SECRET SOCIETIES AHUAI.ON I.OIIUK, NO. 51. of l'ytlila, int-eti every rrl lay IHXIil at nan-pain MYen, m reiiuwa' nan. . Chancellor Commander. WJUCIK, NO. 2M. JtltttHU. Indeiiendeut Order of Odd-lel-mWLWw Iowa. inu erery 'Ihurwtay night wKK at lilf-t aeYen, In their lull on Zomtm-relal avenue, Iwtwerii sixth urn) Heventb Mj',i C'HAi I.AMK, N U 1AJUO KNCAMPMENT, I. O. O. .. meet vln odd-Fellow' Hall on lb flnt and Uilrd l in juar iu cyit iiwiiihi - ""- "V.Y. .Mil II UOUHMAM, 01' CAIKOMIIKIK, NO.H7.A.F. A A. M ar Unlit rrifiilsr communication! In Ma tonic Hall, corner Commercial avenue ' 'and Klghtli Mrtvt, on the iecond ani onnn aionnav oi iwu roonin. LYNCH & HOWLEY'S Real Estate Column FOR .RENT. Two good cottages on Twenty-Ninth trct, near Coimnercliil avenue. Store room on Commercial avenue, next to Wnvcrly hotel. Dwelling house on Thirteenth street, near Commercial avenue. Hood dwelling house on Walnut, be tween Twenty-second mid Twenty-tli'.rd atrcct. Store-room corner Twentieth anil 1'onlar street. Twostorv house on 5th street, west ol Waaliliiirton avenue. Home on Walnut street, near Center jileaant premises. House on Commercial avenue, near l'Jtli street. Sultablu for IjiisUicss ami dwelling. House on Commercial avenue, above !Mh street. Suitable lor builncss and dwelling. Iltilnes house on I.evce, lately oc rupled by Ciinnlnghaiu &. Stllwell cheap. Winter's lllock- suitable for Hotel Olllces or llusiiicss rooms cheap. Tenements numbered 4, Sand 0, in Winter's Row, 5 rooms each, for $10 mt month. -'o. 10 (corner), $12 W 7 rooms. Cottage on Sixth Mreet, near Wash ington avenue I rooms. Store room in "Pilot House," lately .lecnpled fcy A. Halley. Dwelling house on Sixth Mreet and .leflersoii avenue. Orphan Asylum building and'piemi res. Kent low, to a good ten int. Store room, corner Twentieth and Washington avenue, $12 n month. Rooms In various parts ot the elly. FOR LEASE OK SALE. Lands, lit tracU to suit, near Cairo. tf.S-18 Room to II ksi . Four rooms, and n neat cottage on Third Street, free from slpe water, and In good condition. En iiulre of Win. Mel I ale, at the Delta lloup. 2-lWf. A. Ham.icv. A llnelut of table and pocki-t cutlery, al-o spado.-, shovels hoes, rakes, forks, axes line of hardware just received by A. Halley, 11.") Commercial nveuue. 2-lS-Hm. .It'ST Rkckivi.ii' A. Halley has just rwci.-cd u line lot of canary and mock ing bird cage, Mower stands, llower trainers, hakcl., archer, hearts and wreathe, which he ha' marked very low, at 11' Commercial avenue. .!-ls!-:lni. llixiiiiocATixH Ec.r, IIiiai Kit. Sweet Cream, Cutnrd Whip and Fro-tlng maker. Lightning Iteclproratlng tin churn. Ite-t in tho world. Try the egg healer and churn and be convinced. For sale by C. W. Henderson, KM Commer cial avenue, Cairo, Illinois. II 0-1 m Notick in Caniiiah.s. Candidates may ue the columns of the Ilru.i.n.v to bring Ihelr names before Iho people, at the following rates,.(uji in adtaner City Clerk, $3 ; City Treasurer, ; All dcrmau, $2. No variation Irom tho cash in atltatKC rule. If Ski: Koch. C Koch, at his ihop and storeroom, No. 00 Commercial avenue, has for sale a stock of boots and shoes of his own make ; alo a large stock of St. Louis custom made boots and shoes. JIu keeps the best material and is up In all the latest styles. His tits are perfect, and satisfaction I guaranteed. Give him a call- 0-2:1-1 f Nona:. Hardware, llnwaro and stoves, plows, hand cultivators, spades, "hovels, forks, liocs, rakes, stop ladders ; also keep constantly on hand a Hue as sortment of table and pocket cutlery and builder's hardware. I am solo agent lor tho celebrated Charter Oak stoves, of which 1 keep in stock a full supyly of the different Tho above articles at "rock bottom figures1" Il-Min C, W. Hkmikiison, 101 Commercial avenue, Cairo, Ills. All Chronic lllavnen ('tiri-il IIV Illl. IIULTZ. He Is located in Cairo, Illinois, and is still calling on you to bo healed. Why will you die of old chronic diseases, when you can bu cured with so Utile cost or money. Do not give It up yet, for there is still balm In Ollead. Cairn is the place to come to bo cured oi all your aches and pains. I am now prepared at my olllce,to give medicated baths, and persons wishing to rccelvo such, will call at my olllco on Eighth street, No. 22, from tho hours ol 2 p.m. till 0 p.m. Also plain baths, hot baths, warm batlx, cold baths, or vapor baths. Also persons having thu con sumption or week lungs, and wishing to receive medicines by inhalation, can re ceive the