OCR Interpretation

The Cairo bulletin. [volume] (Cairo, Ill.) 1872-1878, December 23, 1875, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85033413/1875-12-23/ed-1/seq-3/

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, Knhrnt of Pythias, tnret every Fri
day nlghl at Imlf-i'Mt seven, in Odd
Kdlown'iliill. Jno.ll, Uosiman,
lusucenor lanimanuvr.
Al.KXANIIKR f.OIHH:. Nil. -Mi.
liuli-lxuUrnt Onlrr of Odd-rel-
iuwh. mm etery niursuay nigiii
Commercial uunuc , between fdxth am; fVic-ntli
L IIU1 1 llflAI KK1KII. Ill IU f lilll MM
'" x. .1. iir.tmi, . u.
M 1AIIIO KNOAMI'MKNT, I. O. C). '., metis
..lti UiMirVllows' Hull on Hit! tlMiind llilul
nimiii) in eury luunih, ut hair-punt sewn,
.1011. OMKHI.Y, U. I'
II11M irimliir coiiuniinlciitlotis In Mil
yKanhli; 1 1 all , miner Commercial afitine
' 'awl KIkMIi sheet, on Uie second and
nunu Jioimuy ui mrii mount.
Attorney at Luw.
UrriCKl Al irsl.Uim- mi Ninth Strict, to
iwwi Wmlilmrtnn nvrniH-111M Walnut M
UKSIOKNCKi No. 11 TlilrU-eiith sliest, he
twecu WaaliiuKtou nteuus and Wslntit aliwt.
OVUM'.'. North aid of KUI1II1 street be
tween C011.rm-rr.lsl and WathiiiKton avenue.
ItKHIDKN'CK! Corner Nlntli ami Walnut
OHHCK. Corner Sixth atrwt and Ohio 'erce,
OrriCK IIOUIlSi KroniSa.ua. 12in,, and
from 'I to M p.m.
Hit v your Quick Yeast at New Yoik
Store, received Ircsh ilally at wholesale
and retail. 12-5-20t
Our I'oiuitry.
Tin,' fjllH.T ot all lion cisri, n seven
)nli Havana llllcr, lor live rr tils nt
12-IO tr (Wi'Kitriiw.ui A J'mi.T.ifs.
Turk Mori-
Soils lifit mila i.-racki-M at7ifiitpcrlb
by tli box ; also mtjt clioice iMliu-f-mtat
ami aiple lititlyr. 12-5--0t,
, fnnif), Cntiily ,
'l'wn tlioiinniil potmiU rmiuy, cliolcu
nilxeil ami toy camly lor alu at (lie New
Vork Store by wholesale anil retail,
l i C'JOl
Jltt Ucrlti'tl.
New Iiiiiih, breakfast b.icoti, but K-
wlieat Hour, craiiberrle", jiIuiik, ral.eii,
ctirreutf, nt the New Vork .Store.
Alleutlout lleiilrr.
We lmve lour do.en linitatlon Kbony
Spraxtie -.'an-0H:iier., taken Tor ailvcr-
we will fccll at two dollars
er dozen. Inquire at Bulletin ollice.
Col. K. M. I.owe, oi I'ulatki, I'ula'M
county, desires to take ten or a ilo7en
borios to winter at hi fai 111. Good fta
bliiifanJ m:tiire, at low rates. Kor 1 el
ercueo apply to J. II. Jlttt alf, Cairo, III
I110U. l-J-iKiw.
A.llallvy Ims removed to lil new
Store rixitu, 115 CoiuinerrlnI avenue, op
pokltc Winter's Ulock, mid next door to
tli Arab cnjrlne IioiiFe, wliere lie will be
ideiucd to tee all Ids old customers ami
ui njniiy now ones. U-HO-tl'
tivw Vcor'a Hull.
NeuJalir's-lJall zur Kroell'iiuii'der iicucn
Tiirulialle, am Sylvesterabend, den
:iltcn I ., ImTo. In plain Kulhli
NiiW-Viar'i bull in celebration or the
opcnliifr ortbe new Turners ball, New
Venr'c Kvc, 'Jlst Uccembcr, 1875.
Heilbrou & Weil have reduced prices
on the ioUowuijr. artieles, for thU wx-vU
only : Itlsck alpaca from 50 to .15 cents ;
all wool Kmpreu cloths Irotn CO to 15
rents; navy blue and lun water-prool
from $1 W to $1 '-'."; black Ciiatinrn
from $1 5 to 85 cent ; kid ylovei from
$1 50 to $1 ; felt hklrtf Irom SI to 75
cenU; plaidr, it 0111 t!5 to 25 tents, and
everything ele in proportion. 12-18-lw
Kverybody to know that the place to get
A nnootli tliave,
A good bliampoo,
A lasliloualilu hair-cut!
