OCR Interpretation

The Cairo bulletin. [volume] (Cairo, Ill.) 1872-1878, May 13, 1874, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85033413/1874-05-13/ed-1/seq-1/

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.i." V-- -
ha? kg ad.
Mall at 2:3.m., JJally
Kninui .v. ....8:00 ti.in
r'raliflit KW a.tn., . ..except IJtinilay
rrciKhtftt. .,U:5r. xxn. .. "
Frl,-hlut ,4 no p.m.....
A)!lll R AT l A 1 110.
Mu.mt AtlO n.ii),,.. IJAily
Expr ut i-OS p.ni.,....exco)it bunduy
Freight at 'J:l a.m.,. ...except Monday
Ft eight at .7il0.li.ni., cf -pt .Sunday
freight at 10; p.m...... ' .
lrJ-j-'J-li'tf. iIAmkb .loii.ssoy, Agent.
(iiiamcir or rim:.
On and alter Sunday, February 22, 1871,
tralna will tun m follows t
(lOlNd KOKTIt.
Passenger. Frrliilit.
Cairo, leavo,, rr.islA.M. rnOCi a.m.
Mound City, leave...... nfJJ
Vienna, leavo fiil.l
llarrlsburg, leave 8:llt
Noirl City, leivu, ... U:ir
Oaim', arrivo..,. ...... D:f0
Carinl. leave 10:W)
Urayvllle, leave 10:10
Mount Carmel. leave. ...Uftl
ri;;in "
fi'17 "
llil'l "
1::iJ l-.jl.
Via "
4:4T. a:m.
fiiVi "
7:tM "
Vlncciiuet, Iokmi r.M,
O.4.M.. function, iriv-.12:'tt "
noiMi BOOTH.
' O. AM. Junction, leave., "il.'i A.M.
Vlncennts, leave "A". "
itotmti'arinel.lcav Btfri
7:00 l-.M.
6jiO "
10:17 "
11 -at "
ciri t.M.
:j;10 "
:I0 "
'raytlllc,. leave l:IB. "
Canul, nrrlw lO.ful "
urml, lew 10:10
Norrlr. City. Icavr 10:11 "
Harrisburgh, eaw 11:13 "
lentirf, lcac, 1.17 I-.M
HoiuwICItv, leave i!:42 "
falro, arrive.. 11.01 "
Leave Cairo at 11:30 a.m. and f.ir p.m
I eavo Mound City atl!:U5p.iii.andl!:li)p.iii.
l'rrlxlit tnilni atop over nlyht at Carinl;
run Iioin tluro as mixed train, Icivlm; ut
iM a.m.; lentlng Vlnceiincn at 7 p.m. Hit-i-iiiioivenliilf
for return trip.
At Cairo with tlm Mllslppl Central,
Mobile anp Ohio, for all points Mint; Calm.
Arkaii'ai ami Texa-, fur nil point In Arkan
sas and Tcxa.
At Vlncennni: Indlauapollsand Vliiceiiiie
railway forludUnapollsandallpoliiU nortli,
at anil ,M't ; vrltli KvatittlilR and Craw
tord'VllIo railway for F.vansiIlc,TerralUulu.
Danville, Chit-ago and all point north, cunt
ndvrA: with Ulilo and Miwtolppl rail
way for Ht. Louis, ljulivlllo, Cincinnati and
all point east and wont.
At Norrla City rro.-lng the Sprlnfclield
tin) HIlioU Southeastern railway.
h. V. J 'a t.MKti, Gon'l Hup'l.
K. I'. Wlt.KJK, fjan'l Fataougar, Ant. '
I)J. ill. HOWAHI),
?11YICIAN &SUIlOji:Oi.
HlWllKNCrSeTrntli Unit, lxtwtcn
WntliliUjlim A v. and Walnut strrrt.
)udrjl IliicK (tipithirs) cunt Ftli f.Uro
and AVnatilntoii Avonue.
sfl-si-tr. oaiuo, ii.iiiNois.
Clin rl Mnrrb 81.
oickrs ;
A. U. t'AKfOlll), l'roklilciit;
ts. H. TAYIiOlt, Vlcvl'rdrlilfnf,
iZ K'iW l H Ti;rr "'1 Trttari
HM.lim'H. ujj. ruiwaaa,
r. II. booaitta, I'M O. fcMreu,
K. H. rjsjn."i ' Hnni.
J. tl. I'llHUIf.
lltvOBlt ol ua; Aiuonut 11hIiI Itum
TaCeaU Upwarau.
tTKIBIT paid on lUmuim at tliu rat ct u
paroaat. jxraanam, Maroli lulan.l Hptro
c lat. lataraatnol withdrawn U aJJwl iwtna.
utaUlr lolfca prmolpal of the ildpoulK, Ikcrotij
Ktrinx ttittu compound tnlore.t.
O TB1T o on iui cm 1T(
Ooaa Trt budDMH day from a.m. ui a p.m
rr.:a lor HAVINd Dr.Hoant
ma iiii
tul, from to o clook.
W.' HTHI.OH. Triitiir'.r.
ilAlHO, IlilKOIB
nfcHK7 I.. HAl.UUAT, Vloe-riMlJrnl
A. V, 81FK0HI). Oaablnr I
WAIVI'IIK HTHLOf, Ant.ltn (laiblar-
BfaATi Tati), IloiaaT H. Ocaaiaonati,
ilaaatli.HAUiiiAT, W. f. Baiuba.
:o. I). Wiu4im', btariiaa lliao
A. II. BAtruao.
tisctiBBK". Uol aad VbHwI Btatea
Honaa MUtTBt and Hold.
DhJ'OBlTU reeelred, and a n.neral banking
t.uala.aa ao...
II, W. Miller, 1'ievldont.