treatment nt my olllco, this be ing the only true way of getting medi cine direct to the lungs. Also I treat dis eases ot the eyes of years standing, and Iho blind has been mado to see by my treatment. All diseases of tho skin j cure. Fistula cured by me without the use of the knife. If you have a cancer, come and bo cured. All private discuses in llio shortest lime, cured by ine. In short, for all chronio diseases of tho hu man system, go to Dr. Unit. If you wish to be cured. I compound and prepare nil my medicines at my offlce. It Is said that practice makes perfect, 1 have lieeu ildrlv years a practicing physician. All letters and communications shall be conildentlal and promptly attended to by mo. Direct, llii.lItri.TZ, No. 22 Eighth street, Cairo, fUluolx. VIO-dUm asnol'.k FOIttTTY CI.KKK, KiiItob IIi li.itik I-Pleas announce that I am a candidate fur the office oM'lty Clerk, at Hie ap proaching elly election Will K. Hawkins. . We are authorised to announce the name of JAM KM W.HTKWAUT ai a candidate Tor Ilia olllcc orClty Clerk, at the eniulnir city election. Id' Wc are authorized In announce the name of W, F. A.M.KY as n candidate for re-election to the omce of City Clerk at the entiling charter election. Id IIOAKlf Of KIJKCATIO.V. Mr. William Slraltmi It hereby announced mi nnillilate for .Member ofthe lloanl urKilucilloii. Klection, .'atunlny, Airll lit. CITY NEWS. rr tl'ksdav, MAitcii 28, iwrc. firnl Hither;Reporl. CAino.'lLL., March M7, Ml. TlIK 7i l Wind. 1 Vel. Wkatii Clouily, HK K K K I g to 21 It JA.MKrt WAISOS. ri!faiit. Slxiial Hitvlrc, U.S.A. Kill Nlovra. Fresh arrival ot a very large imurt incut ol ladles' and gentn' kid gloves at IHurgcr&Co. :W2Ut Attriillon i licMrrn. We have four dozen Imitation Ebony Spraguo Can-openers, taken for adver tislng, which we will sell at two dollars per dozen. Inquire at Hulletln ofDcc. Notice. At the last regular meeting of the Arab ! ire Co., I was Instructed to give notice, that nil parties who removed any article from their engine house would be pro'e cuted to the full extent of the law. :t-:t.-:tt. . F. Hi.akk, Sfcretarj-. For Sle. For sale for twelve hundred dollars, the Steam Ferrylwat Nellie Thomas, lay ing at Illrd's Point. For particulars ap lily at the St. LouK Iron Mountain and .Southern Itallroad olllce, No. K Ohio .evee, Cairo, III. :i-2fl tl. ):r-laior Nnloun, This iiotuilar saloon, corner Fourteenth treet and WahlnL'ton avenue. Is oncn to the uuhllc. The bar is sumilled with pure wines, eholce liquors and the llncst brands of cigars. -25-lin A. Kitors, Proprietor. loiim-keepcr. Ailnllun. Do you know that .1. liurger t Co. arc In receipt of a magnlllceut line of carrots and oil clothes, all the very latest styles ami designs ': The llrst arrival of the sea son. Stop In and examine their stock. We will pay no bills contracted by any mploye of Tin: Huli.ktin, unless the same Is made on a written order elgued by the president or secretary of the com pany, and we will nceept no orders given by an employe of the company, for any purpoM; whatsoever. CAlltO lIl'I.I.KTlN t'OW.ANY. November 10, 187S. U I (Jriim For Kitty cents, at Winter's Oallerv. 12-2;i.ii for Kiiiixnh anil CulornUn. The Atchison, 'J'opeka and Santa Fe railroad from Kansas City and Atclilson on the Missouri river, via Topcka, the capitol ol Kansas, and thu bcautllul r- kansas valley to thu ltocky Mountains. lie shortest r"Ute to Puebelo the Urand Canon, Colorado Springs, .Munltou, Pikes Sieak, and all places of note in the mountain region.-. The favorite rou to to Denver and all points In Northern Colorado. The best route to Southern Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona. Tho only direct route to thu famous San luau mines. Tho track and cmiinmcnt s unequaled, trains run through from the Missouri river to tho Koeky Moun tains, making connections In Union de pots and avoiding delays and trans fers. For lull descriptive circulars maps time tables, etc., address U'. .1. andkkso.v. Ueu'l Pass. Agent, Topcka, Kan. 1-10-iUw-ly. A Mo, 1 laundry. It is now conceded thai Mrs. Coleman the laundress, No. 12 Fourtli street, be tween Washington and Commercial avej lines, lias one of thu best conducted laun dry establishments in the dty, and laud lords of hotels and boarding houses will llud It to their advantage to call upon her. Her prices are as lollows : Hotel and boarding-house washing 70 cents per dozen. For piece work prices are as follows : Single shirt and collar, 10c; iter dozen, 80e; socks, 5c; two collars, fie; two handkerchiefs, 00; vests, 20c; ami all gentlemen's wear, 80c. per dozen. Ladies plain calico dresses, 25c; calico dresses with extra trimmings, DOe; white dresses, $1 2.hs; ladies' underware, line andcoarse, $1 00 per dozen. 