OCR Interpretation

The true northerner. [volume] (Paw Paw, Mich.) 1855-1920, April 02, 1858, Image 1

Image and text provided by Central Michigan University, Clark Historical Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85033781/1858-04-02/ed-1/seq-1/

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Kates of Advertising.
One square, (11 line or Ions) one incrtion,....5
One .ipuare, each subsequent in.-rtion ....26
Ono ure, ( 1 2 line J vr lefi,) on year, 7,nf
One f piarc, " ' " tlx mouths i,iuf
Oi.oi piarc, ' threo S,0(F
Ono Column, one year 60,00
Ono Column, fix u.onths 35,011
Ono Column, three niouthi, 10,00
Half do ono year , 35,0(1
One qr. do do 20,00
fljc fnte f odlj
One Dollar ycr year In Advance
6ue Dollar aiiJ fifty en; if nut luU lu fix inentba.
l'Ulu, Fucy, Ornu-'iurt'd, (in cokra or not,)
executed with neatnji uu I dcut'-h, at this office
ir L'l - J
Keetttcr, of Deeds, Attorney ut Law, and Notary
rutlic, will atVftml to the bnsinos of Convey
tuclng, drawing agreement, applications for
croumy lands., villi, Jkc tho purcliaso and salo
f real estate, f ayiuuut f taxo", examination of
title and the curaprorr isinj of contlietiug title,
Ac. Oflieo In the Court Uouao. 6 ly
4. Jr.
luda of Probate, and Notary Public, Van Huron
Co. Conviiyaiieingaud other bumnesH pertain
ing to laid oihcea Promptly attended to. Will
alxo attend to the mirciiiiHo and tale of Ked
Kitato, Kianuining Titles, pay lug Taxes, pro
curing Uounty Lnd Warrant, Vc. Otlno iu
tbo Court House. Sd door on the right. 9
Murray, Solicitor and Coun.rlr at Law. rroe
rutiuif Attorney fr tho Comity of Yuu Huron,
lWuuty Lanl and l'cnlin Agent. Contracts
drawn, and collecting promptly uttcrolcd t.
Office in the Court Jloue. ll'J-tf.
Vaw Paw, .... Michigan.
County Treasurer, Van Eurcn County, Notary I'tih
!c, &., will attend to tlio purchase and sale of
lira! Estate, ciarahi'n" title, psyii gTavtw, pro
curing UouutyLund Warrant, &. Office in
tKe Court House. -ly
T. It. 1IAUU1NO.V,
Vlnin, Fancy, Jo New and Ornamental Printer
Haudbill.-, l.tors, Cards Hall Tit ki ts .to. i'Ov
dily anil quickly executed with m-atm and li.
patch.' All order;" nv-pivtt'ully solicited. Price.
moderate NoiiTiiKiotu U net: ii'-rtli si lo of
main f troet, l'uw Paw.
i:. NMirn & co..
Wholesale and Ketail dealers in 1'oreiu and Do
mestic lry Oootls, Heady Made Clothing, Hoot
A. hocs UroecrioH, .le., &, Ln? Prick Store,
Corner of Main and Kalamazoo ?ts, Paw Paw,
Michigan. 111. ly.
Tire rheapct Mumc. Mumn A Hamlin, and Prince
.t CV have exclusive patented iproiixement--.
Henj. lUndull, Lawrence. Agent can furnish and
warrant for durability, at Factory prieei, voieu
lud or Pott and tune in the epiul ti-iiipcrtmi-nt.
Lawreiuv, Nov. 1, ls.f7. I 3 -1 f .
Manufactnrer Of and deaWiu Winsor Cottage and
can ieat chairs. Turning, repairing, iVc, exe
cuted on hhort notice. Kone lime tor mio and
ronUantly en hand. Shop oojo.itc the Metho
dic Chnrch, iu the new cahintt thop.
Paw Paw. July 3J, 1S57. l'-'Uly
iiKMtY nthhm:,
iK'.aler lu KeadyMade Clutbinir. Hats, Caps. Vail
o. and (iiJutlemciiV Kurnihiiig Uool, which
will ) pold to a tit etistomerf.
