OCR Interpretation

The Cairo bulletin. [volume] (Cairo, Ill.) 1872-1878, March 09, 1877, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85033413/1877-03-09/ed-1/seq-4/

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rTtt&LLlCTQ le publish every suon.tn
(ttw)1 BulletU Building, eor
aajr it Jtaftoii evens and twelitli street. ' !
tea Seiurni la Mid to elty subscribers by
lalthful carriers at Twenty-Five Cents a Week
. paykUa ir-stai. J Mall, (in advance) , 10 per
aasmmi six twrnths. , three months, 3 on
month, tl S3.
FublUhed erery TurwUiv morninfit 1
p: mum, iiribly la tvnc. Ihe postage
ea th Werkly Will U prepaid t this offlce, io
hatinbKribera wit obtin for uSj.orlptlon
rtaaftf ljet.
BuelboM Caxda, pe uuurn,
Out quaie, m nertlon,
One aqumre, two mjlon......
Uaa iiuur m w
One kqurnre, two wevkt
Om Bquara, tbree weelut.-.
' Ud. vtiim, one naunu,..
1 00
1 60
g 50
8 60
4 00
Uu iU(tre, one insertion,
Kaub uOecxitMiiit liiiwrti ,...
1 tKI
' lOnt luch U a aqua. ,, ,
' UTO regular aaTerter we offer aupcrtor 1 0
' Aacemcnu, botb as to rate ot cUargea and man
ar of displaying their tavor.
, -, .; . -i
f ; Oommunloationa upon aubtaota of aea
araJ intareat to the pabllo aollolted.
tf'AU Busint'id Letters sboulil U addreatrd to
... Ci.tr DnlletlM Company.
' 1817.
Leonard Scott Publishing Co.
41 Barclay t, 5ew York,
Oontlnae their authoriud Ueprlnls of the
Ciabstrffli Bet lew (U'hlg),
Leaidoa Hnais-aerly atevlew (Con.orvative)
Westmlaater Kevlew (Lllel),
Urillab qmtrterlj Ketlew (Kvuugcliual) ,
ummi mnmi umi
The Tlrituh Quarterlies fri ve to Ute rouiier wcll
dixetd iui'oruiAtiou upuu llic great eveuU in
contemporaneous biwtory, aud euntain uutalerly
criticism en all thai i I'rc.b and valuable iu
Ittcntture, a. well a a summary ot tlie triumphs
of science and art. The war. likely to cuuvjl.e
ail Karopc will form tupica fur dieua.Uiu. tliat
will be ueatu.1 a ilU a liiuroUKhtieas and ability
newnereelse to be lound. illaukwood'a M.
aiue is famoui fur Urit, ui) , aud bkelctit-s
sf the hiiiel literary tucrit.
TEBMS ancluding Postage) :
Payable Strictly la Advance.
For any one Review, f 1 00 per annum
ferany two Ueviews, 7 00 "
ror any three Ueviews, 10 00
lTorell four Reviews, 12 00 " '
ft BUck wood's Mage-
adne, 4 00 "
t fc Blackwood and one
Be view, 7 0 "
For Blackwood and two
Reviews, 10 00 "
For Blackwood and three
Reviews, 13 CO "
For Blackwood asd the .
: lour Ke views, 13 00
A discount of twenty per cent, will be al
lowed to clubs of four or more persons
Thus j four espies ot Blackwood or of one
Review will be sent to one address for
LI BO, four copies of the four Reviews and
juacawoodlor ftd, and so ou.
- hew aubverlbers anplyine earlv) for Uio
year 1677 may have, without cUaric. Lbs
numbers for the lut quart, r ol lsTtf ot ucu
periodicals as they may fcub.cribe tor.
NeiUier premiums to subwnbers nor dis
count to cub. can be allowed utiles, the
money Is remitted direct to th - publishers
No premiums given to clubs.
Circulars with further particulars may bs
nau on appucauoa.
IkI S::;i:il
assd tMthlln
IklreeU. 4 (.
atre, lllinvla.
CkarlcreU bv tha
8tt of JJIiuois
for the expreM
. wurpoM ot lvin-
rjtf eaaaeol fcrleaf, ekie, aid ."TiarTdi:
MkM. ut all their e.,iupluaal fnua. li well
kauwa that Ur . Jama, has stood at tl Ud ol
Mprteananall-iiopuruuit Stetutaal Hak.
tuis by drraoi. yituiiUi on the
ldus an 1)11(1 the luuat drlicau ktuutiori. call
r writs.. PkawitWw fur paiiwu.. a. fwk
r the mulioa. Marriar. tiuida. whkh ui
j m aU s m tsiss aiaasa --who saouid n.arrf
--why aot-10 cuU to y postaye. it,. Jka.n
ass seasassMd parlor. Yuu s no oil but
th.ssatee OAvwsKmra.Sa.su. io 1 p. to. bcu
, H 10 la. Ail Us less strictly easaUeu.
lei. - -4w-iy
i Wi.& ' V 1
UvU. a. m- is. ka. n-
I t-..:t T.. -Jn..a a,
ills, WrWii! Of
..TT'.,It r-"VTT-T SIUmm niHHM
three ekiaer .-... "KS?!