J. M. I'm t Lire, Vlou-1'realdent.
CrlA9. COHNINQHAM, Caibler.
bank nnUa aad VM
!i flUt.J aaourtt1! bought aad (Old.
Tl IIHI AUaaai aaaaa vfp"
IIESIDKNOK corner Ninth and Walnut
street. Olllue corner Klxth utrect anil
Ohio levee. Olflua liotira iroiaO a. ni., to
! tt m. and 9 1. ut
HKfllDEKCK No. SI, ThUtMnth atroet,
between WaiiiliiKton avaHue and Walnut
treat. OflKv ISO tMBuncrotal avanue, up
ill f iff i
'I Iir INihllr.it Ion or tilt so Dl.Hiialcltos
It l'nus?rl liy the Xlpo AVater. Tli
l'ltlillentlmi or later IlIxpfllofH I"
this Issue lit Imiiossllilf en Hip Pimp
riio Ulunlkor tliO Missis-
sijill HI vor.
Tho Government and the
Arhiiusjis DifliciiKy.
TIIKM.it Tit Of TIK Mla.Slairlll't'I.
WauIIIMuii.:;, I). U. Mav ll. -Tlie
condition ol'tlio Mouth Improvemcrit pro
ject" at prciont dhow how cuuipletely n
frtTorahlo opportunity may l.o Irltterrii
away. It Inokt at iirimnt hi if through
tlm luliltU iiipportcia. ol pot plain or
plunder that nolliing wlmt-ivur ru honh
taiiitnl. V lien thu ('urisrnta orconlced
thero Mi fiocltuut feaiinjj jirovjiiliiii;.
oipcciaiijriii tno Allautlc Htatn, towhrdi
loiui; tuinc'.liliiir, won cotitldur! it'
tnodaratc, In tho direction of dollnit't In.
ttirnal nuvlation mid ft irnproveiuant.
.Men or, large prertieal lejulnlivo and
hutlficit fnpi)rli'nc-, Iil McOroarv. of
Iowa, and .Starnlard. if Miruuti. ln-carno
cinvincod irlj Id thu -i7ioa tbat thu
liiiprnvrmont or
to tho extent of lii.nkln a ;oud thip ( liati
Iiul uudur ull vlrciiuiitarii:ii wm tlm olio
chemo of tufliclutitly iiuttntial clmracttir
on which to ovoirldn nil sectional jonloiii-
itt, ii Mien oxiaicu, anu su:acirili v nn-
poralive in nluificaiico aj to warrant ita
ujin; pui nirwaru aa tno only avatlaiiia ,
work Iikvly to iccuro aid at thu prment
iliiilon. (Jov Hteiiurd and tho other .St.
Loula uiunilwii liaro irom thu.flrlt on-
deavored to hoip thfa purpoto Irou front
ail tmocornbo or ett.er nilluri lltolv to
urouio ill will. In tlii. they I'.ilud at tho
meeting held by "Yoateru and Southern
member", through rpeechet ntaiio by
VROTIIV l)KLAfiei(.l C
from Illinou and uliewbero. 'ilu IJeao'l
uniting tho.o favoilui; lulorual improve.
ment ou runui one fmiilln pr Jwft 00
erally donrnblo to all. f coin to - ti in
danger from doiuagogui; wlio dvtlro ac
tional itinei, unloi'i trmir nuiuhlorbood
plan la accpU'd, and by tbo lobby from
Nuw Orleans, which Ii'iq artlvcly pres
Inj forwartl thatroal cttato pn 't.'t'nowri
aa tho l-'orlUt I'ltilllo canul. lletwccn
tbcio two force.", ('nptain IX .'4 tlmplo
city plan, tukiiii; nolluiji: from treas
ury uuloi tuccetiful, iii likely to bo do
lealoJ, m hlln it ii equally ai well toltltd
ru tuat iiolluni; will bu uono at this its-
ion to i-arry forward
TIIS VOKT KT. 1-nlMf'n CATfAt.
irhemo 'I'ho coat It ttilli-inrit, in the
oconomionl inoihl of coiigrtui, t' defeat
It. Tho houao commltUii on rallwuyi t
and canal bavo boon lor two wnks pilot
hoaring tho argument! on both ttdci, but
neem lutther from nconclunon than whur.
tbo inattur wai flrnt coniidcrod. 'J ho
Loulilaua lobby aro nt work very enor-
'oticallv, and they are nbly aeconded by
thiir rrpn ontativea n woll ui auitained
by thu un.tieer buren i. As th? mMtcr
icolca at preient, mo noiy priponion mai
ii likely tu iiiccetd will 1 a lomo appro
nrialton f ir dredtring. A ew Orletiii
company oll'arj to tlrodgo and kaep open n j raont In tbilr meetings nnd ilelibcrn
cbannel on terms framed nomuwhat on ! tions, I could not lawfully diipeno tboin
tho Kuda plan ol payment, but even that I If 1 would, nor hi vo 1 any monni of com
rnav lio negatived through thii profwiuual pulling & I.cgialnturo that might bo con-
Jelouy of tho enginier buret'.., vbicb
h a pet p an ol Ita own. !
.. , ,, '.' , ,' . ,'.,. i
(iniTftl Kobttrt M oomln, of Uoorgla. e-
statu to tho Itlchmotid governu ent, hit'
Ulllll'll 11. Ik''" WUI. (...... ....v. ..... ...
been slopping in thu city tuvornl dayj,
and has had mcotiugi with 'iuito n number
ol bis otil perfniifil and political irlemle.
