"L.I'.... JJ'.IU" ." AICAI.OM 1,OU(iri Nit; 61. KnlxliM of I'yllilm, meats tut)- fti' day night at hair-pail !eitu, iiiOJiI fellow ' 1111 (. K HI.XCK, i.liauollor Commander, Al.t.XANIIKU I.0I)(1K, KO,?M. lOPBKt Independent Order i r Odil-1'e.I-ffUIBtlov,n! "'win nory Hiumday night ''Am' at half-trait teteu, In tbclr lmll on Commercial avenue, between sixth unit Seventti trt1 .loltM II tiOMWAI, N l. CUIItO I.M AMPIIKST, I O. O. K,, meela In Odd-Fellow. Hull on lh fln"l an-l llilrtt lue-la In every month, at tiidl-pu-it wten. i K SLACK, C I'. A I.AIKOI.OIKJK, .NO .'X -JW HoMtYKIlllir I'OIIIIIIUII mule Hall, corner Com 'mid Kljjlitfi tilnvl, on I.AIHOI.OIMJK, .NO .'J7, A. I'. 4 A. M I'OIIIIIIUII KMH 111 Ala- toniincrrlal avenue . Oti the M-ruflit mill vuttii lion-lav oi nidi iuoiiIIi LOCAL NOTICES. t'renti Miipply. .Mr. 1. Kltgerntd hanjuit received and !i.n on talo tt lilt jalei room u laryu stock of Kiilldi ale, porter, llriitie-iiy brandy nd wine, anil IIiiiom of all klmli, whlt-h tie will dlipote of at reasonable price. MW-'K-lt. lift Mm- llvM. Dr. Helh Arnold'. Ooii-h Klller-lbe preat erndlcitor lor a'l lung iII'ph'ci r uu-p.-i lor remedy to all other incdklne yet dl.covcud, In MJVere can-i. It li ft turc, quick, ami perfectly ife remedy lor ruiigliP. rold, nort! throat, whooping rough :roup, and all dl.ene of tbe throat and lungs Iteiall prlea, 2 ninl M) renin and el. Any bottle ttiat doej nut glv- relief may be relumed, and the money will lie refunded. Dr. .Stlli Arnold'. Dtarrbiua ll.nlnsin, 2.i nnd Weenti. Iti-uicmlier it U wairnnlcd, Ar nold' rllldom Mandrake 1111-, operation without alekneiH and pain. Compounded by Dr. .Setli Arnold' Medical Corporatlvn, Voonocket, It. I. Sold l.y Paul (I.Hrliiili, ilrniClM, Cairo, III. .Vi-.;.V::.n. I.mlle' I'lirllUtllllK Moil1. A ljille.'rurnlililncfttnroliiljeoii opened In the Theatre building, and Mocked with a lull line of everything pertnlhln-; t'i ladlci vtar rciidy-inndt dre.e, underwear, etc.- nil of tlie latett hty lc, and will be -old at lower llgurei- tban ever belore otlered lu Cairo. Tlicc good, were pun-hated In Saw York, nre of the brt miterlal, .mil ulll be told wry rea-onable. Al-o MIIII. ne.ry jxood of all kind. .'Wt-W-lni. i:er rartcii t'rnn, pby.lologUt. tay, the hnnitti body la en tirely changed and roneived. Ku-ry mo ment ol our llvc. every' Prt of our bodk-n It wearin? out ami It being built up anew of fresh matter. Tb.lv work la accomplished by the blood vWilcb kob through overy part, nut If tlie blood berotnea weak or vltl.trd, and doc not perfonii In work properly, the ytein It actully polwned by the worn-out nutter clogvln;: tlie Hal ori;aii Instead of leaving the body. For lypepila, blliou'iie", kidney, 'klu and llcr trouble-, lever-, and all ilbteaiei arl lug Irou tltlated bloody Oit. Wai.kkh'h C aI.U okm a Vi.vkh mi III i t K.li.-. are :i -ut-frtlpn remedy. .VH-tlAw-lw. Xollr Lumber. Having aaln cutablltlicl mytUf In Uie Lumber lii.liif", nt tho Wall & V.nl Mill, I am prepared to ret! lumber of all klndt, lath and tblnglca at who'.eialo and retail, and to otTcr ex rn indueeinenti at nil tlme, KUtraateeln tlie Iqwrnt poMible prlcet. I0?-:h11-1iu. J.rf. McOllv. toak tNl tor Yuur Uok. In addition to paying tho U.v on (Iok-. anl ilnt., tho owner of nun: iiiut,Voinply with thU paragraph in ordlniiiici- Xo. 3, tc. 1.1: 'Tlmi no ilo' or dut ihall, Ik' twit:n thti ilrit day of June mid the first day ol NovciiiIkt, run at lare within the limits of -aid city, wltliuitthaviii'ru sul tantlal wlro or leather mule eeurcly fattened over mid iiround it uioiith," iVc. No exception win or w ill be made to the nipiinMii'Mit of thU ordinance. W. M. William.-. City Mar-dial. Two.lont WRjrou 1'or Nnlf. A new wagon for tale at ft bargain, ply at the Ki'LLKTiN rountluK-roora. Ap tf. Hllll In IUt rit-lil. Mr. I'bll 11, .Saup wli-kcs to annoiineu to his trlcndt and the public generally, that be has lately lilted up, In excellent i-tyle, bis commodloiu and comfortable pirlorit on WaKlilngton avenue, near KIglitti street, for ibo entertainment of tho.e of our cltl.en uud tlie rest of mankind who induk'o In lee crftam, soda water, eonfeetloncrlCH, Ac. aud that he U prcjitrcd to luiulult to cltt entof Cairo, it hnme or at bU purlorx, aiilblni;lnlilsllne. Vlnl. Is well known to our citizens, and ua Ids rooms are very plcatantly tilted up, and as ho can alwayx be found at hl po-t, day or night, to look alter the welfare of nla custamers, we hi hpvik fur him that emtom which bit enter- prlro merits. Ills Ice cream and lemonade urg delicious, his soda water