OCR Interpretation

The Cairo bulletin. [volume] (Cairo, Ill.) 1872-1878, February 15, 1877, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85033413/1877-02-15/ed-1/seq-4/

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rni TATtn n ow filb with
mat bcllitw u published very "
(except lay) rathe Bulletin Building, cor
nee Washington avenue and Twelith street
Tub BaLJTW it served to city ubscriber by
faithful carrier at Twenty-Five Cent a Week
payable weekly. By Mail, (ia advance), tlO per
anno; ait moo tin. Mj three inonthi. t.1s one
month, at V
PuUltW every Thursday moraine at $1
peaaaum, invariably id advance, lhe postage
on the Weekly will ba prepaid at thU office, ao
hat subscribers wit obtain tor a inbacrtptioa
rioe of li yer.
Business Cards, per annum,...
One square, one nsertioa,-...
One square, two inaertiona,.,
Una aquara, one wee
One aquara. two week
One aquara, three week,.
One equre, odb month, ..
. a U 'J
... I 50
. 2 5U
... ao
.. 4 00
One t'Uara, one insertion,....
Each utMquvnl Insert! jb,....
tl UD
XfOat inch ii a aquara.
tfto rtular advarUaera we offer .uperlur i '3
dueemeatt. both aa to rate ol chargea and num
ber of diaplayinf their favora.
Oommunloatlona upon aabjaota of aa
ml lataraat to tha pablla aollalVed.
O'All BuaineM Letter! should ba addreaaod to
Cairo Bolleiltu Comiinny.
Leonard;Soott Publishing Co.
41 BarcUy It., 3w York,
continut Uielr autKoritti Keprlnls of the
Clabarck Bevirar (Ubig),
A.aalaB urterly Kevla m Conservative)
Wataalaaler Review (Liberal) ,
Hritlah 4kaarterly Review (Kvanirelical) ,
umm wimi mmi,
The Britlnh Quarterliea give to the reader wi-11-digeatrd
infornution upun Uie Krc' event, in
eoatemnoraneuu. bi.tory, and contain inaMrrly
7itiouat on ail that ia frean aad valuable in
literature, ai well a. a lutumary of tlie tnuniiba
rtcienoeand art. Xba war likely to couvjlte
all Strop will form topic for dtscuulon. tluit
will he treated with a tboroughnena and ability
rwhere else to be touud. lllackwood'a Sljpa
ila. ia fmoui for .tone., es.ay., ml aketchea
tOn hitieal literary merit.
TEEMS (Including Postage i:
Fajrtli Strictly la Adrance.
Tor anv one Ilevlaw, f no t annum
r any two Uevlew., 7 ou '
rr any three Kevin w, 10 OU
For U four Keviewa, lj oo "
Per Blackwood's Haga-
ftne, 4 00 "
ror Blackwood aad oat
Baview, 7 0i
for Blackwood aad two
Tiewi, io 00
For Blackwood and three
Reviews, 13 00
For Blackwood aud the
lour He views, 16 oo
v, "V. ""i rout or more persona;
ai U. WkU nne addrs.s tor
lil!a,L,ouI.eo,,iM gI 'ur fcevieVI ad
Bla.kwolio, us, u0 w u",ew M1
aumber. lor the 1..!,,", fff ?'
prtolieala aa they mi,Vuwi?,tt ' ucu
iielther premiums touWrt -f.,0r
woaey Is remitted direct U li CUU 1 lh
Ho Drminm. ri.. .....r' ,a publUbera.
Till Tasa.si f.aii e.VHA... a.
tat aTv.Maa a kbS.t liSI2ir7 LVi.
. Guldo. te-tras:
a.a.aa.a.J,'!"1 W .
av.w.naiH.aa.'' "t"''!' tmini
fsw Mlam aaaVl
- -f V af ekwljaA, BtsafaaBB aVtMaaaM t kaa).
Maw. wi T ZTiJii'i.' " m Mnr
Dp. OTiittier,
17 SLChiriMtrt,t Louli, Mo.
'SSlrrt'ia, Pleat, Wrla
afci&Harala, ee Haa.ra. VZPIm?!
4 iyBihtie waraartal atTaofreaa eMhe
'"T?".'"!;, riHhM BateW. lTt.au
iriA asiialn.-
- marries
0to kMnitA.ll.Mir.il. Baaan 11 M. 1 r. a.
