OCR Interpretation

Eaton weekly Democrat. [volume] (Eaton, Ohio) 1866-1875, July 21, 1870, Image 4

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The Story of Hercules.
Hkbcuijcs was the sori'Trf Jupiter and
Alemena, and the strongest man of his
time. The Cfermans cafahlm Herr Cules,
and claim him for a Dutchman. Alemena,
his mother, being a daughter of Earth,
Jnno (Mrs. Jupiter) was naturally hostile
to her offspring. She declared war against
Hercules from his birth. She sent two
serpents to destroy him as he lay in his
cradle, but delerium tremens not being
known in those days. Hercules stood in
no fear of " snakes," so instead of dosing
himself with whisky and velirianto drive
them away he just infl(ei them. That
was his style. Their staffed nicies may
be found in any well-regulated museum
to this day..- UA was, however, by the
arts of JuiWenaeHd.sTibiect to ' Eirrys-X""
S UHWCTCl, IJ xxwi
i id ui u iv7 , t tnui i g
theus, proprietor of
a comblnea circnsT
and managerle, and compelled to perform
all his commands. Eurystheus enjoined
upon him a succession of desperate ad
ventures, wtfiefa were called the twelve
" Labors of BarMlM'V The first was a
fight with the Nemean lion. In handling
wild animals Ban Gules could beat Herr
Dresbach. Ho stwngUd .the lion, with
his own hands, pcarMWlhtrotber " hand
shoulders, bntBnryalheas was so tnghi
ened at theiaight ot 1W aod at this prppf
nf ih. nrnHloinni ntrnntfth of Hercules.
that he ordered him to send accounts of
a monster that ravaged the country of
Argos, and 4welf. W .a swamp near the
well of Amymone. TheTJyqfa used to go
to the well forthe water lb put with his
gin (he lived cm AjAw-fii'mostly). and. it
wna horn that TT Bnrnlwi met him clandas-
tinelv. The hvdra hail rfneachi'of
which the middle one was immortal.
cules struck of its head with his club, but
in the dace of the one knocked , on two
new ones,appeared, 'heads winning every
toss. At length he burned away the heads
with caustic, and buried the Tfinth or Im
mortal one under a huge Afcck, witti Ma
sonic honors. 'I
His next step in the labor movement
was the cleaning of the Augean stables.
Augeas. King of EJhJ, hereof
oxen whose stalls had not been cleansed
for 30 years. The smell Was so bad that
Deli, Miami and Storrs townships held
indignation meetings- and threatened, to
tear the stables down. Hercules brought
them thoroug 3ryily??ntTUtte
hydrant waller tasted a little queerish for
His nextfiabor was of kmWe rSbltcatel
nature. Admeta, the daughter of Eurys-'
tneus (who roae a very gooa onc-norse
act), longed to obtain the girdle of Hip
polytj , queen of the Amazons, to wear' In
the circus. She thought it would lay
over any chamauon-rjjtit in the, country.
Eurvstheus ordered Hercules tb- go. and
set it. The Amazons were, a. nation of
women, very warlike, andgfddicted to
to bring -joirrj' ThefeXf cOTldrefts 'vSe
boys either heing put to death or forced
to work on newspapers which killed them
off in a little while anyhow. After vari
ous adventures he .reached the country
of the Amazons, ' (m the Auatzon river.
Hippolytaeceived hlngthflfull cprades
kindly, ana they gave Three cheers and a
hip ! hipifor Ilippolyta. Hercules made
known Ms ei&BdacUiniteen consent
ed to "mMfcjWT&riV1 (subject
to the riiles "of the English prize ring),
but Junc assuming the attire of Mrs. Dr.
Walker, went and , persuaded the other
advocates, of -wcmanX, rights that .the
ThevinStkntlv and came (
the 5 o'clock mail boat, on which the men
had embalked, in great numbers. Her
cules and-Hippolyta were taking a part
ing drinljsrin the pmpttdnU room. - Seeing
the crod of AHSJaaobs-on the landing,
and hearing the tumult, Hercules thought
Hlppolyta had acted treacherously, so he
slew her. and taking her girdle, sailed
homewaM, the boat leaving precisely on
Then Eurystheus sent him to bring the
oxen of Geryon, a monster with three
bodies and very little soul. He lived in
the far west, and when Hercules, in
searching hint, arrived at the frontiers of
Lybia and Europe, he re n t a mountain fat
twain, and left half on each side, forming
the Straits of Oibrahar. If I should rent
a mountain, I am afraid I should find my
self in as great straits ah Hercules did,
unless rents werO very 'low.' These two
mountain are called the " Pillars of Her
cules." -What became ef the mattress and
the rest of hie bedding, I am unable to
state. The oxen were guarded, by the
giant Eurytion and his two-headed dog
but Hercules killed the giant, Knocked
the dog on his respective heads, and
brought .the oxen in safety to Eurystheus.
He took the first premium on them at the
next county fair. They were a good thing
to have, for if EVlrystheUfl got broke in
going against the " bank," he eould raise
a steak cm one of them any time.
The most diffloalt labor of all was get
ting the golden apples ot Hesperides, lor
Hercules -djai not know where to find
them. Thy wero, choice variety of p
les " goWpp: Mgroejut," j perhwa-which
Juno had received ' at her ' wedding from
the goddess of the earth, and which she
had intrusted to the keeping of the
daughters of Hesperis, ably assisted by a
watchful dragon. After various adven
tures, qefrfctflfesTftrlwa, at Mount Atlas in
Africa-J(gettga1iy arid atlas had both
been introduced iuto Africa even at that
early day):- Atras Was one of the Titons
who got tight an one day and -omdbavored
to " clean out" the rods. But these
tig?U-vntfjttyibe worstvof the 4ght, and
Atlas was condemned to bear on his
shoulders the weight of ihe heavens.
