OCR Interpretation

The Cairo bulletin. [volume] (Cairo, Ill.) 1872-1878, November 03, 1877, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85033413/1877-11-03/ed-1/seq-4/

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i - - -.niTTfyv. DutMldorf Kkooi c'
tdMfci ?ti?TIi, aftr -n lollow-
t tool W , w. minute:
'ri ! kmow Whet I.., '?
.idlng dayl '
t topper
gout away;
-i io-uayi
.ii'.'T'w'p'-n' wlld together
CottU dream to-day would Sad as
At ssvbkt aaeDi Y-
BttUt'W, M doubt sad yet I
w bosu-Uums IfaJ-Ji I osnaot tell
. H4 eur ber-ek, yl 1 knew, lar
? " -
WtU wt'vt ha our Joys and sorrows,
Sn-4or iniilns m Well a uri ;
udr-Hi Iwl or all -1'T had your
HllttiftU low fue-forry 7 saint
l Poor w'bee, bat ac4roraken;
Urlef we've kau, but never shame
fwWr fer Thy eiWIeea mercies
fc.r. Mitt 1M Umi Thy AolT umi
Tni ii nif (inn
for yon to nuke mon
ey. ..We will py yo
Urn mh bouiiius-
aloMaod a-iv you ttelaaive territory. Bond
M ease 4olWr, avoid anoeeeasary cur-espon
aVMe. naetv year territory, ana go to work at
eaue. . sio. iaae.pt of Which we will forward
umI'i oHlt. aa-tliaala oM-nc-, eta.. Suaci-
iXre l$eaIre PublUhinV Co. ,
" mmKwm K0. cedr Street, New York:
Oyer's Cathartic Pills,
4 JVxrVT Mm frarpMk of e ramil-r Physio t
i and euAaOotivnem, JauncUoe,,
; lnttlrrtlon, ?oul BtomMh. Breath,
ffiJUMoMlM. Bn'siMlM, Kheum
Uno.Juruptioa mdBkin Ulseuca,
C UousnoM, Dropsy, Tumors,
C v Vqrm, Nourateia i u a Din-
:,.Ut P1U, for purifying th Blood,
ATI) tilt! liHIM
effective nud
conguiiltil yni'-
covi'it'd. 1'lny
arc : mild, lk
etloctuul In
.tliulr oi'r;t-
tlon, nn In.if
tiu i'ly niul
wltliont prtiii.
AUhouIi gcii
I tl lu their op
eration, tiny
sra itlll tit most thorough and surdi-
iu cathartic medicine tliat can uu
"cntploycd : cleautiing the Hloniuch and
, kjowelr, and even th blood.' In anutll
: 4ps pf one pill a day, they stliiinluto
dixaaUrt orguiiH uml piomoto ir
trt)aalalth. ,. . .
'"Ana'a PiU.8 nivo iK-en known fur
mora than a quarterrof a century mid
ftavtVbbtaiaed aworld.wldo repututUm
tfbrttelrltrOtdea. They correct dis
404 MCtLon in the sevurul nMiiidla
ttv organa of the body, uud arir .so
ompoied that obstruction)) within
langt can rarely wlthstanil or
jtyO ijiain. i Not only do they cure
lvery-lay complaints of every -odv.-btttalao
formidable and duiiKcr
coa dlaeaaes that have baffled the best
of human akilJ. While they produco
powerful B"ctf, they are, at the anio
. -f fiB,'th safest and best physic for
'children.' By their aperient action
tfeay jrripa much less than the common
purgative, and never give pain when
the bowels are not lullamed. They
' roach the vital fountains or the blood,
t. and strengthen the sytttera by freeing
U from the elements of weakness,
i Adapted to all ages and conditions
in ail 'climates,., containing neither
calomel nor . any deleterious drug,
these Pills may be taken with safety
by anybody. Their sugar-coating pre
serves them ever fresh and makes
them pleasant to take , while being
purely vegetable, no harm can arise
from their use, in any quantity.
Or. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass.,
Practical aad Aaalytleal CbralU.
.. i t V . .T
i -' ; ''
k - ; , , K '. .
VavatioDaUr tna baa auatalnad
wark of Ua kind la tho World."
v ; Ti'i ? '
2Zflixpci?d ? Hagazino.
" "" 5 ' ' Potiet$ f tht Pre$$,
ThalUAania baa attuatd in IU ont qnirter
I aMrrtKirteo taoat point waara
ttaam haMldaf U.iatbawordaof Dr. Johaaon.
"O 4 ala tavUSM aad aaalaaa to pniaa. ' ' The
latin if 11 laai-aca-attainad reputation has in
aaaaaad aa tbayuura bava waad, and iu future
mm as bricbl if not briahtar than at any time
laa Oa galdaa bba of prosperity aettlod around
lu laairaad beat year. Brooklyn Kngle.
fbrpara Monthly is marked by the same char
aatariaile wbieta cava itelrcnlatlon from the lira
wisk Cae batter alaas ol reader. It combine
raafca matter with Illustrations In away to
make elaat aad vWldtba faeta presented. Pie
iua maraly daaiffned to catch the eye of the
itWaat a BTr laatnad, Chlcajo Journal.
