OCR Interpretation

The Cairo bulletin. [volume] (Cairo, Ill.) 1872-1878, July 04, 1876, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85033413/1876-07-04/ed-1/seq-3/

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Real Estate Column
Alexander county lauds, luiio lot,
t-t tiHnre for St. I.oui property.
I lie -nutli tmll f tho "Pilot"' house at
rottun on Sixtli clrci t m ar Wa-h-liijMon
av hue.
-Cottaeon kiyhtli street n ar Wal
.1 1 1 1 Mrecf.
Itwt-lliiij;, I'lirm r Twenty loiulh hikI
llulhiook avenue.
-First flMir of l.rii k dwelling corner
Ninetumth iiinl I'nplarMreets.
Cottage on Fourth Stri ct, lictwecn
'niiiiiicrciiit ami Washington avenue.
- Cottage on Ninth Street, west of Wal
nut street.
Collude on Fourteenth strict, vc-t
id Washington avenue, $1 I
Saloon ami lixturc, !iiithvc.t eorn
r Eighteenth Mrect and otnnicrcial
iveniie, at a bargain.
Cottage on Twcltth atrcct, et ol
'ominercial avenue, $10.
--Ihvclfuig house on 'tit- iie t, vves
ol W UMhiligtou avenue.
Itllshicti- hou-e on LcVee street, alMive
hchth, j'JO.
A viNfl cottage on Twcntv-Ninth
-I reel, near I'oiiiincrcliit uvi-nue.
Store room on Commercial avenue,
text to WhvitIv hotel, M.
Cottage of 4 rooms on Twenty-third
licet, JO. i;ool yard and cistern.
iood dwelling house on Walnut, In
twecn Twenty-fccond and Twcnty-tlcrd
frcc.U, $10.
Store-room corner Twentieth and
I'oplar street, $12 Hi.
Store room adjoining nlnnc, ?"
House on Commercial avenue, near
IMi Mreet. Suitable for husine-
and j
Tenements numbered 8 ami fl,
Winter's How. 5 rooms c-ach for $10
l-er month. Will be put In first-class
Dwelling hou-e on Sixth street and
Jelb Twin avenue $10.
Orphan Asylum building and premi
ses. Kent low, to a good tenant.
Store room, comer Twentieth and
Washington avenue, $12 a month.
Kooms In various parts ol the city.
Lands, in tracts to suit, near Cairo.
Tlie (i-aUaalal l onrlli. f lie IHber
tin no to Ilia I ron I.
The citizens' movement, inaugurated
for the purpose ot making arrangements
to celebrate the Centennial Fourth ol
luly, having failed, and a later move
ment among the firemen of the city to
make ucctslul the same purpose, hav
ing also failed, the members of the Hi
bernlan tire company, upon consultation,
I termir.cd to make arrangements tin ni
ueivc for the proper celebration ot the
great day, and to invite the public of
aim and the surrounding country to
Join with them in the patri
otic duty. They have accord
ingly Pllgageu rr..u.-- t
garden for the occasion ami will throw
Loth open to the public night ami day.
All the prominent brass and string bands
have l-en employed ; a grand procession,
patriotic in all its details, will be a dis
tiiiguihlng feature of the event; the
immortal Declaration ot Independence
will be nad by the Hon. John II. OU-rly
and orations will fx? delivered by Hon.
Wm. Hartell and other distinguished
unitors, and lire works will
make the heavcn.s bright in
I tie night time with patriotic lire
Everything will !e done to make the o-
ca-ioii a mont glorious one; ami to thi
end all the citiens of Cairo and of all
I he tow us and cities and country around
alx'iit us in Illinois, Ki titm ky and Mis
-nuri. are aked to come III an. I give a
helping Imii l. I'.y order ol the commit
tee. A. Sl SANKA,
J. .1, Andkusos.
M. .1. How t.r.t ,
Wm. Mill w s.
llret ilie
Mi ll's good suit only "i.oo at
inoii l'areiia's.
One hundred pairs ol line all wool
youths' and boys' pants of the latent
tvlcn will be sold at a sacrifice; also
coats and vests in proportion, at
Soi.o.viox 1'aiikika's,
1 IJ and 111 Commercial avenue
Only three dollars for a nice white
Marseille suit, coat, pants and vest A
line bilk alpaca coat only f Jeans
pants only t cents a jair, at
Solomon' IAi!i:ut.s,
12 and 1 1 1 Commercial avenue
The cheapest lot ot boots and shoes
can always be found at Solomon Farcl
ra's. A ladies' line cloth lace shoe, kid
front, only $1 ; men's brogans, only $1 ;
tneu s tine boots only $2.50.
