aifo ii a. hn. I' llri.s, Prc-Mint II Wi 11. fiislili r I', Ni IT, lei' Pio'l. T..I In t tli, Ami mli'r He lUvIlrtitt, Corner Commerolnl Avu. rind Hlh 1trnl, OATno, xrjx. lilitTrTTnn V. Itrns, fulro u in. Mtin, fnlrit I' Scir, Culm. Wm Nolle, 'i 1 A Sll-annkn, lln. It l(. ItllllllKllcJ,! lilllfl. I',, nilrn II. Will, I nlro. F II. Ilrliil.iiiuii, -I. Is.nls, A llriieilll Itillllilnir ItllSlllfSH lllllll'. Jfr.vrh.iiigi' ninl IkiiijIiI liiletcsl pul.l In llic failings liipitrliiiinl. riilli'i'lliim iiuiili', mm mi no-iuess pnuiipii) uiicuueu in. THE City National Bank CAIRO, ILLIWOia. CAPITAL, $100,000 omcsi. W I' HAI.I.IIIAV, I'lrBrtlont. III. Mir I.. MAI.I.II'AV, VIrut'rrM. A II KAFFiHtH, Uuhbr. WAi;n;it iirni.ui1, As' mukiiom H. Htiits Tavuih, li, II. Cok ihiiiam, II I, IUIMIiAV, W. I' II I I.IIIAT, I, II Wll.l.lAUION. SlKI'lHtl Mill, A . II. .Sachiko IJxolmriKO, Coin and United HtulcB JIoiuIh Hoii;ht und Hold. DLI'OSITH rcrclred aii'I a general lnmUnn humnoH dent, Enterprise Savings BANK. CHAHTKRED MAKOH 21, 1S09 CITY NATIONAL BANK. CAIRO - - nriictus: A II SAITOltD, I' M 't TAVL'III, Vlir Prtnldcnt. W, m-o'v and Treasurer. UtnuiniH: MV llArCt.VV. ClM. (ilt.HIUKII. r SI hmi ki-i.kTH, l'A"i.! Htuim, (.11 (.t'UM.UAM, II I. llAI.UIMV, J. .. 1'IIILI.II . JN Tl 111. ST l cm ielt ut the rate of t lK-rci t lMTttiinum, JIaruli lt and iijtliii jrr I t I it- rwt not wittotniMn Is iid.lcd Home J ' .1, I', the prliirlstl ,X the depusitt, theitby n . ii ' tlit in ,inuoiiii.l lntciit Married Women and Children mny Deposit Money and no ono olso can draw it. Oprn fury tuitlnessdav troiutti ui n Nit nl.iy lunuigt fur iiiliuiliXIU iinlv I Mil I, to n o'l lock W. H YS.OP. Trnnirr CHOICE PERIODICALS IS?- ItfC. The Leonard Scolt Pub. Co,, 01 2Al'.:iiAY CT...1IEW YOl'.K, continue their i.'fWi';. It '!) Iiilr- i.l llic i.DiMiiriKiii iti;s i i:v-w inc. LONDON QUAIM'KIII.Y I i 1-. V I l:V- on scrvatlvc. VK.SI.IIN.STKIt Ui:VIKV Liberal. iiitirisii t,ii.i:Ti:ui.YUKvn:v -r.vs.r- I'cllial. Containing; maMeilv -rllli'1iii- ami siiuimu lies of all lliat Islivh u'.id valuable in Uleruturr, tMciiee.aml Ail ; anil BLACKWOOD'S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE. Tho uiii-t powrrlul monthly in Ibo Lngllsli Language, famous lor S't'oltl l". YS, ami .SKrlirillW, OF THE HIGMC.'.T tlTCIIARY MEtllT. TKIIMrt (InilililliiK ro-taf!!');: Payable Strictly imAdvajicc. I'or any ono Kovlow, J I no per aninini For any two Km lews, 7 no " , or any thrco Ituvlews, Ioimi Kor all lour liovluivs, lunu " r'nr lllackwood's Maga- zinc, 4 00 " l'or lllaokvvood ami one Kmiuw, " 00 " l-'or Hl.tckwnod ninl two KavlcwD, 10 CO " Knr lllavkuiioil anil tliroo ltiilows, HI (. " Kor llliu kwooil anil tliu lour KoviuWH, " CUIUS. A ilUcniint oftwonty pT cent, will lio a. loweil to club of four or iimro persons: Tliiirfi four viplcH ol lll.ickwooil or of ono Uuviow will lio runt to ono adilrcH (or ?ia 80, (our rnplp of llio four Hovlewn ami lllackwooillor ils, ami fo on. Circular wltlifiirtlior iiat may lit linil mi iipiillcalion. TIIK l.l.'oNAItl) SCOTT l'lllll.'Nd CO 41 lluruhv Street. New York PIIYSH'I.INN. "YIIMAM It. BMITU, M. D. UKSllHJNCi:: No. '.'1 'llililcrnlli kiml, lio twiiii WiMliliiKlcmuM-miiMiiul Walnut flriit OrriCKt Nurlli dhlc nf KU'litli fctnvl I'f twrrn Con.nii n lul ami WufcliltiKlou nvt-liu. Q W. DUNNINQ, M. D, llKHIIIllNC'i:1 Corner Ninth und Walnn lltt'tii, OrTICHt Coiner HMU Khiit und tthln Unco, UOtlltS! I'l'iiinOii in. I - in , und ham 'J to p.m. VOL. 8. iicti. i:sta rr. aoknt. JOHN Q. HARMAN & CO. Real Estate AND house A-G-rEisnrs COLLECTOHr'. '0NVEYANCKUS, N0TAKIE3 PUBM0 r.niid AixntH of tliu Illinois C.intinl und JliuiliiKtoii und UtitDcy It. It. OotuDanlMK, North Cor. Slstk anil Ohio Leveo, OAIHO. ILLINOIS. .Hilton ii:ai.i:iin. R. SMYTH & CO., Wholfi-ttlr nn.l Il' lall I)nilr in FortJ(n iinl DoiuohIIo LIQUORS AMI. wi.b:s or am. it in its, No. 60 Ohio Lcvoo, CAUIO, ILL8. MlWIf SJ1YTII A. CO lue cotmUhtly a luit;r Mock of tl.r Iml K""' 111 inur Lct, mil) irlw viHrlal alU'litlun IuIIik l.oli,4il ranch ut tl.c t.u 1 1,.