OCR Interpretation

The Cairo bulletin. [volume] (Cairo, Ill.) 1872-1878, August 28, 1877, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85033413/1877-08-28/ed-1/seq-2/

What is OCR?

Thumbnail for

i. vtinn.y, a. w. mrr.
(k.W.I'VATT CO. i
ulletln Buildlnr, Cor. Twelfth Btre
.'v3.i . and Waehinfc-tou Avenue.
OaIvo, IllinolB
l j-i .oiinty unil HallromlWnrk a Specialty I
)hkick Hinm iio.n 7:30 a.m. tu CHU
ij.iu.; riuinlay from 7foiJa.ni. Muiicy
Order 8:00 it.in. to 6:(XI p.m.
Illinois Uritri.l It it T 3 W IS')
;ami j
. Ij ijn) Duly . 1
lir.'w i MiM. Central K 11 f 'i"
Kuily t
lil-oii W.alro ft Vliicennes Vim
j KU-ltuily.
le-lV) U'ulro, Arkansas 4 I I '
lexss il ii- iuny.
ft OU j Old silver lloui (
I Dully cxii't Monday S
H '
1 Milt. IliVer K"Hle 1
J l!p, Hun. Til. Kri.
if linwn.Tu.Thii Hat '
I Thebes Knulc I
1 Friday & hunir'.ny (
ii w. u kaki. r ii.
rxiivri3 oA.ri.iD.
! t.r Imvi'ii (Kiro'luily... -' ""p. m.
i ipifM arrtvt-ii kI I uih 'l;.il '!l
I. .I'liiiiiniiilitlion li-uve I .lire Ihiiv . ni 'f i i in .
i- ,'Ui-.ii irrnf, il.nly lf
siiiiiliVI 11 "' "'.
1H'. Iiulua "f lin roiiiDHiiy "i.i.i-i t l ul
1 W m.'l 1-MHIM. l.iii-, Willi "ii ""
. . I.. II i (trill, I.hI imil !. I.
'I fill. h iiki.i i.:-
t uVl'l l-tl '
:f.lt m -I I..H1I-
i in
Op Tn.
,,.t rVl -I. I. -'- ' '' "
' ,i it i h.fi .. ''
W II M i AI'.I.A Ii.
I i.-kM ui,-l r ! iciil A-' iil 1 .
I .'. SSI '.I. In-"' I ll I'H-wtWiKi A1
.f. l I 1. 1.. A(i I.I .A I ill .
61 Mil tlio Shortest Route
47 Mj1?s tin; Shortest to
mmtmp rtv,M-!fi"' fli'T'vr
iv.it'iilt, Ui' It.1 i'i I U3ti'U.i
4 Miles tlio Shortest to
15 w ten;
and rjorrroN.
-A S '.I-
- i.vm i it r- J
Making fSdino Connoc-tioDS,
rvKh'-liK'-ra by olhur ruutBB to uiih.i
Coun tioD u.uHt ril ml n.Klit wiit
iL.K liciui Oi" tu bi lioiir it
Mixull country ntnti'inn tur
tinum of coi.iii-i tliiK ioihIm
iVicrubor that luct and tako our
j:OD a. m. Tnun,.rciichinK
kl,.llll ....ll- yilLlMK"
hi ill
1 1; 1-ii-t- iiii-t iirr. nil "j - n- loil-nn
Mm I Vnvi-n
! "
l.nl ui i
..h "
. "i.'o u. in
., : Vi i in.
. !H:'"I l. III.
. II; l a. III.
f-.Kiw:. l--k't uirlrln-k. In nil in.p--rlmil
t.ii.' I n. A'l. (iin-rri Sup
, I.. II. I HLKI.II.
t'ues. Aki'U.
mm i m 1 1
Tlfi: SIKIMST. (Jl li'KKST
;oNi.y DiREcr koutk
; M
and Baltimcro
" Vi'i'.ii ilii i ct ('ciimc(.-!iiiin Inr
f lllll U Mi
TravcliTi tliilriiii? u
ifl-.KlJK I'l.KASAST unit t'DMrol!!'.
AHI.K I lit i.
Shoulil riMiii'iiilii r Unit .the
; Ii ciili'tirutecl Inr Hh
lloyuiit (Joanlion, Silt-ii:licl lldi.-is. (iriuiil
itmi lli'oulllul Mouutiilii iiml ul ley ki
S-enriy, sinl tlie iimny poinln
l listni'livtl Inlcii'ht A lung
Hi I. ill!!.
Kara will ALWAYS bit at LOW
hi by any her tine.
It u u Tliimi'ii
riftWfi li tint l'lili-:l4.j
and Eastern Cities,
Kor thnmijh tickets, lni,w (-lnel,,
iimivemcnt of trams, uleepli"? ,,,,'r U,',"
..uodatioiif, ft'1'. l'l'ly ' ti,,k"' 1,111
l ull principal point.
r, Dartity,'
i't fii. I IcketAgt.
1 P. Barry,
L;M i'ole
livn. Ticket At
Thoi. K. Hbaru,
tilr of Tranip'o
VOL. ).
flu ulldiit.
I'll. II. rm t.liipli.l Di II. I I'l lll I
I VIIHlllll tl, ,.,ll'i Mill' SClll- till.lfli
lillll. i The followim,' ii the plH'.tui in nt i J j 4 -
ii'.ylvniiln Hcmoei'itii :
: Tun Iii-iiiocrati'j jiiity U 1'eiiii-ylvuiiia.
mi'J its ill li :iti . Ill convention c--' laMad
' 1 declare,--
' J. That the induction of Jlulliciford li.
