OCR Interpretation

The Cairo bulletin. [volume] (Cairo, Ill.) 1872-1878, December 05, 1875, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85033413/1875-12-05/ed-1/seq-4/

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PI.IANI'K is Wh.SUKhH'i.
i. in :c'K(rr n hi:htiI( a t i i: aiii.nt
fifni.'. r,.rsKXi' Ai. iiiMiri.ii v.iiii iihoi-
il.rlrom.tiycuiis.. M.u.t.s stilTerhtR lriu "'
hi nr. mr circular 10 . . .
J. K ARK. 10.1 II. IVnliln
ti-w-d-cod-iw. .
StJo Mdioal
53BfEiUbliihei inMj, from Quickcry.
riAIII-: iiiiH-iiliiic Hlnlv name cine can Ih' ie-
,1. lirtl Uniii J.llllc Is n-milrcd III the way of
ail Venning', Hi ini- rcpiiuninii in mc iikiiiiiiioii
Is so li known throughout the West. Cull nnd
I convinced Hint this lathe largest ninl inoM
complete Institution of the kind In Alni'ilm for
the aiircrful tmitliiciit of nil Chronic f-eMiul,
l'rlvato mul Yencmil I l Bta nT liolti sc.xes.sticli
aS)i'hllis, Unniirrliic.i, (ih-et, Mricture, IIiiii
turc, varicose Veins, Orchlli, IIiiIhi. Ac. All
urinary and syphilitic nrltneriiirlHl nlfcctloin ol
the throat, skin or lionet lire, treated with un
paralleled sinvcss. Onuorrliun cuml In ftoni
time to lUc days. Syphilis clued III Iriini live
t ten day Over K,'Jiti cae euiisl, mmiIiiiiI
Weakness, Spcrmntorrlnrii, Night l.ocs, f-c.v-nil
Ilrblllty mul IlliHleiicy, bins nl .VMIul
Power, in the result of sell-nbuu' In ymilli, se
ual excesses III tunturer J cam. mul nil Iinpcill-mt-nlAtom.iiri.igt')
erin.iiienlly ciitcd without
mercury or nil' other lulnrrul pobon. I'atlenls
at n distance Heated liy Ivller. Medicines sent
everywhere Young men vv liu have Im-ninc the
Vlclimc of solitary vice that tlrcndfiil n ml de
structive lialiit which aiinunlly swm i to nil un
timely grave lhoti,uiil of young men of t lie
luol rxalltd lalcnf.4 itrtct lirilllatit intellect, who
rnljht otherwise havuenlninccd listening M-nuti-
ith the thunders of t'loniciicc, or wuked to
ecstacy the. living lyn-nuy cull with full conil
denrr What jilly that a young ltiuii. lhehoe
of his country. Ihe darling of his i:irr n ta, vln iiilil
lie tnatrlieil Ilrom all plo'iiccts mid enjoy
ments of life by the rnnstmic-iin-. ol'ilcv liitlnjr
trout the isilh of nature and indulging ill n ccr
In I h ferret habit Mich lier-oii must, befuie
contemplating marriage, leflect that n sound
mind ami t n I y are the mot necessary rciUlsltc
to promote coimuhlal happiness, Indeisl w Ithotlt
thc-e tliejotirney thloiijili life Wonies aweary
pilgrimage, the irotect hourly darkens to the
view, tlie inhidliceomes shadowed with despair
ami (llleil with mcluncliolly reflections thai the
happiness nfanother Is hllKhteil with our own.
To all erring young men we woulil say, ilu not
keep tills M-crect to yourself nml your Ood until
It has saptied the vltnls nml h it you n w reek of
humanity, n curse tn yourself ami u liuiilen to
foclrly. If you Hie rntaiidliil In Ihe minre of
M-lf iHillutlon, or any irlate tlloisifc. flee from
lt ifUtniclliiM, ami niilj at St .Iom-)iIi MmIIkiI
Institute lor Irejtineut, ami lieeoiiieonee more a
human lieinc. "
I3(.'uie tftiarnulceil or money in fumleil
til" Ml female, illlllcultieft ami imellmeiit4 to
.MarrlaRetieatnl with wifely nml dim""
S3"A (treat meilleal liookuml ectforlniUe
anil centi. Suit free for two tamiH.
Aildres St Jo-iph Meillail Inntltule. Kmncls
Stn-et, lietwenn "-ewinil anil 'I'hlnl, St, JhujiIi.
M i"nurl tni-1 1 -U-il&w-l y .
Awarded the Highest Medal at Vienna
mi mm & co.
501 Broadway, Now York.
(Oi'ii. Metropolitan Hotel.)
Manufacturers, Importers & '.Dealers In
AU1UMS, onAl'HO'COPKs and SI ITAltl.!'.
v-v - - -
s y
l'.tlns ManiifttCturiTii of the
Micro-Scientific Lantern,
University Storeopticon,
Advertiser's Storeopticon,
ii;oii.i;'j i.ANTKit.v.
Kch iitjle UIng the liet of Its class in tlie
CatoUi(iiHMof Ijintenu iniH SIMes uilh ill
rections for usiiif,' orntoii application.
Any enterprisin? man ran make muiiey tvilhu
.Magic Ijinlcni.
S3"Cut out this wltcrtlecincnt fot ufiuncc.'CD
llau-rnnou-1 their oltlce nml Mileroum from
wrnerMM II hi IJKKT ami Coiniiierci.il Ac
line to the Coinnunlioiu lnick loom on ( om
incrcUl AMliUfUUMtiriliMH AMI KI.KV
t.S IIISlUUKl'ft.Utelyoceupleil l.y.l.t . fur
mii, where can nlwuys lie foiuiil a coliiplulc ns
ortnicnt of the
Whli'hlintc prove.) (ol-the mo-t ilurahle, ami
areiiow Ihe eadot running iiiachlne mhl.
C3-A trial ill oiiirlnee any ane tlut tliey are
I lie machine to huy. '
c To'' als" ',,T'1 '"r "I K"1"' iiMoitmcnt of
Spoo Cotton,. Mlk TwUt.aiut l.innen ') hunut,
w hleh wtt otler at low ll.'nren
Give us a Call.
D. F. BENNETT, Agent
Cartinn U i.nn .f ..... .
i hirrutie Cleaner la insdo of grille Meet. Each
ir..ieiit U of Itwlf 0 .jirliiff. dud'ili.tenu. In aT"
:!:,lSl?lri);eth,e3ll'oe, 41,11 "le ""hou,
tJiiwatiteed to crraii tetter, lut lon-cr and orV
Klar. b:aVJ lor "lu "ylwliri. bend for
AjenU for .the United SUtce,
Ifoot of I!i.t f)th Ktr.,, N,w YorU.
lor .vry CXNois nnd
"lujlTf control flen for eache Si Z? " ny
of energy nn mVe 65,ooua jeur. 1 ncloVe
for Miuiile. Addie... ' ' '"t,ue
aiiiBouf rjtAxK' W tl""n fa
'ublilil M s.warnlnit mil
Tuur Una mn
TMH eu sun ouier. who .utter from N'erwm.
r"r'z..lT2lVjLi .. :iTLlf"J,,! ' tut-
mm fflaeii
It Is iiiilv prolmlilc lli.it Ilu; lion, .Mr.
