OCR Interpretation

The Cairo bulletin. [volume] (Cairo, Ill.) 1872-1878, October 27, 1875, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85033413/1875-10-27/ed-1/seq-2/

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ht lullctin.
JOHX K. OBKRX.T, Editor.
THE Bt ri t.VO CAKE.
Postdate, wlio mm nrrceted anil re
quested to tell all lie knew nlionl thu
Winnebago duel, refused to tnlk. ami In
consequence the cano tins been continued
nml will quietly expire In the arm? of
The ex-Queen Isabel, who lot her
throne because she Iot the respect of her
lco)le, has written a letter to Vnlinaed:i,
who Is attending to the royal Interests In
Cuba, returning "Infinite thanks" to him
and the "cvcr-faltlinil inhabitants, army,
navy anil volunteer."
SherilT Kimball, of .lackson county,
Mfely delivered Biilllne.r nml linker, tiiu
ycitdctta prisoners, to the penitentiary
authorities, at Jollet. Hulliucr has been
put to'work at the tailor's trade, mid Ma
ker will drive peffi durinjr M term of
Imprisonment. Tho Murphyboro Inde
prudent facetiously remarks : "It they
pplythcuiselves elojely to bu.'lnis dur
ing the time allotted to them to stay nt
Jollet they will both be good mechanic
at the end of their term."
a major k:iu ':i.
Major Win. It. Trice, Klghth Lulled
States cavalry, was tried by court-martial,
at Leavenworth, Kaunas, tor dis
obedience of commands of a superior of
ficer, lie was found guilty, and sen
tenced to be reduced in rank so that ids
name shall appear in the llt ol Majors of
Cavalry, next below the name of .lames!
Hiddlc. Gen. Pope, in continuing tlio
sentence ot the court-martial, say : "The
Department Commaudei 1 constrained
to believe that the mild sentence of the
court-martial, in view of tho exceeding
gravity of the military oflciies charged
nd established by the testimony, has
been due to the well-known good charac
ter and conduct of the accused and hN
tine military record, both in the war
of the rebellion and subsequently in tlil
military department."
TH F. FOU HO H . 7
liovernor Allen sounded his fog horn In
Pittsburg, I'a., on thu night of the 23th
Inst., to 10,000 people. The principal
portlou of the audience was compo&ed ot
working men, to whom he directed his
speech. Throughout his speech he was
loudly cheered. In alluding to his. de
feat in Ohio, lie said that the defeat of the
Democratic party was due partly to the
large sums of money brought into the
State two weeks before the election, and
used lor corruption and bribery, and
partly to the illegal colonization ol voters
by the UenuMlcan party. Uuring his
tpeeelt, he made n,c or the follow lug lan
guage : "This Government, for many
yean, has been run solely for the bcnelit
ol the rich, and solely to the eru'lihigout
of the liberty and life of the luanr."
The Callahan clan, highwaymen, con
fined In the Murphytboro jail," were mak
ing preparations for a return to liberty.
Recently they have been allowed the
privilege of a spacious hall, which is pro
vided with a sheet-iron floor. On the
north side of the cell a door leads to the
rear of the cells. Last Thursday. Slicrltt
Kimball discovered that the staple on
this door had been broken, nml the door
fastened with wire, evidencing nu attempt
t tscapc. The Independent, speaking of
It, says: "The locks on all had been
broken and bars of Iron had been pulled
out ot the cells. In the entrance leading
ruuim uie ecus beveral planus were
touml pulled up ami nn exeavullon In the
ground below the floor some three feet
deep, and large enough to admit the body
of a large-sized man, was found leading
several feet out, under the foundation of
the Jail. The work of the prisoner would
haye been accomplished in a few hours,."
.On the night of the assassination of
Captain Sisney, in Carbondale.Obo Stan
ley was in the room with him, having
readied the town on a delayed train. Ills
strange actions before finding Mr. Sis
ney's house, ami tho terrible tragedy that
followed his entrance into it, could not
have any other effect than to arouse the
suspicions of all who heard thu circum
stances surrounding the iillalr. Not
withstanding thu doubtful po
rtion in which Mr. Stanley
was phieed on that very eventful
evening, the recent trials, with their of
ftctlve results, did not, in thu least, im-
Wicatu him In thu brutal murder
of Mr. SUncy. Wc believe It our duty.