is not equalled by any lu tho city, anil a lar as cnuiecium erles are concerned, ir enniiot be denied that his stoelc Is always tin-best In tho city lM-T-H-lm; AUltOJSA HUCK IJKKi: nt Louis I ler)erfs. Vurnl hikI liixlriinicnlitl Mimic. Mrs. Moii'-arrat will rcstinie teaching cm tlicSSth int. Allde'liln arlaical education in piano mii-ic will coniiuencii us cnily :ir possible. Vocal Instruction. Hecoidlni! to tho old Italian nm-tci's, thorouLdilv tauulit ; nl-o, liarmouy and thorough la. ('la-esln ol(e'iu. .vj;uit. Pimm nnil Or ii ii Tuniiiir. Mr. M.Jvuliuo dcnlres lu to fay that he Is I eady to receive orders for Piano and Or 'un tuuln!;, and repalrltiK musical Instru merits. Orders may be left at the corner ot Thirteenth and Walnut streets, or 1'. O. Ilox AQO, and will receive prompt attention ii1.2-l(J-3ni. lo unit Kc:; !Irr. Landlords ot hotels und hoardluj; houses vs ill Und It to their advantage to call upon Mrs. Coleman, Laundress, No 12 Fourth street, betwoen Washington and Commer- tlul nveuues. Hotel and boarding-bouse washing, "Sconuperdozcn. l-'oi piecework prices aro us follows: Sluglo shirt and col lar, 10c: per dozen 80c; socks tie; two col- lars, tie; two handkerchlels, rc; vests UOc and all gentlemen' wear, N)c. per doeu, Ladles' dressos, 'ii to oOe ktrtslO to 20c: drawer 10 to 15c; two pair hose 6c; two collars 5 to 10c. For la dles plain clothes $1 00 per dozen; lor la- dlat Hue clothes, 61 23 per dozen; done dramutlv. and promptly dellverod. Pa tronage loliclted. lujultijitin, CITY NEWS. WKDXKSDAY, JUNK 2, 1875. Luratl Wcalkrr Report. (,Aiao, li.u., Juliet, WtATIiaK Cloudy Cloudr. fair. THOMAS JO.S'KH, hergl. H. .1,, If S. A. 4'oinllift-. 11. W. (Jnrdiier, the udyuiuf ujfent for Hallt-y ,fc Co' bg circus ntid menagerie, which liai for -tome time pn-llit en exliili Itlnjr In tin- northern part of thlt Slate, wai lu the city n few days a)o, and It Is itaid will return lu a few day mid make arrangement i for the npiKjuranet.1 of that combination In Cairo some time non. I'ouiul. Coroner ioinnti waa liiforintd by a negro man on Monday afternoon, that a child hud tieeti .vcn In the Ohio river. In the upper part of the city. I'pon jmliijr to the -pot designated, a white child was found, which was taken In charge by the olllcer and liiirlcil. Xo partlrnlars could Ik: ascertained lu regard to the little un fortunate. V At I.l. Atla-t the work of n-palriiur and Im proving tlie ,-treeLs of our city has heyun. On .Monday iiioinlny, Mr. (Sorinan, w ho is aiipcrltitciidiujf the work, commenced hie labors on Highlit street, between Wa-hlnjjtoii avenue and Walnut i-treet, with a (,'ood loreo of ldrtil hand nnd the clialii-vniiKi under tlie control of jailor .McCarthy, and Die work Is now urorea tti' to the .-atisfactlon of all. I.attn 1'lrnlr. Mi.ss Itot-r-, of tlie i;iecntli Mn-ct, and .Mlw 1'hllllt, of the Thlrtentli Uri el pri mary schools, will f;ive tlielr tchol.irs .1 lawn picnic, tomorrow (Thursday) after noon, on the lawn nt the n-sldenit! ot Mr. A. V. Wln t-Ier. A cordial Invitation I- rIm-u to all the friend and patroii' of tlie-tj i-ehools to come and kh the children enjoy them- M-lve, and -hire lu the pleasure- of the afternoon wltli them. Iliirtclitrn. On List tjiiturday nlht. I)iirbrs at tempted to cflcCt au entrance into the store of a tceutlenuu near Twenty-eighth street, by boring hole around the fas tening of the door with a large aiijriT. They hud nearly K:'!"el an ailmitCmeeto the More, when trout oinu unknown caue they abandoned their work, and retired without taking with tli-ni any booty whatever. In TrtMiblr. We are Informed from very :ood au thority, that tlie educated hox and do man. who has been In the city exhibit ing for the hist Mx weeks, has ot Into a predicament from which he tludK It ex ceedingly dlttlcult to extricate hltmelf. lie wniits "apace," but his creditor! ier lt, In the mo-t biulncxs-llke. inaauer, In bolilln-'oii to bis cts until he comes down with the necessary amount of wherewith, which l over forty dollars. Kriirlon, Plruleo, Kit'. The good paietiier steamer, Uannoek City, cjii be chartered lor excursion or denies at reisonable rate-. Apply ti CrS-illl WLKF.n.t XKII.Is. To lir nllt-tl llowu. The front brick w all of the building on Commercial avenue, lately occupied as a furniture salesroom by Henry Klehholl', nid owned by Mm. rf. U. Halllday, w hlch was destroyed by tho late fire, will be torn down, its it Is thought to be a source ol much danger to pasi-crn-by. The wall ha-s Ixtm slowly giving way for a day or two past, and now leans at the