;tto( cicii.n. 0, I). Arter. I W. hti-wttrtr ARTER & STEWART. r. (Hnccelor tn I). Allir A i ) GROCERS Xltl- Commission Morcliants Ho. 113 Commercial Avenue, CAIRO, ILLS. Bristol & StilweU, FAMILY GROCERS Keep ovcrythitiK portaiuinfr to tho lino of Utaplo nnu Fancy Gro sorioH, Woorlonwnro, Vogctablon, c'ruilo, Sic, &o. Boanle Kodflscli, JU Irish, ope, Prest Korn'J Beaf, Grayam and Millt Krackorz, Garden & Flour Sccdz, Stov.'dant, Rrjand and awl kinds LAMP OHIMNEZ, Wix & Burncrz, Power Kalifornya Hunny, HOPZ, TAX, WAX & SAUZ, innaicncaDiiKisinetu FLOWERING BULBS On Sctlo. A. ECorso for Salo. No. 32 EIGHT STREET CAIRO ILL. v.utnrrv moiii:. New-York Store WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. VARIETY STOCK IN TIIE CITY. Goods Sold Vory Close. Comer 10th St. ami Coninmrctul Av CAIRO. ILLINOIS. C. 0. TATIER & CO. l'.tl.VT A.M OII.S. ' B. F. PARKER, IHnler In Paints, Oils, Varnishes, 333XTSIX3E5SI, vVall Paper, Window Glasn, Win dow Shades, &c. Always on haml, tlic wlrhrotwl llliuiiiimtiuic AUKOICV OH, 'Bvonn' 33xtXcliu fi-, Corner ElevontU Street and Wunhlni. ton Avenue CAIRO CITY BINDERY, ar. a. jeiuexis, PROPRIETOR. BINDER Mi) BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURER. Bullotin Building, Corner Twolfth Stroot and Washington Avenue, 0vix-o, Xlliaaois. Ij-County nml Ihillror.d Woik n iic.l.illy. v&n ,jrft- iir' VOL. 7. i.mi'oit nr.vi.r.its. R. SMYTH & CO., WhoteMlo nml U till leuteri hi Foroign and Doinostio EiIQTJOSIS AM) W I IV KM OP KIXIM, No. 60 Ohio Lovoo, CAIRO, ILLS. MIWM'. f.MVTII A 0 have nnlly n Urse Uxk or tin- UU Kod ' '; kit, n.l )thf t-ibl altnitiun toll-' 'lil rincli of Hie Inniiit-M M'I'I'I.V IIIII'OT. VALENTINE Stoaniboat, Hotel RESCH, and Family SUPPLY DEPOT AND M'.AI.KIt IS Groceries, Vegetables, Game, POULTRY, Fish, Eggn, Northorn Butter, &c. Eighth Street, Botweon Wanhlnicton and Coinrnorclal Avenues. 0tlwl il-l tiI fiee of cluirsr. nATKTo:ti:s. SAM WILSON, Di ai.i n is BOAT STORES, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Sec. No. 110 OJvJo Xiovoo. iioti:i. ST. NICHOLAS Hotel and Restaurant No. 122 COMMERCIAL AVENUE Two Joon north ot tin' Culrtj ami Vlnc-inne ntlliouil il(j.ot. W2H. WETZEL. Proprietor. ATlttM V watch Leit tiiyht ami ilay tor . train, nii'l atfatuboutH 1'ir lAt of ui'ooiniiKxlAtlnii, for tratulent miit at Two IMIutu ir lUy ici:. ICE ! ICE ! ! ICE ! ! I THOMAS SPROAT & SON, Wlwk-.ilu and lUtad Dealers In PURE LAEE ICE CAIRO, ILLS, and COLUMBUS, KY. CAIRO OFFICE: At Hulon tfc Wilson's, Corner Twelfth St. untl Ohio Lovoo. TK will' nm an Ice wnRon throughout the YV Smfon, dillu-rintf l-uri) lale lie in any part of ttii-city at tin- loweM market julro, and will nlsu furnish iur liintl nillili-the t-ll with coliy t!i' rake nr car lo.nl, packed in tauiliul or hlllll'llt to 1111 V (lifl.lIK'l'. I' ITS. FITS CURED FREE ANY n'ron MiDrrliiK from tlii'iiliovi' iIImiih Id ifiiii liit to uiMiwi Hr I'lln' iiiulu Ilia! Iiolllc of hi' iiii'illi'liii' Kill ')' lorwanli-il I'lil.K. l)r