' a fair Journalist, to make this state
meiit,bcau we,wlth theeiti.ens of Car
boudale, and the majority of t lie people
J Southern Illinois, felt thai Mr. Stanley
occupied a iKJsitlon that would have war
ranted the authorities in holding him for
clomr scrutiny as to his actions on the
night of the murder. Whatever tus
plcions before attached to him, he stand-to-day
entirely clear of them.
vicroK kmmaShki. " asi nu:
A house ot ill-fame has fnlruded itseli
In the YlclnMy of the Church of St. John
oi i,ateran. In coiiscquenco of this the
I'ope lias asked Victor Kmnianuel to ic
move tlic same, deeming the act of re
moval a Christian duly as well a
propriety. Tho King replied in
i w following letter : " The coininuiiica-
beenrL w ,lolInesi of 1,1 '" 11,16
in which your itV ro"8",I"c'".,,
personal Interest, l7i ,ufce
ih .hnii.1..,... 'ut-ulth pleasure
f. -"""""-" " IIOllsu of lll.faiiii,
which wa. Mtuated near umZ Z
churches two year ago. UlfJ ' 0
luttauoe I will as gladly comply l
ptouilMlructlo.il ot Your llollm u unless
want or umcieni proof or the InadrUa
Milt. f rmt.... . '
iTT. i-7 .' . . mue
iTZ irirT ri,,r(l'1, WUm PJ uV was extinct,
the uecJty-to decline giving a favor- -The Lewis c,m ,,m.,:,v. r .!..
anivver to your req.iol 1 am,
however, communicating with elllelent
ofllccrs, who will tnke to heart the wishes
of Your Holiness and labor to please you
as far as polblo. I have the honor to
subscribe mysell your very devoted son."
bkatii of a iir.tteixr..'
.fter the late cyclone had devastated
the Texas coast, destroying towns and
cities, we published, among other excit
ing things, nn account of tho narrow
escape from death byn lady named West.
At Itnytowu her houp was swept away
from Its foundation, while she, husband
and children, clung to its roof. Thu
building was shlvcnnl to pieces by the
raging waters, mm n number of those
who clung to the frail roof were forever
lost beneath thu waves of the bav. Mrs.
West was thrown senseless upon the
xhore, where she was found bv
kind-hearted men bcloimlnir to n
tug. They carried her to their
little vessel, and laid her upon a rude
couch, and administered restoratives, un
der tho Influence of which she returned
to consciousness. While thu storm still
raged, mid dahcd up against the side ol
the strong little tug the wrecks of houses
mid ships, Mrs. West gave birth to n
child, u boy. lie wa. named .Storm
West, and the papers of Jlou-ton and
Galveston spoke of hlin a- the "child of
thu torm.." Although the bravo woman
pas-ed through the horrors of the fright
fill cyclone, the shock was ton much for
her constitution to bear, nml she died,
nml was buried nmong other victims ot
thu wind and water. The child yet lives,
and owing to the peculiar elivumtances
attending his birth, and the pity aroused
tor the loss ittnlncd in the death ot his
mother, lie is an object of almost univer
sal attention and care among the people
on that portion of thu coast.
When .Sherman w rote lil memoir he
threw u shell Into the midst of Federal
at my otllcers who were quietly living in
nn atmosphere of heroism born In 'thu
tnhUt of battle. These Federal olllccrs
had won fame in thu defence of tjieir
country, and looked for the future histo
rian to say as much, gaining Ids notes
from army reports and vivid delineations
glyen the world by correspondents who
hovered on (he outskirts of every battle
field. When il became known to these
surviving men, who are the children of
our country's history, that their leader,
thu bold Sherman, wn bending his ener
gies to tiie task ol writing a his
tory of their campaigns, they felt grati
fied, and looked forward with Interest
to the completion of Ills work. It made
its appearauce, mid raised a cry of anger
from the gallant leaders of brigades and
divisions; and gradually they are coming
forward and refuting sonic of tho liras-y
asset tious of tho erratic Sherman. He
sides floynton's elaborate review, IV. F.
(Ualdy) Smith publishes, in the Novem
ber Gnlajy, a lengthy defense of the
army of tho Cumberland against the
statements of General Sherman ; and
army ofllcers arc evincing much
Interest in thu forthcoming criti
cism from tho pen of General
II. Wilson, thu well-known cavalrv
wider, formerly of Illinois, but now of
New York. It will nrobaMv be nub-
Ushed in the next number of thu Interna
tional. General Sherman made a mistake
when ho attempted to elevate himself at
the expense of his brave subordinates,
and what he has expected to remain as a
standard work relating to his campaigns
will, unless corrected, stand only as a
unci on Heroism aim iievotion to u coun
try's cause.