,....., . ... ...
j i.taoillnu tlic tliictiun tl K. .!. TiMi-n lljtii-
to, u lii-li i-rinse a'.'uin-t ii Irre 1 1
I liiiiiit, liich li:m .lot l.ceii lo-nloiieil, nii'l
j will not lui I jrulttn. 'I'iio h:iiu9 fj.ijit 'it
I iilrlijti-iii wliiclj lorcboro u rniittul U;(u
j llietlr-t uli-u(j will ri-Rii-l uijl juiiiljli .any
; nticrnfit nt a nccoii'l.
j 'I In) iiiiliM-ili'iti; l.aj-i) ( !! i l i,l 111'- ;i-
! Jll-iitioll iiV tlif t-'iic-iui :i Jliiilii-II.'i'Juil tl
J lln- lii-iiin.-ratli- .o: j. y i.l i.nri-iii!' rwi.lioii
i ii: iiili-iii.il all.ur- of tin- .-until' i ii -l.ilt--j
:i'ii)ly iii'lkiit"! uur Ir-'iiieiit Tiitf-t
I :i;;:iin-t Hi'! J-n-wnui Itation if th-.- r'.
j r'TM- I lilit of tin- -i:ViT ll fLiIiri- t-i i-l:ni.-'!
! .ill I hV r 1,'it iJi'l' utC'l to Hi- ;;i-nri:ii i;oi
i ii'iiuiital l.y t-Airi - i-iiu-titijti iul irow-
! Moll.
I :i- Tii:il i iii: j.iiiio-i-- t-i rulorui lln:(.ivll
j oi ii-'-, wliii Ii I; ,-In i-ii pru'-Uiiiitil I'V tin-
' 1. 1..... i.t ;i. ! mii.lwi r-.i i..n f. I1L iN rulrii.tf.il
I'1" ' " ......II, , .
"iiitlii-ni i io Ii i- , con!'- cion ol tin: f illuri:
nt i.nlic-iili in .-ii.il a j'.Ht triliu'.i' to lii inoi.
i i y. which In- Ion noil cm ni--t!y .-iuaiii!-!
the O.tltM'i'.'. :tlii ilini-hll:i lit Ol (if-
i I II I Oll ' lUl .
I. I li.1l ( ,l"Ui ' 'ilii'iSl.cl Hi i -II-'ii:i!c l I --.
.Uii.iti'iiH Ins t ti too l,i;.'l:!y lvorc-l l.y
liolii t-tat'! ali't l':i!n-l cii,Rtii,n, nil' I il-
I'.in iniU f.,r l.ii rdui r s :u f iii'Vii) i-t(-nt
w Uli the '! 1 n cl co njitlon ol tin Ui.'.i
in aii'i l.ii ni'.'i int'-rt-t' ol the country:
v.o oi,;io.-i- liTiln c i ti i- trii'-r.t" lur it i j i '
h.-'.cl'.t u-. tin; i :.fB ' ol o'lifr Itit-r.
l.:i!.'.r;il. I '. J Hal L0U,.l LUV.' tin -a'.-
i ii;,hoiu :ui. t!i'- -IwiiM In- left It"- t'i
I iii:iu-i li.. ir o .ii ici.il. -n . 'i In- ir.'M t
. ititr id Ii' ' I) hx,,!-, )m iioi.'i j. iilii -.
I i. n,-,t ;- a '-cj t t'iC a-liu(.i.i'l"li "I'
i 'a-l.-'iii, iii nijil.:; cniH-i rijli.-.' -t ili'lil' '
j noli- m iliiin-ci-to (,''.vi n iniiiH : "In
1 1 :.'.' of l ii -j I -I, .11 not '-.i-l. to i -in ii .- our
t i.t i t:.ii.lii- ut, nor 1: -warl itie
-Julry 1' -a-ouol o I j t . h'. ; in-i:c? which
tfai-hni Uli! thi! li tilt ti) liO'ili 1.0 IkIJ
kuboril.nale In ciwl .wi r-" A '-or-.tinly
Ui ill' ru e i.l Hit' IciK.rji aniiy, and any
utteiiijit 'n cni)l'i it a : ifctti. au !i.;;iil-l
1 -.li-ral auiliorlty, or !.ir nit-ru m-i' itti t !n
tri'.tf iu iilitol tut-, v.r.l rc--i-i. -oil
tii'iiif-tl en nt-'. o.;o 1'ion (.1 til-- I'i-iU".:-t'u.-)
of lcmiyv:iiii i ; Unit the '.' ni.i'lon
of cniilnYti!i-iit of hjsuy tlioii.-:iii-l-- of in-(Jn-iiioiu
cilii-ii-t aii'l lahorer-, mi-l t!.'.-
(JcCi ili-trt'-S of thllnllMi :,L'I liU.;iici
i i.ii -t our Li :u ty -; uii:ilhy, -nit - '!i-c!urc,
in the l..r.nu! c 01 .Idler on. ti.'. loumu-j- ot
our ..irty, thm ,-i win- :ml friijl :-nVi.in-m-iit,
whi' h -l..iU re-train men from ii..,ur
in:; one another, ami shall lcse them uth-r-s.i-
Ire to i-ui'iliti! tlj-irown iniriiit- of
linlu-try a.cl iiiii'i'.Vi-moLt, aii-l -hall r.o!
tike from t.'iu mouth of UU.r the hi. 'i l it
hu.i cririicl, H I he bojie of the jit'ople ill a !
vcraiiy i.n l llitir security in prn.irity.
un. I that iiC'ltr -'icli government, which ii
in tin' miijioii ot tl..' In-iiiocr icy t-inia.ntain
nn. I j.c-rj-i-: uiitf, any rc-nrt t ) loi ' ". or .ol
atioii of law, or invasiou ol I i-;ht- -I rton
or of i rojicrty to rt'lren itricvani--, it
necillirah atnJ at ar with In e in-litutioi,!,
iimlcr whh-li the only rightful remedy is
h thi-recjriiiit'clceUoiuo!rc.r' ;,-nt'itive
ol the I'cople in late leislaturos and the
federal conrc.-s, to ui'(-oiEili-U t!i( will of
the majority, which .houM h' nci oi't' d tu
tliu vot-e of all.
:, That many of our rich men Lav; not
been content with cjiial protection and
e'l'ial henttiti, but have bt-oiiyht n to
)iikc them ikherb) act--cl con-re1!-; and,
by aticuintir.jr to ijral ify their de-ire-, we
liae, in the reniilt-ot our Ic-Mation-, it
rayed neelinn aaiiiit sccLion, intnett
uain-t in!erft. man ajjaln-t mini, in fear
till commotion, and, therefore, i'ie I'nn.t
b the. h Ljiia;iii'-s of --tatts or h i niuinon-v.-caltli
ol exclusive privilege ami tin: (--t-iMMiMn
nl ol O'lioin niouoi'Olic.-. under
tlao pretext ol public bem-iit or ol'ju-!i-r; to
c'-rtain -ectlons of tlio country, are a direct
asaull upon the Ciuni lifrhl of tbu people;
ttii.l ari the-e iimunpolies have been contriv
ed lo enrich the few, wbibt a larte niiinbcr
ol people an- reduced to wan, the Democ
racy of I'emi-ykaiiia protects n;'air.-t -,il).
hidics, land trrant, loans of public credit
and appropriation of the people's mom v
to any corporation as legalized plunder of
the tax-iiayins interest of the country.
