thurston's third letter on tho improve
ment of tho Ohio river. Tho fourth will
follow within a diy or two.
Fl.ouu (ample boxes ot all sl.j kept
conitHtitly on hand or made to order on
hort noticj, at The Ullleti.v bindery.
'J-'ZX 'Jw J. O. Hum.!., Proprietor.
Tiikiik is no crossing over Commercial
vonuo butweun Klghth and Tenth streets
a long stretch. Wo got caught yeslor-
ay on tho C. and V. truck, an lsld in
en of mud, and wero cbaiod by a locomo
tive from Kighth to Tenth street.
Fouii ordinance breakers wore buforo
bis honor, Judge Uroii, yesterday. Chief
sMcIIalo capturesl a colored gentleman,
who, having taken aboard more of tho ar-
;Mt thm hu was able to tote, was making
oderablo of a disturbance. IIu was
taxed ) and the " uiul lair," and lent to
tho lockup lor six days. Cain, A , caught
nothertiy cms, who was sent up for
vedajs. 1 ho other two were (enisles
uiei cfisrgod with loitering about la
loom, etc. Tl.oy wore Hoed live and the
Inseparables, which thoy paid, anJ prom
sod to loiter nomoro.
LtTTLSs Livi.vo AiiK for the week
onding Sopt., 20 and 1!7 contain tbo fol-
owing noiablo articles: Tho Trevolyan
apers, 'Edinburgh lUviow: .Madame do
Maintenon and the Lust Years of Louis
XIV, 'Tempi; Usr;' Johann Friedricb
Schiller, lllackwotKl's Msgnztne; French
Clerical Doings, 'I'all Mall Otzetto; Tho
shantco arKconoiiiistj' Iceland Poll
cs, 'Saturday Heview ; The Force of Im-
pudenco, 'Globe ;' Llfo in tho Ico King-
0111, 'spectator;' Mario-Amolio do Hour
bon, Qion of the French, 'Temple liar
rinco Unmarck's Next Stroke, 'Specta
tor;' An Italian Cathedral .'Good Words;'
Whitby, 'Spectator Kome and Its Ad-
' ' ' 1
nnariei, 'Saturday Iluview ;' A Fjc on
tbo TUamos, 'Saint PauUj' with tho con.
elusion of Mrs. Oliphanfs "Innocent,"
an initaltn;nt of ''The Parisians," by
Lord Lytion (Hulwnri pootry and inir-
Tho next number of ibis 01 page wook-
ly magazlno begins it new volume, and
will 1,0 n good ono with which to begin a
subscription. 1 ho subscription price tsS8
a year, or for $10 any ono of tho Ameri
can $J magazines is sent with 'Tho Liv
ing Age' lor a year. Littlc iVUav,
Uoston, Publishers,
Dr.. Ho.VAHii, who was for many joars
a practicing physician of this city, but
who somu three yoars ago moved to Mur
physboro, Jackson county, was yesterday
arroetcd by Sherlirirvin on a warrant from
Jackson county charging tho doctor with
mal-practico. Tho crime with which bo
is charged, il wo havo been correctly in
formed, is this : A few days ago he was
called to soo h woman who whs about to
be delivered of a child. He oboyod the
summons, and found tho llttio now-comer
endeavoring to mako its advent into the
world feot llret, which, we bollove is gen
erally considorod to be a very bad way to
tart on a voyage through life. The
mother was sullering intense pain, and the
doctor endeavorod to give her all tho as
ilitnnce in his power, but unfortunatoly,
in so doing ho by somo means separated
the head of tho child from its body, loav
ing tho head in tho mother' wom'i, An
other physician was called, but ascer
taining tho condition of tho mother
and what had hantionod to tbo child.
ho refusod to havo anything to do with tbo
case, ndd left tho house. No furthor itcpa
waro tauon to roliovo tho poor woman,
and in tho course of a few hours (ho died,
Wo say this is what wo havo been inform.
od Dr. Honard is charged with. On the
otbor hand, Dr. Honard says that bo had
nothing to do with the caio; that ho was
called as a consulting physician, nnd did
nothing moro than toglvo his advice. Ho
was arrestod yostorday "hud turned ovor to
an officer from Jackson county who came
horo after him. Wo shall await furtbor
developments, and tbould tho cliargo
mule against Dr. Honard provo true, tho
evorest puulsbmont known to tho law
should be moled cut to hltn; but if bo is
not guilty, then ho should, as he will bo,
discharged, and every effort nudo to re
tore to him hfs reputation ,is a physician
Til A UK.
Cairo will not be behind any other city,
and thcreforo has bad her financial panic,
It nccurrod on Saturday last, but
we aro not disposed to brag
about it. It wasnt't a croat success.