KIlITOJtl.tJ, .OTj;s.
The French Assembly will begin its
everlasting volubility November I.
Fanners aru everywhere, in South
ern Illinois, engaged In gathering corn.
Denver. Colorado, I, to be made the
headquarters or u new military depart
ment. Moody and Saukey aio in lirooklyn.
New oi k, chasing sinners from their
lairs of sin.
The Serapls has arrived at Port Said,
all well. The Princess of Wales will lie
glad to hear the news from said port.
huwlu booth has almost recovered
from his severe Injuries, and will appear
in itamict next .Monday evening.
Count on Aruiiii is to be onlv mm-
Mied by a line, l'eiliaps the generosity
of the government may be owing to the
fact that they cannot lock thu Count up.
The Jackson County , issued
eery Saturday, readies the IU-i.i.i:n.s in
Tuesday's malls. Who-u fault N this,
publishers of the Era?
He wi'p. iterant votir wine Willi rait -
'Ihe bright l Joy, the Ulih' me fcniiuw,
hliaLe nut the Ilutk. the llminr'i, lutv
L'e ncll Ibt'ilH), nor trust llic moiiuw,
iui e,
It la rumored in Pari that the a
scinbly will Ihj asked to authori.e thu
prosecution of Homier lor IiU recent
speech attacking MeMahou and the con
I'liciipple market in Ohio has fluctu
ated from llftccn cents per bushel to fif
teen cents a piece. The recent election
in Ohio has produced this wonderful vas
dilution in the apple market.
John Morrlss.ey is a candidate- for
Senator In the Fourth district of New
Vork. Morrl'sey is upheld by tho antl
Tammany Executive Committee, and
buys ho will vindicate thu right of lice
and honest labor.
Of the Piusideiit's appointment the
New Vork .Van inys : Grant's appoint
ineiil of Zueh Chandler to bu secretary
of tiie Interior Illustrates' a phrase of
scripture: "And thu last Mate of that
man shall bu worse than thu flwt.
-Norwich bob-tall horse-car jioetiy,
from the Norwich Hut let in :
The conductor hciciloi'Mi'l lukeHml I'me,
llwtuiMj there Isn't uny eonuuctulri
Hut Itit- ujiriKlit voter muat put fair
In u Ijox stuck up In oiiucu'J of the rir,
A ml smile on Ihe female piutenjuir,
Au'tliliher In nml out ol'lliecjilr,
llouuie there Isn't uuy roniluclalr,
A plasterer, named Geo. P, .McGliC'
bee, whilo working In thu new C'oio irr-
.'cwiat' building. Louisville, whllubUflet1
I """ u" "
iii iroin un (-ill enlli! III. Iiiiniieil Iriiin A
I ''idow, falling a distance of liflv-llvo
mi county, M ,VVek udvancid the price
of mining from 83 cents to $1 per too.
Tho action of this company will un
doubtedly be followed by that ot the
Gartsldc and Mt. Carbon companies.
In the Vermont Journal of March Ml,
178-1, there Is tho following epitaph on a
lawyer :
llenrath this stonelWffoberl Shaw,
Who fnllowM full' envi Ihe low.
Anil when heilleil,
'I he ilr II n ltd,
"lint Hold give us vnuniaw,"
Tho Marquis of Lome, tho husband of
Queen Victoria's daughter, has published
n poem ol three thousand lines, entitled
"Guido ami Llla." The New Vorlc llir
uld reviews II at considerable length, and
passes the verdict that it appears niiieii
more like the work of n Marquis than ot
a poet.
L. A. Page, the suspected murderer
of iloslc Latigmald, mndc another despe
rate attempt to escape and was placed In
Irons on the 23d Inst., at Concord, N. II.
The Impression that he Is guilty is fast
gaining ground, mid the popular feeling
is such that ho will soon be brought to
At last accounts no changes had
been nindc in the Interior hepartmcnt.
Secretary Chandler has gone to Michi
gan, ami the cleaning out In his depart
ment will hot commence until he returns.
It Is predicted hi Washington that he
w 111 Invite a good many of those who got
pay for doing nothing under hehiuo, to
step out.