7. That we look with alarm and appre
hension upon the preten-iona of thj great
lianspottalinn company to be above the
luii'l.iinent-il law ol this commonwealth,
which govern all tl.-io wituiu our border,
and until they accept the constitution of
lt-7'i in L'ood faith, they bhould remain ol -jocts
ol tlio Ulmost vlyihinco and je:ilou-y
by the le'Maturc and the pcoplo.
,'i .,(.., That we hereby reailirm and
ii'lnpt the liuuiicial resolution of the nation
al iJulnoeratii- platlorm, adopted at St,
Loiil-i, In l7d.
iti tii al
i Insurance Agents
City National Bisk Building, np-stairi.
rilu OldaatKaUbllahed Ajroucy In fouttj
ro IlUnoU, repreiantin' ov t
165 000 000
Offl-., EsaUa-tln, 33 w
A Mi ihe rcr-V(-rM
dyauepti ', bbou
;: 3
isuu'urer, irliu
'leycr ninl Bv'ii
iu.t, h theyi..' i
ernl health, clteeriul
plrlts, and good up
r pviiic; ti.ey will IH
TTT you by mi Ina f'nu-
nion'i Liver H'lK
latnr. Till C :il.AI'l,-l, A Mi Jll.Vl' KAMI -V..MI II
n ii; is j hi; wni'i.n. I
i-.-i i.VM'i,i-iA,( o.NsTii'ATiiN..i..iMi ,'
'ill-iii attacks, MCU IIIAHAi III-, iw, !
tr imonol .-pints., SOI KSloMsUI, 1 1 1 1 .
J:u n, i-tr., 4-tc. I
, , . ....v.. ..I.. I. W'Y- I
I ,1111 lllll I RM)-I1 .-,)'. L-I'l .1 I.t-Il", I
truuy ii liino'is huh lanri, but i-t
i :iti..!iitiu' t.liOn-r Hotilli(-rti root uiel li- r lid w hii I'
. . .
un H.I w i'K pinvhii ic e lia- j'lii-'.l in coiinti ici ; nmi'i join
v.'l.cre l.ivi i- Iii-.-h ei pru - il . H will cunt nil ,
( iM-n-.n m-i-,1-1 l,y uiat. i-iiii ut 'm tins I er , p,;v Kakclay, t.iiA.-,. 1,i.n.iur,
Ull I linWrels. I t. M Mill K'l.KUlf, HAt.r, Ij i'-lill',
-l h'- -. yni (.(: ot l.hi i-l.'-niiit-iiil en: a bit-1 It. if i.i'rmsoiu II J,. 1! .-..'. i.;i,a i ,
tcr or h:ci Jii-Ic in tin' inn-Ill ; I'aiti in tic: l-acli , . J. M I'tui.i.icrt.
iii-ii or .liiint!-, of U:ti ini-i.il.'-i I'-r riiiiiiiia-.
li-inj -'iiir -toii,.nli, i'i-- nl :i(ii-liN', Cuwl
lilli-ril,-i!"l)- I , ; lui'i I:,-, lu'ii'l." li". 1'is "1 i
v. In ry, witilu fueiit'.! ;i n-itllnli el Ii-Ul-H
f-iii-'l I'i i-oliH-iiiti.ir wi.ii-ii iii-!il t'j lu i' i TS'I KHLHI j.ui I en (li-i"i. if;i at the ite el pi
l.ii n I ;iif, .!(!, ility, low -i.ii.i-. u ihii-!. -1-! i. p. r i.i.nt, r iiMitim, Ifuri li I't ur-l ,xii.ldii-li.H-
U..'.-l-;.l- i- ol ti- , l .-i jl.lt (-):-, u -liy t-flr t. lnti ri i.l m iHttelmw n if. ii-l.li il i IMIll'
ciifh olt.-n itiinluk'ii t-ir c-.i.niinl.li'.ii. ! li if.-ly tn tlui -iiiiri.ul of u,e (Ui-i-,itf , tlii-iehy
-iiieiiiiu iiiiinyiil llir-e hyn.jitiiiin, iit'-iil , iviii- tlii-ni Miiiuioiiii.i iiiti u'.-t
tin- ih-i at iii!-r, veiv . v,b. Hi" liver, tin-
lint'e-1 "ifuri in tin-1, (.'If, ii iC'.-iiPiiiHy llic- nut
ol il.,.-,.-, iiml ii not r vniiit-l in lime, a real IfarriCd Women ftYlrl rhilrlfAri tr.ftw
w l.-l.nliie-. an. I 111. A HI will ell-
I c hi p . .,ii,ii,. n'l uf !,n eftli ii. i..i. n-tiii -ly for i
'ii-i nM-i nt r In- I.t ver, I li-arliiiir-i mi'l l)v- j.ia,
Miniii'.ii 1 I.ivi-r Kt-irc at-r I.K.i- Wi ,dk:i, ;
l.ii. ,ln -,-r -tr'et, A, .i-taiit I'.i.inia.-t-r, 1'lnl .