top, out from the other adjoining buildings, a con siderable distance. The NUugliter lu Ut(lli. The time allowed the people of this city, to pay the tax on and muzzle their canines, having expired with the coming of this month, the otllcers will begin, lu accordance with tho onler ofChielof Police Williams, to slaughter all canines found mulling ut large about tlie city that have not marks upon tlutn that will sig nify that tlie order of tho mayor and chief of police have lvn compiled with. A Vlsll lo IUi Uss Works. On Mondav afternoon, Miss ltogers, accompanied by her entire, school, and Miss Thompson, on a very cordial invita tion extended by Mr. Gerould, Mipcrin- tendent of the Cairo City Gas works, vis- lted the works, and were entertained by Mr. Gerould lor over an hour, who seem ed to take much pleasure lu showing the little ones the principles upon which light, from gas, Is fuml-dicd the citleiis ol Cairo. Kxriirnlon. Mr. Kdmitnd Iluefucr, proprietor of the Planters' House, ami n uumlM-r ol other amusement and fun-loving gentle men of this city, are considering the pro prlety of giving a picnic and festival, on next Sunday, at i ort .TeftVrson, Ken tucky. If they should decide to carry out their project, the lerry-bout Three States will bo chartered for the day to accommodate all who may wish to at tend. Arrangements tor amusements ot various kinds will be made, nnd tho af fair will he a very Interesting and pleas ant one for all who enjoy such occasions. Tlie Fesllsol latat Miflil. The lee cream niid strawberry festi val, given by the ladles of the Methodist church at White & Greer's old stand, at tho corner ol Sixth street mid Ohio levee, was well attended, and was a very prolltable undertaking, as it sliould have been, considering tho cause ' which prompted the Indies in getting It up. The weather was very lavornble for thoevciil, and the fads, with bonny lasses, ami soma that were not bonny, Hocked In large numbers to the festival, that they might pnrtako of tlie good things to bo had there, and pent their money freely, Tim. Hah. Tut Wi.in, I Viu 7a ml oi S. I U Mtlg(ja I'lrti, The lltv lit-lo.' tin' Alltllpili "'ell n plainly on Mmittny nljilii by many of our I'ltUcnsi callic rioui till' burn Injf of Mr. Stephen Hirtl's wltt mill, situated about thiw miles iiboVe lllrd's I'olnt, on the Mlsmmj shorci and about one mile In-low Orecn lleld's ferry liindlnjr. The entlie mill, along with it large amount of choice black walnut lumber, was totally de stroyed. The origin of the lire Is un known, Tlie los Is said to ! very heavy. .Nolle? la I'm 1 1 Mliltvr. Illinois Ckvtiui. IUii.I'.oah ( uMi-tSv. Okhckoi' Ikni:iul Ani:.vr, Canto, III., June 1, t.) C'oiiimeucliig liniiorrow June 'Jd and continuing until further notice, the fruit express train will leave Cairo at !i::i0 a.m. .Its. Johnson, General Agent. -'2-:it. Sun copy. On Dnljr. Health Olllcer Jlrown commenced the duties Imposed upon him that of look ing after the w elfare of the city's health yeterday morning. Among the first places visited by him was the HI. Charles liotel, which ho declares was fuinid to Ut as "clean and neal as a new pin." "Hut," said Hrown, "lt down and I'll (ell you all about It. You see, there's several places that are hi a d u bad condition, uud I just told one old woman, that I'd give her until to-morrow night lo clenii up, and If she didn't do it, I'd have her up before Dross and make her come down with that little old nine sixty, and 1 meant what I said, too," Olllcer llrown llnds the city a a general thing, very clean, Kuiinnit.VN. Mr. Jewett Wilcox tells us that on Monday evening, Mr. Nelson, u passen ger conductor on the Cairo & Vliicenncs railroad, brought to the St. Charles three young boys named respectively, John Hall, William Altotl nnd Thomas lloban, the elde.-t belli-: about twelve years of age, whom he had picked up on his way lroni Viiiceniies to this city. The boys having become tired of their monotonous life of going to school, lu Dayton, Ohio, had taken a notion that a trip would be u source of plcvuro to them, and they ac cordingly took French leave one night, without giving warning ol their Inten tion- to any one. Mr. NeUou Mipi- eioued tliat all wa not right with tlie youngster, nnd after satisfying hi mind ( on tho subject, re-olvedlo take them un der hi (sire and return them to their par ent at IJaylon. Ho took them back to Vlncennc on his return trip yesterday morning, Irom whence he will send them to Dayton. Young Hull Is the sou of the recorder of Hamilton county. Ohio. Tlie I'rsl House. Ofllcer Wooten, who has had the nt house since the opening of tho institution for the Iienellt of small pox. patients, un der his lnii.'