--- POND'S EXTRACT l'ho Pcojilo's Remedy. Tho Universal Pain Ext actor. Noto: Ak for Poml'n Extract. Take no other. "Il.-ir f..r I wIlHtHuk of f 1U tit tliiujca. FOR .Injlirlro to Man orlicutf, i VuUn, llruitcj. Slr.iluv, ftpnilns, Cunlu t alunn, llaIiritlon. I'riu liiri', (,uu, Ijicitu I twl or IucImiI Woumla H fllltiuw.llunii.hcnlila, I Miiil.iinn. h Illi cilln I.iiiiu"". or mi iittiiiK.riuvi T'1 line (iutiu or Tii'lh. VoiiillhiKor llliMiiluml HlfCll.irv'CA. I'll. - - llltvllior 1'iltn. llllmirilM, ( J !THilliiirlio,1.anw'hc,Siii- ral'la, Silll yaw. Hlll'llllllltlsltl, lthtuiiu f It tt fttllm. r.r SI.irf,i..i . KXTIlKT iMIIIIIIKM or on'Ma. 1.1111111.1'), uiinc nacK Nnri' Tliroitt ortiuimy, I Itillniiict'luntlla. .I)litlii'rln. Ilronclil 1 Aithniii. Sort-or Inllainol Kyts or Kyi-liiU ,'ntiii i Ii, Uiuorrhca, Diarrhea, I)yntcry. Sure .Miil , lulluliud llrnut I'liliifiil or too l'roftiiv 1 MouthliM Hill, l.i'tf. otarinn Dls-m-v and 'luinnrd. PEOPLE'S; REMEDY, I on EXTERNAL AMI INTERNAL USE. Kiiliii'y ('iiiiiliilnl, liraivl and Slrat.Iury. li.iliiiu. und Kxcoriu tlcin.i of Inlantd, or Adult iti-ini. Vln. Kn lniK"l or InlliiUH'd Vcliiri I'li-. iP. Old .Niii'.-, Intir- iiil I'li'i ratliniA ItnlU, 1'ull'UMclin, Tu- iiidr-, Illn4.-i l oi ns und ItiinhiiH, l.hiil il nr .ii' r.t t 'Itnf i iik) Inriu-nj ir Snd- (111- (.Hllrl. r.'lon nr WhitliiM , rri.H- i l.llntm or l'ui tn. Hilxillllo llllc, lllnci'l I blink's, Cliaiil HnmU. I'liMI'S i:.V'lllATMIuriili-tiyiill I'lrxl 4'lims Itriiituloto. and riroiiiini'ndotby all DrnnKiM. riiynirUim, and vrry linily uhnlllix ' lln-illl. r.iiiiilih l mnt.iliiliii; lll.tiiry and Ufi mull i !( mi ii'illr,.tioii, 1 T not luillid utji.i'r UlUL'L'Ut'rl, POND'S EXTRACT CO., N't'U Yurk mill l.oiiilnu. tri-r.-n-div ", i'iiii.ll I'lilorliil llmliiryur I lie Inn-" "1'Imi Im'hI. i'lii'itirl. Mini III. lit !.,ll'f'-MHllll I'lllllll) I'lllHT in tin. irui HARPER'S WEEKLY. 1 1 1 IISl I'M It'll. NOIICKH OP 'till! I'ltKHS. Tim Wcidily Ik tlio alilit and innst pnw trl ill lllnlratcil periodical puhll'licil In HiIh country. Uh editorials aro ncliolarly mill eonviiieiiii;. and carry much weight. Ilh illutratloiiK of current iciit nrn lull and tri'ii), ami uro' prepared liy our liontdu hiKnern. Willi a circulation ol ir.0,0U0. tlio Weekly Ik read ut luimt by half a inilllon ucrnotiH, and Its Inlluunco u mi ortran ot opinion f. tlmply trciiKiidnus. Tlio Week ly inalntaliiH u poiiilvu portion, ami ex prenyl' ilecldcil views on political and n elal prolileins, JiOulBVlllti Courier-Journal. lit nrllcKn nro modelii of high-toned din-cm-Ion, ami its pictorial lllutration uro nltcn corioliorativo i,rf,'iliiiriitH of no Miiall force. N. X. Kxuiiilncr and Clirouiclo. Its papers upon existent ipicst'nns ami its iiiluiitutilu eartooiiH help to mould tlio cu tlmcnts ol tlio country. Httsbun; Com merclal. THIOLS : 1'ontugo freo to HUlmcrlbRrn In the United Btaie.i, Ilarnci'H Wteklv. ono ycir ft 00 Tour dollars ineludos prepa)ineut of U. S. liotaso by tlio publishers. wiK......nlliiit, tn ll.iriinr'4 W nf.ft'liin. VS'uekly, und llazar, lo ono nddresH tor ono year, 910 (H); or, two of Harper's reriodi cals, to ono mlilress for ono yoar, 97 (Ml; poslauo free. An extra copy of tlio Jlairazlnc, eekly, or llazar will bo Mipnlied Krat'x for tuery club of llvn suliecrlbers at 91 00 eicli, hi ono reiultlnucoj or, six copies lor fio w, . wlthoui ex la cojiy; postage free. Ilaikniimburs canbohUMilIcdataiiy tlino. Tlio annual volumes of liarper'n Weekly, i In neut cloth lilmlliiir, will bu mnt by oy. prcs, fno nt'uxpoiii-o. for $7 00 each, A fo'iniletu fet, enmpri-IllK elj,'liteen volumes, .entoii rceelptof cash ik the rto olfri 'it, per volume, I'rclK'it ntrWoexpen o ot tlio purchaser. ., , , U.rj"Ntiwpuppfs aro not to copy thin nl erllst incut williout tliu expicfs orders ot Harper A- Hiolhers. Offlcn, "Ou.llatl.xib "tSulldlncr, Csmn T-wl- Otxaat unl CAIRO, ILLINOIS. SUNDAY, MARCH 19, 1870. "LITTLE KITTY." A Vomit Woiiiiiii'm l,' Slory. i'lt Al't Kit t. 