OCR Interpretation

The Cairo bulletin. [volume] (Cairo, Ill.) 1872-1878, December 21, 1876, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85033413/1876-12-21/ed-1/seq-2/

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CYnUS B. OBERLY. Editor.
More About the Republican Ca!I
; . dozers.
Returning Board Anderson Knew
' , Nothing.
TriUnoiif ttrr lhe "ona;rcailrM
. . 4m nil lea.
Xkw Orleans, Doc. JO. Kx-Uov. It.
C. Wlckllfli wsi rccalld). Cross-: xini
Ined by General IIutJIjiiL In answer l
a question, trltnes? : The crimina
tion of regulators was goUt'ii up lieu 1
was in Kentucky ; when 1 came tuck 1
found It In existence: tlon't know mir
thing about the coii'tUtttion or inouu of
procedure of the orvranirstioti ; 1aJ a c on
servation with Colonel rower?, who
in command ofit; lont know tfl.o suc
ceeded him in comm.iud of the org.iniza
tton ; don't know ot iu existence ir.ee
this campaign was opened ; have no
knowledge ol armed Lotlles of tnen mov
ing about over the parish at night ; think
the change of the vote of West Keliehmn
parifh due to the Interest taken by the I
whites and the a gunieuU used Ly them,
promising a Just atl economical nlin'n
lstratlon, aiid a proper application of the
school fnnd iu the event of the Demo
cratic success ; know ot no llw eaU of dis
cbarge of anything of that sort being
ed by any one ; received
Chairman ot the Democratic state com
mittee, In which lie said "you cannot
convince a negro by reason, but mny by
positive statements often repeated."
Witness did not agree with the views of
Colonel Tatton. He found negroes read
ily convinced by orsmment. lie employed
no other means to Jofiueuce them to vote
the Democratic ticket. -
Wra, May well, colored, of Orleans, tes
tified that he voted the Democratic
ticket at Hie lirt election ; never told any
one what ticket he would vote, but was
suspected of being a Democrat; was fre
quently threatened br colored Republi
can!) ; the day after election was knocked
down by two colored men, who said they
wanted to kill me tor voting the Iemo-
cratlc ticket ; the name of one is Biu
Franklin ; since the election have not
gone out alone, as threats were being
constantly made to my wife ; the presL
dent ot an association to which I Itelong
accompanies tne to my work and sees me
home at night ; was told that all the col
ored men who voted the Democratic
ticket would be sent to the penitentiary
at Baton Ronge. "
Jerry Hall, colored, of Orleans, too
an active part in the last election t-s a
canvasser in ttie interests of the Demo
crats ; previous to the last eUc'Jou afSli
ated with the republican rtrty; can
vassed ILapiJe, Grant and Ouachita
patches; saw many colored ptople who
said they would vote the Democratic
ticket; knew of no violence but heard
tatk about killing Democratic negro.-",
etc.; the colored irenchcra sa.id that no
Democratic colored man should Le rec
ognized by Id brethren; Llmost nil the
colored people belong to some church,
and the preachers have an undoubted in
fluence over them ; II u ford Mount, state
senator and Haptist bishop, said he
would rcluso to perform tho marriage
ceremony for colored Democrats, would
refue to baptize them, would excommu
nicate them, and that voting the Demo
cratic ticket would Justify a wife iu get
ting a divorce ; witness changed lt'.s pol
itic because he wanted a better govern
ment; stated in Lis f i.c.-cli.-a that the
government of the last eight years was
incapable of affording protection to ILk
colored people, Ix-cause it hadn't the sup
port and confidence of the people, and
did not bring crituiuaU to justice; out
rag were committed on the colored
IM-ople at Colfax, Cau.diatta, nud numer
ous other placv, and thu murderers ol
colored men were not brought to justice ;
tl.ii.k that the government, as the pre -euro
wis go great, would hive endeavored
to npprehud guilty parties, but the peo
ple were bo bitter against the govern
ment they would not suoport it ; believe
the government winked at the.so outrages
as lite leaders of thu liepuMicau party
considered the death of colored turn
to the party ; was at first in fay or ol the
Democratic stat ticket ordy ; an organ!
iziition of colored men lo which I be-
longed wanted Hayes and- Wheeler, but
we concluded that it Hayes was elec ted
NiehoIU would never. be. allowed to take
his seat; so with uuny others I determ
ined to vote fur Tdden, alo in order to
mako the NiehoIU government, tecure.
wu a member of the IcjisJituje and
tided evvrl minor ollicij w a J-pubii
e.jn. -
7 AI L Hl'IH ao PK4Ci:fcI.i:.
Antoine f. Olasco, colored, of Oiieatis,
canvassed the Mate for the D mocmU ;
knew of no vtohMK ; but heard talk ol
Intimidation of colored DemociaU; a
great many eohred men. voted the I cmo
cratic ticket ; joined the Democratic party
atiout three tuont before the election ;
everything was pcaoeable und (juit-t ; ail
the Democratic sjeak(r count-de l peace,
order aud lairuesi in Ihi- Uetiou ; colored
jHple told me in West l ilieitiua thut
they belonged lo Democratic chdi vhieli
eoutained both white aud colored m m
lr ; that the white people would allow
no distinction to be made In that respect.
(ii:LRAL Axntlfov'a asv, i i:.
fien. '11is. V. Ander-on ot the retniii.
Jng board was before the committee to.
iiigbt. lie submitted Mi rtwon. tor in t
bringing tle ucx;umeiis jall'-d for by tlm
la reply to the question whether the
'J'ilden or Ilaye electors received uiajou
Ity of the vott cist, tiem ral Anderwu
(.fated he did not know; that he never
added up the votes of the pat if-hes until
they wire rendv forpronvilftlon ; neVrr
luard any nieiniwr ol the b ;ril say wlio
had a majority of vote r.i't : tV.-t nnlnetl
he would not examine into mi di tartUer;
all final deci-ioru in cuiUslcd eaes were
made in txocntive M.-jny j .souii' time?
au1d:;tifs nroon'paiijii!' n-turns wne
read ; the contestants were lint admitted.
why cnnnix vot::s wkkk thrown cut.
John Hay w.v counsel for th.e board,
and was otrr!im.r calUd before the
borrd In executive scf-icn n give Infor
mation on qtMstlonsot law; the vote of
foist lYlit lana wa thrown out Infauso of
peneral intimidation ; the vote of (Jrftnt
pari-li wa i;ro.Mi (tit l.He;ite there
w( re no It-pal returns mi ived fn-ni that
ra-isii ; I was in Iivr o: C 3ii:iting tee
vot ot Orai.t ' pa'-Mi. bs;t ' was ' over
rule.!. ax l :i n.u ic jusrnrio.s.
