OCR Interpretation

The Cairo bulletin. [volume] (Cairo, Ill.) 1872-1878, September 11, 1875, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85033413/1875-09-11/ed-1/seq-4/

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. if i i .,,-.rr'
Aim poiTorpioi
Own Hrf,n.M?
to G:.30
nilnoU Ontrtl K 11
3 CO
: oo
Mill. tntral H It
Cairo Vtncrs
Rli-i)iir .
Cairo, Arkan.a
Tiai II It Illr
Ohio Hirer lloul
Dally ir.'l .Viimliy
MIm lllter Kojlf
Up, Sun. Tu rl
llsrn.'lll lbu Sat
Tritbff lloute
rtilT A Saturday t
Q W IfCk'UlO, ' II.
mi l.yt. cairo
yn x it:ii . a
IxrrMK at .. S:15 p. !
freight at 4:05 a m-.'Eirept
fitlghtat 11:X ni... "
FraWrht at
.... is.to p. nu
.-7:30 p.m.- "
FlWf Bl M
WM1 ..
S:W) m nany.
3:mip. m...Kicepl Minrtay
...... 9:41a III... " Monday
S;1p m... " Mirnlny.
..-.I f5a m... " Sunday.
- n'lp iu.. "
rrrtfthl ar...
frvifhtat -Frtbjht
Oa and after Ann. '.'0. trains will run ns fol-
wi, Sundaya excepted, from the col hit of
frond lrcl ml Commercial nriinue, (.aim,
ool.xu .loam.
Laara Culro
" Murphriboro
arrive Ka at I.ouli
Lmt Kaat .(. Iiouhj
irrite durphrsuorj
I(I;4S A
i.t(i '
Wt: I' M.
. ... 4:01 "
- Murjihyiboru..
anift v.iiro
Conntctlnic at at. Ixmls with nil lrnlu Wesl
aad North. J I, Ill.MKI.KY, upl.
J. A. WENT?.. Gnral ranemrtr Agent.
- Imwi Thrcugb Without Chngs !
Lmtm Culro 1.00 u.m
ArrhM kt farm I- r:l I "
Arrive l VlnM-nnw II n
tja sr. i.on Alii -ofriimrititx iliiliiiup.
ArriTfl KrnnfTlllr (:W p m.
Ma !diamaiou ash vincrskk I1MI.HOAII,.
Anltt lniUtiQioll i.M ji. rn.
tiAOHio Axt Mitaxirn kailuoid.
Animal Xorlli Vrnfii..
ArriTM at (.'Inrintwtl ,
Arrllt l.niiUville
CAino riraiu
Jam t to Iiiillnrpsll ,
Imim Cincir.imti
tjmvt LaiiiiTllla
ArriTM at Vinivniirs
ItTM Vlnrmc.i
jlrrire it CannU
Arrirn at fain)
p. in,
iijisi "
. T :1 "
S;. .1 in.
, S:.li "
7:in "
'J:W ii m.
11:10 a. in
!):. "
to ami from ull
aUklnj rlon connrrtinn
alnU Rait and .North, al Iii.llainpolh nml Cln
tunatl, ami tu anil from ull point ontli ami
Want of Cairo by rail ami rif tr.
Th Mound City Arcoinmo'Ullon ritiif Wl-
Rwaay ami .-aminay.
iaTM l atro V'.i', ana 3 ,WI 1, in.
Itm Mound ItT 1 .15mM ft.'in p. m.
mi. a. uyuumuii, xi. l,. munniL,L,,
(Jen' TIckHAa'l Utnrml Siiji'l
tyorlnrorniatlim rrbllrv (o iuli mill con
aflloin, afply to JAMKS M.t.f.OKV,
71 Olilo Jn.
Sheriff"! Sale,
Yrlrtueof an execution to nif illieelol liy
tlie clerk of the circuit coin! of Alexander
wmntT, Inthe Mate of lllinoln, In fuvnr of It.T
nard McManua amlaalnit Io I'liilllpn, I liure
lerleii upon the followinirilfcrll,d pmpertv. In
the city of Cairo, county of Alexander iind Mate
ef llllnoli, to.wif numWml three (0 and
fur(4) in block numlerel frirtv-llic () . ni
thepropettrof theMld l.ce IMilUlpt. wlid h I
hull offer at public at the south-Heldor
of thecotirl home in tlio city of Oil. In Itio
oantr of Alexander nml nut ol llllnoU, on
the thirteenth day nfScpteinlKr A lt.,U75, at
the hour of eleven o'clock,. m.,for mIi, to
aatury nm execution. Al.e.A. II. llivi,
Sheriff ot Alexander Comity, llllnol.
Cairo, llllnolf, Augum 'Jlst, 1-73.
. -'.'l-td.
Bherlff" Sal.
BT Tlrtue of an execution to me directed liy
the clerk of th circuit court of Alexiue
iter county, In the Mate of IlliuoU in furor of
Jamet Clonan f T the u.e ot Atuiutm F IIhI
lerlierir and agalmt John DunVy, 1 lmeleil.il
pon the following decriled proierly, in the
rirat Addition to the eald city of tiiiruin the
imuntr ol Alexander and State of Illinois, to
wit: Lot numbered el((hteen (IH) in block mini
bered nine (), ai the pr,ierty of the mid John
Duffey, which I ilmll offer lit public :itu at the
aouth-west door of the cnurl hou.ein the city of
Cairo, In the county of Alexander and Mate of
llllnoli, on the thirteenth day of September A.
II l79,at the hour of derm o'clock, a, m,, fur
caih, to natUfyatid execution
AI.KX. H lltVIV,
herlffof Alexunder County, llllnol
Cairo, llllnoli, Auffiut iUx, Ik74
Bherlffi Sale.
BT lirtut of two kperlalfXivutlone to me ill
reete.1 by the clerk of the circuit court ol
Alexander county, in the state or Illinois, one
Infarorof June Putney nnd theothcr In fior
ef rhomn Lvnlierann, and hull axnlnat II
w alien W ebb, I will offer at public ale the fol
lowlnu de.rrilwl nrorly, In Use cltvof Culro
CountTof Aleiander and Mateof Illinois, to
wit lyit numbered ecii (7), In block num.
!ered tlx ('), lot numbered a x (C in block
aumlere.l twenty.nlne (.-0) Mxteen (H ) fiel ort
of aouthildenf lot numbered teutT.lr U',),
!li.1V!,.numlwrfl1 tweiitvaevni (A), twenty
eight (i) and twenty-nlne C"J), In block num
bered twenty.lx O) and lot numbereil (le (.'0
In block numliered Ihlriy-two 13.'), lo lotn
numbered thlrty.flve (r.) and thlrty-eiKht (a-),
In block numl red elKhteen (I) In the 1'lrnt AJ.
ntipn to jay city a th proH-rty of the Mid II
aUon Wehb, t the oulh.wet door of the
urt home In Iheatld city of i,nlio, county of
Alexander and .Male r UUwilti, on the ihlr.
teenth day of Peptembtr, A. I). IMS, at the
hour of eleven o'clock, a m , lr rh, tnaatla.
fy laid execution! Al.l'.X II. IIIV1N
, .IJheriffot' Alexander county, llllmiii
fialro. Ills., Ausuit'ilut, iflj
The Gamble Wagon
mo, xzjXjXZNroxkv.