PoarUaa free to all Babeor
United BtaUa.
tins in
Aaraa'a klaeunaaj, one year.
x tt t taetodea prepaymeat of U . 8.
...ft 00
postage by
apeariauoaa to naraar-s ssagaxiae, neeaiy,
aw.tw f Harper' reriodl
ft f jaet. 7 . poatag
t aValmOemaeltberti
i v aaa eaoreee tor one year, eiu w,
rarwoaiaia. w ona aaoress
stag free.
u, tlu Muailna. WmVI
B4t aril baaapaUsd fratis lor every Club
ernre ansaniiart at at ew taen, in one remit
aaaaa,a JU bopita for , without extra
"TTamaKr aaaWaappllfd at aay ttsae.
TsaaTolamaa of the Maaasine commence with
Oat haatbeas fcr Jane aad December or each
yea. . BabeeriptMaa may conmeBoa with any
aavrsbat. Wkeaao rtmeUapaeiaed, hwlll be
Ees mat tea tabeeribar wishes to besin
aaaa Seal aanbar ef tbaaarranl volvme.aad
baak aamaare w iQ U seat aceordi nirl y.
AtaaaMeSet of Uarpar'a Magulne, now
awii mPyolaaM. la aaat aloth bindinK,
.w Ik seat by express, freight at expense ol
Miaaar, aaril at aerTolaaae. Single Tolnmes
SashaU, pweituaU. &a sM. uta eases, tor bind-
Tl CcSpSie AasJytCllad.i to the first Fifty
leases ef IUp'i'aaalaaBaJnatbeeapub.
laalaita a ayaiiahle for saSweace the Taut
eaatwaei.bolaaxaauioa whitA eoaali-
at caM penecucai a penesi uiustrawu literary
OTO, aioia, as ew, nau out, w w,
Wnsaisari are aatteaopr thisadTertlsement
W Ijaeai sa aajaeai oraer oi iiarprr m Drvuivrs,
Aareaa BAIUW AKttdlliKlu,
tvCfl' if Cii'i
Hew Tort,
To OonsumptI ves.
,. Cassaasaassalaai. abat snaias of anananltr.
aaflraatajaasial tbaaaaaia AuaUl, la all civil
aaa as aa trial. ' - -
I Stat eeainaal last I am la posaesaioa or the
adyaaia, laHlllbsa reaaady aow known to
.ka asstaaisaoaist la (Beady, poaltive oura ol
hat 4raaa taaaart, aad Its uawalouiae eoacom
ktata. vkti Oaaarrh, AMaaia, BronehltU, Ner-
O Nattily, at.,, lam oU fogy. Iba-
ta aMdlslaa, tweaty-dght years aipe
alaaae as a kssay ataatltloaar U iba best con
aaatsasaaaaetdtalaU tbe old andaaw world,
iarkm(bi aaa ska vslaa of anpar anadlca lion
ka Jaaat aad eeaaittistUoal la dsa ant of this
aMamaattyaf atwiaae. 1 bare found It Hut
laaa aVaiaasalaf. fJrte4 am to aay to those
aaa-rUf "";!!'' w any of the above
aaaatatse, Saa w astdieeacn- me. -win- ,jmpt
f v- ak-JJ b put la poaauaioo lotuis
"?r!5ll?' he
1 wyat iasila) tisonaaacli of iu,
a. a. illy traaaaS. rail a-Ucyksrs, W
Ma aW iiaaavall sa aad aaa, and advlea aad
aa- " ? aa usees ml tasalraaal at your
saasTaay ysm iy retura
5, -i- v." rra
w.. - - J
jib papfr i o nt.E wrrft :
Wbara Advei Using touUacte oaa barnruitb
A Wwson'a Preavnru of 311 nit.
Some repair being In progress to (he
roof of a house In High stro'-t, Hsrnbtuble,
a ladder filly fort lon was re-awl fiom tl
roadway. A u.imou's Jaliotur. iiiiinea
Charles Jones, .when nearly at the top of
t'ae Udor, but not siitllclcntly no to depcuslt
a heuvy load of mortar on tlio roof, was ob-
served by (leorge c ross, ilm ma--i
was nulling to take the lu ul tiem li h u
suddenly top, and to b' In a f.ilntiiiK
dition. Cross immediately went dim n t ho
ladder and removed tbe luud from tho l;u : t
Ing man's glionMcr on t Die riot. Mn
thou descended to tlio a'slctani'C of Jonc,
whom be found in a tit, ready to (all, but
this lie happily prevented by ueliini; hitoi-m
hlui, and holding tightly by Uiehmdand
leg. JonoH, id hi tit, litcd his teeth iu
Cross' arm, and trembled violently as wi ll
aa struggled to get free. Korlittern minu
tes the people below witnessed the sit n'e,
afraid to ascend, until another brave fol'ow,
named 'William Uicburds, a driver ot n van,
ran up the Judder to tho np.ni tan. o ol tl.o
mason. In tbe iiiHintiino tlio fl e-e'aio
ladder was Lronlit to tlio spot, and in the
nick o( time tlio poliue ascended, und tlio
leather belt belonging to the eseipo bcirg
fattened around Jonea ho was lowered,
still in the fit, to tho ground unhurt. Tha
mason, Cross, was much CNh.tUi-tcd, anil
when ho reguinod tho ground luinted.
