OCR Interpretation

The Cairo bulletin. [volume] (Cairo, Ill.) 1872-1878, May 12, 1876, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85033413/1876-05-12/ed-1/seq-3/

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Ft) It SHKItlKF.
W'p ntc niitliorlted ( omioiiiicr JOHN II,
ItOIIINSON nn lamll Jii e for Mienffnr Ali'.X
nnr county, at the inmliiK rminty iltctlon,
Wenrealilhorlrd tuannminrc tlit II. A. KM
tiiiimloori In un lnilrinilriil ltrinlilli-au cniidi
lali-liir Sheriff, at tfii1 iiiMiliiK rounlv tleiilini.
V arHUiilliiirlrcilt'iaiiiHiiHKePKTIlltSAL'l',
lor mi Independent ennilldate lor .sheriff rif AI
under county, at the eiiMiliiKUiiinty elcillon.
KATF.M or aiw:ktini.Vj.
ri'AII UlU fr adtnllinitf , ale due and )ny
able VI AtiVANl'li
'IlirniUM adTeillJltiK will I uiirili J at It.
rate of II i) per square for the fire I in-erlioii
and BO writ for rarli titintif lit une A lllieral
discount will r made on aiandlnK and dlil
Kur Ifitrllnn Funeral nollir II tm .Nudce o I
ii.i i tins ofloclrtlin or serret nnlrrs renin fur
inch liiBoTtlon
Cburrh, Hoolety, FeMUalahd f u i r nollcc
will only Im lnerted as udrertlai inniU
No adtertliiriiient -W 111 be received at le than
M cents, niul no ft'iverllseincnt w ill I Inserted
lurleMlhnn three ilnllnrii tr n, until
Lock! Bualneaa Notion, of
ton nnm or morn, inaerteu
In the Bulletin na follow:
Coinmocce Counting at ton Llniu.
Onu Insertion pr line ft Cent
Two Insertions por line ... 7 Cents
Three, Insertions per line. ...10 Cents
SI Insertions por Una 15 Cents
Two weeks per line........... 25 Conts
One month per line US Cants
No Keductlou will be mads in abovo
l.urnl Hitllirr ltciori.
Caiho, III.
May II, Ki.
Vit, I Wkatii
7 n In.
II "
V 1 1, rn
,i 11"
hi r;t
( l.ur
I .1..
t On
SergeuM, 8l(nal MMiie, I. A.
The roiincll proceeding, which ate ol
tiiiiHii.il length, crowd nlmo.l rail other
matter out ol lhi issue ol the Brt.u.Ti.v.
Its-IIIIM id.
y.... Whcelock & Co. have removed
their olllce from SI Ohio levo, lo No. 01
' hlo levee, up stair.'. .V.V:it
Tickets for tin: mln-trel entertain
ment to-night can lc hail at I Inrttiinn.-',
corner of Commercial avenue anil Sixth
We regret lo hear that .Mr. Mar-h
Warren ! lying very sick with hem
orrhage of the bowel. ' We hniicheull
come out of his sickness In ilue time.
t : t (c i i .vox ciiico.
Kihbous, fan1; and piini-ol. latc-t style
uml lowest price for sale at Burger &
o's. Also nn cxipiisltclol of cashmere
ami eern tic, in the ucwit ile.-lnf.
'I In- .Mri'ei-..
Street .Siiierinteiiileiit (iormaii U out
luipi oviiiK the .'tKits whcreMT Ihuy
need ii i.ilr. lie .leWiliil hN time lo
l.i'htli strict lietweeii .'f-liliiton atnl
ommerclal Aennei. yeMenl.iy.
Wauil! tVouil ! !
On ami alter IliU date '. W. Wheeler
1 ' o. will oiler eonl woihI at ?:i per
eoril; ..nine fawcil anil 'plil, i li; sin
t'le loaiU jl 7." per load. Strlelly inli.
While :uihN.
White !'uod and lliifu-'. Ineludln all
l.indt of white wear for suits for ladle
and ehlldreil, at Iturjrer S. Co'.. The
prlers of thee gootM ate exlreniely low,
and the toek a mo't attraetlve one,
Mr'. Sluwait, Inning moved to the
large frame Jliousu at the corner of Sev
enth fin ft and W.'i'liiii'toit ineiiiie. will
hoard and lode noml rellahle pei ons,
at per month, linom lare ami
airy. .V12tf.
Mlrnnlterry lenlnnl.
TlifJIadlM oflhc KpNcopal eliureh hae
decided to ejlvo a strawberry festival next
week. Thursday. They are making all
neeesiiary aiTanKemeiiN lo lender all
happy and delighted. Full particular
will he given hcrealicr.
Ciiiillilriiee .Men.
A country man made complaint to the
ollleers yesterday afternoon that he had
been beaten out of four dollars by a dar
key named loliu .Stewart, who was ar
rested and taken belorc .lu-tlce 'oni
mlngs for trial. He was lined twenty
live dollars and costs, and font to Jail In
Iff :u lit of payment.
ino iiiniit ii t
Wanted In Illlnlos lor the new lllu
tratrd ThUtlu lMltlon of Sir Walter
Scott's Waverly novels and other popu
lar publications. Liberal Inducements to
good agents, Send lor circular and
leniH to W. 11. Kaston it Co.. 125 Clark
treet, Iloom "!, Chicago. i--J7.eod-lin
Tile .Muislrelt To.Mulil,
The minstrel performance of tint Tay
lor Literary club lakes placo at thu Athe
ileum to-night. This eiitcrlaiumeut will
.surpass any yet given by the society, and
wo hopo a full liou-o will greet the gen
Ueiiion, as they have spared neither time
or money lo maku it a success. The
show will coiisNlot songs, dances, duets,
nketcho.s ami negro eeeentriellles, and
will bo uusiirpasM'il lor excellence.