"'Uetev.-ii-te-l i. virtu.-.. i:v, i.i.-l I B 'l.M tTXfA" U,","" ' U', , "'?
n ,.,, ,, ,ri,r.i., Itiiiou-,..-,, a.... ! tttar '"' -'
I nr in.' Hi nihil I, i t - tin-In -t Ini iln ilic tin-i
ttuil I ner u', V,c line tr.il li.nv nfn-r' u, .., ,
r.ni.'l,'. u-t.,,.- - ., ,-' l..w l!.--ila'..,..i W. HYSfcOP.l-tt.i..ur.r.
ic" i' tic in V i ii-ii,',i-tl, -li ti ini-'-rai v i
nl"!-, 1-it l-i- '..-.-..! i '-.r m. i ni.lv n-i.i -'l . Tilt
I. it ii;t-l ii., . ' - l.i,. J 1 1 ami M - : 11.
if. . M:ii I i. j
mad hkkatii 1 National Bank
M-n.i i i '-.'i nr. - .-a ..r.t. i.i.ii.ii.,- .i cimnon
i-i t,j. I 1,1, nth. ;ni. t In 1;, ui I ,. ,-i i , it i-mil-i,
1 1 -.ii. I i.e i -in ii-li, .ii,, I -,ii, i - -.. , :e,il y r-i t-
-I 1 1 ;. -a will t ike Smiii'ii, .' l.i-.-r hi r'uiat-r. i
Iin i, ol ',i,-i(t -,i - ui" n ii liiu.'! loi t'iiii
1-iIm vi-'ii -, r-li r. It .ill uii. .nil, i. c i.in
A i t i'i-, , - i!i,,li i.,n, a: I i .H '-l ,il III uitli i
ii i;. D:cm:
i ,
t: UI kf Ii:v'H !i''N
';r- in..-t f,i
lit: . . J :.i ii.it if m r ; Vi-
uri-iiiif tji.ru uiiK 1 1 fty 'li.'i'lnj .iij.tit,: (
' ' ' 1 ' -iVfrf- ),tlL )! li, ! t,t .l-i. Ut 'f,riiJ.illH 't
'a it i 'if.aifrftit' ' niiii'iii, .sriil I'.u roii-ti'iif-
'A!; tt (f jOn.-it'' v . iiu J'k ll'il'iattj'' I'-ri
IC1NE, j
i.l.nl.1 I-iir in.. leal t einihl , t,-vi-! I
.-1 in tec i-jiiic lia ).y )ii' i .rin. ti in ;u.y I
i j.r. .ui ,iti"n, ii.': a (.'i-i.iie l.atl.ii le u
hi i liii loin'. , an mi' '( j.tur.al ii: aitif.iiixi-1
i n r'.iii l.iirr.-t.-. - - l ull iniiiintie- -I '
I. .--. , . -e l,-i;'iia! -iii-i-i-.. Iiih h'li-ii'l'-'l , f
. i:..;: i- ; . no a I'Kai 'ii 'l a U.n
t I l- l '. I. A I. M'M IF'
A:- ft Ui in':'ly in
MM.Mllnl- I K l.l'.-i, HO A I-1. MiV-l
1 I.AIMs, HiMl'hl'sl , MKM A I. HKI'Kr -.1
M ;.KK-H.sSKs-. .1 At MiH K. . ,i-
r. k. -It K Hl.AlIM I IK. I iil.li t ii' -111'- !
A 1 1' ' in-1 1:1 .int ,-M.s - i
Al in i.l Willi li.!., AN I II'I I K. nil eliui , hi j
-lii,i,i:-iii.il vni-i ai.'l i'i--1 tuny I.,- tii-nl wiili
nui I'-ar. A a l.'i-mt-.lv in -MAI.AI'.I' il 'it
I I.', hi: , J'.' i -VI. I. fi'iMI'l. WVIs, 111 - T-I
II - M I UMil' K, Al -KA, !
I l'-l I A ' li III II njl.t I.l
.1. II. .fcll.KS, '
riii!ilelilllj, l'.l. i
r... -'--.:-i i.y nil Hh.'ii'm. !
Sjjt'Liul Warrant Nt. 1.
I'i ts a'.- liefby yivrn tiut I.e rui:
f t. .: ri cl ,lcxDii;rc(!unly lia - rnrt'TCil 1 t-!;!:
r .t ; .nl tVi'MMi-en! up-ui pro:rty I er. i
I ) v.. llttrtint; imiiTuv: riiTtti ul vAtw j!k, to-w
Noit(M;il'- Iltli ;tr t U-t'-vciiCinifiert! .'V- u
aii't f uAt itrct-t
'id- Utll strteV kt(.-'.ci'lH r.Itiini-iC u't 1
ue. ul 1'ci.iiar street
Sfnitli f.ile llih sirc't L t. fen tm Jljrt l.ii .1 von
al- I Wtt-ihirftsu ;tveni:
Nr nh i.lv 1 llii (.-eiw;!!! i . i t . 11 H-n' r
Weil si ilc Wi.iut-n v-i...r Uimh l:!t ..
1 Jh str-.-e's
milhsnlr lllli -tri'ri . I v'ttl W i'Im i'tnii aven I
no Tut Walnut stxfft j
1 1 t V.iihiiiufiii :ivT.u? i"iifni 'I (.mlt 1
W..M v .Ic I'Mi-I. r 1 rt, -;:h anil ITl'.
smith Cl -iK 'fT-1 tiA-.ii W.!!-i!v.n"i!i
;i .' hiii' iitiij ilhhit ci:- l
Si.nh su! Ttii tr-e 1 lw-t ti..i CVii, wir- U 1 fii-.o
;.rv' W 3-tiiiu'ttn .iviii;4
Nfi'-tli tSn!e Till tP'ft licl vv-'u (' Mit itieh ul :n r'M f
:tt1 V:tp,liinL'Un avtimi;
Ndiiii si'i-1 1 Ji h ptrTt fi-nt'' i i-: re uv
rt:Tn-r :..s t ii'.i (. oiiitiu-i - .u ..cmit' m n!i f it
l.'iii .tret:
dtnrr I an-1 1in Art 1 - li'iM. m (.
t"CuiU Miie Hh -,!r tt l-ri.w 11 I C It U ptv!
(,'uii)nn.-l l.i i ;iifiii;c
orntt Comirpre nl av-mi' a: 1 ':-nU - ill' :.'!