" '". '''T K 7 1 1 iL: V. 4
L. Zj ka f. -H la aMk. snakl BWM
iii ..lam in w .isnr i wi
Id ok rd" '
Psmpklst, sr eddrssa, ' "mp,1
All asewt H,MBt ky
71 A ra I 1 1 1 I I in un.a
leMthtr, IlksstreWs. 19 Casts. -
BlsMMaletb mod tilt b4mdlBC. MIKfctM
ula locked bp, iw roaoa or itawr
uuywvM wui iT. u eu.tul pwuMl. Uu time
wSit.b7mi. Cbpt tood.,uidt to Art.. tor
Itfaer 04rMt wlots noul,
617 8t Chiri trt, St. UuUMo.
61T St. Charles Street,
Treat all forms of Yenernl Diseases, Semi
nal Emissions and Sexual Debility, with
unparalleled success. No matter w ho failed,
call or write; pamphlet or consultation free.
Can refer to the medical profession in nil
parts of tho Countrif. ' - '
"The King of all Publications Issued
for the Younir on Either Side of the
Atlantic." Southampton (England) Observer,
The third volume of thU incomparable
Magazine Is now completed. With its
eiuiit hundred roval octavo rsirep. nnd its
six hundred illustrations, its splendid scri
RIB, Its cuorier turien, I'uruin, auu i.iiouii,
et.. etc.. in its beiutltul blnJinz of red
and Kld, it is the most splendid frtft-book
for bov and clrls ever Itsue.d Irom the
press. . Frlcc, $1 ; In full gilt, s.V ,
Sr. Nicholas Is full of the choicest
thinifn. The publication it, in all respects,
the bct-t of its kind. We have never yet
veeu a number that was
not surpriMinglv
liarttord Conn
Hood.'' Tho Churchman.
St. Nicholas for 1877,
Whlcb opens with November, 1876, begins
A bhorl and very entertaining rcrial from
the r'rQUch,"The Kingdom ol the Greedy,"
a story adapted to the Thanksgiving season.
Anotlierscrial.ot abnorblng interest to boys.
By J. T. Trowbridge,
author of the "Jack Hazard Stories," be-
h ChrlKtmas lluliday umbcr.
it.Liitpi anriul stories. Christmas stories
lively sketches, poems and pictures for the
hondtys, and some astomsuing inusirav.ou.
oruneutaisporis,wnnurawing" uyomuiw.
artist 8,
The Christmas Holiday Numb ar of
Superbly Illustrated,
esting puper, .
contalCk a very Inter-
Ky William Cullcn Bryant ;
The Horo Hotel." a lively lutide, by
cnarles A. iiarniiru, splctiilidiy Illustrated ;
me ciock in tne sky," uy iinara a.
i'rootor; "A CbrUtmas risy for Homes or
Kunday-schoolii," by Dr. Egglcston ; "The
IV'terliiu.' ChristmuH Tree." by Lttcretia
P. Hale j "Poetry and enrols of Winter,"
by Lucy Larcom, with pictures.
Bo Not Fail to Buy St. Nicholas for the
Christmas Holidays. Price 2d eta.
During the year there will be interesting
papers lor bovs, by Willi am Cullcn Bryant,
JohnU. Whittler, Thomas Hughes, Willi. m
Howitt, Dr. llollund, Ueorge AlacDon&ld,
Kanlord Jl. Hunt, Frauk It. Stockton, end
There will be stories, sketches, and
poems, of special interest to girls, by Har
riet l'rexcott Spotlord, Susan Coolidge,
Bui ah Winter Kellogi;, tlizabetli Ktuart
Phelps, Louisa AleottLucretia P. Hale,
ceita inaxter, Mary jMspes uoaje, anu
many others. There will be ulso
By Professor Proctor, the Astronomer,
with maps, showing "The Stars of Each
Mouth," which will be likely to surpass In
interest any series on popular science re
cently given to the public.
Amusement and Instruction, with Fun
and Frolic, and Wit and Wisdom, will be
mingled as heretofore, and br. Nicholas
will continue to delight the young and iriva
pleasure to the old.
8 ays:
HThnr. linn .... I.. .,k...
. u v . w iu.n"-iue lui lull uung lual
can ba said to equal this choice proiuction
of Sckibnek'S press. All tho articles,
whether In prose or rhyme, are throbbing
with vitillty. The literature and
artistic Illustrations are both wuperb,"
fH.. I I.... . tier t.
a uv Miiiuuu .ii'w. su a ; it e wiqii
we could nolut out its equal iu our own
periodical llttratuic."
To meet the demand for a cheaner 8T.
Nicholas Gift-Book, the price ot vols. I
aud II has been reduced to f t each. The
three volumes. In an cletrant library cae.
are sold for 10 (in full gilt, f 15), so that all
may give ttieir cnuurcn a complete set.