London Builder.
ASK me rct'nyirv'l
dyuiU'iillH, liliniis
suflfurcr, victims o
ft'ycr niul SKue, the
jneciiriulilisi'awil pa
tient, how tliny rucuv
ornl liualtli, cheerful
Hlliriitf, ii(Ik"'"1 f"
petit tl.ey Will '' I
you by Mi inn
;(inoa' Liver I'eK"--lalnr.
Kor i)Y.PKl'SlA. CONs riI'ATION,.liui.!ii'1
illuua atlHcks, SICK IIKADAl III., folif.
reitionol iliiriU)., UOL'K STOMACH, H'-arl
llu-n, et., c.
This unriTalh'il Southern ltninuly In war
ranted not ti) contain n a iirl i.-.ii? ol Mricnrj ,
crauy i jurloiit uulMtiiDea, but is
cnntaiulni? those Bdiithern roott ami lirrliswhli li
an all Wlsa provlilene luia planed in couiiUif.-i
wheretiv!r IHneanrspri vil. H will eure all
tlseaes canned by UtriiUKemeut ua the l'.vir
and bowels.
Thenyniii'oiiiB of l iver (Join tla lu t are a bit
ter or bail timte iu the month i 1'ain in the bm'li,
Sides or Joints, oitun inmuikcn for rheniua
tiam ; Hour stomach, loss ol'tippetite, b"i'la
allcrimtely costive uml lux, lieudaelic, luas oi
memiry, wito a paliilul- seiiHatlun nf having
failed to do soiuuihiiiK which niinlit to ImM
heend we, debility, InW fpirilti, u -thick yel
low appearance of the skin anil eyes, u dry
cough often niiatnki n for r.imuintiiii.
taiiueilmog many of theno Hyiiiptoina iiih inl
thedistwse, at others very lew, hut the liver, the
larttest oiyan in the body, la cncrully the sent
at diaeiues and if not retituti'l in tune, Kreat
suIl'erliiKi wrettliedness uud D1CA I11 wid ell.
1 oan recommend as an efficacious remedy for
diseases or the Liver, Heartburn and lvli'lia,
Hiiumont' l.lver Uirolator. Ciiwis Wusiikk,
Hits Master street, AsahiUut TostiuasUr, 1'hll
ailelplila. " We have tcstcil Us virtues, lieraonally, and
now tint for OiHXjpi, liiliouauei'S and
Throlibinn Headache it is the liext medicinu the
world ever saw, We have tried forty oilier
remedies licforu Simmons' l.ivcr HeKulalur,
but none of tlicm gave us more limn temporary
relief; but the lti'Kula'.or not ouly n lii v-d
but cured us." Ko. TsLKiiKAru Attn iluita
mil, Macon, (hi.
Nothing IB 80 unpleasant, notliinn so common
as bad breath, and in nearly every case it comes
from the Stomach, and can be so easily correct
ed If veu will take Simmons' Liver Keirulutor,
Do not neglect so sine a remedy lor this re
liulbive disorder. It will alsj improve your
Appltlte, complexion, and Oeneral Health .
Tills distressing nllltclion occurs most fre
quently. Tho disturbance of tho stomach,
srlaiDg from Imperfectly dit!esU.J contents,
causes a severe Hani In th) head, accoiiipanUd
with disagreeable naueea, und this cmistiiiiU'S
What is populatiy kuon q us Sick ilcnducliu. For
pruuipt rviici
ICINE, cntuins four medical elements, never
d in the same happy propurtion in any
preparation, viz: a gentle Calhartii'. a
erful tonic, an unrxceptlrnnMo u!ti r.mr
certain Corrective ol all iinpiii'ilicA of
oily. Suchsignal success has attended its
hat It Is now regarded as the
As a Ucmedy In
Armed with this ANTIDOTE, all changes of
ellmute and water and food mny be f.iced with
out tear. Asa Itemedy in MALAItlot'S
J. 11. Ell. EN,
I'liitri.U'lniuu. i'i.
Trice 1.0.
SoM by all DrtiKKCti.
The Great Discovery !
IKUN. Kor the cure of weak stomach, general
debility, IndigeMion, disease of the nervous
system, :onitipatiou, acidity of the stomach,
and all cases requiring a tunic.
The Wine Includes the most agreeable and
efficient Salt of Iron we posscsB. titrate of
Magnetic OxI le. rimbincd with the most enev
getlo of vegetable tonics Yellow I'ciuvian
The effect la many cases ol debility, loss of
spiietlte, and general prostration, of an efficient
6alt of Iron combined with vuluable Nerve
tonic, leiuost happy. It augments the appe
tite, raises the pulse, takes oil muscular II abb i
ness, remnres the palor oi debility, and gives
a florid vigor to the countenance.