Firat l)'xr K; of Israel' Funcy Store.
Kalamazoo, Mich.
- '
AT TIi: t'lTY ntoiii:
(ppo.ite the Court Hitjf, in Paw 1'aw, may )-.
found a good a.JS"rtiih i.t of Hoots .t Sitoks, man
ufacturvd to j-uit ttie tin le und w:irr;;::t'd N .-uif.
AlJo, a choice selection of Fa.mii.v Or..cKi:ri:s for
alu cheap by T. A. UKA.NOPP,,
132-ly. A. J. SOKTOUIJ.
LH. KNSHIN, havibg e.-tabli.died himself in
Paw Paw village for the purpose of following
the above buine will attend t all "jobh" in hi.
lino wih dilligei.ee and di.-p:itch.
jA-ft" Ci.inh'iiH 1'louglK'd to Oidrr.-V?
Paw Paw, Mich., Mar.h 21th, ls:,S..'i.y.
(I. 1'. (jOUTO.N,
in Croi-kery, im l ('liin i-war. , P.iper
Hangings, Window Shade and Curt.iiti.. Cut
lery, Jewelry, Yanktu Notimi.s Stone wiui l!a.-t-itii.
Ware, .tc. South cidc of .Main .t. tirrf
bwr we.t of i:. Sm;h A Co., 1 17-ti.
J'. 1. SIMMON'S,
I(.ndr iii Sa.h, Hlind. and I""r, and all kiml 4'
Cubinet Ware, ut the Steam Saw Mill.
Lawton, U7-tf. Mieh.
C. M. 01) ELL, M 1).
IIotnvtpathlc Pliyician, Surgeon cni.Ht, and
Oititrieian. Alo, dealer in Hooks it Mation-
ry. lie in jy at all tine bu found at
Heidnra on the corner of NiIm Paw Paw bt.
directly nouth -d Cha. Sclllck'rt.
Manufacturer of and dealer in all kind of Cabinet
Ware; confuting in part of Hurca'n. TnMe,
Hc4-iteadn, I.oanguw, ToiUt, Wnhinj; ana Ligtit
Stands, etc., etc. CotLin hi ado to rdr. Warc-rooin-oppohitu
the M. K. Church, Main -ft. -7
-!. n.ixas $ co.
Proprietor Vaw Paw Livery KUble. Horo. and
Carriage ot all time, to let. l'amengor con
veyed to auy part of tho country with !epaich.
liable iu rear of Kxclunge Hotel. 'IVrnn mod
craUs. 5i8yl
Mannfarturcr and dealer in all kin.l of Cabinet
Ware, con.-l.ting in part of liureau.. Tables
Hedntca Is Lounges Toilet, Washing and Light
Stands Ac, Ac, Cotlm made t order. All
kind of produce and luinlx r taken in payment
fr which will be paid tho highest market priee.
Warcrooins one dor north of the Hod HUck
rinith'ti hop. 1 1 7 -1 f .
Lnwton, Miihigan.
in:JAii Nisnio.N,
Clock and Watch maker, and Jeweler. Mattawati,
Michigau. Repairing done in the bct manner
and on reasonable U rms 150ly.
Wholesale and Retail dealers in American, 1'ng.
lih and (Jcrmnn Hardware; also, Iron, Nad
and Ola Cooking, Parlor and Po. Stoves,
Tin, CopjKr and Shvct Iron Ware. Thoso wi.h
Ing to trade will please civo u a call before pur
hasinic elsewhere. li. Paw Paw, Mich.
