OCR Interpretation

The Cairo bulletin. [volume] (Cairo, Ill.) 1872-1878, July 29, 1877, Image 6

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85033413/1877-07-29/ed-1/seq-6/

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i I. A n y liuatncaa firm can Ua re three I Inee
(aiv, In Una column iini.erupiimprint ri'-aJ inn
liUii rale at "' vi ner month ar ti'J w '
eyaine i liarurly la Ivanc.
Ilnrrtwnre, Ntoves Mid Tin Ware,
A. IIAI.I.KY-0enlerl"ievea,Tiand Hani
a ere, IiuhImi unit hiriii'M' In pleiflrats, Wirt
i.imI, Kclri(emtora, I'napt ami latddira.
I i uinn.truial Aieue. duni-tini,'. mid Jub
1Y0I a lloni: Ull alien notice
.1. S.Me'Allr-'Y--l)raleririaJilunil solUmo
er, llooinu, .-' 1 irj r , tia.nic rt 1 mirfar.il
tiMhU'i , lath uoil K j Bjrlt-a SV and yurl
r I waul k i: alin-l un I Vf uli nlon avenue'
I. AMASTr.lt A l;ieh"IMler I audi,
iIoiiih, lilindi, tec., hurt! and leather anil
liiitMa laid uud ulnre, (Jotiiinrrcial areuue,
t.iiifi rih aireet.
1 1, II A II I'M N I nnl r in tiueenaware. Tots
I ainpa jImI ull kinds ol lnin y url it (.uinmrr-
- u- avenue, Kir iter i th utreel.
HliIOcrHili) .
Wil l i M WINThK-Hith strut llwnn
oiiiiiiiTi-ial avenue and W anionic ton avniin.
I IwlhiiiK mid Meri'tiAitt Inllorliie-
JOHN A VI III M -Merchant Tailor ami .Vul.T
In l; u'l y ilinte Clothing. 78 Ohio I-.-VM-.
IttMtl t.alnte Alfcnrlra.
M. .1. IIOWI.r.Y-hil Khtalc AK'nt. Mnya
HixJ sells ri.il Mli, coll'i-ia rents, ay Uw
lor iiori-ii-MilantH elr. Commercial aveuue, ue-Im-cn
Nintli Hint lenth street.
i miiitilaalon Jlrri'liniil.
( iillun mi't Tobacco hroil mi'l ru
nnel.. t ii' the ranTers' '1 obaeco W areliGuc.
I-'. A iiT (. ominrucri-ial A venae.
i'A.SI'l.li Y')s -
I Oi-iiHiii romanting aid Cmmi.ii-hin
iiicrrliau', lor I n- sulr "I rami, mrkn, Oi
liurd in'! I'uiry riodnce amino l.eve.
li A. W IICEI.m K ft i.O.-
Li i,rner;il I orwardniK and Cominiiiion
iheicimMji, und dealer i:i L-i Kirfls ot I- rnit anil
Produce. I.I Ohio l.cv t oll.lghmciitS toile
ted, Siencil lorni-hcd on uH"i'7iui,n.
St. Louis & Chicago
Tho only Road Running Two
Daily Train" from Cairo.
Trains Leave Cairo
2;'2o p. in. Kit Kxpri-i-H,
Lxiii . m ; .'liia
arriving tn rt.
i, ".:?, a.m.
Arriviug5 n Clnr.inniti H:. hi.; I.ouln
ille, i it in.; 1 H'l i litiapcjli-, 4.1.1 a.m.:
I'awingen t.y tliii train arrive at abovf
1...0'i. ui. rt Mail with tlei pfr .ills. li
"i1. (or l. I.Ul l.S ami (.IlK Al.u,
KiriviDS in M. I.ijiiU t :.'Hi a. III. M !
i ugn hi 4 ' p III. CoUllrrtllllf at Otllll
or Fllinifbari) lor ('ihclnnnii, l.onlvill
ftud Iiiiliai.ap'iiir.
Pfcvfnt.'em hi tdii I'ne K' tUroiigh to
tue Kal v.itlioiil au ilelay rauv j by
SiiOiluv InfrkfLih.
HiiiM ( AIKO AH HI V K." IN S.'.W
iolik MONHAY MuK.nIMi
a r io
nouns in
A.hei iiwiut-riM ol cnnipe'. iut Iiii'h Unit
llity HiHke Lflli:r tune lima llii nuc, an
are'imueil ilhr tlirouuli ignorance or u
!:; to iiiiicail Hie puolir.
I-or Ihroufii ln-keH ernt inlortimtion,
j p!y ut Ulini.i- C' ulral K. K. lepot, airo.
i iais a Rim C A r LAHIO
.'.li.r. '-' '' P
Uil .
i . i a in .
(icii'l Son iitrn Ajjt.
.l(iF. Tii-kHt A"t
.1. II
ll.t..v ii-ll.l lo J'.ulv It fl tli.;"
I hi- i'Ii. In t fiTnis Kli'l .-'"f in
fir'l l!, M -illhoi I rV 1.1" . il. Ull Q
.. 1 1 iiit-n r 4 ti in i' rin;'- r.-iLnpl.
.New riiili.Ml or lifiiiMirnt.
hh.I irini.i i.ahlf rrnr'liM. lino w
mi. I in. -libit mmiI 1 if In 'inlii'
I . All.'Mt' liO AH A- g
in lAilo. ' ' N 1 1 1 1 1 n'. I'hila- H
ili.i.ii:i. I'i. Ail in iiliumii iniv qj
initt hil.ti vfn in kid lor honor-M
utile l-.riiuurt nl prulfe'lol ill
Caj u
Co P5
IIoiiip Annul.