I'llti' Is a riwilariihyjician, ami ha iiuuY tin- tnatiiKiit ol FITS OR EPILEPSY a btuily for yt-art, ami In- will warrant a cure hy till. !. Iif IllK ll-HLIK Do not fall IowikI to him fur a dial hollh'l It coU uothiiiL', iimt lie WILL CURE YOU v,i nmiii r how lomr htiiiiillnir your ca' may Ik. or how many utl.tr ii-imitlca nuy liac 'umilaiii ami ti'stlnicnlaUscnt with FREE TRIAL DOTTLE. AiMicM DR. CHAS. T. PRICE New Y'oik. Di-C.il-tlArvly E. MAXWELL & CO. i-Dwilcrs in RAILWAY MACHINERY Hid 11URNIN0 tlfOILS $ No. 01G North Muin Street ST. LOUIS, MO. t3-N. n.43 AOKNTS FOR FREKJH PLUMBAGO OILS CAIRO, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, MARCH 1.1, 1875. THE NEW ELDORADO. THE EXPEDITION OF IOWANS TO THE REGION 01' GOLD. All Von Ilrn.'lo tin Is la Pull ' Hie tlrimx nml Minlif HKK'ln trmii llui ltout, lK-'!ot torrf "ponilfnic ) Sum x (Hy. Iowm, Jlaroli Tho llrist of Mnri'lt liiti brought no vlillik- propecL of iriii; nlUr tho loiijfct untl niot con IIiiiioim cohl wliitiT known In nortliwi'-l-itii Inwii for M'Vurnl vir. Mnrcli lim lntrodiitfil lHTM-ll'tii'ltficr a a orowllng lion, nor ui it I'titlu liinib, mill of eourMj a old wititlicr iiro'nollilors won't llu will how ltu'll nut Iif tllrcc-tly tliu op- IOlll! 11100(1. Tlits lively '!ty, liowcvcr, U not ni'iirly k iiiucIi i;ri'rclM'il in In liow Mnnli litis nmili' Its iii'nr!ince nor how It will nml.c its exit. n. ovit tliii loyfnl ni'WH jitt liroitfiht In lroin tUu pola Kl ilotwloof the noriliwi'st tin' iilrivnlv fa inoiM "Illuck ilills" hL'lit hy the- nohlu (?) nil nianlroin tlH'i'iiiik""tkiiowIutlof'tln5 nioi ilnrin whllf :i(lvftitnrT of this iv Klon,.is a cniTi'il or holy lanil. anil pt.inl id hy hint with tin' strletsl nilonttlon, mill" for many yi.-ars bulluviil hy .'XploriT'1 to havu InilMildcil In Its howi ls tin; richest oM ilrposlts of thf wot hi. Tin- iicwi was hronht In yo-ti-iilay noon hv two of yionv City's most ti (iiMutiif rltl.i'tw. Kph. WltrhcT anil Toll ii (ionlon the lornicr of whom lias vcrv klmlly l'Ivimi your cora-'-iionilcnt tliu" liil'onr.!itl(n of their haznnlous trip cuiilaliicil in till- li'ttcr. Known to hu triithl'nl nii'n.aiiil tni'ii not likely to U unduly cM:lti'il. hut having ooil,i'ool jiiiU'iMi iit.-, who U'tl this city, In i:oin jHiuy with "J'j other hravu nien, on (Mo ler(, to examlni! for Ihuniselvus tin; Irutlifuliu"". or lal.'lty of the n;torts In re gard lo Ihe iii;hiie...s of the Nilil-todn.-pild lli'lil of the llliiel. Illllsaller nvurj c-ven- trip llf7 ila) over a wild nml tin tniM-li-il eotuitrj' "1 over W) inlli-s In ex tent, vit with onl the In-s nfoiie iiian (a hie.-ioniiiii). on theld diiyoflh--ei-mln-r I hey arrivnl at the w i-t iide of the lilaek Hill;', hahijf tniMliil throiili. orairo", llieni on tliu trail of thea-at C'u-tiir ' uxp-ditloii, and eaiM:d near Harney's peak. They only -aw one small hand of Indian" on the entire route, mid till- did not make .my attempt to uioli-H tin-in. They eauiM-tl on Ihe prairie ovei look ing the country for a con-ldi-rahle ill tauce around tlietu, and M-lccti.