OCR Interpretation

The Cairo bulletin. [volume] (Cairo, Ill.) 1872-1878, September 07, 1877, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85033413/1877-09-07/ed-1/seq-4/

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Xt i Worth U U 1
fhn oo.
irfiaie M"t 1 Will "W ",,.( n, ?
g,I .TjTll.rV" a matTm Herat lllusiraie.l
turomo. entitled
" "7. ...i n,m ilea. Tll.tlVl"
uflliecliiotnn, in
ri,Vui ihuiumau-d colore ..r ftiim.nii.
v; tartwlt,(KXlwiK-, minute
' 1 nave worJ W f I. ,
Iio you know wlii to d" .
, , Alotuar. 'lu our woddmif '"J
V wbeo the'"" I
oriy yearaaKO to-day t
Then wht pUn we Ull together;
, . , What brave thing 1 meant V'!1": ,w
, ' ? Conjil weureain to-dav would ttud us
' .VtthUtable-nieaiid Tonf
IrMerse, no doubt-and Tt J
teometimea think I c;nmt till
Had our boy-ah, esl ' I"1"' ,u';"
f e, Ht diKth ll thine will.
Well we've had our Joy an T nn-rows,
Shared our Mi.dcs aj wi-U .w tears,
nd-the ls.-at ol nil I 'vt- hwl Juur
Faithful love foi limy year,
f Poor we've been, hut not roraiisen;
' V Urltf we've Known, hul never aluM.e
,l ..'..Father far Thy einlleaii mi-rcic
- T,.:n u.. Tin- lb.lv nana i
i Th a ia a rare
fur you I" iimkcnion-
I t-y we i l'J
tu. . - .. ,
.h r.ilnntis-
lion and Riv JM iwriuir . ...
u one dollar. ..o u ... .-- ; ,
' I nni. KtViliiOl W lK'bWU Will
m tt l.H-h wif will .irwin.
Mfrrin a wwi.i
ini'ii panli'i 1" d'nu, none lrn1.
AddH The Treasure PubUhin Co.
Ayer's Cathartic Pills,
For all the purpose or a ramiir x-nyj.ii.
""" Tndweation, Foul Stomach, Breath,
Headache, Eryipel, Kheuuiu-
:7,.m. Eruption and Skin Disennes,
i)Uiounes, Dropsy, Tumors,
. Worms, Neuralgia; M JJin
t.. iiRojier PU1, for punfyinK the Blood,
- Arii 1 lit 1: IIM
..iV.wt U i Mllll
tf iriiuvcoviriiis-
covi'rcil. 'l'U J'
iinl.l, l.ul
v t?'" oH'i'ct mil in
i-TViliV their oporn-
till! hllHll
nil lily l"l
willmlit imill.
!!' Alllmntili
are Hill ilm most thoroua-t
tn rmlmrt c momcHHs nil".
oinnlnvcd : tleansln!J tllf
flomiu'u iiiin
v.,miu nrifl ovpn the blood. I n Mit.'ill
' ' loeor oue pill a day, tbi-y Btiuiulatc
"tlie digestive organs aud iiwmote ia-
orous health. , , .
i .. vtt i e lisvn been known for
more than a quarter of a century, mid
have obtained a world-wide reputation
fr their virtues. They correct dis
eased action in the several asMiuila
.. five organs of the body, and are so
''fompowd that obstructions within
their range can rarely with-.taiid or
evade them. Sot only do they cure
t. ovr-rv-da complaints of i very-
. . vAw hntalan formidable and datiL'i r-
a ' oos dlveases that bate baflled the licit
' of human fckiU. whue tney prwuix
.1 txrwerful effects, they are, at the ainii
, arvt nnd best t'hvsit: lor
"eWld'ren. . Bv their aperient action
' they gripe much less than the common
s i.iir'.ntive find never clve taiu when
theci)oweLs are not inflamed. They
reach the vital fountains of the blond
and strengthen the system by frccim;
ft from the elements of veukne.
Adanted to all a-es and conditions
n nil climate, contiiiuiim r.eitlur
... mfckmel' nor anv dcleleiions dn
V these pills mnv be taken with safely
'" ,v anybody. Their su'ar-coatiic P'e-
keri-is fhem ever fresh ami inahi-u
them pleasant to take; while beinu'
1 u rely vegetable, no harm can arise
. . from their use iu any fniant ii y.
i . , rari-AatD ur .
M Dr.:j, C. AYER L C0M Lowell, Mass.,
' " Pracllcal and Aiialjlieal ChemUU.
tiU 11V ALL DRVCOLvm tVEtlVWIlKlll.
"A Oompleta Pictorial Htatory of th
Xlmea."-"The baet oheapeat, and
most auvoeaaful Family Paper
in the Union.
Harper's Weolsly
voTicaa or tiik i iiKps.
HAUftU'B VYKKaLY. ehould I in every
iamily (hrouKbont the land, aa a imn-r, more in
Ureating, higlier-toned, hetier-lflutratiil papfr
ia not published in Una or au oilier touuiry,
tomniercial llullelin, lloatun.
Ine W Kl.KLY i the only illustrated iiajnT ol
the day thai in 11 ea.eutul cuuructerintic.
rec"tiiiii.lua i national iai.er. llrooklyn hale.
IUe lea-limtarlielea In 11 AHl'hU'n V hl.hl.Y
. on puliUoal I'H.loa are inodeU of liiirh-tu..ed ilia
cuaaioQ, and iu pictorial llluatruuom ure often
- i-orroborauve arKUmenl of no ainail turee.
. Kiamlaer and Chronicle, N. Y.
'J ha VYLkLY baa to a atlll lurer Uia.-rce .li
tanned ail eoniietitora aa au illui-tratcl in-wa-patior.
ItaediUHiala areaniotiK tne moat al.le o.
lUeir kind, and ita otliei reaniiiKinata-r it uton.'t
learned, brilliant, and ainuaiiiK. ta illu-lra-liona
are aliundaint and ol rate ei.-eile a.'v . t In la
- Uan Advocate, N. .
Foataiie tree to all Subscnbara in th
United Statea.
ll.VHl'ER'S WL15K1.Y. oue rear ... nO
4 HO includes .reaiyuieiil ol U . s. poehutc hy
the imblialiera.
hulwcriuiione to ITAKI'F.H'S MAdAZlNE
, WKKhtY.and ItAXAlt, to one atdreaa li.rone
' -year. ! "t or two of llan"-r'a IVriodieala, to
one anreaa lor oue year, , ui: )ioeiiii!e tn-.