Jupiter facertou
ietoualy called yi- ".hjruh
ssfflx it would fo,him, good.
thKfather of HdlpeBdes",' and
Hit," and
Atlas was
just the one tajnndathe appgnd .bring
mem to nine
Atlas co
would Dear op tbenWRns UUUp
gone, which he UWjja'HpsoOTOfl up
under aimosyarei tlimg undevataJieav-t
ens. Atlas ftand IKsperid
brightness aia gloty . Uftat
em sky. TWr h4B was
sun ! He goCBie
he wanted td tKhiou mem
logical fair, mmA brought
cules. Then mfreaWedh
the health-Hfh. afflT Her
with the appres to Eurysth
nibited thenvBl o:
1 side-shows.
Another exTSol
1 was to vanquis
the champiofBrri
. tf. .
er. He was
main rM " i Kr n.. xra
vai vu. ou jLlll.U
up at ara'sJlgwrSmh m
strangled. hi AZfcawspap
' earth
t O
the anair was headed " Death in the
Death for-the waaUirf aivoulcf liave
been mofb appropriate ther exploits
did Hercules accotfxfflA, Mrtiie above
were the most talked sbouf
After completing hi82 la!
were the most talked about at the time,
uiy eigm nours each day), view gs
Herculesja complimentary eoefltTwhe
ne was assisted in giving exhihitlnrla nfT
7""8yi elc-. y ur. Wins hip,
Jem Mace, Mike McCoole and O'Bald
win. The death of Hercules was a very mel
ancholy one. His wife, Dejanira, put a
magic powder on hla robe as a love spell,
in order to make him constant' to her as
he hadn't been constant to anything else.
The apothecary who prepared the powder
made a mistake, however, and put cow
itch in it. The fleet was terrible, as may
he supposed. When Mrs. Hercules found
man. an uu
i on-X&Asettin
wall, pgRBrfSrBjk, that
them? To Her--
Ernies reiurnec
d caw-rMrn4alf'and:ll1!
his time,
what she had done she went and hung
herselt Hercules in despair hurled him
self into the midst of a bonfire at a polit
ical meeting that was being held rn his
ward, and perished among the blazing
tar-barrels. Jupiter said the boy should
have a chance, so he enveloped him in a
cloud and took him up in a four-horse
A pro I'd man is a fool in fermentation.
Never trust to time for time will tell
When lovers quarrel do they return the
kifiS68 ? I
Whorvkb is badly sold is apt to look
Few artists can draw a pretty mourn ;
W can araw a
. . . i
-auwudoi t uriicci awr
the oublic
that he has " Knew. Ber. for aal- gi
or- . wm , . -
hat 'horn, pipduce8he most discord
ant music r The drinking horn. -a r
Doctors of Law and Medicine insure
in the Washington Life Insurance Com
pany. 'I ' ' ' -'
To convert an artless maiden into a
heartless one, there only wants a " he."
" I have not loved lightly," said a man
wbo married a 300-pound widow.
Policies become self-sustaining in the
Washington Life Insurance Company of
New York.
Blessed is the pedagogue. In scorch
ing day's, he is the only one who keeps
i A JJew Tore paper says that not one
pound in ten of the honey sold in that
city ever knew a bee.
Tit " sportive seSfTTSf a (Jailyi paper
earri : "We do not aetriie to the alnry of
foretelling recent events. Ji
A talejsted stroaA 3ar wue, in J6few
Orleans, iMoriven wHhout lines, butaMid-
lv obevs thArbell signals inswap. - z
A nisTRlrfNic individual, w hasSoird
a gcjpd dea about the tJUB4Xe of wr,"
suggests mat the uaca seats must oe- very
desirable. ' J rr
To Nkwly MARRiajC6Tjj0.Ea-jl&ve
anything j$r diftner rKtheV-than a fowl
if you wovBa keep 2Uh-keleton " out of
the cupbosML . , J "
Notick.?To' any- mm who can say.
"Shoes ana socks shtt&:.S&8an," with
rapidity aad fartrl t le ju pi uuunajationonr
times ruimng a laUifi. ,L&Rtrd ,w2 be
B4.i J V - kwwJ 4f
. A w ao, passing by a house which had
been almost consume "By fire, inquired
whose it was. Being: told that it ,ws a
hatter's f Ah," sa he, "then Oie loss
will be felt." ' "H '
" Boy !" called out Bron to the waiter
at Sam's. O Don't ctfiw boy, ate J'm
no boy, eiStV said the Jailer. " Then do
as yeu'd bfTdone by.'Vjmt in Brown, "and
don't call this muttouiaml any more !"
"Mamma," said an intelligent little girl,
" what is the meaning tf a book, being
Drinted in 12mo f " 'tWhv. mv dearLT re-
plieiLthe mother, " ittffieans the book will
tiBpMlished in twelve months."
'ffOW, my little boys and gvls,' safe! a
teacher, I want ydutB be veryTjnfet so
qu iet that you can hear a pin drop." In a
minute all was silent, when a little boy
shrieked, " Let her drop
" jno one won yytajre you lor what y.ou.l
are, said an oia-iasmoaed gentleman, a
day or two ago, to a dandy who had mere
hair than braina l Why ?" was immedi
ately assed. f soeause they cannot (ee
your ears." x.
Thackeray being told that an acquaint
ance of his, who was notorious for his
love of beer, had sailed for India, replied,
" He was a, good fellow. Take him for
8in look upon
un.b again 4
"I wiix, forfeit my head if I am in
the wrong," exclaimed a warm and tall
orator to the President Montesquieu, is
an argument. " I accept it," replied- the
philosopher.; "any trifle among friends
has a value."
'Ik view of the hot weather last month
a Western editor can't see the applicabili
ty of Lowel's oft-quoted line :
j What Is so rare as a day hi Jnnel"
and suggests an amendment, thus : -
" 'What is so eootft aa a day In Jose ?"
Not a.t axi RTBCOTAK.r-A bachelor
says that all he shdtfld ask for IP a wife
would be a good temper, health, good un
derstandis u, agreeable physiognomy, good
figure, good connection, domestic habits,
resources of amusement, good spirits, con
versational talents, elegant manners, and
money f 1 ' : ' ' odi 1o mon.