C'aitt-ror Kluj: Kitl;tl!iV fiililnt'I will lie
fcut (o Vnhlntoii I lilt winter, fitavs lit-
hi: uiiluiliiliifd tit Itdimliilii that ilicie
may he u hitch In t'uiijiiciiloiinl iictlnjr
on (lie propo'cil trcnly Ix'lwtcn the
I'liltcd blulci mid the S.tinlwk'h l-lninl.''.
Lord Dei by h.ts jtromi'il a number
ofTurMsh boiidluiliUiN Mint while rigidly
oh'ei vlno; Hi policy of non-lnlerfereiiee
between foreign nulUni-mid their eml!
Ioivj, the I'oieliin t Jlllec will Ive lu moral
support nml liiiliiciifc, tniolllehilly, to aid
the petitioner- In proleelln them-elvc
from lo.'fi.
Leavei. of the plnwupple. now belnjr
c.Meiijlvely eiilllvated In Ihe Kiit Indief.
are turned to neronnt by beln' eonverled
Into a kind of wadding which h um-i for
iiphoMftlno; In-teiid of hidr. A nut ol
llminel N also mmitiliicliin.d from them,
iroiii which piihtniitliil wiiMeoot-i and
ihli l? enu be mude
The Harvard ealaloue fur the years
1S7.V70 showv the whole nimiber of st n-
dl'lltii In thu i:Wi:Ty U lnj l,'-7S,
npaimt 1,111(1 lu-t year, and 1,107 the year
before that. The Law Miool Im-i IfiO
students tlih year, tin increase of twenty
over tlie hn-1 two year.", in the .Medical
School the number or students, !!)-', ic
tnalns the same a lift year.
Prices to suit the Times.
Wholosnlo Pigiires, but No Credit !
Mrs. O. McLEAN,
Next Door to Houpt's Jewolry
HATS, Ilonnctg, Flowers, r, IireH, KililioH,
Silks, Velvets, Tien, Itlll-liini-, Cor-eta,
hhluloe9, lloilery, wonteIs.
Also the "lollies' Dre.M Ueform'
nil the new styles of Irlmmlns: Silks for
Fall ami Winter.
EJ"l'liee i;o(h1s will lie fohlat ery low fig
urea, for CASH nml CASII ONLY. I-ll-Suf
Dr. Jacques
705 Chestnut et.v St. Louis, Mo.
( obuooM to ftl-er HEIADUJ DPECIAI TUZAT
'loidei'j,uctifdicabtCKUkl Ij tecrrt bfctlti of ToaUi
trtbatiecMei of UtTjcart ucli t Spcrmfttorrhosftc
Ocninal Ioises.Icrvcui UctiUty, UtenUtTiZm
potenceift&ltutirdUistirout cUocu weimtiof ml&4nil
Lly,ijerTouDc,i5revicf fuiuro, lriluittat7,lolieatloot
ihre&ttBed Consutai'iioa, locaparltr fur toclctj talm&rrUf
t r ibMffifl la tui'rif! ( alio rocrotcrlonf-itia Hog enei of
Olect, CloacrrhCM,8:ridturn tJ 8yp2ulU (U rormi)
LSUag lilood. Itourt.lDtcrnal Vl'al Vf(m, mouth, ILrott.
r.otp.illa.ij., WC CAN CUKU.iaMr 4oJirm.aeoUr,
TLotuacJi of rat It ni j cttcl tf tf, couli ia teatlfr. Our
itlrtjr year j netW.mi I ln prmduitftcf lerrftl mfrlieal
cellfiej, fci earnc4 u skill ad! ipcrlttrff. Weeot4
JrlcftD4tratinecit weerdj an jriTitfl to Mrtoci tt
dlitaare. CorrupoDdcBe kn1 ceniulittlnu fre. Prtrata
ilcdjcal Oaido km la eoaled eavdopo for t voiuafj.
Ccculfiifit 11B &1 t &oatr cf flt oiriTl&(i.
httrj i-craca cltwUi cexci. aoi upeliy thoat ccaumrUt.
IneraarriacMtoulj tavolt(altcirrrivtf3ffcwer. aeten:
cf Urine lo&, ft&l tftilfilaf tb vliorof citatoc4 oi
wttaanhooJ. Btprod action bow to hart tetltbr, traatlM
cLUdrfo. Cartful nedi:al lrle aaj di&t ncll trit4 (ir
tcriitk'D fur th U el J ecu cf tarl mirri! lit, fitot.
?urclr call. (pot (il to tor 1lma for 3S ecu.
Adlri. Vt. Jaoquti, Central Medl3l IciUtutc.
70aCbotnuf trrot, 8t.Loni, Mo.
Dr. Whittier,
6I7 St. Charles street, St. Louis, Mo.
A rffulareraiaateftftwo JftrdUul Cctlifi,hbcn longir
coffa-l la i to relal tfeatmcLt ct all Vcneral, Sexual
nndCbronto Ctaeaaca Uia an 7 other 1'njtkUaiabu
Louii , ai ctt paptri ahoir, a&4 all 614 rulleau atiov
Syphilii, Gonorrheal. Gleet. Strlclura, Or
chitii. Hernia. or Rupture, all Urinary Diieaiei
and SypkUltlo or mercurial iffectiont of the
throat, akin or bonaa, ar itmu4 vlih uortraUt'.!
luwtii, o laltit act.attao yrlacltiii. Batd;, rrivkwlj.
8permatorrhcaa. 8exua Debility end Impot
ency, ai tbf rwutt of Belf-abuie ta youth, tuaal ieMirs
lo waturcry tar,orot&r cauaet. ao4 vtlch product aotut
cf tttt fpllowirjf edfrctat &erroufM lounal aoiuilotii,
Jbilitr,dJrLtitfOfiJbt, deftUrt memory, ImpleicutU
tot, hjilcaldKaj, arcriloa 10 aoclctolf.malM.coarual&a
ct Jleaa, I011 of 'ciua! power, etc., rtoderlof Darrlaee
lmpropertrunbappT,ari'rnjanfDtl cured, l'amibkt
(Jd i-ajti) rilaUw to ito aUre, iotlO aralrd CDTikjM.
ur two l-cfliacv iiimn, uoniunauoa at vnw vr uj uu.t
frra, and luTltrd, a frir nfly talk or bit opinion coitt ootblcj.