Tiie Jack-ouville Journal states that
the Odd-FelloWs of Illinois tire about to
erect a building to eost $123,000, hi some
central city of the State, to be used by
tho order for the sessions of the grand
lodge. The location Is to lie determined
at thu Grand Lodge meeting next year.
Jacksonville Isnlicndy pressing its claims
for the location.
The enlargement of the Wcllaud
Canal Is expected to eost between $,
000,000 nud 610,000,000. ami to bo com
pleted in three years. It Is Imped by the
Canadians that it will divert the greater
part of the lake freights Intended for ex
port away from Hullalo and the Frio Ca
nal; and the grounds on which that hope
is based are very interesting.
Von Htiluw is described by it writer
in lliu Philadelphia Ihillctin as a much
better looking man than his plctuieslii
the shop-windows represent him. He I
not tall or stout, but is well built and
manly, with an animated, intellectual
face and a Hncly-dcvclopcd head, the
points of which are seen to advantage
since time has tlihimd the covering na
ture had given them.
Thonia Carlylu loses nothing ot id:
rasplness of manners In his old agu. lie
recently dined with a neighbor, and was
so annoyed at the table by u loquacious
busybody, who ill-coutscd on art, that
he refused to enter Into conversation, and
at the end of the dinner suddenly said to
his host : "For heaven's sake, put me
in a room by tut self, and give me a
pipe !"
Farmers in San Joaquin valley, Cali
fornia, are raising cotton with consider
able success. Thu Courier-Journal, speak
ing of It, says : "They raicd from one
quarter to four bales per acre, 500 pounds
to the bale, and this on laud which was
not irrigated." California may bo a good
state for the cultivation and raising ol
cotton, but thu statement that its soil
will yield live bales to thu acre may bu
put down as false.
Hill King Is In Washington virtu
ously iiiilsthig upon nn early trial of thu
Indictment against him for perjury hi
connection with his testimony before the
Ways and .Means Committee as to the
Pacific Mail subsidy. King knows that,
through the negligence or design of Pres
ident Grant, the bill creating thu District
jury was never signed, and consequently
the indictment is not worth anything.
Professor Wise has become as great
a bore to thu American public as Ser
geant Hates, F.li Perkins and Private
Dalzelle. The professor has made con
siderable money out ot IiU balloon frauds.
Some day when a storm is predicted in a
dangerous latitude, an enraged and dis
gusted body of tax-payers will put the
live body of the fraudulent ioronaut
Into his little ba-ket and s:nd him to the
clouds. Ho )cen foolhiir nround too
much entirely.
Foley' statue of Stonewall Jackson,
which Is tq be unveiled at Uichmond on
Tuesday, Is thu, spoken of by tho Lon
don Atheneum : "Of it, critically, wo are
bound to say that we wish It had been a
better work of art ; and we taj tills not
only for the reputation of the sculptor,
but lor the honor of thu heroic General
himself, as well us on account of the sym
pathy which lias led many English utl
tnlrcrs of 'Stonuwall' to tubscrlbu funds
and present th statue to iho State of
A man named Voting, a notorious
gambler, while en route from Louisville,
by rail, committed an act that would
send ordinary men to the penitentiary, If
prosecuted, lie claimed to bu an alder
man of ihe city of Louisville, and owing
to this startling revelation on the part ol
the villain, the conductor simply exam
hied his pass and repot ted him to the com
puny. The VmirUr-Juwnal says: "Theru
Is no divinity In this country that doth
hedge an alderman ; and it matters not
who had been guilty of thu outrage, it
was thu duty of the eondtictoi to prevent
tho eseapu ol thu guilty party."
"A l.lue Shot, WliKUy mill l.iim li."
(Jlobe-llemocrut J
Euiil Prectorius that invslerious com
pound of liar and lunallo who edits tho
it eatuene font states in Ills issue ol yes
terdav that tho Ulobe-Demoerat. hi lt
article ot .Sunday, alleges thu innocence
of Henry llrowu, the negro who was ex
ecuted on Friday last, and Justllles his
crime of tape, because his victim was "a
poor Orinan woman." The article eon
eludes by calling attention to tho latter
fact as additional evidence that tho
Globc-Demijeraf "Is tho enemy of
tho German." It Is illfllcult to find
language In w hich to characterl.o such a
bae appeal to class prejudice. Wo have
not used thu word "Ciernmn" in any
thing wn have written on this subject.
