OCR Interpretation

The Cairo bulletin. [volume] (Cairo, Ill.) 1872-1878, March 01, 1878, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85033413/1878-03-01/ed-1/seq-3/

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!. Any Inwioeii arm can havs tares Haas
pw, In this ooruinn undur appropriate bvodin
nut rate 01 ). r month r 14 per year
nyni'lf quartern id advaoot.
aliMrtltsnre. niotea hiiU Tin Warn.
llAU.KY-DwliTlnetovss.Tlnand Hani,
van?, Oaiden and 1 arnvra Implonieou, v Ire
Jiwuhi, lU'iriuuriilari), rumps n4 Ladders.
IS Ouinmerciul Avenu. liutlarlog, ml elOD
(Turk dorm on short notice
J. S.MrCAUgY Dealer ia hard sad softlmn
r, lluuriiiX, emllun, siding and siuUeod
luinlr, lain and abiniriM. Ulrica dI yard
virm-r I yi-inlrtti ttmn and Wsshlnrtnn seentw
i). II AltTM AN ixelcr la QamiswsTe, Toys,
lamps aud all kinds ul lnney ariidv. i,ommar
m avauue, comer too aUtwl,
W1U.IAM WlNTKIi Sistb stmt brtwaao
in.mi-rniaanue and Washington aTanne.
t.MUiii Mill MercbMOl imivrlu.
JidlS A Vl'lUM -Merchant Tallut and CMei
n lieiiv biailf Lloiliipx. 78iitiiuLvf.
litMtl .atai Agent-lea.
M. J. HOWUSY-Ueal Estats Agtut. Par
iiul tells real eaia'a, collects rems, laya ts
lur iioii-iuhiUchu.ho. UiiiuueriuaJ avenue, be
ts, ewi Nlnlti uml lentil StrtS.
toiuuilsalua BertlianU,
Lotuiu and louacco raetort ana rro-
ik-lors uf lUr iariuc'a' I uuacto w areaouse.
iti & U7 luiuiuJUerulal Aveuus
f'AM'EK V08I-
Vj General forwarding- and Commission
11 tichani, (ur ih sale ol V arm, Oaidca, Ur-:hr-l
mil I'atry r-roUuc. sQUhm lin
! ii'iwi'l forwarding and Commltalon
ti.-rcnnw, aud dealers la all kiuda uf fruit and
i rudure. M uhto Levi. tuiieisiinieula) tolio-iu-d.
Mentals lurnUntd OS appliostiuo
K M.K.C.
Turn knights of the sboe order mct
f tite-irtwll Him linl .nil third Mi.ti,tM
i Mi.-u uiuiiUl. tAiiuiuvruial avenue. 2d door
ibUUi uf UUi mm ,ale p lu.
' "ntmi.G. 0. At.
r t
Vnlnrt. ..fl l-vthii... mtBavv a.
3 day niht at hall-pasl swan, IB Odd-
,j bi Hat' itMii m imvi
Chancellor t'omuiandur.
Indrinlrnt 'JTdtl of txw-rtl-
half-iat avTn. In thru hall ua
o ii. i d ial avciiur, I'Horn Mlth ind Hafvntb
tr- F, t). UnxroRD
. caiholuikiX. no. en, A. F. 4 A. M
ff ll'ii'l rraular eumiiiunicatuina in ita
XTantiir Hall, eurmr Coninutmal arcnut
' x and KiKlub atnvt, oo Ums second and
,' tu.'tb Uumlav of eacb ruuntb .
Dry tail tn-rtt. bci iIJp, honl(Jpn
nl liHtu, tirrce, tmrrel aiu) buekt t lard
nil In c"-l '(ock mid fr lata low at
Kj. 70 l D ' 71 O O Imvmp.
I rlt ulriitnii'a ; aondrr.
Mri. Letlle Co!t mD bat reoptoed ber
Uuodiy on Fotirtti atrrct, letwem wish
In (too aud Commercial avnuti, and lakta
Ihltuatbod l InroimlBK ber oil triecdi
and iiaTODl tlmtfho UialD attbrlr er
vice, and lollclll lb dr patrooage. 6heba
rtductd prkei to mit the times
Hnrdl ttraa
Darin? rcntid li the K. 51. K. C. a
Cri'at man y Cobtuiu fur tliclr grand Car
iiiau-1 mill MaHjue Bull on tbe 6th ol
ilcrrti, I have cuiiciudi'd tocouieto your
el'y on tli lt ol Mtrvrt and atay till the
C li. I will brint; ihu lirt-et ituok ol
Co-iuui vr m-t'ti iii your city, and will
rent the n at prlcvs that will cult the
thiif. Any perHon willing (Jtiitiuint-s bis
fore tliHt time cuu cumin unlottti to me or
tuy an-'iit. K. I'uucitLL.
No. ICQ South 4tli St., fit. Louim, Mo.
Or 1'uil. il. Sitr, Cairo, Ills. lw
Ttia lorry ny ol Old. j
In ri'mllnjf nf the uiiildlo ajs one Is
Kruck hy the a-counls given ol lead ol
ctrt'iiLriii. etc.. cf the life aotori ot thoM
tlinea.' The milts ot aiuiorworn, would
crtninly indicate the pocse&slon ot great
r pliyi-lciul 8tr-iiifth than ia dtvtlopwl
by nun In these latter duye. What
vroujflii the change f Men lived In the
merry dnj g a inuro outdoor lila than thi
advuict-d i Ivllititlou ot oun can atTord.