-5ci!-ral Anderson aHtl einpluitionlly
U;at tlicrc were r.o Totf8 thrown out it
the itri1i of Orion'; t'n 1( fi" taU
inent tilrtl l-ytiterto.v ! w'dh tliO Secretary
ot the state of votrs 1"V (lectors showed
that any vole Lad been thrown out, that
such statement was rot correct, t.tti
eral And. ion rej ci.tcd t!ii. statement i;i
regard to two o. her p' Sin. .:cr.i-ral An
derson said, however, that it was pos
sible they had received no return from
one or two polls In the citv, but be
not rcnwtnher arx tlih'g o! ;t. 1J
ion was that
i hk rMiHi! ci rv vor;i
Was canviisv, J, Thu votes claimod by
the Democrats at the three polls above
a-ludcd to W( re thrown out or do r ot ap
pear on the certified copy of the city vote
filed with the secretary M ttr.te by the re
turning board.
The committee adjourn, d Until 11 a.m.
with the understanding that all the mem
bers Jof the returning board should he
present at that hour.
- - ..
K'jiuHlirnii VVnlehcr- loo.le
, -iloruli la Tiidtu.
There VlM i Til(tri SlnJHT.
i Mew Yon;, December li. Gen. Fran
cis A." Harlow, one of the most prominent
Kepublioans sent to Florida to watch the
Counting ot votes there, has written a
second letter ojj the sut ject. 1:1- ad
dressed to a Iriend, and i follow .. ;
1 certainly thought X Lad uiado my owu
opinion cleir at t-J the poinU of the con
test of which I pro?Med to Mro. kcor?
edge. A little calculation wruid h .ve
sliown wird it wa. On the f.,re of t!a
rc-tarns tUo,o.e was: Hayes, 21,?J7;
Til Jen, il.27. Certain additions and
deductions were f;grd ca URanioiotiily
by the board, which ve my aime to
bo corn ct. These cone, ded changrs k:t
It: llavf'. S 1,27; Til Kn, 21AS. Then
I should hare thrown out 210 republican
vote.i i'j ArtLer rrccinct No. 2, a:.d also
Friend-hip Church precinct, in Jack
soi e-jiituy, as a majority. of the bor.rd
di I. They nlso rn;eetj Cnrapbrnton
Clitiych precinct. This Is a cunty a to
wiiit it
Lut vviil a.-sume that ii was rightly r
j'.'tUsl, h it, does not aiter t!ie r'?u:t tn
svhieh 1 shoulj have coir.?. Th- t'.'. o
last pre iuc'S (ih-pO-td of lil Jleptldicn
and 4M Democratic votes, and deducing
thte an 1 210 in Archer, you ;,-et tiie fol.
low result: Tiiden. 21.002: Have,.
23,010; TilJcti's majoiity, ."u. 1 theedd
have corae to this result ntr passing
upon nil the cases before the board, ex
cept Hamilton county. It is fh' eor.nry
which cauies
Tin: only not iir i iiavi: aiiolt ii.
The ollicial minutes of the hoard, as pub
lished In the New York papers of Decem
ber Vi, Ktatu that In to me precincts of
thU county, nam s. not given, 83 Demo
crats auu us iicpuoneau votes were
thrown out. I do not know the ground,
but allowing it, you still have a Demo
cratic majority of HO. Then conns Jas
per precinct Xo. 2, where the vote was
Democrats, ti2.1 ; lttpubiieans. Iv", as re
turned About thU c:.ec I know onlv
what appears in the minutes of the board,
ant in Cow-gill's 1 tt r, and Cocke's pro
test, attached to my r port, ot Irregulari
ties complain! of. Abandoning the can
vass when li.ii I liiil.-hed and turniiii it
oyer to two lawyer,-, who completed it
next day, would justify th! throwing cut
of the whole returns. Hut
WHAT I AXJ IN not ur Al Ol 1
U whethe r the inspectors wi-re it- publi
cans or Democrats. Cock.o says in bis
protest that they were the lormi r, and
I owgi.i and Uio minutes fcav nothinw
abont It. 1 have hrard, and Cocke cjso
say, that tiny made tflldjaits iu aid ot
the Jit publican conte-t, and il so, I pre.
sume 1 ihey wen; Republicans. Iii that
case I: should be pie.iiined thut In the re
turn a ma'h; they looked after the inter
ests of Uuir owu party, and u( nny rati J
do not think thiil thu I n-moerat!,. major
ity Bhoul 1 bo t hro tu out ; J
EECATsK (.I- ltKI't 111. I; AN W l:OMi Ix.IMl.
If tin.h were the case, if such precinct be
rejected, It would give a Republican ma.
Jority in.thc t-tate ; other!; mt. In the
latter eav, the Tild u majority would
be fo Miiall that pcrbap some of
the Republican contest which the board
did not htop to consider, probably b.
CiuvMUe majority h;ul bx n lencbed on
other grounds, would have changed he
result, if pa-sed upon. Rut there U no
u-e in speculating about this, tn the ca-:e
mu-l becou..i.red as It was made by the
boaid, leaving out tins Jar prine,
e, thei tore, n-ti that in my opinion ,
llll l K Hit TILUKX MlJOFin--
llvcu con-iderlng that Caunellton nn 1
the Fii-t precinct iu Hamilton county
sould Lu throw n out, wbicU 1 do nut cay
was rightly done. I crtatnly nevr had
any douU as to what my own opinion
was evc.pl as to this prccluet, upon
which it hapteiii 1 Unit I did not know
what the evidence w as ; but as
I HO NOT HAVE J UK A--t l.An-.
To put my opiniou above those vt the
board upon (jnestlons as to which there
was conflicting evidence, at the wme
tltuH giving thU evidence, hence my p
pot t was to long delayed. I r.tn not un
willing fi express my pinion, uordi I
object to having at y ore la whom they
are of any coi, sequence know thctn.
Tho- Cris?n?.1 C!iea) Store
- OF - " ' '- '
Alt! 'muii rlnl Atcnn',
II redaenl his prho to orrcpeml w ith
the ) reseiit iiaisii T1.MK-. Ttie pub fe need
not bo reminded thatnty fi l. rli ivea'w.irs
been lower than niiy ottiT lu;i"c, but 1
wl!i t i iutoi .)) wcrbotiy in ue. d ef uer end
'.n U proit. i:i wy lti.e. fh d I TiM o made
srri'i:'l reduction iu ull lii-es to huit the
times. I iuvituait ta call anJ V-4. hie do.
niyii-tratc the fit that 1 esti r.nd will sell
Viy a-'oh', Clot hi ntr, Jtoets nd Miois.
f.'de stid t tents Kurri-hln:' ,eds. Hats
ci"l ( 't'-.'fi uaks sr.d "alie. l'urs. i link
P.eirk' t-. bhiwN. Wrappei", Cloaks, lower
tl.en ny U use 5n t'.e trade. Tliereaon is
ai:0 Ve bay :!!'! sell on!y I'-t carl'.