Wtro U ta IbeonTcolcot to Tlilt tba city fur trtHn.fH,
mfdiriocicao teicDt ly etpreicrtaaLUvtr7wbrre. Cure
nil. caiutuaraotl,tTudoiibteatiU It U frankly itittd.
OQco Uuriiyi..i!.to7l.il. fioadat, U il.tol I'.Xl.
Pamphlet, to my sddrett, for Two Stampt.
MANHOOD br,ourt),S-oeS.t.brB'"
Bent tested, sllttarM, for ao Cent!. - , .,
Manhood and Wominhood in Gorman, both
ionsthar, Illustrated, IS Canii. r
pHtIs. i GUIDE.
Zlcsant cloth and ffUt binding. Sealed for &Oo.
Orer Ltiy wfnltfrful fb ttcturci, true to lir aruclcaoa
tbt fllowlo iuljocUl V'bo way lairrT, bo hcu by,
l'ror-.r at to marry, wbo marry &nt, ua&bv1 Woman
l'tt lcat decar Tba clTecu or celibacy aod rxcr.
Wboabould tuarry t llowllf. and bajplntai may U locreaavd.
Tba fbyiiolocy or luproduciloo, and many mora. 7bii
iaarrld or oobtmplailo( toarrlaf. tbould rtad lu
Afttralif. loDLrutf(ltrtfrcta bumaa ai veil at
moral coarictloo,uoubt to b read br all adult jrtm.
then locked up,fcttlald arouodorloat.aaltt.wortby
tt rt-reading. It coottlna tba croatnoC medical llter
nturo.tbouxlitaritbrrodla autaipoitvoractlee,abd wortb
to any on wbo will girt it a careful ptruaal teu timet
Ita coata
l'p;ular Cdltloo. Ikmo ai aloTfl, but rtptr core r, t60 r ff
05centabytoalL Cbeapcil food-guldo fa America, i
eitUr bllicM, tacloiUij amoutit,
617 St. Charles atreot, St. Louis, Mo.
A itttdv and radical cur
,iir Rupture cr htrnia, in
yeuitr orcia,eua rauuia fy
mint. A teliJcuritrneti. Cation or writ to
"'iiuiiiiiiW .iuilulttrnt,it.l.ouii, .Mo.
t'IS.VII'J.N. 5iiil thiniuliiK. M..MVVum
Iinil flirri-lfT(. Cu , k.,iirl.ur I, ..ill,. -
may Wlimi amlpiin Hit-w umt uQitiIhh u
Ilvmall.M n-iitn. Hunt Co,, IT S .tliftt,
Fashionable Barber
XX-A. I XI UIXI3ia33aisI,
Noitni sun: of Kiawni htukki
Between Washington and Commercial
rrGreat Medicn.1 Bnnk
aiidMrrrrta fur Iais uml l.nits, eut lite for
" niMiiiiia. illliUL'l...
in.i:Uy h, ,llM.,,,t j0
w h-1 Mump for irtlt nt iM tlri-ulur, f im
UTitlir 41
I'r II. ll .1 Altlt, u Im Wh.1i HI, lli'lluiiailLi, Iml,
Tlio MoNt IteiiiiirUulili' ItciiU'il.v (!
' IHu'tt crril llonioii't Ciiiiritir I'n-
AI. tit) llllll- 111 till- liMlllV 1 1 T 1 1 lie liii,ll.
elm litt mi iiiileli! iiiifiiitl ulilcli I in
Illtt Uilll fJICilll'l' 11)1111 DVill llllll MICVI'M
ilian llfiitoird Cnpfiiiu I'lifii-r. Wlii
tluy : iv it clot ml to nil tillicT mniiii
pln.-liT!'. I owlii to their lniiiiit il tout
ImhIiIhii ; iht'.v iii'i ln-iiiiiiiiiii'iiiih , ciitf
i- timllly nml ciUfitially.
I'liylfliinn mul ilifi.'iii iul imlilic uIki
sicKiKiwIt'tloc Hit- 1,'ifnt lii-iuili.s iii'ilvcil
Irom Ittu tiff ol lim onliiiut v poiniM plit
Icr, liDMi'VtT, inaliilaln that their iicilon
l not fiillli'ii'lilly ino:ii)l,triiililiilliiif,
piilk'tlto nml rnntiiiiinilt wi ur to vttWl it
ctt. i'. Itcii-iiii' . Cnpciiii' I'liKlir ovri
vmm s ilil.. tliflluiilM by (Hrniiipll-liliiK in
it taw lioill-, llial uhkh it (iiKr.. nli
oUiit I'lii-liT ii4 ninny day.".
Altliotili it nn'iil tlhnivi'iy 'iipcinc
liit loctt tlioiiiiijjlily U.-icil hy phy.-lchn-,
llllll ill t'.'R'll illMmiCU ll:(S ))('( II lt OIMHIIK i ll
Hit: mo't rciiiiifkiililo. ialf, ciTliiln mul
tlioniii'lily I'llk'tii'luus rciiR'ily cut ill
lllC0llOimlll CllpcillO ill illl llllTi)M'll
IVironi I'ImMit h:u liei n niriiiiipll.lird
nlli f tcpciilcil Killcllatloii- Iriini Ilu- inril
ii- iil liiiU'itiily tint Is now pn-.Tilljiil li
lIl.'Ml Willi tlllpfCUfllL'lllfll MIIW ;
jiirlnlly In I.MiuuuiittlMii, I'li'ini.y, Mnli-
fllll'll CiiMj. KlilniH' (' II nlllN." I nil
tll-ciiH-s lor wlilchlt l'oioiii ria-lt'i' liat
IH'CII ll'l'li.
lis lllMI'Vcloil- lliillli'lici' over Ilu; i-lirii-
liitlon. mul 'eiicnil t'llirt on llio .tcni
lit nliuo-t liitTcilililc : limn the iiioint'iit
oritMipplit-itltiii lo tlie iiHi-eli'il pmt, It
(ipi'iiilf.i Willi n.tniiMiitijr vlj;ur liilii"
relief and eiu e.-i inot t: uH'eetuiillv lliaii any
Uimwii l'lii-ter, l.litliuviit or (JoiiipoiinU.
ii i. :t ijeiniiiiu plianiiatt'iilienl preparu
llini iifthc likilu-t onlur ol' merit ; Its lit
leiliciiN mi' entirely vcjrotiibk' nml tec
irpill .Mi...nl Ji.rtf jvo .ne
trial will eonvlncu tin; niut fkeptleul of
llx mpciiorlty over the oriliiniiy I'otoii-I'lft-iur.