Tht-re la a greater consumption oi brain
nmtit r, ami that IncrL'aM'd dt-mand on
liit iitdl and il)lral txiwtr neoeabltatri)
Hie uf a pure veiretalilf, silmuUnt
tonic, i-ucli a iliu Hume fctomacli 11 .U
Urn, "'m
tli4 l.nborHtnry o the nyatrm.
Thi atoiiiuch U i lm laboratory o. the
rysii in. in which ci-rtaln inj sterlouo pro
rjfiia are colialatttly If'ilinf on. TheRt
'ult In the production ol that wonder
ful v vifyinr aient the blood, which in a
mate ot hrnlih luhea laden with li'eelt
int nt ! nf vitiiliiy i o i lie rt-mottst parts ol
the y uli-iii. Itut wh n the Btuuiai-li I
(nul paraljzeil by dyr-pt-pala, blood
niaiiulMi-iiire I carried on linperU-ctly.
the circul.ilion firowg thin and
!avrjl.-li, and. the rygleni suf
fers In con.i qui-iiPe. Mon ovt-r. IndiKex
tlon riact I'poii the liver and bowel,
rendering the flrt-t Muyyl'b anil the lat
ter coiirtipiited. The brain aKo rullere
by ) injmthy, ami siuh lieadaclieii, sleep
1, eninnml mrvoux ymptoui are i-ii-eniliri'd,
HoMetter'a Stomach Bitiers
reform tliia tatr of tliinj;, gives per
mam nt tonu and regularity to the stom
ouh and Its associate orjrans, the bowels
mid liver, and ini-urei complete nourihi
inent and increased vljjor of the system.
It U the ninfct pupular as well as the inott
vllU-tent unll-dyjpeptlc and louic lu Am
eilci. Have Ton Tried II.
We reler to that most remarkable com
pound, Dr. Morris' Syrup of Tar, Wild
Cherry and Uortliound, for coughs,
cold.-, blood spitttDg, weak lunjr, croup,
whooping cough, asthma, bronchitis,
and nil diseases of tbe lungs and throat.
Froliably no similar preparation ever be
fore so quickly tound its way into publiu
favor as this. Its sale in our community
i (imply enormous. Those who have
been disappointed in other soocalted
remcdVg, are specially invited to try
this, lie lure to get trie genuine Dr.
Morris' Syrup of Tar. Wild Cherry and
lloreiiouod. There are imitations In the
market. Look ojt for them. Tr'al
size, 10 cf nts. Regular sites, CO cents
und one dollar.
Very pleasant, and always effective la
Trot. Parker' Piessaut Worm Hyrup,
tod bo physic required. Aik u, 8-1-lm
i i ,11 an ) ' . 'ill M-i tm
t FRIDAY, February . 1. 1878.
.total BrcTlilce,
This Is the first ol the mootb, to get
your wallet ready.
Shell oysters jnst recctve.1 at tii
Crystal salooe. HiKRi Waliir.
The forced rale of furnltnra In the
licboff factory will be proceeded with on
the 12th of March,
-bhtll oyntcrs ust received at the
C'rj.ul saloon, JJabky Walkir.
Mrs. J. 0. Smith, In company with
Mies Canle IliJl left the il y l,r a uonl
tro trip yesterday.
Firolft8s day board e,t the
Pianttr Hjubu, ejslS per month.
Dr. R j fluids' photograph, the work
ot Ur. Wui. Winter still jjrares lUu show
window of Tuber bro.
Oy eter soup lunch at Harry W alktr's
Crystal taloou every tveiiin at 0
o'clock. 1.4. tt
lion. A. II. lrrin left by the Illinois
Central Jki1 blnt lor Join t, and alter
pending a fuv da there will go to
It Is said the water U now over the
road between Cairo and Mound tliv, and
horse travel in ihalTdireuliou U aUcpenU-
t tor the pnxtiit.
For need potatoes, choice ap
ples, butier, tgtB, etc., go to U.
H. Jackoou & Uj'b, Hj. 64, Ohij
Leva.. 2-tilni
There will be i peeches this evening
at the Tt uiperaiit IU lorin Club meeting
hy Col. V heatly, ol Du Q ioiii ; Capl.
to. Mollirou and Col. bob. Lowcry.
Hour i'lfornalioii be correct, quite
a Inrye number ot ub r will be able to
fiiidim.-tloyuieiittin ilienew Ui.-i'liippl
tt line on April 1st. The Incline, Il Is
tahl, must bo finished by July 1st,
ilr. George' lecture last nUht 1 1
the residence of Dr. Wanlner was listen.
eil to by a goodly number ot p. r.ons
and is said to have been one of the Ust
dtl.Ti ie-1 ro tar during the course.
rxcellcnt At j b(-d can bo
h d at Mi a. Stilta private board
left h.ase. near Commercial ave
nue on Seventh atroet, fjr (13
per mouth. 31 3c
Miss Mary Anderson, the renowned
aclrens will appear fir a ! irt enon o
this city, Commencing on Monday ev
nil g March 10th. Miss Anderwn rmkl
among the higher order of her proles
tloii In this country.
Work on the Cairo and St. Louis
railroad dump at this point is progre-t
Ing, and It will probnbly be completed
irly next week. M. Wool, master of
bridges on that toad, has charge of the
work here.
