OCR Interpretation

The Cairo bulletin. [volume] (Cairo, Ill.) 1872-1878, October 25, 1877, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85033413/1877-10-25/ed-1/seq-3/

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Corner 18th Street & Oom'r'l Ave.
I Have Opcntd an
drugs, medicines, chemicals, stationery,
And Toilot Articloo,
To Which I Call the Attention of the Public.
- will make the aaurste comrHMiiding of iiliystaatis prescription h w
''"" 0. E. 0'IIABA.
i. -. ' 1 u
TI1UKSD.YV, Oetolwr 23, 1877.
Saturday Oct. 27
As reorganized ami reconstructed,
il Arrow plluhr rrrriurr 'JO
I DOHft K9fO I
all exponent of rtflned mlnstrplrv. in a
new programme replete with darkey fun
aod negro wl.ticlsmi.
AdmlMloa, 00 and 75 cents.
Iteserved Seals at Harhnan's.
.'5 .It
' Tkt Karspvaa HoMI-Badaruoa la
, i ., ShMir!. . i ..... ,
Mrt. Harry Walktr, proprietress of
till European Ilotel, Ulng well aware
ot the stringency of money, has reduced
rate to all who may wish regular board
' to fix two dollar! pr month or lour dol
lars per week, for day board. In con
nection with the European Ilotel U a
JIM class restaurant where oysters,
gnat and all other delicacies will be serv
ed at all boors during day or nlrht. (tO
jSllliaery Hi rawer tiatXU.
Mrs. C. McLean, Eighth street be
twee Washlaeton and Commercla.
avenues, Is fust In receipt of an elegant
and eorapleto stock of Millinery and
Fancy C-oods ot every kind. Among
other articles we may mention that she
is selling tine black straw lata in all the
U'est styles at lrom 40 to SO cents; cle
gant patterns at prices lower than was
ever offered to the trade; flowers and
feathers lrom 10 cents to (I; silks and
velvets in all the new shades at prices to
suit. In the hosiery for ladies and child
ren line her stock Is not equaled by any
other wlablisliment In the city, and she
asks the ladles to call and examine them
tcfor going elsewhere. Mrs. Mclean
will sell bur goods ol all kinds is cheap,
if not tl iap r, ihan the same kind ol
goida ran b bought el where In this
market, bhe solicits an examination o
'Mit stock and prices, bvlieving that (he la
prepared to pleaw all whom may favor
tier with a call In huth. Ladles desiring
fo hare huts pn-snd can have the name
bine for lrom '.'3 to cent". iV7tf
a I f W Or THK I'KICKii IT
10 lb Amber C. Sugar $1 00
10 lb N. Orleans " 1 00
A lb Klo Coffee. 1 00
H tb White Sugar 1 00
4 lb Soda 23
4 Boxes Matches H.
Starch, per pound . 03
0 Ban Soap 23
Coal Oil. per gallon 25
And all other good very cheap.
Also, Just received, a choice lot ol Pure
fipices, MjsUrd, English Table au-e
and Pickles.
Call and see us. 24 Ot
2t Irbara Hlailf bat MUn
"HlMMir AtslB.' '
Mr. S. Matson desires to announce to
the citizens ol Cairo and the surround
log country, that he has returned lrom
California, and again casting his lot In
Cairo, bu opened anew stock ol BOOTS
AND SHOES at the same old stand, No.
140 Washington avenue, between Eight
and Ninth streets, where, while thanking
bis old friends lor their past patronsge,
b desires to shake hands with them, and
aipply them and many new customers
with anything they need in bit line. His
stock is coming right In every day, and
U the best the market affords. All are
nvlted to call. 27-1 m
Mr. L. J. !,
No. 113 Commercial avenue, Winter's
Mock, calls the attention of tho ladies to
her large slock of fall and winter millin
ery, ot Um litest designs, which she Is
Jally receiving from New Vork and
Philadelphia. On
she will hold her
continuing one week, and wishes all the
ladies to call and cxamlno tier goods.