The Vt-Ty best mlinlet and character
actors In Southern Illinois will take part
in thu pc rloriuiinco, and none should fall
toscuthetn. Tickets arc now on sale nt
Hartman's, corner ot Commercial avenue,
and Sixth street.
Si;i: hoi ii, r. hocli, at lus Miop and
sloro room, No. HO Commercial avenue,
lias for sale a stock of boots and shoes of
his own make. ; aUo a full stock of leather
and lliullngs lor sale; and a
largo stock of St. I. onto ens.
torn made bools and shoes. I In
keeps tho best material and is up In all
the latest ayles. Ills tits are perfect, and
satisfaction Is guaranteed. Olvo lilm a
can- v.'j-u
( lifeline Mi i
CoiM'll. I IMMIIKII, 1
Uaiiio, Ii.i.., May !J, l7.
Present lll honor Mayor Winter;
and Aldermen llallliby, Lancaster. Mc
Oauley, Parker, Puller, Ultteiiliouc,
'I'hlMlewood, Wilcox, Wright and Yo.
cum HI.
On mollon ol Alderman McCauley the
inlnules of laU meeting wi-re approved
wllhout reading,
III honor, the iniior, then aioe and
dellveied bW annual ineae, as lollow " ;
OenlltmtH of Ihf Uttv Cuiineil
We are now enleriiiL' (be threshold ol
a new olllelal year, ami one that will well
mark the future blMory ol I 'alro; and ll
will well heroine u. the servant ol the
pconlc.to weli'll well everv inntter that ale
pertalni to thu tuihlle wellare. Theo
aru times of more than ordinary moment,
ami iieinami your iitmou care ami at
lention. the nasi vearbelui' one uunrcrc-
dented In the hUtory of Cairo.
in my Inaugural one year ago I laid be
foii; you a statement ol the lluuiiclal eon
dlllou of the eltv. It wtint. etc.. uml
alu laid before you my plans Jor good
I shall now brlelly rail your attention
to Hie illlirrent ilep.irlmeul.H ot theclly
sini.nR. nn.wxAin. ami mih:w.i.ks.
Sidewalk at the coinmrtiff incut ol the
hut muulelnal year Were llllnireot.illtlnn
but a good many neeili il rep.ilr, ami some
necncii to im; reiilllll. During the Veal
we have built of
llrlek sidewalks, In running feet... 1,07.
.New wood siduwnlk Ml
l.'eeonstrileled sidewalk.. U,!KW
Cepalleil sidewalk- LV.iOO
other siiiewalk occasionally re
palied m,"i
Total ain't sidewalks In city... 77,lsy
bUng near 15 miles of sldvulk to be
kept up and imdiitalucd ea-h year.
The total amount of streets repaired,
tilled, and graded the pat year, In lineal
leet. amounts lo'i:!.) leet.
The total eatllicru pipe drain-
age laid the past year. IIOIl It.
Tula! amount of wood drainage
laid the pa-tyear lilJ ft.
Total new drainage I,0:i5lt,
Amount of oilier drainage
cleaned and repain d 0,1.') it,
7. Kilt.
Sidewjlksof the city built and
lepallid 77js:i ft.
Streets of the city built and re
paired 2.'I,S4) It.
Drainage, new built and old re-
falrcd 7,-lS5ft.
iota's! it.
The police department the past year
ha- given general satisfaction. Police
headquarters have bteu established and
lilted up with neat nets and coinlort. and
rellcct- credit upon It projector. ( alro
has at this lime at well regulated and ef
llcient police force ol its si.e as any city
in the Mate.
The lollow iii Is a list ot arrests made
by thu police the put year:
Disorderly conduct aii'J
Druukencss --j5
I'lghthig 105
Vagrancy 71
Inmates of houses of III fame vi-lting
dramshops In the ulglil time 27
Inmates of hou-es ot'Ill'lainc Ill
Doing hu-lnc.ss wllhout license 15
'arrying concealed weapons 15
Public indecency 10
Selling lnjuor with Ilcelie 5
Allowing dogs to run at huge with
out being muled ."
Contributing to hou-es ol Ill-lame... I
l.ea-ing hou-e- to lewd weiui-u -4
h'eepllig house of IIMatuc. I
Peddling without lleen-e :i
Ke-lMlng police otllcers i
(iamlng :i
Teaming without llei-n-e 2
Discharging lire arms I
Attempts to pick pockets I
Totul ane-t sit
1111 ritv j ah.
Is In a good condition and kept a
clean as It is nosslble to keen it consid
ering tho building. Prisoners the past year
nave acKiiowieilgeil tne Muu ireatmeut
received at thu bands of tho Jailor, both
in icgard to iiualltv ol food and humane
Total numliernf commitments locilv
jail the past year :
.Male '.'-7
IVni-iU" i;."i
I'lliK lll.l'.Ull MI.M.
Thu Cairo lire department, as I laid in.
my inaugural, U a credit to your city.
Thu past year's experience as thief ol
thu tire department has nut lessentd my
opinion ol it, but on the contrary made
me mine 111 in in my belief. From the
yearly lepott made to me by mv A-sls.
taut Chief. W. T. licenvart, 1 llud Ihe
lollow lug iact:
Whole amount expended by city Ihe
past year for thu department was $!IC0,
being lar less than was appiopriatcd for
their use in tin npnropilatlon bill, and
still their houses, apparatus and bn.enre
In better condition llian iliey wciii one
year airo, reileetlng credit upon each iu-
iiivmuai company.