-d lhliis a fafe place to make winter quarter. Af ter re-tin from their loti and tedious trip for a day or two. they coiuuiunccd tin-erection i if a etoekade lor tlieir pro tection. ltwa hullt of io'-i. twelve feet ahoc ;rouiid and unk thn-e feet into the earth. " The pans between the los were hattemil with apliuirs. and pluueil on with en- plei-H, -o that the wind could not iienelr.tte. Un the corners were ex tension, so that any party of everal could enter and look or thootln thn-e different direction'.. The .-tockadu was SO feet square. Thev hullt cabin In-ddo of this itoekade. which were all completed and a-ady for occupancy about the mld- lilo ol .lauuarv. I'p to this time very little prm-jicetin for the paeious metal wa done. Mr. v ilcher .-ay lliey tiroiecieu as uiey croed the hill, and after their Journey was completed, they toiiud ;oIii irotu tile yras roots to the rock. lie j-iiv uteri' can oe no uoiiui nut mere is ''old and .-liver In the hills In abun dance, lleal-o av. "People niu.-t not think thev cull oout tliei-eand lioel it uji hv the eat t-load ;" that It will take hard" work as it has done wherever the nlnr U I'-iinid: that nnv infill, with a ill-po-ition to pull oil" lit coat, roll up hl- leeve-, nun to work, win iiiccccu oe vond a doubt, lie brought In oine ,pe-linen- of silver ore, ald by old miners to be very rich. AUo, 'some line jrold, wa'hed out before the ground ui tro.eu loo di-eii to work. .Mr. W. and .Mr. G. left their company with the thermometer indliytin": 15 ile'rees below zero, and in the uild-t of t heavy snowstorm. The success with which they have made tho trip over a trackless country, during one of the R-verest winters known In this country for years, Is ahnot mlraculoti. They ilid not even have a lln-ier or a loe iro.en. l ney siarieu nonie, eacu nuin' a pony, and having oi.e pack pony be tween them. The.-e have come throu:h looking quite well.coniderlii"i that at no lime or place, over which they have trav Ied, was there !e than 1jc. Inches ot snow, and In many places It wa belly deep, they always ha Insr to paw thesiiow away irotn tno grass to jrei a single mor sel. sjloux City feel proud of not only these two of her heroic citizens, who dar ed face peril, and worse than sword, to learn the truth, but of the entire bravo W; and well may the I'ulted .States feel proud of her adventurers a elass of val uable citizens who seldom reap the re ward their hard-blps entitle them to. The depot platform v.n crowded with Sioux Cltv'.s best citizens, to tvo the men a hearty reception on their arrival. The cniriuo of the Dakota Southern rail ro.ul. on which the bovs rode from Vauktou, D. T., was beautifully and bounteously decked with American llatr., tloathig proudly to the breeze. A the weather-beaten boys stepped down from the engine with their guns and accoutre ments In their hand, cheer alter cheer tent the still, cold air, and a block