Ynatorday bo hail a long and Interoiting
Interview with tho prraident. Tho latter
w not receiving, but on being appraifod
that General Toomb had called, tout for
him ns he wit descending tho steps. Al
though thoao yentloition havo been politi
cally tho antipodes of each other sinca
tho war, ono being tho mast pronounced
and defiant or conlcdurniee, tiiu oner no
lighting to exorcise ovor them tbo filthy
yu'koof tho no,ni nn '. carpi't-biiggor. tho
intiitviev botwoon thu two is unilnrrlooil
to havo ben entlrolv pleanuit. 1 tio in
terview had no political 1-ign.illenrico, but
tuoro wits JUit ono subjoci uu which inoy
agreed, namely, mo currency qnmion,
and probably tho president wits not
avurho to hearing from tho distinguished
Georgia orittor ri coiifirmallon or tha'
opinions which ho hail enuuciatoil in his
recent VCIO nieasngu. wu una aunjucv mo
nrosident thinks ho understands puhlio
sontimotit far bolter than tho Itopnbllcnn
oongronsinon from tho north and wot,
who voieu ngniHsi mm. tiou. iiioinuiia
In food honlth. anil retains all tho conver
sational brlUIuncy for which -lio has long
boon noted.
Conferwicts bitvo been going on lor the
in.nl two or throo tlays, at tho iuiUnco of
tho president, In reipoct to tho Arkansas
contest, designed apparently, to relieve
him iron tno uwKwaru po.tuon in wuion
be had placed lilininu ny protecting and
aiding thb etl'orts of Brooks to overthrow
tliH state uoTuriiinoni. Ai soon as
a soon as tlm
....! lanl. tn tlm eami litti'AmH follv k'tiAuii I
It was apparont that tho legal rights of
Uaxtor were too clearly establtihol nn-
dor tbo constitution of Arkansas to ba set
aside, even to sonuro the re-election of
Clayton to tho United States sonato. Tho
conference! referred to havo boon held In
tbo ofllco nnd preslmco of tho uttornoy
gonoral, to whom th matter had boon
committed by tho president. A t the con
fortnea held 1a last nlht, ns both par
ties had concecdod that tho legislature hud
the right to pass upon tho -contest, n com.
promlso w4 itiggoitod by tho attorniiy
gsnorai, a airoauy uuihuuu:uu hi iuu,
rraotlcally this would ond, in all prob-
ability, in a triumpu lor llaxlir, bill llll
attornoy nd frionds In this !iiy did not
feel utnorlx4d to commit lilti or thetn.
selves to its acc4ptance. (jovornor I!ux-
tor 404ml to havo faith that to accept It
was, iu lome ineasuro, to rioognlzu tbq
pretention of Hrooks, wldfih ha will not
voluntarily do. Besides this viow, ho had
already called tbo leglslaturo togothor,
and, notwithstanding the elTortsofllrooks
and his p&itlzans to pravont It, it is ah
riady known here that a quorum has
ruchad Littlo Hbjk. They will aisomblo
' In tliat city to-morrow, under tho call nf
uovcrnor Maxtor, ami llioir lirt nd only
uuilnefi wl'l bn lodetormlnn purnuant to
tho ttatu romlitutlon tbo quoitlon of the
Thoetatj (initio t now occupied by
Urook' armed forcei, but it U not iicccn
aary tliftt tho logliUtnrn ihould meet
thoro. An miemblago nnywlioro In tho
city of J.lttlc I lock fully cornpilns with tho
requirement! nf tho law. Thero It nn din
plo forcu oi tho part of tho, Ktnto now in
hlttlo Kockjto protect the moellni; of tho
(Sialntitro atftlnat liHorferonco i lllior by
ItrooVf or tho federal troopi, antll thny
dliolmrgn thuir duty In docldlnc thU olau
tl n contoit.
The Jlrooks-Hftxter
TIio 'f.ogiHlatoro to Moot Yes
toi'day' I.tTTLti JtOfK, May 11. Thor.i hm
lmn boim.j si irinlitiinj;. mid ino nf
Itroolt' c'Kpt-iltii mimed Williamt, killed,
lloyotid tliU m cataulliea havo tnlen
plnnu. In iiiitwurto th'i propmilion atih.
mltteil hy tho AVaihlnlon iroviirnntent
fot thy leltlunifent or tllo diClcilty, il,o
l ontendlnt; i;ovbruora,tent tho folli.v.Ini;
dlrMt.'lii. to Vath(nj(tnn. Tl.o follow
in); i tho teplv of ilr. llrikit to tho
Mgreemunt drawn up anil mbinlttcj l,y tho
allornoy enoral nt Washington :
J,tTTLt: Uock, May II, 1871
iNOTfiff, 1). (!.:
Your dippitlch tuhmittini; tho prcpocl
tion to submit the quolloit ol wbo wm
duly nhioti'd (jovernor, and to refrain
Irom ntl warlike dumanitr.ttioti.s until tho
rotitPit it finally aettlod by tho Jegiilnturo
tif the natlorial governuiiiit, hi propoiod
In your dispatch Ii accepted. 'My olaitn
to tho I'overnorihln of A rkana hi nl-
rc,lJv t,0(jn .,)lud , .... ..,...,, .......
i proccedlne where tho main ouoittm
( at i.iuo was who wr thu governor ((
Araanaaa. noiwunsianjint; tlm, j
foci t confident of my election and thu
jii'tnom of my oiatma that 1 urn willing
to lubmit the iptcitlon to tho tribunal
yon lure nnmr!, and pea)bly abldo tha
dnlnriitinatlon, at all tlmr.a aMerting that
tho only tribunal that can or hits tin
right tocriaitruo tho ronttitulloii is the
aupremo court of tho atate. which, in its
latodeeiiton In tho rale of l!rook agint
I'agH, determined that tho cuvnti court
had both tho power and jurisdiction to
ndiudlcato my right to tho ofllco. t '
Sigurd .IcBxril l!r.noi;s,
(lovornor of Arkansas.
uaxtik's r.Kft.T.
HnxtnrtlJi:lIns to accedo to tho propo
eltton, and tent tho following telegram;
liimr, Hock, May 11.