Dr. Bkechkr often related the anecdote
of a minister who preached six sermons
to snow who Melchlsedek was, and closed
his last sermon with the summary : "And
so we see, brethren, that we don't know
who Melchkedek was, and that it 'taint
no matter."
The Ruling Passion. A famous usurer
of Paris being on his deathbed, his con
fessor presented a crucifix to him, with a
view to awaken him to a sense of his situ
ation. The dying miser, after examining
the cross with the most minute attention,
suddenly exclaimed, "Sir, I can lend you
but a very small sum on such a pledge."
A sick man in Boston, who noticed his
little daughter looking eagerly at some
fruit at his bedside, said to her : " You
would not take them away from your sick
pamt, would your '. She replied, hesitat
ingly, " No, Ifwouldnt," and then colored
Up, and ingenuously added : " But, papa,
S tell a story when I say so." He gave
her the fruit.
" Mother," said the little girl who was
engaged in making her doll an apron, " I
believe I shall be a duchess when 1 grow
up." "How do ypu ev.er expect to be-eome-a
duchess, my daughter t" her mother
asked. " Why.'by marrying a Dutchman,
to De sure," replied tne girl
lir'-THM-T ;have a' very comical system of
passes in tne tneatres and .places ot amuse
ment in the Philippine Islands. When a
native wishes to leave the apartment with
1 the intention of rAt.iirnfnc lie haa hla
leaTjurked forearm, near the wrist, stamped.
as ne goes ooi wun a NU die, wnicn se
cures his re-admission, and at the ' same
Sine ohvifite'n' all n.n-K-i.tv u hia
ofiUeeing his ticket. On his return this mark
f m easily wiped out. Tickets not trans-
fSablefcaoJfvaKO VIA OT 'iOl
-It has been generally believed, for many
years, that a leather bed was a sure pro
tection from lightning. A circumstance
which recently occurred in Greenfield.
tj Connecticut, scatters this belief to the
us. uiicuwinc eniereu tne ananment
Mr. and Mrs. Banks, tore open the
Anoeu8Tiyu,i wttvT.m.n i.T
,tner pec upon wnicn the parties men
I n D-f ti W.MnthoQ r, dmZA
.i J"-a -v vuv kruu viuvm,u vaa uaa OIAIICtU JU.
I uajv uau ------ J - 0 iur jjaun O)
tlDJterea per cnest irom tne neck down
Banks was also momentarily stunned.
ilnit recovered in time to extinguish the
fire. The child, -although lywg on its
mother's arm. was hot hurt.
t Children hear new words, and often
rmgrtxse mew wilu iibuo rtea 01 tueir nut;
I meaning. They are frequently blamed
lor doing, or not doing, things, - when
their Httd minrlfl have hv nn mnansi nnm
prehended the words employed in giving
them directions. " Mamma," Baid a wee
child, one Sunday evening, -after having
sat still in the house all day, "like a good
child," " have I honored you to day f " " I
don't know," replied the mother, wonder
ingly ; " why do you ask ?" " Because,"
says the little one, shaking her head sadly,
"the Bible says, "Honor thy father and
mother that thy days may be long;' and
Ibis has been, oh, the longest day I ever
How Consumption May be Cured.
The first announcement to a patient that
he or she has consumption, is often like
a death knell. The vacant stare, the pale
cheek, and the convulsive sigh, indicate a
shock of the most proiound character.
Indeed, I have known persons to swoon -away
and require the most active exer
tions to restore them. And yet it is not
true that consumption is necessarily a fa
tal disease. In point of fact it is not so
fatal as many cases which prevail in every
community, and yet excite no remark.
Consumption results from a perverted
nutrition. Instead of that perfect assim
ilation essential to sound health, there is
an elaboration of the nutritive fluids,
which leads by inflammatory action or
other processes, to. -the .disposition in the
lungs and other tissues of crude 'material
known as tubercle. Persons predisposed
to consumption, or living under circum
stances which lower the vital energies and
prevent the nutritive processes, are those
in whom this affection most frequently
appears. It follows thajt there is no spe
cific for consumption. It is not curable
by medicines ; on the contrary, its fatal
issue is more often hastened by medica
tion. For the encouragement of patients, and
to illustrate the course of life most likely
to restore vigorous health, a condition in
compatible with consumption, I usually
relate cases that have come under my ob
servation. The following is one example
among many : ' "
"A young medical friend, having a
hereditary tendency. to consumption, be
gan to realize at first its well-marked
symptoms.- It progressed rapidly toward.
a ratal termination. The cough, emacia
tfbn, and hectic betrayed his condition to
the most superficial observer. Alarmed
St this condition, but dreading to yield to
the conviction of his friends that he. was a
Victim of this disease, he refused to be ex
amined or even to tak on the subject: At
length he became so -Veak and prostrated
thai he consented to nave his lungs ex
atnined, and on the announcement 'of the
phvsician that thev contained tatge cavi
ties, he fainted, and was rallied with great
difticultv. Aroused to a pitch ot . despera
tion. he determined that he would not lie
down and dfe, but would betake himself
to out-door life. He acoordingly spent his
entire day on horseback exercise,, sawing
wood, boat rowing, etc.. At night he
slept on a hard bed in an out house
through which the winds had full - play
His diet was plain, and but little cooked ;
Jris clothing was coarse and scant. That
;physician is to-day practicing his profes
Sob In a JNew Jbngland town ; he is up
awards of forty-flye years or age, and
weighs about 200- pounds. . A finar . speci
men of health is not seen in New Eng
- Recovering from the last stage of con
sumption is therefore possible. Th fol
lowing outline ot the course ot
ue is given :
Live in the open air and s
void dampness and darkness f& ynux
4 iii : e . rui - .1 . . .
tain region ; develop by vigorous exer
every muscle in Aha body to its fullest
opacity ; select nourishing and easily -dl-S
gested tood, and Oe .sure that- it m not
overcookedfferej in coarse woolen cfoth-
mg; bathe lor' Oeanlmess ana comfort
never; lorciuwiyytf na 1 a a. -tangs, x
crease their "capacity by exercise
inaljy, takegno medicines except as
additional to the course oiiife,
How Consumption May be Cured. Eminent Physician, in Henrih
and Home.