It was llko tho girl's baby, so small that
it oughtn't to bo countod. Alarmed by
tbo now of tho crmhing banks
olsowhere, it ninnlior of tho
small depoltoM In our banks rnado
a run on thitn,!jiit tho btnki shellod out tho
greenbacks as uiual.
On .Sunday tbo nowi got around that
oil our banks bad irono uti thn lon
pout, but on .Monday morning they
opened their doors as usual, n fact
which seemed to surprise tho public. Tho
proposed run did not occur.
At 10 o'clock ycitorday tho merchants
of tho city met In tho room of tfi 0 board of
trade and organized by calling Mayor
ool to tbo chair, and appointing Mr.
Thomas secretary.
Tho mayor stated the object of tho tnoet-
ng to bo to tako Into consi leration tho
financial crisis, and determine on some
lino of action for Cairo.
Mr. Dyal T. l'arkor, said that, in antic
ipation of tbo meeting, ho tad prepared a
series of resolutions, which be desirod to
havo rcaJ, Tho secretory read them as
Heiolvod. That owim? to thn ff.nnri.1
deraiigemen uf tlnaricial matters through
out the country, we deem it fur tbo best
In lo:e t ot our business community, and
request that, for the present, the banks of
our city suspend currency payment, and
auopi 1110 use 01 certified checks as a cir
culatlng medium in lieu of currency.
Keiolved, That the merchants and bus!
nus men ol this city hare full confidence
in the solvency or the banks of this citv
aria integrity anu character ol tho man
aging ollicers thereof.
Ksi-olvcd, That wo horvhv rroueit tba
the banks extond to our merchants and
bminess men nil assistance that thoy pot
liny can,
Keiolved, That wo. tho merchants nnd
businois men of Cairo, agree to receive In
all business transactions tho ccrtiri,.,!
checks of any ot tho banks In this citv.
Wm II Tbora, Chas M Howe A- Co
Mathuii & Uhl, Green A: Wood,
K H Cunningham, G D Williamson.
J M Phillips. Home. Loomis Co
ueo locum, Wood ilittenbousn
1'etor Uuhl, Ac U10.,
Miller & Parker Coffer. Harrison..
u j.u'iion, 1.0,
I r... '
Win Lonergan, T histlewood & Co,
J A Jones, G M Aldeii Ac Co.
IUIllday Bros, John II Oborlv,
U U IJavis, r U Itexford,
ja-ivii ,v t,inion, reler ell,
A Marx, John Antrim,
Herman Lovey, S P Hennot,
Sam Williamson, Chas Pink,
II Uloms, Isaac W alder,
M A Waldor, White it Greur,
John Gockel, Jacob Klein,
Parker Az Axy, li Moycrs,
F M Stockfleth, 11 Smvth Ac Co,
U A Cunnlncbam, H C Wicks,
Stratton Ac liird, K U Paco & Co,
C Hanny, F Korsmeyer,
Dan'l Harttnon, Wm Kluge,
W H Hockwulll Ac H A Hannon,
II F Parker.
Taber Uros,
A Ulack,
Duerwart, Orth A"
Klllott Ac Haytborn
II AVatson Webb,
A Cain
Wm Henry, Jr,
Samuel P Wheeler,
Thorns Js Hro,
Uoidtttne iV Koscn-
Stuart Ac Gholion,
Uristol Ac Stilwull
0 W Hondorson,
C It Woodward,
J H Phlllls & Son,
ilarclay Uro.,
S Wilson.
.las II Heed.
Henry Savers,
C Winston,
A motion was tnodo to adopt the resole.
tinns, and ponding tho question Captain
William Halliday, president of tho City
National llank, said that tbo directors
of his bank had bud a moeting on Satur
day night, and after a careful liivcstlga-
tlou of tho affairs of tho institution hod
concludod that tho bank could pay all do-
posi'.ors excopt tho stockholders; but ho
thought thn adoption of the resolutions
would bo a wise action on
thn part of tho business men of
Ctiro. If tho banks should bedraluod by
depositors business would suffer greatly.
Mr. Safford said tho banks of Cairo had
never boon in a bolter condition than they
wero now,but tho impossibility of obtaining
curroncy would lead tojgreat omborrn6s
montif.dopositors made a run on tho banks
Ho hud largo balances In Now Orleans and
Chicago but ho had not called thorn in.
Probably be could no, get them if ho dc-
mtndol thorn, butlio would not ombarrass
banks ho know to bo good by Jtich de
mands at this timo. Arcotuervntlvo course
was tho best for all concerned. If thn re
solution should bo adopted ho bollovod
the policy Indlcatod in thorn would rollovs
business In Cairo very much. Hla bank
would not suspond puymont, but an agroo-
ment of tbo kind indlcatod among our
business men would greatly accommodato
him undor tho circumstancos.