" S. C7, GRIMES,
'Jalcr a (Jrocerl and Provisions, Fish, 1'ruit,
Nut, Paints, Oil, Yankoo Notions, Wondon,
Willow and Htone Ware. Con loot ion ery, Hgari,
t)rog and Mediciuwi, lloki and Stationery,
pure Liquor for Medicinal and Muclianical pur
fW tc., etc. 24yl
. a. ni t Taw raw
Oja'or in Dry (ood,Orocrnc, Hardware, rtcdy
Stadc Clothinjr, IlooU and Shoes, 1 1 at and C'nt,
Ac. StoTO, south tide Main street. 4-ly
Ma' formod o copnrtnprhip for tho practico of
MAlinn and narrvry. Ail ouiu promptly uttcn
icl to J 'y 9f nigl
VOL III. NO. 51.
From tho London Punch.
Tell me (Jeiitlos, have jou seen
My Flora pass this way?
That you may know the Mistf I mean,
Her briefly I'll portray.
No bonnet on her head,
Hut on her neck she wears ;
An oyster shell 'tis said
Iu mzo with it compares;
Its shape no eye can brook,
Its use is doubtful too ;
It but imparts a bare-face J look,
And brings much neck to view.
Her dress may please the Swell
For its swolon exuberance;
She looks a Monster JJellc
In such big Uen expanse.
Those air tubes filled with ;:is
Miht lift her to the moon,
The small boys mark it as they pa,
And sereeeh out, "Ah Uul-luon !"
A parasol ,hc bears
For ornament, not ue,
For comfort, gloves she wear?
Too tight, and sleeves too loose,
Ilchiud her lianas a hood
.lust level with her chin,
Au Indian Spiaw mi;ht find it good
To put a baby in.
Of her hnir she shows the roots,
Sham flowers the rest conceal;
And she's crippled by her boots
With the military heel ;
Streets off you h-:ir them stalk
When e'er she ventures out;
And she seems to waddle more than walk,
Her hoops so swell about.
Her figure may be good,
l!ut that no eve can tell:
A mere lay-figure would
Shuw ofT lu r dress ns well, .
She may have ankles neat,
Hut thoy're concealed by skirt,
Which chiefly serves to hide her feet,
And gutl.e: up the dirt.
Then, ( leiitli s, have you seen
My Flora this way come '(
She cannot have unnoticed been,
She Lakes up too much room.
(Iool. We overheard some sharp talk
ing nt dimur the therday. M'Xaughton
the j'H't, who, it i- l;:i'.vn, is a t'-rrur to
hollow hi'adi'd d.i'i'lie-s and hair-bjM!!. ; d
luti.-is, v;;.s a.--ked iy one of tb.e latter (a
pert Young miss who had pestered him
with many ijue.-tions) why lw declined ai
cepting invitations to dancing jnrtics.
lie replied, ''I unfortunately commenced
to educate my other nut first, and I
haven't got thn ugh with that yet !"
IIavk it 1Muski. The New- York
.J'juriKi! of ('nmiiirrce calls liuchauan's
Lecompton message tho "naked truth."
If that h the ease, it is the must disgust
ing looking object that was ever exposed
to public view from the " White House,"
und we advise the President to hide it at
once, with smiir kind of covering. Any
thing would look better than it does in its
nude state. f)trn't Ailc rtim r.
Spiritual Mauriaok. This singular
announcement appears in a Pennsylvania
paper under the marriage hind :
In Scott, Luzerne Co., Pa., lid ult., at
tho residence of Flam Woodward, by the
Spirt of Chas Morrins, through a Medium,
and in presence of a larcnumbcr of Spirt-
ituah.ts, fctilwj an Hoitser and Mary
Louisa Drake, both of the city of Carbon
dale. A writer of a love tale, in describ
ing his heroine, siys " Innocence dwells
in the rich curls ot her dark hair." Some
critic, commenting on the passage, says,
" Sorry to hear it think it stands a per
ilous chance of beinjr combed out.''
Pomu Snow roil Dkmochacv. The
Washington licpullic ?ays : Since Jan. 1,
1 S"5, three thousand school-house have
Irccn Wilt in the State of Illinois. This
fact, added to the defection of Judge
Douglas, is a most ominous one to the
Democratic prospects iu that State.
ltT" Some one asked, is it lawful to
hang clothes on Ma-on A; Dixon's line
The only thing to be hung on that line is
the Democratic party.