Pamphlet, any dare, for Two ";
aaa4.alItttaa,foBOOaii ...
Mssaoed sad W ease bead U Qeemaa, both
together, lihsttratod, 1$ Ceirts.
MARRIAGE 1: 108.
wi ... .mm ul a-tlt btatftnc
Sealed fnraoa.
or nr Mr7 .si ..
rSrSTu, 'ZZf. WaaVSy bTS ,w.
rrtfiSiv ik. ' ""-c'tr;
Wa..eel arry i BrU!ad hrriD.ii.T tienmtmi.
B6eeataraiU Ctp rT 14
6.7 St. Chtrfaa twt, St. Unfa, jta.
61? St. Charles Street,
Treats all forms of Veneral Diseases, Semi
nal Emission and Sexual Debility, with
unparalleled success. No matter who failed,
call or write; pamphlet or consultation free.
Can refer to the medical probation in all
parti of the Cuuntrv.
"The Kintr ef all Publlcatlona laaued
for the Tonne on Either Side of the
Atlantic." Southampton (Kngland) Observer.
Tbo tbird volume of thin Incomparable
Magazine in now completed. Yt .th its
eight hundred royal octavo pave1, and lte
hIx hundred illutrations, iw .1eudid nerl
ale, Its shorter stories, poemn, and kketehe.
etc.. etc.. In it beiutitul bindins oi red
and gold, it is the most plend:d pi ft bonk
lor boys and tflrl ever luued irom the
press. J'rtce, f 4 ; in fuli gilt, fa.
tr. Nicholas is full of the choicest
tlilners. Tbe publication Is, in nil retped,
the bc-t of its kind. We have never jet
een a number that w not surpriMnly
Itood." The Churchman, liartiord Conn.
St. Nicholas for 1877,
Which opens with ovemiier. 147U, bepitis
A fchort and vry entertuininy t-erial lrom
the r'renc!i,'Tbe Kingdoiu ol tbe Oreedy,"
a story adapted tothe'i'banksKiingreason.
Anotbcrserial,oi absorbing interest to boys.
Bv J. T. Trowbridge,
author of the Mack Hazard Stories," be
.ins in the Christmas Holiday umber.
lleiides serial stories, Christmas stories
lively sketches, poems and pictures for the
holidiys, and some astonishing illustrat'ons
oi urteniaisporisviinurawings ny Siamese
Th Christmas Holiday Number of
Superbly illustrated, contains a very inter
esting paper,
hy William C'ullen Jtryant ;
The iior Hotel," a lively attitJe, by
Charles A. ISarnard, spleixlidiy illustrated ;
"The Clock in tbe sky," by Iticbard A.
I'roctor; "A Christmas I'lay for Home or
Sunday-schools." bv lr. Ki'tfeston : "The
I'eterkins' Christmas Tree," by Lucretia 1
l'.llale; "Poetry and Carols of Winter,"
by Lucj Larcom, with picture.
So Not Fail to Buy St. Nicholaa for the
unrieimaa noiiaava. rrlce o eta.
Durine the year there will be interesting
papers lor boys, by William Cullen Bryant,
.loho (i. Whittier, Thomas Hughes, Willltm
Ilowitt, Or. llollaud. tieorge MacIoaald,
Sanlord 11. Hunt, Frank It. Stockton, and
There will be stories, sketches, and
poems, of special interest to girls, by liar-
net rrescou sponora, ,-usan coolidge,
Sa'ah Winter Kellogg. Elizabeth Stuart
l'helps, Louisa Alcott. Lucretia 1. Hale,
Ctlia 1 baiter. Mary Mapes Dottge, and
mny others. There will be alo
By Professor Proctor, tbe Astronomer,
with msps, showing '-The Stars of Each
Mouth," which will be likely lo surpass in
intereht any aeries on popular science re
cently given to tbe public.
Amusement and Instruction, with Fun
and r'rolio, and Wit and Wisdom, will be
mingled a heretofore, and St. Niciiola
win continue to ueiigbt the young and give
licBuru iv ma oiu.
says :
"There U no magazine tor the younif thai
au uwi mu IU t'ljuiu IUI CDOICe J'TO JUCllOO
Of SCRIRNru'l nruva All .1 ..
w betber in prose or rhyme, are throbbing
w ith vitality. The literature ani
artistic illustrations are both superb. "
Tbe London Dailv i-mu . utr. !.
we could point out its ciual in our own
na,in.ii... I II .
oooi news for bovs and urnus.