It 'lartiibc r tlic place.
11 ?oi.omon rAj:r.r;:.v.
f-.T-'f lti&lCorlmeivi.t: Av.
Etrj.-M Ittiliiy I'rMcnl-JuniclIiiiis
1 !;0 1 1 lies of ("a;ro ic e lan-t rt -peerf ii'Iy
iiiMteJ to rail at the tin.' nriety J::.ttktt
Uc.ue. Conimereial i(cue, (Mrs. v.vati
d r'sclJ FtaniP, opwftc; (icU!.,ii;e A Ke
scnvatctV. A fan s'.o 'k of I.a-iio pif.oat
Toilet A'.N:Eu: thefincsr, I ;rt ml uost
cemnlete-stnrX of ' Ttrierts atd Frarnt?
cycr brought ti Cairo, consisting of cerncr
braokiU, sWc brseke u, c brackets. c!ok
lirlve, towel and hut rail., si'pp, r and
card receivers ; anew style cf paper lirld
c!t bft'ittfrl mott'i f.-sins 'with gla-n.
Vettr.tl ianlfu1 ' sty-e of rutie franie
w it:i r!:sj nnl liaok, at astonishlr.frly low
; t.ct . In fact, Any v.eU cvrrytbing In the
bracket and frame liuo ottUo mo.-t beautiful
an ! cU -vt patterns, at.d at' surpn Ingly
lowpritc. Y"e a-k tho ladie" to call aud
csam.ne 'ir sock f-r thcrcsrh'p-. Agents
W:it;:il. r.-jw
- rft-Horrnei-stiip .-Trtlieo.
No'-kc! ii hereby i,iven that the uuJcr
ticned bate thi dr formed a cO-par'.ncr-tlup
to carry ouUic Uianuiacturinirbusiuesi
of murese. piTtow and bolsters, whole
sale and retail l Tk. lyj Commercial ave.
nue, between llth and 12tli streets, al.-o::p-hoUtcrln,
rci.-irlr.a; and varni?Uijig. iar
pets will be sewed n1 laid to c-rd"". The
styD of the ilnnds'IIh-k A ( ax tier. .
'a;n. Iii.. D.t. . ISM. :-d-lia
... . X ,wr tvu) t ; tt
' ' Tot" '
Fifty cents, at Vi:,icr's Gallery.
BliEEf Mil
Winters' Block!
A Larger Stock and Lower Priceo
Tban ever lor CASH..
Kr-:n Tut? e nts to Twtr-'ltt Cet!-rs.
A i-.ill.ue 'it l.K- h!:e c(,r--i ;,,; !,,-;..i vm
I 'mit i ri'-i-tiua Vfr i frrt cffi-rt-l Iu
i. ..:!.. ."1.1 Hraw ism-n r, urt.i' i
A fc!l Wild, l.f J., U,, , ,,i, ( ,f;,n
i- it. :his, Flow is. le.. , .f w ry Titr r.ni
iU nil l'r;ces.
My t,t',i Urie l I eTuM-4 ("(. !nd I will niv
ln -ui,ii r I ilitr 'nr?:iin r cfviej
betoi-e UltS. c. M'l. KAN.
paii. Mi l A
U UU Ur: Kit
it VI. ! cni yij
Al.i U.U UU' AVO U
our ti
t uur.
Tuts etaudarj ailk-Io ii coni
lioundod with the greatest Cftre.
In olft'cts are ns womlciful and
:ts patisfactyry as ever.
It restores gray or fyTol hair to
its Youthful color. . .
It removes sail eruptions, itching
an-1 (lautlrutT. It rives the head n
tooling, soothing sensation of great
Comfort, and tho K-alp ly iti nso
beeonn-i vhite nud ( lesi).' 1
Hy its tonic propci'lic it region s
tlic capillary glauiU to their normal
vigor, i-.reventlii; Laldness, nud
making the hair grow thick and
As a dr s-iiej-. nothing has liceu
futmd fo etl'octual or desiralile.
A. A. Hayes il. D., State As
s.tyer orilassachuct'tts. Bay, Thu
constituents are pure, aud carefully
(.elected for excellent quality; anil
I consider it tin; .Btvr 1'kepaiutiom
lor in Jntendwl jivrpones." J
Price, One Cellar.
Buclririliam'o D70
ThU clpjiant I'i cpamlioii may ha
rcliwl on to chaiiiro ihe ctilorcftho
beanl from pray or nny other uu
tleirulilt) fhft'te, in Ihoavii or black,
at discretion. Jt is easily applied,
being in one preparation, aud quick'
ly tiii'l cflectuaUy jaodoces a per.
inanent color, width will neither
rub nor wash ofT.
Manufactured by R. p, HALL &. CO.,
t:'A lj m Vrttfto, (:( ttt U tfitljUll,
"Tb ICIncr cf all Publication Ii-d
for the Younir on Either Blie or tha
Atlamtio." Souihamp ca (Ki glsnd) Olnentr.
Tli Mhird vohmtj of this Incomparable
Mairac'ne ts now rrtnpiitel. Hith Its
cfaht tntnitrcd royal octavo paces, audits
six hundred UiusUaUous, iu apiemlM sort
als. it shorter aterii s, poem, and aketche-',
eU'.., te., in its be lut itnl bindm? ol red
mid dol.1, it i tlio niMt splcud.d jril't-book
for hnys and pirls ever tuei1 Iron the
prosit. Frko, f 1 t i i full tdiU $".
'.f. Kictlul.AS i lull ol the i le-U rt
tiling. - The rn'ilicitinn K in all re-poets,
ttm lie t f il kind., IV bavo never yet
Feen a number th:it win net surprisingly
T"0(1." The Cimrcfmrn. 11 rtf r.l, conn.
St. Nicholas for 1877,
Widen rprns with N',-m inb-r. KT't. begins
APort and vry rut 'rtniidrfr errl.il Iroin
Cue I- r ncli. ' Pito iCiii'doiii ot the (ireo! v,'?
a stery adapted to the Thankspv inteailon.