CrThey have 44 whiskey" out in Duf
falo one drop of which on the bark of an
adder is warranted to kill the reptile in
live minutes. Ejchtwj..
They have Mime in the salens on At
water and Crogham street in this city,
warranted to kill at ninety rods. Ihtrvit
A h i rtipr.
John IF. Forney i Account of the A1
minhtnitiun ut Wmhiiujton.
I left Philadelphia on Wednesday on a
hurried ?isit to pome friends here and will
return, (lod williug, by this evening's
train, carrying with me this hurried letter,
which must take tho place of my usual
word in the Press of to-morrow. What a
difference between March, 1S57, and l858
1 dwell upon it with surprise and grief.
One year ago the country was full of con
tent, ami at peace with itself. The hearts
uf all our people beat responsively to a no
ble inaugural, and the hands of men of all
parties wero uplifted to support and to
strengthen our venerable President. The
Hcmocrats were united and joyous, and
gazed hopefully iuto a tranquil and vic
torious future. The Republicans were
dismayed, and new political combination
wero abandoned before the prospect of a
wise and patriotic policy. Mr. Stewart
in the Senate ; Mr. Stanton, iu the House,
Mr. (i reedy, in the Tribune, iiiftcad of
preparing new weapons of attack upon the
Adminstration, were turning their tho'ts
to those substantial ejuetions upon which
all men agree in this happy country.
Fven the Americans, few in number,
could see no profit in faction, and were
quietly considering their plans. The ex
treme South so apt to chafe into a passion
was as calm as a summer's morning. Con
servatism, in its very best sense, had taken
possession of the government. An exper
ienced President, a sure and sagacious
Cabinet, a ready Senate in session, and a
still more willing House preparing for its
new term these, constituted the sterling
superstructure of un enduring condition ot
national prosperity.
And what a change lias one year pro
duced ' 1 can hardly believe my sen. es
that 1 am writing from the Capital of my
country, and that my old friend he to
whom I have borne almost filial relations
from my boyhood he to whom I have
confided my few hopes and fears he for
whom I dared the frowns of foes, and for
whom, (hiring four longycnrs in the lower
House of Congress the patronage in my
gift was fearlessly bestowed, and ho knows
how gladly and how s?ontaneously, too
I can hardly believe my senses that this is
the city of Washington, and that James
IJuchanau Js President.
"WliatTfT tho" aspect" how ? " One wide
Kcign of Terror. A tent is erected here
like some horrid instrument of torture,
ujioii wliich Detuoi-rats nre
cited for their opinions.
tried and exe-
The work of
decapitation has ceased against life-time
foes, and is now waged upon old and cher
ished friends. Men arc removed and cal
umnated, not for being opposed to Demo
cratic principles, but for being tu much
in favor of thorn. The humblest clerk, with
his little family who struggles along on
his thousand dollars a year, mu.-t hide his
sentitnents or lave I; is td.tce.
For the
dar s t
bold and t::.:-i-ht l!em..er;;t v;l.,
think al.ud, ti.. re i.. ;t iivil -lnift
hi:ik al-ud, ti.. re i.. ;t Hivif. -lnift. If he
has au oiiiee he lau.-t be n ady fur the
ominous cartel of dismi-v'al on the instant.
If he is au independent citizen, he is ex
eluded from the departments and from
the White House like a commuii leper.
An army uf spies are on the alert, hunting
for victims. Wo to the unguarded gen
tlemen who, in the presence of one of these
eager eaves-droppers, may let fall a free
opinion. It is at once caught up and car
ried, with no lack of exaggeration, to the
ear of power. If there is on this round
globe a race1 mure despised in civilized so
ciety than any other it is the race of in
formers. The noble-1 invective of the
noblest of Irish orators has made them im
mortally infamous. These mercenaries
now hold high service in Washington. I
could name several of them from our own
State, but I forbear for the honor of Penn
sylvania. The glory in their hhamcless
trade. Ilroken iu fortune, reckless of their
own fame, laughing at conscience in others
and rejecting it fur themselves, they swarm
here, anxious to earn their guilty wages.