K1. Uritxtoii linn R'tnrnijJ to hiit
mwi ill tlie Ki'isi-r biiiMinff, when! lie is
hater prepared tliuii ever to awniiiino
ilaln his pairoiw ami the public who
may lnvor him with a call. He lias gone
to efiiKiderablo expend in lltting up a
roiiplc ol nicely furnished rooms, which
he has provided with nil the latest iin
roveiuents and convcniuiu'es. Ho em
ploys oliiy lirst-clas workman and Iho-P
who paroni.c him will have their wuntc
attended to in fityle and will receive
courteous treatment. tl
Hum-, I.ooiiiis & Co., dealers in north
crn lake ice, have removed their olllce:
Irom the corner of Eighth street and
Ohio levee to the ico houses one door he
low the St. Charles hotel, and are now
deliverinjr ice in all parts of the citys
Those desiring the cold ftufl will leave
their orders at the new offlco, where tbey
will receive prompt attention.
.Iahks Kavaxaich, Manager.
Caiiio, Ii.i.s., May 17. 1877. 5-17-lm
Ilie Moileni Tnulnlii"
Is altogether Iho oposite ot his great
namesake. The latter as a punishment
Irom the gods lor an inlraction of their
commands, was condemned to perpetual
thirst, and Immovably llxcd in water to
his chin. What must have been his lecl
Ings to sec that fluid, which more than
all the world besides, ho wanted, within
his reach, and ho powerless to drink it !
What u relinement of ciuclty must be
Mich a piml-liiiient. How ilill'crent our
feelings to Ills aiitelypr, who though
Hiillcriug trout sickness all the time, hav
ing means to meet the cost ot alleviating
his ailim lt, yet deliberately neglects us
lug the remedies to his recovery. The
miiioriiy ol sickness arises Irom tho tor
pidity of the. liver, and can be dissipated
and prevented by tho use nf that valuable
elixir tonic the Home Stomach Bitters.
Mr. I.oula Herbert, Ohlolevce, Ullic
agent lor Moorleln'l cclubrated C'lnclu
.tlber. Anilrflnewttcl. 8-3w
Tar knight ol'tlie ihoTd nrli-r iim'I
at lliiur hull ttir llrklamllliiiil Munilay
n wit iiionili. CoiiuiiiTciiil uvcuue, 1 iluni
until ol lth atri-rl, at s p rn.
J oh m li. Hiu.Mrs, (,. I.. M.
F Rnlvhla of Pvlhlna. iwUivm rri.
K.&jA luv ninhl at hall-pant avu, in Oilil-
reuowa nan. nuwi,
thaniTllur Comuianitu.
luijrprnileut OnliT ut OUU-Ktl-Iowa,
iiiuui rvery TburailaT aiK'il
at half- ikuiI m-tui, in Ihvur hall on
,'oiiimrrcia avenue Ix-lw.-n suth anil 8cv..nth
nm W ill K. liAwaihi, N. li.
VIKH KNCAMI'MKNT, 1. O. O. K.,niwtn
,in ihlil-Krllowa' Halt on the Aral uui) Unni
luia.iaf lui-very Hum in, at tialf-il aeyin
a CAIIH l.l ) DOt. NO T.n,A.V, 4 A. M.
Jiiil'l rfftilnr eouuiiuiuiutionf in Ma
X.Taiiiiii' Mull, tyiriisr Counimrulal avi'imu
N ali i Kihili atrwt, on Uiu atwuml and
'.iirlli Momlav olrwh inoiitli.
If-AU Mill for alvliing, art ilutaml pay
alile in AUVANca
'I raiih-at wlvertiniDK will lw irnirrtct at Mm
rale nf II Ou ifraiuan lor the Unit inavrlloli
arel iiu runtii lor ni'.li uh-jiifnt one A liberal
iliaojuiit will he Uia le on ataii'linit ami iliapl
f or inacrtiiin Kaneral notice 1 no Notn eol
nnwtiiiir of aocletii-a or fKttl orlfra ! xuU for
iMb luaertion
Cliiin-.h, Society, FuatiTal anil Supir notii'a
will only b. inwrttxl aa a.vt'rtiiemruui
,N ailvertlneueut will le rwivKl at lm than
otiita, and no aiertieuifiit will te inncrtel
for !- thun thrm ile lam i.fr month
i.oc i. ni MiM.it utu t.n
Of one sijuan; H lines pace) or more, in
serted in the Bcixetin hi followt : (l.eag
than one fjusre counted an a sipiare.)
One insertion per Kjuare $ K)
Two inwrttom per iquare- 75
Three insertions per iiiuire 1 00
Six insertion per fjuarc 1 6
Two weeki per square 2 60
One month per equare- 8 M
Special rales uiade on largo advertise
ments or lor Inneer time,
rlern'ietli Sli-t 0 pi!c-Court ftijai- )
JOHN REESE, Proprietor.
'Ilii in tlieoMit bike-y in the ii!T. nnd Itt
proTiutor o-f;f, b if (unity to econi rno-
tie Urlivi'i Imi.1i l.rt-nd twnea 'lay. mtun h
. .n.n an enl i t.lli l p ioi.1 or lliroiijh I lie
II.' ha linatoti I'.rown hrea'l. an. I all I lid"
of taken (intaljlr lor w.-I'Iiiik l'il, paitieo,
Bill lrf-1". etr.