Do you want acmeihlng t strengthen you?
Do you want a good appetite? Do you Want to
buildup your constitution? Do you want to
feel well? Do you want to get rid of nervous
ness? I you want energy? Do you want to
sleep well? Do you want brisk and vigorous
feelings? If you do, try liunkel's Hitter Wins
of Iron.
This truly valuable tonic has been thoroughly
tested bv all classes of the commuuity, that It is
now deemed Indispensable as a tonic medicine.
It costs but little, nurilles the blood und gives
tone to the etomw-b, renovates the system und
prolongs Hie.
I now only ask a trial ol this Valuable tonlo.
Pncell per bottle. E. I", KUNKEL, Sole pro
prietor, Philadelphia, 1'a. Ask your druggist
lu-Kunkel's Hitter Wine of iron .n.l i.c.
other make. Sold only in si bottles. All others
are counterfeit, ao uewnreoi liiem,
Buv si bottles for $i (W.
--. Worms Bvmoved Alive.
WLF. ksnnkol Worm Kyrnp never rails to
destroy Ma, Bett and Hloma. li Worms. Dr
KauleJ Is th only sticorssful I'hysl-Un n thle
aountry for the removal of worms. He removes
lape worm witn neau ana ail complete, alive in
two hours, and no lea until removed. .Vnd tor
cireuiar or can on your uruggiat, and get a but
tie of Kunkel'i Worm Syrup.
1'rica B)l. It never falls.
Mn.hl,(f, titbit ftUrT'liaMv fcnl
.-v-liiycajtil. i ftin.'i ih Kbllrliy.
m Mri.f.,r jt-tt-f ;,,(,,. JJr,
an km l..i. ,ri .H..a
! s,i,isi.'m . ei,.H.
STIitn. Agents wmiIciI. ltiiHi,
aesaleiillliuuie. I'artlnulsisfree.
- 1 Pta4"lL M ts a lim, a mtar.. ri, ,M
.;'"'" ,u-""- i. i."
-arjKulii r,TK..wi," ana b, Mm 7.,'1T" T
e-1?" r" " r?"3J. zz t?is. :;
Iuo it (T",, m '
. " " Martin, s-n n.,J,,
(liu- Iblnir U now llioroujlily i-sl.iblKhril. Never
niii' c man ufl'tad and hum. m at'ein ieh alleviali'd
pain, lias then-bevn auyihina wbi. h went M Mr "
pain anniliil.itnraiiil ninilivc aent ,i ihc I VnU'ir
(.inriaeiilH. 'I hese I.ini inenu have Hilliin the past
j'.v.r ruri'd mure c.itm ol ItlicuniniiMii, Ncmaliiia,
Still jalllK, uked llrc.iH, Swelling. l'oiunills
lliK s, I, rune Animals, clu. , llisu .ill olbe trim dies
ruiiil ilinl. As tlic name "f t.c:iil.illr iuiphit ball
horse and halfiuau, ihelieninie ihc t't-uhuir Liue
Hiruis are Iwr man and beat. Hut not the Mine
Liniment. 'I ho While Liniment is t"r iiuin llw
vch'iw tur horses and animals. Herein On
l.mimmt diners fiim other rrafilR-s, althoiifh
mine ul the Ingredienu are alike in cndi. 'liny
ruiilaiuthe writ-known wilth hatel, arnica, c nbul
Ic, ruck nil, jtienihaaiid nthrr powerful injreilieiiis.
Win. It. Ilukov, recVur ot St John lIimb h,
Wakelicld, I lay county, K.ms.n, niia: "Many
yr.irs Inn c 1 breu sulieiini; fiom a weak ha. k, rausul
Muni a rpi.iin more ih.wi to years ni;o. 1 h.ic not
l.aiml amylhinu to relieve me until 1 commenced die
use of tenia jr Lincuicnt. 1 led it my christian
iluty to inlbi in yuu that by Its wonderful elio ts i am
onliis'ty relieved of pain. .I.imury '''Jd. ISj, .
Messsrs. .1. McCtae & Co,, Jriiianl:., Cincin
nati. ()., says:
" teamsters pronounce the Vclli w Ccntiur I.lui
nient supcrinr m any ilnni; they hat e ever used.
We S'dl several dozen bottles cveiy n'Olitll, and the
ale is steailily increasing;.''
These are y samples of thousands upon tlious
amls of ilmil.ir testimonials reaching us every
iiuinih. All the extracts, emlirocations, salves
and ointments in cisteiii:r are not doing one-tenth
the good which is d"tm by these admirable Cen
taur Liniments. Eur frost bites, stings, cuts, itch
salt rlicuiii, etc., milling is tike the Centaur Lini
ment, white wrapper. For spavin, riiii bun.',
Sweeny, wind Ralls, poll eil, scratches, tic., on
horses the yellow tentaur Liniment in eipial'y
good. They are Certain in their elleet", they are
pleasant to use, they are liiuuly and they me envap.
No family shuuld he without tentaur Linimuias
They are worth one hundred times their Cost.