Tho Mayor Tho motion Is to adopt tho
Saflord I would like to hoar from tho
merchants present.
Cunningham I can only say I am sat
isfied with tho rosolulion.
Hudson I am sit Is Ho J also,
Cuhl I am not a banker, nor tbo son
of a batikor; but I think tho banks of tbo
country are solvent, and if wu are a llttio
lonlont all will comeuut right, 1 approve
tho resolutions.
Coffeo I havo just roturnul from tho
South, and resolutions of this kind have
been adopted in noarly all tho cities in
that part of the country,
Davis of the 'Sun.' 1 think that all
tho merchants who approve those resolu
tions should allow ttiolr names to ho 110 1
In tty public pruts ns endorsing thorn.
Such u courito would restore conlldeuce
and would tend to bind thoso who uow
profess to endorse it, whatovor tho remit
of tho plan may bo,
Williamson. I move that all the mer
chants prosont who approve tho resolu
tions shall sign tham, and that two mer-
cllShfl tin mnnlnl.,1 l,i h.n...l 1 1, -. . I
....a ,,u nlIUIII,VU iu J'lwiWJ,, VUOII1 t
merchants not In nltondnnco.
Tlio .Mnyor npjolntoJ Mosirs, Hltten
houso and Aldon.
On motion tho meeting was adjourned.
At tho banks all was peaco. Payments
will bo continued, but just as llttio cur
rency ns poifiblo was paid over tho count
cri. hen a depositor would como n ho
would bo glvon what ho needed, and no
more, unless ho absolutory demanded it,
when It was (hulled out.
llarrell's Gnxotta " says s
It is usoless to attempt to illtguiso tbo
fact that wo have in Cairo, at this time, a
modified typo of yellow fovor. Its vic
tims number about a dozen, mostly young
mon of regular nnd temperate habits. A
few frosts will drivo it off, howover, and
as theso aro near at hand, wo havo but lit
tle fear for tho future.
Ami wo find tho following In tho St.
Louis "Democrnt" of yesterday morning!
Caiko, Ills., September 28. Considera
ble uneasiness is manifested at the preva
lence In this city of what has hith
erto been denominated a congestive form
of bilious fover, but which some phyil
cl.itu now pronounce yellow fever modi
fled by tho nortborn climate. Only six or
eight fatal cases havo occurred, and thcio
aro confined to those whosu buslnos kept
them on or near the river. Thero Is moro
sickicM horo than tho city has experienced
for years, nnd In a majority ol caoi tho
symptoms aro similar to thoio of vollow
fever In a mild form.
A number of persons, in some way con
nected with tho river, wero a few weeks
ago attacked by a disease which ot (lrst
was not suspected to bo tho vollow fever.
Several of them dlod, and then it was
said yotlow'Vevcr had taken thim off.
Tho doctors who nl first denied tho pres
ence of yellow fover In the city begsu to
shako their heads find to say, "It may bo
the yellow fever. ' And it may he; but if
it Is, it is nolo fatal typo of tho disease.
Tho only deaths havo been young Arrick,
Powers, Hughes, Fielding and Pitcher,
all of whom were frequenters of the
wharfboats, and ono or two other
persons, while theni has proba
been in the "ity a hundred, even
moro than that number, of cases of tho
disease now called tho yellow fover. The
per centago of deaths has not been six,
and wo believe wo may say there is as
groat 0 per centago of deaths when any
fover is provaillng horo. Last September
the mortality In tho city was as groot as
this yoar ; but this year a number of por
sons will-known havo aiod, nnd the fact
has been commenlod upon. Whon any old
citizen of Cairo dios, so healthy Is tbo city
generally, tbo fact creates alurm and tho
presence of an opIJomic is at onco sus
pected. Thero is no occasion for alarm but cvo-
ry precaution should bo taken by tbo au
thorities und citizons. Houses in which
the disease makes its appearanco should
bo dislnfoeted, and wo would suggest that
thoro can bo no good result from visits to
tbo bodsides of tho alllicted, unless called
thoro by a sonso of duty. In some cotes,
where the yellow fover symptoms havo
boon marked, whole " flocks " and "droves"
of citizjns havo called to seo the sick per
Our odvico Is to be caroftll, and prav for
a wbito frost.
Mr. Joseph McKonzIo leaves to-day for
Hot Springs, Arkansas, whoro ho will re
main probably o month or six weeks.
Mr. Hyslop returnod to his post in
the City National bank, Saturday last, just
In timo to enjoy tlio run on tho bank, and
tako aslicoof the financial panic.
suruay night Christian- Pilcbcr dlod
or tho fatal disease now prevailing in tho
city. This was an exemplary young man,
industrious und good hsorted. Ho had
many mends among the young puople of
Cairo, l or 11 long timo ho was one of
Tin: Ui'LLKit.v force unci was loved bj
all hU Hssocl'ites. Wo deeply sympt
thlzo with his utlliclt'd parents in their be
reavmcnl lohn Petrle, tbo butcher, is not ex
pected tu live.
