OCR Interpretation

The times. [volume] (Richmond, Va.) 1890-1903, February 03, 1900, Image 5

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85034438/1900-02-03/ed-1/seq-5/

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They Wiil Mcmoriaiize Ihe Virginia
Legisiature. ?
Capt, J. A. l_li>scbm_ I.cturiie- I"ioin
North Carulina V.'iili Wiiiglicld
Rcvlllc, Wlio is tt'aiitcc" for
Ki-CJil" n-_ Intoa Car.
M_n__e_ler Bureau, Richmond Times,
?ii_ Hull Street, Beattie Block.
Tba l-X' ullve Commltt ,; of tlie Young
"Men's Bnsincse Association, of Manches
;..- ;..,' . meeting yesterday afurivon.
They docld ? ? > ? ?? a nieetii S Cor Mon?
day nlg-it, al which trnie they-will bo able
io occupy their new quartens. They will
consider die inatior of petitioning the
Ltglslaturc to s-T.in! a charter alldwing
tlio construction ? >'. ih.s proposed new
railway llnb Crom Richmi nd tc Wa-H
prisoner broug-ht back.
0_j-_a_n James A. Lips- >mb <?:??'? t-pt
poiice of "Manchester, rerumed i.-i-r nignt
from HaOifax. \* C, where na .vent to
secure Wlngfleld Nevllle. who :r. wanted
here for breaking Into a car on the At?
lantic Coas: Lrlne railroad.
Nevillo v.-'II ;>n.!>..:?:>- be tried btfsr
Mayor Maurlce thls morning,
two i-!"M-:i:ai-.s.
Tho funeral of Mrs. Alvlu M<>orc who
died at her rcsiuence al H i ust; Fifth
streeUi Thursdy morning al :.':'?" o'clock;
look place yestcrda- nforni-i ; .?' 11 o'clock
from tin- house. The Interment was in
Maury Cemelery.
The funeral of Colesto Kahl; ;he little
ffai rhter of Mr and Mrs. J. 11. Kahl.
of Swansboro, took place at 11 o'cioek
j esterday morning.
Two negro men, Granl Shaw and James
Cogbill, employes ol th< Virgirda l_eather
Conipany. pot into a light at the Lannei-y
yesterday morning al>out II o'clock.
Skaw was rather badly knocked up, his
heaa was split opeii, and his ribseTcnpcked
rather Uai. Qfllcer vVriglit was called in
and Cogbill was taken tb jail.
Tlie Young Ladies' Aid Society of the
Meade-Memorlal Episcopal church, ?>:' this
city, gave a "silhohetti tea." at tho
i-esldence of Mr. John .Vrrlngton. No. 1107
Porter street, last evening.
.\ very enjbyablc musi '1 programme
t_*en1 had been ei ??? iged. A -ery delight?
ful time was sp< nl by all wli i attended.
Mr. Gus Kahl. of 1616 Hull street. who
has been U! with typhold fever for some
time. i- improving. Hc ls under the
trcatmeni of Dr. E. T. Ru< k( r.
Mr. XV. >:. Carwiles, of Swansboro. who
has been ii! for tlio pasi tli.ree months,
Raymond Mi
Mitchell. v ?
Hospltal ror
The congri
t<hui-ch have
,.-.?: all Ih
son of Mrs. Mattie
i i the < >M ! lominiqii
reatmen'1 yesterday.
,,-i..n of tlie Presbyterian
iad that edificc newly pa?^
..-.-!?. which adds i" the"
,-. quite sick at the resi
on-in-law, Mr. George VV*
on wesi Thlrteenth st-i'-t.
Ihvil itJ in has been go ten
i M< thodlsi i-hurch. ?.-*iich
led to th young m< i of
viting i!:>-:ii to the yofinvr
n ? tings wlilch are lield
i- nishl at '? h ? i liurch from
S to Q o'cloi
Dr. IV II *C\:?U.
Dr. r.-?'! has returned to the city, and
-p.-ill lecture "n the Sunday School lessbn
at the Young Men's Christian Assoeia?
tion ?this afternoon a.t 4:7'0 o'clock.
Mr. .John I*. Qniim. of Vcw York". Will
Siicak at Uie Y. M. l\ A. To-uiormw.
Mr. John P. Quinn will address the rfen
i i" Riclunond h: Uie Young Men's Chris?
tian, -ssoclatlon auditorium lo-morrow
aflei-n ion . : i ('clock. li-- will s]i ak on
i!..- e\ ils of ?-? un ilii ? and i - iiis i-nata
ii,.i, as a sp iker l> w ?' kn xn, h'? audi?
ence will undoubtedly hc- 1 irge.
J',-.:- twenty-live years Jolui P. Quinn
was a gambfi r. He ihustrati - hls address
liy Implemcnts taken froni gamblins
cerning Bhe v [les of thes< parasites. but
also warns r ? youth of tbe land. As a
story'i_ ww born of experfence and be has
back of him such ean nenl men as Lu-.
r:trkhi!r.-l. of New 1'ork; Dr. Robert E,
Mclntyre, of Chlcstgo, and others.
11,- will probably speak on the "Pool of
l*_nune" or "Ci-ooked Gaanljling Turned
lnsMi- <i;-.:." U ls also expected that he
will 9pcak to b ys only al 3 ..'. lock in the
tuuslc room.
Ijakoside t'ouiitry Cltil).
