DIRECTORY I iIRO BUSINESS HOUSES. Mtt. Any bnalne Ann eoa he three line f ww, lu UiU column under appropriate heading ; mwratu ol per month or li per year eyittile quarterly In aitraau. Hardware, Stavca anl Tin War. HALLKY Dealer in Stove, Tin and Hard rare, tlunlen and Fanner' Implement, Win iuoil, Uvrriinrretort, I'utnpe and Ladder. ir Commercial Avenue. Guttering, Mid Job Work done on abort notice. J.oiubrr. J. S.McUAHKY-Dealerln hard and toft lmn 'ier, flooring, wilinR, tiding ind eurfaoed iurulwr, lath and tbtngle. Ofllo and yard nrmiT twentieth etreet and Waahlnirton aTenue Uaeenaware. II. HAUTMAN-DealwlnQueenawara.Toyt, Iaiui and all kind of fancy article. Commer avenue, corner titb atreet. Photography, WILLIAM WINTKH .lxth atreet between ;iiminerclal avenue and Washington atenue. lutbing and Merchant Tailoring. JOHN ANTRIM -Merchant Tailor and aoalci la lltntiy MadcUothtng. 7SOhlo Levee. Heal Katate Agenelea. M. .1. HOWLKY Beat KUU Agent. Buys nd eell real eelale, collect rent, pay lor Dou-nnldeata.eU. Commercial avenue, ba tweau Ninth and Tenth Itreeta. t'oiuiuleelna Merchant. HIV K LK A I MSTI.KWOOD IMton and Tobacco Factor and pro prietor! of the ("antiera Tobacco Warehoiue, v& & l-T Coinwmercial Avenue lUKI'KK YObT- l; General Forwarding and CommiHloa merchant, for die tale of rami, Garden, Or chard anil Dairy I'roiluce. W Ohio Levee. EA. WIItELOCK A CO. (ieneral Forwarding and Commbuilon tuerrhanU. arid dealer lu ail kind of Fruit and 1'roduce. M Ohio Lore. LonaiKument iolio itwl. stencil furnUbed on application. BECKZZ BOOimxS The knirbte of the above order meet at their hall the tint and third Monday i eaca month, Cotunurclal avenue, lid door onto of lHli wn-e ,l6pra. '. molmm.G. CM. Kuirrtaof Pythia, meet every Frl Uv iillil at half-pail aeran, in Odd rullowi' Hall. liowa, ChannelUir Connnandef , Mt-rt. ALF.XAKDKB I.ODfil, NO. 224 'k9t Ind.m-ient Order of Odd-Fel-' rPljnJ:' lowt, meet every Thuraday night .ni&r gl n.Jf.p, H.yrn (j, their had on omnixrcial avenue, ix-tween bixth arW Serentb 't"rt r'. 1). KaxroHP, N. , A CAIUOLODflK. SO 7,A.r. A. M iiold rvrular oummuoiraitlona la kia r annlc Hall, eomer Commercial avrnne ' nll KlKhlb atreet, on the aeond and I urth aloodav ol mth month. Fob 1'kxt. Tlircecomlortiiblc room tn a lioui-e, on Third street ktween Wellington aiul Commercial avenue'. Inquire ol Wm. McHii.k. II . t'uraitere at Pnbliri aal. On tdo Utli iluyol Msrcb. ltl7S, bo Kiiuiing Jat 10 o'clock a.m., and contin tilnit irom day to day, too undenigised will tell at auction to the hlghe bidder, lor cah. at tie lurnlturc factory of Wi Ham EicbholT, ioutlieaat corner ol Seven tetntb utrcet and Washington avenue, in ialro, Illinois, a lar?e left of furniture of various klnd and dcscrlptionK, conjut Ingof parlor scU, bedroom sets, bureaus, bcadbtcad, vsaihstandi, wardrobe, Ubles, IxxikeastK, Ui-ek", what-cols, cradled, looking glaiaca, baby carriaxca, bat rack, mattrceec kltcken iafc-a, a Urge a.,ortinciit ol cbairs, drcwinj cam-, etc. I'li kk Siir, Sheriff. 3-2td Mhehaycan Water, Ale. Beer, filler, niarral aud keoa Kitin, Mr. Andrev? Lobr haa constantly on hand Irenb receipts of the fuinoua bhe boyean water, and be U now ready to till orders for any quantity, either bot tled, in kegu, or by the jug. This wafer is celebrated for IU efficacy in curlojf ptles, constipation, dyipepaia, bcadacbe, and dinetue of the atomach and liver, It U pleitsunt to t)u taste, and sure to do good to thoMJ ho take it. Mr. Lobr is alo prepared to supply families wilh ale, beer, or cider, put up in bottles or by the quantity, aa rusy be desired. Alio aoda and mineral waters in bottled. Oooda delivered In any part of the city without exta charge. 3-3-1 ru. au Open letter. It aka far IiaeU. HocAfoUT, Mans., April ad, 77. Mr. Kditok: Having read lu your pa per reports ot the remarkable cures ol catarrh, I am Inddcei to tell "wbnt I know about cutarrb," and 1 fan:y the "anua,' and "iuhallng tube" makers (mere dollar grabbers) would be glad If they could emblazon a similar cure in the paper. For 26 years I suflred with catarrh. The nawtl pasangci became completely closed. "Snnfi." 