Ano'bersenal.ot n-erbin iutet est to !;ej .
lty J. T. TrciwbvuU'e,
author of tht ".I nk Hurard s-orif." be
gir iu t'ac Cluitmas lljiidur tnubtr.
Heides sorlsl toric. Christinas -teiies
51 rely fkftcbes, poeni and picture lrr tho
liKiid i.vs. and noinu astoni-liii'ff illutr:(t!ons
of Orkntal -ports. wit! drawi;: l j fciaracsis
Th- Christma3 Holiday I"uinb;r cf
Mp.'rWe iritttt Vcd. coatain a very n-.tc r-(-'.mi?
!r tvriijm Cullen Itryant :
"The iir.r-o ilotel." a Iive'y n-tiele, by
'ballet A. U'.m-trd, iplondidly ii!utrated:
"Ttie '!ek i.l the kv." bv l!:. br.rd A.
I'roi-tor; "A ( l.ri-tnu-' Piiy ".-r ilom-.r
S .in.l.iy-etjo'!s" by It. l;,'cletnn ; 'i'lio
l' trrkiii.-' liri.tiii:u Tree" by I. lion lis
I. M:ile: Poetry and (".iroN of Vititcr,"
by h.u j Lareoiu, wiUi picture-.
Do Not Till to Bur St. Kir-holqn f.1T the
Ciii ts'.iasa lioiKi&ys, i'nue iii c'.s.
I)ui iui,' the ycir t?ie.ro will be intcrcttr
papers Jur t os.l V, il Uiu n ltrr:ir,t.
.Tnhc ' r, Wtiittit r. ihemas liuulu s, V illim
llowiu. I),-. !t.,:-md. (ieor-e- Mael) jnabl,
S inird ii. iltitt. Frank H. Stockton, m i
0! nor.
Theru will be storie. sketebes, aud
potms. of special Interest to uirN. bv liar.
rict l'reseutt spoilbrd, siisn ("oolidee.
Sarati Vwnter liellogir. Liizaoeth Stuart
riietp, I.ouIa Aleott." f.uoreti i P. Hale,
Ctiia Hiaxter. Mary Mspes I'offye, r.r,il
many othera. 't here will be abo
Hy I'rofs-or rroct or, the Astrononier,
wi'.li m-is, showlrj 'Tlic stars or ITaeb
MoTitV' which will do likely t-y s'trpasj iu
ilrct any series on popular science re
cently ?;ivi.u to tiio public.
Amusement and Instruction, with Tun
and J rolie, and Wit and V.'isdnm. will I.h
minleil as Loretotore. and sr. Nk holai
will eoiitinue to delight the joui' and pive
pleaure to the old.
s ivs :
"There Is no mscszine for ttie vnm, ivn
ran ba mj to eaujl tins choice tiro iuVi inn
of SctniXEU's iress. A.l tbe urtitl....
wbetiicr in pro;e or rhyne, are tiirobbiai.'
with vitdity. .. The literature and
artlstie iilustratior.s tre botii superb.'"
ibe London Pi-iiiy Sext sav ; V'e wi-ii
wo nouid point onf fs coua; it: our o-.vn
leriotiieal liters Hire."
duor 'ews roi: boy.s and ghm.s.
To meet the demand for a clinpr Kt
Nicholas Cili-Ujoi,. tho price ot vols. 1
and II hsi been reduced to 1 each. The
three volume, in an cle-'ant ltbrarv ca.-e,
r.- 1 tr. il.'k Jim -nil r.!l. f.. .. .!.. ..II
wv. .v. l '.1.1 ,11, CWl, !W I ll'tfc an
may tne their cidUrtn a complete stt.
TUse volumes contain more attractive mv
teri.il tliao tifty doliars" worth c ( the ordin
ary children's books.
ur-enption price, i3 a year. The tlir?e
bound volume; and a sub-criptifn lor this
year, only $l . ubsorioe with the nearest
iiews.l.'r.lcr, or send money in cheek, or 1.
C. momy order, or In registered letter, to
soitinxKit".t v.(..
'ti i Uroidway, Y.
re inane ly -rfry .-.;ci;t
rtlUTUU ill till LllUlHM VP
fumisb. but tliMe willing to veutk can t-zzi'.v
e.in a do, n dollars u day lit'l.t in tiit ir own U-
no-. luivc no roojti n, r.i,ia,n titri!. lii'.si-
m-n j.'i a-tirit Hnil boncrubic, Wnnii.n,- b.iyn
uiki K.i. ! t wm hs iiieii. e will luruiMi
; ,u a ci.nij.Ulu outfit fr-e. TI e Ufiu - r'
((i:,r ihiiii mirthla -..-e. We w ill btar ri-pcr.-c
of ctnrtinic vou . 1'tirticu lar l'rtc. V.'rilo
ai.il fi, Karnit-rs Bud liUH:hatiies, tbclr fnn
and 'laJt.n-i , m.d Hi! clanet-f in nerd of 1 nj injt
work at home, should write to a i cai u ull
uboiit the work t onee. Now is tii (ir:.e
Pnii t delay, A-drtoa Jtli: i Lii.Auusta,
Western Homes!
Tiik Lake City Jul -h-tal U r. local iitwuaM r
pulili-iiutl in tho inidt of the Curdn ofthe V ut,
n ui-rt ituiun umy mi' orocurcu in ia io 9j lo
rwraorc. The maa ol wln'cvrr iil-v. iiv,.ii'.n,n
or ra,iul, can here inaLc his fortune.
I hos-e c iiitoiniilutmi a wi-Meni home ar.'l com
luleiuj, may l. tiioroiifhly iuinua 1 by ,-ceinii-K
suhf-crilifM lo i he JoI hsal.
Tkuis: 'ne vttir, S'i onj Si-months, M
Thiei months, focn-.tn, p"lnj.'ei':d'l.