To meet tbe demand for a cheaper St.
i'imi i .ii,.itn..L i. f . i
aiJti If Inn h..n wlit..L.I . a iii
u,u I w cv, .1 1 j lit;
three volumes, in an elegant library cam-,
if. i.s.1.1 I tin .1- ...ii - : . . n. . . . . ,
... -vni iui iu via u Km. ), so mat ail
VnaW .1 I. Ill i .
B" cuiiuren a cnuipiete act.
i uih volumes contain more attraetlva ma.
tcrixi tuau uuy uouars' w orm oi the ordin
SubacriptioD price, t'l a year. The fhrec
bound volumes and a subscription tor this
year, uuiy f yj. ruiiacrib wtui the nearest
nCWtillulr rip siAn.l nmni. In .il.A..lr .m 1
o. money order, or In registered letter, to
1U Broadwav. X. Y.
Hui'd.i.y tuwl'k'r:',,1'T'';".,i",u- 5S2r.
T El Ptllaa
tawatlaaatMat aat bUbh.1
KXSJf.1 TBlATiaana.il
t Mriiir-aTArrvici'r' W
II a ., . .iTIi, .I.'. L"C' fc-pli.1,, tiYlijiuii
v i ns uUr. i . a.. ; TTT -vasw-r.71njs.ej unik
!M " lV' j
MB 1 la JA IW
U 1 IT I
It requires no Xsstractls&s to rca it. It can set g:t out cf crior.
Xt tlo crery class aci Hri cf rcrk.
Xt trill Err frcra Tissue Paper to Haraesa Leather.
Xt is far in advance cf ether Srsisg TSachines in the xnagnitudo cf its superior
improvements, as a Steam Car esceHs in ftsremests
t&9 cli fashlctei Ztsgz Coach.
Prices Made to Suit the Times, either for Cash or Credit
tV Send lor IllustraUd Catalogue cf STYLES and Prices.
Chicago. 111. New York V. Y. New Orleans. La. SL Louis, Mo.
For Diseases of tho
Throat and Lucks,
aucb as Couhs,
Colds, Whoopinsr
jv Cough, Bronchitis,
Asthma, and Con
The reputation it has attained, in
conserjupiu-e of the marvellous cures it
lias produced during the last half cen
tury, is a MifhVient assurance to the
public that it will continue to realize
tlu.1 happiest results that can m desired.
In almost every section ff country
there are persons, publicly known, who
have lieeu restored lrom (thinning and
even desperate diseases of the lungs,
hy Its use. All who have tried It uc
kuowledge its mijicrlorlty ; and where
its virtues are known, no one hesitates
as to what medicine to employ to re
lieve the distress and fullering peculiar
to pulmonary affections. I'iikkky Pec
TOkal alw ays affords Instant relief, and
errorins rapid cures of the milder va
rieties of bronchial disorder, as w ell as
the more formidable diseases of the
As a safeguard to children, amid
the distressing diseases which beset
the Throat aud Chest of Childhood, It
Is Invaluable j for, by Its timely use,
multitudes me rescued und restored ti
This medicine gains friends ut
every trial, as the cures It Is constantly
producing are too remarkable to Ixj
forgone u. No family khould be with
out it, and those who have oute used
it never will.
Eminent Physicians throughout the
country prescribe it, aud Clergymen
ofteu recommend it from their knowl
edge of its effects.
Dr. J. C. AYER L CO., Lowell, Mass.,
Practical Md Analytical Chemists.
Nebraska Ahead !
The 11. M. Railroad Co's Lands! The best
Agricultural and Stock Co jntry
la America!
Low prices. I-ong Credit. Low Fares
and Kreighta. Premiums for Improvement.
Free Paaa te Laud Jiuyers. ir Fur full
particulars, apply to II. A M. It. Jt. Co.,
Burllugton, Iowa.
"Vyit. a. SMITH
Physician ic Sareeon,
lUaldwoalulrUeiHb straal, w.t ol ' Washtimlon
1 1. 1
r a 1 1 av j a x .
aAVB $aa.