'duat,n 'shea," "Inhaling tubes." and "sticks," wouldn't work, though at .intervals 1 would sniQ up the so-called catarrh snuff, until I became a valuable tester for such medicine. I gradually grew worse, and no one can know how much I sufletcd or what a inirr.iblo being I was. My head ached over my eyes so that I was coiiiliicd to my bed for many successive day?, suffering the most Intense pnln, which at ono time lasted continuously for ICS bourn. AH sense of moll and taste gone, sight and hearing Impaired, body shrunken and weakened, nervous aystem shattered and constitution broken, and I was hawking and spitting seven eighths of the time, 1 prayed for death lo relieve me ol my suflcrlng. A iavora lle notice lu your paper of Dr. Sage's (,'atnrrh Komcdy Induced me to purchase a package and uho It with Dr, Tierce's Nasal Douche, which applies the remedy by hydrostatic pressure, the only way compatible with commou sen. Well, Mr. Kdittr, It did not cure me lit Ihroe fourths of a second, nor In ono hour or month, but iu loss than eight minutes 1 was relieved, and In three mouths entire ly cured, and bnvo remalnod so lor over sixteen months. While using tho Catarrh Itemedy, I used Dr. l'ieroe's Golden Medical Discovery to purify my blood and strengthen my stomach. 1 also kept tny liver active and bowels regular by the uso ol his rieossnt Purgative Pellets. H tny cxperlenco will induce other Mifferers to seek tho sumo means ot re lief, this letter will have answered Us purpose. Yours truly, , , S, P. RiMici. .1 CITY NEWS. TUESDAY. March 5, 1878. Lacal BrevlflM.I B ' Churches were generally well at tended kiunday. Judge 'Marcbildoo, ol Thebes, U a candidate for (be legislature. Something New in Masks. Coma and sea Them. At Hart-, man's Crockery Store. 8t 11. W. Miller has gone to St. Louis on business. Don't forget the free oyster soup si o'clock this evenings! Harry Walker's, corner Sixth street and Commercial ave nue. 1.4.U Mrs. J. U. Metcalf has gouo to New Orleans to attend MardI Gras. Go to Hartman'e Crockery Store for all Kinds of Masks. 3t Tbs regular monthly meeting of the city council will be held to night. Seventy cars of coal are monthly used at this point for firing the engines on the Illinois Central. For Butter, Kegs, Apple., etc., call a No. 04 Ohio levee. . H. LSIGHTON Col 8. 8. Taylor left yesterday for Springfield, where he has gone on Im portant business. -Bartnaaa bay a phaalln and eamle rnaeka by lb froaa, an be aril them rbraprr tbaa aajr other honaa In s alra. Commissioners Summons and Crown arrived In the city yesterday to attend the meeting of the board. For seed potatoes, choice ap ples, butter, eggs, etc, go to G. H. Jackson It Co.'s, No.' 64, Ohio Levee. a,8.1m We hear that Mr. Andrew Lobr and family have gone to Medpbis, thereto sec tho sights which art to bo seen to day. Shell oysters Jt received' at the CrJTlUl SBloWB. JliKIIT WILIER. -The city will be visited by an uu. Usually large nnuiber of etrnn wn tn..u . and It behoove:our people to show thrm that courtesy for which ;h y are povir- blal. -Tha liiil, ... . . - '" '"'a Hy ta as ... w incairy more, Mr. Tbos. XV. Lsyman. of DuOnoin and Miss Koslc Steagela. ol Hickman. XT a I a. . iveaiacay, were united iu mar-las i, Squire Comings of this city yesterday. Long life and fat babies. This latter re mark is suggested by Commissioner Summons. The parade of the Mystic Krewto" day will bo the grandest affair of the kind that ercr took Dlaca in thia rit. The number of visitors Iroin abroid will be unusually large. Firat-rOnaa Ka.-I . . 11.. w.wU uvqi -at lUB Planters House, $18 per month. A line largo looking glass Is to bo raffled on the 20th Inst, The ehanoei arc only 25 cents, and there are to be but eighty chances. Chances esn be secured at the city brewery, where the irla-is ran also be seen. The advance agent lor the Mary Anderson company was in the city yes. terday makltig arrangements for the ap pcarance ol that company here next Monday night. Tho trouoe U one of the best in tho country, and altno.