The most of these creatures, happily, arc
the men who have pursued and persecuted
the President with the game venom which
they now display towards those who dilTcr
f rum his Kansas policy.
It is their vocation to make public op
inion biro against the intrepid senti
ineut of the people; to bully in the hotels,
to infest the rooms of members, to 'pump
the new arrivals, to coax the doubtful, to
intimidate the weak, to supply false mo
tives for honest differences, to fill the town
with rumors of defection among friends
of the right, to flatter power, and to ap
plaud to the teho everything that falls
from tho lips of greatness. Sir," said
a wise and good man to me on one occa
sion, several years ago the President rarely
hears the truth. Ho is surrounded with
sycophants, who only say what pleases
him." How often this profound truth is
illustrated ! It is stated that Frederick the
(ireat 1 think Iord brougham's jdiurt
sketch of him contain.? the statement
would bumetimcs ilcmand of his Min
isters to talk to him boldly; and
when they did he would lose his
temper, and beat them for their can
dor There aro many good, brave men in
Washington to-day, who would give their
worst of thought, the worst of word, if
thrv had the chauce. Put the eye of
iTcatuos haj no welcome, the tar of
greatness has no hearing for such men If
they attempt to speak out they are turned
away, or Ictt standing " alone in their
glory." Lot me give you the last instance
of the way things arc done here. One
of the best men ever pent from Western
Pennsylvania to our State Legislature was
Maxwell MeCaslin. His very name was
a household word in Washington, Fayette
and (ireene. Everybody liked him during
his long residence in the latter coun
ty. Honest, faithful, intelligent and
brave, he was a fair specimen of that
Seoteh-Iriih clement which has infused
so many sterling traits into our Pennsyl
vania character. Well, Maxwell, is not
over-rich ; and so after having served his
constituents with honor, for many year
he asked for and obtained an Indian
Agency iu Kansas, about two years ago
rom President Pierce He had been a
Buchanan standard bearer in Greene Co.,
for, I think, some' fifteen years
fighting our excellent friend John L.
Dawson in many a hard contest, when the
latter led the Anti-Buchanan column in
the west. It was natural that such a man
should feel free to speak the truth without
fear, especially to save his old chief, Mr.
Dueharian, from harm. Maxwell .MeCas
lin saw the wicked and merciless tyranny
in Kansas. His honest nature revolted at
it. He saw the man he had labored for
about to be damaged by the authors of
this buld villainy. What did he do?
Did he wait to think of himself 'i No !
like a man who sees his brother in peril
for Maxwell MeCaslin is about Mr. Bu
chanan's age he rushed in to save him.
He wrote imploring letters from the Ter
ritory, telling the powers here that they
were deceived. He begged them to halt
in their career. He told them that the
peojde of Kansas never would hubmit to
Leeompton, and that it was cruelty to ask
them to submit to it. lie appealed to
the friends of the Territory to drive off
the vermin from that Territory who were
here besieging power, and deluding and
deceiving the Executive. These letters,
writteu in all the ardor of old friendship
and in the credulous belief that no one
would question their sincerity alas ! vain
hope 1 cost him hid head. One of them
got into the Prcsse, through Mr. Kineaid
of (Jrecno now a member of our Legislature.
It doomed tho writer. On Tuesday last
he was removed from his little place, and
Lir- ..?V-C"cr appuitited. 1 can realize.
how this act of grace will be received in
Greene County, and all along that rebel
lious frontier. My regret is deep that by
net of mine by tin; publication of that
letter I should have been tho innocent
cause of his removal. How he did write,
let the following extract from one of his
last letters which cannot injure him now
speak to the reader: "If the ljccompton
Constitution is adopted and the election
uf January 1th is given to the fire-eaters
under Calhoun, it will nut only make a
dark day in Kansas, but all over the
Fiiioti." "If the President had stood his
ground with Governor Walker, amidst the
millions of conservative men who would
have rallied around him, both North and
South, dl would have been well. The
great and glorious Democracy would have
maintained its coiisteney, and tduud
upon the pillars of eternal faith and Jus
tice." This fatal letter is dated the Pkh of
February, and as John Campbell, my
Irish neighbor across the way, is not only
a first-rate bookseller, (as well as book
reader,) but is also found of autographs, I
will give this letter to him if he will
come and get it. " So much for Huckiu
ham." You will sec that I am committing a
great imprudence by writing so plainly.