'He will be mre lo unit! before Hie mill iner In out," llltlu Kilty nald to be'wlf. She W " al)s callc.l Utile iiil'.t, al though iilui.dccn ycnr old, but tin- wan round ami i-ofl ami .relty ami petable, and looked like a little Kitten, no thu nunc and tlio adjective united her perfectly. And ntii' wai very rarefitl. In rpttc f.f many a timptatlot to the contrary, not to wear her now while urn ill ii drcit at the doctor's wile's or tin- lawyer's wife's party, anil noni: of hc rhc-t bows were hccii at church, I lio tin li on tinny i Sunday IhuMin ltoue o lirlnl.lly. It D-ciiit'd lo bo alimi.t iii'tillliig initio wear tlicni. KIiow.k keeping tlicm all for l!,e benellt of .lolin l.awrenco when ho next cainu to ilay at the Laurels, which he una Mire, to do r,n, lor ho ulwaj turnol up about tAl.o In n year. old .Mr. Hughes w.ii very fond of his liand'omc neplnw, who had not ton;,' at talnsd the elevated po-itlou of n Llctilen nnt in the artillery, and having no ton of hl own, and the estates bollix entailed, it was only natural Hut hefchould make milrh nrbUliclr. There wa unollicr reason, too, why old llitf;hcs tnado muih of .lolin lu: wanted h Im to marry hU .laughter; nay, It bad al ways been coii.ldcrod an a settled, though tiii.lct,ed tblux, that he should do -o, and l.eopte said that they .vcro cnaij-cd. Kitty believed this tjo-slp was all non-uen-c, for Caroline Huhei was tall and thin, with tw.hirj;e whlto teeth stlcVlnj; out In fro ,t of her mouth tbousli she was other wIo agreeable and, morcocr, whenever .lolin Lawrence caac to Crulord he made love to Kitty. He always did It In :i half. flamlcMlno fa-hion that annoyed Kitty ex ees.ively, and never paid her marked attention- before o'her people; still he did not love her, tlmt was certain, and she did not believe bo e.ircd for Caroline. Kitty did not nltcn go to the Lmrels. Kitty's lather AVas only a retired tollcltor, though well ot!, and Mr. and Mrs. and Mits llujjlii' ranked among tie big twelN of Crjgfonl. and only linited the profcf.slenal men and their wives once nr twice year lo dinner, anil lliclr daughters once or twice tn a bailor croquet parly. It galled little Kitty to think that this Mtcial diflcr. ence In their station at Cragford was per hajis the rcu'on why tho lovo that John Lawrence inide to her was tlandistitie. Tiior little Kitty! flic bad not a Aery nice time of it at horn?. M ran't lni'gine why you do not gho Mr. ll.ierstock more encouiagcmeiit," Mrs llorton h.t always a)ing to her. "Ho will be snapped up soon, lor there arc vi ry few chances lor a gill In thl. iIcjJ alive place." Mr. Ilaver-tock was ayoitng -uigeonwho had itttleil down in Cragford ubnut a jear prclitsl. lie wore pectacle-, bad thin b g-and red hair, and was not by any mean-a chinning oSJcct to behold. He was crj tlew.tol to Kilty, as all Cragford knew, but Kitty always snubbed un mercifully. "I driest him, mainnia." (Kltty'sJ papa had iit.c vpectdlv taken to blni'df a second w Ifc'iltiriug :i i-lt to Loudon about two via's siuco. and Kilt) called her luamma toph-aso him, but there wa no love lo-t between them.) "Why he's as ugly as it toad." "Ho is getting u very good practice." "I would rather marry the man In tho moon," and she fettled restlessly down to reid "Lalbi Uonkh'' for about the twenty loventh lime Hint jear. It was a beatitilully bound edition, radi ant In crlm-on and gold, an J illustrated wllli hcaulllul pictures protected hjtlMio p iper. Somebody had sent It anonymously to l itty on her last birthday. She declared she did not know whcio It j.iiiio from, ami Itwas iptlto true she didn't, but the could hac niiulo an excellent uuess it lio had till. I. CIIAl'IKI! II. Only a week later, and .John L'lwretico had arrived at the Laurel-. Mr. Haver stock brought the news, and when Kitty heard itshe looked mi sweet, tho Hirgeon felt encouraged und ventured tn nta) the e riling. There was only ono vexjng thing that lie had brought his liicnd Ml'. I'lelclier Willi him again. He hud accom pallid .John L'twrenee ou hlsla-t two it.