-t sure to draw a big crowd. Oyster soup lunch at Harrv Vt alktr'a Crystal saloon every tvenlng at 9 o'clock. i.i.u -Deputy Sherifl Jack Hodm siient yesterday at Hodges' park, and will be at fcandusky to-day and Toledo to-mors row for tho purpose of collectln taxes. This will wind up tho matter ol collect- lug U the country precinct, and farmers who pay hereafter will have to come to theherilTs office. ana A- Kni . . .il ----- - - ",t vwuxu nt mo Planters House, $18 per month. -The regular March meetlnsr of the board of county commissioners com menccd yesterday, all the members ol the board, Chairman Halllduy and Commls sloners Brown and Summons beine- nrtv. sent. The business to be transacted u generally of so unimportant character! luonjrn too members of the hoard in no little nerclscdi over a live hundred dollar debt which the oounty owes to the wouiuera Illinois' Insane asylum, and which, II not paid soon, will nut the countv to no little trouble. The asylum people threaten to send our insane home If this bill is not paid, and in the em barrassed condition ol tbs county the memuers or the board are at a loss to know how to raise the wlud Verily. the path of tho county commissioners is not strewn with rose, -j - !' lEYAftllAnf ' law fvna4 U had at Mra fttifaa n.l.. kA..4. ing house, near Commercial are- uuw on oeventn street, tor tie per month. , 3l-3t , Io Justlcs Comiugi' police eour yesterday a negro woman charged with fighting was fined Ave dollars. An' at tachment sulttrougut by 0. flsvthorn Co., against? Dr. Q. 11. Iach, was irtoa before Judge Bird, and occupied (he greater part of tho last hall of the day, Tbc doctor had a portion of his goods or goods supposed to be his packed and rcadv for ahlnmont Tt,ia news coming to the ears of Messrs, H. a v,, an Buacnmeni was sworn, out and the cue oamo ud restnr(U morning before , Jastiee :omlngst wubu me aooror took a change ot venue to J udge Bird's court Hon. D. T. 1 tna. gar appeared for Dr. Leach, and tr. n Wb I l. awaaaik. macs anu is. uviugston lor the piainmn. The ttootor demanded a Jury, which returned a verdict for the plaintiff. The amount lnyOlTl WM not large. ; TUTS CABNIY1L. The Hosts of Xing Comus-The Parade and Line of Maroh. The several divisions will form on Washington avenue and extend np the cross streets toward Commeroal avenue, where necessary, aa follows ; '' f ; 1st Division beaded by . the band, Lord Momus commanding, will form with right resting on south , side of Eighth street. 2nd Division Count Leno command ing, will form-with right resting on south side ol Seventh street. 3d Division Headed by bund Prince Uno commanding, will form with right resting on south sldo of Sixth street. . 4th Division Lord Frollo command ing, will form with right resting on south side of Filth street. Sth Division Lord Pleasure command ing, will form with right resting on south side ol Fourth street. The procession when formed will movs north on Washington avenue, halting at the musiostanl near Tenth street, where bis honor, Msyor Winter, and city olHclals, will deliver Into the keeping of the king, the keys of the c!ty. Alter the pertormando ot this ceremony the fol lowing line ot march will be pursued: Up Washington avenue to 20th street up 20th street to Commercial avenue, down Commercial avenue to 1 Ith street, up 11th street to Levee street, down I-evee street to 2nd street, down 2nd street to Commercial avenue, up Com mercial avenue to 4th street, down 4th street to Washington avenue, up Washington avenue to Uth street, up Sixth street to Commercial avenue, up Commercial avenue to Twelfth street, down Twelfth street to Washington avenue, down Washington avenue to music stand, countermarch and disband. All participants are required to assem ble at 1:30 o'clock, so that all enn bo as signed their proper places, as the pro cession will move promptly at 2:30. iiy order Ueueralisslmo, Commanding. a cnange in tnc line of March from Washington avenuo out 17th street and down I'ommerclal avenue instead ol on 20th u heretofore advertised. This change has been made on account ol the difiiculry In traveling on 20tb street. That Terrible Heaarao-r. l ever and ague, and its congener, bul lous remittent, besides affections ol tie stomach, liver and bowels, produced by miasmatic air and water, are both eradi cated