J.4iE;milUllAllA' JiUliliK'UlN, TUESDAY, Ma'iU'H it; 187-1.' rr CAIRO BULLETIN. nbottft."' '(') ,t ii. MM NOW IS THE TIM K ENTERPRISEJfrAyiNGB it? , iifr Wn rr-quoJt Nnlmerllier not recrl InK ttietr aiora H'KUlurly to report llm Inrt (o IIiir tiiller. clltirr prrHQtx nlly or by 1'onlnl Curd. I'tibllciitUnn OI, Hnll5lB Hnlldiair Wiuhlnctou Aveiaae. Hmlltia innllor uu nvrrjr piieo. t'OMSIINHlON DIKIIOnAMN. Utt " III a.' a.. 0-4 Wlu.l. il. ,1,1 It.lnit Doali r-, in O R i H in Cfca t-l . 1 1 rKiAi jfj )r3P OPfZCK 0 .1. . ' ' OITY NATIONAL HANK, "llAlltO ' j nil. i.. . i ovrictRs : ti.t'l" ,'.' ' A. B. SAfrOUU, PrMi.lnt; , . 8. 8. TAYLOKj Vtc-Preiident; 11. jmfl.01', 8oMtry tt "Tramnror M110T6MI 6 M o 2 2 t s 0) TO GET YOUR. T) 3 n .avium, n. AVKit- A.YKKS A CO., FLO TJ AND P rD '3 5 AM) 14 r: m. iumut, T. H. Btociilitii, K. H. OomiHtiua Oiiaj. (Iuismi, pAtrMi.Bntcu, ii. P. IUUiuai, J; K. Priuurn MMdto of mv IMHt KtMWlved f rota Tm oU lTpwrtl. I2ITHMT fMdM dmoMU tx th tt ol m percent. prujnroi Much Jet Mil btptttm toMM, faaUrMtoot withdrawn In crtJcrt linrnc dtetely to lh yruelf of IhedapoulU, tkoreti? fin ttaam compound Interest. MAMUBD WOMBH AKT Onit-DRK.-f MAT , DU0IIT MOHST a twit ji4 on uu ca tui it. OpM'tairr.btnltiMK dr from vn.n.io S p.m Hd Matter, rn.ax lor BAVIHO OKI'OSI'Jt nlTi from to t o cloek.' ' tuDMr i . W. HTfil.oi'. Trnutirr. THE OITY NATION AT i c 1" ,A I. HO, CAPITAL, 100,00(l 111 I.u.i '.rl'tm I . t. ' I ) T4 ja (..liemjnul u ! UttNIlr UHAIiUDAT, ViOfl'iesldtni AJ. BATPORP, Ciwhlor : KAIiTKR illUI.Of , ABHUitn 0hlr- .,, In none n . . hn. lHjJUTll. ClUklDUUAil, W. 'P. HLLtrir, Hm. D. ytLiiiAMtOJ. Brnraiu Uiuo ' - A.'B.uiraan; .iiil.a K r mekaacv, VUa Atul IAltml flsnea Boads' As'tteix nnit (kM. botl&kfa'don. FIRT RATIONAL BANK or oaiuo. la ii-J R. AV. MiLLEMi TreKldfint, J. M. I'uiiui a,- Vlco-l'roMilcnt. CtUB. Cunningham, Cashlor. .! "I"' EICHA'tOlI.v nblaj linnit 'nbti. n.t llntto. BUtM Monritlca bonght Kai soU. Allow J n lVlrn'l)oii,ll iRPMSE Tba only rqliabla Qift Diatributron in tbo $100,000 ot IN VALUABLE GIFTS To.be dUtrllmtoJ In imrsiNE's 'in- jI3tl'sniII.ANNUAL To be Jfajra'jIondayMarcli, EOtli, lb74. ONE jpiiAD W CAPITAL PlilZH, io.ooo OiTH)(075,flO() In Slvcr! Piv Prl cfjcli in Groonbuckfll Pive PrbBf) ppbjli iK iOronlm:l:8l Ton l'rlM. c100 oftcli la OreunbttcUl Two ramlIy!Can1(!e nml Wntcbfd Ilorxc with bllvcr-JIountcd linrncm, wiirth i,uwcacn i chlne . i,jprU 610Q eacU I 1WK) Ooi.t anj Hllvir Lcrll4intliie Wu:luh(lii all,)vorU iiiM HW mmi 11 " I Oold chalnn, SUvcr-waro, .icwelry, .Vc, Ac. Numdkk ok Gifts io.Mkv TtoinsTS um. K1KI to MJ.00O. GKNTS'VVANl'KOlb Kr.l.I, TK'ICIM'S to whom Ilboral jitciiitum will lio mii. HINQLC TlCLETfl ?J; StX TICK HTM J10 Circuiare conuimni; u run list of prizes, a deictiutlon ol