We omleratand that on Mardl Gras
day a certain L. 8. Gardner w ill make a
bulloon afcentlon In our city. Who he
Is, or where he comrs from we dokno ,
but that lie will make the attention is a
The wife of MWr M. Wood, master
of bridges of the Cairo an1 rit. Louis
railroad, arrived In the city yesurdav.
and Is visiting at the residence ot Con
ductor John Palmer, passenger conduc
tor Of the above mentioned road.
The rlvf rs are about on a stand, and
will be falling in a day or two; and then
t ia water, which has ron Into the low
ground above Fifteenth itreet through
the sewer at that plaoc, will run out
again. It Is to be hoped that the fewer
will ihen be properly closed belore an
other rise comes.
p-FirsNclaBi S'y board at th
ibu eia ujute, ii per montn.
Ih i')isay: r 0' e-ly is atll o
helm of our neighbor ncralt av-ain- or
a dav or two anyhow." This is nt a lae .
I h - Sun we pretuiiue this is our go !
imde ih) above asttinn tx'nue Ma
tri ut d the article on I'he Congreioi al
C inpalyn" to Bro. Oberlv. but tint
g nth man did not r-e-s the arilee
in q-ieatlnn until ho saw it In
tie Bulletin, flu dii not write
advise its writing, or kt o v that it bi.u
been written until he read It in tye.
The steamer Belle Memphis, of the
Anchor line, will leuv; Cairo on Satur.
nay evening lor Memphis, where Mie will
arrive early Monday morning and remain
over, until Tuexday evening, hhe will
carry p issenger Jmm Cairo to Memphis
ami return for halt fair, thus giving
parties who may wl.h to attend the
grand Mardl Gras fentivilies there an
opportunity to do so at a very irmllcoa
Thoe who go down on the B-lte can, it
they choose, remain on the I o it daring
her tay at that port, thus avoiding ex
tra expense.
First-claa" day bard at the
Flantera House, it 18 par month.
, Xbw Goods. Mrs. 8. Williamson will
commence to receive her spring stock ( t
millineiy goods on the first of March,
and dally thereafter until ber stock is
complete. Mrs. Williamson lias also
purchased a full stock ot notions and
jewelry ot all kinds, which she will bo
able to sell to her patrons at greatly re
duced pi Ices. She lias bought lor cvsh.
anil flefiVa ftnmnatittnn In hop Una Afkiial
ness, and luvites an Inipection it imr.
sicca, - - jh-u
The traveling pnhlie will bear In tulrd
that the old KEsPONSIBLt; Illinois
Central railroad company will continue,
as heretofore, to make all Its c n iec;ion
at Effingham, on all trains bound east.
still making from twelve to tblrtyilx
noun ociier utne east than any other
line. Jaws Jomsio.v,
rah,28tll7i. H.et
Cairo, liu., TnrjRSDAT Evr?nso,
Fbruaiy 23, 1878.
Bunnell Is fairly aotlve, and we note a
better feeling lu hay.ci ru and oats,whlle
Hour Is quiet, though there U a brWk or.
der trails uolng. Tbe demand fur flour
Is couriutd to a great extent to low and
medium grades, while choice stock is
quiet. Prices are steady at quotations.
Choice hay i carce aud In
good demand at-quotation!, while
receipts are very light. Low
grade hay is lo fair though hot large
stock, with a limited demand. There
are very few oats In the market, aud re
eelpts are meagre. There Is an Improved
demand for shipping, and prices are a
sliutlu higher and firm. The demand
lor com is liberal, mid all that arrives Is
taken promptly. Prices, howeyer, have
not advanced and are steady at qnota
lioui. The supply Is light. There I a
lair demaut for meal at quotation. The
supply Is about equal to the demand.
Bran Ik In good demand al $15. The sup.
ply U good. Apples are lu lair supply,
and limited demand nt quotations. Re
ceipts ot potatoes are liberal, and the
mpply good, l'ricei are steady al quo
tations. Choice I utter is tot roe aud in
good demand. The mpply ol poultry
Is about equal to the ieiiiand. Receipt
of eggs are good, and the market Is well
supplied, though the deiiund is liberal.
The weather Is warm and pleasant,
and the ro.ds lire drying out rapidly,
The rivers are well up, though now
abont alailonury.
wt roi.Nra.
Ucmpaia Vick-tmrg.. S O-
bry bbl M 23
Ural t-neclul IS 124
I'ork&Ueel3U 4 J 3;)
tly 15 20 14
Bank lniidiugs 5 cents per 100 lbs., aud
10 cents per hid. higher.
, TUK MAitRUr.
UWDur rrieiids should bear in mind
that the prices here given are only tor
sales trom Ural hands In round lots. In
tiling orders and for broken lots It Is
necessary lo charge an advance upon
theae tliures.'a
There Is a brlU order demand for low
to medium grades, while choice stock l
quiet. There i n ipecuUtive demand
and prices rem iio about a-i iaet quoted.
Receipts are lair, and slock ure good,
i li'iujth not large. We note sales ol :
100 bbl;. Family - $ 0 CO
20J " Various Uiailea oil
rder 4 2oG 00
200 '' Various Grades oil
orders 4 50fi 00
100 " Ciioioe Foimly 10
SUO " Various Grades on
order- 4 oOS 25
100 bwXX 5 00
4o0 " Various Grades oil
orders 4 DOftO &0
Receipts 01 hay ate verj light, and In
adequate to tne dun m l. which is aciive
tor choice to prime graihs. Trices are
steady and firm at quotations. Bales
were two car low mixed at $0; one car
low mixed at JD;one car choice mixed
at $11; two era choice Timothy at tli.