These volumes contain more attractive ma
terial than tUly dull ark' worth of the ordin
ary children's bookt.
hubstription price, f3 a year. The three
bound volumes and a subscription tor this
year, only il-- Subscribe with Uic uearet
newkdeiifer, or send money in check, or P.
O. money order, or in registered letter, to
7miroadwar. N. Y,
vm PROFIT OK 100
Sl.d. any day in Futt n4 Colli. Iut.U according
to your mean. 10. $'j0r $1'0, in STOCK l'RIV
ILLOLS, htl brought a sniall fortune to the careful
nvettor. We advise when and sow toOI'EHAit
b AKr.LV. JSook with full ittfuttnatiun tntt frti
Addrcworoers by niail and telcgraiiri to
Bankers and Brokers 17 Wall Si. a. V
Wholesale Grocers
Commission Merchants
IT Ohio
, Headquarters for
.'... .. ,
Tho Finest Assortment in the West.
68, 70, and 72 Vino Street CINCINNATI.
, . . ; r-j
I m n TV w B r'.na
a r:, s t J? 1
L . ,
I hi 1 l ir n 'iPv . ft"sieai.!
Ji "sixr ran ,
1 1 u.i'.rDfrtfiAtAa m ii
I HVnCKA'W M IM saa Lf1ansB
hi s m v s a
i bp- -av --- . si a w. - - Sx , - m BL
It requires no Instructlcns to ran it. It can cot get cut cf iiier.
Xt vrfll d every class an! Hni of work.
It vill vnt fcoa Tissaa Pater to Harscsa taathcr.
It is fat la alvanca cf other Sovjirg
iraprevemsnts, aa a Steam Car cxecua u acxvementa
tliO cli fa&Uo&el Cta Ccach.
Prices Made to Suit the Times, either far Cash or Credit.
H0" Soad tor Illustrated Cataloguo of STYLES and Prices.
Address WILSON
ChIcffO,Ill. NewYorlj.N.Y.
Hair Vigor,
For restoring Cray Hair to
its natural Vitality and Color.
A 1roKsin
wlik'li is fit
once agree
able, healthy,
(Did ollectunl
for prcscrv
in" tlio hair.
Fwkd or gray
rituir is soon
'aWSwfl restored to its
original color, with the aloss anil
freshness of youth. Thin hair is
hickeneil, falling hair checked, ami
baldness often, though not always,
cured by its use. Nothing can re
store the Lair where the follicles arc
destroyed, or tho glands atrophied
nnd decayed. IJut euch as remain
can bo saved for usefulness by this
application. Instead of foulinjtho
hair with a pasty sediment, it will
keep it clcau nnd vigorous. Its
occasional uso will prevent the hair
from turning gray or falling oil,
nnd consequently prevent baldness.
Free from tUoso deleterious sub
stances which niakti bumc prepara
tions dangerous and injurious Io
the hnir, the Vigor can only lu iiclit
but not harm it. If wanted merely
for a
nothing c-Ue can le found so desir
able. Containing neither oil nor
dye, it does not soil wliito cam
bric, and yet lusts long on the hair,
giving it a rjcli glossy Jiibtro aud a
grateful perfume,
r r e r.t r k i ur
Or. J. C. AYER 4 CO., Lowell, Mass.,
Practical m4 Jaalytieul CkamUt:
' OLB ur Alt
im'wisTi kvcurwauti.
Groceries! '' " -
JIacMnesia tiamasutudo cf its euporlos
New Orleaus, La. St. lonlg, So
With a fin Stu) Portrait of A. T. Stcwsr
Career, Ucuili, Vi ill aud Succession.
And U'sidcs ttie nniime and valuublo Diury o
jniiortHiit eve-uts anl occurrence tluoUKiiout
lUe world, tbis nuiiibcr coutuins, among two
ouiiilmi olUi-r articles, Uic 1'ollowiUK poiuls ol
ipvcmi iiiicivm:
Queeu Victoria's New Tlilo.
Ur. Jolin liall'n Auril Philosophers (Cools),
llieTruu American a eftaracteristic Poem.
W aBbinKtoa a Mur-hal of Kranoe.
Jeau liiKrlow'k ruuey.
Kew Hone-Car 1'oeli y, for April.
Dora Pedro's thumcterilics.
A hibt l'arty in the Ark .
1 hree taiitaliu Aktor, Stewart , Vunderbilt.
Murk 'l'wain ala Iiorsa Auction.
i irbt i'cimdc Lobbyist at Wafcliinjfkm.
Ihe Girl oi Scvibe a SpuniaU Poem.
Uoyalty in the L'nitedStatea.
Aiuium Wai-d's Character and Peculiarities.
jUouUdy Jtn-ord of Congrvas, etc.
Ihiugd ioU luughwl at, popular and touching
poem, slietiiies, iucidenu, c, in.iuvh attrac
.ive variety, that it tonus tha richest amouut of
valuable uud tnttiUumug tcudinK alruokt ever
imbraccd in a magazine.