tho inauntr of drawing, mi, I other Information in reforronco to thu ilit. tributlon, will le' eut to any ono ordering them. All lettcri must ho addrukstil to um iimuc, I., u, hljir,, Jlox 101 w. Kllth St. Cincinnati, o. Jlanufacturcrk and Dealers in MACHINE OURNIG.OILS nnil .AAlltil. I i ). . "-AXLE GREASE. KT''.i;). a Alto AbmiU tor tho Mlt I I CELEBRATED GLOBlS aoBgijijifnras- No. 719, NortblMalno firl !ttU,;too, Vol' WFT ENTl Xwo lwtfeLtlloxw,.vts., ivorlli WoO eachl I wo,ine.tortv(l JtoMowooU l'luito, worth e.'iSO.Mich ! Ten Pimllir SnwIiKr M. GENERAL COMMISSION MEKUHAMV No. 7H tiMvav.'ittKiOAtno, Tt.tj 11. A. Thorns L. D.Thom; T.UOMH A UKOTIIKU, SnrcoM)iTR lo 11. M.liulen, COMMISSION MEUCnAKTS,H0KElU5 AND 13RALKK3 IJ MrtiIo mid I'lincy Jrovm lc, Foreign nntl Domestlu 171 Cotmnsrclal Avenue, OAIKO. . - XT.MKOIH. , WKUTOltKSTOjrffcJ, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. LARUSiT VAMXTT HOOK IK T1IH 0IT1 GOODS HOLD VEHY 0L0B1!. i Soriirr of Mlnptoouf It nfrot mill 4m tnriMnl AvMiti. 0AIBO, ILLINOIb. . C). I'ATIKH MIJjLKK & PAllKKK, GENfJRAL COJIMISSION I . 4.1. I K01lW AUDIT) 0 M2tltvuAMTL, UKALEKH in klouk, cobn Op.tB, Hay, etc., AOfiKTa tor yAIl'.BANK'B tsOALES Ohio Ltivuo. CAIi:0. 1I-U4N01H. tAWYKHN, . WILLIAM J. ALLEN, A.TT0HNEY AT LAW ' 0A111O, IIiLINOIB. (lUicoovpr KlrKtWullnnal bank. BAilUKL P. WHEELER, ATTOUNEY & COUNSELOR AT LAW UA1KO, ILLINOIS. .U. nvi r V'-t SnMni;-1 tiMilr, .1 .VI ni Jflm HrAiiilLiy- . .. Will- AtiiJLoy MVLKKY HON, ATTOItNVM AT LAW (JA.IUO, llAMUHiS. Olllco: Ed'htli Mroot. hutiv.ipn Cnnimor :IhIhikI Wa?liiu;iuii ui,Uua. IHM ti. GJIEKN ,v, GIL U HUT, ATTOItNJCYd OOUUKLOltH AT LAW, Wlllluu ll.Utnnu, 1 WillMio li. (illhr, V OtltlO, H.MNOJ!), MHen r.Ollkort, J IpfClM nttontimi alinn to A.1nitiUY nd Jtmtxitt l,Uf tnotiu. lir?10I( OIIIOLliVRII.HOOMIi 7 AVI) OVBU FAST GINGER ALB! "COCK OF THE "WALK!" Androtv i.nhr di.h'fH. tn 1,t Uu. iijt.in Kliou llil lie I, Mill lituiL' :ind lining Im.l. miit hl old Maud In (.'nlro, nml i ivmlv lo umthi' aiiv oi'uci Hum Ilic cltv (ir roumrv Kir 6"dA atiT. ( iilcr. Ale. mn M. I.i.nl. Il IH ii on aiwi iiiniiiii'iieeil the nmmilailiiii i uu icii i.riu.ii ii..u,t (ilnf Ale. uldel I; imt tip in i-ndu water hotile,. imil it tin lllli-M lii'tuae ecr yet lii:imifaetiire(l Cor I.U1H., uy. UUUI-l'llll ! FINE1 M1LLIN.EHY GOODS l'UKKlI ht'Itir.t; STVI.KK. M II b . 51 . J A 0 K 8 O N , (Formerly Situ. ewautlart,) announcor Umt Mio has ju-st; openod a largo assortment ol tho " tt I NEWEST, MOST KAS11I0NAJ1LE, AND HANDSOMEST I M'Wnery 6ood toiie toiina in tho market "in iveii uu uanii T?' ,,,.iJ,"tT',l t'LOWKBH, UlHllOKH, LAKIKH FUIINIHIUNO OooHB, MoTlONH . UNUKKHI.UKVKV. Kukhi. ' tau prletu. Ir.. Jackson retiioctnilly MkN it contlnuutlon of the pataonai-o wlddi ha hcon no llbeiully bo.l.owcd pin l,cr by the ladtet of Cairo and tho vie.iu.tv. y BEL tn O p. ft i. a W M o H w 7! o H tn (71 M O a Elclililililil MISSOURI 8TATE LOTTERY. Loauzw r Statu Atitjioritv awd Dhawx im I'ffntio itf Or. Xiotnu. Grand Kiogln Number Soliomo. 