Ad tn .o 1. K. lion io in,
I'w.'Mw Lake City, Ii .
it. I". Ii"uii!;cr J!itl: r V.'iiit- f Iron
ha-t never been vrown to tid in the core of
svculrun. attended witti symptoms; lr.di
pnntion to cxwtion. !! tif ni"iiiory,
eulty of trea thirty, ri ni - :d weak re i-.-.. Ion ,r
d di?cu?e, we:tk, iieroiinireuihlint'. '!rc-::d-lul
lioircrof d-.-utli, iiil.t hv. t;it, told b.ct,
weakce1-, diwuchs cf vision, l.ini'iior, ui.s
veirul iasitude ot tho n.u-iiiu'r svst.in,
i-uonnou-i appetita wlta dye; ttuk Vymp
lo:in, hot liauds, llakbiD et t!ia ho ly, dry.
rem of tho hi; in, j.uiiid count ectLi'd :ni I
c .-jMptioiis on iti face, purityimr tit blood,
r:iiu in the btick, htaVitie.-s ot the eyelid,
frequent black rjioU flybi hcl'oie thu eves
VMlh tt inj) nary sul!iion ar J lo-s ot sifht,
want o atumiou, etc These symptom
nil ari.-e from a weakiies. and to remedy
tb:it, u-e K. V, Kuokel'a IJitlca tVine ol
icon. It never l:uN. ibouhnuds urc now
enjoying beaith wh'j hao ued it. 'luke
only J.. 1 . hunkel s.
hev.aia or counterfeits and bao imlta
Uons, As Kunke!' liitter V, ine of Iron is
will knoivn n Ii over the country, drmr
gists themselves nr.ke tn imitatiou and try
to seli it oa lo thu!r cutoiuurit, when they
c:i 1 tor jvudki i s jjirter v me 01 iron,
Kunkei'H iiit'.er S ine of iron is rut up
only in $1 bottlrK. und has a ytdlow wrapper
mceiy l'til on trie outstoe witn ttio iro-
yrlctor's plnit"irrpli en the wrar-pcr ol
each hoi'le. AH:ivs look f.ir thu nhoto
pi.iih on 1 he outride, and you Will uiwuys
ne suro 10 L't't tin- ct inline, (me Uoiiur rer
bottle, or six for (.'. t-edd by druifrists and
(itinera cvervwin.rfl
K. J '. Kiiekel's M orm Pyrtip never fails
to oestroy I'm lat and htoniach Worms
Ur. hunkel, the only succcn.'tul i4oicUn
wno removes lupe worm in two Iioiim
alive, with bed, and no fi e until removed.
Coniiiion ki u-e leai:fiea Unit il Tape Worm
ne ren.mcii, an oiutr wcrmu can ne le.nii.y
destroyed. Send lor circular to Ur. Kuu
kel, No. 'jr.0 NortU Nintli i-trett, l'hiladel-
pcia, i'ii., or can on your nrursi.-t and at
lor a 00111., ti iMinhPi worn vrup.
Price. tl.O ). It never lalK
Trntee'it Hale.
Whvn-ai., on Ibe Cth day of July, A. !., 1-7
Jletiry .Miyo and LalliHiine Aluyo, In wif
net nleil and lUlnt-ri'l lo the umb ni'ned for
the luriooc ofkeeiiring the jiaymeut ol cerium
l.roiiiioi y noic llii-i-m ineiiUortd, a i riul I ecsl
to the lollnwlnir itPM-rilM -a oreinoei-, to-v il : I lie
llorlll-WO"il 'I'lTfr Ol the kolllll-t'Rst T! liter nr. d
Hie koinh-weatuuititvrol Ui noitlt-t-Ait niiaiter
lUid Ihe .outl, hml ul the iiorlh-w eat tmuiier of
Uie norin-rasi iiiaiier, nil lyintf ami lwll;! In
ai-ctloii Tn, lown-hli tlx teen, run ire two, vreet
f 1 the third riiicioul iiiere'.un iu Alexander
i ouu'.y , 1 lnuoiv; una lien a, Ui luult lina been
inaitr in the iu intnt olnuid note. Now. Iherr.
loi in .ui Mimic of Ihe authority ronlerred by
auid Iru.l dts-d, 1 will tell ihe ulioe tleM'iiUl
.rentihu al puhlic vendue, to I lie huliett bidder
or t"h in band, al Ihe court Iioum) door, in Hit
cily ol airo In Kaid A lexaiirtcr County, Illinoi,
i ii Monday, the Sth Pay ol lantmry, A. II. 1-, , ,
Iwtweea llj hour nf tt u o't'lmrk 111., and live
o'uloel! u.iii., ol aiJ tiay . aid ale u he Without
redemption' Juousi SlAhTtix
w-lw. , Trust
The Mot Kmlnrnt I.iTliifT Author meh an
Prof. la Alu Icr, I'ref. lymtull, 1(1. Hon. W,
K. d.idtnni, I'r. W n, ( .nlcntrr, Prof llnt
h'V, It. A1 br.xt. r, Krnncr IViwrr Col1, I lie
linkrof Au-vle. -Ihii. A. I nuulr. Mrs. Mnlncli,
Jlr. OHftiniii, Mr. Almndt-r, Mlns'l btrkcrsv,
Jeiin Inrnnw, i.tsngr Mnel lonnld, Win. blm-k,
Anllionjr Tndlore, Mitltl,t Arnold, llent
KiiiR-Klvy, W. W. M.iry. Ancrt-.-H, llii-kln,
(ai lyir, Jrnnysun, I'.rowidnir, und mny ollicn.
HT IS HVclltr 1 In the gc of
liittcirc Living: Ago.
.fan. 1. 1ST. TIIK LIVING Al.K tnlrri iiiimi
11, .;:! vob. inc. lib lnf rontinntsl cominendii
tion of the Ih.i men nnil J.-n- nuls of the c'iiiitry,
tud wilh rotltKiitlr inert olm ruccr...
In IS.,, It Will limiMi o na reailern the n
ihiriionit ol tlu r,ieTnnil million, nbme m.mrd
iid limnyotherf i riebmciivr the rholiytt A'erl.d
crd Miorl Stiinr by tin- Urnling 1 iiihiku .N0v( i
ittH, imdaii Hmoiint
Usapproncncd by acy other Periodical
in'tlic wuri -1, of ih in-t vnhintilc literary and
rcientitl - tmitterot Hip day, in.m Hie in ns oftnr
IcuJiniE r.-(arjt, hcioTilisnt. I rule... Iiu.-nv..,.
t iv. tndl.di.oM. n t'lrseiiliiii vuy riartilcit
nf Kno liltr fllld rr-irn -s.
tllb LlNINci Ac.K.dn wliich It, onlv com-
intiior, "i.n:v b.ui nIA. ' i,;
merpoii), is a weekly mnK'Wine of t.xiv-ljnr
1'uee.-, jrivinj; more nun
Titj;i:i. ani a (.if.vifii i; tjiolsanu
tbivibte crbnrn oi tno i f rcn 'inir-ieHitc r
yenrly. Il jrt. tents in un lmX.cnhe l .rin,
coi.'-iilerini,- i: ioin.unt ol matter, w il!,liehnrni,
o inn to lis v.ee.ly i-wiip, and with n s-il sl'in toi y
on,M ! ne-s all- in t d i, iiotlier.ublioiitioii.
the b-si tf!.5, l;, vien , CtiticiMiu. lulls.