1-23-tf, The II111.1.KT1.V lias for sale one Hundred lounts of Job type, Including many series that uro now generally In use in tho llrst class job olllces of the United States. All these founts will bo sold at half their original cost. .Many of them are com plete mid almost now, embracing a largo variety, among them Iwiiig Paysou scripts, Eureka texts, title text open, Phidlan, rimmed black, monastic, broad gauge, Egyptian, bank nolo Italic, Tus can, engravers' open, Celtic, French clarendon, etc. Wo oiler these louiiU (or sale because we are fast renewing the material of thu Uiillkhn Job olllco with the latest faces, all costly and adapted to eity use. In few days we will send to our country Irlcuds circulars displaying founts separately and In series, tn which will be attached price and terms, Whero whole series are purchased special rednu Hons will bo made. Orders lor Job print ing Ironi country offices promptly filled. tr TIME. llAII, 7 a.m. .7fl II ' W Bi ip.m -.'.Kite 3K." CenlCNnlfil Hall dint received by Ooldstlne it I'oscn water. :t-28-tf. (tuner ijsreannil Melting;- Cashmere lace and netting, a splendid assortment, certain to please the ladies, just in, nt J. liurger & Co. ,1-21-tf Off t or n Trip. The llcv. Charles A. Gilbert of this city, left yesterday morning tor a trip In tho South, for a llttlo recreation. He will be absent about one week. Ktnbrolilrrlr. A beautiful line of new embroideries Just received by the .recognized "embrolil cry home'' of Cairo .1. liurger & Co. 3-21-tf Verv Low. Mr. Thomas Parker, who has been suf fering for years past with consumption, Is now lying at the residence oi his brother, Mr. Miles Parker, on Walnut street, so low that all hopes of his life re dlspalr- tu of. Ho, for Ike Weil, A good paying business and staud on Eighth street, between Washington and Commercial avenues, for sale at a bar gain. For further particulars. Inquire nt thlsonice. 3-24-tr Hrnr II In Mind. Everybody should rcmembei that the next sociable of the ladles ot the Metho dist church will take place at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. dames Johnson on Thursday night. It wilt be a pleasant affair, to which all are Invited. For Hmle. Two good, easy running hacks. The two for $150, or $100 each. For further particulars apply at the office ol the Iron Mounlaln Itallroad company, 53 Ohio levee. 3-2.1-tf Nrbool Exhibition. The pupils ofthe nubile schools of this eity will give an exhibition at UieJAtlic neum, on Friday night. It will be a very creditable and iutertalnlng event, and will, as school exhibitions always do. draw an Immense rrowd of spectators. Tin- Celebration To-day. The annual celebration ot Egypt Lodge, No. 1CC7. O. V. O. ot O. F., of this Tlty, takes place ' to-day. Sev eral foreign lodges arc expected to bo present. There will be a grand Leap Year party In connection with the cele bration nt Washington hail to-night. Too Much Isudaaua. Mrs. Jules Brahic, wife of Mr. Jules limbic, proprietor ot the grocery store nt tho corner ot Twenty-seventh street nnd Commercial avenue, on Sunday afternoon about three o'clock, feeling lndispoied, took an overdose of laudnam, which came near putting an end to her life. She was still in a critical condition yesterday af ternoon, but hopes were entertained that she would recover. The Plare. For a cleft.: ohave. a fashionable hair cut, or a thorough shampoo, go to J. (icorgu Stelnhouse on Eighth street, Alexander Couuty Hank building. His shop is always neat; his towels always clean; his assistants always polite, nnd his tables covered with the latest dally papers, (or the benefit of his customers. 