Frc Koohlor, thotulchcr, is sick, but
is ra pidly convalescing.
Lev. .Mr. Ibaytr preached a sermon
on Sunday night last, which has elided
much comment und loud nrnise. It is
aid ho never preached a bottorono, und
that 11 better ono would bo a curiosity. It
wat aimed at infidelity, and struck that
monster, It is said, in a vital part.
Hon. I). W. Jlunn mado a speech at
tho Sunday school concort last Sunday,
nnd told a protty llttio story about n good
llttio boy.
Mr. John T, Ilennlo, who has boon at
tho Cincinnati exposition, nnd gadding
about St, Louis, is at homo again.
Tho storm on Saturday and Sunday
nights did consldorablo damage to tho
bills and bulletin boards of ,tio big show
to bo horo on the (1th and "th of October.
It is a univorsully :onccdcd fact that no
how that has ovor vlsltod Cairo, has gono
to such great expenso in hilling tho city
with as hnndsomo papor as tho Groat In
ternational. Uosidcs Charloy Hardy's
boards, Mr. Hendricks erected for this
how ovor 0,000 foot of bill boards, which
tood, and was in good repair up to Satur-
ay night, whon tbo storm strlppod tho
wo mammoth boards, on Tenth street
nd near the post-ofllco. of every bill.
Nothing daunted Mr. Oordnor, tho agont.
utormlnod as soon as he could ship tho
ills horo to Imvo thorn re-covered, lit t
on Sunday night old breczo In his wrath
blow tho board near tho poit-olllco otitircly
town and also tho bjurd on
Tenth strout. This was a seri
ous loss at tho bills on tho two b.'arls
were worth at least. As sojn how.
ever as possible, the board on Tenth
itroot will bo ro-oroctod and ro-covered
This shows that tho Uroat International
moans (business and nevor stops attrl-
liAKor.RT liro of tins and rtichitigs in
tho city, at Stuart A: Oliolson's, !).28 2t
Tun very latest styles of silk hats for
gontlomen, just received ot CI, Ohlolovcc.
Jl'at HkukivxI) and for salo--n con
slgnment of choice Hams nnd Ureakfast
H"0". llAf.t.inA.Y Hun.
Wa.vtmi Haiuikk A good barber
can find n steady situation by applying at
No. 0, Sixth street, near Ohio loveo
Wages SI I per wook. Gu.. Helm.
Ckktk.il Houhk-Oii Sixth street bo
twocn Commorciit nnd Wniblngton
avonuos. f
This houso has recently undctgonu thor
ough repairs, nnd ii now In 1'irit-cUts con
dition for tbo accommodation of the trav
eling public. Hoarders accommodated on
reasnnablo terms. A shara of patronage
is solicited. Mrm, T. N. Oakfnf.v.
'J .10-lm. Proprietress.
I lake this opportunity to Inform tho
citizons of Cairo and surrounding country,
that I will rcsiirnomy practice in tho city
of Cairo on or nbout HiPjlst of Deccrrib'-.
y-IJOtr. P L. William., Dentist.
I hereby forbid all person? from harbor
ing or tiutting my wlfo, Mnrilla Oorould,
on toy account, ns I shall pay no bills of
her contracting on nnd Bftor this dnto.
II. T. Gi:iioui.i.
CAino, Stpltmber 27, 1S73. O.'.'T 3t
Stuart A; Gholson aro now offering a
full lino of ono and two button kids In
all tlio now shades, warranted not to rip
or tear, or money refunded, at tho low
prico of SI and $1 '25 por pair- U-'J8 2t
Tho gcnoral lists of dellnquont sidewalk
tuxes having been placed In my bands,
tax payers aro notllled that if tlio taxes
aro paid by tho 1st proximo thoy may Is
paid in city nsrlp, other Iso thoy must bo
paid in cth together with tho costs.
Alky. II. Ir.vi.v,
did County Collector.
Mound City train leaves Cairo at 11:30
a.m., and C p. m. Arrivos at Cairo nt 2 p.
ra,, and C
Sunday train leaves
Cairo at 0 1. m., and 5 p. m.
Cairo a'. 10 a. m., nnd C p. m.
Arrives 11 1
Two Hattorios of two Hoilcrs, each '.'4
feot long, J2 Inch Dram, 1! 14 inch Flues
with flro fronts. Mud and Steam drums,
Safety and Mud valves, Chimney and
Hritchin, nil comploto nnd in llrft-class
ordorjj been used only three monthf. For
price, oto., inquire ol J. T. Rknnik,
0-23-tf. Vulcan Iron Works.