Mark These Facts.
The Tcetiiuouy of the Whole World.
"I had no appetite ; Hulloway'. Pills gave me
a hearty one."
'Your fills are marvelous."
' I send for auollier box, and keep tbetn in tbe
lir. I folio way ba. cureil my headache that
was chronic."
"I Kv oueol your fills to my babe lor chol
era morbus The dear little ihnig got well in a
day . '
My nausea ef amoruingl now cured-"
"Your box ofllsildWay's Ointment cuml rue
of noiaes in the liea i. 1 rublied wine of your
Ointment Uliiml tlieeirs, an 1 thenoibaa left."
"ftend me two boxen; 1 want 011 for a poor
"I enclose a dollar your prioe Is T rents, but
tbe medicine lome is worth a dollar "
"Send nietlvt boxen of your Pills."
"Let me have three hr,e of your fills by re
turn mail, tor (.hill, and l ever "
1 have over 2' turn tehtiiivinlnls astt esa, but
want of tpai-e ron.i:, me to conclude.
For Cutaneous Disorders,
And all eruption of the skin, Jibe oiutmcut is
moil invaluable. It doe, not heul externally
alone, but penetrate with the most sesrchiiiK
Cffeetsto the very root of the evil.
Invariably cure tlie lollnwiag diaesses
Disorder of the Kidneys.
In all dixeaxe afl'ectinjr these organs, whether
the? secrete ton much or too little water, or
whrtlii r tliey lie artlu ud with atone or gravel, or
with achea ami pains wttlwi ill tbe loins over tbe
regions of His kidney.. ilie.e fills should be ta
ken aixjordiiig o the printed directions, and the
Omtiuent should be well rubbed into the small ol
the hiu-k at br tim-. 'Ihis treatment will give
alnio.t imiut-diuie relief wheu all oilier mean,
have failed
Tor Stomachs Out of Order.
No medicine will ao effectually improve the
ine 0,,,M sloiiucth aa theae fills; they remove
all aridity o.-ji.ineu either by inlemicruQce er
iiiiprom r iliet . 1 hey reach tf.e liver and reduce
It to a healthy i tion (tbey are wonderfully elhra
eliMie lu ca or rpasm in fart they never fail in
curing all diaorders o. the liver aud stwinach.
HOl.fjWAY's flLLS are tbe beat known in
tha World for the following dineases 1 Ague.
Aathnia, llilioua Complaint., itlot.-.he. ou the
hkin, Lowels, I onnumiiiion, liebilitv, Dropsy
OysenU-ry, fcr).i,la, lemale Irregularities
reveraof-all kiuda, HU,t.out. llbailaiL, Indi
gestion, InHainiuution, Jau. dira, Liver t'otu-
lllalllt4. I.llllil.u,... llli-im. t. .
j ''j , ..ui.ii.iiu, lu-ieu.
lion or urine, ncrofula or hmgs Kvil, Hore
Ibroats, stone and liravel, I lu-Houloureux
Tumors, fleers. Worms of Jl kinds, Weakness
lrom any cause t.
i,"JIi' t'1'"' unleas the signature of J
llay. k, as atat lor the foiled tsiuu-a, ur
roiitiis ea. h bo 0f iHU, and Ointuieni. A
bandaoiue reward will ba given 10 any one ren
dering such iulormatioa aa may lend to th.
deuctioa of any party or parties counterfeiting
the medicine, or veudin Uis aaine, kuowina
tliera to be tpurious.
tiold at the mtnafactory of Profeaaor IIsl-
f -o. . e York, aud by all respectable
Uniggi.u and dealera la medicine throughout
the UVi IU.I S...I.I Imiia -1 v. . .
centjj sn.l Tl h.
, r 1 Iter la cuosiderable saving by taking tlie
larger siles .
K. II liiiwriions for the guldauca of putieut.
la avarv i i.. ai.M tA ) iu.
Office, Ua Liberty St., New York.
VV't, unia
'''" yva hUiiu4 aul iU .ujc.i Mi, y'14
La.u Auvertu'a Pubr Ca.. Si Lsui H
The lame can be healed and the Hounded
tniido whole. We now know iut what tbe
Centa.ir Liniment will do. They w ill not
mend broken bone or cure Caucer, but
they will extract soreness, allay pain, cure
Ulii uinatliui aud a larger rana;e of Mesh,
bone and muscle ailments than any article
ever before discovered.