3.20-tf. Mew Uooilo. Mr. S. ltosenwater of thetlrm of Gold mine it ltosenwater, Is now and has been for the past two weeks in New York, purchasing a stock ot new spring goods. The linn Is dally In receipt of large In. voices of new nnd fashionable spring dry' goods, men's furnishing goods, Ac, which they are celling at remarkably low llgures. It will pay you to call around nnd see them. U-20-tf The Colored Hcliool. The examination of the pupils lu the colored seliools will take place as fol lows : I u thu primary department, Wednes day morning ; in tho second primary de partment, Wednesday afternoon ; in the Intermediate department, Thursday morning; in the grammar school, Thurs day afternoon, and Friday afternoon there will be general exercises in the grammar school. , Miss E. M. Mcllride, thu principal of thu schools, extends a cordial invitation to tho parents of the pupils and friends ot the school to bo present. What llnrre.ll Does Hot Believe. Mr. M. U. llarrell, in his Oa-.ctU of this week, suys: "Pete Saup avows a purpose to run for the office of Sheriff Hu would as an Independent Republican candidate, carry a big vote, were It not tor the candidacy of Dick Edinund ion, who is also a ltepnblicau. And Dick, be ing an Independent candidate, will not hazard his chalices by entering a conven tion. Wo do not bellero that the opjiosl tlon to Irvln could effect his defeat, even If united on one man. Divided between two men, tho election of Irvln would at once be placed beyond reach of contln gency." We've Uot it AkhIii. Thu small pox Is again among ns. Thcro are two vases now in the pest house and one lu the eorrall, and" our citizens should take thu precaution to keep tho disease from spreading. On Sunday one of the patients In the pest house, by sumo means cscaiicd, nnd be fore ho was caught nnd taken back, wns visited by n number of his .friends and iicqunlutanoog at a houso known ns tho ''flat-top," on Fourth street. He was finally taken In uhargoby Otlh-cr Wooten and marched back to his quarters, ond care will lie taken that ho does not get out again until he is lu lit condition to he at large. Imi-k.II Ak u Uuealloil. .Mr. M. It. llarrell, In his last Omcitf, remarks: "In the discharge ol his du ties Shorlfl Irvln necessarily made ene mies. Thu people would havo occasion to suspect lib oflklal Integrity had lie won the applause ot everybody. Hut among his enemies, as among his friends, there scoma in hn but one otihilon I In Is the most vigilant, industrious and in telligent sheriff that ever served the peo ple ot Alexander county, -mere has been no diminution of his zeal In the din charire ol hi duties. He is. hi f.iri. sort ing the people now with more diligence man characterized nis cuuris Muring the flrt year of his service. The question then comes home to every hw-abldiiig voter in the county: Can we allord to retire such an olllccr?" lie Went Through n Trunk Polly Hangs is a colored servant at the St- Charles hotel, and had saved enough money to buy herself nncat wardrobe, and she wai happy, Mary Ilaller Is another colored girl, who saw, and con trary to the commandments of thu scrip turcs, she coveted that wardrobe, and de termined to posses it, oven at the risk of being caught. So she got into Polly's quarters, and went through her trunk, but Instead of hiding the spoils of her wickedness, and keeping them out ol sight until the storm had blown oven Mary put thcin on, nnd cut a great splurge about thu streets. The police spotted her, and took her lu charge. Shu was taken before Judge Illrd, when the whole story or her oovetoujncsa mid theft were told on her, without regard for her wrought up feel ings. She was transplanted to the circuit court uudcr three hundred dollars ball, and went to Jail because no one would go on hec bond. The Kxnmlnntloim, The public school examinations began yesterday afternoon. Tho pupils In tho rooms of Misses Hogcrs, I'hillls and Au brey, were examined, In the presence of a number of ladles and gentlemen of the city, nnd the excrclics proved most satis factory to those who have children In cither ofthe departments. This afternoon the rooms tautMit by Misses Powers and McKee, In tlic Thir teenth street school building will be ex. anilned. To-morrow morning, the pupils taught by Misses Walbrldgc and Thompson, hi the high school building. To-morrow afternoon the rooms taught by Misses McUride and Livingston, In the high school buudlug. On Thursday and Friday the examina tion in the high schools will take place. the examinations ot the colored schools comes off on Wednesday, Thurs day and Friday. It Is the request of the teachers of the various departments and ot the principal of the public schools that (lie parents of the pupils and the public generally attend the examinations. Bret Hie. The parish school i closed this week. A windy, gloomy, mean day was yesterday. The colored Odd Fellows' celebra tion takes place to-day. Special bargains in muslins nt Gold stlnc & Rosenwater's. U-2C-tf A. H. Arington, ol New Orleans, Is registered at the St. Charles. The public school examinations are In progress, nnd will continue through the week. Thomas and Henry Stilt, and Ml? Mary nnd Jennie Stilt, of Michigan, nre at the St. Charles. A splendid selection of cheviots just received at Goldstlno & Itonwater's. :).2G-tf Strawberries lots of them nt New Orleans. And Alderman Halliday Is there; and what is more to the point, hu likes strawberries. 