' - An fcntr Cot.v ot either the Maiiaxine, VY.s.k
ly, or Hanurwill be aiiiilicd (rratia I0r every
Junior rive subaeriiwr. at i'i" emu, in oue re
, iniUauce: or, MX Coplea lor on, williou
- eartra eopy. postage free
Mack nuiiibi-r can Ik anr.nllcl at any time.
Ihe Volumea of the tVeea y commence- wit..
1 h year. When no time Ii iiieiuioiied, il will Ik
u leraiood lllut the uli-.crilr Wioliee lo com-
ce witn the nmnher next after tne rrteipt ol
1 a order.
- Tne annml Vulume n Htti"-r' Weekly, In
eat cloth hin linn, will he ...nl t.y i-xprcaa. Ins
" leflptnta, for; o.ea.rfl. A "'...l.,l"'te rtel, coin
lirtlll 1'weilty Voluilie.i, neul on l'.'i'a:iit ofisuih
ihe rate nfa". Ti r volu .li", freight al expeiine
" uurchas-'r.
" tiottJ Oiaei ftreieh Toluin- rni'uhle for lilnd
' a;, wlllhceeut oy in ul, d-.I u 1, on receipt oi
" on each.
, Indexes to eas'j VulU'iic ient gratia oil receipt
Newatrtper are not to copy tliia advi-rtisenu n t
. iUioui lha exiirea orler oi llari-r lliotlm a.
' Aildrea HAUr-tU 4 UllOlllKKs
-ll l'w York
All Buflcrera Iroio lhl U!ax-aii
auxiomui i cured bLouIJ try I'r. Ki
ner'a Celehrated Coiiaiiiuptive l'owdirs.
I ueae powders are Ilia oiny prepuruiou
kuown that will cure toii-iiiiiplion ami all
Uiaeaaoa af tb tbrijat ah"l lulit.' ludee.l,
no alroiiK Ih our faiih in tliun, nnd a au to
rt ouvluc JOU that ihey are to liuinl.llr-, we
II wUtortard to every nilkrer, I) mail
poaipald, a free trial box.
We don't waul your money null! you ate
perluctiy tallatied ol their curative powers.
If ytmllfots vvorilikluK, duo'l ttvlay in
J f l1g therfriowiterr. a uia.1, us tiny
W'Hitfreiy tare yu.
Prli. lor lariire box. fi. at nt tu t-uy pari
ol e i'atwi lalor Clmiada l.y uiail oil
rrlptofpiloe. Addrt ,
vtts 1"!,Bti& BOBBINS,
m FulUin bUett. Drhoklvn, N. V.
weal a do..
auaer a, wrnia. a.vu
ualiTlo awl Aanla.
aWi'lla u't Ii. J a
iiiss r.lt i.n is on Hi,t; ttiia
Mi tmre Aitvut'tlnluit CouUaiU can fcoirtt Sa
Hie M,l-t I II! Ill l lVllir! '"'"I' i'"
it y, U A iniii.ir, t rauu- , .....
Ii iseol Aivyle. Ja.. A. I-r..ii.u. '' "' '
Mr.iMIihiii. Mr. Atcaud. i f ib" 1 V" i, u k'
...!,... 'I i it) IiiIm. . Ill icw ill
Arim'il, il'''
llnMlrr. W. VI. M.UV. AUCliai'll
I r it i.i .,
l urlji.', i'elinii. lln-MiiiiiK. mi'i n.aii;
uru reurww iiUd in Hm i"".'i "l
Iiittell's living
Ian. 1. lsT7, 'l'MK I.IWM. A.r. i-im-i hi n
Hh MM viihiine. wi'h tli.MMiiiiiiiii-.i .1.111 "-
i nf II..- Il m 11. 1 'i unit journals ..f H m"'
Hinl ttilli C'l.liinllv I:.. liii-1HK Ml'-e'-""-
In K ; II will 1111 iui-1. i" n ii-i.'"".
Jiii li...i.lll- hiii'ii.-'fl uiilli'HH unoii- in.iii'-'
.ml lliui olll. rf i l-llli"..i:nii:
nn,l Mn.lt alolu'.t l-y tin- i.f.'iinK ri.u 1.1
int. and un minium
Unapproachod by any other Periodical
11 die world, ol il ",""t viihiii'-le literary hii.I
i-.i nllll. mailer d IhedaV. Hi'in Uu- n-n "I U''
I'll till.- KnoilVli-lil. .seil'i.us..-, vriiu a. i.i-. ". .
irs, mid Kdl'iiri., r -r.wi.linit every di i.iillliie.il
ill Knoiil'lt;'' and i r.'i;ierf.
Tin- 1 ivim; Alik.lin whi.li iu only c.in-
i.rliliir, "KVr.l.Y A I I'HIIAY,'' hn heeu
neiL-id). i u weekly liiu,:u.ii.e id i-'.ty-l"iir
i.im. , iviui; Iiii.rellun
11II1KK AM A IJL'AKTI-.lf 'I lli.HAM
d.iul.li e.jliili.n ihI-vo 1'Ut.e -'' rea iiiic'-iiiiiiu
vi-urlv. It .resi-nrs in 11 11 lm-.xiiMH- t.-i 11.
cuiiKid.-riiiR u Himmi.l ilin.tt.T.w.iiiliil.i.i
OWIIIK 10 ll weekli llle.a . 1 tt'Ilm fatlaetol'J
i-oliii.leleneii alt. Ii.pt- d lUK'H.el rahliniliou
Ilii- Ik.-I i'.h-.ny.H, Kevie, Lilll.-l-ll.s, l.llea
.Sk.-t.-lH-. ol IrUV-laiKl Hi.-.i-"Vi-r , I ..ell-y.Sl le.l
llllc, ill.. itraillK-al, ll.t.-i-al mil l-i.l.ll.al lu
furmatlull. II""' Il.e ei.i.n- utj
l-i-riodieul l.in-iiiturr.
Ii I thi-refoi-e iiiv.iliiul.le t- ei . i v A in. ii.-.in
reader ur. UK .inly tVe.-li iin-1 il.ui-ui.i'li e..nii na
tion of un iii.lii..-iisal.le.-urivi.l litun.lure.-in
disnsub!e Ixsause it tliil.rii.'e- tlie prodiinlioii!
"' The Ablest Livinz Writers,
H hrauches of l.itemiure, .-.-.euee, rt, nr-.l
"Sm11.lv ind;.enalile to 1111 one whin's
0 k.a!.rianluflh-lhoiit.'l.i nl ' the ui:e ill
deimilnielit ol ' i;iniue or liuraUne." llu
Journal. . , .