Tlio members of the l_akeslde C iuhtry
CUurb havi a ;i:-..- opportunlty tor ?por_
The ice on the lake Is better -han i: __s
beeij ??.; lany thne tli:-; winter. Mr. '.'ar
ler. manager <?'.' rhe l'.irk. repqrtjed yes
??nl-iy toorning tlial it was four inches J
thlcic Very Ccw skaters.?'wer* oul yi-.ii- (
day, and rhe i<-<- is cut up very '? ttle. The
crowd will bo out'-lhls aftern ":?. aud ;..
KesUJd, Thls uii! b< quite i novelty, and
Fom??llhinJg qulti unusual for the Sunny
i; ?? iLfllkesidi Countrj' Club wlU serve
.-.. dclighlful lunoli to is members, and a
jo!:\- time is expected.
"liifc's Do^-trv aiitl I'eails."
Hon. AJfred Taylor. brother of Ex
Gov. . n..:-."J'- '.." Taylor, of Tchnessee.
will leature )n ' Lifc's Poetry and Pe.-iris"
i'.i th V. M. C A. !!;?.;! on M-?n-":ny nig.-.t.
F-.r ih. : :-; thfee y irs Mr. Taylor has
(been stuaylng i!i. questl.:' what k
ta-kes t'> ??:, asc and i nti rtaln .-::>. a di( n'c '.
and ho thinks ho has discovered th so
cret, Ih- has aoqutred qultc a r putatJoh
by hj-i "l.f's I'aetry and Pcirls," which
is n<rt a merb speech. ;m>i hi~ exclted
inuvh compllnient*ary comment on hi^; wit
and humor aud th'b iiuriiy of his dictipnl
.HMfc&iAli ., .-..." rtriH_-?EHI 9BK
i? nn n w -tiwim
II a -n Ul r* U ^*- I 11
y I yirJLi iiM
A S_icr.t*f'c, Unfciiifig ond Perraancnt Rem
cayfor Ovtpepsia. JadigcjitlonandslISiaaiacb
tu J Ntr\ e Troablcs.
1'ut ui) in tablct tcim. pleasantatid easy to take
end aflordhip immediatc it'.ief by eaat-.liuij
naturc to fumisli natural nouri.Uiueat to the
Blood, Nerve and .'.i-.-s.cltt.
LttSB Boxes. 10c 2C-. e__ EOs. FOR SALE St
nyrfrfrffipyiyiiflyi'WP'W V^WV IW
These Women were Helped Through Woman's Qreat Crisis'
I _-,' Mrs. Pinkham?All Middle-Aged V/omen
Should Read Their Letters. -*?;
Nine Years of Siffferissg (
" Dear ____ !____?>!:?When I first wrote to you, I was in a very bad
condltion. I was pas.sir.g through the change of lHe,and the doctors said |
1 had bladder and liver trouble. I
had suffered for nine years.. Doc?
tors failed to do me any good.
Since I have lalcen Lydia E. Pink?
ham *s Vogctablc Compound, my
^ hcaltb has irnproved very much.
] vrillgladly recommend your med
^ icinc lo others and am suro that it
?? will prove as great a blessing to
? them a.s it has to me."?Mhs. Geo.
- II. June, 901 DeKalb Ave., Brook?
lyn, N- Y.
Relief _?a_w_? Promptly,
"DEAB *Mns. Pinkham :?I had
been under treatment with thi
doctors ior four years. and seemed
._. table Compound. Itelief came almost immediately. I have better health
1- now than 1 ever had. 1 feel like a new woman. perfectly strong. I give "1
|! Lydia E. Pinkhanfs Compound all the credit, and would not do without -||
r- your medicine for anything. I have recommended it to several of my *|;
k friends. There i:; no need of women suffering so much, for Mrs. Pink- ?fj
t ham*s remedies are a sure cure."?Mahaea Butler, Bridgwater, 111. |j
i> No woman is "So Healthy but at this crisis in her life she needs *?
| advice and help from the most competent source. Mrs. Pink- |J
I hani will advisesuch women wiihout charge on request. 1
ExperiestGed Great 'kesssfit - |
'Dear Mrs. Pinkham:?I took Lydia E. Pinkhanrs Vegetable Com- ||
rived great benefit from its use."? *?j
k- pound during change. of life. and deri
| Mary E. James. 13G Coydon St., Hradford, Pa
^ Mrs- Hzrrdld Rslieved of Pain "
I "I had pains in mv head and back and could not stand on my feet with- ^
I; out causing te'rriblc pains in abdomen, ? 1 was short of breath and could not -p
$? sleep. 1 tried several doctors but none helped me. 1 read of Lydia E. ||
ft Pinkham's Vegetable Compound in a paper and before I bad taken half a -|
|- bottle I felt better than I had for months. I have taken several bottles *|
jst and am now well.**?Mhs. I". E. Haeroed, Clinton, 1X1. - -|j
| The medicine that has cured a- million women of serious |
|? female ills?an incomparable record?such is |
Governor and Mrs. Tyler gave a recep
tic.n from 8:30 t?. i! o'eiock last ? -.-. ning a,t
the Executive Mansion ln honor <>f tlie
Virgiiiia ijeeislature.
Tlne affair wais iridoed a brllllunt one,
and wa- attended by representatives of i
the lalent and beauty of this city and the
i ? ?? tnonwi altli.
Mrs. Tyler was assisted .11 recelvlng by j
Mrs. Alexander I ameron, of R ?? imond, I
and the following members of the Gover- 1
nbr's staff were present:
"""?"olcnels C. O'B. Cowardin. XV, O. Sale.)