Wehavonot alluded to .Mrs. Ffarrasa
Ceriuau woman or "a poor Herman wo
man." Nor have wo ald Ihu Henry
Brown was innocent. Hut wo have said,
and wo now repeat, that ho was praetl
rally denied the right of appeal. From the
moment nl' I.U nrrct thu otllcers of tho
law took him bv the back ofthe neck and
rushed him to the gallows, thrusting
aside every chance of escape from his
nwful doom. Then! Is a love of fair plav
in the hearts of the people winch demands
that thu guiltiest of criminals, once In
tho hands of tho law, shall have n chance
for his life ; and which protests against
hurrying mid hounding u man to the gal
lows, until he has had nu opportunity to
test every means of eseapu. It Is because
ims opportunity was uciueii 10 nenry
Hrown that wo snv ho was not rightfully
executed on Friday last.
Large stock ladles' furnishing goods,
to be Bold very cheap at ( Hnnny's.
Don't fall to see that handsome line
of Ladles' Ties and Millions at J. Hurger
& Co.V.
Our Domestic Department Is complete
In nil Its details, and will he sold cheaper
than ever. J. Hrimmt & Co.
Large stock of woolen gootN, Han
nels, linseys and sheeting flannel, very
cheap, nt C. Manny's.
For Embroideries and Laces, go to J.
Hurger V Co.'. No. 121 Commercial ave
nue. It. Jones, the Commercial aveiiuo
boot-maker, can furnish you with the
best pair of boots to bu found In the city.
Ladies, mlses mid children' under
wear al very low prices at d. Iluigcr &
file finest stock of drc.-s good, con
sisting id ('Hishnorcs, Empics- Cloili-,
Diagonal, Mohairs, Poplins, at J. Hur
ger iV Co.'s, 121 Commercial avenue.
Large stock gents' furnishing goods
at very low price-, at C. Manny's.
For great bargains In Flannel-, call
on J. Hurger Co. 'They have the best
norled stock In the city, and fell them
at a-tonishingly low price.
Large stock dry good-, without re
serve, at very low prices, at C. Manny's.
II you want a good Cii-toni-maile
lady'- or ml'. shcu call on J. I'.mger
& Co.
PARTMENT. Large stock ol domestic prints, nut.
IIu. and ticking, at low price, at C.
L Hurger & Co. call especial atten
tion of housekeeper and tho-e contem
plating ku'plng hott-e, to their large
-toek of entirely new carpet- and oil
cloths. This U their flr.t season in that
line, and aru confident of suiting all in
the latest design.
Flue, neat and. .stylish box-toid
stitched boots and shoes are made
specialties by H. Jone-, the Coinineieial
avenue boot and shoe manufacturer,
live him a call.
A series of lectures under the auspi
ces of the member of the Library Asso
ciation for the establishment of a public
library in Cairo, will be held alter
nately at the Pn-bytcrlan, .MclhodM and
Christaiu churches. 'J'liu following la
dles and gentlemen have kindly con
sented to lecture, commencing:
Nov. 2, Prof. G. G. Alvord.
" 0, Dr. G. G. Parker.
" 10, Dr. II. Wiirdner.
' 2M, (To be filled).
20, Dr. Win. It. Smith.
Dec. 0, MNs Kate Thompson.
" 1M. Hon. Win. 11. Green.
" 21, Mrs. G. G. Alvord.
C. C. E. Gos. Sec'y.
By order of Executive Committee.
Fur Hale.
The Delmonico Saloon, with ten-plu
alldy, shooting gallery, and alt fixtures
pertaining to the establishment. For
terms of sale, apply to
10-20-tf Mns. Axxik Cov.m:.
rjSHE HULLUTIN U (lublitlied every inornin
(except Monday) In the Ilullctin HuildinK, cor
ner Washington avenue and Twelfth street.
Tub Hclletis Is terved to clt' suliDCrlliers y
faithful curriers at Twenty-Five Cent a Week,
iinyabte weekly. IlyMall, (in uihnncv), 1ht
annum i six mon'ln, $4; three months, 03; one
month, l 55.
iuMi9'.jcd every Tlmrwuiy mornlnKul l i'.
pe: annum, invariably in udvance. 1 he po-luye
on the Weekly wilt be prepaid ut tbU oilier, so
that subscrllieM will obtain for a fcubtcriition
rice nf 1 a J'tar.
I!u4tm-jj Curds, xr iiniuini,..
One ccjuare, one nsertlon
Une square, two insertions, .