'A .ur.iund H-rptiinii n-M-rvnir uhm i-.i...i.
enti-itaiuiiieiil ui.d iiinirue.iii.il. "-lion, liol.eil
C. Wmthrop.
't lie i-ual ii.i..de al Ml Air.'-i K-a. ' I lieu l-.i'i
I,. C lyler, D. Ii. ,., ., , ,
"Ii hat- iioe-iial many i-.n.i.lry . ' 1 Inlu-l.-l
..l.l'll I'.'.-.M.
-n ..... i'.ln.--H the iM-st ll.i.i.irlil.i .f tin- lawi
inin.lN ol tne.:ivilu.--l world, i..on nil !o.i. 01
Iiviiik iiilciehi. " i'loladi-lplua lii.U.ri-r.
'I:.e l--t ed'all our isleeiK i-ui.li-iilioi.s. "
Th" Niit'on. New York.
And tl.eehe-ilKHt Alliot.tlily tluil.-onu ; evr
week ' - I lie A.l.ai.tw, 1 I."' K-.
ill. it alone .. reader n.-.y "taiilj ke. . u,
Willi all lllal l important II. II..' ll" ri.'ioy, lo
lorj . f.olllll-3. a.i.l n'lrll.-ar ol II. e -la. - III
.tiv!ll....li.l, eW Yolk.
-'the l.le.l . the 1110-1 eiit.riuii.Kii
.tone., liu-tii.i.i loiifryol ti-e h.iH'ii-li mnsiiaif
are lieiv KatlivN-i
-Ilhl.-.l.t .-UK
iinliol-i'.-.alMe to every onl' wi. .
.I. -ir - a
,. linir i.l
' -I..M.I..I
ir, lie.'
tb irouca .'.inipendllllU ol ull turn 1- ;
and llultolll. m lliellllill-.) wor. i.
iitnctil to tlrel a pine 111 hm)
lloliie." -.Sew 01 k 111...
I'ul.lisliwl HkK .V al '" a ;...r,
In all i. aid.i 1 H" rr im vi I
irmiio tl.r.ix niiiiiliT-ol . .....lainintr w.i
other vullilil.le ll.all.l. H.i I! r.-t 11. .Ii:l.ln lilr "I
be a uii'l iniwiTini .ir.l r'.fi', 'II..' .'ai-i'- s
lala-le.-' I.j l.l.-dU.I. il.Vl.tl.iNAl 1. Ii
ai.K-aniiK in ".e i-i'.io" "-
Club Prices for lor tiie best lluiue
aia(il oroip,T) laitcrdrni'c.
" '(.sl-l'l of ! I.l I IMS'. I AoK :.l' l "'I
otl.er -ur viv:i.i....i Ain.-iiean ii;....!!.'.. -. a
BllllrClllA-r W i.i lilel a .II. I'll 111 .-.inn
!,.. e r.lliallen. I'l.llU'l.'ll.l l'l 1
I...I .'till
. r . e 'i
' ; it. :. I .
I:., :on
l-..f.alii ilia Ll 1 M. A . . K
tl.e Mneriea" H M.-n i.lieo ..r -.11
ur llaarl Will - nl l'-r a J.M.
or, U.r JJ , I'l la is
Ai.k al. I
M. N 1. l.-.tac o -V
ill 11.1. A '.AY .
The Kin; -u!l Publicatlona IsauoJ
for the Youiik cn Either Sidn of the
Atlantic." .-"imt.ari.pio. i thu ana; Ol'encr.
The third lo nme oflhit liii.oni.aral)!e
Maaraitinu Is now coinplen."!. .til it.
el-lit hi.nilled roval octavo pif.'?', audit
ai.v hun Ircl Illustrations, its spltudid reri
ay, its shorter t-'.onps, poems, and aket he-,
ele., ete , In ite heiulilnl Inndin ol red
and fold, it it the Iuo.t pliiid.d i;ill-LH.i,k
lor bovs uud jirlaa ever i-aiied iiom the
pros, 'rrice. fci ; in full gilt, to.
St. Niciihi.as i lull ol the choice. t
thiniM. The pu'ili.-utioti Ik, In all respeets,
the bi'tt of itn kin 1. We havo never yet
eeen a uumticr that was not surprisingly
jjood.'' The Churehmau. ilarilord t'om-
St. Nicholas for 1877,
Which opens vvltli .Novemher, IsT'i, tirfin.
A short uud M-ry i iit-irlniiiiav si r i! ;; ,ni.
the trench, "The hiiii.'doin oliue, Urcedy,"
a atory adapte-l to the l'liankscivini; season.
Anotner aerial, ol nhaorblu interest to hoy .
By J. T. Trowbridge,
author of the 'Jack Jlnrd Stones, be
gins in the thriatuias Holiday umber.
liesldes aerial aioriei", Lurisimas siuno-
livejly akctehea, poems and Dtctures lor the
holidiy, and some atoiiiahinj; illustrut'oiir.
olOrieiiulsporu, .villi Uiawii.fc-s i j .siumi-st
The Chrifitmas Holiday Number ol
tT. UlUllOliAb,
uperbly illustrated, contalua a very Inttr-
liDK paper,
Uy William Culleii liryaul -,
"Thu Uon-e Hotel." a lively attt. le, by
t'liarks A. llarnurU, ati'diilidiy illii-dralcl ;
TIib Clock in the sky," by Kieliard A.
I'ro-Mor ; "A Christmas I'hy lor tlomism
SuuiUy-nchuo'.s," by lu'. KK'.e.tou ; "The
lV-teiliiua' Chrlstiuas True," t.y l.ii.-ietin
P. Hale; "Poetry und t.'uiols ol Winter,'
l.y l.uej l.iir.-otn, with pictuieu.
Do Mot Fail to Buy ht. MiehoUn for the
Ohriatmae Holiday. Price 2& eta
Jiiituitf Hit- year lliem will t.e liileresiinu
papers lor boys, by William Oulleii Hrvant,
ilohdtt, Wnitiur, I lioinas Huk'licH, Wiliuii
llowilt, Ir. Holland, lieoiL'e .MaclloOald,
Saiilord Ji. Jlunt, r rank K. Moekt.in, and
There will be stories, sketches, and
poems, of cpcclal Interest lo (iris, by Har
riet riese.oll l-piilJoM, Mls.ll! l IliilldKe,
s-iiali Winter Uullniu'. I.li.atic th Mtiall
Phelps, l.onis-i Alu itt, l.uc.rctla P. Hale,
( nl. a I li.ixtei, Mary Mapes iMMlj.e, and
tnaliv others, Tin-re will be also
"T WIXYK SKY l'lt:TT:i!l:s,"
Uy 1'iolessor l'roctor, the Astri.iiomer.
witn map, showing "Tho Stan of IJneli
Mouth,'' which will ho likely t-j Mirpas in
interest any aeries on populiir Hi ietieu rt
eeully gitD to thu public.