J. II. KOSK A t;0., 4Kii ysireci. New Vork,
Mnlli'-'i ill MmT n.'ft antl 0't.rr kiliief. m:iy liuvi
hi-.ilili, ifllify will usn Dr. i' itchrr's ( ;itnri;i fot
wiiulciiic, vuiin. ftvyrislmtssiiur mmrh, croup or
st'-mat lie ('(iiiiiil.'inis. Jt r. uiiliri ly a vi;t;tali!e piv
jmratinn, and com U ins ntiihcr mineral morplti'i
m,r al' ili il. It is a" i-lc;v-;iut to t,kc liiirxjy,
lu'itin r:n;4 nnr gnpn, arm iH superior to any reme
dy m existence.
lr, M. limot.h, cT I)i:t)ont. Ohio, ays:
1 am usiii Castorta in my icurtii e will, the
most sitiiul rt.-sulis, anil Ittnl it in rf t tilliliiir
fi.rilastur Oil."
'Hits is wlmt r.vrrv on 'iiv. ManvnnrB
H'V(ik ti'l ll.r CitM-oki. It is piquiv.l l,y
1'itt.iicr, M
St, Louis & Chicago
Tho only Road Ilunning Two
Daily TrniriB from Cairo.
Train Leave Cairo
2 : lift p. in, I Vt l.spivss, ari'ivlni,' in M,
Louis S:,")ii p. in.; Cltlcsejo, 7:311, a.iu.
AiTlviii!l ii ClnclrinaM a.m.; Louis
villo, a.m.; Indianapolis, 4.1." a.m.:
l'ussciiL'cr.s by Ibis train arrive ul above
IN -
Vl:"frp. m. Knst Mail with Mfflncrs nttaeh
Bil. lor ST. LOCLS Htnl CUiCAtsO,
ainvins m St. Louis at 11:30 a.m. tin
ra.L'0 nt 4.311 n.m. Oonncctini? at Odin
or i:iliiiKli!im I'jr C'inciimiitl, Louisville
Hint liulianapolis.
Lhssanfiera by this line go through to
the i.ase without any delay cauud by
Sund.iv intorvociii!'.
Al 10:.'5.
Advertisements of competing lines tliat
liicy make butter tluio than this ono, aro
are isimctl either through ignorancu or tt
desire to misieau the public.
ior tlirougli tickets and Information,
ipply at Illinois Central R. it. Depot, Cairo.
txpnws 2:00 p m
lad 1 :-l" a.iu
Gen'l Southern Agt
II. .lovitfi. Ticket Agt.
weakexhaiHted feeling, no energy or conragei
the result cf MENTAL OVEIt-WDUK. INDES
tUEl lO.SSOU EXCESSES, or some drain on
the sysiem, Is always cured by Humphreys
Homeopathic Siiecille, No. M. It tones up and
invigorates the system, Imuarta streugth ami
energy stojis the drain and rejuvenutcs the
entire man. lleen Hied :wi:iily years Willi per
foct Bitcuess by thousands Sold by dealer.
I 'rice $t per singlo vlul, or ett iier package o
live vials and (ilvial of powder. Sent by mail
n receipt ol price. Aihlrcsa HUM rilltE YS
1 1 lOiMKOl'A 1 IPC SIEDltl NK COM PAN V, 1
iiiiun aireci, a, i
Is not easily earned In Ihess
times, but it chu be made In
three mouths by any one of
either sex In any part of the
country who Is willing to W"i k
steadily at thu employment we
furnish, $iiii n week in your
own town. Yuli need not be
uwny from home alter night. Van can give
your sole time to the work, or only your snare
momenta. We have agents who' aro making
over S-u per duv. All who engage at once can
make money fast. At tae tircscut time money
cim not be made 10 easily ind rapidly at any
other bibine-,9. it costs nothing to Iry the
business. Terms und j outllt Ires. Address
at once, 11. HALI.h l T A to, Portland, Me,
Hankers & Brokers
Healer In Stock Privilege, v. S. Homl,
Cotton ami illsctillaucous.'iei.'urilies, Ets. 1
Tho greatest opportunity ever
boforo offered for investment
1000 dollars made from invest
ment of 200 dollars in 30 days.
Srnallor amounts invested will
pay m proportion.
Invcltnents largo or small can be trebl
ed in ao days. ..
We sell aro pnroliaso as denlml ft slinrcs
of stocks and upward on margins ot from
one to two porcont. v. ; ,L
UriT!!" ' ofdrcilit and Draft puyililn
lor a o 1 Kuropo nnd America, isiied
in v , encn of travelers.
Full Ink i tuition sent on appllcatlnu.
P.O.Bx2183. a5&37BroadSt.
Now York.
(Xoii Cinl.l iti.J fJtoek i:xebango.)
.i ' . i
a J
is i'iti:iMi:i: with
roit thu i tio of
Stock Certificates,
Wedding Invitation,
Or Anything in tho
Postorss and
Our faclUlu l,t this llw nrc uimiirimcil Onhrs Jut itmjihhig, torn thu
hmjml colored Vustn tt, fhi unilht hn,ill,lV, vlll ! filM REST
Commercial Printing.
dr., (f'r., f-c,
E.ftniicd In tmtijid ntylr, on qood puprr, uml Y ERY CHEAP.