.-ilate snpervl-iou, Informs us that he allowed to depart from that place a day or two ago, two negro women,who were entirely cured of the disease. He also tells us that the present inmates, four lu number, are all Improving very rapidly under the treatment received from the 'physician who has them lu charge, uud that lie It confident that he will be able to give them a parting hake of the hand I'l eight or ten tlurn nt the farthest. There are but one or two eases within the city limits at the pre-ent time, and with due care, from the people of the city, the di-eife will terminate just where It I-. The two caes alluded to are both very light ones, aud are In houses occu pied by the Kev. Mr. Caldwell, near the corner of Washington avenue and Four teenth street. Cnrtl o. 'J-To I lie I'nblic. . The card lu yctcrday' HcLLcrix, signed by Prof. F.Goebel.does Mr. Wit tig great Injustice. 1 have liccu a member of Mr. Wlttlg's baud for over live months, mid hi no one instance has he ever failed to pay tne what was Justly due me; on the contrary, I have always found him u gentleman in every re.-peet. When the Fanny 1'.. Price troupe played here Mr. Goebel re ceived his .share of the money for orches tra music, the same as myself. When tho troupe lett, Mr. Hanchctt was owing the band some money, which he promised to pay as soon as he could, but Mr, Goebel holds Mr. Wittig respon sible for his proportion of said amount, aud Ueeaase Sir. W". docs not sec proper to advance It out of his own pocket, he Is published by Mr. Goelel. A letter re ceived irotn Mr. Hanchctt Informs me that w e will get our money as soon as the troupe starts out on the road again, I state these factsbecnuo I wish the pub lic to hear tlie truth of the matter. Kcspeetfully, ClIAB. llAltllV. A llornts mir In t'nlro. A few dnys ago, an Item suggesting that u horse fair be gotten up in Cairo, appeared In the columns ot the Hl'i.lkii.n nnd has, wo are told, created considerable discussion among the sporting fraternity and the lovers of fast horses In the city. To many persons notacqnalnted with the details In getting up n horse fair, such as given by many of the turf associations of this and other Slates, It would seem that much expense and labor must be In curred, and that very little prollt can be derived from such nn Investment. Hut to thoe who have given any attention to (he rules upon which horse fairs of the present day nro given, Just the reverse of this unfouuded belief Is very visible. The entrance fees, where a reasonable numuer oi norses are entered lor a nice, frequently amount to more than the purse offered, nnd were nhoree lulr to he given In this city, tho neighboring towns of Ken tucky, Missouri nnd Tennessee, three States where horse racing uud horse rais ing has become n very proiltuble branch of business, would pourln horses enough, which when entered for n race, w ould al most make up tho premiums for which they were to contest. Beside this though some people, nre strongly opposed to, uud protest against racing horses, n lair ot this kind, It can not be disputed, gives, life nnd vigor to ny dry where they nrc iustHuterl. This JinOn'i'H pl'UYeil lo III!' lintt;lloii of t-WJ 'community of th' eastern State, n also (he western ones, except Cairo, und we see no rcnm w hy we should not be benellted by such itn undertaking. A small amount of money, say fifteen hun dred dollar", Invested In a Cnho horse fnlr, would mnke things llu-ly herea bouts, and those who put their money Into It, would derive very lnmdoiiie percentage, were they t' pursue the proper course in offering premiums. Paroottitl. J. IS. Mason, or Woomlngtoii. was ipiiiitentl at the Grand Central jester day. A. It. Hall, of St. Louis, was regis tered nt the St. Chnrles yesterday. It. W. Davis, or Union City, bad rooms at the Delmonleo yeterday. W. M. Smith, O. D. Dowd nud George It. Peoples, nil of Vlcksbtirg, MIssUslppI, were quartered at the Plan ters' yesterday. .1. Yacger, of St. Louis, was regl tercd at the St. Charles ye-terday. S. K. Bowers, ofClilejgo.au exten sive dealer hi black walnut lumber, was at the Delmonleo yesterday. It. M. Sheltoti and Miss Kva Martini, of lllandvllle. were ut the (irand Central yesterday. M. P. Clllford, of Texas was among the arrivals nt the Planters' yeterd.iy. M. P. Courtney, of Anna, wn reg istered at the Planter yesterday. C. V. Farr, the map ni.ui of Don gola, was nt Hie. Delmonleo yesterday. Charles