Thi. new I'criwdlcul, which ba. already reuca
fd kurh an enormous Mpuluiity , is
Sonieihiii(rnew and original In the way of a
.Monthly ilnKuiiuk. bin a sort of liciureuce
cmi-hook, or mouthlv record of important
"' uiui nupiKrn in any pari oi lur worm,
with a srltrtiuu of tbs most popular mikceilany
oi me current monUi, pi
e auu poetry, lureiKi
Frank JJuovc, of thi
and dointktio. tdiUxfby
'KeU-lllon Ik-cord."
Beautifully printed, with aa elegant Stt. or
trait of ihe most prominent iierson of the muLtu
in eaU Number. .
One of the incut entertaining aud valuable flrtt
clusb uiouthly nuurasintut evur Uttued. PriiMt, AO
oeats month, or 6.no lor a year's sulutcj ip
tion iHitute paid by Ui puhlialiers.
ty Yearly subscriptions begin with say
0. W. CEAKISTOVAC0., Publisher!,
Madison 8uaje, New York
tJM Ctftw. Im St t M aaia U Siml a
lialn,a. suikk Umm .m
.i vy i
The hitne can be healed and the wounded
ni tde whole. We now know lust what the
Centaur Liniment will. do. They will not
mend broken bones or cure Cancer, but
they will extract soreness, allay pain, cure
Rheumatism and a larger range of flesh,
bone and muscle ailments than any article
ever before discovered.
Scientific skill cannot go beyond the e'
fects of these remarkable preparations
niioNiC Jvhbumatibm of many years
staudiog, Neuralgia, Weak-llack, Fever
Horcs, Weeping-Sinews, Sciatica, Cukcd
Breasts. Distorted Joints aud Sprtuiied
Limbs ofthe worst kind are cured by the
White Centanir Liniment.
It w ill destroy the pain nnd henl without
a sour all ordinary. Bums and Scalds. It
will extract the poison of Bitos and Stings,
and the froft from Fiozcn Limbs. It is
very etlicnciou for Ear-ache, Tooth-ache,
Itch and Cutaneous Eruptions.
Mr. JoM;ili Wetlake, of Alarymille, O.,
writes :
'For years my Rheumatism hits been so
that 1 have been unable to stir from the
house. The first three bottles of Centaur
Lintnicnt enabled mo t j walk without my
crutcheN, 1 am mending rapidly. I think
vour Liniment hIiiiiiIt a marvel."
C. U. llcnnctt, iMUggist, Rock Prairie,
Mo., savs :
Centaur Liniment si lls bitter aud gives
the bc.it sutittnclioti of anything in the
Whatthn Centaur Lihlmetit ha done for
other, it will do for you. H is re'iable, and
The Yellow Centaur Liniment
Is worm its weight m gold to ow ners ol
horses Hiid mules.
This I. uimcut has cured more Sprained
Sweenled. Kinir-boneJ and Onllcd Horses in
three years than have all the Farriers In the
country in an age. its eitc.cis are sunpiy
We have thousands upon tbouand ol
certilicatos as stron&r as the following :
"Mv horse whs lame lor a year with afet
lock wrench. All remedies utterly failed
to cure and I considered him worthless un
til I commenced to u.e Centaur Liniment,
which rapJdJy cured him. 1 heartily reborn.
mend it. "R K V. U KO. W. FERRIS.
Manorvillo, Schoharie Co., N. V."
"Dear Sirs 1 have used jour Cuntsur
Liniment in my family, and find it to be ot
great value. Please send me two dollars'
worth, ono for the mules nnd horses.
"Full? Station. Wvoraimrt:o..Pa.
It makes very little (inference what the
eae i, w hether it be Wrench, ttprain, Poll
Evils ltingbonc, Scratches or Lameness ol
any kind, the effects are the same. Livery
men, Stage proprietors.Farmers, Ac, should
never be without the Yellow Centaur Lini
ment. It is said everywhere, and warrant
ed in its effects.
Laboratory of J. It. KOS E A CO . ,
n Dkv St.. Nkw Vokk.
Oast or ia.
It Is a mistake to EUpuore that Cast or iu Is
not adapted to grown persons as well us
Children. They only need to increase the
quantity. liut children have so many com
plaints for which Caototia is adapted like
Viud Colic, bour Stomach, Worms. l etter.
Teething and Croup, that it is ct-pccially
rccommcnuea lor uiein.
Itseliecta are more certain than Castor
Oil. It contains no atcholiol and U asplcas
ant to take a honey. It nover (rripe. Uy
regulatini the stomach and bowels the Cos
toria cools the blood, expels worms and
prevents fcvcrihhues, quiets the nerves and
produces health then cf course children
cin sleep in quiet and mothers can rest.
Castorisis recommended by all physicians
sni uurses who have tried it, and ii is hav
ing a rapidly increasing sale, it is prepared
with preat care after tho recipe of lr. Sm
uel l'hcher, of MiikS,, at the Laboratory ot
J. li. Hose & Co., 10 Dev York
'Unquestionably the boa sustained
work of the kind in the World."
Harper's Magazine.
A'uiLcea of the Prtss.