1 urrv Lev" .ir''t 'rTiili sit' mIi .titv t
Nonh5i'.!c Mthatrc-:t l.tweii W.iri-.t-n ;;v
f.'n'ie and f'opl.ir t"i
crncr I.evr and 4ih JrB,',---r.',rth u-:
Nwrth -iiile lth slift l.rtf-Mi WiViiiii. n a.cuU'
mI Wat hut iti-rt
.Norih s'uie 1-tli rt 1 -t hrt vern W.ilr.ut amU'cdnr
North iMr stn,,t buvrrn l.evcr strctt ini'J
North &iile IhiIi sirt Ix".xmi I J il strip and j
Conimeraial avrnnc
Northsifie .rwt l-ftuxcn 1 (.' H R rip atJ j
Cuinmcn ial avrtii j
South 5ii!c 'JmIi strrt (."vi'v-n itieel and;
1 (' U K tnp
W'-.lsiil'- Jl ilnr nt lx-ueii Kih ai. ! If'il.
houtlisit!-; Sih ptrc-'i b".-.'.rrn l. v-' tnct til d
i. omih':rctjl vnn
'"'.t tf. Cedar -itn-t b-twtti l'tli yml lur.
W'-st !'Ic hcvr-; Mrcot hftw-i-n th and litl.
As W 11 liHirc fully nj.ir (mm tin1 certifi'-J rn
nl tin ii'lp,nnnl on tic in tlic oHine if llie cl-rk uf
tlicriiytit l a'ro, 111. That warrant for tin k I
lrrtiiti" ot such mtssmrnt 1 in the hands n(
nntl:rs:.',n''d All persons int'Tcsttd arc hn'l;v
notilifd tofullnnd i;iy tlw aniouuts n.esf-el, at
tli r.oll'Ttor's nfiir-p, pji CuliUU';ici.d avnr.io, wiijiiti
;i't d;iys from tlic dit-: hr:nt'.
li. K. i,AIIKKKl(,oll.ft;r.
Il.tl'-il llits Jltli duyut August. A. I), 1.-T7.
Wholesale Grocers
wommission Mcrchan
f7 Ohio Levee.
University of Virginia
0eim Oclolier 1, continue, tluiiiigh nine
iii'inilii. Il I nritaniml in nchoolt m Hie i-U'-tUr
sykt-ui, Willi full Lourai-i In Clansici, Science (with
tirnclice in Cli-aicii mill l'liysiml Laboratories ).
t.itcratuie in Liw, Mtilicine, ei'itincerinn, Natuol
History mid Practical Alfrictiltuie, H)tiiw (in
eluding cverviliiiin) boiu fiOO. Applv for Cata
logue to JAMtS F. HAIirtisiiiS, M. I).,
rialnniinol the Faculty; 1'ull-ottice, Univerjily
of Virginia,
ld.in.gr, Cotntt Twalfttw Ctxeat .xi-a
Enterprise Savings
- -
A II. AKOKD, I';, ifb i.t.
s ,t. lAil.Oli, V iiv i'r-i'ii-i,i.
1 . il V.SI.OI', Fee' y and inu n-r.
Depoflit Monoy and no ono
olfio can drav it..
OFftrlti'i. .
'ft . I' 11'- I.IUAV, trio! I'M
Hi.MIl L IIALI.H'AV, hi- I'r.tt
I- r Fiiii.Ii, I irhi t.
'nl1 ' I', il'i-l.ijl'. Ai'l l,a.l.. ,
Hi. i --in!.
a. ::rirt 1 .i h, I; tl. Cr .r inohab,
II I.. ifiU-LilAV, VV. I. JlALIiHAi
li. It il ll.l.lAU-u-t, .'T I VI'IJ h.-' lillil),
A I!, .'ir'Oiiu,
KivbfiDgG, Coin and United .'Jtatoe
Boudu Bought ond Scid.
T'sH'O'-lT riii-i-.d
XJ I.UiliLt id tlO'.i
.rul ii 'iu,f.il 'i. i'i, kii.it
f Tiro , I'rfl'Vrl. H. Wells, i'u-liiei
t'. N. II. Vl.e 1'li n't. 'f. I. Kent., A.a. Hh'(
-tn.. C-.itmtrcl.il AvttnJbi :
iir-i-s, ' itho. Win. K liu-- I mill.
.Silt, liiii.i. Win. Won.- I t'u-,,.
S -:,u!)i.u, Cuiro. K I., lililllu-ii , !
I uner, Lhiro 11. Wills, ( n.rn.
!' H . RriiiKman. m. I..M.IP,
I V l ti'iliKi.li, I iill-l'.l,,-.
t l.eueinl Uuuklng ItiKliiens iKtnc.
J-l-'scUi.i,i'-sol.lu,l liniil.t Intcrcet imi'l
I n il " -living Oepurlnuijt. I iillis!iiii,ie Inu ti.',
J li'l ul! b'j.nl, eiln lirniliiilly utt-li-li-l tn.
I ' ....
?Tew-Ycrk Store
Qcoda Eold Very Claso.
Jcnnr 10th St. arid OomnifrclaJ tv',
C. 0. PATIEB. & CO.
-i a AtU nthiii J'niil (,
M'. M T"'il 'IIMK,
lllKlillOlrc l - !.,: llllooiN.
TIIK licst i;uality of M MAT- ulH-vj
liifiilshcd. '
( Twentieth Sdeet ilpposlte Cuitrt HiitiHc.)
JOHN REESE, Proprietor.
This In the iildenl liiUmy In I ho cllv, in,
priipriilnr lo.sim nn nppoiiuulty tn ukcoiiiiuu
diite tlic iiilill".
Ileilehvcri Iri'iili bread twice a ilnv, wle n he
receive an nnler uilli -r pcrannal ur tlirmiuli tin.
He bul l's I'.iislnn llrott n brcul, nml nil k-ln.l
of Ciiki-d Hilituhle l"l' WcibliiiK liuxts, piiilieH
aiipix'i's, etc.
line liiin a tilnl. His limtto h- 'Tlie ln'Ht
of gniidn at tile lin-M ivunoniihle pili-es. ' '
yu. It. SMITH
Physician & Surgeon,
Otllce in Winter'a lllock, comer ttoTcntli nml
Commercial Avenue, lentiani'ii on Suvunth,
KeaiaeinalhlrliieiiU Str-sit, wentot WuntilnUtii
mm mi m,
Toli'.iif tin. -A.-trea.-ua-.
ryut HI I I.K'IIN It iiulilialiwl every morning
' (-iccp; ilou In the Bulletin Building, cor
nr WasliiiiKteti avenue tail Twilith itrei t.