To Honorable Geo. 11. Williams, Attor
ney (ifinonil of thti l.'nilcd fet&tti :
Sik: Youra of thli date submitting n
proposition . for the. itUluuinnt.ol ...p
tronble In Arkanaaa i recoived and fully
cotHidered. A ainiilar iiropotltiou in all
rc?pcct, except so fur ai rolatoa to tbo
joint call of tbo legislature, wa itibrnittcd
by mo lotno two wi.oka ilnco and rejctt-d
by i;rooi;s.
I cannot conio.nt to nnytblng that will,
'in wholo or in part, recognize llrooka m
govornor. Kltbur I am governor or I am
not govornor. Tbn legislature has been
called together for tbo 11th of tliii month.
Tho members nro rapidly uiietnlllng with
nearly a otinrlim preient. Now, with
tbo belief that thev will rccyivo thu
nrolectlon ul tbo coneral covcrn-
vened under Joint call to conform to tho
lorina proposou.Bi no legntaiure migui ns
"" '"'" ow, nnii uv. unuor my can,
&cllo it might not return two weeks
.. ,tt ,t ....i. i
AAr fx .trim ..! 1 1. mA......t..i.1
i;uiiiu.iuu .ii... nu ivw;iilir ;u.u....it,
nnd in ii alKto of war. To diipoto of all
the ?o matters, I bnvo railed tho legisla
ture for thu 11th Inst., under n conviction
thnt It would asiamblo and bo protected
by tho general government. 1 now ronow
my ttppoal to tho prosldent to protect tho
leglslaturo now called. If the leglslAturo
meets now, tho question way bu submitted
to It fairly, nnd I will abldo its decision
fully. I mil, tboreforo, constrained to do
cllno the tonus propose I. (Signed.)
i'il.ISIIA IIaxtki:,
Governor -of Arknnsns.
Tho following dispatch was forwarded
to tho president thin evening :
I.itti.k Horn, Mav 11.
To tho President of tho Unltod .States,
Y!uinL:ion, v. u.:
AVo, tho tiudoraiyr.ud, tnombnrs of tko
logislattiro nf this state, havo coino here
to moot tinder tho call of Govornor ll.tx
tor to-day. Wo wish to meat and sottlo
tho troublo now existing hero, ns tho
country requires it; and wo respectfully
nsu protection 01 inn general govern
mont whilo wo moot iiml dellborato. "Wo
holil tho matter nhcmUl not bo postponed
nnd ull that no vim do lu have a 1 til r am:
honorublo Adjustment ahall ba done; and
unless we nro protected tboro mny be
bloodched hero in it vory short tlmo, nud
tho consequents no ono can toll. Wo aro
woll aatisiied thsto will boa quorum of
tbo "legislature iK-rsent to-morrow under
tho call of Gov. Uaxtor, nnd wo nro sat
isfied n quorum would bo hero now wnro
it not tor tna unwarranted tet.tira nud
suppression of tho train on tlm hlttla
Hock and Kort Hmith railroad, docccssh
rlly delaying tho mombors of tho Jpglsla
! rrm llj0, northorn portion of th
.Hit;ned by Sonalors Hcotl, Ankecn,
Pollnrtl, .lories and others, ami over twenty
Tho House Committor) on Tost Offices
and l'ol Hoads hnvo agreed to rccom
mond tha enactment of n law which shall
rcqtilro tho payment of poitagn on all
newspapers and otjior printed matter,
Postmaster Gonoral Creiswell was tiroient
at tho meeting of tho Committee, and as
sisted in iiorruottnc thnnoiaiia of tlm Mil'
I It will probably provide lor postago
tho pound, probably 1 rant por pound for
. newspapers ami ioriuiin'io niniiuu rrgu-
larly by publinhors.
From thu 23 of April to tha 8th of
May, tlt'teon days, thero wnro shipped to
tlm overflowed iJlittiets 852,488 ration of
breaditutTs and 358. ini nf moat, of which
government supplied 102,133 rations of
' breadstutVs and 117,825 of moat. Tho
shipments mmlo In excess of roeolpts
from government proceeds from privato
contributions. The estimated nurabor of
mfferori in LouIiUim U 06,500 person,
Mtoaiiibo.Unton n coinn.oa carriers nro
interested In tho follonlrij tul'.urfrotn
Hon. "V. A. lifchardton u'otiry of tho
treasury, to tho iit'rVeytr ofcuttriiat t.t
iMotnphla Tenn
Ttuasuiiv DKPitiTitr.NT. 1
AVashlngton, 1). 0. March 21, 1B7I. J"
Htrt I am in rccv'pt et yo'tr letter of
tho Ctb Inst., statlurr I lilt the paMongor
stnamcr nitiio llcftlar or l liiemnall, cor
ned 12riharrelsooaioilas freight from Cin
cinnati to Kurt .Smith, ArV , u dittatica of
nbont foUrtcon hundred miles, twolvn
hundred miles of-which 4lstat:oa (from
Cincinnati to Ulnrkmlie, Ark.,) aro
travorseJ by two railroaili.
ou now ralio thri riuestion wlicthur or
hot a pastongor itonmor his. tho right to
transport coal oil at frelgU n dittaiico cf
1,V!00 miles over tho routo.o hor point s.f
(leitlnatlon when there arntilher nrar:tic-
iilo Hindu fur transporting tliu laino t'"t
Usance, tinder tho plus that' tboro I not
rail rwtnainiiication tbo wholn tljtlojict'.v
ind'tipin Vhtoh-qiiostlon yml'tlitlW In1"
In ronlv I have to sav. In tha opinion
of tho department, the words of the not
"upon routes 'vnnro tuero i no oiuer
n.-aclleal (rtr n: i-itililol mode of Iran.