Fifty dozen black fans, from live
cent . - enry-hve cents for the best ;
iso a nice parasol only twenty-tive cents
u piece. M ust be sold before the season
Is over, nine and pink sash ribbons only
fifteen cents a yard, at Solomon I'a.
Three pairs ladies' hose for twenty'
live cents, three pairs childreus' hose
only twenty-five cents. Ladies' Morocco
sachels, only fifty cents, worth one dol
lar; and everything else in proportion
can always be fouud at Solomon J'arei'
for Kale,
.Etna Flour Mill, Indianapolis, Indiana
3 run 4 feet buhrs, water power. Mill in
eomplcte running order. Building 43x45
feet, 4 stories and basement. Would
take a part pay mill in Southern Illinois
or Indiana. Small cash payment.
Address, Sullivan & (Ju ts.
0-1 1-2 w
The undersigned is prepared to pump
3Ut and repair cisterns or build new ones
on short notice aud at satisfactory prices
J. S. Hawkins,
2'ld and Cedar streets, l'ostotlice box
Thirty thousand ut received Jat the
BfLt-KTi-N oliloe.
V re aittliorUi-d to rinnn- JHIN II.
linlilSMlN itaramlMn'r fur slierifl ol Ali-x-
m..i r idin.ly, at llir cninlm- I'lmnly UiUon.
We are aiilliorirrd to niiiioiin- Hint It. A. r.-l-
iiiifuUiiii n an linlii.mil) lit Kdiiililii'an caiuil
ilal- lor slii tilf, at Uit- rimuinK county t-hvtion.
VV air nutlioriol t'ianiioiini I'KI 'Kit XtTI,
lair an I iial-M-itl-?it raiMlnlntr lur Mii-mr n i
ixnmli-r county, at tin- mitiiuiK maiity Ui-linli.
- a-
J- All l.ilM lor ft'lti-Mimiuc, an- ilw- and -y
atilv 14 akvami
Traniiint advi'Mibing will I inert-l al llm
rati- of tl il r iiiari- for the Ornl inm-Mion
and .V ivnin for each li-ciiint (mi A liborul
illwiiint will br Ilia'U- on fttuiidinK aii'l
for InM-rtiiiK Fimi rul notice 1 Nntn ol
miftini; of ivieietiM of turret order irt for
in.ii iiiwrtion
Church, Noi-My, Kestivat and Sitnr in tin
will only In in rUil a.i awlirtiniiieTiUi
Ko a'lvt-rtlwniPiit will W r-elval at than
tV rfiiU, atnl no HOvrrti-nni lit will l lui-rtl
for li-iN than tlm-c dollum i r iiioMIi
Local Bualnen" Notlc. of
tan II rn" more, inmiwu
in the Bulletin u follow:
Commence Counting at ten Line.
One Insertion per line Cent
Two Insertion per line 7 Cent
Three lneertiona per line 10 Cent
Six ineertione per line 15 Cent
Two week per line 85 Centa
One month per line. 35 Centa
Mo Reduction will be made in above
I.aral Wea.tl.rr Krpori.
Caiho. 111., lulv 1T,,
Hah. I Ilia.
7 a ni.
II "
t p.rii.
m.iH-i i
r.''S."i I
e.--K i
I Fuir.
I do
I do
S'. rKMint, Signal h-rTlc, I', a. A .
l.ortil ItrcTltiei.
ISoys' suits at I'. Heilbron's for
dollar and tilt v cents a suit only,
W AM Kl.
A goid wash woman can find i tu
ploym t lit by applying at LU i i.tux oflice
Must be a good washer.
DON T r'onUhl
To buv vourself a nair ot hroirans at
15 cents, while they urc so cheap, at l'
Heilbron's. lSurge's old stand.
cai li t ! Cii ii k : .
Fartles having cattle to teed can pur
chase the beet ot distillery slop at the
airo distillery, at five cents per barrel.
0-2 S-.'lw II. St Ht'i.TZ, Trop'r.
A neat cottage on Third street
inree rooms nun . ,
two riHin on same stret.
nun h1o
Apidv at
Helta Housi-, Cairo.
tol.'lt I If "K .11 I. V I I.MON-.