Railroad Printing.
For thin rhmof work ware especially v;dl prepared, and as k nrc doing
large amount of iV, avd haw. in ovr employ men of long experience, as mil'
road printers tee can fill all orders for any description of
Railroad Hanks or Blank Books, Time Cards, Freight ir
Passenger Tariffs, Posters and Bulle.i , Card3,
In nhort, anything in this line required ly Raitrona .Ofltcm, on the very
shortest nnticet and at nn loin rates is any
Books and Pamphlets.
WORKMEN aim' Careful J) oof Headers, insure to those, who entrust this
class of Korh to vzf neat, handsome tid
Catalogues, School Catalogue, liy-Laus, Ordinances, Report , of Medical,
Scientific, or Jlrnwofatt Societies, (V.,
first -class icnrk.
Blank Books
Oj every di script ion fur Comity Officers, Railroads, Merchants, Man ,
Etc., made, vp in the wost mhlmitiiil and elegant in inner from t.
Bulletin M Boobs
When you want anything In Hie line of
' ' ! ,r
Ami you will
,f ...
City or County Bonds,
Ball Cards, Programmes.
shpo of really
'it LO W PA TPS.
house in the vest.
CORRECT Jioejks, Pamphlets, Stock
at rates as low as are rriiviv'cnt with
.-. i
ii 1 1
- ' i, .ii i-.u fr '" 1 1
get It done ' v
Foreigii Truits,
XTuts,' '
, I! .1 , .
Aiiit'ricau nud Kuglifih
Olefin ly mail lrputUy''ttgu-.ucl.
A Leading Feature
MM I Si 1 1 I I N,
uipl, Coi.di'iionta.
53 IU INTO FOR QUOTAVXOlnia'-tl(".
l and UU WiMt S ml Nt., l.Y IX.Vi-T I;
The Best Family
The "NEW AMERICAN" i aaUy learned, does n oraer, ana win m
more work wiUi lew labor than any other machine. lUuiWated ClruXar f-urnlsh4 on
application. .-
J. S. McKEMSKI, Hsaafer, 00c aad Salesrooas, Wafcash AraM, Cfcleaf, Ullaal.
II fl I li A117C I I If CD DAI. PnrM without TniHJicin, fM -
nULIflAll 0 LIVtHirAU in a Hp.Ui- and prompt nfHio-,--
. . , ... ...I i nil I
enre for oil Malaria;
f,3 Maiden Lano, New York, or 24 W. Fourth Kt, Cincinnati, U.irice) :
ti .00; Snr-cial I'nds, f",00. ior HOLMAN'S MEDICATED
PIiASTRS cl a " Dv magic, rooi x tasipra, iw oeuw, ta pir .
liody riastem, M centa each. trS" Beware of imitatir-i. -Take none bui v,
the original llolmau'ts. iwrSt'iit by Mall on receipt cf'pric, postage free, -
S Established I830. For Tliroa, Prescribed Sold
Absolutely Pure I 1 1,11,1 I by Physicians. every
and PALATABLE. I li-fnir,it Use no other.! I where
J0. . Jt Iii;iC a- ( ()., I'roitrteiwrM. i-uiuuu-ipnia, aw ,.
i'ermanuntly curcil no Imtiilmj? by one
montirn iihae of Dr. (Joulanl's C'elehrat
eil Fit J'owdur". To roiifinee -!ffenr"
that tlicau powili r will do all iva ;Uim tor
tliem, wo will ktiiI tliom liy mail, jiohI
paid, a free trial box. A" Dr. (loularJ Is
the only pliynician tliat has ever ruado this
discace a s-ieciul stuiiy, and as to out
knowli;c);:i; thounaails LaTo been iicrma
neutly cured by the use of those powd irs,
we will gaarautee a pprmurint cure lr
every ease, or relund you all money ex
pended. All sutlerers should give these
Powders an early trial, aud be convinced
of their curative powers.
Price, for largo box.f.'J,. or i boxes lot
$10, lout by mull to tiny part ot LTiiited
StatesorC'anada on receipt of price, or I7
exprem. (J. 0. 1. AddreHH,
3U0 Fulton btreet. Brooklyn, N. Y.
All gttflcrcra from this disease
anxious to be cured should try Dr. Kiss
Dor's Celebrated Consumptive l'owders.
These powder aro the only preparation
known that will cure Consumption and all
diKeases of the tbrout and luuslndeed,
so strong is ourfaitb in them, and also to
convince yon that they aro no humbug, we
will forward to every tmllcrer, by mail
ptMtpuid, a free trial box.
We don't want yourmor.;y until yon are
perfectly eati.-tied ot their curative powers,
ir you life Is worth saving, don't delay In
KivlDj- theso powders a trial, as they wll
surely cure you.
l'rlee, tor larjje box, X sent to ny part
f the United states or Canada by wall on
receipt of prico. Address, -
SCO Fulton Street. iSraoklvn, N. Y,
37 Court Place, LOUISVILLE, KY.-
A riiUr1r Hnffst"! awl li-rallr r,iillflpl -liTSkia and tl
aiixtlucCMUUl, m 1-11 I'lAttt'W wtu rrm-f.