... (KJ
.. i'00
.. 1 fiO
.. ! Ut
.. :).')
.. i IX)
.. (II)
One tiimrc, one week
One fcijunrc, two weeks,,.
One biiuie, time weeks,.
Ou ipmeH, Dtie inontli
One suaie, one insertion, .$ 00
Lacli tubieiiient iiisertiou, w
O"0ih: Inch Is ueannie.
tCJl'i) regular udmtlstrs wcoSeriuiierlorhi
ilucemeuli, botli us to rate ol charges unit man
lier of dl,laylnK their favors.
Ccinmunicationu upon subjects of (gen
oral Interest to the publlo aolloited.
QAII Ilalnvi4 Letters should bouddn-sstil to
'lr lliilleliii 'iMiiiiiiiy,
B day nirnntced uln our Wk,
Auuer Drills. tlOO a mumn
IMliTIU KfMHl Altl-lltf, AIIIMT hni.(
free, JIU Au - t'u.. Hi. i.uuu. m
'!"' Ml!"t' '"r -"'"lt'lcnU.,l i Irnilnr. i.l trial, nlnn.
IT II. iJ ,)'AIin, 'i It. Wiuli. rt. ln.Uutwi.U, InJ
Drunkenness Cured !
Wilhimt Inconvenience, nl your homo Anti
dote sent free to uny nitdress on itcelpl nf one
dnllnr. iMio,
! it. iiinsii win, m. t).
, Malinger St. t.onls Inelirhte IIopi tl,
Oniee-llll Otlie Street, St Kotil
1. -If
Opium or Morphine Eaters !
Cured without until or Ineoinenleiire, nt vour
home In todays. Medicine I'm-llr.otlhiec weiks
treatment scid free to uuy irlclii J.t on irrelplof
llvedolhirs, Mute. amount iicd dnllv.
AiMivs. V. Il.m IU1AII1I. M I).
.M:iniorcrSI. Louts Inetnlnle ll(H.il.
(Wire-1111 OlloMreet, et. 1-ouls
Obstacles to Marriage.
Happy relic I for young men from the
effect of Errors anil Abu-es In early life.
Mauhoo.l restored. Iinpedlmeiitsto Mar
riage removed. Xew method of treat
ment. Xew and remarkable remedies.
Hooks and Circulars sent free, In sealed
envelopes. Address Howard Associa
tion. -Ill) X. .Ninth street, Philadelphia,
Pa. nu lu-tltutinii having a high upu
tatioii lur honorable- lohdllcUltid Jirol'i".
donnl -kill. S-'JI-ditwltm
For Sale.
A slher plated So. il Wilson Shuttle
Sewing .Machine, hard (piano) tinl-li,
valued at .l. Will be Mild at $20 dis
count, on good terms, and ordered direct
from the factory.
Colored and mounted Map ol the
ellyof Cairo at 50 each (halt price.)
A No. ! WiNon .Shuttle Sew log Ma
chine valued at t'7,". Will be old nt Sl.1
di-count, and ordered direct from the
A Kenilnglon lowing Machine
Slid oil for ca'h. huitable for tnllor or
boot and shoe manufacturer.
"Plctuit-fpio Amciiea" IS numbers
bound In '2 volttuic, full gilt Morocco;
price, 10.
. .-tyie "E," "Cloiigh, Warivu
Co.'s" Parlor Organ, right from the. fac
tory at I ictroit. I.lst price. :S00. Will
be -old foi 5-200.
A new two-hort-e (.iamb!" wagon.
For any of the above arlii K apply at
the 1!im.m;ti oillce. E. A. ill unkit.
Tho Pcoplc'a Remedy.
The Universal TaiuExt nctor.
Noto: Aclc for Pond's Extract.
T.iko no omur.
"linn furl ill six-.-ik of t.celliiit thm.n ' I
llnjurli", to Hun nrllcuti.
I t'aUt, llmhod
Slrulns, .-(iniiin., Coiitu- I
t Mum, Iheluealiuni.
rrni-iiii-e, i utK, Uic-m-I
till or Inci(-1 x ciiiiiu- i
is villi, ii".,llurinc.iMii,
1 MinuuriiK. I
lllccilliii; I.uuuh, or
Ve lllctil. ami lllii.it-
liiK (iiiini or I n th
Voiiulliiifol Illoixluul
I Jlluo.lv IllM'lniriri'd
'I'lle- - lilwllnv I'lU.