TheMAOAzim has attuned lo IN one quarter
ceutury and inoie ol'e.utcnce to that point where
It may be .aid of it, in the words of Dr. Johnnon,
it U vain to blame auduselrcg to praise." ihe
lustre of its lous-sito-altaiiiedrcuuuition ban in
creased as the yearn have paiwed, and its future
seems as briirht it not brighter than at any time
mure me Koiuvn aue oi pro-ier:iy setueu arouml
its lutcraud lient years. brooklyn KaKle.
llarjRrH Monthly is marked by the .ume char
acteristics which Kave II circulation from the !!rt
with the better clans ol readers. It combiues
rcadin)-m itUr with illustrations in away to
make cleai aad vivid tha facts presented. Pic
tures inirely deniKiied to catch the eye of the
ignorant are never inserted. Chicago Journal.
Postage free to aU Subscribers in th
United States.
HAneiR's Maoazixk, one year. . ..Jl on
Si 00 includes prepayment of U . S. postage by
he publishers.
Subscriptions to Harper'- Magazine, Weekly,
and llazar, to one address for one year, $lo oil,
or, two of Jlorer's Periodiduls. to one. address
fur one year, $7 IH, postage free.
An Kxtra Copy ofeitlil-r the Magazine, Weekly
or llazar will tie supplied gratis lor every Club
of Five Subscribers at IM no each, in one remit
tance, or Six Copies for tiu oo, without extra
copy, postage free.
Itack numbers can be supplied at any time.
Th. Volumes of the Magazine commence with
the, Numbers for Juue and December of each
year. Subscriptions may commence with any
number. Whea no time Is sjiecilled, it will be
understood that tlie subscriber wi.hes to begin
with the oral nnmher of the current volvrae,nd
back numbers will be sent accordingly.
A CompleU Set of Harper's AlaKuzins, now
comprising W volumes, In neat cloth binding,
will be sent by express, lreight at expense of
purchaser, for 2 2 ijKrr volume. Single volumes
by mail, )ostpaid, IJ J0. Cloth casus, tor bind
ing M ceuts, by mail, postpaid.
A Complete Analytical Index to the first Fllty
Volumes of Harper's Afagasine has jast been pub
lished, rendering- available for reference the vast
and varied wealth of information which consti
tutes this periodical s perfect illustrated literary
cvclopedia. Svo, cloth, fi 0U, half calf, " 'i'.
Sent postage prepaid -
Newatwiiei's are uot to conv thisudvertUement
Without the express order of Ilarper Krothers.
Address 11.
VlU-Ell Jt nitOTllLlts.
New York.
A jN AGENT " M ,n'w
Leslie's Newspapers aud Magazines, the oldes
satabllebeoj Illustrated I'erlodloals la America.
ehey are now flrst offered to eanvsfisersj who
Will, if they secure an agency aud exclusive ter
itory, be enabled to introduce seventeen Brst
class iilustrated Perlodicrla, suited to as man)
distinct tastes or wants, and, widi Uie choice
from eight new and beautiful ehromos, given
free of oust to each annual subscriber, be en
abled te secure cue or more subscriptions in
very family in their district. To skillful can
vassers this will secure permanent employment,
and the reuewats each year will ba a source o
y lad and assured revenue. Specimen paper.
and most liberal ermaseiit toallappllcauta who
name lb territory they dec ire to canvass. Ad
frees, Agency Departmea', iuk Lucha s
pnbli.hlDg House, 667 Pearl rtr-!, New Yuik
W-W on ' .
sn.ilkilKairtyyuaui. 4 ul nunUf SS I 'M
St. iuisAavsi4s rvbt'aCe.,8t.Iuli.at
Mark - These Facts.
The Testiinouy. of the Whole World.
I liadnoanm-lite i Holluwar's rillsa-sveme
a hearty one."
'tour ruis are marTtloiis."
'1 send I'.tr ani,llur Wis. mnti kmmtt (twin In flip
"l)r. llolloway has enred my hesdaehe that
was chronic."
"I ave one of your Pills rn my bslw tor chol
era morbus.' The dear litUe thins- sot well In a
aiy nausea era morntna is now cnrni"
" our box of Ilollnwav'a Ointment cured m
of noUes In the head. 1 rubbed tome of your
Ointment behind the ears, and the noise has left."
"Send me two boxes j 1 want on. for a oor
i enclose a noiiari Tonr price n vs. cenrs, inn
Ihe medicine tome is worth adollnr."
'Sendmellv. Itoxcs of vour Pills '
'Let me hare three lioxes of tonr Pills by re
turn mail, for l.hills and Fever."
1 have over IM0 such testimonials as these, but
want of upace con )k-1k me to conciuue.
For Cutaneoua Disorders,
And all eniption or the ikln, Jihe ointment Is
unit invaluable. It dors not heal externally
alone, but neuetratn w ith the moid scatxliinir
effects to the very root of the evil.
Invariably enre the followins; diseses
Disorder of tho Kidneys.
In all diseases afrectina; these orgun., whether
they secrete too much or too little water; or
whether they l sfllicted with stone or (travel, or
With ache, and pains nettled in ttio loin, over tha
rcftlon. oftlik kidnefk, ttiee 11 1 Io nhoiibl be ta
ken according e Ihe printed dirrcMsns, and the
Ointment klioitld be well rubbed into the email ot
the buck at led time. Thi. treatment will give
alinoil I in met lute relief when all other means
have lulled.