Jc. Lahe St.-rn; George S. Shackelford, I
James Mann. \V. Ford PieasaiiLs, Alexan- !
der Cameron aaid Charles V: Currington; j
rSorce of those preseni were: Mrs. John |
WliTtehead, Miss Whitehead; of Xorfolk:;
"'Mrs. !.'. K. I*ul\:\ of New Itork; -Mrs. VV. j
G. Stanard, Miss Xewton, Mrs. L. 1'. ;
Tucker. Mrs. II. L. Peloiize, Mi?s E. ''. !
Pelouze. Mrs. Carter Glass, Mrs. \V. .!!. j
Bowles, of Saiem: Mrs. Thomas X. Joitts, j
of Clifton, Va.: Miss Minnie i e?ram Boy- ]
lc'm, of Smtlilioid: .Mrs. Clarenee T. Boy-j
kin, Miss Bell and Miss Buc 11. of North
Carolina: Miss Vlrginiti Kate lleath, Mrs.
\V. R. Duke. of Albemarle: Miss EarleyJ
of Hlllsvllle: Mrs. .;. C. Ge'nL of Russell; ?
? .Mrs. R. V. Mary.-. Miss julia Morton. Miss i
Riihy Bodeker, Miss Evelyn Young, Mrs. j
R. 1*. Bruce, of Scott, Mrs. Barton Came- :
n 11 Mrs. John XV. \V lliams. Mrs. E. 11.
Barelav. M---. W. B. I". Leech. Mi s Park-, ?
of '.;!;-: Mrs. \V. .!. Bodell. of Old Point;
Mrs. G. 'I. Galleher, of Prince William;
Miss Heriidoii, Miss Ray. -Miss Marian i
l.ee, Mrs. .1. Taylor Elly>on. Mrs. -i. C.
F< lUierslon, Mrs. T. D. Jenhings. Miss
Stovalli Miss Coleman. M.s.s FairchtUVj
Mi.-s Anderson, Mrs. George I*. Miirrell, |
M ss Ruth "ublett, Mrs. Ediriund Wa Idill,
Jr.. Miss Waddill, Miss Jeflrles, ol Cul- j
pfper; Mrs. D. Gardiner Tyler. Miss j
Ge-nevieve IV; t 1. of Fluvanna, and the j
Mirscs Harris. of I.-.i-!.-.i. Hons. T. D. j
Janhings. W. H. Blakemor'e. R. P. Brui *.
W. B. F. 1...Ii. G. G. Galleher, B. II. \
Barclay. Thomas D. Gold. William Shands' 1
it. .-*. Parks. X. n. Early. Jr.. John E.
ivp-is. \\\ P. iBarksdale, George B. Kee_el, [
II. 1>. Flood. J. L. Jeffries. .1. M: Prce J. j
S. Moss, S. R. Donahoe, C. !B.J*leet, John
\V Churchman, Alexander King, T. E. j
Chirke; Walter Jordan. .1. C. Featherstqn. j
A. E. ICr.v-il. Tinmia.- X. .Icnc-s. Carter }
Class. XV. B: Bowles*J. C. G.-nt. S. S: P.
Patteson. Gebrse E. Murrell. John l". i
Ryan. R. S. Powell. D. Q. Eggioslon, R. j
G. Southall. D. Gardiner Tyler. A. S. 1
Priddv. .luliii Whitehead, J. E. Notting- j
luun. S. Wilkins Mathews, E. XV. Saiind- |
i-i-s. J. \Y. Cowan, Thomas E. Blakty, E. ;
C. Jordan, Joseph Whitehead, Edward
Echois, J. Taylor Eliyson. W. R. Duke,
.1. X- Opie, <:. w. Le Cato, Pembroke
Pettifc George V. Hunley, Josaph E. Wil- I
lard, W. II. Lewis A. I. Cannady, .1. A. j
Dinwiddie. A. ,1. Montague* Edmuhd W.-ul- 1
dlll, Jr.. C. B. Jones, of King and <Jueen;(
Senaitor Waltoni iln'-.. E. I-:. Montague, ?>l j
Hampton, Dr. James Xelson. Judge J. i
Thompsori Brown. of Bedford: Major I*. j
R. Lassit-r. of Petersburg: Judge W. 11 '
Homes. <>i" Boydton; Hon. it. R. Hicks. |
of Roanoke: Colonel William Henry
Mann, Colonel J. 1.. HubtTd. b? "?"?elson:
Colonel .1. W. Riehardson. Colonel B. u.
Jj'.;mes. ahd Messrs. John W. Wil- |
li:uns. .1. .-\. MeLau?hlin. Clareiice Boykin. |
C. A. Boyce, W. .1. Bodell. cf Old Point: 1
Georgie Pilcher, of- Norfolk: Gray Wat
soh, li. V-. Mary-e, Spotsw-ooil Wellt'ord. 1
W. G. Stanard, iifii I'. Owen, Jr., ar.d
Kent Rawley.
Tlu- ladies spending the winter at Mrs.
Du Val's yesterday afternoon gave a de
lighiful tea to their frlotnds from 5 .to 7.
The rooms were last.-fully cieeoiat-.-d ia
pink carhations and palms and pink sha-.1
cd candles.
lli'e ladles rcce'.veing were: Mesdamci3
judge Harrison. Frank Nalle, M. F.
Maury Williaan Tompkins. U. M. Ahbott.
Lutlser Warren, Walter Palmer, A. Roy
Tiv-- vouiig ladles in the dinins-TOorn
whic: Missos Wormeley, Wt-rth. M^oore.
Ellcrsoh :i"!'l Stuart.
Amoim those who called wero: Mosdam a
Howard Hoge'. oKvor S i:nis. Ch-ries Bo-.
di r Ellerson; Wellford, Hall. Oourtney,
j_nkin< Fariar.d. DicUinson. Charles
Pecot Benjamin Xash. Lyell. John Hun
t-er J Daniol. Kent. Wy;l:-ville; :Tiiti:.-n.
i^li=.,u Jtimes Gordon. Mpsby. ?Caarles
M'?4,v' \v. (Meade Clarke. William .!.