There is a liberal demand for the order
trade, but otherwise llie market is quiet.
Receipts are meagre mid the stock on ibe
market small. There is no speculative
demand. Prices are unchanged ami
steady. Sales were 1,800 bags white al
4x';iwo cats while in bulk at 40c; one
car good yellow, in bulk at 3So.
There are very few arriving, and the
market is comparativtly bare. There Is
a tar shipping demand, and prices are a
shade stronger. We quote Sales ol 5 cars
while feed out s in sat ks at 32Jc; 4 cars
mixed in Backs at 31 j; i curs while in
lacks at 32-;'2 cars mixed iu sacks at 31 (
I car black seed oa' s in Barks at 3k; 6
oars mixed iu sacks at 31c; 2 cars black
serd lu sek at, 3J -; 1 c-ir white lu
sacks al 3-V; 2 car mixed at 31c.
Thero Is a lair demand for meal at
quotations. The supply is talr. bales
reported were 2l0 bbls. city at il 25; 150
bbls. city al $2 25; 51 bbls gretu meal al
$2; 100 bbls. euuiury at $2 10.
Bran Is in lair mpply and steidy at 15.
Tho supply u lair, though receipts
ure light. The demand Is limited, and
principally tor choice. Sale Were 25
bbls Romaiiked and Guutiiigs at$3 7'.
4; 6 biil-i wiuesaps at (3 50; 5 bbls in ba i
order al $2(3 3; 20 bbis choice Beti Da vis
al 3; 25 bbls varieties at S3l.
There Is a t lr demand lor potatoes at
prices quoted. . Too mpply is fair, aud
receipts 1 beral. We note sales ol 50
bbls mirtiiern early rose potato. s al $2;
25 bliN. peachhlows kt $13,; 50 bb S
peudiblows at $1 40.
Receipts are liberal and the supply
about equal to the demand. Price re
main U'lCliatmd. Sales were 5 coops
mixed chickens, $2 2o(J2 50; 1 coop
turkeys at $'; 4 coops good hem at $2 50
2 73; 1 coop inix-d at $2 25.
Choice U in good dein ind and scarce
both ol roll and packed. Prices ate Un
changed. Common and low grades are
plenty and dull. Sale were 5 b xe roll
at lfc:;5 pkgs Southern Illinois, L'JQ18o;
a pkgs roll at 20-; 10 tubs northern pack.
ed, 17Jtk", 6 tuba lancy northern pack
The supply fair and the demand good
at quota Ions. R -eelpts are liberal.
8 ties were 5 boxes at 8o; 10 boxes at Oc;
13 boxes at ; 15 boxes at Oj.
Bales were 500 lbs. sugar cured plain
h m at Jo; 1,000 lbs. shoulders at 4
1,000 lbs. clear rib dry salt sides at f;
1,500 lbs, dry salt shoulders at 3 693 1M.
I 8ales were S bbls. kUle lendsnd,
refld,at;e, , .
' 0NI0W8. 1
Bales were S bbls. choice northern
at Wm 25; 10 bbls. do. at 12 25: 15
bbls. Southern Illinois at $.'3 10. Tbe
supply Is good and demand light.
There Is a large supply ol dried trait on
the market and prices are low. Sa'trs
were 4 pkgs. choice dried apples at 3J(3)
GRIT8. ,
Bales were 100 bhls iearl grits at ?3 13.
Receipts are light and the demand
food. The supply is light. Prices
range from $2 604 CO per 100.
Beans are In larire stock and dull. They
are (elllng at wbaUver em te got for
them. -
8nles were 400 bbls. Ohio river at $1 15
l 20.
C. T. R. C The regular weekly meet
ing ol the Calto Temperance Itelorm
Club which occurs lht (Friday ) evening,
will be Le of an unin-ually Interesting
nature. Addre.u-s will ho delivered by
Hon. R. W. 6. V) neatly, ot Du Qioln.
Captain Geo. M-ddison, or I.ouUville
und oihers. The pxhlic are t ordially In
vited. Will. K Hawkins, Sec'y.
DHanlatlas of l'rtnrblp.
The tirm ol Cross k Co., Cairo, '.lis.,
has this day been dissolved. The bu-l-nesa,
however, will be routluued at the
old stand uuder the name ol M. G. Pink
& Co. 6:
S copy.
Familiar In llverjr llousrbnld.
Dr. U. V. rurue the r at "ro dlrin
(Da-" of Batf lo, U iu uiug (or the tftio
ol senator itoia that city. He seems to be
tbe not popular mm in tbe tnok.anl
well may ba be, fir bis nam is lanilllar in
every uou-ehold lo Ibe lai d, and people
will vote fur bim r-gai.Us of bis politics
Co r-c , aa ib Stii always Is. Tbs
doctor wa i lected by about 3,00d urortty
-Mufalo Ariel,
SMTP or dust ol any kind, ar.d strong,
causilu or polsunous solutions, aggravate
cttarrli and drive It o ttie lungs. Dr
Sage's Catarrh Remedy cures catarrh by
its mild, soothing, cleansing, and healing
properties. Eich package prepares one
pint of the R. uiedy ready tor lire, and
ccsts only fitly cents. Sold by drug
Trkjbcry Dxpaktwkxt.