and prevented by the use ol Host etter's Stomach Bitters, a purely vegeta ble elixir, Indorsed by physi cians, and more extensively aged as ,'a remedy lor the abovo class of disorders, as well as for many others, than any medicine of the ago. A laosuld ciroula. tion, a torpid state of the liver, a want of vital stamina, ore conditions peculiar ly favorable to malarial discuses. They are, however, surely remedied by the great preventive, which, by lnvig oratinz the system and endowing with regularity as well aa vigor, provides It with a resistant power which cnablos It to withstand dis orders not only of a malarial type, but a host ol others to which leeble and ill reir. tilute.1 systems are subject. The Bitters are a safe as well as searching erad leant, and have widely sunerseded that dangerous drug, quinine, which palliates out does not eradicate malaria. Fimt-nlaaa Amv hnaS t id. Planters House, $18 per month. (Ccinmaalcated.l Editor Cairo Bclletin : Sir: Please Insert in your columns to the officers ot the Cairo and St. Louis railroad, ray thanks for their kindness in slng over their road, Iree or charge, the board of county commissioners. n ith many thanks to Messrs. Johnston and Whltlock, 1 am, very truly, Gko. W. Sammon-. iv.i. i- :. : . ui.-ioLr. irrtp. March 4, 1878. DMaolatlon of Partnari The firm ot Cross Co.. Cairo. Ills.. has this day been dissolved. The busi ness, however, will be continued at the old stand under the name of St. J. Pink & Co. t Sun copy. KsrtoRAsn by the people as a sale, re liable, harmless and cheap remedy. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. ;.SA.r?. We reerct to learn that Mrs. John White, wife of the pilot of the tow Doat, t'oiar star, has bccomo.insane, and is now a raving maniac. Mr. White has a Lcautilul home a few miles trom Thebes, In this county. Mrs. White has or late become so bad that it has been found necessary to keep her tied the awn 01 me time, sue win bo removed to the asylum at Anna to-day. 1 lloaia AaTAta. Jid. Uraxton has returned to bis old stand In tho Reiser building, where be Is better prepared than ever to accommo date his patrons and. the pubUe who may favor him with a call. Iio has gone to considerable expense lu fitting up a souplo of nicely furnUhml " fv"1"! w saivai ho has provided with all thoukt im- prvTvioeiua anu.opnyenieaojs. ,Ht em ploys only first dais v;orkerfan those who patronize him wtil hnve'their wants attended to in style and will receive courteous treatment . , ... . W ashiogtou, D. C. Hoy. 10, 1876. 1 J I take great pleasure In'eettllytng Jto to the mcay;ef Dr Bull's 'twig Syrup, In use in my family nd. as a specltlo for colds ot children oridWu: I have found It tn ha a an m aim... diau and always permanent. ' y , 1 very itSsptotrnriy, Ttos. U. PriC," COMMERCIAL. Cairo, Ills., Mondiv,) March 4, 1878. The week opens up with a fair prospect for livelier times in business clrelcs. We bote an Improved and active order de mand for flour, bay, corn and oats. In the flour trade the demand Is chiefly for medium grades, though choice and low grades are In lair request. Prices are not changed. ' Receipts of choice hay are light, and there is but little on the market. The demand Is active and prices firm at quotations. Receipts of corn are light, and the sudoIt on the market Is small. The demand is good at 40c, In Isolated cases higher prices have been obtained, but thev are above (be market. There is a good de mand lor oats, and prices are a shade higher. Receipts are limited and the stock on the market small. Meal is In good demand, and ctty Is firm and high er. Potatoes are in rood suonlv and fair demand at quotations. Receipts of apples have been good, aud the market is well supplied. The demand Is lluht and prices slightly oQ. Choice butter Is scarce and In good demand. Common and low grade Is In overstock and un saleable. Receipts of eggs are fair though tho supply on the market is not laree. and the demand Is good. For All other articles sco quotations. The weather Is line, clear and bleasant. The rivers are up, though falling slowly. Ka.TES OF FRKIOHT TO XIW ORLEANS AXO way points. Mtmnhu. Y! X. O: Dry bbl 20 ;w Oraiu special 15 Pork&Btef !U) 44 Uay 15 20 Bank landings 5 conts per 100 lbs., and 10 ccntpcr bbl. higher. THE MARKET. HaTOnr friends should bear Iu mind that the prices here given are only lor sales from first hands in round lots. In filing orders and for broken lots It is 'necessary to charge an advance upon these Hgures.