Amusement and Instruction, with Knn
aud r'roliii, uud VS il and Wis. loin, will be
uilii'lnl an heritiitori., and Sr. JNli'lKil.A
will continue to delight the young und (.-lie
li-asute to thu old.
tills ;
"There Is no imu-'aimj tor thu y u ut thai
can bn said to eipiai tlns ul.oiet- pro liu tiou
tf M'KiiiNKit'a pnas. All tlm nriiiiua
lietlier la proe tr riiyine, urn tlirohbint;
wiih vttility. The liiernlure nun
. riltie IllUstllltions urn bolu stlpel'li."
The l.onilou Kally Nea auj : "We wh Ii
iv e eouli point out lis Kjuai ill our own
, i-ritidleiil lili ruttire."
To meet the itcmaiid for a cheaper
hH'liui.AS t.ilt-liook, the price ol vols,
and 11 has l.eub reduced to t-.l iui-Ii. Th
three volume", In an eleitnnt library ea.c.
ure sold lur lil (in full at tat . M."i), -n lint all
uiay Kive their chlliircu u eouipletn a t.
T hose volumea contain nioie attruetive lire
ti'rln! thnii lllly ilnliuta' worth ol lliu ordin
al)' children', ho iks,
Suhseruitioii price, frt a year. The llitre
IkiiiikI volumea und a subai-ilplion. lor this
year, only p.'. Subm-ilDu with tlie ticurest
iiewnlealer, or aeud Uiuliey In check, or )'.
money order, or in registered letter, to
Still IINKH CO.,
Broad-ray, N. V
is ijin:iAiti:i wiiii
von Tin-: v.wa i Tio.r
K M M M Hi
Stock Ocrtifica'xs,
Weddiug Invitations,
Or Anyth rig in the
uor it J.v Tin: .a i
Poctors and
Our f'.i' lull' in ihis tint ua
Ai'.j. t foo'.r I'litU r tit the
styi.i: Yi:iir rno.vi'Tf.Y, .....t
Commercial Printing.
u:rn:n iiea us, hill in: a is. sta tj:mi:xts, 'M' '
r.ti' ti'nl iii lus'tjul f'yle, on 'J
un, ii
. 0
E,r thi iliismif irnrb tie ure rtin riiillu ir.v't ni'i :tireil.
T '
Inr'jC am
nut of it, uii'l lime ii out
will jir.
('ms le? run fill i'U, or ):! for
Railroad Hanks or Elank Eooks, Time Cards, Freight, ;r
Passenger Tariffs, Pesters and Bulle'.i.: Cards,
Jii. -Imi tf iinijlhiiKj in
fh'l ti .-' imli'i i ilml ill 1
required hlj
Books and
NEW 'J 17.',
WOEkMES mi.l
tbifs of fori.' t'i Itf,
Ciiiil'i'ii, Sihniil
Srn iitiir or lli nt roli-iit
finl rltiss irnih.
Sorii Iff, ilc.
rti'tliin fur t'liimli ( i?ri
ci r ij ilt
lite niii'l : ul,-In nlinl
htnlei in I
W lit' n 3 41 11 wuiil uii.i
4nl ,you will gH il iloiu
City or County Bonds,
Ball Cards, Programmes.
tlivy.e of really
est sty i. toy nir. a u i
(l:V"l.'.M-.. Ofl't " .In'".
i J
,( -llu
nr. st
hni Viill, trill :'Ud
it I.HW R ATI'S.
iu:ci:ii'Ts. ri:i;i: lists,
very an: m:
r. mi
un, I m ire 111
' I" J
emjilny mm 0
m in r ha riii
any Jf-mrijiov
in tin- u 1
Hill lllllISi
(.'artful l'roi'f R' '.ris, insure tu tjm-r it ho mirm;! thin
iient, htiinhoiiie mnl CORRECT li.,i,h J'nunihh-h, Storl,
(1t1ih11jun, l'tj-l.dirr, Ortlliniiin i, R'mrls of M'llirnl,
nt r'tli fi hut n- un- re
nit irilh
f Riiiliuiiih-. Min imal
11, id
1 I,,
l in inner (ro ii 'Ii
ilaiii"; i (,,i lino (
Bulletin Job hmi
Lifpincott's Maga?ine
An IIHl'll
-I M-. .Hl.l. i.
: i i.c-o, un.t
ANNt-riNOKMFN'J' f-'OH li77.
'I In 1 imi.i-i t I..I .1 ..i;i... l-e 111 li e 1 un- i
lee. .Hi i. .1.1. ol Hi. !-. I'r ill. I win e
I. p il I 1 in d ;!'. .t u llo e.l, I e .leeine 1 j
a -mli. il id ;;u 11 ..ill. ol hi. ill'.- ei eii.e. I
iio 1 Ho. . 1 I I.. i . i '- I I . 01 . m ) i Hi
ll:l. ll 11- .111.1 t 1 1 .1 .1 v -oe ill 1... 1 I - l -:.-
: i.l
ft'il'lint in tin
,' iii'tut I 'ti' Si
ll. si .,! M. S
I In L'l' al iil.je. l and e.i.n-l.'iiil h l ill 111 Hie
e:inli. lor, .Mil la: tu IlllHI-ll llm piliiin:
l.ll. l .ry l-.'iit.-l lanilliei t el a I . lined and
ai ieil elmr.u-liT, ii Hi II .1- lo iiim lit lu
11 'ra.iii.: ainl -uikiu iii u.uer II. 1 111. it 1. -.'.id
lulu nnalioii mid .nun ,eni wrw- mi
Mll'iei U id i;i lu r.il line el : 111 a no .., to
ti'iidif l.ippini'Mti't S ii;a!iin -In n iiult
d'.illii. livo in
I'm fin Hull are Mail Atlivrhe.r.
in MiiS'ini' Literature
Tin' cuiiii'iliiKiiiii-. 11 iw on iiiind, ur r-pi-.'i
till) 1 ilyajed, i-iulua.-i- a lii.-hly allra. liw
I i !- ol l.ili-, -lion o.u-., ' ill .-.el'iplive
(lu ll he-, iiuMthi-.. p n 1 ra on M-ii'in ij und
ait p.). in,, p.ipu! ir 1 xMi'!., Iil-i'iiy ipii.
ei-liit, ell',, ell'.