Walker Hotlges, iv.-r.thy. AVilllam J.
\\ii i"hurst. Juniits Morris. Perkins.
Easeley, Duke*. John Dunlop, Miller.
Clarke, Roi>'-rt Blankenshi-P. Conquest,
I-in-rty. Montague. Bomiss. Parker,
< -rump.' Morson. Wise. L ithrop, lV.tloti,
Brook 'Blair. Travers". Lamb, Hewitt,
U1w-i>n. Hai*rstori, McGuire, Hahr, Xolt
jne, Garan'l. Wallace; MJ.-ses Manly. Ad?
dison. 1 err.don, Moore. Suc; Harrison.
Rlclv. Annie <*ordon, iBernard H.uvic*.
C-iiiliav-.no. Evdyti Gordon. Maitle Harris.
S-ira llarvle. Marian Michaux, Mary
ilatcber,' Ltzzie Townes, Ptige Booker,
Fraiicis G'bsbn. Knov, Archer. Kent. Min->
nio Bovkin, Stringfellow, Smoot. Roberta
Minor. Jane Leake, Mary Harrison. Hir
r;?t Llcntfoot. Katherine Montague, Mary
Randolph and Alice Hotehktss.
The Ladles' Matinee Musicale had a'
delightful prograihirie yesterday after?
noon. Musie cf the German ccmpbsers
from 1770 to IS'.h was rendered. The per
formers were Mrs. Harvie, Blair, Mrs. G.
XV. Stevens, Misses Smo'qt, Menzel; Zolle
Miftor, Florenca Dillard and Heleh Ste
The Jeffei- 1- Club will give an infornial
enterithinment Tuesday ev.ehing from !* to
l_ o'clock.
The Confederate Museum has been pre?
sented with a eantecn of unusual inter?
est by Oi-. A. S. Priddy. of Keysville.
Charlotte county. in honor of Mr. lt. A,
Ward", witn carried the canteen in Ihe
Confederate war. and his grandfather'Mr.
John Ward, who carried it through the
Revolutionary war. lt is very uiii'-ucly
i .;, ,..,.,| ahd made to iit on the arm of the
j soldic r.
Mr. Charies E. Dickinson, a well-knpwn
civil engineer <>f Albemarle, is in thc
city on important baslhess.
M'ss Mary r..^^ Whittlfc is tlie guest
of Mrs. John Addison: S2_ Park avenue.
Miss De Mitkrewitz. ol" Baitimore, is
the guesl rol Miss Edith Jones.
The Friday german was held at the
Mascnki Temple yesterday evening. with
its usual success. Mr. de Trevili ? led
very gracefully.
Among tho dancers wera Misses Hodg
son, ?f Sewanee; Rebecca Dickerson, of
Caroline county: Rose Morrls. Kate Dog
gett, of Frederlcksburg; Jennie Hughes.
Withers. Rbbofiea Bell. Einma Bow-e, E iv.
abeth Fishe'i*. Bmma Shepherd," Edith
.;..:,. . Bar) ira Ke_h, Sarb Harvie. and
otb '?-. Messrs. Winston, Brcck. Lacy,
Tantier. Deary, Deitrick, Tpwer. Ellyson,
ilodgson, White. Carltpri, H.5-I1, Be'.vin.
Hotelfkiss, vVlnn, do Treviilc, Sutton. and
Mr. and Mrs. XV. A. Cha.mbers. of !' wesi
("race street, (*ja.v*e ?? verj- dellghtfui card
party Wednesday evening to their sue.:-:.
Miss Elizabeth Kenn'edy.
Aanong those present were: Mr. and
Mrs. Mu'rrell, of Eedford: Misses Kate
and Agnos Edw-aru^Cassie Taylor. Irene
Bossieux. I.ocy. Garland: Messrs. Richard
Taylor, Maypi Cabeli. Slaughter; Watson,
Riehardson, Drs. Edwards ahd Thomas
The prize? were won by M'ss Cassie
Taylor-.ahd Mr.'Richard Taylor.
Mi '. J. Taylor Ellyson, Virginia Vlce
Regeni ot tho Confidcrate Hem ri ij Lit?
erary Society, has received through Col.
?-. oi*. Ccwardin, t" whb'm it was seat by
C. M. Bulkley, of Southnort, Conn., tlie
muster roll of ithe "Jeff. Davis I. gibn."
The company was stationed a: Spotsyl?
vama Courthouse at the !<me the r 11 was
taken, Dec. 21, ISC3.-A. 21. Moseley coni
The Junior Chapter of the Brotherhood
of St. Andrew. of St. James church" gave
a, social "ntortti-'i-ime.nt at the church
frcm S to 10 o'clock last night. The chaj
ters from Grace-Stnv-; and'Holy Tr nity
churches were in altendance and a very
pleasant evening was spent by all.
Shmlny Obscryaneo.
A. a s;rtial mcrting of the Mjnlsteria!
Union, held last Monday, t'he plans for
i rcsecutinpr tlie work ol" sccurinp: th" bet?
ter obseryance of thc Sabbath :u th's,
? onimunity were fully discusssd. St p
wil! scon be taken for tlie organizatibn
.;.' a league having thls cbject in viejw.
To accomplisTt ithla obje'et fhe Union
has asked that every pasjnr. ln. the < ity
ancl vi.i'nity, so far as possible, shal!
preach to-morrow mpi-nthf* on the prc-per
obseryance of the Sabbath.