For Stomachs Out of Order.
No medicine will so rflecttially improve the
tone ol the stomach as thee I'ilk; they remove
all acidity occasioned either by intemperauc r
improper diet. 1 hey reach ttie liver and reduce
it to a healthy action ;thc are wonderfully elllra
eious in cne of spamn in fact they neverlail in
curinir all diaonlers o. the liver and stomach.
IIOLLUWAY'S P1I.1.S art the hot known in
the world lor the following dife.se. t Anne
Asthma, Ilillou. t ompl.intB, rilotches on the
.-kin, Howeln, I otiHiinipiion, Uehility, llrormy,
Ky-enU-ry, Krysiiielaa, lenule Irrep-ulnrities
revers oi all klnus, ails, (.out. Headache, ln.lt
KeHtion, Inflaruroatlon, Jan. dice, Liver Com
plaint, Lumlaao, Piles, Ithetiniati-m. lie-ten
tion of urine. Scrofula or Kins' r.vil, ore
Throats. Stone and liravu TioDoiiloiireux
Tumor., I leers, Worms cf til kiuds, M rukne.s
Irom any cause, etc.
.None are emuine unless the ait-nator (f J.
Hayilock, a. irat for the I'mUd Mat., sur
rotinUa wh tix of Pill., and Ointment. A
handsome reward will tie given to any one ren
derinir such inlorm.tion a. may bud to ttic
detection of any party ,r paitiea cuuiitcrleitinK
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them to be tpui ious.
-,- rxiHi at tlie minni:ictory or 1'rofensor llet.
Loway A Co.. New York, and bv all re-iiectidi
ilrug-Ki-tK and dealers in medicine throiig-hoiit
the civilized world, la boxes at 2 ceuM,
cent, and tl each.
J3" 'J liere Is consld. r.ble savini? by takiiiR the
larger sizes .
N. B. Directions for the rnidance of patients
in every dlsordersre sAlxcd to ea h box
Office, 112 Liberty St., New York
d.t r-l.-c.ll
Scribners Monthly
WbenScntuxKR 1-niic.I its fumouk Mid
summer Holiday Number In July, afriendly
critic said ol It : "We are uot sure but that
Sckijin jsk bas touched btg;h-water mark.
We do not see what worlds are left to it to
conquer." itut the publl-bers do not con
sider that they have reached the ultima
tbule of excellence they believe "there are
other worlds to couquer, and they propo-e
to conquer them."
The prospectus for the new volume gives
the titles ot more than fifty papers (mostly
Illustrated), by writers of tliu highest merit.
L'ndcr the head of
"Foreign Travel."
we have "A Winter on the NIIp," by Gen.
McClellun; -Suunterings About Constanti
nople," by Charles Dudley Warner; "Out
or My Window at Moscow," by Eugene
(ehuyleri "An American lit Turkistan,"
etc. Three serial stories are announced:
"Nicholas Mlnturn,"
By Dr. Holland, the Editor.
w hose story of '
est satisfaction
(jevcnouUs " ?sve the UnJ,
to the rcsdeis of tliu
The kceoe ot this latest novel is laid ou
the banks of the Hudson. Tho hero is a
youug man who has been always "tied to a
woman's opron strings," but who, by tlie
death of his mother, is 11 1 ulone in the
world todriiton the current ol lile with
a fortune, but without a purpose.
Another serial, "His Inheritance." by
Miss Tratton, will begin on the completion
ol "That Lss o Lowrie's," by Mrs. Hod '
son liurnett. Mrs. Burnett's ktory, begun
in August, bus a pathos and dramatic power
which have been a surprise to tho public.
There is to ke a series of original and ex
quisitely illustrated papers ol "I'opulat Sci
ence," by Mrs. Uerrkk, each paper com
plete in itself.
There are tobe, from various peus, papers
"Home Life and Travel"
Also, practical suggestions as to town and
country !lfo, village improvements, etc., by
wall-known specialists.
Mr. Barnard's articles on various indus
tries ol (ireat Britain iuclude the history of
"Some Experiments in Co-operation," "A
.Scotikh Loaf Factory" in tlie November
number, and "Toad Lane, Koehdale," in
December. Other papers are, "The British
Workiiignian's Home," "A Nation ol Shop
keepers," "Ha'penny aWeek for the Child,"
A richly Illustrated aeries will be given on
"Amerloan Sports by Flood and Field," by
various writers, aud each on a different
theme. The subject of
"Household aad Home Decoration" ,
will have a prominent piao whilst the
productions of Atnericuu humori.ts will ap
pear from month to month. The list of
shorter stories, biographical and other
sketches, etc., is a longouo.
The editorial department will continue to
employ the ablest pens both at home and
abroad. There will be a seiles ol loiters ou
literary matters, from Loudon, by Mr. Wei
The pages of the magazine will be open,
as heretofore, to far as limited space will
Jiermit, to the discussion of all themes af
eeting the social snd religious life of the
world, aud specially to the freshest thought
ot the Christian tfilukots aud schulir. of
this country. .