1 As ber stock Is large and complete vis
itors can rest assured of finding her
toelc to suit the most fastidious,; and she
: will take special orders for anything that
. may not be io stock. Ool4-lm
' Kd. Braxton has returned to his old
stand In the Kslser building, where be is
better prepared than ever to aoconimo
1 late his patrons and the public who
may favor blm with a eall. He bis gone
to considerable expense In fitting up a
ouple of nicely furnished rooms, which
. ho bai provided with all the latest Im
provements and conveniences. Be m
ploys only flrst olasi workmen and those
who patronto him will haw their wants
attended to in style and will receive
courteous treatment. t
km Minstr els !
Entire New Stock of
Brief Loral.
Buy Dr. Iliilfs Cough Syrup. It
Business (in the li vi'e wa active yes
terday. The election take J-lace one week
f'om next Tuesday.
Kemomber iheOdd-lVllows' soeialde
at their hall to-night.
The Cairo and Vlnoenne-, railroad Is
doing a thriving busincs.
Judge Bird says police business is
played out. He ought to know.
'1 here was an unusually large num
ber of boats nt the whnrl yesterday.
The tilling of Commerclnl avenue
above Twentieth street Is approaching
We arc under obligations to lion.
Win. JIartz 11 for lale files of the Con-,
greutlonal lUrvrJ.
A new candy factory U being opened
on Eighth street near the corner ot
Washington avenue. :
Mr. Hugh Craig .leslres to be county
treasurer and assessor and Is now urging
his claims lor the tile.
There will be a tneclal meeting of
the board of county commissioner heM
on the lJHIi of November.
Bross' building, on the comer of
Eleventh street and Commercial avenue,
is receiving a ucw root.
Fn the circuit court yesterday nearly
the entire day was occupied in the hear
ing of ihe Leach vs. Williamson case.
Mrs. Wm. Harrell, corner of Twellth
aiid Locust streets, is dangerously III,
and lears for her recovcrv aro entertain
el. Corn "in the ear" is selling from
country wagons at from 23 to 'JO cents
per bushel, smith i Lonegan are pur
chasing. Country produce of every kind and
quality Is plenty in this market. Couu
try'wagons line the streets from morn
ing till night.
The funeral services ol Mr. John
Lane took place yesterday at 1 o'clock
p.m., at St. Patrick's church and was
largely attended.
Business on the Illinois Central rail
road Is lively, and the yard men at tins
end tf the line have thtlr hand full
handling the cars.
There are only eight candidates In
the Held for county clerk, viz r Pitcher,
Planerf, Hawkins, Iiely, Ilumm, Stew
art, Smith and VosL
Mr. John Thisttewood't little (laugh
ter was burled yesterday afternoon. .Mr.
Thlstlewood and bis family have the
sympathy of the community.
All those holding invitations to the
Odd-Kellows' sociable should remember
that it comes off to-uiirtit at their ball.
A general good time Is expected.
Sausage-eaters should beware. Two
fine bogs were yesterday killed by the Il
linois Central cars and they were immedi
ately taken charge ot by butchers.
Dr. C. W. Dunning of Cairo Comman
dery No. 13, K. T., has been elected
Grand sword-bearer of the Grand Com
mandery ot the state. We congratulate
the Doctor.
This 1 the time to lay In your coal.
When raining weather sets In aud the
roads get bad, prices will go up. By
now and you will save at least fifty cents
on the ton.
An unpleasant passenger In a Btreet
car Is a crying baby. In such cases Dr.
Bull's Baby Syrup should be given to the
little tuffeier to ease its troubles, lil
cents a bottle.
There Is a dangerous break in the
sidewalk on Poplar between Twelfth
and Thirteenth streets. The sidewalk
referred to it in a dangerous condition
and should be repaired without delay.
The Seldiu Irwin Combination will
open at the Atbeneum in this city on
next Monday night, and remain three
nights. The play on Monday eveuing
will be the new and popular drama enti
tle'!, "Our Boarding House."
The Georgia minstrels are coming.
They will be here on Saturday night next
and stay one night. The Georgia's have
no superiors, and are favorites with tho
Cairo public. See their advertisement in
another column.