ITmT Tlwrth-roiuih itret
Star 1:00 a.m. to 0:00 p.ui
V I p.m. " "J"4 I
s i r, i
Tcnncticotiii been a Slato seventy
nine yenrs, ami the western section v.s
never prodiioeil u Unit id Stales Scnslur.
A Kottli Carolina editor will dress
Ids paper In mourning lor $10 It any one
illi-i, and lilt liberal terin have endeared
him lo the hearts ot it h"Io f.ounty.
"Huve niuinnU n seii'e of humor
ml; iinowildicxchanw. ('itnlnlytliey
Imvo. You'll fd'nv llnd tlmt Jnekase;
are ivatlv ti lamrh Imnjoder.itely- nt the
jinoriMt jokf:. I
Tlii' new cattle ilNtfiupei In r.nelutul
1 called "the fiint nnil mouth dhen'c."
The same thing h;H prevnlled In thh
country anions .t;itc.-m'ii for year pat.
Its principal tcature, and that which
jives It It' name, that the victim can't
open his mouth without putting his tool
into II. .V. y.Comtiid'cinl Atlvtrtisti:
in Lee county, Georgia, the other
day a hound struck it trail and iollowed
It pcrsltenlly, hut for a while no one
followed. The hound'- long continued
lUVence led to nu Investigation. Ill
trail wa". followed, and about len o'clock
In the morning, hi- buying betrayed his
whcieaboutp, and when the parly ;u
rived where the hound was they (ound-
nofan otter or n coon, but a darkey
treed. The hound had .truck U trail,
run III in down, forced him lo take to the
tree and kept film them from leu o'clock
at night until two iu the morning. Kyi
dently a dog of the "good old tline.V'
and uninformed of the thirteenth amend.
Orillinitii'c 'o. Ill,
AX (IKIIIN.V.NCI; to pnnldefnrtbc couitruc
llon uud recoiittriii'tiun of certain idewulkx In
the city of Cull o.
licit ordalneil by tbc illy councilor the city of
ikoioxl. TiiHttbe fiillgwliii; nnim-l kHi
Wulknbe itviiiitnieteil ot uood in the innniier
lureiimiter pio Ided, vlr . On tlie -outn nlv
of secoiid idrcet, Intwieu LeTeo itrirt uud Lull)'
meiclul uenue nu the north aide ot Mciind
treet, hclueiii l.eiec etuet ami Coiiilneieiiil
menU'-i on thcaoutli i-ldeof Kuurtlt ttreet, Ik
IHtrn i.tm' atieet nud Comiueiciul iiMime j on
the north aide nf I'ourlli street, U-ttiirn lrtv
htuet and Commercial hmiiiw; on the eoutti
aide of KIkIiUi elut't, tietween l.ece htriet mid
Coiniii. rci.il uii'iiue, on tlio .-oulliflilc of i lulllli
idreet, betwitu l.ew clritt nnd Wiuhlnxtnn
lOeiilli'i on thttolllli -Idcol' I'ourtveiitli atari,
In t it.ii Cviiiinerci il iileiiiieuiul IViilmit ftiiit;
in llir norlli ride ol Kiitliliinlh alurl, between
. iiMiuiKioii ini'iiiiv nun iiiiiniK .mt'ii nu
thctivt aldvnl' I'oplar rlrcet, lielwirn 'llili
ttrnlliuud KoiirtM mil alnete, mid bttuu n I IP
tieutli ant Kixhteciitli strulr; on ic
writ tide ol Ciil.ir elrcel, lietwieu
I'ineenthuud Mxteentli treetj on the north I
alduut hlKlitiintli etn-ct, U'tWivu l.eee etreel '
uou vuiiiiiieaoii lifeline, iiou oeiweeii i UMilliK'
ton inenue nnd W nltiut utrevt: on tli: -outli r-iii
ol twentieth staet, Intwtrii l.erie triet uud
i.oiiimerciiu luenuei.ou itic norm muc ol l wen
I Hill ttael. M'twiili l.vivatta utid C miner.
ebil inenm-j nu the Meet tide of WiiliiiiKton
iitainie, neiweeu leuuiiuei iweinn ,-irrin, nml
onineeouiii mcc hi i iiiriy-luurtn etad.ljc
luien Leucetri! mid Cimimercliil iiveiiin.
.-ii:. -' 'llnl Ihel'olliiwiilif eidi-walk liprnu.
"tnniiil ol'wood in tlie hi inn, r lieiviniifier pro-
iiM.ii. in,. i'm ni'ie oi i upiiir Dinm,
betwiTii 'rintliHiid 'I welllli r taili on the north
Hide of l.lerentli elleel, bitweeli Winhlinjinu
ii i ioioiiieieiiii nvf'iiuesi nu ti
noriii Mm- ot i.iKiiitvnlli Maii,
I'tiivcen iiiiliiitt nml Culur irnij.
on,, ..ii in,-nuuiii dkiu ,n 1 1, cjii3 e iiim 9iaet,
(Attrii,, i i,iii suiiiuii;ii;i!ti il, .'line.
Mv 3. Mild wulkfi eniinieruliil in ,-,.i,,oj l
amis, idinll becnnMrueted nnd reconilrtiettil in
lollowa, 'lliey ehall lie elMeet w Ide on
op. ccimiiiiik on uii'iuiiKton meiiue. winch
miuII Iwaeicu art. The head or top covering
HUH nu IHU llll'lie lllll'K, Ullll not to c.Nctcd
liimi iiienes ill W lilllij the Inside line to be. four
letinmiiini ironi llio liiuil Unenrihelols, e.
eept on Wiodiliiirlon inenue. which t-fisill lie lite
lirt liiuil tlio trout line ol Hit-Jotif eniil l),,;ini
or pj.niki to be Jufil cro.iHMlo with Hie
aniemiiK, nun iirin'v eel mill well aplAeil on to
liae ilrinirera. wiln nol lust ihniimv iin iii-.