Oili: Iiiiii a tiial Ilia moCn in "the bt-tt
ol a-oo-ln at tlie tiiort reuonalilt l"iix "
" SLT:DAv7jLLY W. IS77.
t; oin I a ;.
Our reprc-etitative, Mr. :o't, will be
in Cairo wilb a Mil line of umjli-s in
our iine, all u.-hiiig a lull suit, or over
coat, idioul'l give him a trial as In; is tie
ti'rinii.eil to keep down liionoplics.
I'hask I'l-i'imii,
Mi li hunt Tailor, Kvan-ville.
I' l-1 ii re hikI llraekul.
K. C. ford has removed his Variety
firai ket Ktore to Wasliington avenue
m ar Tenth street, lis 'has opened a
large stock of brackets, shelves, frames,
i hromos picture cord and tassels, eur
taln ta-sele. fancy iiaiM. hat rack, etc.
Picture iraining made a specia'.ity
I tinitiiiis mounted in t're cheapest and
be.-t fti'lc. lm
A (.Hill
To all who are sutlerilig from the
errors and indiscretions' of youth, ner
vons weakness, early decay. Ioj of nian
hood, etc., I will send a recipe that will
cure you, free of charjre. This great
finely was discovered by a uiUtioiiary
in South America. Send a ttlf-ad-Iressed
envelope to the P.eV. Joseph T.
Iiiin in, Station IJ. Ilihle . Houe,
t.rk 'it v- l-au-'im
IoIihcco it uil C iUTa.
Merchants. grocers, and t-alooti-kcepers
i-hjuld not tor.'et that Mc-rs. Corlis it
lUnklii, proprietors ol the Prairie state
f.ibacco Factory at Melniptdis have
opened an e-t'itjIUhun nt at the corner
of&ixt a street and Ohio levee in tins
eity wlifre tliey wil. do a wholesale and
retail business In the tobacco and cigar
line. They have, on hand the largest
and most complete stock ol
oha'co and cigars ever opened
in Cairo, and are prepared to
supply the wants of the trade at the
lowest living prices, liealcrs art; in
vited to call and exam ine their stock.
Think for Tuuraelf.
Thousands lead miserable lives, suffer,
ing from dyspepsia, a disordered stom
ach and liver, producing biliousness,
heartburn, costivenes", weakness, irregu
lar appetite, low spirit, raining lood
after eating, and often ending In latal
attacks of fever. They know they are
sick, yet get little sympathy. The tin
failing remedy, which Is yearly restoring
thousands, Is PaC'OHta'a Radical Cure)
Sold by Iiarclay Bros.
A '25c bottle will convince you of Us
merits. Don't delay another hour alter
reading this, but go and get a bottle, and
your relict is as certain as you live. Wil
you do it or will you continue to sullcr ?
Think for yourself.
Prof. Parker's Pleasant Worm Syrup
is perfectly silo and extremely palatable.
No physio required. Costs i't cent.
Try It. "-li".
A Soluco for I lio Aeil.
Ill thftdecllno of life, as the vigor ol
the system wanes, and inllrmitlcs attack
it to which in early life It was a stranger,
the use of a sale medical miiniiliint Is
Irghly advisable. Nothing, as expert
ence shows, Is so admirably adapUid to
the wants of old people as Hosteller's
Stomach Hitters. It it a real solancc to
the aged, and the best safeguard they
can possibly use against, the complaints
to which they are peculiarly liable. It
Invigorates the hotly and chcerH the
mind, is pure, agreeable and elleclive.
Klieiiuiatisiii, lumbago and gout arc
more Irequeiitly developed In age than
in youth or middle life. I lo tetter's
Itinera are an excellent remedy for those
painful disorders, and also fortify the
systunt against them. They never cre
ate undue excitement, are gentle in their
action, and are Infinitely purer than the
unmedlcated itlmulauU of coiuuietctt.
aoi .rr.nf.M.
onni.r ( lerlt.
W'h em anllirirt.oil' in annnunra Samuel J.
Iluriim at a ramlnttttc lr the onVe of County I
i.o-rn hi iii rircllon lu be I lid ovtlliln-r till,
Mr. Louis Ilcrlrert on Ohio levee is the
agent at Cairo for the cehebratcd Moer-
lein's Cincinnati liter, the bct beer on
the market. K-'Jw
UeuerHl I tuna.
Mr. John fileason, o I'llin, was
Cairo yesterday,
Jtidjo Bird had nothing tn do in the
police court yeiterday.
Mayor Winter Is anxiously awaiting
tiie return of Captain lleese iMigan with
the Kckert.
Louis Herbert, Ohio levee, sells
MociIcIii'h celebrated Cincinnati lager
beer at wholesale and retail. 2w.
It is probable that the old Silver Cor
net band will come together again on
Friday night, and once more give us a
taste ol their excellent music.
There w 11 be set vices at the
Methodist church, Kev. J. I. (iilbatn.
pastor, this morning at the usual hour.
All are invited to attend.
Go to W. ( :. Jocelyn Dentist, lor the
best and most reliable dental work. Fn
tire satisfaction or no charges. Olllce
Noll Lighth street, Cairo.
1 he Cairo Cj;y Bindery, A. tV. Pyatt
A Co., proprietors, is now turning out
work of evety description in their line in
tirH-clasi and workmanlike manner, lm
-'lo mothers: should the baby be
suffering with any of the disorders ol
babyhood Use Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup at
once for the trouble. Price .'') centn ye i'
Kvery eflect iiiu.st have a cause; so
boi1.-, pimples, etc., arc the result ol poor
blood. Purily the blood by Using Dr.