Just rect-ived and for sale a choice stock
of selected and packed lemons, in full
boxes, which I oiler at the lowest mark
et prices. S. E. Wilson,
IMT-.'t s;l Ohio leec
iim i:ri t ivt i
A large stock of boots
Mum s. ISoots Iroin to f2 III t pair
and shoes from 2."i cents to $2. lou't
lot rct to cull and examine them at IV
Heilbron's, ISurgcr's old stand. r.-Hi-n
J. liKOI'.OK. H KtNllol'SV.
on Eighth strei-t, two doors from Alex
ander ounty Hank, I the place to get a
fashionable hair cut or a smooth shave
or an j thing else in the burlier line. I
dies' and children' hair cut or dressed
either at the shop or their home;.
i;-2s tf
1HK KOI Kill.
liet ready for the Fourth. Fine silk
alnaca coats at S2 25 and line while
shirts from 75 cents to il Mat V. Hell
bron's corner of Ninth strict and Com
inen ial avenue. Cin-iit
Kolt sam:
At a bargain, a No. 1 top-buggy. Apply
to Jamks Johnson,
Stone 1 cpot.
Caik, April HO. Is7fl. :t
The I'eak ;Famlly Sw lss bell ringer?
will appear at the Atheneutu on Mon
dav and Tuesday niirht. This Is one of
the most popular organizations in the
United States, and Its members are sure
to meet with a hearty welcome in Cairo.
The follow ing is a list of the officers
elected at the regular meeting ot
Cairo Eucampnient, 1. O. O. F : A
Comings, 'chief patriarch; A. Eraser.
high priest ; E. A. Burnett, senior war
den ; C. K. Slack, scribe ; W. Alba
treasurer ; C. Jones, Junior warden.
The Turners have arranged for a grand
Centennial Fourth ol July celebration in
their garden, corner ot Tenth street an
Washington avenue. The garden will
be fitted up with artiticlal shade trees
and will He made the pleasantest place
of amusement in the city. Everybody is
invited. U-28-td
Mr. Drown, who w as stabbed by a tic
jjro boy some two weeks ago, lor at
tempting to prohibit him, (the negro)
trout whipping a little white urchin, Ls
almost wholly recovered from his
wotmds, and Is again able to be out. The
negro who stabbed Mr. Brown will bo
given a bearing In g day or two.
will take place at the new Turner hall
gardeu. Concerts, national games, danc
ing aud relreshiueuU ol all kinds. Artl
Hi ial shade', Chine e Miiterm, ileiora
11011", and ever) body ir)nleliay, ur ''
jMiieial l. atnregol thii htiy Fourth of
Inly with the Turners. l.verylo.i
hould attend and eive thi-i fK-lety the
em onrnenicit it depervea. . -2S fd
I 1,11 HI- AIM!.
Kedhetlel's I'atelit l.ightniii;; Kei iTO-
cating Egg Heater, sweet i ream, cu. laid.
shi ami ImhI lug maker. I'n iniiim egg
heater ol 171, and (he bevt in thfwurl.l.
l or sale by Ch:iJ. W . IJetider.:on, general
dealer hi tove-, tin ami hollow watc
Commercial ii venue, corner of Twelfth
street, Cairo, Illinois. O-.T-lm
At lhc store room of C. Koch, on
Commercial aenue. No. !K, below Sixth
street, may lie found a full assortment of
leather and findings ; also a large stock
of St. I.ouis cicitoiu made boots and
shoes, lb" aNo keejis on band a good as
sortment of Ixiots, shoe, etc., ol his
own make. I Soot. s and shoes made to
order of flrst-chns material and satisfac
tion guaranteed. 0-2MI'
MltK MilIKS.
Having bought a large tock of lire
works, Mags and Chlnc-e latitern, at a
low figure for cash, I offer them at St.
l.ouls or Chicago priees. If you have
a price list of any dealer of either city, 1
I will fill your order for a $o or f 10 lot
at their iiriee. You need not send away
when you can get as cheap goods in your
own city. Phil. fl. Sai r,
orn; r of Eighth treet and Washington
nvenue. u-i-u
n n . . .
J'he Cairo and Yincenncs railroad of.
fer the following iiiduix-inents to person?
desiring to visit Chicago : At Cairo they
will sell excursion tickets to ineennes
and return, good from July 1st to the 7th
lor $4. At Yincenncs the Evansville and
Crawfordsville railroad will sell round
trip tickets to Chicago, good for same
time, lor $0. making only $10 for whole
trip. 6-27-Ct
"Keep your vest on,'' and call at Louis
ISlattau's, on Eight Etreet, No. 2;i. It
matters not how hot you are, a glass of
Louis' ice cold lager, will immediately
cool you oil ; and his grand free hot
lunch in the morning at 9, and cold lunch
at 0 p.m., is really too good to give
away. Yet, Louis iuvitcs his (Mends and
the public generally to come, cat, drink
and be merry. Don't lorgct the place,
Butchers' and Drovers' Exchange. No.
23 Eighth street, between Commercial
and Wa-hington avenue. G-30-s.t
I lie Line Of Mart-li ol Ike rroceiou.