Or anything la that line,
N at the UltsNIi C'K.iTUAt. Uakber.
imiv, comer Eighth and Coiiiiiierelal.
l S-lf J. (iKOIUil STKINltOL'SE.
Real Estate Column
(Jood dwelllni; house on Walnut, be
tween Twenty-sceoml anil .Twenty-third
Tenements Nos. 2, !1 and 1, on Sev
enth street, west of Walnut.
Store-room corner Twentieth and
l'oplar stteets.
Iluslness house on I.ovee, lately oc
cupied by CunnltiKham & Stllwell.
Hmlness lioiue 011 Levee, near Sixth
street, lately occupied by Crow, Cole
man & Co.
Winter' Ulock- suitable for Hotel
Olllces or MiuIupm rooms cheap.
Tenemfiiu numbered 1, 7, S and t), in
Winter's How, 5 rooms each, for $10 per
No. 10 (corner), $ia go-7 room.".
Cottage on Sixth street, near Wash
ington avenue 1 rooms $10 a month.
Storo room In "l'ilot House," lately
occupied by A. Ilalloy.
A good fiirniAvltligood houes, oppu,
fiito Cairo Haws lat in cheap.
A small House west of Twenty
ticeond streot,nettr I'inc, $1 per month.
Dwclllnjr house on Twellth, near
Walnut, 0 rooms.
Store room on Levee, above Kljihth
street $20 per month.
Dwelling hoiuo on Sixlli street mid
Jcffci-Kou avenue.
Upper floor of brick building on
Coiumerclal avenue, above Tonth street,
very deflinble,
Itooms In various parts ot tlio city,
Lands, iu tract to suit, near Cairo.
8fht $
Tlll'ltSDA V, DKCKMBKU23, 187P.
E3AII "' "r adrartlalntt, me dus Hint pay
Traualiid ndvrrllidng trill Iw limn led at tliw
rate of 1 J cr'iure fortlie first IiimtIIuii
niul 6 cntd for each aulMwiucnt one. A liberal
discount Will bo mj'lo on atniidhiK and display
C'tiui cli , .Society, Fcalhal and Shipper notice
will only lie lmcrted on advi-iHteim-nta
Kor iiiKertliiK Kunirul liotlre (I 10, Notice of
meeting of aocliticii or ecctet ordrra so rents fur
(vcli Insertion .
No mlvtrtlaeiiient will li received nt lesa tlian
fc) cents.
Local Bustncaa Notlcen, of
ten linen or more, Inserted
in thn Htlllfltln un follows
One Insortlon per line ft Conta.
Two Insertion per line.- 7 Conta.
Three Insertions per line 10 Coats.
Six lnaertloua tier line IB Cent.
Two wseka per lino 25 Conta.
Ono month per lino .10 Conta.
No Reduction will be made In uhove
Irfirnl Weitllu-r Kepart.
Ciino, III.
Tii a. I WimTT
V.', 175.
V.' J
.v.v I
I n. in
l.t. Kuln
frRejnt, SlKiial Serrlcc, U. ti. A.
To Item.
Cottage 011 l.'HIi attCL't, live room, jooil
cUtern, etc. Kii'iulro of DilSmiiii
Local JutlliiK1
Shun tramp'.
Thieves are plenty.
Gloomy weather.
I'robate court In f c?Ion.
Our public jchools are lloitilOiln.
Wort; on the levie Mispcndcd on 11
count of wet weather.
The county Jail contains thirty-one
Grand liitieh at "Our Saloon" to
night. . 12-15-11
Captain John W. Trover was in the
city yesterday.
Frrsli lliillluioro ftlicll ojstersnt
ilia lliiulvrs' lluiisa. II-'JH-II
Choice New Orleans sugars and syr
up-! at the New Vork Store. 12-5-201
Colonel Watklns of Mound City, was
down to Cairo yesterday. ,
Klt.erald was much better
New rails on the Cairo and Vin-
crnnes track on Commercial avenue.
The suloou-kccpers meet to-ulht in
ICIebV hall, on Commercial avenue.
No more lectures until after the holi
Trains 011 the Cairo and St. Louis
railroad were a little late yesterday.
The county commissioners will meet
again on Tuesday, January Ith.
For groceries ol every kind, go to
Louis II. Myers', 113 Commercial avenue.
12-1 l-tf
Drunken men ticro plenty yester
day. Christmas sprees are. It aimers.
to lx! larger this year than uual.
lie sure and come to the grand lunch
at "Our Saloon to-night.
12-1 5-If Im:i. Hoi'iiKiNis.
Come one, come all, and eat ol the
grand lunch at "Our Saloon" to-night.
12-15-tr Fiiku. Horiti:iN-i,
Laborers on the new levee will re
ceive their pay on Friday evening, 21th
Ladies wishing to purchase under
wear for themselves or children, can get
jut what they want at Burger & Co's,
124 Commercial avctiHc. 12-19-lm
Ai.-orted colors Granite I'aper with
Knvelopes to match, at the HUi.uiu
uiii... tl
Seidell Irniu's celebrated troupu at
thu Atliencuni Saturday (Chlstmas) night.