Fitch, a prominent railroad man of Mobile, was registered at III" St. Charle- yesterday. J. P. Johnson, a dealer in stationery goods and books, was nt the Delmonleo yesterday. -A. C. Bartleson, of Villa Illdge. was at the Grand Central yesterday. F. S. Ea-ter, M. D., of Texas, was at the Planters' ye-terday. -W. O. Procter, of St. Louis, was nt the Grand Central yesterday. George S. Hnye, nn extensive sad dle and harness dealer of Lvansvllle. was registered at the Delmonleo yc-tcr- dav. F. M. Wcstbrook, ofF.viiuvHle, was registered at tlie St. Charles yesterday. -George O'Orady, of St. LouN, was at the St. Charles yesterday. -J. 0. l-'itzpatrick, an extensive plan ter ol Vleksburg, was nt the St. Charles ye-terday. -Theodore Stemming, of Chicago, wa n-LMstereii nt tne St. ciinrie yester day. Pedro Moore, ot Pedro Town, Ohio, was at the ,t. cnaries yesieruay. Trensurt-r'a Keporl. The following Is the report of B. F. Blake, city treasurer of the City of Cairo, for the year ending April DO, 187. : Hy amount received froinT W". Ualll.tny, tx-Trtm- urer ......... . a 04 Hy amount rewired from A H. trTin, county collector, Recount general warrant of l'T2 - 15 OS Hy amount recelvd from A. If. Irtln.couuly collector, account general warrant of 1873 iT.tl'. :i Hy amount received from A. It.lrTln, county collector, Mrxouut general warrantof . 1-71 I5,s III fly amount rreeited rrom A. II. Irrln, UCCount llle- ualLItaiet I.SJi.ll Hy niuouut received for II- reiiiw-t 1 7,0TJ it By umoiint received from V. Ilross, 1'. l.. mitt... . 1,4- 10 Hy amount received fiom .1 . J. Bird, I'. M., linen . . 'j'1 VI Hy amount rectlrel for or dinance IXKlka C 0 Hv ainnuut received telz.-d from gambler CO Uf amount recelveil froni 1Uii1h.ii Vocum, clerk rlr cult court, account of Hue agilustT. J. Shores 5 do Uy amount reoeiicd I'orolil iron "I Uy amouut received for oy tax . M '' Hy amount iwlved fruui .loteph Hro, welirlil- mter.......... U'1 a Hy amouut reeeivnt I'runi levee gruv el road atest- ment l.tdTCa Ur amouut receive! from sidewalk warrant So . 7S .. M lo amount paid on city or der and Interest on eame ili,C'3 47 To amount paid lutere-t ou IKIUUi . -"J, '-) i-i. To amount paid lioudt if- lceme.1-. -. l.v is) To amouut palil levee Rravtl rooil notes and Interest on same....- " To amount palit Yluct.it per onler of Mayor Wood, from hotpltnl fund sl Hulimci- In tren-ury April 175 t.' 't Total 7,WI !S!$7,2SI U B. F. Bi.akk, City Treasurer. Tor Hale. A sliver plated .No. 9 Wilson .Shuttle !ew Int' Machine, hard (pln) valued at fS3. Will be mldat HO discount, on good tonus, and ordsred direct from the factory. KOIl 8AI.K. A No.'.l WHwn Shuttlo Sowllifr Machine valued at f&. WI" 1,0 Bt discount nnd ordered direct Irr.m the factory. kou sam:. A K'O liriiiinKtou SewlnB Machine-.10 oil' for ci-li. Suitable for tailor or boot ami shoe ininiit-ieturer. VJR tsALU. At a bargain, and on good lernu, a Howe Se'wlns Machine. May he een at the Company'-- ottk'c, corner Ninth street and Com mercial. rou SAl.K. A now two-horse (loinble wofc'on. Kor any of the nbore articles, iipply at till' Ht'LLKIISOtllce. K. A. HllK.NKTT. Kullre, III necordano with (he rcfiiilreinenU of an order of the board of County Coinmls liencrs, notice Is hereby given Unit I will redeem county orders uud Jury tertlll cates ou presentation. Interest will eaese on the nth day of June, 187o. CHA8. ClT.NMSIinAM, County Treasurer, Caibo. III., May 'JT, 1R75, 3-2S-10t SPECIAL NOTICES. Nollr, On tfr. iH'TiiuCAtiiiiitSi . Lot is ll. It, Co,, Caiiio, III., May i7ih,'lS7i1, A meeting of tlie Directors ot this Com pany w 111 be held on Wednesd ty the 2nd day of June injxt, A. D. 1876, nt 8 o'clock P. M., at the Wharf-inastcr'solllee, corner Levee and Sixth street, lu the city of Cairo, Illinois, S. StAAr.sT.tvLoii,' 6-2MiI. President, (tick Mure. Mrs. Ilonnardeffert her services as a kick nurse. She I experienced In all kinds of uurMiig. Public patronnKe(retpectlully to llcltod, Leave orders on Cedar street, be. tween Twenty-Third anil Twenty-Fourth streets, In the Porter Home, or P. O. linx 2M. fi-8-lm, 11 pm 4'lg-arn Tolmcru . Fred Teleblnaii, at his cigar and tobi:c) store on KlRlitli street, but just received a large and complete assortment of pipes, etc, and a large stock of the best brand of smo king and c.bcwln; tobacco, F, T.'s stand ard cigar always on hand. OUe lilm a f ill. 40 1 -.VIM inj Wnuted-Ulrl. A good German girl, who can cook and do general houx'-work, will find steady employment by applying at the Central Hotel, Sixth Street, between Commercial and Washington avenue. M.Vlw. Katii: Ai i-i.i:max. I.imeli ! I.iiiich I The hipgc. lunch eerset lu Cairo, will be spread avcry morning at tuc Planters' House. Wiener beer Is the great attrac tion. It pays to visit the Planters' HoufO and try a drink of till, the finest bter ever ofTered In tlilt city. 410-r.