I certainly do so with no personal purpose
My frankness may disturb some sensibili
ties and may give some greedy and aspir
inggentlemen a good chance to help them
selves by abuse of me; and, if so, I shall
not feci sorrv. Put I claim the ridit to
this grave subject. 1 do it
more in sorrow than in nmrer. I feel that
we are on the verge of a frightful abyss;
and in my vocation as an independent
journalist, and as we who would to-morrow
serve James Buchanan if I felt he was
right with all the ardcr of the olden time,
silence would be a crime.
But there is a cheerful side to the pic
ture. Yesterday was bright day for the
people. There was a gorgeous punshinc
in the sky and on the earth ; and Spring
seemed to be leaping from the clouds of
inter. Thre was a jrlurious irleam of
hope in the House. The great principle
of the will of the majority asserted its
majesty, and seemed to be strong cnutigh
to wrestlo with gigantic influences tlmt
have fettered it so long. Those who dif
fer from Mr Buchanan so regretfully on
this ksue, and who h ive ln-en traduced bv
his flatterers for this difference, felt mea-nr-able
compensated by this new victory. I
heard one uf tho most gifted of those gab
lant fellows say l.i.-t night: Would it
not be a proud satisfaction if wo few, wo
happy few, wc band of brothers,' could
save .Mr. Buchanan and tho party front
this great cahnuty."
But I must Ftop or you will never get
this in to-morrow. j. V
fri1m If you abu.-e a calf you are trying
to make fee l, you will be pretty sure to
loos,-, two things. -yuiir t nj.' and the
WHOLE NO. 155.
Kro,a lhc -v- -
- Startling Ilwlure Afilcun MincTiado
Opt nwd ut Hip South.
Some startling and significant facts
have come to our knowledge. Wo have
hesitated to disclose- them but, after in
quiry, examination and consultation, w?
are convinced that duty and policy, de
mand disclosure. The facts, Ave say, are
startling; they are crucial. They will
surprise and encourage many in our
counting-rooms and offices, many on the
plantations and in the towns; but most
of all, they will astound the Cabinets of
Western Europe, and eminently assist to
confirm, between the genial French peo
ple and our Norman Huguenot South, an
unwritten, but hearty iitagnaitiiiuu; and
unconquerable league gait the allied
avarice and envy, cant and rapacity of
England and the Northern States. Al
though the foiled aud furious enemies of
our institutions may shake up. unc.rk and
pour out upon our brows the foaming
yials of their wrath, althouuh the Presi
dent may le shocked and embarrassed;
and although the great parties of the coun
try may be bitterly disappointed and ltu
brangled, let it go forth that Southerners
have taken into their own hands the law,
and opened the African Slave trade with
the South; that Africans are now import
ed into Mississippi there i a market for
African slaves, that on pbnf:ttions in that
great and intrepid State, negroes recently
imported from Africa are at their daily
work. The authority on whi'.di we make
this announcement is indisputable. W;
even have advices that iu Mk'issippi,
Henry Hughes and some of his party now
privately urge the Labor Immigration
movement, not to open the supply of Af
ricans, but to legitimate, moralize, regu
late and equalize the supply already open
ed and inmossiblo to be closed. We have
some lurtner actan
Mme negroes are
disembarked on the Atlantic coast and
brought overland to the Mississippi cotton-fields,
but the Missi.vippi sea eoat's
peculiar facility for landing ard secreting
cargoes, aud the conveniences of IVarl
Kiver as a ehaiiuel for distribution, are
uot overlooked.