away tlie (.pound cannon re-echoed the glad news of dl-covery heavenward. Tears of Joy rolled dowuyoiuig AVltch er'b face a'lic shook the hand of father, mother, and sister, and many friends wlio bad shook his hands only live months before, as they nil thought per haps tor the hi"t time this sldeot heaven. The pontes were put in a special ear and broii'dit from Yankton free of charge, and many followed tho-e ponies to their stall as hill of curlo-lty almost as at the slglit of their inaler.s, whom they had.o faithfully borne through cold, snow, and storm for the last l!5ilay. Sow that gold Is touud without ndonbt ni the lilaek hill, the truvornmcut should adopt foino means to Imvo them opened to tliu nubile, ami I trust the VYmm, ever touud hattllugforndvnnecmuiit ami right, will tise Its potent powers In that direc tion. Tit.vvni.im. o A Historic Ineiili'iU lleiirlilK on I lie lleeelier fuse. Prom tin- New York Sun J -Mr. Tracy's comuieutson .Mr. llecch er's letters are Ingenious and plausible. In the abundance of Illustration with which the opening argument for the de lense abounds we wonder that a well known Incident, in French history was not referred to. It lias been contended that the contrition and remorse exiireAseil In .Mr. HcecluT'sleltcrsiu-oultngetlicrills-pt'oportloncil to the causes nlgned for them In his statement before tliu church committee. His poltlon, Piibtantlnlly, was that he had been inMcd In regard to e.Tlalit conduct or his Irtcnd, .Mr. Tllton, nml, under inIeoiiceptlon. had greatly Injured him In lib' buslnc?. Not old V tlil. but he had hllndlv ami heedles'ly pursued a eour-e " which had fastened on hiuisell the supa-ine affections of Mrs. Tllton. When brought to ii realization or these two great error, or .ln. bis compunc tious vls tlnirs knew no hound. sav that I'reneh history aH'onls a parallel c;t?e, or u ease In which a eaui' shulliar to one of thfc wrought n llkeetleet; nml we are rather surprised that It had not recurred lo tliu recollection of so i lpe a scholar iw -Mr.Tntov. J.oul'cde I.a layette was one of the maids of honor to Anne ot Au.tt l.i, w ife of Louis XIII of I'rauee. sh,. was a young woman w ho had pa,sed many ywirs In a conviiit, nml was de.erll.nl ns sincere It) her pletV,' ami '.-o devoid of malice that It nelually i mined her lo be uiailencqualnteil with Inefaiiltsofothers.' In the simplicity of her soul she had long cultivated an Innocent intimacy with (lie King, when, ofn sudden, on the receipt of a long letter from him, she was thun derstruck by llr.-t uuilerslaiiilliig Hie na ture of hl love for her, ami of Its Inter-(ereiici- with hi ilulv to the (jttceii. She wn overwhelmed with remorse, nml Im mediately repaired to a convent and took the white Mil. Here she held a llnal Interview with tho King, convering with hliu through double bar, and some of the language which she nddre-el lo him on this occa sion a-uiiiidsonc of theexpres-ions of.Mr. Keechcr's letters. "The sin," said she, "for w hich I feel most poignant sorrow, tin: sin which year, nay. a life of expiation, cannot wipe out, Mhat I hae, by my telll-h, my miserable attachment, allciialed you fioin the (Jin-en. Ala, alas ! 