Milll r nulls to ruch board or nlmik 'I In- virio.r.
i M shall not Im lefs thiin tliree Inclien thick bv
lv Inches wide, nnd llnnly tit on vdtfc and well
eiilkeil on lo the piles or cio-i-tlci, not Icsa than
tliac Inchej thimt bv ill Inchef wide, ulnr.,!
crosswi'e lo tald walk, tit Intervuls ol not mure
than is Art: when the tlilcuiilkH lire eli.v,ii,.,l
abole the iiutur.it Kroiiud the pu'tiof tliutntlc
W'ork nllilll be lour iiiehe, tuiiuie n ml tin. !IU ,,r
rroiftii'j elmli In; placed on ede,uiid pilueil
or morlictil into thu no-Is nml well miikul. uml
lliestrin'err th.ill be uotehul lllitlviowild s!ll
or eross-tlest uud In ullciitea IdoeVi ol wood
uoi icm iiiuii outiiiioiionir, iiiriciuciieH tiitek ny
aix iiieuei, miih tituii tr piiic"l nruiee lli eieis
ot encti bIU or cross-tic when the walk is laid on
the natural ground, nud under the cutlx of each
post when the wjU is elevated by tivslli-wnrkj
if the treslie-woik is oier three feet liltfli the
fjilne Mmll be llnnly braced ami tlie poitt vx
tendul two and uiit-liulf nituboietlietidewulk,
lo which a hand-railing or ttrip ol white oak
plunk, one Inch thick by four inchei wide thull
lie tecurely nulled; the ItiinUr tube Usui shall
belhe. licit iiiulily of white or burr oak; snid
wulka nhiill lie so constructed uml lecoiiMiuctiil
ai to conform to the jamle cttublMiiil by UiUI
liancc.Vo. M'C. I. 'I bat the following walk be con
structed nf brick in the manner hereinafter pro
tided, vhi On the aoiith eideol Kljfhth start,
between Washington uirniienml Walnut stuitj
oiitheauulh tide of .Selenth ttart, iielwtvii
Commercial and l n.-liliinlon aienueai on the
uorth side of M'leuth start, between Commer
cial uud Washington avenue, and on the west
anient' Winhliiiitou nenue. U'twren .-iiinlli
uud Kiithth ttrtets
,-ec u. .-Hi'i nrick aiiiewuika on the enm
ttrtiis sliall be len led wide, und tuld brick
tldewalkon WhsIiIiikIoii aienue sliull lietweliv
feel wide) lliey shall I construcliil of hard,
welUbui ne i brick, eoiupiietly and piopcily
laid iu herriiiK-l'oiiv manner, iu u lied ofcoiirne
naiid, not less than lour inches thick, pi nee, I on
a linn and subntuntiiil bed ot coul cinders or e.iitli
cirlhl uml ahull be to inld to thu Kimie estnli
lishtil by provisions of tlrdhmiia: .So ald
walk nliali be laid w ilh it elope downuard to
ward the curb ufone-lliird ofun inch lo thu loot;
u curbing ol sound white or burr oak plank tlutr
Indies thick, and not leu tluu fourteen Inches
wide, to be tpikedon Willi lorty-penny nnils to
aoiind white or burr link stakes, two und one
liulf lect Ion uml Ihrte Inches nipntrv, )il.iced on
the outside of tuld rurlilnif not more tlutn II i.'
feet apart.
Nf, is i lie local improvemenls Herein pio
videil lor, aliall be made liy tpeclal a.-M ssiiunt
uml In iteeorduutc with tin- iuovisioiis of mv-
tlons elKhteen t' llllj-one iuclushc, of Aitlcle
nine in i nc .icis in uie tjenemi As-emlny ol the
rita'eof Illinois, upprotcd April In. A 1). 17J;
and enlllleil "all Act lonruvide liirilieliiroiimr.
utlou of clllea itml villiUfii'i," and thu cotta ami
expense of the eoiintiuclioii und iironstrnctlon
ol Biildsldewnlks thull bo paid out of the funds
urisuiK iruiit turn tptciai "iBSIlHiit.
.. , . 1 "Wl'" P' "' '"I Ironllnt' on nnv
oftlie fcldcw-itlks, provisions for the bulldliiBor
"."""a " "I WHICH IS IlLlilc liy Ml a lill .
iianee.aiiuii 1; Kllnweil tlllliv duva uller ihe
ui.T.i T. l.V '.,,lU 'hall fa!;,, ellt.rt.ln
Wh eh to build or recoiistrtiet .i'.tl sidewalks,
athecit.e may lie, opposite his lot, and thereby
rf , Lett r..1 f r l-' "!ni ;Mnentt I'rovldeil,
hat the work tlutll in all respects conloriii to
he aipi reinents of ltd, oiilliinnce, uud be done
Ur or b'tnita "1,l'r"v"1 of U'v '-""""H-
,iSvf .tlL-i1.'11"," ,.he cxplnitlon of the mild Ihlilv
! lfhy clerk thull piil.ll.il u notice for teii
t. ti,. rn iminiru u ntiucr I'Jr It'll
oHhiiriiv n'lfcl'1'riiuliHi'ltiiiffllMoiiHiinncM
niRDII) tllQ lUUlt r ill or ilnlm. tl. ,i-,.rl. 1 'el.'
' . . "x lurni 1I1UI ht'lllUl 111 ih nir r.
t..m. el... - "V i'tlH I'1- II
"..'''.'..'''''"uonor lecoiiMrucllou of nib
recervll 1,1,, oi l" Ull!C"-v '"""Cil. will l
frr oOh eliv "I! V "'u ,lme meet-
tfltf nor more Hum cljmtien ilnva lorn tl e
date ofiiuld notice, which 1 otlre hI,hI IhW t ,e
t inc. of e nmtu'nrand Ic'crU tl e "mk t U
UonebT relerrlim to 11,1, orjl, .Ve, ' villi Ha
liL onfrc J 10 kl,,''l'tlim at any time at
fjald bld ehall be opened bv the tlnk In , ,,,
presence of the council and the " ,,', Vctu ?d
nir the work or turn !. 1 in- ti, V . 1 ' L".r " 1
for the construction ami n construct 101, ,,r .
aldewulkaelinll beawnrdeil to thu h .iVw'.'1.?.".1 1
tllilt- bidder, who ahall sulUcliitlt- uuuioni,,. V,
1 1 , -(iti.iui.iKiiwiithi. ,.i,.. ,..,,,.,..11 ,.r
olald muttrliil und the .criormuivu atl"
Coiniiiltttiioii -treiti. vllhlii such lime 01 time
as may be llxt.il by contract; if said bldsuitnnt
utiifactorv to (lie cltv council Ihev mav reteri
. v. m , wiiii, M.i.v. uu ruiiiim'llill.ll Ol Hie
any or nil of thrill, uud may Ihcii or llirreiiitir
authorize mid vrolks to he coiiMructr,l mid re
constructs by such tjivntr in they mny think
AppioTtil Sept. fth. !f:3
llKKIir IVINTKIt, Muyyr
AiHii-Wn, I'fenob Atley, City i.;l)k.
City National Bank
CAPITAL, - - 3100,000
W . I' ItAl.t.tnAV, I'rislJcnt.
A II HAFKOHI), Ca.lilcr.
WAI.TKI! 11111.01', AM't CHtili r
S. MIA IM TAM.fltl.
W 1' llAM.lll.VV,
Sir.iiim liir.ii,
II. I, lUU.ItllY,
II. I). Wll.t.UMIKV,
Exohuiigc, Coin and United States
iiouoB jjougnt and sold.