The profits of the Mississippi Slave
Trade are enormous. We have boon so
fortunate ns to procure front undoubted
authority sme interesting details. They
relate to the operations f the Mississippi
Slavo Trade, and are authenticated f.y
operators. It need nut bo said, iu the
first place, that the bark engaged in the
traffic to the South, must be a fast sailer,
this is indispensable to the security of the
officers and crew, the health of the cargo,
and the rapidity of pecuniary returns.
For a trip from tho Mississippi coast to
Atriea and b".ck, there must be a captain,
supercargo, three mates, three cooks,
steward and Ktween twenty and thirty
first-class seamen. The vessel mu.-t bo
well supplied with extra running and
standing rigging, and also supernumery
spars, ropo; tup-masts and suit of sails.
An assortment of the l!;;g ..f all nations
will be particularly desirable, but the
most Useful is now tho French flair, be
cause British cruisers will not verify tho
eok-rs and take the same liberties as with
the United States flag. The fare mud
be the very best, and their good will must
be carefully conciliated, because during
the voyage a mutiny is disastrous ; and
after the voyage, a treacherous or vindica
tive information is to?ny the least, trouble
some ami expensive. To procure the good
will of the men, muuh depends on the
mates, over whom the captain ought to
keep a strict watch. For the subsistence
ot the neirro,s there nvust be a plentiful
supply of hard bread, corn, meal, rice, and
an abundance of vinegar, red pepper, purj
water and drugs. In distributing diet,
the greatest regularity is to be observed,
and the very first symptoms of disease
promptly treated. As to the capacity of
the superior officer, it may be safely said
that a Slaver requires in it more courage,
talent, honesty, fidelity, nk ill and discre
tion than any other ship in nny other
trade. Indeed, the" captain and super
go must, between them, act as navL'.'er
and naval officer, merchant and physician,
diplomatist and magistrate, not to men
tion the functions of haidain.
As to the expenses and profits of the
voyage, tho latest advices were from the
captain of a Lark whicH sailed from one of
the Georgia ports. He has quite recently
returned ami reports, that on account of
the viifilanco of cruisers, negroes had ac
cumulated on the cort, and iu a manner
glutted the markets, and that in conse
quence of this, tho price had fallen L"
under thirty dollars a head. The pay
ment, however, must be in gold or silver,
as the head man will not, as formerly,
barter for merchandise.
We may estimate a cargo to number
seven hundred negroes, although many
more than that are often carried: but
ulcitevrr mitclicr. riiiiie jiiirrlmii'il
' r
should be over twenty-live years id age. -
.V ven hundred at an average cost of thir
ty dollars a piece, will amount to -1,0110
and their price iu thi country r Cubs;
will range from $10 to SI JOU. But if
sold for ?."00f say, the cargo will net
8:h"0,000. Freely allowing them SL0
000 for the entire expense. of tho voyage
and all possible I.s.., the profits of one
round vuva-'o will amount t.i JO0.0U0.
' Where the profit- are .o .'i.il it.iut, wc
f all kinds including
Warr.mteo IWds
Pill Head.
Quit Claim Heels..
ChuH Mortgage.,.,
Lund Contract.
Ponds (uil kinds).,
Plank NoUc
Plank Receipt,
f chof d Certificates, ....
School Report
Marriage Certificate, . .
Alwuv t bo f mud for July a alord.
can well understand1 why tho business haj
begun iu the South. Wc can well under
stand the impossibility of closing the
trade now begun, and most of all, wo now
can understand that the great question in
nut whether there shall bo for tho South
a supply of African labor, because that is
now settled, and the great and absorbing
question is whether, according to Hughes'
method, the supplies shall be 80 modified
as to be legitimate, fair, tegular and equal.
Hluvurv in California.
The Hlowiug account of a slatfc case
whit h ha? come under the notice of tho
Supreme Court' o? California, is takcrr
from the San Francisco' paptff.