00,000 nomuzbs Olabu 0, to jib jjkaw.v .Mfirch 31, J 374 6,880 Prlr.e, AmotinlinKto $300,000. 1 l'riieof y),m l " of 1S.4W 1 " Of..... J0,(KJ l or........ 1,(01) 4 " of...... t,y l " ol i,W0 2d Of 1,(U) JJ ' of........ 600 W " of.... ItW 600 rrlMsef. J 10O 9 " of........ 1,000 a " of........ too o of. soo b of M0 35 ' of. 200 fW " of........ IM 1R3 " Of W ito " ot ii Ticlse'.s 210; Half TickoU, Qu.srter TlCk'OU, 3 00. Oar lottri' rn ohirtexoJ tj ttio HtMt. m alw.ije cirunn k iqo time nmm, rvna mi aw luet r under t!if tupcrUicn of nwoia com iTii.intinrN. 'JhtorflaUt drwlo trill oe rnMlrhnl lo th M ljulu pr'r nd co if cf iliiw.es iut to tmrcnagrrff ui iickcii. j AVe will diw adialtKr hohumn tho It uj 01 uvcrv month durltis the l tar 1671. KrinUat our rink by votnAico muaar ncd, rtclttcrci letter, dmltor nptent. Heodforou cuUr. AMr, MURRAY, MII.l.HH & (JO., 1'. O. boi -HI. Bl. Lout. ItO. IV fiUUAhCK ) INSURANCE AO KNT Ol'PIOU: Ohio Lcvte, over MathtiN.J'A Uhr. QV-jVowe 6f First-CUu Cowpanit Repr(netleil.'"uti 1MSUKA WOliJ M A Ill.lMStt) ISIS. aAPPUitU, niOlUUH &, U AN DEE, I NSU I IAN OR AG 13NT8 7.1 ! I.orf-. citv iat:o;?at. iiA:;n uviuuKa OAIKO, ILIA o V!io oldpt ortilill'bPil Agency In Honlhfrri Illinois, ropruFHilluc river Sfin.onn.nno on i bl UlO ll-'i-: llMllrtillno llnltdit Hlntna. C'n,ltl (ll tin. lUHtK llN(r.lt. l'ATROKIZK BULLETIN BINDERY, wonter Twollth Htrcot and AVashlnutDii Avo i J. G. H UELS, (l.-ito of HI. l.U,) I'KOl'KIKTOK HOOK HINDER AND RLANK BOOK MANUFAOTUUHi: lliiAJilC UOOKHof cvorvdoserintlondono with noaUioHH and dimiiituli. All kindM nf ruling dono ntkhortnoileo. lUWes, Jlusir, Msii.'iizir.DH nml ronouieulrt bound nuul and UtnoiowoHt possllilo ratoK. County work, btieli as HccoriN. Docket I'eo Jlouku, llIankH, etc.. liiado it peeiiiity, Hoxe.i, Pocket liooks,Kuvolopti, ete., made 1.0 OlIlLT. 11-21. WAGUi MAN U FACTOR V For Salu ol Wholesale or Retail OOUNEil 32l).BTHKET AN1I OHIO XX1 Uniro, Illinoin, J, l'. H3lHt,tL. DH. Wr. JJLAUW GERMAN PHYSICIAN. ludors Itlook (up itn Iff lern.tr Flli.Strn nnii wMniiiei(in Avouuu. 30-31.tf. OAIKO, ILLINOIS. A. .1. HOE 51.1). 