I liud by the report Ihat during (lie
past year there liaubceu tblrty-Uueu
alarms ol lire, to-wlt :
Actual llres 21
Other c.iu'cs 12
Total loss by lire thu past year..'52O,001 (15
Insurance on same and paid 15.500 00
I.o-s over and above Insurance.. -1.501 05
oiimiN or nuns ami .w.. minis.
Ittirstiug of coal oil lamps 0
luceuilary C
Defective lines 5
Burning chimulcs II
Stove pipes 2
Sparks from chimulcs 2
Mutches 1
Ashes 1
Unknown - I
False II
Total number. llil
At the tw'cnty-onu actual llres Hut
Hough and Heady tiro company worked
at twelve llres; Arab lint company
worked at ten llres; Hibernian tiro com
pany at nlnu llres, and thu Delta
tit u company at eight llres.
Ilcloru leaving this important subject, I
would remind you that during tint past
year, although we have had llres bieak
out in bad localities, such a P.ichoirs
lurnlturu establishment, Whltloek's gro
cery, llrand Central hotel, and other
places threatening great destruction of
property, no lire extended outside of
thu building In which It originated the
history of the llro department of Cairo lor
Ihe past year Is ono of which thu city and
t'ltlens may well leel proud. Notwith
standing their needs a more thorough
organization, and would recommend thu
council to oiler proper Inducements to
the companies lo organiu a regular
lire department for their government, so
thorn would be a moro proper and order
ly discipline In time of llres, as It would
lio moro satisfactory to the llremeii niul
would result in greater heiiellt to tho
citizens In general,
, The llnanci'.? ot the city lmvo been well
amiably nmnngod under the supcilu
lenilanof and direction of the Finance
Committee, and I congratulate ihe city
council and the cltl.eus of Cairo of the
healthy condition ot its linatice, consid
ering the amount of work done (he past
and thu present stagnation or business.
Scrip ouUtandlng April W,
1875 S 20,170 02
Amount ol bonds outstanding -lO'J.SfW 20
Total city Indebtedness. April
IM), 1870 SIAII7X2
nixi.ii'is ami iai'kniiii ciikh nriuvii
VI. Alt,
April IlOlb, Ib75, cash In treas
ury f -1,221 11
April no. IS70, total iccclpt
p.i-t year W.lsU 12
$ ikl,12:i '20
Amount paid out tiia'iirv
p:it year. 5!i,S20 H7
It. dance in treasury April !,
IH70 :
:tC2 2!i
Iloiuls outstanding April KOth,
1.N75 fKKi.'JfiS 20
linnds paid during year 550 00
llonds outstanding April :to.
Ife7li $I0S,7I8 20
Interest bearing warrants out
standing April :, 1875, 20,170 02
Interest bearing warrants paid
during year !l,272 50
OutstandiuL' Interest l'arltiL'
warrant April ISO, 1870 S 10.!Ki7 12
Total eltv lnilebtednes out
side of fevee script 1485,025 .'12
city indebtedness April :iO.
1875 f IW,D7 81
City Indebtedness April :W),
1870 185,025 32
lleilucllou of clly Indebted
nes lor the year. $ 11,822 50
April :W, 1870, bonded indebt
edness I03.71S 20
April :. 1870, outslaudlug In
terest bearing warrants 10,007 12
April ISO, 1870, new levee city
eertillcates 0.880 00
Total city liirlebtedness,
bonds. Interest, scrip and
levee warrants $195,505 V2
which 'late-incut shows a larger city In
debtedness than one year ago, which Is
on account ol the building of the new
levee, which scrip will become ab-oibed
by Hie payment of taxes lor thu j'ear
1870. This Is a large amount ot indebt
edness for a city 01 the sle of Cairo.
There Is an element at work In the city
wlio are in lavorol repudiating the tax
on the railroad bond. Of the legal right
ofresl-tancu to thu tax I know not thu
ta now assessed, In my opinion, must
1; paid.
Some per.-ous advocate Ihe dispensing
with thu city government and oruaul.
Ing under a township organization. I see
uotlilnir to be gained by that plan; we
mu-t have some kind ot a government,
and II the present one Is economical and
parties pay their tax, city government
will go on.
I liud the revenue the past year deriv
ed from licence's amounts to $14,701 :I0
Receipts Irom lines 1,0:10 00
KecelpLs Irom clly scale1 iy :w
Itcccipts from insurance agents III 52
Total S15.8'J8 112
The expenditure, ol the city might be
reduced by a reduction of thu police loroe
even to a chief and two policemen. Thu
falary then olall city otllcers per month
would onlv lie il71 07, or each vcartothe
.sum of S5.'C00 01, being only a trilluovtr
one-third of the four Item of reveimu
named, which would leave a balance of
$10.23s 28 that we would hau for gene
ral purpose, and by dlsiieuslug with gas,
hauling ot L'arbazc, ami all work on
street ami sjilewnlks, with the exception
ol what could be done by the Jailer with
(he chain gang and the street uierlnten
daut.ll would be a sutlleleut sum lor all
general purposes without levying a tax
upon the people for general purposes.
All that would be to provide for would
be the lutere-t upon our bonded Indebted
ness, and perhaps belorc it would he t line
for to make another lax levy there might
be some way opened up to us, to get us
out of our legal obligation to pay the
railroad lax.
There was exiieuded ilurinrpast vear's
administration lor
alarle SS.lli:! 2!l
Streets I.s.12 IS
Sidewalks I.;i;17
Jail 1,002 i:i
Flections 85 00
Ha :,SKJ 20
Printing :io:i 10
New Levee 0,801 41
Hoard of Health 1,150 42
Drainage 015 87
Fire Department 1)00 00
Contingent or sundries 1,118 01
:ti.sso :i5
O.SOl 41
l.cs Levee scrip.