Tue Iii LLnna ta m rvul to city tubecriUra by
laltl.lul ctrrii-MatTtTtnty-lTiTit Cent a Week,
payable WHkly, Hy Mail, (In advance) , IIijj.ct
nmim; nt muiitha, !'; ttirc momlin, or.u
nionih, tl .'.1.
I'i;liii.!i,t rviry 'l'liii! I lay ninniiiin; at tl
1 1 : ut.Diim , Invariablv in advance-, llic postag
n liii Wt.i tly ;'.! I.e iiri pitl'I nt lli'n olilo, no
ha i.uli!,! ril.i m wi! ol.tai'i I'-r a t . Iir- i Iption
r.-.i- -I I a iur.
A DVfcU'J'ia IM Q it ATK3.
It A I L V .
Ilu.-.! 1.111 I ur 1-, I...V ui.r.i.in,.
flue 6iiian!, oi.c i.,;ertlun
inn- uifunre, two mw rliona,,
iJiii! miuare, iiti w.-c ,
(tlrt Hijiiare, two m i lis
One E lllari', Ihl' i! w),j,. .
' li,(- nipirc, ot.c ti.ontti
, till
.. I I'l
. 1 Ml
... 2 S'l
. 3 SO
.. i im
W K B K I. Y .
Of., B-Jll-rr, 01,,' ill.i'-l'ltl.n, ...
Km II HU'jfUll' Iit II r.lll ,n,.
,.i no
. Ml
l.J' (Hie 111' h II' h "'JIllM .
f' I i reKUlur H'lMTib-ers we offer niiicrtnr I y
diiui.-.'.i.t.-i, i-iiUi ta to t'.ie ot i-hari'B Hnd rr.an-
wr ol ,.i.-.l:i,'lr their favor-.
Oi.mmualcitUor.a uyou aubjacta ot gin
j-rml lr.t. rc-at to the publia solicited.
tl'A'l I'li.ii.erje Iii.-i.-.Mivlil.l he d-l.tr-sscil to
'i.fr( Itiilleliii t'oniiiiiy
I Ml (lit lKA!. RS-
M Holt i au-1 Kitall litakrs in
i'orcjgn Jiiid "Domestic
A K J -
W I Ti EN US' A J.It Ii I SJM,
No. CO Ohio Loves,
.,i:ssi(c, fin'ill A co. have 30E8lantlv
iVX a lurir.. tock ol tl.o bent oo.t hi tlie nmr
el, nn'l kivi ci-peeh.l aiteiitioii to I hi! Wliolcal
am II ol Hie blloiin'oa
1$ m BciiliO
I11..I1 ruin
c'aints, Oils, Varnisbcs,
vull Taper, Window Glaus, Vin
dow ShadcH, &ia,
AUr-ye ci. 1 1.11,1, il.i c. i, l,ii,t,i ilhiin ir.alln
llrowai' Xi illicit x p. ,
Corner I-lloventh 6tret autl Waablnif
ton Avi tiue
Wl.oicalc li'iil-r in
Northern Ice
OlUja, Corner Twolffli and
Ohio Lovco.
it I'I ly the Car Load or Ton Will
(lAi ked mr hhlijiin.
Wh olesale Gro cer
And licuhr In
Co 111 m if si on Merchant
I'KC.AI.Ktt,'litlul lllven In fnri.li t,D nl..n,1
HUIutr ordrsr.
NO. 203
Scribners Monthly
U hen Sri:iiiNKK I-.iUed Us laiuous Mid
Hummer llollilay .Number in July, a friendly
eruiij ala ot It : "Wo are not auio but that
(.'Kirnku has touched hlh-watcr mark.
We do not nee what worldn aro left to it to
ron'iuer." lint the publluhers do not eon
sbler Unit they have reached the ultima
thuleof excellence they beliove "there are
other worlds 1 coniiuer, and they propose
to coiiiiter them."
Tho nro-peeUis far the new volume j;lveo
tlio titles ol more than tiny papers (mostly
Illustrated), by writers ol the highest merit.
I ndcr the head of
"rorfdKn Trtivcl,'
p. o have "A H'lnti-r oil tho -Vile," by Uen.
JVl' Clelfiiii ; l-feauntci-Iu,' About Constanti
nople, " hy (Sarins Dudley Warner; "Uul
ofIy Window nt Moscow," by Kutfene
Mhuybr: "An American In 'lurkbtaii,''
etc. "Three serial -tories are aniiniinced-
"Nu.holaa Mmturn,"
lly lr. Ilolliuid. the IMitor,
win, eutorj of'Sevi'lloaks " -'avethi! htf.'.i
e-t satl lactiou In the, ruailcrs of the
The Hei ne ol this latent novel is laid or.
the ball!. n ol the llml-on. The, hero is a
yoiiti),' man who has been always "tied to a
wum.nl s iitiron btrini's,-' but ulin, by the
death of his mother, is left ahum in ihe
world to ilnlt on the current of lile - tvltli
a Inrtiinc, hut wltuouf a purpose,
Another serial, "tjjii Inheritance,-' dy
Miss Tralton, w ill hcKin on tho completion
ol "That l.so' l.owrie'n," by Mrs. Iloiljf
on liurnelt. Mrs. lliirm.'tt's ftury, beaun
in August, has a pathos and dramatic powei
which haw het-li a surprise to the public,
'lhcre in to ha a hcriei ol original iind ex
quisitely illustrated papers of J'opulm Sei-en-e,"
hy .Mrs. lierriek, each paper com
plete in iletll.
'1 here are tube, from varbiu; pins, pnperii
' Homtt I.ila and Travel"
Also, practical supiefitionB aa to town am.
country lite, village' Improvements, etc, j
well-known sieeialist.
Mr. ibiruurii'u artlelen on various indtis
iries ol (iroat iiritaiu include the hb-tory 01
"Sonic txperinienta in Co-operation," "A
Scoti-h Loaf Factory" iu the Novemhei
number, and "Toad Lane, itoehdale," In
December. Other papers are, "The Britist
Workinirman's Home,'' "A Nation of Shop
keepers," "Ha'penny a iTock for tne Child,'
A richly tlliMraUd series will be piven 01,
"American Sports by Hood and Kield," by
iiuiuus vuuers, anu eai-u on aitiiurenl
theme-. The subject of
"HDaajllali an! H3'Ln3; ar.itiua"
will have a prominent place, whilst the
productions 01 American humorUs will up.
pear from month to month. 'Ihe list 01
fiiorter tstorics, biographical and otu.i
bketcbes, etc., is a lom; one.