01 v:rTlioniM a Hro'H. Kioeury ntnif. .No. ,ii Coimiicrelal uveniie, e.uner Klulitl Mruot. ltfldnei) corner Wavhlni-ton av. puu uii rouiit'cnvii nrect.t( JOB PRINTING ln. During tho dull season, have leisure time lo devote to them tho propriety of procuring Cards, Kill Heads, Bills of Lading, , Ac count u 1' --dLjr:D iff Ry vmim Which tiiR Bfjj.LHTiK office Neatest and THE LOWEST PRICES ili'C' eltt t ci wl- The Bulletin office JOB PRINTING MATERIAL In tho Southwest, and will fill orders for such work at as low prices as can he ohtaiued in St. Louis, Chicago, Louis villo or Cincinnati. i ,.l STEAMBOAT 4 Our river friends will find at this oIUco tho best papo and tho most tasty assortment of types, tints and cuts to bo found in any printing establishment in tho Southwest. SEND IN YOUR ORDERS while Merchant's anil others such matters, tve suggest to their u t.iti! . ,).t- I CO " ' ol' Sales,- iBvuy Tickotg'p"-',' Receipt Books, job printing h irepared to do in the Best Oi has tins finest stock of .i - tit , , VS. . PRINTING HOME MADE CANDIES, HO. 172, WASHINGTON AVE1IUE, (k'twri'M Kith tiffil 1 1th 1; Onlccfl from jliroml will receive Prompt lAtlnminu I4livnli it;ul J'ic nit iMirjimlml at W l-2:!-3m 132 GOODS .'. J'AKICPHICES. 132 Wliolesalo and Rel&il Doalir in Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods LARG-S STOCK CP Carpets, Mattings Oil Cloths Upliolscry Goods, "Window SlnuloSiDniniLslv, Coriii.lio Whhon tho publlo to lie Inlormt d that Im any in the Sotithniipt, nud that he U detcruiinei to ll eVry article ht price? loworthan tbp lowtHt. Call on him una examine pooon anu and edt. WHOLES ALK If' BiB-CTaillT Jobbers and "O TT 'O "nT3 mmm m rai isd mi CliomicalH, Patent Modicinos, IVrlHuncry, Soaps, Brushes, Toilclt Articles, Druggist's Fancy Goods, Collier "White Load and Other Grades, J'ainta,' Colors, Oils, VnrnHies, Window Glass, Yn Mower Material, Tubw Colors, Dve Stuns, Etc., Etc., Etc. We Solicit eiirrei-pomlfl neo and order from Dm-UlH, I'hyMoiann nml (Irncral . Stores ii want of (.ooiUiii oiif Line. .S(ea4iilio.it. I'ianUilion ami Family Mgdleiii., cams lurii Ulnid or Kelllluil with ilellahlo Drili't at K .t-niialil. Klitm. WIIOLKSALE & JtKTAIL, HKTML it l'RESCHlPTION, 71 Ohio Lot cp. Witthlnjrlnii Ave. cnr. lllfrlitli St. d X IE& O . 'iiijf' Vulcan Lion Wokk CO.MMER0IA h A VJC2S! UE, oitositi: NINTH rJTUJXTJ. .TOIIN T. RENNIE, V v F 0"U 3STDR Y , MACHINE SIIOJ'' P()naE and Put. Pittiko, NTEA.tl XSXtlI! KH, WII.I,, hTK.t .11 IJOA'l MACHIITEE,-Z .Manufactured and repaired. ripoclul attention kIvcii to Hfe'lit and beavj forKln', lioimo, brldfto, railroad nnd Jail work and all woik of it similar vhanictcr. Steam and an Uttlnt; In all iw liranchon. A till assortment ol ilorrlM, Tal;or Ik Od't riilladolphin piponnd llltlli;;.'!. llniHiyoods etc.. anil k'.