The play "Big Bonanza."
.Madame lient.'s female minstrel
troup at the Athencuiu Friday even
I tit'lllM
Filty cents, nt Winter's Ga'lery.
Attend the annual ball of the Hiber
nian lire company at Schcel's hall, on
the evening of the 28th.
Mr. G. W. Hendricks has charge ol
thu construction of the new sidewalk 011
Sixth street, between Commercial avenue
aud Ohio levec.
Stuart & tSholson are offering an ele
gant lino of black silks, which they de-
siru to close out, and will oiiertheui, dur-
ug thu holidays, at llrst cost. 12-Wi-u
Oil cloths mid carpets, mid In fact
everything heart can wish for;, canjhe
found by calling on Burger it Co, 121
Commercial avenue, 12-10-1 111
Judge Green Is engaged as one of the
counsel tor MaJ. Kuykendall In the Har-
kei-Kuykendall contested election eae,
now on trial in the Johnson county cir
cuit court.
Found A wallet, containing a small
sum ol money. The owner can obtain
It by applying to Hubert Adams, al the
Kgyptlan Mills. 12.22-1 w.
Table linens, napkins, towols aud
bed spreads of every kind, aud to suit
tile wants of every person, can bolottnd
in great abundance at Burger & Co's,
121 Commercial avenue. 12-Ui-lin
The ladles of the F.plscopal church
rtts requested to meet at the church this
morning at nine o'clock, 'iho rector
would be glad to have a largo number
respond to this Invitation.
CiiAiitXH A. Giii.titr, utetor.
Stuart & fiholstm up olleiing an ele
gant run, of hidlei' cloaks, inailo ex
pressly to, tm,mi t pilccs guatiinterd to
bo lower tha., clsewhore, 12-2-It
Mr. Joseph u. Kuykendall ot Vienna
was In thu city u btislness yesterday.
Mr. Kuykendall Is oa, 0f tho active busi
ness men of Vienna, .nd an excellent
Situation wanted To On house work
Iu a small fatuity, or second work In a
prlvnto family or hotel, Apply nt tho
Witverly House ol Mits, Gakcnkv,
It Proprieties.
Choice Michigan cider for calo al Ihr-
New Vork store, by Iho tpiait, gallon
and barrel ; also K. A W. Sell KMn
Bucl.wlieat Hour, very choice.
10-12-ltMOt. ( .0. 1aii:ii:ACo.
James May, lor being uitini;, was
taken up by Ollleers Wooten and Sat
gent. James appeared belon; JuUlcc
Bird, plead guilty, was lined two dollars
and col, paid It and discharged.
1 lio.AlcMinilcr :otliil llitnl. Mills
'IihiiU)'iiii till Hie irliirlinl elllen of
i:iii-nie, nml 11 1 1 ends to the eolleclloii
orelnlins mid cHlules. esiiorlallly In
Oeriumi.V. 1 1 -'J 1. 1 in
Hosiery, gloves, nubias nnd scaifs
in great abundance, and at the very low
est prices, at Burger t Co's ; 12 1, Coin
moreial avenue. 12-lti-lm.
The street nosings nro, iu many
places, almost impassible. Thu Jail
gang, II Ihe jailer hits a gang, might be
employed to good advantage in cleaning
Teeth llllllllliorv Mirll nyslein ill
ttie IMiinleis' House, 1 1. 211
Hie story on the second page ol
this mornhig's Bi'i.i.niis' Is an Interest
ing ono. The "heroes" of IliU story arc
Mcssr. WINon, Saunders and Sainmon
county eomml-isloucrs.
Thu tastes of Iho tmi't lastidiotK lady
can he satlslled by calling on Burger it
Co, when they want laces, embroideries,
linen, cull's or collars. Their stock U
superb and complete. 12-19-lm
' r -ll-Jt--1
children'-, shoes, of the latest styles and
finest material, and very' cheap, are on
sale at Burger it Co's, 121 Commerciti
nu'iiuc. 12.1:1-1 in.
-David Wallace and 0. If. Kclzer,
charged with being "drunk and ilNor
deily," were up before Justice- Mil il ycr
tcrday morning. Five and dimming
was thu amount booked against them.
They "went over" for four days each.
For splendid blankets, water-probfe;,
cashmeres and jeans, Call on Burger, 121
Commercial avenue. 12-19-lm.