D.)rtinirlt."intond'' thrt inch ether modes
of transpprlndiin a May Irvplvolefta'.dan-
ger to Human lllo tunn irar.sporiaiion ny
a psi longer stn.Mnor shall bo adopted, fo
far aa practicable. In other verJ, thy.
traniportntton shall '0 socOndaetcdai to'l
incur me miniinuia ninnnni oi ungi'r,iiiiu
tha ward routes itiiifl , tiocoiiarily bo un
lUrstood as meaning the Intervening dn
tanco bctwoen tbn point. from Which mid'
tlm point Id whieli the transportation is
to taun-ilavn, Hence, If tho trmisport'n
tion can be ae.compllabcil any portion of
that dlnUnco by nny usual or praotlcabla
modn of ciinvoyanco other tbitn upon n
prtsicngcr eloamar, tha law lutondt that
Huch mode chall be nvallt'd of, and, when
insutbclent tocomfiletotliotransporVitlon,
tho remaining portion of the routo or ilir
tnnco may bo iiccompliiliod by tho it'nl of
audi ftcatner. Upon any btlier viow Ibo
plain Intent 6f tho law would bo dof.mtsd.
As. for Initatico, If n mero friction of tho
dlstar.en pruonted no other tinodc Ot con-J
veyaneo man ny pnenger rioamcr, wniin-
tor tho remaining portion tnoro woro
modes in abundane. still thn rlcht to
carry tho cntiro dlitanre by such sto&tner
might bo claimed.
I am ot opinion, therefore, that In tha
cnio prcentfd by your wnyx thorn h
been a palpablo tplnUan ol tho fplr'il orid
intent of tho act.
I'leafo report nny nctlon taken by yen
In ptiMiir.ncior tins inner.
Very Jlfpeotfully,
YV. A Hi' iakus'ik, Hecrttary.
To survoynr of, n'l'tf'm'u'ltstiiphlfi, Tcnn.
Th-j cftunders will ronow their work
in Ohio this week. ' '
Uavtd Sontpn bni donatcl IJIOO.O&O
to the Cincinnati nothaft r' '
.Socrotrry ll'tcbardson has resumed
LU duties at the Treasury.
: v. u.'Gatt has tnl tho liniton "IIr
ald for SO;000 damages fur iiti.d. ' '
Tho Uritish navy has boon found In
a condition of doubtful cfUclency.
.Marshal .Ssrrano is sick, and tho
CArlis'.J lurccj in tbo north of .Spui.i are
Tho Southern HaptUt Convention is
In scsilon at Jctlenon, Texas. Thrco
bundled dolegatos present.
BJ Senator Morton bus oxprcuod liN
views through tho Indianapolis 'buutinul'
upon tho veto nf tho infinllon bill.
frof. A. X. Glrault oftho UriitMl
States naval academy nt Now llruns-
wick, died on tho t!d. Ho hit 1 been in
tho navy since 1841,
Tho 'Stanford' ofllco nt bchuyl.ir-
ville, N. V., was onterol on b'atnulay and
wrecked, forma and nil Tho'' paper wm
opposed to tho liquor Interest.
Tha charges ncnlnet Indian cnmmli-
sionor Walker, of tho Slous. at Kod Cloud
agoncy, nnd ti. A; Howad, ol vuoistono
agoncy, hava been declatcd frivolmis and
A brother of tho fcerelary of slat
(both, colored) of South Carolina bus boon
i-onl to tho penitentiary- fur tho torin- of
tour years, for robbing tho minis.
Kivnold's stnbla of raco horica has
arr.ivod nt .loromo l'arh, L. I., from Ken
tucky, to bo tralnurt for tbo doming rac
ing "luapon. Tbo ti'.tiblo compriiea tlx
A Sn rranolm'o dispatch from Tuscon
says 110 Ciicses Indians am on n raid Into
Mexico, and had killed two men and cap
tured somo stock near Tnrranta.
A tli'pittch from hoxlngton, Ky., says :
Thero f every prospect thnt Ihu races to
coiim oil' hero this woek will bo as bril
liant as any that havo ovor been run over
tho Asioeiation course. : ,
Hank ttutomoitt : hoani, Inrreaio, i0,
700; specie, incrcaso, $'J,tjil5,000; lngnl ten
dors, docfeasn, $3,'J00; deposits, Increase,
$l,W3S,!00i circulation, incrnnso, S.2,ti0lij
rosorvij, incroaso, SJCS.UjO.
Gonoral 0- O. Howard hflJ benn nrqult
to 1 bv tho court of Inquiry. Tho papom
are now In tho hands of Judgo Advocnto
(louoral Holt, and will bo by him laid bo
lero thu pro'Idont for npproval.
Nolionvlllo, Athens county, Ohio, ox
porioncod n reign of torror last week, mi
account of tho strike of tbo Coal Minora'
Union. Tho miners drove tbo ulli'i-.'eni
oir of tbo streets, nnd severely beat u
largo number of iioti-Unlou miners.
Don I'inlt, of Washington, has nnton-d
suit agaltibl Mortimer 1). Loggett, Com
misalonur of .litaiilr,-for an alleged libel
recently publlihcd in tlm Galnosvllln
'Courier.' charuinc 1'lntt with blnokuiull-
Llng nnd manufneturlng what ho k'nov to
bu lnlo. run maims uninages in ire
sum of S'20,000.
Tho Now York tstmeral term of tho
lupiomo oourt has given u tk-clslon in tho j
groat t.alllorniu mini citio(iirougui uy r(x
Goyernor I'rtca, of Mow .formy,''iigalnnt
General Urnsmiis I). Koyes, Into of tho
U. S. army, rind Hnmiinil ilcott. Tho do
chlon diiocU Juilgmont against ICoycs
and r-Vott for thn full ntnnunl, with iritn'r
est and i-osti, In nil about 25n,O0O. It
wa begun In 1851. , ..