BuP's ill ond Mixture and banish such
eruptions a those named.
'I he ball given for the benefit ol
Con. Bryce. at Scheel's hall ou Friday
night, was a success. About seventy-live
Couples were present. i'hc dance did
not bicak up until nearly live o'clock
yetterday morning.
F. M. Ward has gone into t lie jt
business, and Is now delivering pure lake
Ice in all parts of the city. Orders left
with liim will receive prompt attention,
and the purity of the ice delivered guar
anteed. 1 2-1 m
--Captain ha-. T. Jliud, formerly a
citi.vns ot Cairo, und now a reddetit ol
FvarisvMe, arrived in the city yesterday.
aptaiti I linde'b wile and daughter have
been in the city visitim; lor some
There w ill be tbe ti-iiul services at the
Presbyterian Church this morning, con
ducted by the Uev. Mr. George. This
evening there will be a I'uion service of
the Methodist and Presbyterian congre
gation3, held in tbe church ot the latter.
The Uev. Mr. liilham will occupy the
Sunday School services at the Church
of the Redeemer iKpi.-copa!) will ncheld
a : tin; usual l our ol H: to o clock tint
morning. On acoiiut of tbe absence of
boi'u tin; Rector and Senior Warden,
there w ill tie no ehurdi service neither
morning or evening.
There has been t!.e devil to pay among
tls? Robinsons. Two colored dames, both
namen Jennie Robinson, who live in the
upper end ol town, had a rumpus over
a colored gentleman yesterday, and the
one Jennie had the other Jennie arrested.
'quire Osb irne beard the case, and lined
her live dollars and ensts.
The coopers ot Cairo tire "a bold,
bad" i't of men. Tluy ain't to be fooled
without their employes know it. The
said employes becoming uneasy, bar
ing a stray striker might find bis way
into Cairo and inllatiic the hearts of the
coopers, on Friday raisej the wages on
al! grades of work.
Mr. Frank R. Baker, representing
the I've stock commission firm ot Robert
Strahom A Co., of Chicago, is in the
c'ty. Mr. Baker is a resident of I lenUon,
Texas, ami shipi from that place and
vrrious other points in T'exa. to his
people in Chic go, more cattle thnu any
other man l'i that section ol the coun
The Woodville, Ky. pacing horse,
"Badger," arrived in Cairo on Friday
evening. The race between Bill Scoti's
horse and "Badger" will take place
jomctitne during this week. Scott 8
horse though very "cranky," is said to
bo pacing very last, and as tho speed of
)' Badger" Is knowu, a yery interesting
and close contest Is looked for.
It is thought that the race between
15"! Elliott's and Tat Fitzgerald's horses
is of). There hug been a slight misun
derstanding between these gentlemen, iti
the way ol tho horses that are to run.
M". Fitzgerald ssys be put up his money
with the understanding that he was to
run "Kl'lott's marc," whllo Bill says Its
a d n no such tiling that he Intends to
ti' i the animal hu bet could beat Pat's
mare, and no other. Pat says be will go
to the park ou the day appointed, and il
Bill don't come to time, lie will "turn
the trick" and claim the lorlelt; while
Bill says ha will too the scratch with tbe
marc he matched against Pat, and If that
gent 'email don't tee lit to run his pony
against her, he wl.l go it alone ami de
mand the money. S i the matter stands.
The Ohl Iteliiiul lllliiol leiilrnl
Kill I roit il.
Is now sending passengers Irom Cairo
through to Ivistern cities without deten
tion. All lines Irom Chicago are now
running Ihdr passenger trains : regit
hilly. Passengers fur Detroit, Buflnlo,
Pillsburg, Philadelphia, New York,
Boston and all points Kast go through
without delay and on good time, '
Jas. Johnson-, (ien, Agt.,
,1. II. Jonxs, Ticket Agt.
Cairo, July 28, 1S77. lit.
A Brief Sketch of Hie Life Action el
tbe Chamber or Uommiroe, the Odd
Fellowa and Cairo Encampment -Words
of Praia aud Gondolunce.
Tho following brief biographical
sketch ot the life ot the late A. B. Saf
ford, Esq., we take Irom the "Biograph
ical Encyclopedia of tho State? of Illi
nois." We feel that It is very meagre in
its details of the life of s uia.i for whom,
it is no exaggeration today, all the peo
ple of Cairo felt a personal attachment
and whose death has endeared bis mem
ory to them. We hope shortly to lay be
fore our readers a fuller history of Mr.
Sa fiord 'a Hie, particularly that part of it
which identified him with Cuiro :
Alfred H. Satiord, cashier ol the City
Nutionul Uuiik, Cairo, Illinois, wins born
at Morribtowu, Vermont, on January 'it,
IBs parents were natives of Vermont
and came ol Revolutionary stork In both
bra ticbe, the grandfathers ol each having
served in tout war. His parent emigrated
to Illinois in ls:!7, ami BHttlnl in Will
county ami engaged In farming. Alfred
was then lilteen years of aire, and had be
lore luov'ii to the .Statu atteuded the
school of Vermont. He continued at
chool lu Illinois until lie was twenty-cue
yeaij old. He then In ijan the study of law
wit! W'liam A. Bourdman, at Joliet,
ll'inois, ami pursued his studies lor three
years, w hen he abandoned the law and
engaged III merchandisin;.', and continued
therein udiII Is.M. in that yea- he moved
to Shawiieetowii, where he started the
state Jiiitik ol Illinois, and was its Cashier,
Iuisrshe removed to Cairo und started
tbe City Bank, afterward c! anged to the
City National Hank, and lias been it
Cabliier since its organization. IalsTO he
organized tue Knterprlse Savings Bank,
of which lie w as made President, ami con
tinues as its ij r t oilier. He w as married
inls.'ilto Julia Ma'sey, of Watcrtown,
New York, wiio died in Isii'. Afe'a'u in
leol to Annie Candle, uf Cairo.