Stuart it.Gholson oiler 100 dozen
I. turn handkerchiefs at $2. $.'!, aud$l
per dozen. A great bargain. A dozen
of these handkerchiefs would make a very
appropriate holiday' present for either
ludy or gentleman. Come early, as they
are selling rapidly. 12-2-I-lt
JuJt received from 'New Vork 2000
pounds more of tho-e Hue mixed French
candies at twenty-llvo rxnt per pound at
I'iiii. II. S.U'r'H,
Corner F.lghth street and Wellington
avenue. 12-22-11
We learn that a heavy robbery was
committed atJonesboro 011 Wednesday
night. Mr. John W. Greer's Jewelry
store was brokoii into aud robbed ot a
Valuable lot of gold and sliver watches,
rings, sets, etc. L to a late hour lat
night 110 clue had been obtained of the
For ribbons and ties of every shade
and quality, aud muttlers of all kinds,
you should go to Burger C Co's, 121,
Commercial avenue. They havo lust
what you want, aud will not lail to please
Ton. I'J-l'J-lm
-The ladles ol the Methodlit church
arc preparing a jolly tune lor the little
ones on Christinas evening. The "en
tertainment" will take place in Thorn-teii'-
block 011 Tenth street. The exer
cises will consist iu singing, "candy,"
and a big romp for tho little folks.
Burger & Co. have on hand one of
tho largest, most elegant and fashion
able stocks ol drcs goods, silks aud pop
lins ever brought to Cairo. They have
put their prices down to the very lowest
notch, and buyers will, liud it to their
advantage to give them a call. 12-10-1 in
Mr. Thos. Bagnell informs us that
owing to tho condition of the ground,
they were unable to work on thu new
levee yesterday. They have come to that
portion of the work where tho ground
is the lowest, aud consequently, iu wet
.ilr thu wettest. They hope to be
tble to resume wont lo-a..,..
There Is no merchant in Cairo wiio
understands more perfectly tho wauts of
our people than J. Burger, and 011 his
lat trip east, he purchased one ol the
most elegant stocks of shawls, cloaks
inel t'nr.s that could be found. Give him
a call and look at them, whether you buy
or not. 12-lf.lm.
Ladies' and children's knitted jackets
with and without sleeves, of all imagin.
ililc styles. In this vast aud varied stock
none can fall to bo suitvd, as the prices
range, uniilrens sicks Irotn uO cents .
ladies' Jackets from SI up, to suit your'
selves. 12-13-lw Huii.nito.v it Wun..
Sam Webb and Al. Holloway, steam-
boatmen, got on spree on Tuesday
evening, anil iu thu course ol their ram
bles fell into the bauds of Olllcer Andy
Cain. Yesterday morning they put in
an appearance beforu Justice Bird, who
llucd them two dollars aud cots oath,
which they paid.
II you want an economical heating
stovo for wood and one of thu handsom
est stoves iu the market, with illumina
ted front, buy the improved Kveuing
Star which took the blue ribbon tit St.
Louis Fair hist October, over all others
011 exhibition. For sale by C. W. Hen-
derson, 191 Commercial avenue, Cairo,
IUinoN. ll-SS-d-lm
Gcorgo Baxter, colored, was arrested
yesterday by Chief Gossinan. Baxter's
girl, u wench named Llzzlu Moss, went
"back on him," and In order to get even
he caught her and gavn her 11 good beat
ing. Thu court decided (hat the. gill had
a right to throw oil' on Baxter If she
wanted too, nud that hu had no light to
tuaku a fuvs about It. Baxter will clean
street crosslngn for three days.
Cards ot Invitation to the grand hot,
Iday phantom party to bu given nt Lib
eral hall on thu i:enlng of tho 20th, will
bo sent out lo-day and to-morrow.
Thu names of thu gentlemen comprising
tho reception committee am Louis
Schuekei.s, (.'has. Mason, W K. Hawkins
and Herbert llarrell. l loor managers.
II. F. Blake and Frank I'ecl.er. Arrange
ments for an elegant oyster supper in thu
dining room ol the Bi'i.i.ktin building
have been made. It
Wallace,, tho man who forged the
checks 011 the box and basket company,
seems to hay gono Into thu forging bus
iuess with thu determination of making
all hu could out ol of it. Yesterday two
more victims of Wallace's r.i'e.illly were
beard from. A saloon kivper on Com
mercial nvciitic, near Eighteenth street,
had purchased 1111 eighteen. dollar cheek,
nud "French Louie", look a smaller one
In payment lor good.
The mot acceptable holiday present
to a housekeeper would be a patent llour
chest mid bread-table. This neat article
will hold two hundred pounds of Hour,
about seventy-live pounds 01 meal, nud
thu same nmouiil of Buckwheat or Gra
ham Hour; contains two bread-boards, al
ways In place, n rolling-pin holder, a
kneading trough, 11 yea-d box and n bread
closet, and when elo-ed lorms a kitchen
stde-board or Ironing table. It stands on
castors, and is ornamental, l'rlee, deliv
ered, $12. Orders may be leltat L. IT.
Myers' grocery store, or n'Jdrecd to
J. l'OMKIt Ih:i,v,
12-KMf 1'. 0. Box 718.