. ,,
fitiV amf ICxlwiMmi hadili-rp, Panil
Scroons, IlidJles, Kieviv, Hhuvuli, jj'p'adoi,
1'nrks, Hoos, Hakes, AVntort'lotnt IJilnnls,
KItiilion and Cesi Pool ,8ln);c, iClo'thas
Hlngors, Clothes Hones, Clothes I.inesn
and. iu fuel, u lull uiaortmnut of kitchen
Ami llnmn fiirnUhlnff I'ttmlfl At A. Hill-
loy, 1C3 Washington rwcnuo, near Tenth
,troe. Cii-d-lT-lm.
U.Pslr,Oiij I. i"IjI I
...This itlio ouly plnoo in llic f ify
curt l'rtin(.'h Citndi'lf. All f
Aro ielling Oiinl's half lnt.n nt t)5 rent
pf-r Jojen.
You enn buy (uetiswnro untl Cutll"ry
as cheap nt I). Hartmaii .V: Vo'n , as in any
Mlrnr pdrt of tbo country.
. ,LlrgO iiSfiOrtmrnt of I.ndios' .lacilni't,
IxHiniook ,miJ , YictnrU l.iwni can lm
bought cheap at 1. H a nt max j Co'.
"Wliuinpo silk plaids ran m bad at lfi
conta per yard at 1) Hautjia At Cj'u.
A largii nlsortnient of Ilrown, Whilo
ntiif hitnish labio lllil n at
1). II Annus' A; (Vs.
Thn best htnk of Itrnwn f.ln n and Cnl
tonsrtes ran bo fnund nt
l. IiinritAX St CVn'.
'I'welvu jards bloachud Diimeitlo ono
yard wldo, for 5)1 at
I), ILinytiAK A Co'h.
A.ro atoek, of l.uwns, c.idn.1 mid
pliiiAVo'iony,. tuirded .laconet, hiiJ I'yr
( nl iiijn bo .loiliol in boautifill ty leu ut
1). Uautmah .V Co'n.,
I'f.orr.. V Lorn:. Good nndcholco fam-
lly flour 'In OS'b nts'.n, convontcnl lor fam
ily u to, for stlo in quantities to suit pur
rhaore. 1'iiTKr. C'tnir.,
SO, Ohio hivfo.
' H, C. I'ncd A: Co. havo movod their of
llco nud wurorootn. from Do to -that for
innrly iirjiniiirtl by D. llnrd-- ti" t "',
rentlyby G. M. Aldon, No. 77 Ohio
lovco. !!i-0-7-.1t
.Ii;vt received at . 15. Hockwnll
Cc.'s it new tock of Ynliiiit jmrlor
brtkclr, wall pockets, towell racUv, hang
log. bulked, steroofcoplc. iaw hold era
nnd but r.tcks, nil lor ualo at reduced pri
v. 3U.5-7.Ct
Tho , St, Louis nnd Iron Moui'lnin nnd
NiutheTn cailrcsd will havo for mlo at tho
t'lliuo , Cairo, until JNlr.y lutb, round trip
t.ii.n t .Ifctt'titnoiij Texiu, goctl until
Juno lOib, for ?30 Tins is tor tho
lam!it of tho llnptist convention now In
ration at .lelt'oreon. !lJ-D-7-'lt
Foil SrovK.-t, 'J'iQw.irooIletv.'are, utt-um
cooking voself, broiler., bird cng:?, Ion-
orns, gnto springs, gtto hingus, tublo r.nj
tionki-L cntlorv. flntlro. tr.iriia. Alio li.r
roofing, gutters and spouting, go to A
Hnllfiy's, 1S8 Washltigtott avenue, near
Tenth etroot. tfl l-17-liu.
Tha undorslgnod !hh no intcrost In nny
buslnoas In tho mtmo of TiiomaD .leesuji
or .loisiip : Illythe, and will pny no
dubtfl unless vontrncted by himself in
dividtiully and in his own tiamo.
Ja. K. Ulytiii:.
May fi, 1S71 li'-i-M St
"Why Miss Anna, whnro did you get
that nlco lml? At Mn. llulty.' Mil
linory store, corner of AVnahlngton t.v
imiio nnd Klovcuth etroot. Sho h.ii tlm
lntnst fashions, ami tho nirost i.ml rlienp
ot bats that ovor cuno to Uitlro.
30-5 Ctf
I'iand b'or ,'Ialk. Klrnt-rliti fnvon
nnd a quarter octavo piano cbonp for rash,
or cau bo traded for, past cash and Ittl
nnro In dross good; or open to nny oilier
Undo, by addressing XXX,
rout-onion, v;niro.
Tin: .MoNiron. I'or thu Monllor, tho
best coal tlouk Htovo ovor iiindo or tho
Kaahlon, tho cbiunpioii wood Cool: of tbo
"Wet, go to A. llallpy , 108 Wuehinglo
avttitie, iiour 1 until
l-17.li. i
It, j'My ril A; Co. Ull'itr foi sulo 50,000
old rigarn, whieh they will tell ohoap and
gunrantno to bo good tobacco i.n-l einotio
wol, Wholesiiln Irorn lift to 430 por
1,000; retail, two to live conn (inch. One
thousand pounds linn smoking lobivo in
ono mid ono and n Imlf potlid paoknges,
Thoy nleo hnvo lo bnrrulu Kood vinegar; :1
libilfnrm counter imalm, and ono pntuiil
cou oil can
gain. .
which thoy Will noli lit It bur-
Mir.J.iKKUY. .Mrs. .hii-ksmt, t'ormorly
Mn1, Hwnnder, ia now on bund lth tho
rheapiUt stock of Millinery In (iIlo
Sho litis lovarod hor boiisn nvon wllh thn
altluwalk to glvn tlm linlbx nn ensy tu-tfunt-o
mid li'is hiwnrod her pri'( in i-.lvo
them all n rbancn to buy n bratHiful spring
bat or bonnot i-nd miyihlng olto In hor
lino that thoy may want. Hor r-lorn is
now ono ot thrt inott atlniellv.i, ni it has
lonir. been onu of tho ehuMiMt plucrs Iu
town to buy. Call anil too her and bo con
vlncod. ia-5-3.lw
tfltcro tlieio ivn' 'ftPncral Aanrftncnt of
ntlr i to rallnml nxamino tliom for
iltisr rrreleli n Ann lot of rttorisfon
1 tdilerf, garden hoes, rakes,. otr1., etc., nl
A HMley's. Cr,--17-lm.
