OCR Interpretation

The Cairo bulletin. [volume] (Cairo, Ill.) 1872-1878, November 24, 1877, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85033413/1877-11-24/ed-1/seq-1/

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J. SBlnLY, A. T. tATT.
&..W.PTATT t OO.i
' : ' (f Proprtstors,
Sullotla Balldlnv, Cor. Twelfth Blre
aud Washington Avenue,
Onlro, Illinois-)
.t-Counly iiuil lUilrnadWorh especially!
Clint) P06TOFFICE.
is-mom lloun Frum 7:30 a.m. to ti:.(0
t.m.; Suttduy Iniui 7 to 9 a. in. Money
Ont.T S;(K) H.IM. to 0:00 i.HI.
A.M. If at.
) iltlnui ctr&l K It
aw j
I lll:lld i
I ..lit.
I'euUid K K
I DuilT
lO.t I Cairo & V liiceiuie
) ituriiy.
Iiliiju W.'slro, Arkansas A
, Tele R It Iftsily.
e.OO 5 UhU Nlvi-r Koine
( Daily exc'l Monday
i Miss Itlver Hunt.
I I n Hun 'In. Vri
x mi
f idiwn.Tu.'l liu Pal
) Tlielies ltoii'e
j Krhlay A Hnturdey
i ;.'i
U. W. McKaAio, P. M.
I xprees leaves Cairo dally ...lt:K) p. in.
e.rre errlveael Cairo daily 4:00. m.
a.icowuiodation leaves Cairo daily. .'2 0Ut.ni.
tLCuiuuiUllna irnvu daily (exes
cms ii -i ; ---
rliK trains of thla company connect ( St
J.01.S ami fcastHt. Louis, with ail UicI
re. to lb .Uttrtti, Keaat aud West.
.tuveCa.ro ..
A; rite at St. Louis
oop in.
..ve East St. I. ail - :l'1.m.
' :.t at Cairo - noep.iu.
'I icket ami Freight Ageut, Cairo.
4. A. WKNTZ Ln-Dcrtl Passenger Agent;
J. Art M.I,, Agent at Caire
IH H! 1 1
and Baltimcr
With direct Connection lor
i) MjMlttlftigs, slaiiVltij
a Kb
' ' AND
Tim tlAJBT.
Travelers i.cslring Ja
Should remember tkat'tLt
celebrated lor Its
Klegant Coacbei, Pplen Ihl Hotels, flrand
ami lirautirul Mountain and Valley s,
i-rt-nei y, and the many point
Historical Interest Along
lu Line.
Far 'will ALWAYS be ai LOW
at by any bar Line.
Hun Tbrottjb
Hetweea'tbe Principal
Western andjj Eastern Cities.
For through ticket, baggage cliecka,
movement of trains, sleeping car accom
modation, etc., etc., apply at ticket ostites
at ail principal poiuti.
Doriey, L.M.Cole
I't Uen. J ic.ktA t. fien. Ticket Apt'
! . P. Barry. Tho. It. Sharp,
. AKt. Matter of Tranip'o
61 Miles the Shortest Route
' ' 47 Miles the Shortest to
3 I UlU tkn Cknutact in
o-t nines wo wiiwi ivai iu
Making Same Connections,
1 aaaacirera by other route to make
Oonnaotlona maat ride all night wait-
in; from Ono to Six Houra at
mall country stations for
train of connecting roade.
flemembor that fact and take cur
5;00 a. m. Trainreaching
ImA Isiiasapolis. Gimtiteills
Tralnt leave and airhr at Cairo, aa follows
fail Learea S'-'S m
Mixed " .. 7:.Wivm.
Mail anlwt - .P' ,n
aixad " ..... H;4Aa. in.
through lickata and aback to all Important
V. A. aflliLBXi H. L. XOAAILL,
Gen- Paa. Al'l, B
. hiM.Afnt.
VOL. !).
A Mnlnr 'llliiuili il Alter llu
iHiMllolil IiimI lli-rii frriril.
I'miii Ibo IUi'IkIuV. C.jKtmi-rn-r.
On the Mtli lay ol October, H'JS, Allen
Cartnrjoniuiitted a most Urulal iiiuntci on
BiiFbM'l W. Lilly, iu Stanley county. The
i'lr.'inntitaui:t!4oftliin tragedy an- ue lollowe:
Carter ami Lilly were neighbor. titvccu
wuorn a bad luelinj? bud eslntml lr ycrt,
camcd by Lilly acciuinx Carter's fons of
bating tlulii'. a hot;. Uu the iluy ubote
mentioned Carter tvrr.t to the house of
Lilly, accimiarriea by hi tvifo, and stand
In;: in the road, ca'.kd fur Lilly. Lilly's
son and daughter were xtuDdin in the
door ol ibo house, when he went out in the
yard to see what Caitur wanted. Carter
paisrd a friendly salulion, which was re
turned by Lilly. Carter tbon said: 'Lil1y,
I understand you bare ;charcd my in
with that hz matter s;;ain." 'Vsi, I
bare said your jq tulc my bo;', anil can
prove it," replied Lilly. Whereupon Car
ter raised his jun and tired at Lilly without
eflcct, the ball pain through tbe crib
door. Caitcr then drew from hU belt a
beme-uiado bowie-knife, similar to those
used by tbe Confederate soldiers in 18'il,
jumped over tbe fence and advanced upon
Lilly. Lilly ran, but was soon overtaken
by Ca' ter, who' catobin; Lilly by tbe neck,
ran tlm boTi-kiiile through bis body four
times. Lilly' two children, aged refjetive
ly ID and li; years, ran to tbe rescue ol
their father and implored Curler to spare
bis life, Lillyditdina few minute after
being released from Carter's grarp. Car
ter took up bis gun, left the yard immedi
ately and fled tbe country.
In the summer ol l7t!, eleven years al
ter the tragedy, the whereabouts of Carter
being made known to tbe Governor, a re
quiition n made on ilia Governor of Ar
kana fur his return to this state, and at
tbe Fall term, liTii. of Kichmond county
superior court Hii trial bating been re
moved to that couuty) be was arraiDged,
tried aud convicted of the murder. His
counsel appealed to tbe surpreme com t.