Thriiimu ll.mln w its !.trre-tcd veter-
day by OcputJ-SherllV John Sheehan, on
11 warrant sworn out by a wench named
Mary I'dltt. Like MUs IMItt's, Harris'
physiognomy is something thu color of
coal tar. Harris hud "one to see MUs
Petit! ; she got hohlol his money and re
fined to give It back to him, but ran out
of the house. When she returned she
had htr arms full of dry goods, pur-
cha-rd with Harris' cash. Harris irot
mad, threw the goods into tho street,
' 'vwmi.I..,I l,v orM-imxntMIii) ivtltt'.s
countenance, a job he performed in Inc
'highest style of the (manly) art." Be
sides losing his money, Harri-" wa? lined
live dollars, which hu paid.
As an evidence of what energy, per
everance, liilr dealing, and a lice use of
printer's ink will do, w e rcler our readers
to theinanimoth establishment of Messrs.
Hellbron e Well, on Commercial avenue.
The proprietor- nre both young men,
but we venture to say have become as
widely known during the lew mouths
they have done business here as any of
our older merchants, lo fully appre
ciate how large their imtronairc lias
rown, It Is neeessaiy to spend a half
hour in their storo at any time of dav on
any day of the week. Clerk" and pro
prietors Hud no time for rest. These
gentlemen started out, taking "rock bot
tom" prices for their motto, and a pres
ent of a calico dress with every seren dol
lar worth of goods sold. Knowing
their plan would bu understood and re
warded, they at once set to work through
the newspapers and by postern to make
it known to the people, and the result
has overreached their highest an
ticlpitlou. They poe" another
great advantage In having
iu their store dry goods trimmings and
notions, and everything that a customer
may call for at low prices, while their
ready made clothing, hats, caps, boots and
shoe department Is utiequaled In stock
aud prices.
Of holiday gilts they have every de
scription, at pi ices to milt the slimmest
or longest purso.
We take great plea'uro iu writing thu
abovu couiuicdatiou, aud in recommend
ing Messrs. Jlellbron it Weil to the pub
lie. '
STCAKT .t GIIOLSON arc ollering
for sale, at the lowest Hgure-", a very lino
stock of Fancy Goods, such as
Gloves, Handkerchiefs,
Tics, Hosiery.
Collars, etc.
Bought expressly for the holiday trade
They are also determined to cloe out
their stock of Diti:ss Goons before the
Spring trade opens aud they call atten
tion to this opportunity of purchasing a
tine Holiday Present for wife, daughter
or friend, 1 2-2:1-It
Uysiei r cuh
WI.ITKira Ilf.OC.'K.
We will sell, hereafter, our goods nt
tkc following prices, and solicit tho pat
ronage of the public:
Family brauds, por can 35 cent-.
Staidar Is, per can 15 cents.
Select, per can 50 cents.
Select, extra, per can 55 cents.
Tub oysters, per 100 $1 00
Chicago Trout and Whlte...ll cts. per lb.
Game, Pan Fish. ... 10 and 12 cts. per lb.
Of all descriptions constantly on hand,
consisting of wild turkey, squirrels and
Family groceries very cheap lor cash.
ii:a and coi'rin:
Made a pccalty. Give us a trial.
Cheaper than the cheapest.
12-:i-tf. Wm. Wixtkii, Jn., it Co.
nni'.AT AnitAcnoK rou Tim homdavs:
Wu are showing an elegant II nu of
gloves, hosiery, collars and cuds ; the
largest nud most extensive stock of ladles
ties In Uiu itiy,-ogcii iiium endless
variety of fancy goods, bought expressly
for the Holiday trade. All of which mo
olle.red at prices that wu (it'AUA.vri'.i: to
be lowor than can hu iound elsewhere.
I'itit lliiudieil l.iidies' lleuver CIoiiKm,
Wu are going to. sell them at pi lees that
will enable every lady to own n stylish
ind well madu "raiment. A good beaver
cloak from $2 50 to. $25.
12-lH-lw IlKll.llllON it Wi:n..
do See Tlieiu.
Under Brothers, luwelers, corner of
F.lghth street and Washington avenue,
is nun of the oldest and mot reliable
business, linns In Soulhtiiii Illinois. They
have thu best ol workmen In their estab
lishment, aud inauufacturu to order any
thing In their Hue with dispatch and or
thu linest material. Their stock or Jew
elry Is elegant and is ouu of thu largest
and best ever brought Into thu State.
12-5-1 in
Probate Court.
tteeot.Hicr 'ieiiii, mr.l-Jiuljcn lliosn,
'I he following hulne was transacted
In probate court yesterday :
P. G. Schtih vs. estatu of John II.
Wild; aMimpit; demand $H 00. C'lalin
allowed, and to be of third class.