A meeting ot the members ot the
board ol trade and ol the citizen of
airo generally w is held at the Atheneuin
this 2Sih day of July, A. D. 177. to give
expression to the sympathy and loss felt
by the community in the death of Mr.
A. B. Saflord. Esq.
At live minutes past lu o'clock a. m.,
the meeting was called to order bv V cod
Ritlcnbouse, K-q., President of the
Board of t rude, who explained the ob
ject ot tin; meeting and announced the
first thing in order to be the selection ol
a secretary, whereupon Mr. W. H. Mor
ris was chosen. It was suggested by the
chairman that a committee be selected to
draft resolutions expressive of the sym
pathy and loss felt in the death of Alfred
B. Saflord, Esq, whereupon Mr. S. D.
Ayers made a motion that the chairman
appoint a committee of five for the ob
jict named. Messrs, S. D. Ayers, W.
II. Morris, Dr. C, W. Dunning, H, L,
Halliday and Charles Pink were appoint
ed said committee. During the retire
ment of the committee to prepare reso
'utions ex-Mayor Joint M. Lunsdcn and
S. D. Ayers, addressed the meeting in
eulogy of tbe deceased. At the conclu
sion of the addresses, thecommittee liav
'rig returned, submitted tbe lollowing
preamble and resolutions which were
unanimously adopted :
Having learned with profound sorrow,
of the sudden and unexpected death in h
distant part ol the land ol our late
esteemed fellow-citizen Allred B. Sal
lord, Esq,, we the members of the Cairo
Chamber of Commerce and business men
ot Cairo have assembled to give cx
press'on to ourcouiinen griel and to do
honor to the memory ol one w ho in lit"?
was the true and trusted friend ol Cairo
and her men ol business; Therefore be
sofcY, That while bowing in hum
ble submission to that inscrutable Prov
idence whose ways are pat linding out.
we recognize the solemn fact that a great
and good man has gone from among us
and while rendering as sacred to his
memory this tribute of praise, we have
to mourn the loss of one whose acts ot
beiielicetice extended so largely to all
classes of our community that lie has
been justly esteemed a pnblic benefactor.
To the business men o Cairo his loss
will be most deeply felt; ever ready as
he was to extend tin helping hand in
time ol need: to his kindiies, and liber
ality sre we all largely indebted. It is
therelore lltting in us "to place on record,
not only for our emulation but
lor those who may come alter us,
the good deeds ol out; who as friend,
neighbor, citizen and banker, has en
deared himself to our entire community.
Ol no one may it bo more truly said
"None knew him hut to love him."
Kesohetl, That in this hour of sad
bereavement we extend to the family of
the dcceasetl our sincere and heartfelt
sympathy, and with them will dron the
silent tpar.
KfsoireJ, That the secretary he in
structed to furnish the b reaved family
with a copy of those proceedings, anil
also to the city papers lor publication,
and also cause (he samo to be spreiut on
the records ot the Cairo Chamber ol
After tho adoption of the foregoing
resolutions, the meeting adjourned.
Wood Rinnxnofsf:, Chairman.
W. II. Monitis, Secretary.
Mr. Saflord was an active member ot
tho order of Odd Fellows, and was a
prominent and influential member ot the
lodge in t'.ilscity. On the receipt ol the
news of his death -the members were at
once called to meet on Friday evening
to tuke action oh his death and to cive
proper expression to their feelings. The
following proceeding! were bad :
To the JNoble Grand ami Brothers ol
Alexander Lodge No. 221, 1. o. O. F.
Cairo, Illinois.
The undersigned committee appointed
to draft resolutions ol respect, on the
death of our Brother, A. li, Sallord, res
pectfully submit tho following:
Bhoiukrh: ,'Jhe Anirlo of death has
agatu entered our brot'icrhood and
placed Its wreath upon the bead of our
Moved Brother. A. B. .Saflord, calling
him from our miilst, and summoning him
tololuihe Grand Lodge ubovc The
news of the sudden death of our brother,
without a niomeuts warning or the least
expectation, at Burllnirton, Vermont,
the place of his birth, during a short
visit there, bus not only shocked the
members of this order, but nlso every
citizen and Inhabitant ot our city, and
filled their hearts with profound sorrow;
bo It therefore
iWoivi, That in tho death ot our
Brother A. B. Sntford this lodge has lost
one of Its most estimable) members ; his
family a kind and affectionate husband;
our city a most exemplary and valuable
citizen and the poor a kind hearted bene
factor. Retolrrd, That this lodge be draped In
mourning, uud that the members wear
the usual badge for thirty days, and that
a page of tho records be set apart sacred
to his memory.