Sncoi.il Mectins-T; I*. A.
Tliere will- bo a special m-eting of
Ppsl A, '?:? -vi-l-.r--.1 Protc-ctivc A iat'oa1
of America, at the hcadquarters, corner
Third and Main streetis. ip-night t , . n
fer wKh the cittzeris' committt e regarding
the street fair. which ir con-ts^plaj'es
will be held in -R'eh-nond. It is desired
fhat every offlcer and member, who may
be in the city. will attend this m?eting."
Kichiiioncl Gi-ays.
The Richmond Grays. Company A, of
the old First Regiment. met last night
at the flrmory. No business of pa.Ttic.uIar
impbrtanee oceupled thc-ir attcntion", ex?
cept the enrolling of new names. Thc
eompany-^is gettirig Into excellent form,
and are jawaitlng an order frcm he.ia'
quarters to be musiered into the service:
At St. .MarfsOiiiut-Ii.
. Rev. E. IL,. Gbo-w-in. of Charieston. S.
Ic. 'Who is stopping with" his brother, Rev.
\R. A. G-oo(lvvin.Nwill preach at St. Mark's
Episc?iVil churc?i to-morrow at 11 A. MJ
'and S P. M. Th'? celebratlon of holy com
munion will take place. at the morning
service._ -1 ? _
Wealher Influences Piay No Smai!
Part in Trade-Situation,
Irbn Tratle Slio.vs Xo Sit-iis of iVeafc
cnin^ aml tho Prmlnclioii of
Lcatlii'ijr-piitlicrii Iritcros s is
SoKl Up to July.
XEW YORK. Feb. 2.?BiaJstreefs to
morrow will say:
Weather inlluen-jes have played no
small paxt in tho general trade situation
this week and yet sutr.e o fthe unques
tionable iniprovt-ntsn*. ia tone c.ai hardly
bo charged to the more seasonable
weather experiehced. Whatever the
eauscs, however, and these have been
diverse. tho i"act remains that a number
of staples, no less than speculative secu?
rities. have hardehed in value during the
One industry. that of anthracite ccal. .
prices in which had beguh to drop be?
cause of the. open winti :: has been
braced. The lriliuer.ee pf coldec weather;
too. is pereeptible in the wheat market.
Much of tiie winter sr-v-f* crop is un
pro'teetcd by snow and other influences
of strength in this market have b.iea
the rcrlorts as to foreign crops, the Ar
gentine -plague and consequent strength
of European adyiees.
Among products not affected by cur?
rent weather conditions,. however, might
bo mentioned'.'thie Sou.th's great staple,
cotton. which, owing largely to the bet?
ter foreign buying and the reported
abahdbnment of extremely large English
crop estimat.es, has reached tr.e highest
point for a niimber of years.
There is little comfort to ihe -hopes for
lower -prices in tlie reports from the irr.n
trade this week. It is true thut s'ime
concessiohs have been .made from tlie
high points reached on a number of
products, .but the cohcessions in pig.'Ir'on
are claimed to have been levy, and mostly
on the produce of furnaces recently put
in blast. whose output had not been con
tr'a'cted for. Inquiry at the leading
iron markets of the country fail to in- '
dicate any widespreaci weakeningy- as
the cohcessions are claimed to have been
really in the nature of readjustments.
The steel situation is not over clear, and
,some buslitiass is rei>orted possi*)Ia at
concesslons of $1 and .<2 a ton where t'ne
product has not been concracted ahead.
Some export biisi't-e.-s ia raijs lo Xorway
?'s rtaorted this week,"- while frcm Bir
mirigham comes reports of some good salas
bf pig iron with i'urthc-r- export business
cheeked by advahcing freight rates.
The productibn of leading southern in
lerests is reported sold ii]i to July.
Iron trade. authorities are siow to pre
dict beyond. that date. b'-tt tho strength
of foreign markets is ri-.-.irded as a guar
antee aga'nst any pos?ib!e T?erp"tnaicular
drop in dcanestic .quotatibns.
In di.tribr.'.ive trade i-he.repcrts for the
month of January vary iwlth the branches
of trade coneeme". Retnil dis tribu tion,
was undoubtedly. urifavprably affected by
mild weather, and stocks of retallers in^
scuiie sectlons i ;' the country are reported
On spring acjedunt. however, th? Jan?
uary business apptiars to h Lve be 11 ln a
high degree satisfactory. 'Shipments from
leading centra3 b'-ir.g lnaeh l:-.::ivier than
in January a year ago, whate*\"er cc*h
p'laints were r?ceived of backward busi?
ness being a'ttribtitea to earl er buying,
having anticipalied the rogular seas' n.
Woollen goods are hoiding the adyances
recently asked and raw wool is firm.
though sales are smaller than for some
weeks past, owing. it is c-lanmed. to do
mestic stocks of dc-sirablcj wool h.ing
small. London auction "sales witnessetl
good prices obtai-ned ior good lots. but
considerable quantities were carried over
undisposed of.
'l*he cotton goods situation remains
apparently a strong one. .Eaekward de
liveries are still compkiireed of by con
vertei-s. and the jobbing business in
spring cottons is a. good one. The "cur?
rent demand for shoes is quiet.
Weather conditions have been against
a large dlstribution of winter footwear.
but eastern manufacturers are reporied
busy on new gcods.
Leather is dull but Mdes are no
The strength of sugar aml ceiTee among
groceries is no less prpnounced than of
late. raw and refined grades of the
former having been marked up and small
erpp nepor.ts being made the basis of fur?
ther strength in coffee.