Total clly expenditure for year
lorgennai purpo-ests i".i,!i'.u yj
Belm: several thousands 13 than any
previous admlulstratlou lor years.
Tim health of the city at the pieseut
time is good. During the year the hoard
of health has had much to contend
against. During thu year there have been
!t0 eae.s of mall-pnx in our city,
10 ot whom have received treat
ment at thi! small-pox hospital :
5 of whom died and 10 cured ami 20
cases scattered through the city, mostly
under tho charge of thu board ol health.
5 of whom died and 15 recovered.
Total cost of handling the same during
the year, amounted to 751 !!."! ; $S0 ol
wuicii was lor improvements to pest
house or hospital, leaving a balance for
Die actual taking care ot patients, nurses.
guards, provisions, fuel, etc., ol all the
small pox patients of $071 'Ct.
Total expenses of hoard of health lor
the year:
Small pox patients $ 071 !i:i
improvement to ici uouc MJ uu
Dlseiifecllngclty and other con
tingents uu 0:1
$1,100 42
I would state that thu board of health
discharged their duties fallhlully, work
ing ny nay anil by night to stop tiie
spread ol thu loathsome disease, moving
many patients alter midnight, by force,
to accomplish Its check, and having
guards both by nml by night In certain
localities to prevent egress and ingress to
thu Infected districts, Slpu water his
been In our midst lor nine out of thu
twelve months past. F.very precaution
liasiieeu taken ny Using iiiscuicctauts to
promote a pure and healthy air.
Thu warm weather Is approaching and
1 would ndvl-n and reuuest that every
one disinfect his or her premises, either
be (ut- rif 1 1 mi., fin 11a tn nrnvniit niintii.
glous diseases; and the clly 011 their part
houiii do uu iioi tiou liv cleans ng Ihe
streets of all Impurities,
dambllng within thocllv limit is In.
tirely suppressed. Ilavlng'lu my Inaug
ural said It was no place for iramblcrs
and coulldcncc men, and thev must not
nersiie the r avocations in the cltv.tiie or
der has been strictly enforced, and what
gambling dens were In the city are root
ed out, and the morals of the community
greatly bencilted.
Although greatly suppressed. Is (till an
evil In our midst; tho arrest of prostltu
Icr tho past year has been mostly for
treqiienting saloons at night. The num
ber or hoii'Pg hre greatly redmed. nUo
the number ot (umate, ami by strict po
lice superlslon over ihcm, their condi
tion has been greatly improved, and ihe
inoials ol ihe community bencilted.
It lias become a Axed fact that the citi
zens of ('Alro must sec to protecting
themselves. The Calio City Property
companv being the owner ot only about
onc-lllili of tho property In value within
the city limits, throw the responsibility
upon thu eltleiis to protect thcinclvc
from the encroachments or the rivers
through the livec'. The past year's c
perlence demonstrates the bir-t Kyat.ix
upon thu ienple of nearly SIO.Iuki, 01
the fact whose place It was to protect the
levee, I preume the law will decide.
Many eltlen. bought property with the
understanding the (Jul ro l ily Property
companv would maintain the levee. To
protect ihe citizen In their tight, I did.
Not ember Hit. call the attention of the
council to the matter, leeoinmendlngthat
the eltv attorney notny inu Illinois cen
tral Ifallroad company, Cairo ami St.
Louis Hallroad company ami thu Cairo
Clly Property company or the condition
ol the levies, nml that the same must be
protected, A resolution was pasted to
that ell'eet ami served upon the parties In
Interest Ihat they were 111 111 responsible,
o that anv cillcn w l-hlng to litigate tor
damages, the proper steps had been taken
ny tne city 111 ineir iineiesi.
It being' a fact wo have to take care
ot, repair and maintain the levees, would
It not be well for us to receive thu reve
nue derived from the same, and see II
there cannot ho some amicable settlement
made wherehv the city would become t be
owner, and thus put to rest lor all tlmu
to come the nnestlon ol whose right it I
10 maintain the levees.
CAI i'KIt.
The past year has ls.cn one of great
expcne not only to thu city but to the
county 011 account ot criminials, tramps
and paupers. To show thu amount ol
01 ))aiiierism 111 tne couiiiy aim cuy al
low me to give you a lew llgurc. I
have myself, during the year, ii;s.teti:!0:j
person at a co5t ot J2S0, I lector Wood,
overseer oi (he poor for the county, has
rendered nlstuncu to 021 persons at a
cost of $l,i:i:i 25. I have by my order
as mayor pa-scd aero-- the rivers 25S per
sons, or a total who have received assis
tance lor the year ol 1,182 persons at a
cost or ?l,ll.l 25. Independent of this
amount there was at the commencement
of the year and committed during the
.-ami! 75 persons lo the poor farm, who
at a monthly co-l of f 10 each is cnulv
llent to 5750 or a yearly sum of Sli.OOO.
The slicrlll'has a-i-ted from the clly
limits the past year 2il5 persons There
has been convicted during the
year In the circuit court and county
court, ending April ".Oth 1870, C5 persons
lor crimes ranging irom petty larceny to
murder. This iinmeu-e burthen has to
be borne a
City population of. 0.C00
county population j,.ou
In conclusion 1 would recommend to
your honorable body the changing ot the
ordinance In regard to the police, so that
the force can be reduced by resolution of
the council to any number. 1 would re
commend that thu lluauce committee be
in-tructcil to correspond with thu holders
of city bonds, for the purpose of linding
out itVomu compromise cannot be alli-ct-
cd whereby the principal and Interest
can he reduced, 1 lie old iiomii taueii up.
and new ones running ,:i0, years at a re
duced rate of interest Issued. Also that
a committee ol conference benppointed to
confer with the owners oi the ievce with
the view of the city becoming
the owner. I would alo recommend thu
repeal of the ordinance governing the
hauling of garbage; al-o thu repeal of
the hog ordinance, as the hogs aru thu
liest seavangcr-thu city could have, and
thereby cause a saving to theclty ol hun
dreds of dollars. I would alo recommend
that as little public work bu done as pos
sible; led ueu the city expenses hi every
way conceivable. Uy so doing you will
llgl'iten the heavy burden of taxation that
now bears down upon the tax-payer, till
such times as there Is a reaction in our
business and financial affairs.