Ittviletd, That a copy ol these resolu
tions be sent to the lanilly of our de
ceased brother, and that they bo pub
lished lu the Cairo papers, and also in
one of the papers in Burlington, Ver
mont. CaiKo, 111, July, 28,1877'
W Al.TF.R llYHI.OI',
At a meeting ot Cuiro Encampment
No. Ml, held yesterday morning, Judge
F. Bross, 'Squire Comings and Mr. Wal
ter llyslop were uppolnted a committee
todralt resolutions expressive of Ihe
the griel of the members of the order
over the death of one tor whom all en
tertained such high regard and esteem,
and whoso name was spoken with
reverence by all who knew him:
To the Worthy Cnief Patriarch and
Patriarchs ot Ca'ro F.'icanipinent No.
1-1 1, I.O.O. F.
Wukrkas, I eatli for the second time
having entered our tent and another Pa
triarch liaViiiL' been called upon to close
his pilgrimage on earth, it becomes us to
bow in submission, and render a lltting
tribute ol respect to the memory of IV
triarch A. B. Saflord; therefore be it
Htiuliird, i hut in the de'ith ol our
beloved brother patriarch, A. B. Saflord,
our incaniiiinent has met with an ir
reparable loss, and that one, whose
tent whs always open to the stranger i'l
distress, ami 'who exemiditied in lilt
life, the teachings of the "Golden Rule
Degree'1 has been taken from among
H'oli''d, That the hall ol this encamp
ment be draped In mourning, anil pat
riarchs wear the usual badge for thirty
it-uh-fd. That a page of the records
he set apart "acred to his memory.
H'-.mnrl, I hut a copy ot these resolu
tions be furnislied the bereaved widow
of our deceased patriarch, and that they
ue ptinteil In the city papers; a.so in a
paper printed in Burlington, Vermont,
where Patriarch Sallord suddenly died
while on a brief visit to the place of his
natiytty. Frkdolik Bross,
Al l'llEO Couimis,
Wai.i f.u IlYSLor;
W. C ajdL.A.
Special Mottins of the Woman's Club
and Library t aaociution,
There will be a special meeting ol
the Woman's Club and Library associa
tion in the library rooms, on Monday
afternoon, at three o'clock. A general
attendance is desired. This meeting is
tor the purpose of adopting resolutions
relative to the late. Alfred B. Saflord,
Esq., which may be a slight tribute to
his w orth. He needs no words ot ours:
his ow n works speak his praise. From
the birth of our association, till the
present hour, his hand, strong and
brave as any man's could be, his heart
tender and Kind as any woman's, have
been ours, to help, to counsel, to com
tort and protect. How many rough
places be has smoothed for us, how
many obstacles he has removed
Irom our oath, no one can tell.
nd now In the room endeared to us by
how many memories of the noble heart
now hushed, we desire to meet and add
to ttio many otlerings showered on a
grave so revered, ours; small and slight
as a sprig of acacia among evergreens ;
yel breathing of tender friendship and
sorrow, Irom the feeble women, whom
he loved to help, and who will miss him
so sorely. By order or the Vice I'rcst
Mr--. W. R. Ssinn.
A. O. (i forge. Secretary.
A T ittle Information That Will Not Be
Read With IWret.-A Piece of Letral
Intelligence That May Prove Worth
About four Hundred Tuouaand Dol
lars to Cairo
We learn through Messrs. tircen A
Gilbert that the I'uited States courts at
spriugtlcld will adjourn August 4th, and
that the mandamus suits against the
county and city, wherein demurrers
have been tiled to test the sufficiency of
the petitions for man.lamtis would not
come up for hearing belore t he next
January term of court, at which time a
lull argument be had, witli good
prospects of a decision in favor of our
"t!y and county. We further learn
through Messrs. Green & Gilbert that an
examination of the journal proceedings ol
l 'c'slative session of IS.'u discloses the
fact that in the passage of tint act ol
1Si7, authorizing the subscription ol
counties, cities, etc., in aid ol the con
sfuction ol railroads, the record in the
otlice of the Secretary of Stale docs not
show that the forms ol law were com
plied with, viz: That the law was passed,
which tact, if established, will, nf we
understand f'otu .Messrs.Ci.it G.,ulone
defeat the bonds subscribed by our city to
the C. & V. and C. & .St. L. railroads
under the act above referred to. Tills
will be good news for our people, and we
only hope that the inlormatioii wo have
received us above may prove correct.
To Shippers
Illinois Central Railroad Co
877. .
cuts L- Agent's office
Cairo, Ills., July 'i,, 18'
We are again receiving freight for Chi
c ife'o. und also eastern consignments by Ihe
Michigan Central and Its connections.
Jamks Johnson, Get'l Agent.
niMir'innt entire.
The Illinois Ccntrul Railroad St. Loulk
ut d Cairo Snort Line train will leave at
1'2:;10. All trains to and from St. Louis will
arrive und depart regularly hereafter.
. Jamks Johnson,
J. U. Jones, Ueu'l Southern Ag't,
Ticket Agent,
Cairo. Ills.. July 4t), 1877.
To all merchants, saloon keepers and
Individuals In general: I will pay no
bills contracted by anybody else than
tuysell ou and a I lor this date. Therelore
take warning. Patrick Cahmody.
Cairo, 111., July 28, LS77. 2t
Notice to (shipper.
Tho Cuiro aud Vlticcnues railroad has
resumed receiving freight tor all poluti.
Robt. CAStLE, Aieu t,
H A. Cunningham, A, Piano Tuner
Well-Known to Cairo People, Charged
With Poisoning The Woman he Claims
Was bis Wife-The Victim. Matcsls
Xing. The Daughter of a Paduoah
Minister A Coroner's Jury Dlecoveia
Fourteen Ordinary Doses of Podophy
lin In her Stomach. Cnnnnigham in
Jail at Union City, Tenn.