-Bd FLOlli. The order demand is good, though chiefly lor Intermediate grades. Receipts are lair and stocks good. Prices ore not changed, though flrmer at quotation. Sales reported were 400 bbls Various Grades on nrders' l -Xfufi 50 2O0 " Various Grades on order 4 nOQiO 60 100 Low XX..... 5 10 100 bbls. Family . 3 83 000 " Various Grades on orders 4 G0(56 00 100 " Family 6 00 1IAV. There Is an active demand lor choice buy at quotations. Common and low grades aro iu fair suddIv and ouiet. Re ceipts ot choice are light and the stock small, sales were 1 car choice Timotby at $12; 1 car red top at $& 2 cars choice Timothy at $12; 2 cars Timothy, (over ripe), at $11 50; 2 cars low mixed at 3 50; 3 cars mixed at $10; 1 enr choice Timothy st $13. CORN. There is a liberal demand for corn at 45c. In some instances higher prices have been obtained, but tbeao aro ex ceptional casts and outelde the market. The supply Is light and receipts limited. Wales reported weie 2 cars choice white in sarks at f.x ; 7 cars white in sacks at 45c; 3 cars white in bulk at 40o. k ' OATS. There is a firmer leeling lu oats and prices are a shade higher. The demand is good while ;ttau supply Is limited, and receipts light. Sales were 1 cor mixed, In bulk at 28c; 10 cart mixed, In sacks at 32c; 2 oars block seed oats, in sacks at 33c, i cars mixed, inlmlk at 271c. ' ' MEAL. Meal is in good demand and prices a shade higher.' The supply Is limited. We note sales of 300 bbls city at $2 25 2 30; 400 bbls do at $2 30; 50 bbls country kiln dried at $2 10. ' .Y., . BRAN. Bran is in good demand nt if 15. The Supply is light, .'-I APPLES. Receipts are lair ani the stock on tho market is good. The tkiiand Is liebt and chiefly tor the better grades. Prices ore not changed from former quotations. Sales were 12 bbls. Romunltes at $4; 10 bbls. varieties in poor order, $2fr2 60; 15 bbls. wiaesaps, $33 20; 5 bbls. choice Ben Davis, ttQS 00; 50 bbls. choice Ben Davis, $05 (0; CO bbls. varieties, 3a 4 50. POTATOES. .. 7. v . , Receipts' are liberal and the supply good. v The demand is fair though not active.' Prices are about as last quoted. Sales were 25 bbls. early rose at $1 80; 1U0 bbls. pearkblows at 91 3.1; 23 bbls, choice peachblows at $1 40, , BUTTER. Choice butter is scarce aud lu good demand. Receipts are light. Medium and low grades are In over-stock and unsaleable. We note sales of 9 pkgs. Southern Illinois roll at 16c; 5 pkgs. choice roll at 1920c; 8 pkgs. choice northern packed at 23o; 3 pkgs. medium at 10c; 0 pkgs.cholre northern at 20(;i)22o; 10 pkgs Southern Illinois at Io20o". EGOS. Receipts are liberal and stocks fair, though not large. The demand Is good. Sales were 5 boxes at 9c; 1,000 dozen at 9c; 13 pkgs. at Ac- POULTRY. Receipts arc lair sod tho market well supplied.; Tho demand Is good, and prices vnehsnged. Sales were "5? coops nixed thickest at f ? 20&3 no 4, coops old bens at 93 76: 10 coops mixed ohloU ens at $3 30l W- t v ' ONIONS. We note sales ot 33 bbls choice north ern at tXh 25. , ... .1 1 ' 'T. CABBAGE. Cabbage Is In light supply and good I demand at f 2 804. - Hans werei.Boo ids, ary sart rm aid es at Mo; 1 W0 lbs. shoulders dry salt, $3 00 m m xm lbs. bacon shoulders at 3!o; eu a 4 aw a. rf- a 1 ' i,aw iu. 3. r. nams, oojiote. 1 1 a ff?- LARDir?rAtc RIVERNEWS.. ,!