Yours respectfully.
IIknhy Wi.vnni, -Mayor.
On motion oi Alderman Halliday the
message was received and ordered spread
upon the records, and printed with the
minutes or tilts meeting.
Monthly report of ex-City Treasurer
II. F. Illake. was presented and read, and
on motion received and ordered llled.
Annual report ol ex-City Trea-urer
ltlake was also read as follows:
Annual Hepoit or II. F. Illake, city
treasurer, tor year ending April :W)th,
Balance In treasury May 1,1875,$ 1,221 II
By amount received irom A. II.
Irvin, county collector, 011
general warrant, 1874 20 087 17
By amount received from A. II.
Irvin, county collector, on
general warrant, 1875 liUPJ 00
By amount received Irom A. II.
Irvin, county collector, on
account of gravel road war
rant 0 12 05
By amount received Irom A. II.
Irvin. county collector, on
sidewalk warrant 807 41
By amount received from sub
scription to new levee loan... O.S80 00
By amount It. F. Blake, trcas
uur, balance of city order
account new levee unpaid... 0 74
By amount received from li
censes 1 1,752 :io
By amount received from F.
Bross, P. M,, lines collected.. 010 75
By amount received from .1. .1.
Bird, P. 31., lines collected... 1117 05
By amount received from A.
Comings..!, p.jiucscollcctcd 155 10
By amount received from
Lynch & llowley to redeem
property bought by city at
tax side 105 21
By amount received from .1.
Bross, weigh mater. 03 :ts
By amount received from
White, Wells .V: Co., Insm.
ance agent's commissions- 22 01
By amount received from W.
F. Pitcher. Insurance agentV
comiiil-sioiis II 88
By amount received from .1. II.
Olierlv, refunded 011 account
ol' Washington trip Hi 00
By amount received Irom 11. A.
Thorns, city laborers on shh
walks II S5
Total receipts..
00. 12:1 2(1
To amount paid on account
New Levee. eal $ 0,8 10 27
To amount paid Interest bear
ing city orders, and interest
on same 1,017 17
To anioitul paid on account of
notes issued to borrow mon
ey to gravel Lcvco street 2.750 Oil
To amount bonds redeemed 550 00
To amount clly orders paid 25.001 70
To amount Interest on bonds 10,1:10 55
Balance In treasury May 1st,
187(1 :i02 20
Total expenditures 00,12:1 20
Monthly report of F. Bross, police
magistrate, for 3larch, was presented,
Not havliigjnttachcd theieto tho treas
urer's receipt for ntnoutit ol line col-
lerted, nn motion of Ald.-rnian Halli
day 'aid lepnrt was laid on Ihe table,
Tho Committee on ( hiluis icported
luck the following hills wllli reeoineii
datlon that same be paid In full :
Henry Whiter, mayor, salary for
, M'f $ II 07
.lolin il, Gossmnn. city marshal,
salary for April 75 00
h .1. Bird, police magistrate, sal
ary for April 25 00
I. C. Ltihue.A. Calu.Wni. Brown,
W. W. Wooten, Henry Sargent
and Martin O'Maley, police eon
stables, salaries for April, each, on on
.Inn, laney. dieting prisoners lu
city (all, for Apill. 101 d.tv, at
50 cents . . p.'. .VI
.Ino. Clancy, extra meals furni'b
ed prisoners during April 7 ;t.t
Dan I, Ilartmati, rent oralheueuui
for election one day 5 On
.lames Carroll, rent ol , houses fof
on. dav 5 00
Harmon H. Black, one ipiarter'.s
salary as city attorney 100 00
Steve lluiiler, hauling drunken
man to Jail :I0
Cairo lit i.i.kti.v, printing council
proceedings and one book
of levee receipt 22 00
B. F. Boweii it Co., printing 500
polloi! conMables' bonds :i 75
B. F. Ilowen & Co., printing one
book tally blank.. for city clerk.. i 50
.1. S. Mcliahey 1,200 feet oak lum
ber. pi 20
.lames Farnell, hauling 18 load
at !I0 cents .-, 10
Dan McCarthy, six days work on
streets with jail gang, at $2 . ... 12 00
lorn Boyle, two days work with
team 1; 00
'lorn Boyle, two days work with
team at $1 50 II 00
llinoihy Gorman, superintendent
ol streets, salary for April 00 00
.Stratum & Bird. 2 kegs nails 0 50
Halliday Bros., 175 sacks, twine,
cie -j, ,.i
C. Thrupp, levelling from govern
ment gauge to Twentyfourth
street and putting In gauge rod. 10 Of)
.1. C. Ilcul.s.onuclglitiiulrcjoiir.ial 17 50
H. II. Cunningham, rent ol coun
cil chamber for April 15 00
Alderman Wright moved Hint a!d bills
be allowed as read and order drawn on
the treasurer for the amounts named.
Carried by fhn following vote:
ye Halliday, Lancaster. Mcdauley,
Parker, P.itier. Hittenhnue. Thllle
wood, Wilcox, Wright and Yocuni. 10.