-l;i-.1v. Mullet: nt Kfuumtl. The well-known barber shop, corner Kighth and Coinuicrci.il, presided ov:r by '.lie popular artist, Ocorgc Stclnhoiisc, has removed one door north on Commercial, iu .he Grand Central Hotel. Tho new shop It arge and comtnodiotit-, and those wlblng for anything artistic In the way of fj-hlon-tide hair cutting, smooth shaves, etc., wilt Jo well to call at the Grand Central Barber hop. Tl-JHS-tf. Ilrtluretl Itnlrs. We will take, ut the St. Challet Hotel, during the summer month, M day boirdcri", at $12 por month, aud&O boarders with cool, plc.-mnt rooms on the upper floor, at 430 per mouth. At this extremely low rate, none but promptly paying boarders will be accepted. .iKwtTT Wilcox .V Co., .H-l-'S-lin; Proprietors. CAIRO AND ST. LOUIS RAILROAD. 4'hntiKP of Time. On and after Monday May 31t, it through pacnser train on this road will leave from the corner of Commercial avcmio aud Sec ond street, (near the St. Charles Hotel,) nt 10:45 a. m , topping at the platlorui of the Freight Hoil-e, foot of Fourth street, to take ou paticn-jers, and wncro tickets lor St. l.oul and all Intermediate points can be obtained. John Koar.irr, ."V30-dlw. Ajrent. Old reneli nion. K.J. Cundlft has jint received from Koch- eter, New York, Wo buthels choice large peach blow potatoes, -fleeted for seed and for family use, which he otters for sale at his grocery, north side ofKighth Mrcct, be tween Commercial and WnO-lriirton ave lines. o-'JT-fit. The- Old Rnllnble. 1 hereby announce to the public that I am batter prepared than over to nccounno date ray patrons at the Central liotel, on Sixth street, between Commercial and H'atiiiiigtou avenues. I have taken a part nerln the hotel business, Mra. Appleman, who hat had conslilcrabld experience hi that line, nnd will not full t.i make guests feel at home. The tablo will always tic supplied with the best tbe mirkot aflordi, served up in the mott palatable niamicr, Hoard aud lodgluK per week, f 1 00 ; single meals, 25c, to be had at all hour-. 1 have atfo In connection with my hotel, a Unit class barber shop, nnd am prepared to give customers u good shave, hair-cut, shampoo ing, etc. 1 will run three chair, and havo employed tonsorial artists who underUaiid their business. Shaving, 10 cent ; sham pooing, 20 cents ; and h tlr cutting, '1" cents. (Jive me a call. Prof. F. (Jokiikl. .vs-lin. WlulerS IJitller.v. ( Ijn-n every tlay of the week. LOOK HERE! Itnse IIhIIm or I: very Uenrrlpllon AT I'Hii. ii. SAurri. 4-l-tf. Obstacles to Marriage. Happy relief for young tm-a frm the cf. feets of errors nud abusos lu early life. Manhood restored. Impedlmcuts to mar riage removed. New method ot treatment. New nnd remarkable remedies. Hooks and cli'viilars sent tree, iu sealed envelopes. Addrest, HOWAUO ASSOCIATION, 410 N. Mnth street, I'hlludclphla, Pa.-iin Insti tution having a high reputation for honor allc conduct and proletslonal skill. Ml-d.Vw-am. . Meeting of the Stockholders Of 1IIK Cairo & St. Loula Rallrod Company. OUIIML! notice Is hereby k'lven Unit there wilt J. Is- held u meetliiK nl' llm ktockholders of the Cairo A ht lmlt ltallroa-1 t,iiimii , nt the elutloll liollteof ld eollluiiy, In II.- eUy nl Kust M. l.onl, In the county of M. Clalratid State orilllnolii, on Mouilny tlie UNtli liny or Juiits A. I. IH75, nt the hours of eleven o'clock a in., for Ihe piii' ixiscof then ami there rleclllilt by mid stock IioIiIcm teten Uliis'tom for said company lor Hie etiMihiK ear, and llien anil there trunnctiux tlich other ImtlueJS Hpi-citniulnir to eald i-oiu-tiany a sliull come lieiure mild meetliiK. A full atieiiilniice of all the stockholder III aldcDituuiny 1 requested aud liim-li desired Haled, nut juili ditv nr.Mav. II. w. SMITH i: its, .1. W. SAVIN, II It. I'AYnO.V, W..I. I.KWIS, II. .1. UA.VIIA, W S SKAIII.'s, V K. UASHA. W It. AJITIIlMt, kholder-(' XS 1, It It to .Slot -21-dtd. CAIRO MARKETWHOLESALE. Corrected pally by y.. M. i-lwrnv , wminlIoii inerelmiii, ffeereiavy ui tne i aim ihmhi hi Trude. Klnur, accoidluK lu Knvb' - Corn, mix"), uickeil Corn, wlille, backed Outs, mixed Ilnui, icr ton Mud, aleani drltol Uutler, choice .Noitlic-rn Ilutlir, choice hoiitliern 111.. Y.gs, per dozen t'hiekeiK, ierloen ., Turkrya, perdoicn I'olatoeii, per barrel Onliiit, per barrel Pieplant Aiparasui-iloi ..,. StiavlK-rrlr iwciate ti M 7fi.