SilentM!' skill caiinot ko beyond thee'
feels of these reuurkablo preparations
CllitoMC UilKt'MATiHM of many years
standing Ncurulgia. Weak-ltack, r'ever
Sores, Wiepinif-Min ws, Sciatica, Caked-ltrea-Is.
Di-torted Joints aud Sprianed
Limbs of tbe worst kind are cured by tbe
White Centaur Liniment.
It will destroy tbo pain and heal without
a scar all ordinary Burns and Scalds. It
will extract the poison of Bile and Stings,
and the frost from Kiozen Limbs. It Is
very eflicacioiis for Ear-ache, Tojth-achc,
Itch and Cutaneous Kuiptions.
Mr. Jostali Wctlake, of .Marysville, O.,
writos :
"For years my HheumatUtn has been so
that 1 have been uuabie to stir from the
house. The first three bottles of Centaur
Liniment enabled me 1 1 walk without my
crutches 1 am mending rapidly. 1 think
your Liniment simply a marvel."
C. H. Bennett, Unifglst, Kock Prairie,
Mo., says :
"Centaur Liniment sells better and gives
the best satisfaction of anything in the
What the Centaur Liniment has done for
others it w ill do for you. 1 1 is reliable, and
fl is cheap.
The Yellow Centaur Litiiment
Iswortnlt. weight In gold to owners oi
horses and mules.
This L niment has cured more Sprained,
Sweenied. King-noted and (Jailed 11 or:iu
three years than have all tlie Farriers in the
country in an age. Its effects are simply
We have thousands upon thousands of
certificates as strong as tbe following :
"My horse was lame for a year with a fet
lock wrench. All remedies utterly failed
to cure and I considered him worthless un
til I commenced to use Centaur Liniment,
which rapidly cured him. I heartllv re:om
mend it. "UhV. OKO. W. FElUtls,
ManorviHe. Schoharie Co.. N. Y."
"Dear Sirs 1 have used Tour Centaur
I'iniineni in my lainiiy, and and it to tie ol
great value. Please send me two dollar-i'
worth, one for the mules and horses.
"Falls Station. Wyoming Co.. Pa.
It makes very little difference what the
case Is, whether it be Wrench, sprain, Poll-
bvilsitinghoue, Scratches or Lameness 01
any kind, tbe eflecti are tbe same. Livery
men, Stage proprietors. Farmers, Ac., should
never be w ttbout tbe 1 ellow ( entuur Lint
ment. It is sold everywhere, and warrant
ed la its ene-u.
Laboratory of J. II. UOE A CO.,
40 liar sr. . New Yona.
Oast or ia.
It is a mistake to suppose that taslorla Is
not adapted to growu persons aa well as
Children. They only need to increase tbe
quantity. But chi.dreo have so many com
plaints for which (as tori a is adapted like
W ind Cone, sour stomach, v orms. 1 etter.
Teething and Croup, that it is especially
recommended for them.
Its effects are more certain than Castok
OIL. It contains no aichohol and is as pleas
ant to take as nonty. 11 ni-vcr gripes, isy
regulating the stomach and towels tbe Cas
tor i a cools the blood, expels worn and
prevents feverUbneas, (mietethe nerves and
produces health then of eoure children
can sleep in quiet and mothers ran rest.
Castoriais recommended by all physician
anl nurses who have tried it, and it is hav
ing a rapidly increasing sale, it is prepared
with great care alter the recipe of In. Sam
uel Pitcher, of Mass., at the Laboratory of
J. 11. Hose A Co.. 40 Dev York.
To the working rlMaa: We can iurnil
steady ployrnent at which you can make very
large par, in your own localities, without being
away lrom borne over night. Agents wanted in
every town and county to take subscribers lor
Tbe Centennial Record, the largest publication
in the United State lu pages, M coluiuee; .l
eifanty Illustrated; Tenus only tl per year.