The eotumltttec on claim aNn report
ed back salary bills of W. F. Axley, c-
clty clerk, ot B.F.Blake, cx-cltv treas
urer, and ol F. Bross. police magistrate,
with recommendation that they be not
allowed until all reports due from such
were presented fo the city council and
Alderman Lancaster moved that the
report at the committee upon said bills
be concurred lu.
Alderman Wright moved to amend by
excepting the salary bill of Mr. Blake,
as his reports are now all In and approv
ed, and that an order be drawn upon the
treasurer lor the amount of Ids salary
tor April. Amendment carried by the
following vote.
Ayes Halliday, Lancaster, 3lc(iauley
Parker, Patler. Ifltteiihoiise. Thistle
wood, Wilcox, Wright and Yocum 10.
Nays None.
The committee on claims also reported
back bill of Hopkins and Stephens for
planting and boxing 50 trees lu St.
-Mary's park, amounting to $:t7 50, with
recommendation that said hill be allowed
lu two warrant", viz.,
To Hopkins and .Stephen. $10 85
" Newton Bice 17 05
On motion the bill was allowed as re
commended, by the following vote.
Ayes Halliday, Lancaster, McOauley,
Parker. Patler, Klttcnhou-e, Thistle-
wood. Wilcox,' Wi Iglit and Yocuni. 10.
Nays None.
The committee 011 claims also re
ported back bills ot election Judges and
clerks, recommending that same be al
lowed at the rate of two dollars and lllty
cents pel day, each, as provided by or
dinance. Alderman Lancaster moved to con
cur lu recommendation ol the committee,
which motion was lost by the following
vote :
Ayes Lancaster. MeOaiilex. Patler,
Kltlcuhoiisu and Thistlowood 5.
Nay Halliday, Parker, Wllenx
Wrlglitnnd Yocum 5.
Alderman Halliday then moved Ihat
said bills be allowed at three, dollars per
day, which motion was declared lost by
the following vote:
Ayes Halliday, Parker, Wilcox,
Wright and Yocum 5.
Nays- Lancaster, McOauley. Patler,
Hlttenliouse and Thl'tlcwood 5.
On motion of Alderman Wright the
said bills were referred back to thu com
mittee 011 claims. Thu eomuiitleu 011
claims also reported hack bill of Amos
Amount, for hauling one person to Jail,
amounting to titty cents, with reeoin.
incndatlon that Hie sum of thirty centi
bu allowed in full of said bill.
Alderman Patler moved Ihat said re
commendation beeoncurred In. and order
drawn on the treasurer for the amount
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes Halliday. Lancaster, McOauley.
Parl'icr.Paller, Hltlenhoue,Thl6tlt!Wood.
Wilcox, IV right ami Yocum I".
Nays 0,
Thu couimlttru on Claims also repor
ted hack the hills ut' the Cairo City (i as
company, for gas consumed In street
lamps during -March, amounting to
$;i;i5 40, and lor same during April,
JICIO 00, with recommendation that the
sum of SHOO IS bu allowed in full for -aid
bill for .March, and thu sum of $:i:il OS
for April; said reductions being based
upon tho city marshal's report of lliu
number of gas lamps not lie during the
months ol .March anil April.
Alderman Wilght moteil that thu re
port bu concurred in, ud orders be
drawn upon the treasury tor thu amounts
named by thu committee, which motion
prevailed by tho following vote:
Aycs-llallldaj. I.am-i tei, ..icOauley.
Parker, Patler, n'litenbou-c.Tliisliiiwood,
Wilcox, Wtighr, and Yocuni lo.
Nays- 0.
Tho Finance Committee, to whom was
reierre.! thu report of A. Coinings, .1. P.,
tor tho month ot April. J87i, together
with his hill for cosbi lu caos lu
which Judgment was, rendered
against tho city. reported thu
same back- with recommendation Hint It
he ivliinn.'rt to -Mr. Comings for correc
tion, and -,uiii)f; at length their leason.
therefore. On mollon ot Alderman
Wright Hie report of committee wa re
ceived and their recommendation con
curred in.
The Finance Committee also reported
that they had examined the report of ex
City Treasurer Blake, and had found
them correct, also that they had received
from him. nml had destroyed by burning,
all the cancelled eily orders, Interest
hearing ell) orders anil Interest coupon
therein reported. On motion talil repoit
was tfivlvcd and ordered Hied.
The Ordinance Committee to whom
was referred an ordinance entitled "an
ordinance In icgiilate the ue of steam
power on and along stteels ami ave
lines within tho corporate limits of the
Cltj'ol Cairo," reported the same back
witli the n commendation ilea action
thereon be ludellnllely postponed. On
motion of Alderman Lancaster said re.
port was lecelved, and the recommenda
tion of the committee concurred lu.
The special committee appointed at the
last meeting of the council to consider
the communication from tho several tire
companies In relation to the celebration
ol the coming Fourth ol duly, reported as
follows :
Alderman Hlttciihnu-o moved that the
report he received, and that the persons
suggested b hereby appointed as such
committee. Carried.
'lo Oie lliinnnililc .Mayor ami ( lly ( oiiucil
Or.vri i.mi.n :--We would suggest 011
ucuaii 01 die ccieiiratiou to lie held 011
thu Ith of .Inly, that you appoint as a
committee ol Itnal arrangement, one
Irom your body. 0110 from each tin; com
pany, one irom the railroad Interest, one
irom thu Chamber ol Commerce, one
from river transportation, one from the
Knight Templar, one from the Masons,
one Irom the Knights of Pythias, one
from the Odd Fellows, one Irom the Ca
sino, one from thu Hunting ( lub. one
from Ihe St.PalrH.'s llciicvolc ntSoclciv.
one from thu Ancient Order of Hibern
ians, one from each baud, one irom the
Sundy schools, one Irom the Taylor Lit
erary Society, one from the Turners, one
from Hie .Mystic lirew, one from the city
at large, one from Ihe Boating Club and
Amateur Siring Baud.