Want of Ventilation.
The usual modes of warming buildings
are attended by many evils, which directly
anect the health and lives ot our families,
who are obliged to remain within- doors
by fax the, greater part of the time.
The entire absence of the means of
ventilation fin most cases, and the failures
which have followed most attempts
in tnis direction, ma&a in.saDMUL o
the most vital importance. Had air is a
slow poison ; that is the troubla People
So on taking it into their lungs day after
ay and night after night. They grow
pale, their lungs suffer, the circulation is
languid, they take colds readily : the chest,
the stomach, the skin become disordered,
rand a host of chronic diseases attack them.
A little carbonic acid taken every day
does not kill a man. It is almost a pity
it don't.
- If a red-hot stove or a furnace destroyed
instantly one man' in every town daily fori
a week, there might be- some salvation for
the nation. If, instead of fainting away
in crowded and badly .ventilated public
assemblies, people occasionally died .Out
right in convulsions, the 1 authorities
Would take the matter in hand, and make
it penal for the owners of such buildings
to open them, for public use without at
tending to the proper conditions for the
preservation of health. When a thing is
only a slow poison, the age is in too much
of a hurry to attend to it. Thousands of
dollars are lavished on luxuries
and. superfluities, while the air in
our dwellings is poisoned and burnt
by heating arrangements whose only
recommendation is that they are cheap.
In other, words, our wealthiest men are
too poor to afford pure air for themselves
and families. The vital life-element is
supplied in their green-houses and conserv
atories regardless of expense, while scions
of the human stock, bnds and blossoms of
immortality, are permitted to wither and
decay in the sickly atmosphere produced
by stoves and hot-air furnaces. Jfeie Tbrk
Evening Pott.
An Indian Romance.
Grace Greenwood writes as follows :
At the Land Office, the other day, Mr.
Wilson, the Commissioner, who has col
lected a remarkably curious and valuable
cabinet and museum, showed us a singu
lar trophy; of Indian warfare a head
dress of the most frightful and diabolical
description. It was composed of buffalo
horns ' and skin, adorned with wampum
and tinsel, and long-, wild tufts of buffalo
hair. Depending from it was a tail of in
ordinate length, also tinseled and tufted,
with small sleigh-bells running all the
way down it. This unique accoutrement
was once the property of Tall Bull, a
Cheyenne Chief, who was killed in a fight
With the United States Fifth Cavalry and
their Pawnee auxiliaries, under General
Carr. some time last summer. When this
chief, who was a gigantic savage, saw that
the day was lost, he put his wile apd child
on a pony, and sent them within our lines,
telling them to surrender to the whites.
The Indian Iwoman. who was kindly
ceived, said that when- her husbans 46
her she must give herself up, she urged
him to go with her, but that he covered
his ears with his hands to shut out ' her
entreaties, and rushed back into the fight,
which was the last she ever saw of the
lamented Tall Bull. He was speedily
killed, and these are his remains. In this
same engagement, another Cheyenne wo
man, young and remarkably handsome,
came dashing into our ranks, with two
children strapped to her pony. But she
did not come to surrender. She came like
a fighting fury, armed with a long knife,
with which she struck frantically right
and left. At last, seeing herself about to
be captured, she stabbed to the heart first
one child, then the other, then herself,
and so perished a Medea whom there is
no Euripides to immortalize.
Carl H. Walloh, who recently com
mitted suicide in Woodlawn cemetery,
near Boston, left a note declaring that "as
the garden ho laid, nut had. been devast
ated by the chickens of his son, he had
become tired of life, und was MOing to
i meet his beloved wife."
A great many persons in eating cher
ries swallow the stones, which is a very
dangerous practice, and sometimes causes
sudden death.
Wheat as well as corn, and, no doubt,
plants in general, do best in the rich,
triable, healthtul, natural sunace son,
which should never be buried: beneath a
sour, clayey subsoil, or a loam that will
crust and bake; or even adulterated oy ad
mixture with them.
Plane irons for soft wood should be
ground to a bevel of about 45 degrees ;
for hickory or oak not over 30, for chisels,
alt except heavy mortising, CO 'degrees is
best ; tor turning chisels about 40. u oois
for working iron or steel are beveled from.
50 td W degrees. -
Burnt cork is one of the simplest
and most efficacious of dentifrices. When
the corn is slightly charred, rub it against
the teeth ; by. which means you have a
pleasant toothbrush, combined with 'the
finest carboniferous tooth-powder, at no
expense whatever. To travelers and pe
des! rians on short journeys this hint will
be valuable. T
To Take Milpewoct of Linen. Wet
the linen which contains the mildew with
soft.water ; rub it well with white soap,
then scrape some fine chalk to powder,
and rub it well into the linen ; lay it out
on the grass in the sunshine, watching to
keep it damp with soft water. Repeat
the' process the next day, and in a lew
hours the mildew will entirely disappear.
- Selfishness should teach us to'be kind
to animals,' for they 1 grow fasten, fat
u ticker, and yield more profit generally
A man of keen observation can soon tell
who treat s his horses or cattle fcailly ; they
wil 1 quiver at his approach, ' turn from
him or kick -at' him.' Seldom do .such
farmers prosper. iThe leaven runs through
the whole' loaf,' and ' everything ftrrns
against them. . They will teil you .'$t is
my durned ;lnok ;" but jt is their ugly
The Jriti Farmen' Gaaette says the ma
nure trade has now acquired an impor
tance second to no other branch of British
commerce. It , thinks , it questionable
whether the annual increase of all the
Cotton, linen; woolen, and; hardware to
gether will balance the increase of pro
duce' arising1 from the yearly -application
of artificial manure to-British soil. "When
we add, says the Gazette, "to this notori
ous fact that this increase of produce is
not half what it should ha, something
like au approximate estimate may be
found of its value to all classes of the'
Savobt Stew of Val, Cut the meat
from the bones into pieces about two
inches square t put into a frying pan two
ounces of butter, and an onion in thin
slices ; when the butter is hot,' put in the-1
veal and fry it to a nice brown ; put in a
dish and pour a teacupful of water Into
the frying-pan ; let it boil up and pour it
out. Stew the bones in rather more cold
water than will cover them, for three
houis. This will-make excellent soun or
throth. which mav be flavored with oars-
r r ,L7 -i.z.-, r 1.