-tn CriiKlord, and Kitty had IV! t on each occasion that he had been decidedly in the way, for whenever, ipilto by n.cciilent, .lolin had met her when she, was out lor a walk, Mr. l-'letcher had not been lar oil', mid shv had devoutly wished lilin ut Jcf. Icho. "1 hsar Mls Huglips' m.irrlugo Is to tamo oil' this Suuuiior," Mr. Iluvcrntock suld in his weak alto voice, ".mil l:ow' that thu yuttug geiitlcniau Is here, I dare ay It will be all arranged." "No doubt." mild Mrs. llorton, a little kpltellllly, lor tho bad noticed lilsattciltlous to Kitty, audleltthey boded her no good probubly put ridiculous ideas into her head, ami prevented her from accepting Ihelllun (nous Frederick, who was ready to throw hlimcll at her feet on tho hligh'cst prov ocation. "I Intro always heatd tint they wore very mileh attached to each otlicr." Mrr. Hotton had not heunl anything o tho kind; bu', no mutter sho was given to libblug. Tho eiy ncxl day tlio hero culled. Ho looked liauilsoincrlhancver, Kitty thought, HI- shoulders were broader, his hands big. ger, mnl bis face more sunburnt Ho t.ilki d . e.hlclly lo Mr', llorton, hill he kept liokiig ut'i'oHs at Kltly-'llial protty, innocent, round.faeml Kitty, wlt'i the sparkle lu her dowiicist eyes, and the Mil, Ii ou her dimp led ilici'ks till ho m.'ido her heart beat ! with liapiincss and oxclleincnt. "Ity llio way, Mls Kitty," ho said, mil ilrnly I'tiiiihllug In the big pocket o his lone tweed coal, "i hinc a nole for jou, Tht re's to he some croillet up at Hie Lau rels on Tile-day, itiul my uut wants yon lo poino." The white iutlltn ilrccit w:ls donnnl, and the coipictUh hat ami Hie llttlo iimkc-bc-llevo wraptwl-tcdnliout her ioiildcrn lo the best advantage, ami Kitty was ready lor tho parly at tho Laurel, she did look very pretty, even Iter stepmother secretly acknowledged. "Ilcmeinbir, Kitty, I ball cxppct jou hoincby seven o'clock. It l not rigid ror you to conic liter llirotigli lhee woods alone. Indeed. I think that Mrs. Hllgtits ought to h ive aked mo l chaperon you." "Yes, mamma," and Kitty went ou her Joj fill way. The woods Mr-. Morton ulludcil to Were private ones belonging to (lie I.itircN, but they iimlti a short cut lor Kitty, and saved her ii good half mllii of road. "l'erhapj he will come ami meet me," sho thought, shjly, and strained her c)cs to eateh sight ol his awkward liguro in the illiUintrr, but it did lint sppeur. Th'in .r cntly sho heard the distant church clock cl.ltiii! half.pist three. "There! I am much lo earlv. Wo were not even al.ed till lour. I know what I" do when I get turlhcrbti I'll sit down In a shady part of the wood, and wait till about lite minutes alter the hour. So she went ou, and when tlio was with in a itiartcr ot a tulle of the house, branched otr Into :i thick pirt ol tho wood, and fol lowed n sleepy stream that wandered on beneath thu till trees and among tho tan gled underwood, llecked with water lilies ami (ringed wiltiycllowirls, which nodded their golden heads to the sun. She foiled a iUlet lealv nook clo.o to its edge, und sat down and waited. Then suddenly throui;li the distant trcf " she tv coming along the edge ol the stream two ilgures those of a in .in and woman. Tlio one sho know at u glance It was John Lawrence; tho other -he aw, u ml onto later, was Ids coii-ln Caroline. With a bound, tier hcurl seemed to conic Into her throat. "It's Ml" Hughes' ,ho said to hersill; "and how nice sho looks, ami what n pret ty dress she has on !' She drew her white nmilln closor around her. and retreated a few Inches lurther buck behind the thick l.u-he, so tint thev miiiht