Wheat. t including flour. shipinents
for the we-k. 2.724.937 bushels
against 3.5S1. bushels last week,
i: ...?."i.-ns bushels in the correspond
in-.v week in 1S99, 3.635,035 bushels in USS.
3.*6S,-746 bushels iu 1S'>7 and 2.!KI7.:;.*.l in IS'C
Since July lst this si aspn tiie exports
oi' wheat aggregat'ed 120,109.8c" bushels
against 15P,817,059 bushels last year and
I50,23p;033 bushels in P*'i7-'f*-'.
Corn. exports for tha week aggregate
:;.:.:ts.'.i;_ bushels against 3.52G.S3I bushels;
Ia -t week. 3.C.PS.7: 1 Inish.-ls in this v.-eek
a year ago. 4.10-1.9S1 bushels ln 1S9S, 3.(59,
DCO bushels in 1S97 and 3.222.S32 bushels in
Since July lst this sea-'on co-n p-.-:o? s
aggregate L29.155;SC3 bushels against 93/453,7
G54 bushels during the s im'e period a year
ago. and IQ0.99S,6."P bushels iu 1S97-*9S.
Business failures for tho week in the
United States. 171, as compared with 252
last week. 207 in this week a year ago,
295 in 1S9S, 305 in 1S97 and 33S in 1S9G.
For the week Canadian failures num
bered 31, as compared with .?"?} last week,
36 in this week a year ago, 12 in 1S3S, ."?<
in IS'.'T and ifl in lSSG. J
The Corporation I.iiics ol" Williams
lini't; ti> be M.\'.;-i:i!o;!,
"VIL.LIAMSBrRG. A'A.. Feb. 2.?Spec
.'.;.?Already about thirty persons havt
signified their intention of becoming
stockholders in the proposed /Kn'tthig
Mill. To-day Mr. A. M. ii-.lling. of Balti?
more. who is interested in steveral large
Southern mills. was in eohsuita'tidn with
a number of gentlemen in regard to the
enterprise. A meeting of those interested
was. held last night to take stcp-5 totwards
;m organization.
President George XV. Stevens, of the
Chesapeake and Ohio Railway. with a
number of offlcials of that road, is c-x
pe-.-ted here next Tuesday or "Wednesday
to take a look at WilliamsbUrg. The peo?
ple here fce! that tiie new president of
the road will do all iu his power to aid
them in their efforts to build up the town.
Rev. **>*", T. .Roberts", rector of Brui.ton
Episcopal chureh. was treated with a
poiindln'g last night. There ivas a line
of callers for several hours, and each
brought a pound, or several pbun'ds, of
good things for the popular rector and
liis family.
Pev. Mr. Roberts has just returned
from Richmond. where he has been
silicitlng funds for re'pairs to the interior
Of the Episcopal chureh. one of the ian-J
marks of the clty: He was very succcss
ful. and speaks in ioudest praise of Tha
kind and hospitaile treatment received
by him of the re;**>le of Richmond.
Rev. Mr. Overbv. a former rector of
Bruton chureh, sfkint yesterday ahd to
day tn this city. V
Ex-Deputy . Sheriff : W. W. Ware. of
Toano. was here to-day. s
The _,eglslature will,be. askedito amend
A Great Reconstructant
"My wife and I have used two bottles of Paine's Celery Compound
with tfrear advantage to our general health. It cured her rheumatism
and proved a good regulator of the system in general and a tonic for the
nerves. In my own case I have found it a cure for kidney trouble ansing
from old age, as I am now in my 75th year. In this trouble it has given
me almost instant relief."
* The human system in old age must have a large
store of nervous energy and rich, nourishing blood.
?Paine's Celery Compound keeps the liver and kid?
neys active, and the body stronf'
the pr. -ent charter of Williamsburg, so
as to clearly deftrie the corporate limits.
West Wiliiamsburg will be annexed and
the lines. will be extehded so as to in
clude William and Mary College.
To _e Operatetl by rt Company of IMii*
RO-VN'OKI-:. VA.. Feb. i?Special.?A
company is beins organized in Philadel?
phia foi the purpose of operating the old
zine rrtines on tho Roanoke and Southern
railroad, abotft four miles from the city.
31 -. Thpm -..- Woodriiff, the mining en
s;:.!<--.-. call d the a'.t'TUion of capilalists
tb the milnes, aad has ehougr* faith :n I'.s
value to become one of its stc-khotders.
A:: .iiw those interested are Hubert. K.
Adams. Joseph D. Eilis, James-p%ierp;mt
and Conrad S. Grove, of Pinladolnhia. |
The company wil! be known as the Roan?
oke Zihc and Silver Mining Company.
Tha cohcentratlng plant and other
brancii:--. ot ihe work will g'.ve ernpicy
ment io _bout one hundred m:n.
l-niltin-? 31 ill in Bristol. :
iBRIST<Xf_, TENX., Feb. 2.?Special.? ]
Thp Bristol Knitting Hills Company, ca;>- |
ital $:?'?:<??-, \vl>< organlzed to-day. with >
Lee Kaisfman, ot NashvilU", Tena.. :???-.- I
dent The company wiil establtsh a kn'r- I
ting r-'"' V.-:'r- t'-'.a: will emplby two hun- I
dr d hands. I
Hotel Arrlrnls. j
At ?the Jefferson: Mr. and Mrs. E. XV. ,
Xash. Boston: F. F. Farrell. Cin'cinna'tr; .