ey, ceiery or any oxner vegetable, a
t of .this broth, before any other flavor
K nan parsley has been added, is needed
Wff tne meat, which should e put into' a
sauce pan with it and the liquor which
fwas made after frying the meat, and gent
ly stewed tor an hour. A teaspoantul 01
flour and a little ketchup, with (Jayenne
pepper and salt, should be added. ' After
these are added, let the whole come to a
boil and serve with pieces ot toasted
Tomatojm. Nothinor else, excent nota
toes, supplies a better standard article of
food through the whole year1.' ' Cooked
' with plenty of bread crumbs they furnish
a very palatable and nourishing table dish
1 earjscially from December to June, when
Ttresh garden vegetables are not abundant
Having sometimes tailed with ctass jars
we now use tin cans. 10 inches long ana
4 V inches in diameter (cut from sheet of
tin 10x14 inches, and cheaply made;.
hole, say 4 inch in diameter,- is left in
one end. - The tomatoes, in large quantity
at a tune, are cooked well, as lor the table
but without sfrife They ane poured into
the cans hot, and a bit of tin well soldered
on. We put up 15 to 40 cans at a time
and call in a tinman to do the soldering.
.as we have a large' number of cans ready
at a time.. Thus closely sealed they will
keep perfectly a month, a year, or five
years. -To provide against a poor year
and insure a full suoplv always, we put
them up for o'rie or twO yrs m advance.
Scald the emptied cans and set them away
dry. and thev can be used several times
with a little help from the tinman to
smooth the head8.-4wr. Agriculturist.
" i Cube for Totjhdeb. Some time since
says the Western Rural, we noticed an ai
tide going the rounds ot the press, as
cure for founder -i-lameriess occasioned by
inflammatory fever in the foot ot a horse
Jfot considering it of much account, we
did not note it at the time : recently, how
ever, we met with a friend who has tried
the remedy, and assures us that it is. a sure
cure, and as it is, so easily tried, we will
publish it for the benefit of our many
readers. The remedy is as follows : "Clean
out the bottom of the foot thoroughly
hold ud the lee so. as to brine tha bottom
rdf the hoof upward, holding i firmly m a
Horizontal position, 1 and pour in, say a
tablesnoonfm - of snirita. of turpentine.
the cavity' of the hoof will hord that
much if not, pour-in what it will hold
without danger ot running over: touc
the turpentine with a red hot iron ; tbisi
yriil set it on fire ; hold the hoof firmly in
position until' all burbs outf 8 Grea cart
must be taken that none runs oyer on the
hair of the hoof, lest the skip be burned.
If all the feet are affected, burn turpen
tine in eacn oi tnem. iteiiei win speeaii
follow and the animal be ready for service
in a short, umev.ri fti.
These is a. great difference between
drying gra3 and curing it. To ensure
good article oi hav .we must take a littl
more time in the process of ha,y-hiaklng
than seems to be generally done, fcjup
pose a field, of 10 acres is to be cut, the
mower should be started as early as possi
ble in the i morning, and by noon the
whole field will be done. If the weather
is dry the tedder should start at 9 a. m
beginning where the mower began and
ionowmg xne same rounus as me mower,
till the whole field has been tedded over
as soon as that is done, the tedder should
begin again where it first begaw, and go
r the ground in the same way, till the
grass lias au Deen leuueu twice. ji.ii
hour or two after the tedder has com
menced its second tedding, the horse hay
rake Should be started," following the same
course ot rounds as the tedder ; and
soon as sufficient is raked up to form
cocks, every available man and boy en
the place should be put to the work of
cocking, and the whole of the crass wad
into solid well-made cooks before, the
evening dews begin to tall. These cocks
should stand all next day, while another
field is being put through the same
process. . .
Grape Growers' Maxims.
1. Prepare the ground in the fall, plant
in spring.
2. Give the vine, plenty of manure, old
anu weu-uecomposeo, ior iresn manure
excites growrti, but it does not mature it.
6 Liuxuriant growth does not always
insure iruit..
4. Digoeep, but plant shallow
5. Young vines produce beautiful fruit
but old vines produce the richest.
fi. Prune in autumn to insure growth.
but in the spring to promote fruitfulnees.
7. Plant vour vines before von nut trel-
lise: ' . ' rrr'
8. Vines, like HMdiers, should have good
0. Prune spurs to one well developed
bud, for the nearer the old wood the high
er flavored the fruit.
10. Those who prune long must soon
11. Vine leaves love the sun, the fruit
the shade.
12 Every leaf has a bud atots base, and
either a bunch of fruit or a tendril op
posite to it.
la. jl tenani is an aDornve iruit ouncn
bunch of fruit a productive tendril.
14. A bunch of grapes . without a
healthy leaf opposite, is like a ship at sea
Without a rudder it can t come to port.
15.' Laterals are like politicians : if not
cheeked they are the worst of thieves.
16. Uood grapes are like gold, no one.
has eiiough.. .
17.. The earliest grape win seep tne
longest, for that which is fully matured is
easily preserved.
18.. tirape eaters are long livers.
19. Hybrids are not always high bred.
2v He who buvs the new and untried
variety should rmember that' the seller's
maxim is to let the buyer look out jer
A. S. Fuller.
Curing Hay in the Cock.
We are not only in the habit of cuttine
our grass too late, but we eive it too mUch
sun, m our haste to nnish the job in one
day. This course maxsayewlabqr. but it
loses nourishment. It is not very much
more laborious to cure 'buy hi the rock.