No dyspepsia or stomach trouble will
nilsofrom eating Articles ' prepared witn
Dr. Prico' Croarn Unking Powder. It
makes tbo lightest, whitest biscuit, cakes,
ctc.,of any other preparation in the market.
Dr. Price's sj-cciul llivorings.of Vanilla,
Lemon, etc., are strong, pure and havo tho
true rich fa vor of tho fiuitr. Ak for Er
Price's Special Flavorings, nnd Dr. Prlco'a
Cream linking Power. -2t
0 ir, III, Sept. 30, 1873
To perfcuns wisliing to attend the St
Louis fair to bn held nt St. Louis fr.-m
October Oth to October 1 Uh. wu will soil
excursion tickets to Ent .St. Louis and re
turn at jti CO. Salo of tickets will com
mence October 4th, nnJ bo discontined
October 10th. Tickets good until Outo
bor loth, inclusive. Tickets will be Issued
to partios going with stock or articles for
exhibition (but to no others), 011 and of
tor Octobor 2d,
jAMr.s Johnson, Agent
Sun peaso copy. 0-30-dOl.
uoyrs and shoes.
A very largo nnd varied stock of Hoots
nnd Shoes nro boing rceoivod nt tho City
Boot and Shoo store, which will bo dis
posed of at flguros for bolow tho ruling
prlcos. A full lino of Urolaskt's celbra-
tod goods; gontlomen and boys' boots,
Congress gallons, Alexis, it very beautiful
nnd desirable ilioo of tho very latost on-
proved styles, und Lbdiet' Mines' nnd
Children's shoos of oviiry quality.
Urolaski's boots and shoes have acquired
aunivirsal roputtttioti and obtained med
als of merit at ovory placo exhibited, bo
ing tbo very best goods manufactured.
Mr. Ulack Is tho only und solo agent horo,
and warrants ond guarantees ovory pair
ho soils. Corner Commercial avonuo and
Eighth street. !) 30if.
"Wk nood not remark that the oyster is
a good thing to have In tho house ; every
body knows Unit ; but It may bo necessary
to say that tbe host oysters In tho city
may bo found at tho oyster saloon of
Amandus Jnockel. Ho has titled up
rooms in lino stylo, and has made arrange
monts by which hu will bo able to obtain
dally supplies of fresh oyttori, which ho
s prepared to dish up lo customers in nny
manner. Call upon Jaeckol ami try his
UlYfllVOB. JU1
Dr. Lavarty, homoeopathUt phvsl-
clan, lato of Shawnoetown, has located In
this city nnd intends making il his homo
Tho doctor comes to Cairo well recom-
monded, and refers to tho otllcors of tbo
First Nntlonal bank of Shawneotown, to
w,,om " ' wo" Know"i Having prnctitod
llU Prort'S8io" among thetn for years. Ho
WI"-"'B " n,r "ro i t" patronngo vor
otlr uil,zijn' O'"1-'0 1 10 Commercial avo-
7 20-tf
A Nkw Entkiii'hibk. Dr. II. F. Field
will run a lino of backs betweon Cairo
nnd tho 'terminus of tho Cairo, Arkansas
& Texas railroad, making two trips each
day, leaving Cairo at 8 o'clock a. m., and
and 4 o'clock, p. m,, making close con
nection with tbo trains on that road.
Ordors for passengers or baggage should
be left at Field's stable, on 10th street.
and!) tf
. Watkii-rooks in nil tho" now colors at
Stuart & Gholson's. o-2S 2t
For oas and steam lilting go to Rcn
nlo's Vulcnn iron works, Commercial
avonuo, foot of Ninth street. n-10-tf
Hmt line of hosiery and glovos In the
city, at Sluart Ac Gholson's. D-'J8 Ct
For Sale Ciix.vr. Ono span good,
young mules, also a double wngon. Will
soil them together or scpnraloly. Enquire
of Huse. J.cinMis ,fc (V,
If No. CI Ohio Lovee.
Ottomax shawls In great variety, nt
Stuart A; Gholson's. jj..jg 21
Wants!) A number ono machinist.
Apply nt dressmaker's, ono door south of
Miss Mary Lang's mllllnury store, Eighth
slretl, g.2B 3t
Gas nnd Stcatiilllting on hhort notlco,
Uross' Ulock. 0-2Stf.
Mil. Wm. Eiilkiis is anxious to Inform
his friends nnd acquaintances, and custom
ers generally, that he uVi his men fitting
In gaiters, lino boots and shoes. In fact
all bis work Is done In his own shop
Dr. W. it Smith hns removed his of-
flco to the second story of Louis Herbort's
new brick building on Eighth street, bo
twoon Washington und Commercial hvc
hue, whoro ho has moro coinfortablo nnd
commodious quarters. 8-10-tf
Go to 11. F. llloko's for everything in
tho Stcnm und Gusfitting lino. U-'.'Sif.