JliTnont'il n, id Wilt A'oi'-! U'ntei
A lar'ii .oj
ei.d.y llio-e il.
1.1 lion nl tin' aril, le.-n-rip
i i- i.l iravel, wi
-1 -
I'rofumly unit Hi uiiiit'rJi u llliiitrutnl.
Tiie .i. t irlu ciiiL. I.l-I in. 1.1 of H e Jl i;
.me cuu.-liluie one ..I il. many aiu t tie
In ail.Ji.ioii fi tin-(ii-nenil Attraelu-iis
I.l 1' I'l N tu I I ' .M Ali.VI.NK. Hie I'ul.-lishel-t
would ihiiii! utieiitloii to Hit- lolinw
Special Features for 1877.
1. A ii.MV serial lory,
''The Munjni.1 uj A"i","
l. .ii.DiL'i- M i',-l"jii..!'l, a'Jilioi ot ".Mal-.'i.ui,"
"Ail-.- rolll . .," - li-ll.elt KaleiJDl r." ete.
I .. ili.-.e nl our rea ler- w in, ale l.m.iii ir
Willi "Mali-oSiii,'' tlii- new Moiy Iroiii
the pen nl tlii- - irtiu.ui-heil w fiter will
lit- -I I... r.-eoliiiiii ii-lat mi, ami Ms n-pula-tion
i- a tru n.iiii. e to ulle r ol a .'i-cply in-t.-i"
-lin;' an. I pnweil.'l t. ly It lii i;-'iilii
the Noi eint. 1 1 liiiiii!.- I', wl.i Ii i-iie, with
the li .1 nit. ei pa. t, wid i.i inn. he. I i-iuii
to ull iit-w .iih-M-rilii-rs h.r i77.
2. A plillll
k" ti'l.l'S 01
lllll.-llat. !
S,.-ee.li-h V.
I Life
by lVol. U'lilai'.l
-l!;. ,v. I.o I hoi' .
and !' o. e Ii
:i. A - rn ..! i
. of Ol If ll Clli." l-
I...I-I "ar .Hi Sued, ii
. r-. i I.i.. , fi M, ;i
": it.. 1..H i '"i'i i - .'I.
ll t Ur. .1. . Mt',i t,
v .il-t o svn'.n i
Hie N' w Hi,.. I ...
4. l;'. l.a i l .si."
I -'.ll.l- , llllli I ill
A l'i.i. I. ei Irlnl 1
k I,
",t i y Kilvv ird
;.. iir- i.
II. Hoop, i',- Inteic-I, ey an. I
:.'- s .,,' a '!,:'. i. ,,.. j.,. .,
i.ti,..;. .1 U;r...ie.li tlie y. ar
V.'l.l !
The H..i.,r.t
will t.e "leaerihf ! i la
iil.i ir.
"-l:esi,l p-ip r.
7. Imi ii. tin-year will iipp. in u iiu!i,!.er
ol liaii.l-ouii Ii i!,.i-ti'iii .'. -i.ori :-i ;i. i"'-, i!t
ertpttven! I. tie, 'l'rnvi-1. nn1 'lvpntiir It,
tin; t la. t.l -m'e-, Lili an 1. .-mil h Aiiirr.ea,
.lapan, Mi'lu'olla. air I ol In r. oiill.J ie.
,K m.d
i'i:i K ;
Tr.K.Ms. Ycariv
CI. NTs,
'.lli.-ciipti'in, ?t : Two
Conies. 7
; Three l.'opiis, flu; tut- 1 ep
ic-, $10; leu l (.pie-, fsi, witn a copy
gratis to the per-i.n pro -tiring the i Pil..
single number, :;j cents.
Nol ick. The Novt-mher and lH-cejiI.e
l-.'iiiiii.els, 1 uiitainin Hit: earlier ehaj.ti rs
of "The MarnuN ol I.os-!e," will be pn--crtcd
t'i all new annual subscribers (or
S ecimen Number m-iili.'l, posts;.'"' paid,
to any address, un rici-ipt ol Jin cents.
To ai'tf.t" a liberal commissiou will l-e al
lowed.' Address
J. B. LIPPIMCOTT & CO., Publitben
Tliau i 717 Market t.. 1'jiU .
Loonard Scott Publishing Co.
41 Barclay Et., Xcw Ycri,
ContiiiilO their autKuritfl Kel'rinU of tLie
l-Ul li I.KVIil.Mj tit.'AIMTiltl.Y UKVIKWS.
l.iiilHir-li Uevlev (Wlil-j,
l.oudoil Udlirlerly Itovlew (l.'otisvrvative)
Vellililister llevleiv (l.iberuli,
lielllsll lu.lrlei lj Heliew (Kvutit'ilieul) ,
iwmn Edinburgh mm
'1 In- ltriti-.li 'uiirti-rlies give tu tlie n-ader well-
litest"! iiiloriii-.tiou upon the itt'-nl eveutK in
C'liitemoiiiuneoiis t.itoi'y, und contain rnuisl.-rly
iTilii-.ihiui on ull tli.it is li'j-h and valuable ita
I Hi .nt in e, ua well u a summary ol Ihe triumpha
ot sMeiiee and art. Itnr wan lik"-ly to eonv.iiie
ill Kurope will lorin t.-pii-n for i!i.-cnsslon. that
ill In- treated w ill' il llioi'.ivhiiesn uud utnlily
nowhere else to be I'-iiind. l;i.n:kwo"i's M.-L-a-
Ulne irt t.illl'jlts lor stones, c.-.s.iy-i, und skel
ol ll.e lii;'lieai lit. 1 ary iie.iii.
TLIiLIS (Including VoHluy.c) :
Taya'cle Strictly in U7ar.u.
ror any one Kevlew,
-or any two Reviews,
ror any three Reviews,
Kor ull lour Review.,
Kor Wad; wood's. Mua
ziue, Kor lllackwuoit and i nu
Kor llla'tkwooil and two
Kor Hlu.:kwood and three
Kor Hlm-kwooil and the
lour Ukviuwh,
i HO ; r aiiiiilu.