I'ott 3ai,i:. A. lino, largo Ice-box.
Hiiitnblo fur a fthvn. I-'uqniro nt No.
ft'.', Ohio I.evco. Bt-S-CCt
A mootiug of tho tnisteos of tho Or
phan Atyhim of .Southern Illinois will
bo held nt tho illleo of Hr. H. Wardner,
ht l o'clock p.m., Monday, May 11, 1871,
lfi-5.10.lt H. II. Candkk, Soorotary.
In AVItrox bbirk, Washlngloii r.venue,
at tho lowest flgiiri-s. 10 l-3-tf.
.Sornnd-hand clothing, watches, jowolry,
pistols, A:r., bought and mid. Also n lot
Hriirsrds' carpet, furniture, t Is., for sbIo.
Opposite Cairo nnd Ylnconncs railroad
depot. m 2.J7-tf M. CoYNK
l'Oir.SAIir.. "
A lmvt liuu.'o ront-kim . ' throo tooc.s
mid nilo porch, two good lota, cittern
nn.l etablo. Tho property" Is si lualod on
Twenty. first stit-et bptwoeu Walnut nr.d
C.,ilur Hlrools. l or further pirtioulars
iiiqiiin- on thn proinAaa. .'l-b-i'lm
G l Ito.len, Dtrootor of Conservatory
of Music, and Teacher of Vocnl, Organ
nud Piano Mnh . Instruction gWon in
nil itrlrijfod and wind Instruments. Klo
nientarv prlncipli!-", thorough bass, bar.
monv nnd roiinlor point. Unprr.rjidenlod
inJiiceiui-nla oll'ercd. Thnso wlsblnjf to
netira his tmrvirot will plcaio apply at
tbn Uonerv.itorv ol Mtuio corner ot
Tw.'lftit ftreot nn J AVushlngtcm tivcmio.
l'iiinos tuned and rnpairud.
Tun barber shop i on .ho rnrnor ol
.Klcbth ptrnet nnd (!oiiiiiiorclal nvontio
whero .1. Georga Slioiihonin with Ida gon
tl-iin-inly nsslfitant3 can bt 'otind nt nny
hour or tho day or night, roadv to soottio
your tot-llngs with n smooth shnre, or cool
your tonijier mid hc-vl with a good sham
jHKj. It is n firtt-clnsc shop, and you aro
rtiro of r reiving lirst-elnsi treatment.
3iidio.i' and child roll's linlr cut or turled
nfter thn moFt approvrd style, fl-15-tf
Mli.LlNilt-.Y. Mrs. Hogtirlb A: Co. de
rlro lo call thn qltuntion of tho Indies of
Cairo nnd vicinity to tholr display of mil
Unary nnd fnnoy goods. Having secured
thosorviciu of ono of tho best trimmers
iu tho Wost, lhe feel confident tint thoy
ran suit tho mu-tt oxnoling taste. Drcsd
making dnno In tho latest styles on short
notice. Prices renionnblo. A call is re
spectlully sol'cltod. No. Ill Commercial
avenue, ono door south of tho popular
dry gooda stsroof J. Hurgor. 7-l-l-2l.tr,
May Vi.uwku. Vor tho best coal cook
stovo buy tho celebrated May Flower.
I'or tho best wood rook stovo boy tho old
rolhtblo Clmrtur Onk; ruinous for giving
Bitttifnction overywhero and bnlng especi
ally mlr.pttd to tho want of ovury house-
I hold. I knep n largo varluty of other
cooking stovtc, which aro bought for cnidi
and will bo fold chcapar thiiu tho t-hoiip
est. II you want a cup of good coll'ro
for brviikrint Luy tho Plimlehod Colleo
illggin or Kronrh coll'eo pot. A full sup
jily of Ilrltiinbt rolfito and ten pots ultvnys
on hand. Don't forget thu place.
(I. t . Hk-viikmhow,
7il--l-'JI-lm 100 Coniinorelal nvii., (Jitln
Siion I-'i.y. Warm wenllinr will soon
bo hum. Now is tho limn to guard against
Hies, gnats ami imvqullooi, IwllUuyto
tbo publln that I nm making it specialty
or green wiro clolh this unison nnd will
iliipllcato Chicago and St. Imls
priciW. 1 nlu l.oe constiintly on
luind it largo variety of llird
Cagt-5, Alius llntkots, Flour Stands,
Toliot Het, Until Tubs, and n gen
ii I'm I sloek of ,lnpiiiiii, plain mul slauip
pod tin wnro, Itufrignratorit, Waler Coolers
and Gos.'b's IXIi Ieo Croiim l-Vouxori.
Abo lint lldotl liuprovnd Step l.nddars,
which will bo sold at bottom figures,
(!. W. Heiidrirmn, 100 Cotnmurcal nv-tnui-,
Ctilro, III. 77l-'Jl Im
oCiirMiis of i-oinlort '
nt I). Artur i
N 10 V A D V 12 1 IT I SEME NTS
Tal.iuuiv:it pliMHtlivs In iimiiiuiicilig that
t'n-y niv now piepan-d t-j xtipply everybody
-with lake lee of I ho cry bfht quullty, either
ut thole lioiuts or nt tho i.toies. Ordcra
hboiild bo left ut thu oltice, No. 00 Ohio
hltce. W-J-UMm
J VBtTiit of Cairo, at UMra, la Ik (MM
I fir clatfaf buMM M )TTi i
JjCapt and discounu..... l,tlT M
u. . 5. bondt to lecura. drctila-
U. H. bond on hind.
iw.ow uv
Uthcr tlocks. bonds and inert.