DKI'O-sllS rmltm jml fi-ncmt UuVInt
Imnltirjf iln.
Enterprise Saving
A II SAFKOIli). I'reiddent
S.S TAYt.Olt, Vice I're.-ldent.
W II Y-M.OP. ir,'y and Tauuur.
iiimcioh.. :
P. M. llAMCLtr, ClIAB OAMIIItkti.
r . M. hrocKiLttu, I'ai'lii Mcnt'ii,
It. II. Ci'.i.Nistiiioi, II I,. JI Ll.lii.r,
J. M. l'llll Lll'l.
I.Vri.KKST paid on depnita nt the rate of tlx
per i ent pJrunnuiii, .Mnrcli Island Septem
ber lit Interest not w Ithdmwti la addetl Inline
d ately to the principal of the itepusltn, thereby
KivliiK them compound IntcreM
Married Womon nnd Children may
DopoRit Monoy and no one
else enn draw it.
Open tvery binliirsilay from a.m. In.-! p.m.
and .-.iturdiiy evenln,- for ci lir.'i dti sella only
liom 'i tu o'clock
Vf. HYSX.OP. Treasurer.
Transncta nil kinds of a Legiti
mate Bnnking BusiucBH.
V DROSS, Prcsideiit.
P. NKFF, Vlco Prealtleut.
X J. KKRTll, AsaieUnt Caaiiler.
Prlcos to suit tho Times.
Wholesale Fijruros, but No Credit !
Mrs. C. McLEAN,
Next Door to Stuart St Gholnon's
H'VTm' 1,i,.",ncl, r'l"wer.s, Ijirei, Itibboas
,.ll,.!illl,i,f '!'i T Ji-i. ItuclllliKs, Colics,
Mdljloics, Hosier-, Worstnls. .
Also the "Ladies' Urevii llt-form'
And ull the new Mln of
Irlmmlii? Mlks for
-I'nim iiiia riminicr.
13-lhete Koods will Wohlnt ver
y low Hk-l-il-'.iitl
ores, nir i.abii anil CASH DNI.V
A rtilillilfln I'ii torliil lllHtorrnr Ilia
lliii, s"-"Tlic iKHt. elieitiMHl, nml
imiNt aucri'NNfiil Fiiiully I'nner
In Itin t'nloii
NOTICKH Ol' Till'. I'ltCdH.
Tlio Wofkly is the ubic-t anil innt now
ertul illtistratftl ptTiotllcal imbllslieil in
Mila country. Its etlltorlula aro ecliolurly
ami conv nci if, and carry uiucli weiilit.
Ita tlliistiatlon of ciirrt-111 ovciiIh lire lull
und ires , 111 tl are prepared by ur licsttlu
hij;ncis. Vi'lt i a circul.itloii o l.'iO.onn the
eckly is read a luust bv null u million
pcraou, nnd its inllueucu as an oi:Mn of
opinion l simply trt'inemloiiii. Tlio Week
ly tuiiintalos a posl ivu po-ltlon, and ex
presses ileeliletl VlotVeon liolilleal mill so
cial probl, 111s. Lnuisvlll.i C'ouriui-.Iouriial.
It- a ticlns nro models nf liiKli-toneil tlN
cus ion, nml Us pictorial illustration tire
often corroborative, i.rxumrnih of no .null
force. N. V. Kxainlncr and Chronicle.
Its papers upon exigent rjuest on mid Its
inlinitablu eunoous help to mould the ann.
tiinunts 0 tlio countrv I'iltsiniri? Com.
Postage rref to auli-crlberi in tin United
Ma' fit,
Hnrptr'H Wckly, one yoir .. ii 00
Four dollars includes tiretiuvinciit oft'.
S. postaue liy tho publisbeia
hul)ellp 1 lis to Ilnrper'a Majrs.hie,
Woeltly, anil bazar, in one iiililresa tor no
year, ?I0 IKI; or, two u' llarper'a l'eriodl
cals, to ono address tor emu year, $7 Oo:
posinu free.
An extra copy of 'ho Maicnziiio, Wcufcly,
or llazar will bo supplied Ktat'b lor uvery
club of fivu Riiliscribcra nt ?l 0u oicti, In
ono rcimltniice; or, six copies for 920 00,
wltboui ex in copy; postaKe free.
Hack numbers' can liesuppdeil nt anv time.
The annual volumes' ol llnrpcr's Weekly,
In neat cloih hiuilluff, will ho soot by ex
press, fno of expouso. for $7 00 each. A
complete ect. comprhin eighteen volumei,
sent on rccrijitof cash at tlio rttn of?.i '2A
per volume, freight at tlio expun e 01 thu
Ea"-Newipaiieia urn not to copy thia nt.
yerllsciiient without the express onlctiiol
Harjierit brothers.
Aiiiresa llAttl'nit .1 ItltOTlIKIlH. N. V.
A Collt uo IriMiiriilor.v nml Aenilrnili
Nt liool Mr IIojm nml Vminir .Men.
lea'ei!iM,Hly.1.',.U, "!" ''0r.'" 0f ix "Pfrleiltcl
Iu,, n., ' 71r nil uimiea nt r.ustein rol-
in col
..,jaii. iiikj iiimnn. mii.i
ih ipr 11 h.ii hu k...... 11 . .1 .
,. t. 7' -. ..tllHlll. IS,'U ,
er annum.
lufoiini liiWnZ, V.' Ii v;...,a,l"K
WW B V '
9."5Ji' A"1'nntiucMi:ni,r) rTrVi.
The TrustcoB of tho Cairn City
Properly tit-Ire In call pnhlli; nltenllnn
to the iiicrlta of tliuli prnjici-ty, coniiils-
In;? n eoihldcrnhli! lmrtinn of tin; city nf
C'jlro, In Alexander I'ounty, In the Stute
of llllnnU, nud IntuU imiuedlMteJy Adja
cent Ihcrelii,
I lil city, a- U wc'l UnoTrti, is .1 luut-tlnt
tUo conlhienco of t lie Ohio nml Ml luinpi
rlvera, nt thu lieutl ol unlnierupteil tiuvl it
llon on tlio it.ti.ipl, l.tj'u hclow oli
itrucilntw tiy ice In the winter i. ml low
water iu -ummur, uml Huh ha a clear unit
open river comiimnii atlon nt nil llniea ovet
tint .Mi-tll, pi Hod u tributuiluH, with nil
Mice iiiitrt Mtuh to the Oulf ol Me.v eo
mill tliu Atlantic On . in. (Jalro liniilso ilic
Miltiu cliuracler ileoiniiillli!cMioU Willi ull
tlie country iiottli our tlio i.tre-inis ilowlti
11 V 1 , W'lllil IIIOII MK IIIIS till! 1101 IllllltW
Kbh by ten, on ot 1 e or lor.- walur.