7 tai
li O'l
4 lib "
7 0 1
111 00
A dis.-.uulil ol tweuiy pr cent, will bu .
lowed to clubs of four or more persons:
Thus! lour e-ipiea ol Hlaokwooil or of one
Iteview will be sent lo onn uddrcsa for
fl-JHti, loiirco.ic(i thu fourKeiews am
lllackwoi"l:nr is, unit no on,
New siib-crib. r. tuiiplyliio eiirlj) f.ir tlie
vent- is;; uiiiy Imie, wi ho lt ehiirjii), Hit
liuiiibels for tin; list iUniter ul Is,'', ol su. ll
Ui limlictils as tney limy sitlisi ii'm Jor.
.Neither pretiililiua to snhe."i!M-r. nor ill
.'.l l 1. 1 to I'lilba call I.eadoHed tlll i-sn the
mom y i. remitted direct to ill' publishers.
No premiums ejiven lo cluln.
Circular, wnu lurtlier iiartli iilarn ma) hi
had oil appllca.itiu.
f MaJ
'miiirtr 1'ittatw-, n.lL I'r i 1.11, iuiLtl CIU ' ni
Ul iritaiil . nil i lit U iiniii riistrK. mi riwpy
ji'ii-ji"ii.,irif nj'ii'ii.n.ii ii
---. ii I f"i a-1 1 l a i
HOLM AN O UftllirAU I,,KKif.ilNiinlpi.-ii'P action
llpOII tllO i.'t", en-nun a, i'-i'i " - - w--
controli iu r.11 uctoiiihliinply Hunt tuna tiny ilm-a o
Which iillacks or prows rmtnf tliei-o organs.
CjrTX -TT CSf 'h0 1tt " a I'l'Veiilivo
U'XX AUiUliiUr i mill a prompt und radical
riirc for Ml Malaria', also, Nf tirnl'la, Uhenmutisni, Ncr-
, 1 . . . 1 r.l . II 1.. ...I Tit ..
1 vi)Utlie-iS, iT-Clltliea, "-J'linn i'lscnm, Jivuum-uv, voile-, a'ii-
1 -i a, Jvi( p'-in. Tliesn mid many nioro havo their
01 iciii hi tlio .Stoinuch and Liver. If your druggists d'j
1 UUuu.iinaW
nut livv pthfni.HiiMiCLS noiraRH Aiiycr jtbu vumjanyt
fiHMaiile.TLano, New York.m ' 'j
ji" (10: Kpcciul J'ml'S f J.W. IW-iiULJnA. JUIiJIlbAlCi.w
PLASTERS net us it' I'V inaRic- l'ot riubtors, w cents putr;
liody i lUSleis, 'M coilll eilCII. iir jieiv.ui; ui iiuiiuwons. aano iiui-u
the wt-'inal Uolnmn's. lv(rs-iit by Mail im receipt of irico, yobtsgo tree.
Dr. Whittier,
617 St. Charles street, St. LouW, Mo.
a r.nlar r.l" " llKii"-l ' "'" h" Tl '""f.1
nfii'. .l". in? ii -'ial uraiu-ai "-I aa Venarti. rei'iM
and enromo 1iMaai-a Una nr famtiaaiaai.
- ......ira. ...iml. knn..
6ypl.ili, Gonorrhoea, Oleel, Stnctiira, Of
ehilit, Hernia, Of Rupture, all Uriatry P-aeiiM
and Syphilitic or mercurial affection of in
throat, akin or bon.t. i- ir.au4 y,K''''''
lo-e'.l, aa lal.'.l Kleol.lw arwli lra (.Mr. rrl.aielr.
Spermatorrhoea, 6eonl Debility q Impel
enry, a. Ua rnull of (WI al..i- la jo-al". tacaawa
in mmurei i.uiai oar an4 ahltk (ir".io. r-roa
ol ita lc:klo alT.'Hl a.outi.eaa. hdiiuiI aailHlcoi,
dMlUr,dinine,lof fllg.il. dcfeclira maierf. ptiaplrton tfta
Ilea, pajilraianar. a.i..-u i...,....-..
of idvu. Ii.m of i. iu p...r, aw., rmdmna BiarrUfj.
lraorcperorunUapP7.k'arna"n,,ai1r'- "i"-"
16 p.ic.) rci.uui lo uia i
!..... wui la tk anr.KpM,
for two ioi.,a tuoipa. ton.iuii". b7...
.... ...1
id lot llva. a inraoiy Mt. o, uu t..u..'u
Worn ll la loaunveonui 10 "j - --r."2
rac.li':.OMi.ola.t.ll.Jp'a..riiia.laitTwbfra. l.ur.
oiisa Wsr i A. at. u-1 1'. at. HaaJaji, U at. 1 .
Pamphlel. t tny addreai, f" Two Stjmpi
Manhood and Womanhood in German, Doll,
together, Illustrated, IS Centt.
MARRIAGE 1 pages.
pfiBSi. I GUIDE.
Ilenant oloth and ct'.t b'ndion. Baaledfor eoa
in. kuoa'.ua uj-'Ui ao ai.f ai.rrr. . r.
"p,ra; l, ipartj. ua..r ial.llaetao4, Woeiaa.
: . i,Ai,r..B,. h.fM.iBM.BiTbiaamM4.
laa f tayaiut .atr of ll.rciui!oo. auj ml W, Ila.t
iarr.of oot.muli.m Bi.iuta.uoollill.
"iiiuli;i, MimM.ltiiiiili.a haaita aa wn aa
a, . Two- i.'.. li ' m tf ail nl-ili r.'"".
flitn loraol UP, aol laid arouo 1 orlont,.all u aor...r
ll e".U'ua taaorearaof niedloaU llr--UWhoA....W'lluau...-r.i..p.u
."',, aaj aol ...a ll a oarolul peruaai, lea Ume
,lf 'MiUee. Miaa abot. oolpaw eof.lpai-a,
81 -onu mmil. cwapmi iMdjaua U aa.iua. .r
vi'aiti Jiaii, Uioloalbl awiwaul,
617 St. Chtrlee etreet. St. Louie, Mo,
HH St. Charles Street,
f ail ( .nil- i.l W'U'r.il beaM-v, Semi.
e.il r.it.i'.-.i-itis ami Sexit.il Iiebility, with
..i!i I. .i tin ef-i. Nn matter will) l.lllcd,
r ii rile; j-aiiiplil"-! r iiii'-iillatum free.
l.ati r-l--r ti. tl.e liK u.ial pr.l---i..r. in a:i
l.a.N i.l On- ('..iii.tia-.
a-1 a. I
. I I .. . .1 lab fel.'l 1.
Curoi all
f.n-iu of PKIVATE.
anil i.i.XH. 1. HIS
Sperm. ito'. i 'ao i
am' I-ipoteucy
Cures final un tied
in nil Cnsna
I I 1 .,,r..
en. a
tO.. li- uil fi.