P. Fitzgerald nt his rooms, cornor
Four: eon tli street and Commercial avn
nue, offers for ulo Guinness1 Porter A:
Unss' ales and pure Hcnncssy brandy,
and tho gonuino Argoituro bitters, all
tint-class cholera cures. Try them
7-17 tf
Jlt rocoived at Ehlor';, Twentieth
street, betwoon Washington nvenuo nnd
Poplar street, tbo unost French cnir, pat
ent leather and Moroccos for gentlemen's
wear. A porfect lit and eatlsf action ns
surcd. Any portions in nood of boots and
shoes should call on Khler's, oxamino his
stock of leathers and leavo their orders,
Ciiakhelieiio, Hrackots, Pendants,
Globes, etc. for sale nt prices that cannc t
bo beat, by H. F. Illnko, Hross' Ulock.
Gkokok Latt.seh's Lu.ncii. At Geo.
Lattner's Excolslor saloon, cornor
of Washington nvenuo nnd Four
centh street, is tho placo to got
lino lunch. Everything is scrvod
up in goods'tylo, nnd Georgo himself pre
sides to ceo that all aro waited upon.
Tho barber shop is on tho cornor of
Eighth street nnd Commercial nvenuo
whero J.Georgo Stienhouso witli his gen
tlomenly assistants can bo found nt nny
1 hour of tbo day or night, ready to soothe
your feollngs with a smooth shvo,or cool
your tompor nnd ho.td with a good sham
poo. It Is a llrst-class shop, and you aro
uro of receiving tlrst-clns troatmont.
Ladles' and children's huir cut or curled
nfte.r tho most npproved stylos. 8-lA-tf
LKATiiKitnnd volvct bolts, most com
pleto lino over offered in tho city, and at
tho lowest prices ot Stusrt Ac Gholson's.
SrUAKT & GiioLsi-.v extend n cordlnl
invitation to nil to como and Inspect their
Fall ttock. Thoy tako plcaauro in exhib
iting thoir goods, whether you dealro to
UUJ or nt-
U-28 2t
UAHK. Will bo i-old at auction at tho Central
hotio on Sixth idrcct, fulto, Illinois, on the
lt day of November, ut 10 o'clock a.m., 11
largo iuautlty'of unclaimed baggage to bat
IMy charged thereon.
b-'Wtt Mks.T. N. (i.OTNKY.
" n
(.Stlecepsor to 1'arkcrA- Ulake,)
MiAI.Kll i.v
Viii'iilsliri, I'l'Csl.nt,
WAliI. 1'Al'KIt,
vsriHTJO'w o-LAaa:
And tbe celebrated illumlusttn
mnoRH'tuiMUNo oop IItu or. coir
M1& tut v.,
1 Wo M MI 3 8 I ON MB UCilANTfl
I'iour, .MrnI, liiifusi, 1:1c,
No. (i How.vitii's How,
lrUberal advuucea on ('oiisiglitimcnta
Parties wishing to keep posted witu our
suarkct will please send address,
IIEr'KItKNCES Hanka und business men
lol MompUtt, Tenccsseo,
1)11. G. E. DOUGLAS,
A ontat supply ol pure Nltroux Oxide
Oaf, lor tho palitfesH extraction of teeth, at
the Dental Itooiim of Dr. UauiHas. aucceuur
Cue r; IIcnrrV.WoriA'aToMk'Msl,
BlosMl ral.rlMai'.f r '
It Is the great hoauhold'rtsvcdy, fltteutta
taks, yet potent for tba prtrtntlon Md care of
dltta. It U better Hun Bitter, Crdkl,
IliichuorSartaparilla. Sold by DruffUU "
Dr. nmrr'a Boot Mel ttskat I
Mild yet thorough no natusa orgrlpiBf-ea.
Jrtlyvtgetable great llrer remedy, price M
tents. SoldbyljrugfltU.
Mr. WhltroiaVa Syrtlp.
The great soothing rttatdy. Prlee oc!y U
srnts. aire rut to the mother and health to
!be child SoIdbyDmggUU.
Hftrrtsuj) Ostldfi.
Interesting Work, Enlarged Kditloa, XW
tnrarfogs, Two-baadrtl add sixty rages,
Mm Morals. AddrcM Da. trrn' Vurn
hit, U North Eighth Stmt, St. Llt, Mo.