. ...S.mM..J
Dm from rtuetmlng and rf
, nm nfunti
Int from c'htr national baakt
Iie fiom ttate banki and
banker i .
Itankintr Koiiid . ... M.MO OO
1,M to
30,430 64
to.ooo bo
Other real eiuie..... ., a.000 00
Current exenue .,H( K
Taimpaid. ,.., ejT? Ml
inrcta ana other ca.li Item. l.ell 10
llitl of other national banki 4,tK DO
Fractional currency, (.IncluJInr,
niekeli) 4,t16 V)
3eele 3,M l'
Ieil tender notei 21,000 W
41,021 1
.S.f49 2V
f t a nil tftira
l-'apttal slock paid 'la...;...'..'..".;.. ' I0,OOOTO
Surptut fund O,0iJ 00
r.icnanice n,HIS DO
Interest a.Oin Hi
Profit and Ion 14,173 01 21.SOI 3
tlrciilation outitandlng. UO.OoO 00
iBuiviuuai ucpoaita v.i,.)'i
Ihie to ttate bank, and bankers. lf,tC4
lhie t j othei national Uink.n.... 13,781 V, Mtl.UT VT
BS3.4U 2
ftile rf Utlnnli, cminty of Alexander, 5
I, A. tl. HAKKOltlr, caiM.r of thu Otf Ka
nonai liana oi euro, da tolcmnljr tmr tn
above lUteroent It tnietoth. best of rayknowld(
aim I'Ciici.
A.Il.SAFrOItO;0siJr- ,
Biiliwriled and sworn to before me tW 1Kb r
May, 1S7. ,
II. II. CANDeE.KoHJjl'ul'he-
Coirect Attcttt i- i
ii ii ittivtMnitak. 1
11. I..IIALUIIvr,.
O. V. W1LI-1A80K,
b 6k; )
IH)IITV.SKVNTH report or th eoadltloa of tb.
' Pint National Hank ot Cairo, lloH, t It doa.
efbuftnrtl ll.vl. 1874.
Iani and I1ISCOUIIM...M.
Ovrrdrari) ,t
If. H. llomli lo secure circulation
U. H. bondi and secuHthrs oa
JDtrier stork, bond and mort-
I I..t.... v
$41,03 r
i,70 er
100,000 on
3,200 0J
10,100 M
jiue irom reaecminfi ana
serte ai;nt.... 12.404 43
O Je from other national banks... 4.1,111 S3 '
U.ielrom banks ant barken.... 34 M.DIO 00
ltei;-.iute 4I.UM 2
Kurniturc and fiatureiWMH 3.444 64
1'aaetpaldM , 2.641 M
Current capemes .. 1,4.3 U 4,314 U
Kertnue tUmtM 14 74
J'remlitmi paid . ,4?J IT
Va.lion liano, rreiwy., vu,7a 13
com - tu w 2i, am to
314.IW7 IU
fapilal ttock - 1100,000 do
Kxchanze, iutemi, profit and lou ,Ml 6
Circulation outttanding RO.OOO 00.
Individual depotiu 113,371 30
Due I'JnUti and banker! 3M !T
313.MT 14
ll.ilf of llllnoli, AletanJer county, la.
I, Oiarlea Oinnlngham, cashier of the Fint Na-
lAn.l llinl. ftfraim. .in uUVmnlv .wear that lha abova
statement it true to the bt of my knowledge and be-
!'' . ..
tunwiwuttAJU. lasnier.
Kulncrlbed and iworn to before we this 11th
Jay of aiay, 1871. .... D..v.
11. Ill Wnillbb, lllllll, .UWI.Ir.
Correct Attest:
ItOD'T. W. MILLER, Directors.
AV. H.alOKRlS, t
nmtilliuseanrrlvo at and tlenart from tha
nflinH router i-oventh street and Connuer-
clal Avenue ns follow ; ,
Throiicu exprsst. loavc 12 noon, arrive
3:00 p. in.
jli:irieioii Ai corainoiiauoo, icavci vaaja.
in., and sua p. tn.
Charleston Aecomuioiuuou, arnves, iir ju
a. in., nnd l-.l5p. in.
Tlmo to all points la Tcxai and Arkan-
Time from Cairo to LUtlo Hock 11 hours.
' To Tt-xnrcaiw Ii hour.
To Jetlernon, 'lxas, 23 hour.
To Marshall 21 bouts.
To Shrevcport, lioulalatta, !M ttouna.
To Dallas, 'rnxas !10 hourii.
To llcamr, Texas, an hour.
'IVi Houston, Texas, 41 hours.
To Galveston, '1'oxai 11 hours.
I. Axtkll, Chief ICxurlnaar.
('. W. llL'uiSMOouno, Agent, Cairo.
Mki 'i(irrit.
AY ANTED Kvory mereb'nt
In Cairo and vicinity to know
that thoy can buy as.ortw s'-'clc
l- contu per pound nt ttulr man
ufactory. Tho goods can a.s- b'
obtained from tho Now York
Store at corresponding 'flcttrs.
Gcnci'al Comtnission
Dealers In
IM.Ol'lt, COUN, OATft HAY, 4o.
AgontB for Fairbank's Scales;
"' Aud General
Commission Merclutnts.
eorutir of 6th Stratt aad TT ilia JLu.
Tk EPORT.of III. CBKArttr.fi' nt Ma

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