'They are his weak ness his great Weakness. There were several tinners bc-foro Judge Bird yesterday for carryings on that were not in accordance with the ordi nances. They were fined and sent to tho calaboose In leas time than it would take to tell it. Moses Hutsou, an old citizen of Alex ander county, died of pneumonia a few days ago. The OaittU says : "A good old man was Moses Hutson, and every body who knew him will learn of his death with sincere sorrow." Thu suushiuu of Sunday morning canio like n blessing. The weather had been cold and gloomy for some ten days not a ray of sunshine not a pleasant mo ment. Wo had almost forgotten that the Lord had made a sun to alilue by day. Just as the ltev. Mr. Gillhaui had finished reading Ids text on Sunday evon iug, iu the Methodist church, ho was called to thu bcdsldo ot Thomas Parker, who was thought to bo dying. The Key. gentleman dismissed his congregation Immediately and answered tho summons. Our friend of tho Oazdic declares that inoro than two-thirds of ,the water that has accumulated inside our levees came directly from our rivers, without undergoing percolation. Hu sayti "It poured lu In great streams through our sewers," and wo agrco with him, At tho Lean-1 ear party to bo given by the lady Irlcuds ol the colored Odd- Fellows, nt Washington hnll this evening, the most popular lady present will be presented with a beautiful pair of Odd Fellow's cull buttons. The lady receiv ing the second largest vote will also re. eclve n present. Thoso who expect to take part lu tho festivities areantlelpatlng a grand time. Done from Amoiiir tin. Dr. Charles DeGrath, who has been confined In' our city Jail for the past sixty days charged with perjury, under ball nf niu- thousand dollars, iriive the remili eil ballon Saturday niglit, and led lor his home lu Now York city Sunday after noon. He called on thu Hruxi iN Sun day and requsted us to return his sincere thanks to Sherlfl Ham li vlu and Jailer Dick Fitzgerald, for thu kindness they showed him while confined In the prison, lie says Sheriff Irvln Is 11 gentleman of whom Cairo ought to bo proud, and ex pressed his wish that ho be again chosen by the people ol Alexander couuty as their sheriff. -'Iflwasn resident," said tho dne.tnr. "and telt as I now do toward Mr. Irvln, tfi'H u thousand bottles of my electric oil. nnd donah! eery rent of the proceed toward carrying hi the cam patgn." Here DeGrath branched olVlnto loud praNe of his present wife, whom he pronounces "an angel.'' ''II you say one word ot cither ot tit In your paper," said lie, "let that lie a word of praise tor her. She is my guardian angel, tho true friend ofmy bosom. Shu lias with her own tender little hand, put up lu my factory In Nuw York a thousand bottles of my medicine, and mid It, that she might tend me thu money to buy my freedom. Praise her, nnd I will be your friend for ecr." Ho says hcha been blackmailed; that the woman who came to Cairo with a child In her nnns, Is nu inijioster, ami that the child was brought here to create sympathy. That she represented him as a wealthy man, which I not tine. "If I was worth a hundred thousand dol us Sarah Ford declares I am, do yon sup. pose I would hau layed in that cell for two mouths fur the want ol a thousand dollars?" Hu then went on to tell tu that hu had been deceived by Mrs. DeGrath No. 1. when a young 111:111. That she had worked lu his ractory when young, and that hu became Infatuated with her and married her; that alter they had liccn married hut two mouths, hu found that she was unwoithy his love and protection, nnd that he eaine to tills Stale and remained here liftceu mouths, travel ing from one place to another, selling his electric oil, that hu might get a divorce from her lawfully ; that ho got thu di vorce, and that shu wn. angry over the result of thu suit, and that shu had been persecuting him ever since. He asserts that while he lay lu Jail In Jersey City, waiting to be brought to this city, n party called upon him and offered to settle thu matter amicably for one thousand dollars. That he knocked the gentleman down and that he was car ried out, and ho fins not seen or heard of lil tn since. Here