We mean to make the magazine sweeter
and purer, higher and nobler, more genial
and generous in all Its utterances and inllu
enocs, and a more welcome visitor than
ever before to homes of rehueuieut and cul
ture ! FIFTEEN MONTHS for 1. (
8CKIBKKR lor December, now ready,
and which contains the opening chanters ol
"Nicholas Mintttrn," will be read with eager
curiosity and interest, l'erhsps no more
readable number of this rnagaaine has yet
been issued. The three number, of tscrib
ner for August, September, and October
coutatuiug the aliening chapters of "The
La.io' l owrie's,'' w ill be given to every
new subscriber (who requests It), and
wbOkasubkcriptioD begins with the present
volume, I. e., with the November number,
Subscription price, 4 a yetr 35 cents a
number. Hpeciai terms ou bound volumes.
Subscribe Uh the uesrest books Iter, or
tenq a check or P. O. money order to - -bCKIBNEK
CO., " '
711 Brod wy , IN. Y.
The1 Most"RralnrMf ' Ulna A..ll,r .nti i
Prof. lsx WUiler, Prof. Tyndnii, m. Hon. W
r,. ..is'isionr, ir. . o, tni.it.-r, rrof. lins
ley, H. A- Proctnr, frsnces I'osier obi, T
Utikeof Argyle, .las. A. t'rntide, Mrs. Muloert,
Mrs. (HllihsUl. Mrs. Alcxsmh-r. Mbml harlierae.
Jean Ingelow, -aorg MaclM.nald, Win. Mark.
Anthony 'Irollnpe, siattliew Arnoia, llenr
Cerlyle, Tennyson, llrowning, and many ether, j
are revresenwo 111 me uke ,11 j
... m mm . mm m I - - a .
Isitton o .uivins Ago
.Jan. 1. ImTT. TMK MVI.Xd AGE inters upon
it. 1:12.1 volume,, with the continued commends-
tion of the best men and journals ot the country,
and witheodstantlv Incieu.iiig success.
In IS, 7. it will furnish to Ms readers .ine pro-
itimllidiaitfllia fi.Mimiuil -.llliAl-a .t fll . tlBm.l
and manyothersi embracing the rhotct Sei-.V
and Short Stories by the LcudiiiK I oreign Novel J
Ists. and an ainottnt
Voapproachea by any other Fefiodlcal
In Mie world, ofth. imjst valuuble litersrv and
scientific matter of the day, from the pen. of the
haling Ks.aylsts, bcienUsta, Critics. Discoverer-,
and Kdiiors, repre-entinJt every department
01 inowitige anq iTigre.-.. 1
line LiviM; A(,h.(in which ln only ccnri
jieiiMir. -jr.vr.uv saiiuiui, ' ha ts--it
mergwt), is a wee ry magazine 01 sixty-l"tir
pages, giving more man
double column octavo page of reading-matter
yearly. It presents in an Inexiirn-lve form,
considering it. amount ol matter, with freshnra.
owing to its weekly isttie, and With a SHU-lartn'r).
completeness attempted uy no oilier publication
the ben l-J.T, Itevie, Critlcit,m., inle
Sketches 01 Travel snd UDcovery, Poetry .Sclen
title, Kiogrsphical, Historical and Political In
formation, from the entire body if foreign
Periodical t.iterattir.
It I therefore Invwlnabln to everv Anii rican
n ader as the only frefch and thorough ooinpllk-J
lion 01 an intiispenssoie current iiientuire, 111
diHpensuble because it embraces the i,rodudon
The Ablest Living Writers.
In aU brunches of Llterattire, Science, Art, snd
"Simply Inrlispett.abla to any one who de.ire.
to keep slire.xt ot the thought of the re m t rv
department of M-iencs or l.tciature." ltoMmA
A pure and perpttual reservoir an4 funntainol
enti rtaitiiii. nt and instruction. "lion. Ibiia-rt
C. Wtuthrop.
"'I he l-HMt tieiiodical In America. "'I heo love
L. Cnvler, D. D.
"it has noe.tial in any rouatry. ''PhilaJei
pliia Pre..
- 1 - . 1. - , - .. . .1.. 1 . - r . 1 . .
minds ot Iheciviiized world, uunn all topic .it1
liing inleie-t. " Philadelphia loouaer.
"'lire liettof all our eclectic puhlicutions. "
The Nal'on. New York.
'And the cheajpext. A monthly that come, every
week ' 'Jhe Advance, Chictgo,
"With it alone a reader may Mrly keep up
With all that is Important in the literature, hi-aS
tory, politics, and science of Ihe dsy. " 'IJ!
MtttiodiM, New York.
"'I he ablest essay., the mo.1 enfertnlnlng
Stories, the fine t tetry ol I lie logli-b language,
are here gatlM-red to gelher." llluiuis State
indb-inksble to every one who dekites a
thorough compendium ot all that I. admirable
and noteworthy in the literary vnr.."--IStuAi f
"Ought to find a ploe in every Aiiteii.-an
Home." -New 1 ork lime..