1 have sin ned almo-t beyond forgiveness ;' and for a while he broke Into pa-lonatesob, w hich all her self-couiinand could not re strain. ". she spoke," say the chronicler of this la-t parting Interview, "her sweet gray eye turned toward heaven, her countenance was trantlgured a- In an ecstasy; nn saint .-tamling within a sculp tured shrlue could bo more pun.-, more liolv." A riliislrlnii 111 1 1 ii i; London. Kiuin n I.'iinlon Letter For some time p.i.t we have been aniu-ed In I.ouil.in by the pnsence : 1 1 Ingenuity of two rival conjurers Dr. I .vim ami Mr. M.i'ki lytic. They outdid one another in marvels, and ate ibuiiil to oceiuiv room side bv "Me at the KgV'i tlau I fall, in I'iecadifly. When one pro duced a box ti iek the other came out with a ba-kct trick. When one expo-eil the Davenjtort lirotlmr.. tho other tldl enled the pretentions or Miss Kv.-i l'nv. At last Dr. I.ynn ikiiiiu out w Ith a clever but gha.tly trick ot cutting a man's head oil". Hut .Mr. .Mn kelyne, not to be K-atcii, ha in vented a mechanical contrivance, called Psycho, which U a nuirvel among auto mata, and already the talk of all London, l'sycho Is a human tlguru resting nn a siiiiare box or cne. lltenillv illlisl with clockwork and elaborate machinery, ami this ease, with the dummy llgtire or doll retluyr upon It, Is placed on a glass cvllndcr In the centre of the singe. It is absolutely Impossible that a man can be coueeaiiil miner ine ngure to work It, ns was tliu case Willi tne once celeiirated au tomatte cliess-plhver. The box under I'syeho Is cxtreuiely small.aml completely tilled with machinery of an elaborate kind. llu: nt "the command ol .Mr. Maskelyne, l'.-ycho adds ll'Mires together, multhille-, subtracts. and performs various atoundliig feats In menial nritiimetie. net alo atilc to tell what eartls have been siibMraetcil from a pack by several people in the au dience. Hut the most marvelous trick performed by 1'syelio con-iM-ot'lil play ing a hand at whist with three gentle men selected front the audience. When the cards are dealt, l'sycho'-, cards are arranged in front of hlui. on a -einiclreu-lar frame. The cirds piayed are called out by Mr. .Ma-ki-lyne. nml, when l'sycho's turn collie's to play, the llgutc look wie, turns hi head, puts out ids hand, and selects the ncccsf.iry caul, lie plays an excelled! game, never revokes or makes a mistake, and the feat N re warded with the most unbounded ap plause. Mechanicians are wild about the dleovery, which rellccts great credit on the Ingenious skill ol the Inventor, l'sy cho wa llr-t introduced down at San driugham. by express order and com mand of II. IS. 11. the I'rince of Wale, who, by I hr way, wa prevented from iinying Ills tlr.st vl-it to Mr. Irving' Ham let nt the Lyceum lat evening, owing to the sad and