Ski l iu ol 1 m i l und l'l.-covel v , I'c-irv, cl-n-
Oil.-, bioLTaiiliical, II..-Ij!. d uiel l'olitieal l.i-
I'riutiion. from the entire bo.'v ol i-'ureij.n
I t rni'iii al I llei.it jre.
It ILeretore in! ii'l-ib'e to eni- Amnri.'.n
re.idt r UMlie only l're-h nnd lli jvoiieh eoiniila
ti"n 1 an indi.-eiisab ciirri nt lilenitni, in
il!innl,;e bei-.mse it rmbrnct-s the j rodui Lolls
Tao Ablest Living Writers,
in a'.l tneeb of
Literature, bt ime. Art, Mid
' "inii'ty indi.i.ci',alle in nv one w lio drnlre
to k"almst ot the tlionjrln iftlie inte in any
le, amocnt of aeieuvc or literature." thirton
A j. tire and perv!iiul re"-Toir and fnimtafnof
rTileri -iinmeiil nn.l 1LH Uttioii.' Hon. lCot)ei t
C. X ir.throp.
''Ihe l.et-l pvtiudieal Iu Amei iea ." Theo Jore
I.. I iivier. 1. 1.
"11 lias uotti'.ial inany c .ur.trv ' I hilad.l-
'..itt I'rc.-.i.
-It ri ro '.life, ihe- br-t tliouphts of the l.U
mind ol ihceivi.ued w orld, urmnnlt topics of
li iv iiiO-re.-'.1' l l.il-ohl,!.ia Iti'iain y.
"ilic best of all our t.kri.c pitblicaiion'. ' '
The .Nat'oti, .c oik.
' And t!ierj.t r,i tt A niutl.ly that co:.it every
Wt.'k.'' The A'lvanee, Inc,),-o,
' ith it aione a na ler nu.y f.iirlr keep tip
with all that is important in the literature, his
tory, iioluics. und science of the day. ''ihe
MkllioiUt, Aevv 4 oik.
"Ihe allien r--as, the nio.-t t nt. riuinitig
otories, the liiebt poetry of the Lmrli-h laiiKimye,
are hire j,-aib-rei to jti'llicr. ' ' ii.iuoin Sinie
tndl-ix-nsabiO lo every one who desire a
thnroiu.ii compt -nditini ot all that is adinirabie
mid nottwortuy in U.e literarv world. "--llotoii
"Oti-ld lo find a pl.ie8 in evrrv Ametican
Home."-ew ork linns.
I'ubtl.-ht. J wslklv ol s.''J a Mar, free of
Tn nil r.sw Riib-eribcrs for ls;7, will be sent
Ki'alis tne MX ntunhtTa of l-Tt. continine. w itti
oilier valuable muter, the find installments of a
new nnd power nl serial rtore, "1 he Manpes !
Lo.--it-,'' by ci.' illoi. M.VCI 'ONAI.U, no uj,.
api'i"!'! i' i 1.e l.:vii.g Aire U-lu advance
Club Prices for for tho best Iloino
tcrtd Foroign Literature.
"IV - e-.ed of Tin. I.ivixu A'.l ari l one or
other of our vivacious American monihlio, a
niliscribtT wi.l lind h.m-ell in eonimaiiJ ol ihe
wiioie siti a'ion." Philadelphia Kv'ir llulblin.
i of ie.,e Ihe Ijyini; Aoi and eilher ore of
1'. AmerbiiM H Monthlies ( -r Harper's Weekly
or bajiiri viii be fceut lor a yer. b th po'tpttid;
or, bo- . J Ijie L.viKt. Aoa and hinhnera
St. Nil hola, or Appleton' i:rri:d
Addre-, LIXTLK i(..T. I'oMcn.
Soribners Monthly
YVli-.-U ScitlliNEH I-sucd its famotia Mid-
stiinnitr Uolidtiy Number in July, at-lemlly
critic said oi it : "We are not sure but that
.c r.rii'.jiii has toui hp.d irgh-wuter nivrk.
We iio not sec vvli it worlds are left to it to
conquer." Iiut the publishers ito r.ot eon-
ler that they have reached the ultima
tbuleof oxcelloECf tiiey bedevt; "tLtreaie
other worlds to onpii.r, nr.d tin y proj.ose
to eoDiiiier liiein."
the nro-r -ecus fjr tba new Volume irivoa
tin) titles ol more than tifty rtir ers ! mostly
llltistruti d). by writers o i the 111yi.1t'; merit,
t'ndcr tJe head of
"rorei;,-a Xiavel,"
we h-ive "A inter on tno Nile," by Oen.
JlrClell in ; 'SaunterinKi, About Coiistanti-
nople," by Charb.B lJudley Wnrner ; "Out
rd My unlaw at jIobcow,'' by i;uL-ene
f":h'.i ier : "An American in 'i iirkistnii,"
etc. Three serial stoiies are annouueed:
"Iiehclaa Minturn,"
P.y Ir. Holland, the L' litor.
v. l,o-e story of "Seveno:iks " 7ave the ldd-e-t
Mttirfaction to the readers of the
The scene of this latest u'ivi 1 is .,j,j on
the banks of the llud-on. J he hero is a
jouuii man who lias been nt-.-. ays "tied to a
woman's ar-ron stritiK'."' lut Vl.o, by the
dentli of Ins mother, is bit nlonu in ti e
world lo diilt on the current ol lite w ith
a fortune, but without a j tiipofe.
Ar.fdlnr serial, "His lnhciiluin e," by
Mi-s '1 ratton. will beaiti on the eornj letioii
ol '1 1j u t La.-s i' i.ow rie's," by Mrs. liodif
n n liuiin it. Mrs, Hurnett's stoiy, bi fun
in Aii?u-t, h is a j-alhoB and drnnia'.n jionir
wblirli have bttn a snrpri-c to the public.
'Ihcrc i- to i a stiii s of uritrinnl and X
i (I ! .- ilelv i,'.'lir;ti d f iipci i 1 I'opul.n ci-en-
e," by All . Her; i K, 11. .I1 pn; er m
ph to iu 1U( 11.
'I bete urc to b'. fiom nri' l-i ; aoc-rs
' XicDio Lilo and Travel"
Also, praclkid stii'e-lions as to town Mid
country die, iii:ie iii.i1iovciin.11l.-, 1 tc., by
w; dl-knowii speidalisN.