This court sutUined tbe judgment of tbe
court below, and at the tipring term, 1877
be was sentenced to Is banged on tbe 31t
of August. On tbe petition of a large
number of prominent citizens, Governor
Vance postponed the execution of the sen
tence till tbe Utli ol October. On the 5th
of October be was again repieved until tbe
liitk of November. In the meantime peti
tions In numbers for pardon, communica
tion of sentence, etc., came in to the Gov
ernor by every mail. It was a trying
ordeal to Ills Excllemy. That it wts
"Murder nnst loui" be knew, and yet
here were petitions signed by the best'
citizens ol Stanley coun'y praying for ex
ecutive clemency. Unthc day tbe Gover
nor left for Columbia there came in sever
al petitions, signed by all tbe neighbors of
Carter, wbere be lived in Arkansas; one
signed by hundred of males in Stanley;
one signed by all tbe ministers iu tbe
county, and one figned by hundreds ol fe
males in the county, These facts were
communicated by telegraph to tbe Gover
norat Columbia. Yesterday morning lie
telegraph bis priva'.e secretary to stay tbe
execution of Carter by telegraph te the
Sberitr,!uud send tbe commutation of sen
tence to imprisonmentfor lile by mail. The
telegram reached the Sheriff late last even
ing, and at tho lowest calculation Carter
was within twelve hours of Ills grave. The
scaffold bad been erected, the colli n made,
and even tbe ropo with the fatal noo-e
was in readiness. Tho prisoner bad been
told there was no hope, und his spiritual
advisers were preparing him lor that
bourne from whence men that are banged
don't generally come back. Carter is CO
years of age, and wben we come to thick
el it, be Is saving no great deal by the com
mutation, Unqaeatlonably tbe bea austained
work of the kind In the World."
XXarpor's Magazine.
Noticet of the Preis,
The If aoazini bas attuned in its one quarter
century aud more ofc-iistence tn that point where
it may be said of it, in the words of Or. Johnson,
!'it is vain to blame and useless to praise." The
lustre of its long-ago-attained reputation has in
creased as thevears have passed, and its future
seems as bright if not brighter than at any time
since tlieiroldfn hue of prosperity settled around
its luteraud best years. Brooklyn Kuyle.
Uarpers Moathly is marked by the same char
acteristics which itave it cireulution rroin tbe tin
with the better class of readers. It combine
reading matter with illustrations in away to
make clear and vivid the facia presented. Pic
tures msrely designed to catch the eye of the
ignorant are never inserted, Chicago Journal.
Postage free to all Subscribers in the
United States.
IfAHptn's Mahaziki, one year. . . .f I 00
$4 00 includes prepayment of V. S. postage by
be publishers.
fcubeeriptiong to Harper's Magazine, Weekly,
and Batar, to one address for one year, $l iki,
or, tw of Harper's l'eriodiilals. to one address
er 0 year, 7 X, postage free.
An xtra Copy ofeithvr the Magazine, Weekly
or Razar will be supplied gratis lor every Club
f Five Hubscribers at 4 on each, in one remit
tance, or Six Copies for uo, without extra
cony, postage free.
Back nnmticrs can be snpplicd at any time.
Th Volumes of the Magazine commence with
the Numbers for June and December of each
year. Subscriptions may commence with any
number. When no time Is specilled, it will Ira
understood that the subscriber wishes to begin
with ths Urst number ol' the current volvine, and
back numbers will be sent accordingly.
A Complete Sot of Harper's Mugazlne, now
comprising 53 volumes, in neat cloth binding,
will be sent by express, freight at expense ol
Eurehaser, fort2 26 per volume. Single volumes
y mall, postpaid, f t 00. Cloth cases, tor bind
ing 6 cents, by mail, postpaid.
A Complete Analytical Index to the first Fifty
Volumes of Harp"' Magazine has Just been pub
lished, rendering available for reference the vast
and varied wealth ol information which consti
tutes this periodical a perfect illustrated literary
cyclopedia. 8vn, cloth, i 00, half calf, to .
Sent postage prepaid
Newspapers are not to eopy this advertisement
Without the express order or Harper St brothers.
Address tlAKI'Eli ft BKOTHKK3,
w-tf New York.
If., flhv I..BI..I
Atwaiai SvrruM Co., Ml n4sy, Mi York.
I IVpUrVk.., wllkWlt. Urt, nttl&flTefly r.ou.l 11
IS tal UUs.ii wltkml cbsm. Tns .wu..lll
Cm, SMllstlA EMlULSnr. Ctmw TwlftJi Stxeat and
WiikHSA, Harah K. t.lasnnnn, ol Alejander
louiity, Mais ol Illinois, by deed oftriur, made,
executed and acknowledged en the 2nd dsy of
Augu-.t, A. l. isio, and recorded in Iheotllcecr
(i orderl deeUi uf said county in book "V"
in trust deeds ou rage 4:1, Old grant, bargain,
li, and "uuvi-y, unto tbe uiiUVruigncd w. r .
Kioivu and AUiun Jtrown, trusti-. the lots or
piirwllf ol land liirvinulter desenlied to sts ure
ill payment of one iiioinissiiry note. 01 f vh
.lute wilh sai l ieel or trust, Inr the siiuiol ore
huntieitund tliirtydollsrs and llity cents, pay
i.i.le Id the eni'l II. K. lirown and Martin
lirown sis luoiitlis after the date tlmreof, with
interest at the rule ol ten per centum n r auiiuiii
llolii dale mini paid. And wlii'lrxl, I In re la
now tine mid uniMid on rail iruiuioiy nole
the sum ol -.ixty-iwo ilullnrs und ten rents, he .
i g the ugKregateni' the tinitii l prili'.iml slid
iiiierciit up In Ibis little.