the doctor stopped bhort, and, rising from his seat, placed his hand upon our Innocent head. It struck us suddenly that he was about to adinlnlitcr to u n dose of the same kind of cure that hu had given the gentleman in the Jersey City Jail, lor saying what we have about him, and we began to feel very unpleasant, but Instead of knocking us cold, he Invoked the blessings ot thu Lord upon us, and after shaking our hand cordially, with drew. ltKAK T1111. Hlrd cages, flower stand- nowcr trains, mo baskets, leu cream freezers, toilet' ware, bath tub, lamp chimney, oil, tuning irons and Muting scissors ; also a lull supply ot plain and stamped tinware, wholesale and rrtiul, by C. W. Henderson, 101 Commercial av enue, Cairo. Illinois. :t-5-lni COMMERCIAL. CilltO, ll.l..,.M0N!AY KVKNINd, I March 27, 1870. We have had every variety of weather since our last Issue. On Friday It was warm and cloudy. Saturday was rainy and dark. Sunday was clear and pleas ant, but rain began falling during the night, and n slight sprinkling continued until noon to-day. Tho rivers arc very high and still rising. Hates to New Or. leans arc unchanged. The gciu-ral market is dull. Flour la very quiet, wltn u koo.i stock on band. Hay Is very dull nnd prices havo de clined, owing to thu greatly overstocked market. Corn U reported tinner. 'There is very little in tliu market. Oat aro firmer. Receipts have been very light and the supply is limited. Meal Is lu good supply at thu mills; it is repotted firmer, vtith prices advanced. Until 1 very dull at SKI. ,The reeclpU ot butter have been more liberal, but not equal to the demand. Extra choice .Northern will bring :13 cents readily. Eggs aro in good supply and selling at 12J cents. Thcro arc no apples lu Hit- market, and fancy prices will be paid lor them. There is an urgent demand lor good poultry. Choice hens willbiiug f.'l "Stall; mixed stock, 'AQfl 50. Dressed meats are quiet. Veal and sheep sell readily, but Jieef and hogs are dull. Onions anil poia toes arc very dull. A small quantity of good sweet potatoes aro wanted. THE MARKET. jcTOiu- friends should bear iu mind that thu prices hero given aiu Usually for sales from first hands lu round lots, fu filling orders and for broken lots It Is nciessary to charge an advance over these Il2itrcs."5tt FLOl'li. Flour has been quiet. Th -stock lu hand is ample for tho trade. Prices aro unchanged. Sales noted weru 100 bar rels ciiolcc $0 75 ; 200 barrels various grades $1 507 00; 200 barrels various grades $10 75; 600 bbU various grades $;i 25(3,0 50 ; 150 barrels various grades $l7 50; 100 barrel luw grade I 25; 50 barrels XXX winter 5 50; 100 bar rels various grades ?I1 HAY. Hav i very dull, and prices havo de clined. Tho market Is still glutted. We note tho sales of 1 car choice 1 1 00 ; 2 cars very common 0; 1 car common S-i ; 1 car common 8; t cars good .mixed S-S; 100 bales mixed $1 per bale; 1 car prime mixed SHI 00; 1 car gilt edgo Timothy $17 00. COItN. Com Is repot ted firmer. There l very little coming Into market. We note tho salu ol U30 sacks white, -17c; -23 flacks white, ISc. OATS. Theiv Is a firmer feeling lu oats. Re ceipts aru light, and thu supply I limited. We note thu sale of I curs Northern N'o. 2 sacked and delivered, IlSe; 150 eacks mixed, line 5 0 ears Northern mixed iu bulk, 5o; 1 car Northern mixed in sacks, UK-. MEAL. There Is very littiu activity in meal, but It Is reported a little firmer. We note thu salu uf 300 bbls city steam dried, $2 20 9 30 ; 60 bbl country, $2 15; 100 Mils eity steam dried, $2 20. ItltAN. Ilran Is verv dull. Tho mills have a large stock on hand. We note tho .,t.. of 100 sacks, m. IIU'TTER. Ruder Is very scarce, and the demand Is good. We note the sale of 15 packages Southern Illinois, 25e; 300 pound com mon Northern, 20:i0e ; I packngi s Nortlicrn roll, 33c; 4 tubs Noithcrn packed, 33. EGGS. The supply ol egg Is fully thu demand, and prices are uneliamrcd Sales noted were 1 box 12J ; 500 dozen, wc-oiL'ie; .w doen r.'jc; 700 dozen, T.V. APPLES. There are no apples of nnv kind In Dm market, and tholec aru hi demand at fancy prices. POULTRY. Poultry is very scarce, and Iho demand 1 . 11. ... n-. .. . . . n c.xcuiiriu. 11 u 11010 1 110 satu or 1 coop live turkeys $12 00 per doen; 1 coop roo-ters 'J .'