Mlics W. Parker vs. sainu estate; n-suinp-dt
; demand, $500. Continued lo
next term or court.
Dr. G. 0. Parker vs. suno estate; iis
suinplt; demand $21. Claim allowed
ami to be of II It li cliis.
Guardianship ot Sophrotila K. Lee,
minor heir or Cho-dcrlleld I.. Lee, de
ceased. Guardian appeared and made
oath that no property had conic Into his
hands as such cuardlau, and asked to bu
relieved from nuking report, nud thus
ave expense. Bequest granted.
INtale of.Nnthanlal Holmes, deceased.
Lniimuel IIoline, iuluimi-tiator. Petition
and bond preontcd,approved and ordered
ol record ; anil letters of administration
ordered to Issue. Thos. Mirtln, J. 11.
Martin and Huirh Willis appointed tip.
Guardianship of Narela Holiness, mi
nor heir ol Nathaulal Holme-. Beport
approved and ordered ot record.
K-tatu of Abraham Williams, deeoaed;
Geo. 1- isher, ndmluWlrator. Honor L of
sale of real estate ; report approved, and
!"" mid ,-idinIulstrator continued,
(iiianllnnsliip of Jane 1.,
child of Dyos T. Parker, deceased ; It
II. Cunningham, guardian. Petition and
bond for letters approved, and letters 01
dered to Nne.
Court adjourned until it o'clock this
morning. .
Adjourned Meeting.
Cor.NCII. t'llAMUKIt,
C.Mito, Iu,., Di:c. 21, 1875.
Present Ills HonorMayor Wiiiter;and
Aldermen llnlllday, Nellls, Bitten-liou-e,
Parker, Wright nud Voeum-0.
On motion of Alderman Halllday thu
reading of the revised ordinances was
suspended In order to present tho follow
ing communication :
l o tliellty Council nt the City of Cairo i
GKXii.r.MUN for the nurnou of Hav
ing the men and teams working on Hie
new icvco u portion oi me amount clue
for work done this month, I would re-
lieetlitliy um; lor thu sum ol onu thou
sand dollars on account of this months
tlmate and to be deducted therefrom
when made. Tho sum herein asked for
to be applied entirely as above Indi
cated. Bout. I'.aii.nui.i.
Contractor on new levee.
By Tiujs. I'.aiim.i.i..
Cairo, III., Dec. 21, 1875.
Alderman Halllday moved to allow
tho amount, and an order bu drawn on
tho 2th Int. Carried, by tho following
vote :
Ayes-llalllday, NcllK Paiker, Illt-tcnhou-ic.
Wright and Vocuui 0.
On motion of Alderman Halllday, the
re.ullng of the revised ordinance- was
taken up.
ChapWrs C, 7, and S, of ordinance 1,
were read at length.
On motion of Alderman Parker, coun
cil ndjournud, to meet .Monday, I ee. 27th,
ut 7::t0 p.m.
W. F. Axi.kv, CItv Clerk.
are ollering tlieir entire stock ol dre.s
goods tit iniccs that will speedily clear
them out. Now Is tho time to buy an
elegant holiilar gift at an uxtrcmelv low
price. ' 12-2:i-lt
rot- iiviii.
Thu saloon In thu Grand Central hotel
will be lor rent by the 1st of January
next. For particulars apply to
Wm. WiriZKi., Proprietor.
20-1 2-22-101
IIomn Tweed found Dead.
Thu New Vork' llcmld of thu l'.llh
makes no mention of this, but the C'tdro
Boi.i.inis doe mention tho fact ih.it
ilcJIbroti .t Well Is tho cheapest place In
the city to get your Holiday goods.
Old tints.
Old hats made new by Mr. S. L.
Hodge, fashionable hatter, who Is at tho
Arlington lloitu to remain only a few
days. Take your battered old "plug"
and "stove pipes" to him aud I hey will
bo returned to you looking good as new,
with stylo changed to thu "latest agony,"
rot- only onu dollar. 12-22-1 f
For Mule.
Hudnttt's Grits, (line) $1 50
" " (coarse 1 50
" Hominy I 20
New Orleans Sugar ; 7 S&H
New Orleans Molasses 50tOS
C. M. Howuit Bi:o.,
12-in-tf 131 Ohio Levee, Cairo.
Lease llxpirluu;.
Our lease expiring the 1st of the year,
to save expenses we shall lor the halaucu
ol this mouth sell our Immense stock of
mens and boys' clothing, Irrespective o
value to get It Into Immediate cash. Un
usual bargains may bu expected.
Hmr.uno.v ,t Wr.n.
1 12 and 1 1 1 Commercial uveiie.
Attention, Nulttuii.Ucciicrs.