Unnanatlonably the tie. euatained
work ot the kind in the World.
Harper's Magazine.
.VoficM jf the P-.i,
T in; Mai.azisjk lias attametl in II. one .iiart"-l
century and mure ol existence Pi tl at jioint uliere
it may be sand ol it, in the Words ol Dr. Johnson,
It ia vain to blame and useless to J. rinse. " T lie
lustre ol its lnnf-Ko-attuini-d repiitulion has in
eri'ae.l us the years have asct, and iu lulure
seeing us briKlit il in. I brighter than at any linn
since th(-.'ol"leti hueol'pl.r:ty settleil around
1:b laternii'l lK-t ears. lirouklyn Kafc-le.
Harpers M- nttily is murkdl by the aine char.
a.-ti-risiica w lueli ;'..' it circulation from tin- tin
with Ihe b.ller class ol readers. It combine
reading 111 itter with illusliutioiis in uwuy to
muke cleai and vivid the facta presented, t'lc
turca nurely designed to catch the eye ol Ike
iKiioranl ure neve." inserted, -CliiciiK-' Journal.
TEnMa t
PoataKN free to all Subscriber 1 1
United States.
lUiu-Mi'it Maoaunii, one year. . ..J I nn
$1 (" included prepayment of U . S. J.oaiaKe by
In- publishers.
SiiIibi -riptioi.s to Iliiriier's Mainuine, We klv,
and llii.ar, to one ml. lies, fur one jeur, lo
or, Iw ol'llarper'a I'erioihdalH. to one addreae
lor o.ii- y. ar, 7 no, unnungi- free.
An Uxlra Copy ol'eitln-r the .Miujaziiie, Weekly
or l'.a.ar will beriiiiilii-d Kratia lor every iduli
ol Ine MiliBcriln-is at l n-.each, in one remit-tunc-,
or I opii-a lor to "', without extra
copy, (loslune free.
liin k numliera can he siipp ieil ill any lime.
T lie Vnliiiiies id Ihe Mi;iw:ine coiiiinence with
the Number fur Julie and December of each
j..:r. .subsi ription. muy cuinmenie with any
iiumls-r. When no time la specified, il will lie
understood 1 1. at the aubecrils-r wishes to begin
with the lirnl hiimlK-rot the current vol vine, aud
back numbers w ill Is- sent aecorduiKly.
A i.' inplele Set of llura-r'a SliiKaine, how
.'u i-pritiiiK '.I volumes, in neat cloth hindiiu:,
w ill be sent bv exiirivH, lieiitlit at exiienae ol
I'lni liKser, li.riJ -i'i per volume. Single voliunea
l.y mail, K.stpaid, il 00. Cloth Cuca, lor bind
ing -i.i eelitH, by luall, p'j.tliiiul.
A Complete Analyli.-al Index tu the first Fifty
Volumes ot liariier'a .MuKiotuic Ims itiatlRi n nlll.-
lishftl, renderin f nyitiltilile for referi-nc the vast
and vai led wealth ol information which const i
lulea this periodical! a pi-rln l illustrnte. I literary
cvclopcilia. svo, elotn, ( I no, hull uair, - it
rt. nl ooahure tin iiii'l
News-aM iaiire not to copy tliiHiidvertlaetiient
IV 11 1 101 1 1 1 lie esaircsn i.nn i oi i nil cr .1 iiiiiii,th.
H Auriiit .t nit' 1 1 ii i- its,
New Y'ork.
Out Wa-.hlne lor Next Monday's Wasliiii,
Three Hours' Rest
For Washerwomen,
l' KKY I'ACKA'JKOl' W.vslll.NI .
A new undirratid luhor-saMuj.' invel Hon
ii-commendud by thu mint intt llluont nnd
practical hoiisekee (inrs In tlie country.
Wu-hes llko mn(io wltlintil injuring chilli.
:ni or bauds In the Hllflitct niiiiim r. Sold
by all L-roeera. Price, 10 centa.
'il I'latt Street, N. Y.
Ji "iTlliircliiy Hros. will aiipply imde in
nid Mnr,;,ie halot aliarilutrly a.it
.isisli.y r.trwl, i'mtli.',.. eilT'iloi." iir.
i.l s' .1. 1. lot u-irtleiiiur.. vv. 1 ar '
luu. I.-.. lU.u.u;t..ul ,tliis-aau,i'
t tl.t tf. t tnd tl.. u, if IniLnttnr .ua la li.e
i" n, ka'l H ir."lu.a llm b..'hi .Ml.iral ahiidct (
El lj'k cr l-r..u.d'..niiltu.a tl.ekiu.awliiw.ly
mi-'II4. Hit a .ian-lar.1 irtirallB. and a futor
lt iii- n cvtrv rll ip-.ili.l.. lilr lur l.lj r
,' H.I'UiD. I i.r Iif all llranritla an 4 fla.c
" irM.ra J" 111 1'KlaiOllUl.Vi )'(vuU.I I'.
Ci. Itua nil. vw UU.
1)U. CHANDLER, F.lt.S.A.,
Late Phyeleieii Is 8t. Oeorge'a and 8. Bart!.. -.e-meae'l
Hoap.tala, London, Curator to
St. EliMbeuY, tc
After leari of thu mott taborlout re
meaeelt and aMMetltfailoa, ami after Hit
limetienl application in treatmrM to tin-,
innili of IxitieutM, ro. Ciaaer, A.M.,
M Jh.now pretent to iht Americm putt
lie the follomina mmrle, hi ia
ronta and property the tljUar of trtii. l
ii atuttrit in the volatnalHoai vuall , ..
esfimnn(a(, the uneolicUtd nfferlasa
. ri( and dlaroairatfeel, "';' " '"
.. onlte reerieed rmlU-f fd eviie...
from their continued use, but hnre S..-e
imlieaHtf cured of ailment mnd tlirnt'e
romplnint; tehirh have betn mdjiidfit .
the fiioC eminent phyUHan u hot.,ut
77, It ineomnnrabUi nEPtTKATTTT'
t.it tlTVUATIVti. TtiSlf. :
vr. rambiuinn virtue tehith, remt-i
it invaluable an nvr-rm4t. aw.
it continued tiae ari1 ikori)klH rraCi
rate all dieae of the Ud. ifinurt
rflenle art of a purelu harmlfte ejt-u.
tlon, the product gathered from nwote
tfiptian Province; mud vrher there '..
the eliahteet taint of dieeate in the m-j..
tent, it never fall in rjectina IhatdUei me
through the medium of th kin, or t.--jpellinait
through th many and ar..(.