(Jut the grass alter the .dew is off, and let
it lie until the middle of the afterhoon.
and then bunch it in thi: usual way. ; Let
it remain m thie condition until the third
day. Then shake up . the cocks a little
with, a fork, bringing tne -pottom to the
top, and l-t it rum Mil .until the next day.
It it storms the hay will not liarm mucti
o lie fiver. If it Is good weather, give it
an hoirr or two of 'sun, ' and fjiit la the
barn. This course saves much of the
tabor of tedding and , turning, , There is
but one rak ing, antj the Quality of the hay
is very 'trrdcli better than the sun-dried
and 'hastily-cured -article. All the sweet
ness and aroma ot the grass are; retained ;
and the cattle eat it with a higher relish,
and thrive better upoto it. 'If otte Is fur
nished with bay cape there is very little
risk in curing hay in this way. The
capped cocks might stay in the. field a
week without harm. ' A farmer' may use
his hay-tedder quite too much for the
American Agriculturist.
turist. ,
Profit of Farming.
No small experience and Borne observa
tion convinces me that, circumstances be
ing equal, tannine wul tarnish. as ample a
compensation for labor, tas ample a. divi
dend., upon capital invested; as the com
mon trades which men engage in, fend
even the ordinary pursuits of rpercantita
and commercial fife. Of course, Xexceot
"all extraordinary cases of gbou fortune,
and all matter of gambling and- specula
tion. ,nf. H i :Mo31 l.-i .T. , !-.:.. ..
The returns cf most crops strike one
sometimes With astonishment, and would,
if taken an a i teat, lead to the most delu
sive speculations. A grain of seed some
times returns one hundred fbld ! and this
being Sown a second year would, perhaps,'
give ten thousand fold, and sv on in geo
metrical ratio, severity ousneis oi pota
toes planted will yield fourteen hundred,
or twenty for one ; a bushel of wheat
sown will yield thirty bushels, or thirty.
for, one ; a peck Qf fpgn planted, will yield
sixty bushels, or two, hundred and forty
for One',- a pound of carrot, beet or rata
baga seed will prodwse. six to nine hun
dred bushels, .worvi one nunoreu dollars.
The proceeds in these cases seem to be
enormous, yet they are constantly real
ized, and that too ; in many cases at com
paratively small expense. But no confi
dent conclusions of the exact jjrefits of
farming are to be drawn' 'from' such re
sults aa these ; so many, untold- circum
stances of abatement enter into the cost,
that if these' were the only elements given
in the case, the solution of the problem
would give the most seuoranena aad decep
tive reau.ua. .
We are not tor look ty agriculture tor
anv pTf.raordinaru off sudden cams. 88 for
exam Die the drawing of a prize in a' lot-'
terv. ore shrewd enecttlatioa th stock.
V we ilirtake ten nierehaiits with.a fixed
amount oi capital, anu teu lamma varou
the same amount, we wiHj4d that, at the
end of twenty years the farmers have the
greater iherease; and it is 'moreteiiry dT
videdmoug them, than among the mer
ch.nts. J'armine'W also far safer and
more eeMatn tBecurarcomaetence than
mercantile pursuits. I venture to assert
that tweiify rnfefcrranVs fail inuWness to
one furmer, and this ought to open tne
eyes of young, men with small capital
Germantown Telegraph.
Until September next the present
liquor law' of Massachusetts is iif force,
and the ale' of-anything, to be dtank cot
the premises is ifkaVaX On the. 1st of
BititettbeT, tinder the hew' few, if seven
cttiEepaof a towi and Mif,o a city haye
riipt.itiorip.ii for a nonular vote, an election
to be. held to decide Whether, the Bale of
ale, lagpr beef pa eiaer win oe auowea,
U affiffiiatli'ely decided, It will be tegal W
sell these - beverages pver the i 5oar to- -be;
drank, on the PMfefr,n Jt bil-il.ru
Pnwrnmrmt .expoctaytotjMve-j&w.ooo,
-uweiiiiig nouses iu tiiif yvtkt 1000.
I T" Mgpi ih Vna tSqHl r" the
lungs is quite as injurious as had food taken
Into the stomach. Fam'sMMlfttt ested in this
best mode of securing an armosphere In their,
bnmps rlnrincr tho winter as nleasant -aoeV
'hWadthfia ; as (thaR.yf; Jne,nhy -.afldreaelns
Baker, Smith & Vo., 151 (ireene street, new
York, or 127 Dearborn street, Chicago, trfc
.Th apparatus, i parloetty , saWe, -can be ma,
ifgfed by an ordinary domestic, and IS equally
adapted to old and new noosoal kuiuao
Ev?rv ' SATtpAv.TT'fie' Mystery' ofj
Edwin Drorid fs1 eonrlnued'lir-the rrnmber for
July Hi, with lllaatratoa. Much otHer cholcar
raarilnir iaqtiar it trlvenl , 'There aaa. flour excellent
fu ll-page Utnstrarions The . Kag-Plcker : At .th
asfotRaCe ; A "Gypsy 'ncampimfntkTiaT' k'lfirlfrrer
of Kangaroo Hunting and a large" doableagl
engraving of Mr, OfadUrae Cabinet 3? CpDncil
Publiahed by Fields, Ossood Co., 124 Tremont
street, Boston; Wt BS.Ool'pif ahnnm ;' nT:'cWnta'fof
single nnafher. )W ( ! -, t j ii i XJ 'J:! ' -I
Magazine ant ChiLPuens"
The f roMtlspleeje is the July number of
Arthur's Jforgfi fianazint Is an engraving of a band.
oi.j apanece musicians. A large numoer oi lasnion
Illustrations are given, together with the latest
fashion, tntelligejjee, ')Cht4$ren In thakCctdOtry
la the name of spirited wopd engraving. A piece
or music, sevefal cood stories. DOetrv.' usdfdl
household reoipes. etc. Baca subscriber to this'
mogaztaM or the Childrt'. Sour, is eatltled , to-
order i copy of the steel engraving "Bed Tune
and also of The Angel of Peace," for l 00 each
T-rega)ac price $90. T. 8. ABTHnacms, 3hll
adelDhia..al if) a year, with a. liberal reduction
lor cfdbs. The" ' Children's Hour for July Is also an
entertaining numbor. and will botn please and in
struct the young reader. The subscription price
of The Hour 1s f 1.35 per year: Ave copies, VO-SB
ten copies,
and ona axjra, 810.0Q. . Address aa
Inrnos Catarrh Huutt
Strengthens Weak Eyes Improves the Hearing,
Relieves Headache, Promotes Expectoration,
Cores Catarrh in Its worst forms, and sweetens the
Breath. It con talna no Tobacco, Is mild, and pro
motes a pleaaant sensation and beneficial results to
all who appreciate "A Clear Head." Bold every-
" jLxDPm A VTwaaxku. Ages ta,
lot William St., aw York.