pas.i her tini.creched, and waited' On tlipyeame, arm in arm, tilklng earn estly and in a low voice. Tho color lied Iroui Klttj's cheek J mid tho light died out ol her eve us she saw thrm. for mrelv only lovers walked as they did! They ttop- pen as mev go hhiiiii turce yams ol Klttj's hiding place, whllo Caroline Hu ghes stooped alnently to pickup one of tho yellow water-iris, and Kitty heard her tayi "Do you ktiow, John, I never liked you fo well a" I do to-day, and 1 thought you did not cure for mo.' "Ms ilear girl, 1 was always awfully fond ofyou. I think you ouglit to give me s ki ln make iii lor all the unkind thin; you have been esylng.' She put up her face, and Kitty looked away, lib a pain that almost made her cry. Then they pissed on, and were soon lost to Iew. Kitty did not move from her hiding place, and went to no croquet parly tliul iltctnoon. Mi-. llorton ahuoit screamed with tur prl?c, an hour Isltcr, when Kitty "Uddenlv appeared, her muslin dress crushed, the 1H--C In front of her drcs all f.ideJ, und her checks mid Hp" as white n the Ja-uittic about her head, as she stood in tho win d )v lending in from the garden. "Mamma, I fell III, and my head ached, an 1 1 down In tho wood, ami felt too ill to go on, and 1 have conn: hack.' "Didn't you -ce any one' Mm. llorton a-kcil doubtfully. "I have not spoken to a soul,' hc -aid, and went to lierroom, aylnghc wi-hed to lie down. In the ilu-k of the evenlm;. Kill) eaino ilnwntairs ugain, to llnd Mr. Il.iver.-tock talking wllli her lather mnl step mother. "We wcro talking of gelling married, Kitty, .Mr- llorton sild, m.iLliig wa lor her to -It down, but she starling at tho xr.nip before her, almo't. -is II in ndieam. 'Ami Mr. Ilivet'stnek says that ho would not marrv an heiress for tho world.' 'No. indeed I would not, .Ml-s Kilty. I should only ninrry because I loved tho niiug lady uml felt I could ill vote my life to her.' 'And why do you ovpect ti bo mirried, Mr. lUVers'toekV' she nsked, absently. lie thullled about uneasily, and uuswered in his squeaky voice : 'Well, I hope I hopa tho young lady will have an utl'ei Hon lor mc-e-e. Kitty would have Uughed at any o hsr time, fiilt now sho only started at him, and passed out into tho garden. hUc went through the galo and wandered ju-t u little way down Hie lane uga n, led Ing as if sho would give any thing to walk etrulght on and out of the weary worl I altogether. 'Kitty!' u well-known voico said soltly, and .lolin Lawrence appeared from behind a tree, ami btjodbeforo her In the dim light. 'I have been waiting hens ou llio mero chance of seeing you. Why didn't ou come to-duyV 'I was ill,' sho said, faintly. Mv poor little glil!' and ho drew her hand' through his arm. 'Why. what wan the matter!1' lint she shrank back, Nothing,' Mie mid, drawing herself up 'mile I inn L-iiIll'' borne.' Something is tho matter, now!' ho ex elulnio I. 'Why, Kitty, what Is It, my little darling? You have no right to speak to mo like that, she said, while the hopeless teiim tilled lief ev cs and trickled down hercheeks. What would your eoti-ln sujr von who aro engaged und going lo bo married. 1! I'm sure I'm not at lea-t it's not ar ranged yet though Caroline is going to be spliced. Ye", to yon. Oh dear! no, It's to l letcher. When I aw vou kl-s her this afternoon, and heard you'say you wcro nwlully loud of her. Well, what then 1 Sho d been telling me In eonildenco about Hetcher, and getting mo to maiiHge it with my uncle, who'd had some ridiculous notions in his head, and I was congratulating her and telling her what he'd said, and thought 1 doserved u cous inly kiss for my pain. Was that Ity "iiul, in nniaeinent. Yes, It wa, you little gooso, for he could not helti H'cltig the stale ot tho case and vou see, I've been hanging about here on the chance of seeing soft. I wauled to tell you how loud 1 am of you, you little darling; and ask you to bo toy "I'". Ami then he d i to