I lllllltl 1'lllM, (IntulllMn )
I'iiiltiiulie.l.iir: ln-.Ntu-
rule lu, Mwrllul i'ua
It lieu inn Usui. Klivunia
Siiirni-n or ."(iinn-,1,
I.iimlKtiro, liiuc lluck
Sure I'm otil nrUuiP-y, I
lllllullll-ll 'I'Mllsil. I
Illillii-riu. Itriiiu-lil- ,
IN, AoIIiiiiii.
Kori' or lnll.nniil Kjt or J
Ciliirrli, I.Mimrrlitti,
Diurilit-a, Iij-M-iilirj .
Sure Miil i. Inilaiii.il
.i'oiiifiil or loo 1'rofiii.fc
! JIiJiillilli.i
.tlllk I.vk. llvaiiaii Dii
ciiu nml Tumors
, It III ll ' '(( , In li f ,
RFMPnV ; linocl uml &lra:.i.'iiry.
tlutiii of li.lanlB, or
roil Adult
arli-osi- Vi'lns, Kn.
lurittil ir Iiitliimi Vein
t'lri'i-. OM hum, Inttr-
. imi l Ici-ratloiid.
llolN. Caibunclri. 'In
nTmnntriT! ,m'ir' ""' -wi'lll!li.
INTERNAL . ami llunlon., Uiul-
i ril or Siiru K,,-I.
i'liiilliiic,lliirmsor S-mt-
ille I. Mils
IVtuii orU'lililow, l-'rol-i
iil l.lmbs or 1'mli.
.niiiiiiiu mil's, insect
Sling-, Cluiiiil llnixti).
I'OMI'N KXTKAIT In lor eiilcliy all Hrsi.
CIhmh riiicKlKlv.iiinl n-coiiimiMili'lliy
utl DrilirKiiit, I'lijulcluin, aii'l i'i'rj
liuily who Iiiih ! lutil it.
l'HMiilili'l coiitalniiiK llltory uiul l.TM-it mull
nl I'm' on application, IT nut l'oiiiulutjoiir
Xew Vorli nml I.iiuiIoii.
"Puis i Calls"
ON lillAIN. Tor full Inroinntloii linw In
oin-nite on ttiv C'lilcii)?i) inirKul, ecinl lor our
, 160 WaantuRton St., ChicaKO,
(VtrliratM f.ir It. IMHUTV, KTHK.VRTII unil
I'A, I. TAIIIiUMKM, w'.rrmitM to T Vn"."ii"i
MAM aiiokla.av.. CLUmgo.
Ihultr in
"All Mnitd lmnl nml soli,)
Mill MdYard,
Corner Thirty-Pourth Streot and
Ohio Lovoo.
Corner Wnihinnton Av. and 14th Stroet,
IP.2- If.
rufljj i)
Feather Dusters!
Washington Avenue, or the Levee.
Feather Dusters are indispensible
articles at home, in the store, in the
shop and in the office. Every good
Housekeeper knows their value,
rand will noo be without one. We
are selling them CHEAP to suit the
Call and examine, whether you
wish to purchase or not.
Still Ahead as Usual
This Firm has just brought on
an Immense Stock of
Fall I Winlsr Dry-Goods
fSaori&cisig Prices,
Rockwell's Old Stand, 124- Commercial Ave.
Cairo, Illinois.
Wood! Wood! Wood!
BIG MUDDY (Mount Carbon Coal.)
Tho Cairo & St. Louis Transfer & Coal Company is ow prepared to
1111 orders lor Wood and Coal. Delivered to any par of tho City, at
tho Lowcut Cash Price. OFFICE AND YARD at tho Cairo Si St.
LouiH Narrow Guubo Depot.
Wnol, 4 f.sat, per cont
Wood, nawod. por conl
WooJ, Hiiwnd nnd split, per cont
Coal, ca. load, per tun
Cont, car lo.id, siniiljton
Uo.il, car loud, ono-lulf ton
I.ovoonlcrflfit:F.M. Etcckfleth'n.OS Ohio Lcvco. nt thu CryMnl Saloon, corner
Sixth street nutt Uommercml Avouuo, and ut tho Company's Ultlco.
Orders Solicited nnd Promptly Filled.
3T. M. WARD, Supt.
JAS IC. XiAInTS, Soc'y c& Troas.
ONLY $1.25 A YEAR.
S3 50.
51 60.
- 6 00
3 00.
3 00.
ii OO.

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