When yon de.'irc pionipt mul
liniiiediati; icllef. iil your tlnitr!.'lt lor
Ht'iiMii Capeliie i'litjler. I'tke, "J."!
I't.'llll. Shaiii itv & .IllIIX-O.V.
Whnk-alo Agents, X. Y.
fcTylt.iifHY HitiH.. Aireiil-. ('alio.
1 1-19-1 m
"UlUltlfMtllllllllll.r till' tH'Ht WIIXllllllCll
tiorli ol (lie liluil In the Vorlil,"
Tho ever lucrcaIuic clrciilntiun ot thh
excellent mo n l lily ir.)Ve 1 t.-i contlnueil
mlajilion to popular tloire ami iiccuS. In
ilccil, when wt lliltik Into liuw tunny Iioiikm
It penetrates eveiy tnotith, wo niti't eon
bluer It as one nl tlie eiltieatori :n well an
entertainer- of tlie iiili.le nilnj, forltsvat
popularity lias ijccn won liy no appeal to
stupid i rejudictit or depraved ta'tcs, Mo-
tOtl lilOIKt.
1 lie chatacter whicli tills .Ma'-uzinc no-
crcs for varie'y.entcrprl-e.artktlo wealth,
and literary culture thr.t ha kept pace with,
it ii uas not ten mo iitnes, Miouiu cause Uh
condlletors to regard it with lui-tlliublo com
placency, ltnl.-o entitle- tliein to a great
claim unon tne nun to Lrratituiie. The
Magazine has done rood und not evil all
tlie il.iys ot ti.s inc. litooKiyn Kagle.
TKitMS :
Postage free to nibscribcrs in the United
H.irpcr'H Jlagazine, one year ...SJ (X)
84 0) Includes prepayment of U. ij. post
age by the publithcts.
Subscriptions to Harper's Magazine,
Weekly, or Bazar, to nno addles for one
year, 810 00; or two of Harper's pcriodi
cals, to one addre6s for one year, i 00;
postage Ire e.
An extra copy ol cither the Magazine.
Weekly or llazar will be supplied irratls for
every etuu oi nve siinscriDem at cu each,
in one rciiiui nice; or mx copies tor cu uy,
without extra copy; potagc Ircc.
Hack numbers can lie Mipplied at any
A complete t-ct ol Hartier's .Magazine.
now coiiiprlfing 41 voliimt", In neat cloth
bindlm.', will ho ent liy express, frcti'ht at
the cxpettie of ptircha'er. for $2 23 prr
volume. Slnglo wiltimey, by mall, polpald,
i3 00. Cloth fa-cf, for binding, 68 cents,
by m.ill, postpaid.
ISTN'owMiapers nre not to conv this id-
vcrtiscment without the cxprers order ol
iiarjicr v iiroiiiern.
Addrens ItAHl'KH ,t IIKOTHKILS. N. Y
" lteimllry ol i'aliliiii. llrniiirr
null iiiNiriii'iiiui."
The Panaris edited witli a cotitrlbutlou
of tact and talent that we seldom llnil inunv
journa1; und the journal iUcll is the nrgsn
hi mo great worm oi lusiuon. iiosion Trav
'1 he lli.ar commends INcH toeverv mem.
Iierol tho household to llio children by
droll und pretty pictures, to the young la-
men ny us luMimn-piiucs in cnuiess variciy,
... vim iiuiut:iiv iiiaiiuii uy uh jiuucrns lor
the clilldrcn'H 1'litlien. til fmliirf ninlllu,. tiv
Its tasteful designs for embroidered slippers
aud luxurious dro.slng gowns. Rut Ihe
reading matter of tho Hazar Is unlformlv ol
great excellence. 'J'lio paper Ins iicipiirrd
a wmo popularity ior tne in iviuc enjoyment
it atlords. N. V. Kvcning l'ost.
Harper's llazar, ono ycr.,..?t 00
Four dollars includes prepayment ol U
S. postage by tho publlsherH.
SulmcsiptionH to Harper's Slagazlnc,
Weekly, and llazar, to ono uddrosa for out
year, $10 00; or two of Harper'H Periodi
cal, to ono address for one year, $7 00
postage free.
An extra copy of cither tlie Magazine,
Weekly, or Hazar will bo supplied gratis
for every club of llvo subscrlbem at 8t 00
ouch, in ono remittance ; or, six copies fot
$20 00 without extra copy ; postugo Irce,
Hack numbers cun he supplied at any
The seven volumes of Harper's Hazar, lor
tho years IKW. 'Oil, 'TO, '71, '72, '7.'i. '71, cle
gantly bound in green morocco cloth, wil!
bonont by cxptess, freight rrepald, for
$7 00 each.
HtST-Newspapers are not to copy this ad
vertisement without llio express otders ol
Harper it llrotliers.
Adiiron HAItl'Klt.t I1ROTIIKRS. N. Y.
Chancery Notice.
State of Illinois, Alt-MmOir county ss.
In tin- clii uit coiiit, to Hie .luniiuiy term ISTii,
.Suinli-l Chisin s, .lolm 1) I'lilsinrt idl-ltlll
AKKIDAVIT of tlio iioii-ieslili'iico of Juno
(iuiiiM'iv, 'Ihunius l!oliiiiiiiii,Niincy Howes
ton. Muriruiet M. liilllluiiil. Iti hicca TlinmuH
mul ollieis, link now n heirs of IJIJah (i. I.'lilun,
ilecrafisl, having hem lllnl In the clerk's olliee
ofsiilil Ali'.MUidi'r county circuit couit, notice Is
m-ieiiy Kiiiiii you ine miii; ,11111c iiuiie-eit',
'I liotuas Itoliinson, .Nancy llowi-atuii, Muriiiiret
M Ullllliinil, Itclxccu 'I lioliius hiiiI ollicrs, iiii
kuiiwn lu lls of Klijnliti, CliUin, ilm-usnt, that
thccoiiiiluiiiiint llleil lii i' hill of coiiiplainl in
mid court, on the clumcery siilu thrrrnt, (iu the
Mil day of Apill, A l. ls'.'i, mul thcit-iipini a
siiliininiis l-sueit out of siilil.coiirti ivtiirimlileiui
Hit- 'iul M me lay In the month of .May i;ct fullou
lug, us Is niiilnil liy law, and Unit lit the snld
.May term of suhl cum I, coiiipliiliiunt iiiiieiiileil
her bill iiiuMiik you pnrli ls ilel'i'iulants thereto.