MttVWllilt III had done to hlscotisiu Caroline In the afternoon and Hut never miii'l, "'e "tory is told, mid you can guon how pretty Mlty looked on the day fhu was mirried to her hern. II aoanV Maonoi-ia Hai.m iiiwi ves nnil restores llio t'(iiuih'.lH ; leiuiivos I'nrk-les-. Ian ami illuwuess ; inukos llio skin suit, while iiiul ilelliMle. Its nipleiltinti taiinot iMMk'lceli'il. :i-lO-ilwly.'rt IC.v'i ii uuoN innkes ln'tiiilll'iil, glossy, liiMirinnt liali'i ircveuts lis full liir out nr turning grtiy. Il liiisHlnntlllii! Ii'st of HI years, Is i lmi inlnxly peilunu'il, mnl Imsiioilvtil. ;t.iilwly "WuKlncrtos. ATnut. out, xxtsiiv. i'ni( prims, .,t: ' Why then do jolt watte money mi swindlers fn.tnul send lo Hie old reliable hi.iiBcor llnnt.r A l o. Lttatllslieit in Imji. WCMl..lvnll hoots, nil goods hiiiI at lowest rales, -end 1'i.rsiiiiiiMir these, 'Inink lull or I mi. rei Won- to win n Muiilliiurt, .HV t l.ol.h'ii Whft'l I'otllliie 'leller, lap t llm.k nl' Low lAltcrs, ,VW Iloxlng Alude Kasy, I V Morgiiii's .Masonry l;v.risd, ivipp. Illn-lrnlisl, Oop, How to wrilu short liuml, mv. How lo iimiiisp im evfiilng 1'iiity, :c liuuriiig nunc l.asy, 'H-1 Mow (iiiiiililcr win, tmp, 1 I.imii jem I'tinls. J ontl-liipranO, Korloiie 'lillliin i nl., litp.Miiklnvliii.N. I khuN-eirh In eioe unlv f".'. (;'"i"l'lfl.' l'ockel lloyle, Vic j I lu-ter-llctit's. U'thr Wrlli'i, o .Monitor of Fiw. masonry, T'.p ( ll.iw lowlnnn.l how to w S"0 I lhcl.uu.iir Uulle.,' I.niilc t,, I'VioJy. Ac , Ar , Ar.. IIiiiiciiiIh r liny or all i.riliculKMi! will InsiwiiI lo you prepaid on rrrelptM price -We inisitt uml hum up for- iriiiui.lsr.ircelK,(iks. Wr nuke it a study. cWiilityourrili,in.ige. Send for our clreii lars. It will pay j on t.. deal with in lio not risk money w th swindlers hut send nl nun- to llicyold nllahlet," Hunter .V Co., llliisdalr, SAVE MONEY "!,')as,,mM" .. . . luirnn buy $IS worth of goods lor tie. hy not do It 'I liv limit N L. Oollar ."-ale, il lirotoilvl.t St Hotton, Is tinnlyestahll-heil, pnd for viiiihIi m sold reully Miliiiililegnisls worth tl 'ji $ii ntii IKi.I irifi'or..M. Osk I iol.l t n n nrn i.lori mid iveoiniiiti'lcl hy tin-lrtvt eisT. und the Ic.ulliig in.'ieli.inlA Our sale I- mi lioii.irul.le lunlness rulerprisp we do sell goods alle-ithiiiiiilh( i dsnli;is In this.,, tlnn t it ms to suu money We nil .Ipwelrr, Silver uml I'lulHt Wine, i;lasware. tiilltry, llry mid rnnr;' I.Qods, (irorcrli-ji, Tims. CollitM, Si.Icim, ami in r.ict eu rythln liiclmllng '.,ii ch cunt liooLs, uliii h retail at 41 to JI, mid nil r..r Jiistom' 'IhcH'lino "ticket," "orihr slli" or oilier trickery. Our dollar serorci aliv arllrle until.' Iltt. We . II. I)., lei yoll see goods iKfureiiajliiif. iiier ;s,(Ki patrons lu teal the popularity ofoiirguut (ale, We Mi'd nguils eervwlu rv. Wu gltr any Idea herroroiirbiitlnets. Our list i.r go.U would III lids entire piper, ."end ut once fur circulars uii'l recommendations ftinn our pulroiis Vou lUlisuieiush. W'iliyi.u do It II' so iid.lre.s nt oli.'c H. llli.MISTON A- lO., N. y. 1 1. II, I, A II SALi:, .il ItromlleldM , lloston, .Mass. (li)-a-UwJm, AVAIiOXH. fhQ Gamble Wagon OA.irio, iZi3jiiroia MANUKA UTUHKl) UY .'JOHN P. GAMBLE. THE BEST and CHEAPKST WA10N HAH UFACTURED! MANUFACTORY, OHIO LEVEE Near Thtt th-Vourth Stroot CARL PETERS, HORSE SHOER, BLACKSMITH AND Wagon Maker, SIXTH STHEET, Botwcon OHIO LEVEE AND COMMERCIAL AVENUE. Munuf.tcttiroH hin own Homo Shooa nnd uun AsBUU.Good Work. PATRONAGE SOLICITED o-Miii TO COAL CONSUMER S II Allltl-IU IKl, Ills , .bill. 1'., IS70. Y17"l!arp now mining n very superior mlldc t coul I'lev from ml iliipurilles, esjieciiilly uiiaplisl lor grates und hoiueholil u-e generally which wewlll ilcllirr In Cairo, on the Cairo 11110 Vliicnin.'S trui t liy th. cur load ol i bushels ut nine V1) 11 ills per bushel, or two dollars and tweuly-llie edits (tJ a.) pirton. Weulso haica very siiieilor article of Nut Coal which