Uelurc tin ii'.i if It.itlroniN, Cairo had a
coiiiiniiiitMi;), posliiou ns it cciure ol com
incrce ;u d luilj-Mtion. This importance ol
position fhr -till possimeH, but hnsiintv the
udilition.il utlMiut Jti; ol lieiu a (.'teat rail
lo.idc 11 re, a muiiiii rot the ino-t import
ant ralli 0 mis tu thu Valley tiItlif.Mb.i.i pi
vonvereliii; to antl liailiif- tu, ,r lermliil
tlieie. Am iifrlhesi', ctiuiiti.' fi-omthe north
the gre.it Illinois Cciitial liailm tl,
winch traeiis the 11 tiro tutu ul Illinois
frutu.it exti tiii' northern and norlh-esstern
to lis southern limits, nml liyiticvim ctiou-extend-
lino all ihu (,'rcut nortliwe tc in
Xraiu produclm: -Slate-; the Cairo uud Vln
eenUf. cxiendius from Culro to he i.'liv ot
'ic-iiiie, In tlie . Suite nl IndUiii, wllere
Itsciint'cllo.'i ulTord tlirect rjilrnud mm
muulcatioii with all hii-tcni cities; uiw
Ihecaifi .V 51. Louis Itallrnad, allorilili,' a,
tlilcct railroad i'ouimuulu.ition Willi the
City ot t. I.ouls and nil tho railroad." cen
tcniii there The loatls cnmliiK from the
South are the .New Orleans, ,l.ie)oti and
fircat N'ortliern and the .Mobile and Ohio
lladroaiis. which n'ive tllri ct lailroad coin
iiiunliMliofi with in cllleM of 31 .bile and
A'W Orleans. audotli. r Southern .tlamic
ea pints. 11111I h conineiiuu'ro.-itl ivllli n,i
tho coiititry s. nth of Culro; nnd cmn.ii
Itjani the uuihutt I-tlie (.'niro, All.ali-a-a
mT Texas Itallroul, which i.lloris stinil.ir
coiiimunicallon Willi So them 311 sotiil.
Alkalis i a)ld Tcxa.s. nnd tlio pilticlp.il cit
ies of ihoe Slates, 'lhls Lm-innied road
win iv, alo. direct I'ounpidion with 1 lie
Tow and 1'aellie Itoatl when it is com It
tetl, thu l'I In direct communication wl h
Mm prlncliial porn ol the rautlie Ocean
1 he-e ra lroad, t'lininalltiat Cairn, nro
now an completed ami In nicct-diil opera
tiuli, llio-i! in llllnol.-emiilni; into the i lly
nu 11 bank nl 1. ich ot the rivers, Ohio and
AIil-lppi. and tcrmlnaliiii; at their eonflti-
lice, Urns eiic'rcllm; the city. The Hollv
Sprhis, llniWEsiitlc and Ohio ltiver ltall
road, and the Cairo and Tciine-sco ltiver
Itailroad, which will both terminate at
Cairo, are In calir-e of conMlilelion and will
soon bo computed, ami other rullrn.iu both
111 Illinois ami in fttatcnouilli or tlio ''
rher, which will a'so trim'""'" "' Cairo,
:uv pliijncleil. aii'i aiT.-iiiKrniciits mado lo
build them. Tno roiistructloii of lhe"C
will greatly Increasi, the rillroad communi
cations' ol Cnlrn.
Its cctitial location In the zrar. Vahev ol
the iils.-siiii,at:d the t;rcat vialth ofriver
and riilroatl communication, ivr- to Cairo
uii-uipa-sed advantages as a commercial
jiomi, as It fl'vnls to her or.y and cheap ac-ees-
to all thu ruin producing districts ol
t 'iu North at 1 Wert, and -imiMracccss to all
till' :i!rlelllMIIV,l I rriilllef, ,.,.,lkll,T,nr. if tl,i.
South, thus presenting 'the best location in
thu Wet'liirun in erehaiiKe of the respect-
ueiioiiiierii uuu soii'iiern commoilltlcj nud
A a natiufscturlni,' loLjtlnn the position
of Cairo Is not less Import tiit. Tie crude
niiterl ils 1 1 every description, whlcti con
atltllte tho eleuienls of liianuf ictllled aril-cle-,
ahnund on ever) si ,t., iro ,,, c,,
olbtipe ior illaiiiy, and tiiiilirr of uteiy
eh r.icler, more III 111 others, balnif cmsIiv
and cheaidy ncces-ihie, and tho flcli ujiri
cultuinl ri'Klou of tliu I111111. dlatu iieiulilior
hood, a- well us the more rem ito ill.-ti iet
remlered tributary to it bv river an . mil,
luriiMi Hi.pplieanl the i.ecc. tail sof liftiln
Mich abundance as 10 r n er,ivln except
ionally chen . When llio manufactured hi tl
cb- are protluced, the facilities for cheap
dlsttlbutlon by river and rail nro nol
Cairo hat a moral In'rllk'tnt. liberal and
mit-rpilsiii" p pina iotiol about I'J.OOO lias
u superior b) stem ol puhli,. aelioole, which,
with otheri. enmlnoi, d bv private enter
prise, htlord iiesit p s,t.( eitncaiional ad-vantai-c
Is pj.s. -s,., ,,f wcll-cstabl sin il
1 1 hurches of neatly every tlenonilnntlon
bus ptlbll' und pMialu bulldini.'hofa upo
rlor chu ueter-hi, cllmale, which fnrsa
lubrlly anil healih nl Intluencea camuit bo
Mirpussed-ha a wcll-rtTUlutcil and ef
ticient millilelpul orcuiilZHtlmi, lis streets
lljtliieil Aitb uas,on, otneriiietrnpoliiaiiBd
vantages, which m.,;u it hlubly tlesllable
and in 1 c illty not to In, excelled as n place
ofpcrmuneni n slOence
I.otj.nud Ivnd in Cairo are now oflcred at
very low piUes, atlordlns tavornbln oppor
tunllleh to purcha-e, and thu owner pre-
ent the location to the public as nnerinf,'
unrivaled rtiliantuX,.s ,or tlio Hticcessful os
tabl ahnieiit n coinnierclal or manul'aclur
Ire enierp hc, ami u,e best loca Ity in the
country lor proilpiijlo investmentot capital.
S. .ST.tAT8TAYI.Olt,
Truatpoi', ole.
O.Mito, Im.,.Mii) jht, 1874.
sr.w advkhtini:mkntm,
V01111 men nnd ladles l iknOT th.it the hot
iSA..Z .i.iJ,1ucu,i" nn" nu c-
woimnrai, miwm mm
.1 ,,.1. ... ... A... -1 .