Chief ot Police Charley Arter, receiv
ed the following letter a lew days ago :
Union City, Tknn., July 20, 1S77.
To Chief of Police, Cairo:
Dkak Sir : I wish to made a lew In.
qiilries us to a man by the name ol 11, A.
Cunningham, a piano tuner by profes
sion, lie is about live feet lour or Uve
inches hljih, and weighs about one hun
died anil twenty or thirty pounds; has
fair complexion, gray eyes, und black
curly hair, und moustache; Is atiglitly
bow-legged; is very neat in nppearuni e;
is akout thirty years old, and reserved in
manner. I understand he stayed in
your city, In a music, store at one lime.
Is he a married or not? If so, who he
marrried and where his wife lived. She
reported hero her maiden name to he
Maggie King, and Was the daughter of a
Presbyterian minister. He states he was
married to her iu 'Jinclnnati, but would
not tell who married them, nor the date.
She was a very handsome woman, and
he seemed to guard her very closely. She
was taken sick on last Saturday night,
and died on Tuesday night. Cunning
ham gave her, according to the inquest,
about fourteen tunes as much as a com
mon dose, and we have him muter arrest
tor tho killing ot this woman or his
wile, as he still claims. His every action
wss st spicjotH. Let me hear from you
by return mall, and greatly oblige this
communl y. M. J. Konciir.
City Marshal.
I'pon receipt of the above letter.
Chief Arter at once recognized, as many
others will, in the description given by
Marshal Huberts, II, A. Cunningham,
who some tour months ago, made his
headquarters at Winter Jt Stewart's
auction establishment, and went about
this city and neighboring towns repairing
and tuning pianos. Mr. Arter iuiinedi
atelv set to work to find out what he
could in regard to Cunningham's course
previous to ins arrival in Cairo, and he
acquired information to (lie cll'cct that he
has a family living somewhere in the
upper part of tue State, whom he left to
go abroad to carry on his profession.
Vt P.iducah CuHiiingliam became ac
quainted with Mis King, who was the
daughter ot a highly eateeined Presby
terian clergyman. He stole her away
from her homc.and brought her to Mound
City in a skill. At this town they re
mained for some tunc, living as man and
wife, Cunningham carrying on the btisi
ness ot tuning pianos until titties became
dull, when he came to Cairo, A skid
was again brought into use to transport
him and .Miss King Irom Mound City
to Cairo. While in this city,
the couple occupied rooms in Dr. Ward
tier's building on Commercial aveitue,
Cunningham making his headquarters
at Winter it Stewart's auction house, in
the same building. He was considered
very much of a gentleman, being de
cidedly quiet and rem rved. and treating
every body with wlmtii be came in con
tact with marked puliieiii .s. Ihe til
position of Mis- K eg to keep i,vmi
from the outside wm i I was partial, any
noticeable, il being a very rare occurrence
to see her oJtslde ol her room, tiilier
alone or iu company Willi Cunningham.
She looked about twenty years ol age
and was exceedingly pretty, and when
she did make her appearance on the
streets, attracted eotuMdcrable attention.
Cunningham remained iu Cairo so;:ie
two months or more, and went to Col-,
umbos, Ky., the mode of travel again
being by the Use ol a skill'. At
this place the couple remained
several weeks, und Miss King became
the mother of a child. .We next Iiml
them at I'nioii Ciiy, and the history of
their lives in that city is lotuid iu l be
letter above. Chiel Alter gave Marshal
Roberts the benelit ol the knowledge l.e
M he bad gained, by letter, and what will
conic of the matter remains to be set n.
Mollce t Siulnoiiw.
I will on Tuesday, the Hist insl., en
force the ordinances against all saloon-
H keepers who have not taken out license.
C. D. Aitri'it,
Illy Marshal.
1'itel.naet of Kent mid tomliirl l..r
Tirol Women.
Mrs. Henry Ward llevclier, whose house
hold knowledge and perfect honealy no
one presumes to doubt, recommends house
keepers to Use Wa.hine, the new substitute
for soup, hliei aays she Is pleased with It
It is a great saver" ot tinio ami labor, and
can no more injure clothing than c. milium
warm water. Mrs. Bee her is liht.
W aniline lias many i;reat adviinUiL'es over
soap. It washes in oiie-tlilrd of tiie tlum.
It almost entirely does away with rubbing.
Was tes us well in lianl water as sott. It Is
the only article known that will prevent
woolens trojn shrinking. Otliernrlu'les km
stst somewhat in washing, i.utthey injure
the clothes. Washtne.posltively will not
Injure clotliiiiK.
These are soma ol the qualities which
have made Wasliine so popular among tun
intelligent housekeepers ol America. All
who are not using Wushiue will not regret
It if they take special pains to procure and
rive it a trial. Price, 5 aud 10 -cents. Sold
by all grocers.
Get Wushiue lor Next Monday's Washing.
Three Hours' Rest
For Washerwomen,
A new and grand labor-saving Invention
recommended by the most Inu lllgcnt aud
practical housekeepers in the country.
Wahes like magi.- without Injuring (''"He
ing or hands in the s'lglileat III nun r. Mo d
by ull grocers. Price, 10 cents.
SKA hi KV .l'Ml.Miji
il I'lat Sm
Bros, .vtl no I.
Ir..llriharu-1 Successor .)
Offloo 130 Commercial Aye.