riuiiW of the body, thereby alliiu.ry,
and, indeed, forrina all the organ in'o
their proper Horntal and functional con
dition. A verff brief tpac of llano arid
ronrlMre any ai it, of it un
ilaubud reliability and wonder,
live properties, it belna, rnteet unqueetlon
aiftlH, tlie very acme of medical ineMa',
anil the ureatett dltcoeeru of the preernt
aae, in the treatment of every diteatn
whore the blood iUetf i primarily :ho
meat of ihe leiion or ditorder, tueU am
hC Hlit' I LA and the Vieutand and on
taute that lead to ihi terrible mfllrtloH,
of which all etelll'ed eommunittce a en
eounleant, for iHblieal Trail A Aa aar
ed that the "Sin of the father ehatC
1.11 unfo the third and fourth am-
eruliinM," and to PKtlK K.V-IIO W.V A Mr
t:Sr r. 'tULt.U tW.iaillUJwaa ia
tmieerful rrjuecnalor, canting the wreelc
of man once wore t attume the tiod-'. '.l -
'"''tor1 TtiTr.iv visFAtr., n..v-
AUY nlS()ltl)t:HS, COXHTir tTHH tilt
tUSTIH.St.HS, Illin ASH hlllSt-.,
Yd Ml-1,4 I .V rs'tl KXitHA t A Mt X . H -Ot
4.1 i hi i.Ait i:tAttn km ksth. :;-..
lllhl.lOVATOM ViMtB, miHt:.
in 1 in Mi of Tin: bom km. .:-
f vr nl.t'f.KS. t l.MALf. I OX
I'LAIXTH (and to the gentle tea i'.
boon lung toimht for y eenUlvr, tumty
tihlr, und aeltruie jmiuirm. mm
direct nrlinn upon their ailment)
. .V U
aii in if tin i if tu kiih it; iiinr.-'i.:
Of fllK HUH Hht:, it i invaluable.
ttenerrranc with thi reufdg vtlU i-.ar.
pntiliv and permanrui - rr
i HlhlJi and PKTHIt nd Ul MAL . .
MIA I. PUIHOX.H. .... .
I.o.noMila of 7tlmonlalt alUi. ,i
truth of three clalme.
rrice, one Hollar, in large boltlr. .
tlx bulIU), $3, mmmmm
' ff ASTltflff I life, ipeedtt, Hf J.m .
Ure cure for that matt drpremeing of ail
tneHl,aiul nhrief courttc of treatment will
rettorc the dtgemire organ to their
tine etrength, and promote it aVaY'.
art ion of the ttomach and intetinm. Tin
nerrou irritability of t'tcraru ami uli
iiereon pureuiuu teycpturui i,e
tpeedily removed by thi agent. ..
atoiMiirA i rettored to healtl an t the key
note of the lytlrtn will nt morcrti.,-t
in the fterfrirmanee of labor.
Price, One Vottar, in large beltl ; t .
tlx bvttU, $ J.
A ellaht to-eafod cold will tf'.rnn
lead to a eerlou cough, ichleh, mhtii-..
for or badlg treated, mailt havo but .
remit U mutt rreiWMOle in m eettlt. rum
of IIHOSVHITIS, or what ie uvroe, h
deadly VOMiVMI'TlOJf, To all euffe. in
from haraeiilnn cough, and txpeetoiatttiii,
TU ACIIEON offer a (oaauf, reliable, mi'l
permanent relief. It augment ejrifcu.
ration, and enable the patient to ci.t
that terriblu tcptie deposit, which, f (..'
without Judiciou treatment, nut e-.-
tnunlcate it poison to Ihe vesicular "
stance of the lung, degenerating and dr.
ttroulng that most estential of erutwa.
and ultimate onto in an early and u,
timely death. ZBACUEON ha no com.i.
much lest a superior, and il use will net
onl u remove tho deposit, thereby affording
great relief, but heal ihe membrane an-t
leave the jiatUnt inpottcttlon of hriil-y
iun'j tissue.
Price, Fifty Cent ptr bottle, itr rl
eottict, jx.ov.
t(tnf rauset lend to product thUpntn
ful and distressing taU. The blood is
retarded in it returnt- the too f1-e14ur.it
of drastic purgative tend to produe
eonneatfora of the bowels, nrpid action 0
the liver, and numerou other tause.i are
the source of this complaint, and hitherto
nothing effectual ha been presented to
the public, which would rapidly allf"iie
symptom and vlttmatety prove a.t rjf.vt
ive cure. In flhOlf wa Ttav m m.-inlil
which not only act almost instantly, out
will rcntove th largest tumor of the pat is
(Piles) by nbsorption, and man, yho,
have received not only bencAt, but - -.
fceen radically tared, have been .ui-ef
-prior to ttslng thi treatment) by emi
nent surgeon that tho only relUi
ever could tjrpcet in life, would be by ."i.
cix-rafloii, and removing it or thesr. ,rou
the body by a procedure which neee;tat
cd the knife. Xhi remedy ha been ...
wlth. dellghl, and U now preserurd .V
many practising phyiieians, who are cog
nisant of il merit, a th only AM i-i
ure cure fur PlhES.
frier, fifty Cent per aclcajre4 ..j
Tim Ajiorr; bkmeihk ay.
thorough in the eradication of the differ'
ent aud various maladies denominate'.
and are the result of patient, seurclilii :
laborious, and meicntiti
ii)i investigation,
of many yeai.,
embracing 0 nertfxl 0
Jiurope and America.
If the epeelfie direction are ro'-.'j'ii"
with, thousand of patient will bear wit'
nraa to their relative merits, and coirnl.-
urate crrry assertion, rrnei-e lli,,e
many complication of disease, and -f
Inula so desire, lilt. CUAKUhKU wlf
be pleased to glvo all information, "f
treat b letter if necessary.
Descriptive and Explanatory Circu
lar of the abate remedie tent on rrcelp
of tlamp. If the, PHOl-JtlHTJ.!' :k
MEIUVINKH are not en .ale at Mvt-r
particular druyylst't, tend order
M479 BMa4wy, Xw-To City.
riipula'illii"trnteilbooklJfiopahi-a v?i.
Ma.niiikikI WomaniioohI Markiai. 1
lnipediruenli tu Marriage ; the cnu.r.
and cure. Sent Becurrdy nenU.a, p-Jl
paid for t;o cent, by Dr. C. WhiTtie..
&17 St. Chnrle Street, St. Loul "o.;
the urtil ipeclalist. Read hltworkt
1 1

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