T: XV. Hatcher. Brbokllne; Mass.; Mi-. and j
Mrs. 11. A. Le6na.nl, Xew Haven. Cbnn.; i
Mr. and Mrs. Lew Dockstader, Xew j
"tork: O. L. Gregory. Paducah, Ky..- G. ,
X. Wise; Newport Xews: D. T. J/cCabe, J
Pittsburg: Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Fisk. ,
Springiteld. Mass.; W. Harrls Pittsburg; j
Mr. nnd Mrs. XV. C. Casweli; Wakefield,
R i.: Mrs. G. B. Carpenter and Miss ?
Carpenter. Chicago; F. XV. Gaskill. Cah-i
ton. 0.: Harold Roberts. It. L. Patterson. i
Mrs. S. A. Hiils. Mrs. A. M. Valentine. |
Mrs Farrar. Mirs Msrrietieid. A. Lassner. i
Mr. 'afid Mrs. M. J. Kenney. Miss A. R! I
Roberts. Xew Vork: XV.. H. Hunter. Den- j
ver. Co!.; A. C. Trappe. Baltimore: Mr. ;
and' Mrs. F. Farqiihar* York, Pa.: W. E. ;
Ribb. Louisa CourtKouse: J. ~- Bauni- ;
gafdner, St tunton; B. D. Bouldin, Grcens- ;
boro, X. C.
Siiu-iiiy-Scluibl Association. i
The tenth a'hnusl convention of the V:r
gin'a State Suhd_y Se'v.-ol Ass-iciatipn .
?v:!! bc- held in Roanoke from M-rch 7th
io _>?_?, inclusive. All necessary arrange?
ments have been made to provide homes
for th- delegates. and reducea r.vtcs of
li-ave! havo been secured, -
Each orsunSzed connty ..ls entitled to
five d-Icgales in addition to the coureiy
and dlstr>t pr-stidehts and secretnrles. '
an.i, each Sunday School in bhe State wil!.
have one representativo in _ddition_to Its
y^s th's is the twenty-flfth annl*?ersary
bf the .Asscoiation. it is desired to make
?thc convention a great JHiccess, and it is
desired that every county ln the State ,
be rcpresented. All ministers of the Pro
jestant denomtnatlon are tx-ollicio m.m- j
bers of the convention.
t' Accitlrrntspf n-D.-tj-.
_? white man had convulsion at, the
Tredegar Iron Works yesterday at 1:05
o'clock. The ambuiance was summonc
and ->r. Goode trea ted and left him.
A while-n_uv employed ? at the Tr'gg
Ship Company's machine- shops had his
?index arid-middie-fihger brr.hfs right"hand
mashed o? in-sqma machlnery'ywterday
at 3:1Z P. M. Dr. Goode of the ambuiance
dressed his injury.
John Gathright, a white boy. about
Fifteen years old, who works at the Rich?
mond Loeomotive and Machine Works.
had his nose broken and his scalp spllfc
by an explo'slon of a steam pipe last night
about 10:20 o'clock. His injuries wer.j
'treated by Dr. Goode of the eity ambu?
Government Inspectru-atTi-iicg's Yards
Ordcrccl *<> Scrt.
Lieutenant. W. Stroth* Smith, L". S. X..
who for more than a year has been
inspector of Koverpment work al the Wil?
liam !:. Trigg Cornpany's yards. h ts been |
ordered or. sea duty and will go to Wash- j
ingtoi* next Wednesday or Thurstfajr.
Lieutenant Smith has been ordered on the
..Presidenfs yatc-ht, thc- Dotphln, and his
sea ser*Jlc'e will be i'or three years.
Lieutenant Smlth's many friends in.
thls city will bc sorry to see lilm leave.
He is a native itfchrirorider and ls well
known and popular ln social circles. and
is a member of the Commonwealth Club,
Hls successor, Commander H. Webster.
ia now in this city. and wil* assuri*. hls
! new duties immediately. He was formerly
I connectcd with the Xavy "Jepar'.rr.ent at
Washington and is v.ell-known and
[ favorably in naval cire'es.
i -
\ -Iiitcrestiiur Faot- About Uichnxoud's
i Ci?:z'-iis :ti?tl OthfT Mattors;
i Alr. I'Iricu Baker contlnae. quite sick
I at his hrim>\ aiS north Third street.
I A series ot meetings wil! becrin at the
i !':!???:--Street B.ptisl church to-morrow.
I Hon. John D. Jloon. ol" Cii u-lottesville,
I was a calter at th? State Library yester
I d.iy.
! _. Mrs. William A. Bbelps, -.v'.io has been
! ill for some time ai at her residence, Es
j- t>:;tter.
' Mr. A. I*. Hulcher; aft^r a speil of
i severe illnsss. is able to sit. up and wiil
j be out ln a few days.
i Mr Winriel- Llggett, of Harrisonburg.
| was'a calier at the State Treisurer's
! ofhec yesterday morning/
' Mr. S. C. Mitchoil. of Clopton.'X. J., is
visitmg his nephews, -Vt? E. and E. S.
Mitchell. of Church Hill.
! Rev. Dr. J. 1',. llawthorne will deUyer a
i special sermon. ta the J. O. I". A. M. at
j Grove-Avenue church t"-morrow morn
j In-r.
*. A house on China street, fcef.--een Boi
1 videre and Pine, waj_ set on. lire by boys
? ytsteiday efternoon. The damage was
i Rev. Carey E. Morgan will take frr his
i subject to-morrow evening. "Howto Study
tho Bible."' The sermon will bo illustrated
by a hirge uhart.
Secretary White. o.' tbe Board of Keaith,
while <*kat'*-g at R_3_ry6ir Lake Taur.-;day
night, iven: thriugh a rule in the ice. He
trot a' chiliy bath. but is all right.