Ncv, theietv.ie, deluult having Iren llisds
in tbe payiuenlol tai I piuiiiissory inleund in
( rt tbereon aKirdii.g to the ('uu'lit'ons and
Klifiuiutioiia of sanl deed of trintt, public notice
is, therefore, heruby given Uial in pursuance d
tlie provisions nfcuid deed of trust , and by vir
tue of tbe autbiirily granted us therein, we
hall, on Monduy, the ird day of December.
A. I. 1'. i, at the hour of t o'clock n. in. of
eaid day, and at the fiont door of the court
houe iu the city of tairo, county ol Alxanar
and Stte ol Illinois, sell at public, vendue to
tlieliigiimt bidder loreash in lutnd, the premises
described iu suiddecd of trust us "lula ntimlier
eight (NJ.nlue ; and ten (ID) in block, numlier
one (I) mtlioold original town of iliebte, Al
exander county, UiirioU," logeiher with all
rinht and equity of redemption of her, the said
Surah K. tdusrnan, her bell's, executor, ad
miiiiitrators or avigna, '
" - ' B. PVHiWrivjr,
October Je77. Nov. 1, 4 w
Xullce of I Jnnl Mcttleiueul.
lan of Illinois, Alrxaniicr county.
Kstaie of Nathaniel Holmes, deceased.
Ns'.ite U hereby given that on Monday, the I'Jth
rtuy ol'N'ovemlicr, 1-77, the unrltrsigned, adminis
tritor of said eute, will present to the county court
of Alexander county, at itis court houe in Cairo,
Illinois, at a term thereof, then to be hohlen his final
report of his arts ai'd doings as men administrator,
ainl ak the court to be di harged from any and all
further duties and responsibilities connected witb
said estate, a-id hit adtiniiinistratioa thereof, at
winch time .iii.I pb 'esu- h persons as are interested
may lie prr-.n,t ouu ti la.U application, if they
(.ilO'v.C to do
(sned) EMAM'Kb lloi.MK,
Cairo, Ilia., Oct. IT, 1'77. wtd.
I'rssles Bale.
UKKESh.Ji.seph B. Morray.and Gasiie Men.iy,
Lis wife, of John.oii county, liboois, by df;ed of
trust made, extcuted, and acknossledgrd on ihcsix
teeiitti day of October, A. D. Is7 and dn'y record
tl in ths uffice of the recorder of deeds of A lexan
dcr county, Illinois, ia volume (o) tlx, of deeds on
pige .'k'7, did grant, bargain, sell, remiie, rcease
and couvcy, unto m the tindciianc I John 11.
Muikey, as trustee, tti land and premises heieinnl
ter described, to secure tne payment of two certain
promissory aotes of even dale thcrewitii payable ;
Uae to the ordei of John H. Mulkey for the sum of
tbrre hundred and fifty dollars f..Vo) with interest
at the rate of ten per cent, per annum after maturity ;
and the other to the order of Linegar and Lansden
for the sum of three hundred and hity dollars (S-ht)
t.'i interest at the rate ol ten percent, per annum
alter maturity, both payable six monUts after the
dates therein anl signed oy the said Joseph it . Mur
ray and Robert J. .MoiTay. And whereat, there is
now due and unpaid on said notes tbe sum of seven
hundred and thirty-five dollars (7.V), being tbe
aggregate f ths principal and interest up to this
dais. Now, therefore, default having been made ia
ths payment of sa:d protnisory notes and interest
thereon public nodes is heresy given that in pursu
ance of the provisions of said deed ot trust and by
virtue of the power and authority granted to me in
and by the sane, 1 shall oa hatttrday, the tth day
of November, A, I). 177, at 2 o'clock in the after
noon of that day, at the front door of ths court-house
ir the C ity of Cairo, county of Alexander, and btata
of Illinois, sell at public vendue to the highest bid
der fercash iuhand, the premises described in said
deed of trust as the north-svest fourth of the south-.
esl quarter and the northeast fiurth of the south
west quarter of section, scveateen township fourteen
soutii range, three wet of ike third principal
meridian, containing eighty acres, more or less,
situated in the county of Alexander and btate of
Jibaois, and all rigou and tquity of redemption of
the said Joseph II.. Murray, and lussic Murray, his
wife, their heirs, executors, administrators, or as
signs therein. Joust II. Ml'LXFY, Trustee.
Ca.rs, 111, Odder the A l, lei7. :;d
Mortgagee'si Hale.
Wherea", llolcome Murray and Jane
iluriay, bis wife, ot Alexauder county,
Illinois, by a ale mortgage dated the twen
tleth day of January, A. D. lS7fi, and duly
recorded in the oilice of tbe recorder of
deeds of Alexander county, Illinois, in
Volume .. of Sale Mortgages, on page COS,
did grant, bargain, sell, remit-e, alien and
convey unto David f . Linegar and Joan U.
Mulkey tbe land and premiee hereinafter
described, to secure the payment of a cer
tain promissory note, of even date there
with, payable ninety days after date to
David T.'Linegar and John II. Mulkey, for
tbe sum ol one hundred dollars (tlw 00),
with interest at the rate of ten per cent,
per annum from date, and signed by the
said llolcome Murray and Jane Murray, bis
wife; and whereas, there is now due and
unpaid upon said note tbe sum of $117 bu,
being the aggregate of the principal and in
terest up to this date. Now, therelore, de
fault bat ing been made in tbe payment of
said promissory note and interest thereon,
public notice is hereby given that in pursu
ance ot tbe provisions of said sale mortgage
and by virtue of the power and authority
granted to u, in and by the same, we
shall, on Saturday, the 2lth day ofNovem
ber, A. D. h77, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon
of that ttay, at tbe south door of tbe court
house, in the city of Cairo, county of Alex
antler and state of Illinois, sell at public
vendue, to the highest bidder for cash in
band, tbe premises described in slid sale
mortgage as: The north half () ot the
northwest quarter (J ) of section thirty-ene
(,"l),'.ln township sixteen ( 10), range ono
(1) west, except forty (40) acres off of the
east end of said north half ( J, in the said
county ot Alexander and Ktate of Illinois,
situated in tho county of Alexander and
state of Illinois, and nil right and equity of
redemption of the paid llolcome Murray
and Jane Murray, his wife, their hoirs, ex
ecutors, administrators or assigns therein.
iavii) r. LiIXKgak ana I ..,.,.