serious illness of his young est brother, the Prince l.iopold. Dteil SuiUleiily il' llt-nrl Dlseiise. How eoinmou U the tiiinouni'cineiit. TlifiU"aiul;arQBiidilunly .wupt into eternity hv this filial maliuly. This din nu (.'uner nlly lin lis origin In linpuro niood tilled with lnltatliif,', pjlhonm- material, wlileln cir culating tUroiiu'a tlio heart, irrlratc it deli rato tlue. Tlioii:h the irnlatlon may at llrst be only slight, prniliii-nu a lit lo p dpi patlon or Irronilaraitlon, or dull, heavy, or shsrp.dtrtlng pains; yet by .in-l li' the ills omu liccom s llrinly sciiU'il. an -I lnllanima tlon or liypertiopliy, or tli ckenlng of die lining niembraiie or ot tin- valve Is pro duced. 1 low w lie to give un oirly atten tion to n case of till k I it it. I nnaturai or ,liiil.tklnt ii.it.. it. .1... ... Inn nt tliu lipnrt ill uisli mid that all I not rlplit, ami II you voiild prrservu it from further d-sMis , you uiilKt help It t' beat rightly by tint liso ol siii-h -i reiiii-Uyas wilt remove tho e use ol Ilia iro.nle. l.'so Dr. Pn roc's (io'tloii Mi'dlcul Disc ivrry beforo tliu il's ease has becmilH too soa'cd, nil I it will, by Us Br. at blind purifying and woiucrlul ri-irnlatliiLMiroiieriics, oil tut a perfect cine. i Itconialiisineilleal (iinlltles tliatint kpoe- Illejlly upeu Hie tbiiis orttio lieiri, iiring im; about a hoaltliy action. Hold by all lr.it-L-.isi iMigu'isK llKAIt T DISK A ,S' CVIUUh ltocui-our.Sinno rCo.,Tnd., l'ob. 1st, '71. Dr. It. V. PlKltCK, llullalo, N. Y. : About two youih no 1 wbs nlllleletl with a disease ot tin lieut, which at time crea ted a prorsiit'o around It, almost causing suil 'eatlnn. I "iw an ailvortlicnimit ot vour (luMcn Medic d Dltcorory, roeom. inon. lug tliu amo ns a curt) for tlio tllscaso oftlin la-art. I tLon bought hair a dozen buithu of it, and titer iiflng three bottlus 1 was entirely relieved and am how enjoying good health. (Irati-luUy yours. VlTL'S hlLI.IAN. EGGS FOR HATCHING I'miii tin- following viuli-tlcj of I'nii: Ilium Kow i.s At fri I'er Doen, Duik nii'l M.'lit Ilrulintist Hull' mid 1'urliMiti l.'nclilll llinttlliiliil Willie I.i'jjlioiiij) lluiiiUns nml Silver ilivyliorMiips. , I warrant nm-.tttll "f '--nit tliizi-n Kkk to Hatch, ll'llit-y iln not 1 will iiiiI.ku tlu-m ut u iinlaiuTiloii'ii. Sunt t.niili for ilii-uliir. ........ AiMrci, ISAAC 1AMIK. Maillioio. Stin U County, Ohio, At a-ii-wot Wli. GLENN &SONS. Head-Quarters for G-roceries ! IMMENSE STOCK ! (Ill EAT VARlETVi! L0r IMIU'ES! COFFEE Rio, Lapiayra, Java, Mocha. SUGAR New Orleans, Hard and Soft Refined. SYRUP New Orleans and Eastern. xiiiiis, TUiiAUUOS, and CIGARS. Finest Assortment in the West Commission Mercliants, AMI DliAI.KIt.H IN Provisions,MomGrain, Seeds, DriedFruit, AND OTHER PRODUCE. 68, 70, and 72 Vine Street, CINCINNATI. 