...... ,""'"! uuio, .-ijiei mi circuinrn in
'.unples ei pen in ,n 1 sli I p. Arldre-a,
II. M NvoittniM.roy.Tolcdn, o.
IMensiiiil nml t' 111 II I nlTl 11 1: in 1, 1 o
menl.-"llo.iutlnil'" Unrinlns!" "01,.
howlovely!" "Wlmt arethov woilli V" An
Htich arc elti.iinallons Iijr tluwr wlmacethe
larKCilesiint Ntw ( bioinrs prodm-ed by the
Kuiopeiin ami Alntilciin tlhrolno I'llbllslilnir
Co 'i bei nieiill litiieet (.1 ins ul An NnT.
run leil-lttie teinptulion lo buy when seelnif the
Iiioiii,)., (.atnaeM, .Rcnti, and ludlesnlid
centliineu out of, tnpli ln lit, will (bid thil the
be.l opniliiK etcrotleied to mike money l or
full piirlluiifiiu, send sl.uuii 6ir coutldenllal ir
culnr Addiiss I, i.l,.,,sO.S .V CD. :w
Wmhliiftoii st , In. Ion, Mu-s.
$50 TO $10,000
Has l ei 11 lim Id H.l.v k li ivIlcKelali.I paid
900 a PROFIT
1 1 llnw- t lift II ' 1 ,. It,.! it ..II u,
l'!'c,. '' imibrlilxe A t o llanti r". A 111 l.er , .'
Wnll St.. .V. V. '
TEAS cholcelin Hie World-
llill oilers' prleei- I nre-t
tompii.y In Amei nn-staple alllile plc.ic
euryliody 'I'r.ile eonliuiiillv Incn-i ini:--
.iKt-nn Wiinteii in n wlii't'l et indtn.1 1111 nts
ilou'l wait.' time ei. d rm e rcuhir lo !,,t.,.t
Wills llewvl.,N Y ,1'. Itox I.--7.
Ladies, Read This!
IP "Mil U ll.l, si so Ml. 101 i:ami:
A.vrn'. o aiiiuis, 1 uii.i, roi:WAi:i
II V 111.11 UN MAIL (ll!i:i j S'lMI'.IMINu of
VAl.t Kid Vlll , hirers I,I( KM KIINCII,
TlKlY, N Y
' II 1 I a TTn r-vr-m T i
lrl.-..Hl s.,.1.1 l,t ll,..,ru,.
IM f 1 ,'ii it ' 1 r 1-1 11 in , i-in'
Jr I I! ll itii sennit but. S Y
gtumJaa3 A IVKKh'fniai
jL J g fiiinltf niretits
1 if 1 "' nothing to
i$l $ I." ' o v
sTiiarniili isl p, mid,, und
in their loiiillly
lr it Particulars
Il Kl'.l: Mil,
Ai's'usta, .Me.
Mom r.:-rt!Aitir.v.itv -umx r
dtirli- iif uie oN'eied ft,, V, w -piiihm
in the Mjlri-r II. IKniSl send lr l,.i
ol pipei i lid clii lule ,ti,i'n li.dii M l,l;il.
P. lluWKI I. A 1 O , 1 IviiP . Aeenls No II
Pink How St 1 -k l.tit. 1 I i.,ri,r this
l'uicr s -j-lm
OlrtiratM f ir lt l't'HITV. STItKVUTH and
I'll. lTAIH.K.VIs. Wsrrante.1 to raiiiari
I'kkld. . . K. I. rilfsaINO 4 l.'tj..
Ill .li'Jft ui.i.i..u.
Tha Succeaa of LOMPOChan Iuthi' od the
uivners to Jiave n
Guadalupe Rancho
t inlb
ollt'l , --i
I ui. n: i p.. and I . i,Ie
i '. I.omp it .
4,000 Acres
la Iraclsjf S, 15, 40, and 153 Acres,
TUESDAY, OOTOBrK.ltll, 1870
.V7l; Tit If r, and continue TI!l;i:i; ,Uy.
II'.... . . S.-
'"! "ii'-ioiirtii iu-h. 1,-iUni.. In four
e.iial unuiial lii-ialliuei.ts, w illiwii iK-enfui. In
tel, at. 1
These land nie -nilt walurd, timlicml, and
suitable, lor rallnr ill kind, of craln, vrseia
bles fruits, tolureo, i te W ells I uraii.V. L'.i'a ,
i:tin-si, Pot (llliei iud Mim-lili ofllees ea
tabllshHl Inthetotvn A line wharf 1 1 Point
Mil, when-any icm lean laud.
100 O-Rcre lota will bo sold.
I'limphlci-, Maps, .tin! j.urtlculaisean beob
t.iiniil nt the tiund l'lieific Until, C'liicairo. of
W.M. It MAItriN, Ce ienl A a.!', ur by iid-dies-lin;
California Immigrant Union,
S34 O.illfornla St . Sin l'rauci'ico.Cal
f :s-dlw.
K ,.. Iltdstri ni A ( Mr kc-r A. l.Poulc.
Miners it Shippers of
I'N ir :i trtst, liuff.ii,,
I.im.iih liina, (hi u 'im MaiKet -t.
I I llle. .".
AIho Agents for BloHsburg Coal Co.
5 ? I ? 1 1 1
To Lumbermen $100 in Gold.
'end for nde-erlitlon of Kmoicon's; Iitoiit
Plunor Toothed and DitmnsciiB Tempored
Sawn mid nu ne, utiiil of the Oiuat NatiniiHl -aw-liu?
Contests Iu which Ihev curled nlf every
prize liicluillnir theon (;, Addn-s
ICmerHon, Ford As Co , Denver t'nlla.Pu,
-ay where sou saw this -'--dAwlw.
COMftOl.S BeOOO Uu Pels
ol cram for 30tl:i; .,
and (inward.
l l rr.qrr.sn.v
an lnienltnent
ie,ilitsl on an
nis. ion
P.irtlesilcslrlnk'to operate or thoe wishlni!
lorlull lul'oriiialion IIDW I iiol'l.lt 1 1., send
for our circular Addres
160 WnahlnKton St., Clilcniro.
iFIsli Nils Tents Tuipaullns O.tnie Tiaps Ac
(Mild for l'liee l.isttn Illi-iJl.l 11 LI'S to.
.11 IN. I hirdMieet.
M l.ollls. Mr,.
H IU i nn Hill I r. . II M I
Hie irslilcnieand si'mmds In done, born, HI.,
loiiutrly l.noivnin 111"
fllimtiil lluce blnek's' fiom nml facing the Pub
lic -ipiuie, I'Diirbloi'kd fiom lliv depot of tho
Cairo A hi I.ouIh nillrood, uud about one mile
Irom the depot of the I C I!, It. at Anna. The
bouse is it subsluiitliil, ,"od styled frame. Hint
In excellent len.Ur hits sei en moms In rue ball,
portico, poieh, ct llur, and front unit side en
trance A (rood eistein. well barn and wood
house conioiiUiilly located. About .
Throo and Ono-IInlf Acres of Ex
collont Ground!