.Now null- yun tlie mi ill ilelriiilants shall be mul
uppeur 1m line the (unit on Ihe 1st day of the next
ti t in thereof, to he liolilen in ami fur said county
on the 1st .Monday In January next, to plead,
ntisuernrileiiiiir lo tuM eniupluiiiuiitH bill of
complaint, tlie same nml !lu-;tnutters and thhiKb
llitii In cliiiit'cil mul stilted, will betaken u con
lecd mul a diriee euleitil ugidnst ) mi ui'iMild
Iiil' lnthuprayi-r of mild bill,
Novunher I'JIh, A, I). 11(75.
IIKl'IICNK, YOl.'l'M.CIeik
Cruinlall !t l.iuegiir, solicllorn fur complain
ant. U-20-it-cod-u4w.
Sliun JDrug Foions.
Modlolno Rendered Useless 1
Volta's Electro Belts and Bands
me ImlorM'tl hy the most eniluiiil pliysluluiut In
the win hi Cur the cure of iheiimutLiii, neuralgia,
Ihcr coiiiplulnt, i lyu pei is la, kidney tliseiiae,
nehes, iialui, nervous dlsoidors, III, fvinalu
coiiiplufnU, ueroiis mul Keiieral dehlflty, and
other fin nulii tllaiKM of the rh'bt, heud, liter,
stuiiiitch, kidnew mul liloml, Hook with full
particulars flee bv
Vlln itell Co , liicllilllill, o.
'I'ho Truotcos of tho Cairo City
1'ropcrty iIlmh! to fill public sittfiilioii
lo the met it oi l lu ll p opet ty, eonipi U
Iii,' it con-Iilerahii: porloti ol'tliu ClU' ol"
Cuito. in Aluxmiikr tVniily, In the .Slate
ol IlilnoN, mul IniiiU iiunir.iliately ntlja
cent Iheieto.
'I Ills city, an l hi I kiiuV'ii, Ik i tuat' ti it
till! eulllllH'IICU of tint I ililo and Mlrl-!pil
tlverc, nl tlio Iiuuil ol iiiiliiterupti'il nalltii
lion on thu Att.Ui r N bnlvz helow nli
irtlclimi! by leu In llie wlut'-'i' mul low
wntur In nutmner, ami ll.Un lia u cleur ulul
iipL'li il er coiMiimiiliatluli at nil litnc oer
tliu MikIkI pi mul Hi tributaries, with nil
thu ciiintrv notitb. to tho Gulf ol Mex eo
ami thu Atlantic Ocean. Cairo has aim the
samo vliuructvr (ilvoiiimitnlcation tvilb i.ll
tho country north over the utreum lluwlui;
by It, wlicn those itruiuin ate not inuuvi
(,'alilij bv teuton ol leu or low water.
Heinle the era of Ilullroads, Cairo hud a
commanding position as a centre of cum
mcrce and naugatlon. This importance ol
position tho Hill poi-M'fscs. but tiasunw the
additional advantuge of being u great lall-
l Willi i;rtii i v , iiiiiik,. ... .liu iiiuk .ii.jiuii- .
unt rallioad- in tlie Valley oltliu.MIsislppi
couvertilug to and liaiing tlnlr termini I
there. Among these, coming lrom the north I
u e tlio great Pliuols Ceutial Itailroml, I
which traverses thu entire .-tate ol Illinois I
lrom;lHextrf inn northern auiliiortli-ci.-tei n
to Iti- Miiitliern limits, and by it-cuiucctiou-1
extends into all the ureal northwestern
grain producing Slate ; the Cairo and Vln-
cenne-, cxieuuing irom t niro to tlio City ol
Vinci'iities. in Hie State ol Indian i, wlieio
it connections utl'ord direct railroad com
munications u ith all Ka tern cities; and
tho Cairo .t.St. l.oiils Itallrond, aftordiug s
direct railroad communication with tlio
City ol St. Louis and all the tallroads cen
tering there. The toads corning Irom the
South are llio New Orleans. Jackson and
(ireat Northern ami the Mobile and Ohio
Railroads, which give dirt et railroad com
munication wltli tlio cill-s ol Mobile and
New Orleans, and othi r Southern Atlantic
ca potts, and by commoting roads uitli all
the country south of Cairo ; and coming
Irom the -outhwett ii- tlio Cuito, Arkan-as
and Texas Railroad, which illords similar
communication with Southern Mi.touri,
Arkansas and Texas, and the principal cit
ies of thoe State". This last-named road
will gle, also, direct connection with the
Texas and Tactile Road when it h com le
ted, thus ghing direct communication wi'h
tho principal port ol the Pacific Oceau
'I here railroads, terminating at Cairo, arc
now all completed and in eucccssful opera
tion, those in Illinois coming into tho city
on a bank oleacli of the rivers, Ohio und
Mis-ls-lppl. and terminating at their contin
ence, thu encircling tlie city. The Holly
Springs Ilrowosvlllo and Ohio River Kail
road, und the. Cairo and Tennessee River
Railroad, wiitcli will liotli terminate at
Cairo, are in coure of construction and will
soon lie completed, and other railroads both
in IlllnoWaijilin ntatessouth of the Ohio
rher, which will also terminate at Cairo,
urn projected, ami arrangements made to
build them. Tho construction of thcte
will greatly increase tlie rillroad communi
cations ol Ciilro.
lis central locution lu the grm . Valley of
tho Mikslsllipi,nnd the grcul wealth of river
aud railroad communication, gives to Cairo
unsurpassed advantages as u cominereial
point, us itallordi to her e&sy and cheap ac
cess to all the grain producing districts ol
the North and West, andsimilarucccss to all
the agricultural produce consumers of the
South, thus presenting tlie best location in
tho We.tloran interchange of the respect
ive northern and southern commodities mid
As a manufsctlli lug location the position
ol Cairo is not lcis important. Tho crude
miterials of every description, which con
itittlto the elements of mantifacturcd arti
cles, abound on every side, iron ore, coal,
ofstipetior quality, and timber of every
character, more than others, being easily
and cheuply acccs-lblc. and tho rich ogri
cultural region of the immediate neighbor
hood, as well an tho mure remote districts
rendered tributary to It by river and rail,
furnish supplies ol the necessaries of life lu
such abundanco us to render li lug except
ionally cheap. When the manufactured arti
cles are produced, the facilities for cheap
distribution by river and rail nre not
Cairo lias a moral, intelligent, liberal and
enterprising population or about 12,000 has
u superior system of public schools, which,
with others conducted by private enter
prise, afford uuMirp'isscd educational ad
vantages is passehsed of well-established
churches of nearly every denomination
has piibliu and private buildings of a rupe
rlor character has a climate, which for Ha.
lubrity and liuuliliiiit luitiK'iiecs cannot be
surpassed lias u well-regulated and ef
tlcieut imiuiclpul organization, its trcets
lighted with gun, und other metropolitan ad
vantages, which make it highly deslmble
and in reality not to bo excelled as a place
of permaueut residence.