- SIGNAL SSHVICB REPORT. aavuTa i statiow, , , tow watm. Uli or Fall rr. rx. it. ih. Cairo si 10 x 1 Cincinnati......., -;4 0-2O lH-enport.n. ....... . S XI 1 rilUbor.a.M. S I X 1 lo I s - 1 atanvllle.... St. Paul .....MM ......... I III Keoknk Mw 1 a o O St. Louii .zz.. la io 'x ! . JAMES M. WATSON, Serceant Sicaal Service. U. S. A The steamer Aihlsnd from Fort fmlth to New Orleans with a fine cargo of cotton was found above Yicksbnrg by the Su.le Silver la a sinkloc condition. The Susla Silver remained with her twenty-lour hours, and saved the boat and carsro. and then Captain McCerd went by to Vkks- ourg io settle salvage claims with the un derwriters. The Jno. Porter brought two barges ol ore and one empty bante. acd roes to Memphis with barges containing cotton, ties, etc The Lewis Coal company that Is now ea. tablublcg a coal yard hers comes to sup aiy me Anchor Line steamers with eoal. And ws are told that Mr. Sol. Sliver, the Anchor Line paseeeeer agent here will ha tie Cairo agent of .the Lewis ICoal com. pany, flol. ha made a most lucrasafnl snatcher of black stachels and we do not hesitate to predict that he will bo equally iuccesBlul as a vender ol black diamonds. The A. C. Donnullyand Andv Baum wore full of freight and people for the south. The City ol Vicksburg had a good trip. and added 60 tons hero. The Jno. VT. Garrett and burses went to the Wabash to load for New Orleans. The Centennial cleared for Now Orlean. with 1200 tons, having made light additions nerft The II. C. Yeacer pa.ed to St. Louis yesterday. Capt Towler stopped oil and went forward by rail. The fjoldun Cltv tar a firla&n Mi. "j - ' - ' ' viiv.ii., VIII of Cnester tor Memphis ami Jim risk lor i auurau are uuo lo-uay. Matle. The tltitd annual eelubrutiou ol the Woman's Club and Library Association will take place at the Library room, Tuesday evening, March 5th. Exercises win commence at 8 o'clock promntlv. A cordial . invitation is extended to the friends and well wishers of theassociation. Below we give tho progromme lor the evening's entertainment : Address ot Retiring ... .. .... . President, f. i Mr"' u- ii.Ct.ilc. Select ReadlngDora, l .... Tennyson ! 'J"' L 1 ruM- Recitation PrUoncr) ,,,., otL'hillon f" ' " Original Poem MrT B. Y. Gwrge. MiivdiiGraa Having routed ta the K. M. 1. C. a great many Costumes for tbelr grand Car Inavel and Masque Bull on the 5th ol March, I have concluded tocometo your city on the 1st of March and stay till the Sth. I will bring the largest stock ol Costumes ever seen In your city, and will rent them at prices that will suit the times. Any person wlahing Costumes be fore that time can communicate to me or my agent. . E. Pckckll, ' No. 100 South 4th St., St. Louis, Mo Or Phil. H. Salt, Cairo, Ills. lw4 I.CBER 10rttA(jT. City Clerk's Omce. ) Cairo, 1lu Feb'y. 14. 187S. f Sealed proposals will bo received at this omoe until six o'clock, p.m., of 1 uesday, March 5, 1878. lor furuUbiog such lum ber as the city may requiro tor the cur rent tiscul yeurending December 31, 1878. Said lumber to bo ot good and sound White Or burr Oak. whitnnr vellnve i.lna or cypres', and free trom sap or unsound Kouu, auu oi kucu uimensions us may tie renuired. ami to h diiivimii in .n..h OUantitios. times anil nlai-oa within ih. corporate limits as tho committee on Birccia may uu cel. The right to reject sny or all bids Is reserved. ;. J. B. Puillis, City Clerk. 'NOTICE. The traveling public will bear In mlnrl that the old RESPONSIBLE JllinoU Central railroad company will continue, as hcretoiore. to make all Its connection at Effingham, on all trains bound east, still making from twelve to thirtv-slx hours hotter time east than anv other Hue. James Jou.vson. Gen'l Southern Agt. Fob. 2S, 1S7S. 3-1-Ot 1 The Merry laa ot Old., In reading of tho middle nam one Im struck by the accounts given ot teats of strength, etc., of tho hlo actors ol those times, the suits ot armor worn, would certainly Indicate the possession ol great er pnysieiai strength than is ifi veloped by men In these latter daj s.: " What wrought the change? Men lived In the merry days a more outsdoorlife than thla advanced civilization ol ours can afl'ord. There Is a greater consumption ol brain matter, and that Increased demand on moots! 4nd physical power necessitates the use of a pure vegetable, stimulant tonlo, such as the Home Stomach Bits ters. , r . 