TIlCIO W'Tll l)U tx inuiUili! ot tllU .at"""'
keepers of Cairo at thu hall of the Cairo
Cashin, In he Klob'a building, on Coiii
iiierelal avenue, 'between Lieventh und
Twellth streets, on Thursday, December
2.1d, at 7:!t0 o'clock. All saloon-keepers
In Cairo are requestud to attend, as bus
iness of Importance will come before the
ineutiug. 12-22.21
'III.. i'liHiitoit.utlo Color.
Black contlnuei to be thu stylish color,
nnd many ladles of umpiejtloned good
taste Irnvo adopted It as their standard
wear. There Is no doubt that a good
black silk dress Is the very best Invest
ment that any lady can make. Any lady
who wishes to make such an Investment
should call at once on J. Burger & Co.,
who have nu excellent assortment of
black silks which they nro ollerlug as low
us the saino goods can bo bought to-day
In New York city. Ladles are invited, to
call and so lor themselves.
Prices Speak Louder than Words '
'Greatest Inducements Ever Offered to Customers
Kverybody In Invltod to Call and I'xamlno our Immense Stock of
Which Muat bo Roducud In the next Thirty Days.
All Dress G001I3 anil Silks Rotlucetl in Price 1
Shawls, Cloaks and Furs Marked Way Down!
Wo are Dotnrmlnod to Reduce our Stock, and Prices will not SUnd in our Way I
Woolen OoodB, Nubian, Scarfs, Jackets, etc., at a Great Sacrifice.
Blankets, Flannels, and Domestic Goods at Prices novor
thought of before Our Stock of Hosiery, nnd Qlove
iacuuccu toijowcst .riKurea, nna unprecedented
uargains in
If ho, call on us for LadioB1, Misnos' and Children's Underwear, for
Fancy Goods suitable for Holiday Presents, for Silk
Tics and Scarfs, and for Ribbons.
Eurn it by buyinc Ladies'. ChlVlrc:i's nna aiisUB- ownum Mndo BUoea
at Our Houso. Extraordinary Bargains in HU"
it, ix. rr. ix.
Crtlr Ti 7 -I '
rillftmrc n XI II
(.ineimmtl It 8 I I
Louisville 7 1 4
N.iilivllli- il to 11
ht. Uliii B 1 X :i
KViiimlllc (i 0 n li
Ml!lllll- II 111
VIcknlini'K '.'1 10 . :! I
New Orli-tmit 11 li I
'erKi-iiiit, Signal en lee, V. fi. - .
1'i.rl I.lsl.
Steamer Jim FUk, Padueah.
Vint Shlnkle, Cincinnati.
Steamer J iiu Flsk, Padueah.
John Gllmore, Ohio livor.
Vlht Shlnkle, Memplils.
'f'hu Capitol City went sailing out of
the Ohio Into the Mlilsslppi, for St.
LouKyestJrday morning.
The good steamer Julia, Captain
Blake, has laid over until to-day, when
she will leave lor Vlek.-burg. Don't for
get it.
The city of Alton has laid over until
thUday. She will depart for New Or
leans tills morning, offering excellent ac
commodations to Ireiglil nud passen
gers.' For particulars apply to Iho olll
eers on board, or atHalUday &ThnUp'
wharf ImuiL.
'I'll, .ffilili P. Tnlln U )rl,.r - !
idone depot with her tow, -wafting for
The CKy ol Alton will leave with
about 1500 tons,
The Vint Shlnkle arrived fiom Cin
cinnati yesterday morning at 11 o'clock.
Shu had a very good trip of both freight
nml ivisseiiL'crs. and utter retting some
freight. here, wont on her way to New
Walter B. Pcnniugton, clerk ot tho
steamer Arkansas Belle, was married to
Miss Olliu Sloan, ofGoleonda, yeMerdsy.
May thu lives of tho uewly wedded
couple bu long, happy and prosperous,
Is thu sincere wish ottlie Bi'i.i.ktin.
Halllday Brothers have sigalu got
thu Cac.hu back, as good as ever, aud
ready for work".
ri'Uo AnVAMId WftS ttJ.naVtillltl'l.i.
villi' yesterday for .ew Orleans.
Heavy ice Is putting a stop to
gallon hi thu upper Ohio.
The Waruer and barges left
Orleans for the Ohio yesterday.
The Iron .Mountain and tow is on
the way from Pittsburg, bound lor New
The Bismark was to have left New
Orleans for St. Louis yesterday.
Thu Jim Flsk will bring down an
excursion party from Paducali this after
Tho .Memphis Aval.uiho says it Isn't
fa-hionable now for steamboats to leave
that p irt for any direction, except by
Six thoti-and bales of cotton were
lauded at Memphis last week, by .11
Thu levy was very oidcrly yester
Thu Susie Silver paused, .Memphis on
Sund'iy, lully hulcn.
The John F. Tolle will commence
loading to-day, preparatory to her return
to St. LottU.
Thu dim Fisk, on her way to Patlu
cab on Tuesday night, was delayed for
several hours by fog, and did nut arrive
at her destination until U o'clock yestur-
tl-ii ninriilllir.