OK Scott, the Droortetor and tiiUX of tbff Ib-
anon, O.,stor, apromlnentphyelclan.aays: rtrry
DrtrAM' fhln Oiler , the old and well known rem
dy, which haa acquired a world wide renown for
the core of eudden colds coughs, ew.v weak
stomacb, general debility, nnreintf sore month,
cankered month or throat, Uver complaint, dyt
pepeia or Indigestion, cramp and pain In the stom
ach, bowel complaint, painter' colic, Asiatic
cholera, diarrhea and dysentery, has' loat none of
Its good name by repeated trials; but continues
to occupy a prominent dosI tion In every family
medicine cheat.
to Batckeiwf a Hair iye. j ,
This splendid Hair Praia the beet In the world,
theonly true and perfect Dye; harmless, reliable. In
stantaneous; bo fttaapFojntmant ; na ridlcafpna
tints ; remedies the 111 effects of bad eye ; rnrrg
aratee and leaves the Hair soft and beemufil black,
or brown, fold bj all Drnajurta andPerrtmer,
and properly applied at tne win; racLory, ajs Bona
street. !
Hew ynrr .. , . VT
now employer! Mv
ficiou food element Ja uavcsbr.-axar0la.iet.lJ nae
is all but universal.' .W j WeijTiytt. algM ejor. I
and every wrotW .drutc't.e&tbiune-t In the
sfclT' Housekeepers diclars Ihat the qusntitv off
t ana. TV necessary wxaapuaiawwaw aaruia.
:xaulsite custard
lablearpmanv other, gelatinous, agent 1
half that o
, prodn
bMnable Iron any other, gelatinous, agefit
nee In coo!
new i or.
Build up the System.
Strength- evaporate raat ti this season. 'This Is
esnectallv tntf case with all who live hv the sweat of
their brow. From every pore Of the enrvd-Hkw
skin a moisture exudes which. contains the elements
of Vitality. Thereby the blood ia Impoverished
the nerves relaxed, the musoles weakened, the 41
gestlon impaired, the bowels disturbed, and the
animal spirits depressed. The constant drain that
produces these rfjstjai can-not be arrested because
It is dne to the heat pf the atmosphere; but "the
loss of the'tife'ustalAfng elements 'can be sup
plied by extra IpYlgoraUon. Now, therefore, ia
the time to resvirt to TTostcttcr's Stomacb Hitlers,
the most -pewerfplfahd bealthrul. ot all vegetable
tonics. Long experience has proved that' nothing
else! will eHlclsntl' eusta n and regnlate . te rys
tenii ashen, wl I ting down under the double pressure
of excessive heaWaVid'trslahtf j) kw mshuU
labor. All persons who have been tt-mttted totrv
the local tonics 11 (so-called) w
started by sordid speWlktdrs in, bdljajeky town
and village, with a view of ' turning a penny " by
tie credulity of the aarr, .taoUlkU their
It Is a wise maxim that says " hqia mst to
hich it gobd-" &wnyitxMmm
people in tba UnUed. tat
have tested the restorative
ter'a Bitters and know itw H a Jpaeiae fbr, dyr
appetite niTany'errrf'rZnttej
epsla, biliousness, nervous wesjeneas, gsrrermiff-T
to expenmem wun W wonnfsf "'"PttH
recommended by nasHnpiilone-anV fgnoraaiii'
pines soems almost incredlnie.
IH numbers there Is safety. -It vee upon tWi
le that the
s formula or jtmaow-a sao
)! NTA
man Prix wae prepared. Br Judon, Uilji
i spend a fortune in advertlstng Ms pills.
ttod his recipe to the revision oi tne
moat ln-
nalllirent and lfedfnM DhTSlclans
mt ana learnwa prrysicians tji
Ubb result ia a simple but most effl.
cioua medl-
cine the Jrnmon'a moot
run. raey
purify the blood, remove all obstructions, cleanse
the akin of all pimples and "blotches, and answer;
fectly sure and safe lp their operation. Tnaytro
son s Mootttaik Eku Pilm cqi Blllpastissa.
Female Irregularities, Headache, and many of the
diseases arising .from Impure bipod, ayisfl
ranged digestion. Use the Judsou s MotrKTlrti
"nSaSa PXWUSTst whew yoa have- proved thetr rU
ta, recommend them to your frtenaa. rhey ' are
The Most Popular Mtrfiefire Extatrt.
1840 Thirty tears ( 1870
"! tm? v n Jk vis'
the public, and 1 a that
parts of I
need by people of all nations
toe vona aw
t remains.
y. that stuns food sad efficient
a powet-ld Mrertnr tieanost S4
een equaled, and It haa earne
edy. . Its wondarfu.
pains r
hoe never been
earned Ua
ave agent ban bad so wide-spread sole or given such
wrlrtp. nonalarlt
popularity by its Intrinsic merit. Ho cdass
Plrections accom
pany each bottle.
J . X. HARRIS ale CO.,
Bote Proprietors,
Cincinnati, Ohio.
Batsl kfr ad BnrsMUtwU). , . .