Would suggest as suitable persons 10
constitute such committee the following
named gentleinni:
From Ihe council His Honor, the
Delta City lire company .lolin Holmes.
Hibernian lire company Win. Mo
Hale. Hough and Heady lire company .1. O.
Arab lire company A. I.obr.
Hailroads H. L. Morrill.
Chamber of Commerce Peter Cuhl.
Hlvcr Transportation Major K. W.
Knights Templar Dr. C. W. Dun
Masons F.x-Mayor .loliu Wood.
Knight of Pythias W. K. I law kin. -Odd
Fellows .loliu Hoblnson.
Cairo 1 'aslno Herman Meyer.
Hunting club W. T. Bcerwart.
St. Patrick's Benevolent society W.
Ancient Order of Hibernian 1). Mc
Taylor Literary society I .mil Schuck-ei-s.
Turncr.-i F.d. Under.
Silver Cornet band F. Itro.
Delia City Cornet band P. II. Scbiih,
National hand Prof. F.isenburg.
Sunday school B. F. Blake.
From the eily at large Col. S. Staats
Mystic K'rew U. Hardy.
Boating association .lolin I. Ai
thorp. Amateur siring band Frank Met
calf. Base. ball-Phil. Howard.
All ot which is respectfully submitted.
W. P. Wiiiniii.
,li:wKir Wilcox,
Oi:o. Yoci'Ai,
Alderman Thlsilewood offered the fol
lowing resolution, and moved the ado
tlon of tho same, which was carried:
WiiiutiiAS, The condition ot Klghth
street, between Commercial and Wash
ington nvenues, I. such as to reipilrc im
mediate attention. Therefore
AV.Wifi, That tho Street Committee bu
Instructed to have said street icpalred
and put In good order.
Thu bond of Winter Sc Stewart, auc
tioneers, was presented, and on motion,
The clerk then read the following com
munication :
Oitiui: Ol' Till". Tiiustkis
'llHMTKi:' 1
r ProiT.iuv, V
y 0, 1870. )
or 1 in: ("aiiio City
Caiko, Ii.i.., May
To llu- Clly council, of the City of Culrin
tU'.NTi.i'.Mr.N Among thu proceedings
In thu circuit court ot thu United Mates
lor the Southern district oi Illinois, In a
case In which the undersigned is com
plainant, and the 'alro and St. Louis
railroad company and the Clly of Cairo
are defendants, 1 llud an appearance en
tered for lliu city by .Messrs. .luddiS:
Wlilteliouse. of Chicago, as solicitors for
tliu eltv, nml an answer Hied by them for
thu city, -lgned by thu mayor and sworn
to by him.
lu this answer Ululated that tho city
expres-lv denies Hunt lliu pices of laud
upon w hich thu new levee Is being con
structed nutl which tt
is designated a New Levee street, Is 0110
of Hie publlii streets of said city.
The trustees of tho Cairo City Proper
ty had no authority to convey thu ground
upon which thu new lcvco Is constructed
except tor 11 public street, and as such
thu conveyance made, as will appear by
Ihe instrument of dedication 011 record In
the recorder's olllcu for thu county. If
tliu denial that thu piece ot ground called
New Levee street, 1- a street Is nrolstcd
In. It. seems lo mu that lliocllv denies its
title to the ground upon which tho new
levee I built, nml If the answer llled for
the city is noiwll Intra un It will bu thu
duty of Hi" undersigned to ask the court
to decree the litre In him again, that lie
may resume possession and dispose ol It
and tho embankment constructed theru
on as llm best interest ol" the trust may
dicta. 1 . erv respi-ctfully your obedient
servant, S. Si'Avr T.tvi.ou, Trustee
Alderman Halliday oO'ered Hie follow
ing re.-olutliiii, and moved lu adoption :
Wur.niiAs. An appearance h"1 ,,,0M
entered for the city by Messrs. .'udd at
Whlteliousn of Chicago, us solicitors In
certain suit lu lliu circuit court ol the
Pulled Slates, tor Hie southern district ot
Illinois, wherein Samuel StaaW 'laylor Is
complainant, nail tho Calm and St.J.ouls
Hallroad company and cIV 0j,L,ttlr0
are detendants, and n iwer fllcU in
said court. In which the trjio Interests of
said city do not appear to be represented,
the Mlnj; of aid ati'Wfr and Ihe employ,
ment of said solicitor- Imvlnrj been made
and done without t. authority of thu
eily council, or of ihe proper law officer
of the clly; therefore
AVWrfii, That the subject matter of thu
foregoing preamble be lelerrcd to the clly
attorney with Intriielloiistowltlidrawiald
answer Irom the files of the court, and
to put in such an answer in In his opinion
will be proticr. atiMtherwlo to protect
the interests or ihe city in 'tho premises.
Pending the vote on the abovo resolu
tion, the chair rupicsteii that the com
munication Hum Mr. Taylor and the
resolution oll'eied bj Mr. Halliday be rc
fi ned to n special cominillfe.
Whereupon Alderman MtOnnley
move I to amend Mr. Ilaltlday's motioii
by referring the matter to a special com
mittee of 1 luce to report at next meeting.
The iiictloii bring put upon the
amendment, It was declared rejected.
The vote was then called upon Alder
man llalllday's resolution which wa
adopted by the following vote?
Ayes-Halllday, Laiicaslerj Parker,
Palier. l!ltteiilioue, Tbltlewnoil.
Wright and Yocum 8.
Nays McOauley ami Wilcox'-.
Tiie mayor then placed In nomination
lortbe olllce of chief of police .Ino. II.