The Keeord is devoted to whatever is of Interest
connected with the Centennial year. The (ireal
Kxhihition at Philadelphia Is fully Illustrated
in detail. Kverybody wants it. The whole
people feel a great interest in their Country's
Centennial Iiirthday, and want to know all
about it. An eleaant patriotic crayon drawing
premium picture is presented free to each su b
srriber. It is entitKd, "in remeniberance of Km
One Hundredth Anniversary of tbe Independ
ence of the L'uited States.'' Size, 23 by tf in
ches Any one can Isscome a successful agent,
for but snow the paier and picture and nun
dreds of subscribers are easily obtained every
where. I here ia no business that will pay liae
this at present. We have many ageuta who are
making as high as -"o per day and upwards.
Now is the lime; don't delay, itcmemls-r It
costs nothing to give the business a trial . Send
for circulars, terms, and sample copy of paper,
which are sent free to all who apply; do 11 lo
ilav. Complete outfit free to those who decide
to engage, farmers and mechanics, and their
sons and daughters makethe very best of agcuia.
Portland Maine.
"A Complete Pictorial History of the
Times. '"The best cheapeet, and
most successful Family Paper
in ihe Union.
Harper's Weekly.
NOTir.as or tub phi.
HtRPKK'S W ttKLY should be in every
family throughout the land, as a purer, more in
teresting, higher-tuned, betier-lfliistruied paper
is not published in this or auy other country.
Commercial Kulletiu, UoMun.
The WLLKLY is the only illustrated pa-r o
th. day that in iU eseential characteristics is
recognized an a national paper. lirooklyn Kagle.
I be leaiiing articles in ll A UPhlt'rf WEEKLY
on political topics are models of hitch-toned dis
cussion, and its pictorial illustrations are afleu
corroborative argument of no small force.
Eiuiiiliier and Chronicle, N . V.
The WEEKLY has to a still larger degree dia
tinced all coniietitors aa au illustrsted news
paper. Its editorials are among the most able ol
their kind, and IU other reading matter is stance
learned, brilliant, and auiu.iiig. lis Illustra
tions are abundunt and ol rare excellence. Chris
tian Advocate, V Y.
0XlXUVXa3 1
Foataae free to all Subscribers in th
United States.
lUUI'Elt'S W EEKLY, one year tl 0
iw ittciudea preiiuyiucut of U . Si. postage by
the publishers. ' '
Sulwerirtioii to IIARfEICS MAUAZIXE
W ELK LY. and liAZAK, to one svldreas fur one
vear, tio isi; - two of Harper's Periodicals, to
one aaalress for one year, t7 Ifi: oslage free.
;"tr l'l'y ol either the Magazioe, Week
".' J" "Mar wnl be supplied fjralis for every
Club of ive auhacrilra at tKsj each, lu one re
mittance; or. Six Copies for ll iv. without
" copy. ixlage free.
lluii miiuWrtem be supplied at any lime.
J he ohiincs ol the Weekly commence with
tlie year, w ben uo lime is mentioned, it will be
understood that Ihe subscriber wishes to com
mence with the number next alter tbe receipt of
bis order.
1b,A",'!'l Volumes of liaiper-s Weekly, in
neat cloth binding, will be sent by express, free
of espeasa, fortT Ooeacb. A eon.plete Hel, com
prising T weuty Volume, sent ou reosipt ofeaah
ai in. rale ol 1 1 ii per volume, freight at exiuae
ol purchaser.
Cloth Cases for each volume aul'abla for blud.
mwilljje sent by mail, postjaud, on receipt ol
Indcxei to each volume sent gratis ou receipt
of .tamp r
Newspaiei's are not to copy this advertisement
without tb. express order ofliarper Brother.
Addre.. lUUt'tK httOlilkHS,
v" Nw x'ork
Soribners Monthly
When St Kllivrn i..nn,i 11. . mi
siitnuier lloiiiifiv iiini...e in .iui.- .iA.n..
crlti'j said of ll 1 "We ate riot sure but that
ovsiimsiiiim mui iioa insn-water tnnk.
e dii not see what worlds are left to it to
connuer." Itut ilm mii.n.i....i..
. - " ,....!....,!. UW. 111-
der that they have reached tbo ultima
.I: cAisiieure mey oeueve "there are
other worlds lo rnumier, and they propose
to conquer them."
1 ue prospectus r.r the new volume gives
the titles of more than fifty papers (mostly
iiiisimieu;, oy w riters oi mo Highest merit.
I n.ler the head of
"Foreign Travel."
we have "A Winter on the Nile," by Gen.