-7'.0 18H0 I'l i.-O tl-'C lio ..1 uVel "U ii no (13O0 MS oo ., 'iMc "AC 1 "I RIVER NEWS. Port l.lst, ah it m:D. .Steadier ,1lm Flk, l'nduenh, " Cnpltol Clty,,Vlclisburt?. " dnsjlownrd, St, I.oill. Tom Jasper, Cluclnnatl. City of Chester, Memphis. Tow-boat .1. X. Ivellofg, New Orlcam. " Atlantic, St. J.ouU. i)Kr.utn:ii, Hteanier Jim Flk, I'aduenh. " Cnpltol City, St. I.ouls. " Tom Jasper, St. Louis. " City of Chester, Memphis. Tow-boatJ. N. Kellojrii.St. I.oul. " Atlantic, New Orleans. " Liberty No. -I, St. Loul. llOStS llfK. .Bin FUk, l'ailucali; Clly of Vleks burjf. Laura !.. Davis, from SI. Louis; Bobt. Mltehel, C. B. Chureli, from the South; ('has. Morgan,.!. W, (larrett and barge, from (he Ohio, itivim and wcAiiiint. The river nt dark wn 10 feet 'J '!-." Inches on the gaugi', having fallen 7 l-.l Inches during (he.'previoiis l!l hours. The weather ls-li-ai- and hot, with a strong southwest wind. Business dull. OK.NT.IIAl. iri;M. Tlie Jim l-'Wk bad a very good n ip of freight yeterday. The Thompson Dean Ulo leave New Orleans this evening for Cincinnati. The Cnpltol City, lust evening, Drought aw bales cotton lor the East. Tho Bee and barge took iT.-'sS pack ages Into New Orleans, Including "J.VKX) bushels bulk corn. The J. X. Kellogg had h; vera I Ice barges and Sub-marine No. 1 1, in tow for St. Louis. Tbe Indiana and lli-llo ot Memphis from the South, and .1. D. Parker from the Ohio were over due lat evening. the Cha. Morgan and Craml Eagle were aground on Portland bar, Mond.iv veiling, nnd were being Iii-Ik-iI oil" by (lie Boblu. The Toin.lnspcr made some additions for St. I.oul. She report the water getting rather thin in tlie Ohio from Louisville out. The St. Loul VViiift -ays: "('apt. Whiting, the owner of the Mare Bovd, don't want to purchase a boat ; on the contrary, he has. one for sale.'' Walker ANellis have titled up the Bannock City In the best of style for e.- :urlon or picnic purposes, and are ready to charter her at reasonable ilguu-s. The New Orleans Times says: "The contemplated opening of the South Pass has necesanly caused -i great Incre.i.-e lu the United States mail to the Lower Coa-t, and to incet the dciii.inds, the owners uud contractor of the present route have lu proi-css ol eon! ruction one of the Itncst modeled and staunched propellers that has yet been turned out. The hull Is belli' built at Madlsonvllle, ncro-s the Lake, and will be of -elected live oak, red cypress aud pine timber, with Iron frames and knee.-. The dimen sions of the hull are 120 feet length, 21 tect beam and 8 feet hold, with power of ".WMnch cylinder, driving uu A feet wheel or bcrew. She will have two cabin, one aft and the other forward; the one uft will be fitted uj in elegant style for the accommodation ot (be .ufc-, i,iJ Dm I'ur- ward one for the gentlemen's cabin will be in the Pullman Palace Car style, with restaurant table. The boat will be ready for business on or about the Stli of Au gust, and will cost $27,000. She will take the place ot the Marie, now running hi the trade, and will bo under the command of Cupt. Win. S. B.issett." ("apt. Bas sett Is at present commandiiiing the Southwest Pas packet, Marie. Waii Utr.tiuJitMr, llivtn 10.1-oia, l June i, ists. t snova cmasok sTAIIOXn. LOWWArKll. rt, IN. IT. IS. l'ltlslmiy a 7 a Clncinnuti !i 'i Uuitvillu t ID - -i Klautvllle N.ihvllle SI. 1-ouls 1.1 0 0 A C'aril. 1 hereby notify nil uiiulduus who shall be employed by Mr. Kd. Wlttly, to have their money ieciind iu advance. I c this uotlce becauso 1 do not with any mu sician to bo boat nut ot Ids jut due at I have been. My son and mysell havo played for him two weeks and thrco days, lie has only paid me a part of my dues, aud has not paid my ton one cent 1 consider him the leadcrof the hand and rrspondblu tome funny money. 1 hare played with Mr, Ktscnburg, who is lender ol a band, and he has ul.vays paid me uud my son promptly, I pay my debts, not llku some, who do not Intond to. l'KOf. P. GOKini.. o-l-nt. Nlnivt Ix-rrlc.. lio to Wilcox's fur strawbt-ii-Ii-s. li-l-llt. I'OllltltCN. One thousand bu-hels of choice Michi gan peach blow potatoes, lor sale ut P.tnuiiii, A.vi.i:v it Wii.n's. ri-27-nt. Horse 4'lotlilnu'. A lull aseortiiieiit ut Hy Nets, Horse Covers ami lllankrts, ut well at ti lull supply ol all other poods in our line, at 10.i Coin-tni-1'i.-ial nveiuie, next door to Theatre. n-ij-l-iiw. 1.. 