Mr. itii iniiii'H articles on varion- iifius-
irii'H ol dreat iinluiu includb lue hisioi y of
"?oni(. Lxpcrinienu in Co-op, tation," "A
-coiini ractory m tne Novemtier
number, and "'J oad Lane. Itochdale," in
Iiecemhi r, Other papuis are, "'1 be 1',: iuVb
V oikitifiinin's Home," "A Ntition dhop.
kei I'ers,"' "lia'(ieiir;yaW'(kfor tt-e C'hiid,''
A richly illustrated series will be e,iven on
".-viner can sports ly flood and Field," 1 y
vnrious wrmre, una each on ft'bnrtnt
iiieme. 1 nu subject of
"IIouscLold und Heme Decoxatiou"
will navo a irouiineiit nlace. vUiiUt ihn
productions 01 American humoi its will p-
j eur I10111 month to month. The lit. of
shorter Hoius, 'iteeraphicul Mid other
sKetciies, -te.,is a Ion'' o,c.
'J hi editorial depart mr lit will continue to
employ the ablest pens both at homo and
abroad. There vc iii be a f cries ol let turf on
literary mat: r-, frc m London, by Mr. Wei
lord. 1 ue paces 01 i.'ic mn-'aine will be open,
as lieretolore, ro tar u hiniied spin e wib
permit, to tut discussion ot all tin mes al
a'tiiiiiio Hinn tun iciieiuus i,:u ! Ihe
world, amJapcciid'y totho lrela-t-t thoti'-ht
ot the (. hi lsiKin tbiiilu is and lulti s ot
iiii coiintiy.
c menu 10 mahe Ihe toaxasirtv svveelcr
and purer, bUhcr and iiohi,.r, more eeniul
and ecu. rows in all its utterance and itdlu-
eiK'tc, unci a more wt lcomo i-itor than
ever beloio Iu home m rt litn mi nt und cul
x liirtNKi: lor Iiecvmbi r, i.nvy ready,
and Which eoijalli the onenimr 1 himipik of
"Micholai Mlntm-n," wi'l be read w it'll cairer
cuiioMij aim itiiercsi. J crimpb no more
readable number of thi- ri.aotuine ha vet
iicen issued. I he three number of Si-rib
ner for Auftnt, h( ideiiiher. and n toh r,
eontairinj,' the opiiiiri chapters l "'ihut
Last o' iowrieV, ' will le jiiven to tttry
new subscriber (who nojuests Ji. and
w hose subscription bi-f.ii; W illi the present
TJluiie, 1. ., witn the Novcmbtr niuuh r.
ruhscrlption price, $t a v i'ur ij centa a
rjuiuber, Special term on bound volume,
yubbtribc v LU Ilia nearc-t botkselle r, or
tend a check or I. O. money order to
f( ltlBM.lt Co.,
713 Hroadway, N. V.
Safest, Cheapest and
Family Safeguard Oil,
Advantages i
Seme pencil!, not fum'.iiur with tils, wiio o.,e not the time or Inclination to maka
;u uu.viyi-i j, nk why
Elaine, the Family Safeguard Oil,
stan lio i5d riro-Te.t-should be m-od m prslerence totbe ordinary headlight oIU,
ot 1 0 lies;, te-t, cotlng b-ss to which we make answer as follow :
IXAIM: h taken out at a point in the distillation, whero ft is free from paraffin c,
nKi.Nj::,nd a tUn rerouiKiis wblcb i. contained In all beaddlgbt and kerosene oIU,
aiidllicvieldoutof a given amount of cmda oil is very amall, which make the cost
l i?hert! an Unit ol head-light. ELAINE 1.-, t claimed, non-explosive and perfectly
safe ; vhu eas ordinary bead-l!i;ht oils contain a great deal of parafllne, and tLe liijxber
the test the b uvier they are and the more paratT.nc they contain. Tbi exce-a of para
mne.o'..!tu,tsihe wick, thus preventing to great extent the escape of Ihe Oangarotit
t-as. and causing, iu some catu, tLosc terrible explosions which happen to frequently.
TLe cost cf Klaim. on .Street Cars, taken from an averaCe of one year, on on. of tb.
l:tr.;e,t line. !,, I'ittburL'. was only 1 j cents per tilKLt for two ligbt per car.
Directions how to Test
:eh :sd m: Ksr isu a ;n xd.
Ta'se nny eou,,nn kerosete or coal oil lamp you ee lit to use. Let It be clean, aud
di n -t v.so a v ick that has been used in aty other oil. Mil the bawl with Elaine, aud
afur I'ghting the lamp, unscrew tb burner and set Cre to tbo wick at the lower end,
and gradually immerse It in tins bowl of the lamp; Instead of tLe Llaiue IKnltliig, a
would be the cue with ordinary cila.it w iii extinjt.bh the Duma on the wick a It enter
the oil ; then ,crew the burner tight on the lamp, lilt it up and carry It as a very eara-le-s
person or child would, side ways or upsidu t'own, and tt will Invariably go out; or
'iii set it, in if by accidti t, aud 'be ume reu't wU ba accomplished. Then take th
wick and placa it In n half pint measure or other open vts.e.1 Oiled with Ktaine, act one
end on fire, and with a piec e of wire, or a nail, move the burning wick about In the oil.
Alter be!ns satisfied that the Claire will not ignite, remove the wick, and place it bum
ing upon a shovel or board, aud whtn It i ail Li a flam,,, pour the Elaine from the
measure or vessel upon the burning ma, and ft will be linmodiately extinguished. Be
sure and pour plenty of Claire upon tha flame, or else- the Came being the itrongnt. will
cotiMime the oil just a, water is consumed when a house Is on Are.
Exclusive Agents for Southern Illinois, and
tho adjacent country South and
West of Cairo.
7r.w ais w;!tTisj:Mi:.Ts.
i ) a day at b. m. Am win. ted. utl'u
'i. aim urms rreis, 1 1(! r.
CO., Aujc-.ii.tu,
A Braphie.pcn-i.ictiire -.fits history, i;riiiid huild-
O'b. WOQllerllil MliibitM. 1-lirinoliM ,r.... .Iu...
ele. 1'rolu-elv iliilitiuted. Inoroioriii v i.muhir
and very cheap. Is s'-'.linir immensely, l.,lts
airenU wuntetl. Send f r lull iiarncular. '1 hi
I- the rliii.o' of lo.i vi. i.d t.. ...... . .
h I the onlv reliable hisiorv. Trrr A T) ri
BBOTUEKS, I'l tLisiiLHa, tl. Lu hub Mrtet,
(til- HL'o, Illinois.