TUo cuitorial departmentwill continue to
employ the ablest pens both at homo sun
abroad. There will be a series ol letters on
literary matter", lrom London, by Mr. W'el
ford. The pa.ee, of the magazine will be open,
us heretofore, io far as limited space wlh
permit, to the discussion of all themes til
lectin;,' the social and religion lite ot the
world, and specially to tho freshest thought
ot the Chri. tiau tliiukeis and scholars o'
this country.
We mean to make the magazine sweetet
and purer, hl;;hcr and nobler, more genial
and k'CUeroua In all its utterances and inHu
encis, and a more welcome visitor tha i
ever before in homes of reliucmeut and cul
ture FIFTEEN MONTHS for fi 1.
HciunN'Kit for Deeemner, now ready,
and w hich contains the opening chanters 01
'-Nicholas Minturn," will he read witij eayer
curiosity and interest, l'erhaps no more
readable number of this magazine has ye
been isuued. The three numbers of Hcrib
ncr for Aukum, heptember, and Octobei
contalninu tho opening chapters ot "The
Last 0' Lowrie's," will bo Riven to every
new subscriber (who requests it), aud
whose subcrlption begins with tho present
volume, 1. e., with the November number.
Subscription price, ij-1 a year 3.'i rents a
number. Special terms on bound volumes.
Subscribe with the nearest bookseller, 01
send a check or I. 0. money order to
Hi iiroaawav, a. V.
il'1'V leliel lo i iiiliiK liii-u iruui
itie etVcctrf nf rn-iira unit nhii..-. in!
Ci 4 early lile. Slaubooil liestorerl. Im- O
uJ O pcilliueiits tn inairiii.'b removed. lej
LJ Mew nietlioil of treutment -uw ET
c and reniarkable remedies. Biinkn'Jf
aSrvj and circulars pint free In sealed P
envelopes. Addirsa How abd As- Q
CJ r. arii-iiTli.N 4111 V Vintl, b. i.llu
5 2! dclphia. l'a. An institution hav- S
S M Ina a high reisutatiou Inr honor-;''
,ahle conduct and professioualj
A Repository of Fasaion, PI
and Instruction ''
Harper's Bazar.
NOTK IS OF TUE rll: 1.
Km slnc.tly household matters anildreas, HAn
rKtt's Ba.ah is altoKelher the best tlitnK puh-li.-hiil.
To tahn it isa matter ol economy. No
lady can nll'ord to lie without it, for the inliiriiia
tiou it Rives will savehervery much more money
tluin the iili8i'i'i'ti--ii price, besHi-a givlnir the
nuusf-huM an intciesliiiK literary visitor. Chi
cai:n Journal.
llitii'Kii's Hazaii Is profusely illustrated, and
contains stories, mhiiis, sketches, nml essays ol
a most attractive diameter. Initsliter
ry and urtistic feutures, the Hahzar is tinuurs.
tinnulily the best Journal of its kind in Ih) coun
117. -Saturday KvctiliiK liawtte II tlun,
atai froa to all Hubacribers in the
United States.
II Attimt s IIaiizah, one year yl nrt
l (l Includes prepaymeu, f L'. pootatte by
the imblisliers.
Siiliseiiptions fo ll.tni-ttn's Maoaink, Wkkh
LV, and II A.'. AH, In one sdilress lor one Vear. gl'M
or, two of Harper's Periodicals, lo utiu addrroi
lor one year, ui'! pnstag lris
Au K.xini copy 01 ettlior tne .mitriilne, weet
ly, or linear will Iw supplied itmtis for wary
Cliihol'KiVK MrnscMiiKiis at 41 noeseli, in 011
rt'inlttaiicei or, Mix t uples for fin 11), without
extra cony i nostiiiro free
Hack Niimliers can be supplied al any time.
The Volumes ol the Da.au commence with
tho rear. W In n no time is mentioned, It will
lie understood that, the suhserllier wishes to com
mence with the number next alter the receipt ol
llie Annual Volumes of Karpkh'h Ba?.ar, in
pent cloUi blndinff, will he sent by express, fre
ol'c.xprnse, r ; no coniplcte bet,
eoiaiirislnir Mite Volumes, sent on rnvlnt !
cash at th.irateofaii) pur volume, lrrigiit at
..inssaw iiui,,ifcn.-r,
Chilli Cases iiirCHi-li volume. in,tAl,lfni.,.l
?! Lw" !" ,BUt l,y ,u iPostl'ald, on receipt ol
1.00 each.
Indexes .0 each vohtumc sent (rrsllt on receipt
Newspsners are not to oopy tliisadvartisentrnt
atm'ltii.tsxt'lrnri as, v (.irHdi. I . . . f I . . . . r
" . 1 a i.t-.-5 "iwaa OBOTH
uA.tl'tRS BnOTnKIl", Nrw Tor
ijnn (' Ti-Ta ,111 1 1, ."i-, -
il Ul) o.ei ti x months) ciil,VV OOlt 1- ux 4
:rNew Hanoi atholellk:'l".-?!
iff Nearly nw, 20; llitnpn $lJ(a ,,0p7t'J
H''l '"P irou., "i; 9 Upttiw : 1
New organ r wholej.ile, Beware imitation
Hmi otter eeer made, HKAD Bent an ta I.t
days' lest trial Money refunded and freight pair!
boili wayt If unaatlifactory it IsM AGR.V13
WANTtf) liiscouau to Teachen. Aflnnten tie
AddreM UA-MKi. i-' LKAIXX, WatUctca
New Jersey. ,
?fifl S Treek ln yur own town. :Temi and
pOO S outfit lrtw. II, H ALLET k CO.. Port.
land. Maine.
VTa.Ma '
MOTIItllSWHO DOSE their darllnfs wlih
";,"' PurRf'is innir a fearfnl respomibillty 1'ka
KeijU". mnderHie, yei effective, laxative, alterative,
anu aml-btlloui operation of TarrfMlt'a Iclta-
r P,,r,nt peculiarly adapts It lothe disorden
ofclnl'lien. . ,
S5 til $20 V,TJ,aY home- Samples worth
11 . f 6ftw)" "-TWS0-N4CO., Port
land, Maine.