The pump on Ohio levee between
Twelfth and Fourteenth streets has been
out of repair lor some time. The repair
lug ol this pump would be hailed with
delight by all teamsters. Who is to
blame that It Is not put In order?
The cutertainmcnt at the atbeneum
last night wm witnessed by an uuusually
large audience. The programme was an
excellent one, and the young ladlos part
icipating In the performance acquitted
themselves excellently well. To-night
there will be a change of programme, and
sotuo good music may be expected.
Mr. George Steele, agent for Burr
ltobblni great show, has contracted with
the Illinois Central railroad company to
carry the circus outfit from Cairo to
Freeport In this state. The contract is
for thirty-three flat and freight cars, one
passenger car and two engines.
The D.O. I. A. club will give a bill
at Kluge'i hall on Tuesday evening
next, October 30th. . The committee of
"iirungtWeuU uio bhii Holme", l. II.
Schdh. William Lmlwig, Claude Winter,
William Ncir and Ed. 1 Wtia. Tickets
Including rclrchiiiinti,onc dollar.
Col, Jim Johnson ol the Illinois Cen
tral railroad, drives the handsomest pair
of ponies in the city. Capt. Jim Miller
is envious, and declare, that "Us a
pretty littlo team," but that "the gray
pony nlway Las u gi'lpiu,lu hi bowels,"
and "don't aiuoiiut to anything." .Miller
Is mud; that's all.
The attendance l tt evening at the
religious services at Turner Hall was
large, and a deep Interest in the meeting
Mf incd to pervade the entire congrega
tion. Key. Chaplin preached an able and
eloquent sermon, which was ll-teni-d to
lrom llrt to last with the closest utlcn
.Mr. A. Coinings deir"S us to say
that lie I not a candidate for the olllce ol
county Miperintendeiit ol schools. Mr.
Comings desires this Htat'-mcnt made be
cause some of the candidates for other
ofliiics have placed his name on their
tickets as a candidate tor superintendent
of schools. He is not in the race.
Mrs. A. B. Saflord. Dr. Mary J. Saf-
ford-Rlake, and Mrj. JI. II, Caudoe, lelt
by the Cairo A Vincennes railroad this
morning for Vincennes. From Vlncoimes
Mrs. Satlord and Mrs. Cuiidce o to
Evansvillo to visit tho family of Col. Mor
rill. Dr. Blake will go from Vincennes to
Boston, her home.
Tho Sun U anxious to know" whether
the Cnitcd Slates government has com
menccd work on the river back of this
oily,'' and ayi, '',( work has not com
menccd It is time it should." Our neigh
bor seems to lie behind time in the mat
ter of Item feathering. Work on the river
hank has been going on lor over a week.
aud that too by a force of men employed
by the United States government.
U- -' Williamson Is marking dow n
lini fcvjjJ-, and is now selling straw hats
at prices lower than ever. She U now
offering hats which heretofore
sold at 75 cents to one dollar, lor
33, 40 and CO cents, and all
other gooda In proportion. Her stock of
flowers Is very law and range from 10
cents to $ 2 in price. The price tor pren
lug and remodling straw hats has been
reduced from 35 aud 50 cents to 20 and 30
ants. Mrs. W. Invites all Inspection of
her ; oo Is and prices. If
ihe amusement-luv'mg people ol
Cairo will have no cause for complaint
during tho coming week or ten days. To
night, at the athentuni, the young ladies,
who last night gave their concert and or
atorio, will give their second performance,
and II it equals lost night's perlorm
ance, it will be a rare treat lor our citi
zens. On Friday, the 2'ith, Burr Itob
bins' circus will exhibit; and on Saturday,
the 27ih, the Georgia minstrels will ap
p. ar at the athcneuin with twenty per
former; and dually commencing Mon
day evening, the 2!)ih, the Seidell Irwin
combination will occupy the utheii"um
for three nights in succession.