For the benefit of all who may wish to
join in the company's parade, we sub
mit the following programme of the line
of march.
The proces-iou will be formed at theen
f ine house, on Thirteenth street at !s:30
o'clock, and will move at nine sharp
The line w ill move from the engiiiehou.se
to Commercial avenue ; up Commercial
avenue to Twentieth ; west on Twentieth
to Washington avenue ; south on Wash
lugton avenue to Eighth; east on Eighth
to Ohio lcyec ; south ou Ohio levee to
Fourth street; west on Fourth street to
Wa-hington avenue; north on Washing
ton avenue to Sixth street; east on Sixth
street to Commercial avenue; north on
Commercial avenue to Ninth street;
west ou Ninth street to Wash
ington garden, where the celebra
tion will beheld. All citizens or organ
isations that w sh to participate in the
parade will be given positions in the
ranks by the I. rand Marshal of the day,
I'hillip How ard. By order of the Coin
mittcc ol arrangements.
Hibernian Fire l o. No. 4, you are re
quested to meet at the engine house ou
the morning of the Fourth ol July,
at eu'ht o'clock sharp in full unilotm.
P. O'Loi ;hi IN, Secy.
-Bargains to-dav at O. Haylhorn A
7-1 :'.t
It w ill pay you to see the new goods
just received by O. Haythoru Co.
One hundred pieces of choice style
prints just opened by O. Haythoru A
Co. 7-l-:it
A large lot of boys' hats worth Jl 25
w ill be sold for U5 cents each at O. Hay
thorn & ( o. 7-l-:tt
O. Haythorn & Co. have jiiMt re
ceived a new addition to their stock of
men's and ladies' fine shoes and slippers.
We are always ahead In style, quality
and pi ice. (J. Haythorn & Co. C-iStKlt
The nindery.
Having purchased the Cairo City Bind
ery from Mr. Huel, I have sold au inter
est in it to Ambrose Pyatt, a young man
who is a skillful book-binder and in
every way worthy of the public confi
dence, lie will hereafter have charge of
the bindery and its business, and I be
speak for him a liberal share of the pat
ronage of Cairo. John. II. Oiuciti v. .
.lulv 1st 1k7i:
- - j 1 "a
t or Tilalen mid lleuiin
Mr. Dun on: If the colored men
kiiew their own Interest they would
promptly abaudou the Kepuhlican party.
In the hands of the licpublicaus they are
nearly as much slaves as they were
in the South. 1 for one will not be do
livered by the w hite Uadical mauagers to
Hayes and Wheeler. Tut me down for
Tilden and Hendricks.
J. T. Allen.
tueelalor MaUwu,
This popular saloon, corner Fourteenth
trect and Washington avenue, Is open to
the public. The bar Is supplied with
pure wiuei, choice liquors and the finest
brands of cigars.
3-25-tf A. Kkai-8, Proprietor,
No lliilitlln.
No l!i ii k 1 1-4 will be h-uc, ir.uu tl.i
nltlee to-morrow. The euiiloyc" ol the
establi hniMit, like other patiiofie citi
zens, will jubilate to-day.
ith a datk tic I I of blue ami a biidit
stripe of red.
Bespangled with ftan bright a- fiold-
Centennial iirrjent liom brave hearts
now Mill, -
riil' 'haulier a hundred year: old."
fccifTlic I'eak Family Athciicum.
nteil In.
Th. tunnel of the Cairo and St. I.oui-
narrow gauge'railrond, about three miles
above Jone-horo, was badly damaged
the latter part of la t week, by one end
caving in. Heavy rains were the cause.
And when lilwrty, crushed by the grim
tyrant baud,
Lay panting and bleeding alone,
Ere the brave hearts had rallied urouml
our dear laud.
And had offered there blood to atotie.
I niiernl of I. Hill Jiuiiea tlli.
The funeral of lit lie James Wal-li. infant
son ol Mr. and Mrs. Matt Walsii, took
place on Sunday afternoon. Th're was
a very large attendance of the friitid- ami
acquaintances of the bereaved parents.
Jjsr-'l'lie Teak I'n.nil.v 'Athciicum.
And the Angel of Love, looking down
from above.
Dropped tears on the blue ocean cold.
And flashing that Ibig, they enfigurcd
each star.
On this "banner hundred years old.
The Pa-ak rnmily.
The Peak family lrew a good audience
at the Atheneum last evening. Their
entertainment U a very excellent one,
and should not be missed. They appear
again this evening ftr the last time.
God bless our Centennial meeting at
home !
May joys and sweet pleasures untold,
Cluster round the dearembl'tn our fore
fathers gave
This "banner a hundred yuirs old."
jj-"Thc Peak Fanily Alheneuni.