John H. Mi'i.kky, Mottgagees.
Cairo, 111., October 2o, 1S77.
btate of Illinois, county of Alexander.
Circuit court of Alexander county, January
term, A. O. 1S7S,
l'eter Adams vs, Mary Adams. Tljlllnrdivorce.
Atlidavit of the non-residence ol Mary Adams
the above named defendant having seen tiled in the
office of the clerk of baidcourtof Alexamlercounty
uimicis iicrcuy ivtn iu uic saiu liuil-icsiuenc uc
frndant that the said Peter Adams, complainant,
filed his bill for divorce on the chancery Bide there
fore the l.Hh day of October. A. l. 1877. and that a
summons thereupon issued out of said court against
earn iieienaantrciurnane on trie nrst Monday in the
month of January, A. 1. ls"S. as the law directs.
Now, therefore, unless you, the said Mary Adams,
shall personally be and appcur before the circuit court
of Alexander county on the tirst day of the next term
thereof to be held at the court-house, at the citv of
Cairo, in said county, on the first Monday in the
montnot .January, A . 1J. INS, and plead answer
or demur to said bill of complaint, the same and the
matters and things therein contained, will be taken
for and as confessed, and a decree rendered against
you according to the prayer of the same, Ac.
'OIlNA. KEEVE, Clerk.
. C. Jlulkey, Compt's Snl'r.
w4w Cairo, Ills., Oct. 5th, A. D. 1S77.
is hereby given that, by virtue of a decree ol the
County Court of Alexander County in tile Ntate
of Illinois, rendered nt the November term,
A. 1. Is"7. 1, August Watermeier, administra
tor of the Estate of Frederick Watermeier, do
ceased, will sell at public vendue on the 21th
lay of December, A. D.1S77, at the west door
of the Court House in the city of Cairo, in sanl
County, and Stale, at 2 o'clock p. m. of said
Subject to the widow'e dower Interest therein
for the iwymonts of the debts of said l.stato of
Frederick Wattimeicr, deceased, the following
described property, to-wlt :
The south ii of northwest, quarter of north
west, quarter In section thirty-six (.til), town
Ship, tifleen (la) south "range two (2), west of
t le 3rd prinolpal meridian situate tn said county
of Alexander and State of Illinois.
Terms ot Hale-Cosh In hand upon approval
Of sale and delivery of deed
AUUUHT WATKllMltlirrt.
Administrator of the Estate ol Frsd Water
meier, deceased.
Dated Cairo, Ills,, Nv. 21st, 1177.
1 'l 1
fdate of Illinois, county of Alexander.
Circuit court of Alexander sourity, Jan a iv uu,
A. I.17.
Ilrnrv WliitcampvS. William Elehhoft', ll rmy
I'. llMl li, bulk Kichhnif, Charles l.i. I in,n AII,
l.i u.ie Kiehhoti, bill to reform and f-'reclose rnort
ae in chancery.
Affidavit of t,e non-residence of Henry
r.icliliori anJ Katbl Kkhlmti", two oi i):
d-ftndants above netted, having been Ineil i n,e
olhce of the clerk 1 said circuit court of Aiexsn ler
county, notice is hereby given to said non-resident
delendants, ili.it ihe coup.ainailt filed hit bill ol
cninnlaint in said court on the chancery m.Ic th-renf
ou the ilsldayof NovenJier A. I. i and that
a summons thereupon iisued out ol s.dd court
SSaiii'l sb il deieniiants, returnable ou the lirt
Monday of January, A. D. W'.as is ly law ic
ijuired. Now, therefore, unless you, the saij Hen
ry Kitliholfand hathi Klchhosf shall personally be
and apptwr be,,re the saiel circuitcouil of Alrxan
iler county on the first day of the next term ilnrc
of, to lie fiohieaat the court house in the city n
Cairo, in said county, en the first Monday of Janu
ary A. 1. 187S, and plead, answer or demur tothe
i.i, d complanant'ti hill oi complaint, the lame, and
the matters and things therein charged and stated,
w II be taken as conrrssed, and a decree entered
s.ain I ya according to the prayer of said biit.
.TotiM A.Rxxvk, Clem.
t'Xo. Funis, Complainant's toiicitot,
Nov. 21,1, A. D.1S77.
Suite of Illinois, County of Alexander.
Circuit iourt of Alevauder county, January
Term, li-7s.
LrlioineJ. Lonhienne vs. MurrE. Lonbleuuc.
Bill for Dlvorcar In t.hanoery.
AHidavit 01 Ibnon-rcsiilence of MorT K. Lon
hlenne, the delenduot uliore uaiuisl, Inning
been lilelia ihe oulce cftbe clerk of said
courtol Alexander cotiaty, notice la hereby
diven to tlie said non resident defendant,
tlutl the complainant tiled his bill of com
plaint in said court on the chancery side thereof
on the loth day of October, A. D. ls"7, anil that a
summons thercuiioa issued out ol' said court
against said delendants, returnable on the
llrst Monday in the month of January, a. o.
l"7s,as is by law required. Now. tbretorc,
unless you, the said Mary K. Lonhivnne, sbnil
peisunally beandappcur before the suid circuit
court of Alexander county on the llrst day of
the next term thereof, to be holden ut the court
house in Uie city ot Cairo, in said county on the
first Monday in tbe month of January, A. 1.
Is7et, and plead, answer or demur to said kill ot
compla nt, the earns and the matters and tmngs
therein set forth, will be taken as contessed, and
a deer e entered against you according to the
prayer of saiil bill.
JOHN" A. RF.F.VK. Clerk.
W, C. Mi'LKfY. Complainant's boitciior.
Cairo, Ills. Oct. I'th A. 0. 1.-77. cw.
Trustee' hale.