Vliirsar r.lllrm are not ovllo fancy nt,
made .l l"nor Hum. Whisky. Proof Spirits and
rtefiui Mquora, docloreil. iilced, and sarcelfned
tot.Ir.iretlie lantc. eallid "Tonics." " AppeUzera.1'
"I: torrrs," Ac, that lead tlio tippler on to drunk's
cmipss and ruin, but aro a trae lledlctoe, mad
from the native roots and herbs of California, free
from a'l Alcoholic stimulant. Tliey are toe Great
I'lixxl I'uririerand a I.lfu-jlvlnR Principle, a Perfect
Innovator and Invlzorator of tue Brstem. carrrlnx
o.T nil iMiiMmmis matter and rcstorlnj? the
inn rcsionnj? tne dioou
chlnff It. rermblnir end
10 a utaiinj coniiuion, enncnin;
mi?ur.iumc man iiiinu man uooy. jncy are easy
f uilinlulsiratlon. prompt In their action, certain
In their results, rale and reliable la all ferma of
No Person can take these Bitters accord
lag to illrei'tlons, and remain Ions unwell, provided
llicir bones are not destroyed by mineral poison
or otiicr means, and tlio Hal organs wasted beyond
iho point of rcpulr.
Itirisln nrliullRrellan, ITcailactie, Pain
In tlic Mioulitirs. Couctis, Tlghtuefs of the Chest,
Mzr.itiias, Niur Kruclatlons at the Stemach, Bad
Taste In Hie Mnutti, Dillons Attacks, Palpitation of
Hie Heart, lunamustlon of the Lungs, rain In the
nylm of the Kidney J. and a hundred other painful
inptoni', are Iho oifrpnngsof UyRptpsla. In UMse
cu:iiilalnt9 It has no equal, and one bottle will
proo a totter ituarantee of Its merits than a
lenctliy ailvcrtl"emcnt.
For Fcmnlr Complaints, In young or old,
m.-irTli-d or single, nt tho dawn of wnniinhood, nr
the turn ot life, there Tonic Hitters display so t
cMed 1111 influence that a marked improvement is
koou percriitlble.
I'nr liiflaiiiniatory anil Chronic nheu.
iiiiiImii and (iout, Ilyupcpsla or IndlgrstloD, till
lotis. Hi'inlttcnt and Intermittent lovers, Ulwatrsj
of Hie lilood. I.lrcr, Kidneys and Blailder, these
Ultli rs havo hern most successful. Much Dlstase
are r.itisM In mated ltloort. which Is (enerally
rrmliireil by dtrnpccmcnt of tho UlKcsttTe OnraDH.
Tliry nun ticiitle PnrRatlve as well mm
is '1'iinlr, pos.ctJilnu also Iho peculiar merit of act
luc as .1 ponrrful ajont In relicvlnit Conuestlon or
liiiliumatliin or the Llrtrand Visceral Oreaas aud
In liillom lUscanes.
I'.hcuiii, lllotclics, bpots, I'liuples, Pustules, lioli
L'ailiuurU'.s, Itlnc-wernis, hcald-IIead. fore Kye
I'nr .suiti Dlirnses, GniptlOD. Tetter.
Hryrlpclas, Itch. Scarfs, Hlscoloralions ot the Hkla,
Iluuiuis und Hlncases or tbo Skin, of whatever
name it nature, nro llterahy dun up and carried
on, of the system In a short time by Hie use of these
niters. One bottle III such cases will convince the
moit IticTcittiUmn of tlitlr ruratlve effeets.
Clrniise the Vitiated Blood whenever you
find Ha impurities bursting; throujin the skin In
rimples, r.niptlons, or Bores : cleanse It when you
Cnd It obstructed and sluitRlsh In the veins; cleanse
It i hen II Is foul ; your fectlnes will tU joa when.
Keep the blood pure, and tbe health ol the ustem
will follow.
Urntrful TliouiamU proclaim Ttsroaa Bit
thiu the most wonderful Invlgorant that ever u.
lalced the slnkliiK ktMcid.
l'ln, Tie, nnd other Worms, larklnj In
the syKteui of so many thousands, are effectually
destroyed and removed. 8ays a dbitiniralshed
plivFlolffflst: There Is scarcely an Individual on tho
ueo of Hie earth whose body Is exempt from the
pawnee of norms. It Is not upon the healthy
clement of tlio body that wonns exist, bnt npou
the iliro.sed hnmors and slimy deposits (bat breed
I hoe living monsters of disease. No system of
nK-lglnt?, no vcnnlfuffes, no anthelmlnlllcs, will
frcc"vhc system from worms like these Bitters.
Mri-lmiilcal Diseases. I'erMons engaged 111
PahiM mid Ulnerals, such as Plumbers, Typr-
tiers, Uold heatrrx, and lllners. as ttiey advanre
In life, are subject to paralysis of the Uowrls. To
ttuard oaalnst this, take a dose of IVamu's Vis
cut 11 IlirrKits twice a week.
Illllnue, llemlttrttt, and Intermittent
Fcirii, which are so prevalent in the valleys of
our great rivers Ihrouehotit tho United States,
especially thoic ot the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri,
Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkansas, iUU,
Colorado, llrazos, Itlo Grande, I'rarl, Aiabana.