IliMNoIutiOH of opart crli.
As will be seen b notice elsewhere in
this issue of the FJcllltin, the-tirni ot
Lynch & Ilowley.real ttat agents, has
been dissolved b mutual consent, Mr
M. J. Ilowky retring from the firm
Mr. Lynch will coitimie th business of
the firm.
On the shore, diuly seen through the
mists of the ecp,
Where the foes hnighty lust in dread
silence reposs,
What is that whichthe breteg, over the
towering ste-p,
As it fitfully bkws, hak concealed
half dUclox's.
Onlfuary her Ufa.
There will b a HiaUKsg-lving and
praise service to-cay at 10 a.m ,in the Meth
odist Episcopal church, concr Eighth
and Walnut strerts. Let everybody come
aud fjH-ud one hour in reuderng thanks'
giving and praise to tiod on thi centenary
anmvcr-ary ol our nation's brth, for the
many mercies enjoyed, and tie great fa'
vor shown us as a nation.
There's an emblem so dear tc American
Flashing over the land thatis free ;
Since the t.oddcss of Lilicrty. cradle w
rocked, ,
On the shores of the isle d the sea.
Poor-Near Donsrola. lll.kois, June
lsth, Evan W.. son of Geo. E and Ada
A. Poor, aged one year ltd cight
months. This is the second' time that
death has entered this lamil,' si"1'' their
departuretrom Cairo hi Aijustla -t, they
having lost their interestie lift le daugh
ter Ada, in December lat aged fourteen
rHiiituigu Club.
We under.-tand that s.vci-l campaign
clubs are ubiiut to be organised in Cairo
One of the organizations, o be known
as (he Continentals," I" already a
number of members, T'fy are nearly
all men past the iniddb ng'i '! pro
pose appearing iu a prade shortly in
old continental costume They are Til
den and Hendricks nva (ron. the soles
of their leet, to the -row nof their heads.
And where is thnt band who so vaun
tingly bwoiv
That the horse Jf war aud the battles
Of COllfllsi.ll,
A home and a country should leave
us no more r
Their blood 'i.ivo washed out their
foul lootsbps polution.
And the star-spa.gle banner iu triumph
shall wave
O'er the land o the free and the home
of the bra !
Hotel Personal!.
St. Charles Ired Davis, Chicago ; F.
J. Harris, Chicaro; O. H. Pierce, New
Orleaus ; Rev, 1, Peterson, Water Val
ley, Miss.; Z.A Ashford and William
Ashford, Newpnt, Kentucky; Capt. W
B. Miller aud George Miltenberger,
steamer Thompson Dean , C. C. Crowel,
Peoria; Joseph loscphs, Cincinnati; S
I. Lock, Chicago; S.J. Clark, Helena,
Ark ; J. E. Anderson, Bowlder, Cal
O. W. Murry, St. Louis; F. C. Warwick,
Thc Peak Family Atheneum,
Uueu l-pr.
Linen fibre, plate finish, letter aud note
vaptr at the Billktix office. Blue and
cream laid, below St. Louis prices.
Pr. Smith has removed his olllce to
rooms 8 and 9. Winter's block. Entrance
ou SeveutU ssreet.
A I.fcifi aud Katauilaitio Crowd PtMnt.
The Tilden ami llendrick- ratification
meeting, held at Mai ki t Simaie la t even
ing was a fraud pucce :., At aneaily
hour, the hand began parading the
streets, and a1! soon an d.irkneas fell, im
mense bonfire lornm'd up near
the baud -taiiil-, Ihat .'plead
their broad elate far aud near-
A crowd that numbered at lea-tone thou
and people was not long to fi'-'s-cinhhi
who were addres-ed llrst bv Jildire
Mulkcy in a most sensible and striking
pcech, that drew forth the enthusiasm
ol all. The Judge made unite a enrthv
alk, and was followed Icy John ll.Obcrly,
who dicu-scd the llepublicati platform
at some length. Mr. M. IS. Harrell, of
the Uitz'lli-, also made a- short and pithy
address, uud set forth the claims of the
Democracy in a very pleasing liht to
the entire crowd.
Mr. Hardin, of the eomuiis-oii
In in
of Hardin & Dewey Is in the city.
- Seven ol our young men went to I.v-
ansville on the Arkansas ISelle. They
anticipate a jolly time,
-There was a large congregation in
endance at the Presbyterian church on
Sunday evening to hear the He. Mr.
Thayer, of Y Ineennes. The sermon, we
arc told, whs n very excellent one. Mr.
Thayer leaves for his home to-morrow.