Oossinan, who was continued by thu
following vote.
Ayes Halliday. Lancaster, McOauley
Parker. Pallet, ISittciilionsc, Thistle
wood, Wilcox, Wright and Yocum 10,
Nays- - None.
The mayor then nominated for police
constable .Martin O'Malley.
Ayes Halliday, Lancaster, .McOauley,
Parker. Patler, Itittctihouse, Thistle
wood, Wright, Wilcox and Yocum 10.
Nays None,
The mayor nlo nominated for police
constable, Henry Sargent.
Ayes Halliday. Lancaster, ilcOauley,
Parker, Patler, Klttenhousc, Thistle
wood, Wilcox, Wright and Yocum 10.
Nays None.
The chair then stated he would make
un further nomination for police con
stables at present.
The mayor nominated for city jailer
lolin Clancy. Hejectcd.
Ayes Thlstluwood 1.
Nays Halliday, Lancaster, McOauley
Parker, Palier, Klttenhousc, Wilcox'
Wright and Yocum 0.
The mayor then nominated for city
jailer, .lames ( 'arroll. Continued.
Ayes Halliday, Lancaster, McOauley,
Parker, Patler, Klttcnhouse, Thistle-
wood. Wilcox, Wright and Yocum 10.
Thu mayor nominated for assistant
chief of Fire Department, Win. T. Bcer
wart. Continued.
Ayes Halliday, Lancaster, McOauley,
Parker, Patier,l!lttenliouc, Thistlowood,
Wilcox, Wright and Yocum 10.
I On motion of Alderman Halliday, the
council adioiirned.
Ja. W, Sikwaut. City Clerk.
'I lie l.iml i:ii(erlnliiiiieut
of thu
Friday Night, May 12th.
i:kp tui: i.ir w rKurouMi.it 1
W. 11. Morris,
Fenner Kldrld,
.lulili 1,'eeve.
Lou Schucker,
loliu Oswald,
lolin AIthorpe.
Nick Hacker,
Ike C. Brlkey,
Laity and Fox,
Billy Hawkins,
Oeorge Clicllct,
Henry Milbiiru,
Prof. Ki?cnburg,
Overdue K11II Piinil
oi'i'iiiiiK (.'liinii omeany
My Mill.-line Waitliiif For Jle"
Little DU'klu lllnl" .lan Schucken
"Tin-(Hit Hum (iiitv" NU-k llurkir
' 'l he l-une llmt ted to School" I. S. Al-thorpc
"I.I111I.1 l.oe" ..loliti lime
"Wliut lliu CuiiiUe 811I1I" W. II. Morrl
Ktcrii-io 10 tiik Ckntknniai. Comrnny
I'.vur 11,
CilAI.I.KN'lli: Cl.OI! loilN I.AI.I.V
HAiiinndli("iTAitP.xr.iicisK.,.L Biuckkv
Mpirliiuil Miinirestwiion.
Medium W 11 Morrl
Jake (item sw thu milnu) ......John Oiwuhl
limtiumtMital (jiihititte .Xnllonat Hand
"(Jeoiyi' Wttslilsgtun" 11 (Vntriinlil L'hiimi'ter
Song Klilrhl ini'l AUthnriJ
'TVnThoilsiiiHl .Miles Away" Lou Scliurkrrs
"l.ouUhmi Senator" John l!eee
Challenge J Ik Andrew t'o.v
OMM1111 spcrallle V'ctmer Kldrld
80111; and Dance Ijilly and Ko.X"
The in'rforiiiunco to cmcluilc with the fimny
fiivcc entitled
l .M'I.r JKI'F.
CiieN' -li'lT fa iiiUi'hleiutH nltf) John Oswald
Jumbo (11 L'linleuer) ..John 1-iilly
Henry (in lute ullli .losi'iihlue) ttro. Chrllet
llr. (Jolv (a WllsiKciluctoi) II II Mllhurn
siiiiioi Hilly llawktn
Mm. Ii'rliim Kit Deoulu
Juscjihlnc 1C Pilckry
Assignee's Notice.
By virtue ot an order of thoilidrict court
of the United 8titcii for thu southern dis
trict of Illinois, 1 will, mi Saturday morn
lug, May lit, KSTU, at the hourul 10 o'clock
a.m., sell at public sale to tho highest Mil
der, fur cash In hnul.at t lie dcnrol lliu
store (on Commercial avenue, lu tho city
of Cairo) lately occupied by llellbrou .t
Well, bankrupts, now oeeup'od by Solomon
Parelra, all thu uncollected accouuti and
other evidences ot indebteduo-i belonging
to the estato of said bankrupts and remain
Ing undisposed of at the tlmo ot such sale,
(iKOltOK FlsilKjl,
As.hrueoof llellbrou ."fc Well, U.uikrupts.
Caiko, May l, 1870. HO-flt
lliin FurBUhliiK MooiU.
This department at. . Burger & Co.'n
store on Commercial avenue, contains a
stock ot table linens, towels, napkins,
marselllcs quilts, etc., etc., w hich will de
light the eyo of every housekeeper
These goods are ottered nt panic price
and will go oh' like hot cakes.
At Hnllry'at.
Thu Centennial KefriKcrator the latest
improvement ai.il thu best ever made
alo a lino assortment of hardware ami
cutlery at greatly reduced prices, at A.
Ilalleys, No. 115 Commercial avenue.
SoMKTMKO Nkw. Tho lightning, re
ciprocating, tin churn and egg tieater,
tliu latest and tho beat ever made, at A,
Halley's, who la bow aelllug Ida largu
stock pt stoves, Un and brlttana ware at
grcauy reaucexi prlcei. niro :11m a can
letore you purchase, lis Commercial av

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