Having taken charge of thu grocery
eitabll'hmetit at the corner ot Four
teenth street and Washington avenue,
ami put in one of the largest aud best
assorted stork of family groceries ever
exhibited In Cairo, Mes-rs. Pettis A
Bird are now ready for business, and In
vite the attention of the puMie to their
house. They have given special atten
tion to the selection ol
their goods, and having purchased
lor cash arc prepared to compete
with any other hou-e in the
city on sugar, coll.e, fyrups,
teas, hams, bacon, canned goods, and In
fact everything In the grocery a'ld
provision line. They will always keep
on hand choice fresh butter, egjrs, and
all kluds of country produce. They will
deliver goods in any part ot the city
free of charge and on short notice.
Messrs. Pettis & Bird solicit a share ot
the patronage of our citizens, believing
that they ran give them better bargains
than san be obtained elsewhere. lm
For Keut.
The finest cottage in town. Inquire of
lw GuOIKiK Fmiku.
Cairo, 111., Oct. 24, 1S77.
Having been detained on account of
a pressure ol business, I could not visit
Cairo any sooner. However, 1 will say
to those who Intend getting any winter
garments that I will be In your city lor a
tew days, at the St. Charles Hotel, where
my samples can bo seen for suits, over
coats and fine shirts. Consuli your own
Interests and call on me. No city ordi
nance will keep mo from cutting in
prices to break up monopolies. I'll sell
my $33 suit for $20 ; nil others In propor
tion. Wm. P. Scott,
23-3C 212 1st Street, Eyansville, 1ml.
Wevd Working Machinery For Hale.
One Plainer and Matcher, one Heading
plainer, one Surfacer and one Gigsaw
machine, for which I will take lumber In
payment. For terms apply to
24 lm James Bell, Ulliu, Ills.
At Seboeumeyeri.
Mr. Charles Schoenmeycr lias received
a large lot of the celebrated Cobdcn cider,
(iplcl wein) which Is beyond all question
the best and purest elder ever sold in this
city. Families desiring it can procure
this cider in quantities to suit, by the
pint, quart or gallon, or in larger quanti
ties. Persons desiring cider by tho bar
rel can have their orders filled by notityiug
Mr. Schoenmeycr at his ealoou at the
corner of Tenth street and Washington
avenue. Mr. Schoenmeycr has also just
received a consignment of the celebrated
California ltlcsling wine, which is
iqual to any Itblno wine. This
wlno is manufactured from the
celebrated German grape, and hag uo
superior In the couutry. And further, lie
keeps Moerlelus' beer, tho best made,
and a lull line of choice liquors and ci
gars. Call and see Charlie, Uo is al
ways glad to see his friend J, and will bo
lound ready to serve them. A free lunch
spread every morning at ten o'clock, tf
in my Nhitw.
Au rsdiaugu cays ol I'.uir KoMjim,'
great circus and menagerie, which will
exhibit here to-morrow, Friday :
A show (especially a tent show) which
performs and exhibits ull It advcrti.-:es and
piomlses, which prohibits all gambling
about its premises, has courteous u-liers
uud polito and square dealliu; rclresh
mciit venders all uiidci' control ot a man
agement who order their bills paid with-,
out m umbling or qululing, Is certainly
"something new under the sun," uud
we exclaim Eureka! on witnessing liob
bins' combined show. This conjunc
tion is lormcd ot Itobhln's American Cir
cus and Menagerie, allied with Kent's re
nowned Herman Equestrian and Zoologi
cal exposition. Tho artists both uiuii:
and female, certainly take rank, both in
merit and number, with the bi ,,t shuns
in the laud. The ring perlo.inancu Is
versatile, urtistu and cliole, the train,) I
horses are skillful, Intelligent and Kpcci
uiuns of equine beauty, uhile the other
educated and performing Unimals aro ex
ceptionally Interesting ami clever, espo.
ciully the elephant, 'leopatra and Muxul
who aHord a lund of wonder and amuse,
merit. Tho crand entree openlnar tho
show, Is a dazzling mid artistic dis-'
play of equestrianism, iy tin: gorgeously
apparelled and mounted knights aud la
dies, in ariiior,whilethegrand procession
ol living wild animals and oriental i.ije
untay form a double ring completely sur
rounded witli n continuous army of mov
ing wonders; truly a mugnlilcent fpec
tale. The Menagerie comprise a largo
and excellent collection ol wild beasts,
birds and reptiles; the street procession
mid tree procession and tree exhibitions
and more thai u-iially altracllve and ful
ly up to the advertised promises. The
entire exhibition is meritorious an T de
serving of liberal patronage.