Mr. Walter Hyslop, assistant cashier
ol the City National hank, and Walter
Pettis, of the firm of Stratton & (Jird, left
the city yesterday. Mr. Hyslop will visit
Canada before going to Philadelphia.
Mr. Pettis goes straight totheCentennla-
Mr. Herman Drcxel, who has for
seven years been associated with the
clothing firm of A. Marx, left this city
on Sunday to seek a home iu the sunny
South. Mr. F. S. Hoas, intimately
known to nearly everybody in Cairo, has
taken the place of Mr. Drexel, in the
store of Mr. Marx, where he will b
pleased to welcome all bis friends.
Kcv. Dr. Thayer' Nernion.
The sermon of Bey. Dr. Thayer, at the
Presbyteriau church on Sunday night
last, was listened to by a crowded house
a host of the friends of this (ast-paced
war uorsc oi mc JLoru. i lie congrega
tion was more than repaid (or its atten
dance. The Doctor, always forcible and
frequently eloquent, was on this occas'
Ion both forcible and eloquent
Taking tor a text the scripture : " I will
remember the works of the Lord ; surely
I will remember the wonders ot old ;
I will meditate also of all thy work, and
talk of thy doings," lie opened with au
elaborato description of the valley of the
Ohio, looking down from Hanover Col
lege, In which he blended fancy and
learning, and carried his audience along
in delight md wonderment. This was
the door through which he entered
his subject the glories of the Republic
and the kindness ot the ruler ot nations
iu crow ning it with such greatness am:
laying its foundations so -'p '
hearts of the people. If the old men of
the Revolution and the statesmen
of the early times heard the Doe
tor they must have been
uuiil.tod with his address. were
all the living patriots who sal under the
tlr'ppings ot the Presbyterian altar on
Sunday night last. The Doctor closed
with the following original stanzas :
Almighty God we bless Uiy name,
For freedom'-' happy land ;
WbcrejiistUe. mercy, truth aud rbrht.
Like wils of giauito stand.
One iHiudred year, have rolled aw:i ,
su e ou the western shore,
'iur lather's in tuo name of Uil,
Threw open Irei-dom's door.
our ting ami banner of the ( i o-s,
Have tio&tcd side hy side ;
Proclaiming liberty to all,
That sail life's flowing tide.
To Thee, O tiod ! we lift our song,
To Thee, we now draw near ;
With otTriDg of our eralcful bem t ,
in this (VuUDQial year.
VUf Kekiill orrrlUlnv Hllb I'Ulol.
A young boy named Stansberry, nged
about fifteen years, grandson ol Mrt.
Shoemaker, proprietor of a boarding
house at liird's Point, while handling a
pistol on Sunday afternoon, accidentally
shot himself, lie died al halt alter eight
o'clock Sunday evening, from the ell'eets
ot his wounds.
IHkwolutlou of C'o-Prtumhii.
Caiko, 111., June 30, 1S70.
The firm of Lynch & How ley, real es
tate agents la this day dissolved by mu
tual conseut, M. J. Howley retiring. The
business of the late firm will be continu
ed by Jacob G. Lynch, who will pay all
debts of the late flria and who is author
ized to collect all outstanding debts.
Jacob O. Lynch,
Michael J. Howi ey.
In retiring from the firm of Lynch &
Howley, I would respectlully solicit for
Mr. Lynch a continuance of the patron
age so generously bestowed on the ltc
lirm. Miciui'L J. lIyflEV,
7-4-1 ui
Caiko, 111., Monday Evening,
July 3, 1S70. j
The weather since our last report has
been very unsettled. It has rained every
day except Saturday, and dullness Is the
ruling feature of trado In nearly every
market, except iu the produce Hue, where
there Is considerable activity, to-day.
To-morrow Is the Fourth, and everybody
Is larinz in stocks for a big centennial
There hat bee a no new developments
in flour. Stocks are ample with a very
moderate demand. Prices rule the same
as last quoted.
Tha hay market Is very quiet. The
refeipti of ihoice bay for the pa t t ,w
weeks have been pretty liberal, an. I th
lealers are all well upplied. 'I heie l
very little enquiry, and aboul all lh.it i:
sold, is bought by the loc il trade.
There Iiils bi-en but. little nil ii hum. I it ;
way to this market since our la ti- ue,
and the inpply con-cquently is onh
moderate, riiere i a vei y fair il- iouel
lor while, at price? quoled below.
Oats are In limited supply, receipts
ince our la t report havin;' been light.
J lit; demand however is al o very li-dil,
and the stock on hand i fully snlli. ient
to satisfy it.
Meal and hr;iu are quiet atnl un
hanged, Prices rule hi report) d on
The market is ovei loaded wilh.i'ohi.
inoil butter, for which there ii no sab-.