-n ilxlures nlwitja on hand. PIPING OP HOUSlJ POll OAb MADH A Bl'EOIAU'Y. Aj-'ont ror Cameron h fpeulai fitcnni pumi and boiler leeder. Tho butt mamlluclureil, CoII'h patent xyphon pumps, and .ludson'i patent governor und governor alve, Tho following ensincH, etc, for mlo i Two Hcnmboat oiijiincs, 181 inch boro of cylinder; llvo feet fctroke, and In ood order, Ono htcamboat fliatt and crank; wrot iron Ono enKlnj for hoisting freight: 75X10. Ono lOXiO hutv mlllencinu, with Hhalt nnd crank lor muly or Hang "aw, tcconil baud, One now ffXIU engine; my own maiiufac ture. Alco, it scesud-hand Htavo ctittlnK ina. cblno and Jointer, and warehouse hoisting maehlno, litKood older. KuKlnuii mid raacUIucry of all kluds bought and fold WILLIAM 11. SMITH, M. D. KKHll)Ei:CJC No. 21, Thirteenth Mrrct, botwetu W-.ishlm;toii avciiuo ami Walnut ,troot. Olllcc 11W commercial nwnuo, up tai re. liemidoil,, Ifricc. "SlaMBIOIS. lias nc hir 1 n nl't: of t'ootln fi cxtcniil vo a.. e Hi price? ioworuian iiijj ly yor . n'h to utinlity pno is m- iiu kbd AN J) RiiTAIL BROTHERS Retailers of DRUGS, :v Ilnudnliin "C'ornerStMi,l CHIC I ISO. rJi!j?.:j I Fj.?3 Tf'-most Rmoitiutl Sptcialitt of tl..g, ii (' trtn'Mint.crPlUVATi:, CUIIOXW and lilt. : .V.l.'l' liJSFASES, HEiUXAh WEAKXK33. The ih.iiH efur'j Ki;r,lUn ofdlUr c.ui, pfudiulsj t.KBtOrs-l; riVl'LCH ON TlIK kaci, AVtmilOSTO I-UCIZTY, Itlf.lt'.Ka BIOUT, LOSa Of JIKKOHT JUKIHIODlrEK VBSTLV CCKIB. TU CBHAM OF llrMOlI. LIT I ll.tTi nC,lUulrU4 villi ibuttntmliii ujUtaUf trfm.rt3irry,iifii, wbj. Tt tm;-tlnM&u Uburrl.. Tl.. If tibturr, ttnvt u ciirt. 1'rloa bOvrau, mit I n a i Ilu inid cat , !ve. Lftdlr. rvulrlns . urslc.l i! J, mek.l Mb-l.tbct br.felrlce may tuttlcr allrcM Ui. doctvr. Im .1141 j,nu-l yltti vrlrftta p.ruaraii, wJ, AiUfrl rp-,''. I'.ffcj tlUA(JlLtdul. IlUtUr ttulrt4 &0 M II? IS 3vTOT TIRTJ" THAT D,R, RUWA 13 DKAD. nr. is .NTii.i, i.ivmo ani in taiu liii olllco and dispensary nt NO. 22 JSIGUTII BTIIHBT, , Dot. Coirttnorelal nnd Wanangtun avenues It l tnie, tho doctor u ono of the oldcxt phyrlcbinK of tho place, and IiIh .illpluina, that !miij;e in bin ntllcu, hIiow) that bo ban bt'bu ,12 yrari in tho prorcIou, ilo l ilolni; a larger olllco prautlco than any other phy sician, tro'atliiK all klutly of chronic dlsenncri ot tho human system, biiob as old ulcer, and ttUdlsoaioii of tho wliln, liumorit and blood poisons; also dlijoafes of tho throat; uluu all dlscasns ol tho eyes of years t-tauilttiK : ubo nrtllicial eyen Ini-ortcd; llettila cured without tlio mo ol n Unite; cancers cured by the application of medlcinoii; pimples on tho face removed; all miliary uUeascH ctirntl j all fornni.of venereal and prlvato disc ascHctircd In tho shortest tlmo ; tscniiu weakucm aifil eIf-abuso cured in u thor llmo. It is self.evldcnt that ii physician treating tatcHfor twenty-two yearn acquires great kill. ( All contultailoris contlilcntlcal, in person or by luttna. mudlcliifH furnUhed at olllco In nit rtVil tf,l Oil. DAyil) II 11LTZ- - O.W. DUNNING, M ltllSlDHNOK corner Nli-n' and r.alnut StreetH. Olllco corner oislli utret t ami Olilolevco. Olllco Jiuore-lromu ii. m lo 12 m., nml Op. n tilS 1 or, MB