Washington, U. t;..Nov. 10. Ia70
I lake great Jleaure In cer lilng to
to the elUcaty ot Dr. Bull's Cough
Syrup, In ue in uiy tainlly aud as a
specific for colds o! children or adults. I
have louud il to be a euro almost imuie
dlate aud al way iermaueiit.
Wry Respectfully, Tuos. B. Pmicb.
A Campaign HI under.
When Dr, R. V. Pierce was a candidate
tor slate rtiiutor, his political opponents
publhhed a preteudtd ana yi-is ot his
popular medicines, hoping thereby to
pr fudice thv people fgainst him. Ilis
election by an i.teruLvtmlng inujorltv
evere'y rebuked his traducer?, who
sought to impeach his buMiiess integrity.
No notice would have tx en taken ot thei-e
campaign lies were it not that Fume ol
his enemies (and every suecetttul but-1-i.ess
man has his lull quota ot envious
rlvaU) are lepublishiug these bogus an
alyses. Numerous aud most ubcurd
hirmulas have been publii-hed, purport
ing to come trom hiith auihorlty; and II
is a tlgn ticaut fact that no two have tx en
at all alike conclusively proving the
dishonesty ol their author;.
The following U trom the Bujalo
&mmtrcial, ol Out. 2J J. 1S77 :
-Hardly a diiz-u years ago he (Dr.
Pierci ) came here, a J oung and uukiiow n
man, almott irit i.dlerB, with no capital
except his own manliool, which, how
ever. Included pleniy ol brains aud pluck,
indomitable M-rseverance nnd inborn up
rightness. Capital enough lorany ytuug
man in I his progressive country, It only
he has irood health and livbits as well.
Ilu had all these great natural advautagt s
aud one thing uioru. an excellent educa
tion, tie had studied medicine aud been
regularly licei sed to practice us a physi
cian. But tie was still a student, loud
liive-tlgHiinu iihd experiment. Ho dis
covered, or invtiiled, important remedial
SgeinleS or COIllponmls. Not Choorllig
lo wait wearily lor the sick aud ufhriiig
lo find out (without an) body to lell
llieinj i hut lie c uld do I hi m good, lie
adveriind his nmllcines and Invliid the
whole proh fbinii, ot i eiy nhool, to x
amine and protiouucejudgiueui upon his
tormulas. He adM-rti-ed liberally, pro
lusely, but with ixiraordluary threwd
nerS, lid with a Uie ti od whlciiislti lisell
a It noli to all whomk blnees by that
perlectly 1 giiiinu e means. II ll iucceii
has been solnetliln mat vi Ions o gnal
Indeed that It (Duct be due lo intrinsic
merit iu the articlishe sells more tveii
Ihan to his iinpsralli d skill In the use ol
printer's Ink. The present writer
once atked a distinguished tlpeiislng
druggist to explain the secret ot
ihu altuoH universal demand tor Dr.
I'lene's medicines. He laid they were
In fact genuine medicine, such Com
pounds as every good physician would
prescribe fur the disease which they were
adveriifed to cure. Of course they cost
less than any druggist would charue for
the same article mi plied on a physician's
prescription, und besiihs there was the
doct'i's Ice saved. Moreover, buying
i he drugs In such enormous qoantitks,
having peruct appamliu lor lutrifjlng
and compounding the lulxuin-, he t-ouul
not only gel better article lu tho hVat
place, but pieseiit the uiedlume lu bviier
lorin ami uheiiptr than '.he same mixture
could pos'lbl) be obtaiiuu truiu any
other source.
It may be thmight that all this having
reh rence io Dr. I'hrce's private busl.
I:es4 has nn point whatever w lien con.
sidered In comii Otion with lm.prner
quallllcHtions ot a candidate tor the sen
a'e. Perhapa. But it Is the lai-hlon
now. aud will hr lor a fortnight innre.
with sundry journals to nuke sneering
allusions o Hd very matter. After Ihu
brief period, they will be q ilte rradv to
go nn doing his work as belore, and aa
always before, to speak ol film as a great
BHblli benefator.,r
ajiuv i
iranoj. tow watii. Kits M Fall
FT 1M. IT. IN.
Calro.......M....nMUH.. 8! 7 X
UaclanaU........ SI 8 X 6
UaTcnpurl m.. S 4 1
r-lltaourtf.. .......... t 4 I 0
LouistUU W 6 i
...,. Ml... .1 I I I
P.duOth MM.....MM......
"I f.Ul .. M .
Kevkaa...-MM .m 4 0X1
SI. Ihii in t 6
Strtuni 8iitaal.rkric. V. 6. A
Toe Tbouijsoo Dsan is to enter tbe tin
clooinnall sod Mew Urleacs trade as iood
ss tbe eotton season olosiis.
Toe J. 11. Kitblor pasted Vicksbnrg
eomlngup day before yeiurdiy at noon.
Tbo H O. DUnard.A. C. Oountly, lor
N w oile.n-, Colorado lor Vicktt urg and
Jim Fink tor Psduoaha e tbe boats this
Tbe My Choice and births leave 8t,
Louis this evi nlag lor New Or esns.
Tbe Port EaJi witt tow tbe Joo, Gilmire
to bl Louli to i;et a i sw shaft.
The Oblu is tailing a lime hrre, and II
this Boa wettber cjnilmwslt will go doan
wituarusb prssiniiy.
Tbe fir.i blue bird ot tbe seas n put in
aa appearance yesterday, li i pnbably a
soi tot an advertising a;et to tbe tro, io
of songsters tbat will ba aloi g pieacntl) .
ibe Ju. Uip.uIJ wnu iui. ties and tbe
Jao. a, Vood with a big tow of eoal pwtd
dewo night beiore last.