Will all thriM AflllrtaVl with
Bead the following and learn the value of
DR. ixoTP.'o'f Ohlo.'Surgeon In the army rtnrtng
the -war, from expoeprf cvatracMd. oonumpfion. He
says: J I have noSarnmoyirTUaBnr that It was by
tkse of your I. UNO BALSAJJ that I. am now alive
nn Vf.Kfl'TlKR.'of MIsaonrL sar' I recommend
year BALSAM Th ptajerence to any ether medicine
for CoughsTandlt gfves satisfaction.
KouTdb? fhorouablT teflled oSSrflrSir'tty other
m BTWf n.
il b i A 11
tar-oi.fi BT
ln mnaii. unio.
Ait Vitoh&&fLt1
and LaUfttaV
hTrhfM. Wu-iSTtaM A nrirr ivUkbaVFtrst ore
First premlam
OUreMo crt77ftiraijJcReat work of the kind in the
awaivUfl at tha II. H r r t id nn I HUU r aUT. Bna
eMAA- G. bTpBUBBIIHG, 8 Ml Ptte-t , ChicKO.
Tf i. rmT.
J live uses it with eofldence: the wcakund Invalid take
lflil Mia4ra.JMatsri1adnk,,41(ai
people anectea witn uoss 01 Appeum. UTip-pun,
tv-foar hon:
J. A. DAN 31 G kit. m Liberty ptreeli New York.
B.IQBIT Y A Up and t ( S Mil sent si a curl'
rrmtnm CIKCVIUS HA W MILLS, vfith
'tod"Wor as a va sj IWweM
ojlsavrtlna Hanugvra and I'nllcj a.
caraingaw rsmsasa oa sipriiisitaa. '
Win As Wator StraaU, Clnclanatl, &hlo.
aira north.
TVi M mm mm V, SS OX
Hundreds of Thousands
Bear testimony to their Wonder
mi t
Curatfra lMeeU. S 4
S t uill A f
ARE THEY ? S f 5
g S a Tfnn 1
f.S P.
J fi
e a
nd' 1'iJl "i . . i. oil
. K . r, n I i i 6 n B
"J 2.
Made of Poor Rum, Wbbkeyl nnoof Mplrito
ened to please
AW.7 " Bshnsri teaa.me "Pi'"' i"'
drunkenneaa and ruin, but are a true anucmr
So- E fj d
1 ' aaW '
Wt C "
-Atm tuur a o
s -a P.
from ihe NatlvirBiaaaaarbs.f 9flf orula. f rj.
from all Al. oh.llc Htlmal-nla. T herare flie -",
CHEAT aj LM D -P 1' all S7IK K and A 1,1 r.
CilVINfi J'ttlNCIPIB a perfect Renovator and
IhvKrorator of thWrWaUro. oarrylr' ofl H Peopua, ,
Man, and rvesaka .uaasa" . f: , llimM , .
aiOOwlllbe given for an licorairie caae.provldaa
the hones art nrttroa.l-,,"!"1 f"1" J '
other, means, and the vital orgaoa waated beyond tne
point of seperrt i i.l i tdo (i H.T.j M
For Iaflsraaaaatorr Chroajc K krnm
tl.m and Coot? Vhmwt9ik tflwdlaeatloa.
nbak flalaaw.IAtaaaaM tllllaM otVt mOlt IU
oi tne ui seat ire unssi.
aoapt5klsaiBs, sad hundred other painful
-Vmotome. are the dBkorlnsta of Ovsaepsla.
V iy laaaTaaaaaftydMl. alafa tie nag.
AdUvSfand powfcht. WlBtil I mesa evameqaauea
Imparting new Sfc and vigor lo we wnoie syawm.
Rhoam,Blotcbes. SpoU. P1milesJPustnlk.,'.Ca.
ba.clo.iBla. Warn SoOKLlIrsd. Sa Eaa. Bryala-
short tlme''byihealaefa8Si'j fesSiottle la
ask e-nilHm1srMVMotttftx
VCSffQfdtJtlttUkbmt yaw rmd lb
Jmourtaasrawaujigthreaajkrkaaatla myupplasmp
tiriflk or sores ; clsontlt when vendti obstructed'
Land logglah in the vemv j'wlSsMaa It wln-u U a fani.
and your raaimgswui ssiiyou.Tn. m.wmVm,
part afl the b.!A )T the aysUni wUl follow.
pm. TAfB anhotheraaruiayillBl.arlma)la litfft HI
avaienroT aa maary raasaSakHaraaBactaaUy desire i
ed and removed, fuxfotr direotlns, rrad eaiwfhliy
the circular around eotsb bottle, printed ta four Ian
guajree Kngllsh, nartnan, rreac an d Span toh.
, Ban Frandaco, CaU
aat S oaaVBt baaBoa Stroei. Hw, Ves,
t- BX -Atf ffCOaj APjBB.
Sod, and never fhoes, tTsad as eaa4lrjasJ Samoa
n,.,. ...
siwti hi sawsi
a rT oar aWrffi '-si
MiMP ! 'Wl Lam
tin If rMtur, h
mi nto
W tor the bl'.M WhkK
iA. tak7t ftt'ml i
nin.V rnT. Address
raltham Wear as
b avoid lmnoamr,bayaraaaaut
1 Jl ViC or
worcnam wasewaa, mam ,mb
Walskaaa, Mass.
T7llffr lllBBTl iilBsaHiiil''
jBaway ' T.
1 . .1.1 tB. UUl. jfr
maaafaetarad by aa woon a
4 the east and asast raiah)-
.1 JLM
For ail atnds OT
tamiry Work In
eenaty . A lllawal oisooun.
nunl to
II1 ar.d
i mm to Ok
ll J HITS axifrSl 8iatet . chIcmo
HOW tb CET IrtfeNTe
IB FULLY tXM.Aftiln a-a-irrphl4t0T i f-awa
ostiaraea by MUMaVQU UBT TvHPom. New lor.
PA TENTH. .. takao More Pal-nla ajj
r , i. -x.,Jepaatatd
w 1
.v. - TTJ9
oUJ vortJl oJ f-o1-f; oil i,
. L mlSSilflMttB0SMfV& aSUtti susllar hi
TMtradesnaxks of gsaalna V
l H jSSt!! refdlSo?" f

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