1). AKIN .V Co, I'lilon IliiUer.v. Frank Ivratky, of the I'lilon llakvry, Coiiimcrclal avenue, between Kouitb ami I Sixth street, ha re-opened hMiakcry, and la now prepared to deliver lire id nudCikei of tliu bctiiiallty, anywhere In the elty or i enuntry, Iu kiii-h iiuaiititleK a-i liU custom- 1 1, innvilttilr. Pi'li. tvlll 1... 1,1.1.1a .mi. i ' ,,,fr11 , ,. , i .-.v-j .... tinier ; In otln-r woiil-i, cheaper than the eucapeiii. senu in your nnier, IIIlMiiVlt. Tu Ill-Ill. Rooiii- to ivnt In Wilcox' lllock, Clli'lip. .ViclW KAH.-. CO. 50TICK, N bV!.l ,,,r"'r lntHs"l In ,i;,Y,llilh.v,'i,,'r,'Tlfn'i'r a'HoriT, of net entltlen "An- . - M.t an , '.'l-'J4' 'I11' i as sd ami colleefsii furtheyear 1S7J, Inttcettuf w-3d IIKiejtl atfil, "JSL'If V.'i'fL8 "medleifor tlie eomplefe, refindlngpf the same v, the tat-payers oflh rtUtewholiaie uaM tilth etress.tid f-.rthe protection of the Uut-payeMentlilciI thereto, and ofwiintlet and nil onleera ot pertont cnnecle.l ii, a 1 'i" eiyUK-nt llicreof,' ' I will refund to such person ur coruomtlon the amount liy lilmnrlljiald In xr r twentr nine, thlrty-tlsths ortuch State t or i7a, u; nnlh presentation ofhls or Its tan n-crltitt r.ir Ml-lyeur, covering tlie nunc. ! CHAf CCNXINdltAM, "li-j-ll-dawtiv County Treatnrer ADMINISTKATOR'J BALE OF -EUELAX EffTATQ. BVylttneofanonler or Hie county court ot . i AJ';"'lTcoiiiity, In tlie tmtc or IlllnoU, made atthc Dei-ember term thereof, A D. 1S74, iikjii the partition ot the tindertlgncd, ndtnlnlt tralor of the estate of.fohti I). DcWIlt, ileceiweil, uirahut Harbru L. DeWlit and olhert, I will, on the Tenth liny of Juno Next, at tlie hour of ID o'clock a m , ofsald dnr, tell at public venitaient the rrnnt door of the al'oreot Hlchurd A. Kdniondton al Hunt Cbw tlinirdenu In talil Ali-vn-ltr county, IhoMllowliiit. le.crlli edrenle'lnte, sliunleil In AlexamUr entinty. In tlm.ialeof lillnoln, to-wlt: , 1 All the Interest of thesnld .Inhn Ii DeWllt divi-atfl, In unit to the undivided one halful lliatpiirtiiftectlun teten (7), toivrishlp.No four Imi (II), south raiiKo Xo. tint (31, west rth.. third prliielp:il merullan, more particularly de-serlliv-1 at follinvs. Commencing nt tlie lull rtrtlon corner on toutli ldu of said tecllnn seven 17), runnbiir tlie.ncli north llh variation tlx ilcjiee.s pi -Icrce.) and thirty mlnutei) rorty chains to rentre of section, nnd rttnnlnx thence ml ninetis'ii and elRhty-seven Immtredtht (ly S7-PSI) chnlut t a pott l,l)" them-e running rfoiitli, vnri.it Ion A deirreea (rt ilejtn-et) iin-l thirty imniite foity elialn.s In pott "K" tlienee wctt nineteen nnd ulncty-llie bundredtlis (I!) li.Vlui) chains tu iott of beitiiinlnx at "U" ami coutiilnlnK leieuty-nlne and aixiy-foiir lillli-llT-llhi (7-J C4-IKI) Hcret iiinre or les. Thenlioie ilisrrltl rent ettJtc belnir tiilitu tUlly the undivided hiir of the west luiirof tin toiitli iut iiii.'irter ofaald tect Ion. TKItSISoPttAI.i:: Uuu third rash In liamli the liulnnie lo lie pnid In one jearl'rom theday of sate, the purrlm-er to itlve hit notcdrnwlnit six per rent, Intere-t for tlia defernil ymcnl, anil -eaired hy mortirae with power of tule hi on IheprembeA sold. 'lhcNilu Is to tr inaile iilil-t lo Uu- lljllitof ilowerof the vttitnw nt Mini ihss-iimsi CIIAUI.KS T. KIMi. Ailminlttrator Attorney. lU'-fi-Ii-dlt t.eorje Kllier, PHILADELPHIA LAWN-MOWERS Wltolfiile and IlrUll. Vnl forcntilot'i prlcej. t.H.IIelTroD, 250 State Street, Chicago, 111. COSt'IISNlO.V MCRCnANTH. G. CLOSE, (!neral Commission Merchant A!tD DEALXR IU LIME, CEMENT, PLASTER, HAIR, &C, Uutler City Natloaal Bank. ' Wll.I.pell In car-load loU at manufactnrera . prices, udjlnjj FreUtht. JOHN B. PHZIXIS AND SON. (Snccetvora to John B, I'lillllt) FOUWABDINQ AND Commission Merchants Ami Dealers In HAY, ORIS, OATS, FLOUR, MZAL, BXAH, U. Agents tor LASXIN fcRAKD POWDKK 001 Corner Tenth Straet md Ohio Z I. Jljlliiist. g, c. Uhl. MATHUSS 6c UHL, FORWARDINO And Gtneral Commission Merchants IK-alera In PT.niTTt CITIATK WAV A -nrn -f --. MAIM PRODUCE, 0L Olxlo Xwvoo. K. J. Ayret, 8. I. Ayrei. AYRES 6c CO., FZtorrxi A in! guieml Commission Merchants No. 78 OHIO LEVEE. - - u. vv, I'AiiKvn, w. r, axlev. j. ii. wilii. PARKER, AXLEY & WILD, (Suei-essora In 1'iirtcr .tAxley,) nssriiAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS Dealer in Hay, Corn, Oats, Flour nud Conn try Produco Gonorally ORANGES, LEMONS, and CHOICE BUTTER, A hperUtlr, 100 Cominoiclul Avouue, CAIRO, ILL. liVV-ld-lf ISTew-York Store WUOLKSALK AND KKTAIL. Xiorcoiat VARIETY STOCK IN THE CITY. Goods Sold Very Clsie, Corner IQth St. and OommarcUl At caibo. nxnrojj. -JTvi. A 0. 0. PATZX1 ft 00. ' lull . t .ti V lit (..'' VfV T 3 J -v ' "ft j