Lots and land in Cairo are now orrcrcd at
very low ptlces, uil'urding luvoruble oppor
tunities to purchase, ami tlio owners pro
tent thu location to thu public as ottering
unrivaled advantages lor tho successful es
tablishment ol commercial or manufactur
ing enterprises, and tlio best locality in the
country lor prolltablo Investment ot capital,
8. Staath Tayi-oh,
Trustee, etc.
Caiho, 1m.., May 1st, Is74.
Subscribe for
I-cadinj; Journal o Southern
. T. ,i-
- - -
The Bulletin
WHUteadla-lly oppo-e the policies oi tn.
Rcpuhllcau party, aud rcfil.i- tu be traui-
moiled . Ihe dictation ol 'iiiy clique lu the
Democratic organization.
ft liellevcs that the Reptiblluau party ua
fulfilled its mltslon, and that the i)tn:-
cratic party as now organized shoillu here-
stored to power.
It believes the Radical tyranny that has
for Bevcral years oppressed the South
should he overthrown aud the people r.l itis
Southern States permitted lo control thei;
own a Hal re.
It believes that railroad corporation
should he prohibited by legatlve et act
me uts from extorting and unjustly discrim
inating in their business transactions with
the public.
It recoi.Miles the equality ol all meu be
fore the law.
It advocates free commerce' tarltl fo.-
rcvenuc only.
It adrocates resumption ot speii psy.
tnent, and honest paymeiit of the ptibiir
It advocates economy in the sdmimstia-
tlon ol public utlalrs.
The Hulletin will publish all the locai news
ol C'alio. and a variety of Commercial, Po
litical, Foreign and (Jencral News, and en
deavor to please all taste and interest ah
- T II K
Is a thirty-two column paper, furnished Ic
subscribers lor the low price of
$1 25 PER YEAR,
Postsge prepaid, It is the cheapest paper
In tho West, and Is a pleasing Fireside
Visitor and Family Companion.
Cannot tail to see the i: -Waled induce
ments oilered by The JJulletln in tho way
ol cheap and protltablo advertisement!:.
Subscribe idr
Kvcrv yi-Mi' iiifft'i'M'i tl.f J j 'ill : 1 1
ly ol'tliitVitlii.tlilc Mi.i. l'ioim; lii ii '.
whicli it il l.1 to . ..lit nloiii'. W'v
can iKiiro our o'tl puitona tldit it it
kupl fully n lo il liij;Ii s-imnh.ul;
mul i( U I he on'y n'li .blet ml ci It w
cil prop.iraf ion I'd' ic- lii'intj (ii:.v
on 1''ai)I:i II wit lo il" Uitilhl'iil color
niakiiijc il rtiil), liistroit:', iiiiil silken.
The tcali, hy i' iim.', Iiccoiiici while
Mild clcnii. It icinovc" nil tii liop i
tiiitl thtiuliiiir, mul, hy it tnic ,
cititw, iic.vcnt't l lie hair Irom t t'"w
out, . 'ti il Htiiniiliii' :iiil nniiii Ii
the huir-frlnuik 15 y i! i.e. th httir
yrowit thicker an l Mron-iif. In
hitlilues'i, i' restore ll.'1 ftij i.ii.t
''litiitN to their mutual titjoi', ; i.'l
will create a new yiowlh, cci il in
oclrctuo ohl iiijc. Il in the nwKt i i o
noinif .tl Hair DnixiNti ecru nl,
n it iL"tiii'(" I'ewtT iiiilicnti'ii ,
tiit'l ivc.i the hair u sjilemliil, ylo y
aiiearaiicc. A. A. Ilityc-, 31. 1).,
.State AssMyci'of'.AIa sachusclli, ha ,
'The t'oiiiititueiit's nre pure,. mil care
fully s.oluctctl I'm' cccellenL quality ;
ami I con.-'uler it the lit:sr I'iikpa
i: ilo. lor it intcmleil urioc."
.',,; ' lrtiautMlt,mnt l)r,,l in Mulicinct.
J'rleo Ono Dollar.
Buckingham's Dyo.
von 'van VVIIISKERS.
A our licnewer in many casc
require too loiiji a time, and too
much cue. to re-lore gray or ihileil
Wh'nkci -, we have irciareil this
ih e, in one inriHinitioit : which will
quickly ami Hicctiinlly .'tccotnpli'h
thi- rc-ult. It i easily implied,
and products a color whicli will
neither nil) nor wa-h oh". Sold by
all Druggi-t. 1'rici! Filly Centr.
Manufjctured Ly f: P. HALL & CO.,
WA3HUA. tl.u.
Cheny Pectoral,
For Discaic.-i of tho Tliroot and Lungs,
such as Coughs, Colds, Whooping
Cour.b, llroncliitls, Aatliuiu,
u.id Cotiaumptlou.
Amorg tli great
di'Coverua of imsl
cnifience, few are
of more real value
.to mankind thnti
'this effectual rem-
e lv for nil ili'Ca'cs
of' the 'llinat and
I.ung. A vat tri
al of IH virtue.,
tl roughout thli and
ether countries hai
shown that it doct
tiirelv and cflectuallv contro; them. The let
tmi'iav cf our best citizen", of ull clae, e
t.diiidie the tact, that I'lll liliV Pic-ioitAt.
will nud ' relieve und cure the nlllicting
dforders of the 'I hroat and I.ting beyond any
other mcdiriiif. 'I ho nio-t dangerous nlW
tioa of til" Pulmonary Organs yield to lit
pott it; und ce of Consumption, cured
bv tn.. prepanilion, nro publicly known, to
rein .lAiib'.e a h.inlly to bo b-dieved, wera
tli.-v imt proven bevond ilipute. As a rein
ciiv it i a li'ipialc, (in which the public may
re.v !'.-r full prnteclion. Hy curing Cough's
tl. foreriuiner of more er!om diseii'e, It
tave. miiiiiiiilieied live, and nil amount of
MiU'eiiug not to Im computed. It challenge!
tn.il. nml convinces the mod iccptical.
Kutv f.nnilv sliould keen It on baud ns a
protection npnini-t tlie curly nnd tuiperccivcl
ult:iek of rnhnoiiary Ad'eetlon", whicli nre
ea-ilv met nt flrt, but which become incura
ble, im 1 too often fatal, If neglected. Tender
lung need this defence; anil ll is unwic to
be without it. As a afeguard to children,
ainlit th di'tresiiug di ,cacs which be!ct the
Tlim.it nml Clic.t of childhood, Clir.miY
I'leniliAi. Is Invaluable! lor, by i timely
me, multitudes are rescued from iremature
gnivc. nnd saved to the love nml affection
centred on them. It nets speedily and surely
ngaln: ordinary cold, .retiring sound and
health-restoring sleep. No one will sulfur
trntiblefoino Inlliieiiii nnd painful Ilron
chlllv, when they know how catlly they can
be cured.