TOBACCO ! "- .
was awar ted the first premium at Centennial Expo
sitirn for Hue cbawing qualtti., the excellent nd
iatuanractrof iu iwteteajfrtj and flaven-rnf Jf
...... ,i,c uviuiua:co ever mane, as yourroct t
for this, and see that each plug bean our blue stria
trail mark with the words Jackson't bent on It.
Sold wholesale by all jobbers .Send for sample lo
C A .JAtKsO.N i t'U, Manufacturers, Petersbuip,
Extra Fine Mixed Card, with nam
10 ota . ix -a-rxml. L. .loNRSi A i ll
Nani.au, . Y. , '
C 1 a a (lav at home. Apenta wanteil. Ontfit
mid terms free. TRl'K Jk CO., Augusta,
f.i'lirfl 'IVIi'irriiiili v wiih n&
1 all'lvoiiuill he tiUircrl in churfe
I nl salaried WciHrti L'ninii OfTluM. Main trlc
Ijrapli wires in school. I'romniion certain. JW-It'-.,
with stamp, W'K.-TtltN SCllUUl. Ui1
1 r.l.l.i.lt A PA 11, Knglewocd, Ills,
One li.iarr ; now thoroughly Utabhshed. Kever
since man suffered and human agenda alleviated -pam,
has there been anything whuti vent sotarasv
a pain annihilatorand curative agent as the Centaur
Linements. 1 hese Linements have within the nam
year cured more cases of iiheumatism, Nenralgia,
Milt joints, Caked Breasts, bweilinga. Poisonous
Ilif i, Lame Animals, etc . than all nihes remeiU.s
combined. As the name of i.'entaur implies half
horse and half man, thehe name the Centaur Line
ments are tor man and beait. Jim not the tame
Liniment. Ihe While Liniment is for niaa the
yellow for hordes and animals. Herein that
Liniment differs from other remedies, although
iome of the increments are alike in each. They
contain lac well-known witch haiel arniia, carbol-'
ic, iuckoii, memnaana outer powerful Ingredient",
Vm. II. lliikosc, rec.or of St John's church,
VA alicfieid, Clay count)' , Kansas, wnm: "Many
ycar have I been suffering from a weak back, caused
from a sprain more than 4'i years 1120. 1 have net
found anything to relieve me until I commenced the
use of Centaur Linement I feel It mv christian
(buy to inform vou that bv its wonderful .lWn I mm
nnrciy reneveu 01 pain. January 22d. WJ7.
-Messrs . J .ucuure & Co,, uruj
naii. O. . lavs'
dniggms, Cinciu-
' ' Teamsters pronounce the Yellow Centattr Lini
ment superior to any thins they have ever used.
We sell several doren bottles every month, and the
sale is steadily increasintj."
incaeare o-iy sampiet ot thousands upon thous
ands of similar testimonials reaching us evety
month. All the extracts, embrocations, lalves
anil ointments in existenceare not doing one.tentli
the good which is done bv these admirable Cen
taur Liniments. For frost bltee, stings, cuts, Itch,
salt rheum, etc., nothing is like the Centaur Lini
ment, white wrapper. For spavin, ring bone,
Sweeny, wind nails, poll evil, scratches, etc.. on
horses the yellow Centaur Liniment is eouallv.
good. They are certain in their effects, Jthey ate
pieasiini to use, tney are nanay ana they are cheap.
So Umily should be without Centaur Liniiaenu.
1 neyare worth one hundred times their cost.
J. B. KUhE & CO. , 4tt lleystreet, New York.
To Consumptives.
Constmintion. that seourire of hnmanltv. fa
thi-Kreat dread ot the human family, in ail ciril
ed countries.
J Icel cotilldent that I am ln nossesslon of tha
only sure, infallible, remedy now known to
im proienmon ior toe speeuy. positive ear 01
bin dread disease, and its unwelcome concom
itants, viz. Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis, Jier-
vuiw uruiiiiv, etc., eic. 1 am 01a lotty. 1 be-
ti'-ie 111 luenieine. t wenty-eignt year expe
rience as a busy practitioner iu Ihe best con
sumption hospitals in the old antl new world,
has taught me the value of proper medics Uoa
both local huiI constitutional tn the cut" of this
freat enejuy of our raca I have found it But
am diirresssing. I started eat to say to those
siillering with cousuruotion or anv of th.
iiiuluilies, that by address ng rae. giving aymps
toms, they shall lie put la possession jotlils
irrnit boon, without charge, and sball have the
benefit of my experience In thousands of case
successfully treuteu. Full particulars, diree
tions for pre anition and use, and advice and
instructions for successful treatment at your
own home, will be received by you by return
man, iree 01 cuariru, ny auuressins
Vfally 1C7 Jefferson street Louisvill
Coffee. Sugar & Synnt,
Spocialt7 in Toas.J
Goods Deliverod Promptly.
Adinlnlalrntor'a Notles). -
K.tnte ot Bridget Clark, deocued. '
The undersigned, having been appointed '
tdmlnis'rator Cuui Testamento Anaava '
of tlie estate of Bridget Clark, late of
1 nu vjimiy 01 Aiexaoaer 'tad
Stats ot Illinois, deceased, hereby
Klvei notice that he will appear before 1
the county court of Alexander eounty.rt ,
the court house ln Cairo at the October term
on the third Monday In Oct. next, at wide '
time all persons having claim against etdd
estate are notified and requested to itleatt
for tho purpose ot bavintf the lame ad-. '
lusted. All person Indepted to said e. -tute
are Tequosted to make immediate Day.
ment to the uaderslimed. - , '
Dated, tbla 81st day ot August,!. D. '
1877. ALFKtDCOMINOo, AdVr.'-'
wul Cuia leatamento Aomio
' -r; M.l Iislrit tlHBlt4r.ai4
X HitMt. fltUllM., MMk.tf.
.11' 1 lor luf.Urt.lan. am. (
U. u""-' t' " -ign '
I' -..'iHii
I . '. i,

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