Publisliel um.t at .'' a yeiir, free ol
To all new subscrllfer. for lTT, will I sent
gratis the iix number, of l-;c. coutuinier. uh
other vslniilile lnati.r, the flrt in-ti-lln.eiiis of a
new and pow-rfnl ferial torv, "'11 l.rti ii oi
Lussie," ,y OKi:.,K M AC fx i. A 1.1), now ap
aprearing In The Living Age from advance
Club Frices for for the best ITomo
and Foreign Literature.
"Poke-sed of Tns I ivtwo A; and one or
other of our vivacious American monthlies, a
subscriber will lind hiiUM-lt in rcimnuin.t t tha
Whole situation." Philadelphia Kv'g llulh-tin.
lor aid.' 'I ll a lviMisAt.a and eillier one oi
ttie American ft Monthhe. (r llarr's Weekly
or llszar) will be lent for a year, both Millid;
or, for is.. '4), 1 ss l.ivis., Aoa and Scriuuer's
St. N icboias or Appleton'S .louTnal .
Addrecs LITTLE A CAY. I'oston.
Med Hit? Ccmasrel&l College
St. Liouis, Mo.
TH0S. A. BICE, A.M.L. L.B.,
J. H. HUBW00D,
jHT Complete, Thorough and
Praciii-u '
crmr of Mudy in the I luted
course in.tiKpensible to every young num rtu-Isu-king
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Octl t-llv
a ki ts
la the larasiil Old
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Thero is no sore it will not Heal,
Tin T.amArio.a , t nrill --. Pti.a
Ache.no Fain, that Afflicts the llu-V
man rjoay, or tne body of a Iioreo
or other JDomestio animal, that
does not yield to its msRic touch.
A bottle costing 25c, 60c. orBl
has often saved the life of a Human
Being, and Bestored to Life and''
Usefulness Many a Valuablo
Sarriago! 1175 Wsat
0lm J JJ . 1 tt. a is. pb--tMu(iin
t .til n O- I mji.Hc, ass r.,idkiloiu
, ..."T. I U.. knl .r.wi. ,a ui-
Ute roiuplwllba, 44.
Tkit U u Im.rMnk. vrk at tw b.sJr-S ks4 rlit-
f.?,, vita kuik.ru .oria.iD,,, aud uuil ..iu.Ua.
alm.U. fcr Uau, via, m awrrM w Mowiaplklr 1
r 1 . k 1 . 1 1 la la a luu bat. - a r .
S3 ViVi tx7r&rJili,z.H''"'
,"? ","' .'.'.T "a". d f.iu.1. Uirsughoat lb. .nun.
;T . .'""f r"y"" th. .uhjtci r tb. tuutr-
rubUtLed 1. aar ktS-r work-
" f7"f ff) fcrri!') C-x:
Notice to the Afflicts1 tne Unfortunata.
BaSira plUij u th. kourl.u, aaok, b kSnrUM Is
suui. ,p..r, mt auiif ur .u.ot nm.Sl.a. p.raw Pr.
Buiu .r,, a. maiwr what .var aim--. Ii w a. Sui
b. yaar soadltioa.
Ur. Butta owuiaw . 4obl. kna ot erar...-. mmn
" 4tf? "J "- b. WMt MKM.US B-4lSkt rnWf
tort tt toU ouk.tr; aad tunw aa. aak at eaaiultk rr.
touklir w if mtil, ot Um dlt-kMk mraOnal la tit v.rkt
aj puiar., X. n Ktnh kikia ana, taiaS
' kS l'Uat. Hi. lt nu. lia.
'. LUI IM, no.
Tijirtjf yi-arixH rlritrin Ihettwli
CUroj.io I),i,eacaul l"iii -. .
lir. itVTTM' narrtaae UhI4.
A rny.ioiscicaj view ofMurriua,-.
lur llu-marl li-J ad 1.... .
"JRI'lUr arla, ou II. o iy,trrici.r riri.h:-
1 . Jw.a Bi.a th- mr. ..t I. t.
auhl ual waaiauliaoH An ll!nitl Isuk ., aJi-,
lur u .iu.. rv,bii(, a liu-li al.uuiil lis Stia ulul.l uak ai.il
Sue. una. r al f .r i u' fc sa
A PRiVA J K smijiCAL THEATI3E on all dU.awa
o- aPi-ivntaNalureia Wtli km, il,c .Uum-, asd J,
ultl.'isul in aual U.lH, kU4 UiklwkMkuleulk.l Silml-.
a .111 rnprav.iyi, lit Ull0.r-ekl SilSk. U -
IJ l lllL-AL AUVICS subMualaud Ch rente ni-s.au.
si i.i iii. IVt. It i-.a, Catarrh, Caiu-X, Huuuu Uu. I si ou.
jl.t'0. c,aSiv vuk HatuuaVr aviT lor Nelarilt
t,.ro. book. . wiu.lbliiii SCO pejfkakialrvrytliinl srartS.
urfMt oi.il,. .uLVl, asut sury saal.4 est

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