Originally tlm product of long, laborious,
ami snccc;ful chemical Investigation, no cost
or toil is spared In making every bottle in the
utmost posiiblo jierfectlou. It may b conll
dontlv relied iiion ns pocssiiig nil the vir
tue It hat ever exhibited, and capable of
producing cures ns incmorublt) at the greatett
It hat ever ell'ectcd.
l'nr.i'AUEti uy
Or. J. C, AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass.,
I'ractlcat uud Analytical Cheiulats.
Dratatela b.T. lu 2B Cenli . Lai. frri.r.lt
dirrUENS CO., UlUmUrnB!., CLios.
Barclay Bro's.,
Wholesale Druggists,
"twitwi" MUNKV KOIt Al.l. Only two
Ii)))') Diiuei.. Only two liiuiis "Itlsal
vvuys diikesl liclore day " Tunny leaner vv ho
will send '.'"cents tons, vvi-send one box ul' I
vvlilchweKUiiiunteu will put )oii hi ihu way to
make Jjii month, und not take ball' you time.
.Sulliihleforineii or women, boys or gills, uud
is cutiicly new, 'IhniisainU i-.in iiovv teciiu:
iiuylng business, and cotistunt Income. This is
the "chuiiee.riilllelline." uud If von will mil
embraced tell your friend, lor It Ita fuilune
fur eomeworlliy deserving iieiou who medi n
helping hand. Not ii recipe, Jewelry, wi iillu r
huuibug.hiit n tate uud stuet'iiarnulreil htidne.s
oiipiirliinlty. hmnple box, cliiciiliirs, Ac, ,Vc ,
ate sent ut cost, .'U cents, only to Intnlui e it;
none fiee.und uoneneiil apply unless they want
to make tint) a year clear. Hundreds me nml
Inirtliat. and Sieentuund '"mw" wlllshowjnu
'how 'tis done." Address, II t'N'J Kit A CO ,
Hillsdale, N. II.
JFm as.4 a smm Arritau CoaHlor u Hit
aU0ai5Ur?lek5,O M.rrW, or uo. .U..1 u
niMHfl ihjwiIm .ot m.UUooi
sswa id. ieg.il i7tai, wlib is.
I.U.I dl.noT.ri.. la lb. HUao. f nrrJllii, ir..nln
lb. coiuiltilon, So.
Tblt la .a iDUre.Uai voik ct lv. bsntnd .tl .lit.
fi.l.i, IUk sumerou cocr.vlDC, .Qt cooulm v.lutbl
ub.rm.tloa for Iboi. wbo .r. ni.rrl6l or cpatcmpl.t ro.r
rtu.i suil ll Ii a book tb.t otiKbt lo be ktpi uoder luck
ant ktr. .at aot l.n ctrle..l .liil lb. bou.t .
It oooulo lb. .!rleaoo a4 .tile, or a a,.lcl.B
ht. rtpatoiloa I. worit wit., aot bould b. la ib en
v.U dr.ver of ... rf ralj. .D1 lnil. Ibroasbout Ibe en1''
(lob., ll tobruw. ever; tbln on lb. iiibjacl of
Urmjium lb.1 ll worlb kbowlaf, soil mink ibalisaw
DubllUiOdlatDjoUiervork. .
Bol U .Of 00. lira, of o.Uft) for flflT l- ,
Afltr.u Dr. Bum' t)uplu..r, ko, II X. Wibik ium
61. Uul, kto.
Nolle, to Ih Afflicted nd Onloriunato.
Pi for. .ppljUl lo lb. nolortom q.eke b atmtiMla
fublle Mpwi, or u.lna .oj on." '"' ';"
hull.' ioik, oo u.uar .b.l J' a"" U r t o.cUjf
ab'o your cootltlon.
Or' Bum ooo.pl.. a double boax or iw.nlj ...ea loom 1 1
la lotorMd br some of lb. noal eelebratet uoille.l profr.
or. of tbla ceuairr aat KJfoH. aot e.p te epo.ulu l ,er.
aootllr or br uolloalk jlMUn nieiillooe4 lo bllnoiii.
pitc. .od p.rlore, X'i t' korlb Hl.blH alnet, betieat
lejliei.iiil Cbe.out. HI. Laule. He.
Aiteula Wnntnl for our .h Iluoh,
AbFl1?uumii?yMe?i?,t?c ilivosiii'li
und Women, our Social Relations uud .Sutures,
embracing MKDItM, COMMON SKNWK I'm
every one. Kugllsh and liermun editions, Out
lllseutlrelyfiee, everything lirulaliii. Address
for full descriptive elrcnlar luidexti'u terms,
II. HI NATf .V CO., St. J-ouls, Mo,
aSBSS asSM aBwaaa CJ tt 11.,
Cincinnati MMn A.
W(l ctf.ltn lis rati iSf .ItSntiltn
. Lftf metclianialn tho Interior to
our mellioil of fullnR l,rior fur any Vlnil of tncrchsn
itlMtir tnaniiratlureil ewuls totio found Inlklstnarktl,
iliarKUnt nnlr a small mnimlMlon.tliuacnatjIlnct'ouii
Iry iiicrrliant,iiutiiifaetnrerr, farmers, and.lndwt.all
rlaMos, tn r-riiriiin nnr nrtkln tliejr mar iiK'd, at the
lowntra.il fllf, without Incurrlns tlio pirens" t
romliiK tn tlio i Itv. Hn ilotilita nrvll rntertalnM l y
IIiom si-tidlng Ihelr erd'rs tons Imt that tlifrilll I1"
ralthnillalfnile-l to, Quotations furnliheit nn arrllc
linn. HhjPMrs and nthcra forwardlnnsamrUawnlhaTn
tliflr TarntflTcrrtaliioiI, and an onr tnadr, Iftractlra.
his. Otifodlcn lu iho .nlrantn totlm Mrrchatits' F.
ctiange.Mo. t West Fourth Htrr.t, lnr lis
niani inrmlicra ararnnstatilltr passing, K"i?Miiatktt
ot fsdllllcs for exlilliltliiff samrlos of drain and
iiianiifaduteil Articles, which advantage s off.r to
thus dulling our smlcis. attrse ud for elrcnlar, ,
II S'-fod- in.
I.-UJUBJ A'XM'jiWfi vIiWmM
;r7 flip jpnuf) jfj if
fnv'tvaj.) tsj.jBti "o.i.ajihxiiioyk saain
;rli.LVH oqi Ai isnod iioqiw jo i0.