You fan Have
Money by getting your buihlinc materia
ol Lancaster & Rice, They arc seillnglum
ber at mill price?; a large amount of w hite
piue and cypress shingles ol ill'; best hr iu
constantly on b in I. We s,:ll plno shin
(lies at fl.73 per thousand; sawed cedar
posts at nt2.)cents(,,eh;white pine lloor-
uijj ,.er u.ousmo; pine m..io
at $13.01 per thousand. Try your luck
...t.t..i.t-.i .
whii huh una. u.
A U'orU FriMii on. o'callittinii.
Anna, li.i.s.,Uct. 23, 1S77.
Kdituu Caiho Bi -i.i.ktix: 1 uiu very
thankful for your kind words In lad Is
sue. A ch irge against a man is easily
made; to prove it is the next thing.
Having so many Irieiids in airo
Americans as well as Irishid why I
would like lor you to say through your
paper, which is largely read lure, that
Con. O'CulIahan Is uo thief.
Very respectfully,
C. O'Cau.uian.
Turn I Itang-rr AI.entl.
When those usually active littlo organs,
the kidneys aro neglectful of their duties
and grow sluggish, fatty degeneration,
liright's disease, diabetes, and other dan
gerous maliadies, arc the result of neglect
to remedy this inactivity by medicinal
means. When the all important func
tions of the kidneys arc imperfectly dis-
chaiged, those organs need stimulating,
and the bet possible agent for that pur
posesince it performs its ollico without
exciting them is Hostetter s htomucli
Hitters, which, In combination with its
t iuic ami cathartic properties, possesses
Valuable qualities as a diuretic, ilolh
kilneys and bladder are strengthened by
ll.'.and the vigor which It imparts to them,
and the gentle but cflectual impulse
which it gives to their operations, Is the
best possible guaranty against their be
coming diseased. The bitters tire Invalua
ble in other respects as well as the above,
since they remedy general debility, utcr
Ine troubles, chills and fever, dyspepsia,
constipation, gout, rheumatWm, ami
other ailment-!.
A aeglei'tfil I.lver
The bile has u thiee-lold part assigned
to it by the great manager, Nature, it
assists In the digestive process, acts as a
coloring nzent of the blood, and is essen
tial to the eracuative function. When
tho liver grows torpid, complete chaos
ensues in the stomach and bovels; the
bilo is injected into the circulation In
large quantities, and constipation and in
digestion are product d. Pains under the
right shoulder blade and through the
right side, headaches, vertigo, yellowness
of the skin, furred tongue and nausea,
also follow. But these and other symp
toms of bllllousncss, and the disorders
which accompany It, are entirely remov
moved by Hosteller's Stomach Bitter?,
that benign rectillcr of organic disturb
ance cure and for physical weakness. I n
termlttcnt and remittent lever, urinary
and uterine troubles, rheumatism, gout,
aud other maladies, also yield to the rem
edial Influence ol the great corrective ln
vigorant. It is the people's chosen rem
edy. Intermittent rover
Is so common in the country as scarcely
to need comment. The causes which
produce it are such as cold, irregular
living, over exertion, low Fpirits, night
air, exposure to miasmatic exhalations,
Ac. In larsre cities where edge tools
and agricultural Implements are manu
factured, the grinder protects his lungs
lrom the injurious cttccU of tho dust
Hying oil the griudstono by wearing a
respirator. The coal miner ere ho de
scends the shaft provides himself with a
safety lamp to guard against lire-damp.
Now It is equally necessary for those
who are brought in contact w ith any ol
the causes leading to Intermittent fever,
to providu themselves with that well
known ami highly esteemed remedy
against it, the home stomach bitters.