'i'i,,.r..,ttr.i fi.tii.r. ."i-mvUrllt"Sir
lrtmlsywlH bo taken lo tho mailueways
at Caromlrlet for repairs.
Thu City of Oulticy begun loading at
St. Louis yesterday, and will clear tor
New Orleaus to-day,
Tho Colossal left St. Louis for this
port yesterday.
The Joe Kinney leaves St. Louis for
Vlcksbtirg to-day. Tho Bella Memphis
leaves that city lor .Memphis to-morrow.
Tho Carrie V. Ifountz is still In n
parllous condition at Liberty Island.
Cussliuvre VrnlerN
We have on linnd a large and well se
lected stock of wrappers, suits of tho
very best styles, nnd guaranteed equal to
any goods In tho country at double tho
money. No ono desiring to purchase
Christmas presents should (all to examine
our prices. Call early to avoid tho
crowd. lIwiiiitoN & Wkil,
Ladies' and Children's
nro offered.
Nnlo of Konl Etato,
The undersigned oilers f6r sale lots To.
- ia ami 1 1, in block No. 20, Iu tho city
of Cairo, together with a cottage situ
ated on said lot,, at a low figure. For
further Information, call at tho residence
ol tho undersigned. j0JIX wCiiki:l.
To merchant!, liquor dealers nnd team
sters :
All licenses expiring Dcccmbor 31st,
1875, must bu renewed on or before Jan
uary 1st, 1870.
All liquor dealers whoe license ex
pire December. "Jlst. 7875, are hereby no
llllcd to Hlo bond at clerk's ofllce on or
before January Ith, 1870, at which time
the city council will taku action thereon.
W. F. Axi.uv, City Clerk.
A Mo. 1 I.muiilrj.
It Is now conceded that Mrs. Coleman,
iho laundress. No. li Fourth street, b
tween Wellington CommerclaUvenues,
has ono of thu best conducted laundry -t.thllv!mii.uts
in tho city, and landlords of
hotels and boarding houses will tlml It to
their advantage to call upon her.
Her j. rices arc as follows: Hotel and
lioaiillng-hoti-io washing, "5 cents per
dozen. Fot plceo work prices are
us follows: Single stiltt and col
lar, 10c; per dozen 80c; socks 5c; two co 1
lars, Re; two handkorchlefs, 6c; vests 20;
and all gentlemen's wear, 8Qe. per
dozen, l.adlei' drosses, 25 to C0c;
klrta 10 to ti0c; drawers 10 to 15e; two
pair hose 5c; two oollaraO to lOe. For la
dies' plain clothes ft 00 par dosn-, lor la
dles tine clothes, 1 35 per dozen; dons
drowptly, and nromptlr deHvered. Pa-
trnijn anllAltsn 8-31lm
riirlstinnM l-rt-senia.
As usual, Phil Saup, the king of Cairo
confectioners, has come to tho lront rank
with the largest and best stock of toys
aud candies ever brought to the tlty.
For two weeks, ho has been at work
night nnd day, arranging the presents
and good things which have been arriv
ing dally in largo quantities, nnd hois
now prepared to furnish parents with
presents and sweetmeats for their little
ones suitable for Chlstmas presents, at
thu very lowest prices. Ills stock ot
French and American candies is une
qualled Iu Southern Illinois, and his
stock of toys Is unusually large, and of
the best and strongest make. No one
should buy before inspecting his store,
whore they will he sure to llnd what they
want. 12-5-lin
uill iuv HQ bills coutractAAby mj
employe of Tin: iiiLXKri.v, anion the
same is madu on a written order slgnsd
by tho president or secretary of the com
pany, and we will accept no orders given
by an employe of the company, for any
purposu wiiaisucvcr,
Caiiso Bt'i.t.KTix Company.
November 19. 1375. tl
Selden Irwin's
Snturdny, Docombor 25th
When will ! lunitmiM AiiKiiattan Daly's
lireut Srw Vuik Seiiitltou of the
ADMISSION Wand 75ont
trl'Sucmcerutsat llartnun's wltuont extra
cliire II MtKY DOUUISlS,
l.'.ji-'Jt Uentral Agaut,
Triumphant tour, after a series of brilliant en
KiiaeiiicuU in New Yoik. C'lilnwi. New Or-U-iuis
und the sjonlli, of tliejiutly cela-t-ratwl
Madame Renta'a
Can Can Dancer
from Uoblusoa Hall, Nsw York. Adaullnc
array of U race ami iltatity nsrer before equated
tiuou the Americas sUk. AdiniasiooU sad Ti
cents. Iteierved seats l wj Tor aalt Hart
man's., V, It. SIIKItMAN,'
lMV-dlt. (leueral Aul.
rplIK lialf of s brick bouse, eon tain loir four
i;-ll-u. u I

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