Ciiron nil forms nf PRIVATE,
HggJVXG aud XUA-L l)lr
Spermatorrhea and. Impotoncf,
t the r"ull of n-lf-nhn-ie tu Ynth. avruai f no tn nit.
Inrtrteurt. or oihT ntiiM'i, anil 'Miu ma janniruf ilif fct-rtnfiB-tHli-"l:N'rv'itn--.
t'-ihltittl Kti rt-I'iri, (ulrht tnila.
hn Uy circa iii.), Iliniur.-i o fright, l.lr-uw Uuiimri', rhy.
it'-altl'-av. flmifl-'iiti Fsvr-, A.r-rriioi, lnStHi l -f lnmli-a
CiMifii'sOU nt Mi-n. I ma nf n;t ) l' "cr, k!., rsnditiu !
aittrtltfte lr)i,iTipr r tiahniii'T, ar Utura-inlilv uttd rrnoay
-ntl-r ciiraul, SVPHIX-iIS l,,i,,v,l t-wA nn-lio-drt-tr
ra4lil' fr.m (h mei.f GOTlOrvhefft, 1
OLEETi HtTlctir, Hn-hiiH, Hfrnu. (nt ilni-mm
s-Ti amloiW priitllnai" iil kll our!' .
Jt lNHr-vM-ijt tb tl a ili)'fl''iati wlin yms rlalniU,mlft .
tfiAfcnnirjoLfenf illMM, aiirl irTBtiim tbtmni !g tniiu,
allv, af-tnirt? grt-at skill. I'I ?!i hit- tuninf ihi- f..cl :.-,. 1
rrfimcueu1 pi'rsom tn niv e-ro. V net h i lnatini-t tt :
it il' i-tty for traaitneiit, jn-il jitinoan ! acui j.rlauly
al nffijr bjr uinllor a.re iuywl.frr.
Cnrea Onarautoed in all CaneM .
louisiitattluuit ifiinri fir 1Hr IVt nud Itiflrfd,
rtiai(ea K4vuDiXlacii corri'ii'outkucatr'.cUj OsiiifldtuUnl- .
Of 300 pwgei, ornt to any I'Mrrsa, tf-rurHT ftlfd,frr tfcirty
()) oeut, Hboufl h rrnrl by til.' AdflrvM !.
(.Uet Hour from If A. U. tub p. U. Buuiltuf, 1 1 4 P, It
To Inventors & Manufacturs.
; ., ,
Solicitors of Patonta'and Attorneys at
Law. '
American and Forelen Patents.
No Foos iu Ailvauoe, iior until a Tatcnt
is allowoJ. Jo Fees for making rre '
limhmry Examinations. ' i
1 ' ..-.'t 'I'- II I,, l ' ' ...
, Special attention slvcn to Interference
Cases befo-o (ho ratcnt 0llk, lnlrtntccr
mcnt SuiUlutlio diflcrcnt States, ana all
litlgatiomippertairilnj- to Patents or Inr
vcntlons. ,f , rafri 'VC I
Semi Stamp fur Pamphlet ojstily Pagca.
I Ml
rir'i i and wi
.,vi;i.f:f,Ua.i;i, .
: ' Tzlracts,
BahinB , c Po wilar .
..i....THB " ' r
H U ii Only SevWnfl Maohlne
which has a '
.1.1. A ' v J- . .. ' l
The Siinplest,' trie )
Most Dorable. and in
Eiery KcHpect. .
Sewing Machine!
rmitrols in nn nslonihhinly kIioiI time any sliacaia .
which altivcks or prows outnf tlie organ. - ....v .
aTIDrTT-T.aaf Tlie Pl is prfvfnt.Tt' '
wJnLXJUJUskV 1 ami a prompt and rSdical-
alno, .N cm-alpta, Kheumitti-ni, 2et-.t
votiRne-, Kciatira, Spinal ueie, iieatiacueouo, juiar-rha-n,
l))'-ptpsia, etc. Theso and many mo.ro havo their .
origin iii the Ktomarh and Liver. If your draggwts do s
not kem them, adilrcss Holman Liver Pad Company, :
I. the ft udtht U-. ii InitAD Isftns la 1 1. ae
II. .L . !. ....... jM.a-t.biBlltH.hlB..utu,ull
. snq it riMi-. tu. snen a.uini aa-e.. or
aCP?i.tiUil. It I. atls'ioini ir.p.rl'..-al fw- '
I tit. uin crtrr -rill-arixilplrt srtlrt lot '!--.
v. ,i"n.B. Tut :. .!. Drnml.t. and ftsfr
hm. Jtij ('Hiiitbau, l'rtjur, .
ii.liualUS.Kswvia, .... . f
A new ami wondorlut tnTcntlon 'for
ws.litni?. Wskhos Ilk maie ; better than
soap lor washing anythlnx ; washes ln,eue
third of the time; washes In bard or soft,
bot or cold wsterf the only prepsratten
ever invented tliat will prevent woolens
Irm slirinkiu'; worth four time. Its pr1 e
lor waKhinu woolen lon. 51
Mrs. Henry Ward Beecher
rscotnmends lt to all housekeepers, says:
"The y will rejoice botb for economy's sake
and the snftey ot tbelr clothing, and that it
can no more injure closing or haods than
common warm water.'' ,
scARiftr ionxao-r,
'21 IMstt Street, New Yoft.