'O.M.IINSION MIIItfllAXTH. C. CLOSE, Ui-m-nil- Commission Merchant ANI) OC.U.I.Il IN LIME, CEMENT, PLASTER, Under Cltr Nntioual BnnU. 1 Wll.I.nll Inr.ir-loTllotintin.ni-.ifiictiini-s , prill, willing Fni.lit WOOD iuiimuuon AjMD BRO. , FLOUR AND GENERAL Commission Merchants No.' 138, OHIO LEVEE. JOHN B. PHILLIS I AND SON, (Succrmnrii to ,101111 11 l'lilllla) PORWA11DING ANH-r Commission Merchants Ami Dealent in IIAY, ORN, OATS, FLOUR, MEAL, BRAN, etc. Agents for LAFLIN & RAND POWDER CO ICoruor Tenth Stroot nml Ohio Lovoo. 7., 1). Matliuts. K. C. Ulil. MATHUSS Sc UHL, FORWAHDINO Ami Gem-rat Commission Merchants Dciilom In FLOUR, GRAIN, IIAY AND PRODUCE, GL Oliio Lovoo. 12. J. Ayrea. S I). Arn. AYRES &'CO And Kcntral Commission Merchants No. 78 OHIO LEVEE. "The Best Thing in tho West." , Topeh I Mi Fee E. E. Xj jQl. "N 3D JS IN KANSAS. 3,000.000 ACRES ortlii'lHst running awl AKrictiuiinu uinu in Aimririt, sltiuliil In nml nnir the IhiiiUiIiiI l.oltonwiioii nnu limit .umiiu.h vaiii-j, mo Kimli-uuf tliu VVt-t, on 1 1 Years' Ciodtt, with 7 par oont. Inter eit, nml 20 por cont, Dlacouni lor Improvements. i' a it i: it i: r v . i i: i To imii-liiui-rjjtif IjiihI. tCJ-Cln-ularii, wilh niup, idvluK ftill liifiirnia ,!,. t, tli,. A'WAN. JOlwox, ActiuK Luml Conuulsjlomi', TnK'ku, Kan :is. lili .7-vviliu. Tim .MASON X llA.MLIN ORGAN COMPANY "TTTINXKItS nfthini lilRlu-t ineilid.s nml dl- VV ..I f 1....... ... VI....... IsT-l I'iiiU, In;7, now uirrr tne llui'at iissiii'lim-nt nl i thuU-st t-iiliiui't iii'iraini In tliu world, ini-liiiliiiK new ulyleit with rti-eiit Imiirovi-iueiiU not only I'Xi-lietlM'ly lor ivisli, iu formerly, lull ttlso on ! new ) ilit iih f eiy iiuymi-uU, llu- inot llniiniulo ' m-r oin-riil OiKutii ivnliil willi ttrlvlh'Kf "I , liiiiiluiM', to iiliiut uiiy iuit of tliu wnuttry, V-iv.t mi, m.tiit !H1 in Imwtiiili. Illustrated calnlumii-J uml i-u-ii1aih. with full luirtli'ulitri, Hunt fiir on iviiiunt. Aililu-m MASON & HAMLIN OROAN CO., lloatun, .now Voik orClilraxo NO. 69. j KOBBIHS' Mm BA2ABI 112 COMMERCIAL AVE., CAIRO' ILL -7ZG1 $:iiL?Z.-- ) $ V, ' - J" S." I Pianos and Organs, SHEET MUSIC AND musical merchandise op I EVERY DESCIUl'TION. HALLET, DAVIS & CO.'S Of World wido Reputation. I AckliDUKilnl liyall piqil .Mitslcliiiii to In- llu t U-t 1'i.iiin now iiuilc. 1 TIIE GREAT UNION PIaNO, ' Of which wo have sol:! over I'M during twelve yean pa-t, becoming uioro nml more popular every uay. SMITH'S AM EMC AN OIUIAN, Hplondld tone. Power nml Durability. Kimball's Orchestral Organ, A vcrv lino Instrument, adapted to lustril m.ntal as well as vocal uiulc. Ai.i, tiii: aimjvi: aim: okkl-iiki) o.v Ksy .Monthly Payments, at low tlsurcs regardless of l.!t Prices. SHEET IUIUS1G In great variety, Injlmllir.