wr will deliver on truck ut sIMecu (li) dollars per cur mo bushels. I'urlles not wishing 11 car load will call upon I'. M Waul on Klghlh sluvt, betwten Coiiiuieiciul und Un-li-Inatnii airlines, und be supplied nl reiisoniihle trctus, Mr. Wind will also dellier this cud to iiuy ptut of the city at l Ut per cur lo.ul, lual. lilts coal costabi. ut i .V. s r too. AH ll.eeoiil usisl hr Hie ('. und V U. li. Is supplied I10111 our mines, mid It has no s11p.1l.1r In llicioiiili t, Adiliess nil onh rs ll' 0. nl lo Jas. A. Viall ft Co., ll.Vlillltlll'llt;, ILLS. 0r. M, Wind, l'!t. , has Uaiii.s uml w III do her this r0.1l ul I :.o per ear l.'.'o-dll". THE ENEMY OF DISEASE ! THE FOE OF PAIN TO MAN AND BEAST Ih Iltt" Oriuiil Old MUSTANG T T TfVT TTUT tl 1VP H Which has stood tho tost of 40 Yonrs. Thoro in no aoro it will not Ilonl, no LuinoncHS it will not Curo, no Pain, tlmt Alllicts tho IIu-, man body, or tho body of a Ilorso or othor Jotnostio un mul, that doon not yiold to its mnRio touch. A bottlo costing U5o 00o. or $1 has often saved tho llfo of a ITuman Boinir. and Restored to Llfo and Usofulnoss Many a Vcluablo Ilorso. , a iin-cipilV'iy. $25 n dny mitrtntfM utlnir nur Ws, Auuer & Drill. tlOO a moiiui iial'll.) S.....I Ak. iiI'. Aiixcr l...k iri'e. JIK Auj-s f g tit. Louis, Uu. I COAL I NO. 74. IfNIHEHTS. T..,.nii) p,'riirime lli.'livipesor the won in mil pain-nothing mid healing I eiilaur Lbil- lo.'iib. We eu nll.lentully sal they will iilKMi.l,. iiuy ,,! aril-lng liom ilp.h, ...lieor miisr rileinngiiiuut,. W.'.lo not pie ...ej n in mi nil it lirnken lig nr .- o, , ' ".".'. ""I"''' n in ""' li ra-isthei w ill leiluer the liillulnatloii uii.Utoi, the pain .Norciii ueg.uireiilis!llie irnper ii-miIW where un o.siy is lil I so 11 I'll liy lllllskv. 'lelll- InVmalnmiH I'" ' l'ro,s r ,,! .1,,,., s Till" W II 1 1 1' t'eliliuir l.liili, ...... I. . l ienhiily ii.laptril to lilt ui-. a or III iiiiill.iu, Liiniliinro. Ninr.ilghi, Kyrsllat. Nirnlii. llch.Cliillhlalus, Uils, llrulses .-lings, I'oi.ons, .s.iil.U .-clallca, Uak llacl:, I'alns In the tide, Wounds. Weeping Mlnews, llllrns, Fro.tisl J eet, I'llNy, Kur-iil'he, Tooth-ache, lliiul-urlip, ( leer. ( lit "nns. Ilroten lln.i.l. vi... phw, Son' I'hroal, l.'ioiip, lllpttierlii, dr. ''Ihe ... ... ,., ii...-i-. iniiii.iiiiisilir M'llluur l.llllllll'llt will run- j ulloniiem It will K'nelll. It will 'lnip Hie iiiiUiiii irnoi bit.. s iin.i .iI.m.j and will ruir IniriiH unit xfiililx ivltliout il run nr union iiib is oiii n sample ot u thou uml similar testimonials i ... Antiocii, I i.l.,, Dec, 1, 171 "My wife has fi,r it long lime Iss u u terrible Minder mini lllieiiiniitl.iii Mie bus Irlnl ninny pliysli'luns and many lemislles. 'I lie only thing which has itiven her ri'IUris Ontuiir Llnliuent I am ifjolrcdtosuy thltlms cunsl her. W. II IlINd, I'ottnuuter." It Is mi In.INpiilablp fact that Hie Centaur I J nl iii.iitsMH'i.i'irnriiilng fiiri'H Meter lielort ellepleil hy uuy preparation in exlslcnep.-iap hinnlc I itn of tlilrly .vi'iir-.'.liinit-liiU". tniii!htenlng ilngiis umllolnls which had iHin stiff lor six cuts, taking the soreness n-oin burns, ete, OiiPdollar. or even lllly eentt, Inve-tisl lu Cintaur l.inliiiuit will Is' within unrh it lieu mi iieelileiit iiei nrs. und will do more good than uuy iiinoiint ul money iii I for medical attcniUncc. When physicians uic railed Ihcy frpipiriity u-e this l.liilinent, ami or isjiirse charge teveml prices I'or II. The Yellow Centaur Liniment Isml.iptid lothp toilgn skin, niiNPlciiniil flesh of Ih.iaiiiilinul ru-.ition Its i Heels iiihiii -evert; n"'"i "w'f,",1"!, s""i,y. Wlml-I.'all, lllg id'iu " 1 ""'vl1' ,l"le le Ihan ninrval- MiWj .I. Mrduru Co.., iM.r. L in mid f n.nt sts . tllnclniuill. O . say ; 'In our in IghbiiiliniKlii miuilsr ol' t,-.iinler iireiiilnir the 1'eiitaur l.inunint. They pro-noiiun-It superior loiinylliliu; they hale tier Used. Husrll as hl.