" A M?. Stevall, a citizen of Mississippi
had been in a delicate health for sonic fivo
years and in the .spring of I 57 determin
ed to make a trip to California across tho'
Plains, :md to bring Archy who was a;
family negro servant ninteeu yearn of ago
with him. S to vail stated that he was go
ing to California for his health and that
w:k fit" grand object of the trip, and that
he did not interd to remain in the Stato
but a shurt time, not more than eighteen
months, and then to return home by Wsf.
He left his wagon and team in Carsoxi
Yally, because his oxen were not in a
condition to cross the mountains. Ho
also purchased a ranch in that valley.
He and Archy arrived in San Iancisco
about the second day of October last.
Afte arriving in that city he hired out
Archy fr upwards of a Lljuth. Most of
the wages c'rrrvd ly Archy were paid
to him but a ortion' were paid
by the hirer W Stovall,- after Archy
became sick. While Archy was sick
about eighteen days, he was well taken
care of byt'Stovall. Mr. Stovall opchetr"
ami taught a private school for something
over two months in San Franrisco.
During the time he often stated thrat it
was his intention to return. There waj
proof ging to show that Stovall wi
sho?t uf means upon hi arrival in tho
Stab?. After he and Archy had been here
upwards of two months, Stovall placed
Archy upon one of the river steamers, with'
the intention and for the purjHise of send
ing him to San Francisco and from!thence
to Mississippi, in charge of ail agent.
The boy having escaped from the boat
Stovall made an affidavit beforo a Justice
of the Peace, who invl hte wurrant, coin
ivanding the officer ty arrest" Archy and
deliver him to StoValh Under this
warrant Archy was arrested by a police
man of San Frinciseo, wlw delivered hira
to Lansing, Chief of the Police, who de
tained him in the city prison, and refused
to deliver him to Stovall, who demand
ed his delivery ns a slave. ..Upon these
facts hoy went to the court."
To the surprise of nil, considering' tho'
rules laid down by the court, Archy wus
ordered to be given into the custody of
Stovall. The Saermeeuto Cnion says:
" The law of comity the operation of
the State constitution in fact, all tho
law of the ease is ruled against tho pe
titioner ; and yet, K-causo he is young
and in bad lsrdth and las being the first
case it is ordered by the court that Archy
should be delivered into his possession.
The court decides that Stovall is not a
traveller is not a visitor; but he is a,
young man, aud may not have been advis
ed of the constitutional provision being
in operation, he is permitted to take
Archy back to Mississippi"
Washing " Total, S)7 til. This tho
L-insuo R puLlu:in says is for washing
ToW'KLS !" Pontine JtV'ksnnittH .
Ono dollar ami a quarter will pay for 25
pieces, at the regu'ar price ef washing in
Lansiug, This is less than one towel per
week lor each person connected with the
officer. But the amount includes also, tw
we said, washing for two beds occupied by
the porters of the two buildings.
Yevily, our opponents must ho willing
to do huMticss on a very small capital
or they would not keep harpuig on s-ueh
items ! LnmiiKj li'jmlJicttn .
The Kansas Territorial Legislature i
turning the law on the Pro-Slavery Judg
es. They luve passed an act dividing
the Territory into new judicial di-trict.
Under this both Ijrompt imi1 Curv-nrM
sent off to hold their Court in the vat,
t-tcrile, uninh ibited region beginning '10
miles west uf Fort Hiley. Tho third dis
triet embraces all the uninhabited jortion
of the territory, und is t. be occupied by
JiixiK Williams.
fy Keep it before' the people that.
President Buchanan says " it Inn been
rolcmnly adjudged by tin highest judicial
tribunal, that lavcry cxirts in Knnsas by
VirNic of tilt
constitution of the United
; ,
i i'laie
Kansas is then fori at thi mo
ment a muep a slave Mate as ticoriiia.
or South Caiclin i."
Pkutinvst. If, says Senator W:m1o,
the South Ins ruled the KcpuWio for six
ty years its Mr. Hammond states, how
was it HKsible that there .should be the
great Northern ng;;ievion spoken of?
lijj" Fine sugar weather now-a-days.

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