Public Noticeis hereby given that by vir
tue o( the power given me in two deeds ol
trust, executed, acknowledged and deliv
ered by John Devine to the undersigned,
Hugh Callahan, the Iir-t dated -May 1st,
lo7ii, given to secure tho payment ol a
promiory note of said John Define, of
even date therewith, for tbe sum of two
hundred and twelve uollars, payable six
months after date, and recorded in tbe re
corders olhce of Alexander county, in
book 0, at pass lit!: and tbe second dated
Marched, lt7ti, given to secure the pay
ment of another note of said John Device,
of even date therewith, for tbe sum ol two
hundred dollars, payable one day afterdate,
with interest at ten per cent, per annum
from date, and recorded in the said record
er's office, in book 0, at page 20; und upon
which said notes there is now due tho sum
of f I09.4 J, I will, on tbe ikjtb day ol Novem
ber, 1877, at the hour of 11 o'clock a. m. of
said day, at the front door ol the court-house
in the city of Cairo, comity ot Alexander
und state ol Illinois, sell at public auction,
to the highest biddorforcai.h,the following
described lots ot ground, being the same
decrihed in and conveyed by each of said
deeds of trust, to-wlt: Lots twentv-three
i!) and twenty-four (24), in block flity-two
(.'i2), in the said city of Cairo, county of
Alexander and state or Illinois, together
witb all the riiht and equity of redemption
of the said John Devine in nnd to said
premises. Tbe purchaser will be entitled
to n deed and immediate possession of the
premises. Dated October'i'.tth, 1877.
Ill (ill c'Al.LAJJAN, Trustee.
ami'bl i WUKKl.Klt, Atty lor Trustee.
weekly .it
Jlortstgec's sale.
Notice is herphv rriven tiat bv virfni, of a rriiln
F'rick, grantee, to secure the payment of a certain
firomissury nole for tilt sum ol iwelve hundred dol
ars of that dite. payable twelve months after
date, with ten per cent, interest per ann.tm, de
fault having been made inthe paymentot said note,
and there being now due thereon fuur hundred and
seventy-four djllars and seventy cents, 1 will, ou
Wednesday, the twenty-first day of November, A.
I). l-77,at the hour of two o'clock p.m. of sail
day, at the front or of the Court-house,
in tne city ot Cairo, in tne county
of Alevander, and nUite of Illinois, sell tbe pre
mises in and by said sule mortgage conveyed
and mortgaged, described as follows, to-tvit :
I ... a .Iu.m.1 I.,, II, .n.l 0.n In l.l..l.
numbered 8ity-nght p s) iu tbe city of Cairo,
luuicwiiiiiy u, .-iexaimei,anti i?iaic ui milium,
together with all tbe estate .right, title and inter
est of said grantors therein including the rifht
and equity of redemption of said grantors, at
Eublic vendue, to ihe highest bidder lor cash in
and, in orderto make the amount now due up
on said note and the interest that shall accrue
mull liicuav ui Dale Sim 111c cosia .iul cnurKCSUl
this proceeding. JACKSON I- HICK,
Uct. Is, 4-w .Mortgagee.
State of Illinois, County or Alexander. .
Circuit Court of Alca.muVr County, January
Term, A. It. 1-7 S.
tieorge Veis vs. Mary Nole, Anna Nolle, Ida
Nolle and Atnstine Nolr Bill to foreclose
nidrtce in chancery.
Affidavit f the non-reslcinc e of Mary Nolle,
Anna Nolte, Ida N'oltc and Arnstine Nolte, the ile
.endants aliove named, having been filed in the
office of ihe Clerk of said Circuit Court of Alexan
der County, notice is hereby given to the said non
resident defendants, that the complainant filed his
bill of complaint in s.uJ Court on the Chancery
side thereof on the 2Jth Jay of October, A. 1).
Is77, and that a summons thereupon issued out of
ssid Court against sntd defendants, returnable on
the fu st Monday of January, A. I). 1878, as is by
law required. Now, therefore, unless you, the said
Mary Nolte, Anna Nolte, Ida Nolte and Arnstino
Nolle shall personally be andapear before the said
Circuit Court of Alexander County, on the first day
of the next Term thereof, to he holden at the Court
house in the city ot Cairo, in said county, on the
first Monday of January, A, 1). 1s7h, ai.d plead,
answerer demur to lite said complainant's bill of
complaint, the same, and tke matters therein
charged aud stated, will be taken as confessed, and
a decree entered against you according to the
prayer of said bill.
GKOIK.K I'lsitKn, Complaiuani s Hclicitor,
October '.'o, !s77. (nv. 1. 4)
Is hereby given to Anton Stiagala of the
pendency, in the circuit court ol Alex
ander county, state ot Illinois ol a bill in
chancery to entoce vendor's lien, wherein
he is detendant, and Samuel Stuats Taylor
nnd Kdwin I'arsons, trustees of the Cairo
City Property, are complainant; and that
the summons in Mid case is returnublo on
tho tirst day ot tbo next term of said
court to be 'holden at the court houso In
the city of Cairo, in said 'county, on tbo
lirst .Monday ol January, A. 1. 1K78.
Clerk of said Court.
Giikkn & (in.PKlir, Solicitors.
Cairo, Nov. 7, 1877.
All sufferers from this dlseaso
anxious to bo cured should try Dr. Kiss,
ner's Celebrated Consumptive Powders.
These powders are tho only preparation
known that will euro Consumption and all
diseases of tho throat aud lungs indeed.
'tsn lu i,.f,lil, l ll,, .! 1 ,
nu mi q sis u'li mull 111 uitui) f.iiu nmu ,ij
convince you that tbey are no humbug, we
v. 111 iui wuiu in every buuciui , oy uiau
postpaid, n free trial box.