Om-lhlrd in flirublitiy, fruit, nnd ninamrntril
trees, bellies, Ac, uml Inn lrmiiinder now iu
Krnss und clover-.well mlupled to kitchen (wr
de nlnjr or berry culluie.
Sir-J'lio owner icihioi elitiwlinuaml will tell
at loir llffuifi.
Inqnli nu Til uiulioa or ndtUMi
,4 ,T 1'IPK.IN, Juntilior-, III
Subscribe for
Leading Journal of Southern
' ' .V. TL sv
The BuIleHn
Will htcaili.tstly nppoc the politics ol tti.
MepuliltcAii puty, ami reliun to le tram
melled .. the Utctitlonol anycMijue In tin
Demo r-.tic ,rj;aiiI(itlori.
It brltriis that the tiepilMiean piiti rv
(lilt!.,,.! It- luir-iiiu. end that the li, .:
cr.it: pirty as n .w oigati'zed rhim 1 1 tr
tore ! to power.
ltbe.lcvrs the Kadlonl tTraiiii) that Ucv
Scr fevintl yeat oppres.eil the .-nuti
should be overthrown at:d the people r; ,11
.Southern fctaies permitted to eouiio. thri.
ovvu iillalii.
tt bellevas tint ralltiKid corporations
shou'd lie ptnhlbitcd by lesl:ntlve clbc'
m; nu Irom c.slorliur ami uuju-tly difcririi
luatlng in their bcsluo-s transaction will,
the. public.
It roeogtil.-es the emialliy o! all into tu
fore the law.
It aihocstcf tree trtnntnrie tnrill fo.
tevenue only.
It advocates rctumption of ajici I.- ,my
ment, and linnet piymeiit of tho pii'iib
It advocMts economy in th nlmiidstta
lion ol public affair-.
The Hullttin will publish ail the Inca. newi
d falro. and a .tri"tv of Comrneiicla!, i'o
lltli.ii!, roivlu and (ieuci.il News, and en
deavor to ploaso all taste anil interest al,
-Til i:
Ih a thirty-two eolumn paper, f itrnMicti t(
mibcriber tor tho low piico of
$1 25 PER YEAE,
I'ost'jxe prepaid. It li Ihn clieapet papci
iu the West, and iii a planning I'lreimie
VMtor and Kamlly Companion.
U.ianot lail to rco tho r"voloil Induce-mniitsolIeicdi-iyTlio
Ilullctin in tho way
Ol cheap and lu'olltnblo uilvcrtlsomeiit.
Subscribe lor
the Burn
Ayer's Cathartic PiUa,
Tor Hit n-llej
and (lira of all
clcrstiiioincnu In
tho .stomach, llr
rr, and boweli.
They aro a mild
aperient, and nn
illvo. Ilelnirpui
lv vecclable, they
contain nunirr.
i etiry or mineral
l wli.itrvrr. MCil
forloun ulrkncM ami riiffcrlnR in piTveuttd br
their lluicly li-oj nnd nvcry family should
have them on hand for Ibclr protcillon and
relief, tt I, en lenldied. I.Ollff ulliclirnCO ll.1
provid Ihcni In Ini the tnl'tnt. fiircM, ami
lift nf nil Ihe I'ilh Willi wlilch tho inarkflt
nboimdi. Ity tbclr occasional live, the blood
Ii purllleil, the eorruplloin of thu nyMcni ex
pelled, obitiuctiont remove I, and the whole
machinery orilfu leilored lo In heullhy itctlir.
Ily. Inleni.il org.mi whli h bccoinn closif. d
hud sliiKBiih lire clcniuedby.lifr' 1'ills,
nnd Mlniuhited Into action. Thin Incipient
tlhesio ii changed Into hcullli, thevitluo or
whlsli rliauiff, when leidtoncd on lln vmt
iimltltiides who enjoy It, cnli hardly bo com
putcd. 'I heir su.:ai.co;i'ii)'.T maLui ll.i.J
pleasant to take, and prcervei their tiit iei
unliupalied for liny lenili of linn1, nu th.t
they an. oler ficsb, nud pflfivtl) iclijule.
AUhiiuuli cnrehliiir, ihev nte mild, and opcr
Me without ilutui Imnac to ihu cubvlltutloii or
I'iiII iliieetiom me fire n on tho wrapper lo
!i"A.,,M7,l,Lw,,,un,ut1,inHnl-niiillyi'liy . ,
J'Vl''rV,,!dly "ill "cu"'l'l:"''t. lWi Uiue
l or llysprpsli, or Iititlcrstlon, 1,1. .
lessuesa, I.dmuiioi'. nnd Loss ,r .liiiif-ll-,
lliey nhoiitd bo taken liioileiMtiV n
M i iiittl.it it Uie stoniii, ii, and icatoiu Ils henlUiy
tone nnd action.
lor Lit r i' 'oiti pin I ii find IM T.irlom
pvniptnmi, lllllotis Bltiiluiltr, Alrlt
leiiiliirlte. Jiiiiinllri' or (.ri'i-ii UU li.
iirss, llilluim 'illc nnd llllliiua '
, they should b Jmb lously taken for
inch cine, to coned the ill-saued neiion, or
lemove the ob-1 m lion whuii cau'o II.
lor O.isniterr or Illiiri liii'it, biilouo
mild dose l fc-ei, i.illv lriiined.
lor lllll-lllltllllslll, a. II t , f.'rtivrl,
I'iiIiiIikiIoii i,ril,,. Il.-art, l;ilti In
I lie. hllle, Ilillh, nnd l.oln., I) e fli dd
be cnntluiinii'ly taken, ni ieiiilri d, to .-hi 'e
Ihe ill-eased U' lion of the s. Sem. V, ItutlKu
ihangi' Iho-o e ,u,l.,,ul. ili-nppe-ir.
lor llri. .ml Itrop.liitl Knelt,
iiisra, Ihev sh.iuM l,i !. il.i n i larjio ni.d I r
iu. ut dosci lo prod i' t. inc e3ect ot di -i tiv
I or Miiiirpsli,n, n I r t'r il,,.n rbnuld be
takin. an u luwduiei the rli-ired cuVt by
Al n IHnmr Vlll, t ike one or two ,'fto
promote ilure-tioii. out rein le the itoinn' ,i.
An m ensMinnl rt-e sliHiul.ites Ihe Hoim;. Ii
ni.d bow i Is, n -'oie- me apui'tile. nnd Iiitik i
nte Uie sv-tem. Ileiiee it 1, onen mlrai t.
I'tsint where no seilou- deriuitvni nt exi t,
(Ine who (eels lolvrnblr well, nfiefi Ibid. UU
:i die or thiso '. in.iken blm le l do id
iilljr heller, rmm '.ie',- clean-niir and a
valine effect on tne di;tiU' nipnratue.
liiKruHl li hr
Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Practical Chemliti,
.on ;.,, ?i.iss r. a, a.
tun SAI.R II V ALU MM tlil!-l I'VCIlVlVllkHlt.