Clioice, however, D scarce, uml then is a
pood ilcinand f-ir it. I 'gg are pcan e
ami iu good demand. There 1 er lit
tle po iltry in tin- market. 'J'hc il. iu hpI
r good chi keif is ni t i Vegetable-
in- very dull. I In lv is an active demand
tor fin ill fruits :it quotations -ivi n be
tlctirour tiiiinlsi should bear in muni
that the prices here given arc u nails lor
sales from i'ir-t IcimN in round lots- In
Tilling orders and lor broken lots it is
necessary lo charge au advance over
lhe-i; figures." i ill
Stocks are good.. The ileuiaud is V ery
light. Sales noted were :.iM barrels vari
ous grades city 7.")(S ."iO ; 2s) barrels
various grades $ IfVi O lot) barrels vari
ous grades $." ii&7 50; 200 barrels vari
ous grades $3 GOTC ."0; 200 barrels vari
ous grades $i OO&G 60.
Clioice hay is iu good supply. There
is a very light demand. No sales were
The supply is light, with a fair de
mand for white in bulk at 4 le. We note
the sale of 1 car white in bulk. 41c; 2
cars white in bulk. 44c.
The market is lightly supplied. There
is very little demand. Wisconsin are
offered at 32c in bulk.
City and country is dull,
were reported.
Brau is qui'jl and plenty.
No sales
We quote
100 sacks,
the sale af 300 sacks, $10.."0;
Choice butter is scarce and in good de-
maud. Common is very plenty and dull
We note the sale of 10 packages choice
Southern Illinois, 13c ; 200 lbs. Southern
Illinois, 12c
Eggs are scarce. There is a good de
mand. Wo note the sale ot "00 dozen,
The demand lor choice poultry is good.
No sales are reported.
There is an active demand for small
fruits, at ri,aa jnoli.ll Sides noted were
30 crates black raspberries. f 'tftT &o ; 20
crah-s red, $4(iii 26; 6 crates currents,
$2 26.
We nob the sale of 20 boxes, i7 6u.
Fifty boxes were sold at j".
Wr quote salt In car load lots. jl.M);
less than car load lots, 1 7,". We note
the sale of 200 bids, $1 60.
We quote Paradise and Mt. Carbon on
track, lump, 53; nut, ; delivered car
load per ton. lump, $3 6(1 ; nut, $2 76
delivered per sinoh- ton. lump, l ; nut
3 2"i; Raum or llarri-biirg coal on
track per load, lump. $27 ; nut, $li; de
livered peij ton, f3ft0; Pittsburg coal
car loads on track, $6 611 per ion ; single
not, delivered, $0.
Fi ns-Beaver No. 1 $2 60; No. 2
11 60; No. 3$1; No. 4 60c. Otter No.
1 $0 ; No. 2 $4; No. 3 $2 ; No. 4 $1.
Mink No. 1$1; No. 2 76c; No. 3 6k-;
No. 4 10c. Raccoon No. 1 7oc; No. 2
Wc. : No. 3 20c : No. 4 10c. Skunk- No.
I 86o No. 1 00c; No. 3 30c; No. 4
Fox Gray No. 1 1 ; No. 2 76c ;
No. 3
60o ; red fox No. 1 $ I ; No. 2 76c.
Opossum No. 1 10c; No. a sc ; .o. ,i,
6c. Muskrat No. 120e; No. a 16c; No.
3 10c. Rear No. I 10; No. 2 7 No. 3
$3; No. 4$1. Wolf Mountain No. 1
$ 60; No. 2 $1 76 ; No 3 $1 ; No. 4 7.V;.
Prairie Wolf-No. 1 $126; No. 2 60e
Wild at 26c. House Cut 10e. lia tgi r,
Snr.FP Pklts Green 76c Q $1 26 ; dry
40 (. 'JOc ; .shearings 10 20c.
War Du-ahtmkkt,
.luly 3 lrl7ti I
3)1 11 . 0 H
3 4 I
IU 0 X 7
0 9 Ail I
u 4-1 7
'.4 8 Ii
a 61 i
l a i a
3i 50 1
4 11 Al 1
New Orleans.
lli low uib'U liter of 1""4 .
SerReant, Sitti'itl ServU--, t'. S. A.
1-orl I.Ut.
Steamer Jim Fiik. Paducah.
" City vt Helena, Vicksburjj.
Vint Shlnkle, McuiphU.
Storm No. 3, tow, St. Louis.
Grand Tower, St. Louis.
" Arkansas Belle, Evansville.
" Iron Mountain, tow, St. Louii.
" Edy ville, Nashville.