We don't want your money until you ara
ferfoctly satisfied ot their curative powers,
f you life is worth saving, don't delay In
Divlnir tbeso rowdnra a trial, us tlmv wll
surely cure you.
rrtce, tor large box, fit. tent to any part
f til A Unites) Htntna nr Camilla hv mall on
receipt of price. Address,
8tX) Fulton street. Breoklyn, N. T,
"Waah.lxi.eteu, At.
fMJK 111 l.r.'IIN ia published every morning
(except Honda)') tn the Iiulletln Eulldinj, cor
ner Washington auntie aud Twelfth i.rueU
Ths IlrLLiiin, is served to city subscribers by
faithful carriers al Twenty-Five Cents a Week,
payable weekly. By Mail, (In advance), llOpey
nnunii six mouths, tA; three months, t'. one
mouth, l to.
l'utjlUt.cd every Thursbty morning at II
pe: annum, invariably in advance. Die pojug
n the Wes k'.y will lie prepaid at this office, so
a subscriber!! wll obtain for a subscription
rlceoi 1 a year.
Business Cards, per annum, tM
One sqtutre, one nsertlon i OU
One square, two insertions,-... 1 60
One square, one wee 2 60
One square, two weeks - 3 Ml
One suunie, three weeks 4 (si
One squre, on month no
n I I U f ,
One squmre, one Innertlon ..(1 00
Ki.cli sitl'Scvienl liioertun M
tj0ne inch is a sqiuirc.
tSTu regular advertisers we offer superior i
duutmcnts, both as to rate of charges and man
ner of displaying their layers.
Communication upon aubjeota of en
eral Interest to the publlo solicited.
tat All litisineas Letters should be addressed to
'lrf Bolletin Company
By nn Immense practice, extending throngh a
period of years, hating within that time treated
ruanv thousand cases of those diseases peculiar
to woman. I have been enabled to perfect a
most potent nnd agreeable medicine thai mecU
tbo liiillemlntia presented by tliat class ol dis
eases with positive certainty and exactness.
To designate this natural Bpecillo compound.
X nave named Jt 11
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescriptions
The term, however, is but a feeble expression
01 my lugn appreciation of its value, based upon
my own personal observation. As n close ob
server, I nave, w hile witnessing its positive re
sults in the few special diseases incident to Uie
separate -organism of woman, singled it out as
the climax or crowning sem of my
medical career, on its merits, as a posi
tive, sate, and effectual remedy lor this class
of diseases, nnd ono that will, at all times and
S. ciroumstances, act kindly and in liar
mony with the laws which govern the female
system, I am willing to stake uiy reputation as a
physician. Nay, even more, so confident am I
that it will not disappoint tho most sanguine
expectations of a single invalid lady who uses it
for anyof the ailments for which I recommend it,
'hjt 1 "ffer and sell it under A POSITIVE
GUARANTEE. If a beneficial effect is no!
experienced by the time two-thirds of the con
tents of the bottle are used, I will, on return ol
the bottle, two-thirds ol the mcdiolno havlnn
been taken according to directions, and tho case
being one for which I rnvntimim it nm.n.
refund tho money paid for it. Had I not the
most tierfoct confidence in its virtues, I could not
offer it as I do under those conditions; but huv
ing witnessed its truly miracnleus euros in thon
sands of cases, I feel warranted and
perfectly aafe In risking both my
reputation aud my money ou iu
Tho following ore among those diseases In
whab my favorite Prescription bus
worked cures, us if by magic, and with a cer
tainty never before nttained by any medicine:
I.eucorrbooa, Excessive Flowing, Painful
Monthly Periods Suppressions when from un
natural causes, Irregularities, Weak Back, Pro
Ispsus, or fnlling of the Uterus, Autevorsion and
Retroversion, Bearing Down Sensations, Inter
nal Heat, Nervous Depression, Debility, Des
pondency, Threatened Miscarriage, Chsonlc
Congestion, Inflammation and Ulceration of tho
Uterus, Im potency, Barrenness, or Sterllitv, Fe
male Weakness, and very many other clirotiio
diseases incident to woman not mentioned here.
Ia all affections ot this nature, my Favorile
Prescription works cures the marvel of
tbe world. This medicine I do not extol as a
cure-all, but It admlrablv full) lis a alugle.
nessi of purpose, being a most perfect
specific in nu chronic diseases ol tho sexual svs
tcm of woman. It will not disappoint, nor will
it tto barm, in any state or condition.
Those who desire further information on
these subjects can obtain it in The 1'eoi'LE's
Common EN8B Mkdioal, Advisbr, a bonk
of over Uuo pages, sent, post-paid, on receipt
of f!.50. It treats minutely ol those diseases,
peculiar to Females, and gives niuoh valuable
mlvico in regard to the management of those
. R. V, PIERCE, M. D, Prop'r,
weak exhausted feeling, no energy or eotiragei
the result ef MENTAL OVKU-WOKK. INDtS
CltE'lTONsoil EXCE8SKM, orsome drain on
the system, is always cured by Humphreys
Homeopathic Speciilo No. 'Jd. It tones up und
invigorates the system, imuarts strength and
energy stops the drain and rejuvenates the
entire man. Been used Iwenty year with per
fect euceess by thousands Sold by dealers,
l'rice $l persuigle vial, or per package o
live rials and $i vial of powder. Sent by mail
n receipt of price. Address IIUMPIIKKYS
Fulton street, N. Y.
mm is not easnv enrneil In theae
ill frV times, but it can be made in
llltf-u .lll.HIIIB UJ MllJ VII13 111
eiiner gex in auv pan oi me
countrv who is willinir to work
stetidllyat the employment wu
lurnish. $M a week in yeur
own town. Ton need hot lie
away from home alter night. Ysu can give
your sole time to the work, or only your share
moments. We have agents who are making
over J-" per tlav . All who engage at once cun
make money fast. At tne present time money
eun not be made so easily tnd rapidly at any
other business. Jt costs nothing to try the
business. Terms and an out lit free. Address
at once, II. 11 ALLE I T ft CO, Portland, Me.
Af,AKr. PamssMi ssMtaita
wauim uien shhi imuiiiimi.
tiMrn. S. A. ORAST A rO.Jt
t, S S Muas St., Vlashiaasli O.
O. 274
Mark Twain's
Patent Self-Pasting
In tin use of this book simply moisten the gum
and apply the snap. I lit immediate remit will
immediately confirm the. testimony of manr to the
fact that
Adapted to meet the wants of
anj no Home os complete without It.