1.1m Oi l K r OKTK ATK Citv Clerk's OrtiCK. I Cairo, III,, Feb. 14, 1S78. Scaled proposals will'' bo received at tills Office Until U aVlnnk n m nt day, March 4t h, 1878, lor the repairing of inivaiiiiimiikuiiuie souinony side ot Eight (8th) street., between Commercial and Washington avenues. Bids to Include filling and raising said sidewalk to grade and the furnishing of sound and suitable brick for sidewalk purposes that may be required In replac ing those worn out. , . I'bo work to bo done under supervis ors ot the committee on streets and-Iri accoreanco with plans and sncltiaatlons of said committee. The right to reject any or all bids is reserved. J. B. Puillis, City Clerk. A Masonic, Odd tytlow and Knight ot Pythias watch cWm combined. The Under will be suitably rewarded by re turning sane to , f 0. F, Bi am. , d-i-n . , i . ' 1 1 . ' ' ' Siealulan. ' , ' ' DTTsaltme'ats. bacon ..ra inu nams, nerce, barrel and bucket lanl laSilln aTOAVl alnnk anil r. ..i. i... fNos. TB and 71 Ohio tayee. Oponinc of tho Hat CQxnpcizx aaaaaaBaBaBMaaaaaaaaBaBaaaiiaa- f 1 ' W ire jutt In receipt Spring Hats, from the three most celebrated Philadelphia Hs! Manufacturers, Stetson, Hlrsh We do not believe in making an Customers wait "until we ago East" for the latest styles, appear. A great many people read sails, but we have made It a truth, and we ask the readers Advertisement as written. Call on us and be convinced. FARNBAKER; the Clothier. X30XV2NT WITH ZXIOH I?niOI3 Old Father Time Caught at Last A NUMBER ONE RELIABLE CLOCK FOR $3. OWING TO DULL TIMES AND GRK AT'SHRrXK AGK IN VAU;jt, we hare deiermiaed to reduce the mice of our Shirty Hoar ft tern-Winding- Clark tj THHKK DOLLARS eenttoanyaddreuiaihe Cnitcd State by eprea Free ott-pente to the purcbaer-each and m Clock warranted for two yeare. Tali offer only remains good for liny daya from the data of thia aa. IJTncae ClecU arc our own manufacture, how if the tine to lecure a good Clock for aluieet Note Thaae tnnruMlona. Clocki can be rentrneil and money will be refunded If trorchaiert ara lot utli&ed. Glee lull name, p at ofllor, county and itata aud nearest ezpreea offlca aa wi r..... VrV --F - '",T V . """"7 "J wiouii ornerorregiatertd i?i P010'0 Apartment delifer no rerliter.d iettcra or mony on money ordera to only ...Hv.i.wi.y.,11.., .vuivuit.uui iuu nuu.w u. ordtrato . L. i KYtll Diaaolntlon. Notice is hereby given that the co-part-nerihlp heretofore existing between the ULdrst(jned, underthe nrmname of "Stu art Gholson,"husthis day .been dissolved by mutual consent, the said Gholson taking the suet and asDumlng the debts of said lirui, Chas. R. Stlart. XV. E. OHOtSON. Cairo, ill. Match, , 187S. Having ills day purchased Jlf. Stuart's interest in the above firm, Us property, as sets and good will, I take pleasure in an nouncing that Uhall continue the kuInns at the old suad; where grateful to my friends and the publlo generally for past favor and patronage, I repectfully ask a eoiitiuance of such favors and patronage.- V7. K. Oiioisoir. Cairo 111, March 4. 1874. d-lm MASKS! iSKS! I hayo the largest stock ot masks In the city, and am selling at bottom prices. Masks trom S cents to $3 00. Phil. II. Salt, Candy Factory, Eighth street anil Wash , Ingtou avemie. 2-!M lw N'ew Goods. Mrs. S. Williamson will commence to recclvo hor spring stock ot mlllinety goods on tho llrst of March, and dally thereafter until her stock is complete. Mrs. Williamson has also purchased a full btock t notions and jewolry oi aU kinds, which she will be able to sell to her patrons at greatly re duced prices. She has bought tor cssh. and denes competition In her line of busi ness, and Invites an Inspection ol her stock. J4u -Children cry tor Pitcher's Castorla It is as pleasant to tuko as houoy. It contains no morphine cr other deleter lovs ingredient, and id sure to expel worms, cur wind colic, regulate the bowels and stomach, nad overcome Irri tation caused by rash or cutting teeth. Mothers can rest, and children enjoy health.' who use Castoria. It is harm less, it Is certainly speedy, and It is cheap. n-lM3tw Miell oysters fust received at the Crystal s:iloon, IIarhy vVai.kkh. BILL 'OF FARE.' Fiour, : . Meal, . Oats, Hay. ; , ' - ' Bran, ' . ButUir. . Eggs. -. , Keune, Potatoes, K.arly Rone, I'imothy N.t-il, Clover aeetl, Oats and Twine. ALDGN, (RAVES k CO. 3-CK No. 7d, Ohio, Levee. CAN BE FOUND2 1000 Can be found 'at Hie loliowin nrlrna Comic masks.... ...13 cents Comic wax masks. 