-) tier doen. DRESSED MEATS. Theio wcio iio sales of dres-eil meals repotted. Veal and sheep vtlll n:!l on arrival at.falr prices ; but tlietu Is not much doing lu hogs and bctf. ONIONS. The market Is glutted with poor and sprouted onions, for which there is no ale. A few barrels of eholeu would bring $1 50 per barrel. POTATOES. The market is full of potatoes, ami there U no salu for them. SWEET POTATOES. A few barrels ol good sweet potate would sell readily at Irom $3 00 to $3 to per ban el. SALT. We utiotu salt In car load lot. SI isn ; less than (air load lots. SI 75. Wn nnti- the salu of 80 bbls nt quotation. COAL. Wo (inotc Paradise and Mt. Carbon on track, lump, S3 ; nut. $2: delivered car load per ton, lump, S3 50 ; nut, $2 75 ; delivered per iluglu ton, lump, $! ; nut S3 25; L'auin or llnrrlsburir coal on track ncr car load, luniii. S27: nut. Sit!: delivered per ton, S3 5(1; Pittsburgh coal ear loads on track, S-" 50 per ton ; tlnglu ton, delivered, $0. HIDES AND 1VRS. Hide arc dull, hut there 1 a lair de mand for furs, at quotations : linn Dry Hint, 12(j$i:ic. dry salted, lOJCjjUJo; green salteifj 5J(it,0o damaged, 5 price. I- tin VI enuote : H elern Olter. No. 1. Sltfi C 60 ; No 2, S; 50 ; No. 3, SI 1 50; No. I, 25u. Mink No. 1, si 1 23; No 2, 6075u; No. 3, 25c; No. f, 10c. Raccoon No. 1, 75f?50c; No. 2, 4()j; No. 3.20o; No. 4,8c. Fox Grav, No. 1 eased, SI : No. 1 open. 75u; No. 2. 6000o; No, 3, 25c: No. -I. 10c: Red, v.. 1 .... ....1 ei r.i . v.. 1 i it Skunk Rlack. S0e(Ji,$l ; halfhlrlped.50 OOo; narrow, 3,1u; kitten. 16c Opo- suni Wj)iue. Heaver 51 i'.'. Jiusk rat l0Yi'i2e. Rear No. 1, S3; No. 2, 5; No. 3, $2$3 : No. 4 . 50c. HOUSES AN1 DWELLINGS FOR XIEKTT Dwelling house, 7 rooms ; 10 lots enclosed, lu good order, on Twenty fourth nud Walnut streets. Rent low to a good tenant. Dwelling 1iouh -I rooms and base ment, on Poplar street, tietween T'blr tcenth and fourteenth streets. Rent Sid.oO. J Two tenements on west side of Com mercial avenuu near Fifth street, suitable lor shop and dwelling. Rent for each, SS per month. Dwelling house, 5 rooms, on Fifth treet near Walnut, Ingocid repair. Rent $12.50 per month. Cottage, 2 looms anil kitchen, Twcnly-llr-t Mreet, near Sycamine not 111 sido. Rent $5, per mouth. Two small houses, uorlhwe&t corner Fifteenth and I'opulat. Rent low. llaciueut of brlrk building, west side of Washington avenue near Eighteenth street, live looms iu good condition) Rent low. Untitling 011 rait side of Coiiiuieicla avenue, near 'Tenth street, suitable for carpenter ."hop. Cheap rent. lliiildiug on west side of Commercial avenue, near Twelfth street, Old "City Hall." Rent very low. Tenements', olllces and rooms In vari ous lacatiou. Rents low. Lots and lauds for salu or kac. JniiN J. A; Co., Real Estatu Agents, corner Sixth and Levee streets. 3-15-tf Wooil I Wooil It W001I !!! Wood at thu llox Factory at scuuly live cents a load. 3-21-lt. Sojii: ruiMi Nkw. Tim lightmig, re ciprocating, tin chum and egg beater, thu latest and tho best ever made, nt A. llallcy's, who Is now selling hU largo stock ol stoves, tin nud brlttnna ware at greatly reduced price. Give him 11 call before you purchase, IIj Commercial nv enue. 2-lS-3m. Cat.wiuii Is 11 common dleae, so common lliat snuilliig, spitting, and blowing ol the nose, meet in 111 every turn on thu street. Your foot slips In thesu nasty dl-eharges on the sidewalk ami lu tho public conveyance; and Its dUagieeablo otlor, containing the breath of tho nftllctcd, renders them offensive to their associates. 'There Is the highest medical authority for staling that with fully one-half, If not two-ihird. of lhoo ulllli-li-il wltli eoiisiiiiiiitlon of tho lllllL'S. the disease commruees as catarrh lu tho 1100 nnd head, thy next step being to iln-oat and bronchial tubes lastly to tho lungs. How Important then to give early ... . ........11.... I. rn.. aim IlloiuiH aiii'iiiion 111 11 i.ii.ii 1 11 ; 111 euro till loathsome disease correct lb" Hystcm by using Dr. I'leree'H (Iohkii Mi-illi-nl lll.ciivi i v. which times 11 Illl. I ' . , clean-es tho blood, and heals the diseased glands by n specific iuiliieuco upon tliein; and to ussWt, uso Dr. Safe's ('atari h Remedy with Dr. Plereo's Naal Douche. 'I'l.UUilm nnlv-wiii-tn reach the Upper and back eavlllet where, life discharge nnllllM h-nill. N'O l.-llliri-r 00111 tllU UCat meiit, and It Is Avmut w. ''" two medicines with iuliuuient art) wild by dealers In nicdlcliiw. HIVEW NEWS. 4BOVB LOtT WATER STATION, Cairo J-i,U,,mr.i - Cincinnati M, Nashville St. IOUIK ' KviimvIIIc Ml-iiii-IiIs. .,"' ciiAxac, rr. IN. n o 7 8 i n rr. I i.t X X 0 n in !!) 