No Failure Known,
There is no case on record where Dr.
Morris' Syrup of Tar, Wild Cherry and
Uorehound has tailed to give satisfaction.
On the other hand, whenever It lias been
used by our people, In severe colds,
coughs, asthma, bronchitis, croup,
whooping-cough and consumption, they
are enthusiastic In Its praise. Contain
ing no opium or other dangerous drug,
it docs not constipate, and '.s sale to ad
minister In all conditions of health. This
Is an important announcement, and the
suffering aro advised to he'J It. Trial
size, 10 cents; large sizes, 50 cents and
Ono Dollar. Sold by Barclay Bros.
Also agents for Prof. Parker's Pleas
ant Worm Syrup, which Is sure death to
worms. Pleasant to take and requires
no physic. Trice 25 cents: Try It,
STATION. LOW WATia.'ltilfl or Fall
Ijrr. w. J t. ix.
HiiuburK '.i ( r,
4 I ID t
Loul(vllle 3 1 v v
Knivlll $ u .-
rluca)i ... ; 1 (I X 1
Cairo 7 t X 11
t-t. Paul m. 2 4 X u
Davenport... 8 ' 0 X 1
heokuk 4 i X 1
Hi. toum 11 i X ".
JAM KS M. W A f- "N,
Scrsrant Nignul Service, t'. H. A.
'apt. All. tirissom Is clerk on the
Kaiie in the lower coast trade.
The Golden Crown arrived night be
lore last, uud Mils out here for tho south.
Shu is a muKiiilicent pasungt-r bout, and
will rise rapidly in publlo f ivor as a Cm
einii.iil and New Orleans packet. Hie
has all modern improvements, large
rooinii'g state rooms, a heauiilul cabin,
and as line as any steamer nlloat. she
suffered ne injury by her tny on the
The PurUot steamer Carrio liogan
pased south yesterday, Piloted by Billy
Phillips. She is a 1.000 bah) cotton car
rier an 1 a, very neat littlo beat ot her
class. '
The Port Kads with six barges ami a
I'uol boat cleareit lor New Orleans yssters
day morning.
I he tow .boat -A, L. No. 1 passed to
Paducah yesterday.
Capt. Speed arrived from Grand Tow.
er yesterday, and left for St. Loais by
rail hut niiiht. lie goes from 'acre home.
He says tho little towboat Mai will tow
his coal barie tAoatutiuie from Grand
Tower to t ':iiro.
1 1 Use. I.Odlnis X lio urn eeMin.r i Inn
) of ict. r,mJv at St , lliH or Mi mIllk
The Belle Memphis brought '.W hales
C()t(ol f(,r ,hfc Th(J (Jrald
, ,ms . (M)1, lril. lor vielhu.
; The T. T. Ililltmui for Paducah, C. W
1 Anderson for Kvansville. Grand Lake
and barges and Commonwealth tor New
' Orleans, Mary Miller for Cincinnati, and
Stc. Genevieve for Memphis, are due to
The Dora Cabler brought 1 IS empty
j barrels, 7.1 barrels potatoes, 8 tons stoves
and a lot ot furniture yesterday morning.
llEii.ru Notes. Statistics prove
that twenty-live per cent, of the deaths
in our largo cities are caused by con
sumption, and when we acllect that this
terrible disease in its earlier stage will
readily yield to a bolllo ot Dr. Hull's
cough syrup (costing 25 cents), fehall we
condemn the sutlers lor their negligence,
or pity them far their Ignorance':
Ollieerx Chosen.
'1 he Kxcclsior .Social and Literary .So
ciety met at the house of Miss Kiiiina
itiley on Tuesday evening, and chose the
following Olivers lor thu next three
mouths, viz : President, Geo. S. Fisher;
Vice-President. Miss Llla Armstrong;
Secretary, .. A. Strong; Treasurer, Miss
Kiiiina Kiley; Executive Committee, A.
S. llobcrtson, Miss i,u Walbridgc and
Tho. Morgan. 11. H. deer was ap
pointed ( ritic. Ihe society now has a
membership of twenty-six persons.