- all tlio new ami poiuil.ir niusle ol tho day. Orders from the Country promptly till' d nml sent hy matt. VIOLINS GUITARS BANJOS, ACCORDEONS, CLARINETS FLUTES, PICOLOS, TAnlBORINES FUKNCll lIAltl'rf, KTC, KTC. Band Instruments of all Kinds I-'urrl"lieil to Order. STRINGS FOR VIOLINS, OTIITARS, ETC. Ol the llct Quality. Classical Studios anil Exercises Of all grade for I'lano or Voice. iC3Tl2very di-crIitlon of .Miislc.il .Mer-i-liamllso liirulsliud to oritur, promptly and at price lower than ever offered before. I.I2NCV ALSO 01' ROGER'S ELEGANT STATUARY. Send for Illustrated Cilulouu and l'rlco l.lt of these boaiiiiful groupc. All Qoods Warranted at Itcprcscntcd. ' ROBBIHS' MUSIC BAZAP, Cairo, Illinois. m.Ai, t:.sT.iTi; Aii:.r . JOHN Q. HARMAN & CO. Real Estate AM) IHIOTTSIE -.C3-Bira?3 COLLECTORS, CONVEYANCERS. NOTARIES PUBLIC Land Au-onU of tho Illinois Central and BurlinKton anil UUniy II. It, Comranluu, North Cur. Sixth anil Ohio Lovoo, CAIRO, ILLINOIS. HENRY BREIHAN, Oliio Xiovoo, Dot, Second and Fourth Stvoots, W'liiiUviile mid Iti-tall lliiili i-Iu Milwaoalsoo Boor, Berliner Weiss Beer, Bottled Ale, Sweet Cidor, Soltzor and Soda Wator, Etc. t3-Alwayn Imu i heavy to W on tmiul, and l luvitniil to lmiil.li Hill ui'l'liea ou vry lioit iiiillii-, ut tliu loui-Ht rnCe. ..... Semi In yonronluM. IviJ-llii yy-rLMAM n. smith, si. d. UKIiniJXCB! VoarThltnnul, street, h. tiri-cn Washington avenue and W uiut etrct OFFICK. North Mdtf iif liiKhth 'rt:l tic tweon Cotnmerctnl and Washington nvemic Q W. DUNNINO, SI. D. triiunl'NCI': Conicr fl1111' Wnlnnt OKflt'K. Corner Sixth itrcct and Ohio It-. omci: IIOt.lt.-i. rruiiiCa.m, tolJm , nml .ruin -1 to 8 ) in jjn. W. BLAUW, Gorman Physician. OKFICK: IlmV-r's Hlk, (np-stIri) , corner Kljtlilh (trert and W'oshliiRton ntenne TAW'YritN. " J OHn"h .' JUJLKJK Attorney nt Lnir. CAIItO, ILLINOIS. Ol'flCE: KIglitli Street, between Commer cial nml Vn-hitifiloti nirntiM, jAMUEL P, WIIEELER, Attorney ut Iiiuv. OFFICII: Ohio Iver, ovi-r room formerly oci'iiiiletl by First National Hank, CAIItO. ILLINOIS. QRKEH & OH.TJEIIT, AttoritcyN and CounsolorN at liiuv. OFFK'K Ohio Ijvii-, nonu 7 and 8 over City National Rink, William K tireen, ) Willi. m, UllU-rt, CAIItO ILLINOIS. CO.f)irrlal attention plvm to Admiralty and 3teuinlont liiulnexa. Misti:i,i,.v.M:oi .s. ovit Illustrated Catalogues roR 1875 op EVERYTHING FOIt TIIE GARDEN! ( Seeds! Plants! ) Uraplcmcnts, Fertilizers, etc. Nnmhrrlnc lTSpnffea anil containing live IrauHfulcototwi plattf, mailed on receipt of U) cents. Catalogue, without plates, fret to aU. 35 Cortlandb St., NEW YORK. CAIRO BOX and BASKET CO t)flei.ln XjTJ-IVCBH-R, All Llmliij lianl and loft,) 0 FLOORING, SIDING, LATH, &0 Mill, nu.il Ynnl, Corner Thirty-Fourth Strcot and UillO J-iOVOO. DANIEL LAMPERT, Fashionablo Barber AMD riAIIX 3DZX03SI332XI, EIGI1TII STREET. Botweon Waohlimton and Commeiilul Avonuon. HOWIE BROTHERS, PACKERS, Wholesale, Retail and Commission. Wiloox's 23 looli, Comer Poplar and Hluveutll Streets. Wsynighoat Cash Prieo paid for Ilogu unci Cnttlo. IXSI'llA.Nt'i:. C. N. HUGHES, lientrat Insurance Agent. OFFICE: OUZO Xj 33 XT 33 13. Over Mathnii & Uhl'i. NON'12 but Flrnt'Cliiii Comianlct rei're vnliil INSURANCE. ESTABLISHED 1858. S AFFORD, MORRIS AND CANDEE, tli-ncnil Insurance Agents, 73 OHIO LEVEE, City National Sank Building, up-iUlri. Tho OUltatHataUlahed Agonoy tn South rn Illinois, ropreBontlucr ovnr 805 000,000.