, The lulil'a ajrran.Rook affords instnic.
Hon and Kiuuwu.nt for the ClHldreu.
Fo: Silt ly Baafolto ::i Siita1
Tublished By
Blank Uook Manufacturers,
11 1 and 121 WILLIAM STKKET,
S3"end for descriptive circular.
was awarded the first premium at Centennial ilxpo
sitien for fine chewing qualitiss, tle excellent and
lasung i haracter of iu sweetcaing and flavoring If
you want ihe best tobacco ever made ask your grocer
for this, and se mat each plug bears our blue atrip
trade mark with the words Jackson's best on it.
Sold wholesale by nil jobbers Ner.d for sample to
C A JACK". ON Ji CO, Manufacturers, I'slersburi,
$5 trt $9fl Pr day at home. Samples worth
J IU lf7U;jnw. Rl'INSIlV I 11 Pnrt.
land, Maine.
Agents Wanted
For Particulars Address
829 Broakway.New York City;
Chicago, III-; New Orleans, La.;
or San Franoisco, Cal.
For Heading Clubs, for Amateur Theatricals,
Temperance I'lays, Drawing room 1'Iays, fairy s,
Plays, iithiopian I'lays, Cuide Books, Speakers
J , t V.. 1 wul ..ignis, uinKilislliai L.lgnis,
uunii vora, a neatncai race j'rapar
ations, Jarley's Wax Works, Wigs, Beards, and
..u3..,.s M. kuuiw pntcs. xvosrumes, scenery,
lull description and prices. SAMCKL FUENC11
a oc-, J.J isassau street, ew York.
Cfif! ? Wet'k in your own town. Terms and
tDUll $!ioutut free. II. 11ALLET A CO., Port
land, Maine.
'Bonder upbTwoNDHRT
Given Away A strange, mysterious and aiost
extraordinary boolf. entiileH nfllv. Itiuiu hit
WONOEUS." Containing, with numerous pic
toriul illustrations, the mysteries of the heavens and
earth, Natural ,and Supernatural, Oddities. Whim
sical, Strange Curiosities, Witchei and Witchcraft,
I'reams, Supsrslilions, Absurdtties, Fabulous, Kn
rh.'.ninient. etc. In order that all may see this curi
ous book, the publishers have resolved to give It
away iouii mai oesirn to see it. Address, ny siosial
card, I '.C-l.KASO.N At;t7" Washington Street
Ito.tou, Mas-,.
In their own localities, canvassing for the
Flrewido VlNlior, (enlarged) Weekly and
Monthly, l.ttrgewt I'uppr lu the World,
with Mammoth Chromos Free. Big Commis
sions to Agents. Terms and Outfit Free. Ad
dress, I. o. VICKJiiUY, Augustn, Maine.
a flay at home. Agents wanted. Outfi
and terms free. TIM. E 4 CO., Augusta
A Pi Extra. Fins Mixed Carda, with nam;
sv iu cis., post-paiu. u, iiu.vsa a. to.
Nassau, N. Y.
BflifltW PIANO, OHGAN best. -iok
AAiss Startling news. Organs 12 stops $'ij
s ianos oniy ji;;u. uo.si ikio. circulars r ree
D. F.Bealty, Washington, N. J.
f 1 9 fl? 1 nne mixed inc. to extra mixed .Me
WAAUU Mellenyille Can I Co.. Col. Co. N. Y.
21r. Block desires to call the attention of
the Public to tbe fact that he has al
ways on hand a large, new and fashionable
stock oi ready-made custom Boots and
snoes wuicu no w in sen at
Call On Hitn At
:;;::;p.;, EWd.Coa. Lu.
Cairo, Xllinoio.
View of Marriage !
A Quids to Wedtoek and
conftuintial TrealiM en Ihs
duties ot mamas anS ths
Hiiu-lk- ..nSt II- lh fta.
'aA N 0:,e errt. of Reprcduetton mmi
in uiseases or women.
A book tor private, annate
ratertadiaf. SUI pagss, prUM
On all dlninler. ot a Private Natute afuuns trom Bet
Abuse, Bin ci.ra, er eeont DIwsumd. vita IU best
OMani afcur. ICS Isreeniaei. arkSU els.
A ClilNtdAL LUCTuRB on ths above iIIsmms anil
tnoM of the Throat and Lungs, Catarrb.HuBture. sue
Opium Hnbit.ae., price HI cts.
l.lih.r ksHik seal postpaid an mwlpt ef prteei or all three.
Continln.MXl naeri, hewitinilt llluMniled, lor ! ell.
Aililrtii fjR. BtfTTa. N. H7J Sth St. St. Louis, nto.
VunHiMir lb.
amilwllln.tfyuuisuthiiia oiol ill sum eav.
. s. Xauu-soeertU-u as Vubl'BCe.. It Uuli.sk,
glad im, ii ths irrucm.
Alinlment unlveriallv aeknowlsdrad aa '.
tbe most renowned quisle core srer bfobt '
before the publo In the Alneteeath ! -
tury lor tbs perlect eure ol , . .
Man and Beaot!
This Donular and arrest hesllnsr remedy.
so long nesded by suffering bmaanlty, la
riving unbounded proofs of iu msriia.ky
all having tested lu unrivaled sower, tad
by '
n all cases clalmlpg It tba moat powst. 1
ful remedy and quick relief r from asj"J,i
Diamond Oil Fosesses
he best concentrated bsallnf prepertiss,
quickest scientifle arts tor pain reUef, aaost
euiuuiueu uieuieaiea necessities, as a lini
ment fer man and beast, ever introduced
for publio benelit, : .. :
who will use this nnlmsntln time, willbst .
convinced that this is a sars eure for them,
matism, neuralgia, bruises, spraias, wsU-
ings, Durns, cuts, icions, turners, pues,
injured limbs, scalds, gout. alpUerU,
ore throat, toothache, bsadsebe, lnseet
bites. His. colic, taria worms, atn.. to Uua
human race, and is
A rosiTivu CTJIIE
for sweeney, ringbone, strains, ealloua
linetvs, hurts, curbs, cuts, braises, laaae
ness, strained fetlocks. spavins, soils, bona,
windfall, poll evil, cattle and sheep ottv- .
plaints, and all general diseases in stock,"
and tbe many other sanctions of both man
and beast.