Jim Kisk. Paducah.
City of Helena, St. Louis.
" Vint Shlnklo, Cincinnati.
E. M. Norton, tow, St. Loui.
" Storm No. 3, tow, Ohio river.
Grand Tower, Vicksburj.
" Arkansas Belle, Evaneville.
" Eddyville, Nashville.
" Iron Mountain, tow, O. river.
The City of Heleua had a good trip
of freight aud a rousing naeuet
Hot. Every stateroom on the boat was
coupled. SIiq discharged berg 170 bales
of cotton for the ea't, v, hi h poei hy rail.
-Hip Iron MoiiiiNu,, led a barges
of pig metal and blooms, in empty coal
boat-ami .1 model barge -, for the Ohio
J'he J.une-i l i k brought from Pa
ihlcahlll bogheads bih e'i ) for the south,
and a very good trip of other frel.'ht.
I he M oll.l No.:!, hil f brflgcsof
9 ) for l he iliio riv r.
I he Eddyville hul a very food ttip
ot tobac) o, iron and i.tlo r fn lehf from
N' i luilli".
'I h)- int .Miinklc a -i . up Sunday
in. ii nin.)r vith a eoml trip tor Cincinnati.
I flri.i
tit V.'ml. r's ( ialh-rV)
I His il l.
2-2 l-tf.
Mij ul Tiif.ii;, Ja!y 3d ::i ith-
r'ir-l iipai.inec in Cairn for live jimi- ol
tilt- Olil'lhll
BlacHdoll & Stanley's Concert
Company and
Boll Ringers.
Kvi-rythiag New nd First-Class.
tirand Hay Concert on the Fourth for
A'lnii-sinn at night Adults fin cents; Chil
dren 2." cents.
matin kk pi:i:i:-5 :
Adults .'iO cents ; Cliildreu 15 tents.
Iioor open at 2 and 7 o'clock ; Perform
aueo eummcnces nt 2::i0and.
TICKLTs fur sate at Ilartnian's for re
ht ei mils without extra charge.
Basset Fxcxtxc
4th of July Celebration,
Parker's Grove,
Via C airo and St. I.xui Ualiroad.
UQTThe C. 11. A. will celhrate the
Foiu tli ot .July bv another delightful Has.
ket Picnic at Parker's (.rove, and are otter
iiiH every mdui enieut to Darl " s-finhn to
ciiiny f ili sai excursion tromttie city to
ioin tli-in. i:vi r tliiutr will 1, ilone tor tUu
i iiiiilut t mid euteitaiuuieiit of those partl-i-ipatiiiK
Iu the Kvent ; aud to tliOM! vvlio
have not yet visit)-. I the (,'rouni.n, he. it
Mated that the V. and M. L. H. it. Iraiis
liortsyou couif'ortahly to the ejove in forty
iiiiiniU's, where u arrive in cool i-IihiIl.
and Mud everything at your bund for en
jnniicnt the hike and goo'f Ushini; ini-hi-'h-d.JTJ
Sincing iai Filing Will b Lsadicg
U::: of Hi Sij,
Together with all Oaumaofth Buaaon.
A Good Time Cuaranteod!
Come ono, como all, and Enjoy a
Day in the Woodd. Hefresh
ments oa tho Qrounda lee
Croiira, Lemonade,
Cigars, Etc.
TK'KETS for the mud-I trip, ifoml mi
any nt tho ocvtral trams: (fCiitlemen. 7
cents; Ladies, ,M) cents; i.'hihlreu under 11
years, cent-. Kor Hale alter the 1st of
.'luly, at Mtiiuuicy'j ilrmj More, fourth
ward; I'arolav's on Washington nvenue.
and the Arlington House, down town. AU-
at the depot, to il of Walnut street .
Train leave depot : S':;!i) and lO iru. in.
bndl:ii ii.ni. ircturiiimr: 4;M and 'to
p. m.
N. B. Fishiiif? Taoklo will be
Forninhed by tuo Association.
Commission Merchants
No. 190 Commercial Avenue
(.'ttiro, llllnoim.
Advances made on Consignment. Al-dtrai-ti
of Title made, Cenveyanees and
C'olh'ctioiu alleuilvd to.
Sales Every Saturday Mornluf.
A.. W, rVATT CO.,
Bulletin Building, Cor. Twelfth Street
and Wanluntfton Avenue,
Oairo, IlliuolM
UCounly auJ KiulroJVrl a SnwUliv
jqr :b. h. o amine.
OiTK'F: AND KESIIiKNt K t:ihui Stmt,
t Kiel Waakiugtoa uud i. ulltiiM-rrul Arinur.
, ( CUUM. ILL.
Boating Association

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