IUU pJJIIlDllJIltlVlJ IHHiraal t p)AOJtlnl
qJIIIU JiAlo.i -poo n lion J JO Suo joj wnil
OOO.VA HVin.Jinj 'IV 'V ""d poouoioi.
siuojirjoioviaujiiti m. 'iwpnvi Xa pas
Ijejpiil.lri loJ auiituu jo lisq utltvj.ifioliu
01 (IJtdDpV tSJSJOU. JJ'IUJ jo OilJ JOJ pjiiui Sf
jfcr "ktNUtlVtl,,
HaaHo a-iiixva anx
SAVE MONEY'-1,,ll,rl;'0!!,V::
iril your iii'iiii s worlb. the t.ieat N. I
I lull Jr 'ale, .11 lliiiliillrld St boston Ma-e..
lure ls7i ha sold (.'ixxls to 1 i. 0 pntlutll. It
otr.rsHvef) vuiiely i.f HrV tiiiiey.aitd Staple
liii.nl. l.nx-eriei, Hook--, t lit U y. l.Us. Wnir,
Ac., Ac, at nlmiit halfpiur.aieU.'l- ci cry thing
nl mil) one il'dlar
tTiinnf TTanflc! II hu fiuni tnaiiufac
r llbt Xlcllll.lb.,l,r, nnj iir,t hands.
and can nil for 41 what rountry ilinkrs nsk i 1
tot I lor I his I, no hiiiuiiiig. no "tricks" or
billin -ii-our irii'lurs,nnil ie ll.e Ihouiir.ds
oriiilfile- olleii-1 nt lily SI. e uirendorxil
by the bcit mpii- of lloston, uud by luo.isyj
pjiiroii- s.-e uiii ircul.ii.
TTWc, fn ii mid will seil ou goods at lts
W v JtX JJ. hau any olhi-r hone We m nd
bymiillor rApuvs C. l., slid lit you sir
jrnods brfuip liiiyiiiir. We want iigriita evrrv
where No ilak, no capital 111 filed
Onfs Bn,f.'tl'l,"lJ:s " I"'4'"' erds end
VL.11D,,,,,., im- n ,lllr uii., ,-ir-
oiihns, iiii.l II.-I-. We can und do m il J aril
clles, - hooks, Ac., nil tnr a nlnv'le dollar
liimititill Killer, I'iua, liraii'li'tn, .-its I'les,
Vlnllui, i.i.itais, I iistoit, in lait int ui tictes all
nt)l. - i iid now, nud ae money. Voiiran
doll, pltrii-i uv. AihiliSi nil oiilers to II.
illtMIMO.V.V i.'l., .S i; IIOI, I.Alt fAI.K, 3
Itroiiiilclil H , lloMon. M.iiiachliM ts.
Il ls tun.
I7?G, A Naiiosil Family Paper. 1575,
The iirciil I'aiitlly l'.i.iTel' Anierlca, Ihe u.vir
piitr e. poniig evuy hw iudler. 'i i l-.iinl liiiiu
hug, and wiving million! tu ll . ,uihl.e, Is now
n.idv for (lie l enti iiiiliil ciiiipni, . -.'i 10", ')
inoru I'clutitisi niini'i'iii
l rlt' 1 IPC '"Ce.llll III fll'C". ' SS.CAll-
:luu .11" il!i i luii i il 'ri i k Iciii.,
1' .eir Ii, II j . i- '.il 1 tn
I r I,.. i. Ul.hi- r't. :
Ihlli'ivi. . . ej ..t tn nl, u Vl
l iuhr'i. 1 oriitr, etc . lc
1- imiiiK- l'.nr
ii ir
, e ' ' I i a 'I
ii I'e jrtm nl,
ind i- a erl''ct
lTumViniro ipeelallv is to em-c every
AliniDUgS j inu'j, iuil:, swimlhr. and
Heat" l.veiy number has lire column of
triilhl'iil, rellalile stutenienls. No sauduat. lot
tery ullt. bond, or "put and call" game can
ever "catch" you If yoll lead this glint paper.
Itcxpo-ei, nil swindlers without fear or iiivor.
and gives a Hit of orer l'Jisi, with names nml
Tf Pnoo Hut 7-" cenli. n year, and It Is cent
XL VUSlb jnepuiil everywheie, II Is but thu
paper for cierv home, rjouthern or Xoitfiein It
is not poliilcitl. rIIkUuis or sec.taiiaii. It wuvei
fiirnll. Mnitcilin l-C'l, It bus goneoii for 11
viari nnd is lead hy Hii,i 0 peoiile Vou want
It nud will have it boine lime Why sot now v
Elegant Chromos.Jlhi'-re1;!'!!
(.brumes, (woilh S.I each 1 blie dxlt Inches,
llnely mniiiited, mid we otter but four of tliejo
items nnd lU.vvruu whole year, ull lue, fiirt
I heee JleRtliuiuei'hliuniis.niit.ilile fiiliiny par
lor. no other premiums ofli ied ,.
A last Word ZArM?
IliiiliU? this one vei'do liken .atli)iinl. pJUl
olhi, wlili! nivnkc isipir. onelhat Is Im- rlslil
uud uir.iliil winiigi mm Unit knows no p.u lv ,
nnnmlh, ninth, castor we- j hiitu papirili
tended lor evi l V icad-r, one I m saves nioiiej;
to its nailers liyc"ilnirlh'."' rleksnndtii ps"
ol'swlndleilniiii and nowU llie liine, Jou hiiVQ
nut it oil' loo lung send tu-dnj . Now is the nc-
,-,.i,l,.il tlln
oniv i '
sec rfu Uil-i gjent p'lper
' .iimuiirciimuio.
onlyl. ('iiiuiiiiier ut I r ..cent .-peel
only ii. '. ,
i,,..,; ilisi.OHl lead
ii o 1,1 ui cml fur
it, irnu to-ilny to
llinnhilB. 11.
iiA.vNi:it ri'iio
I,, I) Ami, Cain
Zi. D. Akiu & Co.,
-Healcra In
Harness 1 Saddles,
Whips, Collars, Etc.
105 Commercial Avenue, . CAIRO, ILLS,
t3-hose favoiing us with their patinnnge
will Ibid u coinplele ilueof goods fioin Vvhieh to
select, H bottom pi li es. P'-lt-Wly.
J. How either t-c may fascinate uud gain the
love and iilleellons or iiuy liersun Ihey choose,
Instantly. 'Ibis ml nil can possess .free, hy
mall, for SB cents together Willi u Marriage
lilllde. Kgvptlan Oiwle. Dieuuin, llilils total
dies etc. ussi.uno fold, A iluerbook. Ad-illi-ss
T, WIllMAM LO.Ml'ASV, Vuh't,
elBHaSB..SBBa& TWt' r ---oBi.aaBH
A.m ii utv
sbk m lev?

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