Ayer's Aue Cure,
For Fovrr r.i.i Akuo, Iritormittont
ver, Chill J-'ovur, Heiuilt;ut Fover,
Dumb Akuo, Ponodieal or Uilious Fa
vor. &c, nnd Indeed all tho ntlnctlorii
whlcli nrl.o from malnrlouB, marsh, c
miaamiilio pcinona.
TBBX "ne icnedy Ii Ion !er
BB railed fin bt in,- !,-. c s
of lb" A rnii.. an people IImi
I 0 a'd 'ale cure f. ,'
JHJ I'eiei'liui! .tune,
M weari now enabled t, ,f!t
with a pcrfe, t eetuluty t!i ,1
it will eradicate Ihe di.eai-e, and with n.-i r
nnee, founded on pnx'f. that no l-irtj ,
arise from ll us In nut 'inanity.
That winch protect from o.- present " .1
diiorder must Ix- of linmuo rrir In '
eoinmunltiei where it prrrjrls. I'm ml u
It I tier limn cure; for Hm patient erap.
risk it Inch M malt run inviulenl attn- k '
lhl baleful diteinicr. Tin " Cl'M," ri
the iiilaiiuatlc poison nf I'et rr uml li-uo
from the eysteni, and prevetiU Ihe ilet-l .
ment of the disna-e, if taken nn h t
npptoacli of Its pretnomlor- lyinplom.
prcat inperiority of llus lomwly over . i
HhereTcriU'Covered foi the M-ny and -
lain euro of Inteniiltie His Is, that II col , i
tit, Viilnlnn oe n-lnerril : eonieipiently i!
tlueei no qulnl.m or oiier Injurious i re i
srhatCTCr iip'.n Ihe r,.u-ti tiii"ii 'Ilio.e t ue 1
by It are kit as IiciIiM . if ihev liud i,. r
hid Ihe tliicaH'.
I'eter uml .iu-ile it n d aIo..e tli"
Wiicnec of the n.iasiiinti.- p,,i-ou. A . t t
rariety of ditordeis arl'c Irom Id Irul Mrn,
mnnK which are .fiiriilciii. It Iteniiin
II. m. Uiiul, Il. ail.lclie, lllliiiln..,.,
Totiiburlie, KuiurlM-.H'.iliiri h, .ltli.
mu, litliljlnu, I'.tlnfnl .1 llerilu,,
iflhe siplrrn.llTsterll ., I'.iln In Hit-Iln-U,
Colr. I'jruliiU. .nul ilersrjr
ment of the Mjinarti, nil or whWi, l. ,
orifrimitlnijnn tlo. r.nie, put on the law
mlttent type, or be. 'one pcnodi. al. T..
C'fur." expels the .on from the lilml,
and consequently cures them all alike. Ii .
nu iuraluablu protection to iiiiiunrranti an I
person travelling or temporarily leildine in
tho malarious district'. If taken ocivt-o n
Idly or dally while exposed to the Infeip-i,
Hint will bo excreted fiom the nytiein, and
cannot ncruniuhitn In sitnirient iiantity tj
ilpen Into illeac. llenco II I. even r
valuable for protection than enre; and f -will
erer suirer front liitenulttant If tl. y
nrall Iheuiscliea of Iho protection thli reni
nty arTordi.
l'or I.ivcr ConiplainU, nri-ina fiom tort1 I
Ity nf the I.ivcr, It l an excellent lemeii ,
HhnulalliiK the Mver Into heallhr aellvity,
nnd prodncinic mnny truly remarkable ctue,
wbeic other medicines fail,
rnr.rini n nv
Dr. .1. !. AVi:U A CO., Lowell, Mnti.,
J'rurttrnl nml .Ituilillrnl Uhrtnlttn,
fdi edition.
Physical Exhaustion,
To w hit h Is milled
An Essay on Mnrrinnc,
Willi lmportr.nl chapten on
ii--(iiiiii.i:- ok nn, iii.fituDrc nvt:
Mill, N-,
Hi inn a sj nopsl- ot I.ecturts dt III tied nt tl.elr
Mninceis i .rilliiK the cilv, f hmild nm lull lo
ire Ibis irrcut culitcilon, I ilnj the larKest III 111'
807 Cheatnut Sit.. Oppoiiito Continentnl
Ifotol, 1'litl.idolpllia.
fopiei of Ii cluie ciit oil le.'ellit ol i" e-nl
Addrmn. Illis .1' UIliAS ,t H VII. ();.
rj-h-.'l-lv. rilberl M-, I'lllhtdelphi I
Marriago! viVWKSlS,'
MlTrMffi I lutioil'i n4 ttioai ci
Uinldiaoorerlcila it.idtt.cj it rvptuctioa, (rMrvlb
(Lt'critrileTWn, ...
TlU U nn luuret1a vmIc tt t"a Lindrt in! ility
ii;di, Mith hot ro i fftgruiHUfi. till eoauim .&utt,
faf r:Btlnrtforttotbaiiruiftrrlr4 cr t-c Dtrmp!u nr.
riffi t!U tt I took it.it bsebt it b krji uaitr
li ker, sk I not Utt cttniulj fcbout lb boui.
II toruici tht eirltrj t&l aiileecf rytklifc
v.o npiiittlou U orli Hi, in1 ilnuli tf lo ttrrrl
Mtf Jrcr of fer nH9 id 2 ftma' tlTCugho.u th eatirr
i;l,l. IU mbrtct rf ryibtrj tT1 n,e lutjt cf it.- $ carr,
Htlvt ) iUU U wort iLvwiag, q4 uut.t Utl li oei
pjUU'UJ la tor ettrr work,
ht, LouU, Ma
Kotico to tho Afflicted an.1 Unfortunate.
hub. la I'lbxTi, or t-i.Dif y fiet rnt-flie. rr ri.
J'tjtu work, i iuur wti4l rour dJiv'i.j U w Lo 6rr.ev
kt' youreooiimon
Vt. Hum iwoupiei tt dftuble hooi f twtntj.irren rrtn i
hlPlortdl tjromor Uxiiuoit ctUlrttci loMifM iiPft-i.
ion cf xhit eyootry t& KuroiMt, toct tm b4rAnnu.tel rr
ir.:iy or tj nafl.oa tb d rr.,n(fDstlD Mi worki
(irict r i trior, tl Nortb KiftlU ureu, ttM
I'ubllbbcd ns a ivarnliiK nnd lor the benefit ol
Yuma Men uml others vrho sutler from XorTom
Dtl'llliy, Loss of Manhood, etc , tilvlnir lil
Jtu es of clf-ciii-e. alter underruins uiucli iiif-
rul In-r nnrl &rln. ,,n,l m.lln.l p..... ...n.i..
iW'.U!n?M,.JJJ'il:CIlVlopn. Addrail NA
l.'n. 7 7'M-Tfift

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