DIAMOND OH. is lor Silo bj'liUw -
Har.rr, bein well recomended by aU---drugt'jj,
phyfcTans, and every one who ha
ever used it. l'rlce, 7S cents per bottle.'
Prepared by
lirumch Oltlce, Indianapolis Ind.
A new and wonderlul inveotieuf for .
washing. Washes like magic ; bettec'tbap.
soap tor washing anything; washes In one
third of the time ; washes in hard or soft,
hot or cold water; tb only preparation
ever invented that will prevent woolens
trsm shrinking; worth four times its prlua
lor washing woolens aloue. ; ,
Mrs. Henry Ward Beecher .
rsenmmends It to all housekeepers, says:
"Tbey will rejoice both lor economy's sake
tad the saftcy ol tlieir clothing, and tkat it
can no more injure clotbingor hand than
common warm water."
21 Piatt Street, New York.
JTHrcliy Bros, will supply trad In
The Dllfereuce.
The ordinary Pofous Plaster, onaoeoant
3f Its peculiar mechanical action, is esteems
ad an article ol merit; but Benson's Capcto .. . -1'
irous Plaster is considered an article f
extraordinary merit. It has the same
mechanical action, and, in addition. poe - .,.
aesses medicinal qualities ot a remarkable
catnre, which causes it to act at ones.
relieve pain immediately, and cure where
atner Porous Plasters will not even relieve
For Itheumatlsm. T.arae an Weak Back. Snlna
Dlsense, Crick in the Back, Kidney Disease, 1
Sprains and Hrtiises, Severe Pains and Stitolm,
W eukness of the Back, etc.
Ihe manufacturer of " .. t '1 '
Benson's Capcine Plaster . ' .
Receiveil tbe B ighest Medal at tb Centeuial.
It is now the standard remedy. Iu at- ..
'.onlshlng pain relieving and strengthening
qualities attracted tne attention oi tne ua
tennial Jurrors and thousands of physicians
who viBlted the Centennial, who pronounc
ed It the best remedy ever Invented forth
ubote ailments, bold . py all Druggists.
l'rice.w cents.
t3" Barclay Bros, will supply the trade
Ayer's Cathartic Pills,
For all the purposes of a FaniMy Phyai
and for ounng Coetiveness, Jaundice,
For all the purpose of FamMy Phyai i -
uiu lor DunnKioanveness, jaunaio,
InctigesUon, Foul Btomach. Breath,
aieauaone, juryaipeias, KHeuma
tism, ruptions and Bkin Diseases, '
BUiousneas, Dropsy, Tumors,
Worms, Neuralgia; as a Din
ner Pill, for purifying the Blood, '
Are tlie uio.sl
- effect iv it net
uonircnlul pur-Kfttlvecvcrtllx-coveroil.
urn null), but
ctl'ecluul in
the I r opera
tion,' ' moving
the b owe la
surely ami
without ptiln..
Although gen
tlo In their np
erutioii, they
are still the most thorough and aearch
lntf cathartic mciHcinc that cau bet
employed : cleiinsin"; the stomach audi
bowels, nnd even the blood. In iinmll
doses of one pill a day, they stimulate
the incentive organs ami promoto vtR
orons health.
Avwt's I'h.ls have been known for
more than a quarter of a century, and
liitvc obtained a tvoilil-wldo repututiou
for their virtue. They corrtict dis
eased action In tho several assimila
tive organs of the body, and are no
composed that obstructions within
tlieir range can rarely withstand or
evade them- Not only do they cure
the i c very-day complaints of every
body, but also formidable and danger
ous diseases that have baffled the best
of human skill. While they produce
powerful effects, they are, at the tame
time, the sat'tist and best physic for
chllilren. liy their aperient action
they gripe much less than the common
purgatives, and never give pain when
the bowels are not inflamed. They
reach the vital fountains of the blood,
nnd strengthen the system by freeing
It from the elements of weakness.
Adapted to all ages and conditions
iu all climates, containing neither
calomel nor any deleterious dmjr,
these Pills may be taken with safety
by anybody. Tnolr sugar-coating pre
serves them ever fresh and makes
them pleasant to take; while being
purely vegetable, bo barm can arise
fora their use iu any quantity.
riErAJXD ax
Dr. j. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mm.,
Practical svnd Analytical Clsessalat. .
To Consumptives
Consumption, thatsconrge ef humanity, I
the great dread ol the human nunlly, ia all dvll-
cl eeuntriee. ' '
1 feel conttdent that I am ia posaessloa ef the
only sure, infallible remedy now known to
ne proirssioa lor iaa nesssiy. swaiuvs nins vi
hat dread disease, and lis UBWeleeme eoacasa-
I ..... . .1., C.I...I, A Ukm. PwnMAhllld 11m.
IWUm. , U I vaiwiu, n.iuimii vii'uui.,i. . '
tous Debility, etc., ete. 1 am eld fogy. I be- .
lieveln medicine. Twenty-eight year aip
vlnaa aa hnav nrartltioner in the boat hok
snmntlon hospitals in tb old and new werltl,
has taught me ths vain ef proper asedtea tto
both local and eonsUOiUoaal in the cum t uia
great enemy of our race. I bav Sbaas) 11 Bui
I am dlgressalng. I started eut to say so tbo
sutTerlng with consumption or say of th above
maladies, that by addressing dm, firing synp
toms, they shall be put In poseios xstkl
great boon, without chargo, aad aball bav lb
neneni oi my experience in uoussMl or eaw
sueeessfully treated, mil partirnlare, ellraa
tlons for preparation aad us, and svrrle aa
inatmetioa tor sucoaasfal treataMsil at yr .
own horn, will be reosivsd by By Mtuat
wniy ; l7 JBswa street Lstaumii
1 ' '
I :
! 1 : '

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