2-1-1 m . Cairo, Illinois,
Special attention Kiven to the trtutmen
Chrome DLeaaes and Uuvawl peculiar u
fiS'JLW Auusr Drills. l0O a iik.mJ
VlrlWk JU Aur'CHUIgala.i
Arkantat Roile ..Eyantillt.
.lohn II. Mhb Ic Vlcibur
ira-ie Lee Uuit
( ona. Millar Mempan
Cherokee Ne Orleaai
Laura h. Iari Uiniea
The river last evening was 19 feet 4
Inches on the gunge, having fallen 4
Inches in the last 24 hours.
2'1'ho "weather Is sultry and showery.
Business dull.
The Centennial from St. Louis to New
Orleans, with guards touching the
water, and having 14,213 package! of
freight, and a large list ot passengers on
The Padueah packet, Jim Fisk, Jr.,
and the Evansvllle packet Idlewlld had
excellent trips.
The Capitol City, from St. Louis to
Vicksburg, was deeply hiden and mado
additions here.
Golden City, from New Orleans to
Cincinnati, had a good up stream trip ot
freight and people.
Captain Chas. T. Hind of the firm of
Hinde, Verhorf it Co., was a passenger
to this city on the Steamer idlewlld, and
will remain here until to-morrow visit
ing lriends. C'upt. Hind lett Cairo
seven years ago to take up 'msiness In
Louisville, alter three years'.of '.hard work
in the wharf boat business here. His
last act was the building of tho .large
wharfboat "2" now belonging to "the
Halliday A Phillips wharfboat company"
ami winch is one of the best ever built in
the west. Time has not delt harshly
With the captain and the marks of Irs
lingers ate a sprinkle of gray In the hair,
a wrinkle or two on the brow and a
general toning down of that nervous
ent rgy that came so near wearing him
out wli'h) engaged in 'the vexatious
w harfboat business. Nothing nbw ruffles
his temper, he has not sworn an oath in
live years, and has been a member of Ihe
Episcopal church.
Th firm ot Hind Verhoof & Co., are
commission merchants, and dealers in
flour, grain, Hay etc., corner Main and
Water streets Evansville.
(iENF.RAL items.
Captain Eads has tinned his Iron
Iredgboat ('. R.J. Bally. She will be
flouted o'.Y tic wai's when the
river ries.
I he barge that Captai i Alt'. Cutting
w ill launch nt Mctr ipolis this week is
for Cap alii Conrad of St. Louis, not lor
Metropolis as erroneously stated yester
day. Captain Matt R. Fisher, of th. Wi
lier has been Very ill but is Im.i-ovio i
dipt. Vint Shinkle is el .
tract Pir a new sie mi" t. r C.p
Sliinkb', to be a ilupl ca nl He
Crown, now hii'l img i e
Way - I rC-ilit 11 II I) in
A il-h'.i i .
M K n . . ': . I.. -. ; .
V c i 'ear ' Ilk- 'n-ic ; ' .. ii
OUt. Fish, -IU .. . a el . .i,.
e c in-
U hit n
M .r - ill
tuny l o n Una: be exi
mar ri. He learn IV.. in
- Il . The
:.le u.t-.-y
Srriiut. ihe health oiflcr.
wiio itco'in
panics the party.
The Cincinnati Cummtiv.ial says : The
lllih oi next February will close the SO
yenrs' tenn ebipsiiig since Captain Oby
R ibirds. tlte veteran enginnei, arriveil at
St. L"tiis I re. u. Cincinnati mi u sti tuner
named the "Si. Louis and Galena Pic k
et." She towed a barge titled up to
carry Ireight, and also 75 pnssctig rs
comfortably, the ladies' cabin being in
tlte hold. He wasengineer ol ibis bottt.
Captain Kobirds in lsil made 20 round
trips bet ween St. Louis and New Orleans
in ten months wbh the steamer Eliza.
deli cleared $18.1)00, just what she
c i-t new. She was built at riltsburg
for a St. Louis and Keokuk packet, but
proved too large and burned too much
fuel for that tiade. She carried 2.S0 tons
down stream and always took fancy
freights, which were given to her freoly
ou account ot Iter speed
and relmbilty such us chickens
apples, butter, eggs and flour. Her time
lo New Orleans was generally three aud
a hall days, and she made the round trip
hi eleven and a halt days. The Eliza
was 1 10 leet long, JO feet wide, 5J feet
deep. Site had but one cylinder, 23
inches diameter aud !) leet stroke; two
wheels 22 feet diameter, with buckets 12
leet. Micajali Littleton was her captain,
lie Is now iu California. O. S. Buriibain,
now residing n St. Louis, was clerk, and
ohy Robirds engineer. The Eliza sunk
six miles above Cairo at what bus since
been called Ella's tow-head. The
capta'u's wile was drowned on the oc
casion. During that season 25 steam
boats were sunk at goose Island, con
structing what li. called the graveyard.
Miss Addle Hayues who has been vis
iting some friends here for some days,
returned to Smithland by the Idlewlld
last evening, accompanied by Mrs. Mattle
Wright who will rumaln ut Smithland a
week or so.
U i bi:::.:!
St. Louis. Mo.
TH0S. A. KICK, A. X. . I, B.,
I. H
IHelS, A. KICK, A. U
. L - li..
nrv. a. ruuxn
Physician 6c Surgeon,
Otttoe la Winter's Block, corner Herentb tad
Commercial Anoue, (totraaos oa Seveau.
Baaidroc juumiU uwt,Mto(wehlafto

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