Mobile, Savannah, Hoanoke, James, and many
olhers, with ihelr vast tributaries, thronghont out
cut iro count rv during tho Summer and Autumn,
utid remarkably no during seasons of nnuspsj heat
j r;d dryness, are invariably accompanied by ezten
KivciUniusemcntsof the stomach and liter, and
other abdominal viscera. In their treatment, a
purgative, cicrllnga powerful Influence upon theso
urloui orzs.ni, Is essentially necessary. There Is
no rath.irttu for the purpose equal to Da. J. Wn i.
lii'h Vivcusk HiTTeK.1, as they wiu speedily
iciiiow! tho dark-colored viscid matter with which
1 he hjw.'ls are loaded, at Uio samellmestlmulatmg
the secretions of tbo liver, and generally restoring
Hie hculthT functions of Iho digestive organs.
M rofulu. nr KIiik's Rvll, White Swelllngi,
I leers. 1 :rlpcla, Mwelleil Reck, Goitre, Hcrofulous
Iniliiinmaiious, Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial
Atr.-ctlnus, old .Sores, Kruptloas of the 8kln, Soro
1 tjs. le.. 01c in ttieso us In s!l other conitltu.
tltujl Iie:ucs, WsLien's ViNCoAn UrrTKKs have,
-LciTii their grcut curntrre powers In tho most
obstinate nud Intrartablo cases.
Dr. M'nlker's California Vinegar Ult-
ters net uo an incso canes in a similar manner,
by purifying the Wood they remove Iho cause, and
br resolving nway tbe effects of the Inflammstlou
(thn tubercular deposit) tho affected parts reecho
health, and a permanent cure Isctrecled.
The iiruprrtles of 1)0. WAt-lKa's VlSIOin
HfTTKita are Aperient, Diaphoretic, Carnilnauve,
Nutritious, laxative, IMurtUr, Kntatlve. Oonnter
Irrliant, hudortflc. Alterative, snd Antl-HUIous.
'I'he Aprrlrut and mild laxative properties
of int. Vi'ai kxii's VtvroAU UirrlK-s are tho best
t.afiv(;u;ml,lii cues of eruptions uud malignant
fevirs. 'i heir b.iliamio, hcatiug, and soothlugpro
perllcs protect the humors of Hie fauces. Their
tK'daiHo properties ailsy pain lu the nervous rys
icin. siutnat-h, am iwwcU, from unatnmaUvn,
Hind. cillr. rranipss, etc.
'1'lirlr Connie rIrrliut luflueace tx
lends throo.rhout the system. tTheir Antl.lJlllerU
nropcrtli's suinulatn tho liter, la the secretion 01
bile, and Its discharges through the biliary duets,
ami aro siiicrior to id I remedial agents, (or the cure
of llllloiis Fever, Fever and Ague, etc
Forllfy lite tiody ngsliist disease by
purlf)lug all Us fluids with Vl.stiun lirrrKas. No
t'ptdenilc ran take hold of a system thus fore-armed.
Directions. Take of the Hitters on going Io
bed at ulght from a half to one and one-bat wltic
glxssfub Kit good nourishing food, such as beef
teak, uiutton chop, venison, roast beef, and vege
tables, and tako out-dour exercise. They are
oomposcd of purely vegetable lugredieuts, and
contain no spirit.
Druggists und Ueu. Acts- M Francisco, Cab, A
cor. of Wuslilugtou and Charlton Sts., N.V.
Only 50 Cents per Bottle.
It promotes lite GHOWTII, PHJCIBH
VKS the COLOIt, asrl IsietresuM tke
Vigor and HBAVTYttf Ms HAIK.
. Otis TitrsTT Tcam oq I.TOx's KatsU9ot 10a
tiik Una was first placed In the market by Professor
11 lbomss Ltob. a sradnateol rrlnceion College.
The name Is derived from the lireek "Kirstsw,"
rignlfylng to cleanse, fwrvlr, rotmal, er rotors.
1 be ftvur It baa reodlred. and the popuUrlty It ass
obtained, is unpreoedeated and incredible. It la
Clews the Osowth sudBsjicnof tbe Una. It Is
s delightful dressing. It etadlcties dsndrosl 11
previmt the llslr from turning gray. ' sb
bd cool, snd give the hair a tick. oil. floeay t
rekrsuce. It UtbeuMSlnQuAiremsodQcjiLrrT
s it was over a Ooiarsa of a C'sarcsi A no, and le
sold by all DruggisU and Country btort at ! jr 1 0
Cte Mr buttle.
LTOf n
'Bt .... WUl'l
VllM3..-VRrv iav is Hll..l.. at.--- 1 . '
,m ms. m, flmip,wtinn street.

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