-h us lour or llie doen l.ul Ii'sikt month to owners of louses mnl limit's, " We have volumes of Ictlmoiiluls de.ei iblng cuii'sol.-iuiilns, Kicks, 1,'utls, I'oll-Ltll. lllg. Iltl.l,lill,reu r..llli.leis, which hip liltle less than in.inels No owner of an Hiilnml ran to b w ithoiit a liolllu of (Yiit.iui- i.inl meiit. which uuy dty may proic w villi luciily times Itsco-t. sold every vv heir, but picpaie.1 , nly at the l.abiiiiitiuy ol d. II. Itu.e .V: Co , 10 titv s,t s'kw Youit. Oast or ia. I lo--, sickly bullies mnl i liil.lnn may enjov lit nl I li , mnl inolliers Inn icsi. )nM v w ill u-e t'u-toil i. Woiios, leierlshness, leeihlng, mil colle, sour sioiiiachaiiiliiii.llir'sinl rood makpchllilli ii cio.s, ami prisbu es -lekness u.-li,l l:l will lodinltale Ihe I'msl, en l w onus, and em net all there Ihlngs. For t w inly ) ems Or. I'ilcher lAperiiiieuttHl in Ids pillule practice to pioduce uu t lltcllie Cat Iml tic mnlktiiiiiaih ipgulaior whiiii would be us ctTiv llipus I'lisliu- nil, wilhoiit lis implp.isant liisteor recoil. 'I he npul ilioii of Ids it j ,i-1 fin in t extenilcd, I'll Hit'tnui mid iiiiim'S rapidly adopted Ids iciucdy, to which he gave Ihe. name ol' I'll, loriii . 1'usloila Is us i I t'llvn it I i I alto u lioney, leglllulrt the stolll.lth and Is.ltcls, ll..lilne.t lint grille. It Is ii.l.iplfd in nil uges. cumulus no idcliohol, uml is nliHiiliilely liiiriulesiH to Hip moil lender infant. 'I ry l.'uiliiilu once ami vou will never tie vtillioiit It, I'repaiisl at the Ijilsiinlorv ol'J. II. lloe A Co .liiDoystiviLNpii-roik. (I)'-J-2I-I tliv CO.YI,, Coal Coal PITTSBURGH, PARADISE, M.T. OARBON(Big Mudrly) AN1 PEYTONA OANNEL COAL! Orders for Coal by tho oar-load, ton, or in hogshoadB. for shipraont, sroiuiitlv uttondod to. y-To largo oonsumors and all aianufaoturors, wo aro propurcd to supply any quantity, by tho month or yoar, ot uniform ratOB. CAIUO CITY COAL COMPANY. LT"aUl.lay lro 'd ofllce, No. TO Ohio Levitt. iJ-llnHiday llro whurfbout, J.JAt Cg)illnii Mills, or rjAt the Coul Dump, loot of Tiiuty-Klglil licet Post Olllcu Druwer. :. umat AorPii re? luttUiTiwri!! nnrvr k'actt," a 'I'nmtiso uu Ilia C'aaH',lllliry, for anil PnteullwiH,!ft' l.l,i i e. kflsMKII. TKK .1 id, IW'.Ujtrflnwt, luru ,,UStf I'ulutl hlslet u riciH I vl a Mlr Uuu. PK Subscribe for Din i nmni i uu uuiiliB Ii V HMIIMttttttMIMttw THE CAIRO BULLETIN. Lending Journal of Southern Illinois. . tv m V .. ft .n a u The Bulletin Will steadfastly oppose the policies of In Itcpulillcati party, and refuse to he tram moiled i. tho dictation of atiyclhruo In the Democratic organization. It bedoves that the Republican patty nun fulfilled its mission, and that the Demo cratic party as now organized nhouli. Pc re stored to power. It believes tho Kadlcal tyranny that hj for several year oppressed the .olitli should ho overthrown and the people ri iti Southern .States permitted to control Hit u own alfalrs. It believe! that railroad corporation should ho prohibited by Icgls'allve et iicti mctits from extorting and unjustly dsscriiu inatlti In their business traneaclloua wlt'j the iublic. It rccoutilea the cpialily ot till men fore tho law, It advocates free commerce lurlil foi revenue only. It advocate' resumption of spetir psy immt, and honest payment nl Ihe piibiii It bt. It ndvoeatos economy in llio adniliilstla Hon nl public, uflalrp AS A NEWSPAPER The llulletln will publish all tho loeai news ot Cairo, and a variety of Commercial, i'o lltleal, Korclgn anil (Icnerul News, and en deavor to please all tastes and Interest ah reader. T 11 K JVeEKLY ULLETIN Is a thirty-ino coliiinn paper, liirmslieii tr siibtcrlbers for the low lulci of $1 25 PER YEAR, l'osta,'P prepaid, It Is Ihe cheapest papct in tho West, and Is a pleasing Klrosmo Visitor mid Kumlly Companion. Advertisers Cannot fail to see tho K' -lvalo.1 Indiui' muntsoircredbvTho llulletln in Hie way of chpap anil urontahle aifvertlsenn'tilr Subscribe lor THE BDUffM