Tbe Cliy ol Vluksburg broujbt CC5 bales
cotton lor tb's port, and lies 12 0 so k
sied for &t. Louts. hb adoed here 50 to. S
phj lion !' r St. Liuln.
Ibe L-wl-Cod Coupoy has pure'iared
ibe tug Nag. I, to be Uctd btfe lursuppl)
lun bo ta with coal.
The whale Idit at. Louis yefterdiyro r
leg with tiree barges ol ore lor Pi ubur?,
aud tu Ed Uob w wliHravs t-uioirw.
The bil e ofMiuipbU Udie down to
morrow in herb'g Mardi Oranex u snm.
She baa been especially tilted lor tbe occa
sion aud is In a flue condition. She leaves
here 8aturdty evtntrg.
A Masonic. O Id Fellow and Knight ol
Pythias watch charm combined. The
tinder will be suitably rewarded by re
turning same to . B. F. Blahi,
Masquerade Costume.
Mrs. 6. Williamson wisliesto announce
to all those who contemplate attending
the Mtrdi Gras paride and ball, that
she w ill have Lr rent on that day a choice
sel. ct li.n ol masques of every description
and character. These ma.-qut s will be
rented on the most liberal terms They
will be ready lor exhibition on Saturday,
tbe 2J ol March. 2 241w
Notice Is hereby given that the lux
books lor the taxes ol the year lb77,
having been turned over lo me, 1 am
now ready to receive taxes, aud urge
upon all the necessity lor prompt pay
ment aa tbe time Is short.
Pkteh Salt. Collector.
Cairo, Feb. 20, 1S78. if.
I have the largest stock ol miiks iu
the city, and am selling at bottom pi ices.
Masks trom 5 cents to $3 00.
Phil. II. SAcr,
Candy Factory, Eighth street and vvHli-
ingtou avenue. , 2 20 Iw
JiHt received at the New York Store,
200 barrels choice early rose seed pota
toes. We have received them from
Chicago, and guarantee them to lae
siraight goods. Parties wishing e raise
good potatoes shoald . change feed.
Alxo a lull line ot garden and Held
seeds, plows and plow harness, eto.
2 20 lOt C. O. I'atikk & Co.
Earlj Roh,
Timothy Seed,
Clovi r seed,
and Twine.
2 -tit I
No. 73, Ohio Levee.
Lar.er IIimii Life t
On receipt of $1 50 I will send to any
address uu Imported French Microscope
that will iniigiiliy over 500 times a- y
small ol et. A very u elul and in-truu-live
lustiuiuent, brass mounted and put
up iu a neat case, warranted as recom
mended or the money refunded.
Its uiagnilylng power Is so great thut
living objects cau be readily discovered
iu a drop ol water, and for examining
small objects, all maimer ol Inncis Hie
texture vl cloths, Ac, detecting foreign
matter in sugar, dour and other articles
of diet, for delecting couufertleil money,
and u hundred other useiul purposes, it
will be found Invaluable.
An endless source of amusement for
the Coining winter evenings. Sent by
mail oil receipt ol price.
61 Park Place. N. V. City.
Jan lO.IJtw Din.
1.1'miKR 40.vrMAt:T.
City Clerk's Omci,
Cairo. Ills, feb'y. 14. 1678
Hi aled proposals will be received al this
oll'ce until six oVIock, p ui , or I uesday,
March 6, ls7. lor furnishing such luiu.
ler a Km city may require lor the cur
rent tt-o l Vearending DooemberSl. 1878
Said lumber to be o good and sound
white or burr oak, white or yellow pin
or cypress and tree irom sapor unsound
knots, and ul such dimensions as may lie
required, and to be delivered In mch
quantities, times and places within the
CorUOratMi limit aa thu mmmlilua n,
streeis may dl.eflt. ,
1 he right ti nj. ct any or all Mrlg Is
Named. J.B.PniUM,CltyVlrk.
Bargains for
Extraordinary Inducements to Purchasers
TTxatxl ATtex- OlsrlastxaaavaB "Waol..
Willi sffr to ih Public roitt
The Flneit assortment of Ladi a' Ciusksanu Furs lu the City.
Unequalled Attractions Silk Ilamiercbietr, Cohan, Cutfs aud Ties is laras varts'y aatj
el gant arsortment.
A Full a. d Comp ete Line ot Gent' Furnlshlnir Qiod sild at astonishingly low pries.
Zephyr. Wools aud Fancy irtiulss ol sll shades and OjIois.
Ladles Sbors setually at Coit.
Carpels and Oil Cloibs lo endless variety, qua'lty and pattern.
We take pleasure In announciiig io our
are now sfl't-riug seclai iiidnci-menis to thore who purulm-e wlililn the next 30
day. A ilioiianil new and attractive articles ol vi rtu are now on exhillilou. and
are belli,; otlered at moat txiraordluurlly
down with zxxo-cz pbices.
Old Father Time Caught at Last.