' KTBsrctay llro. wlll'ttlpply trad In
. " - " . ." , ...
The DlfTercuea.
The ordinary Poroui Ilaster,' on account
?f its pecnliar mechanical acttofa, I esteem -ad
an article of merit; but Benson's Cepclne
f irous l'laster is cousidered an article of
extraordinary merit. It lias th same
mechanical action, and. In addition, pea
WHuen medicinal qualities ol a remarkable
nature, which cause tr to ct at once,
relieve pain linnitidlately, and cure where
)tkcr l'oioui riasters will not even relieve
For llli-iumlinu, taui- an Weak Ilsck, Spina
Illscase, ( rii k In the fl-rk, Kidn-y DiMaae,
Siiraine and Bruises, HeTere faitis and Stitdi--,,
Ueukucssof theiluck.eUi. . .
, . . The maniilacturer of .
Benson's Capcine Plaster
Heceivsd Hie Highest Mrdl st the Centennial.
It I now the standard remedy.' -Its' as
tonishing pain relieving and atrengthenini
juallties attract J tbe aitcntiou ol the Cen
tennial Jurrorsand thousands of physician
who visited tbe Ceutonni.l, who ajrofaounc
ed it tbe best remedy ever Invented for the
-.bove aliments. Sold py all DniL't'lsta.
l'rlee, 25 cents. .
ftarTBnrclay nros. will supply the trnilo
In Catra. -
State ef Illinois, County of Alexander."
Circuit Court of Alexander County, January
Term, A. It. Kfl.
Ucorgo Weis vs. Mary Nolte, 'Ann Nolle, Ida
Nolle, an Atnstine Nolle UiU lo foreclose
mHrtgnr;. In chsncery,
AITidavit of the non-rcsiiten'e of Vttxy Nolte,
Anna Nolte, Ida Nolte and Arntlne Nolle, the de
fendants above named, having txen tiled In the
office of the Clerk of said Circuit ourt of Altx.ui -der
County, notice is hereby given to the said non
resident defendant-, that the complainant filed hi
bill of complaint In said Court on the Chancery
side tll.roofon th VUh day of srtoher, A. 1),
1h77, and that a summons tliereupon mueif out ol
siiid Court against said defendants, returnable on
the first Monday of January, A." D, IH7B, aa Is by
law reuuired, Now, therefore, unless you, the said
Mary Nolle, Anna Nolle, Ma Nolle and Arnstina
Nolle shall personally be and appear before the said
Circuit Court of Alexander County, on the first day
nfthe next Term thereof, to be lioklen It the Court'
house in the city ot Cairo, tn said county, on the
first Monday of January, A. 1). 187H, aud plead,
answerer demur to the said complainant's bill of
complaint, the same, and the matters therein
charged and stated, will be taken as confessed, and
a dncree entered against you according to the
prayerofsaldbill. '' '
' ;' JOltN JL-KEEVX, Clerk .
Gkoiio Fihkh. Coniplainiini's Solieitoa.
October J!i,lH77. r tNov. l. lw
' HtaUof JUinola, Uuniy of Alexander. m
Circuit court of Alexander county, January
Torro, 1H7. -.- . . , .,. ! J., . ,
UttfJw,",fonhBJ,,T"- UtT K' tBbirine.
Bill fofDIvoree In Chancery.' "
tit deleadant ,above, named, bavuiK
been llletl tn the uflice f the tflerk ef said
court i Alexsader county, notlos-l nereby
aiven to the said non-resident ilefiiulant,
that the complainant filed hi bill of eoni
plaint in saitl court oa the ohanry side thereof
on the I 'til day of October, a. d. lflT, and that a
siiniinons thereupon 1sued oat ef said court
against said defendants, returnable on Hi
first Monday In the month of January, ;A. I.
1H7H, as Is hy law mrnrrid.---Nnw. Ihrel'ore.
unless you, tlie said Mary, K. Lonblenne, shall
personslly be and appear before th Said circuit
court of Atoianderooitoty an Ihsflnt day of
the next term thereof, to be holilen at the conn
house In thaelty of Cairo, t said ootvatyon the
llnitMonila-' la the mooih of Wanuary, A, j,
1878, and plead, answer nr demur to said bill i.r
eornplalai, h sarne and the au-uar aad thu-Ks
tharela setibrth. will be taken as coniessed. and
a decree ease red akalnst ytm aooordlafr Iff "ha
pr.ye.ttf ttN.W tfiKKrt
"W: 0, Afttt.xaY. Complainant's Sblloitor
Cairo, I1U., Oot. ioUi, A. U, 1377. cwi

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