Tho sermon of Rev. Dr. E. X. Calfcfch
last night was from the subject. 'The
Erieatly ? Garb." Hls subje-.-t .to-day
wllt ne: "The Perpetual Smctuary. '
Rev. W. H. WiUiams. thc "Drumrafr
Evangelist."' sriolse at'Srclthdeal Hull 15''t
nlsht' on the '-Last R-._? With t,'-.
Tlger." He is a strong an.l pleasing
The trustees of Richmond College wlU
meet at the First Baptist church at H:.()
o'clock oei't Wednesday morning. The,
Scholarshlp Committee will make Its an?
nual report.
. h-ndsome-" open earriage,_ bullt here
for General Fttzhugb te^ wa**_aWPPe4 vfa..
thfr'Old Domlnion Une T_ur_l_*r to ?*w
York. whence it will go by the Ward
Line to Havana. Cuba.
Second Auditor. llyun.l has not yet re?
turned t'rom Nte"*" York. Hfe will remain to
attend the hearing to-day of JiiIJu* Schro'
ter. under arrest charged Wlth forglng thu
bogus Virginia bonds.
?Dr. XV. Q. Starr, president of Randolph
Macon College. is working in tbe IntereU
of tbe Twentieth Century Fund in tin;
Northern Neolc He js very mui ii etv
couraged at his ^nc.'<\;*.
Rev. and Mrs. William Buchanan, of
Japan, were tendered a receptlon lase
night by tiie Ladies- Fbrelgn Missionary
Society of the Chureh of the Govenarit
They will soon leave for Japan.
Mr. Walter Buckitec has assumeu
charge of tlie oflli.I' the Southe n i-ix
pr*.*ss Company, in taU city: aa managar.
Mr. Buckner succeeda Mr. Andrew W-Ish.
who had been the agent of the office for
years; M". \V--.-h became-" the cashier
of the office-.
Chief Clerk J. O. H.inkins. of the iJffiee
of the Secret_r>" -if the ' 'ommnn wealth.
has r.-c-r->-d _ letter front Fram-o &.
Garofi?Io v Mbratea: ot H.i-.-.i.na. asking
certain questtooi toocernlhg the marriaa**
la-.vs o* this State. H? enctoaedi twenty
cent - for postage fees.
Viri-iniaiis ii. Xew Yorl*.
XEW Y'OP.K. Feb. ?".-.-p.cl.il.-Vlrgin
ians tn X v. York:
DanvilP-?H. i_ Lotigiv,-!!. Ash.and; J.
E tEughes, Hoffman.
Newport X?w--?H. L. Bshnett. C.dilac.
Xirfolk?F. f_ Piwtle. Bro.ulw _" Cen?
Petersburg?E. H STanm Jr.. If. tTman;
H. lt. Campbell, S iv ? ?:.
R:ctim'.nd~E. A. Hoen, Astor; .'. Welte,
Rarthoidi: J- K. I'.-.v.i??!. Oraii.'.: S. C.
Mltchell, St. Denis; i i. f* Will ars. Stur
tevant: J. ?'. Wiui-im.-\ Jr.. WaM'-rf.
Roanoke?R. E. Wayland*, Stuart.
Lee Carup C\ V.
f:. i*. _e.a Caxctp. S->. i, C. V., heid its.
C-i.T.-m inder Jas. W. Pegram, secretary
o" the Board of Vlsitora' oC the Soiaieta'
Home, reported .t v-tcaacy on _ie Boartl
of Visitor.--. i-an.-e.i by the: death of Com?
rade Thorf. A. Brander, which w.s rilleii.
by the r-!-"-t'...-i o? Comrade A. C. I'.-iy.
A letter wa.* rwce'ved f-om M-". G*fy-ral.
Thomas A. 'Brander, whieh was rvad to/
the Camp.
The fc'iowing conuniitea wa- a-pointed
to draft -utltrtble resolutions expt-esstve of
the sorrow irf the Camp at the death of
Comrari-- Thos. A. Brander* C mrade
John Rolling. Gorvaa Storrs and -.'.?. P.
Th?> oil portralt ot General Turm'-r Ash
by will be presented to the Camp on next
"?"ridiy night. The speech; s wtll be made
by Majur Holmes Conratl. ot Winchester",
j and Jtntge ?__*?*? K> itbi ?
xVlesiMMlriu. Note-.
ALEXANDRIA. VA.. t"*eb. _-Spect_l
. he. fur.er-tl Of Jl:.-. Walter D*'nnelly
1 ti-i'k pfctc ChtS morning it ten o'clock
t lrom Sr. Macy'-' Catholic ehurcn. and
j was largely uitetided. The funeral ser
l vicea were ',-oriduated by Rev*. H. J. t'ur
i Iar. The Interraeut waa niau ? ln St.
i Mary's Cemetery.
} The Columbla Steam Fire Engine *Cc*n-..
J pany, ot* th:-. city. bave reeelved an invl
t tation to atfcend the Maryland State Mre
; m?n> Aj~oci_tU?n. which tr. ?*** ln Baltt- -
? more bn dune 13th, IHh. md 15th. At a ,,
! meeting. helct last evening. action was'l
| deferred in t&e matter.
| Mr. John h\ Shicn. foroman ot the loco*
I rnotivi- repairs at the Sauthern Railtvay
l Company's sbops here. has b ea trans
j ferred to Sdmft. Alabama. where ne goes .
! asin*?.-""ter meohantc. ' ' s,
! Mr. Georso C. Marr. mana-pr yt th*
i Srand'ard OU Worto ln tht> eftf. haa
| tendtrted bis reeignatloa f_? raaaiger yt
1 that mmoany.
. - - . / ?

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