OWING TO IULL TIMES AMI) i7(t '. AT SHItlVK ' OB X VaL'E'.w, h .r. i,tnwiA
,nlunyildroim lie Uniicl -I nn ' y p . rri-t .n'e pern., lo il.t ptrclu . t-,, h rS .
luck w ir.mhd lor two yr- T l.Hcr aly run ami g, d l..r i ly I'.j.l.mi ih - nt ihu i
p;r- llxt. aclocks si our own uiai.ulauti't. ow is n, lima .u s turs a o. U tluik fur am V1
.o' Thss I miuciloni. t'loels can b- returned and morry trill fere a-il.d Ifpurihj.frs ara
.01 ulnGj I. G vjiuiI MU,p atofl r, c.illn. au 1 -law a Id ncjrrst el,.ic i w. . B,T
m itrxiiusi. y ly (inn-. Tn il at ny 'O -en I ni inc i ny ua I nuv o -Icror nir' i.l
l.llcr. Tnn,l6i-auartin-liitliarnnria .d tollers or m m. v on III , v ur ui. lu utVlv
tMU..iisilil partus, eiuscnU uiy ih.a would Is-Ih. . ,,i wv i ,( , lg our ,., 'iu J
L r .li Kit A 00. q, , XX uiuut 0 era, tliiaui Ohli.
for Uutie , yi1, Apples etc., ca.l at
So. lit Oalo levee.
II. 11. LtlGUTON
Children cry tor PiUtier's cytorla
1 1 Is as pleasant to take a4 honey. It
contains no uiorphimt, cr other deleter
i'oVS ingredient, and is sure to expel
worms, core wind colic, regulate Ue
Dowels and stomach, u.id overcome irri
tation caused by rash or culling leetli.
Mothers can rest, and cliiluren enjoy
lieulth, who Use Caaloria, ll Is llurm-it-ss,
it ia ceriaiuly speedy, and it ia
jheap. nil-law
Caiko, 111 , 14, 'b'tS.J
Scaled proposul.- will be lecelU'd Ul
iliis otlle uuiii 0 o'clock p. in., nl lius
nay, Marcli 5ih, la73, lurtiie n palling ul
orlcK sidewalk on Die somberly slue ol
Eglll(ili) airvet, between CuuaiUirciul
anil asliioglou uyenne.
Bids lo Inciude UUing and rui.Mllg laid
siilewulk lo grade and ibe urniuli lig of
sound und suitable Ul li li lor sidewalk
purposes tuat may be k qui red lu replac
ing those worn out.
llie work lo bo done under supervis
ors ot llie committee ou streets und in
accoreance wnh plaus and spec lliiiUons
ol said committee.
The rigiii lo reject any or all bids is
reserved. J. B. t'uiLLts City Clerk.
Cheapar than the Cheapest.
Furul.-hed to retail dealers by Mrs. W,
W, Woolen, on Walnut street, beicen
i'weiity-tirst ami Twenty-second streets.
Mrs. Woolen manufacturers this candy
hers. If, and all who have tried it pro
nounce It ot superior quality. Try it.
lUiutrated Monthly Alayatmit.
E?ch uuiubci cuuuiiu inlny two p g" of
r.-ali"K mailer, many uuu uui cut idiuiialiuu
a il uik colored pluW. A Uaunlui tfitriv.ii iuu
mine pn..inl iu e.caut paper, an I lull ul iu
I .i union, lu tutUoli und ocruiau. I'ncesl ii
a year.
V let's Flower and VcKHihle Uanlrn, " Hull
in e-p ruuer. in rligant iloilicuvcrs SI.
Vic. a ai.loa ie Id il usimnius. iiul; two
CaUj. Allans., d. oi. Vica, iov.bvoier, ..V,
Fict' Illustrated Priced Catalogue, "
Sv nty-Ore pagii. 3 hi lllu-trati ns, with dr
c ipiiuuiui ttiuu-ai d. of is be.1 trgetubieiid
B iwir. m ibe Wo, III, aud llie Way to jiui t- e.ni,
ailluraKu or ill pi.Uke s aitp. 1'riuUd iu
li.riiiBn una tuu.n.
vit. Srl w.rsnd V. netanle O'arden. 5 ' cents
in ." covers luc.egii.icloiiicovs.a SI.
V.eS'a ll u-iraud n. n lily .uagxmw - Al p uc.
due iilu-tialii'iis d culurcd i ata iu eiy
uum er. I'iicc S1 a ye.r Uve ccin fur 16.
adare, J.me. Vick. Uocu lie , N.V,
Vkk'i Flowtt and Vegetable Garden.
Is Ihu IU...I LcuU ilj wui ul I c kmu in fi
w no. llcoililn. ueurly Ijo pt, uu ill' tie)
ul' dn - illustiam us, ami ihi inu plaice 1 bu
ufi'i y dr .wu ru 1 o oied nmu nutuie fru JO
ei In iu pspr uoitrs, al iu cuUi. I'r u'.ea lu
Ce ruin ana cuga-a.
ica' t .uioaue, 400 I'lu-traticns.only'icu.
.id res, a.ju.o Vi.a, uocivst r, .s. Y.
Pica's Flower and Vegitable Seedt.
Are plauiot by a miniuu euplc in Am rlca.
4ce V.ca'a C a.Ueac 1"0 lllvut.allou.. oulj i
VicW'i lllibiratcd UuntMy Maf a - "2pKcs,
due iilu.traii'Hi. ai.u vIum1 p uie each auiuucr,
inn ixj.jcur t ivc cp.es lur .
Vi k'srluwera d Vcs ao.a iluiuen, 5" flits
in paper iuier-, a iih a.cKn i-i lu ever. al.
ml my publuall.na ale priu ed in fcu.ll.b
audiirun. .iddivas Jaine. Viak,
l-dlif UuCbcer. -N. Y.