I' IITIIIV ,!e ,,ot 'teeetTcrl by rrernatiire
"'it1 IJUil bori'sM assuming to Ue'ollieial."
and tellin
tenilii r.
imi wi. 1 Happen iu August and Sap-
a Week in your own town. Terms and
Olltlit tree. II. I1ALI.KT . 1 11. Pr.rl.
Un-I, M i 1 lie.
The little Rock
and Fort Smith
3? Q XL S A L 33
I- itm.njf Lands, (iraiing Ijnd, Fruit Lands. Vine
l.aocs, Coul Minds, cod Lund., tome Praiile
I.and4, Ilottom Ijmli, and Vptandt, oa t'rmi
to auit the purchaser. Six per cent in-
tcrt-. 011 dtitrrcd paymei.M. Ten per caot tlis
ennnt for cavh. for full parti.Milirs, tnani and
rii'pheli, apply to W, 1. SZ.ACK. Land
(.vinmitaioner Little Itova, Aikan..
OP fixtraFino Mixed Oarda, with namt
XO eta , pout j . ia. L. Jo.NLb A CO.,
.Sastau, .. V.
$55 to $77
Wftll In Ar,n. k.mrU
fKi t. I'. O. VIClvI-.hV, Au-
gusta, Maine
S5 tO S20 I1" ,,''lyu,,"n"'' s""l'l vortli
, , V ifr.-. sll.Nsu.VA CO., Port
hind, JJalnc,
W , XT V ltn lo " to Sfcrebauu. t
H .1.111,11 luouth and triivelinir expeuee
paid. Utmilanurjj Co., M. Loui., ilo.
) LXlItA 1 INi; ( AI1DS, no I wo alike, with
J n:iiue, lu cu. J. JC. IIAUULU, JUalden
1(' Ni.'I,l-: K tiuiii lo Ir. Iioiljfe, l'liinters
j bouse, St. I.oum, Mo. for (ardiie Alticlenai
Hih'ifdud iu Chrimtau Xiuiea.
Centennial Reduction
in Advertising.
Three lliou and, two hlitidre.l and fifty dollar
Wortn of uewapaper u'lv rti -ii nf , at publisher'
schedule late, kIviii for t;ou, and a three
liionlli.' note accepted iu payment lromadver
Imt cf !-eponMl.iiitty. A punted ll.l, (livillK
Name, idmnu'ter, Aclual ilailyund Weekly Clr
eul..iioii, iiuj is.ediile late of Adveriisiuif ,
eiit liee In nv adilresa. Apply to eci'e P.
Howell ,t t o, Ki w.-paiicr Aderlihieir Agents,
11 1 ura iijw, X. V. ,
dhM I'venta at trie National Capital
Just the book lor the times. Coven a full history
of the National CapiUilaud lioveriinient . bhow
bow tho Koveruiio nl ba been niausKed since it
orxuni.ulion. Liplums bow iub uaw put
tlirouirh couirre. dive a lull history of the
Whbky frauds and belkuap fcnaudal. It civea
Ihe live of Hayes, Wheeler, T lldeu and lieu
drtck. (iraud ehnnee for Aa-eul. Addrea.
b-lT-wiw J. 11 caAMULKi, IbuIaui, a.
Best Light Known !
other Oils
11 over
Mark These Facts.
The Testimony of tho Wliol World.
"1 had no appetite ; Holloway'a I'ibigareine
a hearty one."
' Yoar Till are marvelous."
' 1 send for another box, and keep them iu the
bott-e. ' '
Dr. Hollow ay baa cured ray headache that
was chronic."
"1 Kve one ol your Pill to my babe lor chol
era morbus. T he dear little th.n got, well in a
My nausea f a marnlna; is now cured-"
'lour box of Hollows)-' Ointment cured ine
of noues in the bead. 1 rubbed some of your
(Mnuuent btthind the ear, and the noi-luu left."
".-end me two boxes; 1 want one lor a poor
"1 enclose a dollar) your price U 2' cent, but
the medicine tome is worth dollar."
"Send me five boxes of your I'lli."
"Le me have three boxes of your Pill by re
turn mail, for ( hill and lever."
1 hiiveover such testimonial astiese, but
want of apace con jels me to conclude.
For Cutaneous Disorders,,
And all eruptions of the skin, this Ointment i
most invaluable. It does not heal externally
alone, but penetrates vv-i th the most sesreluiij;
effect to the very root of the evil.
Invariably cure Uie following dinette
Disorder of the Kidneys.
In all diseape affecting these organ, whether
ther secrete loo much or too lilUa Water; or
whether they be afflicted with stone or gravel, or
with ache anil paius settled n tha loins over tbe
rrrions of the kidney, these fills should ba ta
ken according to the printed direction, and the
Ointment should be well rubbed into the email ol
the back at bed time. This treatment will give
ulinott immediate relief when all other means
have fulled.
For Stomachs Out of Order.
No medicine will so effectually improve tb
tone of the stomach as theaa l'ili; they remove
all acidity occasioned either by intemperance r
improper diet. Tbey reach the liver and reduce
it to a healthy action;tbey are wonderfully efbea
ciotis iu rases of epu&m in fact they never (ail iu
curing all disorders of tbe liver and stomach.
ilol. LOW AY'S I'l LL3 are the beat knou
Ihe World for the following disease 1 Ague,
Axihnia, Kiliout Complaints, lilotches on the
kin, bowels, Consumption, Dtbj'ity, Dropy,
Hyseutery, Eryaipelas, female Irregularities
l ever of alt kinds, Vita, (Jout, Headache, Indi
rection, Inflammation, :Juui.dice, Liver Com
plaints, Lumbago, Files, Kheumatisin, liiaen
liou of urine, scrofula or King's Evil, Fore
1 hroaU, Stone and (.ravel, Tic-Douloureux.
Tumor, l lcers, Worms of ail kinds, Weakness
Irom any cause, etc
None are genuine unlets the signature of J
Hajdock, as agent for the United btate. sur
round each box of 1'ills, 'and Oluim"- A
handsome reward will be giveu o any out ren
dering such information "'r lead to tbe
detection of any parly or psrlie counterleitlng
the medicine or veudmg 0e suiue, kiiowui
them to be spuriou.
Bold at the uisnufactory of Professor Hol
towav A Co.. Kr Vork, aud by all respectable
druggists and dealers in inediclus IhrouKhout
the civilized world, in boxe at 2& ceuls,
cent and l each.
gjr T here is considerable saving, by taking lb j
N. U. Uireetlons for the guidance of patient
la every dUorder are allixed lo each box.
Office, 112 Liberty St., New York.

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