4'airu II ilOt-l nil nnil Try Tliciu.
Having di.-charged Dr. l.owor and
renovated my bath rooms, with the addi
tion or a new receiver utter the latest
and most convenient style, I hall take
great pleusure in giving baths either
medicate I or otherwise, to all who may
call on me.
lm Dr. D. Ahtkr.
I am now ollerin; my entire
Mock ol
Clothing i
Kor His Next Thirty
Ai I inteml In quit thf bnuntan,
1! AU
Cor. Cth Street nnd Ohio Leytc.
Turley Horse Mar
The attention of tho public Is called
to this great Improvement In
J lorso Collars.
Or.::; of Horses Should Cirs it a Trial.
Call at the
Ins ill Gsll&f I
and examine and be convinced of the
great superiority of this new collar over
the old style hard and still collar now In
use. It Is a well-known fact tlut every
day largo numbers ol horses are rendered
unlit lor service by cli'dllng, caused by
the uso of the old stylo collar, and that
by this means many horses are made to
balk. This new collur will obviate all
such results.
is tho liest made. Come and nee them
at 119 Commercial avcnue.fool of Seventh
street. lot
To Iliiililera.
u.,,i1aH nrnnnwtlii will 1m rnnftlvAd At in
olllce of Lancaster & Hico until tho 'itltli
last, at 7 o'clock a. ni., to constructs build
Intc as pcrpiau nd niiccilli'stluD, same, to
. n . . . .11 CI U. 1. ' I. n
be seen at ine oiuee ui . imci";
receiving tho contract will be required to
IV6 DOUll ICr a lull uuillifimuuu ui pm.i.c.
i lia nndrrslirnod ictcrvcs tho rlif Lit to re
ject any or all bids.
- Cm. LANCASTin,
J. V. Tl'llNKK.
l-3t lluildiDg Com. Delta Kire Co.
ml ft1wptu. htttlt tin
nmh! to run r tbt m tt IsfulsribwJ
sncvffilv run-: . ralttMs
- .-T'-?11"'""" HI l'l . J-M--jM
BarelayrSrw mm
And At ' '
Washington Avenue and Eighth Street.
The Best Extract of Buchu
Sold By
The Best Sarsparilla and Blood Puri
To Be Had at i,
Barclays' Drug Store: k
Agency for Dr. Jaynes MedicineaS
' Barclay8, Drug Store
For Holman's Aguo Pad
Go To , , . s x
Chills and Fever MeIoines,,
At Barclays' Drug Stove.
Snoe Blacking, Shoe Dressing, and Stove Polish
California Wine, Port and Angelica,
For Medicinal Use,
If you want Boschee's German Syrup,
One or One Hundred Bottles,
Extracts of Lemon and Vanilla,
Cream Tartar, Soda, Etc.,
Shoe Blacking, Stove Blacking, ' .
Mucilage, Ink, Etc.,
Paint BrushesVarnish
Coarse and Fine Combs,
White Lead, White Zinc, Linseed Oil,
Turpentine and All Color
McLean's Cordial, McLean's Pills,
Hostetter's Bitters
French, English and American Perfumery
Wax Flower and Artists' Materials .
Buy Copperas, Blue Stone Indigo, Madder,, ;
Nutmegs, Spices, and Pepper
Homoepathic Medicines
All Kinds of Almanacs Free to All ' : -: ?
Bottles, Vials, Corks, Sealing Wax V
Shoulder Braces for Ladies and Gentlemen v
The Best Trusses, All Styles,
Quinine, Smith's Tonic
Malaria King,
Writing Paper, Envelopes, Pens and Ink,
Cough Medicines of All Kinds
Paper Bags, Wrapping Paper and Twine , ;
Feather Dusters and Counter Brushes V''.-,;T.n.":
: ', f
Nursing Bottles, Gum Nipples and Rubber Cloth
Buy Your
s A
' , i
i ' a i f
Whitewash. Brushes.
and Hair Brushes
and Corks for putting up'uTui
Kress Tonic,
and all Ague Medicines
At Barclays' DraQ 8Umo

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