23 " ' Animal masks -is Comic masks, for children & ' Satin curtain masks, oil colors.. .W Cotton " " ...'is TUremoaks. . 4...6O " All to lie had at Daniki. IIaitmax' Oroeiery store, ' J a-Jt NOTICE TO TAXWERS. Notice U hereby given that the t&t books lor the taxc3 ot the venr n.rr having been turned over to mo, I am now ready to receive taxes, and nro- upon all tho neeesstty lor prompt pay- menc its the time Is short. , . ' . .Plteb Salt, Collector. Cairo, Feb, 20, lt76Vtt. Cnrncu XoTicii.-TTlieru will bo a meeting1 of the members ol the Chrb-tlau church on 18tli street, Wednesday eveu. Ing, 6th Inst., lor the purpose oi attend-, ing to Important business, and It Is earnestly requested that every member be present, or thry may altarwards re- Bn-t,t"' ' V 1 ' ' . 'fBCSUKS. AlftntltfM.lIt ' ' The Tciuperanos Cadett ol the Cold Water Army are requested to meet at the Heading iloora of the Cairo Temper ance Itelorth Clubst 1 o'clock sharp p. tn. lor thepurpoM of Joining In the proces slon of King Cotnus, By order ol the president. Jf wrrr Baies, See'y. of Thirty-Six Different Stylet c: and Hopes. , , 'MM, but give them as fast as they our Advertisement "cum grano rule in advertising to tell the of the Bulletin to take the above in. Himi way oi oruerina our ctocka. & CO., Clock Hanufaciurera, Clnnati, Add rata Ohio. INSURANCE. SAFFORD, MORRIS, ANDCANDEE, General la 73 OHIO LEVEE, . City National Bank Building, up.itair ' TU Oldeat Established Agency tn Soudnra Illinois, and repreaemlng ovar 185 OOO 000 A. BOTTO, Saloon and Restaurant. THE BEST OF WINES, LIQUORS, AND CIGARS Constantly on haud. AUo ha constantly on band a Large Supply of FRUIT, LEMONS, , ORANGES, APPLES. ETC., At Wholesale and Retail. At the Old Delmonico Jlotel, 5-im No. OS Ohio Iewee R. SMYTH & CO., Whole. al and Retail Dealen'iii ' Foreien and Domestio LIQUQRS U INl OF AM KIMH. No. 60. Ohio Levee. MKSSUJS.'-MYTHACO., have eomUatlye large stock ot the htm aode In the mar ket, and gieeedpeciai attention to Die whole nale branea of the bOAineM. Smut lUhlailmi luauriulUuaiu. I vMiipl. rwlHM,IU. rrtaUd,mlWi'iafijenH. I'lvtt CUIiMla IUw-i trt-, laa Srwin.l IM.imiaa dun-ual Uu,, U1 BNadvar, (in Vwa. S r ir ii.-.nji n.runji-fuv. S1200 AI.AKV. r-rimirMI m'.tmm n. Nap-qaime- KapraeaaaaV liUna 8. A. OUaar A CO, A till UoaM iu Ciaaiiud. O. Arlington House J. D. DEaNE, Prop'r f Lta of the at Chailea : i RAIES: 12.00 PER DAY VICE'S J! lutU-uttd Monthly Alayastnl, tl.'h number eontalnt thirty-two paeea of Miling ruattnr, many tine wood cut 1 iluitratioBe anu out coiornt plate. A ucautilulaniea mas atine ptinud on alcfnint pap-ur, and fiill of la formaion. Jn EnullaU aixl Ocrnian. l'rice SI . a rear. ica't riower and Vegetable Liar-lea, SO ovale , in paorr oorere. In ekn.-uit cloth rwwraSl. titk'a Ciiuhiaiia :u iliiiatni iruta. nnl v twei ceatr. AtMn-M, Jnrnra Vlck. KocheAter. N.V. Vtck'i UluitraUJ lYi-tJ. Catuloout. ' fct)Vf!ilr-ilT panee, 300 lllnarralloea, with de-' ei'iiptionaef thouianiU of n beat Vegetable anJ doWera in Uia World, and th r.v tn um. Ih-i-n. nSfBll EII1HH riPal SSHh all for a two rent poetase laiu-. IMnUS ia ( and Kn-tlUb. . . Vicx'a Klawet and Vegetable t-ankn, eenti . : i ; lutiauer covert. In elrfant eleth aoeera, l. ''' - Kk' llmatrated MoaihlyaUiaA'M--Uaai. , Una llluatratiuni ami colored plate la every aiunber. frlce SI a year, tire c-Htee for AiIiIm.i J.ii,m VUlt 1 k. ..... V I'tk't Flutter and YigfiahU Garitii. le the moat beantirw, wor rk ofiae tmi to the amrld. It eoataina near I r IM naa-aa. kitada-ala f floe illustraiiona, ami an ckrwnao alaaat beaa- . tllhUyilrawaraJooloied nan aatai. AkaSO .;. reau ia paper eoTera, SI ia alota. frialad ia) C-ermaaaxl BiiKlisk. Vicka UatalafiM, iOO illmtratieai, oaly tela, 1 a i Iaaua VI..L A A. a al I, ! u AUiuw muM& . ., aaucawaiT, K. I. VL-k't Fluuttr and VtmtiokU Ritm ''-i '" h Are planted M a aiuioa Mala la AawrW. t, h Sea Vick'S Lalalosne UiuMnHioaa, aaly . ' cent" vi.. a. miii.uA affta.klu SDilliirlk.aaanlerUordpiaohaUaiot ' Price el a year, fire coplea M AA, Viek'i flower ard VeiM Oardaa, 0 eeaae. ; Inr-percQTera. wllheUteit-Ui aavmJiTT'i alll lit W nlAjJlralja-Ma akaaaa flm.mA a K. 1 Aikireaa Jaaa Viah t-ait v-. a,