13 S -JO :n 1 6 6 II O ll II I 1 :i u x x .X .New Orleans, a JlelllW lliirh uiilrnf IR? c- . -,"'1f,KS WATSON, Sergeant, Signal Bervlre. It.u. A. fort .1st. AltltlVHI). Steamer .Mm Flsk, l'aducah. " V. II. Church, New Orleans. City of Alton, St. Louis. t.oiorauu, ick'snurg. " Arkansas Hello, Evanivlllc. " Pat. Cleburne. Evansvlllc. Capitol City, St. Louis. Grand Tower, Memphis. " Hickory, Memphis. " Vint Slilnkle. Memphis. " Chas. Morgan, New Orleans. " City of Helena, Vlcksburg. E.ldyvllle, Nashville. 'Tow-boat Thus. W. Means, St. Lotil. " Lookout. South. " Ed. Ilobbs, St. Louis. " Simpson Horner, Louisville. " .las. II. Williams. Louisville. ' A. . I. Raker, St. Louis. " .John Gllmorc, St.Louli. " Raven, Mlddleport. " Smoky City, Pittsburg. DKl'.UtTKl). Steamer dim Fisk, Paducah. " Arkansas Helle. Kvniisvillc. " Pat. Cleburne, Evansvlllc. " City ot Alton. New Orleans. " Coloi ado. St. Louis. ' Capitol City, Vlcksburg. " Grand 'Tower, St. Louis. " Hickory, St. Louis. " Kddyvllle, Nashville. " Vint. Slilnkle, Cincinnati. " Chas. Morgan, Cincinnati. " City of Helena, St. Louis. Tow-boat Tho. W. Mean. St. Louis. " Lookout. Paducah. " Ed. Ilobbs. Wheeling. " Simpson Homer, New Orleans. .la;. It. William. New Orleans. " ' A. .1. Raker, Nashville. " John Gllmnre, Nashville. Raven, St. I.oul. " Smoky City, New Orlcaus. riir. uivKiis. Tin! river, last evening, was 43 feet 10 3 5 on the gauge, having risen 12 3-5 Inches during the previous 43 hours. WIIATItlllt ANI llUSIXhSS. rl'li,t ii-.-tlliiif' mii Siiimlnv i--ttl tipfollt. mild and very agreeable the first clear Sunday we nave enjoyed lor many wccks mil yesieruay ii was me sauiu um llitmr -urn In "I'mIii I'i-II .'ll. illll-rVIlls All day amflilds fair to continue nil night. A (iispaicu irom i uscuiiioia, laiiauui yesterday morning stated that the Ten nessee was stationary with 10 lect ot mi I V-llM.rf Sninli-d mill ntt It llAfl bueii falling previously, It Is no doubt rnl.-mg now. linwcver, unless a jjrrai. deal more rain tails above, we need not expect the river to rle very much higher here. Uuslnes 1 dull ngalu on the river owing to the high water and bad weather. lll'.NT.ItAI. ITKM. 'The Glllmoro and A. .1. Raker havo towx of Ice for Nashville. Tho Ja. 11. Williams has 20 boats, 7 barges and I fuel boats containing f0, OOObmbelsol coal for the Smth. This Uthe largest tow of coal, by 15 or 20 thousand bushels that ever went down the river. 'rii,. c.w.1-1. fllw ntwl mmiinn llnrfior -l .JIIIUI.J VJ ...... J...."'.. . . -. also have largo tows ot coal for the South. The 1!himi has three harzes nails. Iron, etc., for St. I .oui. Tim Charles Moigau has 100 cabin, 00 deck passi'iorei's, and a fair trip ol frclgut or iiiiciiuiau. tun wns me ursi ooai iu report the new cut oil nt Island No. 37, or Devils Elbow, just auovn anil opposite the outlets above Memphis. Thu river cut through on last Saturday night. Tho distance through Is a llttlo over a mile, and will shmteu tho distance to Memphis 12 or 1 1 miles', i, i. . i ,1, i. .i.ii.i .(- iii.i.i ah n .iiniisiiii .--! it... ..'. w ... ,.. .tli,.-iil ..'III .llw.-i.iilllillii lis ii,i-iiii til tills city on the first of .the mouth, and if so the.wharllioat that has laid nt tho foot ot lourtii street I or tnc pasta or iu years will bo for sale. Receipts of cotton for Eastern ports have fallen oil greatly iu tint past few davs. Hods lately have brought very Utile. NTIMM IIOATN. EvansviUo, Cairo and Memphis Steam Packet Co., --foil Paduoali, Shawnootown, Bvans villo, LouiBvillo, Cincinnati and all way landings. 'llw iiiulvallc-l Slde-WUeel ateiltller IDLE WILD, 11 11. t'OWLKU - Matcr. Kl. It. Thou as . - ...Uerk. W III luivcKvaiurllle for Cairo every MONDAY and THUKSDAV al I u'olock p. lu. t.cuves Uulroevery TUKSIJA V and ICIUDA ,at 0 O'clock l. 111. Tliu eleijuut slilo-wheel ateamer ARKANSAS BELLE, Hits lluWAKU ..StaJtr, Waltlii n. PitNNiNiiroN Jb'JS' Will leave Kvmnvllle ror Caliiiavury TUKS- DAY and Fill DAY at.l o'clock p. iu. Will Inn ii Culroevery UKONKSUAY and S AT- UllllAYiitllo'i'lockli. in Tim clt-Kaut ilUe-wlit tmef PAT. CLEBURNE, John (loir - "VJr'k Mat. William "Lv;:,,vv5! Unw KviiiiMlll" , lor Cairo irr f.IlNKS l).VYllmlATL'ltl, nt 6 I'- , ,,... Ulnincry TlllllWDA Y and 8UNDAY let wiui th. . iSu&vllto .Mall StawijrjIbKi IB ' r.'" .... II r llli 111 hr iHilhTMHhl lipm mi lv...- r - . .... , .i i. i . y mi uHaaaH...H mm. mam i.iiiii. ailiwlDt rlliiil'iT- Fu ' iirUiiirlnrorraatloBM.inJyUi r HOI.. HlLVKltlPaaJtATnt. I.. amiMifi .hi. ltAI.UDATBMOa,, I aV..u. SiiH-riuWudwt aiid'Junrral li-J-Ji-lV KvaMVtAUBi ml iaa vaMaAaUiM m IWII Tin Tin .Hlaaw. 11HIH rilling