POIfl? 1 Any Tenon who will rnak
I 1 SmCi I am lur ar. I u.e a l.ai ul tut
nuiiiv. ul luuule i a tun. ul tlieir acquaintance
wnu ai.u ti piu uivau inetiunwiil, eiiier l'i
ibu vr Uiau I wnl list my Ik, en i. uvur. lu
s 11 1 uu hub, aud Iui ver piano I uci. d iu
. linski ibi ir li.i willu uur I w.liuieu.i
lie lu ailbal", aud lur efrry mgua S, lu Oe up
pi led uu im) uieut ul rub rap aim ur urju ;
ami wlicu ilaiuuu l lua .mil suUlcP-ut lo py
lur any lu ruluml, iclti.leil at tlMLUWLat
WllilLh-AL rltllh.. 1 will liiilluilliilely auni
111 luairuiueul. I.ee, ur ailer a )' amuunt la
civul a i Ibe Im'Siic uiiy 1m paid n luvavband
I will tlieai .Inp ilieui lb iii.lruniial, liry
nretl iiul Is- knuwu.u Ilu- maim, aua Will he
du Ug- Ibeir irienua a rial avrviea I limit
lilike M'KLlAI. url&ltStu IU m, aellma a
.-UPr.ltlUit I.NIKU.nt.NT fur rum Mi
ll A U lu I Wo-llUHUB wbal )1 uitiirarilj
atked by uxenl. 1'ieuw wud Ite a ll.l itut,
ami alter )uu luiva uuda UiiUir, Juu ua ado
lull. A i idle,
DASIEL F. BE A TTY, IKasAinyron. iV
E. N. Freshman & Bio's
ISO W. Fourth St.,
A rs tilth r te1 lorn ivsauvctil-cnisnt enhU
p (ier i.suinaic fi.TnUmdfreeupoaap.licauua
Stud two i autpsiuruur Adrer.ier M-uual,
Can Be Beautiful
ly Eyed or Re
paired at & Trif
ling Exponas
o.o. d. y
Old flats
Made New.
SfOa 30, JsltUa Mrttt.
tteHo lidajrb
unprccadauiaa flarplns la
and SXLK5
patrons und llie public crnprnllv Hint a
low prices.
J. iurcer.
General -
City Xat oaal Dank BulUlnr, np.stalri.
Ihj Oldcsl Fiubllahed Agency n Souths
11 tnoia, and repmeuti g ot.r
185 000 OOO
Saloon and Restaurant.
Cons nntly on hand. Also has constantly
on Lund a
Large Supply of
At Wholesale anil R.tall.
At the Old Del monico Hotel,
S im IVo. GS Ohio Lcveo
AVlioto alt and ltetall Deulert In
roroiga aui Domestio
No. 60 Ohio Lcvec.
MK5SRS. MYl'lt '0.. hits erastantly a
I..P u at.u.b ..I Iliu I ...I u.. ..I- lt il.u n ...
k. l, and Kl e.ic titi nltenliua to Uie ahola.
a.e liiai.eh of the uasinees.
Jnmiil. t a l-w-., Willi r r. I.iil, mulwi i.-r wiiv -..U.S
ni.Mt r.hii,.it wlll.-it .h,f. Til. ri.l
-' -1 ,1'nm Kiifeki. Cn., J1 Hniiv. Vnrh.
Sfl sssa TVl,UV. esrr.-wiii
lalHl B..jili....-ni.i-ll-ii.i.a.l.
BJ M Nyfi w-n. Nii-ia.iiic. l-ipe-e.ii4
I AflS 6 S b a'""" A- "I'-av a
e mm War WaF i im um. St-. Cmewaul. 0.
Arlington House
J. D. D3ANE, Prop'r
Lits of tie St Ctaxlss
R A I ES; $2.00 PER DAY
to ,
r i it. iraiu oy tin r isd connscf 8t. T.enta
e. .uu r.aaiai. buuia. wim all i. Kits llnaa ia
time suinc'cur ;
fl. . i. r- ... u"
uruiiau u nn- i.-nTn tai ...8 :30a.m.
aiiirphjiuora Acconiiuudjliuu Lat
t.rriTcansti i. 'aia 9 lis u.m
aiuiinyr ors Ai-cuuimjiau bAnivis
. i.iiimi,ui)iu..., m.,. . ..... :. as
""l. i uan ri. u ma aa.ut
.... '"I" "i v. iini o;n U.II
Murpkvcbori AecouuuuiLiiluB Uiim
. aiu'pnyiro - : a.aB
aurpbjtiiuio Accomniudaiiuu Arrives
at c;ru ..... .......M .. ,. ..,.. ii.wa.aB
i tUEMnrtt Ths(Mrosndl.trrls
akVJ U u lmvSL. T AUIt.lil. UOUIkko
iwrten Cair and Si. l-nuu bade ti a aa
sg -meni; ihcf -foni lure -ra tu ue syasl way
a.Atiiiua luir otinM.illuua nam u.liatUata.
raiTffj Oj'ng JtT.h. Snrbsasl "aas
should ooi b ly Inair lira, u aaut laJ have
a unit I our r ins wud ruu't .
K. M- But L. M t. BrirtTLOTIf-
' sTeiahlAff. Paa.r J feaSj.
. . I. M. XWJUOJI. ua.'ial aasse.
.i.i'if jwia-is -a am a.k ana
..ilt.a.t. niTii-.n. laifi

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