McCiellan ! Sauntnri
n?V!B,".,iy !url,) Ludley Warner; "Out
"""j ifinuow ai iuoscow, ' ly i;ugene
Schuyler: "An American in TiirklsUn,"
etc. 1 hree serial ktoriea nr- aniw.nni.ii.1
"Nicholas Mintura,"
By Dr. Holland, the Kditor,
w hose story of "Sevenoak." avctbo hUJz
est satisfaction to tbe reader of tl.e
Ihe scene of this latest novel is laid on
the banks of the Hudson. The hero is a
young man who has been always "tied to a
woman's apron strings," but who, by tbe
death of lus mother, In left alone in tbe
World In ilrilt nn tl.A ..t. .... u. ..1.1
a lortune, but without a purpose. ,
Misa TrMftun u-ill HAirln in i.A ...1 . 1
- - , .au wM . 1 1 ; uuuililC 11IIU
ol "That Law o' Lowrie's," bv Mr. Hodg
son Burnett. Mrs. Burnett's itorv. beirun
in August, has a pathos and dramatic power
which have beeu a surprise to the public.
There is to ke a series of original and ex
quisitely illustrated papers of "Populai Sci
ence." IiV Mrs. llaerii.L- k ..., ...
plete in itself.
1 nere are to he, from various pens, papers
"Home Life and Travel"
Aise, practical suggestions a to town and
country life, village improvements, etc., by
well-known specialists.
Mr. Barnard's articles on various indus
tries ol tireat Britain Include the history of
"Some Experiments in Co-operation," "A
Scotish Loaf Factory" in the November
number, and "Toad Lane, Koehdale," iu
ltofmtiar. Oth.r ti.hsr. H'l'h-lllLh
Workingman's Home," "A Nation of Shop.
1. ...... H .1 11 .1. II'. ..!...... f-1 I .
atrcfieis, -na yvtinj sit cri iui tuc Vlillil,
A richly Illustrated serlci will be given on
American Sports by Flood and Field," by
various writers, auu eacn OU a lUUcreni
theme. The subject of
"Houaehold and Homo Decoration"
will have a prominent place, whilst the
productions of American humorists will ap
pear from month to month. 'Ihe list of
shorter stories, biographical and other
sketches, etc., is a long one.
The editorial department will continue to
employ tbe ablest pen both at home and
abroad. J here w ill be a scries of letters on
literary matter?, from Indon, by Mr. Wel
iord. The paies of the matrar.lne will be open.
as heretofore, so far as limited space will
permit, to the discussion of all themes af
fecting the social and religious life ot the
world, and specially to tbe freshest thought
ot the Christian thinkers aud stbohri of
this country.
We mean to make the magazine sweeter
ana purer, higher and nobler, more genial
and generous In all its utterances and itiilu-
en cts, and a more welcome visitor than
ever before to hornet of rttinement and cul
SCulB.NElt tor December, now ready.
and which contains the opening chanters of
" icholaa Minium," w ill be read w lib eajrer
curiosity and interest. Perhaps no more
readable number of this magazine bs yet
been issued. Tbe three num'ber of Krrib-
tier for August, September, and October.
containing the opening chapters of "That
i.aai o Lowrie s, ' win be given to every
new- subscriber (who requests it), and
wbo-e subscription begin with tbe present
volume, 1. c., with the .November number,
Subscription price, H a year 8.1 cents a
number. Special term on bound volumes.
Subscribe w ith the nearest bookseller, or
send a check or p. 0. money order to
743 Broadwav, N. Y,
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kingsley, W . W. Story. Auerhach, Itu.kin,
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Ian. I, 177, THE MVINO A(.E enters upon
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lietitor. "EVERY SA1CHIMY," ha Iseu
iuergel), ia a weekly magaine of aixty-fjiir
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double column ix-uto pagea of reading-matter
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considering amount ol matter, with freshneai-,
owing to II weeklf ltue. ami With a aativfscloi y
romis'eteue-s att. iii.ld by no other publication
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title, lliographical, ilist'irical aud Political In
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It is therefore invaluable tn everv American
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Published waaaLY at ts." a year, free ot
To all new snbscrlWrs for 177, will be sent
grati the six numls rs of 1-76, containing, with
other valuable rustier, the first irist.lliutnt Ufa
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Ios.ie."by GEKKCiE MACUONAI.K, now ap
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